
TERM 4, 2014 - WEEK 04 - 6TH NOVEMBER
!Room 1 !
Tena Koutou Katoa
!There is only one more school week left until we Room
Room 3!
venture into what will be a very exciting camp week.
A big thank you to all families who have paid their
camp accounts or have contacted the school
regarding this. Thank you to all parents and
caregivers who are helping out during camp week;
we couldn't do it without you.
A big Ashhurst School welcome to Imogen HadleyJones, Korbin McConchie and Paige Stephenson.
Well done on making a great start to school.
The Wharite team will be adopting a modern
learning pedagogy next year. Basically this means
there will be a real focus on learners becoming
more assessment savvy, knowing their next steps
and being able to (with assistance) select
workshops to meet their needs. There will be no
remodelling of spaces at this point, however Room
19 will be revamped before the start of next year to
be used as a classroom. Eventually we hope a deck
will join Room 19 to Room 1. The data for the Year
5 & 6 team and student voice has made this a
relatively easy decision. We have a transition to
Wharite meeting next week where we will discuss
this in more detail.
Last week the Board appointed two new teachers
for the 2015 school year. Sadly we lose Rosie
Wolland, Lauren Chappell and Terri Standish. Rosie
will take up a position teaching Year 4 & 5 children
at South Makirikiri School near Marton. Lauren is
taking a year’s maternity leave and we wish her and
her husband Neil, all the very best for the pending
arrival of their first child. We also farewell Terri who
has worked in the Ruahine team over the past 18
months. Terri has been a valued staff member as
well as our Board of Trustees staff representative.
We wish Rosie, Lauren and Terri all the very best
for the future and thank them very much for the
strong contributions they have made to our school.
Lizzie Ash and Claressa Geary are new
appointments. Lizzie will teach in the Year 3 & 4
team and comes with a wealth of experience,
including being a team leader at Central Normal
School and working for Massey University advising
trainee students. Claressa is also very experienced
and comes to us from Manchester Street in
Feilding. As well as strengths in the core curriculum,
Claressa has a flair for the arts. Toni Bradley moves
to the Turanga team where she has a wealth of
experience at that level having been a team leader
at Russell Street School in the past.
!Have a great weekend everyone.
Nick Reed
Room 4!
Room 5!
Room 6!
Room 7!
Room 8!
Room 9!
Room 10!
Room 11!
Room 12!
Room 13!
Room 14!
Room 15!
Room 16!
Room 17!
Classes/Teachers for 2015!
Year 7/8 !
Year 7/8!
Year 7/8!
Year 1/2!
Year 1/2!
Year 5/6!
Year 5/6!
Year 5/6!
Year 5/6!
Year 1!!
Year 1!!
Year 1!!
Year 2!!
Year 2/3!
Year 3/4!
Year 3/4!
Year 3/4!
Mr Smith!
Mrs Morris!
Mrs Annand!
Miss Evans!
Mrs Geary!
Mrs Pearce!
Mrs Stephenson!
Miss Thessman!
Mrs Wilson!
Mrs Morriss!
Mrs Cranshaw!
Empty Room to begin!
Mrs Amos/Ms Jenkins!
Miss Davidson!
Mrs Jones!
Mrs Bradley!
Mrs Ash!
!Reading Recovery! Mrs Knight and Ms Jenkins!
!Science Specialist! Mrs Amos!
!Room 19 will be redecorated over the holidays
and will become Room 1, the rest of the
classrooms will be re numbered to follow on with
Room 16 becoming Room 17.!
!Any class requests for 2015 must be sent in
writing to Mr Reed or Miss Giles.
The winner is judged to be the most outstanding sports
achiever at our school.
Entry forms are available from School Office and need to
be back to Miss Giles by Friday 28th November at 3pm.
Judged by an independent judge.
This achiever must meet the following criteria:
* Highly skilled athlete
* Play a range of school sports
* May play other sports out of school. Sportsmanship and fair
play both on and off the field.
* Have represented Manawatu or higher in his/her chosen
Ashhurst Library!
The Summer Reading Programme is coming up and due
to the demand of the programme there will be a ballot
process to allocated positions. The ballot for this open at
9.30am Monday 10th of November and close at 9pm
Sunday 23rd of November. This programme is open to
children aged 4 to 10 years old.!
This year the Ashhurst Library is also running the iRead
programme for kids aged 11 to 13 years. There will be a
ballot for this and it also runs from the 10th to 23rd of
November. There is a very limited number of spaces for
this programme. !
