Still Flying -


Still Flying -
Still Flying
Issue One
Exclusive Interview
with Jewel Staite
See page7
In This Issue:
1: Introduction
3: Ask Captain Tightpants
4: News
6: Cast and Crew
8: Exclusive Interview!
11: Fan Fiction
15: Fan Art
16: Shindig Round-Up
17: Shindig Pictures
18: Crossword
20: Filk
21: Firefly URLs
24: Thanks, Feedback
Welcome to Still Flying!
This is the first issue of a (hopefully) by-monthly fanzine
dedicate to the Joss Whedon phenomenon Firefly!
What is Firefly?
For those not already familiar with the show here is a brief
Firefly is based
2517. Earth, the
original home of
Earth That Was,
polluted and low
forcing humanity
out to the stars.
Mankind lives on
“a whole galaxy of Earths". Planets and moons have been
terraformed to allow people to live on them. There is a huge
gulf of money and resource between those who live on the
SciFi-like Core Worlds and those that live on the Western-like
The show is set in the wake of a galactic civil war between
two factions, the Alliance and the Independents. The Alliance
is a "duel hegemony made of West and East" that once ruled
the Earth. Following the War, where the Independents were
crushed, the Alliance "brought all known worlds under their
The heroes of the show live aboard the Firefly class transport
ship Serenity named for the battle where her ex-Independent
captain, Malcolm Reynolds (Nathan Fillion – Caleb on Buffy),
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was defeated towards the end of the war. Others on board include Mal’s ex-second-incommand Zoe (Gina Torres – Jasmine on Angel), her pilot husband Wash (Alan Tudyk),
the mercenary Jayne (Adam Baldwin), the mechanic Kaylee (Jewel Staite), the
companion Inara (Morena Baccarin), the priest Book (Ron Glass), the doctor Simon
(Sean Maher) and his mysterious sister River (Summer Glau).
The crew move from honest work like hauling cargo to complicate crime with practised
easy. They live by the motto “If you’ve got a job we can do it. Don’t much care what it
Firefly is wonderfully acted, has Emmy-winning state of the art CGI effects and the
quality of writing and direction we have now come to expect from the creator of Buffy
the Vampire Slayer and Angel.
The show was originally aired towards the
end of 2002 by Fox TV in the US. Due to a
lack of ratings the show was put on
“indefinite hiatus” after fourteen episodes
were filmed and only ten were shown. Since
then the show has been shown in its entirety
across the UK and Canada amongst other
Recently, due to Joss’s persistence and the
ground-swell of fan support, the available
episodes are now due for release on DVD
and Joss is in talks with Universal Pictures to
turn the show into a major motion picture.
“We’re still flying” – “That’s not much” – “It’s
For more information see:
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Ask Captain Tightpants
(and Jayne Cobb)
Dear Captain Tightpants…
It was looking scary there for a moment. The show has been
cancelled, everyone was off doing new things and then even the
board was shut-down. How do we keep strong in trying times?
Gorramit soldier! You should know we’re too pretty to die! We’re all
Big Damn Heroes – make sure you remember that! Little challenges
like these make us mighty! Don’t worry – we will rise again!
Cap’n Tightpants
Dear Jayne…
Unlike the rest of the crew you never seem to have any
problems with the opposite sex. What’s your secret?
Just remember to never kiss ‘em on the mouth…
Jayne Cobb
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It has recently been announced that Firefly may be soon turned into
a major motion picture!
A story that was first broken in The Hollywood Reporter has now been
confirmed by CNN, Ain’t-it-Cool-News and various other sources.
Firefly has been picked up for theatrical release by Universal Pictures with
the cast reunited and Joss slated to direct his first motion film. Shooting
may start as early as the first quarter 2004 for a probable 2005 release.
Although the cast and crew sensibly refuse to comment on the ongoing
negotiations it is rumoured that sets are already under construction and the
cast have been contacted about possible pre-auditions.
When Joss was asked about a possible plot for the movie at a recent fan convention he replied with one
word: “Reavers”.
