2016 Premium Book - Ramona Junior Fair
2016 Premium Book - Ramona Junior Fair
Artwork By: Michaela Evans Ramona Stars 4-H Ramona Junior Fair Board of Directors Table of Contents Robby Rstorton@cox.net Storton Jeff Redwood622@cox.net Vice President Becker Amanda Koolgirly2k@yahoo.com Secretary Garner Matt matt@ramonajuniorfair.org Treasurer Miller Fair Mary mmartineau@ ramonajuniorfair.org Administrator Martineau Doug dbearmar@qualcomm.com Board Member Bearmar Stacey Stacey.nelson@cox.net Board Member Nelson Jon Board Member jdonais@cox.net Donais Crissy Board Member gamabubble@aol.com Tobiason 4-H Michaela Representative Evans FFA Nicole Representative Donais Livestock Curtis crtsmartineau@yahoo.com Superintendent Martineau Additional Information Can be Found at www.ramonajuniorfair.com Item President Ramona Junior Fair Superintendents Bovine Justin Aspin Swine Joe Brewer Sheep/Goat Robin Becker Robby174@yahoo.com Poultry Nancy Troiano nancytroiano@yahoo.com Rabbit Rick & Debbie Leroy Cavy DeeDee Wier damitawier@yahoo.com Horse Kasey Bergman Dahkberg@cox.net Dog Marian Head lordhans@att.net Llama/Alpaca Denise Kelly Denise.kelly754@gmail.com Home Ec Kim Newcomer krnewcomer@cox.net Page #’s Schedule of Events 2 A Look at the Past 5 Years 3 Exhibitor Rules 4-6 Market & Auction Rules 7 - 10 Market Classes 11 - 13 Bred & Fed Rules & Classes 14 Pen of 3 & Best Presented Barn 15 Breeding Rules & Clases 16 - 22 Small Animal Rules & Classes 23 – 28 Llama/Alpaca Rules & Classes 29 – 30 Showmanship Rules & Classes 31 – 33 Horse Rules & Classes 34 – 36 Dog Rules & Classes 37 – 38 Home Economics & Industrial Arts Rules & Classes 39 – 41 Farmerboy247@sbcglobal.net Primary Rules & Classes Mailing Address: Ramona Junior Fair PO Box 618 Ramona, CA 92065 42 Physical Address: 431 Aqua Lane Ramona, CA 92065 Web Address: www.ramonajuniorfair.com 1 SCHEDULE OF EVENTS * All Times Below are Subject to Change SATURDAY, JULY 30 7:00 7:30 AM 8:30 AM 9:00 AM 9:00 AM-12:00 PM 2:00 PM 3:00 PM SUNDAY, JULY 31 Poultry Inspection & Check-In Dog Show Check-In Dog Show Poultry Show Home-Ec Check-In Rabbit/Cavy Check-In Rabbit/Cavy Show 7:00 AM 8:00 AM 8:00 AM Following Shows MONDAY, AUGUST 1 7:00 –11:00 AM 3:00 – 8:00 PM 8:30 PM * A break will be taken for lunch. Display & Tack Move-In Livestock Move-In & Weigh-In Opening Ceremonies 8:00 AM * A break will be taken for lunch. Market Swine Show Swine Showmanship Swine Bred & Fed 8:00 AM Market Special Fed Veal Show (Market, Showmanship, Bred & Fed) * A break will be taken for lunch. Breed Beef Show Market Beef Show Beef Showmanship Market Beef Bred & Fed Dairy Cattle Breed Show and Showmanship SATURDAY, AUGUST 6 Large Animal Round Robin Small Animal Round Robin Horse Show Check-In Horse Show 11:00 AM 12:30 PM 1:00 PM SUNDAY, AUGUST 7 10:00 AM 12:00 PM Market Sheep Show Market Goat Show Sheep Breed Show Breeding Boer Goat Show Showmanship (Sheep Followed by Goat) Bred & Fed (Sheep Followed by Goat) THURSDAY, AUGUST 4 FRIDAY, AUGUST 5 8:00 AM 11:00 AM 3:00 PM 4:00 PM Display Set-Up TUESDAY, AUGUST 2 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3 8:00 AM Animal Check-In Dairy Goat, Pygmy Goat, Angora Goat & Wool Breed Show Llama and Alpaca Show Buyer Check-In Begins Pre-Auction Announcements Auction of Swine, Rabbits, Goats, Chickens, & Sheep Break for Buyers’ Dinner Auction of Special Fed Veal, Turkey, and Beef After Auction Following Livestock Auction MONDAY, AUGUST 8 Awards & Closing Ceremony Move-Out of Livestock and Tack /Take Down of Show Grounds 6:00-11:00 AM 2 Finalize Take Down of Show Grounds A LOOK AT THE PAST 5 YEARS RJF Friends of the Fair The Ramona Junior Fair is 100 % organized and operated by volunteers. The fair works to recognize leaders from the community and participating 4-H, FFA, and Grange clubs for their dedication and participation to the fair. Each year the Ramona Junior Fair Board of Directors selects an outstanding contributor to the fair. We would like to recognize the past five recipients of this award and once again thank them for their service over the years. A list of all recipients can be found outside the Livestock Office during the fair. 2015 Russ & Cheryl Brean 2014 Rick & Debbie Leroy 2013 Bob & Carol Trimble, Specialty Meats 2012 Jim Robinson 2011 Ron Borchard, Ron’s Tire & Brake Past Grand Champions Year Market Beef Market Veal Market Swine Market Sheep Market Goat Poultry Meat Pen Rabbit Meat Pen Market Turkey 2015 Zachary Kertz Mackenzie Elmer Brenna Alvarez Megan Upson Kylie Konyn Andrew Donais Katie Flinn Leah GIll 2014 Jordan Zielinski Kylie Konyn Hannah Bergman Nicholas Taratino Nicole Booten Natalie Yorba Katie Flinn Kylie Konyn 2013 Garrett Barton Grace Berry Christopher Wier Alexis Cain Melissa Moe Elizabeth Dean Carney Flinn Michael Jaquez 2012 Brandon Hankins Kylie Konyn Christopher Wier Madolyn Sellier Hannah Gill Altair Bearmar Carney Flinn Michael Jaquez 2011 Andrew Hankins ______ Desiree Nihart Jamie Fox Ayiana Hernandez Garrett Barton Carney Flinn Hunter Lane Past Reserve Grand Champions Year Market Beef Market Veal Market Swine 2015 Aundreah Coye Kylie Konyn Dane Thomas 2014 Zachary Kertz Michael Jaquez Brenna Alvarez 2013 Caleb Crist Michael Jaquez Nacara-Jo Akins 2012 Andrew Hankins Grace Berry 2011 Brett Huff ______ Market Sheep Market Goat Poultry Meat Pen Rabbit Meat Pen Market Turkey Loha Leonui Megan Kelly Timothy Elmer Carney Flinn Kylie Konyn Kimberly Self Hannah Gil Keanna Reddish Carney Flinn Michael Jaquez Leah Gill Kimberly Self Altair Bearmar Katie Flinn Kylie Konyn Chandler Hall Trevor Crist Madolyn Sellier Kylie Konyn Katie Flinn Christopher Jaquez Gwen Alexander Sydney Lutgen Grace Martineau Miles Miller Katie Flinn Matt Kelly 3 RAMONA JUNIOR FAIR EXHIBITOR RULES 1. This handbook, also known as the Premium Book, is sent out in advance. The Ramona Junior Fair reserves the final and absolute right to interpret, amend, or add to these rules and regulations as deemed necessary. Any exhibitor found in violation of these rules, the By-Laws of the Ramona Junior Fair, or any directive(s) of any superintendent of the fair shall be penalized by forfeiture of awards, premiums, and privileges. 2. The Local Rules of the Ramona Junior Fair apply to all parents, leaders, advisors, exhibitors and their projects. If any rule is not specifically stated, the State Rules will be used as a guideline by the Ramona Junior Fair. It is the responsibility of each exhibitor to know and follow the aforementioned rules and any additional rules set by the Ramona Junior Fair. Copies of both the State Rules and Local Rules are located on our website: www.ramonajuniorfair.com. Printed copies can be attained by contacting the Fair Administrator. 3. The Ramona Junior fair is not liable for accidents or losses that may occur to any of the exhibitors or exhibits at the show. Liability insurance covering exhibits is at the discretion and responsibility of the exhibitor. Exhibitors shall hold the RJF harmless and indemnify it against any legal proceedings arising from any accident or loss. 4. Market classes of the Ramona Junior Fair are open only to 4-H, Grange, and FFA members in clubs or chapters North of the Southern boundaries of Del Mar, Poway, Ramona, Santa Ysabel, and Julian areas and within the boundaries of San Diego County. 5. Breeding, Small Animal, Llama/Alpaca, and Home Economics classes of the Ramona Junior Fair are open only to 4-H, Grange, and FFA members in clubs or chapters in San Diego, Riverside, and Imperial Counties. 6. All Youth Exhibitors must be under the supervision of Club/Chapter leader while on the Fairgrounds. 7. EXHIBITOR ELIGIBILITY: Exhibitors must be enrolled in 4-H, Grange, or FFA to participate in the Ramona Junior Fair. In order to exhibit a specific species of animal, exhibitors must be enrolled in the organization and project under which they are exhibiting. Exhibitors not meeting these requirements will not be eligible to show at the Ramona Junior Fair. Exhibitors must also meet age requirements set forth in the State Rules. See State Rule VII for age requirements. Failure to follow the eligibility requirements or refusal of the leader or advisor to sign the entry form when required will prevent the exhibitor from entering that particular class. 8. ONLINE ENTRIES: Entries must be completed online by MIDNIGHT on Saturday, July 9, 2016. Any entries electronically time stamped after this deadline will not be accepted. An original copy of the online receipt must be signed by the exhibitor and a guardian and submitted to the leader/advisor. Signatures of 4-H Leader, Grange Leader, or FFA Advisor are also required on each receipt. First Aid Parent Permission/Emergency Contact forms MUST be submitted with entries for each exhibitor. 9. LEADER/ADVISOR ELIGIBILITY: Leaders/Advisors signing entry forms must be properly registered with the organization which they are representing. Entry forms signed by unregistered leaders/advisors will result in those exhibitor entries being removed from fair. Signatures will be verified with the appropriate organization. 10. COMPLETED ENTRIES: Club leaders/advisors must review group entries then submit the printed receipts (with any hand written adjustments to be made to entries) Club Summary Sheet, First Aid Forms, and fees to: Ramona Junior Fair, PO Box 618, Ramona, CA 92065 no later than Wednesday, July 13. Mailed entries must be received within 10 calendar days after the deadline. Any entry form received after this time, regardless of postmark, will not be accepted. Only official USPS postmarks will be used to determine eligibility. RJF is not responsible for any lost or misdirected mail. Hand delivered entries and fees will be accepted in the Livestock Office by appointment only. Overpaid fees and fees paid on entries made and not exhibited are non-refundable except as noted in the State Rules. Monies/fees MUST be received with all entry forms by entry closing date. Clubs/Chapters must submit ONE check for all entry, camping, and additional parking fees (if necessary). Please no cash! Additional instructions for completing entries can be found on the Ramona Junior Fair website. 4 RAMONA JUNIOR FAIR EXHIBITOR RULES 11. Any check not honored by the bank prior to opening ceremonies of the Fair will result in the entry(s) being withdrawn. 12. Presentation of completed entry form shall be deemed acceptance of all rules. Acceptance includes permission to use your name, photograph, and exhibit for the media. 