A Message From Our President, Leslie Wing Leslie Wing


A Message From Our President, Leslie Wing Leslie Wing
September 2014
Celebrating 75 Years!
Club website: http://www.kmgs.org
A Message From Our
President, Leslie Wing
Elected Officers for 2014
Leslie Wing
(360) 275-5247
Vice President:
Bryan Tallman
Danielle Foss
(360) 621-5603
Shaina Schackmann
(360) 286-1545
Inside this issue:
President’s Message
Refreshments, Farmer’s Market, &
Sept. birthstone
Junior’s program, Committee
chairs, Wire Wrapping workshop
info, Hard Rock beaders info.
Shirley Erickson obit, KMGS elections, Work party info
Photos from the July picnic
Picnic photos, Fall Festival of
Gems info, program for September meeting
Request for info on past presidents, Sept. Display Table, Help
Wanted, Upcoming shows
WSMC sponsored Field Trips,
partial listing, Monthly Club Raffle,
Monthly Silent Auction
Jewelry Bench Tips by Brad Smith
Looking forward to September and
beyond; Editor Contact Info
Hello to everyone!! Summer is slowly disappearing. School starts soon, and so does the rock club.
We had a nice vacation and now it is back to work.
Have you ever admired someone's bolo tie that
was made with different rocks and different colors,
and wondered how they ever got those tiny pieces
to fit to make the picture of a bear or an eagle or
something else? Well, wonder no more. Vangie
Mayton is going to show us how to do that
(channel work) at our meeting in September. Plus we are going to have our regular display table where we are going to show what we did during the summer.
The club recently had a field trip up to Red Top Mountain north of Ellensburg.
The weather up there was gorgeous. The temp was about 73 degrees with an
occasional breeze. We were surprised to find that it was still Spring-like up there.
The mountain asters were in full bloom as were the Indian paintbrush and other
wild flowers too numerous for me to remember. But we went up there to find agates and find we did. I would have liked to find more but I did not want to carry
too big of a load off of the mountain, so in reality I did find a lot of agate. Bring in
your finds from the summer and/or bring in the items you have made this summer. We would all like to see them. I found one rock that I thought was an Ellensburg blue so I cut it carefully and polished it only to find that it would only
qualify as an agate not an Ellensburg blue agate. I will bring it to the display table.
The fair is going on as I write this letter, I stood watch on Wednesday and will do
so again on Friday. That was actually fun answering questions that I knew the
answers to.
Our next opportunity to help will be at the Fall Festival of Gems which is held the
weekend before Thanksgiving. We have been passing around the sign up
sheets for y'all to sign for setting up a display of the kind of work you do, or you
could sign up for a watch. On a watch you just walk around observing what is
happening and to be sure that no one is trying to get into one of the display cases.
I look forward to the fall and winter seasons and to the elections.
Would you like to serve as an officer of the club, or as a
Leslie Wing
board member? Mention it to Dave or Kathy Reimers.
They are the nominating committee for 2015 officers.
Late note: Leslie suffered a stroke on August 26th which left his left side paralyzed. As of August 29th he was in Harrison Hospital, room 2221. Please
keep him in your thoughts and prayers.
“Green” Hard Rock News
Hard copy readers: Would you like to see this newsletter in living color? Maybe it is time to change to an electronic
copy of the Hard Rock News? Because of printing and mailing costs, dues of $10 a year are
insufficient to cover the cost of a newsletter mailed out to members. Save trees. Help the environment. Help the club. During this time of energy awareness, isn’t it time you went GREEN? If
you wish to change to email only, just send an email to kmgsmail@yahoo.com.
Hard Rock News
September 2014
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KMGS September Meeting Time and Place:
The September General Meeting will be held on Friday, September 12th, at 7:00 PM in the basement day care center (entrance in the back) of Chico Alliance Church 3670 Chico Way NW Bremerton, Washington. Members with disabilities are encouraged to arrive early as convenient parking
spaces are difficult to find for those arriving late.
Refreshment Providers for September 2014
For this month: If the first letter of your last name begins “B”, “X”, and “Y” with you will be responsible for
bringing refreshments for the September meeting.
