Issue 89, March 1999 - Orienteering in Ireland
Issue 89, March 1999 - Orienteering in Ireland
ComPass Point h S{)onsors Of . ,_ No. 89 ~~ .. 1hk Vi:-lil . C()J1'Ip.,~" pOint ·\1 \\ III .,~i"\J f'\'1 R' \\11) \1 for \1.1'11 "" t:-,o,:W (','·"011 1\111 .• "Jl \ .\ i • ~ltl'll I1l1lp ••" ." ,- • • ." ,.tt .. III ,1 'Illd,'·· .. 1(1'1 111 • hi" I''':' It.l{rl.I,,,II''' • ",.1. 1 III~\I' ,••1,,11 I !f ,. j..':WI'- 11"'lI' h' ,,',,'~, • ,II,t "<, : -:;;, . ,,' --1... - ..... " . _:.-,;;- _t~.i.,U;iir.!~ If\. • ;l!' ~f ..J" f )1 h'flh'l.'1 illl' \U \ \ '\1 - I .. HI\' \\e1\ '\It{ ~'" I ~ jlllW'n "('i::u~ .;-It IIUI \1clilt,,.,, \u .r- , ,ulIf I qlHIJffll"ltl - bflll';II1i; (").(Jt··ml'n' nnlt 1\I"l 1"'1" k 'ff' ',1\'" 11111\-,m(, r,'H)il"" r" ,,,tr'OIl'('IIIU: 'I,~:h .f,,"(·1 ,ht~L h,.,1 ,1I"J ""'''III\, "\1 rll nM11 tml," wl" ..tlI1 l .1\.,J~lItJf' frWI I ump.I"':-: 1''''I1J f):.U "-pOlt '""It'll or r huo"'!' our -,"'\':1' to Market Square. Lvtham, lanes FY8 5LW Tel: 01253 795597 lmporu-r fax: 01253 739460 che 'v~ email: rick@col11passpoin1.dcmoru & t)K I)"lnhulor ot <'11VA "rtI'nll:'l'rin~ r'qUlpnlPnf ~ IRISh oretenceere March ..April 1999 'R£f.50 THE IRISH ORIENTEER ADDRESS LIST 1999 AJAX ORIENTEERS ATHLONE IT ORIENTEERS BISHOPSTOWN OHC BLACKWATER VAUEY OC CORK ORIENTEERS CURRAGH-NAAS ORIENTEEIIS DEFENCE FORCES ORIENTEERS DUBUN UNIVERSITY ORIENTEERS FERMANAGH ORIENTEERS FINGAL ORIENTEERS FOREST WARRIORS OC FORMERUCCO GALWAY ORIENTEERS GALWAY/MAYO IT ORIENTEERS GREAT EASTERN NAVIGATORS KERRY ORIENTEERS LAGAN VALUY ORIENTEERS LEEORIENTEERS MIDLAND NAVIGATORS NORTH WEST OC SETANTA ORIENTEERS SUOO ORIENTEERING CLUB SOUTHERN ORIENTEERS THOMOND ORIENTEEIIS THREE ROCK OC UCC ORIENTEERS UCD ORIENTEERS UCG ORIENTEERS WATERFORD ORIENTEERS IRISH O-ASSOCIATION NORTHERN IRELAND OA Brendon O'Connor. 32 Londscape Gordens. Churchlown. Dublin 14. (086· 2419428). Nigel Foley-Fisher. AlT. Dublin Rd .• Athlone. Co. Westmeoth (0902-24465) Ted Lucey. Kllpodder. Dromahone. Mallow. Co. Cork (022-47300), hltp://homepoge.tinet.le/-nyoung/orienteerlng/html John Geary. Morsholstown. Mitchelstown. Co. Cork (022-25306) Miriam ni Choltir, 6 Ashton Pork. Blockrock. Cork (021-319838); hltp://indigo.le/-bcreedon/orienteering/cork-o/ Ruth Lynom. Elaltybays. Blessington. Co. W1cklow (045-86 7183) Comdt, Denis Reidy. Adj. Genorol's Bronch. Porkgote. Dublin 8 The Secretory. DUOrlenteers. House 27. TCD. Dublin 2.; http://www2.tcd.le/Clubs/Orienteerlng/ BUIRegon. 9 Florcrville. Ennlskillen. Co. Fermanogh BT74 6AP (08-01365326213) lillian Quill. 640 ColUns Ave" Dublin 9 (01-8376506). Tom Conlon. Currolrench. Elallyfornon. Elayle. Co. Roscommon (07847055) Tony Joyce. lIndl.storne. Bishopstown. Cork (021-541246). Fronk Ryon. St. Mory·s. Ballintoyle. Golwoy (091-753829). The Secretory, P.E. Dept .. Golway/Moyo IT.Dublin Rood. Golwoy (091753161-2213) Nora Lalor. 6 Knockslnno Grove. Foxrock. Dublin 18 (01-2893497) Rory Costello. 14 Manor Court. Manor Vllloge. Tralee. Co. Kerry, (06625532) Geoff Somerville. 6 The Hill. Queenswoy. Derrylaghy. BT 17 9EY (08'{)1232612284); Clore Nuttol. 4 Upr. Panoroma Tce .• Sunday's Well. Cork (021-300373) Barbaro Foley-Fisher. Hotty Cottage. Glosson. Athlone. Co. Westmeath (0902-85306) Charles Reid. 29 Bolmorol Court, Belfasl BT9 7GR. Jocelyn Cothalln. 36 Toney ROOd. Dundrum. Dubllr, 14 (01-2985799) Joe Bonnon. Corrlgeenroe, Boyle. Co. Roscommon (086-8197887) Kevin O'Dwyer, 2 Wellington Villas. Mililary Hili. Cork (021-506740) Michael Meode. 7 Cedor Court. Kennedy Pork. Limerick (061-412104) MOire Walsh. Moorpork. Kilmoconogue. Co. Wlcklow (01-2868871) The Secretory. PE Office. UCC. College Rood. COlk. The Secretory. Box sp.lIbrory Building. UCD. Belfield. Dublin 4.; http://www.ucd.le/-ucdore/ The Secretary. c/o Porter's Desk. Concourse. University College. Galway. Veronica Purcell. Lodge's Lone. Newtown Hili. Tromore. Co. Walerford. http://www.1ol.le/-newtownw /wato/ c/o AFAS. House ot Sport. Longmlle Rood. Dublin 12. (01-<1509845. tox 4502805). lOA Secrelory: Ken Griffin, 121slond Woy. Muskerry Estate. Ballincolllg. Co. Cork (021-870338). http://homepoge. tlnet/-loo/ Violet Cordner. 19 Derrygovod Rd .. Annaghmore. Co. Armagh BT62 1NO (08'{) 1762-328749) CONNACHTOA LEINSTEROA MUNSTEROA IRISH-O STUDENTS ASSOCIATION BRITISH O-FEDERATION INTERNATIONAL O-FEDERATION Podraig Higgins. 24 Alverno Ave. Athlone. Co. Weslmeoth. Vero Murtogh. 19 The Cloisters. Terenure. Dublin 6W (01-4908237) John Muckion. 13 Elmvole Close. Willon, Cork (021-343384) Ailbhe Creedon. Iovlo. Mount Prospect. Douglas. Co. Cork (021-361824). Riversdale. Dale Rood North. Darley Dale. Mollock, Derbyshire DE4 2HX (0044-1629-734042, FAX 0044-1629-733769). Sec. Gen.: Elarbro Ronnberg. Radiokotu 20. FI·OOO93SlU. Finland (0035840585 3801. fox 00358-93481 3113; Remember, for round the clock orienteering information on lOA events ring 014569099, for NIOA events ring 0044-1399-873281 or check the lOA web page at ' NIOA page at 2 The Irish OrienJeer The Irish Orienteer is available from aI/Irish orienteering clubs or by direct subscription from the Editor: John McCullough. 9 Arran Road. Dublin 9 (e-mail Annual subscription costs IR£7.SO for 6 issues. NEXT COpy DATE f8th AprJf f999 CONTENTS News MountaIn running IIxwrts Irish Two-DUll tnlrll TonI O'DollOllon Inial/lew 80C'1001 prtl/ftul Connuchr Chumps reporr A CouUonorli Talt no Ntu/S Rtsulu UOIlUt NaUonai ltUIIUt '98 Axrurts - Orltnrttr,nll Cover: Tom Callery, Squad co-ordinator. training in Scotland for the cover photo. .. 13 14 IS 16 17 19 22 23ltfnsrtr 30 33 38 Irish Scnlor at squad flO is paid Get golngl Printed by Denton Print. Dundrum. Dublin 14. Results and articles are particularly welcome on 3 1/2 illch noppy disks or by e-mai/ with a printed version as back up. Please keep the formaltlng simple! TIO is produced in the Editor's attic. mostly on an Apple Mac using MS Word and Quark Xpress. ISSN 0790-1194 Thanks to all the contributors to this issue for taking the time and trouble to write articles. r.he IRISh oraencecc No. 89 March· April 1999 MAKE THE WORLD GO ROUND A s the veteran reporter is supposed to bave said to his junior, "If I've told you once. I've told you a lhousand times: don't exaggerate. and avoid cliches like tbe plague". Well. it's certainly a cliche that money makes the world go round, but tbat doesn't make it any less true. Controversy arose recently in Irish soccer circles when it was revealed that some Irish junior teams had to pay their own entry fees to an international competition. Look at orienteering, where Irish teams are lucky to get any subsidy to compete abroad at all. The Sports Council has been reliable in giving grants for major international races like World Championships. but for competitions like the senior, junior and veteran Home Internationals, World Junior Championships, World Student Championships and so 011. there is little or no financial support. Toni O'Donovan (in this issue) tells us thaI in the last year her orienteering cost her £4500. That's a lot of money, and without grant aid it would not have been possible. To excel. not alone do you have to be talented and single-minded. but financially secure as well. Irish teams have traditionally met the lion's share of the cost of their international competitions, but should this be so? Fund-raising by Irish orieutecrs, individually or as an organisation, has not been a feature of international team preparation. Quite apart from helping our top class athletes in training and competition, there arc many things we could do with morcmoney. We undersell orienteering. There can be few sports which arc as intensive from the organisational standpoint. Hours of work go into preparing maps, planning courses and organising competitions. And what do we charge for the service'! Peanuts. Run a road race, a cross-country race, a hill race: no maps, just tapes to mark the route. It's simple and it costs you maybe £5 for 30 minutes. Go orienteering and the organisers have been out in the forest over weeks, they've been putting out controls on the days before, overprinting maps in lhe dead of night. What do we pay? Maybe £3 for one or two hours. Club membership fees arc also very low: I'd happily pay twice as mucb if the money was going to develop the sport. Add an extra £2 onto the entry fee and give a good service: Let the extra income go to lOA 10 fund development. Increase the numbers at events and give greater income still. Give a proper service: good courses. good maps. well run events: the competitor deserves no less. Orienteering is for fun but we have LO take it seriously. The Irish Qrienteer 3 AGMCHANGED KENT T0RNQUIST The 1999 Annual General Meeting of the lOA will take place at the Irish Two-Day in Co. Waterford on April 17th, not on March 28th as originally planned and as already notified to clubs. The venue will be Crotty's pub, Lemybrien, Co. Waterford at 3.30 pm The annual conference, which had been expected to take place in conjunction with the AGM will take place at a later date, probably in Limerick. The current Chairman, Bernard Creedon, and the current Secretary, Ken Griffin, have indicated that they are stepping down. Some of the other officers may be following suit and there arc vacancies for Environment Officer and (believe it or not) Mapping Officer. lOA is likely to be undergoing huge changes in the next couple of years as the Association takes on the ideas generated at Terryglass and at the annual conferences planned, in addition to coming to grips with the requirements of the Sports Council in terms of grant approval etc, The AGM and Conference arc your chance to make your voice heard: it is really your only opportunity to influence the future direction the sport lakes. Nominations for the various awards (Mactfre, Silva, Sil va, Maps of the Year etc) should be with lOA Secretary Ken Griffin by SI Patrick's Day, March 17th. The same is true for notices of motions, constitutional amendments etc. A formal notice has been sent to clubs. WOC 99 SELECTION RACES The Irish Senior selectors have confirmed that the following races are the selection races for the 1999 World Championships: British Elite Championships Short & Classic - May 8th & 9th - Lake District Scottish Championships - May 29th Dumfries area Irish Championships - June 26th - Co. Cork The Selectors may run another selection race if after roc there is still doubt for final placings (i.e. not for everyone) but it is unlikely they will need to use this option. 