News from the Hill Vol 9 June 2016


News from the Hill Vol 9 June 2016
News From The Hill
Hopkinton High School
June 2016
Volume IV, Issue 9
Check it out…Final Exam Schedule on page 3
June 1st: Sr. Recognition Night 7pm
June 1st & 2nd: MCAS
Science (10th grade)
June 3rd: Graduation
June 6th: June
Progress Reports
available on iPass at
June 9th: Underclass
June 10th: Last day of
BPA Competes!!
The Hopkinton High School BPA ( B usiness Professionals of
America ) Club competed amongst 6000 students from around
the country at this year's Nationals. This year the event was
hosted in Boston. HHS students competed strongly in various
events in graphics, media, video production, presentation,
prepared speech, business and other events. Students took
part in leadership workshops and a fun X Ambassadors
concert at Fenway Park. Lauren Ness proudly finished 1st in
Digital Publishing. The HHS Presentation Management Team
of Phoebe Lind, Lauren Ness, Suneeta Tandon and
Lea Yenawine finished 7th in the country making it on stage. If
you are interested in trying out for a competitive position for
next year see Mr. Scott.
June 13th—June 17th—
Final Exams: see page
3 for a full schedule
June 14th: 8th Grade
Step Up Day—12:00
June 16th: 9th & 10th
Grade Field Trip to Six
Flags—see page 3 for
more details
August 25th: Distribution of Schedules;
Picture Day; 9th Grade
From The Counseling Office2016 AP Scores-will become available to students on a rolling basis through the College Board website in
July. The College Board is releasing scores by state in order to avoid overwhelming their log-in system. Students from Massachusetts may access their AP scores online beginning July 6 at 2pm.
Please remember that the College Board is releasing all scores online ONLY. There will be no paper
reports sent to students. Students will need to log in to their College Board account to see their
scores. They will be asked for their AP number in order to access their scores. Ms. Greco will be in
Guidance during the week of July 11th, if there are any issues with accessing scores.
Pending Koplik Awards: Please note that if your son or daughter is awaiting July AP scores to qualify for
the Koplik Award, their information will be submitted to the state in mid-July. If they qualify, they should
receive their certificate with instructions on how to access the tuition waiver by late July or early August.
Counselors Summer Schedule: School Counselors will be available at the high school through June
22nd. Counselors will return from the summer break and will be available August 23rd through August
26th to address any parent and student concerns and make preparations for opening day of school on
Wednesday, August 31st. Please be aware that counselors will be unavailable on Monday 8/29 and
Tuesday, 8/30 due to professional development meetings.
Summer School-Please contact your son or daughter’s counselor before June 22nd if you have questions
about summer school. We have received some summer school offerings from area schools in the
office. Hopkinton High School does not offer summer school for remedial work.
The Counseling Staff Congratulates the Class of 2016 and wishes everyone a safe, fun &
relaxing summer!!!!!
The HHS Pops Concert May 22, 2016
Step Up Day for 8th Grade
Tuesday, June 14
Step up day for the 8th graders
will be Tuesday, June 14th from
12:00 – 1:45. Step up day is an
opportunity for 8th graders to
come and see the high school
and get a feel for the building and
our programs. It will be run by
the Unite Mentors. 8th grade
students will come over to the
high school at noon, have an
assembly in the auditorium, a tour
of the school from their mentors
and then a wrap up activity in the
AC. We will give them their
academic schedules at 9th grade
Orientation on August 25th.
Semester 2 Exam Schedule
Monday June 13—Friday June 17
Monday. June 13
Exam Period 1
7:25 - 9:15 am
Exam Period 2
9:30 – 11:15 am
Tuesday, June 14
Exam Period 3
7:25 - 9:15 am
Exam Period 4
9:30 – 11:15 am
Wednesday, June 15
Exam Period 5
7:25 – 9:15 am
Exam Period 6
9:30 am – 11:15 am
Thursday, June 16
Exam Period 7
7:25 – 9:15 am
Make Up Exam Period*
9:30 – 11:15 am
This is a friendly reminder that if your
Friday, June 17
child has medication in the nurse’s
office it needs to be picked up before Make Up Exam Period* @ 7:25
the end of the school year. Medication that is not picked up will be
*Make Up Exams—Arrangements must be
made directly with teachers when an exam is
missed. Contact a teacher immediately on the
Also incoming 10th graders for the
day of a missed exam to arrange for a make up.
