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pdf file - UH Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
2 0 0 0 A N N U A L Department of Chemical Engineering R E P O R T TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S CHAIRMAN’S SUMMARY 2 FACULTY & RESEARCH Faculty Research Interests 3 Departmental Research Activities 4 Current Research Projects & Grants 7 MISSION STATEMENT Faculty News & Activities 10 1. To provide a high-quality education for undergraduate Institute for Improved Oil Recovery (IIOR) 12 and graduate Chemical Engineering students through a comprehensive curriculum that emphasizes basic science, DEPARTMENTAL FUNDING, SUPPORT, RANKINGS, & TRENDS mathematics, engineering science, and engineering design. General Departmental Support & Graduate Fellowships 13 UH ChE faculty members are expected to maintain their Donor Organizations 13 reputations as superior teachers and to provide a stimulating Outstanding Alumni 13 educational environment. Industrial Advisory Board 14 Graduate Ranking—National Research Council 15 Graduate Ranking—The Gourman Report 16 17 INTRODUCTION This Annual Report describes the 2000–2001 activities and 2. To engage in research programs that train graduate students, accomplishments of the Chemical Engineering Department procure support for this research on a continuous basis, and Undergraduate Ranking—The Gourman Report of the University of Houston. Information is provided regarding contribute to the development of fundamental knowledge Enrollment Trends & Degrees Conferred 18 in the field of chemical engineering. Our Department’s varied Students Receiving Degrees 18 Departmental activities spanning education and research. and aggressively pursued research ensures that our faculty VISION STATEMENT members remain at the technological forefront of their The Department will regain international prominence within respective areas of specialization. 19 THE UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAM five years, through leadership in three core research areas and our graduating students becoming leaders in the field. FACULTY PUBLICATIONS 3. To be of service to the community at large and, in ChE Undergraduate Admission 24 26 The Department will create the highest level of enthusiasm, particular, to the State of Texas, and to provide the local Undergraduate Courses: Chemical Engineering collegiality, and citizenship among our faculty. The Department engineering community opportunities for advanced and Undergraduate Chemical Engineering Curriculum 28 continuing education. Undergraduate Degree Plan 30 Undergraduate Scholarships Recipients 31 Undergraduate AIChE Chapter 31 The Tiller Scholarship Endowment Fund 32 will lead in research and teaching. The University of Houston provides equal treatment and opportunity to all persons without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, disability, veteran status or sexual orientation except where such distinction is required by law. This statement reflects compliance with Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972 and all other federal and state regulations. A special thanks to Mr. Toban Dvoretzky for compilation of this Report, as he has done in stellar fashion on a regular basis since he conceived and produced the inaugural issue in 1992. Prepared by the University of Houston Department of Chemical Engineering, Toban Dvoretzky Produced by the UH Cullen College of Engineering Office of Communications, Harriet Yim, Angie Shortt THE GRADUATE PROGRAM Introduction 33 Full-time Graduate Programs in ChE 35 Part-time Graduate Programs 37 Graduate Courses 39 Graduate Student Organization 41 SEMINARS & CONTINUING EDUCATION Department of Chemical Engineering Weekly Seminar Series 42 Continuing Education 44 HOW TO CONTACT US 45 Department of Chemical Engineering 2000 Annual Report 1 CHAIRMAN’S SUMMARY F A C U LT Y & R E S E A R C H The Department of Chemical Engineering comprises nine full professors, four associate professors, two professors emeriti, three affiliated faculty, two adjunct professors, three adjunct associate professors, and 21 lecturers: Faculty Research Interests This is the 2000–2001 Annual Report of the Professor. He is charged with reinvigorating our PROFESSORS University of Houston Department of Chemical Undergraduate Practices Lab. Mickey brings with him many Engineering. In it, we wish to introduce you to years of industrial research experience and an invaluable some of the facts and flavor surrounding our industrial perspective. This is of great benefit to the AMUNDSON, NEAL R. (PhD Mathematics, Minnesota, 1945). Cullen Professor & Professor of Mathematics. Chemical reactions; transport; mathematical modeling. people and program. We hope that you will find students. He will also participate in collaborative research this report both informative and illuminating. in the area of catalytic reaction engineering. Prof. Peter The evolution of the Department of Chemical Engineering Chemistry Department of the University of Alabama at has been closely coupled with the emergence of Houston Huntsville. Peter, a leading expert in protein crystallization (PhD ChE, Houston, 1982). Director of International Graduate Admissions. Chemical reaction engineering; environmental engineering; two-phase flow; dynamics of linear systems; applied mathematics. as a world center for the chemical and petrochemical and structure, has developed a vigorous research program ECONOMIDES, MICHAEL J. (PhD Petr. industries. Our Department was founded in 1947 by at UAH. His addition strengthens the Department in the three engineers who worked in process plants in the biochemical science and engineering area, certainly a area. Growth since that time has been dramatic. Over growing one for the field of chemical engineering. E., Stanford, 1984). University Professor. Petroleum-production engineering; directional and multilateral wells; reservoir stimulation (fracturing, acidizing), petroleum research/ research management; advanced reservoirexploitation strategies; well-completions. G. Vekilov joins us for Fall 2001 from the faculty of the Michael Harold Dow Chair Professor & Department Chair BALAKOTAIAH, VEMURI the years, our program has produced a significant number of undergraduate and graduate students who have risen Our Industrial Advisory Board first convened in April 1999, to positions of prominence in industry and academia. and semiannual meetings have occurred since. These Employers speak very highly of our graduates. We are valuable meetings generate much useful input from confident that our recently graduated students will continue members of the group. We look forward to strengthening to add to our reputation and recognition. our interaction with the IAB members and the companies ECONOMOU, DEMETRE J. (PhD ChE, Illinois, 1986). John and Rebecca Moores Professor; Associate Department Chairman; Director of Undergraduate Admissions. Plasma-, ion-, and laser-assisted etching; deposition of electronic material; atomic-layer processing; composites and ceramics. they represent. These relationships and the feedback are essential in helping us adjust our program to the FLUMERFELT, RAYMOND W. faculty, our Department has developed special research ever-changing requirements of industry. The evolving ChE, Northwestern, Engineering. strengths in a broad range of areas. Our research specialties needs in the chemical and oil industries affect all chemical encompass traditional chemical engineering science and engineers, and changes are required in the training of the emerging areas of advanced materials and biochemical our graduates. While we must continue to provide our engineering. Our laboratory facilities, dedicated to specific graduates a sound basis in the fundamentals of chemical and general uses, afford excellent support for fundamental engineering and a mastery of scientific tools, we need Thanks in large measure to our productive and distinguished and novel research. to prepare them to adjust to and succeed in a rapidly changing employment environment. We continue to The Department has embarked on an important period welcome and solicit our IAB’s suggestions about what of growth, with several faculty to be hired over the next the appropriate changes should be. 1965). Dean (PhD of HAROLD, MICHAEL P. (PhD ChE, Houston, 1985). Dow Chair Professor & Department Chairman. Chemical reaction systems; multifunctional chemical reactors; reaction-separation materials and devices; catalytic and biocatalytic materials. LUSS, DAN (PhD ChE, Minnesota, 1966). Cullen Professor. Chemical reaction engineering; pattern-formation in chemically reacting systems; dynamics and stability of chemical reactors; kinetics of solid-solid reactions; SHS of complex oxides. few years. This past year, two new faculty joined our Department: Dr. Charles W. “Mickey” Rooks, recently We look forward to continued growth and mutually retired from Monsanto and Solutia, is our newest Adjunct supportive interaction with you. We will appreciate any suggestions or comments that you have. MOHANTY, KISHORE K. (PhD ChE, Minnesota, 1976). Director of MChE Program. Fluid flow; interfacial mechanics; porous-media transport; underground contaminants; oil recovery; fabrication of composite materials. RICHARDSON, JAMES T. (PhD Physics/Chemistry, Rice, 1955). Heterogeneous catalysis and catalytic processes, reactor 2 University of Houston engineering, catalyst preparation and characterization, catalyst design; solid-oxide fuel cells; solar energy, solar-receiver design, solar-related chemical processes; catalytic processes for the destruction of hazardous wastes; high-temperature superconductivity; processing of ceramic superconductors. Purdue, 1990). Assistant Professor, Biochemical & Biophysical Sciences. Computational studies of protein structure and function; inhibitor design; investigations of possible inhibitor resistance pathways; development of methods for the above. FOX, GEORGE E. ASSOCIATE PROFESSORS KRISHNAMOORTI, RAMANAN (PhD ChE, Princeton, 1994). Structure/processing/ property relations for multiphase polymers; polymer crystallinity in bulk and thin films; thermodynamic interactions and viscoelasticity of polymer blends and copolymers; macro- and nanocomposite structure and viscoelasticity. Promotion effective Fall 2001. (PhD Chemistry, Syracuse, 1974). Professor, Biochemical & Biophysical Sciences. Structure, function, and evolution of RNA. LEE, T. RANDALL (PhD Chemistry, Harvard, 1991). Associate Professor of Chemistry. Design and synthesis of new types of polymeric materials, including polymeric drugs and drug-delivery systems. ADJUNCT PROFESSORS NIKOLAOU, MICHAEL (PhD ChE, UCLA, 1989). Director of Domestic Graduate Admissions. Process simulation; process control; computer-aided process engineering; process optimization. ECONOMIDES, CHRISTINE A. (PhD Petr. E., Stanford, 1979). Director, Petroleum Engineering Program. VEKILOV, PETER G. ROOKS, CHARLES W. “Mickey” (PhD ChE, Oklahoma, 1973). Director, Undergraduate Practices Laboratory. (PhD Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, 1991). Protein crystallization; biochemical engineering; thermodynamics of protein solutions. Hire effective Fall 2001. WILLSON, RICHARD C. (PhD ChE, MIT, 1988). Joint Associate Professor, Biochemical & Biophysical Sciences. Biochemical separations; molecular recognition. PROFESSORS EMERITI HENLEY, ERNEST J. (DSc ChE, ADJUNCT ASSOCIATE PROFESSORS FLEISCHER, MICKY T. (PhD ChE, Houston, 1978). MARPLE, STANLEY JR. (PhD ChE, MIT, 1943). OLIGNEY, RONALD E. (BSc PE summa cum laude, Alaska-Fairbanks, 1985). Director, Petroleum Institute. Columbia, 1953). TILLER, FRANK M. (PhD ChE, Cincinnati, 1946). M.D. Anderson Professor; joint Professor of Civil & Environmental Engineering. Fluid/ particle separation; ceramic processing; filtration, thickening, centrifugation; moisture transport in drying solids; CATscan analysis of solid/liquid systems; separation of biosolids from wastewater sludge; developing agricultural fibers as aids in solid/liquid separation and coalescence of oily waters. AFFILIATED FACULTY BRIGGS, JAMES M. LECTURERS ChE.: Dr. Ye-Mon Chen, Dr. John J. Crump, Mark Dejmek, Fuad Khoury, Dr. Joseph M. Lee, Dr. Jagdish C. Maheshri, Dr. Jeffrey Smith, Dr. Raymond D. Steele, Albert Swarts Petr. E.: Jeffrey F. App, Dr. Jon Burger, Dr. Akhil DattaGupta, Dr. Amiel David, Dr. Birol Dindouk, Dr. J. Robert Gochnour, Robert O. Hubbell, Ross Kastor, John Martinez, David Murphy, Miles R. Palke, Dean C. Rietz, Dr. Grant E. Robertson (PhD Chemistry, Department of Chemical Engineering 2000 Annual Report 3 Departmental Research Activities Prof. VEMURI BALAKOTAIAH’S The research of Prof. DEMETRE RAMANAN KRISHNAMOORTI reverse-flow reactors; and the formation of electrical and research involves the mathematical ECONOMOU involves: [a.] Plasma etching has established a research program that modeling and analysis of the interactions and deposition: large-scale numerical aims to understand the structure- between the transport processes and simulations of plasma flow and chemistry processing-property relations in nano- Prof. reactions in various systems of engineering in complex multidimensional geometries; and microstructured multiphase polymer is conducted in the area of colloid and interest. The objective of the research is to fluid and direct simulation Monte Carlo materials. The foremost aspect of this interfacial science, specifically transport magnetic fields during high-temperature solid reactions. KISHORE MOHANTY’S research elucidate the complex behavior of these nonlinear interactions (DSMC) approaches; parallel computing; plasma diagnostics, program is the capability to synthesize well-defined and in microstructured media; improved oil and use this understanding to practical advantage. His group’s involving laser-induced fluorescence, mass spectrometry, in situ controlled polymers and inorganic materials. Combined recovery; remediation of underground current research projects include modeling and analysis of real-time multichannel laser interferometry, and ion-energy and with well-established measurement techniques to examine contaminants; and multiphase flow. The catalytic monoliths (for pollution-reduction in automobiles, angular-distribution detectors. [b.] Plasma physics, including fundamental molecular and macroscopic properties, the final oil-recovery studies involve seismic studies, logs (how tools oxidation of VOCs, power generation, and removal of NOx electron velocity distribution functions; plasma heating; and new properties of multiphase polymer systems can be determined respond), analysis of core samples, geologic analysis of chips, from exhaust gases); bifurcation analysis of chemical reactors plasma sources and chemistries for advanced integrated-circuit and characterized. Prof. Krishnamoorti investigates the effects fluid analysis, routine core analysis, thin sections, and mineralogy. and reacting flows (developing analytical and computational manufacturing. [c.] Chemical vapor deposition, specifically of pressure on the phase behavior of polyolefin blends; phase Actual samples are studied for relative permeability and the techniques for reacting flows in order to explore and classify metallorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) of thin films, transitions in block copolymers; and viscoelastic properties of potential for oil recovery. His group designs geological and the different types of behaviors in the parameter space); and photo-assisted and plasma-assisted MOCVD. [d.] Atomic- polymer nanocomposites. All these areas have important simulation models to see how production can be optimized. studies of wavy films in gas-liquid two-phase flows; and layer processing, involving nanofabrication, and experimental industrial implications. Specific projects have included 3-D porous media reconstruction studies of these flows through packed beds under normal realization of atomic-layer etching and molecular-dynamics and microgravity conditions. simulation of the interaction of energetic beams with crystal Prof. surfaces. Prof. Economou also performs computational/ on organic and materials research chemistry. of centrifuge techniques; studies of gas-condensate reservoirs The research performed by Prof. JIM experimental studies of microwave-assisted chemical vapor The six general areas include selectively during deep drilling; oil recovery via fracture reservoirs; near- BRIGGS focuses on computational infiltration (CVI) for the manufacture of composite materials. fluorinated organic thin films; complex miscible gas injection; and surfactants and foams to make organic interfaces with controlled local vesicles that are good drug-delivery vehicles. studies of protein structure and function, inhibitor design, investigations of possible The unifying theme behind the projects in inhibitor-resistance pathways, and the laboratory of Prof. GEORGE FOX by simulated annealing method; NMR response; impact of RANDY LEE and his group focus capillary and bond numbers on relative permeability; application composition, structure, and function; biologically active interfaces; nanoparticle growth and Prof. MIKE NIKOLAOU focuses on is seeking an understanding of the role manipulation; biopolymers and conducting polymers; and computer-aided process engineering work. Targets for these studies include those important in the of RNA in the early evolution of life. polymerization catalyst development. The common thread (design and operation) and the theory treatment of AIDS, cancer, tuberculosis, and other disease states. Bioinformatics studies are performed tying all of these research areas together is synthesis, whether and application of process control in on ribosomal components in bacterial organic, inorganic, organometallic, or solid-state, with the goal the chemical, oil and gas, food, and development of methods for the above Prof. MICHAEL ECONOMIDES’ genomes et al., and multiple bacterial species are monitored in research focuses on various aspects of spacecraft environments. Artificial RNAs are used as a possible petroleum engineering. Current research monitoring system for genetically modified bacteria. projects include next-generation high- MIKE HAROLD performs research of preparing new materials for technological applications. microelectronics industries. His research group screens candidate technologies, develops new approaches, The specific research by Prof. DAN LUSS and develops proofs of concepts or working prototypes. Recent involves the dynamic features of chemically topics of interest include model predictive control, nonlinear reacting systems, such as reverse-flow control, adaptive control, monitoring, development of new intensity designs; complex well architecture Prof. in petroleum production; advanced in the areas of reactive separation devices reactors, hot-spot formation in packed-bed methods for the numerical solution of partial differential petroleum-exploitation strategies; and near-well states of and materials; multifunctional chemical reactors, and the dynamics of polyolefin equations, and modeling of air pollution near roadways. Prof. stress in elastic and plastic rocks. reactor synthesis, analysis, and design; polymerization via metallocene catalysts. Nikolaou’s group has recently begun collaborating with other microfabricated chemical system devices Prof. Luss’ group also studies the use of membrane reactors to investigators in the areas of control of microelectronics and materials; selective-oxidation chemistry, produce synthesis gas; the destruction of nitrogen oxides in processes, and acceleration of in situ bioremediation kinetics, and reactors; and multiphase transport and reaction. 