13. The Ramona Junior Fair Board of Directors reserves the right to reject any exhibit offered if it is objectionable in any way, requires an excessive amount of space, or the capacity of the department has been reached. 14. Entries and exhibits must be on exhibit at the official opening of the fair or at the time specified elsewhere in this Premium Book except as determined by fair management in cases of sickness, accident, death, disciplinary actions requested by a youth program supervisor, or other circumstances which are in the best interest of the Ramona Junior Fair. Exhibits that are removed from the fair may not return. Any exhibit not picked up on specified date becomes property of the Ramona Junior Fair and will be disposed of promptly. 15. 4-H, Grange, and FFA exhibitors will show together in their respective classes. 16. PREMIUMS: All premium money will be paid from the awards and placings marked by the judges in the official judging books and not from ribbons that may be attached to the exhibits. Premium money will not be awarded in classes with less than three (3) exhibitors per class. No more than two (2) premiums will be paid per exhibitor, per class. The Ramona Junior Fair assumes no responsibility for special awards offered by clubs, individuals, or sanctioning bodies. 17. PREMIUM SCHEDULE: Please see division pages throughout Premium Book for premiums paid. 18. ADDRESS CHANGES: It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to notify the Ramona Junior Fair of any address changes which occur after entries are submitted. 19. EXHIBITOR CHECKS & PICTURES: All checks for premiums and auction earnings will be made payable to the exhibitor as listed on the entry form. Checks and pictures will be mailed within 30 days after the close of the Fair to the address shown on the entry form. Auction checks may be held longer if buyer has not paid. Checks not cashed within 12 months from the date of issue will be forfeited. Replacement checks may be subject to a $25.00 stop payment fee. 20. Each exhibitor MUST SHOW/EXHIBIT HIS/HER OWN ANIMAL/PROJECT in accordance with the time schedule for the judging of that class/section, unless extraordinary reasons and a variance is approved by the Fair Board. Failure to do so will result in disqualification with forfeiting of any and all awards/premiums to that exhibit. 21. A variance may be granted to the exhibitor following the death of his or her animal. It is also understood that the new animal is NOT eligible to compete for Champion at any level. A variance proposal must be presented to the Fair Board. In addition, the following documents must be presented to the board: a. A letter/statement from the exhibitor that is signed by the exhibitor, parent, and advisor/leader and specifies ear tag number, species, and the information of the owner of the deceased animal. b. A death certificate from the veterinarian. c. A copy of the bill of sale for the new animal. 5 RAMONA JUNIOR FAIR EXHIBITOR RULES 22. OFFICIAL UNIFORMS: All 4-H, Grange, and FFA members exhibiting livestock must wear the official uniform of their organization while showing or selling their animals. Dress code compliance is the responsibility of the 4-H and Grange Leaders and FFA Advisors. For 4-H exhibitors, blue denim jeans will be optional for the market classes only. Criteria for jeans are as follows: jeans must be clean, unfaded, free from holes and fraying, and worn in a fashion consistent with the values of the Ramona Junior Fair. Traditional whites are required for showmanship and auction sale. The Ramona Junior Fair will enforce the 4-H, Grange, and FFA standards of attire for exhibitors in market and showmanship classes and auction sale upon the direction of the superintendent before an exhibitor enters the ring. 23. ATTIRE: When on the grounds, exhibitors must be neatly attired, wear close-toed shoes, and conduct themselves in a quiet and orderly manner. Failure to do so may result in removal from the fairgrounds. 24. All persons in the barn areas must observe NO SMOKING rules. 25. Bikes, skates/rollerblades, skateboards, motorcycles, and/or electric gas carts will not be allowed in the Livestock area. 26. ANIMALS: No animal shall be admitted to or remain on the Fairgrounds from any premises under quarantine or that shows any evidence of any active, communicable disease or condition, parasites, or fungus. No animals other than those officially entered will be allowed in the Livestock area with the exception of Guide Animals. 27. CHANGES: The Ramona Junior Fair Board of Directors reserves the right to move animals and/or entries, if necessary and to change the scheduled program as needed. 28. PROTEST: The judges’ decisions cannot be protested. All protests must be presented to The Ramona Junior Fair Board of Directors in writing within 24 hours of the alleged violation and must be accompanied by a $50.00 deposit (cash, money order, certified check). Protests will be considered only if there has been a violation of the rules as stated in this Premium Book. All protests and actions are decided by the Ramona Junior Fair Board of Directors. 29. The decision of the Ramona Junior Fair Board of Directors shall be final and binding. The Ramona Junior Fair assumes no liability or responsibility not herein expressed. 6 MARKET EXHIBITOR RULES (Beef, Special Fed Veal, Swine, Sheep, Goats, & Meat Pens) 1. MARKET ANIMAL OWNERSHIP: Before the day of weigh-in, a market animal must be owned, managed, and personally cared for by the exhibitor for no less than: Market Beef……………….. 120 consecutive days Special Fed Veal……………..60 consecutive days Swine………………………….... 60 consecutive days Sheep……………………………. 60 consecutive days Goats…………………………….. 60 consecutive days Meat Pens…………………..… 30 consecutive days & exhibitor enrolled in the project for no less than 60 days 2. PROOF OF OWNERSHIP: Proof of ownership for market beef and special fed veal will be a brand inspection, bill of sale, or signed statement and project record showing animal was bred by exhibitor and will be required at scale. Proof of ownership for ALL species may be required at scale upon request of Fair Management. 3. PREVIOUS OWNERSHIP: Animals that were previously sold through any junior livestock auction are NOT eligible for any market shows of the Ramona Junior Fair. Animals may be eligible for breeding shows if ownership deadlines are met. 4. MARKET ANIMAL EXHIBITORS: Market projects must be housed in San Diego County and be personally cared for by the exhibitor that resides in San Diego County. Leader/advisor signature on the entry form serves as proof that the project was personally cared for by the exhibitor in its respective youth agriculture program. Animal projects raised outside of San Diego County will no longer be permitted entry into the market show. 5. PRE-TAGGING: All market animals must be pre-tagged. There will be no tagging of any kind allowed at the scales. All Clubs/Chapters are responsible for obtaining required large market animal tags from the Livestock Superintendent and tagging their own animals according to the instructions provided prior to the entry deadline. All meat pen rabbits must be tattooed. All poultry meat pen birds must be identified with leg bands. Tag numbers, tattoos, and leg band numbers must be included on entry forms. The tagging deadline for all species is the same as the entry deadline. All unused tags must be returned with entry forms. Tags and bands must be attached and remain on the animal at all times until removal from the fair or awards will not be paid. Replacement tags may be obtained from the Livestock Superintendent. 6. LIMIT OF ENTRIES: Exhibitors are limited to a total of three market animals. Large Livestock: Up to two (2) of each species. Meat Pens: A maximum of two (2) entries, only one of each species. Meat pens are considered one animal. If the number of animals entered exceeds barn capacity, the Ramona Junior Fair Board will exclude second animal species. 7. DISPLAYS: All displays must be completely installed by 9:00 PM the day before livestock move in. Each animal’s pen/stall must be individually identified with a minimum of exhibitor name and animal ear tag number. All displays must not be solid, must allow for at least 50% flow through ventilation, and must start above the pen panels (not below). Materials used in decorating stalls, pens, racks, exhibits, or booths must be made from nonflammable material or treated and maintained in a flame retardant condition. The Ramona Junior Fair Board reserves the right to approve the displays. Those deemed inappropriate must be modified or removed as directed. 8. Boards used in the sheep, goat, and swine barns in addition to the pens provided by the fair must not exceed 8 inches from the ground to the top of the board and cannot inhibit air flow. 9. Cooling and heating devices must be approved by the Livestock Superintendent before use. 7 MARKET EXHIBITOR RULES 10. WEIGH-IN: Animals will be weighed on Monday, August 1, 2016 between the hours of 3:00 PM and 8:00 PM. Only exhibitors, staff, leaders, and advisors may handle livestock in the weigh-in area. All animals must be given the opportunity to drink prior to stepping on scale, no animal will be force watered. No overly fatigued or wet animals will be allowed on the scales. Animals not clean enough for health screening will be refused. Only exhibitors whose animals did not make market weight may request a re-weigh BEFORE the exhibitor leaves the scale area. 11. LARGE ANIMAL WEIGHT LIMITS: Below are the weight ranges for each species: Species Minimum Weight Maximum Auction Pay Weight Market Beef 900 1,375 Special Fed Veal 150 450 (451+ lbs not eligible for auction) Swine 200 290 Sheep 100 175 Goat 55 125 Underweight beef, special fed veal, swine, sheep, and goats will be judged in appropriate feeder classes. Underweight animals are not eligible for Auction. Exhibitors with animals going over the Maximum Auction Pay Weight will only be paid for the maximum weight listed. Special Fed Veal going over 450 pounds will not be eligible for auction. 12. MEAT PEN REQUIREMENTS: Below are the requirements of animals found in chicken, turkey, and rabbit meat pens: Species Maximum Age Minimum Weight Chicken Meat Pen 8 Weeks** 3 Birds No Less Than 4 Pounds Each Turkey Meat Pen 18 Weeks** 1 Bird No Less Than 14 Pounds Rabbit Meat Pen 10 Weeks** 3 Rabbits Weighing 3.5- 5.5 Pounds Each ** A hatchery receipt or delivery invoice must be submitted with entries. The base date for computing the age of the animal shall be the day the animal is to be judged. 