Effects of dam operation and land use on stream channel
Effects of dam operation and land use on stream channel
Geomorphology 82 (2006) 412 – 429 www.elsevier.com/locate/geomorph Effects of dam operation and land use on stream channel morphology and riparian vegetation Eric Gordon a,⁎, Ross K. Meentemeyer b a Department of Geography and Global Studies, Sonoma State University, 1801 East Cotati Ave., Rohnert Park, CA 94928, USA b Department of Geography and Earth Sciences, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, 9201 University City Boulevard, Charlotte, NC 28223, USA Received 11 January 2006; received in revised form 6 June 2006; accepted 6 June 2006 Available online 14 July 2006 Abstract Dams are well known for influencing channel and vegetation dynamics downstream, but little work has focused on distinguishing effects of land use and channel responses to the impoundment. In this paper, we examined interacting effects of a dam and land use on downstream changes in channel morphology and riparian vegetation along an agricultural stream system in northern California. Measurements of planform channel morphology, vegetation area, and land use were mapped along multiple stream segments based on a chronological sequence of historical aerial photographs over a 34-yr period prior to operation of the dam in 1983 and over a 17-yr period after dam operation, and compared to a nearby, undammed reference stream. A two-factor analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was used to examine the effect of the dam on changes in bankfull area, stream length, and riparian vegetation area while accounting for the effect of land use and distance downstream. The dammed stream's bankfull area contracted 94% after dam operation. Prior to dam operation, bankfull area decreased when land use area increased, but not after operation of the dam. Stream length varied 64% less after dam operation as a consequence of less frequent episodic channel migration and entrenchment. The area of riparian vegetation was decreasing during the pre-dam period, but then increased 72% after operation of the dam. Across time periods, decreases in the area of riparian vegetation were also associated with increases in land use area in both the dammed and reference stream. After operation of the dam, reduced peak discharges and sediment reduction likely lead to channel incision and constrained channel migration, which allowed vegetation to increase 50% on less accessible, abandoned banks. Rating curve and hydraulic exponent analyses based on stream gauge measurements corroborate statistical analyses of the mapped changes. In conclusion, we found that operation of the dam and land use patterns together influenced spatial and temporal changes in channel morphology and riparian vegetation. Use of a nearby undammed reference stream in conjunction with multivariable analysis of spatially and temporally replicated observations provided an effective framework for unraveling interacting effects of dams and land use activities on stream channel and vegetation dynamics. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: GIS; Channel morphology; Riparian vegetation; Land use; ANCOVA; Hydraulic exponent analysis 1. Introduction ⁎ Corresponding author. E-mail addresses: info@geoworldmaps.com (E. Gordon), rkmeente@email.uncc.edu (R.K. Meentemeyer). 0169-555X/$ - see front matter © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2006.06.001 Most river systems in the western United States are currently impounded to provide societal services such as E. Gordon, R.K. Meentemeyer / Geomorphology 82 (2006) 412–429 hydropower, irrigation, flood control, and recreation (Graf, 1999, 2001). By regulating natural flow regimes and trapping sediment, an unfortunate trade off of dams is their potential to change historical channel dynamics and vegetation disturbances downstream (Dunne and Leopold, 1978; Simons and Li, 1980; Petts, 1984; Williams and Wolman, 1984; Chien, 1995; Brandt, 2000; Shields et al., 2000). Dams designed to actively control discharge for flood control are particularly effective at reducing peak discharge associated with storm events and increasing discharge during dry periods (Kondolf, 1997). The resultant loss of sediment load impounded behind dams and reduced discharge during storms can cause downstream channel incision and entrenchment, which may also lead to contractions in bankfull width and potential abandonment of floodplains (Cleveland and Kelley, 1977; Gurnell et al., 1994; Rosgen, 1996; Kondolf, 1997; Knighton, 1998; Brandt, 2000; Franklin et al., 2001). Accompanied by these changes, riparian vegetation along channel banks experiences less frequent flood disturbances, which can lead to an encroachment of increased vegetation abundance on the floodplain but with lower species diversity (Pelzman, 1973; Hupp, 1990; Hupp and Osterkamp, 1994; Friedman et al., 1998; Magilligan et al., 2003, Marston et al., 2005). These changes affect ecological processes in both aquatic and terrestrial riparian environments and are becoming an increasing concern in management and restoration of impounded river systems (Stevens et al., 2001; Thoms et al., 2005). While dams play a critical role in stream channel processes, human land use practices such as agriculture and forest clearing can also impact fluvial geomorphic systems and riparian vegetation (Murgatroyd and Ternan, 1983; Osterkamp and Hupp, 1984; Mossa and McLean, 1997). Elimination of riparian habitat for agriculture can increase runoff, which can destabilize channel banks and vegetation establishment, cause channel aggradation, introduce fine-grained sediments (< 1 mm) that inhibit fish spawning habitat (Everest et al., 1987), and increase dissolved organic compounds (Thoms et al., 2005). Changes to historical discharge regimes and a channel's sediment transport capacity can contribute to periods of sediment deficit or surplus. During periods of surplus, aggradation may occur, resulting in increased bed eleation, bank narrowing, and/or bed fining, whereas periods of sediment deficit, with sufficient transport capacities, may lead to bed incision, bank widening, and/or bed coarsening (Carson, 1984; Bledsoe, 1999; Grams and Schmidt, 2005; Richard et al., 2005). Riparian vegetation is also an important factor in channel morphology and its