Mutant Enemy Productions president Chris Buchanan is quoted as saying: “Ever since the show went off
the air, our fan base has grown even more. We've had tremendous outpouring from the U.S. and Canada
as well as the U.K. which just finished a run of 'Firefly' over there. Every comic book and sci-fi convention
has had a 'Firefly' presence since the show first aired."
The box-set of DVDs of the currently-filmed Firefly episodes
will go on sale on the 9th December.
Joss was quoted in Ciniscape Magazine as saying: “They really went to
town on the DVD. There are interviews, extras, a gag reel and
commentary on more than half the episodes. I was really impressed.
When they said they wanted to do it, I was surprised. Then they just
did it proper. It's a really nice package."
The four-disk DVD set includes all 14 episodes of the series, eight of
which feature commentary including Joss and Nathan on Serenity as
well as Nathan and Alan on War Stories. There are deleted scenes from three episodes, three featurettes,
the gag reel, Alan Tudyk's audition for the role of Wash and Whedon himself singing the theme song.
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Firefly’s pilot episode Serenity has won the 2003 Emmy for Outstanding Visual Effects for a
TV Series.
The seamless effects of making Serenity blend in with traditional sets and locations as well as fantastic
space shots were created by the CGI specialists Zoic Studios (
The full breakdown of the award was as follows:
Firefly • Serenity • FOX • Mutant Enemy, Inc. in association with 20th Century Fox Television
Loni Peristere, Visual Effects Supervisor
Kristen Leigh Branan, Visual Effects Coordinator
Emile Smith, Digital Effects Supervisor
Rocco Passionino, Digital Effects Supervisor
Lee Stringer, CG Supervisor
Kyle Toucher, Animator
Jarrod Davis, Animator
Terry Naas, Animator
Chris Jones, Compositing Supervisor
Zoic will be working on a new Firefly film from early 2004.
The main Firefly discussion board which was shut-down
without warning last month has been re-opened.
The board currently has almost 600,000 posts since it was created 16
months ago and welcomes new members all the time. The Firefly
discussion board is now part of Fox Home Entertainment who are
producing the DVDs. It can be found on:
Chris Buchanan (President, Mutant Enemy) posted the following on the board after it re-commenced:
“In response to all the ‘Thank Yous; on both the Fox Forum board and the OB (Yeaaaah!), you're
welcome! As Moderator Steve pointed out, when the fans speak loudly (and you have to in outer space),
Fox hears. The board would not be back up if it weren't for all of you. Sure, I can make the call to the
execs at Fox, but they just assume I'm spouting off because of spending too much time at the Saloon.
(Arlo, could you make me a Monday morning size "Who's Flying This Thing" with a double espresso back,
to go?). It's when Fox hears your voice via posts, traffic, and civil behaviour that they become believers.
And I'm sure they are just trying to figure out how to keep such an intelligent, loyal and caring group of
fans in the Fox fold.
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Cast and Crew
What are they up to?
Many of cast and crew involved in
the show have been busy bunnies
since Fox TV placed the show on
“indefinite hiatus”.
Joss has obviously been heavily involved in
the new series of Angel but has been
ever, with work on
the Firefly DVDs,
the movie pitch to
Universal Studios
and writing for the
Dark Horse comics
Vampires” series.
Tim Minear has been developing his new
show Wonderfalls which has been described
as “Touched by a
Crazy Person”. Jaye
Dhavernas) works in
a souvenir shop near
Niagara Falls. Her life
is forever changed
when the toys and gifts in the shop start
talking to her leading her to help out other
people’s lives.
has been writing
young adult drama
Creek) The O.C.
Still Flying – Issue 1 - November 2003
Nathan Fillion played the superbly evil
preacher Caleb in
final season of
Buffy the Vampire
Slayer. He then
went on the do a
comedy Alligator
visited on set by many Firefly fans) but
sadly the show wasn’t picked up. Since then
he has played the lead in the movie Water's
Edge where a novelist and his wife uncover
a vast web of sex, murder and deceit in
their quiet hometown.
