2013 February.indd - BMW Car Club of America


2013 February.indd - BMW Car Club of America
Photo by Reg Williams, MD
Volume XLI No. 2
February 2013
P.O. Box 1208 • Harrisburg, NC 28075-1208 • http://tarheelbmwcca.org
JoElla John
604 John Road, Fincastle, VA 24090
540/992-3040(H) jjohnmcoupe@aol.com
April Curtis
1200 Mt Vernon Church Rd, Raleigh, NC 27614
919/847-7542 acurtis995@gmail.com
Karen Seymour-Blood
PO Box 1208, Harrisburg, NC 28075-1208
704/782-4672 seymourblood@yahoo.com
Bud Boren
P. O. Box 39403, Greensboro, NC 27438
336/691-1699, 336/691-1698 Fax
Bob Blood
PO Box 1208, Harrisburg, NC 28075-1208
704/782-4672 footnotes@carolina.rr.com
Denis Kingberg
509 Dimock Way, Wake Forest, NC 27587
(919) 247-4876
Brenda Dunlevy
6424 Littlewood Road, Kernersville, NC 27284
336/996-3149 bedunlevy@triad.rr.com
Victor Varney
402 Allenhurst Place
Cary, NC 27518-6402
the FOOTNOTES are welcome and encouraged. Please send a
self-addressed stamped envelope if you would like your discs or
photographs returned.
EDITORIAL DEADLINE is the 1st day of each month
prior to the publication month, i.e. February 1 for the March
issue. The Editor reserves the right to edit for length and appropri-
Chris Webber
704/523-9118 C: 704/906-8876
Andy Barbee
Richard Vaughn
29 Turnberry Drive, Arden, NC 28704
H 828/684-3412, C 828/691-3412
Christopher Joyner
345 Cedar Lane, Arden, NC 28704
C 828/ 674-808
ateness. Articles and classified advertisements may be mailed,
or emailed to the Editor’s attention.
The FOOTNOTES currently reaches over 2,900+ people
throughout North Carolina, the USA and Europe.
Advertising Rates:
Display Ads: Full page $90, one-half page $55, and
one-quarter page $28. All rates quoted are per issue. Discounts
for contracts paid in advance: 15% off – 12-month contract, 10%
off – 6-month contract, and 5% off – 3-month contract. All advertising must be coordinated/approved by Paul Hoecke 919/9672069. Rates are for ads run consecutively and all ads must be
paid in advance. Ad copy must be submitted camera ready. All
copy which must be altered or prepared for publication will result
in the advertiser paying standard commercial rates for any work
deemed necessary by the Editor.
Such A Deal advertising is free to all Tarheel Chapter
members. Ads submitted must not be longer than 40 words, not
including name and telephone number. Ads submitted which are
longer will be edited to suit our space limitations. Ads will run for
Danny Staley
596 Rest home road
Wilkesboro,NC 28697
336-973-3404 adstaley@wilkes.net
three months only. Commercial advertising is not accepted in the
Tom Deacon
472 Osprey Court, Sunset Beach, NC 28468
H 910/575-6008, C 910/398-2694
their ads’ presence in the FOOTNOTES does not necessarily
such a deal section.
Non-Members can advertise in this section for a flat fee
of $5 per issue (checks sent to Club P.O. Box). The same 40-word
limitation plus name and telephone number applies.
We appreciate the support of our advertisers, and while
imply endorsement or approval by the TARHEEL CHAPTER,
we do encourage our members to consider our advertisers for the
products and services they offer.
The Tarheel BMW List provides a casual, online forum
for chapter members to discuss BMWs and BMW CCA events
Danny Staley
596 Rest home road, Wilkesboro, NC 28697
336/973-3404 adstaley@wilkes.net
Jeff Lucas
756 Red Hill Church Rd., Dunn, NC 28334
JoElla John
604 John Road, Fincastle, VA 24090
540/992-3040(H) jjohnmcoupe@aol.com
Bob Thomas
903 Lakeside Dr., Wilson NC 27896
H 252/291-3548, W 252/291-4685
and related topics of interest to local members.
To begin getting the Tarheel BMW List, send an e-mail
to tarheelbmw-subscribe@topica.com (make sure you send the
email from the email address that you want to receive the list messages), or contact list administrator Frank Massaro at fmarch@
Paul Dunlevy
6424 Littlewood Drive, Kernersville, NC 27284
336/996-3149 pdunlevy@triad.rr.com
Paul Hoecke, Sr.
1513 Arboretum Drive, Chapel Hill, NC 27514
919/967-2069 hph.freude@juno.com
Roundel, BMW CCA, Inc.
640 South Main Street, Suite 210
Greenville, SC 29601
Richard & Claire Broughton
201 Brandywine Place
Morehead City, NC 28557
H 252/247-2074, C 252/670 1599
JoElla John - 540 992 3040
assisted by: Kelly Eanes - membership
Tom Hall
mindspring.com for assistance.
The TARHEEL CHAPTER, BMW CCA, INC. (hereinafter referred to as the ©ClubTM) is a non-profit North Carolina
corporation. The Club is in no way or manner connected with
Bayerische Motoren Werke A. G. or BMW of North America,
Inc. The Club’s mailing address is P. O. Box 1208, Harrisburg,
NC 28075-1208. The TARHEEL FOOTNOTES is published
by the Club on the first of each month or on the first postal business day thereafter. This publication and all its contents shall
remain the property of the Club, and all information provided
therein is provided by and for the members of the Club. Officially
recognized chapters of BMW CCA and BMW ACA are granted
permission to reprint or excerpt any material in the TARHEEL
FOOTNOTES. The Club assumes no liability for any of the
information contained herein. Unless otherwise noted, none of
this information bears the status © factory approvedTM. The ideas,
opinions, and suggestions expressed in regards to technical matters are those of the authors, and no authentication is implied.
