Pool Season Is Right Around the Corner
Pool Season Is Right Around the Corner
LOG ON TODAY! L • WWW.LAKELANDS.ORG L AKELANDS eader The May 2005 what’snews? Dedication Day Nears Lakelands Park prepares for grand opening celebration, see page 15. A New Home for Shaare Torah A ground breaking milestone for the Lakelands synagogue, story on page 11. Swimming Lessons Coming Soon Pool Season Is Right Around the Corner Social Committee Plans Pool Opening Party For May 28 Registration going on now for summer swimming lessons, turn to page 14. By Andrea Escher T Lakelands & Kentlands Join for Yard Sale Extravaganza If you have items to sell, this is the yard sale for you! Details on page 19. Awarded for 5K Generosity The lazy days of summer at the Lakelands pool will kick off on May 28. The Lakelands Board accepts award for 5K contribution, check out page 7. So Much Social, So Little Time A complete listing of Lakelands social events you won't want to miss, page 8. Summer Scooter Reminders Before your children head out on those scooters, know the law, page 10. Volume 7 Issue 5 hose lazy days of lounging by the pool are just around the corner. The Lakelands pool will officially open for the 2005 summer swim season on Saturday, May 28 at 10:00 a.m. In true Lakelands fashion, the opening of the pool means a fabulous kick-off party, complete with food, fun, and many fantastic surprises. Egan Barbecuers will be stationed on the basketball courts beginning at 12:00 p.m. serving up those delicious hot dogs, hamburgers, veggie burgers, and side dishes with all the fixins. Food will begin being served at 12:00 p.m. until it is gone, so get there early if you plan to eat. This event is open to Lakelands residents only! Resident must present their pool pass for admission and all party participants will receive a wristband. In See POOL PARTTY continued on page 7 Tennis Programs Set To Begin On Lakelands Courts Return Address: The Lakelands Leader 960 Main Street Gaithersburg, MD 20878 Tennis Social Event Scheduled for May 20 By Andrea Escher C PRSRT-STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID Permit #163 Dulles, VA Serve it up! The Lakelands tennis social will be held on May 20 at the courts. alling all tennis players, the Lakelands Community Association is excited to announce that tennis programs will begin next month on the Lakelands tennis courts! The LCA has contracted tennis services with Brian Fankhauser, Director of Tennis with the Quince Orchard Swim & Tennis Club. Fankhauser and his staff will be conducting a series of tennis lesson clinics and other programs available to residents of all ages within the Lakelands community, right on the tennis courts. To kick off the program, a Tennis Social has been scheduled for Sunday, May 22 (rain date of May 29); junior clinics for children ages 6-16 will be held from 1:00 - 2:00 p.m, an adult clinic will follow from 2:00-3:30 p.m. Tennis Professionals from Quince Orchard Swim & Tennis will organize instructional See TEENNIIS continued on page 15 City C ouncil i n The C ommunities Is C oming! Meeting for Lakelands Scheduled for May 25 T he City of Gaithersburg is bringing the Mayor and City Council back to Lakelands, for the Council in the Communities meeting. Attention all residents, if there is an issue you would like to address to your City officials; this is your chance to be heard! Mark your calendars for Wednesday, May 25, 2005 at 7:00 p.m. It is anticipated City Council members, and city staff members from the Planning and Code, Police, Parks and Recreation, Neighborhood Services, and the Public Works departments will also be on hand to address any concerns and questions. The meeting will take place at the Lakelands Clubhouse in the Green Room. Residents planning to attend the meeting should RSVP to Community Manager, Debbie Durham at debbie@lakelands.org. In addition, if you have specific questions you would like the city to address, please e-mail your comments and questions to Debbie prior to the May 25 meeting so the city council will be able to address your issues. Residents are asked to RSVP to determine how many neighbors are planning to attend. In the event of a low turnout, the event will be canceled. The meeting is open to all Lakelands residents. The Lakelands Board of Directors will conduct the regularly scheduled May board meeting following the Council in the Communities meeting. For questions regarding the Council in the Communities meeting, please call Debbie at 240-6318338. We hope to see you there! L Now You Can Own And Enjoy Our Unique Design In Every Area Of Your Home... Call Closet Stretchers Today! FREE Call U Today s For A Consul Design Limite tation! d T Offer! ime Closet Designs Garage Designs Shown Here Is Just A Sample Of Our Many Custom Designs! Office Designs Entertainment Designs • Custom Designs • Nobody Beats Our Prices • Portable & Adjustable • One Day Installations • Top Quality Material • Get Organized Today • Make The Most Of Every Inch • FREE In-Home Consultation • The Area’s Best Designers • The Area’s Best Installers The Original Closet Company Since 1979 VIRGINIA (301) 468-2004 MARYLAND (301) 468-1090 WASHINGTON D.C. (301) 468-1091 12201 Nebel Street Rockville MD Visit us on the web at: www.closetstretchers.com 2 The Lakelands Leader May 2005 fromtheboard By Mark Ezrin, LCA Vice President I Your Help Is Needed In Lakelands n my first column for The Lakelands Leader, I thought I would address the topic of ownership responsibility in The Lakelands Community Association (LCA). By choosing to live in The Lakelands, we all accept a higher level of ownership rights and responsibilities than those you might have in a neighborhood without an HOA. There are three ways to maintain your investment: get actively involved, stay informed, and trust others to do the right thing for The Lakelands. Being involved takes time which is a premium for everyone from our paid staff to our volunteers. While not everyone can give his or her time to a committee or event, we do need everyone to be aware of what is going on. Because many residents are not able to make the time commitment to be involved in the LCA, Management, the LCA Board and our committees are dedicated to open communication with residents through as many means as possible. The Lakelands Leader that you are now reading is full of valuable information about the business of this neighborhood. We also produce a monthly flyer distributed to all residents individually by our dedicated block captains. The Lakelands web site is updated throughout the month with news and information to help everyone be aware of community news, regardless of the time they may have to volunteer within the LCA. There are some instances in which we reach out even more to residents through first-class letters, if necessary. We'd love for each and every resident to be actively involved in the LCA, but we recognize that not everyone can make the time. However, I encourage you to take responsibility for the investment you made in The Lakelands when you chose to move here, in any way that you can. Being aware and occasionally involved can help save the LCA money. We are all partners and investors, and it is our responsibility to ensure our neighborhood maintains its value and perception as a model community. The LCA, for its part, can always do a better job communicating with residents. We are always open to ideas and suggestions. Your input and ideas can help us make decisions that will not need to be changed later. Please get involved. It is a great return on your investment. L May 2005 Tickets on Sale Now for House & Garden Tour By Judy Hubbard B e sure to mark June 11 on your calendars-the day of the fourth Kentlands House and Garden Tour. This event, jointly sponsored by the Kentlands Community Foundation and the Kentlands Garden Club, is not to be missed. The homes will be opened to ticketed visitors from 11 a.m. until 5 p.m. The eight homes and gardens on the tour provide a representative sample of homes in the neighborhood. Visitors will have an opportunity to visit single-family homes, a town home, a cottage, a condominium and a variety of garden styles. Each home is unique, with elegant decorating styles that reflect the lives and interests of the owners. Some of the homes include artwork of local Kentlands artists. Several homes boast antiques in traditional settings, while another graciously incorporates contemporary style with bold colors in the children's area and an Italian tile floor in the kitchen. Another homeowner chose to decorate with soft, relaxing pastels throughout the main living area. The structure of one home formerly served as the official "Gate House" to the Tschiffely Estate-and has been transformed into a lovely home with a great room and an open modern kitchen. Gardens abound in the Kentlands community, and those that are part of the tour this year are truly exceptional. A hanging fountain and a rock garden