City of Colleyville Planning and Zoning Commission Agenda
City of Colleyville Planning and Zoning Commission Agenda
City of Colleyville City Hall 100 Main Street Colleyville, Texas 76034 817. 503.1000 Planning and Zoning Commission Agenda Monday, May 11, 2015 City Council Chambers PRE COMMISSION MEETING 6:15 P.M. EXECUTIVE CONFERENCE ROOM THIRD FLOOR LEGAL BRIEFING BY CITY ATTORNEY REGARDING PLANNING, ZONING, PLATTING, AND LAND USE REVIEW OF REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS AND DISCUSSION OF PREVIOUS MEETING MINUTES DISCUSSION OF ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON FUTURE AGENDAS AND UPDATES ON DEVELOPMENT TRENDS, PROGRESS AND CITY COUNCIL ACTIONS ON PAST AGENDA ITEMS EXECUTIVE SESSION – In accordance with Texas Government Code Chapter 551, Subchapter D, Section 551.071 – Legal – Consultation with attorney on legal issues raised by public hearing or action items on the agenda 7:00 P.M. - REGULAR MEETING CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL INVOCATION: Commissioner Phelps PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES April 13, 2015 2. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS 2a Consideration of a replat of Lot 1, Block 1, of the Brighton Oaks Addition, located at 2600 Sherwood Lane, Case PC15-010 2b Consideration of a replat of Lots 1 and 2, Block 2 of the Andy Felps Addition, located at 120 Acuff Lane, Case PC15-005 City of Colleyville Page 1 Planning and Zoning Commission Agenda May 11, 2015 3. CITIZEN COMMENTS/PRESENTATIONS REGARDING ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA AS A PUBLIC HEARING ITEM 4. PUBLIC HEARING AGENDA ITEMS 5. 4a Consideration of a zoning change from the R40 – Single Family Residential zoning district to the R20 – Single Family Residential zoning district on Abstract 1248, of the Thomas J. Polson Survey, located at 508 Black Drive, Case ZC15-008 4b Consideration of a zoning change from the CN – Neighborhood Commercial zoning district to the CPO – Professional Office zoning district on Lots 1-4, Block 1, of the C-D Subdivision, located at 6513 Colleyville Boulevard, Case ZC15-009 ADJOURNMENT I hereby certify this agenda was posted on City Hall bulletin boards May 8, 2015 by 5:00 p.m. Taci Wrisley Planning and Zoning Assistant A quorum of the Colleyville City Council may be in attendance at this meeting. Any matter on this agenda may, at the discretion of the governing body, be opened for public comment and discussion. If you plan to attend this public meeting and have a disability that requires special accommodations, please advise the City Secretary at least 48 hours in advance at 817.503.1133, and reasonable accommodations will be made to assist you. City of Colleyville Page 2 City of Colleyville Planning and Zoning Commission Minutes Monday, April 13, 2015 City Hall 100 Main Street Colleyville, Texas 76034 817. 503.1000 City Council Chambers CALL MEETING TO ORDER The Planning and Zoning Commission meeting of the City of Colleyville was called to order by Chairman Byerly on April 13, 2015 at 7:18 p.m. Roll Call Present: Commissioners Larry Knox, Carel Tornes, David Wheelwright, Jim Gotcher, Don Davis, David Phelps, and Jeff Byerly Staff Present: Adam Marsh, Taci Wrisley, Patia Boomsma, Rob McKeown, Brian Riley, Dale Crown, Marty Wieder, and Matt Butler (City Attorney) 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Knox made a motion to approve the minutes as corrected. Commissioner Wheelwright seconded. The motion to approve the minutes as corrected carried by the following vote: Aye: 7 – Knox, Tornes, Wheelwright, Gotcher, Davis, Phelps, and Byerly 2. CITIZEN COMMENTS/PRESENTATIONS REGARDING ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA AS A PUBLIC HEARING ITEM There were no citizen comments/presentations regarding items not on the agenda as a public hearing item. 3. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS 3a Consideration of a replat on Lot 1, Block 1, of the Mac’s Bar and Grill Addition located at 5120 State Highway 121, Case PC15-002 Patia Boomsma presented the case and briefed the Commission. Commissioner Tornes questioned staff regarding whether the shared parking agreement could be changed. Patia Boomsma replied the shared parking agreement could be changed, but would require City of Colleyville Page 1 Planning and Zoning Commission Minutes April 13, 2015 approval from the City. Chairman Byerly questioned staff regarding whether any future property owners would be subject to the shared parking agreement. Patia Boomsma replied yes, the shared parking agreement would be filed with Tarrant County and noted on the plat. Commissioner Davis questioned staff regarding how many parking spaces the proposed businesses would be short and does staff see an issue with there being a parking shortage. Patia Boomsma replied the combined lots would be short 25 parking spaces; however, the two proposed uses (a restaurant and an office building) have different peak parking times. Julia Barth, Commission. property owner, came forward and briefed the Commissioner Davis questioned Ms. Barth regarding how many stories the proposed building would be. Ms. Barth replied no more than two (2) or possibly two (2) one (1) story buildings. Aaron Siddique, 1502 Royal Lane, wished to record his support but did not wish to speak. Commissioner Tornes made a motion to approve Case PC15002. Commissioner Davis seconded. The motion to approve Case PC15-002 carried by the following vote: Aye: 7 – Knox, Tornes, Wheelwright, Gotcher, Davis, Phelps, and Byerly 3b Consideration of a final plat on Abstract 685, of the J. Havens Survey, Abstract 173, of the S. C. H. Witten Survey, and Abstract 441, of the Jesse Doss Survey located at 2800 Heritage Avenue, Case PC15-008 Patia Boomsma presented the case and briefed the Commission. Commissioner Tornes questioned staff regarding whether the developer had mentioned commercial development on this development. Patia Boomsma replied no. Jay Volk, the applicant, came forward to answer any Commission questions. City of Colleyville Page 2 Planning and Zoning Commission Minutes April 13, 2015 Commissioner Phelps made a motion to approve Case PC15008. Commissioner Knox seconded. The motion to approve Case PC15-008 carried by the following vote: Aye: 6 – Knox, Tornes, Wheelwright, Davis, Phelps, and Byerly Nay: 1 – Gotcher 4. PUBLIC HEARING AGENDA ITEMS 4a Consideration of a replat on Lots 34A & 35A, Block 1, of the Westcoat Place Addition, located at 6012 and 6016 L. D. Lockett Road, Case PC15-007 Patia Boomsma presented the case and briefed the Commission. Commissioner Tornes questioned staff regarding whether the two (2) lots were previously combined. Patia Boomsma replied it is possible, however, the lots are platted separately under the current configuration. Chairman Byerly questioned staff regarding whether the proposed lot configuration would be considered a flag lot. Patia Boomsma replied no and explained that staff did not consider this a flag lot because the residence is currently being constructed in the narrow portion of the lot. Commissioner Wheelwright questioned staff regarding where the pond was located. Patia Boomsma replied the pond is located on the rear portion of Lot 34A. The public hearing was opened at 7:38 p.m. Ryan Panno, the property owner, came forward and briefed the Commission. Commissioner Tornes questioned Mr. Panno regarding whether the pond was completely located on Lot 34A. Mr. Panno replied that the pond crosses the lot line. Commissioner Gotcher asked Mr. Panno which lot the pond will be located on if the lot line is moved per the proposed replat. Mr. Panno replied Lot 35A. City of Colleyville Page 3 Planning and Zoning Commission Minutes April 13, 2015 Discussion continued regarding the pond location. Commissioner Phelps questioned Mr. Panno regarding the size of the pond. Mr. Panno replied