Newsletter - PSATS Township Web Hosting


Newsletter - PSATS Township Web Hosting
2015 Winter/Spring Edition
Meets the 1st Monday at 7:00 p.m.
 Andrew Megonnell,
 Jim Fisher, Vice Chair/
 Richard Peffer,
The Township hosted their annual Holiday Party on December 22, 2014 to thank the employees and all the volunteers who serve on the many committees, organizations and Authorities. The volunteers spend countless hours from attending meetings to driving the
senior van. This year the County Commissioners and State Representative Sue Helm
were present to congratulate the Township Supervisors in paying off the Shared Municipal/
Fire Company building in 4-1/2 years; 5-1/2 years earlier than the term of the loan. This
was made possible due to the Dauphin County Gaming Grants.
 Mitch Rissinger,
 Jeff Smith,
Julie Ann Seeds
Bob Hofer
Planning Commission
Meets the 2nd Monday at 7:00 p.m.
Chip Brown
Gary Deimler
Liz Rodda
Don Morse
Below left to right, Front Row - County Commissioner Jeff Haste, Township Manager Julie Seeds, Commissioner George Hartwick, Representative Sue Helm, Commissioner Mike Pries,
Back Row - Past Supervisor Serell Ulrich, Current Supervisors, Jim Fisher, Dick Peffer, and Jeff Smith.
Ralph Stone
Jeff Smith
Bill Kotkiewicz
Zoning Hearing Board
Meets the 2nd Thursday at 7:00 p.m.,
as needed.
Coleen Terry
Debra Eshelman
The Middle Paxton Digest is published periodically for the residents of Middle Paxton Township and Dauphin
Borough. Residents wishing to submit newsworthy items, including Township history, current or historical
photos, or upcoming events, are urged to do so by providing articles and details via email, regular mail or submitting to Township Office, 10 Elizabeth Avenue. Mailing address is P.O. Box 277, Dauphin PA 17018. We
reserve the right to edit materials submitted to meet space requirements. For additional details, please call the
Township Manager at (717) 921-8128, or email your questions to Please
note the Township’s website is
The public is cordially invited to attend all meetings. All meetings are held in the Community Meeting
Room, 10 Elizabeth Avenue.
Snow News
Middle Paxton Township has approximately thirty six miles of roadway to
maintain during the winter season, the Township encourages common
sense and patience when traveling or cleaning driveways, etc., during
and following storms, be it large or small. The winter maintenance crew
recommends having all vehicles removed from Township roads. Absence of parked vehicles greatly facilitates plowing and cindering operations. Please DO NOT blow or throw snow back into roadways, this is
potentially dangerous and is unlawful. When removing snow at driveway ends, place the snow on the right side of your driveway as you face
the street. This will greatly reduce the amount of snow that will end up
in the driveway when crews plow back. Plowing back is the second pass
on roadways to make additional room for other events and from re-melt conditions. This is done after the
storm is over, and only after every road has been opened throughout the Township, so please be patient.
In addition to keeping vehicles off the street the Roadcrew highly recommend to move all items from
the road right of way. This includes but not limited to trash cans, boats, trailers and especially basketball
hoops. If any object in the right of way causes damage to Township vehicles or to personnel,
you may be held liable. If you are not sure of what is a right of way, contact the Township Office for details.
Throughout the course of the winter plowing season, mailboxes get
damaged or destroyed. Middle Paxton Township follows the same
guidelines as PennDOT. Mailboxes are essentially a guest in the right of
way; therefore the Township is exempt from replacement or repair
The Township Roadcrew are planning to replace pipes this year. The pipes are located along Stony Creek,
Frog Hollow and McKelvey Roads. Please adhere to flagman and road signs during the replacement of the
pipes. Your patience is much appreciated. In addition, if you see a road problem, please report it to the
Township Office. A branch or tree can fall at any time or a pot hole may form in areas on Township Roads
that are not traveled by the Roadcrew on a daily basis. (717) 921-8128
Street Sweeping is tentatively scheduled for the last week in April. Hours of street sweeping is 7:00 AM to
3:00 PM. Please remove all vehicles from the streets during these hours. Thank you in advance for your
Street grading is tentatively scheduled from mid-March to mid-April. ALL TOWNSHIP ROADS WILL BE
GRADED. Effective drainage is critical to road longevity and stability. Good drainage requires removing runoff from the road surface and preventing groundwater from infiltrating the road base. When surface water is
not drained off the road it can lead to the road washing out, cracks, and potholes.
From the Zoning Officer’s Desk
Thank you to all residents and business owners who have contacted
the Township Office to inquire about whether permits are required
for various projects. It is better to know this information beforehand than to be in violation and have to remove a structure or sign.
Please keep in mind most projects need a permit; building, zoning
or both. This includes but not limited to gazebos, sheds, decks, garages, and pools whether it is built on-site or brought on a truck and
placed on your property.
Have a business in mind you are thinking about starting or thinking about purchasing a property for sale
to start a business? Permits and approvals are required for businesses. Please contact the Township Office
to discuss the process and procedures, and all the facts about Zoning and businesses. Not all businesses
are permitted in every District throughout the Township.
If you are thinking of that perfect spring/summer project we look
forward to working with you on your property improvement projects! Please do not hesitate to call us with any questions. The
old saying, ‘to do build it and beg forgiveness later’, may cost you
in fines and the removal of the project. With google earth and
GIS capabilities, it is easy to see what is new compared to what
was originally constructed according to Dauphin County Property
records. Township Office number is 717-921-8128.
In the State of Pennsylvania all dogs three months
of age or older must be
licensed. Licenses are issued by the county treasurer. License applications
are available at various locations and at
Middle Paxton Township office is
where you can pick up your new
recycling bin.
The prices for
the recycling bins
remain the same
$15.00 and they
can be picked up
between the
hours of 8:30
a.m. and 4:30
p.m. Monday
thru Friday.
Emergency Management Coordinator- Bob Rusbatch
Welcome to 2015
South Central Alert System or Everbridge Alert System. This is
used to alert residents of immanent weather issues, or other local
emergencies in the area. To receive alerts you are urged to register through You can sign up to have alerts
sent in various ways, using your home phone, text messages to cell
phone, or emails sent to a computer.