Gina Torres appeared as the evil god
Jasmine on Angel. She
also appeared in The
Matrix series with her
Fishburne. She is shortly
to appear in The Henry
Lee Project staring Danny
Alan Tudyk appeared in the film Meet
Market about lonely members of the LA
singles scene who hook
up at their local grocery
store. He is shortly to
appear as the title role in
the Will Smith vehicle I,
Robot which is based
loosely on the book of
the same name by Isaac
Asimov. Alan won’t be
visible though as the roll
will be 100% CGI like Andy Serkis’s
performance as Gollum in Lord of the Rings.
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Cast and Crew
What are they up to? Continued
Adam Baldwin as
busy since Firefly
was cancelled. He
starred in the TV
Makers, the films
Betrayal, The Crawl
Space (where he
played the father of
the serial killer John Wayne Gacy, Jr),
Control Factor and Hyper Sonic. Most
recently he has just returned from Greece
where he was filming the forthcoming film
Jewel Staite has also been busy. She
Canadian series Cold
Squad, the cult hit
Dead Like Me (where,
like her character in
Higher Ground she
played another Goth),
the film Cheats and is
shortly to start in a reoccurring role in Tim
Minear’s Wonderfalls.
Morena Baccarin is
due to appear in the
new off-beat situation
comedy Still Life.
currently working on
a new film called
Nothing new is known at this time for Sean Maher
and Ron Glass
Ron Glass
Sean Maher
Still Flying would love to hear from you if you
have more information about the cast and crew!
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Interview with Jewel Staite
cocktail parties, that kind of thing. After
Firefly, Joss did do some readings at his
house, but I had flown back to
Vancouver by then. Morena Baccarin
(who is one of my best friends) went to
one of them where they were reading
Romeo and Juliet, I think. I would
definitely do an episode of Angel, just to
see Joss again. I really miss him!
We were extremely lucky to have
Jewel Staite (Kaylee on Firefly)
take a few minutes out from her
busy work schedule to answer a
few questions for us about the
show and her career.
Still Flying: We hear that working on
the show was like one big happy family.
Was that really true or is Joss really a
secret draconian task-master? Did you
get to hang out with the cast and crew
off-set? Joss is famous for having Buffy
and Angel folks up to his place to do
readings and such-like. Did you get
involved in anything like that? Joss is
also famous for having actors he knows
and trusts in more that one of his shows
(Nathan Fillion in Buffy, Gina Torres in
Angel). Would you be interested in
appearing in Angel?
Jewel Staite: We hung out a lot offset. We were a big, happy family... it's
all true. It doesn't happen as often as
people say it does, but on this show it
did. It was amazing how well we all got
along. We had dinners out, played
games at each other's houses, threw
Still Flying – Issue 1 - November 2003
SF: What's it like playing Kaylee? How
did you manage to project such a
wonderfully chirpy demeanour when you
were having a bad day? How like Kaylee
are you? Where do you think the
character might be going? Would you
like to see her end up with Simon (as
the plot seemed to be heading)?
JS: It was awesome playing Kaylee. I
find when you're doing a series, you
take a little bit of that character home
with you no matter how hard you try
not to..... If you're playing a villain, you
go home exhausted and irritable and in
a weird state of mind (at least I do). So
as time went on, I got to be more and
more like her. I'm an outgoing person
as it is, but I don't think I'm as naive as
she is. Or as positive. I'm more of a
sarcastic person.
It would have been nice for Simon and
Kaylee to get together, at least for a
little while. I had great chemistry with
Sean and we had a lot of fun working
together, so that would have been a
nice thing. It would have been easy for
me, anyway. I'd love for Kaylee to fall
in love.
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SF: What was is like working on the
new cult favourite Dead Like Me? Was it
fun dressing up in the whole Goth thing
again like you did briefly on Higher
Ground? Do you think there's a chance
of your character being back next
season - maybe as Mason's regular
JS: It was interesting doing Dead Like
Me... I didn't have a whole lot of on-set
time, but I did really enjoy the crew.
The dressing up bit was a little much for
me. I don't like to dress up like that; I
find it a little distracting from the
performance I'm trying to give, even
though that's what the character is. It's
hard to explain.