distribution is affected by 413 both discharge regime and land use practices adjacent to the channel (Hupp and Simon, 1991). Riparian vegetation influences channel adjustment processes by increasing bank stability, inhibiting erosion, and enhancing sedimentation for floodplain formation (Friedman et al., 1996). While the potential effect of land use on channel and vegetation dynamics have been increasingly explored (Knox, 1977, Martin and Johnson, 1987; Knox, 2001; Urban and Rhoads, 2003; see also, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 2005; U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 2005), little is known about interacting effects of land use and dam operation. Empirically based studies are needed to differentiate effects of land use and dam operation on stream channel dynamics (Grams and Schmidt, 2005), but such data are typically difficult to obtain with sufficient spatial and temporal replication for multivariable analyses (Thoms et al., 2005). In addition, few studies have statistically examined the effects of a dam on channel and vegetation dynamics in relation to an undammed reference stream, a control for potential effects of climate change over the study period (but see, Stover and Montgomery, 2001; Grams and Schmidt, 2002, 2005; Thompson, 2006). In this paper, we examine interacting effects of a northern California dam and land use on downstream changes in channel morphology and riparian vegetation that occurs along the watercourse. Spatial and temporal changes in planform channel morphology, riparian area, and land use adjacent to the channel are measured at multiple sites from a sequence of historical aerial photographs over a 34-yr period prior to operation of Warm Springs Dam in 1983 and over a 17-yr period after dam operation. Changes associated with the dam are also examined in relation to distance downstream of the dam and are statistically compared to a nearby undammed reference stream with similar climatic, geomorphic, and land use features. We corroborate these analyses using gauging station measurements and developed rating curves and performed hydraulic geometry exponent analyses to further examine stream channel dynamics and validate channel and vegetation changes interpreted from the air photos. Based on these data, we examined the following three questions: (i) Does operation of a dam alter the spatial and temporal variability in channel morphology and the amount of vegetation in the riparian corridor, and to what degree does land use function as a contributing factor? (ii) Does the rate and direction of changes in channel morphology and riparian vegetation differ after dam operation and does land use influence these changes? 414 E. Gordon, R.K. Meentemeyer / Geomorphology 82 (2006) 412–429 (iii) Do field-measured hydraulics data correspond to air photo interpreted changes in planform channel morphology and riparian vegetation? We hypothesize that the undammed reference stream will experience similar variability in channel morphology over the duration of the study period, while the dammed stream (Dry Creek) will experience significant changes in variability after operation of the dam. Specifically, we expect bankfull width to decrease as a result of reduced sediment loads and increased channel incision leading to an entrenched channel following dam operation; stream length will decrease from reduced episodic channel migration and less sinuous meandering in the entrenched channel, and riparian vegetation will increase in area because of less disturbance from reduced overbank flooding. In both dammed and undammed systems, we also expect agricultural land use along channels to encroach upon and reduce the area of the riparian forest vegetation during periods of reduced overbank flooding. 2. Study system The Dry Creek watershed (672 km2), located approximately 120 km north of San Francisco, CA, is a major tributary of the Russian River watershed (3846 km2) (Fig. 1). Dry Creek has a Mediterranean-type climate, with a cool wet season from December to April (92 cm/yr) followed by a warm dry season with little to no precipitation. Substantial rain during the wet season in conjunction with a primarily gravel bed stream of Quaternary alluvium historically contributed to considerable flooding and sediment input to the Russian River. Dry Creek's average pre-European (before 1850) channel bed Fig. 1. California hydrologic basins with Russian River basin darkened and boxed. Enlargement of the Dry Creek subbasin and the reference stream in the Maacama Creek subbasin, with confluences to the Russian River. Warm Springs Dam impounds Lake Sonoma. Coyote Dam is located 60 km upstream on the Russian River. E. Gordon, R.K. Meentemeyer / Geomorphology 82 (2006) 412–429 Table 1 Dam and water flow characteristics of Warm Srpings Dam, established 1983, and Lake Sonoma Dam height (m) Dam volume (million cubic meters) Drainage area (km2) Capacity (ac-ft) Water supply (ac-ft) Flood pool (ac-ft) Sediment pool (ac-ft)a Fish maintenance (ac-ft) 97 23 337 381,000 212,000 130,000 26,000 13,000 a Based on 100-yr economic model. Actual sediment trapped >260 ac-ft/yr (USACOE, 1973). grain size was 0.7 mm (Harvey and Schumm, 1987). From 1850 to 1900 over 40% of the forest in the upper watershed was cleared and lead to accelerated slope erosion that contributed to channel aggradation with an average channel grain size of 5.6 mm (Harvey and Schumm, 1987). Channel incision without accompanying channel widening occurred from 1900 to 1940 from suspected gravel mining near Dry Creek's mouth. From 1940 to 1984 channel deepening and widening occurred accompanied by large inputs of sediment as a result of unusually high annual runoff (Cleveland and Kelley, 1977) coincident with severe fires in the upper watershed from the 1950s–early 1960s (Simons and Li, 1980), as well as headward erosion into Dry Creek's upper tributaries. This period lead to Dry Creek being the highest sediment yielding tributary of the Russian River (2222 t/km2/yr: Ritter and Brown, 1971; Goudey et al., 2002). Harvey and Schumm (1987) found grain size samples (d84 32–45 mm) in 1984/1985 (2 years after dam closure) that suggested Dry Creek's channel bed was armored for at least 3 km downstream from Warm Springs Dam. 415 In 1983 the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers began operation of Warm Springs Dam, which captures 362,000 metric tons of sediment annually (USACOE, 1997). Prior to operation of the dam, Dry Creek functioned as an ephemeral stream but now flows perennially with dry season discharges averaging 3.4 m3/s and sustained above 2.4 m3/s since 1986 (Table 1). Discharges above 500 m3/s were common before operation of the dam, but are now reduced substantially. Peak discharges before the operation of the dam averaged 454 m3/s versus 117 m3/s after dam operation (Fig. 2). Since operation of the dam, the largest peak discharge occurred in February during the 1998 El Nino at 210 m3/s. After Warm Sprigs Dam was operated in 1983, peak discharges for events with a return period of 2 years, or greater, were reduced by a minimum of 70% (Simons and Li, 1980). Since European settlement in the 1700s, total riparian area in the Russian River basin has declined 70–90% with over 40% of this decline occurring since 1940 (Marcus et al., 2001; CDFG, 2002). Ninety percent of the upper reaches of the Dry Creek subbasin redwood and Douglas fir forests have been cleared for timber and livestock grazing, while the valley floor's riparian forests have been converted for crop cultivation since the early 1900s (USACOE, 1973). In this paper, Dry Creek is compared to a nearby undammed reference stream (Maacama Creek) with similar climatic, geomorphic, and historical land use charcteristics (Fig. 1). The reference stream's watershed is smaller (117 km2) than Dry Creek's, but the proportion of pre-dam peak annual discharge to drainage area contributing to each study reach is not different (Dry Creek measurements occurred between 1960 and 1982 and Maacama Creek measurements occurred between 1960 and 1981; Fig. 2. Annual peak discharge at the USGS gauge station (no. 11465200) located at Yoakim Bridge (see Fig. 1). Annual peak discharges dramatically decline and decrease in variability after dam operation in 1983. 416 E. Gordon, R.K. Meentemeyer / Geomorphology 82 (2006) 412–429 n = 23, df= 20, t = 2.09, P = 0.92). The riparian forest along both streams is dominated by willow (Salix sp.), cottonwood (Populus trichocarpa), and alder (Alnus rhombifolia) near the channel and with coast live oak (Quercas agrifolia) often occurring along the outer edges of riparian forest areas. Land uses are predominantly agricultural vineyards and orchards, as well as some livestock grazing. 3. Methods We examined interacting effects of Warm Springs Dam and land use on downstream changes in channel morphology and riparian vegetation distribution on the floodplain by using multivariable analysis. Changes in channel features and riparian vegetation were assessed from a series of historical aerial photographs from the dammed and undammed streams taken both prior to, and after the establishment of the Warm Springs Dam (1983). Dry Creek's morphological channel changes were corroborated using gauge station measurements from a nearby USGS station analyzing changes in channel geometry during the study period. 3.1. Data collection and mapping 3.1.1. Channel, vegetation, and land use mapping The Dry Creek study reach (10.5 km) was divided into 20 equal length segments. The width of the segments was 2025 m, which is the buffer size that included all land parcels adjacent to the channel. For analysis, 10 segments were randomly selected from the Dry Creek study reach (Fig. 3). The reference stream's study reach (3.6 km) was divided into 18 equal segments with a total of 10 segments randomly selected for analysis. For each stream segment, we digitally scanned a historical sequence of panchromatic aerial photographs (1:4000–1:24,000) taken during the dry season May to August (pre-dam: years 1942, 1961, 1976–1980; post-dam: years 1987, 1993, and 2000). Each photo was georeferenced to match the 1993 USGS digital orthophoto quarter quadrangle (DOQQ) and integrated in the GIS for mapping and analysis. Four planform variables were delineated in the GIS from the imagery: thalweg length (center of the stream channel), bankfull width, riparian vegetation area, and human land use area (Fig. 4). Bankfull width measurements were based on exposed depositional features (e.g., point and side channel bars) created by bankfull discharge (Knighton, 1998; Kondolf et al., 2002). Bankfull width was estimated by mapping the area of the exposed depositional features within each segment. When the vegetation canopy obscured the bank, the high flow mark was estimated visually from the nearest visible upstream and downstream banks which undoubtedly produced small errors in some places. We defined riparian vegetation as areas with an established tree canopy along the stream's bank and floodplain. Finally, we mapped all areas with visual evidence of human land use adjacent to the channel, based on the presence of agriculture (e.g., crops, orchards, grazing) or development (e.g., roads, structures, ponds). 3.1.2. Stream gauge measurements Hydraulic measurements of discharge, velocity, watersurface elevation (gauge height), and channel geometry were collected for Dry Creek from a USGS-monitored gauge station at Yoakim Bridge, 300 m upstream of the study reach (Fig. 1). Established in 1960, the station has continuously measured velocity–area discharge profiles to present. For the reference stream, however, USGS stream gauge measurements were only available for the pre-dam period (1960–1981), which therefore precluded a comparison to Dry Creek. The gauged discharges were used to measure channel geometry, a means of summarizing interaction of morphologic and dynamic variables in natural streams and illustrative of channel variations between streams or reaches in the same system (Rhodes, 1977; Huang and Nanson, 1997). Geometry based on discharge per unit channel width can define temporal changes as a direct result of channel adjustments to natural or anthropogenic disturbances (Williams, 1986). The analysis and comparison of Fig. 3. The 10.5-km Dry Creek study reach shown bounded by the box to include adjacent land parcels. Numbered divisions are the 525 m randomly selected segments used for analyses. Yoakim Bridge is discernible at left (upstream of the study reach) crossing Dry Creek. Shown are the 1976 aerial photographs. E. Gordon, R.K. Meentemeyer / Geomorphology 82 (2006) 412–429 417 Fig. 4. Stream channel features manually digitized in GIS from historical black and white aerial photographs: (A) example of onscreen digitizing of a streamline; selected years for (B) bankfull area, (C) streamline (thalweg), and (D) riparian area are shown below. Not shown: digitized polygons representing land use areas adjacent to the channel. This is segment 2, Dry Creek (see Fig. 3). hydraulic geometry for different time periods provides a method to assess the impact of environmental change in the stream (Ritter et al., 2002). 