4 Prof. University of Houston processes using process control. Department of Chemical Engineering 2000 Annual Report 5 Current Research Projects & Grants Awards granted to the Department of Chemical Engineering Prof. JIM RICHARDSON conducts interactions by low-concentration reagents lead to models for research in the areas of heterogeneous numerous protein-condensation diseases. [b.] Rational catalysis and catalytic processes; reactor optimization of crystallization conditions of macromolecules— engineering; catalyst preparation and whereas 95% of proteins studied by structural biologists yield characterization, and catalyst design. crystals after robotized screening, and 60% yield crystals of His interests also include solar energy, sufficient quality, many of the important proteins are not in the solar-receiver design, solar-related chemical processes, catalytic 60%; insight into growth conditions and mechanisms may processes for the destruction of hazardous wastes, gas-to-liquid shorten the time of production of such diffraction-quality conversion processes, high-temperature superconductivity and crystals. [c.] Formation and evolution of step patterns. During processing of ceramic superconductors, solid oxide fuel cells, layer-growth of crystals, steps do not remain equidistant; and ceramic membrane reactors. quantitative data and numerical modeling will help design BALAKOTAIAH, VEMURI $ 135,000.00 $ 110,000.00 Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (ATP) “Novel Catalysts & Reactors for Air-Pollution Control” (2000–2001) $ NASA—Glenn Research Center “Studies on Wave Occlusion for Gas-Liquid Two-Phase Flows in Pipes under Normal & Microgravity Conditions” (1999–2001) $ 44,000.00 30,000.00 control strategies. [d.] Thermodynamics of protein solutions, Prof. FRANK TILLER performs theoretical Robert A. Welch Foundation “Modeling & Analysis of Spatiotemporal Patterns in Catalytic Reactions & Reactors” (1999–2001) control, plus kinetics of the phase transitions and control of aspects of fluid/particle separation, their rates. 35,000.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 324,831.98 applications. Areas include thickening, Molecular recognition and adsorption filtration, centrifugation, CATscan analysis characterize Prof. RICHARD of solid/ liquid systems, sedimentation, flocculation, and WILLSON’S research. He specifically interfacial phenomena. Additional focus includes separation investigates ion-exchange chromatography of biosolids from wastewater sludge, processing of solids, of proteins and nucleic acids; antibody stagewise drying, and new theories of supercompactibility. affinity and selectivity; biophysical $ 60,000.00 Halliburton Energy Services “Development of a Novel Methodology for Stress & Stability-related Measurements in Boreholes” (1999–2001) * jointly with Profs. M. Nikolaou & P. Valkó (Texas A&M) National Science Foundation “Support for Gaseous Electronics Conference GEC-2000” (2000–2001) $ 60,000.00 ACS—Petroleum Research Fund “Shape-Selective Pneumatic Membrane Reactor for Enhanced Conversion & Yield in Equilibriumlimited Sequential-Parallel Reaction Systems” (2001–2004) $ 32,000.00 BASF Corporation “Automated Reactor System for Undergraduate Practices Lab” (2001) ECONOMIDES, MICHAEL J. including environmental and agricultural Materials Research Science & Engineering Center “Neutral-Beam-Assisted Deposition of Oxides” (2000-2001) HAROLD, MICHAEL The Dow Chemical Company “Modeling of Catalytic Monoliths” (2000) including DLVO and non-DLVO molecular interactions and their and experimental research into many $ KRISHNAMOORTI, RAMANAN $ 354,195.00 National Science Foundation “Understanding the Role of Process Variables on Properties of Multiphase Polymeric Materials” (1998–2003) $ 246,000.00 EXXON Chemical Company “Carbocationic Polymerization of Iso-olefin” (1998–2001) Weatherford (Engineering Foundation) “Process Design for Complex Structures” (2000) Prof. Tiller is also interested in developing agricultural fibers as characterization of driving forces, equilibria, and kinetics of aids in solid/liquid separation and coalescence of oily waters; interactions involving biological macromolecules; directed ECONOMOU, DEMETRE J. ceramic processing; moisture transport in drying solids, and mutagenesis of critical residues to test their contributions $ 557,207.00 to association; environmental biotechnology; detection of National Science Foundation “Ion-Ion Plasmas: Fundamentals & Applications in Semiconductor Manufacturing” (1997–2001) $ 135,000.00 numerical/transient analysis of stagewise operations. Welch Foundation “Tailoring Crystallinity in Thin Polymer Films” (2000–2003) $ 354,907.00 National Science Foundation “Non-Local Electron Transport in Inductively Coupled Plasmas” (2000–2003) $ 85,000.00 DuPont Dow Elastomers “Phase Behavior in the Solution Process for the Production of EPDM” (1999–2001) $ 349,774.00 Sandia National Laboratories “Applications of Modular Plasma Reactor Simulator (MPRES)” (1996–2001) $ 33,950.00 NIST “Combinatorial Screening of Nanocomposites: Mechanical & Vapor-Barrier Properties” (2000–2001) $ 20,000.00 American Chemical Society—PRF “Structure & Dynamics of Polymer-Layered Silicate Nanocomposites” (1997–2001) mutagenic and DNA-damaging agents through luciferaseProf. PETER VEKILOV’S research reporter systems; microbial degradation and modification of involves four primary areas: [a.] Control hydrocarbons, and isolation of enzymes responsible for these of the polymerization of sickle-cell activities; DNA-probe monitoring of microbial populations in hemoglobin, wherein ultrafast image- complex environments; combinatorial chemistry and catalysis; capture, direct visualization of Hb polymers phage-surface display for improvement of affinity-separations in vitro, monitoring of polymerization in ligands; enzyme engineering through phage display; and cells, understanding of nucleation control via the dense liquid phase, and understanding and control of intermolecular solid-phase combinatorial libraries. continued 6 University of Houston Department of Chemical Engineering 2000 Annual Report 7 LUSS, DAN MOHANTY, KISHORE K. $ 30,000.00 Frito-Lay, Inc. (unrestricted grant) (1999–2000) $ 28,387.00 National Science Foundation “A Study on Plasma-Etching Yield Improvements through a Faculty-in-Industry Internship” (2001) $ 21,000.00 Kellogg Brown & Root “Development of Performance-Monitoring Tools for Model Predictive Control” (2000–2002) $ 291,948.00 National Science Foundation “Electromagnetic Fields Produced by Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis (SHS)” (2001–2004) * jointly with Prof. A. Jacobson, UH MRSEC $ 637,010.00 U.S. Department of Energy “Fluid-Rock Characterization & Interactions in NMR Well-Logging” (1999–2002) * jointly with Prof. G. Hirasaki, Rice University $ 289,399.00 National Science Foundation “Temperature Patterns on Catalytic Pellets & Radial-Flow Reactor” (1999–2002) $ 471,983.00 U.S. Department of Energy “Impact of Capillary & Bond Numbers on Relative Permeability” (1999–2002) Robert A. Welch Foundation “Periodic & Chaotic Temperature-Patterns on Catalytic Surfaces” (1999–2001) $ 265,351.00 $ 135,000.00 $ 135,000.00 U.S./Israel Binational Science Foundation “Control of Patterned States in Chemical Reactors” (1999–2001) * jointly with Prof. M. Sheintuch, The Technion, Israel $ 85,000.00 Mobil Foundation, Inc. “Reaction Engineering Research” (1991–2000) $ 80,000.00 Materials Research Science & Engineering Center “SHS & Membrane Reactors” (1999–2000) * jointly with Prof. J.T. Richardson $ $ $ $ 73,900.00 70,000.00 60,000.00 47,000.00 Various Private-Profit Agencies “Research in Heterogeneous Catalysis—Chemical Reaction Engineering” (1991–2000) Materials Research Science & Engineering Center “Membrane Reactors for Synthesis-Gas Production” (2000–2001) * jointly with Prof. J.T. Richardson ACS—Petroleum Research Fund “Complex Dynamic Behavior of Countercurrent & Reverse-Flow Reactors” (2000–2002) U.S. Civilian Research & Development Foundation “Synthesis of Oxide & Composite Tubes in a Centrifuge” (2000–2001) $ 127,000.00 $ 44,601.00 10,750.00 $ 9,400.00 Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (ATP) “Computation of Transport Properties from Petrographic Images” (2000–2001) Gulf Coast Hazardous-Substances Research Center “Biosurfactant Produced from Used Vegetable Oil for Removal of Metals from Wastewaters & Soils” (2000–2001) * with Prof. C. Vipulanandan, UH Civil Engineering $ 40,000.00 Mobil Research and Development Corporation “Multiphase Flow in Mixed-Wet Porous Media” (1994–2000) $ 32,151.00 Texas Hazardous-Waste Research Center “VOC Emission Control at Oil-Loading Terminals” (2000–2001) $ $ 25,000.00 20,000.00 Mobil Oil Corporation “Non-Darcy Effects in Flow-Through Anisotropic Porous Media” (1996–2000) $ 185,800.00 $ $ $ $ $ 70,000.00 57,000.00 55,000.00 $ $ 143,207.00 National Science Foundation “Design of Constrained Model Predictive Controllers with Enhanced Autonomy” (1998–2001) $ Equilon Enterprises, L.L.C.—“Process Control” (unrestricted; renewable annually) 55,000.00 52,180.00 Halliburton Energy Services “Development of a Novel Methodology for Stress & Stability-related Measurements in Boreholes” (1999–2001) * jointly with Profs. M. Economides & P. Valkó (Texas A&M) $ University of Houston 75,437.00 British Petroleum Exploration, Inc. “Reservoir Mechanisms & Scale-up” (1996–2000) $ 8 77,700.00 13,500.00 11,460.00 UH Institute for Space Systems Operation “Advanced Catalysts & Reactors for Mars-Exploration Sabaatier Processors” (2001) WILLSON, RICHARD C. National Science Foundation “Competitive Ion-Exchange Adsorption of Proteins” (2001–2004) $ 225,810.00 National Science Foundation “Acquisition of a Biosensor” (1997–2000) * jointly with Profs. S.H. Hardin, S.R. Blanke, A. Eskin $ 150,000.00 National Space Biomedical Research Institute (2000–2003) * jointly with Prof. G.E. Fox $ 124,000.00 Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (ATP) “Imaging Polarimeter for Rapid Screening of Chiral Libraries” (2000–2001) Various Private-Profit Agencies “Development of Heterogeneous Catalysis” (1991–2000) $ 123,465.00 Sud-Chemie, Inc. “Screening of Carbon Formation on Steam-Reforming Catalysts” (2000–2001) Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (ATP) “Imaging Polarimetry for High-Throughput Screening” (2000–2001) $ 123,000.00 Materials Research Science & Engineering Center “Membrane Reactors for Synthesis-Gas Production” (2000–2001) * jointly with Prof. D. Luss Robert A. Welch Foundation “Molecular Electrostatics of Protein Interactions” (1999–2002) * 15% effort $ 111,000.00 Gulf Coast Hazardous-Substances Research Center “Enzymatic Detoxification of Cyanide Wastes” (2000–2003) * jointly with Prof. M. Benedik, UH Biochemistry $ 90,199.50 Robert A. Welch Foundation “Physical Chemistry of Biomolecular Recognition” (1999–2001) $ 61,745.00 Baylor College of Medicine “NASA National Space Biomedical Research Institute Micro-organisms in the Spacecraft Environment” (2000–2001) $ 55,000.00 Gulf Coast Hazardous-Substances Research Center “Combinatorial Libraries of Heterogeneous Catalysts” (1999–2000) * jointly with Prof. J.T. Richardson $ 52,180.00 Gulf Coast Hazardous-Substances Research Center “Improved Halogen Resistance of Catalytic Oxidation through Efficient Catalyst-Testing” (2000–2001) * jointly with Prof. J.T. Richardson Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (ATP) “Improved Catalytic Membrane Reactors for SynthesisGas Generation” (2000–2001) Materials Research Science & Engineering Center “SHS & Membrane Reactors” (1999–2000) * jointly with Prof. D. Luss U.S. Civilian Research & Development Foundation “Efficient Continuous Technology for the Production of Soft Ferrite Materials” (2000–2001) * jointly with Prof. A.P. Bakhshievich, State Univ. of Armenia Gulf Coast Hazardous-Substances Research Center “Combinatorial Libraries of Heterogeneous Catalysts” (1999–2000) * jointly with Prof. R. Willson NIKOLAOU, MICHAEL Environmental Institute of Houston “Membrane Reactor for Synthesis-Gas Production” (2000–2001) U.S. Civilian Research & Development Foundation “Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis of Oxide & Composite Tubes in a Centrifuge” (2000–2002) 80,000.00 9,000.00 $ 270,000.00 RICHARDSON, JAMES T. $ $ 324,831.98 $ University of Tulsa “Exploitation & Optimization of Shallow-Shelf Carbonate-Reservoir Performance in Carney Field, Hunton Formation, Oklahoma” (2000–2005) $ Gulf Coast Hazardous-Substances Research Center “Improved Halogen Resistance of Catalytic Oxidation through Efficient Catalyst-Testing” (2000–2001) * jointly with Prof. R. Willson UH Institute for Space Systems Operation “Improved Sabaatier Reactors for in situ Resource Utilization on Mars” (2000) U.S. Civilian Research & Development Foundation “Efficient Continuous Technology for the Production of Soft Ferrite Materials” (2000–2002) Department of Chemical Engineering 2000 Annual Report 9 Faculty News & Activities HAROLD TAKES CHAIRMANSHIP: C. ECONOMIDES HIRED: Prof. Peter G. Vekilov PROF. MICHAEL NIKOLAOU served as PROF. RAMANAN KRISHNAMOORTI member of the Russian Academy of Natural Effective 1 September 2000, Dr. Michael P. Harold Ehlig-Economides joined the Department as was hired as Associate Professor, effective Fall a panelist in the session on Control Theory at the won the Cullen College of Engineering Junior Sciences. He was awarded a Dr. Honoris Causa accepted the position of Dow Chair Professor & Adjunct Professor in January 2000 to head the 2001. Prof. Vekilov was most recently on the Chemical Process-Control Conference in January Faculty Award in 2000, and, for exemplifying by the Petroleum & Gas University (Ploeisti, Chairman of the Department of Chemical Petroleum Engineering program. Married to faculty of the Department of Chemistry at the 2001. He presented five papers and invited excellence in research in teaching in the area of Romania) in 2001. He participated in at least Engineering at the University of Houston. Prof. M. Economides, Dr. C. Economides is University of Alabama in Huntsville, where he seminars during 2000–2001. Prof. Nikolaou polymeric materials, he followed this up by 20 major conferences as a keynote speaker, Prof. Harold was most recently Research currently an International Account Manager and developed an impressive research program in served as Director of Graduate Studies earning the prestigious University of Houston session chairman, or panel member. During the Manager of Chemical Process Fundamentals consultant for Schlumberger Global Sales protein crystallization. His addition strengthens (concentrating on U.S. student recruitment) Award for Excellence in Research & Scholarship. year, he presented an estimated 12 papers in with DuPont Central Research (Wilmington, Houston. Before that, she was the Manager for the Department’s research in biochemical in the Department, and he is a member of He was joint editor of the ACS symposium series professional conferences, and he delivered DE). He previously held these other posts GeoQuest Reservoir Technologies, Latin America science and engineering. the ABET Committee for the Cullen College on Polymer Nanocomposites and of the MRS approximately 50 seminars and talks in several within DuPont: Global Technology Manager, North. She was a member of a multidisciplinary of Engineering. symposium series on Filled Polymers. He chaired countries and at various conferences. Prof. Polymer & Fiber R&D (DuPont Dacron®); task force for Anadrill Schlumberger, developing In 2000, sessions at technical meetings of the ACS, and Economides is continuously involved in a Research Supervisor, Dacron® Intermediates strategies for the design of re-entry and was inducted as a Fellow of the American PROF. KISHORE MOHANTY was two each of the AIChE and MRS. He was number of public forums, including major R&D; multilateral wells before becoming Technical Institute of Medical & Biological Engineering. His promoted to Full Professor as of Fall 2000. He Program Chair for the AIChE Division 1-A newspapers. He appears regularly over the Dow & PhD student Phillip Gibbs won the W.M. has served on the Editorial Board of the SPE (Atlanta), and co-organizer of the ACS Special Jones wire, Bloomberg News, and Energy News Peterson Award for best research-poster Journal since 1999, and he is the volume co- Symposium on Polymer Nanocomposites (San Live. He appeared on CNBC, Channel 13 and Research Engineering R&D Associate, (Central Reaction Research & Marketing Manager for for Dr. Christine Production Schlumberger Oilfield PROF. RICHARD WILLSON Development). He also served as Adjunct Enhancement Professor of Chemical Engineering at the Services. She has specialized in well-testing presentation of editor of Current Opinion on Colloid & Interface Francisco) and the MRS Symposium on Filled (Houston), Channel 13 (Tokyo, Japan), Dutch University of Delaware, and