Page 1 January 20, 1976 The Regular Meeting of the Board of
Page 1 January 20, 1976 The Regular Meeting of the Board of
January 20, 1976 The Regular Meeting of the Board of Education of Cold Spring Harbor Central School District was held at the Administration Building, 334 Main Street, Cold Spring Harbor,New York, on Tuesday, 'January 20, 1976. PRESENT - BOARD PRESENT - STAFF Robert A. Smails Elizabeth T. Busby Carl S. Auerbach Betty S. Cuccurullo E. L. Gabor Richard L. Kline Harold H. Paul President Vice President Member Barbara Haskell District Clerk " Reed H.Hagen Superintendent Martin Davis Deputy " Daniel R. Moerdyk Admin. Assistan Ch~rles W. Root Attorney " " " I The meeting was called to order by the President, Mr. Smails, at 8:05 p.m. MINUTES On motion of Mr. Auerbach, seconded by Mr. Gabor, the minutes of the meetings of APPROV'Dnecember 13 and 16, 1975, were unanimously approved as submitted. Please note that Mr. Gabor and Mrs. Busby abstained in the vote on the December 13 meeting. Mr. Smails reported the following communications: 1. COMMUNICATIONS 2. 3. 4. 5. Receipt of a letter from Mrs. Roberta Tullier in regard to a coffee on February 11, 1976. Receipt of an invitation from Mrs. Ruth Cooper to a modern dance demonstration class. Receipt of an invitation from the National Honor Society to attend its induction ceremonies. Receipt of a letter from the Cold Spring Harbor Library regarding use of our facilities. Receipt of Holiday Greetings from the French/Spani.s'h orientation class. Dr. Hagen reported receipt of two letters from parents regarding the class size of the second grade at the Lloyd Harbor School. (All communications on file in Supt.'s Office) Dr. Davis gave a presentation on the current financial status of the District. On motion of Mr. Kline, seconded by Mr. Gabor, the Board approved the following resolution by a vote of 5-2 (Mr. Paul and Mr. Auerbach opposed): RESOLVED, that Dr. Reed Hagen shall be compensated for his services as Superintendent of Schools for the 1975-76 school year as follows: Dr. Hagen shall be paid the sum of $42,824.00 as salary commencing July 1, 1975, for the school year ending June 30, 1976. I '".' On motion of Mr. Kline, seconded by Mrs. Busby, the Board approved the following resolution by a vote of 6-1 (Mr. Paul opposed): RESOLVED, that Dr. Martin Davis shall be compensated for his services as Deputy Superintendent of Schools for the 1975-76 school year as follows: Dr. Davis shall be paid the sum of $38,308.00 as salary commencing July 1, 1975, f o r " the school year ending June 30, 1976. On motion of Mr. Kline, seconded by Mrs. Cuccurullo, the Board approved the following resolution by a vote of 6-1 (Mr. Paul opposed): RESOLVED, that Mr. Daniel R. Moerdyk shall be compensated for his services as Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent of Schools for the 1975-76 school year as follows: Mr. Moerdyk shall be paid the sum of $26,913.00 as salary commencing July 1, 1975, for the school year ending June 30, 1976. On motion of Mrs. Cuccurullo, seconded by Mr. Auerbach, the Board approved ~ contract between the Board of Education of the Cold Spring Harbor Central School District and the Association of Cold Spring HarborAdministrator~ of the Cold Spring Harbor Central School District for the 1975-76 school year by a vote of 6-l(Mr. Paul oppose Mr. Fernandez and Dr. Wetterer expla:t.ned the testing procedures and the comparative results of District students. On motion of Mr. Gabor, seconded by Mr. Paul, the Board unanimously approved a contract between the Board of Education and the Winter Club Inc. regarding admission of our students to the Winter Club ice skating rink. I On motion of Mrs. Busby, seconded by Mrs. Cuccurullo, the Board unanimously honored the request of the Association of Cold Spring Harbor Administrators for recognition of that organization as sole representative for the administrators under the prov~s~ons of the Public Employees Fair Employment Act for the period, January 1, 1976 to January 1, 1977. On motion of Mr. Gabor, seconded by to honor the request of the Harbors that organization as representative Fair Employment Act for the period, ';" I Mrs. Busby, the Board voted 6-0 (Mr. Paul abstained) Office Personnel Association for recognition of HOPA with regard to the provisions of the Public Employees January 1, 1976 - January 1, 1977. RECOGNIZ: On motion of Mr. Paul, seconded by Mr. Gabor, the Board unanimously approved the following resolution: RESOLVED, that the revised 1975-76 New York State Family Income Scale as developed by the U. S. Department of Agriculture Food and Nutrition Services, , be adopted to replace the scale passed by the Board at the August meeting fot Reduced Price Lunch. REDUCED PRICE-SCHL LNCH.CHNGE On motion of Mr. Kline, seconded by Mrs. Cuccurullo, the Board unanimously approved SUPT. 