2011–2012 SEASON PAID DURANGO, CO PERMIT NO. 696 NONPROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE San Juan Symphony Arthur Post, −Arthur Post, Music Director 2011–2012 KATHY MYRICK While the economy has imposed a new normal on many of us, we’d like to acknowledge the blessings which are both priceless and timeless. The SJS is especially thankful to you, our audience and patrons, for the enthusiastic support that’s kept us playing. Come share the abundant spirit of this music with us. 970.382.9753 Composers past and present are just as busy as the rest of us. They gather inspiration wherever they can find it but the most reliable source is their own well of experience and feeling. This season finds them in their most thankful and generous moods. 2011–2012 our deepest thoughts and desires. This year the San Juan Symphony presents A Season of Appreciation, music to express gratitude for some of the gifts we enjoy in every day life. We’ve chosen music that speaks to just a few of the things that many of us cherish—Friends and Family, Community, Laughter, Nature. 802 E. 2nd Avenue, Suite 200 P.O. Box 1073 . Durango, CO 81302 Music has the ability to communicate some of K athy M yrick Music Director Norman Krieger, piano Sunday, February 19, 2012, 3:00 pm – Community Concert Hall at Fort Lewis College, Durango, CO Sam Cardon Beethoven Elgar Oriol Sans, guest conductor Katherine Audas, cello Song of the Mountain Poets Piano Concerto No. 3 Enigma Variations C ourtesy of K atherine A udas Sunday, October 2, 2011 3:00 pm – Community Concert Hall at Fort Lewis College, Durango, CO Johnathan Harris, Artist At a young age, the beauty and charm of the Southwest landscape captivated Johnathan Harris and soon became the subject matter for his paintings. Above it All was chosen for our 20112012 season to represent the appreciation felt for the beauty and blessings of the Four Corners area. His artwork is represented in many galleries. Corporate and Foundation Support Mendelssohn believed music had a unique power to promote social good and create community. He revived the oratorios of Bach and Handel for their power to bring people together. This program touches on the things that can bring us together, whether they be cultural, political, religious, or just fun. We’ll create as much community as we can fit onto the stage, with the Durango Choral Society, Caliente Choristers, and our annual Side-bySide with music students. C ourtesy of Z hu W ang pam taylor Ibert Divertissement Tchaikovsky Variations on a Rococo Theme Mozart Overture to The Impresario Haydn Symphony No. 45, Farewell Symphony Saturday, November 19, 2011, 7:30 pm – Henderson Fine Arts Center, Farmington, NM City life in Beethoven’s time wasn’t so different from today. In the summer the composer escaped the heat, the crowds, and the Hummers by fleeing to his beloved countryside. We welcome springtime with Beethoven’s Pastoral Symphony, music filled with the sounds and feelings of outdoor frolicking. Young prizewinning pianist Zhu Wang comes all the way from Shanghai for a sublime concerto by Mozart. Saturday, April 21, 2012, 7:30 pm – Community Concert Hall at Fort Lewis College, Durango, CO Sunday, November 20, 2011, 3:00 pm – Community Concert Hall at Fort Lewis College, Durango, CO Sunday, April 22, 2012, 3:00 pm – Henderson Fine Arts Center, Farmington, NM Gemma Kavanagh, soprano Zhu Wang, piano Durango Choral Society, Linda Mack Berven, director Delius On Hearing the First Cuckoo in Spring Mozart Piano Concerto #21, K. 467, C major Beethoven Symphony No. 6, Pastorale Caliente Choristers, Virginia Nickels-Hircock, director Side-by-Side with student musicians Let The Hand be Strengthened Overture on Three Russian Folk Songs Variations on a Shaker Melody Wedding March (Side-by-Side) Missa Brevis in C minor Symphony No. 5, Reformation, finale Saturday, September 10, 2011, 6:45 pm Free Outdoor Concert Learning Commons Plaza at San Juan College, Farmington, NM Sunday, September 11, 2011, 5 pm Community Concert Hall at FLC, Durango, CO KATHY MYRICK Kick off the 2011-12 San Juan Symphony season with this concert designed for all ages. Enjoy classics, popular favorites and familiar movie themes—the perfect first symphony experience. KATHY MYRICK Handel Balakirev Copland Mendelssohn Imant Raminsh Mendelssohn C ourtesy of johnathan harris courtesy of oriol S ans C ourtesy of N orman K rieger When Haydn wanted to send the message to his boss that his musicians were overdue for a vacation, he wrote a symphony that called for them to leave the stage one by one, until only a single violinist was left fiddling to the last bar. The Prince got the joke and sent the players home to their families. Join us for smiles and laughter. We’re delighted to welcome emerging conductor Oriol Sans from Barcelona, and young cellist Katherine Audas, who’s already made a splash here with Music in the Mountains. Edward Elgar’s Enigma Variations is brimming with the composer’s affection and admiration for his close friends and family. The fourteen variations are loving and often humorous musical portraits of the people dearest to him. We welcome back a long-time friend of music in the Four Corners, brilliant pianist Norman Krieger, and we’ll give an encore performance of a beautiful piece by Farmington native Sam Cardon. April’s Garden Artifacts Gallery & Chili Store Ballantine Family Fund Bank Of Colorado Baratone Bayless Charitable Fund BHP Billiton Blue Lake Ranch BP America, Inc. Chevron North America City of Durango CJ’s Diner Coca Cola Bottling Company Colorado Creative Industries ConocoPhillips Durango Arts Center Durango Chamber of Commerce Durango Friends of The Arts Durango Magazine El Pomar Foundation Farmington Convention and Visitors Bureau First National Bank Of Durango Francisco’s Restaurante Y Cantina Graphic Interpretations Guy Drew Vineyards J-3 Media James Ranch Leland House/Rochester Hotel Music In The Mountains New Mexico Arts San Juan County Commissioners San Juan Regional Medical Center Seasons Rotisserie and Grill Shared Vision Publishing Sky Ute Casino & Lodge Solga & Jakino PA Sow’s Ear Restaurant Star Liquors Strater Hotel Sunflower Plant Service Tarpley RV Totah Theater Travelhost Magazine Walmart Henderson Performance Hall at San Juan College, Farmington, NM Tel: 505.566.3430 Single Ticket Pricing for: 2011–2012 Adult $30 Seniors (65 and up) $15 Students (18 and under) $8 Learning Commons Plaza at San Juan College, Farmington, NM Tel: 505-566-3430 (for questions or information) Farmington Outdoor Family Concert Pricing FREE (Donations Graciously Accepted) Community Concert Hall at Fort Lewis College, Durango, CO Tel: 970-247-7657 or Season Ticket Pricing for: 2011–2012 Plaza Orchestra Balcony Adult Senior Student $180 $170 N/A $160 $150 $73 $106 $88 $42 Single Ticket Pricing for: 2011–2012 Plaza Orchestra Balcony Adult Senior Student $50 $48 N/A $45 $42 $23 $34 $27 $16 Durango Family Concert Pricing General Admission Seating All tickets $10 Join Maestro Arthur Post for a Free concert preview on the Wednesday before each concert at 6 pm at the Durango Arts Center (September 28, November 16, February 15, and April 18)
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