Kenly High School Yearbook, "Galleon", 1956
Kenly High School Yearbook, "Galleon", 1956
. ..t <r 8s> .V J2U ^^enly High School has presented many happy memories, long to be cherished. ^^ach familiar spot on the school ground - the ballgames, the club meetings, the plays. ^ice classmates so devoted to each other, the classrooms where we labored. £ oyal to all that this represents es, in gratitude we - a life we so enjoyed this past year, offer this '56 Galleon to be treasured by all. JOHNSTON COUNTY HERITAGE CENTER SMITHFIELD, N.C. Annual Staff Kenl y Hi g h School Kenly, North Carolina MR. J.B. LONG University of North Carolina Erskine College Math- -Driver Education MRS. SUSIE C. V AND A VEER East Carolina College English— Social Studies University of North Carolina Flora Macdonald College English- -French MR. DEWEY ADAMS State College Agriculture Assistant Editor LENORA MOZINGO Editor CHARLES LITTLE Advisor MRS. SUSIE C. VANDAVEER Seated: Bernice Edwards Doris Holland Ann Pope Ann Evans Wanda Peacock Lenora Mozingo Jo Betty Standing: Claude Gillikin Freddy Radford Mrs. Vandaveer C.L. Pittman Robert Lane Seated: Nancy Measamer Charles Little Gwen Cockrell Dora Ellen Holland Sally Davis Standing: Lin wood Boykin Felton Watson, Billy Newsome Sarah Jones Janice Hales Marie Scott Linda Grice Jr. SetU&i Ofifteens TRUETTE WALL, Secretary LENORA MOZINGO, Treasurer DORA ELLEN HOLLAND, Reporter SARAH JEAN JONES. Rep. Student Council BOYETTE, NANCY Vice President MARIE SCOTT, President ANTHONY EVANS RHONDA CARMICHAEL MILDRED CAMILLE ALFORD "Learn from the mistakes of others — you can't live long make them all. FHA Glee Club 1,2,4; 4; Waitress at enough to 3,4; Play Banquet 2; Usher- ette 4; Cheerleader 1,2. HERBERT DAVID ASKEW, JR. " "Ambition has no limit. Basketball 1,2,3,4; Baseball 2, 3, 4; Junior Play; 4-H Club 1, Senior Play; FFA 3,4; Bus Driver 1; 3,4. BOBBY FRANKS BASS "Do unto others as them do unto you you would have " . Senior Play. NANCY ALICE BOYETTE "Small in stature, deep in mind, a jollier pal you never could find. Beta Club 3,4; Basketball 2,3; Class Officer 3,4; Junior Play; Senior Play; 3; 4-H Club 2; FHA Glee Club 1,2,4; Award Superlative; Popularity 3; Queen 1, 4. CHARLES LINWOOD BOYKIN woman hater; but the Bible "I'm a says, 'Love your enemies. "' Annual Staff; Baseball 2, 3,4; 4-H Club 1; Senior Play; Superla- tive; Popularity King 4. GWEN LEE COCKRELL "A giggle and a smile make worth-while. Business Manager of Annual; Glee Club Club 2. " 2. 4; Play 4; 4-H life DONALD RAY CRUMPLER classes mean him they mean "To most students success, but to rest. 4-H Club FFA 1, 2; 3, 4; Senior Play. ELIZABETH ANN CUDDINGTON "Sometimes times I I sit and think; some- just sit. Basketball 3; Glee Club 2, 4; 4-H Club Is Waitress at Banquet 2; Usherette 4; Senior Play. WALTER KENNETH DAVIS "I can be pushed 4-H Club Is just so far. FFA 3, 4; " Bus Driver 3,4. BERNICE MARIE EDWARDS "When joy and duty clash, let duty go to smash. Annual Club " Staff; Basketball 2; 1, 4; Usherette 3, 4; Glee Senior Play. BETTY ANN EVANS "Pep in her fingers and pep in her toes makes a friend wher- ever she goes. Annual Staff; Basketball 4; Soft- ball Is Glee Club 2, 4; FHA 1, 2; 3, 4; 4-H Club Waitress at Ban- quet 2; Usherette 3; Library Assistant 3; Senior Play. CHARLES SHELTON EVANS "Do unto others before they can do unto you. Senior Play; FFA 3, 4; Play. 4-H Club 1, 2; Bus Driver 4; Senior LINDA FAYE GRICE "Always laughing, never sad, sometimes naughty, but never bad. Annual Staff; Glee Club 2; 1, Play 4; Popularity Queen 2. NATHAN COOPER HALES and be merry tomorrow you may die. " "Eat, drink, Play 4; 4-H Club for FFA 1, 2; 4. JANICE MARIE HALES when I'm hungry, I drink when I'm dry; if school doesn't " kill me, I'll live till I die. "I eat Glee Club 1,2,4; Junior Play; Senior Play; Superlative; Cheerleader 4. CORA PAULINE HALES "When athletics and studies clash, let studies go to smash. Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; " Softball 1, 2; Play 4; Waitress at Banquet 2; Senior Play. DORA ELLEN HOLLAND "Honesty is Beta Club the best policy. 3, 4; Annual " Staff; Student Council 4; Awards 2, 3; Junior Play; FHA 2, 3, 4; FT A 2; Library Assistant; Senior Play. DORIS JANE HOLLAND "Leave silence to the am but Annual 4; saints; I human. Staff; Basketball 1, 2, 3, Glee Club 4; Superlative; Waitress at Banquet 2; Usherette 4; FFA Chapter Sweetheart 3; Senior Play. JOHNSTON COUNTY HERITAGE CENTER SARAH JEAN JONES "May she stay the same, chang- ing nothing but her name. " Beta Club 3,4; Annual Staff; Student Council 3; Softball 4 Glee Club 2; 1, Waitress at Banquet 1; 2. MACK HORACE KIRBY when he "His brain starts working gets up in the quits until morning and never he gets to school. Basketball 2, 3, 4; Baseball 2, 3, 4-H Club 1, 2; Junior Play; 4; Senior Play; Superlative. MARGARET CAROLYN LANCASTER "1 have room in my heart for everyone. FHA Homeroom 1; Officer 3; Superlative; Library Assistant. ROBERT WESLEY LANE "The world's no better if we worry, " life's no longer if we hurry. Annual Staff; Play 4. CAROL ANN LEWIS "It is better to wear out in mis- chief than to rust out in being solemn. Basketball 2,3,4; Softball 1,2; Glee Club 1,2,4; Class Officer 2; Junior Play; Superlative; Popularity Queen 3. CHARLES HARVEY LITTLE 'A worker, a scholar, a helper, and a friend; He'll stick to you always, even to the end. " Beta Club 3, 4; Editor of Annual; Marshal 3; Class Officer 1, 2, 3; Glee Club 1,2,4; Awards 1,2, 3, 4; Junior Play; Superlative; Senior Play; 4-H Club 1, 2, 3, 4; NANCY LUGENIA MEASAMER "It doesn't pay to worry, things will happen anyway. " Beta Club 3,4; Annual Staff; Marshal Glee 3; Basketball 1; FHA Club 1,2,4; 1,2; Senior Play; Superlative. MOZINGO BERNICE LENORA "Never never idle, always still, always will. talking, Beta Club 3, 4; Assistant Editor of Annual; Student Council 3; Marshal 3; Basketball 1, 2, 3. 