4 The Irish Orienteer TO VISIT lOA Level 3 coaching weekend number 2 will take place in the Waterford area on 17/18 April in conjunction with the Irish 2 Day organised by WAlDo The guest lecturer for the week-end (which focuses on the mental aspects of the sport) is Swedish coacb Kent Ternquist. The course content will include psychological training, goal setting, planning, analysis and the integration of mental training with the other major training components of orienteering (tecbnical and physical). Part of the time will be devoted to relay race training. The weekend is open to anyone who is interested in this dimension of orienteering. The subject material is especially suited to anyone intending to coach and also to anyone who wants to bringin faster times in big races (without having to get physically fitter!) If you're interested contact Frank Ryan. The weekend which is residential will cost about £30 ull-in. (but please check with Frank). Accommodation Friday and Saturday nights ncar Isn't precision (or is it accuracy?) wonderful? The IMRA nxtures include the distance in km and the elimb in metres of each race. These must have been converted from feet because they bear 'no ralation to the current maps with 5 or 10 metre contours: bow about Lugaquilla with 718 metres climb, Claragb Mountain with 352 or Djouce with 427 metres? IOC99 a World Ranking Event: The Irish Championships will be run as the second day of the Shamrock O-Ringen on June 26th and will be an 10F World Ranking event. The 10F Controller will be Trina Cleary. For tbe runners to gain points from the event there have to be at least 6 running in the Elite class, so you can't just run and pick up points if no-one else is there. Other convenient World Ranking events are Day 2 of the JK, the Scottish Championships and the four individual races at the WOC (classic and short qualifiers and finals). Best six results to count in a twelve month period. Entry forms sbould be in this issue. Dublin escaped the Park World Tour wben London pulled out due to lack of sponsorship. Despite an invitation in TI088 nbo Leinster orientcers wanted to get involved in the PWT. The event in Glasgow will go ahead on June 15th, however, with many of the runners going training in Scotland in preparation for August's World Championships. Tha last time the WOC came to Britain was in 1976 at Avicmorc, the first year an Irish teum attended. A poor turnout at the Munster OA AGM resulted in no Chairman being elected. Secretary Clare Nuttall, Treasurer Conor Creedon, Fixtures Mary Carter, all as before. There is speculation that WatO's Pat O'Connor may take on the mapping officer's job. TIle full Lclnstcr League results are now Ajax web site at hup.r/ 011 the Kilmacthomas. If you want to run in the 2-Day indicate on tbe entry form tbat you're taking part in the course. We have been facilitated by the organisers here. Start-times slots for participants are 0900-0930 on Sat. and from 1330- 1400 on Sun. The coaching course is nested between the two 0races and runs from 1200 noon Sat 17 until 1200 noon Sun 18 (obviously with some break-limes to rehydrate). Kent is a top coach. He was offered the job of coaching tbe Danish National team last autumn but turned it down because he would have had to move to Denmark. (Aonghus OCleirigb) O-BITS Leinster Mountain Marathon's: The Lowe Alpine Mountain Marathon will be on 151l6th May in Co. Wicklow with the possibility of individual entrants rather than teams of two. subject to proven competence ... the Setanta Rogaine in July ... a new Mountain Marathon for teams of two in August/September in North Wicklow. The Surf Mountain Mourrncs Mountain Marathon is scbeduled for September. UIIfa I P0' .~, 4 I THE INDEPENDENT ORIENTEERING KIT SUPPLIER ANNOUNCES ITS LATEST RANGE OF SHOES FROM BRtTAIN'S BEST SELLING ORIENTEERING SHOE - FIRST CHOICE FOR MOST OF OUR WORLD _ ••• SPORT ~ M..QQ.gJ, ).l:, t ....ts FAlCON 'AlCOtI INt£GAAtOR INTECPA;OA mel..ts~"e rwlSTEA 'OrleST me~atspolo.e (,(9.ts m~',Jr_$",\_! WALS",. (.U. tS7.'JS £l6.9S -....-~$l ..;-. tst .. l62." [SI.tS ( .... 95 (6195 [42.950 U49S Jvtl'o- srA.Pf NATURA!.!.Y tsu. .. CLASS COMPETITORS Silt IIJ\NOe N.."ow N."ow Na,,~ N~mi""-lOe NO'", .. _ 3·13 3 ., 3 .12 J " 4 " J.12 " J 'HE FUI.I. U!.TRASPORT RANGE INCLUDES TOP ORIENTEERING FOOTWEAR FROM AOIOA5. NIKF FEL.LOANCER, JALAS. AN D OLWA Y, NEw BALANCE'" ~~~~:vsC:~~,:;:~~~~~ BOT A.S (New BOT ....S TEMPO "OW th'JI'aDlc It (23 9$1(2'1 9!l) ~O~~~~N~A:TG~ H~FK~~~~;~'~~'~~~ Why not send SA E. (or our comprehensive catatogue and price list and compare OUA prices (or O·suits, compasses, ankle tape, trecksters, control markers. punches, control • cards, COmpasses, rucksec« chairs. o-spocs .... You'll be pleased you didl un,a/PO'1 ~ . HIE ORIENTEERS' BRITAIN'S LEADING SUPPLIER OF ORIENTEERING KIT SHOP. 4 ST MARY'S STREET. NEWPORT. Phone: 01952 813918 Fax: 01952.825320 SHROPSHIRE. TF10 7AB hHp:llvlsitweb.eomiullraspon V'C Irish Orienteer 5 To contact the Lelnstcr organisers, there's an Championships e-mail address: If you have internet access, check the lOA website for O-news, liuks, event results and even TIO online. It's at hUp:/ Brendan McGraLh was elected Chairman of 3ROC at the AGM in early February. replacing Trina Cleary who stays on as Mapping Officer. Maire Walsh stays on as Secretary and Harold White as Treasurer. LVO's Colin Henderson has been elected Chairman of NIOA. replacing Steven Linton. Colin will be overseeing the lead up to the biggest event ever held in Ireland. the 200 I British Championships. A new Irish Sports Almanac was published at the beginning of the year by Donegal based artcam Ireland Ltd. The publishers contacted many sportd organisations for information and orienteering is in there with the rest, from angling to wrestling. Also included are such sports us darts and snooker. Even so. it's an interesting read. Price £8.50. Quote of the month: My memory of the 1998 Ward Junior Home International (so named from the IIIlIch appreciated financial help from the Elsie Ward Bequest), is summed up by the lillie irish girl who stood beside me at the relay finish, watching for a team-mate and quivering with excitement. "We never gel 10 go anywhere, " she said, "and this is just SO exciting?", - Caroline McCarthy in Score. the Scottish O-newsletter. Varied Lelnster League: This year's Leinster League is nothing if not varied. Apart from the normal cross-country colour events we've had a short race at Pine Forest, a long-O at Djouce, a park race at Marlay, street-O billed as at Sandymount in Dublin, a night event at Killincy and a butterfly event at Avondale. ) say "billed as" Sandymount because. though it started and finished there, the 17 km longest course covered 6 The /rjsh Orienreer the whole south east city. with a range of terrain from Dartry 's leafy suburbs, the heights of Mount Merrion and the semi-derelict docks of Ringsend. An interesting one and a great way to explore on a Sunday morning, though maybe not everyone's cup of tea or meeting the highest technical standards (more a treasure hunt than on O-course). And what about a night league event which excludes all juniors under 15? Hardly fair on those trying to put together a decent league performance. Looking at the "conventional" league events, it would be an interesting cxccrcise to see how many of them complied with the Colour Event guidelines in terms of course length, physical and technical difficulty, not to mention times for most finishers! Will, Spring on the way and the prospect of larks in the clear air. here's a tempting Roman recipe you might like to try: I Gct 1000 larks. 2 Remove their tongues and set aside. 3 Discard uie larks. 4 PUl the tongues in a pan with a lillie oil and saute quickly. 5 Transfer to a hot platter. Serves four. (Here it is in Latin, if you prefer: I Alaudarum M cape; II Linguas exscea et sepone: TTl Alaudas abice; IV Unguas mitre in sartaginem cum paulo olei et frige cito: V Bas traicc ad patellam calidarn. Quauuor sufficit). (from Latin for All Occasions by Henry Dcard). JK2000 If you can't make it to Scotland for the 6-Day and World Championships, bow about next year's Jan KjeUstrom at Easter (22nd - 24th April 2000)? The original plan was to run the event at an area ncar Stranraer but lund access permission was refused. lbe liklihood is that the JK will be around Aberfeldy in central Scotland. The areas of Rannach. Daluain and Drummond Hill have been mentioned. 1999 HOME INTERNATIONALS The three Home lntematlcnals this year will be: Senior South Wales, 2/3 October. (classes MIW 20, 2L. 35) Veteran , I Glenrnorc Lodge. Scotla~d, 16117 October. (Classes MIW 40 up) Junior Gortin & Castle Archdale, Northern Ireland. 16/17 October. (classes MIW 14-18). woe 1999 UPDATE Bulletin 2 for the 1999 World Orienteering Championships has been issued. The event will be based at Inverness and will be closely linked with Highland 99, the Scottish 6-Day event which anyone can enter. The event centre is at the Eden Court Theatre, Inverness. The timetable is: Sunday August l st Model events, opening ceremony Monday August 2 Classic Qualification Tuesday August 3 rest day Wednesday August 4 Classic final Thursday August 5 rest day Friday August 6 Short Qualification Saturday August 7th Short finals Sunday August 8th Relay. Banquet. closing ceremony. Locations: Classic - in forests south and west of Cannich, 35 km SW of Inverness. Short - one race near Jamestown. about30 km N and one S of Nairn, 20 km E of Inverness. Much rock detail but less height difference than the Classic. Relay - near Carrbridge. Avicmorc, about 40 Ian SE of Inverness. fast running with much contour detail. Copies of any existing maps of parts of the areas have been sent to national federations. BRITISH ORIENTEERING CHAMPIONSHIPS 2001 For those who have not already heard, it is likely that BOC 200 I will be hosted in Northern Ireland. The event includes an individual day and relay day with about 2000-2500 entries expected, Suitable areas and organising structure need to be agreed will) BOF. BOP will assist with finances to cover any advance COstssucb as map making and as would be normal for this cvent profits arc shared with them. Currently a shortlist of possible areas is being drawn up for both individual and relay areas so that the preferred ones can be identified for about the end of February. DOF have suggested a Grade I Ccntroller from the Chester area in England who will most likely be involved in grading the areas. NIOA have contacted tbe Northern Ireland Tourist Board and havc made a submission for funding .. (See separate article for more details) LEINSTER COACHING Damien Cashin, Leinsters Coaching Officer, is running a basic orienteering training course on Saturday, March 27th. The programme is aimed particularly at teachers. youth leaders and the like: people who could be involved in introducing orienteering to others. 'This "level zero" course aims to give tbem the necessary background information to make starting orienteering a positive experience for beginners. 'Inc scheme is called the "Next Step" programme and it can, presumcuhly, lead on to level I and further coaching levels. The cost of the day is £20. Details from Damien Cashin. Tomdarragh. Roundwood, Co. Wicklow, (01-2818212). Damien is also expecting to start a Level course in early March. This requires keeping a coaching log. ( _ A Level 3 course started on PCb('uurY-St~ takes five weekends but can be spread over a two-year period. Darnien says the weekends are open to anyone with an interest. even if they arc not pursuing the qualification. ACE RACES There will be an ACE (adventure. challenge. endurance) Triathlon in Co. Wicklow on Saturday 24th April 1999. It will involve a 3km flat water kayak, a 20 km mountain bike stage and a 60 minute score orienteering event. Entries close on Ist April, fee £12. Kayaks will be supplied and bikes can be hired from the organiser. Details from Damien Cashin (012818212). V1e Irish Orieflleer 7 The Celtic Ace Race, originally scbeduled for last Autumn, will be run in the Wick low area on the June Bank Holiday weekend (5-6 June). The event is for teams of four is over 48 hours and will involve navigation, planning, initiative, teamwork and endurance.lbe entry fee is £310 per team. Closing date 16th May. Details from Damien Casbin (01-2818212). ARMAGH DEVELOPS The Armstrong Primary School and the Royal School, Armagh have mad e significant start to developing orienteering as a new activity. writes Freddie McCann. A map of the grounds of both schools and the parkland surrounding the Armagh Observatory and Planetarium was launched in December. The Royal School hosted the launch with an indoor reception attended by both headmasters, the Mayor of Armagh and District. representatives of the Southern Library and Education Board. LYO and NIOA. while outside on the lawn in the rain 31 competitors from the two schools were eager for Prof. A. E. Kingston to sound the klaxon toget them underway in the inaugural score event. The Armstrong School children were looking smart in their new Ovsuits, sponsored by Wavin (NI) Ltd .. and it is pleasing to record tat all competitors finished within the time limit. Initially the map will be use by the two schools thnt funded the map but it is hoped to invite other schools from across the community. Armagh City and District Council (Orchard Leisure Centre) sponsored the prizes in four classes - 1st prize 20 swims in tbe local pool. 2nd prize 10 swims and 3rd prize 5 swims. COMPASS SPORT CompassSport's new editor/publisher. Suse Coon, has organised a special subscription deal for lOA club members. Subscription rates for lOA members are £17.50 per annum. There's a lea net in this issue with details. 