as Associate and integrated reservoir characterization in Biochemical Technology at the 2000 ACS Science (June 2001). He was a member of the Polymers (Boston). Prof. Krishnamoorti delivered national television, and ABC (Australia). He has Professor of Chemical Engineering at UMass- previous Schlumberger positions. National Meeting. Prof. Willson serves on the Louisiana RCS Review panel. Prof. Mohanty 13 papers and invited seminars during the year. been from the ACS Division commissioned to by write El edit Energy Before joining Schlumberger in 1983, she editorial board of the International Journal of chaired the 2000 Gordon Conference technical He has also delivered a short course about Corporation University of Houston (1985, advisor Dan Luss) was the Petroleum Engineering Department Biochromatography, and, as a member of the session on Flow through Permeable Media as polymers at the Fina Petrochemical Co. In Integration,” a major multidisciplinary book on and his BS ChE at Penn State University (1980). Head at the University of Alaska-Fairbanks. Her CCR Vision 2020 Committee on Bioprocessing, well as the technical session on Transport and 2001, he began a five-year term on the editorial the new energy spectrum. degrees include a B.A. in Math-Science from he serves as co-editor for “New Biocatalysts: Reaction through Permeable Media at the AIChE board of the Journal of Polymer Science Part B: “Energy Dr. Charles W. “Mickey” Rice University, an M.S. in Chemical Engineering Essential Tools for a Sustainable 21st-Century Conference. Prof. Mohanty has been elected Polymer Physics Edition. He also served as chair PROF. Rooks joined the Department as Adjunct from the University of Kansas, and a PhD in Chemical Industry.” He is a member of the NSF Vice-Chairman for 2000 and Chairman-elect for of the Department’s Faculty Search committee chaired the “Chemical Reactor Stability & Professor of Chemical Engineering, effective Petroleum Engineering from Stanford University. Environmental Biotechnology panel and the 2002 of the Gordon Research Conference on during 2000. Dynamics” session at the Los Angeles AIChE April 2001. Recently retired from Monsanto She has served on numerous SPE publication NASA Space Biotechnology panel. Prof. Willson Flow through Permeable Media. He serves on and Solutia after many years of significant committees (recent Executive Editor of SPEFE) served on the Programming Committee of the UH’s Radiation Safety Committee and the PROF. DEMETRE J. ECONOMOU, Dynamics and Pattern Formation” session at the industrial research experience, he is tasked and SPE program and forum committees, and ACS Division of Biochemical Technology; as College of Engineering’s Computer Policy Associate Chairman, has been reappointed John same meeting. He served on the review panel with Undergraduate she chaired the first SPE Committee on Cultural presider over the Biotechnology session of the Committee. Within the Department, he directs and Rebecca Moores Professor at the University for Fluid Physics at the Glenn Research Center Practices Lab. Dr. Rooks will also participate in Diversity. She was the 1982 Alaska Petroleum Houston Society for Engineering in Medicine & the Master of Chemical Engineering program of Houston. He serves on the international of NASA. collaborative research in the area of catalytic Engineer of the Year and received an SPE Biology; as a session organizer at NASCRE-1 in and serves as Honors College Advisor. editorial reaction engineering. reinvigorating our VEMURI and Paso Amherst. He earned his PhD in ChE at the ROOKS HIRED: BALAKOTAIAH meeting (2000) and co-chaired the “Nonlinear board of Materials Science in Distinguished Faculty award that year. She won January Semiconductor Processing, and he was guest co- PROF. NEAL R. AMUNDSON Dr. Rooks received his BS in ChE from the the 1995 SPE Formation Evaluation award, Committees at other symposia. In 2000, he PROF. ChE editor of the special issue of Thin Solid Films member University of Mississippi in 1969, and his MS and became an SPE Distinguished Member in 1996, became President-elect of the International Department Chairman who stepped back in as (374), published in 2000. He served on the NSF’s Engineering, the National Academy of Sciences, PhD in ChE from the University of Oklahoma in and received the 1997 Lester C. Uren Award. As Society for Molecular Recognition. Prof. Willson Interim Chairman from Fall 1999 through August CTS panel for selection of CAREER Awards. He and the American Academy of Arts & Sciences. 1971 and 1973, respectively. He served as a an SPE Distinguished Lecturer in 1997–1998, Dr. filed two patent applications during 2000. 2000, serves as the editor of Reviews in Chemical chaired two Plasma Processing sessions at the He was the first recipient of the Neal R. consulting C. Economides visited more than 25 locations in Engineering Chemical Los Angeles AIChE meeting. Prof. Economou Amundson Prize, awarded at each ISCRE PROF. FRANK M. TILLER bestowed the Engineering book series. He is the president of organized the entire 53rd Gaseous Electronics meeting to a recognized leader in the field of 2001 Frank Tiller Research Award upon Prof. the U.S. Board of Governors of the International Conference, by chemical reaction engineering. He also holds engineer (1972–1973), Senior Development Engineer with Monsanto Textiles 15 countries. Co. (1973–1974), Senior Research Engineer and 2001; and on three Scientific DAN and LUSS, the long-time Plenum which was attended of the National Academy is a of Specialist with MOHANTY PROMOTED: Prof. Kishore Richard Hogg of Penn State University. This Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering approximately 300 registrants in Houston. He four honorary doctorates. The Chemical Intermediates and K. Mohanty was promoted to Full Professor award is given annually by the American (ISCRE), and he organized a meeting of NASCRE served in three officership roles for professional Engineering Building at the University of Monsanto Fiber Intermediates (1975–1997), and effective Fall 2000. Prof. Mohanty has Filtration & Separation Society. Prof. Tiller is an in Houston in 2000. Prof. Luss participates on conferences, and he presented 11 papers at Minnesota is named in his honor. as Senior Engineering Specialist (Acrylonitrile developed a renowned program in interfacial honorary professor at five Latin American national review panels for the NSF and NIH. He conferences and technical meetings during R&D) with Solutia Inc. (1997–2001). He mechanics and porous-media transport during universities, and he holds two honorary serves on the Advisory Board for the Rutgers 2000, with four more definitely scheduled DEATH: DR. CHARLES W. ARNOLD, specializes in industrial catalyst development, his years at UH. doctorates. He continues his research in University ChE Department, and he was the during 2001. He also lectured for the FE/EIT on 13 October 2000. After many years of tireless the Department. Rutgers Collaboratus XI Lecturer in 2001. He continuing-education course offered by UH service as director of the Department’s delivered invited seminars in Germany, Israel, and Chemistry Review. In 2000 alone, Prof. Petroleum Engineering program, Dr. Arnold T. The Netherlands during 2000. Prof. Luss serves Economou also served on six Departmental, retired effective 31 December 1998. He will be three College, and two University committees. fondly remembered by hundreds of students for then Senior Monsanto Engineering Chemical technology, and economics. He has authored 10 VEKILOV HIRED: numerous proprietary Monsanto Corporation KRISHNAMOORTI PROMOTED: Prof. Final Technical Reports on fluid-bed coal Ramanan Krishnamoorti was promoted to During gasification, toluene-based routes to styrene, Associate Professor with tenure, effective Fall RICHARDSON became President-elect of on the membership committee of the National acrylonitrile catalyst development, and waste- 2001. Prof. Krishnamoorti has continued to the University of Houston chapter of Sigma Xi. Academy of Engineering, and he is a member of minimization in the acrylonitrile process. He develop an impressive program in polymer- He delivered invited seminars during technical the Board of the CRE Division of the AIChE. He holds four U.S. patents, with another application nanocomposite design and synthesis since his meetings, academic visits, and industrial visits continues to serve on several University, College, in process. hire in August 1994. during the year. Prof. Richardson holds seven and Departmental committees. University of Houston 2000, U.S. patents. PROF. JAMES the painstaking personal care with which he PROF. ECONOMIDES was In 2000, J. dealt with them, from their initial application to inducted as a foreign the Petroleum Engineering program through MICHAEL their graduation from it. Department of Chemical Engineering 2000 Annual Report 11 D E PA R T M E N TA L F U N D I N G , S U P P O R T, R A N K I N G S , & T R E N D S Institute for Improved Oil Recovery (IIOR) in the University of Houston Department of Chemical Engineering Contact: The Institute for Improved Oil Recovery (IIOR) conducts its university research via a research consortium that is funded by major oil and gas producers, service companies, the U.S. Department of Energy, and the state of DEPARTMENTAL SUPPORT/ GRADUATE FELLOWSHIPS DONOR ORGANIZATIONS Prof. Kishore K. Mohanty, Director University of Houston Texas. After research has been conducted through cooperative university and industrial projects, results are As of June 2001, the UH ChE research program comprised for the support contributed by these industrial, educational, Department of Chemical Engineering presented in conferences and workshops around the United States. 53 full-time graduate students, four postdoctoral fellows, and nonprofit organizations: S 222 Engineering Bldg. 1, Houston, TX 77204-4004 The Department of Chemical Engineering is most grateful 31 Petroleum Engineering students, and 71 part-time Research areas include: Master of Chemical Engineering students (the industrially American Institute of Chemical Engineers 713-743-4331 • Advanced computing technology applied to reservoir engineering employed professionals who are attracted to our non-thesis BASF Corporation 713-743-4323 fax • Three-dimensional imaging of flow through porous media terminal-degree option). The program is supported by the BP/Amoco • Gas-flooding methods (CO2, hydrocarbon, N2) following sources: CAChE Corp. The mission of the Institute for • Displacement mechanisms Improved Oil Recovery (IIOR) is to • Foams improve recovery of crude oil and natural • Fractured reservoirs gas under present-day economics, apply • Formation evaluation improved oil-recovery technology to the • Environmental engineering/containment technologies in situ clean-up of hazardous wastes, • Particle transport, surface chemistry, wettability. and transfer technology to industry and Chevron U.S.A. Inc. State Budget for 2000–2001 $ 1,431,369 Council for Chemical Research Federal Research Grants $ 544,659 The Dow Chemical Company Foundation State and University Grants $ 342,519 Private Grants $ 272,460 ExxonMobil Industrial Grants, Fellowships $ 226,775 Fluor Corp. The Dow Chemical Company SIGNIFICANCE OF IMPROVED OIL-RECOVERY TECHNOLOGY: The U.S. Department of E.I. DuPont de Nemours & Company national laboratories. The scope of the THE program encompasses R&D and field Energy and other entities have estimated that less than one-third of the original oil in place can be produced demonstration, testing, and evaluation. with existing technologies. Hence, recovery of the remaining two-thirds constitutes the target for development The Lubrizol Foundation of improved technologies. Approximately 341 billion barrels of mobile and immobile oil will remain bypassed Marathon Oil Company TOTAL ----------------- Halliburton Foundation, Inc. $ 2,817,782 Hoechst-Celanese Chemical Group or trapped in known U.S. reservoirs at the conclusion of conventional production. Of this remaining oil, it is OUTSTANDING ALUMNI Pennzoil Products Company estimated that an additional 76 billion barrels are recoverable by currently identified technologies with the These graduates of the UH Chemical Engineering program Rohm and Haas Company application of well-designed R&D and technology-transfer strategies. This would sustain current levels of U.S. have received the UH Engineering Alumni Association’s Shell Oil Company Foundation production for several decades, which is necessary for an orderly transition to alternative transportation fuels. “Distinguished Alumnus” Award: Improved technology allows producers to work more efficiently and to extract more oil than otherwise. Robert Baldwin BS, 1949 The natural-gas supply from conventional resources is estimated to be approximately 800 trillion cubic William Brookshire BS, 1957 feet (Tcf), of which 160 Tcf are proven reserves and 640 Tcf are inferred or undiscovered reserves. Half the Robert M. Zoch, Jr. BS, 1968 conventional undiscovered gas is considered economical to produce, with improved recovery methods being J.C.M. “Jimmy” Lee PhD, 1970 necessary to convert this gas to reserves. The remaining 50% is also expected to require improved drilling, Ravi Singhania PhD completion, and gathering technology. A reduction in imported oil could be one near-term payoff when new reserves are developed via improved exploration and extraction techniques. Fuel-switching in stationary Dr. Charles R. Cutler of Houston (PhD ChE) was elected markets could enable the replacement of two million barrels/day of oil (25% of imports) with 4 Tcf/year of to the National Academy of Engineering in 2000. His gas. Technology can make a difference. election citation reads: “For invention, development, and commercial implementation of a new-generation digital process-control technology.” Dr. Cutler serves on the Department’s Industrial Advisory Board. 12 University of Houston Department of Chemical Engineering 2000 Annual Report 13 Graduate Ranking: National Research Council Besides featuring the top-ranked doctoral program in the University of Houston, the Chemical Engineering Department ranked in the top 20 nationally out of 93 ChE doctoral programs rated by the National Research Council (1995): INDUSTRIAL ADVISORY BOARD The Chemical Engineering Department has an Industrial M.A. Ervin & Associates (Austin, TX) Advisory Board (IAB). The IAB provides the Chemical Dr. Mike Ervin, President Engineering chairman and faculty an industrial perspective on important strategic and operational issues. With input graduate research programs. The IAB members also IN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Ethyl Corporation (Pasadena, TX) INSTITUTION NRC SCORE 1 University of Minnesota 4.86 2 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 4.73 3 University of California, Berkeley 4.63 4 University of Wisconsin (Madison) 4.62 5 University of Illinois (Urbana-Champaign) 4.42 Halliburton Energy Services (Duncan, OK) 6 California Institute of Technology 4.41 Dr. Ron Morgan, Technical Excellence Leader, Research 7 Stanford University 4.35 8 University of Delaware 4.34 Kang Buoy, Plant Manager and advice, the IAB addresses such salient topics as faculty hiring, student recruitment, curriculum content, and RELATIVE RANKINGS FOR RESEARCH-DOCTORATE PROGRAMS OVERALL RANKING ExxonMobil Chemical (Baytown, TX) Joe Carey, Manager, Polypropylene Technology provide a network through which fundraising efforts, Fluor Corp. (Sugar Land, TX) student recruiting and internships, and engagement Mike Piwetz, Vice-President, Process Engineering of alumni are enhanced. Members of the IAB are: 9 Princeton University 4.14 10 University of Texas at Austin 4.08 11 University of Pennsylvania 3.97 12 Carnegie Mellon University 3.87 13 Cornell University 3.86 14 University of California, Santa Barbara 3.82 15 Northwestern University 3.75 Marathon Ashland (Texas City, TX) 16 Purdue University 3.67 Mike Armbrester, Division Manager 17 UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON 3.66 3.52 Dr. Charles Cutler, Industrial Consultant (Houston, TX) Air Products & Chemicals, Inc. (Houston, TX) Steve Hensler, Area Manager Kellogg Brown & Root (Houston, TX) Tim Challand, Vice-President, Global Engineering Aspen Technology, Inc. (Houston, TX) John Ayala, Senior Vice-President, Global Solutions Practice The Lubrizol Corporation (Deer Park, TX) Harold Smith, Technology Manager for the Texas Plants ATOFINA Petrochemicals, Inc. (Deer Park, TX) Dr. Michel Daumerie, Vice-President of Research & Technology BASF Corporation (Freeport, TX) Jim Saccomanno, Operations Director 18 University of Michigan OxyVinyls, L.P. (Deer Park, TX) 19 City University of New York 3.46 Ken Carlson, Engineering Services Manager 20 University of Washington 3.44 Pennzoil-Quaker State Co. (The Woodlands, TX) T21 University of Massachusetts at Amherst 3.35 T21 Rice University 3.35 23 Pennsylvania State University 3.34 24 University of Notre Dame 3.30 25 North Carolina State University 3.20 26 University of Colorado 3.18 27 Lehigh University 3.13 Rohm and Haas Texas Incorporated (Deer Park, TX) 28 University of California, Davis 3.11 Bob Brinly, President & Plant Manager 29 State University of New York at Buffalo 3.08 T30 University of Virginia 3.01 T30 Georgia Institute of Technology 3.01 Bechtel Corp. (Houston, TX) Lance Murray, Principal VP, Manager of Refining Center of Excellence Dr. Ahmed Alim, Senior VP of Research & Development and Chief Celanese Ltd. (Pasadena, TX) Technology Officer Dieter Peters, Site Director Phillips 66 Co. (Sweeny, TX) Conoco Inc. (Houston, TX) Rob Mitchell, Refining Process Engineering Manager Alok Jain, Manager, Project Engineering & Management, EPT The Dow Chemical Company (Freeport, TX) Tim May, Site Logistics Leader, Texas Operations Schlumberger—Oilfield Chemicals (Sugar Land, TX) DuPont Lycra (Wilmington, DE) ® Dr. Keith Dismuke, Department Head Dr. Bill Hill, Global Technology Manager - Terathane® Shell Chemical Company (Houston, TX) Dr. Carlos Garcia, Technical Manager 14 University of Houston Source: NRC report, “Research-Doctorate Programs in the United States: Continuity and Change” (1995). The NRC produces these reports once every 10 years. Department of Chemical Engineering 2000 Annual