that the pond is approximately eighty percent of the piece of property that would be moving over. Commissioner Phelps asked Mr. Panno if all of the accessory structures would be removed from Lot 35A. Mr. Panno replied that they have all been removed. Discussion continued regarding accessory buildings. There being no one else wishing to speak, the public hearing was closed at 7:45 p.m. Commissioner Knox made a motion to approve Case PC15-007. Commissioner Tornes seconded. The motion to approve Case PC15-007 carried by the following vote: Aye: 7 – Knox, Tornes, Wheelwright, Gotcher, Davis, Phelps, and Byerly 4b Consideration of a Special Use Permit for an accessory building on Lot 3R1, Block 1, of the Pleasant Oaks Estates Addition, located at 601 Shelton Drive, Case ZC15-002 Patia Boomsma presented the case and briefed the Commission. Commissioner Phelps questioned staff regarding whether the ordinance explicitly stated or implied that commercial and/or residential uses were prohibited for the accessory building. Patia Boomsma replied it is not explicitly stated, but if the Commission so wished, the condition could be added. The public hearing was opened at 7:50 p.m. Jeff Vanderpool, the property owner, came forward to address questions. Commissioner Phelps questioned Mr. Vanderpool regarding whether the accessory building would be used for commercial or residential purposes. Mr. Vanderpool replied no. City of Colleyville Page 4 Planning and Zoning Commission Minutes April 13, 2015 Commissioner Tornes questioned Mr. Vanderpool regarding whether any of the existing accessory buildings would be removed. Mr. Vanderpool replied yes, there are two (2) small accessory buildings that will be removed. Iris Graves, 516 Shelton Drive, came forward and spoke in support. There being no one else wishing to speak, the public hearing was closed at 7:52 p.m. Commissioner Gotcher made a motion to approve Case ZC15002. Commissioner Davis seconded. The motion to approve Case ZC15-002 carried by the following vote: Aye: 7 – Knox, Tornes, Wheelwright, Gotcher, Davis, Phelps, and Byerly 4c Consideration of an amendment to the PUDC-Planned Unit Development Commercial zoning requirements on Abstract 1154, of the R. H. McEwing Survey located at 8092 Precinct Line Road, Case ZC15-005 Patia Boomsma presented the case and briefed the Commission. The public hearing was opened at 7:58 p.m. Terry Cunningham, the architect, came forward and briefed the Commission. Commissioner Phelps questioned Mr. Cunningham regarding whether there would be an opportunity for retail use in the proposed buildings. Mr. Cunningham replied that Lot 1 is proposed for an orthodontist office. Lot 2 is proposed as a multi-tenant building and is not designed for retail but they would accommodate if needed, and Lot 3 has not been designed but could also accommodate some retail. Discussion continued regarding potential uses. Paul Moss, the property owner, came forward and explained to the Commission the dilemma they were facing with regard to lack of interest in retail space at this location. Commissioner Phelps questioned staff regarding whether the applicant would need to come before the Planning and Zoning City of Colleyville Page 5 Planning and Zoning Commission Minutes April 13, 2015 Commission again if retail users were interested. Patia Boomsma replied no. She further explained that the applicant would need to come before the Commission again if significant changes were made to the site plan. Commissioner Tornes questioned Mr. Moss regarding the type of uses that had shown interest in their development. Mr. Moss replied an orthodontist and another medical use for the larger building. Lynnette Stanley, 1101 Lavaca Trail, came forward and spoke in opposition. There being no one else wishing to speak, the public hearing was closed at 8:14 p.m. Chairman Byerly asked staff to go over the city requirements for drainage in new developments. Adam March explained a new development may not increase runoff and the city will ensure the requirements of the Land Development Code are met. Discussion occurred regarding drainage near the subject property. Commissioner Davis made a motion to approve Case ZC15005. Commissioner Gotcher seconded. The motion to approve Case ZC15-005 carried by the following vote: Aye: 6 – Knox, Tornes, Wheelwright, Davis, Phelps, and Byerly Nay: 1 – Gotcher 4d Consideration of a Special Use Permit for an accessory building on Lot 12, Block 4, of the Ashmore Addition located at 2705 Highgrove Court, Case ZC15-006 Patia Boomsma presented the case and briefed the Commission. The public hearing was opened at 8:22 p.m. Kelly Fontenot, the property owner, came forward to answer any questions. Commissioner Davis questioned Mr. Fontenot regarding whether there would be any bedrooms in the proposed accessory building. Mr. Fontenot replied no. Mr. Fontenot further explained that the proposed City of Colleyville Page 6 Planning and Zoning Commission Minutes April 13, 2015 accessory building would be an entertainment space for his teenage boys. Commissioner Tornes questioned Mr. Fontenot regarding whether the building materials of the proposed structure would match the existing, primary structure’s building materials. Mr. Fontenot replied yes. Commissioner Phelps questioned Mr. Fontenot regarding whether he had considered a smaller structure with less square footage. Mr. Fontenot replied yes, however, it would not be sufficient for what he plans to do with the space. Commissioner Davis added that most lots in this zoning district are not as large as the subject property. Discussion continued regarding the proposed structure. There being no one else wishing to speak, the public hearing was closed at 8:25 p.m. Commissioner Tornes made a motion to approve Case ZC15006. Commissioner Wheelwright seconded. The motion to approve Case ZC15-006 carried by the following vote: Aye: 7 – Knox, Tornes, Wheelwright, Gotcher, Davis, Phelps, and Byerly 4e Consideration of an amendment to the Special Use Permit requirements on Lot 1R1, Block 2, of the Village Park Addition located at 4701 Colleyville Boulevard, Case ZC15-007 Patia Boomsma presented the case and briefed the Commission. Commissioner Tornes questioned staff regarding the height of the trees that would be planted as screening. Patia Boomsma replied the trees would be six feet (6’) in height at the time of installation and would be approximately 14 feet in height at maturity. Commissioner Phelps questioned staff regarding concerns pertaining to safety and any type of mischief due to the absence of a fence. Patia Boomsma replied she had spoken to the legal council representative for the business and was told more injuries have occurred by breaking the pallets down to 4 feet (4’) than in any other circumstance. City of Colleyville Page 7 Planning and Zoning Commission Minutes April 13, 2015 Discussion occurred between staff and the Commission regarding adding the condition to extend the proposed screening the entire length of the island. The public hearing was opened at 8:34 p.m. Sara Smith, the applicant, came forward and briefed the Commission. Commissioner Phelps clarified his suggestion that the screening trees should only cap the parking spaces where the product would be stacked. Ms. Smith replied the request is feasible. Commissioner Gotcher questioned Ms. Smith regarding whether the customers would be getting their own merchandise down from the eight foot (8’) pallets or would the employees. Ms. Smith replied the customers do not load their own merchandise, the employees would do the loading. Discussion continued between Mr. Smith and the Commission regarding how the pallets are packaged, delivered, and maneuvered once they are placed on site. Commissioner Phelps questioned Ms. Smith regarding whether she believed the merchandise, with no fence or security, was safe and mentioned