IS tAND EUSH\M]FTACKtrR - ACCVI The Alpine Club of Canada
IS tAND EUSH\M]FTACKtrR - ACCVI The Alpine Club of Canada
TUE ALPINE CLUE OF CAruADA VANCOUVER ISLAND SECTION IS tAND EUSH\M]FTACKtrR" Volume26,Issue3 - U P n A T E - September,1998 ISSN 0822-9473 STUFFSACK PEoPLE AND PLACES Vtrata summerthis was! The weather even'-where was hotand sunn.r', making it the best climbing season manv can remember in decades, both on the island and off. What tbllows is onlv a smat- tering of happenings with members in the mountains over the past Robson this summer. They were forced to nlm back just short of the summit in rapidly deteriorating weather (a wise decision). They retumed to climb other peaks on other davs. oul The retum was a litde slower ittook us 12 hours to getback to the car - 72:48 am. In totai therefore itwas a 24-hour round trip. The weather was perfect after 4 am when we broke through the mist and were above the Speed climbing records? Keith Wakelin (a fellow kiwi runner,/ clouds." t-ew back as lindsav did a few iast climbs prior to this while in training. On Julv 24 he ran up and down Ruged Mt. in 6 hours and then t}le next day ran up IW. Albett F'lwatd from Mt. Washington retum in 4 hours and 55 minutes. He savs: '1'm not the only one out there doing this sort of thing, as there was aiso 14 others running Iv{t. months. Dave Tansley, together v'ith sherpas Rowena Tansley and Gil Parket, climbed the Judges' Route on Mt. Arrowsmith September 6s, to be mer at the top bv Ian and l\{argaret Brown, Reinhard Illner and Rudy Brugger. This was a ma jor step 'back' tbr Dave since his viral attack a ttw vears ago. In his rvords, itwas 'fantas- AlbertEdward thatday ftom Nanaimo. Other Island climbs done by I-indsay during the summer were Mt. Kokummi off the White River (w/ tic". Elaine Kerr & Sandy Doll), Zeballos Peak ftom Woss I-ake (w/Elaine lGrr), Eadierin the summeq Reinhard, Gerta Smythe and the Browns ascended several peaks in the Bugaboos, including Pigeon Spire, *re NE Rrdge ofBugaboo Spire, East Post M. Mlner in the Beadnell Iake (w '\llmendinger). Richard Spire, and 'lions Way' on lrbrth Kayla Louise area before travelling on to Golden where they joined section member Paul Clements and other Claire Ebendinger and Russ l\zloir spent a hot three weeks in the Rockies, first climbing out of I-ake I-ouise and lake OFlata,then meeting up with Btian Pinch fora ninedav traverse through t}le Clearwater River Basin. Rick Johnson and Rob I\{}'onald just missed crossing paths widr Russ and Claire aftertheirascentof Assiniboine. Congratulations to Rudy Brugger and DougFfurrell on theirclimb ofM. d Bu sh w h a c ke r Keltie, Stevenson and Rob Wilson warned up on a few scrambles in the l-ake Crescent Tower. Is /a n Prince of Wales Adrian ftom lGrr & Carol Elaine / Range (solo) and Mt. LIp d a te ACC Rockies Panorama trip: Climbing down ML Allen with guide Peter Fuhrman in the foreground. Photo: Lynn Peppler National Club members forWeek 2 of the General lvlounaineering Camp in the Alexandra Gtoup. As with eve- rywhere else this summer, the climber) and Undsay Ems did the Golden Flnde as a dav trip on August 8. I-indsay writes: '{Ve leftthe parking weatherwas glorious and everyone enjoved the helicopter trip past lW. Btyce into camp, complete vzith views of the lot atWestrnin a,t72:50 am and headed Columbia Icefield and l\2ft. Columbia. It was searing hot as the climbers up to Arnica Lake and Phillips Ridge. We ardved at the summit of the Golden Hinde at 11 :55 am and spent t hour rest- ing on top before itwas time to head -7 watched the /asto.fthe snow meltoffthe glacierc uithin a da1 of arriuing. Bare ice routet appeared euerywhere. How1.6 lume 26.Isrue 3 e, e r, u ith e xPe rt gu i d e J Cyrtl Sltokoples, a Pster Amann, ssitta n t gu id e Syhtia Forest a n d th re e ao lu n te e rt to /ead, and a good rzPplt 0f ite rcrear, nanl climbers bagged Alcxandra, flight