110 can act as agent if you only have Irish cash or cheques. The best way, though, is to write/phone/fax/e-mail your credit card details. name, address' etc to Susc and don't get TIO 8 The Irish Orienleer involved at all! Contact her at Ballencrieff COllage. BallcncrieffToll. Bathgate. West Lothian EI14B 4LD. Scotland. Phone 0044-1506-632728. fax 0044-1506-635444. e-mail WHERE AM I? An interesting article in the New Scientist of January 23rd reports on research into direction finding by mammals. You may think that all you need to find your way around is a good memory. hut research suggests that humans have an innate sense of direction. It seems that some brain cells. in a part of the brain called the subiculum, arc sensitive to orientation. The cells need occasional references to landmarks of some kind to keep them calibrated. In addition to these. cells found in the hippocampus of rats' and monkeys' brains help keep track of position. So. next time you lose your compass, don't retire: keep going and try it out. BALLYHOURA 3-0AY The 1999 Ballyhoura 3-Day takes place the weekend after Easter. run by Bisbopstown Oc. There should be an entry form with this issue. Friday 9th April Slievereagh, Kilfinane, Co. Limerick. I: 15 000. starts 3-7 pm Saturday 10th April Cool free. Kiklorrery/ Kilfinane road. I: 15000. starts 11-1.30 pm Sunday l l th April Duntrylcague, Galbally, Co. Limerick. I: 10 000. IO-12.30pm Control cards and final information posted to all those entered by 19th March. All others can collect their control curds on the day at the Registration car. Ballyhoura 3-Day 'I-shirts available at £5 each. The event centre is at Kilfinane, Co. Limerick. Camping, bunk-beds. floor space, OEC. 0&0. self-catering, hotels. etc. Bookable in advance. Details from Outdoor Education Centre. Kilfinanc, tel 063-9116101' from Kilfinane Tourist Information Point, Kilfinane, Co. Lirncrick., tel 063-91300. fax 063-91330. EVENT CHANGES Doubtless the Lcinstcr O-Association would like to issue an apology along these lines: Apologies to anyone wbo went to Killiney Hill instead of Marlay Park for the AJAX Sprint-O on January l Oth, or to anyone who went to Saggart Wood instead of KiJliney Hill for the Leinster League night event on February 20th. The KillineylMarlay change was done months ago but the wrong information was put on the inf-O-line. The SaggartlKiUiney change was done about a week before tbe event because of recent felling. The series of Night which was expected place in November organisers and dates events (Dublin by Night) in February will now take due to problems getting to suit, Late last year it was announced that the 1999 Lcinster Champs has been moved to Sunday May 2nd. Not sure if that's still the case. No news of whether Lcinster are running the Interprovincial with it. lOA NEWS (OF Controllers Clinic planned for Zurich. Switzerland on 10-11 th April. Cost SFr 200-290 including accommodauon and all meals. Cost depends on room options. If you are interested in finding out more, conact Ken Griffin. lOA Hon. Sec. Address on page 2. The clinic will be given in English by Geir Tvcit, Norway, Jaroslav Dokoupil, Czech Republic, and Marcel Schiess. Switzerland. Participants may be able to run in the Swiss night championships on the Saturday night, a few krn from the clinic venue. 10F are looking for applicants to run the "World Orienteering Marathon Trophy" in 2000 and 2001 for teams of2, similar to the Lowe Alpine Wicklow Mountain Marathon. Anyone interested? The number of applications for the Swedish 0Ringen Clinic is rising rapidly - mostly from Juniors planning their Summer Tour/holidays!' If you want to apply, contact Ken Griffin as soon as possible. The closing date is normally in March or thereabouts. Ir's a great experience (sec Nina Phillips's account in TlO 88 and others in previous years). All lOA clubs were requested to submit applications for aerial photography by February 12tb. The Terryglass meeting suggested that specially flown low level aerial photography would be a good way of gelling improved maps. The lOA is at present vetting the applications to see wbicb ones arc most suitable in terms of quality of terrain and suitability for photography. lOA will meet the cost of the flights and photos but the clubs will have to fund the photogrammetry and field survey work to a professional standard, LOTT-O NIOA have just recently made a formal suhmission to SPO"L~ Loucry (NI) for funding for a series of maps and permanent course facilities.The application is intended to facilitate our competition programme for about the next 10 years, provide additional squad training arcus and provide for increased accessibility of the sport to the public, school and youth groups and tourists. The localised co-funding packages in some cases include for some revenue funding towards developmentlpromotion costs (possible development officer post shared between District Councils - obviously this aspect of the scheme would not be Lottery funded). The application is Association based and the maps are distributed strategically across the whole of the province. Included: 15 competition maps - 9 squad training areas- 15 smaller permanent courses and maps. Costs break clown as foLlows:- Map Production c.£144,OOO- Permanent Courses/Promotional Literature - c.£66,OOO- Publicity - c.£5000Project Management - c'£25.000. Assuming that Lottery contribute 60-70% and NIOAlClubs contribute 10% we have already secured partnership funding for about 33% of the project. Applications to local funding partners have been made to nearly all remaining partners. As would be expected funds that have been guaranteed to date have time binding conditions upon them. We have asked the Lottery if they can consider the project as a phased programme.The project also includes the production of ten Trailo packs which will allow certain permanent courses to be adapted as temporary Trail-O TIle Irish Oricfl/ccr 9 facilities and this has been funded by Disability Action (NT).Steven Lintonjust retiring Chairman.Northern Ireland Orienteering Association WARM JUNIORS The Junior World O-Championships (JWOC) will be in Bulgaria in July. Temperatures are expected to be in the 30's on the Black Sea coast during the week of the competition, from 5tb to 12th july. Juniors and non-juniors alike can run in the three-day Bulgaria Cup which precedes the JWOC. and there's a two-day after JWOC if there's anyone left standing. another. Council has therefore decided to form a Continental Championships Group with the following remit: to keep in touch with existing continental Championship organisers/organisations in cases where no such Championship exists, to look into the matter of selecting events to which the title be attached to work on raising the profile of all the continental championships and to deal with other matters of similar nature. to The group will be headed by Vice-President Hugh Cameron (AlJS) and it shall serve all regions. The group shall consist of one person from each continent even if, due to the present situation, not 1111 continents will be represented from the start. ORIENTEERING WORLD 1999 SPECIAL OFFER EUROPEAN O-CHAMPIONSHIPS Last autumn a large number of the European ror member federations indicated a wisb to have a European Championship in orienteering. In the light of this wish, the IOF Council now proposes that European Orienteering Championships he revived as follows: • the status be attached to an already existing event (because of financial reasons). preferably a World Cup event • the Championships be revived already in the year 2000 and the status be given to the World Cup event hosted by Ukraine. The Ukrainian Orienteering Federation has confirmed its willingness to host the European Championships and, additionally, agreed to put on a relay event in addition to the already scheduled indi vidual classic distance event. Council now asks tbe European national orienteering federations for their endorsement of the above mentioned proposal. CONTINENTAL CHAMPIONSHIPS? The IOF Council believes that continental championships can assist in raising the prolile of the sport. The IOF can best support these events by helping them to pass on experience from one 10 The Irish Qriemeer Make sure you dun't miss the first issue of the relaunched ORIENTEERING WORLD subscribe now! ORIENTEERING WORLD is the only international magazine covering the sport uf orienteering. In 1999 there will be two issues of 36-40 pages each - both filled witb interesting orienteering news from around the world. Issue No. 9911 of the NEW ORIENTEERING WORLD is scheduled for April, and No. 99/2 for October. New subscribers and current subscribers renewing their subscription will get the 1999 issues at the price of IR£ I0.50 (Europe surface mail). Send payment to The Irish Orienteer. SWEDISH 5-DAY The Swedish 5-Day will be at Borlange in Dalarna, about 200 km NW of Stockholm. The dates arc July 26-30th. The terrain is described in the entry form as "genuine Dalarna terrain", whatever that is! A train is being provided to get competitors from the event centre to the first four events, while the lifth is within walking distance. Timing will be by Sportldent electronic units. as at the Shamrock O-Ringen last year. If you have never been at the Swedish 5-Day, you must go to it sometime. It's tbe greatest orienteering sbow on earth, with orienteers from all around the world milking their pilgrimage to the home of orienteering. Fifteen lhou~and plus competitors, a town buill for the event with shops, supermarkets, a bank, post office, a train this year, a cycle-friendly event centre ... Entry can be done on the internet ( or by post if you can't manage that. Entry fees are SEK 475 (age 17-), SEK 240 (age -16). Entries close on April 151. The postal address is O-Ringen 1999, Box 1999, 781 21 Borlangc. Sweden. SPORTIDENT SPECIAL OFFER lOA Treasurer, Noel Donagh, has arranged a special offer for Irish orienteers wishing to buy their own Sportldent electronic cards. '{be lOA has bought a quantity of cards and of control units which will be made available to clubs running events and will be divided into one set per province, to be combined for bigger events. (It is likely that you will have to hire the tags at some events if you don't have your own, so that makes this deal even more attractive. At the Swedish 5-Day the tag will cost you about £6 for the week to hire ...) Members of lOA affiliated clubs may purchase their personal Si-card for on once only offer price of:£1 0.00. The offer closes on April 30th after that date they will be available at the replacement cost. lOA members should forward their order accompanied by payment through their club Secretary to Han Treasurer lOA: Noel Donagh, Barrybcg Lodge, Barrybeg. Athlone, Co. Westmealh. Clubs should forward order accompanied by a stamped addressed envelope. These cards have an expected life of more than 10 years and can be used with SPORT Ident at various International Events. Where SPORTIdent is used the practice is for competitors to usc their own Si-card or else to rent one for the competition. This is both for the convenience of the competitor and the organiser. Each Si-card has a unique number and where used with the OL-einzel event program will require the organiser getting your Si-card number and Competition Class. All other details will be held on the program database. ICE IS NICE Most of us have heard that it is good to use ice on injured joints and muscles. Usually, the main reason sighted is to reduce inflammation in the injured area. Another. often overlooked benefit of ice therapy is stimulation of circulation. Increased circulation occurs in an area that has been iced for at least 15-20 minutes, according to various studies. Greater circulation, it follows, will aid healing. When icing, remember that... 1. Ice right on tbe skin can be irritating, and some people will need to use a towel between their skin and the ice pack. 2. It's best to ice for about 20 minutes at a lime. 3. Sometimes soaking in icc water is more convenient, such as with an ankle, than using icc pucks. Just be careful not to induce frostbite. 