You're too busy
thinking about the fake piercing you're
wearing and whether it's going to fall
out of your nose or not, than the
particular line delivery you're trying to
give. I doubt I'll ever be back. Maybe
because I looked so different, I can
come back as someone else.
SF: Apart from your brief appearance
on Dead Like Me what else are you up
to at the moment career wise?
JS: I did a guest spot on a series called
Cold Squad, which is produced in
Canada. I really enjoyed that. I was
working with one of my old friends, a
director named Gary Harvey.
always nice to work with someone you
know. The character was NOTHING like
me, and that was fun too..... but I still
looked like me. I didn't have to dress
up or wear a lot of make-up. The role
was challenging enough to make it
Up next is a recurring role on a show
called Wonderfalls. I haven't started
Still Flying – Issue 1 - November 2003
shooting yet so I can't say much about
it, but I'm very excited.
SF: A lot of people are seeing you on
screen for the first time in Firefly and
have been trying to catch up with your
previous work in Higher Ground, Space
Cases, etc but it's very hard to find
those anywhere. What was it like
growing up as a child actor? Do you
look back on your early stuff and cringe
or are you proud of it all (you should
JS: I am proud of what I've
accomplished, and I'm proud of the
experience I have behind me. There
mentioned that cause me to blush, but
that's okay. Every actor experiences
that! As for growing up working all the
time, it was different, and I didn't
experience life like everyone else, but
it's part of who I am, and it's made me
who I am. So I'm grateful.
SF: Have you had much opportunity to
interact with fans from any of your
shows? For example your mum is a
member of an online mailing list. There
is a huge amount going on at the Fox
bulleting board (almost 600,000 posts in
a year) where Adam Baldwin, Nathan
Fillion, Mark Sheppard (Badger) and
even sometimes Joss hang out. You'd
be more than welcome if you ever
popped your head in. Nathan Fillion is
coming to the Fusion convention in the
UK next year. Are you looking forward
to going to the sort of conventions that
are normally associated with Sci-Fi
shows or does the idea fill your with
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JS: I've never been to one of those
conventions, so I'd love to go. It would
be awesome. Firefly is something I'm
extremely proud of, so I never tire of
talking about it or hearing about how
much the fans love it. I love interacting
with fans, but I'm hopeless at
computers so I don't own one, and
that's why I hardly ever go on those
SF: Your mum has let on that Joss has
been in touch about the Firefly movie. Is
there anything you can tell us about
that at the moment or is it all still under
JS: Very much under wraps. I'll leave
that up to Nathan to let you in on what
we all know..... I'll just say that I'm
incredibly excited and in a lot of
SF: Since Fox cancelled the show it's
gone on to win an Emmy, have DVDs
scheduled for release in December
(almost never happens for a show that
lasts less than a season) as well as a
strong possibility or a movie. Also the
outcry when the Fox bulletin board was
shut down was so great that Chris
Buchanan of Mutant Enemy negotiated
with Fox and Prospero (bulletin board
owners) to get it running again. What
do you think about the decision to
cancel the show? Do you think the
"never say die" attitude of many
characters in the show reflects on the
attitudes of the cast, crew (especially
Joss) and fans which has lead to these
things happening?
JS: It was terrible when we found out
the show was cancelled. It was so
saddening, I can't even tell you. We
Still Flying – Issue 1 - November 2003
were heartbroken. So to have such
interest in it STILL is wonderfully
uplifting. We are still holding on, still
involved, still optimistic..... I don't think
it's quite over yet.
SF: If, some time into the future, the
show was commissioned on another
network for a second series would you
be interested in reprising the role of
JS: ABSOLUTELY. Without a doubt.
She's the best character I've ever
SF: Finally, apart from Joss-related
stuff, where would you like to see your
career going in the future? Are you
interested in getting into writing and
concentrating on trying to break into
movies or sticking for now with TV?
JS: I don't think I'd ever be able to
direct. I get asked that a lot.... maybe
because I'm bossy, I don't know. I
would like to write, but not for film. I'd
like to write a novel and have it adapted
into a script by someone else, possibly,
but that's all in the far future at this
point. I'm concentrating on acting at
the moment and really enjoying myself.