3.2. Statistical analyses 3.2.1. Channel, vegetation, and land-use effects A two-factor analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was used to examine the effect of two categorical variables on changes in bankfull area (BKFA), stream length (SL), and riparian vegetation area (RA) while accounting for the effect of potentially influential covariates (Quinn and Keough, 2002). The two categorical explanatory variables were STREAM (Dry Creek versus the undammed reference stream) and TIME (pre-versus post-dam period) with individual stream segments (SEGMENTS) included as a random variable nested in STREAM. The covariates included land use area (LUA), distance downstream from the dam (DISTANCE), and bankfull area (BKFA). The covariate bankfull area was only examined in relation to changes in riparian vegetation to determine if post-dam reductions in bankfull area lead to expansion in riparian vegetation on the floodplain. Each analysis included the 10 randomly selected segments from Dry Creek and the reference stream over the pre- and post-dam time periods (n = 40). Up to threeorder interaction terms were examined and, where significant, their main effects were also included. Covariates 418 E. Gordon, R.K. Meentemeyer / Geomorphology 82 (2006) 412–429 and interactions were included in models only if statistically significant (P < 0.05). Covariates were standardized (standard score) when assessed as an interaction to avoid intercorrelation with their lower order terms (Quinn and Keough, 2002). Two measures of variability were calculated for bankfull area, stream length, and riparian vegetation to examine their response to STREAM and TIME, yielding a total of six ANCOVA analyses. The measures included the coefficient of variation (CV) and the rate and direction of changes during each time period. The coefficient of variation was calculated as CV ¼ s 100 Ȳ ð1Þ where s was the standard deviation and Ȳ was the mean for a given segment in either the pre- or post-dam period. CV standardizes differences in magnitudes of predictor variables because of the different study area sizes between Dry Creek and the reference stream while providing a measure of variation that is independent of the measurement units (Quinn and Keough, 2002). CV values were log10 transformed to provide normal distributions and homogenous variances. We examined the trajectory (rate and direction) of changes in channel morphology and in riparian and land use area as an indicator of stream adjustment to disturbance by considering the magnitude and rate of changes over time (Brooks and Shields, 1996; Downs and Thorne, 1996; Rhoads and Herrick, 1996; Fryirs and Brierley, 2000; Grams and Schmidt, 2002). The rate and direction of changes that occurred during the pre-versus post-dam periods were derived for each variable by regressing the response (e.g., BKFA, SL, and RA) for each segment against each year during the pre-dam (years 1942, 1961, and 1976) and post-dam periods (years 1987, 1993, and 2000). The resulting slope coefficient indicated the rate and direction of change of the response variable experienced by a particular stream segment during one time period. All slope coefficients were log10 transformed, as were the coefficients of variation. A slope of zero indicates stability during a particular time period. The covariate land use area (LUA) was also examined as a slope coefficient (computed as above) to give a measurement of the rate and direction of changes in land use area during a particular time period. Distance downstream from the dam to each segment (DISTANCE) was standardized for Dry Creek and the reference stream by dividing distance downstream by the total length of the stream. LUA and DISTANCE were used as covariates in all six analyses. 3.2.2. Stream gauge changes Changes in hydraulic geometry were examined using two methods. First, we estimated changes in Dry Creek's bed-level. We calculated rating curves derived from the USGS gauge-height discharge records by regressing gauge height against discharge. The measured gauge height corresponds to a discharge that represents bed level elevation at that location. The change in gauge height with time would indicate a proportional change in the same direction of the elevation of the streambed. This method provided a general trend for bed elevation changes, but water-surface elevations can be affected by changes in channel shape, roughness and other features even when width has remained approximately constant (Williams and Wolman, 1984). Although bed elevation is most accurately determined using low discharge observations (Williams and Wolman, 1984), we unavoidably used all discharge observations because USGS primarily made observations only during the rainy season preceding the 1990s, and only a few times per year. A one-way ANOVA was then used to test if mean bed-elevation was significantly lower during the post-dam period than the pre-dam period by comparing gauge heights. We compared responses (gauge heights) between periods that shared the same range of discharges. The second analysis focused on changes in hydraulic geometry dimensions (width, depth, velocity) between the pre- and post-dam periods by regressing the natural logs of hydraulic geometry against discharge (Leopold and Maddock, 1953). The equations for the dependent variables are w¼ aQ b ð2Þ d ¼ cQ f ð3Þ v¼ ð4Þ kQ m where Q is discharge, and w, d, and v are the dependent variables channel width, depth, and velocity, and a, c, k, b, f, and m are constants. The “hydraulic geometry exponents” b, f, and m are regressed slope coefficients, which indicate the rate of change of the hydraulic dependent variable (w, d, or v) with increasing discharge. Substituting these expressions into the continuity equation, Q = wdv, it follows that b + f + m = 1 and ack = 1 (Rhodes, 1977). First, a one-factor ANCOVA was used to examine if the regressed slope coefficients of b, f, and m differed between the pre- and post-dam periods, which tested the significance of interactions between the response variables (w, d, v) and the two time periods. Second, we used a one-way ANOVA to examine if the E. Gordon, R.K. Meentemeyer / Geomorphology 82 (2006) 412–429 Fig. 5. Bankfull area variation (BKFA) for Dry Creek and the reference stream during pre- and post-dam periods. Even though bankfull area had greater post-dam variation than during the pre-dam period or in the reference stream, it was in a negative direction (see Fig. 6). The coefficient of variation (CV) normalized values between the differing feature magnitudes of the Dry Creek and Maacama Creek watersheds while providing a measure of variation. mean hydraulic dimensions changed between the pre- and post-dam periods. 