East Ham Community Forum Profile
East Ham Community Forum Profile
London Borough of Newham Community Leaders and Engagement East Ham Community Forum Profile London Borough of Newham Community Leaders and Engagement East Ham Community Forum Profile Community Forum will provide an easily accessible source of information at Community Forum level. It will bring together demographic, health, crime and environmental data with information from the liveability survey. Neighbourhood profiles will also provide councillors with contact information for schools, statutory partners and third sector groups, including details of Go For It Grants. Newham’s Sustainable Community Strategy for 2010 – 2030 Summary The Sustainable Community Strategy is a blueprint for how the council and its partners will make Newham a place where people choose to live, work and stay. Newham is the future of the capital - our population is the youngest in the country and this is reflected through the vibrancy and confidence you will find in the borough. Newham is an ambitious place with ambitious plans; and young people are at the heart of those plans. We are committed to improving people’s lives, helping them fulfil their potential and boost aspirations. Our aim is to build an inspirational place in which everyone plays their part, regardless of social or economic circumstances. By 2030, we fully expect Newham to be recognised across Europe as a leading economic and residential district of London. The key principles of our approach are: • Building personal and economic capacity • Trust and fairness • Connecting people For more information on the Sustainable Community Strategy see the Newham website Mayors’ Promises 2010/11 1. No increase in Council Tax this year 2. Free school meals for all primary school children 3. Every child a musician 4. Making our streets safer 5. Increasing CCTV usage 6. Cracking down on anti-social dog owners 7. Improving our parks 8. Providing doorstep advice on recycling 9. Free bulky waste collection 10. Helping you to access jobs and training 11. Improving council homes 12. Affordable home improvements for older and vulnerable residents 13. Investing in our secondary schools 14. Free events for all 15. Improving play areas 16. Free care for residents in need 17. Free bowls club membership for older residents For more information on the Mayor see the Mayor’s website http://www.newham.gov.uk/yourmayorandcouncillors.htm London Borough of Newham Community Leaders and Engagement Population Statistics East Ham Population by Age Group East Ham Population Size Total Percentage Newham 279,800 East Ham 38,640 13.81% Source: GLA Ward projections, Low variant, 2008-based for 2010 East Ham Gender Ratio Male 137,056 Newham Female 142,744 49% 51% 18,386 19,644 48% 52% Source: GLA Ward projections, Low variant, 2008-based for 2010 East Ham East Ham Newham 0-14 10,121 26% 66248 24% 15-24 4,335 11% 35704 13% 25-39 11,463 30% 91278 33% 40-64 9,661 25% 66208 24% 65-74 1,579 4% 11354 4% 75 + 1,481 4% 9008 3% Source: GLA Ward projections, Low variant, 2008-based for 2010 Community Forum Populations as a total of Newham’s Population Community Forum Age Structures 100% 90% Royal Docks 4% Stratford and West Ham 14% 80% Beckton 5% 75 + 70% CH & CT 18% Green Street 10% 50% 40% Plaistow 10% Manor Park 14% 60% 30% East Ham 14% Forest Gate 11% 20% 10% 0% 65-74 40-64 25-39 15-24 0-14 London Borough of Newham Community Leaders and Engagement Ethnicity and Religion Ethnicity: Ethnic group as Percentage of Population Religion: Religious group as Percentage of Population East Ham Newham White 35% 35% Other White 4% 4% Mixed 3% 3% Total Asian or Asian British 39% 33% 16% 22% Total Black or Black British Total Chinese or other Ethnic Group Source: 2001 Census 3% East Ham 45% 0% 12% 0% 24% 3% Christian Buddhist Hindu Jewish Muslim Sikh Other religions No religion 3% Religion not stated Source: 2001 Census Newham 47% 1% 7% 0% 24% 3% 0% 0% 7% 9% 9% 8% Ethnicity 2001 Census 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Total Chinese or other Ethnic Group Total Black or Black British Total Asian or Asian British Mixed Other White Beckton Custom House & Canning Tow n East Ham Forest Gate Green Street Manor Park Plaistow Royal Docks Stratford & West Ham New ham White The 2001 Census