that some of the other big box stores use fences to secure their bulk merchandise. Ms. Smith replied that there was some theft, but overall the merchandise was safe. Jeffrey Owen, 809 Creekview Lane, came forward and spoke in support with the condition that sufficient screening be required. There being no one else wishing to speak, the public hearing was closed at 8:46 p.m. Commissioner Wheelwright questioned staff regarding if there was any indication of why four feet (4’) was the limit in the previous ordinance. Patia Boomsma replied that no rationale was provided in the original SUP request. Discussion occurred between Ms. Smith and the Commission regarding the various heights of merchandise the store receives. Commissioner Phelps stated he felt the screening was beneficial for the homeowners to the south of the property but was not sure if City of Colleyville Page 8 Planning and Zoning Commission Minutes April 13, 2015 fencing should be required to ensure security. Commissioner Davis stated he felt that Ace Hardware knows how to run their business and would not be asking for something if they saw it as a life safety issue. Discussion occurred regarding dumpster enclosures on the property. Commissioner Phelps made a motion to approve Case ZC15007 with the following condition: 1) that the proposed screening be extended around the southeastern corner of the parking spaces. Commissioner Davis seconded. Chairman Byerly stated he would like to recommend that staff provide a street view photo of the proposed screening location from the southeast direction to the City Council. Commissioner Wheelwright stated he felt the height seemed dangerous and did not feel comfortable with removing the four foot (4’) height requirement. Commissioner Phelps stated he felt the screening seemed like a fair compromise to allowing the eight foot (8’) height. Discussion occurred among the Commission regarding businesses with the same merchandise and pallet size. other Commissioner Tornes questioned the city attorney regarding whether the City was concerned with any legal exposure regarding this case. Matt Butler replied the city attorney’s office is not concerned with legal exposure regarding this case. The motion to approve Case ZC15-007 with the following condition: 1) that the proposed screening be extended around the southeastern corner of the parking spaces carried by the following vote: Aye: 5 – Tornes, Gotcher, Davis, Phelps, and Byerly Nay: 2 – Knox and Wheelwright 5. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m. City of Colleyville Page 9 Planning and Zoning Commission Minutes April 13, 2015 The minutes were written and prepared by: Taci Wrisley Planning and Zoning Assistant The meeting minutes were approved on May 11, 2015 by a vote of __________. City of Colleyville Page 10 City of Colleyville Planning and Zoning Commission Agenda Briefing Agenda Number 2a Agenda Date 05/11/2015 Type Regular Agenda Items Department Community Development City Hall 100 Main Street Colleyville, Texas 76034 Number Title Considerationof a replat of Lot 1, Block 1, of the Brighton Oaks Addition, located at 2600Sherwood Lane, Case PC15-010 Explanation David and Jan Duecaster, the applicants, propose to replat 1.231 acres located at 2600 Sherwood Lane. Existing Conditions. The property is platted as Lot 1, Block 1 of the Brighton Oaks Addition and is currently vacant. Zoning. The property is zoned R-20 Single Family Residential zoning district. Lot Dimensions and Setbacks. Per Section 3.24 G, Schedule of District Regulations in the Land Development Code, the R-20 zoning regulations require a minimum lot size of 20,000 square feet with a minimum lot width of 100 feet and lot depth of 125 feet. The following additional standards are applicable to the R-20 zoning designation: Minimum Front Yard Setback: 30 feet Minimum Side Yard Setbacks: 10 feet Minimum Rear Yard Setback: 25 feet Maximum Lot Coverage: 30 percent Section 9.11 of the Land Development Code stipulates that "double frontage and reversed frontage lots shall be avoided except where necessary to provide separation of residential development from a collector street or to overcome specific disadvantages of topography and orientation". While this provision would be applicable to a new subdivision, the lot configuration is already established. However, the ordinance further states that "the City may require that a notation be placed on the plat to limit the facing of main structures or to limit driveway access from a collector street". Accordingly, staff has required that the plat be revised to restrict access onto Jackson Road and require that homes constructed on either of the proposed lots be oriented to face Sherwood Lane consistent with the adjacent residences. The proposed replat meets the minimum standards of the Land Development Code for the R-20 zoning district. Sidewalks. A minimum five foot wide sidewalk is required along Jackson Road and a City of Colleyville Page 1 Planning and Zoning Commission Agenda Briefing 2a minimum four foot wide sidewalk is required along Sherwood Lane whenever any new structures are built. Drainage. A creek bisects the 1.231 acre property and a 10 foot sanitary sewer easement is proposed in this location on the replat. The majority of Lot 1R-A is located within the floodplain and as a result, development of this parcel may be challenging. At minimum, the lowest floor of any structures constructed on Lot 1R-A will have to be elevated at least two feet above the base flood elevation of the adjacent creek. If the applicant proposes to perform earthwork or place a structure within the floodplain, an engineering analysis certified by a professional engineer demonstrating that the development will not negatively impact flooding must be provided. The floodplain area is delineated by a floodway easement shown on the plat, which also includes floodway easement restriction language. Surrounding Properties. The properties to the south, east, and west are zoned R-20 Single Family Residential zoning district and developed accordingly with the exception of the parcel to the southwest, which is vacant. Land to the north across Jackson Road is zoned R-40 Single Family Residential zoning district and is primarily vacant with the exception of one residence. Public Notification. Staff mailed notices to six property owners within 200 feet of the subject property. Notice was published in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram and provided to the Grapevine-Colleyville Independent School District as required by state law and the Land Development Code. Six (6) letters of opposition have been received. Summary. The replat satisfies the requirements of the Land Development Code. Staff recommends approval of the proposed replat. Recommendation Approve Attachments 1. Location and Zoning Map 2. Aerial 3. Buffer Map 4. Notification List 5. Letters of Opposition 6. Replat Exhibit City of Colleyville Page 2 JAC Location and Zoning Map 4309 4401 2800 2308 2804 2808 SHERWOO 4403 2708 2704 2709 Subject 4120Property 2700 R-40 2604 4116 R-20 O W ER H S 2600 OD LN 2705 4208 4109 S W O L T 4204 JA CK S 4104 / 2332 4104 4115 4105 R-30 4109 4111 4113 4100 4107 4105 IN SPR 2605 ON 4116 OL H G RD 2609 4200 H Y R O 4017 K C I H 4101 2705 4103 4012 N L ILL 4013 4013 4009 Aerial 2700 Subject Property 4120 KS O N RD 2604 N L D 2609 / 2605 4105 4109 HO G IN R SP O O RW E SH LL O W ST JA C 2600 4104 K J AC 4401 4309 Buffer Map 2308 2808 2804 2800 4403 Case PC15-010 2600 Sherwood Lane SHERWOOD LN 2708 Subject Property 2704 2709 4209 2700 4120 OD 2604 LN O W ER H 4109 S 2600 4205 2705 Legend 4208 2904 Subject Property 4204 SO 4104 4105 4100 4107 4109 4103 4111 4106 4110 4108 KE 2601 GH I NS BUCKIN / K C I H H Y OR 4017 4013 2705 4013 4012 4113 2503 4101 LN L IL 4104 4009 4009 4101 4008 4003 4004 4008 4005 4005 4004 OD RD JA 4115 4200 L L OW S