4; Glee Club 1, 2; Junior Play; Senior Play; Waitress at Banquet Miss Kenly 3; FFA Sweetheart 2; 4; Class Officer 1, 2, 3, 4. WILLIAM JORDAN NEWSOME women "If interfere with work, quit work. Beta Club 4; Annual Staff; Basketball 1,2,3,4; Baseball 1,2,3,4; Class Officer 2; Junior Play; Senior Play; 4-H Club 1,2; Superlative; Popularity King 3. WANDA LOUISE PEACOCK "The gladness of her gladness and the sadness of her sadness are nothing to the badness of her badness when she's bad. Annual " Staff; Basketball 3; Soft- ball 1; Class Officer 2; Glee Club 1,2,4; Senior Play; Super- lative; Waitress at Banquet 2. CLARENCE LEE PITTMAN "If your speech is not better than silence, don't speak. Annual Staff; Award NEALIE JO "A smile for for 3; FFA 3. ANN POPE every girl and two every boy. " Beta Club 3, 4; Annual Staff; Glee Club 1,2,4; Superlative; Senior Play. NELDA MARIE SCOTT "The best of sports in in other things she is every game, the same. " Beta Club 3,4; Annual Staff; Student Council 3; Basketball 1, 2,3,4; Softball 1,2; School Paper Editor 4; Class Officer 4; Marshal 3; Glee Club Awards 1; 1, 2, 3, 4; Junior Play; Senior Play; Club 4-H Superlative; Bus 1, 2, 3, 4; Driver 4; Library Assistant. VIRGINIA ANNE SPIVEY " fort, I'm coming. Glee Club 1,2,4; Junior Play; Waitress at Banquet 2; Cheer- "Hold the leader 2, 3, 4. GEORGE LUBY SUTTON "What's the use of living if you can't enjoy yourself?" EDWARD TRUETTE WALL man is the making of his "Every own fortune. Annual 3; Staff; Student Council Basketball 2, 3, 4; Class Officer 2, 3, 4; Senior Play; Junior Play; 4-H Club 1; FFA 3; Superlative. RACHEL ANNE WATSON "Her heart is Glee Club big enough for two. Senior Play; 1, 2, 4; Superlative; Waitress at Banquet 2; Cheerleader 1, 2, 3, 4. JAMES FELTON WATSON, "To worry my little, JR. to study less idea of happiness. is " Beta Club 3,4; Beta Officer 4; Annual Staff; Class Officer 2; Glee Club 1,2; Awards 3; Junior Play; Senior Play; 4-H Club 1, 2; School Paper 4. CLINTON MELVIN WEAVER "A willing heart, a helping hand. Basketball 3, 4; Baseball 2, 3, 4; " FFA 3, 4; Superlative; Bus Driver POEM We were When we a green and scared crew entered high school in '52. We've had lots of work to do. But we've had our fun together, too. We've slaved for many, many hours To achieve this knowledge we call ours, But now we have come to part our ways To spend Some Some FLOWER Red and White Carnations MOTTO Finished, yet beginning. COLORS Red and White the remainder of our days. will continue to will soon have Others, work of their a go to school; home own to rule; will choose, While the armed service gives others the blues. But no matter where or how we go, These years will still in our memories glow, And the work and fun and the hopes that failed Will always in our hearts prevail. We also did outside work, such as picking cotton, grading tobacco, and selling Then someone school pins. we Junior Play, so Go Again" which was We now suggested a " presented We Here a great success. had ample funds to begin plan- ning for a Junior- Senior Banquet which May was given As all the times and the lives of all great recorded as history, we, feel that 1956, we men 8 in the Cherry Hotel are our theme. I think that can rightly I say that everyone enjoyed the Seniors of must leave some re- we At class night chain to the Seniors which school days which will soon be history. We entered our freshman year at oughly enjoyed because Kenly High in 1952. We thought we were awfully smart and very grown up, we had a lot to learn. We we were feel that immensely. it presented the rose cord of our achievements during our but it we thormade us nearer to being able to replace them ended our third high school year. Thus as Seniors. What a wonderful feeling were to be re- confused by various rules and regulations, turning to school for our last year ! clanging bells, and changing classes which being our were very new to all us. We had as our Some of us had extra-curricular activities such as basketball, baseball, Glee Club, and Club. and 4-H Soon our freshman year had ended, we were We faced with summer more holidays. re-entered school in the fall of 1953 as high and mighty sophomores. This entrance, nothing stood in our daveer was our Our class presidents were Charles Little and Betty Culbreth. out last minds than the thoughts of Mrs. Van- of graduation and