If you wish to get any information on any other these
programmes then please feel free to contact us at the
Ashhurst Library, phone 326 8646 or
Friday 7th November!
Under 9’s Grade B - Ashhurst Warriors!
Game 1 @ 4.00 pm, Game 2 @ 4.30 pm!
Year 7/8 Mixed Grade - Ashhurst Untouchables!
Game 1 @ 6.00 pm, Game 2 @ 6.30 pm!
Saturday 8th November!
Ashhurst Beamers Yr 5/6 @ Timona Park - 8.30 am!
Ashhurst Allstars Yr 7/8 @ Ongley Park - 8.30 am
Turanga EOTC Transport!
Thank you so much for the quick response after the
newsletters yesterday. We now have enough transport
for returning to school from Highland Home. We still
require transport for the Gorge Walk on Thursday 20
November. Please see Carolyn Jones in Room 14 if you
are able to help out with this.
Ashhurst School Cups & Trophies!
Please return all Ashhurst School Cups and Trophies to
school as soon as possible. We require these for
engraving before prize giving at the end of the year.!
Should poor, innocent animals have to suffer just for us to
look good and smell nice? I'm Jenna and we need to stop
global animal testing now!!
A big part of animal testing is animal cruelty. Animal cruelty
is despicable, locked in cages with no sympathy, love or
affection, Mice, rabbits, guinea pigs, primates, cats, dogs and
other defenceless animals are tested inhumanely just for us
to have wrinkle free skin.!
Countless animals are harmed daily with different cosmetic
experiments, poked in the eye with a syringe or have a tube
shoved in their ear, nose and mouth.!
Horrible and unnecessary things happen to animals 24/7.
Toxic chemicals are tested on animals causing health problems
such as fatal injuries or diseases.!
Lab animals are deprived of everything natural to them. They
can't explore, run, scavenge, play, hunt or even choose a mate.!
You can see what hideous effects legal highs have on people.
It causes them to steal, commit violent crimes like family
violence and break the law in many different ways. It makes
them crazy and dangerous.!
These products are tested on animals before they are deemed
"safe" to be released to the public. Can you begin to imagine
what these animals go through when these products are
tested on them? I am disgusted that animals are tortured
just for people to get high!!
Humane Society International and SAFE are just some of the
organisations against animal testing. A whopping 115 million
animals are tested world wide every year! And 300 thousand
of them are in New Zealand alone.!
Astonishingly nearly 3 million animals have been used in
experiments in New Zealand over the past ten years for so
called scientific purposes. Scientists can get away with
harming animals just because they are professionals and are
"trying to help the world".!
to be continued next week …….!
Winning Speech from the Year 5/6 Speech contest By
Jenna Bowie!
The PTA are running their Christmas gift fundraiser again this
year. There are numerous different cookbooks to choose from
that have easy recipes using ingredients you have in the pantry,
plus gardening books and others. They make ideal Christmas
gifts. An order form is included with the newsletter. Please
make cheques payable to the Ashhurst School PTA. Spare order
forms are available from the office. Orders and payment must
be returned to the slot in the school office by 28 November.!
Children are producing art in their classes which can be used for
the calendars, cards, diaries and notebooks. These make
excellent Christmas gifts for family and friends. You can choose
your child's artwork or provide a photo of your choice.
Calendars and cards are $11 each, diaries are $15 and
notebooks $10. Order forms are available from the office.
Please return your orders with payment to the slot in the office
by 28 November. Any cheques should be made payable to
Ashhurst School PTA.!
Celebrating Success!
Well done to Taran Newton who took part in his first
competitive swimming camp at the weekend. He achieved
the following placings: 5th in 50m butterfly, 6th in 100m
freestyle and bronze in 100m butterfly and he managed to
beat all his personal best times.
Tue 11th Nov Kids for Kids @ Regent Theatre!
Wed 12th Nov! Transition to Wharite 7pm Staff Room!
Fri 14th Nov ! Year 3/4 Teddy ’n’ Toy Picnic!
Sat 15th Nov! Championship Day for Lamb & Calf!
Mon 17th Nov! EOTC Week!
Wed 26th Nov! Vision & Hearing Testing NE/Year 7!
Tue 2nd Dec! Year 8 Conference Day!
Tue 9th Dec! Athletics Day!
Thu 11th Dec ! Athletics Day PP!
Wed 17th Dec !Domain Day! !
Year 8 Dinner!
Thu 18th Dec! Final Assembly!
School Finishes at 12.30 pm