's the request of the Superintendent to attend the New York State Council of School CONFERENCE District Administrators Conference in Albany, January 29-30, 1976, at an approxiATTENDANCE mate cost of $75, and the American Association of School Administrators Convention in Atlantic City, February 20-23, 1976, at an approximate cost of $200. motion of Mr. Gabor, seconded by Mrs. Busby, the Board unanimously approved the SAT. ogram of science activities recommended recommended by Mr. Oswa1s. The Activitie~ SCIENCE which will involve an eight week series to be held on Saturday mornings beginning in January, will be related to the District elementary science program and its philosophy and will be under the direction of Mr. Oswald. On motion of Mr. Gabor, seconded by Mr. Auerbach, the Board unanimously approved the appmintment of Miss Eileen Cullen, Basketball Varsity Coach for girls, at a salary of $791, effective 1-21-7.6. , On motion of Mrs. Busby, seconded by Mr. Gabor, the Board unanimously approved the appointment of Miss Diane K. Degman, girls' nasketba11 Jr. Varsity Coach, at a sal~ry of $790, effective 1-21-76. PERSONNEL APPTMNTS. On motion of Mrs. Cuccurul10, seconded by Mr. Kline, the Board unanimously approved the appointment of Mrs. Joyce O'Donnell, Basketball Grade 9 girls' coach at a salary of $706, effectiv~ 1-21-76. On motion of Mr., Auerbach"secondedby Mr. Kline, the Board unanimously approved the appointment of Miss Georgianna Edwards, girls' Basketball Grades 7-8 coach at a salary of $368, effective 1-21-76. On motion of Mr. Kline, seconded by Mrs. Cuccuru110, the Board unanimously approved the appointment of Mr. Fra~k Cassara, girls' Gymnastics Varsity coach at a salary of $791, effective 1-21-76. I On motion of Mr. Gabor, seconded by Mr. Auerbach, the Board unanimously approved the appointment of Mr. Richard Shannon, Gymnastics, Grade 7-8 coach for girls at" a salary of $395,effective 1-21-76. On motion of Mrs. Busby, seconded by Mrs. Cuccuru11o, the Board unanimously apHEAD TEACH'B proved the recommendation of the Administration to appoint Mrs. Veronica Pa1wy, APPTMNTS. Head Teacher, Business Education, at a salary of $800, and Miss Christine Schmidt, Head Teacher, Art, at a salary of $880. (These salaries are pro-rated). On motion of Mrs. Busby, seconded by Mrs. Cuccuru110, it was unanimously agreed to add an item to the agenda. On motion of Mr. Paul, seconded by Mr. Gabor, the Board unanimously author{zed the Superintendent to hire and fix the salary for a ~ time teacher for the second grade at the Lloyd Harbor School. The Board acted on six resolutions and set a penalty in regard to charges against a teacher (copy attached). On motion of Mr. Kline, seconded by Mr. Gabor, the Board unanimously agreed to add an item to the agenda. On motion of Mr. Gabor, seconded by Mr. Kline, the retirement of Ms. Lois Gillman and Louis Boccia were noted with regret. On motion of Mrs. Busby, seconded by Mr. Auerbach, the Board accepted the resignajtion of Neal Riemenschneider. , On motion of Mrs. Cuccuru110, seconded by Mr. Gabor, the Board unanimously approved the recommendation of Dr. Wetterer that we offer supplementary health instruction involving drugs, alcohol and tobacco to 9th grade students. • 'I T" I On motion of Mr. Auerbach, seconded by Mr. Gabor, the Board unanimously approved a contract with the South Huntington School District to provide health services for Holy Family students (16) who reside in our District at a cost of $56.72 per student for a total of $907.52, for the school year 1975-76. Dr. Hagen presented his recommendations for implementing the Teachers College Report beginning in February, "1976. This will be Phase I- ,:.' On motion of Mr. Gabor, seconded by Mrs. Busby, the Board unanimously agreed to remove from the table a motion made by Mrs. Cuccurul10 and seconded by Mr. Gabor, to authorize payment of a bill submitted by Mr. Root for additional legal services for November, 1975. The vote on the original motion was 6-l(Mr. Auerbach opposed) • '" ',' 1/2 TIME TEACHER AT L.H. HAYNES MATTER NON - INSTRU:::TIONAL PERSONNEL 9TH GRADE HEALTH HEALTH SERVo CONTRACT TEACH. COLLEGE PHASE I ATTY. 's FEES The Board acknowledged receipt of the Financial Report ending December 31, 1975, copy of which attached hereto. FINANC'L. REPT. DEC The Board accepted the auditor's report on the extra-classroom activity account, for the year ending June 30, 1975. EXTRA-CLS ACCT. The Board acknowledged receipt of the Treasurer's Report for December, 1975. The Board acknowledged receipt of the Enrollment Report for January, 1976. The Board, on motion of Mrs. Cuccuru110, seconded by Mrs. Busby, adjourned its meeting at 11:15 p.m. I- . . .... Boar$.! NCffiDor "!" • " .......... - ~ ". .,., Resolutions, seconded by .~ .Resolution to be voted upon· separately: t',1 1'. ' , , each respective Mrs. Busby .. . '\ t RESOLVED, that in the Matter of the proceedings against ~s. .1 ...... I ; t Rexetta Haynes under, Section 3202-a, Education Law, the, preliminary Statement contained in the Determination attacl1ed t, ber~to and made , I I a part hereof,' and·the stateme~t of Findings, _ ; I .•I\ Reasons and Pactual Basis, Part I of the said Determination, are • ..;., ,..-:,; 'hereby adopted. ... . r~ , : ,:;:j In favor: . Mr. Smails, Mrs. Busby, Mrs. Cuccurullo, :Messrs. 'Auerbach, Kline, Gabo~ hgainst: None ~ . " • ,.I' ~.!"'