I'm always falling in love with various
scripts floating around, so it's just about
timing now. I like doing television, it's
very familiar to me, but I would love to
do a film. I'm just taking it as it comes
and loving my life.
Thanks again to Jewel and her mother Cher for
organising this interview.
Congratulations to Jewel and Matt on their
wedding – pictures of which can be found on
Jewel’s official site
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Fan Fiction
The Puzzle by Amy
Kaylee sat at the mess hall table staring at the small colourful toy in front of her. A huge
wave of satisfaction and pleasure rushed over her entire body and she just couldn’t stop
grinning. The toy gleamed and sparkled, flashing brilliant coloured lights whilst a gentle and
soothing melody sung to her. She had done it, on her own and without help and in plenty
of time. She had created the song, she had fitted the notes and colours together and it now
played just for her.
“What’s that ruttin’ noise?!”
Kaylee tore her gaze away from her toy and saw Jayne standing in the doorway. A frown
creased his normally handsome rugged face, as he approached the table and started
poking at the device. Kaylee snatched it away and cradled the toy in her arms as if it was a
“It’s mine.” She said. “I got it from the last stop we made. It’s a puzzle, something I doubt
YOU will even comprehend!”
“Hey…I can do puzzles.” Sneered Cobb, impatiently waving a hand to get the puzzle back.
“It don’t take much to sort out what’s right in front of ya face!”
It sounded like a bet. Kaylee smiled and placed the puzzle on the table. It still sung the
beautiful song and reflected the different colours, but that’s only because it was finished.
“All right. I’ll let you have the puzzle.” She said. “However, if you complete it with no help
or assistance, I will get all your laundry duties for the next five months.”
Jayne grinned and nodded in agreement.
“All right!” he laughed, patting his hands on the table in joy.
“BUT if you don’t, you will get laundry duty for five months.”
There was the look of fear, uncertainty. Briefly. But Jayne then licked his lips and nodded
once more. Then, almost without shame, Kaylee broke up the puzzle. Into a thousand
different pieces which spread out on the table. The music stopped, and the colours
dimmed, leaving many discordant notes buzzing like insects. Kaylee had forgotten how
awful this had sounded, but couldn’t help but laugh at the look of shock and utter terror on
Jayne’s face.
“Good luck!” She patted him on the back and couldn’t stop laughing as she left.
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“What is THIS?!” cried Cobb. “You didn’t tell me about no ruttin’ buzzing noises!”
He winced as the blocks screeched and groaned, each one sounding louder and louder.
Frantically he began to pick up some of the blocks and he started the puzzle. This was not
going to be easy as he thought.
“WHAT in the name of all things pure is going on here?”
Mal Reynolds walked into the mess room and was confronted with high-pitched squealing
whines, curses and swearing expletives. He looked over Jayne’s shoulder and saw the
different blocks of Kaylee’s puzzle still on the table. Jayne looked an absolute mess, his
whole body was shaking and his hands, trembling as they were, were furiously trying to fit
some of the blocks together. As he tried, some of the squeals became so loud, that he
dropped them and had to start again.
“What are you doing Jayne?” asked Mal scrunching his face up at the horrible sounds.
Jayne grunted back some kind of reply. “Oh. Kaylee’s puzzle. It’s a toughie for sure. How
long have you been doing this?” Grunt. Moan. Whimper. “Five minutes huh? You haven’t
done much.”
The end of the barrelled gun pressed against Mal’s nose within a blink of an eye. Jayne’s
pale sweating face had a look so menacing that Mal couldn’t help but smirk. Normally Mal
wouldn’t like having guns pointed at him, but Jayne was in such a state that inflicting more
pain on the man was just not on. He was suffering enough. Cobb grunted and moaned
again before holstering his gun and going back to the puzzle.
“I see you’re really occupied.” Mal struggled hard not to laugh too much. “I’ll get my water
and leave you alone. Do you want some water, or something to eat?”
“That’s a no then.”
“This cannot be good for his health.”