grace one garden; another contains a wall fountain, dogwoods, and a big bird house; one circular garden is actually the remains of a crypt on the former Kent property. All of the gardens provide plenty of color during spring, summer, and fall, using both perennials and annuals as well as greenery. Exhibits and artist studios at the historic Gaithersburg Arts Barn exhibits will be open to the public during the event. In addition, buses will be available at designated points within the Kentlands to transport visitors from one site to another. Several parking areas will also be designated. Tickets may be purchased in advance for $12 online at www.kentlands.org or at the following Kentlands locations: Coldwell Banker Kentlands, England Custom Furniture Direct, Long & Foster - Kentlands, MainStreet Home and Garden, O'Donnell's Restaurant, Kentlands Clubhouse, and the Gaithersburg Arts Barn. The day of the tour, tickets will be available for $15 at the Kentlands Carriage House, the Kentlands Clubhouse, on the Tour Bus, or in the Lobby at 120 Chevy Chase Street. L The Lakelands Leader 3 lakelandsinbrief The L L AKELANDS eader The Official Newspaper of Lakelands LCA Board of Directors Jim Wakefield President jim@lakelands.org Mark Ezrin Vice President mark@lakelands.org Lake Coulson Secretary lake@lakelands.org Pat McCalley Treasurer pat@lakelands.org By Andrea Escher No Trash Service on Memorial Day Please do not place your trash out for pick-up on Monday, May 30. It is a federal holiday and Waste Management will not provide service. Trash service will resume on Thursday, June 2. Therefore, if you are planning to go out of town, DO NOT put your trash cans out before you leave. Thanks in advance for your cooperation. Need A Pool/Guest Pass? If you lost your pool pass/Clubhouse access card or if you are new to the community, please be sure to stop by the CMI onsite management office on the 2nd floor to get your pass before the pool opens. Access to the pool/fitness room is restricted and you must have a Datawatch access card to gain entry. One access card is issued to each home in the community free of charge. If you require additional cards or have lost your card, there is a $12.00 fee. Access cards will only be issued during normal business hours Monday-Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. from the management office. Pool Toys Available The Lakelands Community Association in cooperation with Century Pools will once again set out the community pool toy bin Jed Tonelson Yet Another Gazette Reminder The piles of daily newspapers and Gazette's in the alleyways are once again becoming a bit overwhelming. Please, we ask you to take a moment and throw the newspapers in the trash. Obviously if they are lying in the alley for days, residents are not reading them. We also ask residents to please remove the flyers left on front doors as well. Let us all do our part to help keep Lakelands beautiful and litter free! Are You New to Lakelands? Welcome! Please take a moment to stop by the Lakelands clubhouse on Main Street to pick up your copy of the Lakelands Leader, phone directory, Clubhouse access card, and any additional information you may need to help you easily transition to your new home in Lakelands. Just a quick FYI: trash is removed on Monday and Thursday, and recycling is collected on Thursday. To obtain a recycling bin, please contact the City of Gaithersburg at 301-258-6370. For more information about life in Lakelands, please contact the on-site management team at 240-631-8338. Participate in the Playgroup The Lakelands playgroup continues to meet every Thursday from 10:30 a.m. to noon in the green room of the Lakelands clubhouse. This is a great opportunity for tots of all ages to gather for some playtime fun and the chance for parents to enjoy adult conversation. The playgroup is open to all Lakelands residents and more tiny tots are encouraged to join the group. Stop by the clubhouse, or contact playgroup coordinator Nora Fitzpatrick at nfitz10@verizon.net or 301-208-1632. Member at Large jed@lakelands.org MANAGEMENT CMI Debbie Durham 240-631-8338 debbie@lakelands.org EDITOR & ADVERTISING MANAGER Andrea Escher 301-519-1678 news@thelakelandsleader.com CONTRIBUTORS/WRITERS Jeff Escher Beverly Frey Carrie Halpert Judy Hubbard Christopher Johnson Flora Kessler Judy Mills Genie Tillisch Lori Wakefield for use by all children of the Lakelands community. The suggestion for the bin was made last year by Lakelands residents and proved a great success for some top-notch pool fun. We encourage all Lakelands parents to donate at least one pool toy to the bin this summer to keep lots of variety. Remember, the bin is for everyone to share! Thanks and enjoy those toys! The Lakelands Leader is the monthly, published means of communicating information of itnerest to Lakelands residents. It does not espouse any political belief or endorse any product or service. Articles and letters submitted for publication must be signed and may be edited for length and content. CMI and the LCA do not endorse the products or services advertised herein, nor are they responsible for any claims made by advertisers. The Leader is published by the Association, which is responsible for form, content and policies. LAYOUT & DESIGN Cristina Strigel 703-777-7676 PRINTING Silver Communications www.silver-com.com 4 The Lakelands Leader May 2005 Bridge Club Continues teens, the other equipment is clearly geared for out little Lakelanders. If you notice a teenager playing on equipment geared for a small child, please remind them they are for tots, not teens! Thanks in advance for your cooperation! May Lakelands Board Meeting The Lakelands Community Association Board of Directors will conduct their monthly meeting on Wednesday, May 25, 2005 at 7:00 p.m. The meeting will take place on the 2nd floor of the Lakelands Clubhouse. We hope to see you there! L If bridge is your game, why not join these neighbors during a meeting of the Lakelands Bridge Club? The Bridge Club meets every Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. in the Red room at the Lakelands Clubhouse. From beginner to expert, all levels of players are welcome to join the fun. We hope to see you there! Tot Lots Are for Tots! A reminder to all parents of teenage children in the community: please remind your teens the tot lots are designed for small children and tots. Recently parents have noticed teenagers utilizing play equipment at the various tot lots intended for small tots and children. While the swings may be the only suitable play equipment for MAY calendarofevents MAY 2ND MAY 3RD MAY 4TH MAY 5TH MAY 9TH MAY 10TH MAY 11TH MAY 15TH MAY 17TH MAY 18TH MAY 20TH MAY 24TH MAY 25TH MAY 27TH MAY 28TH May 2005 Design Review Committee Meeting, 7:15 p.m. 2nd floor of the Lakelands Clubhouse. Contact Eric Kessler at emkessler@ comcast.net for more information. Meet & Greet Safety Discussion with Sgt. William White, 7:00 p.m. at the Lakelands Clubhouse. Contact Katherine Gilbert via e-mail at katherine_gilbert@hotmail.com for more information. Community Relations Committee Meeting, 7:00 p.m. 2nd floor of the Clubhouse. Contact Katherine Gilbert via e-mail at katherine_gilbert@ hotmail.com for more information. Lakelands Playgroup, meets every Thursday 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Green Room at the Lakelands Clubhouse. For more information, please contact Nora Fitzpatrick at nfitz10@verizon.net or call 301-208-1632. Communications Committee Meeting, 7:00 p.m. 2nd floor of the Lakelands Clubhouse. Contact Kerri Donnelly for more information at kerridonnelly@hotmail.com. Deadline for submissions for the Lakelands flyer. Contact flyer@lakelands.org. Facilities Committee, 7:00 p.m. 2nd floor of Lakelands Clubhouse, contact Scott Fischthal at fischthal1@comcast.net or 301-963-2308. Deadline for contributions & advertisements for the Lakelands Leader. Budget & Finance Committee Meeting, 7:00 p.m. 2nd floor of the Lakelands Clubhouse. Contact Peter Frey at Bafpff@aol.com for more information. Environmental & Beautification Committee Meeting, 7:00 p.m. 2nd floor of Clubhouse. Contact Bev Frey at Bafpff@aol.com for more information. Lakelands Tennis Social, 1:00-3:30 p.m. at the Lakelands Tennis Courts. Contact Brian Fankhauser at 301-948-3116. Social Committee Meeting, 7:00 p.m. 2nd floor of the Lakelands Clubhouse. Contact Judy Mills at social@lakelands.org or 240-683-0125. City Council in the Communities Meeting & LCA Board of Directors Meeting, 7:00 p.m. 2nd floor of the Lakelands Clubhouse. Contact the Lakelands Clubhouse for further information at 240-631-8338. Deadline for Design Review Applications. Please contact the on-site management office at 240-631-8338 for an application. Lakelands Happy Hour Social, 6:00-8:00 p.m. at the Lakelands Clubhouse. Contact social@lakelands.org for more details. Lakelands Pool Opening Party - 12:00 p.m. at the Lakelands pool. Pool pass