through Tumback Canvon thatwas 'up close and personal'. Is anvone interested in paddling the Firth River through the Porcupine caribou reserveT' Wbitetose, Spring Rtee, Queanrt an d Frestay, a// on or near the Atfinerta KevRrcruc TRrps October3T/32. Sea kayaking. Port /Diuide. Svlvia's tather Don Forest regaled the group with stories of his manv climb- ing experiences before the davs of logging roads and helicopters - he climbed all 71 of the 11,000-tbot peaks in the Rockies, Selkirks, Purcells & Nlonashees afterhe n-lmed 40! Renftew toJordan River. November 21. Hike andlor ski. Bluebem'Hill cabin on the Kiudahk. Februarr 27 /28,1999. Sea kavaking. Circumnavigatio n o f Pe nder Island out*ler€ enpving the mountsins and the companv." are To Tony Pugh for organising the BBQ. Claire savs 'It was fun to hear evewone's stories, see tbtos and share good phood (did I lust come up wi$ a spoorerism or is rnv solar-powered computer over-heating) S7e look forward to seeing more at the slide shows. .. (coming soon... get '\-our selection readv and keep those dates open on vour calendar ior an awesome-no-sweat mountaineering experience)." To Rusi Johki for the backpack (Keltie, ftame, al- Section Brecutive 1ee8 /ee - and entertained the group further with recitations of Robert Sen'ice poetn' even' most new condition) he donared to the Secdon's rental equipment nighr Chair Claire Ebendinger ......... 652-7509 The group also added new routes on several ofthe 9,000- Sec!etarl Jules Thomson ............. 47 2-3820 foot rock peaks surrounding the area and named each new peak along the wav. Watch for names U,ke Rose Petal, Whirl- wind, Fried Rice and Foolts Gold on future maps of the area, ar,d for photos and the full story from Paul Clements in the next Bushwhacker-\n- Treasurer Bushwhacker Editon lvlichael Ilembership Nlembers IGzyk ......... .... 592-00 46 Holm Briggs Jo--{nn Draper Catrin Brown Jack Fisher 477-8596 721-3505 384-3804 474-0601 381-1760 Doug Goodman ........... 477-6041 Gerhdardt I-epp ............ 642-7 9 84 Tonv Pugh 658-5775 Gera Smvthe 478-7369 Greg Gordon 382-6263 Sandv Nhin Oub Trip Schedule ^tLatge ftuipment i\Ianager Gerhatdt I-epp paddled down the Alsek River this summer from Havnes Junction in the Yukon to Drv Bav in -\laska. He writes: 'T7e covered 250 km in 16 days and were enterained by 14 grizzlies along the wav. Nlost of the trip members were ftom Calgary. Others were paddling and rafting friends from Coiorado and Califomia. There were 4 SO;\R boats, which are 5 m, self-bailing, tnflaable canoes. SO.{Rstands for Somewhere On A River. There was a cataraftrhatcame close to flipping in I-ava North'. The onlv odrer incidentwas a canoe that flipped in a hole butthe paddlerrighted *re boatand gotbackin wifiin 30 seconds.\l'e dimbed Goatherd Nlounain and saw 50 goats. The trip included an amazing helicoper d Bu sh a b a c kz r [fud a te 6 ice axes to the oursection. NIemben can borow *rese axes and other section equipment bv contacting Greg or Norma at 382-6263. Congratulations ro Catrin Brown and Rick Spler who 'tied dre knot''on -fune 20n. Bestwishes formanv vears of loving adventures in the mountains & around tJre wodd. Volunteets are needed to help at the 'Best of Banft WerEn Fnorvr Is la n 382-9495 Judv EI.I.CB.C. this ftll at Oru rHE 477 -5806 lOvla Stevenson ........... 388-4584 nual. And check outCvd'sweb site for photos of the camp later wwu' Fppler Russ Nloir..... Rick To Slipsteam Adventutes Itd. For donating lnterested? Call Gerhardt Ie pp. A Summit Register is needed for l!ft. Albert Edward. Ifvou plan a trip there ask Greg Gordon for a register and n-rbe. Would vou also bring back the entdes left up there in a ziplock bag to Judv Holrn. THnrurcYou to RichardKeltie and evervone else who helped organize the FN{CBCAGNI in June, and to Kathleen Watd who entertaioed us with great slides of her &milyt adventures as wardens in Spatsizi Vildemess Park, and of a rip to Baffin Island to ail of vou who volunteered to lead trips this summed!! Our Chairpersun wdtes'l heard manv positive comments Nfounain Elm Festival on Sanrrdav Nov. 27 and Sundav Nor'. 