Yellow Jacket Battalion - West Virginia State University


Yellow Jacket Battalion - West Virginia State University
Yellow Jacket Battalion
West Virginia State University
Vol. 3
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December 2013
Upcoming Events:
~ Commander’s Corner
Joint FTX (MAR)
Cluster FTX (APR)
Dining out @ WVUIT (APR)
Commissioning (MAY)
In this Issue:
Commanders Corner
Making Headlines
Desk of the SMI
Ranger Challenge
Hall of Fame
New Cadets
Where they are now
Welcome New Cadre
This fall semester has marked another busy chapter in the
Yellow Jacket’s history. Our enrollment has surged and we are
operating with an even larger group of new Cadre and Cadets than in
years past. Our military family remains geographically dispersed
with 28% at West Virginia State University , 47% at Glenville State
College, 13% at WVU Institute of Technology, and 12% at the
University of Charleston.
With 68 total cadets (26 contracted), we are poised to
make our commission mission of ten officers each year in 2014,
2015, and 2016. The Army continues to demand 5,350 quality men
and women that are achieving their undergraduate with a focus in
Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) degrees. Our Yellow Jacket Cadets are
meeting the challenges for the Army of 2020 and continuing to set high standards at Operation
Warrior Forge. This past summer our students maintained a unit average APFT of 270, and an
80% first-time pass rate for land navigation. Cadet Marc Jones earned an overall assessment
of “Excellent”, the first such high score for our battalion since 2009—congratulations!
We have been fortunate to receive training and assistance visits from our recent
alumni, to include: 2LT Spencer Ferrebee who returned to WVSU on a short visit from Ft.
Hood, before deploying to Kuwait; 2LT John Smith spent his summer as a trainer at Joint Base
Lewis-McChord and visited WVSU at the beginning of the semester, prior to reporting to Ft.
Benning, GA for the Infantry Officer Basic Course; 2LT David Cottrill supported WVSU during
the April Cluster FTX and has volunteered to serve as a trainer/mentor during the fall 2013
FTX; 2LT Ashley Bish served as a Gold Bar recruiter assisting WVSU & the WVNG with the Boy
Scout Jamboree in Beckley, along with scholarship promotional visits at our local high schools.
I invite all contracted cadets to immerse themselves into the many opportunities
available to ROTC students, the future leaders of America’s Army. Strong physical fitness
(APFT) and high academic grade point averages make the difference on my OML (order of
merit list) to select cadets for special training, awards, and other recognition beyond our
Battalion’s footprint. Contracted cadets should remember that the opportunity for applying
to CULP (Cultural Understanding and Language Program) opens annually from 25 SEP thru 25
OCT. We’ve maintained a proud tradition over the past two years of sending Cadet Colvin to
Slovakia in 2012 and Cadet Raines to Thailand in 2013. Who will be our brave explorer in
2014, and where they will travel to is anyone’s guess—Tanzania, Korea, Marshall Islands?
I am extremely proud of the officers we’ve commissioned and I wish them luck on
their journey as professional officers. They will each face difficult decisions that demand
critical thinkers to identify and “frame the problem”, understand their key tasks, and envision
the end state, in order to achieve mission success. I have no doubt that each of our
Lieutenants are more than capable of serving in demanding positions and succeeding.
Air Assault!
Yellow Jackets Led
The Way
~Making the Headlines
West Virginia State University
Ferguson-Lincoln Building
PO Box 489
Institute, WV 25112-0489
Seniors on Day Land Nav. Check Point
CDTs plotting points for Day Land NAV at
Point Pleasant, WV
CDTs rehearsing before Ranger Challenge
CDT Bruce prepares for an interview for WVSU’s
newest marketing plan “Find Your Passion”
MAJ Beirne assisting with CWST at GSC
CDTs Gadzala and Chandler plot points for Day Land
Tel: 304-766-3108 / 3109 / 3295
Fax: 304-204-4019
CDT Raines having fun at CWST
Ranger Challenge Seniors
Gregory Hott, Marc Jones, Kodie Halstead
~Making Headlines Cont.
Yellow Jacket BN Cadets Visit the Louis A. Johnson VA Hospital
Yellow Jackets
Check us on the web!
West Virginia University State
Ferguson-Lincoln Building
PO Box 489
Institute, WV 25112-0489
Tel: 304-766-3108 / 3109 / 3295
Fax: 304-204-4019
The cadets of the Glenville State College traveled to the Louis A. Johnson VA Hospital in Clarksburg,
WV on Monday to thank veterans for their service. Organized by Mr. Wesley Walls and Mr. Craig
Pruitt, the visit was targeted towards the veterans who were incapacitated and unable to attend other
ceremonies in their local communities.