The cover this month is a photo taken of our 87 325i race car
at the recent Chump Car race down at Road Atlanta. We have had
so much fun with that race series––we did the 24 hour race at VIR
last August (our inaugural run), and raced at RA as well.
At VIR, the car performed flawlessly; it didn’t even burn a half
quart of oil in 24 hours of continuous racing! At Road Atlanta,
a pinhole leak in a hose led to overheating during a yellow flag
segment and ended up toasting our head gasket.
Our crew chief, Todd Massagee, who’s mechanic shop we will
be advertising in Footnotes, was able to orchestrate a head gasket change that only took one hour
of actual labor! It was an amazing thing to watch, like a trauma team descending on a surgical patient in the OR.
We will be back up at VIR for the race on the South Course in March, and hope to do the August
24 hour Full course race and perhaps the Chumpionship race on the North Course in December.
-Reg Williams, MD
This month, we’d like to give a warm Tarheel welcome to 49 new and returning members and associate members. This brings our total chapter
membership to 2,820! Our membership is the lifeblood of the Club. Without your participation, there
would be no Club. We offer a wide variety of activiJory Anderson
Vickie Baggett
Bill Baker
David Barbash
marco basile
Tim Brookie
Alexander Campbell
Andrew Carozza
Matthew Carozza
Gerardo Carrillo
Murieatta Chong-Bistolfi
Tim Cline
Tom Coleman
Scott Crutchfield
Christopher Cummings
John Dearman
John Fadok
Alison Fletcher
Ray Fligman
Henry Griffin
Alicia Guardia
Shane Heleth
Ian Jamieson
Eric Malmberg
Karl McGrann
Ralph McNinch
Brad Michael
Michael Morgan
Oak Ridge NC
Garner NC
Gastonia NC
Durham NC
Greensboro NC
Cary NC
Broadway NC
Durango CO
Grand Junction CO
Hickory NC
Charlotte NC
Granite Falls NC
Asheville NC
Charlotte NC
Charlotte NC
Mooresville NC
Hendersonville NC
Charlotte NC
Raleigh NC
Raleigh NC
Durham NC
Raleigh NC
Chapel Hill NC
Denver NC
Charlotte NC
Greensboro NC
Haw River NC
Swansboro NC
ties, and welcome the opportunity to get to know
you better at some of these events. We encourage
you to contact your Area Coordinator to find out
about local dinner meetings and other ways to get
involved in YOUR club. Come join us, you’ll have a
great time!
Courtney Nelson
John Ozgunduz
Steve Palmer
Greg Polek
Mike Porter
Robin Pratt
Rob Rochelle
Russell Rockwell
Anthony Seto
David Sykes
Bob Tallon
Haysam Tawfik
Mike Trivett
Robert Updaw
Mark Vetrano
Andrew Wagner
Will Walton
Bill Walton
Mellissa Watson
Steve Welsh
Art Winstead
Kannapolis NC
Cary NC
N Wilkesboro NC
Cornelius NC
Boone NC
Raleigh NC
Charlotte NC
Roaring Gap NC
Cary NC
Greensboro NC
Cary NC
Raleigh NC
Charlotte NC
Charlotte NC
Kernersville NC
Cary NC
Charlotte NC
Charlotte NC
Wake Forest NC
Raleigh NC
Greensboro NC
Notes from the road
Breaking Up Ain’t Hard To Do
If there’s one fundamental principle that the
serious amateur wrench twirler must live by, it’s
this: To REALLY find out what makes something
tick, ya gotta take it apart. In my not-so-humble
opinion, this dictum ought to be right up there
with the gear head’s equivalent of the Ten Commandments. Of course, that’s only the first clause.
The second clause reads: Thou shall also put it
back together again – with no leftover parts. Otherwise, it turns into an autopsy, which is definitely
not the point of the exercise. But I’ll have more on
that later on.
Okay, I know none of this is any great revelation for you seasoned DIY mechanics out there.
You’ve had plenty of time, probably years, to
internalize this bit of wisdom along with other
nuggets – occasionally from bitter experience, I
suspect. (You could say I was lucky; it’s something
I learned a very long time ago, when I was playing
with windup toy cars, not real ones. It minimized
the risks.) So, in your case, I’ll understand if you
choose to skip this article and go on to something
more inspiring, like the classifieds. On the other
hand, you may want to read on. If nothing else, it
may prompt you to write our editor or Yours Truly,
praising me for my experience – or lambasting me
for spreading misinformation. If you do the latter,
please be gentle. After all, we are all on the same
side. But I’ve digressed.
Getting back to my main point, it’s a fact of
life that every year brings a new crop of BMW fanatics who just can’t resist delving into their cars’
innards. Clearly, there’s a dire need – nay, our
duty for us veteran gear heads to share our knowledge with these new recruits to our ways of doing
things – i.e. grappling with the inner workings of
internal combustion machinery and its appendages. In fact, I can think of at least three good rea2 TARHEEL CHAPTER FOOTNOTES
sons why knowing how to take something apart in
an orderly and careful manner – a process I like to
call ‘deconstruction’ – is a highly useful skill for
aspiring automotive surgeons.
Reason 1: Knowledge is power. Once you
know how something is put together, you’re far
better equipped to diagnose a problem if and
when it occurs. And whether you do the repairs
yourself or hand the job to a pro, the insight
you’ve gained will mean less hunting for solutions, which speeds the repair process and thus
cuts down the cost in time and money.