22. 'We need ushers, help during set up and take down, ticket sellers and someone to 'person' the club booth on both Sanrrdav and Sundav. Please call ore-mail Vrggo Holm indicating your preference for position and night About30 people are needed so get vour name in earlv. E-mail: or phone: 4778596. TNIP ScHEDULE - WI TER S?e need members wishing to lead trips to phone theirideas and dates to Catrin Brown, Trip Schedule Coordinator. The schedule is due out at the end of November. She oeeds vour uips bv the firstweek in November. and itseems like manv ofourmembers -2 D6lune 26. kste J WrlorRNEss Frnsr Aro Counse Alertl Time is short to book this. Dates: October 24, 25, 31 & Nov.1 Special subsidy offer to members wishing to underake initial Essential Wildemess FtstAid orAdvanced Wildemess FintAid at Slipstream Adventures. Several members have expressed interestin taking one or more of these courses and at tie last executive meeting it was decided that a budget "surplus" (i.e. funds allocated but not used) could be puttowards deftaving the costs of members uking these importantoutdoor emergencv skills courses. \We have a maximum of $1200 to distribute equitablv among the members of our Club v'ho are willing to undergo the training. This program, underthe guidance of the instructors ftom Siipstream, wili give successful panicipants a 3-vear certification through the lfildemess First Aid & Safetv Association ofBC, which also involves CPR, -\ (Essentiais) & C (Advanced) level training. M esse.GE FRoM THE RickJohnson has kindlv negotiated good deals for our Club which gives us discounts dependant upon the number participating, so-the I{OREv ho SIGN LIP, the CHEAPERI Here are the costs/dates for the Essentials level, which involves 32 hours of instruction over weekends ftom Oct. 24-Nov.1, 1998. Costs don't involve ciassroom rental, so if vou aiso know of a ftee/cheap room,which could be available for2weekends, letus know AS.AP. Total cost/ #o f Participants Is0n 8-9 $211.86 10-11 $201.16 12-14 $ 190.46 15-16 $179.7 6 (all prices will be subsidized by $50 per person ftom the ciub) For those wanting to go on to Advanced or those who alreadv have Es- sentials and wish to 'upgrade' to Ad- vanced, drere is a time siot available Dec. 5-14, (4 fuil weekend days.) Cost for a minimum o f 4 ACC members is $233.26. The club is offedng a $60 subsidy towards this total cosl So, if vou are interested and wiiling to commit to one of these courses of- fered phone Russ NIotr 382-9495 or Rick Johnson 656-0641 AS.AP. flWe need as much time as possible to organize the room, etc.) The subsidv/ndividual will depend oo the numbers involved. The executives were stronglv in favour of memben gaining such great first aid training for use on our manv tdps (plus during emergencies in street & home.). Thosewho have done Sl-ipstream training have been greadv impressed with the quality of instruction and the value of the courses. !fle hope to see as many of you in- volved as we can. Cn,aunpERsuN Claire Ebendinger When I v/as at the Abbot Hut this summer I met Chic Scott, a well-known mountain guide in the Rockies. He had volunteered to be the hutcustodian for two weeks and was thoroughly enjo,ving ir He talked aboutliving in the mountains and being a part of them, as opposed to visiting the mountains or bagging peaks, about moving siower and being more aftentive. He pointed to a rock he'd be watching dailv, as it slid closer and closer to the edge of a crevasse. He seemed to be in a new phase of his life, and appeared very content and happv. I suggested thatmavbe he was experiencing the Zen of mounaineering (see quote below). In *re evening uze u,/ere ali exchanging mountain stories and