required. Please contact social@lakelands.org for more details. The Lakelands Leader 5 news&events Celebrate Mother’s Day at the Kentlands Mansion Combine a delectable meal with a musical tribute for an extra special treat that is sure to please every mom this Mother's Day. Back by popular demand, the City of Gaithersburg is hosting a Mother's Day Brunch, Sunday, May 8, 2005, at the Kentlands Mansion, 320 Kent Square Road. There will be two brunch seatings, one at 10:30 a.m. and one at 1 p.m. A dinner seating at 4 p.m. has also been added. Always A Sensation, accompanied by the melodic piano sounds of Ken Carpentier, will cater meals. Follow up the 10:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. brunches by attending "Let's Hear it for Mother Love," a special performance by Steve Little & Friends at the adjacent Arts Barn. The 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. concerts pay tribute to moms and their children in a festive celebration of Mother's Day. The cost for the 10:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. brunches is $20 for adults, $19 for senior citizens (55 and older), and $10 for children ages three to 10. The cost for dinner is $25 for adults, $24 for seniors and $15 for children. Reservations are required, and seating is family style with groups of four, six, eight or ten at a table. If you book as a group, you will be seated as a group. Smaller parties will be seated together. The Mansion does not have high chairs or booster seats. Concert-only tickets are $8 for City residents and $10 for nonresidents. A $1 per person discount will be offered to those dining at the Mansion. For brunch, information and reservations please call 301-258-6425 or email achoate@gaithersburgmd.gov. For concert information, please call 301-258-6394 or email smessier@gaithersburgmd.gov. Dump It! Or Donate It! On May 14, 2005 from 9:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. Mary Charters & Associates, affiliated with Keller Williams Team Realty, along with Village Settlements, Inc. will host "Dump It! Or Donate It!". We want to help you with your spring cleaning project! Bring your items down to Mary Charters & Associates' office on the corner of Inspiration and Main in the Kentlands between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. We will have a dumpster to take your items to be dumped and a truck from American Rescue Workers 6 The Lakelands Leader to take your donations. We will only have a maximum of two dumpster and two trucks. Please get here early - first come, first served! THE FOLLOWING ITEMS CANNOT BE ACCEPTED: tires, paint, waterbeds, food, floor model TV's, empty paint cans, exercise equipment, chemicals, encyclopedias, appliances, or anything that contains refrigerant (refrigerator, air conditioners, etc.). Call Mary Charters & Associates at (301) 5905500 for more information. What’s Happening with the Kentlands Community Foudation? BABY SITTING COOP Interested in joining (15) other area families in a baby sitting cooperative based in the Kentlands\Lakelands neighborhood? Please join us at the Kentlands Carriage House Saturday April 16th at 4:00 pm for an organizational meeting. Questions? Please call Alex Stavitsky at 240.246-1645. KENTLANDS\LAKELANDS 5K RACE Come join us as we plan the 12th Annual 5K Race, set for Saturday, September 3rd. There are still a few openings for Race Committee positions, so grab a friend and join us! Next Meeting: Monday, May 2nd from 8-9 pm at the Kentlands Club House. 1ST ANNUAL KENTLANDS\LAKELANDS DOG SHOW Yes, a dog show is being planned now for late September on the Village Green next to the Arts Barn. Got some good ideas? Contact the Foundation and join the Committee! CALL FOR NOMINATIONS If you or someone you know would be interested in serving on the Foundation's Board of Directors, please contact Clyde Horton at clhorton1@starpower.net or contact the Foundation directly. As a non-profit and philanthropic 501(c )3 organization, the Kentlands Community Foundation's mission is three-fold: To promote the cultural arts in our community, provide opportunities for volunteerism, and serve as an educational resource on the principles of new urbanism and smart growth. The Foundation's goal is to help connect individuals and families in ways that enhance everyday life and encourage civic involvement. All programs are open to the public, and volunteers are always welcome. For more information or to learn about lending a hand, contact the Foundation office at 301.926.6636 or visit us at www.kentlands.org. L May 2005 Lakelands Board of Directors Awarded for 5K Race Generosity By Andrea Escher T he Lakelands Board of Directors received an award of thanks from the Kentlands Community Foundation for their generous donation to the 2004 Kentlands/Lakelands 5K Race. The award, presented by Kentlands Community Foundation Manager Bridget Ryder, thanked the community for helping to contribute to the Dolores C. Swoyer Photo Courtesy: Jennifer Coulson The Lakelands Board of Directors graciously accepts the 2004 5K Race award from Kentlands Community Foundation's 5K Race Committee member John Axley and Foundation Manager Bridget Ryder. Scholarship fund. The program, which received more than $10,000 in funds, will give underprivileged youth in Gaithersburg the opportunity to enjoy a summer of learning and activities at a local camp. Way to go Lakelands! The Lakelands Leader has learned, the 12th annual Kentlands/Lakelands 5K Race will be held on Saturday, September 5th. So mark those calendars and read the Lakelands Leader throughout the summer for more details. L assignmenteducation Quince O rchard M iddle S chool # 2 Soon T o B e H ome o f t he F alcons! The votes are counted and the students have spoken. The official mascot of the Quince Orchard Middle School #2 is the falcon and the school will dawn the colors of navy blue and silver. Thanks to everyone who participated in the online survey! The Quince Orchard Middle School #2 naming committee met in mid April to discuss and vote on the three names selected for consideration for the new middle school in Lakelands. The majority of votes were for Lakelands Park Middle School. It is anticipated the naming committee will formally recommend the name of Lakelands Park Middle School to the Board of Education for approval by May 10, 2005. Stay tuned! Rachel C arson P repares f or 3 rd Annual V ariety S how This year Rachel Carson will hold its third annual variety show at the Quince Orchard High School auditorium on Friday, May 6th at 7:00 p.m. The theme of the show is Almost Summer. This full-scale production will include a variety of acts featuring Rachel Carson students and staff members. We hope to see you there! Did Y ou M iss K indergarten Orientation? If you have a child who will turn five years old by September 30, 2005, and you have not yet registered your child for Rachel Carson, please call Barbara Feeter, attendance secretary, at 301-840-5333 to register. If you have a neighbor with a child who will be five years old by September 30, please ask him/her to call Mrs. Feeter to register his/her child. It is extremely important to have an accurate count of anticipated kindergarten students for next year. Thank you in advance! L POOLL PAR RTY Continued from page 1 addition to the food and fun, a local DJ will be spinning the summer's hottest music hits. So, get down, get funky and get ready for some great fun in the sun. Knowing the Lakelands Social Committee, there is sure to be lots of surprises, unexpected games for the kids, and most likely a huge blow-up pool toy. You will not want to miss it! This event will be held rain or shine. In the event of rain, the party will move indoors, so that everyone can enjoy the cookout, indoor-type fun, games, and music. We hope to see you there ready to kick off another fun-filled season of hot summer fun in Lakelands. L May 2005 The Lakelands Leader 7 committeecorner Social Committee Update By Judy Mills, Social Committee Chair LAS VEGAS NIGHT: ELVIS IS MISSING! SO IS FRANK! Why you may be asking yourself? Well, most of you may already know the long awaited Las Vegas Night was suddenly cancelled on April 13 due to minimal response. The social committee worked diligently planning, reserving, advertising, and recruiting sponsors right up to the very last minute, but we ultimately realized the community interest did not warrant the expense. In the meantime, we have rescheduled the event for November 5, 2005 in hopes more residents will take part in the fun. FAMILY NIGHT: Effective immediately, Lakelands Family Nights will switch to a tri-annual schedule. The first of three family nights is scheduled for Saturday, September 11, followed by January 14, 2006, and tentatively May 2006. The events will be held earlier in the evening beginning at 5:30 p.m. to accommodate the younger members of our community. A light dinner fare such as pizza will be followed by an event