~ and Paul. " .., Il I , .. .2 •. RESOLVED, that the Conclusions as tb Charge A -- Conduct pnbecominq a rreacher, Part II-A of, the attached Determination, are hereby adopted, and, therefore, this Board finds Mrs. " , Rexetta Haynes guilty of the said Charge A. . Vote: 'j "d In favor: • 1\ : ( .. Hr. Smails, Hr.s. Busby, Mrs. Cuccurttllo, Q; Messrs. Auerbach, Kline, Gabor and Paul. CIl CfJ til .p.. .... '''d • i:l til '. • Against: None "d '(]) -1-1 • c: '3 • (J,J "~' ,RESOLVED, that the Conclusions as to ChargeE , ,f..! ,Pol Ineffici"'l1cy, Part II-B .of the attached Determination, are hereby adopted; and, therefore, this Board finds Mrs. Rexetta Haynes guilty 0.£ the Eaid .: Charge B. Vote: In favor: Mr. Smails, Nt's. Busby, Mrs. Cuccurullo, Messrs. Auerbach, Kline, Gabor and paul. " Against: 4. ~ None RESOr.,vED, that the Conclusions as to ,, ~hargc C Part II-C of the attached Determination, are hereby adopted, and, i·h",.."fnrn. " " ~ . Vote: .. ., !-hi.!1 Bo<u:c3 finds Hrs. Roxctta Hayncn guilty of the [;~.i.(] ........ , " . , " --. " " . • . • . !. Xn favor: Mr. Smails, Mrs. Busby, '~1rs • Vote: Cuccurullo, Messrs. Auerbach, Kline, Gabor and Paul. Against: - .. None . .' ~ ",:. '<1, , RESOLVED, that the Conclusions as to Charge D Neglect of Duty, Part 11-D of the attached Determination, are hereby adopted, a~d, therefore, this Board finds Mrs, Rexetta Haynes' , '" " ~~:. guilty of the said Charge D. ; , ! .. ',' .. " Vote: 'In favor: Mr. Smails, Mrs. Busby, Mrs. Cuccurullo, Messrs. Auerbach, Kline, Gabor and Paul. - i " Against: None e . II 6. /. \,' ~ RESOLVED, that the Conclusions as to Charge .. ' .. .E ,Insubordination, Part 11-Ji! of the attached Determination, are ,r. hereby adopted, and, therefore, this Board finds Mrs. Rexetta ,.;',. Haynes guilty of the said Charge E. Vote: .. ' " .~ :. In favor: Mr. Smails, Mrs. Busby, Mrs. Cuccurullo, Messrs. Auerbach, Kline, Gabor and Paul. Against:: None The President stated that the next item would be to fix the penalty or punishment, ... Board Member ifa~y, Mrs. Busby on the foregoing ,charges', moved the followin~ Resolution, seconded by Mr • Kline RESOLVED, that the Summary of Reasons, Part .' III of the attached Determinaticn, is hereby adoptnd, and this Board determinet. that for Conduct Unbecoming a Teacher, Inefficiency, ,: ::rncompetcn?,c, Neglect of Duty, und Insubordination, Nrs, Rexetta Haynes is hereby dism.:Lsscd from the ~;crvice of the Cold Spring Ililrbor Ccntrill School District, effective immediately, Mr. Aucrb.:lch stated that he opposed,_ the dismissal of this ~". ,,.', . '!", teacher as an excessive penalty. ',;: I , Vote on said motion: In favor: Mr. Smails, }irs. Busby, Mrs'. Cuccurullo, l1essrs. Kline, Gabor and Paul. ~ I Against: Mr. Auerbach ~.~ . , . ,,,,, ..-r-: ..... ~...:.. j " ; I' '.!• I i I ,I1 'I ... I Il , d l,>~ •..j J.}~1~t ~~~ ",. ~\ , .. ~. ,.: I ,;. J n ",\ ," .. ~~" ~.. \ I';)~" ,. (lllVlSlm) .1/5/76 Al''£ACIiHEN'f NO. 2 \..\ .... ~\ i~ NEt.: YORK S'fATP. 1~75-76 F. . . NILY ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA Fon FlmE Al\J) REDUCED PRICE I·mALS AW) I·'RE.B HILK -~;~~ ,t" , , ..,- .. GH.l)SS .......,.......-.~ AK;-~lI/~L e';Cll::i·: .. Reduced Price Lunch and/or Free Lunch and/or Number in Breakfast and/or :., ;f.'a::;;o;,;,;l,;:;;.i, ;;l.J.y. . .:;U;.;,I1;,.;i;..t;:.,· _· · _·__· _ _ _ _ _..-;H~p~cci." 1 H iJ k 1 -------------------- $ 3230 2 -------------------4240 3 -------------------5250 4 -------------------6260 5 --------....-~-..". ..".-,....~.,..- .. _. 7190 6 -------------------8110 7 -------------------- . 8950 8 --------------~----9750 9 -------------------- 10550 10 -------------~------ 11310 ~ach A~ditional Member l~renkf~:;t i ------------------------------ $ 50 .O 6·620 -----------------------------8200 -----------------------------9770 -----------------------------11210 ------------------------------ ---------------~------------------------------------------------------------------------ 750 12650 13970 15.280 16460 17640 1180 'Family" means a group of rela.ted or non-related individuals, who are not residents of In institution or boarding school, but who are living as one economic unit. This in:ludes son, daughter, relatives, etc. " means all sources of earned or unearned. T:lonies before deductions for incoi:Oe nsurallce prc~iuIT.s, bonds, alimony. child support, etc. which \-lOuld be available "fUt:1ilyll to pay the price of a child IS. maal. :ar. :0 ip'de'diJction'~ - "FaG".ily income" can be reduced by tbe value of the fol1o~"ing ~xpenses ~lhich you may have had to pay: Hedical expense payt:tents above $30.00 per lember per year; Shelter costso ubove 30% of your "Inco::le ll ; Education e:-:penscs due to a ~ild's physical or cental condition; and Disaster or casulty losses. (See reverse for .nterprcta t ion) . 'Foster Children" - a foster child placed in a private residence, \,-hcre ado!)tinn ;.3 r.o~ nvolv~d, would be eligible under the criteria for a family of one, if the inco~e (0r hat child does not exceed the applicable FaQily Inco~e Scale. This provision is in ffect regardlcsG of the gross income of the foster parent. doption of this REVISED 1975-76 Family Eligibility Criteria for the Free and Reduced rice Heal Policy signifies adoption of all applicable r.educed price \o,'ordinz in the ody, attachments, and addendum of said policy. grcement }:ur;-,ber 10375 , Adopted: (date) r~umher .A. Co 1 .il 580402060000 --------------------------------- S p r .i. 1~~~ ITnrbor Ccntr.o.l Sohool Distri.ct School lJislrict: 1 noard of EcJucatir.