information; Chic's were verr' entertaining and full of interesting hcts. He is presendv writing a book on the historv of mountaineering in the Rockies, and will be touring in the spring to do a book/slide show. Iinvited him to \iicto- kkn d Buthwhacfur(fidate ria; keep reading the furure newsletters to find-outwhen. "Mountains should be climbed with as litde effort as possible and without de- sustain life, not the top. Here is where things grow." From'.'"Zrn and the Art of Motorcvcle Nlaintenance" sire. The realiw ofyourown nanrre should This quote was given to me many determine the speed. If vou become resdess, speed up. Ifvou become winded, slow down. years ago bv a colleague who was a type \bu cl-imb the mountain in equilibrium between resdessness and exhaustion. Then when you are no longer thinking ahead, each footstep isn't iust a means to an end but a unique eventin itself. This leafhas jagged edges. This rock looks Ioose. From this place the snow is less visible even though closer. These are things vou should notice ,\ high energy, ovedy goal oriented person. He leamed the bene[t of slowing down after a severe zngina atack at age 39.It's been posted on my 'bif$r" wall ever since. Each one of us can intelpret this in our own wav. One thing for sure is thag in the Rockies I did ootice the 'rock looks loose'and the tops can't sustain life (drey are constandv falling apart... and create some rather challenging scree slopes). anywav. To live only for some future goal is shailow. It's the sides of the mounarn, which -3 - D6 lume 26,Isve 3 Br-ANKtr Gr-acten Srqow ANcHoR CuNtc wTrH Toru BeNsor.t .{, one-week backcounw ski trip has been booked for 1999. Fourteen Alpine Nlarch 29, 1998 method currendv used and uught br Judy Fblm professional guides in British Columbia. It is similar to the Z-puiley, but with an extra loop dropped to the victim. Sru TnIp Club members will helicopter in ftom Re velstoke to the Blanket Glacier Hut Mrthem Selkirks on N{arch 7,7999 for a week of powder snow skiing. The in the three storv chalet has a wood 6red sauna, propane fumace, lights and cooking stove, so conditions will be verv civilized. Twenw-Eve feet of snow, open treed n:ns near the chaleg and glacier ski runs wiliprovide lots ofvariety. Costwill be $500 for accommodation, helicopter and GST. There is room for three more peo- \bu can reserve vour spot with a $70 cheque sentto Richard lGltie (388- ple. Tom Benson desen'es a resounding Thank \bu from our Section. He responded to a need in our Section, and del-ivered an excellent wodishop. Once again, Tom and Brooks Hogva gave us their time, and itis much appreciated. The T-SI,OT snow anchor method proved to be the best. We tested flukes, pickes, ice axes etc. and discovered that all of these are weaker anchors when BusrrwnqcKER oN THE IT*TERruM The Island Bushwhackernow has own web page. \bu can follow iCs a l-ink lrom the section's web page at www. islandnet. com/-acc oryou can access the page direcdv at uvic. cal -icarus /bushwhacker Current and past updates are zvailable for viewing in an electronic format. Instructions are on the page, enjov and save some paper and postage! sarr to survive a nightougitis all to easv to be caught unprepared w hen on a dav trip. 'After the trip think in a positive way aboutwhatvou could have done better; people who do this can more quicklv improve their mounain skills placed verticallv into the snow, but strong when buried in a T-slot. It didn't reallv matter what piece ure buded to make the T-slot, thev all held. The top of the 'T' is the picket/ski/whatever 4s84). Othertips ftom Tom: 'Ensure You are carrying the neces- and leadership qualities. Having iust retr:med from the Alpine Clubs l7inter Skills I-eadership Course, I appreciated the many wavs Tom's Ieadership was a excellent exampie of what buried atrightangles to the snow slope, the stem of the 'T'is a loop of 7 mm cord or 1 inch