appropriate for most age groups. The family night will last from 1 - 2 hours depending upon the activity. FAMILY FITNESS NIGHT: About 25 Lakelands youngsters of all ages from toddler to twelve enjoyed an evening of fun and fitness.They walked through the "Jungle" learning about nutrition, food labels, physical fitness, and good eating habits. The students of Montgomery College's Health and Fitness class did a fine job teaching and entertaining our youngsters with the help of their Professor!! Thanks to all who came out to join in the fun. Photo Courtesy: Jim Wakefield As always, the social committee appreciates your participation and feedback. The social committee is your committee! These Lakelands gals stopped by for a fun evening of Family Fitness in April! Your ideas and assistance at activities is always welcome. Please email social@lakelands.org with any ideas or suggestions for future events. The committee meets monthly on the fourth Tuesday from 7pm - 9pm in the 2nd floor conference room at the Clubhouse. No invitation is required as your ideas and support is always appreciated. We’re Ahead of Our Time Mission Statement “My associates and I are sincerely committed to providing you with the most advanced dental techniques and pain-free treatments, in a friendly and comfortable environment.” Robert J. Kelly D.D.S. and Associates, P.A. 301-948-0058 832 Quince Orchard Blvd., Gaithersburg 301-949-2280 10335 Kensington Pkwy., Kensington 301-519-3232 220 Main Street, Kentlands, Gaithersburg www.kellydds.com 8 The Lakelands Leader May 2005 SOCIAL COMMITTEE UPCOMING EVENTS Calling All Lakelands Empty Nesters J oin your friends and neighbors on Sunday, August 14, 2005 as Lakelanders head to the Kennedy Center to enjoy an evening of Hairspray (the musical). This event is open to all Lakelands empty nesters! You do not need to be a member of the Lakelands Empty Nesters Club to purchase tickets. A group discount for tickets have been purchased with seats in Center Orchestra, rows 4 & 5. A minimum of 20 Lakelands empty nesters is needed to attend. Interested residents should contact Leslie Weightman at llweightman@comcast.net or call 301-258-1058 to purchase tickets. HAPPY HOUR RETURNS Friday, May 27 - 6pm - 8pm The Pool Opening Kick-off is scheduled for Saturday, May 28. Egan Barbecues will be on-site to provide an old fashioned cookout of hot dogs, hamburgers, veggie burgers, and all the trimmings. Noodles & Co will sponsor this event. Food will be served promptly at noon at the basketball courts until it is gone. We will have all your favorite tunes playing and lots of fun and games planned for the kids, with a few surprises throughout the day. This event will be held rain or shine. In the event of rain, we will move indoors so that we can still enjoy the cookout, indoor-type fun, games, and music!! You pool pass is required for admission. Bon Appetite! SINGLES HAPPY HOUR Friday, June 10, 2005, 6:30- 8:30 pm Please come to the Singles Happy Hour sponsored by the Social Committee. Join us for a casual Friday night in the Red Room at the Clubhouse, as singles of all ages get to know each other. We will have icebreaker games and of course beer, wine, non-alcoholic beverages, and hors d'oeuvres provided by Whole Foods Market. If you are interested in attending, please RSVP by June 6, 2005 by calling 240-631-8338. We hope to see you there. May 2005 s TICKETS FOR HAIRSPRAY (the musical) Sunday, August 14 7:30 p.m. The Kennedy Center Checks should be made payable to Leslie Weightman in the amount of $77.21 per ticket and should be delivered to the Lakelands Clubhouse or 702 Turtle Pond Lane. Please call Leslie before you bring the checks to her home or if you have any questions. Checks should be post dated for May 20, 2005. Although the checks will be held until May 20, tickets will be reserved on a first come, first serve basis. We hope to see you there. Hairspray (the musical) is the winner of eight 2003 Tony Awards ®, including Best Musical. As the New York Times says, "If life were everything it should be, it would be more like Hairspray. It's irresistible!" L environmental &beautificationupdate By Beverly Frey pring has arrived in Lakelands! Trees have blossomed and the daffodils and tulips have popped up around the community for all to enjoy. The Environmental and Beautification Committee in conjunction with the City of Gaithersburg's Green Week sponsored a community cleanup day in April. To all those who worked so hard to make this day a success, thank you. Volunteers helped to clear dead trees, invasive plants, and trash from the stream banks and lakes. The city provided plants and trees, which were planted at Still Creek Lane and Stone Mason Woods. Unfortunately, the cleanup also revealed the fact that the woods in our community are being used for dumping unwanted items. The volunteers cleared away discarded plants, stones, grass clippings, and trash - all items that can and should be placed in the weekly trash pickup. In recognition of the Community Clean Up Project in April 2004, the Environmental Committee recently received an award from the City of Gaithersburg for the plantings and clean-up at Lake Varuna. It is an accomplishment to be proud of, and demonstrates what can be done if we all work together! The landscape improvements continued, with work recently completed at Main Street Commons. Four wooden benches will be installed in this area, additionally enhancing this open green space. During the next month, landscape work will begin at Kersten Street Tot Lot, and limited areas at Chestnut Hills Park. Many of the planting designs were based on recommendations from residents to the EBC, such as the shade tree that will be planted at the Tot Lot at Chestnut Hills Park, and the hedge that will soften the fencing at the tennis courts. A bit of history for new residents, in 2003, the HOA Board retained a landscape architect to design approximately 18 green spaces throughout the community. In April 2004, the landscape architect presented these designs to the HOA Board and homeowners at an open forum, discussing concerns and questions about the designs. The plans were made available to all homeowners for review, and in August 2004, the Board of Directors approved this project. Implementation began that fall. To date, work has been completed at Market Street East Commons, Phelps Street Tot Lot, Sheila Street Commons, and this spring, Main Street Commons. The plans for future areas are available at the management office located on the second floor of the clubhouse. The EBC encourages all residents to take the time to review the site plans and encourages residents to attend the EBC meetings. As residents of the community, we all benefit from these landscape improvements. Lakelands continues to be a wonderful place to enjoy life! L The Lakelands Leader 9 Parents, Do You Know Where Your Children Are Riding? Important Information about Motorized Scooters in the Community By Officer Christopher Johnson, Montgomery County Police Department W ith the weather warming up and school about to end, there has been an increasing number of electric/gas powered "scooters" driving on the roads and sidewalks of the Lakelands community As a parent and a law enforcement officer, I want to remind all parents and children that scooters are NOT legal to be driven on public roads or sidewalks. They are for use on private property only with permission of the owner/agent. I recently saw a child driving a gas powered vehicle, which resembled a small motorcycle, up a community street pulling another child on a skateboard. I think we can all agree this poses a hazard to both the children and the other people in the area. I have attached the appropriate section of Maryland Vehicle Law and the fine and points associated with the charges. I have reviewed these sections with a Chief District Court Judge, an Assistant Attorney General for the State of Maryland and an Assistant States Attorney for Montgomery County. All parties were in agreement that there are no exceptions which provide for these motor vehicles to be operated on a public street or sidewalk. Please understand the intent of this article is to educate the parents and children of these regulations. After a recent discussion with many parents I found that most people were told when they purchased the vehicles that they were legal for use on the street. They are "motor vehicles" by definition under the Maryland Vehicle Law and subject to rules and regulations accordingly. Again, they are for use on private property ONLY. Potential Fines Your Child or You Could Face if Caught by Police: Section: 21-1 1103. Driving on a Sidewalk. (a) Driving prohibited. - Except as provided 10 The Lakelands Leader in section (b) or (c) of this section, a person may not drive any vehicle on a sidewalk or sidewalk area unless it is a permanent or authorized temporary driveway. (b) Exceptions - Bicycles, play vehicles, etc. (1) For