Spring 2012 - Philomont Volunteer Fire Department


Spring 2012 - Philomont Volunteer Fire Department
Philomont VFD
Update from Co. 8
Spring 2012
The 55th annual PVFD Spring Horse
Show will be held Saturday, April 28 (rain date
April 29), starting at 8 a.m. All proceeds from
the Horse Show go toward the operational and
administrative needs of the Philomont Volunteer Fire Department.
The event, an Associate Horse Show
of the Virginia Horse Show Association (vhsa.
com), will be held at the PVFD horse show
grounds. The horse show grounds are on
Snickersville Turnpike in Philomont, approximately 1/4 mile east of the fire department.
The show attracts riders of all ages
and abilities, and spectators are encouraged
to attend. The Ladies Auxiliary will be serving
breakfast, lunch and drinks. The event offers a
horse ring and a pony ring.
The PVFD web site (philomontVFD.
org) has preregistration for competitors, the
prize list detailing the divisions and classes,
and a list of special awards that will be presented at the end. Please visit our web site and
check the calendar for more details.
-Jim Eagen, Horse Show Chair
SAVE THE DATE: PVFD Annual BBQ, May 12, 4-8 p.m., PVFD Firehouse
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From the President:
First, let me thank everyone who has helped us keep
the Philomont area safe.
In 2011 we successfully
hosted our 54th annual Horse
Show, and our annual BBQ.
These events will continue in
2012. Our 55th Horse Show will be April 28, and
our committee has been hard at work to make this
the best one yet. The BBQ, a community staple,
will be May 12.
We have also been recruiting new members. In the last few months we added Angela
Antonelli, Hollis Avakian, George Kingsley, Tom
Finnen, Chrissy McMann and Karen Olgren.
Though we have 24/7 career staff to serve the
community, the business of protecting the public
extends beyond fire and rescue. Did you know
that 90 percent of fire department personnel in
Loudoun County are volunteers? Imagine if that
were reversed. The tax burden to our citizens
would be astronomical. Neighbors helping neighbors is at the center of our fire department.
I urge all of you who have some time to
give – any time to give – to please join us. Call me
at 703-220-4366 for information. We will train
you if you have interest in firefighting or EMS,
but we can use you in one of our committees as
well. Give a little – the community gets a lot.
-Bob Fallin, Co. 8 President
From the Chief:
I frequently get asked
how I got started at PVFD.
While it’s true that Bill
Schwartz recruited me even
before the moving trucks arrived, the real story happened
a few weeks later.
Laura and I moved from Chicago, and
we decided that involvement in the fire department would be a great way to meet people. We attended a pancake dinner one night, and the alarm
sounded. I’d barely even sat in a fire truck, and
here I was heading off to see the real action. To
say the least, it was thrilling to watch as the crew
put on their gear and headed out to the fire. Bill
kept me at a distance until it was time to roll up
the hoses, but I still felt like I’d just participated
in something amazing. I could hardly wait to tell
the girls about my experience.
It was from that start that our family
began our time with PVFD. Since then, the girls
have helped with numerous events, served on the
Auxiliary, and heard the “I love you, gotta go!”
line many times. They’ve seen me help friends
and neighbors in all kinds of situations. They do
worry a little, but they also know we are part of an
important service to our community. I might be
the one riding in the truck, but it takes support
from the whole family to make a volunteer.
-Ed Zimmerman, Co. 8 Fire Chief
PVFD Event and Meeting Calendar
March 28, April 25, May 23, June 27: Board of Directors Meeting, 7:30-9:30 p.m., PVFD firehouse
April 4, May 2, June 6: Ladies Auxiliary Business Meeting, 7:30-9:30 p.m., PVFD firehouse
April 4, May 2, June 6: Junior Auxiliary Meeting, 7-7:30 p.m., PVFD firehouse
April 9, May 14, June 11: Administrative Business Meeting, 7:30-9:30 p.m., PVFD firehouse
April 28: Horse Show, gates open 8 a.m., PVFD horse show grounds
May 12: Annual Barbecue, 4-8 p.m., PVFD firehouse
For more information call 540-338-650, or visit www.philomontvfd.org/events/events.html
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Recruitment & Retention: We need you!
On Jan. 22, 2012, members of the
Philomont Volunteer Fire Department
traveled into the “first due” armed with a
list of new residents and “welcome buckets” filled with a smoke alarm, a flashlight,
popcorn and other goodies.
The purpose of the outing was
twofold. First, PVFD wanted to welcome
our newest neighbors to the community.
Second, and more important, we wanted
our neighbors to understand that our fire
station is maintained and operated by
volunteers that live in the community...
their neighbors. PVFD needs volunteers
to perform a wide variety of tasks.
The most obvious roles at the fire
company may be firefighters or emergency
medical technicians (EMT), but other
roles are also vital to the success of the
company and the services provided.
People with knowledge of small
engines and vehicle maintenance, building maintenance, groundskeeping and
landscape, light construction, web design,
finance, etc., are also necessary for opera-
tions at the station.
If you would like to learn more
about volunteer opportunities with PVFD
Co. 8, please call Ed Carmichael, Recruiting and Retention, at 540-751-0672,
or stop by the station during a business
meeting. Meetings are held on the second
Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m.
For our newer neighbors that have
not yet had a visit, stay tuned. Additional
outings to meet and greet are in the works.
-Ed Carmichael, Co. 8 R&R Chair
Philomont Volunteer Fire Department - Company 8 Newsletter
Hollis K. Avakian
Edward Carmichael, Jim Eagen, Bob Fallin, Maxine Griffin, Ed Zimmerman
Graphics assistance courtesy of:
J.A. Davis
For inquiries on content, volunteering or advertising, send e-mail to: update@philomontvfd.org
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2012 officers, directors
Elected officers for 2012 are
as follows: Bob Fallin, President;
John Erickson, VP and Treasurer; Joe
Hughes, Secretary; Ed Zimmerman,
Chief; Pete West, Assistant Chief.
Board of Directors: Doug
Frost, Chairman; Steve Watts, Pete
West, Rodney Krone, Karen Aronhalt, Butch Saint and Rick Pearsall,
Board Members.
We thank these folks who
freely give their time, energy and
dedication to PVFD.
-Bob Fallin, Co. 8 President
PVFD Junior Auxiliary
PVFD once again has a Junior Auxiliary and
it’s ready to serve our community! The group raises
money for our fire department while earning volunteer hours. We have five members but we’re seeking
more. It’s easy to join and tons of fun!
First, you need to be 12 to 15 years old. Second, we have a monthly meeting on the first Wednesday of every month, 7-7:30 p.m., at the firehouse.
Third, we help at all Auxiliary events and host events
ourselves, such as a movie night, a taco dinner, raffles
and more.
Our first fundraiser will be April 28 at the
PVFD Spring Horse Show, where we will be selling
raffle tickets for great prizes. We will also be selling
popcorn. We are led by parents Laura Zimmerman
and Adrienne Freeland. Please contact Laura Zimmerman for more details at 703-999-5655.
-Maxine Griffin, Junior Auxiliary Member
Philomont Volunteer Fire Department
P.O. Box B
Philomont, VA 20131
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