4. A great icing trick is to freeze water in a paper cup. Take the cup out of the freezer and peel part of the paper away from the cup, while leaving some to use as a "handle." Then, you can massage the ice on the affected area. Some trainers feel this massaging action stimulates increased circulation better than icing alone. 5. Another tried and true method is to use II plastic hag of frozen peas as your ice pack. The peas arc just the right size to conform well to different body parts. and the bag can be reused many times. Just toss it back in the freezer when you arc done icing. (Woody Green's Runner's Niche, from the internet) 1999 PARK WORLD TOUR Oslo has stepped in to fill the gap left by London's withdrawal from the 1999 Park World Tour. The eight races in the Park World Tour arc: March 26 Copenhagen April 23 Stockholm June 11 Turku, Finland JULie 15 Glasgow TIle Irish Qrienteer 11 August October October October 14 11 16 18 Oslo Tokyo Hangzhou, China Shanghai, China The Glasgow race is at Kelvingrove Park. PWT starts 6 pm - 6.45 (women). men 7 pm - 7.45. Open race on PWT course 8.30 pm. All races count towards the total points score for the 25 men and 25 women in each race. Winning times are about 15 minutes (men) and 12 minutes (women). There's a caone minute start interval. seeded, with the fastest runners starting last. More information: ONYERBIKE BIKE-O again! There's another Mountain-Dike event on SI. Patrick's Day, 17th March (signposted from Roundwood), contact Damicn Cashin for full details on 01 2818212. Pre-entry only. Some bikes for hire from Damien. o 1998 FINAL RANKINGS Many of the names in the top ten of the lOf World Rankings for 1998 will be familiar to anyone who was following the World Cup races in Killarney last May. The top ten men and women were all from the Scandinavian countries - no surprises there. The top men were Joban Ivarsson (SWE) with 8795 points. Djornar Valstad 8757 (NOR) and Chris Terkelson 8568 (DEN). while the women were Hanne Staff 8771 (SWE), Katarina Borg 8481 (SWE) and Johanna AskJof 8459 (FIN). COACHING REPORT Congratulations At IOATCB in November 98 the following were certified as lOA Level I Coaches: Derek Guilfoyle. Ken Kelly, Anne Marie McKenna, Paul McKenna, Heatber Noonan, Jennifer O'Connor. Sinead O'Donovan, Nicola Simpson, Patrick J Tuohy and James Van Der Brock. Coach Education The level 3 course commenced on the weekend 5/617th February in the NCTC Limerick (Sec details below) A level 1 course was conducted in December in Kerry by Damien Cashin. Further 12 The Irish OrienJcer level 1 courses will be conducted in Leinster and Connacht in 1999 and a level 0 courses will be conducted for teachers by Concbur Muinhneachain at Easter. 31SIOctober 1999 Lough Key Forest Park 28th November 1999 Slish Wood, Co. SliJO 12lh December 1999 Hazel Wood, Sligo (Nigbt Event) Coaching for Orienteers Muckross Venture Centre Hostel, Killarney bas been booked for Junior Training Week from Sat 21st August to Sat 28th August 1999. The centre bas a capacity for 42 persons. Details of Junior training week will be circulated to clubs shortly. The next Connacht Council meeting scheduled for Wed 14th April 1999 Level 3 CoachIng Course Course workshops provisional date and venues April 16-18 Co. Waterford Psychological June 18-20 Killarney Technical Training August 21-28 Killarney Practical Coaching Week Sept 17-1.9 Wicklow First Aid, G Icndalough Dec 5-6 Dublin Information Technology/Sports Science Workshops will normally commence on (he Friday evening at 8.30pm and finish on the Sunday at 4.00pm approximately. Frank Ryan, lOA Coaching Officer. CONNACHT REPORT At the Connacht Region Orienteering Council Meeting on Wed 13th January 1999 areas for major events for the next 5-6 years i.e. Connacht and Irish Champs, requiring aerial phography were identified. Connacht Champs 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Collooney, Co. Sligo Oughterard, Co. Galway Slieve Bloom Mountains, Co. Offaly, Foxford, Co. Mayo Inis Bofin . Co. Mayo Irish Champs 20041nis Bofin, Co. Mayo Connacht Schools Orienteering Championships 1999 - Tuesday 6th March, Clonbrock near Ahascragh, Co. Galway. The following Sligo OC events were notified: 25th April 1999 Manorbamilton, Co Leitrim 30th May 1999 Union Wood. Co. Sligo 26th September 1999 Ballygawley, Co. Sligo was AFASNEWS What's been happening in AFAS, the Association for Adventure Sports? The Board bas resigned and the running of the organisation taken over by a caretaker Board chaired by mountaineer Dawson Stelfox. 1999 IRISH MOUNTAIN RUNNING CALENDAR 10/03/99 Irish Schools Champs 5.5k.m /250m 12.30pm St. Columbas College, Rathfarnham 24/03199 Quiz 8.30 RTE Social Club, Donnybrook. Dublin 4 11/04/99 Djouce International 8.9/427 /l1.(X) Lake Car Park, Djouce Woods, Co. Wicklow. 21/04/99 Hell Fire Relay 3.4 /8517.30 Hell Fire Woods, Killakee. Rathfamham, Co. Dublin 25/04/99 Lugnaquilla 10.1 1718112.00 Camara Hill Track, Glen of Imaal, Co. Wicklow. 28/04/99 Goal Flash 4.5/200 /7 .30 Lamb Doyle's Pub, Sandyford, Co. Dublin. 05/05/99 Hell Fire Flicker 3.4/8517.30 Hell Fire Woods, Killalcee, Rathfarmham, Co. Dublin 08/05/99 KNOCKDHU IN1"L !NT 7.6/448/1.00 Carncastle, near Lame, Co. Antrim 00/05/99 Claragh Mountain MCI 6.2/352/2.30 The AFAS AGM bas been set for March 27tb at the Royal Marine Hotel, Dun Laoghairc, where Dawson will be stepping down. AFAS bas bought the freehold of Tiglin from Coilltc and a new Tiglin management structure is being set up with major involvement from mountaineering and canoeing and less from the other affiliates, including orienteering. The other affiliates (skiing, orienteering. sailing, etc) will bave an advisory or consultative role in terms of training for their own sports but little or no direct involvement in running Tiglin. Millstreet, Co. Cork 12/05/99 Wed.Sugarloaf Rush LL2 3.7121317.30 Calary Filling Stauon, 2.5 miles from Kilmacanoguc 16/05/99 Sun. Round Mountain LC2 8.0 /335/12.00 Lumpers Pub, Off Duudalk/Carlingford road, Co. Louth 19/05/99 Wed. Three Rock Dash LL3 4.8/19817.30 Ticknock Car Park, ncar Lamb Doyle's. Sandyford, Co. Dublin. 22105/99 Sat.Donard Cornrnedagh BC 12.0/1 00 1/l2.00 Newcastle, Co. Down 23/05/99 Sun.Knocknaskagh MC2I 8.0/335/2.30 Naglcs, near Kilavullen,Mallow, Co Cork. 26/05/99 Wed.Corrig LL4 5.6/30517.30 Signposted from Stone Cross, Ballinascorney, Co. Dublin 31105/99 Sun.Doon MC310.0 /335 /2.30 2 Miles (Signposted) From DOOIl, Co Limerick. More details from Douglas Barry (01)2868180 or me [MRA website The Irish Orienteer 11 r -fRIsH-fwo DAy-1999- , I MAHON FAllS SATURDAY 17TH APRIL 1999 I FOIL NA PRISUIN & COUMAHON SUNDAY 18TH APRIL I 1999 I ORGANISED BY WA TERFORD ORIENTEERS ON BEHALF OFi I. 0. A. TERRAIN: Day 1: mostly open ground, extremely fast, with good contour detail and lots of boulders. Some of the forest has been felled since the production of the map (Surveyed 1996). Day 2: all open ground, fast and with lots of boulders. Underfoot conditions can be wet depending on the time of year. Resurveyed 1999. MAPS: Both maps will be at a scale of 1;10,000. ENTRIES: to Veronica Purcell, Lodges Lane, Newtown Hill, Tramore, Co. Waterford. (Ph. 051381097) please use standard IOA/BOE entry forms & return as soon as possible FEES: Entries at the earlier rate up to the 2nd April 1999. POSTMARKED before 2nd APRIL after 3rd APRIL Adult: £6.00 per day £9.00 per day Student: £4.50 per day £7.50 per day Junior £3.00 per day £4.50 per day Family £15.00 per day £20.00 per day Add £1.00 for postage and results. I I START TIMES: 10.30 to 13.30 on Saturday, I 10.30 to 13.00 on Sunday CLASSES: All classes available where demand exists, including I 21 Elite, 21 L, 21S, 21N & B Classes M\W -10,-12,-14,-16,-18,-20, I M\ W 21,35,40,45,50,55,60,65 I SAFETY: Cagoules & whistles may be required. AS ORIENTEERING IS AN ADVENTURE SPORT, COMPETITORS TAKE PART AT I THEIR OWN RISK AND ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR OWN SAFETY. ABSOLUTELY NO DOGS ALLOWED AT THE EVENT EITHER ON THE MOUNTAIN I OR IN THE ASSEMBLY AREA. ~ Waterford Orienteers .J ~i~'-IS . )nenteer - - - - - - - - - - -- TONI TALKS Irish Squad co-ordinator Tom CaUery spoke to current ladies champion Toni O'Donovan about sports granta applications and her year's orienteering. Toni, who runsfor Cork Orienteers, is a PE student in Limerick University How much grant aid did YOIl get last year? I got £ 1200 but that was as II junior - the maximum amount for a junior but at the same time most juniors did get the maximum amount. I also got a Kelloggs scholarship last year through University. How did you apply for it ? Frank Ryan (lOA Coaching Officer) has the forms and I rang him and asked him for one (I heard in Limerick that they were out) and he sent it to me - from what I understand Una Creagh and Aislinn Austin were the only two to get the forms without asking. Then like everyone else who applied I filled in the form at the World Cup and sent it off. What objectives did you set in order to get it? Well last year my goals and objectives were probably more modest than I would now make them. I think that one of the focuses of my application was the fact that I was doing quite ok as a senior while still a junior and just making the senior team was a focus - In terms of results the goals were not too specific long term - for JWOC top 50 or 40 I think, WUOC top 50 I think and basically to get to WOC next year. Why did YOIl deserve it? - Apart from being a brilliant athlete, of course! Well I sent in my results and I think that I deserved it because I was so young - Irish Champion at 20, well I think that was in my favour -1 don't think that my results would have been enough if I was older but 1 think thatas a junior they were good Whal have you spent it on? Last year: JK. Irisb events, World Cups. 6 weeks traveling around Europe (JWOC, Swedish O'Ringen, Ostgota, Modum. WUOC), Senior Home This year: A week training in Spain, Cannock Chase. JK, British, and I'm hoping that the list will continue. Does it motivate yo II to improve? Has it made you do things & improve in ways that would not otherwise have been possible? As I said I had another scholarship which also helped but it does motivate me a bit - money makes the world go round and all that. 1 don't think that I could afford another YClIr of 0 costing £4500 (which it did last year) ifl didn't get £2000 to £3000 from different sources. I know that my parents will help but as a student I couldn't justify it especially as the Uni scholarship ended last year. Do you think it is afair system? E.g. do YOIl think wealthy athletes llkesonia or Michelle hsould get government grants? I feel that it should be means tested and that they should get less money but should still receive the other benefits that are associated wi th it. Do you think that two Irish orienteering athletes gelling a grant is a fair result for Irish Orienteering? Do YOIl have any views on the fact that 11'0'0 ladies were awarded all the grant money? Marcus Pinker was also given a grant when it was reviewed due to his 97 WOC performance. 