still provides the only accurate information on ethnicity and religion. However in the nine years since the survey took place significant changes have occurred in Newham. In order to indicate some of this change, and to get a more up to date picture see the next page for a break down of the ethnicity of school pupils. London Borough of Newham Community Leaders and Engagement Demographic Information Ethnicity of School Pupils: Ethnic group as percentage of total East Ham 8% 6% 5% 54% 19% 0% 5% Newham 9% 6% 6% 42% 24% 0% 5% White Other White Mixed Asian Black or Black British Chinese Other No information obtained 3% 3% Source: Pupil Level 2009 Annual School Census This information is from the 2009 annual schools census of pupils. This survey records the home address and ethnicity, as well as other information, of all pupils in publicly funded schools. This data is most useful to indicate patterns of migrant settlement, as adults with children may be more likely to stay in an area for longer. This information is not directly comparable to the census as it only records data of school age residents. The 2001 Census shows that East Ham’s ethnicity follows closely that of Newham as a whole with the two largest groups being Asian (39%) and White (35%). The 2009 Schools Census indicates a potential growth in the Asian population (54%) and a reduction in the White population (8%). Ethnicity of School Pupils 100% 90% No information obtained 80% Other 70% Chinese 60% Black or Black British 50% Asian 40% Mixed 30% Other White 20% White 10% 0% Beckton Custom House & Canning Town East Ham Forest Gate Green Street Manor Park Plaistow Royal Docks Stratford & West Ham Newham London Borough of Newham Community Leaders and Engagement Public Health Information Life Expectancy at Birth 2003-2007 Area Male Female East Ham Central 75.6 81.0 East Ham South 75.0 80.1 Wall End 76.1 79.7 Newham 75.0 79.5 London 77.1 81.7 England 77.3 81.5 95% Confidence interval. Source: London Health Observatory (LHO) Standardised Mortality Ratios 2003-07 Male Female East Ham Central 112.3 95.2 East Ham South 121.1 115.3 Wall End 101.4 116.6 Newham 117.1 115.4 London 100.0 96.9 England 100.0 100.0 95% Confidence interval. Source: LHO Life Expectancy at Birth 2003-2007 Standardised Mortality Ratios 2003-07 East Ham Life Expectancy All 102.8 116.0 109.4 116.4 98.3 100.0 East Ham Mortality Ratios 84 140 82 120 80 100 78 Male 80 Males Females 76 Female 60 All 40 74 20 72 0 70 East Ham Central East Ham South Wall End Newham London England East Ham East Ham Wall End Newham Central South London England Note: Mortality ratios are determined by comparing actual and expected mortality (per 100,000 population). Ratios below 100 show actual mortality is less than expected. Ratios above 100 show actual mortality is greater than expected. Generally in East Ham the mortality ratio is similar to that for Newham, with males in Wall End and females in East Ham Central wards showing mortality ratios below the Newham average. London Borough of Newham Community Leaders and Engagement Public Health Information Standardised Mortality Ratios Coronary Heart Disease 2003-07 Male Female All East Ham Central 92.0 99.9 94.6 East Ham South 125.9 121.5 119.8 Wall End 93.0 169.7 123.3 Newham 115.4 122.8 118.8 London 96.6 94.6 95.5 England 100.0 100.0 100.0 95% Confidence interval. Source: London Health Observatory (LHO) Standardised Mortality Ratios Coronary Heart Disease 2003-07 Standardised Mortality Ratios, Circulatory Diseases 2003-07 Male Female All East Ham Central 105.8 89.4 96.5 East Ham South 122.6 111.6 114.2 Wall End 100.5 128.2 113.5 Newham 116.1 114.0 115.2 London 100.0 96.7 98.1 England 100.0 100.0 100.0 95% Confidence interval. Source: LHO Standardised Mortality Ratios, Circulatory Diseases 2003-07 East Ham SMR Coronary Heart Disease East Ham SMR Circulatory Diseases 180 140 130 160 120 140 110 Male 120 Female Male 100 Female All All 90 100 80 80 70 60 60 East Ham East Ham Wall End Newham Central South London England East Ham East Ham Wall End Central South Newham London England London Borough of Newham Community Leaders and Engagement Economic Information GLA Claimant Rate January 2010 GLA Claimant Rate by Age Claimant count rate (%) East Ham Persons 8.05 Males 9.29 Females 6.24 Source: ONS and GLA