T CK 4104 Parcels 4105 IN G R P S 2605 N 4116 ST RD 2609 OW L L HO 4116 Properties within 200 Feet 4001 Notification List Owner Name BRANCEL DALE GIBSON J P STURGEON KATHLEEN BOROFSKY GARY NAIR RADHA P Grapevine‐Colleyville ISD DAVID DUECASTER, APPLICANT Public Hearing Notices were mailed Friday, April 24, 2015 by Taci Wrisley Owner Address 2700 SHERWOOD LN 2604 SHERWOOD LN 4109 SPRING HOLLOW ST 2609 SHERWOOD LN 4120 JACKSON RD 3051 IRA E. WOODS DR 2104 KARNES DRIVE Owner City Owner State Owner Zip Situs Address Colleyville Texas 76034 2700 SHERWOOD LN Colleyville Texas 76034 2604 SHERWOOD LN Colleyville Texas 76034 4109 SPRING HOLLOW Colleyville Texas 76034 2609 SHERWOOD LN Colleyville Texas 76034 2605 SHERWOOD LN Grapevine Texas 76051 State law required Keller Texas 76248 Applicant Letters of Opposition Patia Boomsma From: Sent: To: Subject: Steve Eaker Wednesday, May 6, 2015 5:26 PM Patia Boomsma Reference: Zoning Case Number PC15-010 I am against the rezoning request due to concerns that future building actions may exacerbate existing water drainage problems. Also, smaller lot sizes take away from the character of our neighborhood. Both of these issues may negatively impact our property values. Thank you. Steve Eaker LMT, CMMP 214-637-3891 (cell) 1 Letter of Opposition Patia Boomsma From: Sent: To: Subject: Brenda Kozakis Wednesday, May 6, 2015 4:23 PM Patia Boomsma Zoning Case Number PC15-010 Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: Follow up Flagged I was notified by a neighbor that a Public Hearing will be held on Monday, May 11, 2015 by the Planning and Zoning Commission on Zoning Case Number PC15-010. My family lives in the Brighton Oaks subdivision at 3004 Sherwood Lane. I would like to provide input since the decision on this zoning case has the potential to affect our property and our neighborhood. Our property includes a large area that floods regularly. We are adjacent to the same creek that floods Jackson Rd and past flooding on our property regularly reaches 3-4 feet in depth. On a past occasion the water depth rose to a level that was within 1/2” of flooding a building on our property. Any regrading of this property done to accommodate the building of homes on this property would potentially increase the depth and area of flooding on our property. Another concern is that it may create more flooding at the entrance to Brighton Oaks. Residents in our neighborhood already have access to our neighborhood blocked whenever Jackson Rd floods. Regrading this property may expand the flooding area at the entrance of the neighborhood or extend how long Jackson Rd is closed. We are opposed to the division of LOT 1, BLOCK 1 in Brighton Oaks Subdivision into two (2) half acre lots unless both the owner and city are committed to not only having a professional review how it would affect flooding in the area, but also to take the necessary steps to prevent any impact to the homes in Brighton Oaks. Thank you in advance for your consideration of our concerns. Brenda and Greg Kozakis 3004 Sherwood Lane Colleyville, TX 76034 682-738-8179 1 Letters of Opposition Patia Boomsma From: Sent: To: Subject: ron laustrup Thursday, May 7, 2015 12:47 PM Patia Boomsma; Jan Ayava Staffing Zoning Case PC15-010 Planning and Zoning Commission, Patia Boomsma, WE ARE AGAINST the request to subdivide Lot 1 Block 1(1 acre lot) in Brighten Oaks subdivision into 2 half acre lots.. Our concern is for potential flooding if the proposed new half acre lot is built up. In 2009 the city of Colleyville invested a good deal of money into improving flood management for the creek/canal which runs north along Spring Hollow street. Any changes, particularily building up elevation to accommodate new housing relative to the flood zone, could have devastating impact on other Brighton Oaks residents. Thank you, Ron and Jan Laustrup 3908 Spring Hollow St Collyviulle, Tx 76034 1 Letters of Opposition Patia Boomsma From: Sent: To: Subject: Sandy Muller Wednesday, May 6, 2015 5:11 PM Patia Boomsma Zoning Case Number PC15-010 I would like to tell you that I am very much AGAINST this proposed request regarding Lot 1, Block 1 in Brighton Oaks Subdivision. Thank you. - Sandra Muller, 2804 Sherwood Lane, Colleyville, TX 1 Letters of Opposition Patia Boomsma From: Sent: To: Subject: Kathi Sturgeon Thursday, May 7, 2015 2:00 PM Patia Boomsma reference zoning case # PC15-010 I am against the proposed request‐‐‐‐pc15‐010, thank you. 1 Letters of Opposition Patia Boomsma From: Sent: To: Subject: Tommy and Madeline Thursday, May 7, 2015 4:18 PM Patia Boomsma Zoning Case Number PC15-010 Dear Planning and Zoning Committee: We respectfully ask that you disapprove the owner’s request to subdivide Lot 1, Block 1 in Brighton Oaks Subdivision (2600 Sherwood Lane). We have lived in Brighton Oaks at 4104 Allendale since July 7, 1970. We, along with others, bought our property not only for the space we could enjoy, but also for the appealing development. Please do not open the door to subdividing lots. There are still five vacant lots in Brighton Oaks. We request that you leave all of them as originally platted. With respect, Madeline and Tommy Taylor 1 Replat Exhibit City of Colleyville Planning and Zoning Commission Agenda Briefing Agenda Number 2b Agenda Date 05/11/2015 Type Regular Agenda Items Department Community Development City Hall 100 Main Street Colleyville, Texas 76034 Number Title Consideration of a replat of Lots 1 and 2, Block 2 of the Andy Felps Addition, located at 120 Acuff Lane, Case PC15-005 Explanation Brad Eubanks, representing the property owners, proposes to replat Lots 1 and 2, Block 2 of the Andy Felps Addition, located at 120 Acuff Lane. The applicant is requesting the replat in order to create three legal lots. Existing Conditions. The property is platted as Lots 1 and 2, but was illegally subdivided in the past in order to create a third lot located at 120 Acuff Lane. All three of the lots are developed with commercial buildings. Zoning. Each of the three proposed lots are zoned CC3 – Highway Commercial zoning district. Lot Dimensions and Setbacks. The CC3 – Highway Commercial zoning regulations require a minimum lot size of 10,000 square feet with a minimum lot width of 150 feet and lot depth of 120 feet. While all of the proposed lots meet the minimum area and depth requirements, none of the three meet the 150-foot width requirement. A waiver letter requesting a minimum width of 82 feet for Lot 1R1, 84.6 feet for Lot 2R1, and 100 feet for Lot 3R1 has been submitted. The lots are subject to the following development standards: Minimum Front Yard Setback: 40 feet Minimum Side Yard Setbacks: 15 feet Minimum Rear Yard Setback: 10 feet Lot 1R1 does not meet the front, side, or rear setback requirements. The applicant is requesting a waiver to allow for a front setback of 35 feet, a side setback of five (5) feet, and a rear setback of five (5) feet. Lot 2R1 meets the front and rear setback requirements, but the applicant is requesting a waiver to the side yard setback along Acuff Lane to allow for 15 feet (40 feet required) and three (3) feet on the northeast side. Lot 3R1 also meets the front and rear setback requirements, but a waiver is requested to allow for a three (3) foot setback on the southwest side and a five (5) City of Colleyville Page 1 Planning and Zoning Commission Agenda Briefing 2b foot setback on the northeast side. On December 10, 2014 the Zoning Board of Adjustment approved variances to landscaping, screening, and setback requirements from the adjacent residence for proposed Lot 1R1. Specifically, the Board waived the 20 foot landscape buffer requirement for commercial uses adjacent to residential development, granted a variance to the required 25 foot building setback from residentially zoned property, and allowed for the existing six foot wood fence along the east property boundary