diplomas. sponsors that year Mrs. Boyette and Mrs. Yelverton. at Wilson with a "Southern Plantation" as important events of past We Wall was last sponsor and Truette our class president. job that year was publishing on. it " It was a lot of Our main "The Galle- work, but We was well worth while. we think sold ads and magazines to raise money that year. We sponsored two class plays, "Finders Creepers" and "Here Come the Brides!" Some knew everything; we were upperclassmen then. Our sponsors for that year were Mrs. These were very joyful occasions. Sullivan and Mrs. Yelverton, and our class ketball, baseball, Glee Club, Beta Club, were Charles Little and Wanda Peacock. That was the year we started raising funds that all classes must have to meet numerous needs that might arise by 4-H Club, and presidents selling candy and cookies. ing of that year, known A we were members of our class participated in bas- Student Council. important date in our history when the Another was April 27 Junior Class invited us to the With the end- Cherry Hotel in Wilson to enjoy with them our last school banquet. Their theme was ready to be "Candyland," and it proved to be a very Our mas- as Juniors. enjoyable evening for everyone. bright sunny fall day in 1954 found cots honored us with a barbecue supper at us returning as very hopeful Juniors. Our Batt Johnson's on May 10. This nearly ends sponsor was Mrs. Vandaveer and our class our last school year with the exception of president was Charles Little. Our attention was focused mainly on ordering class rings our class night. and on the Junior- Senior Banquet; but we had other thoughts which were not so very pleasant. we started There was money to raise, so this campaign by investing in the Junior Store which was very rewarding. We "April in Paris" and memories last May that we chose as our setting, it provided us with will never forget. 28 arrived and At we were ready to say good-by, not with regret, but wishing to express our gratitude to everyone for offering us the four fullest years of our lives. You may be sure that we will carry well-earned diplomas in our hands and innumerable memories in our hearts. Historian, Sarah Jones Sasser Best Looking CAROL A. LEWIS - LINWOOD BOYKIN Best All Around NANCY A. BOYETTE - TRUETTE WALL As I sat by the fire one evening, my asleep and dreamed of Then fell I classmates ten years from now. I found I drifted to Gwen working principal's office, Kenly School and as secretary in the and Donald was the agriculture teacher. I Margaret, the secretary. Margaret told Ann and her husband that Betty me lived on the went I York. She when we In when of Baby Snooks on a When I. should fell in love TV I with While show. me. I I came street corner a bus looked up to see He wheel. at the joined the L. F. B. who she graduated she took the place to a stop beside C. to Washington visited there as seniors, so Melvin York, Ann! find but Carol the city New reached was standing on a Then I drifted uptown and found Felton managing the Kenly Youth Center, and dream, New found Marie working for the When First, my in Washington and told Navy and me that liked he decided to make a career it of so well it. biggest farm in Johnston County, and that Bobby and Luby had put in a used car lot at was interested to find that Shelton and Walter were working at their Hickory Cross. I ambition- -they own a doughnut life's I I Air Force Base. visited Doris at Parks Boy, she liked the She told Air Force! Ann was a wonderful shop at Bagley. for I on and found myself in drifted California where Pan-American me that Virginia Airline Hostess Airlines. found that Sarah Jean and Linda When returned to Kenly, were partners in their own dress shop in Wilson; Nancy M. was their dress designer. Lenora and Janyce were living quiet lives Ann C. was busy with their families. at the switchboard in the I I I found that TV and turned on the telephone office at Wilson. saw Truette who now has his own program went to Raleigh and found Pauline relaxing on her front porch. She was listening to her favorite record show. It was easy to guess why it was her favorite --Cooper was business. M. C. of his own program at station WKHS. He was playing a song for the class of '56, She was working and ranks with the best M.C.'s I and especially for his wife, their sponsor, The song was GRADUATION Mildred. DAY. Ellen just I looked next door and saw Dora coming got across the yard. home from Grocery Store. told me at at was managing the basMack was State and that Carolina. was making While me in the that Herbert in Kenly I ran across Jo Ann. as secretary for the Miller Tobacco Company in Wilson. She told me that Linwood was a very successful businessman in Raleigh, and that he had Wanda and Anne W. working as secretaries for him. Nancy B. I found that citement, but I my life was awoke and time to think of myself. thinking of my I full of didn't at a Woman's college was too busy classmates. was in Raleigh. ex- have head nurse at Rex Hospital, and Charles was Dean Jr. his career in the Air Force. She had her job at Vick's After a few greetings she that Billy team the