Claimant count rate (%) East Ham 16-24 22.57 25-44 6.17 45-59/64 7.74 Source: ONS and GLA Newham 8.8 10.6 6.4 Household Income by Ward Average Income East Ham Central £21,052 East Ham South £23,399 Wall End £22,278 Newham £23,265 Source: CACI, Equivalised Income 2009 Newham 20.7 6.7 8.9 West Ham Wall End Stratford and New Town Royal Docks Plaistow South Plaistow North Manor Park Little Ilford Green Street West Green Street East Forest Gate South Forest Gate North East Ham South East Ham North East Ham Central Canning Town South Canning Town North Boleyn Beckton £35,000 £30,000 £25,000 £20,000 £15,000 £10,000 £5,000 £0 Custom House Household income by ward The GLA Claimant Count is the percentage of the economically active population who are claiming job seekers allowance. In East Ham the claimant count rate follows closely the average for Newham. The average household income is also close to the Newham average. London Borough of Newham Community Leaders and Engagement Housing Information Housing Average Prices October –December 2009 Detached Flat Semi-Detached Terraced Average Source: Land Registry East Ham Newham 0 £325,000 £127,393 £176,844 £174,000 £228,559 £202,494 £213,504 £187,602 £201,435 Household composition Newham 29.2% 24.4% 10.2% 10.2% 7.9% 6.8% Single older person 7.6% 6.7% Three generations 3.2% 3.2% 18.4% 18.8% 22.0% 28.1% 1.4% 1.8% Married/ Cohabiting adults without children Single adult Other Owner Occupier Private Rented Local Authority Registered Social Landlords Other Source: Census 2001 East Ham Newham 55% 44% 17% 17% 20% 25% 5% 11% 3% 3% Housing Analysis East Ham Family with dependent children Single adult with dependent children Older married/ cohabiting Housing tenure Source: Mayhew Associates Estimates, 2007 House prices in East Ham are generally lower than the Newham average, particularly for flats and semi detached houses. 55% of houses in Newham are owner-occupied, higher than the Newham average. There is a lower proportion of local authority housing and registered social landlords than the Newham average. However, this is from the 2001 Census, and the situation may have changed. East Ham has a lower proportion of households occupied by single adults, and a higher proportion of families with dependent children than the Newham average. There are also a sizeable proportion of married/cohabiting adults without children, and single adults with dependent children, in line with the Newham average. London Borough of Newham Community Leaders and Engagement Local Priorities Q24. Overall, how satisfied are you with your local area as a place to live? Liveability Survey 2009 Q25. And, on the whole, do you think that over the past two years this area has got better or worse to live in, or haven’t things changed much? Liveability Survey 2009 81%* 77%* 75% 66%* 77%* 74% 65%* Newham 73% 63%* 60%* 38% 41% NEWHAM 28%28% EAST HAM 21% 16%* 12% 8% 4% 3% BECKTON GREEN STREET CH & CT EAST HAM MANOR PARK PLAISTOW ROYAL DOCKS STRATFORD AND WEST HAM Area has got Area has not Area has got better changed much worse FOREST GATE Don't know Not applicable - lived here less than 2 years * Denotes significant variance to the Newham average Q9. Which three of these things do you feel are most important in Q22. Thinking again about your local area, to what extent do you making somewhere a good place to live? Liveability Survey 2009 agree or disagree with each of these statements? 65% Low level of crime 46% A communit y t hat f eels saf e 32% 36% Clean st reet s 20% 15%* Good local t ransport People from dif f erent backgrounds get on t oget her 83% 86% Parks make a positive contribut ion t o my local area 81% 87%* 74% 74% The physical appearance of my local area needs improving 14% People have a say in what goes on locally 7% 11% Good qualit y green spaces 9% 10% Good st andard of housing 11% 5% 7% Good opportunit ies for jobs Att ract ive buildings 2009 82%* People in my local area respect et hnic dif f erences bet ween people 26% 32%* Good local services Local event s in which the whole communit y can part icipat e 62%* Q22. Thinking again about your local area, to what extent do you agree with each of these statements? Liveability Survey 4% 4% 71% 75%* I am proud t o live in my local area NEWHAM EAST HAM 69% 70% People in this neighbourhood