4. Results 4.1. Channel, vegetation and land use effects 4.1.1. Bankfull area The ANCOVA analysis of bankfull area variability (CV) shows that bankfull area varied similar amounts in both Dry Creek and the undammed reference stream during the pre-dam period (Fig. 5). Dry Creek's bankfull area varied 60% more during the post-dam period than during the pre-dam period (P = 0.0082; Table 2; Fig. 5), whereas the reference stream experienced the same 419 Fig. 6. Bankfull area rate and direction (BKFA) of variation for Dry Creek and the reference stream during pre- and post-dam periods. Only Dry Creek's bankfull area significantly decreased during any time period. amount of variation during both the pre- and post-dam periods. The analysis of rate and direction of bankfull area changes (BKFA) indicates that Dry Creek's bankfull area was increasing slightly during the pre-dam period (mean slope coefficient = 0.002 ± 0.001 S.E.) and then decreased considerably during the post-dam period (mean slope coefficient = − 0.026 ± 0.001 S.E.), a 94% change (P < 0.0001; Table 2; Fig. 6). In contrast, the reference stream's bankfull area was decreasing slightly during the pre-dam period (mean slope coefficient = − 0.003 ± S.E. 0.001) and then remained almost constant during the post-dam period (mean slope coefficient = 0.0001 ± S.E. 0.001; Fig 6). Two covariates were also associated with changes in Dry Creek's bankfull area. During the pre-dam period, Dry Creek's bankfull area increased while agricultural land use area decreased (est. = − 0.003 ± 0.001 S.E.; P < 0.0001; Fig. 7; Table 2, source of variation: STREAM × TIME× LUA). Bankfull area increased with Table 2 ANCOVA results for bankfull area variation (BKFA) for Dry Creek and the reference stream during the pre-dam and post-dam periods Source of varitation STREAM SEGMENTS [STREAM ] TIME STREAM × TIME Covariates LUA DISTANCE STREAM × TIME × LUA STREAM × TIME × DISTANCE Error ⁎P < 0.05, ⁎⁎P < 0.01, ⁎⁎⁎P < 0.001. Bankfull area variation (CV) Bankfull area rate and direction df SS F df SS F 1 18 1 1 0.7720 2.9465 0.5934 0.9982 6.82⁎ 1.45 5.25⁎ 8.82⁎⁎ 1 18 1 1 0.0012 0.0003 0.0015 0.0023 90.76⁎⁎⁎ 1.40 118.23⁎⁎⁎ 182.04⁎⁎⁎ 1 1 1 1 12 0.0005 0.0001 0.0005 0.0002 0.0002 36.60⁎⁎⁎ 7.15⁎⁎⁎ 37.73⁎⁎⁎ 13.39⁎⁎ 18 – – – – 2.0366 420 E. Gordon, R.K. Meentemeyer / Geomorphology 82 (2006) 412–429 Fig. 7. Bankfull area rate and direction (BKFA) effected by the covariate land use area (LUA) in Dry Creek during the pre- and postdam periods. Slope coefficients are standardized for each stream. increasing distance downstream during the pre-dam period (est. = 0.001 ± 0.0003; P < 0.0001; Fig. 8; Table 2, source of variation: STREAM × TIME × DISTANCE), but decreased with increasing distance downstream during the post-dam period (est. = −0.002 ± 0.0007; P = 0.003; Fig. 8; Table 2, source of variation: STREAM × TIME × DISTANCE). Land use area in Dry Creek slightly decreased during the pre-dam period (mean slope coefficient = − 0.0004) then increased at three times that rate during the post-dam period (mean slope coefficient = 0.0012; P = 0.04), while land use area in the reference stream remained relatively constant during both periods (mean slope coefficients = −0.00007 and −0.006, respectively; P = 0.18). dam period (P = 0.15), but this weak trend was not distinguishable between Dry Creek and the reference stream. The analysis of the rate and direction of riparian area (RA) changes shows that Dry Creek's riparian area was decreasing during the pre-dam period (mean slope coefficient = − 0.002 ± 0.002 S.E.), but then increased significantly (72%) during the post-dam period (mean slope coefficient = 0.011 ± 0.002 S.E.; P = 0.003; Table 4; Fig. 12). In contrast, the reference stream did not experience a reversal in the direction of riparian area changes during the post-dam period (mean slope coefficient = 0.0026 ± 0.002 S.E. pre-dam; 0.0029 ± 0.002 S.E. post-dam; P = 0.91), but riparian area was slightly increasing in the reference stream during both periods. Two covariates were also associated with changes in riparian area. Across time periods, increases in land use area (LUA) were associated with decreases in riparian area in both Dry Creek and the reference stream (est. =−0.006 ± 0.002; P =0.006; Table 4; Fig. 13). Increases in BKFA were also associated with decreases in riparian area, but only in Dry Creek (est.= −0.004± 0.001; P = 0.003; Table 4; Fig. 14). 4.2. Stream gauge measurements 4.2.1. Rating curves The regression indicated that gauge height increased with increasing discharge at a 50% greater rate during the post-dam period (slope coefficient = 0.03) than the pre-dam period (slope coefficient = 0.02; Fig. 15). The 4.1.2. Stream length During the pre-dam period, stream length varied (CV) similar amounts in both Dry Creek and the reference stream (P = 0.74). During the post-dam period, the reference stream maintained the same level of variation, while Dry Creek experienced a 64% reduction in stream length variation (P = 0.016; Table 3; Fig. 9). The analysis of the rate and direction of stream length changes (SL) indicates that stream length changes were not significantly different between Dry Creek and the reference stream during either time period (Table 3; Fig. 10). 