We rely on our club members to provide snacks for our General
September Birthstone
Sapphire, the September birthstone, has been popular since the Middle Ages and, according to folklore, will protect your loved ones from envy and harm. Medieval clergy wore sapphires to symbolize
heaven, while commoners thought the gem attracted heavenly blessings. Blue sapphires range
from very light to very dark greenish or violet-blue, as well as various shades
of pure blue. The most prized colors are a medium to medium dark blue or
slightly violetish blue. Sapphire is a variety of the gem species corundum
and occurs in all colors of the rainbow. Pink, purple, green, orange, or yellow corundum are known by their color (pink sapphire, green sapphire). Ruby is the red variety of corundum. - See more at: http://
A Day at the Port Orchard Farmer’s Market
Jack & Wilma Eads arranged to have a KMGS booth at the P. O. Farmer’s Market on July 26th. It was a beautiful, hot day and there just happened to be an ice cream vendor next to our booth! We met a lot of people and
hopefully made a positive impact on the community. Thanks to all who helped with this event!
Hard Rock News
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Hello Junior Rock Hounds! It will really be good to get back into having a meeting again after the long summer months. We will be talking about another rock category: Igneous Rocks. We will have some examples to
show you. We will go over the rock cycle again. Hope to see you there!
Kathy Reimers, Juniors Leader
Wire wrappers: The wire wrapping workshops at Vangie’s place are “on hold” until summer is over. The current plan is to restart the workshops sometime in the Fall of 2014. The specific restart date will be announced
in this newsletter.
2014 KMGS Chairpersons
Evah Summers
(360) 689-3715
Silent Auction
Doug Leider
(360) 627-8142
Kathy Reimers (& Bobbie Sack,)
(360) 731-5963
November Show Chairman
Gordon Eslava
(360) 830-4638
Karen Eslava
(360) 621-9830
Field Trips
Tony Schackmann
(360) 372-2777
Display Table
Tony Schackmann
Willma Eads
(360) 871-2445 jacke@
Raffle Table
Mary Balderson
Kathy McClure
(253) 265-3011
(360) 372-2777
(360) 908-8063
Washington State Mineral
Jack Eads
(360) 871-2445
Kitsap County Fair
Doug Leider
(360) 627-8142
Kitsap County Fair
Mark Fawcett
(360) 308-9942
Jack Eads
(360) 871-2445
KMGS Scholarship
Wilma Eads
(360) 871-2445
Bobbie Sack
Hard Rock Beaders
Glenda Moore
(360) 286-9035
Wire Wrapping
Vangie Mayton
(360) 373-3370
Newsletter editor
Garry Mahan
(360) 871-2815
Woody Woodside
KMGS Facebook
Gordon Eslava
(360) 830-4638
Tony Schackmann
(360) 372-2777
Please contact the
editor for any changes
or corrections to this
Hard Rock Beaders Workshop
Come bead with us! Bring any project you're working on or come start a new one. We
meet twice a month - 1st and 3rd Wednesdays at the Silverdale Vintage Apartments.
The first September meeting is on the 3rd at 6:30 pm and September 17th also at 6:30.
The easy to find Vintage is the large yellow complex above the Target store in Silverdale. Best parking is in the upper most parking lot behind the at the building, or in
any un-numbered space. Follow signs to the "Leasing Office" and call Glenda's cell at
360.286.9035 for building access. We meet in the lobby at 6:30 before going to the
large crafting room.
Glenda Moore
Beaded malachite
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Hard Rock News
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Shirley Ann Erickson
(October 31, 1933 - July 7, 2014)
Shirley Ann Erickson, 80, died on July 7, 2014; she passed peacefully in her sleep at her home in Bremerton, Washington.
She was a survivor of breast cancer once but sadly surrendered to cancer after a long battle with Alzheimer's.
Shirley was born Oct 31, 1933 in Randolph, New York to Vera Margaret and Mirl Edgar Abbey. During her childhood she
became involved with the Girl Scouts who gave her the nickname Limpet. She carried on with her dedication to the Girl
Scouts and became a lifetime member in the Girl Scouts 25 + year club.
Shirley moved to Washington in the 1950’s. She was dedicated to the local VFW and gave massive amounts of volunteer
time over many years. The District 4 VFW in Washington appointed her to be the 1994 Loyalty Day Queen. This was a
yearlong appointment wherein she traveled around Washington State and participated in many parades for the VFW.
Shirley had a contagious smile and loved to help others in the community as was evident by her active involvement with
the VFW/Cooties and Sons of Norway. She was a real rock hound gathering various types of rock to haul home. Her hobbies led her to joining the Kitsap Gem & Mineral Society, and Trout Unlimited. There were many years she served her
community and worked the election polls.
She is survived by 4 daughters, 5 granddaughters and numerous great grand children who will all miss her very much and
they will remember her for being such a devoted member of her community in helping others in need.
A memorial service was held Saturday Aug 2, 2014 at 2pm at VFW Post 239 located at 190 Dora Ave in Bremerton, Washington. Donations in her name can be made to VFW 239 Auxiliary and they will forward them to the VFW National Home
for Children.
