OXYGEN Teak Brightener - eco


OXYGEN Teak Brightener - eco
OXYGEN Teak Brightener
- Non Toxic, Acid Free Teak brightener
- Sanytyze & Fungicide effect
- No hard scrubbing/Safe on soft grain & Sika
- Leaves no harmful by products
- Whitens: Sails, Laundry, Vynils, Canvas etc
Description of product
Sodium percarbonate is a powder. When added to water it forms hydrogen peroxide--a
common oxygen bleach--and sodium carbonate (soda ash). Hydrogen peroxide is commonly
used as a disinfectant and for wood pulp brightener. On wood it is effective in removing mildew
stains and weathered gray residue from UV degradation. The sodium carbonate acts as a builtin detergent, removing dirt and other deposits. Thus, sodium percarbonate-based cleaners are
effective in removing dirt, mildew and weathered gray residues. Once treated, the wood
returns to its natural original appearance. It bubbles (13% oxygen) but not foams.
Recommended use
Oxygen bleach is excellent for cleaning and removing organic stains from any porous surfacefrom fabrics, plastics, fiberglass, porcelain, ceramics, wood, carpets, asphalt, concrete, etc.
Use it to Clean • Teak Decks • Food Stained Plastic Storage Containers • Any fabric, it will
remove grass stains, ink stains, oil, grease, chocolate, tomato sauce, grass, blood, mud
• Carpet Cleaner • Mildew Stains • Septic System Enhancer • Boat Canvas, vinyl ,rope,
• General floor cleaning • Sanitize everything from Garbage Cans to baby diapers • Use it to
sanitize your swimming pool or hot tub • Continual use will not cause yellowing or graying of
cotton fabric • Effective stain removal in a broad range of water temperatures • Lengthens time
between linen replacement • Prevents fabric from becoming yellowed or darkened
• Does not weaken the strength of fabrics like chlorine bleach
MIx well and dissolve 25g of oxygen bleach per litre of water. Remove first all loose debris, and
apply solution with mop on wet deck, allow to work for at least 30 minutes, scrub with brush and
rinse off. 1 litre will clean approx 5m2 of deck. Avoid application during hot hours. Don't allow the
solution to dry on the deck. Cleaning is only effective if you scrub while deck it's still moist.
Unused material may be poured down the drain. It will actually help clean and deodorize your
disposal or toilet.
Product cleaning performance
Medium dirt teak: 5mq/lt(diluited) -10 lt(1 bucket) diluited= 50 mq
Phisichal properties
Color white powder - PH 10,5 - Odour: neutral
Conditions during application
For better performance do not apply during heat hours. Always keep wet. It reacts with water
Diliuition: 25 gr/liters for Teak brightener/Dissolve and Mix well before applying. For Mould
/Mildew removal 60 gr/1lt. Stain remover: Add 30g per litre of water. apply to stain ensuring that
it is well soaked. Leave for up to 10 minutes. Lift residue with white paper towelling. Repeat
cleaning if necessary. Rinse with clean water and absorb with towelling. Laundry Applications: For light soils add 30g of oxygen bleach with your laundry detergent per load. For moderate soils
use 60g and for heavily soiled articles use 120g. For whitening sails or old linens and
sanytyze/deodorize: soak in 60g of oxygen bleach in 5 litres of water for at least one
hour/overnight then rinse.
Store unused powder well closed in original container and away from moisture and combustible
materials. Keep out of reach of children.Oxidizing solid: May intensify fire.Do not mix with other
additives.May ignite other materials.Do not mix or use with other products containing chlorine
Precautions & Warnings
Prevent contact with eyes and prolonged contact with damaged/sensyble skin. Use eye
protection. In case of eye contact rinse immediately with abundant water. Oral Toxicity: Harmful
if swallowed.
Packaging: 2kg bucket
Ecoyacht Solutions LLC
757 SE 17th Street, #913, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33316