April 04. 2013 - Farmers` and Crafts Market of Las Cruces
April 04. 2013 - Farmers` and Crafts Market of Las Cruces
MINUTES of Farmers and Crafts Market of Las Cruces, Inc 4 April 2013 @ 6 PM President: Don Kelly; 1st VP: Dave Kerr; 2nd VP: Jean Williams; 3rd VP: Monty Sarvo; Secretary: Charlie Christensen; Treasurer: Sheri Franzoy Members of the Board Present: Don Kelly, President; Dave Kerr, 1st VP of Operations; Jean Williams, 2nd VP of Quality Control; Monty Sarvo, 3rd VP Marketing; Sheri Franzoy, Finance; Charlie Christensen, Secretary; Marty Arndt; Jane Dickerson; Grant Good; Audrey Worthen; Mary Loveland; Henry Broekhoff. Visitors Present: Dodds Cupit, Block Coordinator; Harvey Gordon, Vendor; Paula Aqino, Customer; Anthony King, Digital Solutions; Curt Willyard, Las Cruces Sun News; Abel Villalobos, KGRT. For the City: Andy Hume Call to Order: Meeting was called to Order by President Don Kelly at 6:00PM on 4 April 2013, City Hall Room 2007-B. Approval of Minutes Motion by Charlie Christensen to approve Minutes as written, Motion Seconded by Marty Arndt, Motion passed unanimously. Approval of the Agenda Marty Arndt asked that one of the items be removed from the Agenda – “Motion Discussion & Action on Board and Market insurance needs and requirements.” Motion by Jean Williams to approve the Agenda as written with the above stated change, Motion Seconded by Sheri Franzoy, Motion passed unanimously. City Representative – Andy Hume Andy announced that the MOA was approved and signed. Don Kelly stated that there may be a few shifting of things but it’s approved. Andy mentioned that any changes are basically cosmetic. Saturday is the Grand Re-Opening – would like to see a packed market. Live Remote with 101 Gold. Nothing huge is planned. Over the next 3 months there will be a lot of money spent on Radio, Print, Bulletin Web Ads, etc. He passed on copies of a new Application (Attachment 1 – 2 Pages). He received approval to purchase some 2 way radios – City will own the radios and frequency – Corporation will maintain them. Approximately $2600 initial expense. Includes batteries and chargers. They will be used by Market Manager and Block Captains. Don Kelly addressed an email that was sent to Andy asking that Peggy remain with us for a while until we hire and train our Market Manager. Andy stated that all blocks have maintained viability – really good job. There’s only one area that seems to be under performing as it would seem they don’t have the quantity of anchor vendors that the other blocks have. Couple of issues: 1. 2. Shy on Anchor Vendors – only one at the south end City Parking lots – convince people that it’s a good place to park. A lot of people don’t realize that they can park there. What can we do to lift up that Block – specifically invite the vendors to next Board Meeting – need to find out what will enhance the performance of that Block. Asks that we take a walk down there and see what is going on. Legal Committee – Don Kelly MOA is completed – the next 2 big issues are the Insurance and the Lease. Marty Arndt gave her report on the Insurance situation. We need to get Tenant Liability Insurance (part of our Lease Agreement with Community Enterprises) – cost $350 per year. Director & Officers – 1M $744 2M $1368 Still waiting on more quotes. General Liability in accordance with MOA – get that thru the Farmers Market Association – we need to belong in order to get their insurance. We need to join before 1 May and let them know we want their insurance – they will bill us later for the premiums. Premium is based on number of vendors – we have approximately 238 permanent vendors at $6.50 each – equals $1572 with the ability to “add-on” the City of Las Cruces. All the above has an estimated total of $3300 a year. Henry Broekhoff reminded us that when we look for Insurance we need to make sure the Company is an A or A+. Finance Committee – Sheri Franzoy Charlie Christensen has handed out vouchers to the Board Members – these are the forms you can use if you purchase something out of pocket and would like to be reimbursed. Funds - $1846.00 Operations Committee – Dave Kerr Block Coordinator – have finalized the SOP and Job Description. Will present finalized version at the next Board Meeting. Market Manager – Taking a couple of weeks to go over details – will have something for the next Board Meeting. Merchant Relations – 25-30 Businesses – productive networking with businesses. New Director of the Dona Ana Arts Consul. Will have a layout meeting next Thursday. Andy Hume stated he’s been working with Rebecca Wiggins-Reinhard regarding WIC and EBT. Tokens have been ordered and we should get them next week. City had already budgeted to get this started. Rebecca stated that training for the vendors should start soon – she will get together with Jean Williams and Sheri Franzoy. Quality Control Committee – Jean Williams They had a meeting yesterday. They wrote up something that will be in the Newsletter this Saturday. (Attachment 2). Andy Hume stated that he met with the Musicians to get an understanding of their needs. Their representative stated he will