Report 15 Graduate Ranking: The Gourman Report Undergraduate Ranking: The Gourman Report A Rating of Graduate & Professional Schools in American Universities (1995) A Rating of Undergraduate Programs in American Universities (1995) CHEMICAL ENGINEERING—THE TOP 30 U.S. PROGRAMS, RANK IN RANK ORDER: INSTITUTION CHEMICAL ENGINEERING—THE TOP 40 U.S. PROGRAMS, RANK INSTITUTION SCORE 1 University of Minnesota 1 University of Minnesota 4.91 2 University of Wisconsin, Madison 2 University of Wisconsin (Madison) 4.90 3 California Institute of Technology 3 University of California, Berkeley 4.88 4 University of California, Berkeley 4 California Institute of Technology 4.85 5 Stanford University 5 Stanford University 4.82 6 University of Delaware 4.80 6 University of Delaware 7 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 4.79 7 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 8 University of Illinois (Champaign/Urbana) 4.75 8 University of Illinois (Champaign/Urbana) 9 Princeton University 4.74 9 Princeton University 10 UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON 4.73 UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON 11 Purdue University 4.72 12 University of Notre Dame 4.71 10 11 Northwestern University 13 Northwestern University 4.68 12 University of Pennsylvania 14 Cornell University 4.65 13 University of Texas at Austin 15 University of Texas at Austin 4.63 14 Carnegie Mellon University 16 Stevens Institute of Technology 4.62 15 Purdue University 17 University of Pennsylvania 4.61 18 Carnegie Mellon University 4.60 16 University of Michigan 19 University of Michigan 4.58 17 University of Washington 20 Rice University 4.57 18 Cornell University 21 University of Washington 4.56 19 University of Notre Dame 22 University of Massachusetts, Amherst 4.55 20 Rice University 23 Iowa State University 4.53 24 University of Florida 4.51 21 University of Massachusetts, Amherst 25 University of Rochester 4.50 22 Iowa State University 26 State University of New York at Buffalo 4.48 23 University of Florida 27 Pennsylvania State University 4.47 24 University of Rochester 28 Case Western Reserve University 4.44 25 State University of New York at Buffalo 29 University of Colorado 4.43 30 Washington University in St. Louis 4.40 26 University of Colorado 31 Lehigh University 4.39 27 Pennsylvania State University 32 Texas A&M University 4.37 28 Washington University in St. Louis 33 City College of the City University of New York 4.35 29 Case Western Reserve University 34 Ohio State University 4.33 30 Lehigh University 35 Georgia Institute of Technology 4.31 36 North Carolina State University 4.29 37 Yale University 4.25 38 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 4.23 39 Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 4.21 40 University of Tennessee, Knoxville 4.20 Source: The Gourman Report, A Rating of Graduate and Professional Schools (1995). IN RANK ORDER: Source: The Gourman Report, A Rating of Undergraduate Programs (1995). 16 University of Houston Department of Chemical Engineering 2000 Annual Report 17 F A C U LT Y P U B L I C AT I O N S Following are authored works accepted for or pending publication since January 2000. Reprints may be requested from the professors through the Departmental mailing address, by phone, or by e-mail (q.v. Section 9.0). Enrollment Trends & Degrees Conferred Enrollment figures are as of the start of the Fall semesters in the years indicated. Degree figures are totals of those conferred at the ends of the Spring semesters in the years indicated. BALAKOTAIAH, VEMURI UNDERGRADUATE ENROLLMENT & DEGREES CONFERRED: STUDENTS RECEIVING DEGREES: * NOTE: Some students have filed Privacy YEAR: Fall Enrollment: BS Degrees: 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 545 480 445 460 383 373 317 295 36 38 46 43 40 36 40 29 Requests and are thus not listed here. 2000–2001 BS ChE Graduates with Honors and/or Membership in the Honors College Gupta, N., V. Balakotaiah and D.H. West, “Bifurcation Analysis of a Two-Dimensional Monolith Reactor Model,” Chem. Eng. Sci. 56, 1435 (2001). Dao, E.K. and V. Balakotaiah, “Experimental Study of Wave Occlusion on Falling Films in a Vertical Pipe,” AIChE J. 46, 1300 (2000). Folabi A. Ayoola (cum laude) GRADUATE ENROLLMENT & DEGREES CONFERRED: Marc N. Charendoff (magna cum laude) Jacob A. Collins (cum laude) YEAR: 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Randall L. Collum, Jr. (summa cum laude) Monica M. Losey (magna cum laude) Fall Enrollment 129 107 135 113 98 95 103 94 Cynthia Mata (magna cum laude) MS Degrees: 8 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Nile A. Mead (magna cum laude) MS Degrees in ChemE: ~ 11 7 12 9 16 14 9 Brian E. Moore (cum laude) MS Degrees PetroleumE: ~ 10 13 16 7 8 6 7 Michael J. Moreno (cum laude) 10 17 10 16 7 12 7 6 Olayemi O. Ogidan (magna cum laude) 5 5 13 6 6 7 6 8 Arti A. Patel (magna cum laude) PhD Degrees: MChE Degrees: 2000–2001 RECIPIENTS, PHD IN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Sandra M. Dommeti, Numerical Computation and Bifurcation Analysis of Reacting Flow Systems (V. Balakotaiah, advisor) S. Alper Eker, Control of Nonlinear Processes Operating at Various Steady States: Analysis and Synthesis of Linear and Recipents (since Fall 2000): Master of Chemical Engineering Nilva P. Barrios Mark E. Hubert Jorgé J. Delgado-Acevedo Nancy J. Ma Johnny L. Gipson Dustin D. Olson Philip J. Houm Amish B. Patel Adaptive Model-based Control Approaches (M. Nikolaou, advisor) M.S. in Chemical Engineering Hani A. Gadalla, Two-dimensional Heat-Transfer Properties of Ceramic Foams in the Presence of Chemical Reactions (J.T. Bryan C. Basden Richardson, advisor) Bilu V. Cherian Cedric Oudinot Raphael J. Guerithault Ankur Rastogi Shirley Indriati Hrushikesh K. Shah Nikunj Gupta, Modeling and Bifurcation Analysis of Catalytic Reactions in Monoliths (V. Balakotaiah, advisor) Bruno LeCerf Balakotaiah, V. and N. Gupta, “Controlling Regimes for Surface Reactions in Catalyst Pores,” Chem. Eng. Sci. 55, 3505 (2000). Balakotaiah, V., N. Gupta and D.H. West, “A Simplified Model for Analyzing Catalytic Reactions in Short Monoliths,” Chem. Eng. Sci. 55, 5367 (2000). Dommeti, S.M.S. and V. Balakotaiah, “On the Limits of Validity of Effective Dispersion Models for Bulk Reactions,” Chem. Eng. Sci. 55, 6169 (2000). Nguyen, L.T. and V. Balakotaiah, “Modeling and Experimental Studies of Wave Evolution on Free-Falling Viscous Films,” Phys. Fluids 12, 2236 (2000). BOOKS: Balakotaiah, V. and H.-C. Chang, Applied Nonlinear Methods for Engineers, Cambridge Univ. Press (publication anticipated in 2001). Soares, T., J.M. Briggs, D. Goodsell and A. Olson, “Ionization State and Molecular Docking Studies for the Macrophage Migration Inhibitor Factor: The Role of Lysine 32 in the Catalytic Mechanism,” J. Molec. Recog. 13, 146 (2000). Carlson, H.A., K.M. Masukawa, K. Rubens, F.D. Bushman, W.L. Jorgensen, R.D. Lins, J.M. Briggs and J.A. McCammon, “Developing a Dynamic Pharmacophore Model for HIV-1 Integrase,” J. Med. Chem. 43, 2100 (2000). Lins, R.D., A. Adesokan, T.A. Soares and J.M. Briggs, “Investigations on Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type-1 Integrase/DNA Binding Interactions via Molecular Dynamics and Electrostatics Calculations,” Pharm. Therap. 85, 123 (2000). Edmund O. Morris BOOK CHAPTER: NONREFEREED PUBLICATIONS: Ayed I. Husain Michael H. Sumrow Dana J. Jalal Evan K. Swingholm Balakotaiah, V. and J. Khinast, “Numerical Bifurcation Techniques for Chemical Reactor Problems,” IMA Vol. Math & Its Appl. 119, 1 (2000). Saputelli, L., B. Cherian, K. Grigoriadis, M. Nikolaou, C. Oudinot, G. Reddy, M.J. Economides and C. Ehlig-Economides, “Integration of Computer-Aided High-Intensity Design with Reservoir Exploitation of Remote and Offshore Locations,” SPE 64621 (2000); SPE J. (accepted for publication, 2001). M.S. in Petroleum Engineering Olufisoye Delano Willem F. Maas PhD in Biomedical Engineering Phillip R. Gibbs, Studies in Biocatalysis (R. Willson, advisor) BRIGGS, JAMES M. Cui, M., J. Shen, J.M. Briggs, X. Luo, X. Tan, H. Jiang, K. Chen and J. Li, “Brownian Dynamics Simulations of Interaction Between Scorpion Toxin Lq2 and Potassium Ion Channel,” Biophys. J. (in press, 2001). University of Houston Lins, R.D., T.P. Straatsma and J.M. Briggs, “Similarities in the HIV-1 and ASV Integrase Active Site upon Metal Binding,” Biopolymers 53, 308 (2000). ECONOMIDES, CHRISTINE A. Leonidas Kappos, Miscible and Immiscible Displacements in Porous Media (K. Mohanty, advisor) 18 Liu, N., H. Samartzidou, K.W. Lee, J.M. Briggs and A.H. Delcour, “Effects of Pore Mutations and Permeant Ion Concentration on the Spontaneous Gating Activity of OmpC Porin,” Protein Eng. 13, 491 (2000). Balakotaiah, V., Design, Analysis and Simulation of Chemical Reactors (publication anticipated in 2001). David L. Jewell James T. Ritchie, Ceramic-Membrane Reactor for Synthesis Gas Production (D. Luss & J.T. Richardson, advisors) Lee, K.W. and J.M. Briggs, “Comparative Molecular Field Analysis (CoMFA) Study of Epothilones as Tubulin Inhibitors: Pharmacophore Search using 3D QSAR Methods,” J. Computer-Aided Mol. Design (in press, 2001). Ehlig-Economides, C.A. and M.J. Economides, “Accelerating Oil Recovery with ?-Mode Production Strategy,” World Oil, p. 53 ff. (November 2000). Ehlig-Economides, C.A. and J. Spivey, “Intuition and Well-Test Interpretation,” Hart's E&P (October 2000). Ehlig-Economides, C.A. and M.J. Economides, “Single-Well Reservoir Management—The Ultimate Multibranch Well Challenge,” SPE 59447 (April 2000). Ehlig-Economides, C.A., B.G. Fernandez and C.A. Gongora, “Global Experiences and Practice for Cold Production of Moderate and Heavy Oil,” SPE 58773 (February 2000). Ehlig-Economides, C.A., M. Taha, H.D. Marin, E. Novoa and O. Sanchez, “Drilling and Completion Strategies in Naturally Fractured Reservoirs,” SPE 59057 (February 2000). ECONOMIDES, MICHAEL J. Economides, M.J., R.E. Oligney and A.S. Demarchos, “Natural Gas: The Revolution is Coming,” JPT, p. 102 ff. (May 2001). Economides, M.J. and A. Ghalambor, “Equivalency of International Petroleum Engineering Programs,” JPT, p. 64 ff. (January 2001). NONREFEREED PUBLICATIONS: Sumrow, M.H. and M.J. Economides, “Pushing the Boundaries of Coiled Tubing Applications,” SPE 68480 (2001). Economides, M.J. and R.E. Oligney, “Energy Mix of New Economy Dominated by Natural Gas,” The Amer. O&G Reporter, p. 35 ff. (December 2000). Ehlig-Economides, C.A. and M.J. Economides, “Accelerating Oil Recovery with ?-Mode Production Strategy,” World Oil, p. 53 ff. (November 2000). Wang, X., S. Indriati, P.P. Valkó and M.J. Economides, “Production Impairment and Purpose-Built Design of Hydraulic Fractures in Gas-Condensate Reservoirs,” SPE 64749 (2000). Saputelli, L., B. Cherian, K. Grigoriadis, M. Nikolaou, C. Oudinot, G. Reddy, M.J. Economides and C. Ehlig-Economides, Department of Chemical Engineering 2000 Annual Report 19 “Integration of Computer-Aided High-Intensity Design with Reservoir Exploitation of Remote and Offshore Locations,” SPE 64621 (2000); SPE J. (accepted for publication, 2001). Ramamurthi, B.N. and D.J. Economou, “TwoDimensional Simulation of Pulsed-Power Electronegative Plasmas,” J. de Physique (accepted for publication, 2001). Sankaran, S., M. Nikolaou and M.J. Economides, “Fracture Geometry and Vertical Migration in Multilayered Formations from Inclined Wells,” SPE 63177 (2000). Kim, C.-K. and D.J. Economou, “Energy and Angular Distributions of Ions Extracted from a Large Hole in Contact with a High-Density Plasma,” Proc. Symp. “Fundls. of Gas-Phase and Surface Chemistry of Vapor Deposition II,” The Electrochemical Society (Washington, DC) (accepted for publication, 2001). Economides, M.J., R.E. Oligney and A.S. Demarchos, “Natural Gas: The Revolution is Coming,” SPE 62884 (2000). Ehlig-Economides, C.A. and M.J. Economides, “Single-Well Reservoir Management—The Ultimate Multibranch Well Challenge,” SPE 59447 (April 2000). Barwani, M., A. Marhubi, R.E. Oligney and M.J. Economides, “The Role of the Local PetroleumServices Company in Asset Management,” SPE 59445 (2000). Ghalambor, A. and M.J. Economides, “Formation Damage Abatement: A QuarterCentury Perspective,” SPE 58744 (2000). Nikolaevskiy, V.N. and M.J. Economides, “The Near-Well State of Stress and Induced Rock Damage,” SPE 58716 (2000). BOOKS: Economides, M.J. and R.E. Oligney, The Color of Oil, 200 pp., Round Oak Publishing (Houston), February 2000. Economides, M.J. and K.G. Nolte, Reservoir Stimulation, 3rd ed. (to be published, 2001). ECONOMOU, DEMETRE J. Kaganovich, I., B.N. Ramamurthi and D.J. Economou, “Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Charged Species in the Afterglow of Plasmas Containing Negative Ions,” Phys. Rev. E (accepted for publication, 2001). Midha, V. and D.J. Economou, “Dynamics of Ion-Ion Plasmas under Radio-Frequency Bias,” J. Appl. Phys. (accepted for publication, 2001). 20 University of Houston Kim, C.-K. and D.J. Economou, “Plasma Molding over Surface Topography: Energy and Angular Distributions of Ions Extracted out of Large Holes,” J. Appl. Phys. (accepted for publication, 2001). Panda, S., D.J. Economou and L. Chen, “Anisotropic Etching of Polymer Thin Films by High Energy (100s of eV) Oxygen-Atom Neutral Beams,” J. Vac. Sci. Technol. (accepted for publication, 2001). Kanakasabapathy, S.K., L.J. Overzet, V. Midha and D.J. Economou, “Alternating Fluxes of Positive and Negative Ions from an Ion-Ion Plasma,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 78, 173 (2001). Economou, D.J., “Modeling and Simulation of Plasma-Etching Reactors for Microelectronics,“ Thin Solid Films 365, 348 (2000). Feldsien, J., D. Kim and D.J. Economou, “SiO2 Etching in Inductively Coupled Plasmas: Surface Chemistry and Two-Dimensional Simulations,” Thin Solid Films 374, 311 (2000). Midha, V. and D.J. Economou, “Spatiotemporal Evolution of a Pulsed Chlorine Discharge,” Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 9, 256 (2000). Panda, S., D.J. Economou and M. Meyyappan, “Effect of Metastable Oxygen Molecules in High-Density Power-Modulated Oxygen Discharges,” J. Appl. Phys. 87, 8323 (2000). Kaganovich, I., B. Ramamurthi and D.J. Economou, “Self-Trapping of Negative Ions due to Electron Detachment in the Afterglow of Electronegative Gas Plasmas,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 76, 2844 (2000). Kaganovich, I., D.J. Economou, B. Ramamurthi and V. Midha, “Negative Ion-Density Fronts during Ignition and Extinction of Plasmas in Electronegative Gases,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 1918 (2000). HAROLD, MICHAEL P. Hsing, I.-M., R. Srinivasan, M.P. Harold, K.F. Jensen and M.A. Schmidt, “Simulations of Micromachined Chemical Reactors for Heterogeneous Partial Oxidation Reactions,“ Chem. Eng. Sci. 55, 3 (2000). Harold, M.P. and B. Ogunnaike, “Process Engineering in the Evolving Chemical Industry,” AIChE J. 46, 2123 (2000). INVITED REVIEW: Mills, P., J. Nicole and M.P. Harold, “New Methodologies and Reactor Types for Catalytic Process Development,” Stud. Surf. Sci. & Catal. (accepted for publication, 2001). Krishnamoorti, R. and E.P. Giannelis, “StrainHardening in Model Polymer Brushes,” Langmuir 17, 1448 (2001). composites,” in “Polymer Nanocomposites” (T.J. Pinnavaia and G. Beall, eds.), J. Wiley & Sons, New York (2000). Yurekli, K., R. Krishnamoorti, M.-F. Tse, K.O. McElrath, A.H. Tsou and H.-C. Wang, “Structure and Dynamics of Carbon-Black-Filled Elastomers,” J. Polym. Sci. Part B: Polym. Phys. 39, 256 (2001). CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS: Manias, E., H. Chen, R. Krishnamoorti, J. Genzer, E.J. Kramer and E.P. Giannelis, “Intercalation Kinetics of Long Polymers in 2nm Confinements,” Macromolecules 33, 7955 (2000). Lincoln, D.M., R.A. Vaia, Z.G. Wang, B.S. Hsaio and R. Krishnamoorti, “Temperature Dependence of Polymer Crystalline Morphology in Nylon 6/Montmorillonite Nanocomposites,” Polymer (accepted for publication, 2001). Silva, A.S., C.A. Mitchell, M.-F. Tse, H.-C. Wang and R. Krishnamoorti, “Templating of Cylindrical and Spherical Block Copolymer Microdomains by Layered Silicates,” J. Chem. Phys. (accepted for publication, 2001). Krishnamoorti, R., J. Ren and A.S. Silva, “Shear Response of Layered Silicate Nanocomposites,” J. Chem. Phys. 114, 4968 (2001). Ren, J. and R. Krishnamoorti, ACS PMSE Preprints 82, 264 (2000). Krishnamoorti, R., M.A. Modi, M.F. Tse and H.C. Wang, “Pathway and Kinetics of Cylinder-toSphere Order-Order Transition in Block Copolymers,” Macromolecules 33, 3810 (2000). Ren, J. and R. Krishnamoorti, “Structure and Rheology of Intercalated PolystyrenePolyisoprene Layered-Silicate Nanocomposites,” Polym. Mater. Sci. Eng. 82, 264 (2000). Krishnamoorti, R., A.S. Silva, M.A. Modi and B. Hammouda, “Small-Angle Neutron-Scattering Study of a Cylinder-to-Sphere Order-Order Transition in Block Copolymers,” Macromolecules 33, 3803 (2000). Krishnamoorti, R. and A.S. Silva, “Phase Transitions in Layered-Silicate Nanocomposites,” Polym. Mater. Sci. Eng. 82, 218 (2000). Shon, Y.-S. and T.R. Lee, “Desorption and Exchange of Self-Assembled Monolayers (SAMs) on Gold Generated from Chelating Alkanedithiols,” J. Phys. Chem. B 104, 8192 (2000). Shon, Y.-S. and T.R. Lee, “A Steady-State Kinetic Model Can Be Used to Describe the Growth of Self-Assembled Monolayers (SAMs) on Gold,” J. Phys. Chem. B 104, 8182 (2000). Fukushima, H., S. Seki, T. Nishikawa, H. Takiguchi, K. Tamada, K. Abe, R. Colorado Jr., M. Graupe, O.E. Shmakova and T.R. Lee, “Microstructure, Wettability, and Thermal Stability of Semifluorinated Self-Assembled Monolayers (SAMs) on Gold,” J. Phys. Chem. B 104, 7417 (2000). LEE, T. RANDALL Ren, J., A.S. Silva and R. Krishnamoorti, “Linear Viscoelasticity of Disordered PolystyrenePoly-isoprene Block Copolymer Bases LayeredSilicate Nanocomposites,” Macromolecules 33, 3739 (2000). Tse, M.-F., H.