13. SCRAPIE (Sheep & Goats): Pursuant to USDA standards, all sheep and goats entering fairs are required to have official Scrapie Identification. All out of state sheep and goats are required to have official identification, a certificate of veterinarian inspection, and California entry permit. See State Rule X, Sheep and Goats Health Rules. 14. HORNS: All market animals with horns, except veal, must be dehorned or disbudded. Scurs or blunted horns may be allowed at the discretion of the Ramona Junior Fair Board. 8 MARKET EXHIBITOR RULES 15. DRUG TESTING: The veterinarian and/or Ramona Junior Fair Board of Directors may order a drug test at any time. Each exhibitor must complete and sign a Declaration of Medication form prior to the start of the fair. This form MUST be signed by the exhibitor and the 4-H Leader, Grange Leader, or FFA Advisor. Exhibitors agree that the Ramona Junior Fair shall be entitled to disqualify any exhibitor whose animal tests positive for any drug. 16. UNRULY ANIMALS will be removed at the discretion of the Livestock Superintendent or any Ramona Junior Fair Board Member at any time. No muzzles or bull rings may be used at any time during the fair. 17. ANIMAL ILLNESS: Any animal showing evidence of illness will be immediately removed from the Fairgrounds. The decision of the veterinarian is final. Any and all medication must be reported to the Livestock Office. Prior to treating any animal, veterinarians and/or exhibitors must report to the Livestock Office. 18. VET SERVICE: Exhibitors who fail to pay for veterinarian services rendered by the contracted fair veterinarian will not be permitted to show or sell until outstanding bills have been settled. 19. BEDDING: The bedding used will be shavings due to recycling requirements. Manure and waste must be placed in designated areas. 20. BARNS: Cleaning and feeding must be completed by 7:00 AM and 7:00 PM each day. Pens MUST be cleaned daily. Barns will be open from 6:00 AM until 10:00 PM. There will be no access to the barns from 10:00 PM to 6:00 AM. 21. NECK ROPES: All cattle must be tied with neck ropes by the end of move-in. 22. GROOMING: No grooming products or material of any kind is allowed. No alterations may be made to the natural conformation, color, or weight of the animal except to identify the animal by chip, ear notch, or ear tag. All animals should arrive clean and remain clean, animals not clean enough will be removed from grounds. Only exhibitors will be allowed to groom or handle animals. Adults or non-exhibitors found grooming or handling animals risk disqualification of entry, ineligibility for auction, and/or dismissal from the property. SHEEP: Prior to arrival at the show, sheep must have legal tail docks and no more than one (1) inch of stretched fleece at any point on their bodies. BEEF: Prior to arrival at the show, steers must be pre-clipped to no more than ¼ inch of hair on any part of the body from the hock up, with the exception of the ears and tail switch from the twist down. Hair length will be checked at the time of weigh-in. Those not complying with clipping standards will be turned away at the scale. 23. JUDGING: The Danish System of judging will be used for all market classes. The American system of judging will be used for all showmanship classes. A judge’s decision is final. The Ramona Junior Fair Board may not and will not request any changes in the judges’ ruling. 24. All large market animals and Grand and Reserve Champion Meat Pen animals must remain on the fairgrounds until the close of the fair. LIVESTOCK AUCTION RULES 1. Only blue and red ribbon animals will be eligible for auction. 2. The Auction will be held on Saturday, August 6th, 2016 starting at 1:00 PM. Buyer registration will begin at 11:00 AM. The Buyers’ Dinner will be held between the auction of sheep and special fed veal. 3. All Grand and Reserve Grand Champions must sell through the auction. NO EXCEPTIONS! 4. Each exhibitor is limited to one (1) large animal sale in the auction, except for exhibitors with multiple champion animals. 9 LIVESTOCK AUCTION RULES 5. Exhibitors with Grand or Reserve Champion Meat Pens may also sell one (1) eligible large animal through the auction. 6. A processing fee of 3% of sale price and a photography fee will be charged for each animal sold at the auction. The fees will be deducted from the seller’s payment check. 7. Each exhibitor MUST SHOW HIS/HER OWN ANIMAL THROUGH THE AUCTION unless extraordinary reasons and prior arrangement is made with the Ramona Junior Fair Board. Failure to do so will result in the forfeiting of any and all premiums earned. 8. The Ramona Junior Fair Livestock Auction will hire a professional photographer. Two 8X10 photographs of each animal auctioned will be provided at a cost determined by the photographer. One photograph must be furnished by the seller to the original buyer. Any photo taken, other than the original sale photo, is considered an additional photo and must be paid for by the exhibitor at the time the photo is taken. 9. Auction participants must agree to waive their “right to reserve bid” and authorize the Fair to sell “without reserve” to the highest bidder. ALL SALES ARE FINAL! 10. Classification weight of large market animals at the scale will serve as sale weight, with no shrinkage taken. Meat Pens will be sold as one unit. 11. Exhibitors of auction animals will be responsible for the proper care of the animal until it is delivered to the buyer or agent on specified date and time. Packer truck schedule will be announced following awards ceremony. A $25.00 handling fee will be charged to the exhibitor in the event of late or non-delivery of his/her animal. 12. All animals must be presented, according to the sale order, in the auction ring in a well-groomed and natural condition. No grooming or unnatural products (i.e.: spray glue, paint, glitter, etc.) may be placed on the animal by anyone other than Fair Management before, during, or after the auction. Animals that have been altered in any way may be removed from the auction. 13. Upon request, sales slips showing weight, price per pound, and total sale amount may be furnished to a seller. In case of dispute the sales slip and/or the official Auction Book is what will be used to determine the sale amount. 14. The Auction Committee is acting agent for the seller, but is not responsible for any contract liability between buyer and seller. 15. A hauling/processing fee for animals sent to the State Plant will be charged to the buyer at the time of purchase. 16. Any exhibitor having more than one animal eligible for auction must notify the Livestock Office as to which animal(s) will be scratched. Scratch sheets will be available in the Livestock Office, for animals not going through the Auction and must be completed no later than 4:00 PM on the evening of the last market show. Auction scratches not completed by this time will be determined by the Ramona Junior Fair Board. A final Auction List will be posted and must be reviewed by the exhibitor no later than 8:00 AM the day prior to the Auction. All changes made after this time are subject to a fee or possible refusal of the Ramona Junior Fair. 17. Barn sales of each species begin at the conclusion of the auction for that species, no sooner. “For Sale” signs cannot be posted in the barns until after that species has been concluded in its entirety from the auction. Exhibitors found advertising prior to the conclusion of the species will forfeit the right to barn sale. 18. The Ramona Junior Fair is not responsible for payment of barn sale animals. This is a private party sale. 19. Auction checks will be mailed a minimum of 30 days after the auction. Any exhibitor who has not received their auction check by October 1st must notify the Ramona Junior Fair Board no later than October 15th. After October 15th a $25.00 reissue fee may be deducted from payment. Checks not cashed within 12 months of issue date will be forfeited. AUCTION ORDER Swine, Rabbit Meat Pens, Goats, Chicken Meat Pens, Sheep, Buyers’ Dinner, Special Fed Veal, Turkey Meat Pens, Beef 10 MARKET SPECIAL FED VEAL DIVISION MARKET BEEF DIVISION Entry Fee: $15.00 per entry Premiums Per Section: None Entry Fee: $15.00 per entry Premiums Per Section: None All breeds are judged together. Heifers entered in a Market Beef Class may not be entered in a Breeding Beef Class. Castration of bulls is required. All underweight cattle will be automatically moved to the Feeder Beef Class. Special Fed Veal calves are fed primarily milk or milk replacer. They must be purebred dairy or dairy cross. Castration and dehorning are not required. Calves may not be older than 18 weeks of age on the date of weigh-in. All underweight calves will be automatically moved to the Feeder Special Fed Veal Class. Division Class Description BCM 121 Market Beef Division Class BCV 140 BCV 150 Feeder Beef BCF 130 Description Market Special Fed Veal (301 to 899 lbs) (150 to 450 lbs) Feeder Special Fed Veal 11 (Under 149 lbs) MARKET SWINE DIVISION MARKET SHEEP DIVISION Entry Fee: $15.00 per entry Premiums Per Section: None Entry Fee: $15.00 per entry Premiums Per Section: None All breeds are judged together. Castration is required. All underweight swine will be automatically moved to the Feeder Swine Class. All breeds are judged together. Castration is required. Ewes entered in Market Sheep Class may not be entered in a Breeding Sheep Class. All underweight sheep will be automatically moved to the Feeder Sheep Class. Division Class Description HOM 320 Market Swine HOF 330 Feeder Swine (90-199 lbs) Division Class Description SHM 440 Market Sheep SHF 450 Feeder Sheep 12 (55 to 99 lbs) MARKET GOAT DIVISION MEAT PEN DIVISION Entry Fee: $15.00 per entry Premiums Per Section: None Entry Fee: $15.00 per entry Premiums Per Section: None All breeds are judged together. Castration and dehorning is required. All underweight market goats will be automatically moved to the Feeer Goat Class. Exhibitors are limited to two meat pen entries. Only one entry per species. All meat pens must be of same breed and variety. Breed must be entered on entry form. All animals are weighed at check-in. Division Class Description GM 600 Market Goat Division 300 Description Chicken Meat Pen Feeder Goat GF Class PMP (Less than 54 lbs) 741 (3 Birds; No more than 8 weeks of age and no less than 4 lbs each) Turkey Meat Pen PTP 780 (1 Bird; No more than 18 weeks of age and no less than 14 lbs) Rabbit Meat Pen RMP 651 P 13 (3 Rabbits; No more than 10 weeks of age and weighing between 3.5 and 5.5 pounds) BRED AND FED RULES & CLASSES (Beef, Special Fed Veal, Swine, Sheep, & Goats) Entry Fee: $10.00 per entry Premiums Per Section: 1st Through 3rd To Be Determined Ribbons: Through 10th Place 1. Bred and Fed classes must be pre-entered and are open to market animals only. 2. One animal per species, per exhibitor. 