1 have no problem with 2 women getting grants - I think that it should be seen as a Junior and a Senior which it was at the time - As seniors Marcus and Una got the highest woe results so they should be most eligible - we have the criteria if we reach them, then I think that we should get more money - I think that it will motivate athletes to try harder at the designated events - hopefully there will be more than two this year - 1 will not be going forward as a senior yet as I am still in the development group which still makes the criteria Vte Irish Orientecr 15 a little easier from what I understand. The grant isn't awarded to Orienteering - It is to athletes so if 10 orientecrs got it, it would not really mean that we got less each. Any other views? The grants tbat have been awarded this year to the Britisb squad were quite Significant and have caused many problems with the introduction of a core group as well as an elite squad - making a real division. It has enabled Jamie and Siggi to give up work and has made a lot of the Dritish squad semi professional - we don't get half as much money but it should help us do more things. Also a list of the criteria for each level should be sent oUL so everyone knows what to aim at perhaps it takes the focus off the Irish Champs and makes the JK and others more important but such is the casco Also when applying for the grant I think that you have to give an indication of how you will spend it -I didn't put down the trip to Spain which was probably an oversight but there are loads of costs that should be thought about from 0 shoes to woe and so on. 'BiHfi's'ii'ORiENTEERiNG' CHAMPS 2001 Raymond Finlay (Fermir) addressed the NJOA AGM on February 20(h about BOC200J. BOC 2001 will be held in Northern Ireland. OOF have asked NIOA to host this event due to difficulties in holding it in Great Britain and NIOA is firmly committed to hosting the event. A number of people have already agreed to contribute to the substantial workload required. A sub-committee of NJOA (composed mainly of members outside the main committee) will deal with this, with Raymond as it" Chairman and Co- ordinator, The areas which are under consideration for the event are ranked into three by order of 16 The Irish Orienreer priority: I) Magilligan; 2) Mournes; 3) Florencecoun Mountain - extended to the E and SW? The major criterion is the need to park around 1000 cars. This is a problem at Florencecourt and this is reflected in its third place. So at the moment this is the order that the BOC 2001 Co-ordinators have ranked the areas. It is also important to note that the BOF Relays will also have to be run, and a number of areas are being considered including Baronscourt and Callow Hill and these will be assessed on similar criteria. Thus NIOA will gain two new maps and much profit, as the event will attract a vast number of orienteers from not only NI, but also England, Scotland and Wales, as well as an inl1ux of lOA members. 'DIe entry fees [and benefits to the tourist industry] will benefit NIOA and the NI economy. Grant aid from the Northern Ireland Tourist Board should bc available and aid in kind from Siena or P&O who could offer reduced fares for orierueers, BOC 2001 is an important event for NI orienteering, and it is vital to note thaL il is aNI-wide event, and it is not one that an individual club would wish to takc on alone. Tile benefits will be spread evenly throughout the clubs in this co-operative effort. The event will be held in May 200 I, preferably on the Bank Holiday weekend: a three-day: BOC. BOC Relays and Irish Championships (lOC). This is a lucrative opportunity also because it affords lOA uie possibilty of developing an orienteering map in an area near Donegal Town and, with Magilligan as the Co-ordinators' first choice, the Northwest location of the event will ensure accessibility for the participants to travel easily from BOC 1.0 BOC Relays 10 IOC. (thanks Point, to Jonny Scou, Editor of Crossing the NIOA newsletter for this) CONNACHT CHAMPIONSHIPS The end of February each Connacht Championships spring schedule leading Championships. This year's the slippery, tussocky open Ballygawley, south of Sligo. year sees the kick off me to me Irish event was on mountain at Frank Ryan, one of the remarkable people who have succeeded in keeping Connacht orienteering alive all down the years, despite falling numbers and a lack of resources. was the planner. The event used the recently purchased Sportldent electronic punching system and showed how an event could be run with very uute manpower. It would nOLbe exaggerating to say that there were some problems with the competition organisation and with control Siting which had an impact on the overall status of the competition. I was critical of the standards of last year's competition and, regrettably. this year's event raised some of the same questions. On paper the area looks interesting. witb a significant navigational and physical challenge. Route choice on the senior courses seemed confined to deciding which side of the next mountain to go around to the next control. resulting in lots of climb. On paper the C course only had 250 metres but wben measured along the direct route - as it should be - it was more than 600m. Why, though, must the Connacht Championships be run on an exposed area of rough open mountainside in February? Why not later in the year? The possibility of bad weather must cause additional worries for the organisers. Lack of manpower inevitably puts strains on any organisation and more checking of the basics at the event would have been worthwhile. Some problems, Igather, were caused by the number of late entries which stretched the organisation when it could least afford to be stretched and the non-appearance of promised helpers on the day. Slow winning times and large time gaps between competitors tell their own story. though. One question still remains in my mind: should J have lodged an official protest over one significantly misplaced control on my course? Finding a misplaced control early in a course does lillie for one's motivation. If you ignore it and keep running hard, the course will be voided. If you take it easy and jog around or give up. the course will inevitably stand ... whose Law is that? Would I be seen as a dog in the manger if I protested? If the course is voided, the "winners" would lose out and J would gain nothing.Ifllet it stand and say nothing, the "winners" pick up trophies and National League points based on luck, depending on how they approached the contentious control. Do planners and controllers ever come clean in the absence of an official complaint? Or do they brazen it out and maintain that, since there was no official protest. everything was OK? Nobody likes to have to make a protest, because we all recognise the voluntary hours of work that go into the making of even the most basic event. but where Championship status is in question a certain standard has to apply. Anyway. I didn't lodge a protest (perhaps assuming that others would, like driving past an accident) and the results make no mention of problems Or complaints. At least (like last year) the results were amazingly quick, not like some other major events in the past year. Perhaps this was Connachr's last chance: will people risk disappointment by travelling to the event again next year? I am sure that the organising team were trying their best, but Connacht's relative isolation from constantly improving standards of planning, organising and controlling is opening a widening gulf between the west and the rest. Overall: disappointing but not surprising. If this was my first exposure to orienteering, it would be my last. However. orienteers are born optimists and a year gives time for memories to fade and hopes to be reborn of better things ... JMcC. The Iris" arieD/eer 17 A WORD OF THANKS Finally, Billy O'Neill (CNOC) writes "I wish to convey my thanks and grateful appreciation to Sean Rothery, Niamh Lalor and Frank McCormack for assisting my daugbter. June. in Ballygawley on 27th February when she got into difficulty towards the end of her course. Without their help she would not bave made it to the finish". Connacht Championships Results BALLYGAWLEY 27-Feb-1999 M14 3.600 km 60 m 10 C 1 Currie Stephen NWOC 2 Malley Connor NWOC 3 Cotter Thomas BOC M16 4.800 km 180 m 11 C 1 Healy Dovld GEN 2 McCloskey Matlhew NWOC 3 Fulton Ben NWOC M18 7.200 km 250 m IS C 1 Lucey Jonathon BOC 2 Caithness Stewart FermO 3 Fellows Ian FermO M20 7.200 km 250 m 15 C Meln Andrew NWOC M21E 10.200km 4S0m 17C 1 Corbett Brian CorkO 2 Brady Gerry CorkO 3 O'Brien Brendan AJAX M21L 8.100km 350m 16C 1 Smyth Paul AJAX 2 Campbell Stephen LVO 3 Joyce Tony AJAX M21S 4.800 km 180 m 11 C 1 Flynn Martin AJAX 2 O'Brien Donncha CRTC 3 Reid Charles NWOC M35 7.200km 250m 15C 1 Geoghegan Marcus AJAX 2 Weston Dave SET 3 McCann Greg LVO M40 7.200 km 250 m 15 C 1 Austin Rick CorkO 2 O'Soyie Senan CNOC M45L 7.200 km 250 m 15C 1 O'Dwyer Kevin CorkO 2 Majury Clive LVO 3 McCullough John 3ROC M45S 4.800 km 180 m II C 1 McGonigle Anthony NWOC 2 Dormon Alan LVO 3 Foley-FisherNigel MNav MSO 7.200 km 250 m 15 C 1 Cotter Sean BOC 2 Pinker Bob CorkO MSS 4.800 km 180 m 11C 18 The Irish Oriemeer 36:34 36:53 38:49 79:12 93:15 97:46 97:39 102:22 161:56 100:37 115:37 157:23 164:24 137:04 151:46 171:53 68:44 64:00 69:03 105:40 120:44 162:49 114:51 127:40 100:31 120:25 139:31 88:41 126:09 147:<16 114:03 139:43 1 Campbell-Crawford Nlgel3ROC 2 Wilson Ernie LVO 3 Lalor Paddy CNOC MOO 4.800 km 180 m 11 C 1 Martindaie Fronk 3ROC 2 Devlin Peter LVO 3 Hogg David NWOC M65 4.oo0km 150m 10C 1 Bonar-Law A GEN M70 ".000 km 150 m 10 C 1 Rothery Sean 3ROC W12 2.700 km 30 m. 8 C 1 Foley-FisherErlnna M Nov W14 3.600 km 60 m 10 C 1 Stevenson Zara NWOC 2 Cunningham Laura Ferm 0 3 Crowch Megan NWOC W16 4.000 km 150 m 10 C 1 O'Boyle Nlamh CNOC 2 MorrisseyNiamh Cork 0 W18 4.000km 150m 10C 1 Dennehy Caro~ne BOC 2 Healy Denise CNOC 3 Cotler Laura BOC W21C 3.700 km eo m 8 C 1 Coleman Volerle WEGO 2 Madden Louise WEGO W21E 8.100km 350m 16C 1 Austin Aislinn Cork 0 W21L 7.2ookm2S0m 15C 1 Cordner Violet LVO W21S 4.oo0km 150m 10C 1 Nolan Breda CRTC 2 Hoey Gralnne CRTC 3 Fitzgerald Trlna CRTC W40 4.800 km 180 m 11C 1 Fyffe MoreRa Ferm 0 NIOA WAS 4.800 km 180 m 11 C 1 Austin Mary Cork 0 2 Finlay Teresa Ferm 0 3 O'Suilleabhaln Aine 3ROC W50 4.800 km 180 m II C 1 3 Nowlan Monica 3ROC W55 4.000 km 150 m 10C 1 Nuttall Clare LesO W60 4.000 km ISO m 10C 1 Large Diona GEN 76:59 85:24 99:25 A CAUTIONARY TALE! 93:23 136:53 15<1:03 98:13 135:11 48:07 ~~ 36:15 48:05 59:12 Saturday 21st November 1998 81:01 105:55 I" the Matter 21. Il.98 88:41 91:36 138:19 72:42 81:28 155:23 Calm Wood of Saturday My Client thanks you for your letter concen.lng the alleged discrepancy in the siting oJ control no. 4. Please note that it was control no. 4, not no. 3 as suggested in your letter: perhaps th is is indicative of the extent of your interest in my client's case. We will address this and a number of other matters pertaining to the event which you had purported to plan and. albeit loosely, control. To wit:- 158:36 122:59 125:01 127:54 118:37 103:16 108:18 122:01 92:32 131:12 170:17 : Spend 10 seconds studying :r : your map at the start: the : :first control is the key to the: : course. It s an investment, : : not a waste of firne ... Stop : ! for 30 seconds to relocate, ! !I rather than run in circles for: • . L ~I I 5 mInutes I I I I I, I • of I write on behalf of my client, Mr. Richard McCourt, whom my company is pleased 10 represent. r-----lFirne-~Qna!9jirn-inf:-----l I The Planner & COli/roller Cairn Wood Night Orienteering Event I I. The aforementioned control site (no. 4) was deemed to be on tile edge of a clearing. If this ClUJ be presumed to be. in thc dark. represented by an absence of trees my client reports that no such area could have existed as he was constantly bumping into said trees. That is to say with the notable exception of an area, later in the proceedings, surrounding several deep ditches. where the actual presence of trees would have been of distinct benefit in preventing my client from falling into same. which he did on several occasions. Why were these areas not suitably roped off and declared out of bounds'! 