purposes of this subsection, "bicycle" does not include a "moped", as defined in 11-134.1 of this article. (2) Where permitted by local ordinance, a person may ride a bicycle, play vehicle, or unicycle on a sidewalk or sidewalk area. (c) Same - Special vehicles of individuals with disabilities persons. - Where permitted by local ordinance, an individual with a disability may use a special vehicle on sidewalks or sidewalk areas from one-half hour after sunrise to onehalf hour before sunset. (Note: Play vehicle is defined in 21-101(i) as "propelled only by human power.") FINE: $55.00 / 1 point Section: 16-3 304 Causing or Permitting Unauthorized Minor to Drive. (b) Knowingly permitting certain minors to drive. - A person may not knowingly permit the person's child or ward under the age of 15 to drive a motor vehicle on any highway: (1) If the minor is not authorized by this title to drive; or (2) Otherwise in violation of any of the provisions of this title. FINE: $2755.00 / 5 points Section: 13-4 402 Vehicles Subject to Registration. (a) General rule. - (1) Except as otherwise provided in this section or elsewhere in the Maryland Vehicle Law, each motor continued on facing page May 2005 Shaare Torah Celebrates Groundbreaking Rentals T urn C ondos Colonnade at Kentlands Prepares for Debut “Building a Home for Our Community, Our Children, Our Future” T By Andrea Escher he Shaare Torah congregation moved one step closer to the reality of their new synagogue facility in Lakelands. Members gathered at the site of the future synagogue on Main Street on Sunday, April 17. It was a beautiful day for a ground breaking ceremony as more than fifty Shaare Torah members, residents of Lakelands and city officials broke ground for the start of construction of the synagogue. Rabbi Jacob Blumenthal thanked everyone for attending the ceremony and commented that without the generous support of the community and congregation members, the groundbreaking would not have become a reality. Congratulations to Shaare Torah upon this major milestone. A special thank you to everyone who attended the groundbreaking, and for showing community support. L Lakelands Safety Discussion SCOOTEERS Continued from previous page vehicle, trailer, semitrailer, and pole trailer driven on a highway shall be registered under this subtitle. (Note: Motor vehicle is defined in 11- 135(a)(1) as "self propelled.") FINE: $2755.00 / 0 points Section 16-1 101 Drivers Must Be Licensed. (a) In general. - An individual may not drive or attempt to drive a motor vehicle on any highway in this state unless: (1) The individual holds a driver's license issued under this title; (2) The individual is expressly exempt from the licensing requirements of this title; or (3) The individual otherwise is specifically authorized to drive vehicles of the class that the individual is driving or attempting to drive. FINE: $3155.00 / 5 This article was previously printed in the July 2004 edition of The Lakelands Leader. L Gaithersburg Mayor Sidney Katz and Councilmember Geri Edens joined the proud members of the Shaare Torah synagogue for the ground breaking dedication on April 17. Photo Courtesy: Barbara McGowen T he pace of construction has picked up at the corner of Booth Street and Quince Orchard Road. Residents have been waiting patiently for the grand opening of the Archstone apartment complex known as Westchester at Kentlands. However, rumor has it documents are preparing to be signed for the transfer of the property from apartments to condominiums. They will soon to be known as Colonnade at Kentlands. The "for sale" condominiums will be converted from apartments within the coming weeks. A local real estate agent has already been introducing herself as the Director of Marketing and has confirmed one of the store fronts at the site will be used as a sales office. So if you know of anyone in the market to purchase a condominium within the Kentlands, stay tuned. L Sgt. William White To Host Meeting on May 3 By Carrie Halpert T he Community Relations Committee invites all Lakelands residents to meet Sgt. William White of the City of Gaithersburg Police Department on Tuesday, May 3, at 7:00 p.m. in the Green Room of the Clubhouse. We encourage residents to join the Lakelands Board of Directors in welcoming Sgt. White to the community as our new Community Services Officer. Sgt. White will discuss crime prevention and how to keep our neighborhood safe. He will also discuss how to contact the police, report suspicious activity and what services the police department offers. This is a perfect opportunity to ask questions about the recent vandalism and future plans for patrols of the neighborhood now that the new park and school are near completion. Refreshments will be served. If you have any questions, please contact Katherine Gilbert, Community Relations Committee Chair, at katherine_gilbert@hotmail.com. We hope to see you there. L Why P ay 6 % C ommission . .. ...when commissions are not set by law? Spicer Real Estate offers sellers more options and more cash at closing! Listing Fee $495 • Settlement Fee as Low as $1995 Our a-la-carte fee schedule allows us to customize our services to your needs - SAVING YOU MONEY! Call MARILYN APOLITO on 240-498-4304 or visit www.SpicerRealEstate.com for more information today! S PICER REAL ESTATE 1700 Rockville Pike, Suite 400, Rockville, MD 20852 • 301-622-2222 May 2005 The Lakelands Leader 11 of his patients, allows him to properly diagnose and then recommend the best course of treatment. This specialized attention affords Dr. Sherman a better understanding of each patient's needs. As a resident of Lakelands, with his wife Justine and young daughter Madison, Dr. Sherman looks forward to serving as the Lakelands podiatrist, playing an integral role in the Gaithersburg community for many years to come. Active F amily C hiropractic Opens This M onth D By Andrea Escher Sherman Relocates Kentlands Foot & Ankle L akelands neighbor Jon M. Sherman, DPM, a podiatrist, and owner of Kentlands Foot & Ankle, opened the doors to his new office, located at 60 Market Street, Suite 202 in late March. Gaithersburg City Council Vice President Henry F. Marraffa, Jr. (pictured below) cut the ribbon to mark the official opening. Dr. Sherman graduated from the Temple University School of Podiatric Medicine. He has been practicing podiatry for over seven Jon M. Sherman, DPM, Lakelands podiatrist, years, specializing in family foot and ankle opened the doors to his new office, located at care, chronic heel pain, and sports medicine. 60 Market Street, Suite 202. Gaithersburg He participates and sponsors many annual City Council Vice President Henry F. Marraffa, Gaithersburg events such as the Kentlands 5K Jr. cut the ribbon to mark the official opening. run and Oktoberfest. He also provides free foot screenings at many local businesses including Curves, IBM, and National Institute of Standards and Technologies. Dr. Sherman's philosophy is to treat each patient as an individual, not as a number. His professional, warm friendly manner and willingness to spend quality time with each 12 The Lakelands Leader r. Greg Swistak is among the first businesses opening in the new Kentlands Place office building near Lowes. Dr. Swistak is a chiropractor specializing in neck and back pain, headaches, sports injuries and fibromyalgia (fully body pain syndrome). As the name of his practice suggests he will be treating patients of all ages from infants to senior citizens. Dr. Swistak is a graduate of the Palmer College of Chiropractic and has been in practice since 1997. He is moving his office from its current location in Germantown and is excited to get Dr. Greg and the Swistak family cannot wait to see involved in the Kentlands/Lakelands you at their new Kentlands location. community. Active Family Chiropractic is located at 60 Market Street, Suite 215 and is expected to open this month. Morning, afternoon, and evening appointments will be available and initial consultations are free. For more information or to schedule an appointment call 301-963-8333. Doughboys Declares B runch I n April, Doughboys Café will be serving a Sunday Brunch. Look for a special menu of simple, healthy brunch items from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. every Sunday. The signature item on the menu will be frittatas, open-faced omelets. Many varieties of frittatas will be available combining ingredients such as spinach, a variety of fresh cheeses, roasted red peppers, spicy ham, sausage, steak, asparagus, capers, calamata olives and more. A selection of paninis and salads will also be available on the brunch menu. Brunch paninis are made with egg, cheese, and your choice of ham, bacon, steak, or roasted vegetables. A salmon panini will also be available. Salads include cobb salad, fruit salad, tuna salad, and a poached egg and greens salad. All items on the menu will be made using the finest produce, meats, dairy, and