Zoë nudged her husband in the ribs, and Wash looked at her with a smile that she loved so
much. It was pointless to say anything to him now, so she carried on the conversation with
“We’ve told him to give it up, but he roars back some kind of reply about washing and Mal’s
dirty underpants and struggles on even more.” She said, as the three of them sat across
from Jayne and his puzzle. Cobb looked very ill and very stressed, but there was no
indication of him giving up any time soon. A small cluster of pieces sat to one side,
humming quite nicely to itself, but Jayne was desperately trying to stop the others from
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making such harsh tones. He wasn’t succeeding. Zoë was wondering why she was even
sitting here watching him, for the horrible sounds were starting to annoy her. Simon
however was very concerned.
“Don’t even try to help him, Doctor.” Zoë patted Simon’s shoulder. “He could injure you. He
nearly blew the captain’s head off…but that’s because Mal laughed at him.”
“I just can’t believe he’s going through all this because of Kaylee’s puzzle! It’s been 4
“Just don’t laugh at him.”
Wash laughed. The bullet, luckily, missed.
Within mere seconds, Mal and the rest of the crew came running into the mess hall. There
was Wash on the floor still laughing, and a bullet had impacted in the wall directly behind
the place where he had been sitting. Zoë was kneeling down next to Wash checking for
injuries, but Simon sat quite still. The shot had shocked him to his seat.
“Now that does it!” snapped Mal, holstering his own gun. “This has gone too far!”
“Can someone stop that awful noise?” complained Inara. She shot an evil look toward
Reynolds and jabbed an angry finger on his shoulder. “Don’t say a thing, Mal. I know what
you’re thinking!”
“Is the Doctor all right?” Book rushed over to Simon and checked him. The shepherd
breathed a sigh of relief. “He’s okay. It’s just the shock. But why…?”
“It this puzzle.” Kaylee pointing to the pieces on the table. Everyone looked and Jayne was
still desperately trying to find the solution. It seemed that the grown man was on the verge
of tears.
He was going to break down and crack at any moment.
“Jayne….why don’t you take a break from it?” asked Inara, gently resting some soothing
hands on Cobb’s shoulders. He flinched for a moment and then mumbled a drooling
response. “I know. The thought of having to clean Mal’s underwear is never appealing for
any of us…”
“But there isn’t a time limit. Take a break and you can come back to this later.”
Jayne shrugged off the Companion’s hands and focused once again on the insane puzzle.
He wasn’t going to stop, not for anyone. Inara just didn’t know what else she could say
that would make him come away from the puzzle.
“You’re a whore, why don’t you offer him some sex and he’ll snap out of it.”
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“Do you know, Mal.” Inara sighed, as her words oozed with sarcasm. “I’m sometimes
amazed that you could captain ANYTHING. Your ideas and plans are just too thrilling!”
Wash finally got up off the floor, smiling and hugging his wife with affection. He kissed her
lovingly and then frowned. He looked at the bullet in the wall and then at Jayne.
“This guy amazes me.” He said, as once again everyone placed his or her attention on the
ever increasingly insane Jayne Cobb. “He’s doing Kaylee’s puzzle like this?! It’s wonderful!
He’s got true man guts!”
“What are you saying?” asked Mal. “The guy is an idiot.”
“Well…yeah, that too, but surely an idiot would have thought to use earplugs. I did. Why
else do you think I could sit there laughing at him?”
You could have cut the silence with a spoon. A certain whiff of dread seeped around, and
“Whaddya say you ruttin pig?”
The gun was pointing at Wash, Jayne’s face was twitching with furious nerves, but he knew
that this time he wasn’t going to miss.
“Earplugs. To drown out the…”
Everything exploded. Jayne’s rage, sanity and reasoning blew into little tiny pieces just like
the puzzle. The gun slipped from his fingers as he lunged over the table to grab Wash by
the scruff of his tatty shirt. Chaos ensued, with a large ruck of bodies entangled, struggling
to either prevent further damage or inflict it. The shouts and screams and curses of
Serenity’s crew would do nothing to stop Jayne now as he pummelled Wash’s face. They
were all too busy shouting and trying to get Jayne off Wash, that eventually Kaylee cried
The awful drowning noises of the puzzles had stopped. Once more gentle soothing music
played like a lullaby, filling everyone’s ears. Jayne pushed his way through the others to see
where this beautiful music was coming from.