-C. Wang, T.D. Shaffer, K.O. McElrath, M.A. Modi and R. Krishnamoorti, “Physical Properties of Isobutylene-based Block Copolymers,” Polym. Engng. & Sci. 40, 2182 (2000). BOOK CHAPTERS: Krishnamoorti, R., C.A. Mitchell and A.S. Silva, “Effect of Silicate-Layer Anisotropy on Cylindrical and Spherical Microdomain Ordering in Block Copolymer Nanocomposites,” J. Chem. Phys. (accepted for publication, 2001). Krishnamoorti, R. and A.S. Silva, ACS PMSE Preprints 82, 218 (2000). NONREFEREED PUBLICATIONS: KRISHNAMOORTI, RAMANAN Krishnamoorti, R., W.W. Graessley, A. Zirkel, D. Richter, L.J. Fetters and D.J. Lohse, “Melt-State Polymer-Chain Dimensions as a Function of Temperature,” J. Phys.: Conden. Mat. (accepted for publication, 2001). Ivkov, R., P. Papanek, P.M. Gehring and R. Krishnamoorti, ACS PMSE Preprints 82, 210 (2000). Perry, S.S., S. Lee, T.R. Lee, M. Graupe, A. Puck, R. Colorado Jr. and I. Wenzl, “Molecular-Level Interpretations of Frictional Force Data Collected with Atomic-Force Microscopy: Chain-Length Effects in Self-Assembled Organic Monolayers,” Polym. Prepr. (ACS, Div. Polym. Chem.) 41, 1456 (2000). Mitchell, C.A. and R. Krishnamoorti, “Influence of Layered Silicates on the Rheological Properties of Diblock Copolymer Nanocomposites,” in “Polymer Nanocomposites” (R. Krishnamoorti and R.A. Vaia, eds.), ACS, Washington (in press, 2001). Vaia, R.A. and R. Krishnamoorti, “Introduction,” in “Polymer Nanocomposites” (R. Krishnamoorti and R.A. Vaia, eds.), ACS, Washington (in press, 2001). Krishnamoorti, R. and A.S. Silva, “Rheological Properties of Polymer Layered-Silicate Nano- Garg, N., J.M. Friedman and T.R. Lee, “Adsorption Profiles of Chelating Aromatic Dithiols and Disulfides: Comparison to Those of Normal Alkanethiols and Disulfides,” Langmuir 16, 4266 (2000). Lee, S., Y.-S. Shon, R. Colorado Jr., R.L. Guenard, T.R. Lee and S.S. Perry, “The Influence of Packing Densities and Surface Order on the Frictional Properties of Alkanethiol Self-Assembled Monolayers (SAMs) on Gold: A Comparison of SAMs Derived from Normal and Spiroalkanedithiols,” Langmuir 16, 2220 (2000). Shon, Y.-S., R. Colorado Jr., C.T. Williams, C.D. Bain and T.R. Lee, “Low-Density Self-Assembled Monolayers on Gold Derived from Chelating 2-Monoalkylpropane-1,3-dithiols,” Langmuir 16, 541 (2000). Colorado Jr., R. and T.R. Lee, “Physical Organic Probes of Interfacial Wettability Reveal the Importance of Surface Dipole Effects,” J. Phys. Org. Chem. 13, 796 (2000). Shon, Y.-S., S. Lee, R. Colorado Jr., S.S. Perry and T.R. Lee, “Spiroalkanedithiol-Based SAMs Reveal Unique Insight into the Wettabilities and Frictional Properties of Organic Thin Films,” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 122, 7556 (2000). Shon, Y.-S., S. Lee, S.S. Perry and T.R. Lee, “The Adsorption of Unsymmetrical Spiroalkanedithiols onto Gold Affords Multicomponent Interfaces that are Homogeneously Mixed at the Molecular Level,” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 122, 1278 (2000). Genzer, J., E. Sivaniah, E.J. Kramer, J. Wang, M. Xiang, K. Char, C.K. Ober, R.A. Bubeck, D.A. Fischer, M. Graupe, R. Colorado Jr., O.E. Shmakova and T.R. Lee, “Molecular Orientation of Single and Two-Armed Monodendron Semifluorinated Chains on ‘Soft’ and ‘Hard’ Surfaces Studied using NEXAFS,” Macromolecules 33, 6068 (2000). LUSS, DAN Marwaha, B., J. Annamalai and D. Luss, “HotZone Formation during Carbon Monoxide Department of Chemical Engineering 2000 Annual Report 21 Oxidation in a Radial-Flow Reactor,” Chem. Eng. Sci. 56, 89 (2001). Media from Thin-Sections,” SPE 69623; SPE J. (accepted for publication, 2001). Ming, Q., M.D. Nersesyan, S.-C. Lin, J.T. Richardson, D. Luss and A.A. Shiryaev, “A New Route to Synthesize La1-xSrxMnO3,” J. Mater. Sci. 35, 3599 (2000). Rodriguez-Guadarrama, L.A., S.K. Talsania, K.K. Mohanty and R. Rajagopalan, “Mixing Properties of Two-Dimensional Lattice Solutions of Amphiphiles,” J. Coll. & Interf. Sci. 224, 188 (2000). Garg, R., D. Luss and J.G. Khinast, “Dynamic and Steady-State Features of a Cooled Countercurrent-Flow Reactor,” AIChE J. 46, 2029 (2000). Khinast, J.G. and D. Luss, “Efficient Bifurcation Analysis of Periodically-Forced DistributedParameter Systems,” Computers & Chem. Eng. 24, 139 (2000). Wang, X. and K.K. Mohanty, “Multiphase Non-Darcy Flow in Gas-Condensate Reservoir,” SPE J. 5, 426 (2000). SHORT COURSE: NIKOLAOU, MICHAEL Co-director and lecturer, Applications of Heterogeneous Catalysis, University of Houston, with J.T. Richardson et al., semiannually in 2000 and 2001. MOHANTY, KISHORE K. Singh, M., M. Honarpour and K.K. Mohanty, “Comparison of Viscous and Gravity-Dominated Gas/Oil Relative Permeabilities,” J. Petrol. Sci. & Engng. (accepted for publication, 2001). Rodriguez-Guadarrama, L.A., S. Ramanathan, K.K. Mohanty and R. Rajagopalan, “Modeling of Mixed Amphiphiles in a Lattice Solution,” J. Coll. & Interf. Sci. (accepted for publication, 2001). Hidajat, I., M. Singh and K.K. Mohanty, “Transport Properties of Microporous Media from Simulated NMR Response,” Transport in Porous Media (accepted for publication, 2001). Gupta, D. and K.K. Mohanty, “Visualization of DNAPL Remediation using Surfactant,” ES&T (accepted for publication, 2001). App, J.F. and K.K. Mohanty, “The Benefit of Local Saturation Measurements in Relative Permeability Estimation from Centrifuge Experiments,” SPE 69682; SPE J. (accepted for publication, 2001). Hidajat, I., A. Rastogi, M. Singh and K.K. Mohanty, “Transport Properties of Porous 22 Singh, M. and K.K. Mohanty, “Permeability of Spatially Correlated Porous Media,” Chem. Eng. Sci. 55, 5393 (2000). University of Houston Haarsma, G.J. and M. Nikolaou, “Multivariate Controller Performance-Monitoring: Lessons from an Application to a Snack-Food Process,” J. Proc. Control (accepted for publication, 2001). Nikolaou, M. and M. Cherukuri, “The Equivalence between Model Predictive Control and Anti-Windup Control Schemes,” Automatica (accepted for publication, 2001). Zhang, H., Y. Peng and M. Nikolaou, “Development of a Data-Driven Dynamic Model for a Plasma-Etching Reactor,” J. Vac. Sci. Tech. (accepted for publication, 2001). Eker, S.A. and M. Nikolaou, “Simultaneous Model Predictive Control and Identification: Closed-Loop Properties,” Automatica (accepted for publication, 2001). Eker, S.A. and M. Nikolaou, “Ensuring Coprimeness in Least-Squares Identification of ARX Models: The SICLS Algorithm,” Automatica (accepted for publication, 2001). Eker, S.A. and M. Nikolaou, “Linear Control of Nonlinear Systems—The Interplay between Nonlinearity and Feedback,” AIChE J. (accepted for publication, 2001). “Integration of Computer-Aided High-Intensity Design with Reservoir Exploitation of Remote and Offshore Locations,” SPE 64621 (2000); SPE J. (accepted for publication, 2001). Sankaran, S., M. Nikolaou and M.J. Economides, “Fracture Geometry and Vertical Migration in Multilayered Formations from Inclined Wells,” SPE 63177 (2000). BOOK CHAPTER: Nikolaou, M., “Model Predictive Controllers: A Critical Synthesis of Theory and Industrial Needs,” Adv. in ChE Series, Academic Press (2001). CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS: Zhang, H. and M. Nikolaou, “Control of Spatial Uniformity in Microelectronics Manufacturing: An Integrated Approach,” APC/AEC XII Sematech Workshop, Lake Tahoe (2000). Saputelli, L., B. Cherian, K. Grigoriadis, M. Nikolaou, C. Oudinot, G. Reddy and M.J. Economides, “Integration of Computer-Aided High-Intensity Design with Reservoir Exploitation of Remote and Offshore Locations,” SPE Int'l. Oil & Gas Conference & Exhibition in China, Beijing (2000). Sankaran, S., M. Nikolaou and M.J. Economides, “Fracture Geometry and Vertical Migration in Multilayered Formations from Inclined Wells,” SPE Annual Meeting, Dallas (2000). OLIGNEY, RONALD E. Economides, M.J., R.E. Oligney and A.S. Demarchos, “Natural Gas: The Revolution is Coming,” JPT, p. 102 ff. (May 2001). NONREFEREED PUBLICATIONS: Economides, M.J. and R.E. Oligney, “Energy Mix of New Economy Dominated by Natural Gas,” The Amer. O&G Reporter, p. 35 ff. (December 2000). Economides, M.J. and R.E. Oligney, The Color of Oil, 200 pp., Round Oak Publishing (Houston), February 2000. RICHARDSON, JAMES T. McMinn, T.E., F.C. Moates and J.T. Richardson, “Catalytic Steam-Reforming of Chlorocarbons: Catalyst Deactivation,” Appl. Catal. B (accepted for publication, 2001). Ming, Q., M.D. Nersesyan, S.-C. Lin, J.T. Richardson, D. Luss and A.A. Shiryaev, “A New Route to Synthesize La1-xSrxMnO3,” J. Mater. Sci. 35, 3599 (2000). Twigg, M.V. and J.T. Richardson, “Effects of Alumina Incorporation in Coprecipitated NiOAl2O3 Catalysts,” Appl. Catal. A 190, 61 (2000). Couté, N. and J.T. Richardson, “SteamReforming of Chlorocarbons: Chlorinated Aromatics,” Appl. Catal. B 26, 217 (2000). Couté, N. and J.T. Richardson, “Catalytic SteamReforming of Chlorocarbons: Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs),” Appl. Catal. B 26, 265 (2000). Richardson, J.T., Y. Peng and D. Remue, “Properties of Ceramic Foam Catalyst Supports: Pressure Drop,” Appl. Catal. A 204, 19 (2000). Barwani, M., A. Marhubi, R.E. Oligney and M.J. Economides, “The Role of the Local PetroleumServices Company in Asset Management,” SPE 59445 (2000). TILLER, FRANK M. Tiller, F.M. and W.P. Li, “Dangers of Lab-Plant Scale-up for Solid/Liquid Separation Systems,” Chem. Eng. Comm. (in press, 2001). Tiller, F.M. and W.P. Li, “Modified Capillary Suction Theory with Effects of Sedimentation for Rectangular Cells,” J. Chinese Inst. Of Chem. Engng. (in press, 2001). Tiller, F.M. and W.P. Li, “Optimizing Candle Filters for Super-Compactible Cakes,” Adv. In Filtration & Separation Technol. 15 (2001). Apoferritin Molecules in Solution: Effects of Added Electrolyte,” Biophys. J. 78, 2060 (2000). Thomas, B.R., A.A. Chernov, P.G. Vekilov and D.C. Carter, “Distribution Coefficients on Protein Impurities in Ferritin and Lysozyme Crystals. Self-Purification in Microgravity,” J. Crystal Growth 211, 149 (2000). Galkin, O. and P.G. Vekilov, “Control of Protein Crystal Nucleation around the Metastable Liquid-Liquid Phase Boundary,” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 97, 6277 (2000). Tiller, F.M. and W.P. Li, “CATscan Analysis of Batch Sedimentation of Kaolin Clay,” Water Research (accepted for publication, 2001). Yau, S.-T., B.R. Thomas and P.G. Vekilov, “Molecular Mechanisms of Crystallization and Defect Formation,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 353 (2000). Lee, D.J., J.-H. Kwon and F.M. Tiller, “Behavior of Highly Compactible Filter Cake: Variable Internal Flow Rate,” AIChE J. 46, 110 (2000). Yau, S.-T. and P.G. Vekilov, “Quasi-Planar Nucleus Structure in Apoferritin Crystallization,” Nature 406, 494 (2000). Tiller, F.M. and W.P. Li, “Strange Behavior of Supercompactible Filter Cakes,” Chem. Proc. (Sept. 2000). Hirsch, R.E., R.E. Samuel, N.A. Fataliev, M.J. Pollack, O. Galkin, P.G. Vekilov and R.L. Nagel, “Differential Pathways in Oxy and Deoxy HbC Aggregation/Crystallization,” Proteins 42, 99 (2000). CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS: Tiller, F.M. and W.P. Li, “Determination of the Critical Pressure-Drop for Filtration of Supercompactible Cakes,” Sludge Management Entering 3rd Millennium, IWA Conf. Proceedings, Taipei (2001). Yau, S.-T., D.N. Petsev, B.R. Thomas and P.G. Vekilov, “Molecular-level Thermodynamic and Kinetic Parameters for the Self-Assembly of Apoferritin Molecules into Crystals,” J. Molec. Biol. 303, 667 (2000). BOOK: Richardson, J.T., M. Spencer and M.V. Twigg, The Catalyst Manual, Plenum Press (in preparation, 2001). SHORT COURSE: Co-director and lecturer, Applications of Heterogeneous Catalysis, University of Houston, with D. Luss et al., semiannually in 2000 and 2001. ROOKS, CHARLES W. Economides, M.J., R.E. Oligney and A.S. Demarchos, “Natural Gas: The Revolution is Coming,” SPE 62884 (2000). NONREFEREED PUBLICATIONS: Saputelli, L., B. Cherian, K. Grigoriadis, M. Nikolaou, C. Oudinot, G. Reddy, M.J. Economides and C. Ehlig-Economides, BOOK: PATENT: “Method of Rapidly Converting an Acrylonitrile Reactor to Methanol Feed and Back to Polylene Feed,” patent application (in process, 2001). VEKILOV, PETER G. Lin, H., D.N. Petsev, S.-T. Yau, B.R. Thomas and P.G. Vekilov, “Lower Incorporation of Impurities in Ferritin Crystals by Suppression of Convection: Modeling Results,” Crystal Growth & Design 1, 73 (2001). Galkin, O. and P.G. Vekilov, “Are Nucleation Kinetics of Protein Crystals Similar to Those of Liquid Droplets?” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 122, 156 (2000). Petsev, D.N. and P.G. Vekilov, “Evidence for Non-DLVO Hydration Interactions in Solutions of the Protein Apoferritin,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 1339 (2000). Vekilov, P.G. and J.I.D. Alexander, “Dynamics of Layer Growth in Protein Crystallization,” Chem. Rev. 100, 2061 (2000). WILLSON, RICHARD C. D'Souza, L.M., R.C. Willson and G.E. Fox, “Expression of Marker RNAs in Pseudomonas Putida,” Current Microbiol. 40, 91 (2000). Murphy, J.C., G.E. Fox and R.C. Willson, “Structured RNA Isolation and Fractionation with Compaction Agents,” Analytical Biochem. (in press, 2001). PATENT: U.S. Patent 6,063,633 Petsev, D.N., B.R. Thomas, S.-T. Yau and P.G. Vekilov, “Interactions and Aggregation of Department of Chemical Engineering 2000 Annual Report 23 T H E U N D E R G R A D U AT E P R O G R A M ChE UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSION Students seeking admission as freshmen to the Cullen College 4. A GPA of 2.25 or higher for all college-level English courses of Engineering should refer to www.uh.edu/enroll/admis/ attempted; international students must have a TOEFL score freshman_req.html for the current and complete requirements. of 550. 5. A GPA of 2.25 or higher for all college-level engineering Students aspiring toward undergraduate Chemical Engineering study at the University of Houston may request applications from: courses attempted. 6. Must have attempted at least one college-level Undergraduate Admissions Office mathematics course and at least one college-level 122 E. Cullen Bldg. physics or chemistry course. Houston, TX 77204-2023, U.S.A. Applicants with special questions about the undergraduate Transfer applicants who have earned fewer than 15 semester hours of college credit must meet the engineering requirements for high-school graduates. Applicants who have earned between 15 and 29 semester hours of college credit must meet all of these requirements: Chemical Engineering program may contact: Mrs. Sharon Gates, Undergraduate-Admissions Analyst University of Houston, Chemical Engineering S 222 Engineering Bldg. 1 Houston, TX 77204-4004, U.S.A. 1. A grade-point average (GPA) of 2.50 or higher for all college-level work attempted. 2. A GPA of 2.50 or higher for all college-level mathematics Phone: 713-743-4325 E-mail: SMGates@uh.edu courses attempted. 3. A GPA of 2.50 or higher for all college-level chemistry and physics courses attempted. YEAR* ENROLLMENT 4. A GPA of 2.50 or higher for all college-level English courses 1975 237 attempted; international students must have a TOEFL score 1980 356 of 550. 1981 423 Figures since 1991 include students registering 1982 470 as Postbaccalaureates. Enrollment figures have 1983 596 followed national trends. 1984 322 1985 229 The success of our program is due to the 1986 167 soundness of our undergraduate curriculum, 1987 205 the commitment of our faculty (all of whom 1988 200 teach undergraduate courses), and the 1989 260 support of local petroleum and petrochemical 1990 313 industries. We look forward to continued 1991 385 growth in the future and to the changes in 5. A GPA of 2.50 or higher for all college-level engineering courses attempted. 6. Must have attempted at least one college-level mathematics course and at least one college-level physics or chemistry course. Transfer applicants who have earned 30 or more semester hours 1992 479 chemical engineering education demanded of college credit must meet all of these requirements: 1993 545 by the 21st century. the University of Houston is consistently rated among 1. A GPA of 2.25 or higher for all college-level work attempted. 1994 480 2. A GPA of 2.25 or higher for all college-level mathematics 1995 445 1996 460 1997 383 1998 373 1999 317 2000 295 Gourman Report). courses attempted. 3. A GPA of 2.25 or higher for all college-level chemistry and physics courses attempted. University of Houston * at the beginning of the academic period. The undergraduate Chemical Engineering program of the top programs in the country (10th in the recent 24 ENROLLMENT TRENDS: Department of Chemical Engineering 2000 Annual Report 25 Undergraduate Courses: Chemical Engineering (CHEE) 1131: Challenge of Chemical Engineering Cr. 1 (1-0). Prerequisites: Science or Engineering major. The Chemical Engineering professions. Strongholds and frontiers of Chemical Engineering. Career opportunities for chemical engineers. Communication skills; engineering ethics. 1331: Computing for Engineers (also CIVE 1331, INDE 1331) Cr. 3 (2-2). Prerequisite: MATH 1431. Credit cannot be received for more than one of CHEE 1331, CIVE 1331, or INDE 1331. Introduction to the computing environment, matrix arithmetic, programming essentials, spreadsheets, symbolic algebra tools, solution of typical engineering problems using computer tools. 2331: Chemical Processes Cr. 3 (3-0). Prerequisites: CHEE or CIVE 1331, MATH 1432, PHYS 1321, and credit for or concurrent enrollment in MATH 2433 and CHEM 1332. Introduction to chemical engineering, calculations, unit equations, process stoichiometry, material and energy balances, states of matter, case studies. 2332: Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics I Cr. 3 (3-0). Prerequisites: CHEM 1332, MATH 2433, PHYS 1321, CHEE 2331. Fundamental concepts of thermodynamic systems, heat and work, properties of pure substances, first and second laws. 3333: Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics II Cr. 3 (3-0). Prerequisite: CHEE 2332. Multicomponent systems, phase equilibria, and prediction of thermodynamic properties. 3363: Fluid Mechanics for Chemical Engineers (formerly ENGI 3363) Cr. 3 (3-0). Prerequisites: CHEE 2332, MATH 3321 or equivalent, MECE 3400, PHYS 1321, and credit for or concurrent enrollment in CHEE 3334. Foundations of fluid mechanics, fluid statics, kinematics, laminar and turbulent flow; macroscopic balances; dimensional analysis and flow correlations. 3366: Topics in Physical Chemistry Cr. 3 (3-0). Prerequisite: CHEE 3333. Introduction to various physical-chemical topics; electrochemistry, chemical kinetics, colloid and particle science, macromolecules. 3367: Process-Modeling & Control Cr. 3 (3-0). Prerequisites: CHEE 3334, CHEE or ENGI 3363, MATH 3321, and PHYS 1322. Modeling techniques of chemical engineering problems, with emphasis on process control. 