share t he same values I can influence decisions t hat Newham council makes I can inf luence decisions that aff ect my local area NEWHAM 40% 51%* EA ST HA M 41% 46%* 1% * Denotes significant variance to the Newham average. London Borough of Newham Community Leaders and Engagement Local Priorities Q37. Thinking about your local area, indicate which of these issues you consider a problem. Liveability Survey 2009 Issues Teenagers hanging around on the streets / intimidating group behaviour Other people throwing litter / rubbish on the streets Parents not taking responsibility for the behaviour of their children Vandalism, graffiti and other deliberate damage to property or vehicles Dumped litter /fly tipping People not treating other people with respect and consideration Noisy neighbours or loud parties People using or dealing drugs People being drunk or rowdy in public spaces Pest problems (i.e., rats, mice, insects) Street robbery (mugging) Car theft Dog fouling in the street People being attacked because of their skin colour, ethnic origin or religion Air pollution Physical assault Abandoned or burnt out cars Fly posting (i.e., putting up illegal notices or posters) Derelict or unused land Uncontrolled dogs in open spaces Cars being repaired / for sale on the road Prostitution and kerb crawling Other East Ham Newham 61% 53% 67% 35% 58% 31% 28% 27% 28% 25% 46% 27% 41% 21% 21% 21% 42% 35% 24% 18% 37% 16% 14% 14% 14% 12% 14% 8% 10% 17% 10% 10% 10% 8% 19% 4% 26% 6% 2% 0% 8% 7% 5% 3% 3% 2% East Ham Most Raised Member Enquiries – January 2009 to December 2009 Total number of enquiries: 1593 Priorities Analysis • Residents in East Ham are generally more satisfied with their area as a place to live (77%) than the Newham average (73%). However, only 16% of residents feel that it has improved in the last 2 years and 41% feel it hasn’t changed much. • As with the rest of Newham, East Ham residents identified a low level of crime and a community that feels safe as the most important factors to make somewhere a good place to live. • Residents in East Ham were generally more likely to respond positively to the statements in Q.22. In particular more East Ham residents (51%) agreed that they could influence the decisions made by the council. • The biggest issues in East Ham are litter/rubbish on the streets, teenagers hanging around on the streets and parents not taking responsibility for the behaviour of their children. This is broadly in line with Newham, although more residents found these issues a problem. • Other notable issues were: People not treating others with respect, people using or dealing drugs, people being drunk or rowdy in public spaces, dog fouling in the streets and uncontrolled dogs in open spaces. London Borough of Newham Community Leaders and Engagement Crime Information Crime Rates January 2009 – December 2009 Total Offences East Ham Newham Total Violence Against The Person Total Sexual Offences Total Burglary Total Theft & Handling Total Criminal Damage Total Drugs Total Other Notifiable Offences Offences by 1000 Population East Ham Newham Q42. Generally speaking, how safe do you feel in the following situations? Liveability Survey 2009 NEWHAM 100% 90% 7,159 24.0 25.6 72%* 70% 60% 51% 44%* 50% 40% 306 2,023 7.9 3,470 12.1 7.2 32% 21%* 30% 20% 10% 467 12.4 1,707 11,499 44.2 41.1 460 3,658 11.9 13.1 336 2,471 8.7 8.8 49 394 1.3 1.4 0% When outside in the local area during the day When outside in the local area after dark In Newham's parks and open spaces during the day NEWHAM 30,674 Source: Metropolitan Police 2010 110.0 109.6 EAST HAM 48%* 56% 60% 4,252 In Newham's parks and open spaces after dark Q43.Have you noticed a Safer Neighbourhood Team on patrol in your local area since September 2006? Liveability Survey 2009 50% Total Notifiable Offences 79% 80% 927 CANNING TOWN AND CUSTOM HOUSE 93% 93% 39% 49%* 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Ye s No London Borough of Newham Community Leaders and Engagement Key Community Groups East Ham Community Group Brief Description of Activities Contact Details Wells Belles & Beaux Older Peoples Choir The Well Elders Group Coffee morning, dancing, crafts, games, physical activities Warm Centre Sree Naryana Guru Mission Women’s Group health activities, talks, and befriending. Patiko