On the table, was an astonishing colourful light toy, which was turning round and round in
the air, playing the gentle tune. Sitting watching the display from the puzzle, with a smile
on her face, was River.
“Ain’t it pretty?”
Jayne’s legs gave out and he fell to the floor with a thud.
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Fan Art
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Shindig Round-Up
Halloween Shindig – Satellite Beach, FL
31 Oct 2003
Toronto mini-Shindig DVD release
December 13, 2003
Shindig Webcam:
Atlanta DVD Shindig
December 14th 2003
Barre, VT (near Montpelier)
January 23-25, 2004
Group Email:
Las Vegas Shindig – Imperial Palace
March 5-7, 2004
Lago Vista, TX (near Austin)
May 21-23, 2004
Seattle Shindig Bar-B-Q Rainfest
Ohio Area
LA Shindig
November 6 - 9, 2003
London Shindig
There is a centralized list of Shindigs by RHYANNAN here:
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Shindig Pictures
Atlanta Firefly Fan Shindig Pics:
March 15, 2003 - by VDUMPLING
Atlantic City Shindig Pics:
September 26-28, 2003
Halloween Shindig Pics:
Wsteinme's pics
LA Shindig Pics:
November 6-9 2003
11th's pics
Dave's pics
Pip's pics
If you have any information on future Shindigs, or photographs you would like to share
from past Shindigs please send them in (details on page 24).
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Still Flying – Issue One - 12/11/2003
Page 18
Crossword Questions
Monty's name for Saffron (7)
River has had hers stripped (ouch!) (8)
The bit of the engine that blew up in
Out of Gas (4)
Home planet of the Tams (6)
Mal's reputation according to Niska
What Jayne got from his mum in the
post - "Hey, enclosed!" (3)
River may be one of these but she's
our one of these (5)
What Zoe says the crew is for rescuing
Simon and River in Safe (3,4,5)
Our favourite English-accented middleman (6)
11 Jayne's most very favourite gun (4)
12 What Nandi had a fight with that
caused her to leave the Guild of
Companions (8)
16 Mal asks Kaylee if these have been in
the engine room (7)
17 What Nathan asks if America would like
a bite of (from the gag reel) (5,5)
18 What Kaylee calls Serenity in Serenity
19 Leader of Niska's men (deceased) (4)
20 Mal has a pretty floral one of these (6)
Still Flying – Issue One - 12/11/2003
10 When things are great they are this (5)
13 What Jubal Early doesn't think he is (4)
14 What Mal says the Independants will
do (4,5)
15 What Mal says they should smuggle
next time instead of cows (7)
19 Jayne says nothing
buys bygones
Page 19
By Lux Lucre
(to the tune of "Money For Nothing" written by
Mark Knopfler and performed by Dire Straights)
Now look at our set-up, that's the way you do it
We're hauling cargo on Serenity
Honest workin' that's the way you do it
Money for cargo and when the ship is free
Honest workin' that's the way you do it
Lemme tell ya our crew ain't dumb
Maybe get a blister on your little finger
Maybe get a blister on your thumb
We gotta transport a herd of brown cattle
Outer-rim moon deliveries
We gotta move these black market beagles
We gotta move these goods for fees
See the cute mechnic with the coveralls and
Yeah buddy she has short hair
That little Kaylee keeps the systems working
That little Kaylee keeps us in the air
We gotta transport a herd of brown cattle
Outer-rim moon deliveries
We gotta move these black market beagles
We gotta move these goods for fees
I shoulda learned to fix the engines
Would have come in handy when we were Out Of
No fuel for flying and no air to breathe
Man, it almost killed my ass
And Wash is up there, piloting our trade routes
Keeping us out of what the Alliance can see
Honest workin' that's the way you do it
Get our money for cargo and when the ship is
We gotta transport a herd of brown cattle
Outer-rim moon deliveries
We gotta move these black market beagles
We gotta move these goods for fees
Now look at our set-up, that's the way you do it
We're hauling cargo on Serenity
Honest workin' that's the way you do it
Money for cargo and when the ship is free...