26 University of Houston (1 1/2-5). Prerequisites: CHEE 3462, 3467, 3369, and credit for or concurrent enrollment in CHEE 4367. Design and execution of experiments, with emphasis on heat and mass transport, unit operations, process control, and reactors. Written reports. 4367: Chemical Reaction Engineering Cr. 3 (3-0). Prerequisites: CHEE 3366, 3369, and 3462. Chemical-reaction kinetics, mechanisms, and reactor design in static and flow systems; introduction to heterogeneous catalytic reactions in flow systems. 5360: Biochemical Engineering Fundamentals Cr. 3 (3-0). Prerequisite: credit for or concurrent enrollment in CHEE 4367. Analysis and design fundamentals for biochemical process, reactor design, transport phenomena; applications of enzymes and microbial populations. 3369: Chemical Engineering Transport Processes Cr. 3 (3-0). Prerequisite: CHEE or ENGI 3363. Mass transfer in single- and multiphase systems and combined heat- and mass-transfer. Selected topics in heat and mass transfer, and in heat and momentum transfer. 5367: Advanced Process Control Cr. 3 3399-4399: Senior Honors Thesis Cr. 3 per semester. Prerequisites: senior standing; 3.00 cumulative grade-point average in chemical engineering and overall. 5371: Pollution-Control Engineering Cr. 3 (3-0). Prerequisites: credit for or concurrent enrollment in CHEE 4321 and CHEE 4367. Pollution problems and remedies with the Earth as an environmentally closed system. Limitations of absorption and self-cleaning for terrasphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere, and their interrelationship. 3462: Unit Operations Cr. 4 (3-1 [1-2]). Prerequisites: CHEE 3333, CHEE or ENGI 3363, and credit for or concurrent enrollment in CHEE 3369. Unit operations, with emphasis on distillation, absorption, extraction, and fluid-solid systems. 3334: Statistical & Numerical Techniques for Chemical Engineers Cr. 3 (3-0). Prerequisites: CHEE or CIVE 1331, CHEE 2332, MATH 3321 or equivalent, and credit for or concurrent enrollment in ENGI or CHEE 3363. Statistics for chemical engineers, curve-fitting, numerical methods in linear algebra, nonlinear algebraic equations, ordinary and partial differential equations, optimization. Special emphasis on problems appearing in chemical engineering applications. 4361: Chemical Engineering Practices Cr. 3 4198:4298:4398:4498: Special Problems Cr. 1-4 per semester, or more by concurrent enrollment. Prerequisite: approval of the Chairman. (3-0). Prerequisite: CHEE 3367 or consent of instructor. Application of the use of high-speed computers in the control of chemical processes, reactors, and units. 5373: Environmental Remediation Cr. 3 (3-0). Prerequisites: ENGI 3363, CHEE 3462, and credit for or concurrent enrollment in CHEE 4367. In situ and ex situ methods of remediation or restoration of contaminated environmental sites. Emphasis is on hydrocarbon contaminants in soil, surface water, and groundwater. 4321:4322: Chemical Engineering Design Cr. 3 per semester (3-0). Prerequisites: CHEE 3333, 3462, 3369, and credit for or concurrent enrollment in CHEE 4367. Computer-aided design of chemical processes, with emphasis on process economics, profitability analysis, and optimal operating conditions. 5374: Reaction Kinetics for Industrial Processes Cr. 3 (3-0). Prerequisite: Credit for or concurrent enrollment in CHEE 4367. Methods for predicting product distribution in practical chemical reactors. Determination of thermochemical and kinetic constants from statistical mechanics and transition-state theory. Applications from vapor-phase processes to catalysis. 5375: Chemical Processing in Microelectronics Cr. 3 (3-0). Prerequisite: CHEE 4367 or consent of instructor. Chemical engineering principles applied to microelectronicdevice fabrication and processing. 5376: Solid/Liquid Separation— Environmental Processes Cr. 3 (3-0). Prerequisite: CHEE or ENGI 3363. introduction to solid/fluid separation and processing. Particle characteristics, porous media; interfacial phenomena; flow through compactible and granular beds; sedimentation, clarification, filtration, centrifugation, expression, washing. 5377: Introduction to Polymer Science Cr. 3 (3-0). Prerequisite: consent of instructor. Introduction to the synthesis, characterization, physical properties, and processing of polymeric materials. The course thematically revolves around methods to measure, characterize, and tailor structure, processing, and property correlations for polymeric materials. 5387: Plasma Processing: Principles & Applications Cr. 3 (3-0). Prerequisites: senior standing in Engineering or Natural Sciences, or consent of instructor. Principles of low-pressure glow-discharge plasmas; plasma generation and maintenance, plasma chemistry, plasma diagnostics. Applications with emphasis on semiconductor manufacturing. 5388: Catalytic Processes Cr. 3 (3-0). Prerequisites: credit for or concurrent enrollment in CHEE 4321 and 4367. Process-oriented survey of catalytic technology; catalyst selection and design; catalytic processes, engineering and economics in the petroleum, chemical, and pollution-control industries. 5397: Safety & Reliability Cr. 3 (3.0). Prerequisites: CHEE 3363, 3369, 3367. An overview of risk, safeguards, and hazards associated with chemical process engineering. Layers of protection, hazard identification, source-term models, toxic release and dispersion models, fires and explosions, probabilistic analysis, fault-tree analysis, designs to prevent accidents, safety-instrumented systems, and safety-related standards and regulations. 5380: Biochemical Separations Cr. 3 (3-0). Prerequisite: senior standing in Chemical Engineering, or consent of instructor. Producing cloned proteins in useful amounts; use of recombinant DNA methodologies to produce proteins; characterization methods. 5383: Advanced Unit Operations Cr. 3 (3-0). Prerequisite: senior standing in Chemical Engineering, or consent of instructor. Property prediction of multicomponent fluids. Advanced principles of heat-exchanger design, multicomponent fractionation, absorption, stripping, and extraction. 5386: Air-Pollution Problems & Control Cr. 3 (3-0). Prerequisite: consent of instructor. Air-pollutant identification and control technology; estimation of pollutant transport, dispersion, and conversion; computer application for design of control units. Department of Chemical Engineering 2000 Annual Report 27 Undergraduate Chemical Engineering Curriculum Chemistry University Core Curriculum First HIST 1376 or 1377 year Second POLS 1336 Engineering ENGL 1303 CHEM 1111 CHEM 1331 ENGL 1304 CHEM 1112 CHEM 1332 CHEE 1131 Chem Eng Chal CHEM 3331 CHEE 2331 Chem Proc CHEM 3332 CHEE 2332 Thermo I POLS 1337 Third Chemistry elective Humanities year * Social or Behav Science HIST 1378 or 1379 Fourth year Vis Perform Arts Social or Behav Science WI Science elective Physics Sem. Hours MATH 1431 year CHEM 3221 Math * MATH 1432 CHEE 1331 Comp for Engrs 17 15 PHYS 1321 MATH 2433 16 MATH 3321 MECE 3400 15 CHEE 3333 Thermo II CHEE 3334 Anal/Num Tech CHEE 3363 Fluid Mec PHYS 1322 18 CHEE 3366 Phys Chem CHEE 3462 Unit Ops CHEE 3369 Transport CHEE 3367 Proc Cont 16 CHEE 4367 Reac Eng CHEE 4361 Practices CHEE 4321 Design Technical elective * CHEE 4322 Design Technical elective * Technical elective * 18 15 Total 130 C A B 1. Arrow to top of box (C is prerequisite for B) 2. Arrow to side of box (credit or registration in A at the same time as B) * From Approved Courses 28 University of Houston Department of Chemical Engineering 2000 Annual Report 29 Undergraduate Degree Plan Scholarships Effective Fall 1999. FIRST YEAR THIRD YEAR FALL SEMESTER FALL SEMESTER UNDERGRADUATE SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENTS UNDERGRADUATE AICHE CHAPTER Our undergraduate program enjoys a robust level of support from industrial The Department has an active undergraduate chapter of the South Texas Section of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE). The chapter is advised by Course # Course Hrs. Course # Course Hrs. and organizational donors. Following are the 2000–2001 recipients of these CHEM 1111 Fund. of Chemistry Lab 1 CHEE 3333 ChE Thermo. II 3 undergraduate scholarships: CHEM 1331 Fundam. of Chemistry 3 CHEE 3334 Anal./Numer. Techn. 3 ENGL 1303 English Composition I 3 CHEE 3363 Fluid Mech. for ChE 3 HIST 1376/7 U.S. History to 1877 3 PHYS 1322 Engng. Physics II 3 MATH 1431 Calculus I 4 Humanities Core 3 POLS 1336 U.S. & Texas Politics 3 Adv. Chem. elective 3 ---- ---- 17 18 SPRING SEMESTER Course # Course Hrs. Course # Course Hrs. CHEE 1131 Chem. Engng. Challenges 1 CHEE 3366 Topics, Phys. Chem. 3 CHEM 1112 Fund. of Chemistry Lab 1 CHEE 3367 Proc. Mod./Control 3 CHEM 1332 Fundam. of Chemistry 3 CHEE 3369 ChE Transport Proc. 3 CHEE 3462 Unit Operations 4 English Composition II 3 MATH 1432 Calculus II 4 Social or Behavioral PHYS 1321 Engineering Physics I 3 Science core BP/AMOCO FOUNDATION Shane Mansur Joel Roberts Dany Tran SPRING SEMESTER ENGL 1304 Prof. Richard Willson. 3 ---- ---- 15 16 Pamela Williams DOW OUTSTANDING JUNIOR May Shek HALLIBURTON FOUNDATION, INC. Matthew Peel Cong Trinh SECOND YEAR FOURTH YEAR FALL SEMESTER FALL SEMESTER LUBRIZOL FOUNDATION Randall Collum, Jr. Mei Yee Khoo Course # Course Hrs. Course # Course Hrs. CHEE 1331 Computing for Engineers 3 CHEE 4321 ChE Design I 3 Olayemi O. Ogidan CHEE 2331 Chemical Processes 3 CHEE 4361 ChE Practices 3 Joey Stowers CHEM 3331 Fund. of Organic Chem. I 3 CHEE 4367 Chem. Reaction Eng. 3 MATH 2433 Calculus III 4 HIST 1378/9 US Hist. since 1877 3 POLS 1337 U.S. Government 3 Technical elective 3 ---- Vis./Perf. Arts core 3 16 ---18 SPRING SEMESTER AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERS Jacob A. Collins Jason P. Manthey SPRING SEMESTER Course # Course Hrs. Course # Course Hrs. CHEE 2332 Chem. Eng. Thermo. I 3 CHEE 4322 ChE Design II 3 May Shek, junior ChE student, was awarded a Tau Beta Pi Scholar Award. CHEM 3221 Fund. of Org. Chem. Lab 2 Technical elective 3 Only 16 are given nationwide to Engineering students, and only four to CHEM 3332 Fund. of Organic Chem. II 3 Technical elective 3 MATH 3321 Engineering Mathematics 3 Adv. Sci. elective 3 MECE 3400 Intro to Mechanics 4 Soc./Beh. Sci. core Chemical Engineering students. 3 ---- ----- 15 15 TOTAL UNDERGRADUATE HOURS: 130 30 University of Houston Department of Chemical Engineering 2000 Annual Report 31 T H E G R A D U AT E P R O G R A M The Tiller Scholarship Endowment Fund THE FRANK M. AND MARTHA R. TILLER SCHOLARSHIP ENDOWMENT FUND AT THE UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON On November 15, 1998, the University of Houston established the Frank M. and Martha R. Tiller Scholarship Endowment Fund. This endowment account was established with a gift from Prof. and Mrs. Tiller. The Cullen College of Engineering is the beneficiary of the remainderment of a gift annuity established by the Tillers. The annual distributed income from this endowment provides scholarship funding for undergraduate students in the Chemical Engineering Department of the Cullen College of Engineering. The recipient(s) of the scholarship are determined by the Dean of Engineering and a selection committee. Recipients are designated as “Tiller Chemical Engineering Scholars.” The scholarship monies are distributed in accordance with these criteria: 1. Scholarship recipients must be undergraduate students currently enrolled in the Department of Chemical Engineering of the Cullen College of Engineering. 2. Scholarship recipients must exhibit academic excellence and leadership qualities as determined by the Selection Committee. 3. Recipients must be full-time, degree-seeking students at the University of Houston. 4. Recipients must enroll for a minimum of 12 credit hours during each semester of award. 5. Recipients must maintain a GPA of 3.0 or better. The Dean of Engineering has administrative control over the annual distributed income from this endowment. The Chemical Engineering graduate program at the University of Houston is among the top 20 in the nation (17th in the 1995 National Research Council ratings). Our doctoral program is among the highest-rated doctoral programs in the entire University. This is due to the excellence of our faculty in research, the international reputation of our professors, and the success of our graduates. On the average, our faculty members receive $1 million of support each year, and the Department generally has total overall annual expenditures of approximately $3.5 million for graduate research activities. 32 University of Houston Department of Chemical Engineering 2000 Annual Report 33 Full-Time Graduate Programs in ChE The Department offers four graduate programs: FULL-TIME PROGRAMS OF STUDY (REQUIRING A THESIS) The Department of Chemical Engineering offers Master of Science (MS) and Doctor of 1. FULL-TIME MS/PHD: This program supports the research activity of the faculty and is designed for full-time graduate Philosophy (PhD) degree programs, both of which focus on advanced engineering fundamentals and research. students receiving financial support. Most students pursue the PhD degree, which may be completed (without an Recipients of the MS degree are qualified for employment in industry or for continued intermediate MS) in four years of study. studies toward the PhD degree. Coursework for the MS degree includes four specific classes (Engineering Mathematics, Reaction Engineering, Transport Processes, and 2. PART-TIME MS (NON-THESIS OPTION): Intended Classical & Statistical Thermodynamics) and two electives of the student’s choice. The for part-time students from local industry who have a BS student also completes a research project and writes a Master’s thesis describing the ChE degree, this program requires 30 semester hours of work. Candidates entering the program with a Bachelor of Science in Chemical coursework, including the same core required for full-time Engineering can complete all requirements in 12 to 18 months. MS students. Candidates for the PhD degree enjoy intensive exposure to a specific field of 3. PART-TIME MChE: This is a separate Master’s program engineering research in addition to continued study of engineering fundamentals. that emphasizes advanced engineering and business Individual research is the major focal point for these students, who will learn, absorb, management. Admission and graduation requirements are and otherwise experience the general philosophy, methods, and concepts of research the same as for the MS degree, but mastery of advanced and scholarly inquiry. After graduation, UH ChE PhD recipients will be qualified to engineering is the main goal. Approximately 25 students contribute to the solution of significant problems related or unrelated to their doctoral enroll annually. The MChE degree may be completed in research. For students considering an academic career, instructorships are available. Coursework for the PhD four semesters (two years). degree includes six specific courses (Engineering Mathematics II, Transport Processes II, and the four courses listed in the preceding paragraph) and six elective courses, which allow for specialization in the student’s 4. MASTERS OF PETROLEUM ENGINEERING: Similar research area. In addition, all students undertake a doctoral research project and dissertation to expand to the MChE degree, this program offers advanced thesis or the frontiers of knowledge in their research areas. Acceptance into this full-time program is generally non-thesis studies to full- or part-time students in petroleum accompanied by Departmental financial support. Candidates with a BS in Chemical Engineering can engineering. Annual enrollments range from 40 to 80 complete all requirements in about four years. students, with an additional number of postbaccalaureate students involved in the coursework. A student must pass the PhD Qualifying Exam to be formally accepted as a doctoral candidate. To be eligible to take this examination, a student must have completed the six specifically required PhD courses with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0/4.0. There is no foreign-language requirement. Highly qualified students Details of these programs, and descriptions of the coursework may bypass the MS degree and pursue the doctorate directly. offered, appear on the pages following. The ratio of graduate students to faculty is low, typically four to six students per research advisor. After new students have spent their first semester in the Department, the ChE faculty make presentations of their research programs and interests to better enable the students to submit their requests for choice of research advisor. Every reasonable effort is made to accommodate students’ first choice of advisor. 