Overall, it was a humbling event; Cadet Jones stated, “Looking into their eyes it was like looking into
a window to the past. What these veterans have seen I can only imagine. I am proud to be a Soldier
and follow in there foot- steps to protect our great nation. We are truly free because of the brave. I
appreciate ROTC giving me a chance to spend Veterans Day with the real American Hero’s.” Cadet
Gwinn said, “I thoroughly enjoyed getting to meet the men who we hear about in history books. I hope
they enjoyed the visit as much as I did and their Veterans Day was filled with positive feelings of
accomplishment. ”
Dressed in military uniform, cadets visited 26 total patients with service ranging from World War II,
Korea, Vietnam, and the most recent Gulf Wars. The stories of heroism and resiliency brought about
some emotional responses.
After the visit, the cadets walked away with a greater understanding of the importance of honoring the
sacrifices of veterans and their families.
Mr. & Ms. ROTC
CDTs Robert Cunningham and Danielle Gadzala
CDT’s Pettit and Lawrence plot day land nav points
GSC Firing the Ceremonial 75 mm Howitzer
Homecoming Color Guard
Army’s Recruiting Trailer at Homecoming
Stretching Out before the Run
ROTC Cadre and Cadets prepare for State’s Homecoming
5K Run
Yellow Jackets Lead
The Way
West Virginia State University
Ferguson-Lincoln Building
PO Box 489
Institute, WV 25112-0489
Tel: 304-766-3108 / 3109 / 3295
Fax: 304-204-4019
~Desk of the SMI
As we prepare for the winter holiday season, I want to take
this opportunity to express my thanks to every member of the Yellow
Jacket ROTC Alumni for your support. Your commitment to the
program throughout the years is greatly appreciated. As we prepare to
move forward to the Spring Semester, I would like to take this occasion
to update everyone on the Cadets accomplishments this last summer
and fall.
This last summer the Leader Development and Assessment Course;
“Warrior Forge” was held as it has been for years at Fort Lewis, WA. We
sent eight Cadets and all of them were successful and received passing
scores which allowed them to graduate from LDAC. As you all know
LDAC revolves around evaluations, which Cadets receive in various leadership positions. I’m happy
to report that the Yellow Jackets received their first overall Exceeds the Standard “E” rating in the
last few years.
We also sent several Cadets to numerous U.S. Army Schools and other leadership opportunities
this last summer with one earning Jump Wings from Airborne School and another earning the Air
Assault Badge. We also sent a Cadet to the Cultural Understanding and Language Proficiency
Program (CULP), where they helped teach English in Thailand. Lastly we sent three Cadets to the
Cadet Troop Leader Training (CTLT) where they had the opportunity to experience leadership in
Active Army units over a three to four week period. We hope to continue to send Cadets to these
great opportunities in an effort to help the Army receive quality Lieutenants to provide the Soldiers
of this great nation with outstanding leadership.
During this semester we also had several Cadets that participated in the WVSU Yellow Jacket 5K
Run/Walk on October 5, 2013. Two of our Cadets (Robert Cunningham and Jackson Shrewsbury)
placed 5th and 6th overall and 1st and 2nd in their age group. This is a great example of the Cadets in
the Yellow Jacket BN going above and beyond. They continue to meet the physical challenges
placed before them and will maintain this as young leaders in the Army.
One of Many Road Marches
I would also like to like to congratulate this year’s Ranger Challenge team. We sent 12 Cadets
to the competition this year and they performed extraordinarily. The Yellow Jacket Battalion’s
team finished third in their division during the painstaking two-day event held Oct. 25-26 at Fort
Pickett, VA. The hard work and dedication of these first-rate Cadets allowed them to place higher
than any other school in West Virginia, beating both West Virginia University and Marshall
University. This maybe a historical event for the Battalion, as I believe it is first time in the 26-year
history of the Ranger Challenge competition that the Yellow Jackets placed in the top three. The
Division is composed of 19 other small ROTC programs with less that 100 enrolled students. Ranger
Challenge competition focuses on fundamental infantry skills, with squad-sized teams competing in
marksmanship, patrolling, obstacle course and a multitude of other events. Our Cadets were tested
mentally and physically and rose to the challenge while enhancing their leadership skills and
developing team organization.