4.1.3. Riparian vegetation During the pre- and post-dam periods, Dry Creek experienced 13% more variability (CV) in riparian area than the reference stream (P = 0.02) with individual stream segments accounting for 40% of the variation (P = 0.04; Table 4; Fig. 11). Riparian area varied slightly more during the pre-dam period than during the post- Fig. 8. Bankfull area rate and direction (BKFA) affected by the covariate distance downstream (DISTANCE) during the pre- and postdam periods. Even though pre-dam bankfull area trajectory increased as a function of distance downstream, average bankfull area remained relatively constant. E. Gordon, R.K. Meentemeyer / Geomorphology 82 (2006) 412–429 421 Table 3 ANCOVA results for stream length variation (SL) for Dry Creek and the reference stream during the pre-dam and post-dam period Source of variation STREAM SEGMENTS [STREAM] TIME STREAM × TIME Covariates LUA DISTANCE Error Stream length variation (CV) Stream length rate and direction df SS F df SS F 1 18 1 1 0.9803 2.9733 1.5428 0.7523 9.26⁎⁎ 1.56 14.58⁎⁎ 7.11⁎ 1 18 1 1 0.0001 0.0002 0.0001 0.0001 0.098 1.379 0.412 0.399 18 – – 1.9047 18 0.0001 ⁎P < 0.05, ⁎⁎P < 0.01. ANOVA analysis compared gauge heights between the two periods for the same range of discharges where the pre-dam period mean gauge height = 1.13 m, and the post-dam period mean gauge height = 2.16 m (n = 122, F = 19.87, P < 0.0001; Fig. 15). The combination of a steeper post-dam slope coefficient than the pre-dam slope coefficient and lower pre-dam mean gauge height than post-dam, suggests that the pre-dam channel was wider and shallower than the post-dam channel, which had narrowed and deepened by as much as 1.03 m. 4.2.2. Hydraulic geometry exponent analyses ANCOVA indicated that the rate width (b) increased with discharge differed from the pre-dam to post-dam periods (slope coefficients = 0.50 pre-dam and 0.42 postdam; n = 128, F = 4.44; P = 0.037; Table 5; Fig. 16A), a 24% decrease. The one-way ANOVA showed a difference in mean width from the pre-dam to post-dam period (mean Fig. 9. Stream length variation (SL) in Dry Creek and the reference stream during the pre- and post-dam periods. width = 45.26 m pre-dam and 21.1 m post-dam; n = 128, F = 23.89, P < 0.0001). The rate depth (f) increased with discharge and also differed from the pre- to post-dam period (slope coefficients = 0.30 pre-dam and 0.37 postdam; n = 128, F = 3.83, P = 0.053; Table 5; Fig. 16B), a 23% increase. Mean depth was significantly different between time periods (mean depth = 0.94 m pre-dam and 0.51 m post-dam; n = 128, F = 23.76, P < 0.0001). The rate velocity (m) increased with discharge and remained unchanged between the two periods (slope coefficients = 0.20 both periods; n = 128, F = 0.076, P = 0.078; Table 5; Fig. 16C), although mean velocity decreased from the pre- to post-dam periods (mean velocity = 1.28 m/s predam and 0.75 m/s post-dam; n = 128, F = 45.26, P < 0.0001). As a consequence, pre-dam channel dimensions (1960–1986) were more wide than deep. Post-dam dimensions (1987–2003) indicated that the channel deepened in relation to width. Whereas the pre-dam channel exhibited a braided pattern, including mid-channel Fig. 10. Stream length (SL) rate and direction of variation in Dry Creek and the reference stream during the pre- and post-dam periods. Stream length neither increased nor decreased in either stream throughout the study period. 422 E. Gordon, R.K. Meentemeyer / Geomorphology 82 (2006) 412–429 Table 4 ANCOVA results for riparian area variation (RA) for Dry Creek and the reference stream during the pre-dam and post-dam periods Source of variation STREAM SEGMENTS [STREAM] TIME STREAM × TIME Covariates BKFA LUA STREAM × BKFA Error Riparian area variation (CV) Riparian area rate and direction df SS F df SS F 1 18 1 1 0.2366 1.5134 0.0810 0.0379 6.50⁎ 2.31⁎ 2.23 1.04 1 18 1 1 0.0001 0.0008 0.0004 0.0004 0.70 1.53 13.81⁎⁎ 12.53⁎⁎ 1 1 1 15 0.0004 0.0003 0.0004 0.0005 14.46⁎⁎ 10.43⁎⁎ 12.93⁎⁎ 18 – – – 0.6545 ⁎P < 0.05, ⁎⁎P < 0.01. Prior to establishment of Warm Springs Dam, unregulated peak flows and agricultural land use practices, including land clearing, promoted wide channels with a moderate amount of riparian forest vegetation along Dry Creek. Since operation of Warm Springs Dam, our data show that regulation of peak flows lead to reduced variability in channel morphology and a contraction in bankfull width. With less frequent flood disturbance, riparian forest vegetation expanded significantly along the chan- nel's incised banks during the post-dam period, even after accounting for increases in cultivated area on the floodplain adjacent to Dry Creek. In contrast, the undammed reference stream experienced consistent variability in both channel morphology and riparian vegetation. Here, there was a constant increase in vegetated area while bankfull area remained unchanged with little change in planform dimensions throughout the entire 58-yr study period. In addition, changes in riparian area were not associated with changes in stream morphology, rather with changes in land use area. Despite the similarities in climate, soils, and land use between Dry Creek and the reference stream, agricultural land use practices coupled with dam-induced changes in stream morphology had a greater impact on the riparian environment in Dry Creek than what occurred in the reference stream. Fig. 11. Riparian area variation (RA) in Dry Creek and the reference stream during the pre- and post-dam periods. Even though Dry Creek's riparian area varied the same between time periods, it actually was decreasing during the pre-dam period, then increased during the postdam period (see Fig. 12). Fig. 12. Riparian area rate and direction of variation (RA) in Dry Creek and the reference stream during the pre- and post-dam periods. Riparian area consistently decreased in Dry Creek from 1942 to 1976 (pre-dam), then consistently increased from 1987 to 2003 (post-dam). The reference stream, Maacama Creek, increased in riparian area during both periods. bars and chute cutoffs (Figs. 17A,B), the post-dam channel was a single-thread meandering stream. 5. Discussion 5.1. Channel, vegetation, and land use effects E. Gordon, R.K. Meentemeyer / Geomorphology 82 (2006) 412–429 Fig. 13. Riparian area rate and direction of variation (RA) affected by the covariate bankfull area (BKFA) in Dry Creek and in the reference stream. Although increases in land use area (LUA) were associated with decreases in riparian area in both Dry Creek and the reference stream, variation was high and the relationship was not strong. Slope coefficients are standardized for each stream. 