If you have a power outage in your area, contact PPL @ 1-800-3425775. If your whole neighborhood is out, the more residents that call in and report an issue
the quicker they will respond. So have your neighbors call in also. Do not assume if only one
residence calls that PPL will know the entire area is without power.
Emergency Management
This past year was a quiet year for this office. Since we had no incidents to work on, it provided
time to plan for the future. In the coming year there will be meetings/workshops to provide information
for the future. Hopefully we can have these once every quarter throughout the upcoming year. Items of
discussion will be evacuations, flooding precautions, flood plain mapping, recovery from disaster and mitigation. Please plan on attending.
For the winter months of 2015 be prepared for electrical outages due to downed power lines. Have
plenty of water supplies, canned goods, and dry foods. If you have gas grills, keep full cylinders for cooking. When power goes out access you refrigerator only when you have too. The food stored in them will
stay cold longer. For snow removal crews please remove basketball nets from the curb line. Move them
back 3-5 feet from the roadway.
When and if the snowfalls hit, remember to clean out the
fire hydrants near your homes. There should be 3 feet cleared
from all sides of the hydrant.
If you haven’t already, register your phone, cell or email
with South Central Alert. When needed we can put out emergency
announcements regarding imminent disasters, provide disaster
status updates, evacuation information, and shelter information.
This summer we will see an increase in traffic on Rt. 22/322. From May to September, U.S. Rt.
11/15 will be under construction from Marysville to Duncannon. Large trucks will be diverted to our area
due to the construction. If accidents occur in our area, traffic will become congested. We will establish
detours where we can. Detours will direct traffic through the borough and/or up along the service road
known as Gapview Rd. We will be aided by PennDOT personnel and local fire police agencies. Please plan
your travel. Listen to traffic reports.
Living with Wildlife - Tips for Driving in Deer Country
Vehicles kill hundreds of deer each year in Pennsylvania. Deer will cross roads at any time of the day or
night, creating a hazard of the vehicle, passengers, and deer.
More than half of all deer/vehicle collisions occur in October and November. The rut (mating season) and
peak days for hunting may account for this.
Here are some driving tips:
 Deer are most active at dawn and dusk. Be especially
watchful during these times.
 One deer crossing the road may be a sign that more deer
are about to cross.
 When you see brake lights, it could be because the driver
ahead of you has spotted a deer. Stay alert.
 Deer hooves slip on pavement and a deer may fall in front
of your vehicle just when you think it is jumping away.
 Be aware that headlights confuse deer and may cause them
to move erratically or stop. Young animals do not recognize
that vehicles are a threat.
 Be especially watchful when traveling near steep roadside
banks. Deer will pop onto the roadway with little or no
The emergency and Township personnel strongly suggest all residents to visibly
mark their driveway entrances with an address marker. It is also an ordinance
for anyone who obtains a building or zoning permit.
Seconds count when critical health conditions occur.
You can create your own address marker or purchase one from the Township.
For further details and to obtain an order form or a copy of the ordinance,
please contact the Township Office at (717) 921-8128 or email your request at
Please also adhere to all Township Ordinances for burning.
Rain water and snow melt, all considered to be storm water runoff,
is a matter that affects all residents and should be a concern for all
Middle Paxton Township Storm Water Ordinance 2010-89 is an
ordinance that follows the Dauphin County Act 167 Storm Water
Plan. This Act 167 Plan was a study of the entire County and developed standards and regulation for all municipalities in Dauphin
County to follow. (County mandated Ordinance). Up to the time of
the adoption of this storm water ordinance, the primary storm water management control was for rate release only. On subdivision
or land development projects, a property owner could not release
water runoff at a greater rate than the pre-developed condition or existing runoff rate. This old methodology did not address volume or quality of the water runoff. As more development occurred in our watershed areas, this increase in the volume of runoff has created accelerated erosion of the stream and
river banks. Also, with increased volume came increased pollutants.
Middle Paxton Township Ordinance 2010-89 is an up-to-date ordinance that addresses rate, volume and
quality in a stepped or threshold fashion. Projects that propose less than 1,000 square feet of new impervious cover on an existing lot with no current storm water or erosion problems or concerns are exempted and do not require a storm water plan. New impervious cover is any new surface or building on
the ground such as, but not limited to, buildings, decks, patios, asphalt paving, stone drives or parking areas, concrete walks, sheds, and shelters. This 1,000 square foot exemption is from the time of adoption
of the ordinance, January 2011, and is a “one time exemption.” As an example, if you propose to build a
garage of 600 square feet in 2014, you may be exempted from the requirements of a storm water management plan. If in 2015 you propose a new addition onto your dwelling of 700 square feet, you would
be required to do a storm water plan because the total of new impervious cover from the adoption date
would be 1,300 square feet (a number greater than 1,000.) Please note even if your initial project is less
than 1,000 square feet, you would still require a Zoning Permit and Building Permit on many projects.
Small projects that exceed the 1,000 square foot mark up to 2,500 square feet (in some cases 5,000
square feet) may provide a simplified approach and are required to address volume only. Many times a
homeowner or contractor can complete the forms needed for a small project. Full engineered plans are
not required for these simple projects unless there are other mitigating factors such as steep grades, or
existing flooding problems down grade. If you are proposing a project greater than 1,000 square feet of
land cover, or a second project that when added to your previous project will exceed 1, 000 square feet,
we suggest you contact the Township to request a staff meeting to review your project. On the small
projects you could control the increased volume of runoff with an underground infiltration stone trench
which the downspouts of your building would be piped to. You could install a cistern, a rain garden or in
some cases rain barrels, lawn depressions, berms and a detention basin. On most small projects the cost
of these simple storm water controls would be incidental to the total project cost.
Projects with earth disturbance of 5,000 square feet or more and impervious cover of this magnitude are
required to submit a full storm water management plan and erosion and sedimentation control plan.
Erosion and sedimentation control plans are reviewed and approved by Dauphin County Conservation
District. These projects referred to as major earth disturbance projects, are required to submit an
engineered storm water management plan. This plan must include rate controls, volume controls and some quality or best management practices
(B.M.P.’s). Projects that exceed one (1) acre of land disturbance are also
required to obtain an NPDES Permit. This is a Federal (EPA) authorized
permit the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection issues.