manager ketball Lenora told Bernice Edwards MR. EDGERTON'S Eleventh Grade Vice President JOHNNY NEWSOME President DOUG CRUMPLER Secretary JUDY POPE Student Council Rep. JACKIE KIRBY Treasurer JOHNNIE HOOKS KENNETH AYCOCK GERALDINE BARNES RONALD BASS JULIA ANN BELCHER CAMILLE BOYETTE OTIS BUNN HUGH CAMPBELL DOUGLAS CRUMPLER JANET CRUMPLER YVONNE CRUMPLER NELDA ANN DAVIS LOUISE DEANS < CD SB** BILLY GEORGE DURHAM PATRICIA EDGERTON JIMMY EVANS JOYCE FLOWERS DURWOOD GARNER CHRIS GRADY CELION HOLLAND JANICE HOOKS JIMMY KEITH HOOKS JOHNNIE JEAN HOOKS ROY HOWELL JACKIE KIRBY MARJORIE MORRIS JOHNNY NEWSOME DOUGLAS PARNELL L.A. PITTMAN JUDITH POPE FREDDY RADFORD JAMES VICK JACKY WATSON SHELBY GENE JEAN WELLS WATSON MRS. YELVERTON'S TENTH GRADE Vice President Bobby Barnes President Claude Gillikin Treasurer Jewel Peacock Student Council Rep. B. H. Hinnant Reporter Nancy Brabham Grey Baggett Bobby Barnes Margie Barnes Mary E. Bass Cecil Bissette Nancy Brabham Robert Davis Claude Gillikin Grace Hales B.H. Hinnant Mildred Hooks Harold Jones Jewel Peacock Bobby Pittman Patty Pope I 3 /wo \ PHOTO* AVAILABLE Brent Raynor Jimmy Sasser Sherill Wall MRS. SULLIVAN'S TENTH GRADE Vice President Faye Williams President Charles Pittman Student Council Rep. Bud Corbett Secretary and Treasurer Faye Langley Johnny Mack Bass Bp Linda Ann Bass Lonnie Grey Bass Tom Bass Bud Corbett Billy Gene Ferrell Pat Foster Earl Jones Rodger Kirby Faye Langley Harold Langley Margaret Mozingo Betty Lou Peele Charles Pittman Maurice Radford John Sullivan Edna Sutton Durwood Williams Faye Williams IP '"SSI. f ,^,„ , f TftU and 7e4t**t€Ht 1, Walter Davis, do leave my schoolbus to Roy Howell, assuming he knows how to drive I, it. my Margaret Lancaster, do leave bashful- ness to Jewel Peacock. I, Donald Ray Crumpler, leave Mrs. Sullivan the satisfaction of knowing she won't have to teach I, me anyone who I, We, the Senior Class of Nineteen Hundred I, county of Johnston, the state of North Carbeing of sound mind and realizing last will make this our to I, I, I, Anne Spivey, do leave my "gift Maybe you'll 1, Shelton Evans, do leave all the teachers do leave my helpful ways to my my Janice Hales, do leave responsibilities cute and win- to B. H. Hinnant. to I, Kirby, do leave I. 1, I, I, Doug Crumpler. my mind 1, 1, I, do leave my dignified in hopes that Sarah J. Sasser, it. do leave my French Jr. book to anyone stupid enough to want it. Felton Watson , am just leaving. Cockrell, do leave my "real cool Nancy Measamer, do leave my brain Make Herbert Askew Jr. use of , to Otis. it, do leave my aggra- vating ways to Harold Boykin. Truette Wall, do leave my popularity to my Betty Ann Evans, do leave my two front Cooper Hales, do leave Bernice Edwards, do leave mature judg- all my extra Jimmy Pittman. Nancy Alice as "best all 1, my to Billy Ferrell. Boyette, do leave my title around" to Nelda Davis. Linda Grice, do sign and seal this last ability to argue 1956. Testator, Linda Grice C.L. Pittman, do leave Joanne Pope, do leave giggles to will and testament of the senior class of Peele. line to Janet Crumpler. Wanda Peacock, do leave my pencils to ability to my quiet ways to Jerry Little. I, good old south- manner to Faye Williams, ment 1, my and enjoy freedom of speech Carol Lewis, do leave to Betty L. my Grey Baggett. ability to bluff to Julia Belcher. I, do leave Bass, Otis Bunn. 1, my Lenora Mozingo, do leave state my genius with me. my curly hair teeth to Linda A. Bass. Newsome, do leave my ability to fame as a basketball player Mack height to laugh" to Jackie Kirby. attain lasting I, honesty Brent Raynor. Charles Little, do leave Billy Bobby Gwen ning ways to Joyce Flowers. I, my Luby Sutton, of the annual to Freddy Radford. I, Melvin Weaver, do leave I, Patty Pope. I, it. 1, some laughs now, Mr. Long. Scott, enough to admit they need she will use Anne Watson, do leave my knack of making friends to Camille Boyette. Ann Cuddington, do leave my ability to Marie humble is to Johnny Jean Hooks. I, sighing in relief. I, and sincerity to anyone who Doris Holland, take all gab" to Marjorie Morris. crack jokes to Mr. Long. I, to fit. ern drawl to Thel Woodard. Linwood Boykin, do leave my charming ways with the girls to Johnny Newsome. get it my Mildred Alford, do leave and testament. Virginia ball suit to Dora Ellen Holland, do leave I, I, I, my small enough for I, our impending departure from our beloved school, do hereby declare and is Jacky Watson. and Fifty-Six of Kenly High School in the olina, bookkeeping again. Pauline Hales, do leave my small waist MRS. BOYETTE'S NINTH GRADE President Jimmy Jones Vice President Durand Hinnant Secretary and Treasurer Virginia Barnes Student Council Rep. Lib Edgerton Carol Ballance Charles Barnes Irene Barnes Virginia Barnes Nancy Bissette Harold Boykin Sally Davis Lib Edgerton Cecil Evans Eleanor Hales J.R. Hales Durand Hinnant Jimmy Jones Kenneth Jones Keith Killette Faye Mitchell William Peele Jimmy Pittman Peggy Spivey Jesse Yelverton TOO BUSY MRS. JOLLFF'S NINTH GRADE President Winstead Watson Vice President Jadie Taylor Reporter Sue Campbell Secretary and Treasurer