Still Flying – Issue One - 12/11/2003
By Lux Lucre
(to the tune of "We Are The Champions" as
performed by Queen)
I've flown the worlds
Time after time
I've broken allied laws, for sure
But committed no crime
And bad mistakes
I've made a few
I've had my share of dust
Kicked in my face
But I've come through
And we mean to go on and on and on and on
We are the Browncoats - my friends
And we'll keep on fighting
Till the end
We are the Browncoats
We are the Browncoats
No time for tyrants
'Cause we are the Browncoats of the 'verse
I've taken out Feds
Answered freedom's call
I've fought for life and liberty
And everything that goes with it
The Allies will fall
But it's been no bed of roses
No starship cruise
I consider it a challenge before
The whole human race
And we ain't gonna lose
And we mean to go on and on and on and on
We are the Browncoats - my friends
And we'll keep on fighting
Till the end
We are the Browncoats
We are the Browncoats
No time for tyrants
'Cause we are the Browncoats of the 'verse
We are the Browncoats - my friends
And we'll keep on fighting
Till the end
We are the Browncoats
We are the Browncoats
No time for tyrants
'Cause we are the Browncoats of the 'verse
Page 20
Firefly URLs
Of course this is only a small taste of the current Firefly websites but we hope
you enjoy this small selection.
Informational Sites
The un-official FAQ
International Movie
Database for movie
International Movie
Database for show
Wikipedia entry
Official Fox Home
Entertainment Board
(most popular - 600,000
Firefly Forum
ssages “Fans of Joss Whedon’s
Firefly” Forum
Odile’s Forum
Firefly Fans (also
excellent site for many
other things)
Cast and Crew Official Sites
Morena Baccarin
Jewel Staite
Gina Torres
Unofficial Cast and Crew Sites
Still Flying – Issue One - 12/11/2003
Joss Whedon communitywritten blog
Captain Tight Pants
(Nathan Fillion site)
Green Apple (Nathan
Fillion site)
Nathan Fillion Site
Page 21
Review Sites TV shows on DVD
Episode Guides Television Without Pity
Fan Sites
Video Sites
Still Flying – Issue One - 12/11/2003
Ying's Firefly Funsite
Lux Lucre's site (very
Longshadow's artwork
Firefly at SciFiSpace
Hikari Heart's site
Firefly Sock Puppet
Theatre (Don't ask - just
read the site)
The original "save the
show" site
Firefly Keepers site
Whoa, Good Myth.
Space Monkeys (Kaylee
Almost Human's Firefly
Firefly Graphics
You're Pretty... Pretty
(Simon / Kaylee site)
Phil's Corner of the 'Verse
RealPlayer copies of the
episodes (handle with
care please)
Page 22
Fan Fiction
Still Flying – Issue One - 12/11/2003
The Cortex: Firefly
Fanfiction Recs
Firefly's Glow Archive
Improv Yahoo Group
Improv Site
Mailing list for people who
want to help with the FAQ
Mailing list for people who
work on this fanzine!
Mailing list
Mailing list for UK fans
Fan-listing. Everyone sign
Web Ring. Other sites feel
free to join!
Shindig List
Local UK site
Hollywood stock
exchange. Firefly is listed
Copy of an old website
hosted by
Page 23
Grateful Thanks
Still Flying would like to thank the following people without whom this fanzine
would not exist:
The cast and crew of our great show
Dave, Emma and the others that contributed to this venture
All the copyright holders of third-party material contained within including:
Jynk, Lux Lucre, Amy32, LJC, ETC – We apologise for anyone we have
missed out
Contact Details
Still Flying is always looking for more people to get
involved in all aspects of its production and distribution. If
you are interested please either join the Yahoo Group
( or email the
editor (
This publication is not affiliated with Joss Whedon ; Mutant Enemy, Inc. ; The Fox
Television Broadcasting Company ; 20th Century Fox Ltd. ; Fox Home Entertainment
; The SciFi Channel or Universal Pictures
All rights are reserved and owned by the copyright holders as appropriate.
Still Flying – Issue One - 12/11/2003
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