2. When my client eventually found flag no. 4 it was positioned some 30 metres from that indicated on the map provided! As to the facetious remarks in your letter to the effect that some citizen had managed to stumble over the control no.4 by dint of following a fence and turning left - these "chance" methods are not to my client's taste; indeed in his own words "I would rather wander about for ten minutes employing the proper scientific method of measurement and direction finding, a method of inherent integrity. than succeed in such a random manner which demeans the sport". 3. At this point my client wishes to declare that. in this matter. as the re appears to he no right of appeal to a higher authority he will henceforth rcfc r to "the Planner" and "the Cent rolle r" as "the Judge" and "the Jury". Nevertheless despite this eminently unsatisfactory state of affairs my client wishes to lodge further objection to the mulpracticc of the judge and the jury. to wit.4. Thcy deliberately agitated my client prior to the event by encouraging undue haste in his preparation with the use of vc rbal abuse such as "the start is closing in ten minutes" thus inducing unwanted anxiety in my client who had to reduce his normal 45 minute preparation to 38 minutes thereby preventing him from combing his hair and attending to other such essentials! 5. This aggravation also caused my client to mislay his compass. Its absence was only noted when my client was part way towards the first control and he had to return to his vehicle in the car park in an attempt to retrieve the item. At this point he was further discouraged by the judge and the jury with further mischievous remarks such as "it's easy out there. You don't need a compass". This proved to be u willful misdirection; my client reports that his poor performance en route to controls 8, 9, II and 12 was a direct result of the absence of this necessary instrument! Indeed at onc point en route to controlno.12. and here I quote my client directly: "I was up to the oxsters in sh-sh-sheughs which were not only. malevolently. not marked 011 the map but were also vindictively deep and cold!". Furthermore .... l71C Irish Oricnleer JI) 6. Why were there no stations placed at intervals in the forest where my client could have recharged the batteries in his torch? What was he supposed to do ...return home each time to attend to it? Or were the stations so poorly signed that the weak glimmer of my client's torch could not pick them out? This added insult to already considerable injury. (my client is informed that, even if they do look much older. the judge and jury are believed to be of similar age to himself). At such a competition my client shall.b. thoroughly trounce them c. this will be known as natural j us lice or, in more colloquial parlance "nah nah nah nah nah ya boo sucks". 7. Why were there no appropriate direction signs on the drainage ditch near control no. 107 My client Followed this ditch to its end only to find no Ilag present. 'The pre-start information had given no indication whatsoever that this marker would be concealed in a parallel ditch nearhy! Yuurs, in a spirit of vengeance 8. Why was there no warning tape in evidence on the carthhank that my client crossed to indicate that it was at 900 to the carthbank he presumed he was crossing? This caused tho loss uf a great deal of time not to mention the increase in my client'S sense of foreboding in the dark. A simple luminous tape and arrows would have sufficed. A Witness 2bTrusted EFHNGIIAM 9. 'Io compound the felony my client has learned that a Mr. Simpson was placed first in the competition. This man is known to have an unfair advantage of wearing a beard, a seeming prerequisite for success in these events. furthermore my client was disturbed to learn from others that this young Mr. Simpson was guilty of employing such underhand methods as turning up on time. preparing diligently, carefully using pace counting and compass AND actually running. My client wishes to resolutely disassociate himself from such modern trickery and categorically states that "if this is the way the sport is going I'll have to reconsider my position (as soon as I can find it)". and finally .... lO. My client seeks redress from the aforementioned judge and jury. In the first instance in the form of financial compensation (I) for the distress and anxiety so willfully inflicted upon him. In the second instance, when he has recovered from the mental trauma of the late '98 season's events, tora. engage the judge and jury in a head to head orienteering competition at a venue to he decided 20 Tbe Irish Orienteer and retribution (f (I) financial compensation is considered to be at least two pints of the black stuff. l Dear Sir, Having read in the ougcs of your excellent Club Newshcct a scurrilous and sometimes outright libellous letter. supposedly from someone who represents a certain Mr. R McCourt, conceruing your recent Night Orienteering Event lit Cairn Wood, [ believe, a reply is required. Having been an observer at said event. it is with some dismay that I read the comments concerning the plunn ing and controlling elements of the event. The abilities of the' Judge' and the 'Jury' were called into question. two people who are held in highest regard within the club and who between them have planned and organised more events than Mr. McCourt has had bot 'Bushes' -just! On the night in question, I accompanied the 'Judge' into the forest to observe the event. Whilst at control number 1 it was interesting to see the various methods of control locution. These involved such novel ideas as sweeping II high-powered torch beam from side to side. like some demented Darth Vadar hoping maybe to fell any tree caught in the said beam. anothcr was standing still. awaiting the approach of another competitor. following him or her into the COntrol then. at the appropriate moment. switching on the l J torch, scaring the whotsit out of the other competitor, punching the control card and then running off in some vague direction. From what I saw there was little evidence of a compass or any other orienteering skill being used. so Mr. McCourt apparently had little need of any such devices and was in good company. I had boped to visit other control sites but the 'Judge' had omitted to bring along either a map or compass and the return to thc assembly area was more one of survival than orienteering! At least Mr. McCourt had the advantage of a map to help him to get lost. apparently! On the mailer of the 'Judge' lind 'Jury's' altitude to competitors. from what I saw on the evening in question. they were helpful. courteous and were kind enough to supply me with a supply of sandwiches and a little, well-known Scottish Malt, to keep out the cold air (A Wit/l('ss's judgement (If orienteering event management is impeccable. bill his palate is a little doubtful - it war Bushmills Whiskey - Ed.). Maybe it W(lS too much of the lauer which impaired Mr. McCourt's orienteering judgement. Whilst he is known to be a fierce competitor. there arc those who would allege thut he has a willingness to stray into the 'Bushes' lOO often. l lnving said that, [ am informed that he did keep himself very much to himself on that night and spoke to people only at a distance. so alas no proof of his 'proof" call be given. 1 am disappointed that Mr. McCourt sees fit to raise this issue via his representative and I believe that the sport can well do without this sort of thing. It's bad enough having to run about in daylight wearing clothing which resembles pyjamas without having to wash it in puhlic! [ am of the opinion that. at his age, Mr. McCoun should 'wise up' and instead of trying to 'spraughel' around in the durk, and running into trees and ditches. be should consider tucking himself up in bed with a good book and a cup of hot Horlicks, goodness knows he has made plenty in his time! Forget about battery charging stations. he should get a Charge of hot chocolate into him which may reduce the emotional turmoil which besets him on such occasions. A previous comment from a competitor about running night events earlier in the evening when it's not so dark is. frankly, a Don-starter. Whilst it may help the likes of Mr. McCourt. it would make a mockery of the word 'night'. Tbe only comment with which I can agree is the point about a Mr. Simpson. This orienteer is not only is very familiar with this particular forest, but has been known to compete at other night events thus gaining somewhat of an advantage. There arc other rumours abroad which refer to his liking of carrots. a vegetable known to help rabbits see in the dark! I believe Mr. Simpson and people like him should he made to compete wearing a blindfold or he made to start when it is really, really dark, and maybe just u bit scary! I hope this goes some way to putting the record straight, us I see it. and the next time wc meet I would suggest thut a pint and 3 half of the 'hlack stuff' would slip down the throat a treat. Yours Sincerely, and I really mean that folks. A Witness. Dear Editor I refer to the letter published in the club newsletter from Richard McCourt's solicitor who has elected to remain incognito. so I shall do likewise. 1 consider it very unfair to single out Bill Simpson by accusing him of modern trickery when it is widely known that Richard in his preparation for night events goes all a diet of carrots - supposedly to improve night vision but according to Will iam Salmon M.D. 1710 in The English Herbal "carrots are only good against the biting of venomous beasts and wind" and cat food - instead of improving night vision - has made him cauish (spiteful). It is also well known that my friend Richard consulted his Iricnds in Armagh Planetarium regarding navigation by following heavenly bodies (never follow anyone) but it's difficult to The Irish Orienteer 2/ navigate by the stars on an overcast night. There are a number of witnesses who overheard him in Cairn Wood as he wandered about lost, mumbling "twinkle, twinkle lillie star, how I wonder where Iam". One further thought for those of us with failing eyesight. It might be a good idea to let us start about 90 minutes before dark - we could then have the night event and the dim event. See you in (Mc)Court Incognit-O THE McCOURT DISCLAIMER> A signed, and witnessed, copy is a prerequisite of entry to any Cairn Wood event in whose organisation the Judge or Jury arc involved I. Richard McCourt, Oricnteer (so-called) of Nuu's Corner. Co. Antrim do hereby undertake not to abuse (or enter into correspondence with) TIO NEWS Thanksto all who contributed to thisIssue (not very many, as It happens). If there Is no photo on the cover it means that all the old orienteering photos have been used up: let's have 'some more, please I The next Issuewill have reports on the JK, the Irish Two-Day, the lOA AGM and maybe the Leinster Championships. Copy date isApril 18th, that's at the TwoDay, Publication mid-May, lOA plans to Introduce a register of all club members