3. A minimum of three (3) class entries per division is required for classes to occur. If combining the age division allows for species competition, Junior and Senior level entries will be combined. 4. Animals must have been bred by and born to a San Diego County based breeder. Proof of breeders’ current address (no Post Office Boxes) required on Bill of Sale. Copy of Bill of Sale is required with entry. 5. IDENTIFICATION: For Sheep and Goats will be Scrapie tag and for Swine it will be ear notching as defined by National Swine Registry. No other form of ID is valid. 6. WORKBOOK: To compete in classes at the Fair, all exhibitors must submit a completed Bred and Fed Workbook with entries. Workbooks and judging rubrics are located on our website: www.ramonajuniorfair.com. 7. CLASSES: An Exhibitor age 9 to 13 as of January 1 of the current year, will be entered in the Junior Division of the Bred and Fed Classes. An Exhibitor age 14 to 19 as of January 1 of the current year, will be entered in the Senior Division of the Bred and Fed Classes. 8. PLACINGS: Final placings will be based on total scores based on placing in market, showmanship, and book scores. Exhibitors must show their Bred and Fed animal in market and showmanship classes to qualify. 9. AWARDS: Premiums will be awarded for 1st through 3rd place. Belt Buckles will be awarded for first place of each Division in each Species. Rosettes will be awarded through 10th place. MARKET BEEF BRED & FED MARKET SPECIAL FED VEAL BRED & FED Division Class Description Division Class Description BBF BBF 101 102 Junior: Age 9 - 13 Senior: Age 14 - 19 VBF VBF 101 102 Junior: Age 9 - 13 Senior: Age 14 - 19 MARKET SWINE BRED & FED MARKET SHEEP BRED & FED Division Class Description Division Class Description HBF HBF 101 102 Junior: Age 9 - 13 Senior: Age 14 - 19 SBF SBF 101 102 Junior: Age 9 - 13 Senior: Age 14 - 19 MARKET GOAT BRED & FED Division Clas Description GBF GBF 101 102 Junior: Age 9 - 13 Senior: Age 14 - 19 14 PEN OF THREE RULES & CLASSES Entry Fee: None Premiums Per Species: None Ribbons: Through 8th Place 1. A group of three (3) animals from one club, not necessarily of the same breed, age, or sex that were shown as individuals may be entered. 2. Each club or chapter may enter more than one group. 3. Not more than one (1) animal may be owned by any one member. 4. Classes will be held after all Market classes are judged. No prior entry is necessary. Entries may be made ringside. BEST PRESENTED BARN RULES & CLASSES Entry Fee: None Premiums Per Section: None Awards: *Trophy for 1st place of each species. * Overall Best Presented Barn Award will be awarded to the club or chapter with the highest average score. 1. Entry must be made by club or chapter no later than 10:00 AM the morning following opening ceremonies. 2. Entries are open to all species remaining on grounds for the entirety of the fair: Beef, Special Fed Veal, Swine, Sheep, Goats, and any Breeding Animals staying on the grounds. 3. JUDGING: Entries will be judged in six (6) categories: Cleanliness of Pens and Aisles (30%), Club/Chapter Sign (10%), Individual Animal Signs (10%), Educational Display (30%), Security of Animals (10%), Tools Kept Safe and Neat (10%). 15 BREED EXHIBITOR RULES (Beef, Dairy Cattle, Sheep, Wool Sheep, Dairy Goats, Angora Goats, & Breeding Boer Goats) 1. Breed shows are open to all 4-H, Grange, and FFA members in clubs and chapters within San Diego, Imperial, and Riverside Counties. 2. All Breeding Shows are one day shows. 3. All breeding animals must arrive no later than 7:00 AM the morning of and leave the evening of their respective show unless prior arrangements were made with the Ramona Junior Fair Board. 4. BREEDING ANIMAL OWNERSHIP: All Breeding Animals must be owned and supervised for no less than 30 consecutive days before the day of the show. 5. ENTRIES: Breeds, Dates of Birth AND Identification MUST be noted on online breed entries. 6. LIMIT OF ENTRIES: If the number of animals entered exceeds barn capacity, the Ramona Junior Fair Board reserves the right to limit entries. 7. DAIRY & BREEDING ANIMAL AGE: The base date for computing the age of the animal shall be the day the animal is to be judged. 8. Ramona Junior Fair Market Animal ear tags may NOT be used for identification of breeding animals. 9. BREEDING SHEEP & BOER GOATS: Must be identified by flock numbers which shall be on regular and practical tags attached to the ear or tattooed in the ear. 10. WOOL SHEEP/ANGORA GOATS: May not show more than twelve (12) months of fleece growth. 11. DAIRY GOATS: Will be judged according to current A.D.G.A. classes and rules. The Junior Division consists of does that are under 24 months of age that are not in milk and have never freshened. The Senior Division consists of does that are 24 months of age or over that have ever freshened or are in milk. This includes dry milkers. 12. BREEDING BOER GOATS: Full blooded and percentage does will show together. Bucks must be full blood or American purebred. 13. SCRAPIE (Sheep & Goats): Pursuant to USDA standards, all sheep and goats entering fairs are required to have official Scrapie Identification. All out of state sheep and goats are required to have official identification, a certificate of veterinarian inspection, and California entry permit. See State Rule X, Sheep and Goats Health Rules. 14. HORNS: Horns are permitted on breeding boer goats, angora goats, and breeding sheep only. All other breeding animals with horns must be dehorned or disbudded. Scurs or blunted horns may be allowed at the discretion of the Ramona Junior Fair Board. 15. Breeding animals may be used in Showmanship. 16. JUDGING: The American System of judging will be used for all Breeding Classes. A judge’s decision is final. The Ramona Junior Fair Board may not and will not request any changes in the judges’ ruling. 17. All breeds will be judged together unless otherwise specified. 18. PREMIUMS & AWARDS: Best in Show and Reserve Best in Show of each species will receive an award and rosette. Grand and Reserve Champions of each Division will receive a rosette. Class Winners- 1st- $15, 2nd- $10, 3rd- $5. 16 BREEDING BEEF DIVISION Entry Fee: $5.00 per entry Premiums & Awards: See Breeding Rules DAIRY CATTLE DIVISION Entry Fee: $5.00 per entry Premiums & Awards: See Breeding Rules BULLS REGISTERED FEMALES Registered or Grade/Unregistered Purebred Division Class Description Age BCB 101 Senior Yearling 19 Mos & Older BCB 102 Junior Yearling 13 - 18 Mos BCB 103 Senior Calf 7 - 12 Mos BCB 104 Junior Calf 3 - 6 Mos FEMALES Division Class Description Age DCR 200 2 Yrs or More 24 Months & Older DCR 201 Senior Yearling 18–23 Months DCR 202 Junior Yearling 12-17 Months DCR 203 Senior Calf 8-11 Months DCR 204 Junior Calf 4-7 Months GRADE OR UNREGISTERED FEMALES Registered or Grade/Unregistered Purebred Division Class Description Age BCB 111 Senior Yearling 19 Mos & Older BCB 112 Junior Yearling 13 - 18 Mos BCB 113 Senior Calf 7 - 12 Mos BCB 114 Junior Calf 3 - 6 Mos Division Class Description Age DCG 210 2 Yrs or More 24 Months & Older DCG 211 Senior Yearling 18–23 Months DCG 212 Junior Yearling 12-17 Months DCG 213 Senior Calf 8-11 Months DCG 214 Junior Calf 4-7 Months COW/CALF PAIR Division Class Description BCP Cow with natural or implant calf at side. Calf not more than 250 days old. 220 FEMALE PAIR 17 Division Class Description Age DCP Two Animals Owned by One Exhibitor All 220 BREEDING SHEEP DIVISION Entry Fee: $5.00 per entry Premiums & Awards: See Breeding Rules WOOL SHEEP DIVISION Entry Fee: $5.00 per entry Premiums & Awards: See Breeding Rules RAMS RAMS Registered or Grade/Unregistered Purebred Division Class Description Age SRR 400 Ram Lamb 24 Mos and Older SRR 401 Yearling 12-23 Mos SRR 402 Fall Lamb 8 - 11 Mos SRR 403 Spring Lamb 2 - 7 Mos Class Description Age SER 410 Ewe Lamb 24 Mos and Older SER 411 Yearling 12-23 Mos SER 412 Fall Lamb 8 - 11 Mos SER 413 Spring Lamb 2 - 7 Mos Class Description Age SEG 430 Ewe Lamb 24 Mos and Older SEG 431 Yearling 12-23 Mos SEG 432 Fall Lamb 8 - 11 Mos SEG 433 Spring Lamb 2 - 7 Mos Description Age SWR 470 Yearling 12 Mos & Older SWR 471 Fall Lamb 8 - 11 Months SWR 472 Spring Lamb 4 -7 Months Division Class Description Age SWE 480 Yearling 12 Mos & Older SWE 481 Fall Lamb 8 - 11 Months SWE 482 Spring Lamb 4 -7 Months WETHERS GRADE/UNREGISTERED PUREBRED EWES Division Class EWES REGISTERED EWES Division Division Division Class Description SWW 491 Wethers under one year SWW 492 Wethers over one year YOUNG FLOCK Division Class Description SWF 490 Fall/Spring Ram & 2 Fall/Spring Ewes WOOL SHEEP SHOWMANSHIP Division Class Description SHWS 101 Junior SHWS 102 Intermediate SHWS 103 Senior YOUNG FLOCK Division Class Description SYF 420 Fall/Spring Ram & 2 Fall/Spring Ewes 18 WOOL DIVISION Entry Fee: $2.00 per entry Premiums: See Breeding Rules Special Rules: YOUNG FLEECE Division Class Description WDF 101 Wool Breeds WDF 102 Meat Breeds WDF 103 Angora Goats 1) All Fleeces must have been sheared in the spring or summer prior to the opening date of the fair and will be disqualified for more than 13 months growth. Each entry shall be one whole fleece and be properly tied or placed in a clear plastic bag. 2) All fleeces entered must have been sheared from sheep owned by the exhibitor. 