We here at WVSU ROTC look forward to the upcoming semesters as we continue to push these
young leaders to develop into the exceptional commissioned officers that they will soon become.
These critical thinkers and decision makers who will continue to inspire strength in others and lead
our nation’s Army into the future.
CDTs Shrewsbury and Cunningham
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The Yellow Jacket Battalion Facebook Page
Pancho Raft
~2013 Ranger Challenge
Yellow Jackets
Check us on the web!
West Virginia State University
Ferguson-Lincoln Building
PO Box 489
Tel: 304-766-3108 / 3109 / 3295
Fax: 304-204-4019
WVSU competed in a rigorous two day Ranger Challenge competition at Fort
Pickett, VA. Thirty-eight schools from all of the Mid-Atlantic and South-East were
present and ready to take on the myriad of events that awaited them. WVSU
Army ROTC placed 3rd in the their division, defeating 16 other teams. WVSU
dominated in Rifle Marksmanship, boosting their score to narrowly beat the other
Army ROTC programs within the State of WV.
The twelve-Cadet Ranger Challenge team consisted of six Cadets from WVSU,
Five from GSC and one from WVUIT.
CDT Marc Jones
CDT Christopher Coon
CDT Kodie Halstead
CDT Brianna Lawrence
CDT Gregory Hott
CDT Veronica Pettit
CDT Ryan Buchanan
CDT James Hubbard
CDT Robert Cunningham
CDT Nathan Bolin
CDT Vincent Bird
CDT Anthony Holton
Ranger Challenge is Army ROTC's varsity sport, with competitors earning a
Ranger Challenge Tab and service ribbon upon successful completion. The
competition focuses on the basic infantry skills, with Squad-sized teams
competing against other schools in rifle marksmanship, constructing a rope
-bridge, patrolling, disassembly and reassembly of the M16A2 Rifle, the
Army Physical Fitness Test, and multiple timed road marches.
Tire Flip
W V S U R a n k s To p T h r e e
Rifle Marksmanship
Another Road March
Evacuate a Casualty
2013 Yellow Jacket Battalion Army ROTC Ranger Challenge Team
~Hall of Fame
Yellow Jackets
Check us on the web!
West Virginia State University
Ferguson-Lincoln Building
PO Box 489
Tel: 304-766-3108 / 3109 / 3295
Fax: 304-204-4019
LTC (Ret) Barry Brasseur
In 1984 he graduated from West Virginia State College and was
commissioned a Second Lieutenant in the U.S. Army Chemical Corps
Lieutenant Colonel Brasseur spent 20 years on active duty with the
U.S. Army. His duty assignments included Battalion Chemical
Officer and Platoon Leader, 2nd Infantry Division in Korea; Battalion
Chemical Officer 2-319th Airborne Field Artillery and Brigade
Chemical Officer 82nd Aviation Brigade, 82d Airborne Division;
Detachment Commander and Battalion S3 US Army Technical Escort;
Sector Chief of Operations United Nations Mission Western Sahara,
Africa; Chief Leadership Branch US Army Signal School; Chief, G3
Operations, 1st Support Command (Airborne); Senior ROTC Instructor
Marshall University; and NORAD Chemical Officer Winnipeg Canada.
Lieutenant Colonel Brasseur is a graduate of the Chemical Officer Advanced Course; Combined
Arms Staff Service School; Command and General Staff College and the Joint Forces Staff College.
Military decorations include: Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Meritorious Service Medal 2 Oak
Leaf Cluster, Army Commendation medal, 3 Oak Leaf Clusters, Army Achievement Medal, Oak Leaf
Cluster, Armed Forces Reserve Medal, National Defense Service Medal, w/Bronze Star, Army Service
Ribbon l; Overseas Service Ribbon; Master Parachutist Badge.
In his post military career he taught High School JROTC, and held the position of Program Manager
for the Center for National Response.
He currently resides in Charleston WV. He is married to his wonderful wife Nancy and they have
two sons, Matthew and Michael.
Dr. Hemphill and LTC (Ret)
COL (Ret) Harold G. Fisher
Harold G. Fisher was born and raised in Hudson, New York. He
enrolled at Syracuse University and in the ROTC program in September 1957. He graduated in June 1961 with a Bachelor of Science in
Chemical Engineering (BSChE) and was commissioned as a Second
Lieutenant, USAR of Field Artillery. Upon graduation, he accepted a
position as a Chemical Engineer with Union Carbide Corporation in
Charleston, WV.