Elections are coming up in a few months. President Leslie Wing has announced that he will not be seeking
reelection. Danielle Foss has indicated that she will continue as Secretary in 2015.
We are forming an Election Committee and need volunteers for the committee. We will do most of our communication for this via email or phone, not with an actual meeting. KMGS members who are interested in becoming an officer should contact Dave or Kathy Reimers. (360) 275-5986 or dnkreimers@yahoo.com .
Repair Cases – Make Critters
We will have a get-together at the Reimers home on September 13th from 11:00AM to 4:00PM. Cases, case
lights and liners will be repaired and remade if necessary. Ladies are welcome to come and help with that
process or help with critter making. We will order a pizza or two for lunch so please RSVP to the
Reimers. (360) 731-5963 or dnkreimers@yahoo.com. Let us know if you need directions.
We will have another critter-making session at the Reimers home the following Saturday – September 20th,
same hours. Please RSVP for this one as we will do another pizza order. We will have another critter making session in late October to finish up. Thanks!
KMGS Completes Another Kitsap County Fair Exhibit
In August our club finished another showing at the 2014 Kitsap County Fair & rodeo. This is a big
effort and one worthy of our club’s time and attention. It is another way that our club “shows it’s
face” to the public and a time that has brought in many new club members over the years.
A special thanks goes out to our Fair Coordinator, Doug Leider, and to all
who participated in this event - displayers, demonstrators and watchstanders alike. Unfortunately there were no photos available for the newsletter at printing time, but maybe we could get a few pictures for the October
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Hard Rock News
Photos from the July 2014 Picnic
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Hard Rock News
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More Photos from the July Picnic
All you gotta do is drop the water balloon in the bucket!
The winning technique
Not as easy as it looks
The Winners!
2014 Fall Festival of Gems Coming Soon
Now that summer is over, it's time to start getting ready for our club's annual Fall Festival of Gems.
Have you been planning your display case? Our program a few months ago was about setting up a display
case, but the most important thing to remember is that they are not judged and it's your chance to display
your special treasures. So far we only have 12 people signed up for cases, we still need another 52, so don't
forget to sign up at the next meeting.
We need demonstrators for cabbing and faceting, and there are many openings left for watchstanders.
There are a couple critter making parties set up for the 13th and 20th of September at Dave and Kathy
Reimers house. We still need to make 400 critters so if you would like to help talk to Kathy at the next meeting.
It looks like most of our tumbled rocks have been used up, so we need several hundred pounds for the grab
bags for our Wheel at the show. We get most of the tumbled rocks from club members so if you would like to
donate some bring them to the next meeting and see either Doug Leider or myself. Important dates and times
to remember:
Thursday November 20th 5 p.m. Take control of the president's hall and set up tables
Friday November 21st 8 a.m. Continue setup
Friday 6 pm Potluck for Dealers and members
Saturday November 22nd 10 a.m. Show opens
Saturday 5 pm Show closes
Sunday November 23rd 8a.m. Breakfast for past presidents
Sunday 10 a.m. Show opens
Sunday 3 p.m. Raffle drawing
Sunday 5 p.m. Show closes
Sunday 5 - 9 p.m. Teardown and clean up.
Gordy Eslava
Program for the September Meeting
Vangie Mayton will be presenting our program this month. The topic will be “channel work” which
combines silver soldering and stone intarsia. Vangie has many years of experience at this, so don’t
miss out on what should be a very interesting and informative program.
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Hard Rock News
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KMGS Turns 75 this October!
We are planning to showcase this fact at the Fall Festival of Gems. We happen to think that KMGS being 75
years old is a pretty cool thing!
Officers Breakfast
We want to honor the club’s officers, current and past, at a breakfast we are planning for the morning of
Sunday, November 23rd. We need some non-officer volunteers to help make it happen. Please contact Bobbie Sack (360) 277-0383 or Kathy Reimers (360) 731-5963 or dnkreimers@yahoo.com and let us know if
you can help. Ideas are welcome! Plans are in the works but still not set in stone at this point. More about
this in the October newsletter.
Photos Needed For Special Case at Fall Festival of Gems
We need pictures of KMGS Presidents, present and past, for a special case. We would like a 5”X7” picture
from you if you were a president. It can be a current picture but we prefer one from the time that you were in
office. We prefer an actual picture on photo paper but a nice-quality photo on paper would be acceptable.
Photos need to be given to Bobbie Sack (360) 277-0383 or Kathy Reimers (360) 731-5963 or
dnkreimers@yahoo.com by November 1. Thank YOU!