We always encourage homeowners, contractors and applicants to call the
Township to discuss their projects or to set up a meeting to review the requirements that apply to their project. Our desire is to keep Middle Paxton
a beautiful and safe place to live, and protect the natural streams, creeks and
rivers that flow through the Township.
Happy New Year from Dauphin Area Senior Transit!
A belated Merry Christmas and a happy new year from the 16 volunteers who make up the group
known as the D.A.S.T. (Dauphin Area Senior Transit).
With the new year 2015, we begin our 28th year of serving the transportation needs of the Seniors,
(55+ who reside in the Dauphin-Middle Paxton area). In those intervening years, we have safely transported the riders on thousands of trips covering hundreds of thousands of miles. We attribute that to
the concern our drivers have for their riders, and the blessing of God.
Maybe you have seen our beautiful van traveling in the area, and wondered what it was about. Briefly, our group is partnered with the Dauphin County Area Agency on Aging, to provide transportation to
Seniors in need of transportation to: doctors appointments, Shopping of all sorts, and any other need
that is a part of your lifestyle.
There are several restrictions, and likewise, several requirements in availing oneself of this service.
FIRST: we CANNOT accommodate wheel-chair bound clients. SECOND: our service is limited to medical related needs only on the west shore, no shopping or other activities. REQUIREMENTS: You need to
be a resident of the DMP area; meet the age requirement as mandated by the Agency on Aging, and you
need to call the Township office 24 hours prior to your need for a ride. They are available 8:30 -4:30,
Monday - Friday, and can be reached at 921-8128. GIVE THEM A CALL!
If you are new to the area, or a long time resident who for whatever reason has not heard of our
services, please call me, Ray Dively, at 921-8059, and I’ll be glad to address any of your concerns. There
is no set fee for this service, but donations are gratefully accepted if you are able to do so. None of the
volunteers are compensated for their service, with all funds being invested to provide for the purchase of
a new van as needed.
Thank you again for your support as a rider, and a
very special “THANK YOU” to the staff and Township
Supervisors for their generous and invaluable support during our 28 years of operation. Our best wishes to all for a
happy, healthy New Year!
Ray Dively
Fishing Creek Community Association Events
Fishing Creek Valley Community Association will be
having their annual Easter egg hunt/ Chicken corn
soup sale on Saturday, March 28, 2015.
This event starts promptly at 11:00 AM.
You will need to bring a container if purchasing soup.
Easter Egg Hunt
The Middle Paxton Lions Club will hold a community Easter Egg Hunt at the Dauphin-Middle Paxton Joint Park located along Claster Boulevard in Dauphin. The
date is March 28, 2015 and the event will start promptly at 1:00 PM. For
more details please contact any Lion Club member. Please bring your own basket
or bag.
Nut Roasting
The Lions Club is also holding their Spring Nut Sale. All orders
are due March 21, 2015. If you are interested in placing an order please contact a
Lions Club Member.
Dauphin-Middle Paxton Fire Company No. 1
Easter Flower Sale
The annual Easter flower sale will be held on April 2, 3, 4, and 5th at (2) locations, 3B’s Ice-cream located on S.R. 225 (Peter’s Mountain Road) and Fort
Hunter located on North Front Street.
Please help support your local volunteer Fire Company!!!
Dear Residents and Business Owners,
Our communities are working together to create a joint comprehensive plan. This document will
function as a guide for planning and policy decision-making over the course of the coming decade. We
are embarking on this process to identify the community’s vision for important matters such as land use
and development, infrastructure and transportation projects, and parks and recreation improvements. As
an initial step in this process, we respectfully request your valuable participation in our community-wide
survey that will be used as a key form of public input for drafting of the plan. Your input is vital as your
participation will help identify community preferences and long-term goals.
We appreciate the few minutes you dedicate to completing this survey. Please note that all responses will be kept strictly confidential.
Please complete this survey by February 13th. You are welcome to complete this survey in
one of four ways:
1) Complete the paper copy survey included within the community newsletter and drop it off at
the Middle Paxton Township Municipal Building located at 10 Elizabeth Avenue/PO Box
277 Dauphin, PA 17018;
2) Pick up a paper copy survey at the Township or Borough Building and drop it off at the
Middle Paxton Township Municipal Building located at 10 Elizabeth Avenue/PO Box 277
Dauphin, PA 17018;
3) Visit the survey at and complete it
4) Scan the QR code with your smart phone to be directed to the survey and completed online.
If you or anyone in your household has questions regarding the comprehensive plan survey or
the joint comprehensive plan update, contact (717) 921-8128 between 8am and 4pm Monday through
Friday. On behalf of Dauphin Borough and Middle Paxton Township, we thank you for your cooperation.
Your Community, Your Future
What are the changes that would make the most difference for you in your community? Middle
Paxton Township and Dauphin Borough want to hear from you. A community survey is published in
this newsletter and asks you to consider and share your priorities. Results will be used, in part, by the
community leaders for reference in completing the communities’ joint comprehensive plan.
A comprehensive plan is both a vision for the future and a blueprint for change. Once adopted it
will become a fundamental part of the community’s policies - serving as both an inspiration for a broad
(comprehensive) range of actions and a standard by which they can be measured. A comprehensive
plan guides decision making about growth and development, recreation and park land, commercial and
industrial facilities, cultural resources, transportation, utilities, housing and economic development.
1) Please put Thursday, January 29th 6:00 pm on your calendar and plan to attend the communities’ first joint comprehensive plan meeting to be held at the Middle Paxton Township
Municipal Building, 10 Elizabeth Avenue, Dauphin, PA 17018. The purpose of the meeting will
be to introduce you to the project with important background information and discussion with you
about what you consider as notable community opportunities and challenges. We will also offer a
time at the meeting where attendees can complete their survey there or drop-off the copy received
in this newsletter.
2) Please complete the 2015 Community Survey by midnight, February 13th; in the weeks following the survey close date, we will compile the results to present back to residents and business,
share the comprehensive plan’s progress as well as key influences on the community’s planning
What can the Township and Borough do to make the community better for you and your family? We
appreciate your time in letting us know. We look forward to hearing from you.
