April 2014 Newsletter


April 2014 Newsletter
Issue 3
April 2014
Sponsored by the Main Street Moberly Organization Committee
Dear Members and Friends of Main Street Moberly,
Four weeks ago, I began my journey with Main Street and I am as excited now as I was the day I started! We truly have hidden
gems right here amongst our downtown merchants, shops and residents. As the days become warmer, I am looking forward to being out and about, again, visiting with each of you.
Recently, I’ve been asked where Main Street Moberly stands on the sales tax issue in support of the addition to the Randolph
County Justice Center. This issue will appear on the April 8th ballot. While Main Street doesn’t have an official statement on this
issue, it is important to relay that the Randolph County Commissioners have done a good job in educating the community about
this issue. Last month, all three Commissioners attended the Board of Directors meeting, sharing important information with the
representatives of Main Street Moberly. There are brochures in the MSM Office if you would like to stop in a pick one up.
The planning of another event is just beginning. The Promotion and Organizational Committees have begun talking about Moberly’s 150th Birthday celebration and while it is still several months away, Main Street Moberly hopes to have a significant role in
our 2016 Sesquicentennial. Details will become clearer in the next few months and will be shared in
future newsletters. In addition to the activities mentioned in this month’s newsletter, there are many
more noted on our Calendar of Events on the Main Street website, www.mainstreetmoberly.org. If
you would like to have a special event added to the calendar, please e-mail me at mainstreetmoberly@att.net or visit me at 112 N. 4th Street.
April 3, 2014
Design Committee Mtg.
8:15 a.m. at City Hall
Conference Room
April 8, 2014
Promotion & Organization Committee Meeting
8:00 a.m. at Main
Street Moberly Office
April 16, 2014
Main Street Moberly
Board Retreat,
5:30-7:30 p.m. at Main
Street Moberly Office
April 17, 2014
Due to the Board Retreat, there will be NO
regular Board Meeting
Spring is here and soon we’ll be
seeing beautiful flowers throughout the downtown area. Help us
brighten up our sidewalks by
sponsoring a decorative barrel
filled with varieties of bedding
plants, flowers and ornamental
grasses. To reserve or renew
your barrel, call the office today
at 263-5251.
Committee Meetings
1st Thursday of each
2nd Tuesday of each
2nd Tuesday of each
2nd Thursday of each
MSM Board
3rd Thursday of each
Main Street Moberly, Inc. is a not for profit organization dedicated to an
economically strong, safe, attractive and exciting downtown. Main Street
seeks to provide unified leadership to energize the business and residential life in the downtown area. Attracting new business and creating more
jobs, which in turn have a positive effect on the growth and economic
value of the entire Moberly area.
Main Street Moberly was founded in 1989 and it’s membership continues
to be comprised of property owners, businesses, non-profit organizations,
and citizens.
For more information on how to become a member, please contact Main
Street Moberly’s office at 263-5251.
What does each Committee do at Main Street Moberly?
Design - implementation of public improvements, public spaces, façade improvement, signs, parking and streetscapes.
Promotion - special events, retail promotions, brochures, image development.
Organization – public relations, fundraising, structure and overall work
Economic Restructuring - developing a competitive direction for the
downtown area, market surveys, business recruitment and business
retention activities.
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
5:30—7:30 p.m.
The Main Street Board Members will be attending the
Annual B.O.A.R.D.
(Board Orientation and Reorganization Dinner)
MSM Conference Room
We want to thank each of you for your continued support in helping with the enhancement efforts
of our downtown area.
Through the City of
Moberly’s recycled
paint program, left
over paint can be
used to help spruce
up the exterior of
your business. Wish you had
the time to touch up the trim
work or door to your business.
. .we can help with that, too.
The paint and painter—BOTH
ARE FREE! It doesn’t get any
better than that. Call the
MSM Office at 263-5251, we
can help arrange this service
for you.