webbing tied to the middle ofthe anchoq placed in a trench dug dow nhill, with z carabrner atthe bottom of the ioop. Tom also demonstrated the Droploop Crevasse Rescue Svstem. This is the interested. THE JOY OF CLIMBING WELL AxNuer- Gerqenel MeerrNe we were taughr 'We are forh:nate to have Slipstream's Rock, Ice, Nlountaineedng and Wildemess FirstAid courses available in \ictoria. Itmight be fun to go with a group ofNpine Club friends. Please phone me at477-8596 iiyou are web. UpconatNc EVENTS ANNUAL SLIDE AND PHoTo CONTEST October 22, 1998,7:30 p.m., ll\ric Faculw Club ANNUAL Gutoes Bett lr.r Bnrurr &ACC AGM October 3l A,lovember 1, 1998 BEST oF BANFF RLM Fesrtval November 21 &22,7998 Aruruuat GeruEnaL Memlruc AND OPEN PROJECTOR Nrcrrr No To climb smoothlv between the skv and the earth, in a succession of precise and efficient movements, induces an innerpeace and even a mood of gaietv. It is like a well-reguiated balleg with the roped climbers all in their respective places. A difficulw encountered poses a quesdon; the movements to resolve it give reply. This is the intimate pleasure o f communicating widr *re mountain, no t with its grandeurand beauty, butmore simply, more direcdy, with its material self, its substance, as an artist communicates with the wood, the stone or the iron with which he is working. There is another sort of balance, even more imporant than the phvsical balance, men- December 1, 1998, 7:30 p.m., UVic tal balance. Faculw Club. The 6rst thing is always to climb. I(now what you want to do and what Bu,ruxn GLAcIER SxI TRIp \Iarch 7-L4,1999 (see details Update) in this you are capable of doing. Nlountaineering is above all a question of awareness. -AuthorUnknown Isla n d Ba sh u hac kt r tJpd a te -4 - MI NATIoNS Fo R EXEc[rrvE PosrfloNS Club members are encouraged to nominate themseives for one or more positions bv simply cailing the Nominating Chair (Tom Hall @592-2518 - prcferabl,v evenings) and expressing their interest to nrn. Mte: The Nominating Chairperson won't be calling youlAnd you should nominae vounelf - not someone else -because then the chairperson has to call that person to con6rm their s t,/willin gn e s s ! The l.bminating Chairperson may call members at the 11d hourif no one has in te re stepped forward, (but of course that won't be necessarr!) At the AGtrI (and you have to come to take pan), the Chaiqperson will: ' provide a 6nal opportunity tbr members to step forurard oversee the voting Feel free also to contact any member on the present or past executive if ' W lun e 26, Isse 3 vou would like more information, or would like to give some feedback. Ifvou Like what is happening in the ciub and appreciate the work done by a member or a grouP, you can let them know also (we don't do it just 'cause we love partying). display a few prins of your trips on the display boards thatwill be setup. Two-vear positions currendy open, Mounain CIubs. Passes infornation from the FMCBC to the Alpine Club. Attends two Island Delegates \leetings per year in Nanaimo, one in lrlarch and one in Section Representative to the Mtional Club - Communicate s with the National kecutive throughout the vear. November. Aiso atends the AGN{ of the FMCBC, held in mid-June each yearwith vadous hostclubs around B.C. I hope you can join us at the AGN{ (December 1"), share vour thoughts if vou wish, raise yourhand ifyou are asked to vote, and enjov the slide show!! This is an open proiector night. Please give me a call and iet me know ifyou plan to bring slides. We aiso encourage pdnt photographers to bring photo albums, or FMCBC (Federation of l\lbun tain Oubs of British Columbia) Club Detegate -Acts as liaison with the FNICBC. Takes ACC issues to the Federation of Pnoro Gorqtgsr Access AND Bring vour bestcontibutions from the pastvearfor the annual photo and slide contest, 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, October 22 at the U\ic Facultv