3) Fleeces will be turned in to the Livestock Office on Tuesday, move in day. ANGORA GOAT DIVISION Premiums & Awards: See Breeding Rules Entry Fee: $5.00 per entry REGISTERED OR UNREGISTERED PUREBRED BUCKS Division Class Description Age AGB 501 Yearling Buck 12- Under 24 Months AGB 502 Kid Buck 4 – Under 12 Months WETHERS REGISTERED OR UNREGISTERED PUREBRED DOES Division Class Description Age AGW 501 Senior Wether 2 Years and Older AGW 502 Yearling Wether 12- Under 24 Month AGW 503 Kid Wether 4 – Under 12 Months ANGORA GOAT SHOWMANSHIP Division Class Description Age Division Class Description AGD 501 Senior Doe 2 Years and Older AGS 101 Junior AGD 502 Yearling Doe 12- Under 24 Months AGS 102 Intermediate AGD 503 Kid Doe 4 – Under 12 Months AGS 103 Senior 19 DAIRY GOAT DIVISION Entry Fee: $5.00 per entry Premiums & Awards: See Breeding Rules ALL PUREBREEDS GRADES OR UNREGISTERED PUREBREDS JUNIOR DOES JUNIOR DOES Division Class Description Age Division Class Description Age AJD 1 Junior Kids Under 4 Months RJD 1 Junior Kids Under 4 Months AJD 2 Senior Kids 4 – Under 8 Months RJD 2 Senior Kids 4 – Under 8 Months AJD 3 Junior Yearling 8 – Under 12 Months RJD 3 Junior Yearling 8 – Under 12 Months AJD 4 Senior Yearling 12 – Under 24 Months RJD 4 Senior Yearling 12 – Under 24 Months SENIOR DOES SENIOR DOES Division Class Description Division Class Description ASD 1 Under 2 Years (In Milk) RSD 1 Under 2 Years (In Milk) ASD 2 2 Years Old RSD 2 2 Years Old ASD 3 3 & 4 Years Old RSD 3 3 & 4 Years Old ASD 4 5 Years Old & Older RSD 4 5 Years Old & Older New to the 2016 Ramona Junior Fair Dairy Goat Show If each division/class has 4 or more of one breed, that breed (or breeds) will be divided into a separate class. (Example- AJD2 has 4 Nigerian Dwarf, 5 Nubian, 2 Toggenburg, 2 Alpine. The class would be AJD2 (A) Nigerian Dwarfs, AJD 2(B) Nubians, AJD 3(C) All Other Breeds. All three class winners could compete for Champion/Reserve Champoin Junior Doe. 20 MINIATURE DAIRY GOAT DIVISION Entry Fee: $5.00 per entry Premiums will be awarded per Breed Show Schedule. ALL PUREBREEDS JUNIOR DOES Division Class Description Age MJD 1 Junior Kids Under 4 Months MJD 2 Senior Kids 4 – Under 8 Months MJD 3 Junior Yearling 8 – Under 12 Months MJD 4 Senior Yearling 12 – Under 24 Months This Division is limited to Miniature Breeds of Dairy Goats not recognized by the American Dairy Goat Association. All breeds will be judged together. SENIOR DOES Division Class Description MSD 1 Under 2 Years (In Milk) MSD 2 2 Years Old MSD 3 3 & 4 Years Old MSD 4 5 Years Old & Older 21 BREEDING BOER GOAT DIVISION Entry Fee: $5.00 per entry Premiums & Awards: See Breeding Rules DOES BUCKS JUNIOR DOES JUNIOR BUCKS Division Class Description Age Division Class Description Age BJD 1 Junior Kids Under 2 Months BJB 1 Junior Kids Under 2 Months BJD 2 Intermediate Kids 2 – Under 4 Months BJB 2 Intermediate Kids 2 – Under 4 Months BJD 3 Senior Kids 4 – Under 6 Months BJB 3 Senior Kids 4 – Under 6 Months BJD 4 Junior Yearling 6 – Under 8 Months BJB 4 Junior Yearling 6 – Under 8 Months BJD 5 Senior Yearling 8 – Under 12 Months BJB 5 Senior Yearling 8 – Under 12 Months SENIOR BUCKS SENIOR DOES Division Class Description Age Division Class Description BSD 1 Two Years Doe 12 – 24 Months BSB 1 Two Years Buck 12 – 24 Months BSD 2 Three Years Doe 25 – 36 Months BSB 2 Three Years Buck 25 – 36 Months BSD 3 Four Years Doe 37 Months and Over BSB 3 Four Years Buck 37 Months and Over 22 Age SMALL ANIMAL EXHIBITOR RULES (Rabbits, Poultry, Cavy, & Pygmy Goats) 1. Small Animal shows are open to all 4-H, Grange, and FFA members in clubs and chapters within San Diego, Imperial, and Riverside Counties. 2. All Small Animal Shows are one day shows. 3. For Meat Pen requirements please see Market Animal Rules and Classes. 4. SMALL ANIMAL OWNERSHIP: A small animal must be owned, managed, and personally cared for by the exhibitor for no less than: Rabbits, Cavies, Poultry.…… 30 consecutive days Pygmy Goat…………………...… 30 consecutive days 5. Animals must be brought to the fair in standard, separate transport cages. No cardboard boxes. 6. JUDGING: The American System of judging will be used for all Small Classes. A judge’s decision is final. The Ramona Junior Fair Board may not and will not request any changes in the judges’ ruling. 7. Rabbits and Cavies will be judged according to A.R.B.A. rules and current A.R.B.A. show classes. Cavies will be awarded legs. 8. Rabbit classes will be divided by age. 9. Poultry will be judged based on the Standard of Perfection of the American Poultry Association and the American Bantam Association. 10. Poultry are limited to five birds per section per exhibitor. 11. Pygmy goats will be judged according to N.P.G.A. classes and rules. 12. HORNS: Pygmy goats must be dehorned. 13. IDENTIFICATION: Cavies must have an identification tag in the left ear. All rabbits must be tattooed. All poultry must be identified with leg bands. Tag numbers, full tattoos, and leg band numbers must be included on entry forms. 14. AGE OF ANIMALS: All Breeding Poultry must be a minimum age of six (6) months old. Rabbits and cavies must be a minimum age of three (3) months old. The base date for computing the age of all breeding animals shall be the day the animal is to be judged. 15. RABBITS: Those that are disqualified because of permanent defects, deformities or blemishes and those absent at the time of judging do not count when computing the number of exhibitors in a section. A judge may eliminate a rabbit from competition because of temporary or curable defects, but the rabbit will be counted as an exhibit. 16. POULTRY: Birds that are disqualified because of sickness, disease, or lice/mite infestation and those absent at the time of judging do not count when computing the number or exhibitors in each section. 17. POULTRY POSTER: Must be on a standard size poster board, no larger than 24” X 36”. Judging criteria: Educational Value- 25%, Design- 25%, Neatness- 25%, Originality- 25%. 18. POULTRY KNOWLEDGE BOWL: Entries can be made at ringside. This is a team event. Teams may consist of two (2) to four (4) members. All exhibitors are eligible. 19. PYGMY GOAT AGE: The base date for computing the age of the animal shall be the day the animal is to be judged. 20. AWARDS: Small Animal Divisions will receive awards for Best in Show and Reserve Best in Show. 23 RABBIT DIVISION Entry Fee: $3.00 per entry LIGHTWEIGHT BREEDS Premiums Per Section: Best of Breed- $3, Best of Opposite Sex- $2 HEAVYWEIGHT BREEDS Judged in 4 classes Class Senior Bucks Senior Does Junior Bucks Junior Does Age 6 Months or Older 6 Months or Older 3 to 6 Months 3 to 6 Months Division Class Description RL RL RL RL RL RL RL RL RL RL RL RL RL RL RL RL RL RL RL RL RL RL RL RL RL American Fuzzy Lop Angora- English Angora- French Angora- Satin Dutch Dwarf Hotot English Spot Florida White Harlequin Havana Himalayan Holland Lop Lilac Jersey Wooly Mini Lop Mini Rex Netherland Dwarf Polish Rex Rhinelander Silver Silver Marten Tans Mini Satin Misc- Any ARBA breed not listed above 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Judged in 6 classes 24 Class Senior Bucks Senior Does Intermediate Bucks Intermediate Does Junior Bucks Junior Does Age 6 Months or Older 6 Months or Older 6 to 8 Months 6 to 8 Months 3 to 6 Months 3 to 6 Months Division Class Description RH RH RH RH RH RH RH RH RH RH RH RH RH RH Angora, Giant Beveren Californian Chapagne D’Argent Flemish Giant English Lop French Lop New Zealand Palomino Satin Silver Fox Lionhead Misc- Any ARBA breed not listed above 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 POULTRY DIVISION Entry Fee: $3.00 per entry Premiums Per Section: 1st- $3, 2nd- $2, 3rd- $1 CHICKENS- LARGE COCKS CHICKENS- BANTAM HENS Division Class Section Breed Ex. Division PLA PLM PLE PLS PLC PLO PLU 701 703 705 707 709 711 713 American Mediterranean English Asiatic Continentals Other Breeds Utility Rhode Island, etc. Leghorn, etc. Cornish, etc. Cochin, etc. Polish, etc. Sumattra, etc. Layer, Meat PBS 732 PBR 734 PBO 736 PBF PBG 738 740 Class CHICKENS- LARGE HENS Division Class Section Breed Ex. PLA PLM PLE PLS PLC PLO PLU 702 704 706 708 710 712 714 American Mediterranean English Asiatic Continentals Other Breeds Utility Rhode Island, etc. Leghorn, etc. Cornish, etc. Cochin, etc. Polish, etc. Sumattra, etc. Layer, Meat Class PBS 731 PBR 733 PBO 735 PBF PBG 737 739 Section Breed Ex. Single Comb, Clean Legged Rose Comb, Clean Legged Other Comb, Clean Legged Feather Legged Game Plymouth Rock, etc. Rose Comb, etc. Cornish, etc. Breed Ex. Single Comb, Clean Legged Rose Comb, Clean Legged Other Comb, Clean Legged Feather Legged Game Plymouth Rock, etc. Rose Comb, etc. Cornish, etc. Silkie, etc. Modern, etc. DUCKS Division PDL PDL PDL PDL Class 751 752 753 754 Section Breed Ex. Large Drake Large Duck Bantam Drake Bantam Duck Pekin, etc. Call, etc. Pekin, etc. Call, etc. GEESE CHICKENS- BANTAM COCKS Division Section Division Class Section Breed Ex. PGA PGA 761 762 Gander Goose Emden, etc. Emden, etc. TURKEY Silkie, etc. Modern, etc. Division Class Section Breed Ex. PTA PTA 771 772 Tom Hen Bronze, etc. Bronze, etc. SPECIAL POULTRY CONTESTS 25 Division Class Description Entry Fee PPC 101 Poultry Poster $2.00 PAV 111 Avian Bowl None CAVY DIVISION Entry Fee: $3.00 per entry Premiums Per Section: Best of Breed- $3, Best of Opposite Sex- $2 LIGHTWEIGHT BREEDS Judged in 4 classes Division Class Description C C C C C C C C C C C C C Abyssinian Abyssinian Satin American American Satin Peruvian Peruvian Satin Silkie Silkie Satin Teddy Teddy Satin White Crested Coronet Texel 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 26 PYGMY GOAT DIVISION Premiums Per Section: 1st- $15, 2nd- $10, 3rd- $5 Entry Fee: $5.00 per entry DOES DOES REGISTERED/UNREGISTERED JUNIOR DOES REGISTERED/UNREGISTERED SENIOR DOES Division Reg Un Reg PJD 1 PJD PJD Description Age 11 0-1 Months Not Yet 2 Mnths 2 12 2-3 Months Not Yet 4 Mnths 3 13 4-5 Months Not Yet 6 Mnths PJD 4 14 6-7 Months Not Yet 8 Mnths PJD 5 15 8-9 Months Not Yet 10 Mnths Division Reg Un Reg PSD 1 PSD Description Age 11 Milking Does Any Age Nursing Kids 2 12 Freshened Yearling 12-23 Mnths, Not Yet 24 Mnths PSD 3 13 2 Yr Old 24-35 Mnths, Not Yet 36 Mnths PSD 4 14 3 Yr Old 36-47 Mnths, Not Yet 48 Mnths PJD 6 16 10-11 Months Not Yet 12 Mnths PJD 7 17 Jr. Dry Yearling 12-17 Mnths, Not Yet 18 Mnths PSD 5 15 4 Yr Old 48-59 Mnths, Not Yet 60 Mnths PJD 8 18 Sr. Dry Yearling 18-23 Mnths, Not Yet 24 Mnths PSD 6 16 5 Years and Older 60 Mnths and Over 27 PYGMY GOAT DIVISION (Continued) Entry Fee: $5.00 per entry Premiums Per Section: 1st- $15, 2nd- $10, 3rd- $5 BUCKS WETHERS REGISTERED JUNIOR BUCKS REGISTERED/UNREGISTERED SENIOR WETHERS Division Reg Description Age PJB 1 0-2 Months Not Yet 3 Mnths PJB 2 3-5 Months Not Yet 6 Mnths PJB 3 6-8 Months Not Yet 6 Mnths PJB 4 9-11 Months Not Yet 12 Mnths Division Reg Un Reg PGW 1 PGW Description Age 11 0-3 Months Not Yet 4 Mnths 2 12 4-11 Months Not Yet 12 Mnths PGW 3 13 Yearlings 12-23 Mnths, Not Yet 24 Mnths PGW 4 14 2-5 Yr Old PGW 5 15 6 Yrs Old & Older REGISTERED SENIOR BUCKS Division Reg Description Age PSB 1 Jr. Yearling 12-17 Mnths, Not Yet 18 Mnths PSB 2 Sr. Yearling 18-23 Mnths, Not Yet 24 Mnths PSB 3 2 Yr Old 24-35 Mnths, Not Yet 36 Mnths PSB 4 3 Yr Old 36-47 Mnths, Not Yet 48 Mnths PSB 5 4 Yr Old & Older 48 Mnths and Over To meet sanction rules and qualify as a sanctioned buck show, a minimum of 10 total bucks must be entered; with at least 5 in the senior division. 