·n Pr~si.(kr!i.: (Puhlic Schoob) " ~t ' n to: Signature Title: r~urC,1U o[ Sclloo 1 Fooel t~:1t1:1w~rnC!nt 99 H'-Isliil1('.ton AvC'..- i:::J. 1736 Alb.1ny, tly ]2230 CJ CJ Paslor c;:on-Pub1ic School~~) ., 1 Executive Di.rect:ur (Priv;lt.e ~;('L(),-)l~ (rrivat<.! School~;, 1IlSlilulJ.Ull:';) .. ..... : '. ;.. ,'. COLD' SPRING' ~OR ,CENTRAL,iSCHOOl,t DISTR.ICT ~oi-mS<aF '~iNG,+qN'ANb 'O¥ST.~a"Bi¥,:"N~W~¥()R.!<·'· . ~-~----~ ~~~::;-*,,7·~:~·~~~~·~-~--:-~";·~.~·~·~·~·---·~---~-.-_-;-..!~~.-~X: Intb~ MattC?t,o£<:t~e P~o;<::~~g:*rig§ agai,nst :' .:.- Pursuan.t ,t()'tli~.;--p'rov:i.siQns;o,tE9ucat~qIl' , Law,secti~I1.:~,~:q~;o,~~.·' " , P . " >., .... e.: .:.', , ". .' .. , . ':", " '--~----':--~-~;.~.'~'~~J":-:~~"----~'~":'~'~-~'~~'-'~'.":",,, ~_~,~~"~~~i+. ~¥. ~ , .J .. :',./ . prelimin,q,ry Statement.'.' ,s;. ::",,' :Y" On Jupe:::l.(i)."1975 tp..i$' :Boa:r;d i meeting'ih e}{ecutive session, '" < - : •• ~.: -,;' Qf ,a ; ,.' ,';.- majo+:i;ty:p;f/allits'lTlC\l!~~;$.,f?:Q.9A;there wa$ probable cause ._ . ..... "::"" .. ' -,' '. c...". . ", _.. ' . fpr .... ': ~.,. ".' . ..' . . ", .. ch,~rg~~;"',:a..g~~ri~t'l1,r$ •.' R~,r:;~;~t9:,Haypes" (l) Conduct ',,,> .::" ;\1~beCQ~jmg;;"~,':~~~f~~,l1; . t.::- c . ,?- teacp,e r enjoying tenure inth~Go+c;t'9:W~,iirig Ha,rl?:0r Scho9l:Distr~~tl of "':.:<.;'. ., '~.i'. ,(2) . ~pefticj,enqy; (:3) Incompe tence i .' I~~,ubo,:t;dinat.l..on. (4) Neglect' 0,£ d1ltYi ,and (5) , . . Notice of such ' - . ' . c;leter~ina,tioh'WR;'s:l:orwarded,tp Mrs. Haynes,:"wbo tb,ereupon served . . : .. :." '. .... ': "~ ." . " , . " , . . '," , ",,' I) u.pont'h~'SchQo.1Di$t.p1~4;:' Clerk ·the-,t~l?:qe q~sireda hearing . :. i-: ~ on the clj.CU':~~s,~"'1'be. co~i:s~,,t'o.f . -:' ,"::t .. .~.: :<:::~ . _: :".... Education .designated a , .; ~ .~v . llearingo:f~i~.~~p'~~d'caused a'4~,a,ril1g • papel of .tbree meml>ers to .... , .... . No:vembe.r .... ,'.'. ' 4,~9y~$er : . ".'; -. ll,and:Qep~mPer 10,. 1;~.rz$. .. "'.: '; ," On,.:ge9~mP.~l:"22 ,,1975,t:tl.~<$qllQol.Pistrict . . .'. :; ..... " ' . ' ,".' " office received Charge A relating to Conduct unbecoming a teacher. I 2. A finding by a vote of two to one, of guilty on Charge D relating to Neglect of duty. 3. An unanimous finding of not guilty of the charges of Incompetency, Inefficiency and Insubordination. The panel recommended by a vote of two to one that Mrs. Haynes be fined a maximum of $1,000. This Board and each and every member thereof has read the transcript of the minutes of the hearing; and this Decision is based solely upon the record in the proceedings before the hearing panel. Having given due weight and consideration to the said report and recommendations of the panel, and after due deliberation, this Board concludes that the preponderance of the evidence contained in the said record warrants the following Findings, Reasons and Factual Basis, which support the Conclusions hereafter made: PART I Findings, Reasons and Factual Basis 1. At all times hereinafter mentioned, and continuing to the date hereof,' Dr. Reed Hagen was and now is Superintendent of Schools of Cold Spring Harbor Central School District; Dr. Charles M. Wetterer was and now is the Principal of Cold Spring Harbor High School; and Mr. James Smyth was and now is the Assistant Principal of Cold Spring Harbor High School. 2. Rexetta Haynes, herein referred to as "Mrs. Haynes", was at all times hereinafter mentioned and now is a tenured English teacher employed by the Board of Education of Cold Spring Harbor Central School District in the high school. She has been so employed for the past 14 years. 3. In early April of 1975, Mrs. Haynes filed a field trip request to take forty-eight (48) Cold Spring Harbor High School students, accompanied by chaperones, to the evening performance of "Grease" at the Royale Theatre, 242 West 45th Street, New York City, on a School night, Thursday, April la, 1975. The plan was for the group to leave the Cold Spring Harbor Railroad Station at 3:44 p.m. and, after arrival at Pennsylvania Station, the group was to be theatre. ~scorted to dinner and, theieafter, to the After the performance the group was to be escorted back to Pennsylvania Station and on to the train back to Cold Spring Harbor. 4. The Cold Spring Harbor School District teacher's handbook which was given to Mrs. Haynes at the beginning of the school year 1974-7.5, contained the following provision concerning field trips: :. '. "Sponsoring teachers are responsible for obtaining adequate supervision; no trip should be carried out without complete organization." Attache"d to the field trip request form was a Field Trip Check List which provided, among other things: "5. Adequately prepare students, parents and any accompanying chaperones well in advance for the trip. This should include contingency plans and telephone numbers in case of emergency." 5. Prior to the approval of the request, Mrs. Haynes was advised by the Assistant Principal of the high school, Mr. Smyth, of the necessity of careful supervision of the students while traveling to and from the theatre and the railroad station, and while dining. Mrs. Haynes was specifically told that because of previous incidents an adult should be with the students at all times or, at least, in the near vicinity, and that the students should not be allowed to wander off. 6. The said field trip request was thereafter approved by the Principal of the high school and by the Superintendent, and the trip was scheduled. 