Reason 2: Deconstruction is a vital supplement to book learning. It’s not that manuals aren’t
helpful; in fact they are essential for a beginner
and an excellent resource later on, especially if
you’re attacking something you haven’t dealt with
before. But neither OEM manuals (which may
not be available) nor the aftermarket kind, such
as the Haynes and Bentley books are necessarily
detailed enough. All too often, they instruct you
to ‘remove the frammistan’ without telling you
exactly how to do it – e.g. what types of fasteners
must be removed; where they are located; and so
forth. Also, what Jenny Morgan says in her ROUNDEL column is true: In many ways, BMW’s quality
of assembly has improved over the years, but at
the cost of serviceability; i.e. the later the model
is, the harder it is to access and work on many
components. That’s where becoming good at deconstruction helps to bridge the information gap.
Reason 3: It mitigates the effects of Murphy’s
Law. An orderly approach reveals anomalies manuals won’t help you with. Obviously this mainly
applies to pre-owned cars. If you’re working on
one of those – and especially if you play with classics like I do – there’s bound to be stuff that’s not
in the books. Any older BMW is likely to incorpohttp://www.tarheelbmwcca.org
rate modifications, ranging from small stuff like
non-OEM fasteners to major mods like engine or
transmission swaps. What’s more, while some of
these revisions may have been done professionally, others may be total kludge. While working on
my ’80 E12 with almost 260K miles on the clock,
I’ve encountered all sorts of modifications, some
clever but others weird or useless, if not just plain
bad. There were non-OEM hoses; rerouted wiring,
some of it for a non-existent alarm system; an extra switch for running the radiator fan; a badly-fitted radiator from who-knows-where; and so forth.
As a result, my Haynes was only good as a point
of reference for what was different or wasn’t there
at all. What did help was having an orderly plan of
attack, which is what deconstruction is all about.
This longwinded preamble may leave you
with the impression that I’m talking about all
sorts of arcane tricks of the trade. It’s actually
quite simple. Basically, you want to follow some
common-sense steps in removing and perhaps
disassembling any component of your BMW, be
it mechanical, electrical, electronic or ‘soft’ trim.
The Editor’s Desk...
Is it just me, or does the new car selection
available these days––and for the past several
years for that matter––seem a bit bland. A bit of
an over-generalization maybe, but to my eyes,
most new cars seem to be cut from the same
least-common-denominator cloth.
This subject has come up several times recently during the inevitable car-talk BS sessions
with the buds. It usually starts out “okay, for under
$75k, what cars do you lust after in the new car
market?" And, I must say, I am at a loss to pick
even one. Sure, there are plenty of nice cars out
there, but none that really lust after.
I remember when I was young––even before
driving age––I could rattle off a list of then new
cars I would have loved to own––and some on
that list now own and love. Is it just that when you
get older you lose the passion, or are just harder
to impress? Maybe, but I can honestly say that I
would sooner buy and drive a really nice e30 than
almost anything offered today.
What do you think, let’s hear from you on this.
Doing so prevents mistakes; keeps things organized; and – as mentioned above – is key to putting everything back together again, without any
leftovers on the workbench.
Step One is Preparation. Survey the job at
hand; read your manual if need be. Can it be done
on level ground or does the car need to be raised?
Check what fasteners are involved, then decide
what tools you’ll need, including a good light
source if you’ll be working in or under the car.
Step Two is Orderly Disassembly. To keep
track of the process, I make notes of everything
I do, sort of like surgeons and bomb disposal
experts do (except they record it on tape). I do
this regardless of how simple or complex the job
is. Screws may be of different lengths and parts
may fit only one way, so trust me; it’ll save a lot
of headaches later. Also, keep parts and fasteners
in the order they were removed. (My mentor Paul
Mele uses plastic bins with numbered compartments.) In some cases, you may replace bolts
or screws in their original locations after removing the part, but be sure to make a note of this.
(Working outdoors as I often do, I keep everything
at hand by laying out my tools and removed parts
on an old coffee table reserved for this purpose.)
A photo record can be useful, but the shots must
be close-ups and should be labeled; otherwise
they’re easily mixed up.
Step Three may involve disassembling a component you’ve removed. Do this on a workbench
or other flat surface, where pieces won’t get lost.
Clean the component and all of its parts. It’s not
only neat but may reveal any defects – say, a corroded electrical connection or a cracked nipple on
a fuel pump – that will determine the part’s fate.
Obviously, if something is bad or broken, you
need to fix it or replace it, as the case may be, so
this may be a stopping point. If so, make sure everything, parts and fasteners, is secure to prevent
it from getting jumbled or mislaid.
Step Four is Reassembly. As Haynes manuals
typically put it, “refitting is a reversal of removal”.
If you’ve followed Steps One through Three you
should have no problems, whether you’re refitting the original component or replacing it with a
new one. As far as fasteners, clamps and so forth
go, you may use the old ones in the former case if
(after cleaning) they’re in good shape; otherwise
use new ones. A new component may come with
new fasteners, seals and so forth, but in case it
doesn’t, be prepared by having the right ones in
hand. Having a supply of metric screws and bolts
beforehand is good practice. (If you’re like Paul
Mele or me, you’ll have bins of such stuff in storage, but that’s just us.)
Feb 16
7th BMW/Porsche Swap Meet
John Meek
Feb 22-24 Tarheel & Toe Driver’s School VIR
JoElla John
Feb 23
Tarheel Annual Banquet VIR Gallery
Brenda Dunlevy
Apr 4-7
*Charlotte Food Lion Autofair Charlotte Motor Speedway
Apr 12-14 BMW Club Race VIR Tarheel Chapter
Mike Hinkley
Apr 13
BMW Club Race Outing VIR Tarheel Chapter
Brenda Dunlevy
Apr 13
*14th Annual British & European Car Show
Roy Gavilan
Apr 20-21 Tire Rack Street Survival Raleigh
Denis Kingberg
May 4-11 *30th Annual Tire Rack One Lap of America Start South Bend, IN
May 24-26 The Vintage 2013 Westbend Vinyards
Scott Sturdy
Jun 15-16 *The 24-Hour of LeMons Summit Point National Capital
Jun 21-23 BMW Club Race VIR Full with PCA
Mike Hinkley
Jun 28-30 Tarheel & Toe Driver’s School and Dinner Sat
JoElla John
Aug 19-24 *44nd Annual BMW CCA Oktoberfest Monterey, CA Jackie Bechek
Aug 29-Sep 1 *ZFest 2013 BMW Performance Center
David Weeks
Web: charlotte-autofair.com
Web: www.wmbgbrit.com
Web: onelapofamerica.com
scottsturdy@yahoo.com Web: www.atthevintage.com
Web: 24hoursoflemons.com
Web: www.bmwcca.org
Web: www.zscca.org
* Not a Tarheel BMW CCA sponsored event
That’s about all there is to it. Clearly there’s
nothing mysterious or complex about deconstruction and reassembly. It’s all about being orderly
and methodical. Other than that, you have nothing to fear except fear itself. There are however a
couple of caveats I need to mention.