2016-2017 school year need to submit Breakfast (6:45—9:30) and a light lunch
an updated physical exam.
(11:15—12:00) will be available for
purchase in the cafeteria.
If you have any questions or concerns There is no bus service provided at 11:15
call or email Mrs. Patterson at 508am, but students may take the bus with the
497-9816 or
middle school at 1:45 if they have a bus pass
Enjoy your summer!
Field Trip
June 16th
$60 Payable to Hopkinton Student Activities
(Includes cost of admission and bus transportation)
Permission forms are in the main office and are due
back by Tuesday, June 1
Please return forms to the main office.
Have a Season Pass? - $30
Class dues must be paid up!!!
Class dues is $50 – Payable to Hopkinton Student
We will be leaving right after the 7th period exam.
We will return at 6pm.
Bring sunblock and money for lunch
Congratulations to Lauren Ness,
Alissa Mitchell and
Brittany Power for being awarded
the HPTA sponsored Principal's
Award by Mr. Bishop at the 2016
Annual Night for the Arts opening
reception on May 19th. ("Trash",
Photography, Brittany Power)
On Tuesday, May 10th, Artist
Ethan Hamby visited Ms. Riley’s
Ceramics classes to demonstrate
wheel throwing and to discuss
his career as a ceramic sculptor.
John P Garrahan Diversity Award
Caroline Goodwin attended a breakfast on Friday April 29th for this year’s John P
Garrahan Diversity Award winner. This award honors a metrowest student who has
acted as a leader to promote unity and diversity in school or in the wider community.
Thank A Teacher
The Thank-A-Teacher program is a great way to tell your child’s teachers how much you
appreciate the work they do! Each educator honored by a donation receives a personalized card
from your child and the Education Foundation thanking time for their work. Last spring, over 200
educators received Thank-A-Teacher acknowledgements from families. It’s a popular program
that recognizes teachers for their dedication, and helps to support their efforts to give students the
tools and motivation to become lifelong learners. All proceeds fun Hopkinton Education Foundation grants in the schools.
To participate, complete and return the e-flyer that was distributed on May 20th, or go the Hopkinton Education Foundation website:
And download the form. Any questions, please contact Christine Coffman at Thank-A-Teacher donations will be accepted until June 8th.
HHS Robotics Event
The Hopkinton High School Hopkinetics Robotics Team hosted an event with teams from local
schools including Hopkinton Middle School, Framingham High School, WPI and
Quinsigamond CC. Hopkinetics members got to drive robots and meet with award winning
teams in preparation for the 2016-2017 season. Any student interested in contributing to the
team can contact Mr. Scott or Mr. McFarland.
Congratulations to
Juniors Lauren Ness
and Sarah Lincoln for
their acceptance into the
2016 Art All State taking
place at Umass Darmouth June 10-11th. (Self
Portrait, Digital Art,
Lauren Ness)
Dear Middlesex County Parents and Guardians:
With prom and graduation season upon us, we are approaching a fun and exciting time for students and their
families. We want to send this letter to urge you to do all that you can to make it a happy and safe time for
your teen.
However, the unfortunate reality is that each year many teenagers are injured or killed in alcohol related traffic fatalities on prom and graduation nights. Car crashes are the leading cause of death for young adults between the ages of 15-19 and the reality is that many of those deaths are caused by impaired or distracted driving. As a parent or guardian, you have the opportunity to help ensure the safety of your children and others
by helping them make the right choices around drinking and driving. You, along with proactive education
and the deterrent efforts of law enforcement, are a key component to preventing alcohol-related tragedies.
It is important to stress to your teens that choices they make can have lasting consequences and that using
good judgment can save lives. Driving after drinking any amount of alcohol or taking any amount of drugs
could potentially result in impairment and a criminal charge for Operating Under the Influence (OUI). For
those under the age of 21, driving under the influence in Massachusetts is defined by a 0.02 blood alcohol
level, or impairment due to alcohol or other drugs. This blood alcohol or impairment level easily can be
reached by consuming just one drink or a small amount of prescription or illegal drugs, and it carries the
potential for very serious criminal penalties, especially if someone is injured or killed.