to be maintained in lieu of providing the required eight (8) foot masonry wall. Surrounding Properties. The properties to the north, east, and west are zoned CC3 – Highway Commercial and are developed with a variety of commercial uses. Land to the south, across Acuff Lane, is zoned R-20-Single Family residential and is developed with a single family residence. Summary. While the proposed lots do not meet the requirements of the CC3 – Highway Commercial zoning district; these properties are already developed and replatting will help to bring them into conformance with the City of Colleyville’s Land Development Code. Staff recommends approval of the replat. Recommendation Attachments 1. Location and Zoning Map 2. Aerial 3. Replat Exhibit 4. Waiver Request Letter City of Colleyville Page 2 Location and Zoning Map 0 0 0 0 0 4209 0 0 0 C O LL 0 0 4205 4201 Subject Properties 4125 EY 0 0 0 VI LL E 0 City of0Hurst BL VD 4207 4104 CC-3 PUD-C 4121 4117 120 4105 / PUD-C 4007 1324100 128 R-20 107 ACUFF LN 121 CN 125 129 133 4008 0 0 0 City of Hurst 4205 LL 0 VI 4201 4125 EY C O LL 0 0 4207 E 0 0 BL VD Aerial Subject Properties 4104 4121 4117 132 120 128 4105 / 4007 107 ACUFF LN 121 125 129 133 Replat Exhibit Replat Exhibit Colleyville, Texas, Land Development Code Section 3.21 CC3 - Highway Commercial District A. Purpose – This district would permit uses that do not fit within the retail or manufacturing categories. Service and retail uses associated with outdoor storage, noise, especially auto repair and service and others would be permitted. The minimum lot size is less than the Shopping Center District to allow for more flexibility of uses. It is anticipated that most of these districts would not be located near residential districts. B. Permitted Uses 1. See Table 3.24.B - Schedule of Permitted Principle Uses C. Special Uses 1. See Table 3.24.B - Schedule of Permitted Principle Uses D. Site Requirements General Requirements: Minimum lot size: Maximum lot size: Minimum lot width at front setback line: Minimum lot depth Maximum lot coverage 10,000 s.f. none 150 ft. 120 ft. 70% PRIMARY USE & STRUCTURE: Minimum setbacks: Accessory Use & Structure: Permitted as per Sec. 3.24 & 3.28 front: 40 ft. side abutting residential: 25 ft. side abutting non-residential: 15 ft. rear abutting residential: 25 ft. rear abutting non-residential 10 ft. Max. Building height in stories: 2 st. Max. building height in feet: 35 ft. Max. building height adj. to residential district: see Sec. 3.24 (A&B) E. Supplementary Requirements General: Landscaping Plans: Off-Street Parking: - outdoor storage is permitted - uses adjacent to single family uses must be screened as per Sec. 3.24 - may be operated 24 hours/day. - required as per Chapter 4 - as required by Sec. 3.29 Commercial Bldg. Design Stds: Site Plans: - each site must have a minimum of 20 points as defined by Chapter 5 - plans must be submitted in accordance with Sec. 3.31 Section 3.22 ML - Light Manufacturing District A. Purpose – This district would permit uses that involve the fabrication of products or have outdoor storage, noise, odors or other objectionable aspects that would not be compatible in retail or service areas. This district is limited to those uses that are not retail in nature or in some cases those that need outdoor space. B. Permitted Uses 1. See Table 3.24.B - Schedule of Permitted Principle Uses C. Special Uses 1. See Table 3.24.B - Schedule of Permitted Principle Uses D. Site Requirements Chapter 3 - Land Use Page 3 - 26 City of Colleyville Planning and Zoning Commission Agenda Briefing Agenda Number 4a Agenda Date 05/11/2015 Type Public Hearing Agenda Items Department Community Development City Hall 100 Main Street Colleyville, Texas 76034 Number Title Consideration of a zoning change from the R40 – SingleFamily Residential zoning district to the R20 – Single Family Residentialzoning district on Abstract 1248, of the Thomas J. Polson Survey, located at508 Black Drive, Case ZC15-008 Explanation Ronald Cimonetti, the owner, has submitted a request to change the zoning on 0.9982 acres, located at 508 Black Drive. The applicant is requesting to rezone the property from the R-40 Single Family Residential zoning district to the R-20 Single Family Residential zoning district. The applicant is seeking a zoning change in order to create two single family residential lots. Existing Conditions. The subject property is not platted. It contains a single family home and a pool. A thirty (30) foot access easement for Ford Drive, an existing private street, runs along the eastern boundary of the property. This easement provides the only means of access to a public road for the residence immediately to the north of the subject property. Statement of Planning Objectives. The applicant intends to build a new residence on Lot 1 while continuing to occupy the existing home on Lot 2 during construction. Once the new home on Lot 1 is completed, the existing residence on Lot 2 will likely be demolished and an amending plat will be filed to create a radial line separating the two lots. A pool currently exists on the west side of the home and will be removed prior to filing of the subsequent plat. Lot Dimensions and Setbacks. Per Section 3.24 G, Schedule of District Regulations in the Land Development Code, the R-20 zoning regulations require a minimum lot size of 20,000 square feet with a minimum lot width of 100 feet and lot depth of 125 feet. The following additional standards are applicable to the R-20 zoning designation: Minimum Front Yard Setback: 30 feet Minimum Side Yard Setbacks: 10 feet Minimum Rear Yard Setback: 25 feet Maximum Lot Coverage: 30 percent The existing lot meets the R-20 Single Family Residential zoning district. Additionally, the proposed conceptual plan meets the minimum standards of the Land Development City of Colleyville Page 1 Planning and Zoning Commission Agenda Briefing 4a Code for the R-20 zoning district. Surrounding Development Trends. The properties to the north, south, and west are zoned R-40 Single Family Residential and developed with single family detached homes. Land to the east is zoned R-20 Single Family Residential and developed with single family detached homes. Master Plan. The Future Land Use Plan designates the subject property for single family residential uses. The proposed rezoning is consistent with the Future Land Use Plan. Public Notification. Staff mailed notices to 10 property owners within 200 feet as well as any Homeowners Associations within 500 feet of the subject property regarding this request. Grapevine-Colleyville ISD, where the subject property is located, was notified per State law. Notice was published in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram as required by state law and the Land Development Code. Three (3) letters of opposition have been received. Summary. The proposed zoning change is consistent with the Future Land Use Plan, which designates the subject property as single family residential uses. Although the requested 20,000 square foot lots are smaller than the majority of surrounding properties with lot sizes exceeding one acre, the proposed plan meets the minimum standards of the Land Development Code for the R-20 zoning district. Staff recommends approval of the rezoning request. Recommendation Approve Attachments 1. Location and Zoning Map 2. Aerial 3. Future Land Use Map 4. Notification List 5. Buffer Map 6. Letters of Opposition 7. Statement of Planning Objectives 8. Zoning Exhibit 9. Ordinance O-15-XXXX City of Colleyville Page 2 309 305 313 4804 405 4800 304 312 308 4708 400 300 508 R-40 BLACK DR R-20 4704 500 4703 509 4701 PUD-R 305 / 4605 4701 CC-1 4620 405 4608 4604 4600 601 4616 4609 4607 BRANSFORD RD Subject Property 601 4813 FORD DR CT Location and Zoning Map 4532 4602 4602 309 305 313 4804 405 4800 304 312 308 4708 400 300 508 BLACK DR 4704 500 4703 509 