First of all, venturing safely into what is terra
incognita for beginners involves a learning curve.
So start by working on something relatively simple like a coolant pump. (One of our advertisers,
Bavarian AutoSport, features some very good DIY
advice on their website.) Or better yet, help an experienced buddy do the job. As always, hands-on
practice with a mentor makes perfect.
The other caution is: Don’t launch into disassembling something just because it’s there. Your
guiding principle should be ‘If It Ain’t Broke, Don’t
Mess’, especially if you’re dealing with a latermodel BMW. To be perfectly honest, I’m often
tempted to do so. It’s some sort of aberrant mechanic’s gene in me, I guess. But this is the one
instance where my advice is: Do as I say, not as I
The Tarheel BMW CCA Annual Banquet
and Business Meeting will be held on Saturday evening, February 23rd at VIR. This
is the weekend of the 1st Driver’s School of
2013. The Banquet will be held in the Gallery
Building and will begin at 6:00pm. There will
be a Cash Bar and Dinner Meeting. The cost
is $40 per person. Come as you are from a
day on the track. Relax, eat and enjoy time
with fellow Club members. Registration will
be on MotorsportReg. We look forward to
seeing many of you there. For questions, or
to register by mail or email contact:
Brenda Dunlevy 6424 Littlewood Road
Kernersville, NC 27284
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Family Operated
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Kenny Hawkins Automotive
605 Germantown Road
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Full Schedules Mark New Season
Here we are; it’s February, and if previous
years are any indication, BMW track warriors from
our neck of the woods should be gearing up for
the 2013 season’s first BMW CCA Club Racing
(CR) event. But as it turns out, the operative word
is ‘should’; the reality ain’t necessarily so. At this
point, we would normally expect to see something scheduled at Sebring or Road Atlanta, right?
But no; as we filed this report – having waited
until the last minute – the earliest event listed on
CR’s 2013 calendar was in May! Go figure. Okay,
we’re probably whining for no reason; the CR
schedule will be up – by the time you read this.
But you can see why we’re getting antsy.
Admittedly, what has us just a wee bit concerned is the way Peachtree cancelled the CR
event at Road Atlanta last February. We hope
this didn’t set a precedent. After all, it couldn’t
have been due to the weather because the VDCA
guys made it then. And as we read their schedule,
they all set to show up at the Braselton track this
In fact, both major vintage racing organizations, the VDCA and the SVRA, are already on the
books with their respective plans for this season.
The VDCA’s 2013 schedule is set for the entire
year. Starting this month with that very same
Road Atlanta race, labeled ‘Winter Games’, they
will then stage their annual ‘Wild Hare Run’ at
VIR the weekend of April 12-14. We must assume
this event will also see our CR guys take to the
track in Tarheel’s (as yet unlisted) spring race.
Since this will also feature our annual Club Race
Outing, all you racing junkies might as well mark
your calendars now. Five more VDCA events will
follow, at tracks up and down the South Atlantic
seaboard, capped by the VDCA’s traditional finale
at Roebling Road in December. As for the SVRA,
so far their published schedule only runs through
May, with races at Sebring, Rockingham and Road
America. However, we’re sure they’ll eventually
add several events to the second half of their
calendar. We expect to cover the exploits of local
vintage drivers at all of these events with the invaluable help of our roving reporter Skip Bryan.
Moving on to current stuff, we first need to
revise what we wrote last month about BimmerWorld’s appearance at the NASA/USAF 25-hour
race at Thunderhill. Our report said the team’s
attempt to score “fizzled”, which may have implied their extensively modified ex-CTSCC M3
broke. That was not our intention. Fact is, the car
did quite well and so did James Clay’s five-driver
team. Racing in the 13-car ES class, with but one
extended pit stop, they didn’t make it to the podium but they did finish fifth in class and 12th
overall. That’s darn good, considering that only
forty-seven of the seventy starters made it to the
checker. Clay put it in a nutshell when he said:
“With 70 cars jockeying for position on the 3-mile
course, the risk of damage and destruction filters
out all but the most committed entries.”
Clay later revealed his long-term objective in
entering the E92. He described the car as a “showcase for the company’s line of aftermarket performance components,” and hailed the results as
a successful test of the ‘production V8’ M3 – “an
opportunity to demonstrate how much speed and
consistency can be extracted from an unlimited
approach to the popular BMW model.” In effect,
Clay views the car as a test bed, and expects that
the various components used in modifying the car
will eventually translate to better products for his
customers. In due course, we expect to hear more
from Clay about this venture, and certainly about
the BW team’s renewed 3-car assault on the ST
class in the Grand-Am CTSCC series.
So far, Clay has picked Seth Thomas and
Dan Rogers to drive the #82 car, with the other
ST driver pairings to follow. They will be racing
in an expanded 11-race series, starting with the
kickoff at Daytona, which ran late last month (but
way past our deadline). The series’ track picks are
also slightly different from last year’s. Two tracks,
Homestead and NJMP, are gone; they’ve been replaced by two brand new race courses, the Circuit
of the Americas near Austin, where next month’s
race is to take place; and Kansas Speedway, a
‘roval’ that will host the ST crowd in mid-August.
