2015 Student Assistant Training and Assessment Cycle
2015 Student Assistant Training and Assessment Cycle
Dean of Students Office Student Assistant Training and Assessment Cycle DSO Online Training Pre-Competencies In-Person Training The online student assistant training gives an overview of Prior to working in the Dean of Students Office, each The in-person training allows all new student assistants to meet the Dean of Students Office functional areas and their responsibilities. During this training, student assistants take a pre-assessment to determine their level of knowledge about the office. After watching a series of videos and reading through PowerPoints, the students complete a post-assessment to compare their level of knowledge about the Dean of Students Office. student assistant completes a pre-competency survey that is based on the NASPA Professional Competency Areas for Student Affairs Practitioners. The University of Florida has adapted these to fit with student assistants, and have created six areas: knowledge acquisition, construction, integration and application; cognitive complexity; practical competence; humanitarian and civic engagement; intrapersonal development; and interpersonal competence. each other, understand what it means to provide a culture of care, and comprehend the expectations/values of becoming a successful student assistant in the Dean of Students Office. In addition, the students are trained on specific scenarios that may occur in their role through participating in the FISH customer service philosophy program, StrengthsQuest program, and a variety of diversity activities. This training allows the student assistants to reflect on their personal goals and the goals of the Dean of Students Office. Pre-Competencies Fall Retreat DSO Online Post-Assessment DSO Online Pre-Assessment Pre-Test Retreat In-Person Training DSO Online Training Post-Test Fall Retreat Fall Retreat The fall retreat allows all student assistants to come together to prepare for the upcoming academic year. The retreat activities provide students with an opportunity to bond through group activities while participating in personal and professional development activities. An assessment is sent out to the student assistants to determine if the information the students gained from the retreat was useful and staff utilizes the results as recommendations for the upcoming year. ASSESSMENT RESULTS OVERVIEW OF THE RESULTS More than 90 student assistants work in the Dean of Students Office Nine of the twenty-six competency areas scored each year. During the assessment process, student assistants were asked to rate their level of competency based upon the skills they developed since they started in the Dean of Students Office. All of the percentages below are based on the student assistants that rated themselves as Advanced (4) or Expert (5) on a Likert scale. Please note that student assistants do not receive training on the italicized topics. 100%, thirteen competency areas scored above 85%; the remaining four competency areas scored under 85%. The main focus of the 2015-2016 academic year has to be on those areas under 85% in order to contribute to the holistic development of the student assistants in the Dean of Students Office. Knowledge acquisition, construction, integration, and application Connecting knowledge to other knowledge, ideas, and experiences Relating knowledge to daily life STUDENT ASSISTANT TRAINING AND AS SES SMENT Monthly Training Student assistants participate in monthly trainings Exit Interview Post-Competencies Monthly Training Performance Appraisal Post-Competencies Monthly Training Post-Assessment Exit Interview throughout the year. These training inform students of new happenings in the Dean of Students Office and provide opportunities for personal and professional growth. Monthly training sessions that are provided include understanding diversity, resolving conflict, knowing how to respond to a crisis, and working with students in distress. Before leaving each training, the students are asked to fill out a survey to determine what they learned and what trainings they wish to attend in the future. Performance Appraisal A post-competency assessment is provided to student Exit interviews are completed with student assistants who are Each year, student assistants in the Dean of Students assistants who are graduating or leaving their position in the Dean of Students Office. The staff in the Dean of Students Office compares each student’s pre-competency results to their post competency assessment in order to determine their individual growth. The pre and post-competency assessment tool is based on the NASPA Professional Competency Areas for Student Affairs Practitioners. graduating or leaving their positions in the Dean of Students Office. This is an opportunity for the students to reflect on their experiences, give feedback, and discuss the competencies they developed during their experiences working in the Dean of Students Office. In addition, these exit interviews provide student assistants with the opportunity to discuss their level of preparedness for obtaining a job or applying for graduate/professional school. Office complete a performance appraisal. The student assistants and their supervisors fill out the appraisal separately. During the evaluation meeting, the supervisor discusses the student assistant’s strengths and areas for growth. The performance appraisal is used to set personal goals for each student assistant. Performance appraisals are used to determine merit raises amongst student employees. Understanding and appreciation of cultural and human differences Global Perspective Cognitive Complexity Reflective Thinking Effective Reasoning Creativity Sense of Civic Responsibility 93.33% 76.70% 93.33% 93.33% 100% 100% 86.67% Realistic self-appraisal, self-understanding, and self-respect Identity development Commitment to ethics and integrity Spiritual awareness 100% 93.34% 86.66% 100% 60% 93.33% Interpersonal Competence Technological Competence 100% Meaningful Relationships Managing Career Development Demonstrating Professionalism Students Office student assistant program will include activities that focus on improving or enhancing the following competencies: Creativity Maintaining Health and Wellness Global Perspective Spiritual Awareness Developing Meaningful Relationships Interdependence 100% Communicating Effectively Managing Personal Affairs During the 2015-2016 academic year, the Dean of Intrapersonal Development Practical Competence Pursuing Goals NEXT STEPS/RECOMMENDATIONS 100% Social Responsibility Critical Thinking Fall Retreat Recommendation Survey 100% Humanitarian and Civic Engagement 100% 93.33% 93.33% Maintaining Health and Wellness 80.67% Living a Purposeful and Satisfying Life 93.33% Interdependence Collaboration Effective Leadership 86.66% 80% 93.33% 93.33% STUDENT VOICES “The DSO family truly fosters an environment of care. “ -Care Area Student Assistant “I strongly believed the DSO assisted me in helping communicate with others, especially other students and faculty members. It allowed me to know how to work on a team with other staff members and to come out of my shell.” -Collegiate Veterans Success Center Student Assistant “I truly felt I was not just an employee, but part of a family and felt cared for from the staff. The Dean of Students Office team made me feel that I was not just a student assistant, but mattered to the office and the role the Dean of Students Office plays at the University of Florida.” -Disability Resource Center Student Assistant “I appreciated the opportunity to work under the same people for several years. I felt that I was able to continue to grow and was thankful for my supervisor’s flexibility, support outside of the office, and the encouraging and positive atmosphere.” -New Student and Family Programs Student Assistant “I became less reserved over time, friendlier, and learned how to calm upset students and combat those concerns with genuine care.” -Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution Student Assistant umatter@ufl.edu