In support of school and community efforts to provide safe post prom and graduation activities for students,
the Middlesex District Attorney’s Office is offering a contribution of $500 to help defray expenses associated
with substance-free post prom and graduation events. This has been communicated to all school superintendents in Middlesex County.
It is also important to know that if you choose to host a party where you serve alcohol to those under the age
of 21 you may be subject to criminal charges, or be held liable if one of your guests drinks alcohol and harms
themselves or others by driving under the influence. Even if you are not actively providing alcohol to underage drinkers, it is a dangerous choice to allow teen drinking parties to take place in your home.
With these dangers in mind, we encourage you to take a number of steps to provide your children with the
following alternatives to getting behind the wheel:
Offer your teen transportation alternatives. Offer to provide your teen rides or to have a sibling or family
friend provide rides on prom night. If your teen does not want you to pick them up, you could suggest that a
sibling or family friend be designated in your place.
If you are able to, hire or share professional transportation for your teen’s prom night. Make sure you
have a discussion with the driver prior to prom night about your expectations that the ride be alcohol-free.
Sometimes even hired drivers may agree to purchase or furnish alcohol illegally for their minor passengers;
you can take steps to prevent this by talking directly with the driver.
Provide your teen with the phone number of a reputable local taxi company and make plans to pay for
your teen’s taxi fare for the night. Remember, this is a small cost to keep your child safe.
Give your teen a cell phone or other mobile device to communicate with you directly throughout the
night. Make sure you have your own cell phone or mobile device with you during the evening to facilitate
texts or quick calls to check in.
We have seen first-hand the devastating impact that driving under the influence can have on parents, families,
friends and communities, and we urge you to be proactive in preventing teenage impaired and distracted driving. We believe these alternatives will help to discourage drinking and driving without infringing on your
child’s desire for independence.
This is an exciting time in our young people’s lives and one that we hope will be marked by a celebratory occasion, not a preventable tragedy.
Thank you and please contact us with any questions that you may have or if you would like further information on teenage drinking and driving.
Be safe and enjoy this wonderful time of year.
Marian T. Ryan
District Attorney
Middlesex County
Cathy MacLeod
Annual Art Show
The annual high school student art show was held on May19th at the high school.
Student work from different courses, including Studio Art, Photography, Ceramics,
Digital Art, Graphic Design, and Fashion & Textiles was shown at the event.
Thursday, May 26th
Senior Exams
Period 1 Exam: 7:30 a.m. – 9:15 a.m.
Period 2 Exam: 9:30 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.
Friday, May 27th
Senior Exams
Period 3 Exam: 7:30 a.m. – 9:15 a.m.
Period 4 Exam: 9:30 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.
Tuesday, May 31st
Senior Exams
Period 5 Exam: 7:30 a.m. – 9:15 a.m.
Period 6 Exam: 9:30 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.
Senior Picnic – 11:15-2:00
(Shuttle Buses to Senior Picnic will depart HHS @ 11:15 am)
Wednesday, June 1st
Senior Exams
Period 7 Exam: 7:30 a.m. – 9:15 a.m.
Locker Check/Distribution of Caps & Gowns 8:00-noon
Mandatory Rehearsal* 9:30 – 12:00 pm
All books and materials should be handed in to the teacher at the end of each exam. Lockers should be cleaned out by June
1st. All student obligations (including, but not limited to, athletic fees, lost book fees, library books, discipline obligations
and class dues of $30) must be paid in order to receive your cap & gown. The fees should be paid directly to each teacher,
class advisor or coach.
Wednesday June 1st
Sr. Recognition Night 7:00 pm (Students Arrive at 6:30 pm)
Thursday June 2nd
Rehearsal for speeches/musical performances 9:30 am
Senior Boat Cruise 5:00 pm Departure from HHS
Attire: khakis, shirt and tie and sundress with flats or nice flip flops. The boat does not allow anyone to go
barefoot at any time so prepare appropriately.
Friday June 3rd
Graduation 6:00 pm (Students Arrive at 5:00 pm)
* Attendance is required at the Graduation Rehearsal.
All of the school rules outlined in the Hopkinton High School Student/Parent Handbook will be enforced at the senior
activities,as well as during the school day and senior exam week. In addition to the established consequences, violations of
one or more of these rules may lead to dismissal from that activity and denial of the privilege of participating in the remaining senior activities of the year. This may include the denial of participating in the senior recognition night and/or the
graduation ceremony.