What’s more, the Road America race, a week before Kansas, will add a new wrinkle; it will be run
jointly with ALMS. So once again Team BimmerWorld faces a few new challenges. We wish them
the best of racer’s luck.
Getting back to CR stuff, the 2012 championship standings should be final, but official
word on that was still MIA as we filed this report.
However, a review of available numbers plus a
peek at our crystal ball confirms our earlier predictions that certain local hot shoes can expect
to see their names on the honor rolls. Our best
guesses are as follows: Dennis Pippy will most
likely be named M3T champ both nationally and
in the South Atlantic Region. Two other drivers
look like they’re good for making Regional Class
Champions – IP racer Roman Lifson, in what turns
out to have been the largest class competing for
points; and Sean McKay (IS), who despite getting
deployed with our military in mid-season accumulated enough points in 2012 to carry his class
in our neck of the woods.
And lest we forget, we saw a lot of other local
racers compete in 2012, including several who we
think deserve honorable mention in this context.
One of them is Phil Antoine (Spec E36). After
all, 2012 was his rookie season, plus he got into
the fray fairly late in the year; yet it still looks to
us like he scored enough points to earn second
place in our Region’s Spec E36 standings. Others
we should name, for having finished last season
well up in our Region’s class standings (despite
having raced in only a few events) include Ray Korman (IS), Mark Litzerman and Mike Hinkley (both
in KP), Shane Gunn (M3T) and Tom Tice (Spec
E36). Our collective caps are off to all of them.
Finally, we need to mention NASA because
that organization’s Eastern Seaboard events have
been popular with a number of local hot shoes
– crossovers from CR such as Jason Crist, who occasionally races in one of the GTS classes; guys
like Al ‘the Rev’ Taylor and Chip Stabler, who of
late have been splitting their track time between
vintage and NASA events; as well as regular NASA
devotees such as the Spec E30 crowd. The latter
group has pretty much found a permanent home
with NASA and has seen a bunch of local drivers
– Carter Hunt, Dave Herrington and Carlton Goldthwaite, to name but a few – compete in recent
As we went to press, both of NASA’s ‘local’
regions had already published their respective
2013 schedules. The Mid-Atlantic Region is set to
run eight races this season, starting with back-toback events at VIR this month and next. In fact, all
of their 2013 races will take place at either VIR or
Summit Point. On the other hand, the Southeast
Region’s schedule is bit longer, with ten events,
and will involve four tracks – CMP, Road Atlanta,
Roebling Road and VIR. Fully half of the races
will take place at Road Atlanta. Three events are
scheduled for CMP, including the region’s season kickoff, labeled ‘Winter Meltdown’ later this
month, plus one each at Savannah and VIR.
All in all, 2013 is shaping up to be a really
busy racing season, with enough of the events
– CR, vintage and NASA – taking place within rea-
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sonable distances from our home grounds to fill
just about every weekend between now and late
fall for our homegrown racing crowd. At least the
opportunity to get plenty of track time is certainly
there. What remains to be seen is, how many of
them will take full advantage of this cornucopia.
A glance at the different race schedules, placed
side-by-side, suggests that some of our hot shoes
– especially the crossovers – will have a tough
time picking a suitable schedule.
It’s what the French call ‘embarrassment of
riches’. But that ain’t all bad.
Event T-Shirt Design Assistance Needed
Express your creativity and share your talent & skills
with your club! We’re looking for designers to produce
artwork for our 2013 Club Race and High Performance
Driving School t-shirts. Qualified members can earn
registration credit for driving school events.
We’re also interested in creating a unique Tarheel
Chapter logo – something that represents our region
and our enthusiasm for our marque!
Please contact Craig
Harmon with your info
or questions. If possible,
please include samples
of your work to: craig@
mpowercreative.com or
BMW Car Club
of America
Tarheel Chapter
We enjoy BMW's and support the
Tarheel Chapter.
Selling track cars and daily drivers
to Club Members since 1989.
Many European and Japanese
cars in stock now
Holland Hale
Chip Stabler
2511 Guess Road, Durham, NC 27705
phone: 919-416-9400
fax: 919-416-9122
Street Survival ReCap –
October, 2012 Class
As most of you are aware, Street Survival
classes clearly present in invaluable learning experience for new teen driver students. Equally
important, they also present a challenge, learning experience, and opportunities for creativity
for our Core Planning Team and volunteer staff.
We sort of ventured “back to the future” when it
came to our event venue for the class held back
in October, 2012. Up until now, the Triangle Area
hosted their Street Survival classes at the Emergency Services Training Center (ESTC) in Sanford,
which is overseen by Central Carolina Community
College. Based at a decommissioned airport, the
facility offered ample room for event exercises, a
teaching classroom, and allowed for a 60-student
capacity class. Now faced with budget cuts and
other constraints, the ESTC would no longer support our Street Survival class needs.
We then approached the Raleigh Police Dept.
(RPD), who had originally provided our class
venue some six years ago, when Street Survival
was first offered here. They welcomed us back
with open arms, and allowed us to use their driver
training facility for our October class. The main
challenge we were faced with, was the size of the
venue and the class capacity it was able to support. It also meant reduction to the number of
driving exercises we could offer. This is where
our team’s creativity and brainstorming launched
into action, to develop a set of exercise layouts
that would achieve our teaching and student
driving experience objectives. After significant
‘tweaking’ of the course layout design on the setup day, the class was indeed ready with four key
exercises plus one which students could do on
their own. Enrollment was limited to 30 students
(1/2 of our enrollment from prior classes).