4701 305 / 4605 4701 4620 405 4608 4604 4600 601 4616 4609 4607 BRANSFORD RD Subject Property 601 4813 FORD DR CT Aerial 4532 4602 4602 Future Land Use Map 309 313 4804 405 601 4800 312 4708 400 508 BLACK DR FORD DR 308 Subject property 4704 500 509 305 BRANSFORD RD Subject Property 4813 4616 405 4600 Parcels Single Family Multi-Family Office Retail Institutional Industrial Roadway Utilities Parks Private Open Space Water 4608 / Legend 4604 4532 4602 4602 Notification List Owner Name KELTON ROGER S SCOTT-LEWARS CHERYL YVONNE STEPHENS TERRY L PETTIBON MICHAEL D SMITH BRANDY M SMITH HERMAN L BRANDON JOHN H JR LORD LEYLA FODDRILL KYLE LAWLER PATRICK GRAPEVINE-COLLEYVILLE ISD MILL CREEK HOA CIMONETTI RONALD Public hearing notices were mailed, Friday, May 1, 2015 by Taci Wrisley Owner Address 4813 FORD DR 4800 BRANSFORD RD 4708 BRANSFORD RD 305 BLACK DR 405 BLACK DR 400 BLACK DR 3608 BRIARBROOK CT 312 BLACK DR 500 BLACK DR 509 BLACK DR 3051 IRA E WOODS AVE 213 MILL CROSSING WEST 2303 WILKES CT Owner City Owner State Owner Zip COLLEYVILLE TEXAS 76034 COLLEYVILLE TEXAS 76034 COLLEYVILLE TEXAS 76034 COLLEYVILLE TEXAS 76034 COLLEYVILLE TEXAS 76034 COLLEYVILLE TEXAS 76034 COLLEYVILLE TEXAS 76034 COLLEYVILLE TEXAS 76034 COLLEYVILLE TEXAS 76034 COLLEYVILLE TEXAS 76034 GRAPEVINE TEXAS 76051 COLLEYVILLE TEXAS 76034 COLLEYVILLE TEXAS 76034 Site Address 4813 FORD DR 4800 BRANSFORD RD 4708 BRANSFORD RD 305 BLACK DR 405 BLACK DR 400 BLACK DR 4704 BRANSFORD RD 312 BLACK DR 500 BLACK DR 509 BLACK DR STATE LAW REQ. COURTESY NOTICE Applicant Buffer Map 4812 409 305 309 313 405 Case ZC15-008 508 Black Drive 4804 Subject Property 601 4800 4813 312 400 508 FORD DR 304 308 4708 601 Properties within 200 feet 500 4704 Subject property 4701 D CT 4701 4609 509 305 405 4604 4607 4605 / 4603 4601 4602 4600 4532 BRANSFORD RD BLACK DR 4703 Legend 4620 4616 4608 4602 4603 Parcels Letters of Opposition Taci Wrisley From: Sent: To: Subject: HERMAN LEROY SMITH Thursday, May 7, 2015 1:54 PM Taci Wrisley Zoning Case Number: ZC15-008 from: Herman L Smith 400 Black Drive Colleyville, Texas 76034 Taci: I would like to register my opposition to this zoning change at 508 Black Drive. Thank You Herman 1 Letters of Opposition Letters of Opposition Taci Wrisley From: Sent: To: Subject: Ron Lord Friday, May 8, 2015 10:32 AM Taci Wrisley Opposition to Zoning Change - Zoning Case Number: ZC15-008 Regarding: Zoning Case Number: ZC15-008 Applicant: Ronald Cimonetti Location: 508 Black Drive Property Description: Abstract 1248, of the Thomas J. Polson Survey Present Zoning: R-40-Single Family Residential Requested Zoning: Consideration of a zoning change from R-40-Single Family Residential to R-20-Single Family Residential Dear Colleyville Planning and Zoning Commission AND City Council Members: We, Ron Lord and Leyla Lord, residents at 312 Black Drive, Colleyville, hereby submit our strong opposition to the above-referenced application for a zoning change. The requested zoning change shall have seriously adverse effects including, but not limited to, the following. 1. Diminish neighborhood property value 2. Incompatible with the character ("country feel") of Black Drive neighborhood 3. Increased traffic 4. Increased noise. We understand that all neighbors are justly, correctly and unanimously in opposition to the above zoning change application, and thus request is hereby made that the subject application be denied. Respectfully submitted, Ron Lord Attorney at Law 312 Black Dr., Colleyville Leyla Lord, DMD 312 Black Dr., Colleyville 1 Zoning Exhibit ORDINANCE O-15-XXXX AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE AND THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF COLLEYVILLE, TEXAS, BY CHANGING THE ZONING ON 0.9982 ACRES IN THE THOMAS J. POLSON SURVEY, ABSTRACT 1248, LOCATED AT 508 BLACK DRIVE, FROM THE R-40SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ZONING DISTRICT TO THE R-20SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ZONING DISTRICT; PROVIDING A PENALTY OF FINE NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS ($2,000.00); AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE WHEREAS, the City of Colleyville has received an application for rezoning under Case ZC15-008; and WHEREAS, the City of Colleyville deems it necessary, for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, morals, or general welfare of the City to enact a new zoning ordinance; and WHEREAS, the City Council has appointed a Planning and Zoning Commission to recommend the boundaries of the various original zoning districts and appropriate regulations be enforced therein and to recommend a new zoning ordinance; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission has divided the City into districts and has prepared regulations pertaining to such districts in accordance with a comprehensive plan designed to lessen congestion in the streets; and to secure safety from fire, panic, and other dangers; to promote health, general welfare; to provide adequate light and air; to prevent the overcrowding of land; to avoid undue concentration of population; to facilitate the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks, and other public requirements; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission, has given reasonable consideration to, among other things, the character of the districts and their peculiar suitability for particular uses, with a view to conserving the value of buildings and encouraging the most appropriate use of land throughout the City; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Colleyville and the City of Colleyville City Council, in compliance with the Charter of the City of Colleyville, and State Law with reference to changes to zoning classifications under the Zoning Ordinance Ordinance O-15-xxxx Page 2 of 3 Regulations and Zoning Map, having given the requisite notices by publication and otherwise, and after holding due hearings and affording a full and fair hearing to all the property owners generally, and to the persons interested and situated in the affected area and in the vicinity thereof, the governing body of the City of Colleyville is of the opinion that said change in zoning should be made. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEYVILLE, TEXAS: Sec. 1. THAT all the foregoing premises and findings are found to be true and correct and are incorporated into the body of this ordinance as if copied in their entirety. Sec. 2. THAT the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Colleyville, Texas, be, and the same is hereby amended by changing the zoning on 0.9982 acres in the Thomas J. Polson Survey, Abstract 1248, located at 508 Black Drive, from the R-40Single Family Residential zoning district to the R-20-Single Family Residential zoning district, as depicted in the attached Exhibit “A” and Exhibit “C”. Sec. 3. THAT the above described tract of land shall be used only in the manner and for the purposes provided by the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Colleyville as heretofore amended, and as amended herein. Sec. 4. THAT any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions or terms of this ordinance shall be subject to the same penalty as provided for in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Colleyville, and upon conviction shall be punishable by a fine not to exceed the sum of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) for each offense. Sec. 5. THAT if any section, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase or provision of this ordinance shall be judged invalid or unconstitutional, the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any portion thereof other than that portion so decided to be invalid or unconstitutional. Sec. 6. THAT in addition to and accumulative of all other penalties, the City shall have the right to seek injunctive relief for any and all