Middle Paxton Township & Dauphin Borough Comprehensive Plan
1. Where do you live? Please  one.
Middle Paxton Township
I live in:
______________________ Valley
Dauphin Borough
If you do not live in Middle PaxtonTownship or Dauphin Borough, where do
you live?
2. How many years have you lived in the Township/Borough? Please  one.
Less than one year
1 to 5 years
6 to 10 years
11 to 20 years
Over 20 years
I/We have not lived in the Township/Borough
3. Please describe your household members. Note the number of individuals by age and sex.
Under 5 years
____ .
5 to 14 years
____ .
15 to 19 years
____ .
20 to 44 years
____ .
45 to 64 years
____ .
65 years or older. .
____ .
4. From what sources do you receive news about the community? Please  all that apply.
Township/Borough website
Township/Borough Joint Newsletter
Abe’s Market and Deli
Township/Borough Building
Hornung’s Ace Hardware
The Stoney Creek Inn
Valley Store
Community Meetings
Dauphin Pizza
School Sporting Events
5. If the communities were to establish a presence on social media, do you feel this would be an effective
way to receive information regarding Township/Borough news, activity, and events? Please  one.
What method of social media would you prefer? Please  one.
Other Local Social Media Site
Other .
Middle Paxton Township and Dauphin Borough Comprehensive Plan
6. Please rank the top three reasons why you selected your community as your place of residence. Of the three you
choose, please identify the most important reason as “1”and least important reason as “3”.
Closeness/distance to family .
Sense of community .
Housing style available
Lot size
Resale value of property
Advice of friend or employer.
Recreation facilities
Character of the community .
7. In general, are you satisfied with your community as a place to live? Please  one.
Very satisfied
If you selected “dissatisfied” or “very dissatisfied” please explain:
Very dissatisfied
Not Applicable
Land use refers to types of uses, such as housing, parks and commercial buildings, and their proximity and relationships to each other. Please respond to the following land use questions.
8. How many miles do you travel for the following goods and services. Please  the appropriate box.
Please leave blank if you do not typically utilize the existing goods/services listed.
Convenience Stores
Neighborhood deli or cafes
Up-scale restaurants
Fast-food restaurants .
Small-scale retail stores .
(i.e. fabric, toy or shoe stores)
Large-scale retail stores .
(i.e. home improvements, discount stores)
Professional services
(i.e. accounting, taxes, legal)
Personal services
(i.e. hair salon, dry cleaner)
Medical services
Employment .
Middle Paxton Township and Dauphin Borough Comprehensive Plan
Dauphin Borough is largely built-out. About 10 % of the land in Middle Paxton Township could be developed. Both
communities are largely residential in nature. A portion of the municipal revenues of both communities is based on
residential values.
9. Communities can plan for different land uses with laws and ordinances, infrastructure improvements and other
regulatory tools. Do you think that the community should plan for the development of any of the following uses in
certain areas where infrastructure and road access are adequate. Please  your level of support for each of the uses
that the community could possibly plan to accommodate or encourage.
Middle Paxton Township and Dauphin Borough Comprehensive Plan
10. Are there problems with the following roadways/intersections? If yes, what is the primary issue associated with
each roadway or intersection? For each roadway or intersection, please  the primary issue.
Middle Paxton Township and Dauphin Borough Comprehensive Plan
Middle Paxton Township and Dauphin Borough share several recreational amenities including the Dauphin Middle
Paxton Community Park, Fishing Creek Community Building, Market Street Park, and Hagy Park. Safety is an important consideration within recreation areas and for those using the community’s roadways for recreation or to access
recreation areas.
11. How should the communities plan to safely accommodate and plan for cyclists and pedestrians?
Please  all that apply.
There is no need to
Through on-road
With trails that are
further accommodate
signage and other
separated from
pedestrians and cyclists
vehicular traffic
12. Do you support the development of a multi-use trail to connect public amenities (like the Dauphin Middle Paxton
Community Park, Market Street Park, Middle Paxton Elementary School, the Township/Borough Buildings and the
Susquehanna River) should be a priority? Please  one.
Really Want
Do Not Want
Really Do Not Want
No Need/Everything is Sufficient
Don’t Know/No Opinion
13. Do you support the development of a trail from Fishing Creek Valley Road to Erie Street (adjacent to the railroad
line) that could also be used for emergency access during flood periods, recreation use, etc.
14. How often do you or others in your household use a Township or Borough park or recreational field?
Please  one.
At least three times a week
Four to twelve times a year
Once or twice a week
Three times a year or less
One to three times a month
I/We do not utilize the parks or recreation fields
15. Which park facility do you visit most often? Please fill in your answer.
16. Do you support using tools (such as ordinances) to protect and improve connections between open spaces?
Please  one.
Really Want More/New Tools
Do Not Want More/New Tools
Want More/New Tools
Really Do Not Want More/New Tools
No Need/Everything is Sufficient
Don’t Know/No Opinion
17. When you move to your next home, do you think you will be able to find a home in Dauphin Borough or Middle
Paxton Township that fits your needs? Please  one.
Yes, I think the housing options in the Township and Borough will meet my needs in the future
No, I don’t think the housing options in Township and Borough will meet my needs in the future
I’m not sure if the housing options in Township and Borough will meet my needs in the future
My next move will be out of the Township/Borough
Middle Paxton Township and Dauphin Borough Comprehensive Plan
18. How will your housing needs change for you and your family in the next ten years? Please  one.
We will need a smaller home/smaller lot with less maintenance requirements
We will need a larger home with ample land
We do not anticipate a change in our housing needs
We would prefer a home with only one-level or story
Dauphin Borough’s sewage treatment facility is operating at 60% capacity—it could accommodate additional sewage
water for treatment. Most areas of Dauphin Borough have sewage service while most areas of Middle Paxton Township do not. Sewage treatment occurs in Middle Paxton on individual lots or neighborhoods. Do you support utilizing
the excess capacity of the Dauphin sewage treatment system
19. …to remedy environmental issue(s) in your community? Please  one.
20. …to encourage different types of housing development in your community? Please  one.