grain products. Owner Ali Bageri says they also offer specialty drinks such as mimosas and sangria. May 2005 Fleet F eet Running Y our W ay L akelands runners and walkers will no longer have to go all the way to Rockville or Bethesda when they need top-of-the-line athletic equipment. Fleet Feet Sports Gaithersburg will be opening this spring in the new Kentlands Place building. This specialty franchise will offer high quality shoes, apparel and accessories as well as expert fitting for runners, joggers, walkers, and fitness seekers. Owners Chris and Robyn Gault are avid runners and are enthusiastic about their first retail venture. HAPPY B IRTHDAY! H appy belated birthday wishes to Madison Wakefield of Featherstone Street. Madison was busy celebrating her 6th birthday on April 7. We hope you had a great birthday and received lots of presents. H appy belated birthday wishes to Jeremy Lahn of Shelia Street. Jeremy celebrated his 2nd birthday on April 23 with a party full of family and friends. We hope you had a great birthday! The store will carry shoes from Adidas, Asics, Brooks, Mizuno, New Balance, Nike and Saucony, and apparel and accessories from many of these vendors as well as Balega, Babyjogger, Champion, Garmin, Hind, Life is Good, Moving Comfort, Sugoi, Timex, Ultimate Direction, Wrightsocks and many others. "We are focused on providing a personal fit for footwear and apparel (including women's sports bras) because we believe it is so important in preventing injury and enhancing the overall athletic experience," said Chris. Fleet Feet will be located at 68 Market Street and can be reached at 301-926-6442. May 2005 who’snews It’s a Girl! C ongratulations to Ken and Seema Schappelle of Leaning Oak Street upon the birth of their first child, baby girl Kaya Rose Schappelle. Kaya was born on January 14, 2005 weighing 7 lbs, 3 oz. and 20.5 inches long. We congratulate them on their new arrive and wish them all the best. Kentlands/Lakelands Debuts Daisy Troop H appy birthday to Riley Smith of Linslade Street. Riley will be celebrating his 2nd birthday on May 11th. We hope you have a terrific birthday and enjoy those presents! H appy birthday wishes to Julie Blitz of Featherstone Street. Julie will celebrate her 4th birthday on May 31st. She is looking forward to a fun party with all of her friends and family. Have a great birthday Julie! C ongratulations to the new Lakelands/Kentlands Daisy Troop #398. Members are: Emma Allnut, Emma Cohen-Dumani, Hannah Godsey, Anna Goorevich, Victoria Hamilton, Dylan Kearney, Rachel Messer, Bianca Parisotto, Hannah Pearlstein, Brooke Savell, Abby Smith, Madison Wakefield, and Madison Warner. The Lakelands Leader 13 IN-HOME COMPUTER DOCTOR! Get the most from your home computers In-House Service (small business, too) • Install and Configure a Wireless Network • Software Upgrades and/or new installations • Router /Firewall/Broadband setup • Internet Security Check and Audit • Protect against viruses and spyware audit • Data Transfer or Backup • Software Service • Free Estimates ~ 15+ Years Experience Training Serving your Community 301-926-7755 K E N(nextT toLLowes) ANDS Call Eric at 240-506-1237 ericoxman@orchidsc.com 14 3 FREE TANS (Free Upgrade to HT54 or HT60) With purchase of $19.99 Tanning Membership HOLLYWOOD TANS • 301-9926-77755 Some restrictions apply — Expires 5/28/05 The Lakelands Leader May 2005 TEENNIIS Continued from page 1 drills, and social/competitive games. Come meet your neighbors and tennis players of all levels. Additional information regarding available tennis programs will be discussed. The cost to participate is $10.00, so be sure to register on or before May 15, 2005. The cost after May 15 will be $20.00. Call 301-948-3116 to register. Fankhauser says tennis clinics will be available throughout the summer for both children and adults. Private lessons as well as group lessons will be available beginning June 9. Please turn to page 13 for a full listing of class descriptions, summer session dates, and fees. If you have questions regarding the tennis program, or would like to register for the summer sessions or the tennis social, please contact Brian Fankhauser at 301-948-3116. L May 2005 Lakelands Park Dedication Set for June By Andrea Escher T he city of Gaithersburg has announced a dedication ceremony complete with a day full of fun for Lakelands Park. Join the city of Gaithersburg on Saturday, June 18, 2005 beginning at 11:00 a.m. Softball tournaments will take place with various Gaithersburg homeowners association's competing against each other. So, get ready to batter up and be prepared for some serious softball action at the park. More details regarding sign up and registration for the tournament will be included in the June Lakelands Leader and Lakelands flyer. A moon bounce, face painting, and other demonstrations will be available for the kids as well as other activities for the whole family to enjoy. We hope to see you there. L Calling all preschool, kindergarten, elementary, middle, high school and college graduates! The Lakelands Leader would like to feature your 2005 graduate in the June issue. Send us a photo of your graduate and all the details to leader@lakelands.org or call Andrea at 301-519-1678. The Lakelands Leader 15 Kids T-Shirt Design Contest Winning Design Goes on 5K Race T-Shirt! K ids of all ages (up to 18) are invited to send in a drawing for an art contest sponsored by the Kentlands Community Foundation. The winning design will go on the official race T-shirt for the Kentlands/Lakelands 5K and Kid's Fun Run. The winning artist will also receive a $50 cash prize! There will also be $25 cash prizes for the winner of each of the following age groups: 5 yrs. & under, 6-8 yrs, 9-11 yrs, 1215 yrs, and 16-18 yrs. In addition, ALL entries will be displayed at the post-race expo! You don't have to live in Kentlands or Lakelands to enter. Contest Instructions This year's race will be run on September 3, 2005, and the theme is FALL INTO FITNESS. We are looking for designs that best represent this theme with images of autumn/fall, fitness and running, and friendship. Let's see all the great ideas our kids can create! All drawings must be received by Monday, June 6, 2005. Drawings must be in marker (up to 4 colors - think fall colors!) on 8 ½ X 11 inch white paper. The artist's name, age and phone number must be printed on the back of the drawing. Drawings can be mailed to: 5K T-Shirt Contest, Kentlands Community Foundation, 267 Kentlands Blvd, P.M.B. 200, Gaithersburg, Maryland 20878 OR you may drop off your designs in the Kentlands Community Foundation's mailbox at the Kentlands Clubhouse. Judging will take place in June and the winners will be announced in July. Questions? Contact the Foundation office at 301.926.6636 or kentlands@kentlands.org. Note: All designs become the property of the Kentlands Community Foundation and will not be returned. Winners will be presented cash prizes at the Race Expo on Race Day, but need not be present to win. L 16 The Lakelands Leader May 2005 gardengate By Genie Tillisch Garden Investments M ayday … the birds are singing, the bees are buzzing, the lawnmowers humming, the pansies wilting. Summer comes early to our mid-Atlantic gardens most years. Although, a late frost cannot be ruled out, it is extremely unlikely. The garden centers and nurseries are doing a brisk business as inveterate gardeners have already made numerous trips to stock their potting bench with mulch, soil, tools, and new gloves. Many others who dabble in the art of gardening have already purchased their annuals, hanging baskets, and tropical (tender) perennials to add color, texture, and interest to everything from front porches and patios to backyard beds. If you have been garden shopping, you are well aware that any cart filled with these mouth watering items can set you back a pretty penny. Some folks have a large annual budget devoted to what amounts to a single-season, disposable purchase. It always amazes me how easy it is to spend hundreds of dollars on plants that will take the "ugly" prize by first frost (and the "dead as a doornail" prize soon thereafter). I also admit guilt in succumbing to the temptation of all those tropical beauties … who could resist? However, for the sake of your garden, you should resist just a tad. Say you spend $100 (or $1000) on begonias, soil amendments, and mulch every May. If you spent ½ or even ¼ of that annual money on a flowering shrub, you would have something of beauty for many years, a worthy investment. Woody plants provide aesthetic interest, food, and shelter for wildlife, texture, color, and structure for the garden. Although there are exceptions, woody plants live longer than perennials. In addition, while hardy perennials play the important supporting roles of duke and duchess, the woody plants are indisputably the monarchs of our garden kingdom. Any viburnum, such as American cranberry bush (Viburnum t rilobum), See GAARDEN GATE continued on page 18 N. Potomac / Quince Orchard May 2005 The Lakelands Leader 17 GAR RDEN GATEE Continued from page 17 N U R S E RY Sargent viburnum (Viburnum sargentii), or Blackhaw viburnum (Viburnum prunifolium), would be the perfect choice. How then does the plebeian annual, commandeer so many of our garden dollars and the viburnum so few? A trend in the green industry is to mar- true that the flowering shrub will bloom for several weeks only once during the year, if chosen judiciously, this shrub will delight the eye with its leafy texture in summer, its cloak of bright fall color, and its mottled bark or sinuous branching habit in winter. The enjoyment of our native mountain laurel (Kalmia latifolia) American cranberry bush can light up a shady spot. 301-990-6689 TOP SOIL • MULCH • LEAFGRO FULLY STOCKED NURSERY sod • straw • seed • fertilizers • annuals • perennials pavers • slate • stone • ornamental grasses Trees, shrubs & ornamentals arriving daily Open 7 Days Delivery available on all items ket certain upscale (and exotically priced) annuals, attempting to elevate them from their time-honored place of disdain. This trend has not yet, replaced the national craving for the lowly Busy Lizzie (Impatiens). One thing, it has been said, as a negative quality of woody plants is that they only bloom for two to three weeks, and then they're done for another year. Annuals have a habit of blooming continuously until frost if given enough water and fertilizer. There is apparently no competition in the color wars. I like to think, however, that most people who enjoy gardening have a finely tuned sense of observation. So, while it's Fringe tree is more like a shrub than a tree. Photos Courtesy: Genie Tillisch 8135 SNOUFFER SCHOOL ROAD, GAITHERSBURG Watza Network? Personalized, In-Home Computer Help • PC Hardware & Software Repair and Upgrades • Virus and Spyware Removal • Wireless & Wired Network Expertise • Router/Firewall/Broadband Setup • Home of the WATZA Private Label Never-Fail Router • Even Laser & Ink Jet Printer Repairs! Bob Mann 10+ Years Experience Free Initial Consultation ~ Free Estimates Satisfaction Guaranteed! Serving the Kentlands and Lakelands Communities Call 301-495-3390 email: bob@watzanetwork.com web: www.watzanetwork.com Watzanetwork? is a service of WATZA, LLC. 18 The Lakelands Leader May 2005 Lakelands & K entlands Community W ide Y ard S ale By Lori Wakefield M ark your calendars! The annual community yard sale is just a few weeks away, and we have decided to team up with the Kentlands to host a huge community-wide yard sale. Hundreds of shoppers are anticipated to attend and this is your chance to get rid of all that stuff and clutter hanging around your basements, and garages. The spring yard sale will be held on Saturday, May 21st from 8a.m.-12p.m. at Four Corners Park on Lakelands Drive. A rain date has been scheduled for Sunday, May 22nd. The Kentlands will conduct their sale on the Clubhouse lawn off Tschiffely Square Road. There is no charge or RSVP required, and every resident is welcome to participate. Residents are welcome to put out their own signs/balloons directing people to their homes for sales as well. Just a word of yard sale advice: plan to price your items at 1/4-1/3 of the original price. Mark all items with a price tag, and be sure to organize items and hang clothes on hangers so they will be presentable. If you have any questions, please call Lori Wakefield 301-926-7577. We hope to see you then. L may be subtler than a bank of screaming marigolds, but it will endure. Another negative in the woody plant column is that they grow too large. "I don't have room in my yard for any more shrubs." The careful shopper would be wise to heed this sage advice. It is true. Many woody shrubs grow about 6-8 feet tall and as wide, some others easily reach 10-14 feet in height. Some growers of woody plants have tended towards underestimating the mature size of their merchandise on plant labels. Could it possibly be they are trying to increase sales? Many a homeowner has ripped out some monstrous shrub swallowing the walkway that was purported to reach a maximum of 3 feet in circumference. Oops! But, not so fast. With a modicum of research, (or just a simple request at the nursery) you can find dwarf cultivars of numberless woody plants. It is truly amazing, but plant breeders have made stunning accomplishments in this area. Many of these dwarfs have been on the market for decades and are tried and true performers. So you should be able to find a small niche for a cultivar of Summersweet Clethra (Clethra alnifolia) called 'Hummingbird', which reaches only 2-3 feet tall and provides a bevy of fragrant blooms mid-summer. I am not saying the annual does not have its place in the well-heeled garden. My window boxes would be a sorry sight without those sweet little things that bloom their blinkin' beacons off. However, when your cart is full of all those sapphire, ruby, and emerald beauties, push it proudly down the woody plants aisle, and add one true gem to your garden. L 10% off next visit. Limit one per family. Expires August 31, 2005. Become an Egg Donor Give Anonymously Egg donors hold the key to completing a couples long journey to have a child of their own. For a variety of medical reasons some women are unable to conceive using their own eggs. Their only option for conception is egg donation. These women are everyday women like your sister or your friend, whose only goal is to have a baby of their own to love for a lifetime. As an a egg donor, you’ll gain reward and personal satisfaction knowing your generous contribution will have a profound effect in the life of another woman and her partner. Excellent Financial Compensation Ask About Our Referral Reward Program If you are between the ages of 21-33 with a healthy lifestyle and would like to know more about egg donation please call: 1.888.529.6382 SHADY GROVE FERTILITY Apply Online: www.shadygrovefertility.com May 2005 R E P R O D U C T I V E S C I E N C E C E N T E R The Lakelands Leader 19 lakelandslistings LOG ON NOW! Check out the latest news and events! Read what your neighbors are saying about life in Lakelands. Log on now! www.lakelands.org and get connected. What conditions can be helped with chiropractic care? Dr. Gregory Swistak Palmer Graduate 60 Market Street, Suite 215 Gaithersburg, MD 20878 (301) 963-8333 www.swistakchiro.com NOL SE HABLA ESPA~ - Most insurance plans accepted - 20 The Lakelands Leader Lower back pain Sciatica Headaches Neck pain Whiplash Sports Injuries Arthritis Fatigue Chronic pain Numbness and tingling of the extremities Poor Posture Dr. Gregory Swistak & Family Now Open in Kentlands Compiled by Jeff Escher/Long & Foster Realtors FOR SALE Address 609 Chestnut Hill Mews 441 Clayhall Street 603 Gatestone Street 422 Kersten Street 285 Kersten Street 943 Linslade Street 623A Main Street 1370 Main Mews Housing Type Townhouse Townhouse Townhouse Townhouse Single Family Single Family Condo-Townhouse Townhouse UNDER CONTRACT Address 526 Bright Meadow Drive 305A Cross Green Street 337B Cross Green Street 646 Gatestone Street 814 Gatestone Street 48 Golden Ash Way 164 Golden Ash Way 517 Kersten Street 410 Lakelands Drive 433 Lakelands Drive 451 Leaning Oak Street 601 Linslade Street 801 Linslade Street 477 Lynette Street 656A Main Street 437 Placid Street 905 Rockborn Street Housing Type Townhouse Condo-Townhouse Condo-Townhouse Townhouse Single Family Townhouse Townhouse Townhouse Single Family Single Family Townhouse Townhouse Single Family Townhouse Condo-Townhouse Cottage Single Family FOR RENT Address 428 Phelps Street SOLD Address 309A Cross Green Street 720 Gatestone Street 50 Golden Ash Way 505 Helene Street 605 Linslade Street Model Fairgate Fairgate Fairgate Builder Ryan Homes Ryan Homes Ryan Homes NV Homes List Price $588,900 $575,000 $589,000 $589,900 $818,900 $979,000 $401,500 $578,000 Bartholomew Georgetown Georgetown NV Homes Ryland Miller & Smith Model Georgetown Mt. Vernon Georgetown Bartholomew Vintage Vintage Builder Michael Harris Ryland Ryland Miller & Smith NV Homes Miller & Smith Miller & Smith Bartholomew Chesterfield Turnberry I Georgetown Michener Vanderbilt Georgetown Alcott Dartmouth NV Homes NV Homes Classic Miller & Smith Ryan Homes NV Homes Ryland Main Street NV Homes Housing Type Townhouse Model Builder Rent Price $2,000 Housing Type Condo-Townhouse Single Family Townhouse Townhouse Townhouse Model Georgetown Vintage Builder Ryland Ryan Homes Miller & Smith Georgetown Miller & Smith Sold Price $403,00 $799,999 $525,000 $577,400 $598,500 List Price $599,500 $393,900 $435,000 $599,000 $879,000 $539,900 $539,900 $599,000 $889,900 $924,924 $572,000 $599,900 $869,000 $574,900 $400,000 $519,900 $975,000 Listings as of 04/17/05 The information above was obtained from MRIS. Information is believed to be accurate, but should not be relied upon without verification. These