Kathy Reimers
September Display Table
The theme for the Display Table for September will be lapidary/gem-related items you found, made or bought
this summer. However, you can bring any lapidary, mineral or fossil-related item of your choice. Juniors are encouraged to participate in this part of the meeting.
I’m looking for “Kids Pages” for the Web site, Let me explain.. If you have been on the web site you can get
the idea. If you have a special interest and can explain it at a 5th or 6th grade level. I need you! Any rock related lesson explained with a hundred, words more or less, and about 20 questions, true or false, or multiple
choice. If it needs special images or graphics I’ll work with you to find or create the images you need. Give it
a try, the kids will learn and also some adults. Give me a call or email, lets talk, it will be fun.
Thanks, Jack Eads
UPCOMING SHOWS for Sept. & Oct. 2014
Oct 4-5” Springfield Thunderegg Rock Club
Sept 13-14: Marcus Whitman Gem and Mineral Guy Lee Elementary School 755 Harlow Road
Springfield, OR.
Society. Walla Walla County Fairgrounds
Community Center Building 3636 Orchard
Street, Walla Walla WA
Oct 10-12: Portland Regional Rock and Gem
Washington County Fair Complex 873 NE 34th
Sept 13-14: Clallam County Gem. Vern Burton
Ave, Hillsboro OR
Community Ctr 308 East 8th St. Port Angeles
WA 98362
Oct 26-26: Bellevue Rock Club. Vasa Park,
3560 W Lake Sammamish Pkwy, Bellevue, WA
Sept 20-21: Southern Wa Mineralogical Society. Castle Rock Fairgrounds A Street &
Cowlitz River, Castle Rock WA 98611
Oct 25-26: Clackamette Mineral Club. Clackamas County Fairgrounds 694 NE 4th Ave CanSept 27-28: Clackamette Mineral and Gem
Club, Clackamas County Fairgrounds 694 NE by OR
4th Ave, Canby OR.
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Hard Rock News
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Following is a partial listing of the Washington State Mineral Council (WSMC) field trips. Our club is
a member of the WSMC. Therefore, these field trips are available to our members. (from the WSMC
“Council Reporter”, March/April 2014 issue)
WSMC FIELDTRIPS 2014 ( Will be updated—see mineralcouncil.org )
The Washington State Mineral Council plans guided fieldtrips to collecting sites. Open to
member clubs, and the general public.
Most trips are free. Included will be Pow Wow trips (must join to go on trips). Host clubs and
contact persons will be set up as I gather info. For now, go to mineralcouncil.org for updates, or contact Ed Lehman @ wsmced@hotmail.com , or home (425) 3346282 cell (425) 760-2786.
Date, Host, Site, Meeting place and time, Material, Tools
09/6-7 POW Red Top 8:00 @ camp (W fork M fork jct) Dues, Agate, geodes, jade, jasper
09/13 NWOS Little Naches 9:00 @ Enumclaw Ranger Station Thunder-Eggs Dig, lt hard rock
10/04 Msvl D.P. Mine & H.T.Creek 9:00 @ Money Creek Camp Ore, picture Jasper Lt hard rock, light
11/08 MtBkr Blanchard Mt 9:00 @ I-5 240 exit gas Station Stilpnomelane & Chert Hard rock tool
Host Club Contact Info
Kit = Kitsap M & G Soc— T B D
Msvl = Marysville R & G Club - Ed Lehman wsmced@hotmail.com (425) 334-6282 or (425) 7602786
MtBkr = Mount Baker R & G Club—Kris Menger @ (360) 927-0994 kmenger@comcast.net
Elb = Ellensburg R Club—Steve Townsend—(509) 933-2236 srtrocks@aol.com
Spk = Spokane Rock Rollers—Mike Shaw—(509) 244-8542 mikeshawmoose@yahoo.com
NWOS = Northwest Opal Soc—Tony Johnson—(253) 863-9238
This is just a work in process. Participants please respond for corrections and updates.
Thanks, Ed
Monthly club raffle
As usual there will be raffle tickets sold at the entry door located where you come into the meeting. Tickets are
50 cents each. If you wish to donate something to the raffle, just bring it in and set it on the table. Raffle tickets
are drawn until all items on the table are gone. Money from the raffle is used to pay our monthly rent at the
Monthly Silent Auction
There will be a silent auction at the September club meeting. There is usually one table set up for adults and
another one set up for juniors. If you wish to donate something to the silent auction, please give it to Doug Leider at the meeting.