He entered upon active duty in June 1962 and trained at Fort Sill,
OK. He was subsequently assigned to the 3rd USA Missile Detachment
as a Section Commander and served until May of 1964 in the Federal
Republic of Germany with the Special Ammunition Support Command
in support of Bundeswehr Forces.
Colonel Fisher graduated from the Field Artillery Officer Orientation Course in 1962, the Ordnance Officer Advanced Course in 1973 and the Command and General
Staff College (Nonresident) in 1979. He earned several advanced degrees from West Virginia University to include a Master of Science in Chemical Engineering (MSChE) in 1968, a Master of Science in
Engineering (MSE(IE)) in 1971, and a Master of Business Administration (MBA) in 1974.
Dr. Hemphill and COL (Ret) Fisher
His civilian career with Union Carbide Corporation spanned a period of 42.5 years. Upon retirement from the positions of Principal Engineer and corporate reactive technologist, he formed a
safety engineering consultancy and is presently operating that business. He has taught graduate
chemical engineering courses at West Virginia University. He edited, published and contributed to
four safety-related books and has written numerous safety-related peer-reviewed papers. He is a
member of the Senior Army Reserve Commanders Association (SARCA), the Reserve Officers Association (ROA) and the Ordnance Corps Association.
~Hall of Fame cont.
Yellow Jackets
Judge Reggie B. Walton
Judge Reggie B. Walton graduated from West Virginia State
University in 1971. While at State, Judge Walton was a four-year
member of the R.O.T.C. program. Due to a significant ankle injury
he sustained in spring football practice in 1970, Walton was unable
to pass the physical examination for his commission as an Army
Officer and he was Honorably Discharged from military service at
the rank of private. Judge Walton received his Juris Doctor from
the American University, Washington College of Law, in 1974.
Check us on the web!
West Virginia State University
Ferguson-Lincoln Building
PO Box 489
Institute, WV 25112-0489
Tel: 304-766-3108 / 3109 / 3295
Fax: 304-204-4019
Judge Walton assumed his current position as a U.S. District Judge
for the District of Columbia in 2001. He was also appointed by
President George W. Bush in 2004 as the Chair of the National
Prison Rape Elimination Commission. Former U.S. Supreme court
Chief Justice William Rehnquist appointed Judge Walton to the
federal judiciary’s Criminal Law Committee in 2005, on which he served until 2011. In 2007, Chief
Justice John Roberts appointed Judge Walton to a 7-year term as a Judge of the U.S. Foreign
Intelligence Surveillance Court, and he was subsequently appointed Presiding Judge in 2013.
Judge Walton previously served as an Associate Judge of the Superior Court of the District of
Columbia from 1981 to 1989 and 1991 to 2001. From 1989 to 1991, Judge Walton served as President
George H. W. Bush’s Associate Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy in the Executive
Office of the President, and also as the Senior White House Advisor for Crime.
Judge Walton has been the recipient of dozens of local, national, and international honors and
awards. He has presided over notable trials, including those of I. Lewis “Scotter” Libby and of
former Major League Baseball player Roger Clemens. Judge Walton was also one of 14 judges
profiled in a 1994 book titled “Black Judges on Justice: Perspectives from the Bench,” the first
effort to assess the judicial perspectives of prominent African-American judges in the country.
Dr. Hemphill and Judge Walton
~ Welcome New Cadets
CDTs Jenkins and Burns
To meet the challenges that await these new Cadets, Cadre pledge to provide the
best possible instruction and realistic training while offering one-on-one interaction. As new members of the Yellow Jacket BN, it is your duty to attend all training activities. With the combined efforts of Cadre and Senior Cadets we are confident that the Yellow Jacket BN will continue to produce the best qualified and
capable company grade Officers.
We would like to welcome the following Cadets to the Yellow Jacket Family:
CDT Ashley Burns—WVUIT, 2016
CDT Christopher Jenkins—WVUIT, 2015
CDT Gwinn
CDT Nesbitt
CDT Caitlin Gwinn—GSC, 2015
CDT Travis Nesbitt—GSC, 2015
~Where they are now
Yellow Jackets
Check us on the web!
2LT John Smith is currently at Infantry BOLC Phase B in Fort Benning GA where he is expected to graduate in the early months of
West Virginia State University
He will remain at Fort Benning, GA upon completion of IBOLC
where he will immediately be enrolled in Ranger School.