were not listing/sold exclusively by Jeff Escher/Long & Foster Real Estate. May 2005 We’re now in your neighborhood! Upcoming Events Produced by the Lakelands Social Committee Coming Attractions! Looking for Family Footcare? May 2005 Montgomery Foot and Ankle Associates, LLC • Adam K. Spector, DPM Herman R. Zarate, DPM Sharon T. Siebold, DPM 177 Kentlands Boulevard, Suite 100 Gaithersburg, MD 20878 (301) 926-5901 11-9 Sun-Wed, 11-10 Th, Fr, Sat Specialists in the Medical and Surgical Treatment of the Foot and Ankle SILVER SPRING NORTH POTOMAC WHEATON 1111 Spring Street Silver Spring, MD 20910 Phone: 301-589-8886 11906-G Darnestown Road N. Potomac, MD 20878 Phone: 301-987-7450 3909 Ferrara Drive Wheaton, MD 20906 Phone: 301-949-8833 May 2005 HAPPY HOUR: Friday, May 27th from 6:00 8:00 PM at the Lakelands Clubhouse. Come join your neighbors and kick-back on this three day weekend! Complimentary beer, wine, soft drinks and hors d'oeuvres will be provided. Adults only please. Sponsored by: • POOL OPENING PARTY: Saturday, May 28th from 12:00 to 4:00 PM Yes, the water will probably still be ice cold, but the kids won't mind! Egan Barbecuers will be on site to provide great BBQ. We have some great music planned and lots of entertainment throughout the afternoon. The event will be held rain or shine. In the event of rain, we'll still have the food and fun in the Clubhouse. Free admission, (pool pass required). THE COOKOUT WILL BEGIN AT NOON AND LAST UNTIL ITS GONE SO PLEASE BE PROMPT! Sponsored by… • BRIDGE: The Bridge Group meets every Tuesday 2 7:30 PM in the Red Room. Beginners and advanced alike are welcome! The Lakelands Leader 21 community For Sale Miscellaneous: Modern Sleigh-style crib pearl finish converts into a day bed, comes with mattress Set also includes: armoire w/ two drawers, three drawer dresser, changing table, $2000 new, asking $500, Little Tikes 8-in-1 Adjustable Playground $290 new, asking $100, Train Table includes two large trundle drawers lots of tracks and trains. Like new, asking $125. Please call Jessica at 301-642-9022. Sofa: Viewpoint steel-grey blue leather from The HOME Co. Purchased in 2002 and in flawless condition. Eight way handtied and double coned coils, down toppers, large brass studs around arms and base of sofa, bun feet. Redecorating and need to sell. Price $699.00 (originally $1250) Call: (301)948-3275. 7' Sofa: White on white fabric with throw pillows. $325 Lori Wakefield 301 926-7577. 2001 Saturn SL2: 4-dr, auto, a/c, pw, pm, pl, cc, sunroof, 41k, orig. owner, exc. cond. $6,750/obo. (240) 422-9101. Wanted: Looking to buy a used Baby Jogging Stroller in good condition. Call or email me at: lingek@gmail.com or 240780-9200. Tiffany & Co: Are you or someone you know thinking of purchasing something from Tiffany & Co? I have $1150 in transferable Tiffany store credit that I would like to sell at a discount. If you are interested please call 240-631-6536. Brass Chandelier and Dinette Light: Barely used. Chandelier for $25 and Dinette light for $15 or $35 for the pair. If interested, please email Seema at kenand seema@yahoo.com. Miscellaneous For Sale: Beautiful beveled rectangular glass table top for sale, will seat six comfortably, very thick, paid over $3500 new, Best Offer. Hunter Green Upholstered Rocking Chair, Cotton fabric, very comfortable, $40 OBO, call 301330-0164. New Washer: Selling my Kenmore Elite, Heavy Duty - King size Capacity washer. The washer is app. 17 month old - but hasn't been used much. Price $ 250 or best offer - bought new for $ 499. If you are interested and would like to know please email or call me back on 301-674-9463. Services Needed/Available: Marie's Cleaning: For all your housekeeping and housecleaning needs! Available in the Lakelands/Kentlands three days a week. Call 301-330-1073. COMMERCIAL SPACE FOR LEASE: Newly finished small professional office suite in the heart of the KENTLANDS on Main St, lower level of a commercial townhouse, signage available, park front door. Walk to restaurants, stores. Please contact MATT at 301-417-2555. Help Wanted: Daytime babysitter with light housework needed for a work from home Dad. You will take care of a 6 month old Baby. I will work around your schedule. Would like 4-5 hours a day, 3-4 days a week. Call 240-683-4856. Part Time Nanny: Needed 2-3 days/week to help care for our 7 mos. old boy and 4 y.o. girl. Our daughter is in school in the am's. English and great references req. No smoking. Car and/or driv. lic. a plus, but not req. Would be willing to do a nanny share with another family in the Lakelands or Kentlands. Please call (301) 208-8654. Part Time Nanny: Lakelands neighbors Professional Directory To advertise in The Lakelands Leader, please call 301-519-1678 or e-mail leader@lakelands.org gregory swistak, d.c. Palmer Graduate active family CHIROPRACTIC 3 executive parkSte. court 60 Market Street, 215 germantown,MD md20878 20874 Gaithersburg, (301) 963-8333 p (301) 916-9383 • Yard Clean-ups • Mulching and Wood Chips • Landscape Design/Installation • Shrub/Tree Installation • Lawn Renovation — Seeding/Fertilizing • Landscape Consultations • Shrub Pruning and Removal • Flower — Perennial-Annual Installation f (301) 916-9384 www.swistakchiro.com www.swistak.com Avi Chertock (301) 593-0577 Elizabeth Ayala, D.M.A. Teacher of Piano The Kentlands 301-977-5424 22 The Lakelands Leader May 2005 classifieds seeking part-time nanny to watch two infants, 6 weeks apart in age. Looking for early May start-date. Requirements: English speaking a must. Non-smoker. Must have driver's license and own transportation. CPR training a plus and early childhood experience preferred. Comfortable being around dogs and cats (both families have pets). Must provide valid references. Call 240-632-2072 or 301208-8826 or email meredith@michael weisel.com or dashery@goldlasso.com. Weekend Babysitter Needed: We are looking for a responsible, fun High/Jr High School student to baby-sit for our 4 and 6 year old on Saturday nights. Please call Mrs. Warner at 301-330-0164. Driver Needed: I need a driver for my son who will attend a special program in the fall. Transportation will be to Tilden Middle School from Olney 80% of the time and the Lakelands 20% of the time. Will need to transport to the school by 7:45 am and pickup at 2:40 pm. There would be the opportunity for additional work depending on the qualifications of the applicant. Applicants must speak English, have their own car, legally in the US, and references. Call Dave 240-498-8724. For Rent: Hawaii Vacation: We have a week at the Hanalei Bay Resort in Princeville Kauai for sale. - it is for an ocean view 1 bedroom with kitchen, that can accommodate 4 adults. Arrival date: 05/28/05, Departure date: 06/04/05. The Hanalei bay Resort is a five star resort with private beach and great pools. Nearby are two of the most famous golf courses in Hawaii. Please see link for much more detailed information h t t p : / / w w w. h a n a l e i b ay re s o r t . c o m . Normal rate $390/night. = $2730, Asking price $1500. Please contact me if you would like more information or have more questions please email me at annika_petersen@hgsi.com. Sea Colony/Bethany Beach Condo for Rent: Newly renovated "gold-rated" lakefront Vista condo for weekly summer rental. Sleeps 9, 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, wraparound screened porch plus crib and highchair for the young one. Great location! $1,300 to $1,700 depending on week. See pics and more at our website www.bethanybeachbungalow or call 301-519-6816. Lakelands Roommate Wanted ASAP: To share large three bedroom townhouse/condo ('B' unit) with one female. Can't pass up the features and location; must see for yourself!! Male preferred, Smoking and pets not allowed, Unfurnished bedroom with private bath, Rent: $750/month, Deposit: negotiable, Lease: Six months, Kitchen: full privileges, Laundry: washer and dryer on bedroom (3rd) level, Utilities (gas/electric) / cable: shared, Telephone: can establish separate line. Contact Karrie at karries@flash.net. Sell It, Find It, Share It in the Lakelands Classifieds! Community classifieds are free to all Kentlands and Lakelands residents ($10 fee applied to non-residents). To place your classified, email us at leader@lakelands.org or call 301-519-1678. Deadline for the June issue is May 15, 2005. Professional Directory To advertise in The Lakelands Leader, please call 301-519-1678 or e-mail leader@lakelands.org Only 42% of all adults have a will. Don't make your plans at the last minute. Wills • Durable Powers of Attorney Advance Medical Directives Revocable Living Trusts • Estate Administration Tax, Estate, Financial Planning • Tax Preparation Tax Controversies THE LAW OFFICE OF KENNETH S. SAVELL Call 301-675-9626 or e-mail kenlaw1@comcast.net to ask questions or to schedule an appointment May 2005 The Lakelands Leader 23 24 The Lakelands Leader May 2005
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