21. … to service additional development that encourages the protection of open space? Please  one.
We would appreciate any additional comments related to your community!
Optional – If you are interested in being entered in a drawing for one (1) of seven (7) gift cards (Stoney Creek Inn,
Dauphin Home Association, Hardees, Usztic’s Florist & Greenhouse, Dauphin Pizza, Abe’s Market & Deli, Dauphin
County Parks & Recreation) or finding out more about the planning process, survey results or being involved, please
add your name, address, telephone number and e-mail address. Please  all that apply.
Enter me in the drawing
Send me more information/survey results
Name: ________________________________ E-Mail: _______________________________________
Phone: __________________ Address: ____________________________________________________
Middle Paxton Township and Dauphin Borough Comprehensive Plan
What’s happening at Zion Lutheran Church, Dauphin?
Zion Lutheran Church will be holding Blood Drives in their parking lot on Wednesdays from 3-7 on
the following Dates: January 28, February 25, March 25, April 22, May 27, and June 24. Walk-ins are
always welcomed!
Gleaners of Zion Lutheran Church has begun making Easter Eggs for the upcoming Easter season.
Orders can be taken by calling the church office at: (717) 921-8111. If no one answers leave your
name, phone number, and your order.
Available options are: Peanut Butter, Coconut Cream, Double Coconut, Butter Cream, Black
Cherry, and Peppermint. *All eggs can be coated with milk or dark chocolate.
During the next few weeks, Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church in Dauphin will be collecting children's pajamas (from infant to teen, boys and
girls). These pajamas must be new and with the tags still on them. All of
these pajamas will be collected and blessed on January 25th and then
donated to Hershey Ronald McDonald House. And just for fun, we’ll
wear our pajamas to church that Sunday too!
Mark your calendars for Friday, January 30th from 7-9pm. Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church in Dauphin will be showing a family friendly movie
in the large Sunday school room. Bring a blanket or bean bags to get comfortable (Although there
will be chairs if you prefer!) Popcorn and drink will be provided. A suggested donation, if you are
inclined, is a can of tuna for the Feed My Sheep food bank. Hope to see you there!
Once again, Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church in Dauphin will be hosting a community game night on
Saturday, March 7th from 7-9pm. Bring one of your favorite games along and drinks and snacks will
be provided. Tell your family, neighbors and friends - ALL ARE WELCOME! A suggested donation of
boxes of macaroni and cheese will be collected and donated to the Feed My Sheep food bank! Mark
your calendars and come out for a fun night!
Any questions, feel free to contact the church office at 921-8111 Thank you!
Nominations being sought for The Raymond Dively, Jr.
Award for Excellence in Volunteer Service
The Raymond Dively, Jr. Award for Excellence in Volunteer Service was established by Zion Lutheran
Church, Dauphin, Pennsylvania, in 2008 in recognition of Raymond’s life of service in Zion and the greater Dauphin Community as a means to foster volunteer service and annually consider and recognize the
good work of others following this path.
Every year, Zion asks the volunteer organizations in the Dauphin Middle Paxton area
to nominate someone who they believe should be recognized for their good work in
the community. The award will be presented on Sunday, April 19th during the 10:15
am worship service at Zion Lutheran Church. For more information or to receive a
nomination form, please contact the church office at 921-8111.
Happy New Year from the Dauphin Middle Paxton Joint Park Authority
The start of a new year is a great time to reflect upon all of the great improvements that occurred in
the park in 2014 and look forward to continued improvements in the year to come. First, we would like to
recognize a few local companies who helped make these improvements happen: Grady’s Heating and
Plumbing for all the work they did remodeling the bathrooms at the park and Kennedy Field, and Jeff Smith
Roofing for the donation of materials and labor to install two beautiful roofs on the bathrooms and all purpose building. We also have a wonderful new water fountain which was installed by Jeremy Murphy for
his Eagle Scout project. Thanks to Denny Grady, JD Kline and Jeremy’s Boy Scout troop for assisting with
that project. The most noticeable and anticipated improvement was the new handicapped accessible playground. This project could not have been completed without the assistance of the Township and Borough.
Special thanks to both of the road crews and Jeff Smith Roofing for making the project a great success.
The 2015 spring season will also bring new changes as we move forward with a paving project to
control water runoff at the south end of the parking lot and the much needed restoration of the Kennedy
Grandstand. We hope to have these projects completed in time for the start of the park season. Please know
that community support is vital to our ongoing effort to improve the park. If you are interested in volunteering your time or making a financial contribution to defray the cost of park projects, please contact the township office or email Shannon Scott at Your help is greatly appreciated.
With the recent additions, the Park Authority is hoping to fill the calendar this season with pavilion
rentals for picnics, parties, family reunions or any other social event. Your pavilion rental includes use of
the park fields, the playground, basketball court and volleyball court, making it a great place for any family
outing. If you are interested in reserving a date please contact Nichole O’Gorman at 717 921-2212 or
The Park Authority would like to thank everyone who volunteers their time to keep our community
park beautiful. We look forward to a fun and safe park season for 2015!
Thank you to the Township and
Boroughs’ road crews on erecting the
Accessible Playground, and the
Township Engineer for laying out the
Playgrounds’ concrete pier system.
Also, thank you to Jeff Smith Roofing and Siding on donating his time and man power to construct the handicap accessible ramp. The final
grade and seeding will be completed this Spring.
Many projects require manpower and
Contributions. The Park cannot do
improvements without funding and
Volunteers. If you have a few hours to
Volunteer please contact the Township
Office or Shannon Scott.
Many people enjoy this park, whether its
watching a sport, taking a walk or renting a pavilion.
Please consider making a contribution to help ensure the future of this Park.
New Walking/Fitness Trail Planned for Hagy Park in 2015
Middle Paxton Township Received a Community Conservation Partnerships Program Grant Award from the
Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources
Thanks to a grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources
(DCNR), a new Walking/Fitness
Trail is planned to be installed
around the athletic fields at Hagy
Park. The Trail will also be installed around other areas of the
Park. The Trail will be 8’ wide
ADA accessible for all abilities to
enjoy. “The Supervisors and I
are very excited to bring this
Walking/Fitness Trail to Hagy
Park for the residents of all abilities to enjoy”, stated Manager
Julie Seeds. The project is slated
to be completed by Fall of 2015.