Dorothy Durham Gerald Barnes Percy Bass Sue Campbell Dorothy Durham Fa ye Langston Jerry Little Charles Medlin Gene Mitchell Jimmy Mumford Gene Nichols Frank Peele J.T. Phillips Betty Rose Robert Spivey James Stone Rose Sullivan Jadie Taylor Kenneth Tedder Cecil Wall Charlie Watson Winstead Watson George Whaley Ethel Willoughby Mr. W. Kirby, Mrs. L. Jolliff - Advisors; J. Belcher, President; F. Radford, Vice President. Secretary; J. Flowers, Treasurer; C. Grady, Seated: Judy Pope, Claude Gillikin, Nancy Boyette, Geraldine Barnes, Dora Ellen Holland Chris Grady, Sarah Jean Sasser, Charles Little, Mrs. Boyette, Marie Standing: Scott. Treasurer Jean Vice President Wells Nancy Measamer Reporter Joanne President Pope Felton Watson Secretary Camille Boyette Seated: B.H. Hinnant, Johnnie Jean Hooks, Pattie Pope. Joyce Flowers, Lenora Mozingo, Bud Corbett, Billy Newsome, Margaret Mozingo, Charles Pittman. | Julia Belcher, Standing: Sweetheart LINWOOD BOYKIN OFFICERS Grey Baggett Nelda Davis Judy Pope Mrs. Yelverton Geraldine Barnes Dora Holland Marjorie Morris Yvonne Crumpler Joyce Flowers OTHER MEMBERS Betty Evans Mary E. Bass Johnnie Hooks Julia Belcher Nancy Brabham Jackie Kirby Elizabeth Edgerton Pat Edgerton Ethel Willoughby Peggy Spivey Faye Williams Virginia Barnes fa* Our girls, by playing excellent basketball, tied for second place in the northern division. Captain Pauline Hales, Coach Wallace Kirby, Co-Captain Jacky Kirby, Julia Belcher, Sue Campbell, Yvonne Crumpler, Pat Edgerton, Carol Ann Lewis, Doris Holland, Marjorie Morris, Margaret Mozingo, Lenora Mozingo, Carol Ballance, Sally Davis, Marie Scott, Betty Ann Evans, Nancy Brabham, Dorothy Durham, Joyce Flowers. Here are some outstanding snapshots from our games. 1 . 1 Kenly boys were runners-up in the Johnston County Tournament this year. Co-Captain Billy Newsome, Coach Jarvis Edgerton, Co-Captain Mack Kirby, Herbert Askew, Jimmy Hooks, Hugh Campbell, Johnnie Newsome, Freddy Radford, Doug Crumpler, Melvin Weaver, L. A. Pittman, Robert Davis, Maurice Radford, Roger Kirby. Not present due to illness, Truette Wall. Here are some outstanding snapshots from our games. Thanks to our cheerleaders Virginia for their good work. Ann Spivey, Ann Watson, Grey Baggett, Faye Langley, Jewel Peacock, Linda Ann "Boy* Let's give our baseball team a ' Bass. Sate&zM hardy cheer. Herbert Askew, Hugh Campbell, Maurice Radford, Johnny Newsome, Freddy Radford, Doug Crumpler, Melvin Weaver, Billy Newsome, Robert Davis, Mack Kirby, Linwood Boykin, Douglas Parnell, Edgerton, Coach, Jarvis We were very fortunate P. Edgerton, M. having Mr. Bertis Overman to direct our Glee Club this year. Pope, E. Sutton, C. Ballance, V. Barnes, J. B. Peele, Mr. R. J. P. Spivey, F. Williams, Peacock, N. Davis, N. Brabham, W. Peacock, A. Watson. F. Langley, J. Hooks, F. RadD. Crumpler, B. Corbett, C. Little, M. Radford, B. Edwards, D. Holland, A. Cuddington] Barnes, ford, in N. Boyette, B. Evans, Overman, C. Boyette, G. Baggett, Howell, N. Measamer, S. Davis, J. Hales, J. Belcher, C. Lewis, E. Edgerton, L. Bass, J. M. Kirby, J. Flowers, V. Spivey, Alford. v. 3 glut Mr. Overman also taught the members of the Music Club. Mr. Overman, J. Boykin, C. Grizzard, B. Barnes, C. Rogerson, W. Pittman, J. Ballance, A. Wicker, F. Knight, J. Waddell, C. Willoughby, J. Peacock, E. Willoughby, J. Howell, I. Hooks, F. Bass, Shook, C. Little, M. Radford. J. Linda Newsome Jimmy Bailey Faye Bass Ritchie Oliver G. Hartley, S. Watson, J. Holland, W. Stancil, S. Barnes, C. Bass, A. Wicker, C. Foster, F. Knight, S. Eskridge, S. Sox, E. Bridgers, R. OUver, J. Hooks, J. Bailey, Woodard. L. Newsome, B. Hunter. D. Langley, B. Weaver, D. Pierce, K. Dixon, Scott, J. E. Wright, R. Leggette, Waddell, E. Willoughby, L. Grizzard, L. Vick. J. Flowers, S. Scott, T. Jones, D. Barnes, E. Scott F D. Leggette R. Pope, J Bass Y La'neley Ballance F* ' S. Campbell, C. Brabham, M. Stuart, J. Woodard, Lamm. J. Peacock, N. B. Barnes, B. Hatcher, M. Worley, P. R. Hinnant Rose P W Jones Edgerton, B. Narron, V. Lewis, M.' Silver C LIBRARY STAFF, first row: Mrs. Boyette, Dora Holland, Julia Belcher, Mildred Alford, Margaret Lancaster. Second row: Peggy Spivey, Carol Ballance, Bobby Pittman, Mrs. Jolliff and Charles Pittman. Judy Pope, Miss Kenly of '55, crowned by Lenora Mozingo of '54. Essay Contest Winners Lenora Mozingo, Chris Grady, and Nancy Measamer. AWARDS Billy Ferrell, Bus Driver; Melvin Weaver, Bus Driver; Truette Wall, Citizenship; Marie Scott, Athletics; Charles Little, Agriculture; Wanda Peacock, Citizenship; Chris Grady, Essay. AWARDS Doug Parnell, Bus Driver; Shelton Evans, Bus Driver; Walter Davis, Bus Driver; Nancy Boyette, Activities; Nancy Measamer, Math, Oratory, Outstanding Student; Herbert Askew Jr. Bus Driver, Athletics. , 4-H AWARDS Nancy Measamer - AWARDS Marie Scott Charles Little, Balfour Key, Valedictorian; Billy Newsome, Babe Ruth Award; Freddy ship; Radford, Scholar- Maurice Radford, Scholarship; Nancy Measamer, Spelling, Salutatorian, Certificate of Merit; Doris Holland, Babe Ruth Award; Shelton Evans, Grizzard Cup. MARSHALS Camille Boyette, Geraldine Barnes, Freddy