Facebook Page for KMGS:
Weyerhaeuser to Issue Permits and Leases for Their Properties
For areas that Weyerhaeuser issues permits and leases, no rockhounding will be allowed. See item 13 under “Permits”
and item 17 under “leases” at this website: https://www.wyrecreationnw.com/Help/PermitFAQs_WA.aspx . We have
not yet determined the specific areas where these Permits and Leases apply, but we will publish the info when we find
out. Anyone with more specific information, please contact the editor.
Hard Rock News
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Jewelry Bench Tips for August/September 2014
By Brad Smith
SILVER SOLDER FROM SCRAP: Sometimes you need a lot of silver solder to complete a piece the way you
want it to be. For me it was when I was trying to join several castings. But silver solder is expensive, so I found a
way to make my own from scrap with a little help from a penny.
First step is finding out what's in a solder. A search through the reference books (Tim McCreight or Erhard
Brepohl) or a Google search will turn up recipes like:
* Hard * Medium * Easy -
AG 80% CU 13% ZN 7%
AG 70% CU 20% ZN 5%
AG 63% CU 30% ZN 7%
The silver (AG) and the copper (CU) are easy to come by, but finding some zinc (ZN) has always been my problem until I found out that our pennies are almost all zinc. According to Wikipedia a US penny minted after 1982
weighs 2.5 grams and is 97.5% ZN and 2.5% CU. So all I had to do is add a penny to some copper and a pile of
silver scrap.
I chose to use Sterling scrap so I adjusted for the amount of copper in it as well as the amount of copper from
the penny. Here's what I used for components of Medium solder:
* Sterling - 36.90 grams
* Copper - 9.35
* Penny - 2.50
Melt the silver and copper first in a melting dish, mix well with a carbon rod or titanium solder pick, add the zinc
(penny) last, mix again, and pour into a small mold. The zinc is added last because melting it causes some to vaporize, and the fumes are a safety problem (They're a gray-green color). Be sure to have good ventilation.
To check the solder's melting temperature was correct (medium), I put a sample of the homemade solder on a
piece of copper sheet along with a known sample of hard, medium and easy solders. I then heated the plate from
the bottom and watched as the easy first melted, the medium melted, the homemade melted, and finally the hard.
Additional notes on converting the ingot to sheet, strip or wire form - If you have access to a rolling mill, that will
be the fastest way to proceed. Either roll out the ingot into a sheet and cut strips or roll it out as wire if your mill
has the grooves. If you don't have a mill, all you have to do is forge out the ingot into a rough sheet of the gauge
you'd like and then cut thin strips with bench shears. Be sure to anneal the sheet every so often as you forge it.
SPOT SANDING PEN: Sometimes you have a little discoloration or debris to clean from the bottom of a pocket,
from an area of coarse textured surface, or from a small space between two soldered objects. Finding something
to get into those close areas is always an effort in creativity.
One tool I have for these special occasions is a glass fiber spot sanding pen. It's great for cleaning a small area
and doesn't leave deep scratches, only a faint satin finish.
There's probably several manufacturers of these pens, but one is the PrepPen Adjustable Sanding Pen selling for US$ 7.96 from Amazon. You can see it
Get all 101 of Brad's bench tips in "Bench Tips for Jewelry Making" on Amazon.com: http://amazon.com/dp/0988285800/
Save Those Stamps
PO Box 3342
Silverdale, Washington
September 2014
“The Hard Rock News” is the Official Publication of the Kitsap Mineral and Gem Society. Meetings are held at 7:00 PM on the second Friday of most
months at Chico Alliance Church Daycare (entrance in the back).
Address: 3670 Chico Way NW, Bremerton, Washington.
The object of the Society is to provide a general dissemination of knowledge pertaining to the earth sciences; to sponsor regular meetings and field trips for
the benefit of the membership and to be helpful along these general lines to one another. The Society is social and educational in character.
Looking Forward to September and Beyond... Update Your Home Calendars!
The 2014 KMGS November show, the Fall Festival of Gems, will be here before you know it (November 22nd and 23rd). Think
about how you will participate in it this year! This is our major funds producer and we need your help to make it successful.
Editor Contact Information: Garry Mahan
kmgs@wavecable.com Phone: (360) 871-2815
6162 E. Beaver Creek Rd, Port Orchard, WA 98366 Deadline for the October, 2014
Newsletter is
September 25th, 2014
Feel free to contact me if you want to put an announcement in the newsletter. Keep in mind the
monthly deadline and that the newsletter usually
arrives around the beginning of each month, so
plan your announcement accordingly.
Contact information is at left. - Editor