Ordinance O-15-xxxx Page 3 of 3 violations of this ordinance. Sec. 7. THAT it has been found that there has been a change in conditions in the above described property, it is now necessary that it be given the above zoning classification in order to permit its proper development and in order to protect the public interest, comfort and general welfare, and requires that this ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage. AND IT IS SO ORDERED. The first reading and public hearing being conducted on the 2nd day of June 2015. The second reading and public hearing being conducted on the 16th day of June 2015. PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Colleyville, Texas, on this the ___________ day of _______________________ 2015. ATTEST: CITY OF COLLEYVILLE Amy Shelley, TRMC City Secretary David Kelly Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: Matthew C. G. Boyle City Attorney Exhibit “A”- Location and Zoning Map Exhibit “B”- Metes & Bounds Description Exhibit “C” – Zoning Exhibit City of Colleyville Planning and Zoning Commission Agenda Briefing Agenda Number 4b Agenda Date 05/11/2015 Type Public Hearing Agenda Items Department Community Development City Hall 100 Main Street Colleyville, Texas 76034 Number Title Consideration of a zoning change from the CN – NeighborhoodCommercial zoning district to the CPO – Professional Office zoning district onLots 1-4, Block 1, of the C-D Subdivision, located at 6513 Colleyville Boulevard, Case ZC15-009 Explanation Ken Green, the applicant, has submitted a request to change the zoning on 1.92 acres located at 6513 and 6515 Colleyville Boulevard and 1700 and 1704 Tarrant Lane from the CN – Neighborhood Commercial zoning district to the CPO – Professional Office zoning district. Existing Conditions. The subject property is platted as Lots 1-4, Block 1 within the CD Subdivision and is currently vacant. A replat has been submitted for staff review and will be processed once the zoning has been established. Statement of Planning Objectives. The applicant intends to create two lots, each of which will contain an office building. Lot 1 is proposed to be 40,564 square feet in size and will contain a 7,490 square foot medical office building with 38 parking spaces. Lot 2 is intended to be 43,104 square feet and feature a 9,550 square foot building with 48 associated parking spaces. Lot Sizes and Widths. The CPO zoning district requires a minimum lot size of 7,200 square feet and a maximum lot size of one acre. In addition, a minimum width of 100 feet and a minimum lot depth of 120 feet are required. The conceptual development plan meets the requirements of the CPO zoning district as outlined in the Land Development Code. The following additional standards are applicable to the CPO zoning designation: Minimum Front Yard Setback: 40 feet Minimum Side Yard Setbacks: 15 feet Minimum Rear Yard Setback: 10 feet Maximum Lot Coverage: 40 percent Surrounding Properties. Property to the south, east, and west of the subject site is zoned ML – Light Industrial. Land to the south and east is developed with office warehouse uses. Property to the west across Colleyville Boulevard is currently being used for golf equipment sales. To the north is a PUD-C development that permits a variety of uses including recreational vehicle and boat storage, vehicle repair, and City of Colleyville Page 1 Planning and Zoning Commission Agenda Briefing 4b landscaping operations. To the southwest is a PUD-C development that allows for office and retail uses. Development Trends. The development trends along the east side of Colleyville Boulevard in this area of the City are predominantly industrial in nature. Master Plan. The Master Plan designates this property for future retail use. The proposed zoning designation is not in compliance with the Future Land Use Plan. Public Notification. Staff notified 16 property owners within 200 feet as well as all Homeowners Associations within 500 feet of the subject property regarding this request. Additionally, Grapevine-Colleyville Independent School District was noticed per state law. Notice was also published in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram as required by state law and the Land Development Code. Staff has received no correspondence regarding this request. Summary. Although the proposed zoning change meets the requirements of the CPO zoning district, the proposed zoning change is not in compliance with the Future Land Use Plan, which designates the subject property as a future retail; therefore, staff recommends denial. Recommendation Denial Attachments 1. Location and Zoning Map 2. Aerial 3. Future Land Use Map 4. Notification List 5. Buffer Map 6. Statement of Planning Objectives 7. Zoning Exhibit 8. Ordinance O-15-XXXX City of Colleyville Page 2 Location and Zoning Map 1508 1512 1516 1600 1609 1605 PUD-R 1509 1513 1517 6703 6800 6700 1699 6525 1601 6609 CC-1 6620 6604 ML 6600 LE BL VD YV IL 6526 6508 6504 6502 CO LL E 6516 NS 6609 6607 6602 6611 S S RO6605 6525 DR 6618 6616 W O D MCMA CT 6614 6608 PUD-C 6516 BAKER 6606 PUD-R6604 6515 1700 CN 1704 1800 1704 2000 6513 TARRANT LN 6511 TARRANT Subject Properties 1801 2001 6500 PUD-C / 6413 6416 1800 6408 1804 6412 6409 VD 6400 2003 1800 1800 1800 1808 1812 1900 1900 2005 N A ML 6424 FR 6509 6420 6705 6705 Aerial 1601 1605 6700 1699 6609 6609 6620 6604 6607 6602 6600 BL VD V IL LE 6526 EY 6516 / W O S N 6616 DR MCM C 6614 Subject Properties 6608 6516 6605 BAKE 6606 6604 6515 1700 1704 1800 1704 2000 6513 LL 6508 CO 6504 R S S O D 6525 6611 TARRANT LN TARRA 2001 6511 1801 6509 6500 6408 2003 6413 1800 1804 1808 1812 1900 1900 Future Land Use Map 6700 1699 6609 6609 6620 6604 6607 6602 6600 BL VD RO V IL LE 6526 EY 6516 Legend Subject Properties Subject Properties Single Family Office Retail Institutional Industrial Roadway 6515 1700 1704 1704 1800 Utilities Parks Private Open Space Water TARRANT LN 6511 1800 Parcels Multi-Family 6516 1801 6509 6413 S N DR 6513 6500 / W O 6605 LL CO 6508 SS D 6525 6611 1804 1808 1812 1900 1900 Notification List Owner Name DAVIDSON CHARLES W AMERICA'S STORAGE DAVIDSON CHARLES W DAVIDSON CHARLES W DAVIDSON CHARLES W TRES ROSAS LTD 3 J GREEN LIMITED PARTNERSHIP SELECT ROOFING LLC J&C SERVICE GROUP LLC COMBINED ENTERPRISES INC ARROYO NORTE LTD HART DAVID ATTORNEY AMERICA'S STORAGE AMERICA'S STORAGE AMERICA'S STORAGE BOWDEN GERALD W GRAPEVINE-COLLEYVILLE ISD ROSS DOWNS ESTATES HOA KEN GREEN Public hearing notices were mailed Friday, May 1, 2015 by Taci Wrisley Owner Address 16018 KEVENDALE CT 4311 OAK LAWN AVE STE 360 16018 KEVENDALE CT 16018 KEVENDALE CT 16018 KEVENDALE CT 6516 COLLEYVILLE BLVD 6620 COLLYVILLE BLVD STE 100 6605 COLLEYVILLE BLVD 6521 COLLEYVILLE BLVD 6607 COLLYVILLE BLVD 6516 COLLYVILLE BLVD 6620 COLLEYVILLE BLVD STE 100 4311 OAK LAWN AVE STE 360 4311 OAK LAWN AVE STE 360 4311 OAK LAWN AVE STE 360 850 AVENIDA SERE 3051 IRA E WOODS AVE 4113 GATEWAY DR. #100 6508 COLLEYVILLE BLVD Owner City JERSEY VILLAGE DALLAS JERSEY VILLAGE JERSEY VILLAGE JERSEY VILLAGE COLLEYVILLE COLLEYVILLE COLLEYVILLE COLLEYVILLE COLLEYVILLE COLLEYVILLE COLLEYVILLE DALLAS DALLAS DALLAS MARBLE FALLS GRAPEVINE COLLEYVILLE COLLEYVILLE Owner State TEXAS TEXAS TEXAS TEXAS TEXAS TEXAS TEXAS TEXAS TEXAS TEXAS TEXAS TEXAS TEXAS TEXAS TEXAS TEXAS TEXAS TEXAS TEXAS Owner Zip 77040 75219 77040 77040 77040 76034 76034 76034 76034 76034 76034 76034 75219 75219 75219 78654 76051 76034 76034 Situs Address 6515 COLLEYVILLE BLVD 1704 TARRANT LN 1704 TARRANT LN 1700 TARRANT LN 6513 COLLEYVILLE BLVD 6526 COLLEYVILLE BLVD 6508 COLLEYVILLE BLVD 6605 COLLEYVILLE BLVD 6516 COLLEYVILLE BLVD 6607 COLLEYVILLE BLVD 6600 COLLEYVILLE BLVD 6620 COLLEYVILLE BLVD # 1801 TARRANT LN 6511 COLLEYVILLE BLVD 6509 COLLEYVILLE BLVD 6516 COLLEYVILLE BLVD STATE LAW REQ COURTESY NOTICE APPLICANT 1521 1617 1517 1799 1604 1609 6800 1699 1605 6620 6604 6607 SS 6600 VIL