7. Mrs. Haynes, the sponsoring teacher for the field trip, did not give adequate instructions to the chaperones concerning their supervisory functions; nor were any particular students assigned to the custody of any particular chaperone. 8.. Mrs. Haynes did not instruct her students to stay with the chaperones during the trip. 9. The Times Square area of New York City, including the area from Pennsylvania Station to the Royale Theatre on West 45th Street, was in the evening of April 10, 1975 an unsafe place fryY' hiNh ~~h()()l ~t:ndents to be left unescorted and without ....•.; ......... • •j ·:·:i,...... :.;.::··:. •... ~ :;.: •• , .. lO~'" , "Shpw • '':' ~~'\;.. •.1.•• '.r, • . ".;.' .:<>.)~;J,\~. .;~,. :;:. .,\\.:~.. :":.'. .~ .: .,t,.: 'R:' ' .. " :';: .. ':";' '-.'.~'.:'!:"'~ ..,",'.'. .,~ . .~ ,., ...:.... , .,' . 'MliEi"~~rS~~in;~::'Wh0~~~\~<·tW,~'ted~,$'?1<l::q'~~pe~q~e, '. did not ,UPf9;;~;;f~~f,:";~~~?t~J~0~~n~~~~l(,~~~~~on~ ';: ~. ~·r . . :·:.. :., ::. : ..... ,'.; $,e.v,~n~ . .'. '<':"'{'>' :;,,\It;'1~!~'i~~/;:,':;,' ,'. to :.' .. ', <;::." '0;' '.,. . : ' ; . \ .'..,' . u. '~t[t)!t~,,~p, l~fit~he ~id'\J;:tt1?:~p~~~"edat C"ld ·',sEr~.n~:'Harp9?:'~~~:~,~;~(.)n-w~:e#e .th~:;.w:rQ:up P9.~:r4~~ }:h~ '. 3: 44 P. M. tr~in' a.rid'tl:le:,;~.t.r'~fh:"Ja:rtived 'atg.ennsyl~Clnia. S~~tion . .... .... . .... .: approximately . one hour la.t,er. :.;, .~; +~.;M;;r'$,'.:,Iii\~~,~~iampc~)..V9,,',a .lis,ted'9n~perQn~, having had " .. .... , . ,.:'., noe~pli,cit "in.stxi,~¢t-ipn$ to the . coritra.ry, left ,thtfgroup upon '. : . ::;, ,: , •... ~ .. ':'~: '. . " '.: ' ,..... ,: . arriva.l.atP~n:ns-YX~q:nia;Stq,t·iOIland ,wi th her >q;q~ghterand :'" ;;, :":. . . .',' .;.. '.'," ,: >" - .... . , ~.:"':.'.".>':.l.'.:.::;"''''~' ~flo:tll~'r' ~tlJ¢I.~l1'FPJ:a~:t:"l:>~+a SJ:e;ip.,h~d'd:in.ner,?Ai,Mf~9tein 's ", this" office; '.\ J;'~duced:.~h,@/'~UWb~r' of .ph,9-perone9 to six, 9u:r~ng the time the s tliClen.~p. W~::t'~::?~~:~P~~' ... ' . :.,."' '. . . Mr.~ ·and,M~'l?;'P,orter"atte:t;ldeda.botltsiJ(; r o£-tbr' students from ":" PennsYlv~n~a.St~~~:9Il i:c:>Time$ pquare, an4walR~dwith them to .... , ' the corner:~¥ :t::.h,,~,".~:t,:t;J~~t .9n Wllic!! J.he. re.stai.i~a~t: {" ,Steak was 1ocateCi. & Brew, ./; .';'" .,,- ".: ~ .. ,~\. '. Mr,,~: . '~~?)~l;.~.;~",,:,.•. Fa;~l::_.,e_'.'·_lJiall~Mr .and:it~:$:~f;P9rJe:t:then .: 1.4. '.:'.:.. ,;.'\" . ;.... ' . '" ...:' (v'''.'· , .... : ~~ r . . .. .' . Enriqo &. ·pag*f.~r,:i.';f . " ;-'.. . '.: . '.~(~' ~s,~~ '~a~~e~,. upqri"ar;riyal· at Tixnes"~9uiire, escorted 15.• on~ stuqe'nttR,;:m~~:~;Pi9~ Pag1i,erL 16 ..~.~W~,.'~~p.~~;,trts" .'up~n.:~;~q:·i~alatTim~s Sqqare, le·ft the . gr()~~p~Q4,,-~;r:;~~';i~.~q::t~~.he ~~~'~'\l~q,nt, La . C+,~~,unescorted . by . ':. ;':',<:~:"/.:~»,:>: /,~,:~.. ':: ',PIl~s ~~.g.~";~·.~·:f:t~:r¢iJm:leJt, ·:~l.Sl9 Jln~l?CQrt~,~,-,: w~lked to the < ',,";; :'R9¥aJ:~;''Il:~~,a ~r.~? <;ji};fi;;,ii....... ' ' .. ~ . ,:; ;: .. ;", .;..':....;:-,:.;~:;:.;:.:.~.:~.~~\.. :.-;:-.. .. ' ' .. , ,:~.,\~ ,.': .... , .', . 17. .Five of the seven remaining chaperones, Mr. and Mrs. Farrell, Mr. and ~1rs. Porter, and Mrs. Haynes, decided to have dinner in one restaurant, Enrico & Paglieri. 18. The aforementioned five chaperones had trouble in finding Enrico & Paglieri. 19. Upon arrival of the aforementioned five chaperones at Enrico & Paglieri~ there were no students there other than the one student i'n the company of Mrs. Haynes. 20. When the aforementioned five chaperones left Enrico & Paglieri, some students, who had arrived there subsequently, were still eating dinner there. 21. Four of the chaperones, Mr. and Mrs. Farrell and Mr. and Mrs. Porter, took a cab from their restaurant to the Royale Theatre without any students. 22. Mrs. Haynes accompanied one student from the restaurant, Enrico & Paglieri, to the theatre. 23. Mrs. Giambalvo escorted two students to the theatre. 24. Most of the students on the trip arrived at the theatre unaccompanied by any chaperone. 25. All but one of the students had arrived at the theatre and the tickets were being distributed by the time Mrs. Haynes, together with the one remaining student, appeared at the theatre. 26. While the students were attending the performance of "Grease", Mrs. Haynes left the theatre and did not return until the performance had ended and most of the students had departed for Pennsylvania Station. 27. After the performance, Mr. and Mrs. Farrell, unaccom- of the students took a separate cab to the station. Mrs. Schrader accompanied some of the students on the subway to the station. Mr. and Mrs. Porter walked with some of the students to the station. Mrs. Giambalvo waited at the theatre with some of the students until Mrs. Haynes arrived at the theatre. 28. Mrs. Haynes drank at least two half glasses of wine, .~ ......... . . while dining with one of the students prior to the performance. 29. While in the theatre, Mrs. Haynes engaged in a dispute with the management in which she claimed in a loud voice that the students were being "ripped off" by reason of the seating arrangements which, she alleged, did not take into account certain differences in the prices paid by the students. 