28 LLAMA/ALPACA SHOW RULES 1. The llama/alpaca show is a one day show that is open to all 4-H, Grange, and FFA members in clubs and chapters within San Diego, Imperial, and Riverside Counties. 2. All animals must arrive no later than 7:00 AM the morning of and leave after their respective show(s) unless prior arrangements were made with the Ramona Junior Fair Board. 3. ANIMAL OWNERSHIP: In order to exhibit an animal, prior to the fair, an exhibitor must spend no less than twenty (20) hours working with the animal that they are exhibiting. This work must begin no later than sixty (60) days before the day of the llama and alpaca show. Signature of the leader or advisor on the entry form verifies the completion of these hourly requirements. Llamas and alpacas owned or leased as a joint project may only be shown by one designated exhibitor in each age category. (Example: a llama may be shown by one exhibitor in the Junior Class and one in the Senior Class, but not by two exhibitors in the Junior Class.) 4. ANIMAL AGE: All llamas or alpacas must be a minimum age of one (1) year. The base date for computing the age of the animal shall be the day the animal is to be judged. 5. Exhibitors under the age of thirteen (13) years of age shall not show any llama or alpaca that is ungelded and over eighteen (18) months of age. 6. Llamas and alpacas shall be judged separately with the same divisions and age classes in each show. 7. CLASSES: The divisions offered are as follows: Youth Obstacle and Youth Pack. Within each division there shall be two age classes: Junior and Senior. An Exhibitor age 9 to 13 as of January 1 of the current year, will be entered in the Junior Classes. An Exhibitor age 14 to 19 as of January 1 of the current year, will be entered in the Senior Classes. 8. The Age Classes in a Division may be combined if there are fewer than three (3) entries in each division. 9. OBSTACLE COURSES: Obstacles will be chosen based on ALSA (Alpaca Llama Show Association) guidelines. Jumps, drops, and/or heights of any obstacle will be set at the lowest possible number to accommodate all class levels and species. Junior Class participants must use eight (8) obstacles and Senior Class participants must use ten (10) obstacles. Obstacles will be chosen and published on the Ramona Junior Fair website. 10. JUDGING: The American System of judging will be used for all Llama and Alpaca Classes. A judge’s decision is final. The Ramona Junior Fair Board may not and will not request any changes in the judges’ ruling. 11. PREMIUMS & AWARDS: Champion of each Class will receive an award. Premiums for Class Winners- 1st- $10, 2nd- $8, 3rd- $5. 29 LLAMA DIVISION ALPACA DIVISION Entry Fee: $5.00 per entry Premiums Per Division: 1st- $10, 2nd- $8, 3rd- $5 Awards for top in each Division Entry Fee: $5.00 per entry Premiums Per Division: 1st- $10, 2nd- $8, 3rd- $5 Awards for top in each Division OBSTACLE OBSTACLE Division Class Description Exhibitor Age Division Class Description Exhibitor Age ALO 1 Junior Obstacle See Rules for Age Limits LLO 1 Junior Obstacle See Rules for Age Limits ALO 2 Senior Obstacle LLO 2 Senior Obstacle PACK Division Class Description ALP 1 Junior Pack ALP 2 Senior Pack PACK Exhibitor Age See Rules for Age Limits 30 Division Class Description LLP 1 Junior Pack LLP 2 Senior Pack Exhibitor Age See Rules for Age Limits SHOWMANSHIP & ROUND ROBIN RULES 1. Showmanship classes are open to all exhibitors at the Ramona Junior Fair and must be pre-entered. 2. Animals shown in showmanship must be owned by the exhibitor, entered by the exhibitor, and shown by the exhibitor in an appropriate market, breeding or performance class prior to showmanship. 3. Exhibitors will be on hand and ready to show when called for judging. 4. No talking to family members, leaders, or members of the public during any showmanship class. 5. UNIFORM: Traditional whites are required for Showmanship and Round Robin. 6. Showmanship is judged on the exhibitor’s ability to properly show his or her own animal. Therefore, you may enter only one time with each species you bring to the Fair. Example: If exhibitor enters two sheep, only one will be shown in a showmanship class. If exhibitor enters one swine and one lamb, he/she may enter each animal in showmanship. 7. CLASSES: An exhibitor age 9 and 10 as of January 1 of the current year, will be classified as a Junior Showman. An exhibitor age 11 to 13 as of January 1 of the current year, will be classified as an Intermediate Showman. An exhibitor age 14 and older as of January 1 of the current year will be classified as a Senior Showman. 8. LARGE ANIMAL NOVICE SENIOR SHOWMANSHIP: This class is for first year 4-H, Grange, or FFA Members ages 14 and over as of January 1 of the current year, who are exhibiting beef, special fed veal, swine, sheep, market/breeding Boer goats, dairy goats, and/or dairy cattle and have never exhibited one of the aforementioned species prior to the start of the project year. 9. SMALL ANIMAL NOVICE SENIOR SHOWMANSHIP: This class is for first year 4-H, Grange, or FFA Members ages 14 and over as of January 1 of the current year, who are exhibiting chickens, rabbits, cavies, pygmy goats and/or dogs and have never exhibited one of the aforementioned species prior to the start of the project year. 10. AWARDS: Ribbons will be awarded for 1st through 8th place. 11. Exhibitors who participate in showmanship MUST show in Round Robin if they qualify. Only illness or family emergency will exempt an exhibitor from their responsibility to participate in Round Robin. All requests for nonparticipation must be made to the Ramona Junior Fair Board. 12. In the event that an exhibitor wins more than one (1) first place in a species, he or she will show in the first class they competed in and the second place showman may represent that species in Round Robin. Exception may be in Small Animal Divisions. The Ramona Junior Fair Board will notify the eligible showman for each species. 13. An exhibitor who wins first place in a Small Animal Class and first place in a Large Animal Class may compete in both Small and Large Animal Round Robin. 14. The spirit of Round Robin is to encourage diversity in showmanship skills and to allow as many participants as possible. Therefore, no species will be eliminated for a lack of showmen unless absolutely necessary. 15. Four classes are judged in Round Robin- Junior, Intermediate, Senior, and Novice Senior in the following two categories. Large Animal- Comprised of the top showmen from the beef, special fed veal, swine, sheep, market/ breeding Boer goat, dairy goat, and dairy cattle divisions. Small Animal- Comprised of the top showmen from the chickens, turkeys, rabbit, cavy, pygmy goat, and dog divisions. 16. Animals shown by winning exhibitors in each division and species will be used in Round Robin Showmanship. 17. Exhibitors need to supply and leave their tack for showing with their animal for the duration of Round Robin Showmanship. (Example: Show stick, scotch comb, halters, etc.) 18. There will be no Master Showmanship Competition within any species. 31 LARGE ANIMAL SHOWMANSHIP CLASSES (Beef, Special Fed Veal, Swine, Sheep, Market Goat, Dairy Goat, Dairy Cattle) Entry Fee: $5.00 per entry Premiums Per Section: None BEEF SHOWMANSHIP Ribbons: Through 8th Place SPECIAL FED VEAL SHOWMANSHIP Division Class Description Division Class Description BCS BCS BCS BCS 101 102 103 104 Junior Intermediate Senior Novice Senior BVS BVS BVS BVS 101 102 103 104 Junior Intermediate Senior Novice Senior SWINE SHOWMANSHIP SHEEP SHOWMANSHIP Division Class Description Division Class Description HOS HOS HOS HOS 101 102 103 104 Junior Intermediate Senior Novice Senior SHS SHS SHS SHS 101 102 103 104 Junior Intermediate Senior Novice Senior DAIRY GOAT SHOWMANSHIP MARKET/BREEDING BOER GOAT SHOWMANSHIP Division Class Description Division Class Description GSM GSM GSM GSM 101 102 103 104 Junior Intermediate Senior Novice Senior GSD GSD GSD GSD 101 102 103 104 Junior Intermediate Senior Novice Senior DAIRY CATTLE SHOWMANSHIP Division Class Description DCS DCS DCS DCS 101 102 103 104 Junior Intermediate Senior Novice Senior 32 SMALL ANIMAL SHOWMANSHIP CLASSES (Poultry, Rabbit, Cavy, Pygmy Goat, Dog) Entry Fee: $5.00 per entry Premiums per Section: None CHICKEN SHOWMANSHIP Ribbons: Through 8th Place RABBIT SHOWMANSHIP Division Class Description Division Class Description PSH PSH PSH PSH 101 102 103 104 Junior Intermediate Senior Novice Senior RSH RSH RSH RSH 101 102 103 104 Junior Intermediate Senior Novice Senior TURKEY SHOWMANSHIP PYGMY GOAT SHOWMANSHIP Division Class Description Division Class Description TSH TSH TSH TSH 101 102 103 104 Junior Intermediate Senior Novice Senior PGS PGS PGS PGS 101 102 103 104 Junior Intermediate Senior Novice Senior CAVY SHOWMANSHIP Division Class Description CSH CSH CSH CSH 101 102 103 104 Junior Intermediate Senior Novice Senior DOG SHOWMANSHIP For Dog Showmanship, see Dog Show Classes. 33 HORSE SHOW RULES 1. The Ramona Junior Fair Horse Show is a one-day show that is open to all 4-H, Grange, and FFA members in clubs and chapters within San Diego, Imperial, and Riverside Counties. 2. The Ramona Junior Fair Board reserves the right to interpret all questions and conditions in regard to or arising out of an incident at the show without claims for damages or recourse of any kind. All questions not covered on these rules and regulation shall be decided by the Superintendent. 3. The Ramona Junior Fair Board reserves the right to refuse, accept conditionally, or to cancel any entries, and cancel award prizes, without claim for damage; to change any course, to cancel or combine any unfilled classes, or to reschedule classes, after due notice to exhibitor; to change rings or rotate or change judges and officials. 4. All arenas must be vacated while any maintenance equipment is being used. 5. No dogs are allowed in the show area with the exception of Guide Animals. 6. Lack of entries may result in the combination of classes and/or the cancelling of the show for the year. 7. No horse may compete in more than twenty (20) classes. 8. HORSE OWNERSHIP: Exhibitors must have owned or leased their animal for a minimum of 120 days prior to the closing date of entries. Should an exhibitor’s horse die, the exhibitor may replace the project horse before competition at the discretion of the project leader. Notification of such must be made in writing to the Ramona Junior Fair Board of Directors before competition. 