Bakers Fort Project Works with young people from BME groups, on awareness raising projects focusing on creative mediums such as art to bring about change. The organisation attended a debate workshop with Cllr Shah during International Women's Day in March 2008. Grassroots women’s organisation that runs advocacy and front line services for women from South Asian communities, especially those who have experienced domestic violence. A representative attended a workshop with Cllr. Shaw during International Women’s Day in March 2008. Sovra 07930 570667 sovra@thefoodoflove.org. uk Diana Laing-Wills 020 8586 7070 Diana.laingwills@bonnydowns.org Valsa Thankappan Valsala vthankappan@hotmail.co m St. Bartholomew’s Church & Centre Newham Asian Women’s Project London Borough of Newham Community Leaders and Engagement Successful Go For It Grant Applications Source: Culture Community and Partnerships, LBN Ref Organisation Project type Project details number GFI-090001 Newham Community cycling One –off project / event. GFI-090017 Wells Belles One off / project Event; GFI-090026 Dance a Story GFI-090029 Flanders Ladies Football Club Fitness Group running costs for New group; Running costs for new group; GFI-090039 GFI-090043 GFI-090044 GFI-090072 GFI-090074 GFI-090103 GFI-090105 Running costs for New group; Ramgarhai Badminton Junior club. Construct One off project / event. Side By Side One off project / Event; Brampton Manor Parents One off project /event U.K Kerala Catholic Association. Sree Narayana Guru Mission Of the One off project / event. One off project Event One off project event; To celebrate St George's day with food, drink, music and dancing. The aim of the project is to have a social gathering for some of the most vulnerable people in the borough. The project will take place At the Brian Didsbury Centre on the 24/4/09 @ 19.30. Approximately 150 people. To continue to improve the standard of the choir. The aim of the project is to have more regular sessions with a pianist as a well as learning more music theory. To improve the groups’ musical Education a trip to the opera with gives them an opportunity to learn about different aspects of music. To run a new project that teaches story telling along side dance to parents/ carers and toddlers. The group aim the project is to spend time with their children in a fun and educational way. The group Will meet once a week over the course of 10 weeks. To promote and encourage local women to become involved in football. The aim of the project is to increase physical activity and further develop the existing team. The team is open female Newham Residence aged 18 -35 To run a fitness programme for children twice weekly, it is hoped that parents will also become involved in the sessions. The aim of the project is to promote the importance of exercise and activity As part of a healthily lifestyle. The sessions will run at the play hut with children between the ages of 4 - 11of all ethnic backgrounds taking part. To set up an internal league for juniors players. The aim of the project is to encourage competitive participation and improve standards. The sessions will take place Langdon School with up 72 members taking part. To run a after school activity very Monday at the well community centre. The project will offer games that are based around building and construction e.g. Lego. The aim of the project is to offer an Alternative activity for the young people in the area. 20 children aged 8 – 11 will benefit from the project. To encourage older people to come down to the well community centre to and engage with the activities that take place. The aim of the project is to reduce isolation and increase community participation amongst older people in the local area. Anyone over 50 is welcome to attend the centre. To increase the number of participants for the programme. More equipment is needed in order to enable more students to take part. Approximately 100 year 10 students will benefit from the project To hold a family fun day in partnership with MAUK and Sree Narayana. The aim of the project is to encourage young people to take up healthy living and shun anti social behaviour. The event will take place at the Flanders community centre on the 4/7/09. To hold a family fun day in partnership with MAUK and