L 6526 6508 6504 CO 6502 6700 DR 6525 CT 6614 BAKER CT 6516 1704 Parcels 20002002 TARRANT LN TARRANT LN 2001 6511 FR 1801 6500 6408 6409 6400 EY 6312 VIL L 6409 EB LV D / 6412 1800 18001800 1804 1800 Properties 1900 2005 1812 1900 1808Subject 2007 INDUSTRIAL BLVD 6407 6407 1709 1801 N A 2003 6413 Properties within 200 feet Subject Properties 1800 6424 6501 6416 Legend 6608 6604 6509 6505 6618 6620 6616MCMAKIN 6513 6420 6405 NS 6702 6606 1700 1704 LL 6517 6705 6515 EY 6516 6611 W O D RO6605 EB LV D 6602 6413 6525 6609 6609 1429 6513 6513 Colleyville Blvd 6703 6700 1505 1509 1513 1517 1601 Case ZC15-009 6805 6705 1508 1512 1516 1600 1516 6801 6707 6804 1613 1501 KW Y DR TENNISON P DY 1509 1515 6900 1690 1700 1608 NE N Y KE N O NIS W PK LL EN Buffer Map 1809 1813 1901 1905 C E S LN 2004 2002 KYLE CT 2003 6515 Colleyville, LLC STATEMENT OF PLANNING OBJECTIVES The objective is to develop and continue to own an upscale professional and medical office complex. I have a personal interest in a quality development since it is situated directly across Colleyville Blvd. from my own CPA firm and another small office complex which I have developed and continue to own. We are planning for two stone buildings. One will be leased to a family practice medical doctor and the other leased to an attorney and two or three other similar professionals. Our goal is not to maximize the square footage of buildings allowed but rather to build a complex with a smaller building footprint than normally allowed. The additional open space will be used to enhance the landscaping and green space areas over and above those allowed by existing codes. We are attempting to save as many existing trees as possible and of course comply with the new Colleyville city tree ordinance. There will be a screening fence and shrubbery to block out the unsightly neighboring lot to the north. We are also allowing for more than the required parking spaces to prevent any possible future shortage. DEVELOPMENT SCHEDULE June 17, 2015. Submit all information for building permits. July 17, 2015. Receive permits and begin construction. July 17, 2015 to January 31, 2016. Construction. February 1, 2015. Receive certificates of occupancy and move in. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION Total square feet of building area 17,030 Estimated sales per square foot $579.00 Estimated sales per year Estimated ad valorem taxes per year Total ad valorem taxes per year $9,860,000.00 City $14,916.00 County $26,879.00 School District $55,321.00 $97,116.00 Zoning Exhibit ORDINANCE O-15-XXXX AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE AND THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF COLLEYVILLE, TEXAS, BY CHANGING THE ZONING OF 1.92 ACRES ON LOTS 1-4, BLOCK 1 OF THE C-D SUBDIVISION, LOCATED AT 6513 AND 6515 COLLEYVILLE BOULEVARD AND 1700 AND 1704 TARRANT LANE, FROM THE CN – COMMERCIAL NEIGHBORHOOD ZONING DISTRICT TO THE CPO – PROFESSIONAL OFFICE ZONING DISTRICT; PROVIDING A PENALTY OF FINE NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS ($2,000.00); AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE WHEREAS, the City of Colleyville has received an application for rezoning under Case ZC15-009; and WHEREAS, the City of Colleyville deems it necessary, for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, morals, or general welfare of the City to enact a new zoning ordinance; and WHEREAS, the City Council has appointed a Planning and Zoning Commission to recommend the boundaries of the various original zoning districts and appropriate regulations be enforced therein and to recommend a new zoning ordinance; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission has divided the City into districts and has prepared regulations pertaining to such districts in accordance with a comprehensive plan designed to lessen congestion in the streets; and to secure safety from fire, panic, and other dangers; to promote health, general welfare; to provide adequate light and air; to prevent the overcrowding of land; to avoid undue concentration of population; to facilitate the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks, and other public requirements; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission, has given reasonable consideration to, among other things, the character of the districts and their peculiar suitability for particular uses, with a view to conserving the value of buildings and encouraging the most appropriate use of land throughout the City; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Colleyville and the City of Colleyville City Council, in compliance with the Charter of the City of Colleyville, and State Law with reference Ordinance O-15-xxxx Page 2 of 3 to changes to zoning classifications under the Zoning Ordinance Regulations and Zoning Map, having given the requisite notices by publication and otherwise, and after holding due hearings and affording a full and fair hearing to all the property owners generally, and to the persons interested and situated in the affected area and in the vicinity thereof, the governing body of the City of Colleyville is of the opinion that said change in zoning should be made. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEYVILLE, TEXAS: Sec. 1. THAT all the foregoing premises and findings are found to be true and correct and are incorporated into the body of this ordinance as if copied in their entirety. Sec. 2. THAT the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Colleyville, Texas, be, and the same is hereby amended by changing the zoning of 1.92 acres on Lots 1-4, Block 1 in the C-D Subdivision, located at 6513 and 6515 Colleyville Boulevard and 1700 and 1704 Tarrant Lane, from the CN – Neighborhood Commercial zoning district to the CPO – Professional Office zoning district, as depicted in the attached Exhibit “A” and Exhibit “B”. Sec. 3. THAT the above described tract of land shall be used only in the manner and for the purposes provided by the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Colleyville as heretofore amended, and as amended herein. Sec. 4. THAT any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions or terms of this ordinance shall be subject to the same penalty as provided for in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Colleyville, and upon conviction shall be punishable by a fine not to exceed the sum of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) for each offense. Sec. 5. THAT if any section, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase or provision of this ordinance shall be judged invalid or unconstitutional, the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any portion thereof other than that portion so decided to be invalid or unconstitutional. Sec. 6. THAT in addition to and accumulative of all other penalties, the Ordinance O-15-xxxx Page 3 of 3 City shall have the right to seek injunctive relief for any and all violations of this ordinance. Sec. 7. THAT it has been found that there has been a change in conditions in the above described property, it is now necessary that it be given the above zoning classification in order to permit its proper development and in order to protect the public interest, comfort and general welfare, and requires that this ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage. AND IT IS SO ORDERED. The first reading and public hearing being conducted on the 2nd day of June 2015. The second reading and public hearing being conducted on the 16th day of June 2015. PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Colleyville, Texas, on this the ___________ day of _______________________ 2015. ATTEST: CITY OF COLLEYVILLE Amy Shelley, TRMC City Secretary David Kelly Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: Matthew C. G. Boyle City Attorney Exhibit “A”- Location and Zoning Map Exhibit “B”- Zoning Exhibit