Volunteers & Community Service
Page 3
Grow Mid-Missouri Resources for Small Businesses
Little Dixie Regional Library has
been the host for the first three
Brown Bag Lunch & Learn events
of this year.
In January, the topic was on the
value of networking, presented by
Corey Mehaffy, the Director of the
Moberly Area Economic Development Corporation.
The February presenters were Bob
Newman, SBA; Tom, St. Louis
Banker and Donna Hamilton, Enterprise Development Corporation . The three facilitators introduced new information on funding
options available for new and
growing small businesses
Ms. Hamilton spoke about the SBA
Real Estate Advantage Loan Program and how her services can
make borrowing a much easier
process than most think. “The SBA
Real Estate Advantage (504) Loan
Program can help small businesses
buy buildings for less money down
and at a fixed interest rate. The
SBA REAL (504) Loan Program is
meant to supplement but not replace conventional financing, and
can be used in conjunction with
the bank of the business’
choice. In most situations, businesses will qualify for a 10% down
payment and the portion of the
project that is financed with the
SBA REAL (504) Loan has an interest rate that is fixed for 20
years. This loan program only requires a few more documents than
what a bank would require and we
can typically get approval from
SBA on a loan application in 4-6
weeks. The typical financing structure is the bank will lend 50% in a
first lien position at a variable rate;
SBA will lend up to 40% in a second lien position and at a fixed
interest rate. The remaining 10%
will come from the borrower as a
down payment. The role of Enterprise Development Corporation is
to handle the application, closing
and funding processes for the borrower. Then, the loan is kept in our
portfolio, and if that borrower
needs something in the future, they
can contact us directly. For current
interest rates, and for more information, please check our website at
David Gaines, Assistant Director of
Moberly Area Economic Development Corporation, was the featured
speaker for March. Mr. Gaines presented tips for growing your business through sales. He focused on
building relationships through customer service.
The next Grow Mid-Missouri Brown
Bag Lunch & Learn is scheduled for
Tuesday, April 29th, in the Activities
Center at Moberly Area Community
MSM Welcomes!
629 W. Coates
416 West Reed
The Board Members of The Community
Kitchen would like to invite you to their 1st
Annual Luncheon on April 14. Tickets may be
purchased in advance by contacting any of the
following Board Members:
Judy Orscheln
Carol Brown
Ray Thomas
Richard Tregnago
Ann Miller
Eve Bagby
Marian Embree
Jean Gabbert
660 263-0991
660 277-4803
660 651-8919
660 263-5571
660 277-3556
660 651-4656
660 676-8641
The Community Kitchen is open to the public
and serves lunch every Wednesday and Saturday, 11:00 a.m.—1:30 p.m.
The Children’s Department of Little Dixie Regional Libraries is please to announce two upcoming storytelling events in the MonroeRandolph county area. Guest storyteller, Steve
Otto, will tell stories to area children of all
ages on Saturday, April 12th. Both performances are FREE and OPEN TO THE PUBLIC.
If you haven’t attended any of his performances, you certainly don’t want to miss either
of these storytelling opportunities at your local
public libraries! Main Street invites you to
spend some time downtown and stop by the
Little Dixie Regional Library. Settle back and
let your mind go free as you listen to some entertaining, exciting and inspiring stories told by
Steve Otto,
For details, contact Paula Hayslip at 660 2634426, ext. 4 or email her at phayslip@littledixie.lib.mo.us.
Sponsored by the Main Street Moberly
Organization Committee
To Main Street Moberly Business Owners & Friends
112 N. 4th Street
Moberly, MO 65270
Phone: 660-263-5251
Email: mainstreetmoberly@att.net
Like us on Facebook!
Main Street Moberly, Inc.
Public Meeting
April 14th, 3:00 p.m. @ Community Kitchen
Opening Day
May 1st, 3:30—7:00 p.m.
(honey, herbs, vegetables, plants, soaps, sugar scrubs and lots more!)

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