9. CLASSES: Classes will be defined as Walk/Trot/Special Needs, Green Horse, Junior, Senior, and Open. JUNIOR: An exhibitor age 13 and under as of January 1. SENIOR: An exhibitor age 14 to 19 as of January 1. WALK/TROT/SPECIAL NEEDS: This division is for a first or second year showman, regardless of age. Exhibitors new to the project may request to move to a higher division through the Horse Show Superintendent. Walk/Trot exhibitors may only enter this class for a total of two years. Those wishing to participate for more than two years, may request to do so through the Board of Directors. GREEN HORSE: An inexperienced horse, in a given discipline. A horse entered in this division may not cross enter into any other divisions. Entry in this class is limited to two years. Those wishing to participate for more than two years, may request to do so through the Board of Directors. 10. Upon examination, the Board of Directors, Show Superintendent, and/or judge hold the right to move a rider and/or horse to a more appropriate division. 11. APPAREL: All participants will be judged on personal appearance. Clothing shall be Western show clothes, English show clothes, or the complete 4-H, FFA, or Grange Uniforms. No combinations will be allowed. Short or long sleeved collared shirts are acceptable, no tank-tops or t-shirts allowed. Shirts must be tucked in and sleeves rolled down and fastened when showing. Vests, jackets, and chaps are optional. All boots must have at least a 1/2" heel and smooth sole. Patterned soles are permitted if the pattern is 1/8” or less deep. “Waffle” soles are prohibited (i.e. Fat Baby soles). All participants must wear a properly fitting ASTM/SEI approved helmet with the chin strap fastened at all times. Spurs are optional, but if worn must be enroweled for English classes. 12. TACK: A mandatory tack inspection will be performed before each class. Tack must be clean and safe. The Ramona Junior Fair Board reserves the right to inspect all tack for suitability and safety of use. A mechanical hackamore may be used in Gymkhana ONLY. Tie-down, martingales, or draw reins are permitted for Gymkhana or Hunter Hack Classes ONLY. 13. SHOWMANSHIP TACK: Any presentable halter with a throat latch and lead may be used. No whips allowed. 34 HORSE SHOW RULES 14. WESTERN TACK: Refer to AQHA official handbook. Any Western shank bit is allowed that has a maximum length overall of 8 ½”. The mouthpiece shall consist of a metal bar 3/8” to 3/4” in diameter. If the horse is five (5) years old or younger, a rawhide bosal or a snaffle with a smooth mouthpiece may be used. Two hands may be used if a bosal or snaffle is used. A smooth, flat, half-inch chain may be used as part of the curb strap or leather curb strap. The saddle should be of the Western type, serviceable, and fit the rider. Reference to a bit in Western Performance Classes means the use of a curb bit that has a solid or broken mouthpiece, has shank and acts with leverage. All curb bits must be free of mechanical device and should be considered a standard Western bit. 15. ENGLISH TACK: Crops are optional. A smooth mouth snaffle, Pelham, full double bridle or Kimberwick is permissible. A curb chain is to be used with a Pelham or double bridle, but not with a snaffle. Martingales are allowed only if the pattern calls for jumping. The saddle should be serviceable hunt, all purpose, or flat. No bareback pads. 16. GROOMING & HANDLING: All physically able exhibitors are responsible for the handling, grooming, tacking, and warm-up of the horse for competition unless safety is compromised. Adults or non-exhibitors found handling, grooming, tacking or warming-up animals risk disqualification of entry and/or dismissal from the property. 17. Stallions are not eligible to be shown and will not be permitted on the grounds. 18. Horses may not be tied to fence posts or left unattended in the arenas at any time. 19. Horses that are being ridden must be bridled and ridden by a single rider at all times. There will be no riding with halters or riding double. 20. JUDGING: AHSA and California State Fair 4-H Horse Show rules will apply to all show classes. Silver and other appointments will not be taken into account by the judge. The American System of Judging will be used for all Horse Show Classes. First Place will earn seven (7) points, Second Place will earn five (5) points, and so on with Sixth Place earning one (1) point. 21. AWARDS: Ribbons will be awarded in all classes for 1st through 6th Place. High Point awards will be given in each of the three disciplines in each Class (IE- Junior English, Junior Western, Junior Gymkhana). The three discipline high points will then compete for overall high point in that Class (IE- Junior, Senior, Green Horse, Walk/Trot) and the top individual will receive an award at the official award ceremony. Individuals may receive more than one High Point in multiple disciplines, but may not win more than one Overall High Point Award in the show. (IECannot win in Senior and Walk/Trot). English High Point Calculation Western High Point Calculation Gymkhana High Point Calculation Showmanship, English Equitation, English Pleasure, Horsemanship, Trail Showmanship, Western Equitation, Western Pleasure, Horsemanship, Trail Showmanship, Key Hole, Speed Barrels, Clover Leaf, Hurry Scurry 22. DISQUALIFICATIONS: The following will result in disqualification of the exhibitor and removal from the show and show grounds as well as loss of entry monies: Undue cruelty to a horse by an exhibitor. Taking any class or test a second time. Using another member’s horse that has not been handled as their project. Unsafe conduct. Interference with the judge’s decision. Rudeness towards a judge or any show official. Any behavior deemed to be unsportsmanlike. 35 HORSE SHOW CLASSES Entry Fee: $5.00 per entry/class Premiums Per Section: None Ribbons: Through 6th Place WALK/TROT/SPECIAL NEEDS CLASSES GREEN HORSE CLASSES Division Class Description Division Class Description HS HEE HEP HM HWE HWP HT HGP HGB HGC HGH 1N 2N 3N 4N 5N 6N 7N 8N 9N 10N 11N Showmanship (E, W, or G) English Equitation English Pleasure Horsemanship (E or W) Western Equitation Western Pleasure Trail (E or W) Key Hole * Speed Barrels * Clover Leaf * Hurry Scurry * HS HEE HEP HM HWE HWP HT HGP HGB HGC HGH 1G 2G 3G 4G 5G 6G 7G 8G 9G 10G 11G Showmanship (E, W, or G) English Equitation English Pleasure Horsemanship (E or W) Western Equitation Western Pleasure Trail (E or W) Key Hole * Speed Barrels * Clover Leaf * Hurry Scurry * JUNIOR CLASSES SENIOR CLASSES Division Class Description Division Class Description HS HEE HEP HM HWE HWP HT HGP HGB HGC HGH 1J 2J 3J 4J 5J 6J 7J 8J 9J 10J 11J Showmanship (E, W, or G) English Equitation English Pleasure Horsemanship (E or W) Western Equitation Western Pleasure Trail (E or W) Key Hole * Speed Barrels * Clover Leaf * Hurry Scurry * HS HEE HEP HM HWE HWP HT HGP HGB HGC HGH 1S 2S 3S 4S 5S 6S 7S 8S 9S 10S 11S Showmanship (E, W, or G) English Equitation English Pleasure Horsemanship (E or W) Western Equitation Western Pleasure Trail (E or W) Key Hole * Speed Barrels * Clover Leaf * Hurry Scurry * * Gymkhana entries may ride Western or English. WRITTEN TEST: Division- HW Jr Class- 12J Sr Class- 12S W/T/SN Class- 12N 36 DOG SHOW RULES 1. The Ramona Junior Fair Dog show is a one day show that is open to all San Diego County 4-H Dog Project members. It is a San Diego County Point Show. 2. San Diego County Dog Advisory Group Rules will be followed. It is the responsibility of each exhibitor to know and follow the aforementioned rules and any additional rules set by the Ramona Junior Fair. Any violation of these rules will be subject to the immediate jurisdiction of the Fair Management. Copies of San Diego County Dog Advisory Group Rules are located on our website: www.ramonajuniorfair.com. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY! 3. Only pre-entries are accepted. 4. All dogs entered must be 4-H Dog Care Project animals. 5. Only dogs entered in the show are permitted on the show grounds. 6. All dogs must be on a leash and under control at all times. 7. No bitches in season are allowed on the show grounds. 8. GROOMING & HANDLING: No one but the exhibitor is to handle or groom the dog for competition. Adults or non-exhibitors found grooming or handling animals risk disqualification of entry and/or dismissal from the property. 9. APPAREL: 4-H white uniforms are required. 10. AWARDS: Ribbons will be awarded in all classes for 1st through 4th placements. Awards will be given for High Point Showmanship and in Beginning Novice, Novice, and Grad Novice/Open Obedience Classes. 11. High Point Showmanship exhibitors from the Junior, Intermediate, and Senior divisions qualify for further competition in Small Animal Round Robin. 12. SHOWMANSHIP: Handlers who have won a county medal or have three first placements with qualifying scores in Novice Showmanship must move to Open Showmanship. Handlers who have won a county medal twice in Open Showmanship must move to Master Showmanship. Open B Showmanship is for members with a second Showmanship dog. Entries are neither eligible for High Point Awards nor eligible to compete in Small Animal Round Robin. 13. OBEDIENCE BEGINNING NOVICE A: For first year handlers with first year dogs. All exercises are on a leash: Heel on lead, figure 8, stand for examination, recall and finish, one (1) minute sit, and three (3) minute long down. 14. OBEDIENCE BEGINNING NOVICE B: For experienced handlers with experienced and/or inexperienced dogs. All exercises are on leash: Heel on lead, figure 8, stand for examination, recall and finish, one (1) minute sit, and three (3) minute long down. 15. OBEDIENCE NOVICE A: Handlers show in this class until receiving three qualifying scores on first dog. Heel on lead and figure 8 are on leash. Stand for examination, heel free, recall and finish, one (1) minute sit, and three (3) minute long down are off lead. 16. OBEDIENCE NOVICE B: For handlers who have exhibited a dog in Novice A and are handling their next dog. 17. OBEDIENCE GRADUATE NOVICE: All exercises are in the 4-H Dog Advisory Guidelines. 18. OBEDIENCE OPEN A: Handlers show in this class until receiving three qualifying scores on one dog. All exercise are off lead: Heel free, figure 8, drop on recall, retrieve on flat, retrieve over high jump, and broad jump. Three (3) minute sit and five (5) minute long down are out of sight. 