next year and The Irish Orienteer will be sent to all club members, This should increase circulation from the present level of around 650 to well over 1000,Distribution would be undertaken centrally, by post. Blunders stili wonted: Let us have your navigational or other relevant blunders 22 V,e Irish Orienreer the Planner and Controller of today's prestigious orienteering event at Cairn Wood. In particular 1 will refrain from abuse resulting from: 1. failing to read the map, 2. failing to bring a compass unto the course, 3. failing to use said compass correctly, 4. failing to run quickly, 5. failing to read contours or vegetation Changes, and 6. failing to take care of the trees by running into same and knocking myself out, I hereby admit to having committed all of the above at said Cairn Wood during previous events. Signed: Witnessed: Dated: Results of Belfield event 11/10/98 UCDO > (from successive issues of the LVO Newsletter, Thanks to LVO for permission to reprint), to publish (your name need not be published I), Brian Bell's article In TIO 88 was riveting: you know what's going to happen, you will him to stop and think, but he runs on '" like a horror moviel Thanks,Brion! Thanksalso to the many subscribers from around the world for supporting TIO. I often feel that you are the most deserving recipients: far from Ireland, keen to keep in touch with what's going on, Your brief letters of thanks or encouragement (and your cheques, of course!) are very welcome. Incidentally, the reason TIOcan take 4-6 weeks from the copy dote to appearing in print is that I don't have more time to devote to It. Hoving to mind two small kids In the evenings and at weekends means that Ican rarely get more than an hour a day to work on TIO,and usually by 10or 11at night I'm wrecked! John McC. " Long Course 3.9 km Eamon Me Ginley J Devitt Niall EngUsh CMacCarlhy BGreene Nora Lalor Rigney CGreene Alan I'v1onks PGrogan Darren Ayres STapley CTapley MPureeli A Flynn Joseph Swan Robert Horrlngton SOiLeary CMcN RSwan Crowley NLalor T&JBu~er Whyte Haydn Dermot Murphy Tom fry Chris Bond Ronan Edwards Brian Grady Richard Byrne TBradley Whelan Kelly Gavin Wynne JohnG Dorren Boothman Ion MlAlen Sinead Brackan Nodine Cornplon Gareth Sondra Brennan Alison Rooney Tommy Jennifer Ryan Anno OiKeeffe Fiona OiShaughnessy Biff Finn GlendaOiC Alan Fox LQuUl Zelmon Geraldine Grady DISQKRyan MP8-15 Scatter course BMeGrath John Francis Peadar OlConnOl M21 M30 M20 M25 M18 W45 M45 M14 AJAX DFOEC UCDO 23.18 24,20 25.54 26.30 3ROC GEN CNOC 3ROC 29.45 M19 UCDO W21 W20 DUO DUO M12 3ROC MI4 W14 W19 M20 M20 MI4 GEN GEN 3ROC 3ROC InchCoi DLSO 35.08 36.24 37.35 39.04 39.36 42,05 42.20 42.20 42.21 42.35 45,00 45.26 46.46 46,32 51.32 52.49 52,53 54.00 54,45 54.52 54.52 60.36 61,39 66.08 66.08 M14 MI8 M20 M21 M20 M16 M20 DLSO 70.06 InchCol InchCol InchCol W16 W4 W21 M21 W50 M19 M50 M40 67,56 66.24 69.15 69,15 69,50 69,52 FIN AnOlge FIN 72.20 75.25 75.25 75.25 76.10 79.40 79.40 61.34 62.58 64.05 65.52 66.45 90.45 94.23 100.36 3ROC UCDO 109.05 3ROC DFO 50.44 57.10 64.5<1 64.36 John Crowley Fachtna Healy Liz Butter Vero Murtagh DISQ Anthony Lawlor Short 1.6km KRyan CCoshin Tom Branlgon Eoln OiConnar CMorrisey Carl Brennon BorryQuinn Emma & Jenny DeCovery/Hoyden DGubblns Donal Swan MMorrissy Aisling MeKeogh April & Pelg DMOIrissy Madeline Corney Lorraine Connery NlomhDard COihor Sarah Seeress GGrant Leary FamUy Joonne Broc!< Louise King Terry Hurrell Fablenne Boulle Helen/Imogen Ryan DoraOhEofa Lauro Cox JonaCox Mary/Fiona Carberry Norwegian 7.2km Andrew Quln PoulSmyth MOiConneli JLolor JMeade Tony Devlin Brion Hollinshead RoryWollaee SOhEafa PButler Andrew Cox Gordon Elliott RLynam Alne NI $huUJeobholn A Boyle AJAX Brian King Clolre Walsh GerPower AM McKema Don Short M40 GEN M21 SET W20 UCD/CNOC WSS 3ROC MP11M21 M19 WlO M12 M12 M12 W35 67.5<1 72.26 73.35 119.10 64.45 UCDO AJAX 10.10 13.14 15.22 17.23 18.33 20.31 20.31 21,25 23,52 InchCol 3ROC DLSO DLSO GEN GEN 25.25 27.00 27,05 27,20 3ROC W20 M7 W30 29.05 29.05 3ROC 29.20 W20 M6 29.20 30.03 30.03 31.02 CNOC 31.22 3ROC W16 W18 32.17 InchCol AnOlge AnOlge MIl W4 AJAX WATO WATO M203ROC/DUO M21 AJAX W35 3ROC M45 GEN M50 M45 GEN M55 3ROC M21 AJAX M35 AJAX M50 3ROC M40 WATO M21 3ROC W40 CNOC W4S 3ROC DSQ WSS W45 W40 M40 3ROC 3ROC AJAX CNOC 33.06 33.06 35.46 35.46 37.42 40.26 42,41 43,05 46.48 49.04 57.30 57.49 59.05 60.35 61.11 63.04 66.49 66.00 66.35 68.52 69.52 70.49 77,35 M21 60.49 85.15 102.51 115.18 DNF DNF The Irish Orienteer 23 Results of CNOC Lelnster League Event CURRAGH EAST,6th Dec 1998 BROWN COURSE:' 14 km 1 AO'Clelrlgh 2 J Feehan 3 Justin May 4 John Casey 5 B O'Brien 6 Thomas Callery 7 Andrew Quin 8 J McCullough 9 Patrick Casey 10 M Geoghegan 11 Una May 12 CO'Halioran 13 Dave Weston 14 P Brennan 15 BBeIl 16 Gerard Buller 2DNF M35 M21 M40 DFO AJAX 3ROC M21 M21 M21 M40 M21 M35 W21 M21 M35 M21 M40 M 18 AJAX AJAX DUO 3ROC GEN AJAX 3ROC LeeO SET SET GEN 3ROC BlUE COURSE:9.6 km I Denis Reidy M4S AJAX 2 Peter McNamara M20 DUO 3 D Cashin M40 AJAX 4 Wally Young M45 CNOC 5 David Brennan M40 3ROC 6 D O'Danghalie M21 DUO 7 Mlck Mangan M35 SET 8 Val Jones M40 FIN 9 NualaHlgglns W21 AJAX 10 AlanAyling M21DUO/GEN 11 Brion Jones M21 DUO 12 Nigel C-CrawfordMSO 3ROC 13 ErnieWilson MSS LVO 14 Colin Burns M21 AJAX 15 T McCormack M45 GEN 16 JLalar M4S GEN 17 Neil Dobbs M18 DUO 18 SOhEalo . M35 AJAX 19 Monico Nowlan WSO 3ROC 20 Fergal Buckley M20 DUO 21 FO'Brien W21 AJAX 22 RoryWaliace M21 AJAX 3DNF GREENCOURSE: 6.8 km 1 Nlamh O'Boyie W14 2 John Francis M40 3 Paget McCounackMSS 4 Donal Wickham M35 5 Rowan Lyons M21 6 Andrew Boyle M21 7 Andrew ButterfieldM35 8 Brian HollinsheadM55 9 JMeade MSO 10 AB-L M65 10 Brid Higgins W21 12 David Healy M16 13 Chris Blau M20 14 Aine ni ShuilieabhanW45 15 Niall Walsh M14 24 The Iri.fh OrienTeer CNOC DFO GEN AJAX DUO AJAX GEN 3ROC GEN LeeO GEN UCDO 3ROC 3ROC 74.48 77.SO 79.58 82.37 85.59 93.05 94.08 95.14 96.23 97.53 99.12 100.41 103.13 104.35 114.34 139.00 65.35 66.56 69.43 73.24 76.19 77.49 77.SS 79.07 79.41 80.40 83.34 83.53 84.28 86.14 91.26 92.02 92.03 98.47 100.19 102.24 104.33 120.24 53.07 53.49 SS.34 55.54 59.00 62.08 62.21 62.51 63.17 67.12 67.12 68.02 68.06 69.42 70.32 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 22 24 24 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 32 GEN Wyn McCormackW45 John Blown M21 3ROC Maire Walsh WSO CorkO Faye Pinker W21 Robert Wall M21 DUO Anthony Lawlor M21 Catherine Buller W21 DUO UzBuller W21 UCDO Eoghan O'SuilieabhainMS03ROC Michael Butler M55 3ROC MO'Connell W35 3ROC Sybil McCormackW20 GEN Mlck KeBett M55 GEN EMac MeanmalnM21 DUO/UCD S McEvoy W21 AJAX JC Borratt? All Sodleis W21 DUO Deirdre Murphy W21 UCDO REDCOURSE: 7 km 1 Andrew O'Muliane M21 2 Thomas Keegan M21 3 Calhleen MorrisonW21 LIGHTGREENCOURSE: 5 km 1 Mark Prendergast 2 MCoHey M21 3 Jean O'Neill WSO 4 SCahill 5 AWaison 5 MNestor 7 JO'Sullivan 7 POti 9 M Ryan • 10 Jackie Atkinson W35 11 S Murray MSO 12 DeclanCarbery M45 13 N Lalor W45 14 Andrea McCormackWSO 15 Carmel Corey W35 16 R Flanagan M40 17 Alan Clarkson M21 18 A Joyce W21 19 A Heerey W21 20 Tom Burke M40 21 B O'Neill MSO 22 GarrettGreene MI4 23 SorahLouise ButlerW16 24 Sean Rothery M70 25 FO'Neill W50 26 Kate McCormackWI8 27 Sheila Nowlan W16 28 Anita Langstone 29 D Lorge W60 30 David McAuley M21 31 Moura Higgins W55 32 Faith White W60 33 Vera Murtagh W55 34 Niall Brennan M 16 35 Bronagh McCoy 35 GRyan I DNF 70.48 71.02 72.58 73.09 73.36 74.21 75.17 75.17 75.31 75.31 78.52 81.16 82.34 91.39 96.21 120.37 122.28 122.28 GEN 3ROC AJAX 52.26 58.52 94.37 Cadet Cadet FIN Cadet Codet Cadet Cadet Cadet 36.44 55.12 55.SO 59.02 59.55 59.55 60.40 60.40 62.22 63.45 64.16 64.39 66.25 68.13 69.55 73.15 75.21 77.53 81.05 82.18 85.17 86.28 87.00 87.23 87.41 88.06 90.25 91.45 98.36 99.05 102.18 102.31 115.49 125.24 158.12 158.12 SET SET CNOC GEN GEN 3ROC FIN GEN AJAX FIN SET 3ROC CNOC 3ROC SET GEN 3ROC GEN DUO SET SET 3ROC ORANGE COURSE: 4.5 km 1 David Smyth M21 2 Leam Heerey 3 Senan Dolan 4 NlamhLalor W14 5 WUlemlne vd Wiel 6 Jamie Goodrich 6 Aryn Thomas 8 BAL 2DNF YELLOWCOURSE: 3.0 km I Seamus O'Boyie M12 2 Patrick Grogan M19 3 Paget McCormackM10 4 Colm Hill MlO 5 Ellen Hili W35 6 Alne Whelan 7 David O'Halioran M7 8 Borry Cryan Ml0 9 Clllln Corbett 10 CaolmheCashln Wl0 11 CathalBurke M12 12 Gavin Carney MIO 13 Sile Casserly W20 14 DeirdreCarbery W14 15 COhEafa M12 16 Andrew Unn 16 Niall Woods 18 Catherine Woods 19 Jack \NaIsh M12 20 EmmaUnn 21 HNeiland 22 Claro Burke WlO 23 Dora 0 hEala M12 24 Breda McComlshW50 24 Jean MuRen W65 Carney AJAX GEN DUO DUO DUO DUO CNOC UCDO GEN 45.14 57.51 64.29 65.07 69.12 89.06 89.06 89.20 3ROC CNOC 24.56 25.10 30.31 32.24 32.25 34.07 34.21 34.52 35.47 36.26 40.00 41.47 43.29 44.00 44.40 49.30 49.30 SO.37 51.10 51.56 54.31 54.39 56.58 73.09 73.09 NC WHITECOURSE: 1.8 km 1 Clan O'Boyle MlO CNOC 2 Fergal Burke M9 FIN 3 Mark+Heather YoungM5/W14 CNOC 4 Fiona Hill W7 5 Brian Hili M4 6 Declan Corbett 17.41 19.16 23.21 23.SO 24.28 31.22 DUO 3ROC AJAX FIN CNOC DUO CNOC AJAX SET FIN AJAX THREEROCK WOOD 26 DECEMBER 1998 CHRISTMAS EVENT 3ROCK NOVICE CHASE,2.5km, 95m climb Niall English M20 UCDO 23.10 John Merren 28.43 Clive Merren 30.25 Solly Hayden 31.24 Phil Conoly 32.25 Ray Unn 33.26 R Kiernan W40 GEN 35.47 Dillon 40.40 Rigney CNOC 41. 15 MiriomReid W21 41.21 Stringer 42.00 Bartlett SMOC 46.SO Murtagh family Davis Tom Delany Mary Kenny Frank Kenny Jessie Hayden JDlllon CHIG 52.40 56.37 57.00 57.35 57.35 59.10 Retired 3ROCK CHRISTMAS HURDLE,40 mIn score event NAME CLASS CLUB SCORE PENALTY TOTAL M Walters M35 AJAX 200 200 AOCleirigh M35 DFO 200 10 190 Brendan 0'BrlenM21 AJAX 200 10 190 John McCulioughM403ROC 300 120 180 Paul Smyth M21 AJAX 200 30 170 Wally Young M45 CNOC 200 40 160 BrendanDoherty MSO GEN 160 160 B McGrath MSO 3ROC 160 160 Paget McCormackM55 GEN 160 160 FO'Brien W21 AJAX 160 160 Paul Harrington 180 30 ISO NCampbel~Crawford3ROC 160 10 ISO Peter McNamaraM20DUO 160 10 ISO BBell M40 GEN 240 100 140 David Smyth M21 140 140 W Rock 140 140 MO'Rourke W21 GEN 140 140 John Crowley 140 140 G Brady M40 CorkO 200 80 120 Jane Watt W45 GEN 180 60 120 Rowan Lyons M21 DUO 160 40 120 Wyn McCormack W45 GEN 120 120 John Devitt DFOEC 120 120 C MacCarthy M35 120 120 EJones W21 Fingal 120 120 Dave Weston M35 Setantal80 70 110 Peter Gargan M45 AJAX 180 70 110 J Lalor M45 GEN 120 10 110 J Meade MSO 120 20 100 Deirdre O'NelllW21 Fingal 100 100 BGreene M18 3ROC 100 100 A Boyle M21 AJAX 100 100 EO'Sullivan M21 Set 100 100 D Murray M12 100 100 EO'SuiUeabhanMSO 3ROC 100 100 "G"Burst Bolloon" Doherly"GEN 22013090 Alne Ui Shuilleabhan 3ROC 160 70 90 Tom McCormackM45GEN 90 90 Joss Lynam M70 3ROC 80 80 Graham PorterM45 GEN 80 80 Brion McElduH M21 3ROC 80 80 S Dempsey W40 140 60 Poddy O'BrlenM45 AJAX 180 130 SO Pot Conroy M40 3ROC 120 70 SO P Borllett 40 40 Martin Rynn M21 AJAX 160 130 30 Phelan & Andre UZES 100 80 20 N Hutchinson W21 3ROC 60 40 20 Derek O'Brien 20 20 Nagle W45 3ROC 100 90 10 Emer Lyons W21 80 70 10 Sutton M21 SMOC 10 10 T & F Burke M45/M9Fln 100 100 0 eo o V,e Irish Orienteer 25 R Lyons W21 Maeve Lyons W55 GarrettGreeneM14 3ROC Mark Phillips M35 John Francis M40 DFO Clora Burke WIO Fingal E 0 Brialn M55 Fingal Cathal Burke M 12 Fingal RabertFlanaganM40Fingal Fiona Lyons W21 Gerry O'Reilly M21 JoanFlanaganW21 AJAX Paul & Darragh B Buckley MSO SET Vera Murtagh W55 3ROC 'CathoLlan,Conor' UCDO IrVVolsh& PO'Connor M GeogheganM35 AJAX Geraldine Ryan 80 80 0 0 180 100 60 60 100 80 80 140 200 200 80 180 60 400 120 80 80 190 110 70 70 120 100 100 190 270 280 I 70 300 400 8SO 690 0 0 0 0 -10 -10 -10 -10 -20 -20 -20 -SO -70 -80 -90 -120 -340 -4SO -570 6 MSO B Doherty GEN 65.52 7 M21 Rob Harrington 3Roc 66.20 8 M18 RO'Coiman GEN 67.18 9 M35 D.Corrle FIN 68.44 10 M40 P Herbert 3ROC 69,50 11 W21 B.Lawlor CNOC 72.24 12 MS5 Brian HOllinshead 3ROC 73.13 