Radford, Judy Pope, Jean Wells. i 1 i WoW Do you ! . . . Who made out ! . . . New call this classes ? that goal? York, Here . . . . . . Some we come. I wish I were sixteen again. live in the trees, huh? . . . . . Don't Smother him. Rah-Rah— Kenly Hi! . . . . . Smile, pretty girls Posing? -Girls, watch First Grade MRS. GRACE CORBETT First Grade MRS. LUCRETIA HARDISON Second Grade MRS. RUTH GRADY Second Grade MRS. DELORES EDGERTON Third Grade MRS. GRACE EDGERTON Third Grade MRS. MARJORIE SINGLETON Fourth Grade MRS. DELLA YELVERTON Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Grades MRS. EFFIE FLOWERS Fifth Grade MRS. MINNIE LONG Sixth Grade MRS. ELIZABETH POPE Seventh Grade MRS. LAURA - WATSON Eighth Grade MISS NONA DANIELS Girls' Coach, Seventh and Eighth Grades MR. WALLACE KIRBY M. Ballance, A. Barbee, L. Barnes, K. Boyer, D.A. Boyette, D.L. Boyette, L. Boykin, C. Bridgers M Bridgers W. Edgerton. A. Games, W. Glover, D. Hales, R. Hare, G. Hines, E. Hinnant, B. Holland A Hooks' N. Hooks, W. James, J. Jefferson, D. Killette, L. Knight, C. Lamb, J. Little. D. Medlin, C. Pendergraph B. Davis, ' Price, J. Rains, D. Willoughby, A. Rogerson, T. Scott, B. Smith, J. Spivey, G. Starling, M. Taylor, C. Watson Willoughby. Not pictured: A. Jones. R. H C Weaver ' Second S. W. (facule Askew, B. Aycock, B. Ballance, W. Barbee, F. Barnes, B. Holloman, M. Hooks, J. Jefferson, Langley, T. Lewis, S. Millard, D. Mitchell, R. Mustgrave, W. R. Bass, G. Bass, Y. Boyette, L. Cooper, W. Crocker, Holland, J. J. Hales, J. Hinnant, L. Hinnant, K. Holland, S. R. Lamm, L. Kirby, S. L. Jones, Jones, Jones, H. Jones, J. Jones, B. A. Crumpler, R. Denning, F. Dixon, S. Evans, Pender, D. Pittman, J. J. Nunemaker, F. Parneli, F. Parrish, G. Peacock, Pope, R. Pope, B. Radford, V. Rose, S. Slaughter, C. Spivey, A. Stewart, B. Vick, Wall, S. Watkins, E. Wilkinson, M. Willoughby, J. Woodard. Ifl J. Baker, D. Boswell, A. Boyer, C. Boyette, D. Boyette, C. Cuddmgton, Holland Deans, D. Durham, B. Durham, C. Edwards, R. Holland, W. Holland, R. Hooks, D. Howard, G. S. Boykin, E. Boykin. M. Collier, W. Crumpler R Fleck. B. Hales, L. Hales, C. Hinnant L Jones, A. Jackson, R. Killette, E. Lamm, L. Lamm J. B - Le ggett. D. Lewis, C. Littleton, L. Medlin, B. Mitchell, E.D. Mitchell E R Mitchell Mitchell, R. Musgrave, R. Oberman, M. Pendergraph. D. Phillips, P. Phillips, R. Pittman,' L. Pope C Radford^ E. Rains, J. Rains, E. Raper, E. Rogerson, M. Slaughter, G. Spivey, D. Sullivan, J. Sullivan, C. Tucker J. Watson, P. Watson, A. Weaver, F. Wilkinson, A. Willoughby, C. W Willoughby, P. Willoughby W. Barbee, B. Barnes. S. Bass, D. Belcher, M. Boyette, S. Boykin, A. Eskridge, H. Evans, D. Faucette, L. Games, M. Grizzard, J. Hales, B. G. Brabham, C. M. Kiiby, M. Klein, R. Littleton, T. Oberman, A. Pittman, M. Pittman, M. Jones, Jones, Jones, Hunter, D. J. Rowe, C. Shirley, J. Spivey, D. Stancil, C. Watson, A. Wiiloughby, W. Rose, Raper, K. Rains, R. Rains, M. D. Yelverton. R. pictured: Not Yelverton. Woodard, M. J. D. Askew, J. Ballance, P. Ballance, Bridgers, S. Daniels, • t _ < •< - x / <? - ( TTffWiWMIIP'tiimmiVn'UII JIN* f Pi • "71 * : ;4i J. M. t Aycock, F. Baker, B. Barnes, D. Barnes, D. Boykin, S. Campbell, C. Cockrell, F. Evans, J. Evans, P. Evans, C. Hales, M. J. E. Barnes, J. Barnes, Collier. Hales, P. Hinton, J. N. Jones, R. Jones, A. Kirby, J. Knight, M. Long, B. Medlin, W. Pittman, H. Pope, R. Pope, S. Proctor, B. Rains, G. Rains, S. Scott, R. S. Spivey, Woodard. E. Bass, J. Bishop, M. Crumpler, D. Cseh, J. S. Boyer, L. Boykin, Davis, C. Durham, M. Edwards, Holland, G. Holloman, B. Howard, S. Mitchell, J. R. Oliver, Rains, L. Richardson, N. Stone, L. Sullivan, W. Watson, B. Weaver, L. Weaver, R. R. Parrish, J. M. Howell, Peele, C. Rogerson, D. Weaver, J. Sasser, Willoughby, M. J. Aycock, J. Crumpler, A.O. Davis, A.C. Davis, K. Dixon, L. Edgerton, R. B. Hatcher, J. Scott, M. Ballance, R. Barbee, Holland, L. Silver, C. Willoughby, Lamm, G. Starling, J. R. Willoughby, J. Barnes, D. Bass, J. D. Langley, R. Leggett, Stewart, C. Stone, R. Woodard, M. Worley. Bass, P. P. Bass, J. Mitchell, Sullivan, R. Boswell, C. Brabham, Edgerton, C. Grizzard, B. Hales, L. J. S. J. Campbell, Hales, Moore, D. Pearce, R. Rose, W. Vick, P. Vick, B. Weaver, B. Williams, ' tBBBbPB v\ HE r *• 1 4 'JSnS Seventh <faade& Ballance, D. Barnes, C. Bass, F. Bass, L. Bedford, E. Bridgers, D.G. Davis, J.G. Davis, S. Eskridge, J. J. Flowers, C. Foster. P. Fulghum, P. Glover, G. Grice, J. Hales, G. Hartley, J. Hinnant, J. Holland. R. Holland. L. Johnson, H. Kirby, Y. Langley, D. Leggett, J. Little, B. Littleton, L. J. Evans, Newsome, J. R. Peele. W. Pope, J. Proctor. E. Scott, Watkins. R.E. Watkins, S. Watson. J. S. Scott, J. Shook, Weaver, P. N. Silver, S. Sox, W. Wells, A. Wicker, R. Wiggs, R. Oliver, Stancil, L. Vick, R. Ward, A. Yelverton. J. Askew, J. Bailey, J. R. Howell, B. Hunter, P. Jones, P. J. Hinnant, E. Holland, Y. Holland. T. Jones, F. Knight, E. Lane, V. Lewis, B. Mitchell, B. Narron, Peacock, R. Pope, Z. Rhodes, Tucker, C. Boswell, C. Boyette, G. Boyette, L. Boykin, D. Crumpler, J. I. Hooks, J. Hooks, R. Hooks, O. Howard, B. Ballance, J. Batten, Cseh, N. Edgerton, B. Edwards, M. Rose, G.Y. Spivey, G.M. Spivey, Waddell, D. Watson, K. Weaver, M. White, E. Willoughby, E. Sullivan, J. Peacock, C. Sutton, H. Sutton, M. Willoughby, F. Woodard. L. YOUR