The class was exceptionally executed with the
help of our dedicated staff, plus some assistance
from the Eastern Wake Fire Dept, who furnished
fire support equipment to keep our skid-pad exercise wet. Students and parents were overly
enamored with the class content and the learning
experiences gained from it.
I also pleased to announce that we were
successful in re-attaining our prior enrollment
objectives, and have since negotiated with the
RPD to provide their venue for two full weekends
in 2013, to host two successive (Sat-Sun) Street
Survival class offerings. Each class with be open
to approximately 30-35 students each of the two
weekend days.
An event of this nature cannot be executed
without the dedication of committed planning
team and volunteer staff. I would like to again
acknowledge our key team members in 2012 who
helped with the planning, logistics, and instruction of our Street Survival classes:
Phil Antoine (Chief Instructor)
Mike Whitney (Chief of Course – Lead design)
Rodney Wright (President, THSCC)
Jeff Lucas (Volunteer Coordinator)
Ron Spencer (classroom instructor)
Gilbert Reynolds
Brian Marks
Chief M. W. Johnson, Eastern Wake Fire Dept
Tony Rogers, Raleigh Police Dept.
Our Driving Course Instructors
Our Volunteer staff
-Denis Kingberg
Get Ready for Spring Driving & Track Event Season
Supporting Clubs: Sandlapper & Tarheel Chapters BMW CCA
and Carolinas Region PCA
Host: Touring Car Inc.
300-340 Seaboard Drive
Matthews, NC 28104
Date: Saturday, February 16, 2013
Time: Vendor setup from 8 am to 9 am
Swap Meet Shoppers from 9 am to 1 pm
Cost: No charges for Vendors or Shoppers
Contact: John Meek / Jmeek911@aol.com / 803-324-4994
- From I-485 take exit 51 onto US 74 East
- Take US 74 East Independence Blvd. toward Monroe
(not toward Matthews)
- Turn Right at traffic signal 1.4 miles onto Stallings Rd.
- Pass over RR track and turn right onto Industrial Dr.
- Turn Right onto Seaboard Dr.
- Touring Cars Inc. is on the left
- Swap Meet in the back lot between the shops
Send your questions and comments for “Say
What...” to Footnotes via email at footnotes@carolina.rr.com.
No “Say What...” this month!
Your photos and stories.
Got a tale to tell about your
Bimmer, photos you want
to share with your fellow
Footnotes readers, or just
a suggestion?
Email your submissions to
Come on, you can do it...
We would love to hear from
EST. 1993
An Independent BMW Specialist
* Early and late model BMW’s
(Call for motorcycle maintenance)
* Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) or
BMW Original parts
* Many years of experience exclusively with
BMW repairs, maintenance, and modifications and race prep (Club events)
* Latest Diagnostic Equipment
Chris Joyner, Owner/Technician
76 South Market Street
Asheville, NC 28801
(828) 253-6000 csjoyner@bellsouth.net
Hours: 10:00 – 6:00 Monday through Friday
Leith BMW is full service in more ways than you ever
thought before. Not only can you find great offers on
the Ultimate Driving Machine,® on leithbmw.com,
we also have:
‚ A large inventory of new and pre-owned BMWs.
‚ Continually updated parts and service specials.
‚ Links to join our Facebook, Google+ and Twitter
pages. Stay up-to-date on all the latest BMW news
and information.
Scan the code
to view
this month’s
Leith BMW
5603 Capital Blvd. Raleigh, NC 27616
919.882.2420 | LeithBMW.com
5 Series
The Ultimate
Driving Machine®
2nd Thursday each month
6:30 p.m.
Break Time Billiards
420 Jonestown Rd. Winston-Salem
Come out and join us for drink specials,half-priced
pool, delicious Italian food and even a free Break
Time Billiards membership(for the first year) . This
is no sleazy pool hall, it’s a verynice facility with
a full bar, very nice pool table, dart boards, etc.
Francesco’sItalian Restaurant (next door) offers their
full menu right in Break Time, andI can tell you from
experience that the food is excellent - so come hungry. Break Time is a 21 yrs and older establishment
so be sure to bring your ID.
3rd Thursday each month
7 p.m.
12101Lancaster Hwy (Old Hwy 521)
(Locatednear Carolina Place Mall)
(704) 540-7047
We’re still hanging out at the Waldhorn Restaurant on the third Thursday of each month. Contact
Chris Webber at H:(704) 523-9118 C: 704-906-8876
or e-mail at christopher.b.webber@gmail.com
to RSVP. Please join us (great German food and
beer). See you there!
(3rd Thursday each month)
6:30 pm
Manchester’s Grill
9101-153 Leesville Road
Pine Crest Shopping Center)
Raleigh 27613
(919) 676-3310
Directions: Manchester’s is located just 1 mile
south of I-540, exit 7 on Leesville Road.
As usual, it’s the third Thursday. They have a
room large enough to accommodate us, and a
great menu. Please come out and join us - Victor
Varney (650) 799-8666
2nd Tuesday each month
7:00 pm
Pizza Pasta Pit
1713 Riverview Dr
Near corner of Electric Road & Apperson DR.
(540) 387-2885.
Announcements via BMW CCA Meet-Up Group Roanoke Dinners are normally the second Tuesday of the month.
Last Tuesday each month
6:30 pm
Where: Ichiban Japanese Steak House Sushi Bar
2 Hendersonville Road
Asheville , N.C. 28803
Call for directions (828) 525-7885
All BMW marques are welcome (cars, motorcycles,
Mini, Rolls, etc.).
Contact Richard at rvaughn29@charter.net for more
DOWNEAST AREA (Greenville, Wilson Rocky Mt)
Members interested in getting together please
email Bob Thomas at bobthomas18@hotmail.com
or call (252) 363-1383.
HURRICANE REGION AREA (New Bern, Jacksonville, Morehead City) will meet the 3rd Tuesday
of the month. For details contact Rich Broughton
(252) 247-2074 or cell (252) 670-0803. See web
page www.obxcruz.ning.com for monthly details.