13 M21 M Bohon CNOC 73.35 14 MS5 P,McCormack GEN 76.43 15 MS5 Harold White 3ROC 77.21 16 M21 C Connaughton DUO 76.03 17 W21 D O'Niell Fin 78,56 18 W45 AlneNiShuilleabhain 3ROC 79.18 19 M21 R.Wall DUO 81.42 20 M65 A.Bonar-Law GEN 84.01 21 W45 Wyn McCormack GEN 84.30 22 M21 A Lalor 85,33 23 W40 A.M. McKenna Ajal( 114.13 24 M55 Michael BuHer 3ROC 114.44 J Murphy Set np 3 Planner: Trlna Cleary, Organlser: Nina Phillips Thanks to all who braved the wind and rain to run and to all those who helped on the day Street 0 Sandymount GEN 17/1/98 BROWN 16K Class Name Club Time I M21 B O'Brien Ajax 86.24 2 M21 J Feehan Ajax 89.18 3 M21 M Pinker CorkO 91.11 4 M21 P Cosey GEN 95.07 5 M40 J McCullough 3ROC 98.47 6 M21 G Brody CorkO 104.28 7 M35 MGeoghegan Ajax 106.27 8 M45 B Bell GEN 116.57 9 W45 J Walt GEN 122.02 10 M45 G Porter GEN 127.00 >BLUE 11K 1 M45 DReldy 2 M21 P McNamara 3 M21 BJones 4 M40 D Cashin 5 M40 A Tucker 6 M45 WYoung 7 W21 J Flanagan 8 M40 D Brennon 9 MSO TMcCormack 10 M35 SOhEata 11 M45 D Quinn 12 M21 RVVoliais 13 M21 AAyling 14 M21 RRussell W21 ACreedon M21 CBurns GREEN I M40 2 M21 3 MSO 4 M40 5 M50 Ajax 66.32 DUO 67.38 DUO 68.02 Ajal( 73.34 CNOC 77.28 CNOC 82.01 Ajax 86.00 3ROC 88.10 GEN 88.20 Ajax 89.54 GEN 96.26 Ajax 97.22 GEN 98.28 Ajax 100.40 DUO DNF Ajax DNF 8.2K J.Francis Rowan Lyons D. O'Colmain John Crowley BO'Neili 26 Tbe Irish Orienteer DFO 57.10 DUO 58.28 GEN 59.25 GEN 65.10 CNOC 65.36 Lt. GREEN4.9K 1 W40 R Lynam CNOC 30.40 2 W45 Deirdre Nagle 3ROC 34.54 3 M45 T Devlin GEN 35.05 4 M21 D. Mowatt 38.38 5 W21 Rebecca Miller SET 40.21 6 M21 MlevelCalsrera-Plnto SET 41.37 7 W35 M Cronin 42.02 A Thomas DUO 47.30 9 WSO A.McCormack GEN 52.05 10 WI9 Sile Casserly DUO 56.30 11 Sible McCormack GEN 56.51 12 WSO F.O'Nelll SET 57.08 13 M14 GGreen 3ROC 58.23 14 MSO BillyO'Neili SET 60.30 15 J.Brennan DUO 65.01 16 A FarreU DUO 65.01 17 EJoyce 66.06 18 W55 M.Higglns SET 68.22 19 W55 V.Murtagh 3ROC 68.56 20 W21 M Joyce GEN 76.30 21 W65 Jean Mullen 3ROC 76.42 22 W40 M Healy Gen 86.20 23 C Moran 159.04 W55 C Walsh 3ROC Disq Simon McCormack GEN DNF e. >RED 1 MI6 2 W21 3 W45 4?? 5 M55 6 W35 6.9K D Healy A Joyce MaryO'Colman DUO M Kellett D, Gubbins GEN 67.44 GEN 74.44 GEN 87,09 88.47 GEN 105.20 GEN 129.56 >ORANGE 4.2K I MI4 lMcCormack GEN 48.48 2 M Reid 52.03 3 W21 Fallon/Bontlett 54.50 4 W16 JuneO'NeiU CNOC 61.23 5 Crowley GEN 62.56 6 M14 SDevlin GEN 67.00 7 Aoibheona Hobson 74.18 8 Sora Reilly 9 Donny Madigan 10 Etain Hobson 11 O'Shea MIO GCainey >YELLOW 3K 1 WIO CaolmheCashen 2 MIO P.McCormack 3 M 10 Rualrl Short 4 P Callen 5 M7 ConorShort 6 W14 Claire O'Neill 7 Ml I Claron O'Heata 8 Crowley 74.18 77.28 77.28 83.56 CNOC DNF AJAX 33.14 GEN 43.10 CNOC 56.07 56.49 CNOC 58.52 CNOC 62.21 AJAX 65.57 87.48 DONADEA. CO. Kiildare 24 January 1999 CNOC LONG NORWEGIAN COURSE: 7.9 km I Denis Reidy M45 AJAX 53.19 2 Andrew Quln M21DUO/3ROC 57.34 3 Wally Young M45 CNOC 57.40 4 Brian Jones M21 DUO 58.24 5 BillyO'Neill MSO CNOC 60.08 5 Cathal Nugent M21 UCDO 60.52 7 John Casey M21 CorkO 62.48 7 Peter McNamara M21 DUO 63.30 9 Marcus GeogheganM35 AJAX 65.51 10 Martin Flynn M21 AJAX 65.57 11 Paul Smyth M21 AJAX 68.45 12 David Brennan M40 3ROC 73.51 12 Nell Dobbs M20 DUO 75.51 14 Vol Jones M40 FIN 78.38 15 PLalor CNOC 79.20 16 AdrlanTucker M40 CNOC 86.36 17 Nigel C Crawford M55 3ROC 86.43 18 J Meade MSO 87.11 19 D O'Donghalle M21 DUO 90.45 20 Gordon Elliot M21 3ROC 94.51 21 AlonAyling M21 DUO/GEN 118.47 22 JLalor M45 120.35 GEN 23 GerPower W45 154.00 3ROC SHORTNORWEGIAN COURSE: 5.2 km I DavidHealy MI6 GEN 2 BBeIl M45 GEN 3 Brendan O'Brien M21 AJAX 4 POtt Cdt 5 DQulnn M45 GEN 5 GEvans CNOC 7 SO'hEofa M35 AJAX 7 M O'Rourke W21 GEN 9 Catherine Butler W21 DUO 10 NiomhO'Boyle WI6 CNOC 11 Fiona O'Brien W21 AJAX 12 A B-L M65 GEN 13 Andrew Butterfield M35 GEN 14 Ted McGrath M55 3ROC 15 Aine niShuilleobhainW45 3ROC 16 T Keegan M21 3ROC 17 SMurray MSO SET 42.00 44.14 46.52 SO.04 51.57 52.57 54.49 56.18 57.18 58.Q1 59.05 59.45 59.49 70.28 71.16 71.54 77.00 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 26 RobertWaU DO'Colmain John Crowley Deirdre Murphy FO'Neill Rebecca Miner Will Boon A Joyoe JRyan KRyan PCasey 1DNF M21 MSO M40 W21 WSO W21 M21 W21 DUO GEN GEN UCDO SET SET SET GEN GEN C COURSE(MEDIUM): 4.5 krn I Tony Joyce M21 2 Prendelgast 3 Colin Burns M21 4 Bridget Lawlor W21 5 Donol Burke 5 NlckCormock M21 7 TN Hansen 7 CMangan 9 David Sweeney 10 AndrewO'Mullane II Fergal Buckley M21 12 Ryan 13 Andrew Boyle M21 14 John Francis M40 15 D Nagle W45 16 SCahill 17 M Bohan M21 18 D McConnell 19 SQulnlan 20 Sean Meagher 21 Eoghan O'SuilleabhoinMSO 22 Paul Dunne M40 23 Anthonylawlor M21 24 Patrick Holohan 25 WO'Meara 26 JuneO'Neill WI6 27 Thomas McNally 28 Calm Connaughton M21 29 Sean Rothery M70 30 Seamus O'Boyle MI2 31 Nestor 32 David Smyth M21 33 Jamie Irov 34 James McNamara 35 ?Redmond/Cooke WSO 36 CMurphy 37 Aryn Thomas 38 Chis Bell MSO 39 Nora Lalor W45 40 Philip Conoty M45 41 Mary O'Colmoin W45 42 EM MacMeannaln M21 43 JohnO'Brien 44 ?Deosy/Allmon 45 John Merren MSO 46 FWhite W60 47 BO'Ne~1 MSO 48 Andrew Melbourne 49 GGannon W21 SO Crowley AJAX AJAX CNOC Cdt CNOC DUO GEN DUO AJAX DFO 3ROC Cdl CNOC Cdt 3ROC WEGO CNOC Cdt CNOC DUO 3ROC CNOC Cdt GEN DUO 3ROC GEN GEN UCDO SET SET GEN 88.41 89.26 90.43 96.18 102.21 102.32 129.45 145.00 182.00 182.00 ?? 35.55 37.47 38.52 39.26 40.54 41.17 41.30 42.00 42.19 43.03 43.22 44.19 45.22 47.32 47.40 47.49 49.08 50.28 51.03 53.35 53.40 55.12 56.06 56.12 58.35 60.02 61.35 62.03 62.08 62.30 62.42 62.53 67.02 67.54 70.00 71.36 73.35 73.36 73.48 75.13 76.00 76.31 78.53 79.28 79.35 79.36 81.43 82.26 84.28 84.29 The Irish Or/ealcar 27 51 Andrea Glover W21 52 Geraldine Fitzgerald 53 MalKa Higgins WSS 54 Claire IMJlsh WSS SS T Flynn/L Plerse W21 56 Nicola+Anto EmoeW21 57 John+Tina Riordan 58 M Healy W45 59 Murray famlty 60 BAL 60 Bannet 62 Gearold Cahltl 63 Houlihane/CarroD 64 Trlona Walsh W21 64 Mark Glynn M21 66 Andrew Unn 67 Catherine Woods 68 Niall Woods 69 Emma Linn 70 Niall Brennan M16 71 Molreod Joyce W21 4DNF D COURSE(SHORT): 3.1 krn 1 AlneWhelan MIO 2 Roolrl Short W14 3 Clolre O'Neill 4 Ciarah Tapley W20 MIO 5 Fergol Burke 5 Cothol Burke M12 7 Shone Forley M12 7 Kevin O'Bovle M7 9 NLolor W14 10 Todhg McDonnell 11 C Burke, A Farley Wl0 12 Sarah O'Connor 13 Adrian Baylan 13 Scott Neville 15 Sile Casserly W20 16 Brendan Ashe 16 Domhnoll Ashe 18 Whyte 19 CO'hEafa M12 20 Ruth & Michelle W12 21 ConorShort M7 22 Mary Egan 23 Clan osovte M9 24 AmoBurns 24 Ian Burns 26 DGubbins W35 27 Roisln Ellis W8 28 Cotherine Healy W40 28 Simon Ellis M5 30 Daro O'hEofa Ml2 31 Ronon Bergin 32 JohnNally 32 Nally 34 Jenny Crowley 35 Connaughton GLennon 5DNF 28 The Iris!J.Qc.i~ntef.r 3ROC SET 3ROC LeeO GEN DUO DUO CNOC DUO DUO GEN 65.00 87.33 90.22 91.32 95.32 95.46 97.24 107.50 115.02 122.10 122.10 125.20 129.14 130.08 130.08 131.36 131.49 131.50 132.28 135.05 149.00 DUO • 35.06 CNOC 37.02 CNOC 37.09 38.26 DUO FIN 39.54 FIN 44.27 FIN 44.40 CNOC 50.42 GEN 51.44 51.45 FIN 51.50 CNOC 52.38 52.55 52.SS DUO 54.02 54.55 54.55 56.14 AJAX 56.23 57.53 CNOC 59.58 60.02 CNOC 60.47 60.48 60.48 GEN 61.59 63.46 64.22 64.22 AJAX 68.52 76.00 79.00 79.00 GEN 80.16 99.54 ",IL Killiney Hill Night 0 event 20/2/99 Blown 1. Marcus Pinker 2. Colm Rothery 3. Justin May 4. Michael Walters 5. Brion Bell 6.AQun M21 7. Tony Joyce M.Bahan Blue 1. Aislinn Austin 2. Blian Jones M21 3. David Quinn 4. Damlen Cashin 5. Peter McNamara 6. Damian Clarke 7. Denis Reidy 8. Cathol Nugent 9. D. O'Dongho11e 10. Dovld Brennon 11. Nell DObler 12.Fergol Buckley 13.S.0 'hEafa 14.Rory IMJlloce Nino Phillips GerPower Green 1. J. Froncls 2. Alan Ayling 3. M O'Rourke 4. RWllllamson 5. Harold White 6. Donal Wickham 7, J. BIennan 8. J. Devitt 9. A Banar-Law Brian Hollinshead Alne Ni Suilleabhan P.Grogan M19 UghtGreen 1.Claire Walsh 2. Tom Burke 3. Robert Flonagan 4. M. Eoton Vera Murtogh AVONDALE. Co. Wicklow. CNOC Lelnster League event, 21/2/99 BROWN 9.2km, 240m 1 Colm Rothery M21 AJAX 68.48 2 Marcus Pinker M21 CorkO 70.26 3 John Feehan M21 AJAX 71.48 4 John Casey 74.24 5 MWalters 79.30 6 Andrew Quin M213ROC/DU089.08 7 Pollick Casey M21 GEN 89.49 8 Marcus GeagheganM35 AJAX 93.36 9 Martin Flynn M21 AJAX 96.45 10 Tony Joyce M21 AJAX 113.20 1 DNF M21 Cork035.06 M21 AJAX 41.00 MIlO 3ROC 50.24 M35 AJAX 52.07 MIlS GEN 56.40 JROC/DUO 60.07 M21 AJAX 67.08 M21 CNOCDNF M35 M21 W21 W45 Cork052.24 56.48 56.05 AJAX 59.39 DUO 61.32 69.33 AJAX 70.23 UCDO 76.19 DUO 82.44 3ROC 83.43 DUO 87.19 DUO 89.54 AJAX 100.19 AJAX 101.12 DNF 3ROC DNF MIlO M21 W21 MIlS M55 M35 DFO GEN GEN LVO 3ROC AJAX W21 DUO GEN MIlO M21 M21 MIl5 M21 M21 MIlO M20 BLUE9.2km, 240m 1 Denis Reidy M45 2 Brian Jones M21 3 Alasdair Thin M21 4 DCashln M40 5 Wally Young MIl5 6 Pet9{ McNamaraM21 7 David Brennan M40 8 AO'Muliane M21 9 MBahon M21 10 AlslinnAustin W21 11 Val Jones M40 12 SOhEofo M35 13 Fergol Buckley M20. 14 Domlon Clarke M21 IS BLawlor W21 16 TMcCormack M50 17 J Lolor M45 18 RoryWalloce M21 5DNF 36.52 41.36 41.40 46.00 49.00 52.22 54.22 DFO 57.15 M65 GEN 64.31 M60 3ROC DNF W45 3ROC DNF UCDODNF WSS MIlO MIlO M35 W55 Red 1.Cathleen MorrlsonW21 3ROC Fin Fin Set 3ROC 43.07 43.40 44.53 87.56 DNF AJAX 70.45 Orange 1.S&MHealy GEN 2. Anna Maffat Bannet DUO NolO Sal DUO No 10 Phil Conoly MIl5 No 10 Clive Merren DNF 61.42 71.34 . . GREEN6.4km, 160m 1 Tony DevRn MIlS 2 MO'Conneli W35 3 Allbhe Creedon 4 BDelaney M35 5 Paget McCormackMSS 6 Donol Wickham M35 7 SMcEvoy W21 8 SMcEvoy W21 9 D O'Donghaile M21 10 Raymand RusseliM21 11 Michael Butler MSS 12 John Francis M40 13 Nlamh O'Bayle Wl6 14 Andrew Bayle M21 15 Niall Wolsh M16 16 John Rowe M35 17 SRyan 18 Gareth Evans M21 19 Richard Williamson M45 20 Catherine Butler W21 21 Monico Nowlan W50 22 AB-L M65 23 Brian HOllinsheadM60 24 Maire WalSh W50 25 Aine ni ShuilieabhanW45 26 Sybil McCormack W20 AJAX DUO UCDO AJAX CNOC DUO 3ROe GEN CNOC CarkO FIN AJAX DUO CNOC GEN GEN AJAX GEN 3ROC DUO CNOC GEN AJAX AJAX AJAX DUO AJAX 3ROC DFO CNOC AJAX 3ROC FIN CNOC LVO DUO 3ROC GEN 3ROC 3ROC 3ROC GEN 81.24 86.16 88.00 91.30 92.47 93.23 97.32 98.16 104.20 104.40 112.22 112.36 113.58 117.01 118.36 119.34 121.34 152.07 62.23 64.20 64.24 64.30 65.10 65.18 65.34 65.34 69.14 70.54 71.17 71.40 72.21 73.49 74.00 74.36 75.34 75.44 77.58 79,22 65.18 86.26 88.58 90.32 91.55 92.00 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Harold White Andrew Butterfield Peter Corcoran David Butler Sean Meagher Donal Erdpohl Wyn McCormack Niall McKenna A M McKenna Deirdre Murphy WKeily Sandra Tormey 2DNF M55 M35 M50 M21 W45 W40 W21 RED: 4.5km,6Sm 1 Coffey 2 DBurke 3 SlmanCahili 4 JMcNamara 5 Peter Ott 6 David SWeeney 7 William O'Meara 8 Fran Kehoe 9 TN Honsen 10 JTroy 11 Deirdre Ryon W21 12 Nloll Brennan M16 13 ColinDay M20 14 Ali Sadlelr W20 15 Colm ConnoughtonM21 16 CMorrison W21 1 DNF UGHTGREEN: 4.5km.65m 1 Deirdre NI ChalanainW21 2 Tom Burke MIlO 3 MGolligon Pde Tottolln 5 Sean Rothery M70 6 A McCormack W50 7 DLarge W60 8 J Russell 9 Rebecco Miller W21 10 K McCormack W18 11 Nora Lalor W45 12 JossLynom M75 13 WIllBoon M21 14 VeroMurtogh WSS 15 Jean Mullen W65 2DNF ORANGE: 2.3km. 35m 1 BGreene M18 2 ArynThomos 3 Margoret Cronin 4 Sarah LyHle 5 Rochel + Steve 6 Stephen Devlin M14 7 Ted McCormack Ml4 8 N Lalor W14 9 MoryHealy W45 Susan Healy W20 11 TFlynn/F Murphy 12 NoelRyon 3ROC GEN 9FAR CNOC GEN 9FAR AJAX UCDO 9FAR 9FAR ccr Cdt Cdt Cdt Cdt Cdt Cdt ccr DUO Cdt WEGO DUO DUO DUO AJAX AJAX FIN 3ROe GEN GEN SET GEN GEN 3ROC SET 3ROC 3ROC 3ROC DUO GEN GEN GEN GEN GEN GEN 93.47 94.04 95.29 99.40 113.53 113.56 115.21 115.23 122.41 123.28 124.37 124.37 32.00 37.00 38.00 41.00 44.00 45.00 49.00 50.00 50.00 72.30 72.46 79.16 82.06 86.39 86.40 98.02 38.00 50.00 52.40 52.40 55.03 55.50 61.20 64.09 65.29 66.23 73.09 83.06 101.34 114.10 128.28 25.00 31.00 38.43 39.28 39.30 39.36 40.00 40.12 41.13 41.13 41.14 42.00 The.lrish Orienteer 29