34 University of Houston Department of Chemical Engineering 2000 Annual Report 35 Master of Chemical Engineering (MChE) Degree (part-time) Current areas: Reaction engineering Catalytic engineering RESEARCH AREAS & EQUIPMENT requirement is waived for applicants from primarily English- MASTER The department’s research programs are broad and innovative, speaking countries and for applicants who have earned a lesser The MChE degree is a non-thesis program for the working professional. This program encompassing traditional and emerging chemical engineering ChE degree from a U.S. institution. The University of Houston has been designed for those persons who plan careers in plant operations, design, and OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING (MCHE) DEGREE disciplines. Departmental research equipment includes an X-ray requires a fee of $75 (in U.S. funds) to process graduate management. It is intended to be competitive neither with the Master of Science degree Electronic materials diffractometer with a hot stage, a pulsed excimer-pumped dye applications from non-U.S. citizens. (which is specifically research-oriented) nor with an MBA degree. Rather, the goal of this Polymer science and engineering laser, a quasielastic laser-light-scattering spectroscopy unit, a computerized axial tomographic scanner (CATscan) system, All applicants (U.S. and international) must also submit a impart broad concepts of systems analysis, advanced process economics, and technical Biochemical engineering rheometers, a fluorescence-polarization stopped-flow kinetics completed University of Houston application form and a management. The program is aimed at improving opportunities for chemical engineers apparatus, and a titration microcalorimeter. Additionally, the Chemical Engineering Department application form. Transcripts in chemical-process and related industries. Department houses numerous workstations and personal and all other documents should be mailed directly to one of computers for graduate research. Access to a university VAX the two addresses below, as application requests or components The program comprises a core of six required courses, plus four elective courses selected to meet the For complete information, prospective network and Hitachi AS/9000N mainframe is also available. addressed to the UH Office of Admissions frequently fail to student’s interests in the areas of process control, management and business economics, biochemical and students should contact the MChE For large computations, many faculty have reserved time on reach the Chemical Engineering Department in timely fashion. environmental engineering, and petroleum engineering. The courses are available in the late afternoon and Program Director: various national supercomputers. Note: Incoming UH ChE graduate students are admitted for evenings, and the degree program can be completed in two to three years of part-time study. Prof. Kishore K. Mohanty Colloids & supramolecular fluids Advanced inorganic materials Solid/liquid separations Petroleum engineering Multiphase flow Fall semesters only. Fall-semester applications that are received ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS (U.S. STUDENTS) Admission to the Department's graduate programs is Computer-aided process engineering program is to permit earlier productive use of young engineers’ technical skills and to University of Houston, Chemical Engineering by the preceding February 1 are most favorably considered, Entrance requirements include a Bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering, industrial employment, and S 222 Engineering Bldg. 1 although later applications may also be considered. approvals of the MChE Program Director, the Chairman of the Chemical Engineering Department, and the Houston, TX 77204-4004 competitive, based on GPAs from undergraduate and Dean of Engineering. Unconditional admission may be granted for a minimum undergraduate GPA of 3.0 graduate studies, GRE scores, and letters of recommendation. Qualified U.S. and international students may request a (4.0 scale) and a minimum GRE score (verbal + quantitative) of 1100. Conditional admission may be granted The U.S. applicant must generally have achieved a minimum complete application package for the full-time, thesis-option for a minimum undergraduate GPA of 2.6/4.0 and a minimum GRE of 1000, with special permission of the undergraduate GPA of 3.0/4.0 and a minimum GRE score MS or PhD programs from the appropriate agent below: Program Director and the Dean of Engineering. Achievement of a grade of “B” or better in the first 12 hours (Verbal + Quantitative) of 1100. Students with undergraduate degrees in fields other than Chemical Engineering may apply, but these students may need to take preparatory courses prior to or concurrently with ChE graduate study. of coursework removes the conditional status. U.S. CITIZENS/PERMANENT RESIDENTS: Graduate Studies Coordinator University of Houston Department of Chemical Engineering S-222 Engineering Bldg 1, Houston, TX 77204-4004 Required courses are: CHEE 6350, 6368, 6369, 6383, 6367 (for descriptions, see p. 39, Chemical Engineering course listings); and INDE 6372 (Operations Research & Analysis of Systems). Elective courses include: CHEE 6330, 6331, 6332, 6333, 6334, 6335, 6336, 6337, 6360, 6365, 6370, 6371, 6375, 6386, 6388 (q.v.); INDE ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS (INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS) INTERNATIONAL CITIZENS: 6332 (Engineering Project Management), 6334 (Statistical Decision Analysis & Design), 6335 (Engineering International Graduate Coordinator Administration), 6350 (Design of Artificial-Intelligence Systems), 6364 (Advanced Engineering Statistics), 6370 The international students offered admission over recent years University of Houston Department of Chemical Engineering (Operations Research, Digital Simulation), and 6371 (Operations Research, Optimization Methods); and have ranked in the top 10% of their class, and they have scored over 1200 on the GRE (Verbal + Quantitative) and over 550 on the TOEFL. S-222 Engineering Bldg 1, Houston, TX 77204-4004, U.S.A. FINANCIAL AID ENGI 6302, 6304, 6308, 6312, 6320, 6322, 6324, 6326 (for descriptions, see Petroleum Engineering course listings). Fellowships that typically consist of a stipend, tuition and fees International applicants thus qualified should be prepared to submit unofficial copies of GRE scores, TOEFL scores, and transcripts well in advance of the Department's request for official documents. Official GRE and TOEFL scores should are available for qualified PhD and full-time MS candidates. These fellowships are awarded on a competitive basis. Applicants may apply for financial assistance when requesting admission to the graduate program. then be sent, using ETS Institutional Code 6870. The TOEFL 36 University of Houston Department of Chemical Engineering 2000 Annual Report 37 Master of Science in Petroleum Engineering (MSPE) Graduate Courses CHEMICAL ENGINEERING (CHEE) MASTER OF SCIENCE IN PETROLEUM ENGINEERING 6111: Graduate Seminar Cr. 1 (1-0). May be The MSPE degree is ideal for any engineering graduate who desires to begin working or repeated for credit. to improve his position in the upstream petroleum industry. This program offers courses 6197:6297:6397: Selected Topics Cr. 1-3 held 5:30–8:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday, enabling attendance after business per semester (1-0; 2-0; 3-0). May be repeated for credit. hours for full-time professionals. Engineering, or the Thesis Option, which requires 18 credit hours of approved courses beyond the introductory level in Petroleum Engineering plus 12 credit hours dedicated to the Master’s thesis. Petroleum Engineering courses can also be taken for Continuing Education credit, and they can be applied as Professional Development Hours for maintaining professional competency for the Professional Engineer (PE) certification. For application forms, contact the A Bachelor’s degree in Engineering from an accredited institution is normally required for admission to the Program Director. All correspondence MSPE program. Undergraduate degrees in Petroleum, Chemical, or Mechanical Engineering provide all or most and supporting documents (official of the prerequisite courses for this program. Holders of other scientific degrees, as well as some Engineering transcripts and test scores) should graduates, must complete prerequisite requirements. All candidates should have credit for courses equivalent also be mailed to this address: to the University of Houston's prerequisites for this degree. Dr. Christine A. Economides University of Houston For unconditional admission to the program, a minimum undergraduate GPA of 3.0 (4.0 scale) and Chemical Engineering an acceptable GRE score (verbal + quantitative) are required. For conditional admission, a minimum S 222 Engineering Bldg 1 undergraduate GPA of 2.6, an acceptable GRE score, and special consent of the Program Director and Houston, TX 77204-4004 the Dean of Engineering are required. International applicants must qualify for unconditional admission and satisfy the University of Houston's requirement of a minimum TOEFL score of 550. Cr. 1-5 per semester, or more by concurrent enrollment. Prerequisite: approval of Chairman. 6289:6389: Chemical Engineering Project 6367: Advanced Process Control Cr. 3 (3-0). 6198:6298:6398:6498:6598: Research Cr. 2 or 3 per semester (2-0; 3-0). Prerequisite: approval of instructor. May be repeated for credit. Industrial-scale chemical engineering economics and/or engineering project. Prerequisite: CHEE 3367 or equivalent, or consent of instructor. Application of high-speed computers in the control of chemical processes, reactors, and units. 6330: Computational Methods for Chemical Engineers Cr. 3 (3-0). Prerequisite: consent of instructor. Advanced computational and numerical methods for the solution of chemical engineering problems. Solution of linear and nonlinear equations. Conjugategradient-like methods. Newton and quasiNewton techniques. Solutions of elliptic and hyperbolic partial differential equations using finite-difference and finite-element techniques. Applications to chemical engineering problems. 6368: Chemical Process Economics I Cr. 3 6331:6332: Mathematical Methods in Chemical Engineering Cr. 3 per semester (3-0). Prerequisite: approval of Department. Linear methods applied to chemical engineering, matrices, transforms, series, complex variable methods, boundary-layer problems. 6333:6334: Transport Processes Cr. 3 per semester (3-0). Prerequisite: CHEE 3369. Advanced principles of fluid mechanics and heat/mass transfer, with application to problems in research and design. Emphasis on unified point of view to transport processes in laminarand turbulent-flow situations. 6335:6336: Classical & Statistical Once accepted into the graduate program, part-time students will be advised how to schedule courses sufficient for the MSPE degree program. (Part-time students commonly take one or two courses per semester.) Full-time students will be advised how to complete the required courses within a period of 1.5 years. Thermodynamics Cr. 3 per semester (3-0). Prerequisite: CHEE 3460. Advanced methods. 6337: Advanced Reactor Engineering Cr. 3 (3-0). Prerequisite: undergraduate kinetics or reactor-design course. Introduction to modern concepts and techniques of chemical-reactor analysis and design. 6350: Finance & Accounting for Industrial & Chemical Processes Cr. 3 (3.0). Prerequisite: graduate standing in chemical engineering, or permission from the director of the MChE program. Finance and accounting procedures for nonfinancial managers, with emphasis on cost, working capital, budgeting, cost of capital, long-term financing, and financial assets for chemical engineers. 6360: Biochemical Engineering Fundamentals Cr. 3 (3-0). Prerequisite: graduate standing, or senior with consent of instructor. 38 University of Houston 6365: Fundamentals of Catalysis Cr. 3 (3-0). Prerequisite: CHEE 4367 or equivalent. Theories and experimental procedures in modern heterogeneous catalysis, catalyst preparation and properties, absorption, surface mechanisms, catalyst design, and catalytic processes. Students may elect whether to complete the Nonthesis Option, which requires 30 credit hours of approved courses beyond the introductory level in Petroleum Analysis and design fundamentals for biochemical processes: introductory biochemistry, microbiology, biological kinetics, reactor design, transport phenomena; applications of enzymes and single mixed microbial populations. 6374: Reaction Kinetics for Industrial Processes Cr. 3 (3.0). Prerequisite: credit for or concurrent enrollment in CHEE 4367. Fundamental methods for predicting product distributions in practical chemical reactors. Determination of thermochemical and kinetic constants from statistical mechanics and transition-state theory. Applications from vapor-phase processes to catalysis. 6375: Chemical Processing for Microelectronics Cr. 3 (3-0). Prerequisites: CHEE 4367 or equivalent, or consent of instructor. Chemical Engineering principles applied to microelectronic-device fabrication and processing. (3-0). Prerequisite: graduate standing in chemical engineering and CHEE 6350. Managerial economics of chemical processes and products; development of decision-making methods using examples from the chemical industry. 6376: Solid/Liquid Separation— Environmental Processes Cr. 3 (3-0). Prerequisite: ENGI 3363. Introduction to solid/fluid separation and processing. Particulate characteristics, porous media, interfacial phenomena, flow through compactible and granular beds; sedimentation, clarification, filtration, centrifugation, expression, washing. 6369: Chemical Process Economics II Cr. 3 6377: Introduction to Polymer Science (3-0). Prerequisites: CHEE 6350, 6368. Study of profitability, process-comparison, and risk analysis from an advanced viewpoint, followed by extensive case-history studies of managerial economics in process industries. 6370: Advanced Topics in Biochemical Engineering Cr. 3 (3-0). Prerequisite: CHEE 6360, or consent of instructor. Mathematical modeling and optimization of separation-unit operations in biochemical engineering, including chromatography, flocculation, centrifugation, and filtration. Engineering analysis and design of mammalian-cell bioreactors. 6371: Pollution-Control Engineering Cr. 3 (3-0). Prerequisite: Credit for or concurrent enrollment in CHEE 4321 and 4367 or equivalent. General survey of problems and remedies with the Earth as an environmentally closed system. Limitations of absorption and self-cleansing of the terrasphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere, and their interaction and interrelationship. 6372: Fluid/Particle Separation Cr. 3 (3-0). Prerequisite: ENGI 3363 or equivalent. Introduction to heterogeneous, fluid/particle, multiphase systems. Development of fundamental principles of flow through compactible beds. Application to solid/liquid separation. Brief study of aerosols, coalescence, and flotation. 6373: Environmental Remediation Cr. 3 (3-0). Prerequisites: ENGI 3363, CHEE 3462, and credit for or concurrent enrollment in CHEE 4367. In situ and ex situ methods of remediation or restoration of contaminated environmental sites. Emphasis is on hydrocarbon contaminants in soil, surface water, and groundwater. Cr. 3 (3-0). Prerequisite: consent of instructor. Introduction to the synthesis, characterization, physical properties, and processing of polymeric materials. Methods to measure, characterize, and tailor structure-processing-property correlations for polymeric materials. 6379: Safety & Reliability Cr. 3 (3-0). Prerequisites: CHEE 3363, 3367, 3369. Overview of risks, safeguards, and hazards associated with chemical process engineering. Layers of protection, hazard identification, source-term models, toxic release and dispersion models, fires and explosions, probabilistic analysis, fault-tree analysis, designs to prevent accidents, safety-instrumented systems, and safety-related standards and regulations. 6380: Biochemical Separations Cr. 3 (3-0). Prerequisite: Senior standing in Chemical Engineering, or consent of instructor. Producing a cloned protein in useful amounts; use of recombinant DNA methodologies to produce proteins; characterization methods. 6383: Advanced Unit Operations Cr. 3 (3-0). Prerequisite: CHEE 3462. Property-prediction of multicomponent fluids. Advanced principles of heat-exchanger design, multicomponent fractionation, absorption, stripping, and extraction from a unified point of view. 6386: Air-Pollution Problems & Control Cr. 3 (3-0). Prerequisite: consent of instructor. Air-pollutant identification and control technology; estimation of pollutant transport, dispersion, and conversion; computer application for design of control units. 6388: Catalytic Processes Cr. 3 (3-0). Prerequisite: Credit for or concurrent enrollment in CHEE 4321 and 4367. Process-oriented survey Department of Chemical Engineering 2000 Annual Report 39 Graduate Student Organization of catalytic technology; catalyst selection and design; catalytic processes, engineering, and economics in the petroleum, chemical, and pollution-control industries. 6399-7399: Master’s Thesis Cr. 3 per semester. 7350: Applied Nonlinear Methods for Engineers Cr. 3 (3-0). Prerequisite: CHEE 6331, 6332, or consent of instructor. Recent nonlinear methods, with emphasis on Engineering applications. Nonlinear functional analysis, steady-state bifurcation theory, dynamical systems, nonlinear partial differential equations, nonlinear waves, computation methods in bifurcation theory. 7387: Plasma Processing: Principles & Applications Cr. 3 (3-0). Prerequisite: graduate standing in Engineering or Natural Sciences, or consent of instructor. Principles of low-pressure glow-discharge plasma; plasma generation and maintenance; plasma chemistry; plasma diagnostics. Applications with emphasis on semiconductor manufacturing. 7397: Selected Topics Cr. 3 per semester (3-0). May be repeated for credit. PETROLEUM ENGINEERING (ENGI) 5361: Introduction to Petroleum Engineering Cr. 3 (3-0). Prerequisite: senior, postbaccalaureate, or graduate standing in Engineering or Geology. Petroleum origin and migration, major oil and gas fields, drilling and production methods, petroleum composition and phase behavior, reservoir-engineering methods of oil-resource estimation and optimization. 5362: Reservoir Engineering I Cr. 3 (3-0). Prerequisite: senior, postbaccalaureate, or graduate standing in Engineering or Geology. Rock and fluid properties and interactions, P-V-T behavior of crude oil and natural gas, fundamentals of fluid flow through subsurface porous media, reservoir-energy mechanisms in recovery, material balance, and reserves estimation. 5364: Origin & Development of Oil & Gas Reservoirs Cr. 3 (3-0). Prerequisite: senior, postbaccalaureate, or graduate standing in Engineering. Major oil provinces of the world reviewed from the standpoints of geologic and depositional environment, and of diagenetic changes affecting petroleum entrapment. 5368: Well-Drilling & Completion Cr. 3 (3-0). Prerequisite: senior, postbaccalaureate, or graduate standing in Engineering or Science. Drilling-rig design and operation; drilling programs; drill string and bit designs; drillingmud composition, properties, and functions; casing design and cementing; methods of well-completion. 40 University of Houston 5370: Petroleum-Production Operations Cr. 3 (3-0). Prerequisite: senior, postbaccalaureate, or graduate standing in Engineering or Science. Subsurface and surface facilities for producing oil and gas; gas-oil and water-oil separation and measuring systems; gathering systems; gas-processing facilities; injection systems for gas or water. discounting and cash-flow calculations, effects of taxation, and external financing. 