30. During the said dispute Mrs. Haynes told the management that she had great influence and that the theatre's practices would be reported in The New York Times. 31. In the mezzanine of the theatre, Hrs. Haynes, who had alcohol on her breath, engaged in a verbal and physical altercation with an usherette after the house lights were dimmed prior to curtain, with each one laying hands on the other. 32. Two of the chaperones, Mr. Porter and .Hr. Farrell, intervened between Mrs. Haynes and the usherette and advised Mrs. Haynes to calm down. 33. The usherette who was involved with Mrs. Haynes went down to the lobby to see the manager and the other usherettes in the mezzanine went down also. 34. Mrs. Haynes also left the mezzanine and, in front of the manager, attempted to place hands on the usherette. ",- /"- " "-.'.1 called to the theatre. Mrs. Haynes was hostile, loud, OOlligerent and abusive to the manager, the usherette and the police, and had a strong odor of alcohol on her breath. 36. The pQ1ice asked Mrs~ Haynes to leave the theatre because she was loud and abusive. 37. After the group had arrived back at Pennsylvania Station, Mrs. Haynes left the students with whom she had entered the station, proceeded to a tavern in the station and took a seat at the bar, in the presence of one or more of the students on this trip. 38. Five days after the theatre trip, i.e., on April 15, 1975, at the initiative of Assistant Principal Smyth, who questioned Mrs. Haynes concerning the trip, Mrs. Haynes reported~ a) There was a slight problem with the tickets and the students had been "ripped off" by the prices; b) The usherette was discourteous, creating a problem, and she had gone down to the lobby to see the manager about it; and c) A problem had occurred because some students were accused of smoking. 39. Approximately one week after the trip, high school Principal Wetterer met Mrs. Haynes in the hall, and in response to a question from Wetterer concerning how the trip had gone, Mrs. Haynes replied: (a) That the trip had gone well; and (b) That there was some mix-up with the tickets. 40. Eight~en days after the trip, i.e. on April 28, 1975, one of the chaperones, Mrs. Giambalvo, brought to the attention of Principal Wetterer further details of the trip. 41. As a result of information furnished by Mrs. Giambalvo, a meetinq took place in the office of Superintendent Hagen on "';, May 12, 1975, attended by Dr. Hagen, Dr. Wetterer, Mr. Smyth, Mr. Kasso (President of the teachers union) and Mrs. Haynes. 42. At that meeting on May 12, 1975, in response to questions as to what happened on the trip, Mrs. Haynes replied: (a) That the trip went relatively well; (b) There had been a problem with tickets leading to an argument with the manager and the people in the theatre; (c) "That she had left the theatre for a short period of time after the argument to get a cup of coffee at the Americana Hotel; (d) That she had called a Mr. Bendiner, an editor of The New York Times, and met him there; (e) That she had discussed with Mr. Bendiner the possibility of exposing the theatre and its ticket practices; (f) That there had been no drinking of alcoholic beverages on the trip except for the wine at dinner; and (g) That after her meeting with Mr. Bendiner at the Americana, she returned to the theatre at approximately the end of the play and met the students and chaperones outside. 43. Some days after May 15, 1975, Mrs. Haynes brought to Principal Wetterer a letter dated May 7, 1975 addressed to Mrs. Haynes from an attorney for the usherette (Mrs. Gigliobianco) notifying Mrs. Haynes of the usherette's claim for damages due to an assault committed by Mrs. Haynes on the usherette during the theatre trip on April 10. 44. Mrs. Haynes also gave to Dr. Wetterer a letter from her attorney dated May 15, 1975 replying to the claim letter and disclaiming liability. Mrs. Haynes' attorney advised her to refer the matter to the School District as it might" be sued. 45. During the course of discussing the aforementioned altercation with the usherette; that she, Mrs. Haynes, had not gone to see Mr. Bendiner but had gone to the Ramada Inn and had made a detailed ~ritten report of what had occurred because she wanted to make an accurate report to the school when she got back from the trip. She did this because the incidents were so unusual that they should be reported to the high school right away. 46. Mrs. Haynes, on April 15, 1975, gave untruthful answers to the Assistant ,Principal, Mr. Smyth, in that: a) There was significantly more than a slight problem with tickets; b) The problem with the usherette involved far more than mere discourtesy. There was a physical altercation between them. Mrs. Haynes testified at the hearing of these charges that she was attacked by the usherette. 47. Mrs. ~aynes, approximately one week after the field trip, gave untruthful answers to the principal, Dr. Wetterer, in that: a) The trip had not gone well; b) There had been significantly more than a mix-up with the tickets. 