Some of HHS’ Biology and
robotics classes recently had the
opportunity to hear several guests
from The United States Research
Institute of Environmental
Medicine (USARIEM) talk about
their research and work experience. They brought lots of props
with them including Meals-Readyto-Eat (MREs), protective head
and chest gear, Smartphone Apps
used in the field, and pill thermometers. Students learned a lot
about the physiological challenges
soldiers face when they are deployed and were fascinated by
how much planning time and went
into maximizing performance in
the field. They made lots of connections to anatomy and
physiology concepts they learned
in class, and heard firsthand how
technology is playing an
increasingly important role in the
English Classroom Enrichment
Singer and songwriter Jason Myles Goss performed for
the students in our Creative Writing classes, classes in
which students have been working on the use of figurative
language, imagery, diction, pacing, tone, and rhythm.
Jason not only sang his original pieces while accompanying himself on acoustic guitar, he also shared and
discussed with the students his own writing process.
Jason asked and answered student questions, discussed
poetry, literature, and writing, and even had a few of our
own songwriters and musicians join in his performance.
Originally from Hopedale, Jason now resides in Brooklyn,
NY. Jason's fifth album, "This Town Is Only Going To
Break Your Heart," was released on July 11, 2015.
We want to give a big thank you to all of the many parent volunteers who provided
food and beverages for various student and school activities as well as those who
assisted with MCAS testing, served as guides for college fairs and helped monitor
the American Mathematics competition testing. An extra special thank you to our
incredible Board who made everything they did look so easy, thought we know it
was not:
Appreciation Coordinators: Jeannine Hagan, MaryBeth Lavoie, Lara McCann,
Holly Miller, and Mary Pawela
Enrichment Coordinator: Ashley McNamara
Freshman Orientation Coordinator: Mary Pawela
Lastly a thank you to all the HPTA members. Your membership dues help fund
wonderful things for our students an schools. We couldn’t do it without you!
Laurie Fromer and Lynne Auslander
Co-Vice Presidents at the High School for the HPTA
Host Families Needed for 2016/17 Exchange students
CIEE, a non-profit foreign exchange student agency, is currently seeking homes for a
few students that have been accepted by Hopkinton High School for the 2016/17
school year. Exchange students can share a bedroom with a host sibling of the same
gender and host families receive a stipend to offset the additional expense to the
home. The program is a 10 month commitment. Students arrive in August.
China- Young man who excels in programming and science and dreams of
attending MIT or similar elite school after graduation. He describes himself as very
friendly and has had a successful year with a host family in the USA. He will be a
Brazil- Young lady who describes herself as quiet but likes to talk to people.
She would very much like to attend college in the US. She has played soccer and
loves music and watching movies. Needs a home with no pets due to allergies
Thailand- Young woman who describes herself as from “the land of smiles.”
She loves to bake and cook and spend time with her current host family. She wants
to be helpful while she is here and hopes to tutor students in Math and involve herself
in community service.
We are also taking names of families who would be interested in being a welcome
family if we have not located permanent homes for the students by the deadline.
These families would commit to hosting for 6 weeks when the student first arrives
while we continue looking for a permanent placement. We hope to not have a need
for this but if you would be willing please let us know.
If you are interested in learning more about this exciting opportunity please email
Carolyn McKibben at
or apply at:
Science and Engineering Wrap Up
The HHS Science and Engineering fair would like to thank the HPTA and Bose for their continued
support of our program. We had a very successful year with two dozen students doing independent
research at the high school. At the regional fair (WRSEF), Hannah Sweeney (12th) was awarded a
4th award, Bronwyn Pappas-Byers (11th) and Parima Sharma (11th) were awarded a 3rd place award
plus special entry into the BioGENEius competition, Brian Best (11th) received a 2nd place award and
special INTEL award, and Himanshu Minocha (10th) won a 2nd place award plus entry to the international fair in Arizona (ISEF). At the state science fair (MSSEF), Hannah received a 4th award, Brian
placed 3rd and Himanshu won a 1st award from Draper Labs which includes a summer internship! At
the international fair, Himanshu received a 4th grand award in his category. We also had students
present their research at the Junior Science and Humanities Symposium, first at the regional level at
Boston University, and also at the national level in Ohio. At the regional level, Brian Best (11th) got
3rd place in the oral presentations, and Parima Sharma (11th) got 1st place in the poster presentations, with Freya Proudman (10th) receiving 2nd in poster presentations. Brian and Parima went on to
the national competition, where Brian placed 2nd in his category for poster presentations. The
Science and Engineering Fair is an excellent way for students across 9-12 to do research in an
independent manner and share their passion for science with the world. Congratulations on a great
year of science!