Ferguson-Lincoln Building
PO Box 489
Institute, WV 25112-0489
2LT John Smith
2LT Nicole Himes is currently at Fort Sill, OK with her assigned
Unit, HHB 2-18 FAR, 75th FiB. She completed Adjutant General
BOLC Phase B in August 2013.
Tel: 304-766-3108 / 3109 / 3295
Fax: 304-204-4019
2LT Nicole Himes
She reports that she is doing great and had a awesome time at
BOLC B. “As I went through BOLC with my classmates, I continually realized how lucky and fortunate I was. There were a lot of
Lieutenants that already had 10-15 years prior service; so I always
had so many resources to learn from. I built a lot of great friendships there.“
2LT Ashely Bish is scheduled to attend Ordinance School at Fort
Lee, VA .
She is currently a Platoon Leader 3664th Maintenance Company,
West Virginia National Guard in Eleanor, WV. 2LT Bish did an
outstanding job as the Yellow Jacket BN Gold Bar Recruiter
where she attended numerous High Schools, Career Fairs, the
West Virginia State Fair and the National Boy Scout Jamboree.
Her efforts directly increased enrollment for the BN and WVSU.
2LT Ashley Bish
2LT John Brabender
2LT John Brabender Commissioned as a 2LT in December 2012.
He is a Signal Officer in the Pennsylvania Army National Guard.
“Since June of this year, I have been serving with HHC 1-110th IN
Battalion in the PAARNG. I serve there as Platoon Leader and Assistant S-6. I have just finished my first month of SBOLC at Ft.
Gordon, GA. The training here is very in-depth and usually averages 12 hour days. Overall SBOLC is a challenge but I am glad to
have picked Signal because it really is the future of where we are
headed. I believe the skills acquired here will help me to be a
better Army Officer and leader as I start my career.”
~Welcome New Cadre
Yellow Jackets
Check us on the web!
West Virginia State University
Ferguson-Lincoln Building
PO Box 489
Institute, WV 25112-0489
Mr. William Kinsey
Tel: 304-766-3108 / 3109 / 3295
Fax: 304-204-4019
Bill Kinsey was commissioned a second lieutenant in the Infantry in 1992 through Army ROTC at the University of Tennessee. Over a 20 year career, Mr. Kinsey served in a variety of
positions as a U.S. Army officer in numerous posts in Alaska,
California, Georgia, Kansas, and Texas. Mr. Kinsey retired in
June of 2013 having attained the rank of Lieutenant Colonel.
After retirement, Mr. Kinsey served briefly as the Recruiting
Officer for University of Kentucky Army ROTC Department before transferring to the West Virginia State University Army
ROTC Department in September of 2013.
Mr. Kinsey has a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from the
University of Tennessee, a Master of Arts in Political Science
from Marshall University, and is a graduate of the U.S. Army
Command and General Staff College. He is a veteran of Operation Desert Storm, Bosnia, Iraq, and Afghanistan.
SGT Timothy Hatcher joined the Yellow Jacket Battalion
in August 2013. He is the Primary Military Science Instructor for MSC 100 and 200 at WVUIT. He also serves as a
Team Leader for 1/150th AR West Virginia Army National
SGT Hatcher brings great experience to WVUIT having
two deployments in OIF and Operation New Dawn. He is
proving to be a invaluable asset to the Yellow Jacket Battalion.
SGT Timothy Hatcher
Ms. Wilkerson began working for the Military Science Department on
July 1, 2013. She handles the administrative procedures for the ROTC
staff and all reoccurring events to include the ROTC Hall of Fame,
Commissioning ceremonies and the Annual Cadet Balls.
She brings with her more than 30 years of Office Administrative experience from DOW Chemical and Union Carbide Corporation where she
worked in the Human Resources Department as their Salary Administration Specialist. Previously, her work experience at WVSU has been in
the following areas for an additional 10 years: Office Administrator for
Enrollment Management and Student Affairs. Administrative Secretary,
Research Programs and Services Coordinator, Administrative Secretary,
She received her Associate in Applied Science Degree in 1995 and her
Mrs. Fatiema Wilkerson Regents Bachelor of Arts Degree in 2006.
Want to keep up to date with the Yellow Jackets?
The Yellow Jacket Battalion Facebook Page
West Virginia State University
Ferguson-Lincoln Building
Check us on the web!
PO Box 489
Institute, WV 25112-0489
The Yellow Jacket Battalion
Mr. William Kinsey
CPT Jonathan Judy
MAJ Charles Beirne
Mr. William Kinsey