Club. Please bring your slides for the following categodes: Mountain Activity: people in mountain settings skiing or climbing (6rst and second prizes) Mountain Scenetv: as above but without the climber Mtute: anv form of alpine nature (flowers, animals, natural terrain). No peopie or person-made objects. Ffumour: use r-our imagination .... Prints: Bring vour best for the grand prize, anv categorv ormountain theme. Contest rules are simple: contestants mav submit up to four entrie s in total, maximum of two in any one category. N{ark each slide cieariv with vour name and category. Submissions should have been taken during the past year. Win- ning entries will be featured in the BushwhackerAnnual. All who attend become voters. Due to the length of the contesg there will be no Open Pro jectorafter the photo conte sr Open Pro jector Nght will be on the evening of the Annual General NIeeting. Any questions? Call Claire at 652-1509. lastvear's winners are kindlv asked to renrm trophies beforehand or on the night kla n d Bu sh a hac kt r Lfod a te Attends the spring and fall board meetings in Canmore, Albera to represent the Island's interests to the National Club. Access and Environmental Issues Follows up ofl issues related to our club's activities in BC Nlounains, represents the club's views to various bodies where access and environmentai concems are raised, eg. N{r A::rowsmith Ski Hill Development. ET.TvTnoNMENTAL IssUEs Environmental reminder... to those who hike in dre Forbidden Plateau area that camping is restricted to specific areas. The Rangers are concemed about unpleasant "gifis"le ft under the rocks in such busv places as the Summits, and the Cteam Lake area,rvhich is becoming a smellv dump place near the big rock. The book 'tIow to Shit in the Woods" is available at the club librarr (keptin the Holm's House). Ron l-ampart (ministry of Environment) to requestthatthe proposed bvlaws be clarifed and that access be fue and open to ail members of the public. Pete rhas also revived the proposal of a park to protect the MtArrowsmith N'Iassil rncluding the Cokely summig Esh I-ake and Hidden lake. This was on the list for CORE to consider a few vears ago, butv/as put on the back burner. Peter has asked many groups to send him let- ters of support, and vrill gladly accept MouTvTARRoWSMITH UpoRr-r NIt. Arrowsmith Regional Park The Public Access Resolution Committee, under the dedicated leadership of Peter Rothermel, has been lobbying to keep public access in the Park despite the eflort of ski developer, Ken Bilton, to gain monopoly ofthe area. He has contacted FEognanroN oF Moulmelr.r Clues oF BC A special thanks goes outto Sandy Briggs forhis many years of sewice representing our club at Federation meetings (see nominations section for more information on how you can volunteer for this imporant position.) NEws FRoM THE NATIoNAL Clue letters ftom individuals. He will present the stack of letters he receives to the Nanaimo Regional Dstrict who hopefu lly will consider this proposal as a serious and importantone to study. Peter's address is PO Box 185, Qualicum Beach, BC, \T9KIS7. Anyone who wants more info. can call Claire 652-15A9. ^t day to requestan volunteer application form. You snooze ... you just don't get to do ir.... From Dave Toole, Secretary: We are very pleased with the membership sur- veys pouring in daily. This is a significant effort that we are hoping each and every member will support. If you haven't retumed yours yet, find it, do it now, tell your friends... thanks for vour help. From Dave Dornian, \? Services: 'Volunteers are needed for the Banff From Cam Roe/Peter N{uiq \lP's Activities: !7e are now putting together our Festival oflv{ounain Frlms in Banff. N{ake sure vou are one of the luckv ones, contact Kare n (kbiack@etu to- '99 activities schedule. Have you a favourite mount4in spotyou have always -5 - wanted to visit?Ietus know,we are