5.1.1. Bankfull area The result that bankfull area decreased in variability after operation of the dam suggests that the stream, as expected, entrenched as a consequence of reduced sediment and overbank flooding and increased summer flows with greater stream power. With no dam, the reference stream experienced consistent variation across the entire study period, and as expected it experienced the same level of variability as did Dry Creek during its pre-dam period. Prior to dam operation, expansions in bankfull width were also related to decreases in land use area. A couple 423 Fig. 15. Rating curve showing gauge height-discharge at the Yoakim Bridge station from 1960–1986 versus 1987–2003. The steeper increase in gauge height to increasing discharge during the post-dam period indicates that the channel likely had incised from the earlier period. of factors may underlie this pattern. First, the air photos show that land users typically encroached as far as possible toward the channel bank to cultivate their crops (Fig. 18). Land use activity at the edge of the channel banks, including crop cultivation practices and bank stabilization structures, probably inhibited channel widening as well as promoted it through bank erosion (Simons and Li, 1980; Harvey and Schumm, 1987). Conversely, episodic flood events likely pushed land use back from the channel's edge, decreasing total land use area. As a consequence, the combined effects of overbank flood flows with large sediment inputs to the channel and agricultural pressure to cultivate land near the active channel boundary Table 5 Hydraulic geometry exponent analyses Dry Creek Yoakim Bridge guage b (width) f (depth) m (velocity) Total (b + f + m) Fig. 14. Riparian area rate and direction of variation (RA) affected by the covariate land use area (LUA) in Dry Creek and in the reference stream. Slope coefficients are standardized for each stream. 1960–1986 1987–2003 0.50 [0.97] 0.30 [0.95] 0.20 [0.97] 1.00 0.42⁎ [0.82] 0.37⁎ [0.81] 0.20⁎ [0.42] 0.99 Guage measurements from the Yoakim Bridge station on Dry Creek 300 m upstream of the study reach. Response variables width, depth, and velocity regressed as a power function against discharge. Slope coefficients indicate rate of increase of response with increasing discharge. The pre-dam and post-dam periods are compared. ⁎ Indicates significant difference (P < 0.0001) between mean values of the two periods for the same variable (width, depth, and velocity) at the Yoakim Bridge guaging station on Dry Creek. [] R2 of regressions. 424 E. Gordon, R.K. Meentemeyer / Geomorphology 82 (2006) 412–429 dam operation; bankfull width consistently decreased downstream and at nearly three times the rate it had increased during the pre-dam period. Decreasing channel width likely lead to increased channel depth, which is consistent with the Harvey and Schumm (1987) findings that the channel bed near the dam was armored 1 year after dam operation, as well as predictions that the channel bed would continue to erode downstream and become increasingly armored in following years (Williams and Wolman, 1984). In contrast, no relationship existed between bankfull area and distance downstream in the undammed reference stream. 5.1.2. Stream length The result that Dry Creek's stream length varied 64% less during the post-dam period supports the hypothesis that flow regulated by dams reduces the frequency of overbank flows and episodic channel migration within the entrenched channel. This is further supported by the result that the reference stream varied in length consistently during both time periods and was not different than Dry Creek's pre-dam variability. Once Dry Creek's active channel became vertically and horizontally contained, it likely was unable to episodically migrate as it had during pre-dam flood events. While variability in Dry Creek's stream length differed between the pre- and post-dam periods, we are not sure why actual stream length was not shorter after dam operation as hypothesized. However, an examination of Dry Creek's entire 10.5-km study reach revealed that Dry Creek's total stream length did decrease by ∼ 5% after dam operation, and stream length in the reference stream was unchanged between the pre- and post-dam study periods. Fig. 16. Hydraulic exponent analyses from Yoakim Bridge gauging station on Dry Creek. Response of (A) width, (B) depth, and (C) velocity to increasing discharge from 1960–1986 versus 1987–2003. The exponent (slope coefficient) indicates the rate that width, depth and velocity increased with increasing discharge (see Table 5). Width (A) increased more slowly from 1987 to 2003, likely from a deepening channel relative to width. Depth (B) also increased more rapidly with increasing discharge during the later period, whereas (C) velocity remained unchanged. may have lead to decreases in riparian vegetation. After dam operation, this interaction between channel structure and land use was no longer detectable. Bankfull width of Dry Creek also gradually increased downstream along the 10.5-km study area during the predam period, as would be expected as drainage area increases downstream. However, this trend reversed after 5.1.3. Riparian vegetation Although we found that Dry Creek experienced similar levels of variability in riparian forest area during the preand post-dam periods, the riparian environment actually decreased in area by 21% over the pre-dam period, then significantly increased and exceeded 1942 levels in 2000 by 5%. Changes in the distribution of riparian vegetation, and the extent of the riparian corridor, were associated with interactions in changes of stream channel dynamics and land use activities directly adjacent to the channel. Prior to dam operation, a pattern existed in Dry Creek in which riparian area decreased in response to expansions in land use and bankfull area. The historical air photos indicate that land users typically encroach as far into the riparian corridor as possible to cultivate crops during both the pre- and post-dam periods. Land use practices to maximize floodplain cultivation in conjunction with periodic pre-dam fluctuations in bankfull width (due to unregulated E. Gordon, R.K. Meentemeyer / Geomorphology 