TROUBLES ^^^^^^^S^V^ ^^^fij^jj/p^ AUTO SUPPLY Kenly, North Carolina s "R AT K NS ON Jl u '"-iPi I 1 Real Estate - Insurance Prompt Adjustment Service LLS WATCH E>l Phone 3531 SHOP Kenly, North Carolina Kenly, North Carolina Freeze It to Save KENLY ft V \ FROZEN FOOD LOCKER, 0 vj f v? fS^S is our FIRST INC. THOUGHT Phone 203-1 Kenly, North Carolina BLUE FLAME GAS CO. Bottled Gas Ranges, Water Heaters and Space Heaters Phone 239-1 G.R^\LLANCE GROCERIES Kenly, North Carolina Kenly, North Carolina B$ KB I v> .. WATS O N H L .." HARDWARE AND J OIL CO. Philco Radio and Television Esso Distributors Phone 222-1 Kenly, North Carolina BEAUTY SALON Phone 4681 Specializes in Hair Styling and Grooming Kenly, North Carolina Wilson, North Carolina Shop CECIL'S at AUTO REPAIR General Repairs Makes of Cars to All Body Work 313 Barnes St. Phone 4922 Wilson, North Carolina HEILIG- MEYERS for Comfort Wilson, North Carolina JOHNSTON COUNTY FURNITURE ASSOCIATION Miller & Holland Furn. Co. Rose Furniture Co. Barnes Furniture Co. Selma Furniture Co. Economy Furniture Co. Dunn Furniture Co. Jones Brothers Furn. Co. Kenly, N.C. Home Furniture & Appliance G. S. Tucker & Co. Denning Furniture Co. Talton, Inc. Pi ne Level Hardware Jones Brothers Furn. Co. Pine Level, N. C. Johnson Furn. & Appl. Co. DOBBIN BAI LEY General Merchant f^f^/^Jt Groceries, Feeds, and Seeds ^f^Tt^^f^s Crosley and Zenith Television flt^jy^A — ^^sfP^/ a Sells More for Less Kenly, North Carolina ~m^^^ j ETHER IDGE COAL AND OIL COMPANY i^H^S^L Let Us Supply Your Fuel Needs I^A FLORIST ^^fo^^^ Flowers by Wire Phone 228-1 Kenly, North Carolina Kenly, North Carolina Compliments of A SKEW'S LUMBER ROGERSON MILLING CO. CO. Manufacturers and Dealers Custom Grinding and Mixing Rough and Dressed Lumber Route One Kenly, North Carolina Kenly, North Carolina MRS. M/R. SIM MONS WOODARD CO. CHEVROLET CO. <S Dealers in Dry Goods, Sales 7 /i^II^IVlJlif Service Notions and Shoes Ready-to -Wear Kenly, North Carolina See the Motoramic Chevrolet Kenly, North Carolina BAN K AND TRUST COMPANY FIRST CITIZENS Serving Eastern North Carolina Established 1898 Smithfield ROSE North Carolina JEWELS "BOX PIANO COMPANY Hi -Grade Pianos Also Musical Merchandise Phone 2033 Smithfield, North Carolina I// k i Smithfield, North Carolina X WMPM NEWS RADIO D C K'S I ELECTRICAL CO. State License No. 213 Maytag Smithfield - Hoover - Crosley Hotpoint Phone 2579 Day North Carolina 367 E. Nash St. Wilson, North Carolina SMITHFIELD AUTOMOBILE DEALERS New and Used Cars Smithfield, North Carolina Mm ^^^^^-^^^ \l Compliments /? of flfj BREAD BREAD AND ROLLS \ Goldsboro, North Carolina KAH N FURNITURE CO. , INC. "The Big Furniture Store" 118 MOTHER AND DAUGHTER - 122 N. Center Street Goldsboro, North Carolina Wilson, North Carolina DEWEV BROTHERS Enjoy GRIFFINS' INC. Founder - BARBECUE Machinist "Good Food" Mill Supplies Metal Building Supplies Barbecue Pig and Chicken Steel Fabricators Goldsboro, North Carolina Goldsboro, North Carolina Save VICTORY WAREHOUSE JIM HOPEWELL -BRUCE SMITH Owners and Operators YOUNG MEN'S SHOP MV ^( Phone 3036 Goldsboro, North Carolina Goldsboro, North Carolina NEW PLANTERS WAREHOUSE Nos. 1 and 2 "Service You Can Depend On' Wilson, North Carolina NAHUNTA HOG MARKET Live Hog Buyers We Buy Hogs Every Day Near Nahunta School Phone 210-8 Fremont Pikeville, North Carolina MUSIC a-KaZ SPORTS GOOD /FOOD "It Pays to Play" Goldsboro, North Carolina W P POSE SUPPLY CO. DAIRY PRODUCTS Building Material Dial 213-4 Phone 33 or 1288-W Wilson, North Carolina Goldsboro, North Carolina W. B. ana? SONS, INC. OLIVER Massey-Harris Farm Equipment Good Fertilizer Crosley Appliances ^^^At^^^S Pine Level, . ^ I North Carolina TRACTORS JCOM y/»H«w 8IH S- Phone 312-4 Compliments of M CRO I HOG MARKET North Carolina Micro, Compliments of KENLY LIVESTOCK MARKET WOODARD-^ CREECH DRUG COMPANY Prescription Druggists W. GROVER CREECH JOE A. CREECH Phone 231-6 Kenly, North Carolina Selma, North Carolina One Stop Service LU CAM A SHELL SERVICE Phone 329-1 Lucama, North Carolina W9m WHITE WAY ROSE SERVICE STATION EDDIE BOYKIN, Prop. DRY CLEANERS Complete Courteous Service Phone 235-6 Firestone Tires Phone 942-6 Kenly, North Carolina Kenly, North Carolina Kenly Students Enjoy Pine State Ice Cream From PINE STATE CREAMERY Raleigh, North Carolina CASH CORNER WHITLEY COMPANY SPECIALTY Candies GROCERY Drugs Meats Groceries Ice Cream Feeds Phone 245-1 Kenly, NorthVarolina - - Gum - Notions School Supplies "You Name We Don't Have HENRY H. It, It: if We'll Get It" WHITLEY, Manager Smithfield, North Carolina GROWERS COOPERATIVE WAREHOUSE INC. For the Sale of Leaf Tobacco Phone 5097 P.O. Box 247 Highway 301 South We Pay Patronage Dividends Wilson, North Carolina For Good Food PURITY BREAD Try l£ >{ PARKER'S AND BARBECUE CAKES Wilson, N. C. LI NVI LLE5 INC. "Linstone Masonary Units" Pure Oil Products Phone 70126 Wilson, North Carolina <V- ra£3 LET US DO YOUR *«*,BY'#e Wilson, North Carolina UTO SALVAGE CO. Automobile Replacement Parts Wholesale and Retail Phone 2341 Wilson, North Carolina J. F DAUGHTRY RAINS MILLING COMPANY c r? 1i \r x\. v C± T* x o 1 loir v diicy \/ x^rouUCIS 1 /-» 4- ) c» Meal Flour and Feeds Phone 219-1 Siegler Princeton, North Carolina Compliments M. T. HI OIL TATRT NTON COMPANY Princeton, North Carolina £ Home Heaters Princeton, North Carolina A.T. of Phone 211-1 A.F. General Electric Appliances Millwork Building Material Phone 208-1 Princeton, North Carolina HOLT SONS. 1 NC. <&M^> DEPENDARI General Merchandise Princeton, North Carolina F DRUGGIST t, WOODARD'S DRUG STORE Prompt Efficient Courteous Princeton, North Carolina PITTMAN MITCHINER General Merchandise Fertilizer and Coal Cotton Ginners and Buyers OIL CO. General Merchandise Phone 314-7 Micro, North Carolina Kenly RFD North Carolina Congratulations Wl LSON From HARDWARE CO. "Courthouse in Front of Us" "Wilson's Shopping Center" Phone 3174 Wilson, North Carolina & CO. MOSS INC. MEN & BOY'S Wilson, North Carolina Phone 277-1 Savings ^^^^Tf^AND STORE 136 South Tarboro Street Store ^^^^^^ SAVE II CHARLES STORE Phone 282-1 Wilson, North Carolina Wilson, North Carolina Compliments For Goodness' Sake of COBB MOSS <C SON T&L 7?}mMo Wilson, North Carolina Wilson, North Carolina HOTEL CHERRY £ GRILL East Nash Street Sell Your Tobacco LIBERTY WAREHOUSE No. No. 1 Sale FRED HARRIS Every Day - RAYMOND SMITH ISAAC MEDLIN Wilson, North Carolina 2 Phone juo-i A Alsonett Hotel Wendell at Phone 214-4 An in Wendell, North Carolina Compliments Compliments of of LEDER Ob BROTHERS INGERS 1 1 of MEN'S STORE 114 N. Tarboro St. DEPARTMENT STORE Dept. Store HOW. Wilson, North Carolina SELMA RADIO Nash St. Wilson, North Carolina & MUSIC CO. JO'S Maytag and Westinghouse CHILDREN SHOP Appliances Sylvania Television JOSEPHINE ABDALLA "We Service What We Ready-to -Wear Sell" for Tots Dial 229-1 - Pre-Teens and Teens Selma, North Carolina Selma, North Carolina Compliments of LITTLE RIVER O 1 L CO DR. M. £ HINNANT SON Robertson Proven Fertilizer Reliance Fertilizer anH T,im<=» Hardware and Sherwin-Williams Paint Phone 126 Shoes for All the Family Phone 314-1 Goldsboro, North Carolina Micro, North Carolina ~7o/i^ EDGERTON^ FEED MILL Custom Grinding and Mixing Phone 318-1 Micro, North Carolina First Thought in Drugs DRUG KEENLY CO. Two Registered Druggists CLAUDE GILLIKIN, Prop. E. 240-1 Phones 962-9 Kenly, North Carolina Compliments of ALLIED MILLS INC. Chicago, Illinois Manufacturer of Wayne Feeds P. G. Peacock Kenly, North Carolina MONTGOMERY- GREEN CO. KEN LV INC "Food Service Equipment" Cafeteria Equipment and Supplies PRINTING CO. JOE A. WHITLEY & SONS Phone 325- Phone 661-7 424 S. McDowell P. O. 1 and 326-1 Box 383 Kenly, North Carolina Kenly, North Carolina Happliances H. M.GRIZZARDsCO. Kenly, North Carolina Compliments of INSTITUTIONAL FOODS CO. INC. Post Offic e Box 9147 Raleigh North Carolina Compliments Compliments of of STARLING'S JORDAN'S JEWELERS CLOTHING STORE Phone 3301 Phone bmithiield, North Carolina 2649 Smithfield, North Carolina Read THE SMITHFIELD HERALD Twice a Week for News and Opinions GRILL Sandwiches Short Orders Curb Service - Shakes Soft Drinks - Affecting the People of Smithfield, North Carolina Johnston County ATKINSON POULTRY FARM KEN LV GRILL & RESTAURANT Breakfast, Dinner, and Supper Home Cooked Meals ^^^^^^^ Selma, North Carolina Hot Dogs and Hamburgers Sandwiches of Any Kind Kenly, North Carolina NATIONAL CHURCHWELLS BANK ^WILSON JEWELERS, INC. Certified Gemologist Registered Jewelers American Gem Society- Phone 326-1 Wilson, North Carolina Wilson, North Carolina POOLE'S FROZEN AND CANNED FOODS Durham, North Carolina Butner, North Carolina Rocky Mount, North Carolina Compliments of V FUNERAL HOME RALPH YELVERTON BUNN RAY YELVERTON FREMONT OIL MILL CO. Funeral Directors and Embalmers Fremont, North Carolina Fremont, North Carolina Compliments General Auto Repairs of KEN LV MOTOR CO. KENLY BILLIARD PARLOR Phone 250-1 Clean Recreation Kenly, North Carolina Kenly, North Carolina Compliments of SEE US CLIFF'S DRIVE 900 m> /» S. IN - Goldsboro Wilson AND ff*} St. North. Carolina ttSBk Compliments /y of vjuiiipiiincnis oi o d Ov K N SMITH 1 GROCERY CO. S WAREHOUSE Wholesale Grnrprips ABC Phone 213-1 Wilson, North Carolina Wilson, North Carolina r Y fin X w u, f 1 FEED MILL T< J- ~T/\ T* IT *i n 1 ltJIltHy "i avn uLOic LTO N DRUG CO. Jillf Phone 423-6 Kenly, North Carolina at oee tne /\ii iNew ivdd r ord Your Friendly Ford Dealer. NEIGHBORS MOTOR ro ^^^) Phone 212-1 Kenly, North Carolina L. C. \A/ VV 1 1 & 1 l/IMC/^M Nr^CJ N L_l<s. SONS 1 1 Rough and Dressed Lumber SERVICE Kenly, North Carolina Builders' Supplies Kenly, North Carolina JOE ALFORD Kenly North Carolina DONATIONS Roy and Peggy Waddell Cozart Packing Company Eason's Jewelers G. S. Tucker Sears and Roebuck Myrtle Airport Ben Ellis Bruce Lamm Sherwin-Williams Lisabeths Lucille's R. E. Quinn C. Woodard Company Valley & Ellis Hooks Studio J. E. Gregory Company W, T. Dodson Irvings Paris Hat Shoppe Milo Pierce Carolina Power and Light Co. J. * (y &^ c i