19. OBEDIENCE OPEN B: Dogs who have received three (3) qualifying scores in Open A. All exercises are off lead: Heel free, figure 8, drop on recall, retrieve on flat, retrieves over high jump, and broad jump. Three (3) minute sit and five (5) minute long down are out of sight. 37 DOG SHOW CLASSES Entry Fee: $5.00 per entry/class Premiums Per Section: None Ribbons: Through 6th Place SHOWMANSHIP OBEDIENCE NOVICE Division Class Description DSN DSN DSN 1 2 3 Junior Intermediate Senior OPEN A Division Class Description NOVICE B DSA DSA DSA 1 2 3 Junior Intermediate Senior OPEN B Division Class Description DSB None No age division. MASTER Division Class Description DSM None No age division. NOVICE A Description DOA DOA DOA 1 2 3 Junior Intermediate Senior Class Description DOB DOB DOB 1 2 3 Junior Intermediate Senior DONA DONA DONA 1 2 3 Junior Intermediate Senior Division Class Description DONB DONB DONB 1 2 3 Junior Intermediate Senior Division Class Description DOGN DOGN DOGN 1 2 3 Junior Intermediate Senior Division Class Description DOOA DOOA DOOA 1 2 3 Junior Intermediate Senior Division Class Description DOOB DOOB DOOB 1 2 3 Junior Intermediate Senior OPEN B BEGINNING NOVICE B Division Description OPEN A BEGINNING NOVICE A Class Class GRADUATE NOVICE OBEDIENCE Division Division 38 HOME ECONOMICS & INDUSTRIAL ARTS EXHIBITOR RULES Entry Fee: $2.00 per entry Rosette and $10 Premium for Best of Each Division; $8 for 2nd & $5 for 3rd in Division $15 Premium, Award, and Rosette for Best in Show and Reserve Best in Show 1. 4-H, Grange, and FFA members need not be enrolled in the projects to enter these classes. 2. Exhibitors are limited to two (2) entries per class, unless specified. 3. All entries must have been produced by the exhibitor within the last year and not previously entered at the Ramona Junior Fair. 4. Check-in time for entries is 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM on the opening Saturday of the fair. 5. No article may be entered in the “Other” class if there is a specified class for the article. 6. CLASSES: Entries from exhibitors ages 9 to 13 as of January 1, will be entered in the Junior Classes of each Division. Entries from exhibitors ages 14 to 19 as of January 1, will be entered in the Senior Classes of each Division. 7. Pictures and hanging articles must be ready to hang. 8. GROUP ENTRY: Entries produced by two or more exhibitors may be entered in this division. Junior and Senior entries will be judged together. Entries must include a page narrative describing the project and its development. Snapshots may be included. Exhibitors must include dimensions in description on entry form. 9. POSTERS AND DEMONSTRATIONS: Are educational displays of 4-H, Grange, and FFA projects. No advertising is allowed. The topic must be included on the entry form. 10. CLOTHING, QUILTS, & NEEDLEWORK: Each entry must be of different material, pattern, or style. Each exhibit is to be identified by name (ie- dress, blouse, etc.) on the entry form. Entries may consist of an item judged individually or a coordinated exhibit of three (3) to five (5) items not judged elsewhere in the show. All items must be clean, pressed, and ready for exhibit on hangers. If only handiwork on apparel is to be judged, enter under needlecraft. 11. AGRICULTURE & ORNAMENTAL HORTICULTURE: Must be fully matured to a state of ripeness which will insure palatability after removal of the product from the tree, plant, or vine. Exhibitors are to water entries as needed. Any exhibit found infested with disease shall be disqualified and removed immediately. 12. BAKED FOODS: Entries may arrive on cardboard, paper, glass, ceramic, wood or other serving items. ALL serving items must be picked up on the last Sunday of the fair. Recipes are to be included with each entry. Foods requiring refrigeration may be entered, but must be indicated on the entry form. Entries of cookies, muffins, biscuits, or candies must have at least 6 in the entry. Decorated cakes may not be more than 3 layers with a maximum size of 15” round and 20” high. 13. FOOD PRESERVATION: Type of product (fruit, vegetable, preserve, etc.) and the method used (canning, drying, etc.) must be listed on entry form. Low acid foods must be canned under pressure. No paraffin seals may be used. Canning exhibits must be in sealed jars. An entry will consist of two jars from the same canning. One jar will be opened for judging and must be claimed following judging. Dried products must be wrapped in clear plastic or sealed jars. 14. FINE ARTS: A maximum framed width of 48” will be accepted. Glass shall not be used in the framing. 15. HOME DECOR: Items made for inside the home including wreaths, wall hangings, etc. Maximum size 24” X 24”. 16. POTTERY AND CERAMICS: Items made of ceramics, pottery, and colored clay substitutes. 39 HOME ECONOMICS & INDUSTRIAL ARTS EXHIBITOR RULES 17. INDUSTRIAL ARTS: Metal work, farm equipment, and machinery. 18. PHOTOGRAPHY: Entries may be color or black and white. Commercial processing is permitted for film and prints. Photos must be appropriate for a family fair. Prints must be matted and read for hanging. NO GLASS frames. Prints must be no less than 5” by 7” and no more than 8” by 10”. The title of the print appropriate to the category must be on the front. 19. WOODWORKING: Items such as cutting boards, furniture, and wooden toys. 20. JUDGING: The Danish System of judging will be used for all Home Economics and Industrial Arts classes. Any entries awarded blue ribbons will then be ranked by the American System of Judging. A judge’s decision is final. Fair Management may not and will not request any changes in the judges’ ruling. 21. Rosettes and premiums will be awarded to the best entry of each Division. 2nd and 3rd of each Division will receive premiums. 22. The Best in Show and Reserve Best in Show entry will be chosen amongst the Division winners and will receive an award and premium. This award will not be determined by the number of entries entered by an exhibitor. 23. Exhibitors will not be permitted in the immediate vicinity of the judges. 24. The Ramona Junior Fair will take all precautions to insure the safety of exhibits, but in no case will the management be responsible in any way for any loss or damage to any exhibit. 25. Home Economics and Industrial Arts Building Duty is required of ALL exhibitors who submit entries. Sign-ups for shifts will be in the building at the time of entry drop-off. 26. All entries must remain on exhibit until 11:00 AM on the closing Sunday of the fair. Entries must be removed by 6:00 PM that day. Entries not picked up by the exhibitor will be disposed of at managements’ discretion. 27. The Ramona Junior Fair Board may rescind the right of hanging or displaying any unsuitable work or projects. GROUP ENTRY POSTER Division Class Description Division Jr. Class Sr. Class HAGR Any project produced by two or more exhibitors. HAP 11 21 001 CLOTHING & MACHINE SEWN QUILTS Division Jr. Class Sr. Class HAC HAC HAC HAC 21 22 23 24 11 12 13 14 Description Poster- List description on entry. NEEDLEWORK Division Jr. Class Sr. Class Description HAN 11 21 HAN HAN HAN 12 13 14 22 23 24 Description Beginning/First Year Inter./Second Year Advanced- Third Year + Quilting/Machine Sewn & Quilted FINE ARTS Cross Stitch, Embroidery (Hand or Machine), and Needlepoint Crochet and Knitting Latch Hook Quilting- Hand sewn or hand quilted Division Jr. Class Sr. Class HAFA HAFA HAFA 11 12 13 21 22 23 Description HAN 15 25 Other- Any other craft techniques not included in above classes. Water Color Drawings Other 40 AGRICULTURE FOOD PRESERVATION Division Jr. Class Sr. Class Description Division HAG HAG HAG HAG 11 12 13 14 21 22 23 24 Citrus Fruit Other Fruit Vegetables Garden Basket-3 Species HAF HAF HAF HAF Jr. Class 11 12 13 14 Sr. Class 21 22 23 2 ORNAMENTAL HORTICULTURE Sr. Class Description Division Jr. Class Sr. Class HAO 21 Terrarium (Gallon HAD HAD HAD 11 12 13 21 22 23 container or smaller) Planter Arrangement/ Dish Garden HAO 12 22 Jams & Jellies Canned Fruits & Veget. Dried Foods Honey HOME DECOR Division Jr. Class 11 Description Description Wallhanging Wreaths Other POTTERY & CERAMICS Flowering Plant (Not exceeding 15 gal pot) OR HAO HAO 13 23 14 24 Hanging Basket Fresh Flower Arrangement Other Division Jr. Class Sr. Class HAPC HAPC 11 12 21 22 HAB HAB HAB HAB HAB HAB HAB Jr. Class 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Sr. Class 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Division Description HAPH HAPH HAPH HAPH HAPH Cookies Quick Bread, Muffins Cake, Cupcakes(no mixes) Decorated Items Candies Pies Gluten Free Items Jr. Class Sr. Class HAH HAH HAH HAH 11 12 13 14 21 22 23 24 Division HAI HAI HAI Description Decorative Clothing Jewelry Paper Art Scrap Booking (2 pg, 1 15 25 11 12 13 14 15 Sr. Class 21 22 23 24 25 Description Portraits Animals Landscape Nature Other/Any Subject Jr. Class 11 12 13 Sr. Class 21 22 23 Description Metal Work Farm Equipment Other WOOD WORKING Division Side Each) HAH Jr. Class INDUSTRIAL ARTS HANDICRAFTS Division Ceramics/ Pottery Colored Clay Substitute PHOTOGRAPHY BAKED FOODS Division Description Other HAW HAW 41 Jr. Class 11 12 Sr. Class 21 22 Description Small Items-Accessories Large Items- Furniture PRIMARY DIVISION RULES & CLASSES Entry Fee: None Premiums Per Section: None Ribbons: Recognition 1. The Ramona Junior Fair Primary Show is open to all 4-H members in grades K through 3 within San Diego County. 2. Primary exhibitors must be 5 years old or in kindergarten as of January 1st of the Program Year. 3. The only approved animal projects for Primary Members are dogs, rabbits, rats, cats, poultry, cavies, mice, embryology, entomology, marine science, pygmy goats, Nigerian dwarf goats, & therapeutic animal projects. 4. The use of Danish and/or American systems of judging is not acceptable. Participation should have no competition. 5. Primary exhibitors are encouraged to attend the awards ceremony for recognition. PRIMARY DOG PRIMARY GOATS Division Class Description Division Class Description DSP DOP Primary Primary Dog Showmanship Dog Obedience PGS NDS 100 100 PRIMARY RABBIT Division Class Description RSH RPB 100 100 Rabbit Showmanship Rabbit Breed Class PRIMARY POULTRY PRIMARY CAVY Division Class Description CSH CPB 100 100 Cavy Showmanship Cavy Breed Class Pygmy Goat Showmanship Nigerian Dwarf Goat Showmanship Division Class Description PSH PPB PPC PAV 100 100 100 100 Poultry Showmanship Poultry Breed Class Poultry Poster Poultry Avian Knowledge PRIMARY HOME ECONOMICS 42 Division Class Description PHE 100 Describe Project on Entry Form