DCNR is the primary source of
state support for Pennsylvania
recreation, parks, and conservation initiatives. Grant funding
from DCNR assists hundreds of
communities and organizations
across Pennsylvania to plan, acquire, and develop recreation and
park facilities, create trails, and
conserve open space.
“Pennsylvania’s parks and trails;
natural areas; and many opportunities to be active outdoors, on
land and on our great rivers and
streams, define our communities
and make them places where people want to live, work and play,”
DCNR Secretary Ellen Ferretti
said. “Our grants help our local
partners meet the vision they have
for their communities and regions.”
Funding for the grants comes from the Keystone Recreation, Park and Conservation Fund (Key 93), the Environmental Stewardship Fund (Growing
Greener 1), and federal funding sources.
PARKS - Recently Hagy Park was vandalized, one of the soccer goals was
taken apart and pieces were stolen. Vandalism costs everyone money, the
parents, teams, and municipality. If you see something suspicious please
report it, the parks are utilized by many people of all ages and brings the
community together for many events. Please call 911 if you see vandalism
occurring. If you stop at a park that is located in the Township or Borough
and notice vandalism has occurred please call either the Township Office at
(717) 921-8128, or Dauphin Borough Office at (717) 921-2633.
DOG OWNERS - In addition, the Township is receiving complaints that people
are not cleaning up after their pets when utilizing the parks. Please be considerate and clean up after your pets.
There is an Ordinance that will be enforced and fines imposed if caught not cleaning up after your pets that are off
their owners property. A few residents have called the Township Office who have witnessed dog owners not cleaning
up after their pet. The names given will receive a Notice of Violation. The Parks are for all to enjoy and its not enjoyable stepping in your pets mess. Be considerate and respect Park Property for all to use and enjoy!
ROAD SIGNS - Middle Paxton Township replaces about 15 signs a year due to vandalism, costing between $1,200 and $1,500 annually, not including manpower and equipment. “The price adds up. It’s money
we could be using on something else,” Middle Paxton Township Roadmaster, Bob Hofer said. The cost to
fix damaged traffic signs doesn’t include any damage from traffic crashes. “We shouldn’t have to be spending
manpower and money to fix this, because quite frankly, it’s senseless to have this happen,” Hofer said. “It is
just wasted money we could be using on something else.”
Prevent a Litter – Help a Community
This year throughout the Township there has been several postings of lost and found animals. If
the owner does not claim the animal they would ultimately end up at a shelter. For every person that is
born, 15 dogs and 45 cats are also born. You do the numbers … There aren't enough homes for them all.
You can solve the problem. Spay or neuter today. Only 1 in 9 cats and dogs born in the U.S. will find a
home. The rest will be destroyed because nobody wants them. Could you choose which animal will
live? It's a choice no one should have to make. In addition, communities spend millions of dollars to
control and eliminate unwanted animals. Irresponsible breeding contributes to the problem of dog bites
and attacks. Animal shelters are overburdened with surplus animals.
Tremendous as the problem of pet overpopulation is, it can be
solved if each of us takes just one small step, starting with having
your animals spayed or neutered.
It is also important to wear a Pet I.D. Tag on your pet that in case a
pet is lost, a call to the phone number on the I.D. Tag can reunite
pet and owner in a quick manner. For information on programs to
help with the cost of spaying and neutering and also on Pet I.D.
Tags, please call 921-2117.
Lenten Fish Dinners!
St. Matthew the Apostle & Evangelist Parish is having 3 fish dinners during the season of Lent.
Please join us on:
Friday - February 27th
4pm to 7pm
Friday - March 13th
4pm to 7pm
Friday - March 27th
4pm to 7pm
50/50 tickets are available
Dinners will be held at the Parish Activity Center (P.A.C.)
607 Stoney Creek Drive, Dauphin, 17018
Home-made crab cakes and pierogis, baked haddock and a children’s menu will be available.
In addition deserts will be offered a la carte. Take out is also available!
The dinners will be hosted by the Knights of Columbus Council 15351.
All proceeds after expenses benefit St. Matthew the Apostle & Evangelist Catholic Church
The Dauphin County Anglers and Conservationists
(DCAC) would like to thank to the community at large for
its support and encourage families with younger children to
visit us on the opening day of trout season on April 4. The
Children’s Section of Clark’s Creek is open to all children
ages 12 and younger. Also, DCAC’s annual children’s
trout rodeo/derby will be held on May 16th.
DCAC has made significant long-term maintenance improvements and upgrades to its facilities over these past
two years, many of which are not readily apparent to visitors. In 2015 we will be making more extensive improvements to our facilities and have plans for in-stream trout habitat improvements as well. For more updates
please “Like” us on Facebook or visit our webpage at
Also consider membership for little more than $1 per month. Our monthly
meetings are held at 7:00 pm on the third Monday of every month.
Please stop by and show your support.
Get Stronger, Get Healthier!
Penn State Extension of Dauphin County is forming a strength training program called Strong Women,
Growing Stronger™ in Middle Paxton Township at Dauphin County Agriculture and Natural Resources
Building, 1451 Peters Mountain Road, Dauphin, PA 17018.
Classes are held each Monday and Wednesday for 6 weeks from 8:30 AM to 9:30 AM. Class fee is $50.
Friday morning classes are optional for an additional $25.
The Strong Women instructor guides participants, while wearing ankle weights
and holding hand weights, through repetitive movements. The goal is to return
strength, flexibility and endurance, all lost in the aging process.
The nutrition component of the program emphasizes eating for proper weight
maintenance. Physician referral forms may be required for enrollment. Mats,
hand weights and leg weights are provided. Participants need to bring a towel
and water to class.
Research indicates that women over the age of 35 can start to lose onequarter pound of muscle each year — and gain that much in fat. Studies show
that weight-bearing exercises can help women become stronger, energized,
and more active. Research also indicates an improvement in overall fitness and reduces the potential of
long-term health concerns like osteoporosis, heart disease, arthritis, and diabetes.
