When a uniquemarble guitar weeps - PDF, 1,15 MB
When a uniquemarble guitar weeps - PDF, 1,15 MB
rJe (}/u tní- .///.!yazůt,, When a unique marble guitar weeps and hear this stone Spanish guitar back at the beginning of March. Their appreciation of Štěpiinnak's unmatched skill on the suitar was evident by the long applause at the end of his períormance. The Spanish guitar with its stone body is On Fri,day 9th March one of the best guitarists and composers in .Around the World with the world, ŠtapanRak held a show enti'tled ,,stofie a Guitúr,', where he gaue spa guests a demonstration of kis gu.itar", the only one of its kind, in the world. The packed hall in Ann's Peat Spa was the aenue for a unique concert performance. (the neck and bridge are made of wood) made from a material known within the sto- ne industry as Verde Guatemala; its geological name is serpentine. It weighs around 15 kilogrammes and fits into a guitar case, The Czech scuiptorJan Reřicha made his F1 name with his remarkable creations using ř.* minerais. One of the main reasons he siar- r ted making marble musical instruments was s k' the desire to get the greatest ťesonance íi.": from a material which is more or less consi- Ěř. dered the symbol oí siience' The sculptor fr r€ claims that the great advantages of this $: ř; material are its inherent natural beauty, gor- geous greenish-white colouring and princi pďiy its mechanical properties, in that it is sufficiently flexible and easy to grind, ailo wing highly precise workmanship. The first marble violins were made in ..mramorky''. At the end oí - known as 2003 last year, after three months oÍ work, he finished another unique work - a Spanish guitar' Professor ŠtěprírrRak was the main consultant as regards the sound of the marble guitar and Jan Řeřicha decided to donate this unique instrument to him - the so it has been kept to the proportions of fills venues all around the worid on his concert tours. a classical Spanish guitar. It is tuuly unique! Štepannat, the first ever university pro fessor of guitar in this country, is a pioneer to exotic Peru or the celebrated Uffizi of the fivefinger guitar technique, which he passes on to students at řIAMU in Prague marble instrument from the workshop of the According to Štěpán Rak' one of the first admirers of this stone guitar was, amongst others, his long-time řiend. the famous dřector Miloš Forman, who recently paid Czech sculptor. Patients and guests at the a and universities. This classical guitar master Bělohrad spa however' had the chance to see most skilled figure in the guitar worid. Now, for example, he is getting ready to go Gďlery in Florence, where he will present his unique ltM iT|TŮV Photo: Václav Lejdar Anenské slátin.rě |ázné a.s. Lázeňská.í65' 507 8J |áZně Bě|ohrad czech Republic TÉL': +42a 493 767 111 +424 493 767 351 ÉAx.: +42a 493v67 443 ffiffi l.:,-:..t::., working visit to Prague. E-MAiL: azne@belohrad.cz www.belohrad.cz I E'CONTACTS lau ne@belohrad,cz :,,..: inf o@beloh ra d.c z :. 1:..' f .:š erbrova@belofr rad.cz ka l$O 9001: 2000 ffi! lfus@belohrad.cz stof iÍa@belohrad"cz ka|f h usova@t]eIohÍaťl.cZ yb ne rova@b e ch rad. c z I spa Magazine, Anenské sIatInné |ázně a.s'' Lázně Bě|ohrad Pub|ished bV: ESK|RA, Mirovická 5, 182 00 Praha 8 / Editor: Mgr. Petr Trojan (CREATIVUM) qenera! l-roard of olrector directors 5aIe5 cleparťment tnefapY seetion therapy section cnildíen.5 ciinic