Meeting will move around in area.
For dinner info call Tom Deacon at H (910) 5790520 in Ocean Isle Beach C (910) 398-2694 or email: tdeacon@atmc.net
Please email Andy Barbee for more information at
wbarbee1@carolina.rr.com or call (704) 701-2294.
No information available.
(4th Wednesday each month)
6:30 p.m.
Luigi’s Restaurant
528 North McPherson Church Road
Fayetteville, NC 28303
Please come out and join us - Jeff Lucas. (919)
454-9383 email: jwlucas@dcjsystems.com
Footnotes classified ads
are free to members in good
standing of the BMW CCA.
Nonmembers can also place
advertisements here for
$5.00 per month (see inside
front cover). Please enclose
all necessary information
with your advertisement.
Unless you tell us otherwise,
your ad will appear here for
three (3) consecutive issues.
Classified advertisements
can be emailed to the
Editor’s attention at
$8000 w/ stock cast coupe
wheels. I also have a Group
4 CSL rear wing and ducktail deck spoiler (reproduction) and 6 BBS 14x7 basketweave wheels that I will
include with a full price offer.
the full price buyer, otherwise
they will be sold separately
on EBAY. Photos available.
704-372-7855(d), 704-4898134 (e) Charlotte.
1988 325i Convertible with
Alpine White exterior, black
top (7 yrs. old) and red
leather interior. Daily driver in
good condition. 195k miles,
40k on rebuilt engine. 5 spd,
many new parts, front end
bushings, shocks, radiator,
leather seats redone 7 yrs.
ago. A/C not working, parking lot dent in passenger
door and quarter panel, paint
getting thin. With service
manuals. Runs great. $3500
540-529-8652 or krerath@
1973 BMW 3.0 CS Price
reduced! Overall Condition
is good but it is a 39 year
old car. Miles unknown but
est.130k. 5 spd conversion with custom drive shaft,
new springs and shocks all
around. Electronic ignition,
spin–on oil filter conversion,
headers, new alternator, and
rebuilt Weber downdrafts.
Group 2 front air dam, AC,
Sun roof, Black/black w/
Recaro seats w/ matching
rear upholstery. Includes a
trunk full of new and spare
parts and service books. Car
is a driver not a show queen,
but not priced like a show
queen. Price reduced to
1991 318is for parts or race
car conversion NC Insurance total but rebuildable
slick top E30. NC car (so
no rust) was hit center front
but steering and suspension
untouched. Engine running
fine until wreck but can’t turn
it over due to radiator push
back. 5 sp has new short
shift kit. Can be rebuilt or
parted out with lots of salable parts: everything from
the back of the front fenders
back including all brake and
suspension parts (Bilstein/
H&R), glass and crack-free
dash. Or part it out to fund
your race car project for
Spec E30 or whatever. Sold
with odd set of wheels and
junk tires. I just don’t have
room to dismantle and part
out so our loss is your gain.
Come and get it for insurance company salvage value
of $750. Will deliver within
100 miles of Charlotte for
$150 and cost of fuel. Photos
available. 704-372-7855(d),
704-489-8134 (e) Charlotte
1998 540 Nice condition,
sport package with 6 speed
manual transmission, 134k
miles, gold with tan interior,
nice wheels and tires. Only
$5700. Call 919-414-8867 or
smfc@att.net. Car is located
in NC
1998 M3 techno-violet,
one owner, 183K, manual,
cold ac, well maintained,
always garaged, $6200.
919.696.8312 call or text.
1999 M3 Convertible
with Alpine White exterior, tan interior and black
Stereo and IPOD adapter *
windscreen included. Automatic Trans. CAR HAS
Exterior in excellent condition. NO DINGS OR DENTS.
No smokers. Mileage: 150K.
Always garaged. Car located
in NC. Email: acbjw@yahoo.
2002 BMW 540i touring VIN
WBADR63472GN92044. MSport, cold weather, Premium
Sound and Nav. 84,000
Titanium Silver and black
leather. Run flats. Former
CPO. In family since 2004.
Window sticker, service records and books.
Too many cars. Deserves a
good home. $10,500 obo.
com or Jwells@hedgehogholdings.com. Car located in
2004 M3 Dinan S3-R Silver Gray Metallic with
black nappa interior. VIN
WBSBL93464PN58976. Serial numbered and badged
Dinan S3-R producing 462
bhp and 328 lb-ft torque.
Over $50,000 in modifica-
tions, too many to list here.
Meticulously maintained
esthetically and mechanically. 58,000 miles. Asking
$37,900. Located in Columbia, SC. Lots of pictures
on line at http://claspics.
com/426/381606/. Contact
Dan via e-mail at danielbbornstein@gmail.com or by
phone at (520) 971-8241
2008 535xi AWD, 6 cylinder
turbo with 300 HP, 28MPG,
new tires and brakes, dark
grey with black interior, cold
weather package, luxury
package, SPORT package,
81k miles, very good condition! 6 speed manual, loaded.
$24k. Call 828-734-1535 or
smfc@att.net Car is located
in NC
2009 335i Sedan VinWBAPM73519A365813,
30,000+ miles, Munich assembly, Black sapphire ext
/ Beige Dakota w/ light burl
trim int, Premium/Sport
package, Steptronic/Sport
wheel paddles, Comfort access, Heated seats, Wired
for valentine, Garage kept,
Non-smoker, Excellent condition, $48,700 msrp, $30,500,
contact- dlambert@lambertai.
com, (336) 777-3657 x103
2011 X5 with turbo 6, white
with cinnamon interior, 19
inch wheels, AWD, panoramic roof and running boards.
41k miles. Priced to sell at
$42k. Call 828-734-1535 or
smfc@att.net Car is located
in NC
1972 Bavaria 128K. Original
owner, California car, in storage for years. Interior almost
perfect, could be painted.