48. Mrs. Haynes, on May 12, 1975, gave untruthful answers to Dr. Hagen, in that: a) T~e trip did not go relatively well. Indeed, Mrs. Haynes testified before the panel that the events were highly unusual. b) There was significantly more than just a problem with the tickets and an argument with the theatre manager and people. The argument over the tickets a physical altercation with the usherette, with hands being placed by each on ~he other. Mrs. Haynes attempted to place hands on the usherette in front of the manager. The police were called and Mrs. Haynes was loud and abusive and was requested to leave the theatre by the police. _ c __ _ '- request of the police, during the performance and went to the Ramada Inn. d) She did not call a Mr. Bendiner of The New York Times and did not meet with him. This was a story Mrs. Haynes had decided to tell the night of the theatre trip to cover her activities after leaving the ~theatre, and which story she maintained until notified by the attorney for the usherette of a claim for personal injuries. e) There had been drinking of alcoholic beverages by Mrs. Haynes, besides the wine. f) Mrs. Haynes arrived after the play had ended and most of the students and all but one of the chaperones had left for Pennsylvania Station. 49. Mrs. Haynes, as a te'acher, had a duty to report promptly to the School District: \.--- a) Th~ physical altercation with the usherette, which led to police being called and her leaving the theatre at their'request. b) That the police informed Mrs. Haynes that the usherette wanted to prefer charges against her. c) That the usherette claimed that she was injured by Mrs. Haynes. ",.' 50. Mrs. Haynes failed to report to the School District the items listed in Paragraph 49:. immediately above. PART II Conclusions A. Charge A. - Conduct Unbecoming a Teacher We determine that Mrs. Haynes is guilty of conduct unbecoming a teacher based upon findings Nos. "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "28", "29", "30", "31", "32", "33", "34", "3S", "36", "37", which prove specifications Nos. "Seventh", "Ninth" and "Tenth". .", .......... .,,-V,'-\ B. Charge B. ~ Inefficiency We determine that Mrs. Haynes is guilty of Inefficiency based upon findings Nos. "9", "10", "11", "12" , "I", "2", "3", "4", "S" , "6" , "7", "8" , "13", "14", "lS", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20"·, "21", "22", "23", "24", "2S", "26", "27", "28", "29 "., "30", "31", "32", "33", "34", "3S", "36", "37", "38", "39", "40", "41", "42", "43", "44" ," "4S", "46", "47", "48", "49" and "SO", which prove specifications Nos. "Fourteenth", "Fifteenth", "Sixteenth", "Seventeenth", "Twenty-third", "Twenty-fourth", "Twenty-fifth", "Twenty-sixth" and "Twenty-seventh". ... ': PART II (Continued) C. Charge C. Incompetence We determine that Mrs. Haynes is guilty of Incompetence based upon findings Nos. "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "29", "30", ·"31", "32", "33", "34", 1135", 1136 11 , "37", "38 11 , "39 11 , 1140 11 , 114111, 114211, "43", "4411, "45 11 , "46", "47", "48", 1149" and 1150", which prove specifications Nos. "Thirty-seventh", "Thirty-ninth", "Forty-second" and "Forty-third". D. Charge D. Neglect of Duty :-- We find that Mrs. Haynes is guilty of Neglect of Duty based upon findings Nos. "1", "211, "311, 114", 115 11 , 116 11 , 117 11 , 11 8 11 , 119 11 , 1110", 1111 11 , 111211, "13", "14" , "15", "16", 1117"; "18", "19", "20", "21", "22", "23", "24", "25", "26", "27", "28", "29", "30", "31" , "32", "33", "34", "35", "36", "37", "38", "39", 1140", "41", "42", "43", "44"~ "45", "46", "47", "48", "49 11 and "5011, which prove specifications Nos. "Forty-sixth", IIForty-seventh", "Forty-eighth", "Forty-ninth", "Fifty-third ll , Fifty-fifth ll , "Fifty-sixth", IIF"ifty-seventh", "Fifty-eighth ll and. "Fifty-ninth". PART II (Continued) E. Charge E. Insubordination We find Mrs. Haynes guilty of Insubordination based upon findings Nos. "1", '" 2" , "3", "4", "5", "6", "7" , "8", "9" , "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20", "21", "22", "23", "24", "25", "26", "27", "29", "30", "31", "32", "33" f "34", "35", "36" f "38", "39", "40", "41", "42", "43", "44", "45", "46", "47", "48", "49" and "50", which trove specifications Nos. "Sixty-one", "Sixty-two", "Sixty-three", "Sixty-four", "Sixty-five" and "Sixty-seventh". PART III Summary of Reasons The majority of the Board are convinced that the preponderance of the evidence establishes the fact that Mrs. Haynes treated this field trip as a junket, failing to grasp and under. stand the seriousness of her obligations and the necessity of expending genuiqe effort to run a safe and successful trip for a large number of students to and from New York City at that time of night. Intelligent organization and preparation were totally lacking in the area of actual supervision. She failed to exercise any degree of control over either students or chaperones, leaving most of them to fend for themselves. Her failures in this regard exposed the students to the admitted risks of Times Square at the dining and theatre hours. The majority of this Board are further convinced that Mrs. Haynes' drinking alcoholic beverages while on duty and in the presence of a student, her allowing herself to become involved in a verbal and physical altercation with an employee of the theatre, her irresponsible over-reaction to the ticket price problem -- which ,impressed the hearing panel, all in conjunction with her glaring failure to report these critical incidents to her superiors and her evasions and prevarications when reports were requested, mean in the aggregate that Mrs. Haynes has proven herself to be unfit to continue as a teacher in this School District. A teacher's paramount duty is the safety and welfare of her students. Guidelines for Interpreting special Hardship Conditions Income" can be adjusted for the follo\'ling special hardship condi tiona which could not be reasonably anticipated or controlled by the household: II (I) .!:!B!ISUALI,Y HIGH NEn~.