For more information about the Strong Women program and to register, call the Penn State Extension
office at 921-8803 or visit For Facebook:
Planning Ahead for Your Garden Next Year
Spend some time thinking about what exactly you want to plant in your garden next year – what
vegetables do I hope to get from my garden. Research some new as well as old varieties. This usually involves getting a number of seed catalogs or searching online for more information. Get your seeds early
– in January or February – so you can get the plants started in the house before spring begins. Start the
seeds inside – usually sometime in late February.
This is actually quite easy. All you need is some potting soil, some reusable plastic cups, and your
seeds. Poke a few tiny holes in the bottom of the cup, add the soil and plant the seeds. You can also
hang up a grow light over the plants with a timer that goes on and off every 12 hours, simulating daylight.
Each day, just check the moisture in the cups.
While it’s too cold for compost to really work in the winter, you can still toss
vegetable waste, egg shells, and coffee grounds into the composter. In the early spring,
when the weather begins to warm, just add water and a few handfuls of soil (and maybe
some compost starter) and a few weeks later, you will have wonderful compost. During
the winter months you can sharpen tools that need sharpening (like pruning shears). This
way, when the weather actually gets nice, you are ready to head right out to the garden.
Also, collect newspaper over the winter and use it to cover the garden in the
spring leaving gaps for the plants to come up. Use several layers with a bit of compost on
top to block out the light and keep the weeds at bay. With a bit of compost on the top it
will stay in place and decompose right into the soil. Think Spring! By: Penn State Extension Dauphin County Master Gardeners.
Representative Sue Helm
104th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
How to Sign Up for the “Do Not Call” List
By State Rep. Sue Helm (R-Dauphin)
Are you already signed up with a do not call (DNC) registry, but still getting those annoying calls from
telemarketers? In order to block as many calls as possible, it’s a good idea to double the effectiveness of
DNC registries by signing up for two of them.
In addition to the Pennsylvania-based registry, there is a separate national registry run by agencies of the
federal government. Although overlap does exist between the calls that each registry stops, there are also
plenty of instances in which one registry will block a call and the other will not, and vice versa. Therefore,
it is advisable to sign up for both registries in order to maximize the number of telemarketing calls that
can be blocked.
Registration is free for both the Pennsylvania and national registries. There is no need ever to pay for the
initial sign-up or offers of monitoring services for your number. This is a tactic scam artists use to try to
take advantage of consumers.
You can sign up for the Pennsylvania registry by either completing the online registration form at; or calling toll-free 1-888-777-3406. Pennsylvania’s DNC list is updated four times a year. Telemarketers purchase the list quarterly and then have 30
days to remove names and numbers on the registry from their call lists.
The state Office of Attorney General, which enforces the law, contracts with a nonprofit organization that
maintains the list and makes it available to telemarketers. Violation of the law carries a civil penalty of up
to $1,000, or $3,000 if the person contacted is age 60 or older.
You can sign up for the national DNC list by either completing the online registration form at, or calling toll-free 1-888-382-1222. Once your phone number is registered, telemarketers covered by the national DNC registry have up to 31 days from the date you register to stop calling
you. Violations of the national DNC list carry fines of up to $16,000.
The DNC lists should stop most telemarketing calls. Possible exceptions include calls that you have requested in some manner, calls from organizations or companies with which you have established a business relationship, calls made on behalf of political groups or candidates, calls for debt collection, calls
from tax-exempt charitable organizations and calls from veterans’ organizations.
Legislation to extend the registry of a phone number on the Pennsylvania DNC indefinitely was passed by
the House of Representatives during the 2013-14 session. However, the bill failed to come up for a vote in
the Senate. The legislation would have to be re-introduced during the 2015-16 session to be considered
Currently, residents who wish to remain on the list must re-register every five years or their phone number
will be removed from the database.
Senate District Changes, But Teplitz Continues to Represent Middle Paxton
Across Pennsylvania, the legislative boundaries have changed under the state’s redistricting process, including the
15th Senatorial District. As required by law, legislative redistricting occurs every 10 years. Starting Dec. 1, the
15th Senatorial District shifted in Dauphin County to add the entire northern portion of the county, as well as all
of Perry County. Middle Paxton Township will continue to be part of the 15th district. My staff and I have been
preparing for months to provide the same level of outreach we have provided to my current constituents. We can
assist you with information on important programs and services, address your issues and concerns, and navigate
the various aspects of state government.
We encourage residents to utilize our offices as a resource. Middle Paxton residents have access to multiple locations where we are located.
 My northern Dauphin district office is located at 916-B North River Road, Park Plaza, in Halifax. The office
is open to constituents Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., and from 1 to 4:30 p.m. during those times
when a staffer is at mobile office hours. Call 717-896-7714 for assistance.
 My Harrisburg district office is located at 46 Kline Village in Harrisburg and is open to constituents Monday
through Friday from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Call 717-232-2937 for assistance.
 We also have several mobile offices available throughout the district, including in nearby Susquehanna Township and Elizabethville.
 In Susquehanna Township, a staffer is available on the second and fourth Wednesday of the month from 9
a.m. to noon at the Susquehanna Township Building, 1900 Linglestown Road, Harrisburg.
 In Elizabethville, a staffer is available on the first and third Thursday of the month from 9 a.m. to noon at the
Northern Dauphin Human Services Building, located at 295 State Drive.
A calendar listing the mobile office hours and various events is available at
My staff and I are excited to serve our new constituents while continuing to provide assistance to the portions of
the district that we keep like Middle Paxton Township. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions
or concerns.
The cost of the permit for the calendar year is $35.00 per household or
if you want to use the site once or
twice a year there is a day pass for
$10.00. Please stop by or call the
Township Office at (717) 921-8128
for further details. Residential use
only. No Lawn Service Companies
are permitted to utilize the brush
site. Violators will be prosecuted.
Items not permitted in the brush site are leaves, and grass clippings,
including ornamental grass.
If you are interested in renting a pavilion at Hagy Park or at the Fishing Creek Community Center, please
contact the Township Office. In addition, the Fishing Creek Community Building is a great place to hold a
baby or bridal shower, birthday parties, or graduation party. The Community Building is handicap accessible, offers a full kitchen, tables and chairs. There is also a tennis court, and a basketball court. A new
roof was installed last year and the building was also re-pointed. New entrance doors are budgeted to
be installed this year.
