Winter 2016 - Catherine McKenna


Winter 2016 - Catherine McKenna
Catherine McKenna
Your Member of Parliament for Ottawa–Centre
Message from your MP: It is a privilege to serve the residents of O awa Centre and an honour to have been named the Minister of Environment
and Climate Change. The messages I have received since the elec on—from Canadians—have been truly humbling.
Thank you so much for your kind words and support.
I am grateful to Paul Dewar who has worked hard for O awa Centre over the last nine years and has le big shoes to fill.
We have a lot to do, and we have been ge ng right to work. We are commi ed to working collabora vely with a wide
range of partners and stakeholders across the riding to deliver on my priori es, whether it is working for more social
housing, be er cycling routes, or more jobs for young people.
I promise to be a strong voice for O awa Centre and to work hard to improve the lives of everyone in our community. I
look forward to con nuing to meet the residents of O awa Centre in the weeks and months ahead, and to proving
together that ‘Be er is Possible.’
Victims of Communism Memorial
During the campaign, many residents of O awa Centre, were concerned over the lack of transparency and consulta on about
the loca on and the design of the Na onal Memorial to Vic ms of Communism. That is why I pledged to work for a more
appropriate loca on for the Memorial and for reform of the governance of the Na onal Capital Commission.
Our government listened to these concerns. My colleague, The Honourable Mélanie Joly, Minister of Canadian Heritage,
announced that the NCC has decided the memorial should be built at a more appropriate loca on in the Garden of Provinces and
As well, I am thrilled that all Canadians were recently invited to have their say about the design for the Memorial in an online
survey. Feedback received from the public will be provided to the design
teams compe ng for the project so they can take these ideas into account
when developing their submissions.
Our Community Office
My team and I have been hard at work mee ng with cons tuents to ensure
that O awa Centre residents who need help dealing with federal services
have ready access to them. We have also been mee ng with community
groups to help support their work to build a be er and more sustainable
O awa Centre.
I am pleased to announce that we have moved to our new community office
located at 107 Catherine Street. It is part of the Beaver Barracks sustainable
community development and is conveniently located beside the office of
Yasir Naqvi, Member of Provincial Parliament for O awa Centre. Managed by
the Centretown Ci zens O awa Corpora on, this site is a model for
sustainable planning and community development.
On National Housing Day, November 20th, I
pledged to work with Ottawa Centre
partners to end homelessness and housing
vulnerability in Canada.
Beaver Barracks was also the site of my Na onal Housing Day announcement, where I stressed the importance of ensuring that
investments in affordable and social housing are built in the most sustainable way possible.
We will be hos ng an open house at the community office in the coming weeks and look forward to welcoming you!
Climate Change Conference (COP 21)
I was proud to join the Prime Minister and a diverse Canadian
delega on of premiers, Indigenous leaders, environmental NGOs,
business and youth at the climate change nego a ons in Paris. It was
an honour to be a facilitator in the nego a ons and play a part in
arriving at an ambi ous interna onal agreement to tackle climate
Now the hard work starts at home — and Canada’s provinces and
territories are stepping up. On January 28th and 29th, I hosted a
mee ng of provincial and territorial ministers of the environment to
work towards the establishment of a pan‐Canadian framework to
address climate change and grow our economy.
I know that sustainability is an important issue for the residents of
O awa Centre, and that’s why I am hos ng an public forum this spring
on how to make O awa a greener city. Stay tuned for more details!
As millions of Syrians con nue to be displaced due to conflict in their
home country, our Government is ac vely working with Canadians,
including private sponsors, non‐governmental organiza ons, provincial,
territorial and municipal governments to welcome 25,000 Syrian
I was proud to lead Canada’s delegation at
COP 21 and serve as a facilitator to help finalize
an ambitious agreement.
Rese ling refugees is a proud and important part of Canada's
humanitarian tradi on, and as a microcosm of the Canadian experience,
O awa is no excep on to this tradi on. Providing a safe and welcoming
home to the world’s most vulnerable is who we are at our very best and
our community is be er for it.
I am very proud of the many O awa Centre organiza ons and residents
who are already helping to welcome refugees. Refugee 613 is a non‐
par san O awa‐based organiza on that is coordina ng O awa’s
response to the global refugee crisis. For more informa on or to get
involved, I encourage you to contact them by email at, or phone at 613‐725‐5671, extension 640.
How to Get in Touch
Drop by our new community office:
107 Catherine Street
O awa, Ontario
K2P 0P4
A collection of welcome cards made by a
local grade 5 class to welcome refugees to
Call us at: 613‐946‐8682
Email us at:
Twi er: @CMcKennaO awa
Facebook: /McKenna.O awa
I commi ed to engage residents in new and more sustainable ways. Sign up for my new e‐newsle er by e‐mailing and find out about upcoming events! CATHERINE MCKENNA, MP | DÉPUTÉE
Approximately 80 residents of Ottawa Centre
attended our pre-budget consultation on
February 1, 2016, to talk about ways to grow our
economy and help shape the next federal