<;£"\.l.J_ .•~CPE~: Total 51.ctual. E.':Y1T!,cnts above $30.00 per yea;- per family member, made by the household for physician or dentist services, hospitalization, prescription drugs, prescribed medical and dental ser,!, tra.nsportation to and/or froIl' sources of medical or dental "treatment, nursing care in or out of the home, payments for Medicare and/or health insurance. Special diets are not an allo"':lable deduction. :C'ull or partial payments made by outside agencies such as welfare, Medicare or insurance companies are ~ part of the household costs and should not be included uS part of the deduction when· adjusting the II income" • r (II) (III) .§H~LTER CQSTS IN EXC1!;SS O}f' 3..L~£!R~~: Shelter, coots include rent and utilities Buch as heating, cooking fuel, electricity, water and sewage disposal feen. In the case ·of a household \llhich is buying or oVJ1l.S its m·rn home, shelter costa would include mortgage payments which includes principal; interest on mortgage principal; real estate taxes; school taxes; water taxes 1 sewer taxes und special assesrnents required by State or local lawo W11en the shelter costs exceed 30 percent of the household lIincome", only that amount in excess of the 30 percent can be deducted from the lIincome" as un adjustment. S Pl~SIAL ED]! Cl'"1.TI ON EXl?~B.r.... .:! E.-.~_S___ D__U_E-.-.T...O ___T.;;;.H=E___H:;;;:t'/;"_,f.... 1T;;..;;A_L;;;...._O-.;R~P~H;:..;;Y_~S;;.;I;;..C;;.;.A~r.,___ C-,O..;.~ID,,";;..;I_T,.1.;.;..O ....... N 01<' A CHILD: 'rota1 puyments made for tuition and/or manda tory fees by the family to a school or institution in meeting the educational ngeds·of a child can be deducted from "income"~ (IV) DISASTER OR. Cl\SUALT.Y L01L~: Unusual expenses incurred due to an individual household disaster I or casualty losses \>;11ich could not be reasonably anticipated, can be deducted from "income"~: This can be uninsured costs of fire, flood, theft or death which directly affects the family "income" through an expenditure of funds .. ..'. '.~ (REVISED) Al'l'ACmlENT 1/5/76· NV. to NEW YOPJ{ STATE 1975-76 FAMILY EJ. .IGII3ILITY CRITERIA FOR FREE AND REDUCED PRICE IvmAI.s Ah'D FREE HILK ~ r~fil-~-~-;-~-~-i-t----.o...----~-F-~-:-;-~""!-~-~-~-:-~·-~-~-~-~-;-~-O-S-S-A"'N-N-l-J!-I.I-J-I-N-1C-O-~-1E-·-R-e-d-U-:-:-:-~-!-~-~-~-:·-L-t-m-C-l-l- - - ~. -------------------- $ 2 -------------------3 -------------------- 4 -------------------5 -------------------- 6 7 8 9 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 -------------------Each Additional Member 3230 ------------------------------ $ 5040 4240 -----------------------------6620 5250 6260 7190 8110 8950 9750 10550 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11310 ------------------------------ 750 8200 9770 11210 12650 13970 15280 16460 17640 1180 "Family" means a group of related or non-related individuals, who are not residents of: an institution or boarding school, but who are living as one economic unit. This in'· eludes son, daughter, relatives, etc. 'Income" means ~111 sources of earned or lll1earned monies before deductions for inCOffie -axes, insurance premiums, bonds, alimony,child support, etc. which '-1ould be available :0 the "family" to pay the price of a child I ~ meal.. Hardship deduction ll - "Family income" can be reduced by the value of the fo110\-1ing expenses "lhich you may have had to pay: Hedical expense payments above $30.00 per family member per year; Shelter costs above 30% of your "Income"; Education expenses due to a child's physical or mental condition; and Disaster or casu1ty losses. (See reverse for interpretation). "Foster Children" - a foster child placed in a private residence, :vvhere adoption ~~!..'.£.~ involvci., ,.;-ould be eligible under the criteria for a family of one, i f the income [or that child does not exceed the applicable Family Income Scale. This provision is in effect regardless of the gross income of the foster parent. Adoption of this REVISED 1975-76 Family Eligibility Criteria for the Free and Reduced Price Meal Policy signifies adoption of all applicable reduced price wording in the body, attachment's, and add·endum of said policy. Agreement Number 10375 S.A. Number 580402060000 , Adopted: (date) -----------------.---------------- Cold Spring Harbor Central School District School DistrL t Return to: :( ---------------------------------------------Signature Title: ~ Board of Bducati.<:,n Pr.esident (Puhlic Schools) Bureau of School Food Managell1ent [:::J Pastor (Non-Public School,,) 99 tvashinr;ton Ave.- Rm. 1736 Albany, NY 12230 I:=J Execut~vc Director (Priv:lte Sella· (Private Schools, Institutions)