4-speed, Weber conversion
and Euro spec ignition distributor. Make offer. jposig@
(4) E30 Bottlecap wheels
with 50% Falken Azenis tires.
Good Condition $200 OBO.
Call 919.542.7578 Pittsboro,
5, yes 5 TSW Hockenheim
R 15” wheels from ‘91 318is.
This wheel has been discontinued by TSW but is one of
the best looking wheels ever
produced for the e30. http://
classic.php Complete with
center caps, nuts, and clips.
Wheels only- no tires. $800
for all 5, buyer pays shipping
from Charlotte, NC. From
same car I also have M42
Dinan Chip, H&R f&r sway
bars, Racing Dynamics Strut
Bar, complete interior (tan)
with recently recovered sport
seats, tool kit, original ’91
318is owners manual, lots of
new parts like hoses, filters ,
fan clutch , window switch,
complete set of ellipsoidal
headlights, and more. 704-
372-7855(d), 704-489-8134
(e) Charlotte
E60 M5 stock 19” wheels
Excellent condition with
minor blemishes for normal
use- no curb rash. Fit all
large BMWs or have a second set for your M5 for track
days. Straight and true. A
good deal at $1000 plus
shipping. Will deliver within
50 miles of Charlotte for full
price. 704-372-7855(d), 704489-8134 (e) Charlotte.
Parting out E36 race car
StopTech front brakes and
2 new rotors w/ hats, new
PFC front and new Hawk rear
brake pads and new rear rotors in box, Light wt. splinter
& wing and doors, 1 set of
CCW and Delta 18x10 40mm
off set, 2 sets CCW 17x9.5
custom built for max foot
print, 2 sets of SSR 18x10
24mm off set, Seibon carbon
fiber hood w/ Aero hinges,
Blanton 373 diff, 2 tranie, ATE
cold air intake kit, OBD1 oil
pan w/ VAC baffle, Ground
control rear sway bar, Lexan
rear and side windows,
RACETECH seat, etc. Email
for complete list, photos and
prices. Tedm3worrell@gmail.
Bridgestone Potenza
RE960AS pole position
RFT 4 runflats , 4000miles
since new , [2] 225/40/RF18
[2]255/35/RF18 TRack $1178
$600 plus shipping greensboro 336 3390517 or kirby.
HONDA EM 2500 Generator Used less than 50 hours.
Perfect for track and will
power small air compressor, battery chargers for
power tools or power the
tools directly, lights, computers, microwave, coffee pots,
small refrigerator, fans, etc.
or keep at home for emergency. $500 plus shipping.
Will deliver within 50 miles of
Charlotte for full price. 704372-7855(d), 704-489-8134
(e) Charlotte.
Used Michelin one Pilot
Sport A/S Plus 245/40ZR18,
right side, approx. 6000
miles on tire, $50. Buyer
pays shipping or can meet
in Asheville area. Tom:
(828)890-1761; wtbullard@
WANTED wind screen for
2006 type 3 series convertible. Contact threhmeyer@
Preserving the CCA history
The Club Archive is looking
for Oktoberfest or Chapter
events trophies, shirts, pins,
posters, wine glasses, dash
plaques, grill badges, programs, or anything else. Anything from the club’s past for
the Archive/Museum. Do you
have extra items you would
consider donating? Michael:
(864)250-0022; mmitchell@
roundel.org. (SC)
Tarheel Chapter BMW CCA
Email List Join us online:
The “list” provides a casual,
online forum for chapter
members to discuss BMW’s
and BMW CCA events and
related topics of interest to
local members. Basically it’s
a sort of electronic discussion board, almost anything
is free game, as long as it has
some connection to BMW’s
(no matter how remote the
connection might be).
To join the list surf on out to:
tarheelbmw/ Info on how
to subscribe or unsubscribe
can be found on this page. If
you want a shortcut to subscribe- simply send an email
to tarheelbmw-subscribe@
topica.com. (make sure you
send the email from the email
address that you want to receive the list messages!!)
THE 02 GROUP A special interest group for 2002 owners
in NC. For more information
about the group and how to
join, check out our website:
The Triad’s Finest BMW Body Repair
and Frame Shop!
Insurance work and other fine cars welcome!
We are perfectionists, and our combined forty years
of experience assures our customers of
quality workmanship. As BMW specialists, we use
only factory parts and have the area’s most
complete supply of original BMW factory German
We Buy Wrecks – Scott McDuffie, Owner
McDuffie Autobody
3510 E. Wendover Avenue
Greensboro, NC 27405
(336) 375-4516
Photo by rblood
MINI Fun! At least there is room to work under the hood now...
Your photos and stories.
Got a tale to tell about your
Bimmer, photos you want
to share with your fellow
Footnotes readers, or just
a suggestion?
Email your submissions to
Come on, you can do it...
We would love to hear from
Footnotes classifieds...
Ads are free to members in good standing of the BMW CCA.
Non-members can also place advertisements here for $5.00
per month. Please enclose all necessary information with
your advertisement.
Unless you tell us otherwise, your ad will appear here for
three (3) consecutive issues.
Classified advertisements can be
emailed to the Editor’s attention at:
Roanoke Area Dinner
Triad Area Dinner
7th BMW/Porsche Swap Meet
Hurricane Area Dinner
Charlotte Area Dinner
Triangle Area Dinner
Tarheel & Toe Driver’s School VIR
Tarheel Annual Banquet VIR Gallery
Asheville Area Dinner
Sandhills Area Dinner
BMW CCA Club Race - VIR April 12-14, 2013
Club Race Outing - VIR April 13, 2013
February 22-24
February 23
February 26
February 27
February 12
February 14
February 16
February 19
February 21
24 25 26 27 28
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
P.O. Box 1208
Harrisburg, NC 28075-1208