82 (2006) 412–429 425 Fig. 17. Example of two reaches in Dry Creek that exhibited a pre-dam multithread channel with wide banks: (A) Yoakim Bridge at the top of three pre-dam aerial photographs where the USGS gauge station is located, and (B) randomly selected segment 6 (see Fig. 2) exhibits pre-dam braiding pattern and post-dam, entrenched, single-thread channel. storm discharges, including periods of channel bed aggradation from increased sediment inputs contributed by land clearing practices or fire scarred landscapes, as well as channel bank scour) probably contributed to limited amounts of space and conditions for the establishment of channel bank vegetation. During the post-dam period riparian area likely increased primarily in response to contractions in the bankfull area (a response to the new flow regulation regime imposed by the dam that lead to channel incision and steepened channel banks), and the inability for land users to easily access and cultivate the abandoned terrace. During the post-dam period agricultural activities continued to increase in area over the pre-dam period, which probably prevented riparian vegetation from expanding away from the stream. But, regulated flows and absence of episodic channel migrations and overbank flooding likely provided stable conditions for vegetation growth on the now less accessible, steepened banks and abandoned terrace that resulted in a greater 426 E. Gordon, R.K. Meentemeyer / Geomorphology 82 (2006) 412–429 Fig. 18. Distribution of riparian vegetation in meander of segment 2 (see Fig. 2), Dry Creek, over the 58-yr study period. The 34-yr pre-dam period from 1942 to 1976 shows a slight increase in vegetation for this reach. Vegetation rapidly colonized the banks and bars during the 13-yr post-dam period from 1987–2000. After dam emplacement (1983), agriculture was able to move into previously flood-threatened areas near the channel. E. Gordon, R.K. Meentemeyer / Geomorphology 82 (2006) 412–429 area of riparian vegetation than was present during the pre-dam period. In contrast to Dry Creek, the reference stream experienced steady increases in riparian area over the preand post-dam periods. Additionally, riparian area changes were influenced only by changes in land use area and not by fluctuations in bankfull area, regardless of time period. Bankfull area remained unchanged during the entire 58-yr study period. Along the reference stream, the riparian area apparently increased primarily in response to contractions and abandonment of agriculture near the channel boundary, which occurred over time. Once abandoned, riparian vegetation was able to re-establish along the stream bank. Assessment of the air photos suggests that the reference stream's riparian corridor has become increasingly stable over time, which may be stabilizing the banks against the scour of large storm discharges and reducing the effect of peak flow events on riparian area distribution along the channel. In contrast to Dry Creek, the reference stream's riparian environment has experienced a consistent morphological trend in channel and riparian vegetation dynamics through a wholly different interaction between land use and hydro-geomorphic effects. 5.2. Stream gauge measurements The rating curves and hydraulic geometry exponent analyses indicate significant changes in Dry Creek's channel morphology between the pre-dam to post-dam periods. Even though replication of stream gauge measurements was not high enough, the field data corroborated our multivariable analyses of air photo-mapped changes in channel morphology and riparian vegetation. Results indicated that bankfull width significantly decreased with increasing discharges by nearly 25%, whereas depth increased nearly 25% after operation of the dam. The rate at which velocity increased with increasing discharge was consistent between the 1960–1986 and 1987–2003 periods, although mean velocity was significantly less with increased discharges from 1987– 2003. This was especially true for 1987–2003 discharges >30 m3/s, where water surface elevation was sufficiently high enough to encounter post-dam vegetation that had colonized the abandoned banks, which increased roughness and decreased velocities. Harvey and Schumm (1987) indicated that the channel bed just below the dam was armored by 1984, and stream power was sufficient to promote progressive erosion of the channel bed farther downstream over time. At Yoakim Bridge (5600 m downstream of Warm Springs Dam and 300 m upstream of the study reach), bed level had dropped a mean 1.03 m from 1987–2003, 427 indicating that the channel bed had not become fully armored. The channel bed likely will continue to armor itself over the future decades, with half of the total depth change typically occurring in the first 7 years (Williams and Wolman, 1984). In conclusion, dam operation and land use patterns together influenced spatial and temporal changes in channel morphology and riparian vegetation. Disturbances observed at a particular reach may be a stream's natural adjustment to larger scale impacts of dams. Stream channel modifications that occur at segments downstream of impoundment, whether in response to dam effects or as a consequence of agricultural activities may exacerbate disturbance effects up and down the stream rather than contribute to a channel's natural adjustment to large-scale impacts. Rigorous quantification with spatial and temporal replication and a control for environmental factors is important to help discern causal-mechanistic processes that lead to impacts within hydrogeomorphic systems strongly impacted by human activities. Rehabilitation of stream channels should consider relationships between discharge, sediment load, channel geometry, land use, and riparian vegetation. Our results suggest that managers who seek to rehabilitate a channel and its ecological function need to consider a stream system's reactions to historical disturbances and current stream processes to enhance geomorphic adjustment. We believe use of a nearby reference in conjunction with multivariable analysis of spatially and temporally replicated observations is an effective approach for understanding stream channel and vegetation processes in response to operation of a dam and land use pressures. 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