alMlame 26,Issre ) ways open to member suggestions for desdnations the ACC should check out. Hope to hear from vou. Yes, there will be two more The North Face I-eadership Courses in the coming vear... all Sections should be thinking aboutwho vou mightwant to send aiong. The application forms are available bv contacting liaren and we will be sending out full informatjon as soon as we have details conlirmed. The dates will be similarto 1998 (mid-N{arch and June annually). But vou don't need to wait to apply... we will accept applications ftom all those members who wish to be uained to help out with our nadonal camps, as well as secuon reps throughout the vear. A DITTPRENT VIEW Or Mr. Loaa.rq One of the fringe benetits of going around the schools and alking about climbing N{r Iogan is receiving the occasional letters back &om the students. It is alwavs interesting to see what the students get from the talk and what are *re highlights offie trip forthem. Ihave paste d toge the r the following thoughts trom Grade 3 students at Parksville Elementarv School. Read carefuliv and see if vou want to climb IrIt. Iogan! This is a true storv abouta man who climbed NIt. logan. The mans name is Lindsav EIms. The people who climbed with Lndsav were Julie, Da'"'e, and the prof-essor trom \ictoria. NIt. Iogan is the biggest mountain in Canada. Itvou go to *re l'ulion and vou ftink itis humungous - weil it is. Itis 6000 m - now thatis whv you need 4 pairs ofgloves and 3 pain of socks, big boos and a good sleeping bag. second is called camp 1, the third is called 6. To go to the bathroom You need to make an igloo with a tinv hole to getin and out of. Some people get ftostbite. Do not get frostbite, vou might die. Ther' brought 1000 chocoiate bars because thev give lots ofenergv. Thev had ten a dav each butthev didn'teatail of them. He wore skis and on the bottom of the skis there was skin. Thev used skis so thev would ski forward and not backward. In the Yukon that is where trIr logan is - itis so light and at 1.00 itis iust like 1.00 in the day. If vou came to NIt. Iogan you would see how lightitis and ifvou don'tgo you can iustimagine how lightitis there. I*rink Ijndsav musthave set a goal to climb a mountain when he was young. I am not and I mean not going to climb a mountain. There is los ofrisk to climb a mounain. Imighthave camp 2, the forth is called camp 3, all other droughts. If you are going to climb a mountain wear heaw clothes so vou won't freeze to death. \bu need gloves so vou will notget&ostbite on yourhands and vou also need a bque. Some people die going up N{t. Iogan and some people die going down IIt. Iogan. If r.ou left vour water bottle outside it vrould be pure ice in one hour so thel had to put them in theirwarm sleeping bag. Thev also had to put a botde in their sleeping bag and the botde is to go to the bathroom. Thev climbed trIt. logan two years ago. lindsav climbed NIt Iogan when I was litde. I was in grade one, I was six, and I was young then. I-indsay said itwas fun but bv the look oi the siides i think it would be scan. On his joumey there was seven camps; the fustis Base Camp, the the way to camp 7 which is called camp CneNces OF Aponesses Ilich ae I I(r: zvk #303-1 535 Ju bilee,\ve. \rrcto ria, V8R 4N4. Tel: 592-0046. Gerta Smvthe's new address is 1003 Ioch Glen Place, \ictoria, \r9B 4N9. The telephone numberis the same. If vou're biking past Glen Iake on the Galloping Goose trail, drop in and sav hello! Changes - please advise Judv Holrn (477-8596) of vour address changes - somebodv mav be trving to phone vou to invite l'ou to go on a trip! KEEPINc IN ToUcH \/alerio's new address: Yalerio Faraoni Re search Group in General Reiativity (nggn) Universite' libre de Bruxelies Campus Plaine CP 231, Boulevard du Triomphe 1050 Bruxelles, Belgium Fzx + 32 2 650 5767 Bmail hla n vfara o ni@r lb. ac. be d Bu sh p b a c ker (fuda te -6 W lum e 26. Isste )