In addition, a new swing set and playground mulch was installed at both Hagy Park and the Fishing Creek
Community Building. Please call the Township Office to obtain a list of the rental fees. (717) 921-8128.
(Below is picture of the playground and swing set at the Fishing Creek Community Building.)
Come out and enjoy your community parks!!!
Indoor Community Yard Sale and Soup, Sandwich & Baked Good
Sale to Benefit Caitlin’s Smiles
The sale will be on April 24 and 25, 2015, 7 am to 2 pm, Zion Lutheran
Church, Corner of Allegheny and Swatara Streets, Dauphin, PA. For
more information, call 412-4759 or email Caitlin's Smiles is a nonprofit charity that
was started in Dauphin ten years ago by the Hornung Family in memory
of their daughter, Caitlin, who passed away at the age of 7 years old
from a brain tumor. Their charity provides arts and craft supplies to
children in area hospitals. In 10 years, they have reached over one million hospitalized children.
Volunteers Needed!
Adopt a Highway is looking for clean up volunteers for the 322/225 interchange. Clean ups are four times a year,
usually on a Saturday morning in good weather, but there can be other times to meet if that works better for everyone.
Volunteers are welcome from 4H, Scouts, and other organizations and individuals are welcome! Contact us if you
would like to be included. We provide the pick-up tongs and trash bags, and the state provides the reflective
vests. To sign up please contact Megs Brunner (717) 921-2658.
8th CCWPA Adopt-a-Highway Trash Pick-Up Session Successfully Covers
Newly-Resurfaced Road
Dauphin, PA: On Saturday morning, October 18, 2014, under the direction of Clarks Creek Watershed
Preservation Association (CCWPA) founding member Mary Hochendoner, volunteers from the CCWPA, as part of
the Pennsylvania Adopt-a-Highway program and the 2014 International Coastal Cleanup, picked up trash along a 2mile span of Rte. 325 (Clarks Valley Road) covering both sides of the newly-resurfaced road in Dauphin, PA.
Says Mary Hochendoner, "This was our 8th such Trash Pickup day, and I really want to thank our
volunteers who gave up their morning to help." Volunteers in addition to Hochendoner (who coordinated the effort)
included Sherry McLain, Karen Stilp, David Blum, Angela Edmond and Michael Blum.
According to Hochendoner, eight bags of trash were picked up, totaling approximately 160 pounds. "To
date we have picked up an estimated 3,000 pounds of litter — a ton and a half! — from our 2-mile stretch Clarks
Valley Road!" she states.
As part of the effort, every separate piece of trash was noted and charted, so that the total picked up
included 58 cigarette butts, 55 plastic beverage bottles, 37 beverage cans, 35 food wrappers, 32 plastic grocery bags,
24 pieces of foam packaging, 24 pieces of construction materials, 17 cigarette packages, 14 paper cups/plates, 12
glass bottles, 10 plastic lids, 7 plastic cups/plates, 7 straws/stirrers, 7 small plastic pieces, 6 foam cups/plates, 5
paper bags, 5 plastic take out containers, 4 foam pieces, 4 glass pieces, 3 pieces of rope, 2 plastic bleach bottles, 2
plastic forks/spoons, 2 six-pack holders, 1 strapping band, 1 other plastic bag, 1 diaper, 1 hubcap, and 1 plastic
"The entire road has just been repaved and has had new shoulders, edge berms and guide rails
installed," says Michael Blum, the CCWPA Secretary. "They are beautiful and greatly improve Rte. 325, and it is a
pleasure to help keep the new road and shoulders clean and gleaming," he adds.
The 2014 International Coastal Cleanup is the world's largest volunteer effort to stop trash from reaching
our waterways, and is coordinated in Pennsylvania by the "Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful" Organization. Says Sherry
McLain, CCWPA Treasurer, "It is good to get all these things OFF the road and out of the ditches. Protecting and
preserving the watershed begins with making sure trash and scattered fragments are kept out of Clarks Creek!"
The 9th CCWPA trash-pickup session will be scheduled for the spring of 2015. For more information about
the Clarks Creek Watershed Preservation Association, visit or its Facebook page.
Left to right: David Blum, Angela Edmond, Karen Stilp, Michael Blum, Mary Hochendoner (with green clipboard) and Sherry
McLain at 1231 Clarks Valley Road, prior to starting the 8th CCWPA Trash Pick-Up along 2 miles of Rte. 325.
HOT NEWS! - Vacancies!
Middle Paxton Township is accepting resumes for a part time lawn
maintenance position. This is a seasonal position only.
The responsibilities of this position are to perform all lawn maintenance
and trimming at all Parks for Middle Paxton Township, along with miscellaneous duties.
All applicants must be at least 18 years of age, possess a valid driver’s
license and pass all background checks including drug and alcohol testing. Experience required
If interested, please send or email a resume with a letter of interest to
the Township Manager. Email -
For more details please call Julie Seeds at (717) 921 -8128 X106 or Bob
Hofer at (717) 943-5098.
Primary - May 19
General - November 3
Middle Paxton Township
is an equal opportunity provider
and employer.
Middle Paxton Township has vacancies on the Zoning Hearing Board
and on the Dauphin Middle Paxton Park Authority. Residents interested
in volunteering can send a letter of interest along with an application to
the Township Office, attention to the Township Manager. Interested
Middle Paxton residents can request an application through an email to or interested residents can call
717-921-8128 and an application will be mailed to you.
Middle Paxton Township is seeking qualified Applicants for a part time Office Clerk
position. The position will be primarily three (3) days a week. Qualifications - A High
school diploma or general education degree (GED); with courses in general office
procedures, bookkeeping and computer entry and one year of responsible office/
clerical experience or equivalent combination of education and experience. Skill in
operating a computer, with Microsoft Office Word and Excel, various printers, fax
machine, and other office equipment. Must have own transportation, and excellent
communication skills. Interested candidates can email resumes to
Questions can be directed to Township Manager,
Julie Seeds. (717) 921-8128 X106
Middle Paxton Township
10 Elizabeth Avenue
P.O. Box 277
Dauphin, PA, 17018
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