June 2016
Special Education Newsletter
SEPAC Presentation
On May 17 SEPAC met with Dr. Cathy MacLeod, Superintendent, Dr. Karen Zaleski, Director of Student
Services, and Ms. Cristina Michaud, ESY Coordinator. SEPAC members were provided with a detailed presentation outlining the various initiatives the school district is involved in this year. We shared information
regarding the Strategic Plan, Adjustment to Practice, Student Success plans, Progress reporting and ESY.
Below is a link to the presentation:
Resource Manual Update
During the 2015 – 2016 school year two sub-committees developed a resource manual. The sub-committees
were comprised of special educators, general educators and related service providers from grades preschool
through grade 12. The goal of the project was to organize and define the instructional structure of services
provided through Individual Education Programs (IEPs) to students with disabilities within the Hopkinton
Public Schools. After internal review of skills addressed in every special education setting in the district, 8
anchor skills were identified. After further analysis of department work products and goals a sequence of
related skills were attached to each of the anchor skills. Sample related Framework/Common Core Standards
or Domains are listed with each skill in the sequences. Access skills for those Standards are also provided,
with the expectation that as with the listed standards or domains, users will reference the original DESE
documents to focus specifically on a Standard related to a specific IEP goal or student’s academic deficit.
The creation of this document is viewed as a dynamic rather than static process. It is not a “cookbook” type
of resource. Rather, it is designed to provide curriculum information and material for IEP Teams, creations of
IEPs, information to design appropriate interventions and probes to establish skill baselines and through repeated administration monitor skill mastery.
Staffing Update
We are pleased to inform you that Ms. Debra Cushman will be joining us as Team Chair for PreK-1 beginning
in August 2016. Ms. Cushman comes to the district with years of experience as an Educator and Psychologist
and we are thrilled to have her join our team. Please welcome her warmly!
The high school summer reading lists have been posted! The classes of 2019 and 2020 are in the process of selecting their summer reading discussion books. More information about the summer reading
requirements, by grade level, can be found on the HHS Library blog, as well as the high school website.
Lots of great books!
The HHS Library would also like to thank the Hopkinton Education Foundation for their generous grant
award which will fund the grant “A New Vision for Learning in Hopkinton's Secondary School Libraries HHS Library Learning Commons Model & Digital Information Hub.” Stay tuned for some exciting renovations of the HHS Library!
HHS Ultimate Frisbee Team
The Ultimate Frisbee team participated in the 2016 Pioneer Valley
Invitational Tournament on May 21st & May 22nd. Captains Aaron
Howe, Al Wiedersheim, Tristan Clark, and Alan Biggers. Thank you
to team parents who provided invaluable support Shelby Simes, Leo
Wiedersheim, and Ed Clark.
The HHS Girl’s Swim Team earned a Gold award through the National
Interscholastic Swimming Association for a varsity team GPA of 3.961.
Congrats to all of you for making the academic commitment, as well as the athletic
commitment this past year!!
Do you speak a foreign language?
Every year the Foreign Language Department looks for opportunities to bring in native speakers
of the languages we offer to visit with the students. This spring we were fortunate enough to welcome some Hopkinton parents who are native Spanish-speakers into our classrooms. Students
had an opportunity to learn about Colombia during their visit with Sigifredo Jara, father of Maria
Jara Baca. Mercedes Lahaie, mother of Mercedes Marie Lahaie (junior) visited students to talk
about Cuba and Puerto Rico, and we learned about Spain with Alejandro Moreno, father of
Teresa and Dan Moreno.
If you are a native speaker of French, Spanish or Mandarin and are interested in visiting our
students next year to share your culture, language and life experiences, please contact any of
the teachers in the Foreign Language Department to set up a visit. We would love to have you in
our classrooms!
Registration is now open for Fall 2016 Sports. Please visit the Athletic Department
webpage and click on the FAMILY ID button to register.
Junior Sasha Hagan won the
4th Congressional District Art
Competition for photography.
Her award was presented to her
by Congressman Joseph