KCAUK. The aim of the project is to encourage young people to take up healthy living and shun anti social behaviour. The event will take place at the Flanders community centre on the 4/7/09. Grant £1,000 £929 £900 £1,000 £660 £800 £868 £428 £1,000 £540 £665 London Borough of Newham Community Leaders and Engagement GFI00107 GFI-090117 UK St .Georges fit and Healthy elders. Uganda Youth Network One off project / event One off project / event GFI-090120 Malayalee Association of the UK Trust One off project / event; GFI-090132 Dads & Lads One off / project event PB’s wild horse line dance school One off project Event GFI-090135 GFI-090149 GFI-090170 Summer in the City One off project / One off project / event GFI-090177 East Ham Division Guides One off project / event. GFI-090178 Surf on the Turf One off project / event. GFI-090194 Wells Belles One off project / event. GFI-090208 Shobhj Bagan Friends Society Well - Dramatic One off project / event Equipment One off project event. Words In Action Running costs for new group. GFI-090216 GFI-090217 To have a drop in coffee morning where by over 50's can come together in a social setting. The aim of the project is to encourage the health and well being of the older people in the local community. The sessions will be at the St George's Church To launch the above campaign with an awareness day to promote the campaign and the organisation. The aim of the event is to encourage young people and their families from the local area to get involved. The event will take place at the Flanders community centre on June To hold a family fun day in partnership with Kerala Catholic Association and Sree Narayana. The aim of the project is to encourage young people to take up healthy living and shun anti social behaviour. The event will take place at the Flanders community centre on the 4/7/09. To hold a fun day for the whole community including the friends and families of the Newham Warriors football club. The aim of the event is to bring the community together as well as holding a presentation evening for warriors fc. The event will take place at the Flanders community centre in July. To show and display a range of dances for able/disabled people to take part in. The aim of the event is to promote fitness as well as bring the community together. The event will be free and open to all it is expected that approximately 75 people will benefit from the project. Bonny Downs Community Fun day for 300 people on Flanders Field to celebrate opening of Bobby Moore Association Pavilion, East Ham on 20 June 2009. 12 days of arts & crafts sessions during 3 weeks of BDCA's 'Summer Splash' programme for 8-14 year old at Vicarage School, East Ham. 20 participants per day - 60 different children in total. To produce photo broads of our activities past and present. The aim of the project is to document all the events that the guides participate in the borough. The project is due to start in September with up to 50 people will take part in the project Provide Water Play day for 100+ 8-14yr olds as part of Summer Splash play scheme on Flanders Field August 2009 The Well's Belles is a choir consisting of mainly women and 2 men age 55 to 85, held at the Well Community Centre, East Ham. This application is to assist the group to prepare as participants in Mayor's Choir Festival 2009. Purchase of a computer to enable group members to surf the internet and research into the crops which they are growing. The project is due to start in mid November with up to 80 people benefiting from the project. After-school Drama club, Wednesdays for 8 weeks starting 14 October, for at least 15x 8-14year olds at The Well Community Centre. Culminating in performance for parents, carers and local community 7 x 2hour sessions of creative writing and drama workshops at the Well CC for 20 older people, 50+ from October, culminating in performance in December 09 £1,000 £600 £615 £925 £725 £764 £970 £1,000 £497 £990 £300 £947 £835 London Borough of Newham Community Leaders and Engagement GFI-090249 Work It Out GFI-090269 GFI-090279 GFI-090290 Community Links Sree Narayana Guru Plashet School GFI-090292 GFI-090309 Running costs for new group Equipment One off project / event One off project / event; One off project / event; New after school homework club for