6312: Evaluation of Petroleum-Bearing Formations II Cr. 3 (3-0). Prerequisites: ENGI 5361, 5362, and 6304, or consent of instructor. Advanced well-log interpretation and loggingtool theory. A continuation of ENGI 6304 (Evaluation of Petroleum-Bearing Formations I). 6314: Pressure-Transient Testing Cr. 3 (3- 6298:6398:6498:6598: Research Cr. 2–5 per semester, or more by concurrent enrollment. Prerequisite: approval of Chairman. 0). Prerequisites: ENGI 5362 and 6302. Theory and application of pressure-transient testing of oil and gas wells for determination of reservoir properties and near-well damage or stimulation. 6302: Reservoir Engineering II Cr. 3 (3-0). 6316: Well Drilling & Completion II Cr. 3 6304: Evaluation of Petroleum-Bearing Formations I Cr. 3 (3-0). Prerequisites: ENGI 5361 & 5362, or consent of instructor. Characterization of formations by geologic and petrographic examination, by analysis of fluid contents of cores, and by a suite of well-logging tests and their combined interpretation. 6306: Oilfield Facilities Design & Operation I Cr. 3 (3-4). Prerequisites: ENGI 5361, 5368, and 5370, or consent of instructor. Design and operating principles of gas and water-surface separation and ratio-testing equipment, water-supply and water-disposal systems, gas-dehydration and -purification systems, gas compression, corrosion control, and clathrate prevention. 6308: Advanced Petroleum-Production Operations Cr. 3 (3-0). Prerequisites: ENGI 5361, 5368, and 5370, or consent of instructor. Inflow performance relationships for oil, twophase, and natural-gas wells; near-well zone and damage; vertical-lift performance; welldelivery. Forecast of well performance; methods of diagnosis of well performance. Well-testing and production-logging; well stimulation by acid treatments and hydraulic fracturing. Artificial lift (gas- and pump-assisted). Systems analysis. 6310: Petroleum-Production Economics I Cr. 3 (3-0). Prerequisites: ENGI 5361, 5362, and 6302, or consent of instructor. Estimation of initial reservoir contents and forecasts of production vs. time of crude oil and natural gas by primary, secondary, and tertiary recovery methods, evaluation of costs and risks vs. expected rewards by alternative recovery methods, measures of profitability by group that supplements formal departmental activities and functions. As part of the Department’s weekly seminar program (q.v.), OChEGS annually organizes and conducts an all-day symposium, featuring keynote speakers specially recruited from industry, academia, or government. At the symposium, several students give oral presentations of their research while others display posters. The organization holds social events (picnics, get-togethers for sports, et al.), and elects officers annually. 5397: Selected Topics Cr. 3 (3-0). May be repeated for credit when topics vary. Prerequisites: ENGI 5361 and 5362, or consent of instructor. Capillary pressures and vertical distribution of gas, oil, and water saturations, relative permeability and fractional flow relationships, Buckley-Leverett equation and linear-displacement efficiency of gas and water drives; effect of well patterns, mobility ratio, and reservoir heterogeneity on areal and vertical-sweep-efficiency performance of black-oil reservoirs. ORGANIZATION OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING GRADUATE STUDENTS (OChEGS) is an educational and social student (3-0). Prerequisites: ENGI 5368 and graduate standing in petroleum engineering. Principles and procedures for cost-effective casing design; materials, design, and procedures for cementing; optimization of bits, weight, and R.P.M. for minimum cost for drilling; directional drilling. 6318: Oilfield Facilities Design & Corporate sponsors of the 2000 OChEGS Symposium, to whom the Department and OChEGS are most grateful, were Chevron Research & Technology Company; ExxonMobil Chemical; BP; and several UH alumni. Here is the agenda of the 15th-annual Chemical Engineering Graduate Students’ Symposium (Fall 2000). Jeremy Strauch presided as OChEGS President, and Stefanie Brown served as MC: Friday, November 3, 2000 8:00 – 8:35 a.m. Breakfast & Welcoming Address 8:35 – 8:55 a.m. Keynote Address by Prof. Michael P. Harold, Chairman of UH ChemE 8:55 – 9:15 a.m. Koray Yurekli, “Structure & Dynamics of Carbon-Black-Filled Elastomers” 9:15 – 9:35 a.m. Nikunj Gupta, “Modeling & Bifurcation Analysis of Catalytic Reactions in Monoliths” Operation II Cr. 3 (3-0). Prerequisites: ENGI 5361, 5370, and 6306. Design theory and practice for facilities for unusual situations as may be required of practicing engineers; adaptations for offshore and other hostile environments. 6320: Enhanced Oil-Recovery Processes 9:35 – 9:55 a.m. Doosik Kim, “Energy & Angular Distribution of Ions Effusing from a Hole in Contact with Cr. 3 (3-0). Prerequisites: ENGI 5361, 5362, and 6302, or consent of instructor. Review of waterflood-calculation methods, extension to polymer flooding, caustic flooding, and carbonated-water flooding. Hydrocarbonmiscible flooding and CO flooding; estimation of recovery. 6324: Reservoir Simulation I Cr. 3 (3-0). Prerequisites: ENGI 5361, 5362, and 6302, or consent of instructor. Survey of reservoirsimulation methods, stream-tube simulator, finite-difference, finite-element, and collocation methods. Theory of finite-difference simulators; formulation of equations and resulting matrices, alternative solution methods. 6326: Reservoir Simulation II Cr. 3 (3-0). a High-Density Plasma” 9:55 – 10:10 a.m. Coffee Break 10:10 – 10:30 a.m. Ying Peng, “Characterization of Washcoated Ceramic Foam as Catalyst Support” 10:30 – 10:50 a.m. Mohit Singh, “Dynamic Modeling of Two-Phase Flow through Porous Media” 10:50 – 11:10 a.m. Jingxiang Ren, “Shear Response of Layered Silicate Nanocomposites“ 11:10 – 11:30 a.m. Shirley Indriati, “Production Impairment & Purpose-Built Design of Hydraulic Fractures in Gas-Condensate Reservoirs” 11:30 – 1:00 p.m. Lunch & Poster Session 1:00 – 1:20 p.m. Katerina Kourentzi, “Rapid Detection & Monitoring of Microorganisms using Hybridization Assays” 1:20 – 1:40 p.m. Pratik Misra, “Input Design for Model-Order Determination in Subspace Identification” 1:40 – 2:00 p.m. Eric K. Dao, “Modeling & Experimental Studies of Wave Occlusion on Falling Films in a Vertical Pipe” 2:00 – 2:15 p.m. Coffee Break Prerequisite: ENGI 6324, or consent of instructor. Application of reservoir simulators to demonstrate effects of reservoir characteristics on oil recovery by a variety of processes. Simplified representation of complex reservoir structures by use of cross-sections and areal models with pseudo-functions. 2:15 – 2:35 p.m. Rohit Garg, “Dynamic & Steady-State Features of a Cooled Countercurrent-Flow Reactor” 2:35 – 2:55 p.m. Jason Murphy, “Nucleic-Acid Purification with Compaction Agents & Immobilized Metal Affinity” 6388: Petroleum Engineering Project Cr. 3 2:55 – 3:15 p.m. Stefanie Brown, “The Sabaatier Reaction on Ceramic Foams” per semester (3-0). Prerequisites: ENGI 5361, 5362, 5368, and 5370, or consent of the project advisor. May be repeated once for credit. 3:15 – 5:00 p.m. Reception 6397: Selected Topics in Petroleum Engineering Cr. 3 (3-0). May be repeated for credit. 7397: Selected Topics Cr. 3 (3-0). May be repeated for credit. Department of Chemical Engineering 2000 Annual Report 41 S E M I N A R S & C O N T I N U I N G E D U C AT I O N Weekly Seminar Series The Department attracts renowned speakers to address our graduate students on virtually a weekly basis. These speakers provide lecture abstracts that are distributed not just intradepartmentally, but to key industrial and academic figures statewide who may wish to attend. Unless exceptional circumstances apply, all ChE seminars are held on Fridays at 10:30 a.m. in room W122 of Bldg. D3, Cullen College of Engineering. These seminars were presented in 2000–2001: SPRING SEMESTER 2000 FALL SEMESTER 2000 NOVEMBER 3: 15th-Annual OChEGS Symposium (q.v.) FEBRUARY 23: Dr. Alan W. Mahoney, School of JANUARY 21: Prof. Michael Tsapatsis, Chemical Engineering AUGUST 25: Prof. Akhil Datta-Gupta, Petroleum NOVEMBER 9–10: UH ChE Industrial Advisory Board Meeting Department, University of Massachusetts (Amherst, MA): “I. Molecular-Sieve Nanoparticles, Wires & Films; & II. Spontaneous Pattern-Formation in Materials” Engineering Department, Texas A&M University (College Station, TX): “Streamline Simulation: Yesterday, Today, & Tomorrow” Chemical Engineering, Purdue University (West Lafayette, IN): “Inverse-Problem Modeling of Particulate Dynamics” DECEMBER 1: Prof. David T. Allen, Chemical Engineering JANUARY 27: Prof. Andreas Acrivos, Chemical Engineering Department, The City College of the City University of New York (New York, NY): Inaugural Neal R. Amundson Lecture— “Particle Migration & Segregation in Suspension Flows undergoing Shear” SEPTEMBER 1: Dr. Herbert McKee, Industrial Consultant (Houston, TX): “Houston Air Quality: Current Status & Future Programs” SEPTEMBER 8: Dr. Grigorios Kolios, Chemical Engineering Department, University of Houston: “Multifunctional Autothermal Reactors: Review & New Applications” FEBRUARY 11: Dr. Ahmed Alim, Vice-President of Research & Development, Pennzoil-Quaker State Co. (The Woodlands, TX): “Industrial Career… Go for It!” SEPTEMBER 15: Prof. John A. Pojman, Department of FEBRUARY 18: Dr. Ching-Hwa Kiang, Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, University of Southern Mississippi (Hattiesburg, MS): “Frontal Polymerization: From Microgravity to New Materials” Chemistry/Biochemistry, University of California (Los Angeles, CA): “Molecular Nanotechnology” SEPTEMBER 22: Prof. Fernando Muzzio, Chemical FEBRUARY 25: Prof. Daniel J. Lacks, Chemical Engineering Department, Tulane University (New Orleans, LA): “Disappearing Minima of Energy Landscapes” Engineering Department, Rutgers University (Piscataway, NJ): “Powder Mixing & Segregation: From Pharmacy to Physics… and Back to Pharmacy” OCTOBER 6: Prof. Matteo Pasquali, Chemical Engineering MARCH 3: Mattheos Koffas, Chemical Engineering Department, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge, MA): “Metabolic Engineering of Corynebacterium glutamicum for Amino-Acid-Production Improvement” MARCH 10: Dr. Efrosini Kokkoli, Materials Research Laboratory, University of California (Santa Barbara, CA): “Nanoscale Interactions: Implications in Biomimetics & Materials” Department, Rice University (Houston, TX): “Coating Rheology: Modeling & Detection of the Microstructure of Flowing Polymer Solutions” Department, University of California (Los Angeles, CA): “Statistical Mechanics in Biomedical Engineering & Biotechnology” MARCH 31: Dr. John A. Morgan, Chemical Engineering Department, University of California (Berkeley, CA): “Metabolic Engineering of Cantharus roseus Cultures for the Production of Indole Alkaloids” 42 University of Houston SPRING SEMESTER 2001 JANUARY 9: Dr. James Wei, Dean of Engineering & Applied Sciences, Princeton University (Princeton, NJ): Second Annual Neal R. Amundson Lecture—“The Third Paradigm of Chemical Engineering: Molecular-Product Engineering” JANUARY 19: Prof. H.H. Rotermund, Department of Physical Chemistry, Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-PlanckGesellschaft (Berlin, Germany): “Shedding Light on Surface Reactions: Imaging Pattern Formations from Ultra-High Vacuum up to High Pressure” JANUARY 26: Prof. Jennifer L. West, Chemical Engineering & Bioengineering Department, Rice University (Houston, TX): “Synthetic ECM Analogs: New Biomaterials for Use in Tissue Engineering” FEBRUARY 2: Prof. Michael V. Pishko, Chemical Engineering Department, Texas A&M University (College Station, TX): “Microscale & Nanoscale Hydrogels for Chemical Sensing” OCTOBER 13: Prof. Larry W. Lake, Department of Petroleum FEBRUARY 9: Prof. Donald Dabdub, Mechanical & & Geosystems Engineering, University of Texas (Austin, TX): “Estimating True Dispersivity” Aerospace Engineering Department, University of California (Irvine, CA): “Mathematical Modeling of Size- & Chemically Resolved Urban Atmospheric Aerosols” OCTOBER 20: Prof. Eric J. Beckman, Chemical Engineering MARCH 24: Prof. Michael W. Deem, Chemical Engineering Department, University of Texas (Austin): “The Texas Air-Quality Study: State of the Science of Air Quality in Texas & Implications for Air-Quality Policy” Department, University of Pittsburgh (Pittsburgh, PA): “Chemical Processing using CO2” OCTOBER 27: Prof. Toshiaki Makabe, Department of Electronics & Electrical Engineering, Keio University (Yokohama, Japan): “Vertically Integrated CAD for Microelectronic-Device Fabrication” FEBRUARY 16: Prof. Peter G. Vekilov, Chemistry Department, University of Alabama (Huntsville, AL): “Phase Transitions in Protein Solutions: Structures, Dynamics, & Control Strategies” MARCH 2: Dr. Victor M. Ugaz, Chemical Engineering Department, University of Michigan (Ann Arbor, MI): “Investigation of the Interplay between Structure & Rheology in Model Thermotropic Liquid Crystal Polymers using in situ X-ray Scattering Techniques” MARCH 9: Emmanouhl S. Tzanakakis, Chemical Engineering & Materials Science Department, University of Minnesota (Minneapolis, MN): “Tissue Engineering through Hepatocyte Spheroid Self-Assembly” MARCH 23: Dr. Michael R. King, Chemical Engineering Department, University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA): “The Dynamics of Leukocyte Adhesion in a Multicellular Environment” MARCH 30: Prof. Gilbert F. Froment, Chemical Engineering Department, Texas A&M University (College Station, TX): “Synthesis-Gas Production by Steam/CO2 Reforming & Catalytic Partial Oxidation of Natural Gas” APRIL 6: Maria I. Klapa, Chemical Engineering Department, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge, MA): “High-Resolution Flux Determination using Stable Isotopes & Mass Spectrometry” APRIL 27: Aaron J. Golumbfskie, Chemical Engineering Department, University of California (Berkeley, CA): “Simulation of Biomimetic Recognition between Polymers & Surfaces” JUNE 11: Prof. J.B. Joshi, Department of Chemical Technology, University of Mumbai (Matunga, Mumbai, India): “Computational Flow Modeling & Design” (cancelled due to the local flooding from Tropical Storm Allison). Department of Chemical Engineering 2000 Annual Report 43 C O N TA C T I N F O R M AT I O N Continuing Education The following fee-basis Continuing Education course is presented semiannually (generally in May and FACULTY December) by a team of UH ChE professors and outside experts: Amundson, Neal R. 713-743-3492 “APPLICATIONS OF HETEROGENEOUS CATALYSIS” INSTRUCTORS: Prof. Dan Luss (University of Houston) Prof. James T. Richardson (University of Houston) Prof. Joe W. Hightower (Rice University) Dr. Vern W. Weekman, Jr. (Retired Director, Central Research, Mobil R&D Corporation) HIGHLIGHTS OF THE COURSE DESCRIPTION: Successful applications of the principles of catalysis to process design require a combination of physics, Balakotaiah, Vemuri Bala@uh.edu 713-743-4318 Economides, Christine A. CEE@slb.com 713-743-4328 or 713-743-4300 Economides, Michael J. MJE@uh.edu 713-743-4330 Economou, Demetre J. Economou@uh.edu 713-743-4320 Richardson, James T. JTR@uh.edu 713-743-4324 Rooks, Charles W. CWRooks@uh.edu 713-743-4316 Tiller, Frank M. FTiller@uh.edu 713-743-4322 Vekilov, Peter G. Peter.Vekilov@mail.uh.edu 713-743-4315 Doucet, Kendra Financial Assistant KDoucet@uh.edu 713-743-4300 Thomas, Yolanda Office Assistant I YThomas@uh.edu 713-743-4302 Maté, Robert Supervisor, Machine Shop RMate@bayou.uh.edu 713-743-4354 Willson, Richard C. Willson@uh.edu 713-743-4308 Dawlearn, David Lab Machinist ClownChE@uh.edu 713-743-4354 STAFF MAILING ADDRESS Cooks, Patricia A. Department Business Manager PatCooks@uh.edu 713-743-4321 Department of Chemical Engineering University of Houston Cullen College of Engineering S222 Engineering Bldg 1 Houston, TX 77204-4004, USA chemistry and engineering, together with state-of-the-art “know-how.” Contemporary catalysis has made significant progress in recent years toward the scientific design of optimal catalyst systems for specific process requirements. The purpose of this course is to cover current knowledge for both the researcher in catalysis and the engineer interested in process applications. It will serve as a review for those knowledgeable in the subject and as an introduction to newcomers to the field. The course considers how to select, prepare, characterize, test, and use a catalyst. Both laboratory and commercial methods of catalyst preparation are reviewed, with emphasis on practical applications. Modern instrumental methods for the characterization of catalysts' physical and chemical properties are also included. Techniques for the measurement of surface areas, pore properties, diffusivities, crystallite sizes, acidities, etc. are discussed. All aspects of catalytic kinetics, both chemical and diffusional, are considered with reference to specific problems. Common mechanisms and their relationship to catalyst properties are outlined fully. To inquire about course dates, registration, and fees, contact: Patricia A. Cooks University of Houston, Department of Chemical Engineering S 222 Engineering Bldg 1 Flumerfelt, Raymond W. Dean RWF@uh.edu 713-743-4200 [office] Harold, Michael P. Chairman MHarold@uh.edu 713-743-4307 Henley, Ernest J. EHenley@bayou.uh.edu 713-743-4326 Krishnamoorti, Ramanan Ramanan@mail.uh.edu 713-743-4312 Luss, Dan DLuss@uh.edu 713-743-4305 Mohanty, Kishore K. Mohanty@uh.edu 713-743-4331 Houston, TX 77204-4004, U.S.A. Phone: 713-743-4321 Fax: 713-743-4323 Nikolaou, Michael Nikolaou@uh.edu 713-743-4309 Dvoretzky, Toban Assistant to the Chairman, et al. TBone@uh.edu 713-743-4304 Moses, Pamela J. Accounting Specialist PMoses@ uh.edu 713-743-4303 Gates, Sharon M. Undergraduate Coordinator SMGates@uh.edu 713-743-4325 Walker, Rosalind Graduate Coordinator RWalker@uh.edu 713-743-4311 WEB ADDRESSES Chemical Engineering www.che.uh.edu Cullen College of Engineering www.egr.uh.edu INFORMATION Phone: 713-743-4300 Fax: 713-743-4323 E-mail: PatCooks@uh.edu 44 University of Houston Department of Chemical Engineering 2000 Annual Report 45 Department of Chemical Engineering S222 Engineering Bldg 1 Houston, TX 77204-4004 713-743-4300 | www.che.uh.edu