children aged 11+ from Langdon & Kingsford Schools at Bobby Moore Pavilion, Napier Road East Ham. Pilot project to run 1 day per week x 2 hours for 15 weeks from January 2010 Performance from Pantomime Road show for children & families in East Ham & Beckton at Play hut Central Park E6 on 15/12/09 The aim of the project is to organise body fit exercise, yoga classes, healthy eating advice and a Mission Day Centre vegetarian lunch club. To continue to provide a high level of coaching to 20 pupils aged between 7-11 years. To involve increased participation and for pupils to gain new skills. £980 Get To Know You One off project / event; £395 Hartley Primary School Running costs for new group; To run two events in the canning town area, the Steatfield Street party and priory park neighbourhood watch get to together. The aim of the project is to bring local people together and to build community spirit. Both events are due to take place in January with approximately 40 people Attending. Improving the garden area of the playground by adding hanging baskets, potted plants and making the flower beds more attractive with a wide range of colourful plants. To make a quiet, relaxing area for parents and children to enjoy. Work will start in April 2010 in East Ham. £684 £880 £250 £250 London Borough of Newham Community Leaders and Engagement Notes on sources 2001 Census Censuses are the most accurate way to find out the size and structure of populations. It has been nine years since the last National Census in 2001 when the population of Newham was 243,891. Since this date the population of Newham has both grown and changed in structure. GLA Ward Projections Alternative population estimates come from the Greater London Authority (GLA). They estimate population based on the same variables as the Office of National Statistics (ONS) plus information regarding new housing developments and different scenarios of future immigration/emigration. Newham argues that the current population projections under estimates the size of the population in Newham Public Health Information Public Health information comes from the London Health Observatory (LHO) which produces information, data and intelligence on the health of people who live in London. Liveability Survey The liveability survey, first conducted in 2007/8 measures residents' attitudes to their local (Community Forum) area, including the level of their civic and community engagement and perceptions of council services provided in that area. It allows the council and partners to look in more detail at differences in attitudes and perception in different areas of the borough and compare different areas. Household Income PayCheck is CACI’s estimate of household income at postcode level. It is based upon government data sources together with income data for millions of UK households collected from lifestyle surveys and guarantee card returns. Equivalised income estimates take into account the size and composition of a household and reflect the idea that a larger household would require a larger income to achieve an equivalent standard of living. GLA Claimant Rate January 2010 The GLA claimant count rate is the percentage of the economically active population who are claiming job seekers allowance. Output from the GLA claimant count model uses administrative counts of Job Seekers and expresses them as a percentage of the labour force (excluding economically active full-time students) using GLA projections of the economically active population. Mayhew Associates Estimates, 2007 Mayhew Associates have produced population estimates for Newham based on their "neighbourhood knowledge management" (nkm) methodology, which produces a "confirmed" population based on administrative data for the borough. This is modelled data based on administrative data of the borough's residents Crime Data, Metropolitan Police This data is provided by the Metropolitan Police on a rolling monthly basis. The crime rata data is based on the number of crimes per 1000 population based on the GLA Ward projections, Low variant, 2008-based for 2010. For more information on crime statistics see the Metropolitan Police website http://www.met.police.uk/crimefigures/index.php?borough=kf&period=year
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