work with the other musicians regarding how to structure orientation. No problem having something to ID they’ve gone thru orientation, etc. It was a very productive meeting. Stressed we are not trying to regulate what they play, etc. Don Kelly commented that one of the Council Members has a son that plays at the Market. Possibility of assembling a group of musicians, etc – creating a family unit means the community has success. Marketing Committee – Monty Sarvo Monty and Andy Hume met with Russ of afternoon radio regarding Summerfest. Want to do something at the North End – tent, free balloons, Mayor, City Manager, Miguel Silva. More information to be sent out. Need to have a logo approved for t-shirts, etc. Don Kelly – we are now entering the “New Business” part of our meeting. Just want to remind you of our new procedures – after an item has had a Motion and a 2nd I will be asking for comments, etc – at this time you have the opportunity to make a comment, etc. If you can’t stay for the whole meeting but you have a statement you’d like to there are 3X5 cards available – write down what you want to say. NEW BUSINESS Motion, Discussion & Action on Granting Treasurer authority to spend up to $150.00 for monthly incremental expenses and the Executive Committee authority to authorize expenditures of up to $1000.00 on behalf of the Board. (Don Kelly & Sheri Franzoy) Sheri stated that there have been some incremental costs lately – PRC, etc, and we had to spend a small amount of money to accomplish – Don Kelly authorized the expenditures. Other organizations like ours have something set up. There is an accounting of these expenditures. Needed to be in good standing with the PRC for the MOA. There was a form that needed to be filled out and fees that needed to be paid in November – the initial forms and fees were paid by BizFillings (the Company that set up our Corporation) but we did not realize we needed to do the second filling. Motion by Marty Arndt that the Treasurer be allowed $150, and the Executive Committee be allowed up to $500 and that this be revisited after 3 months, Motion Seconded by Monty Sarvo Discussion regarding the above – Mary Loveland stated that the $150 was ok, but feels the Executive Committee only be allowed $300 due to our limited budget. We should be able to wait 2 weeks for anything over that amount – for the next Board Meeting. Don Kelly responded that the Executive Committee is aware of the Budget and wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize it. Grant Good stated that maybe this would be a time we could use Electronic Voting. For instance, the insurance payment. Sheri Franzoy commented that the Insurance payment would be something that is voted on during a Board Meeting therefore this wouldn’t be an issue. These expenditures would be something unexpected. Harry Broekhoff feels $500 expenditure should be authorized. Monty Sarvo asked Sheri what she estimated our income in Booth Fees will be. Sheri stated approximately $5,000 – we also have 130 who have not paid membership dues. Motion passed with one Dissenting Vote from Mary Loveland. Motion, Discussion & Action on Implementation of joint plans for Grand Reopening and several other events with radio, entertainment, etc. during the next several months in conjunction with the City of Las Cruces and other groups and downtown merchants. (Monty Sarvo) Working with Anthony King of Digital Solutions, Audrey Worthen FCMLC Board Member and Vendor, Abel Villalobos Radio of Las Cruces KGRT, etc. Andy Hume – we have full page ads with LC Sun News – once we get a logo approved we will have it posted next to the City logo so people will see them together and then a couple of weeks before 1 Jul we will pull the City logo off the ad. Cost for this ad is $25 a week for 4 months. We will have 4 Radio remotes – 101Gold 6 April; Magic 105 27 April; KGRT 18 & 21 May. Approximately $5500 in contracts next 3 months. Web presence beyond City’s site. Final piece of diversification. Monty is working with Sun News, Radio. Working on a digital map, group promo with businesses, market, etc. Andy working on Web based map. Motion by Monty Sarvo, Motion Seconded by Sheri Franzoy, Motion passed unanimously. Motion, Discussion & Action on Approval for launch of Friends of the Market Program. (Monty Sarvo) Monty had handed out an information/outline sheet regarding this (Attachment 3). Considerable discussion regarding if there is a projection of monies that may become available, whether we will need to develop Friends of the Market as a non-profit organization, who will track the funds, concern that the outline passed out was a little light. Also, will membership be allowed by the General Public. Many liked the concept but were concerned with oversight and maintenance of the program. Monty stated that he has more work to do on the outline. At this time there is no knowledge of the projected monies (we have people who would like to donate to FCMLC but haven’t had an avenue to do so), and it wouldn’t need to be developed as a non-profit at this time – but later on we may wish to, Marketing will maintain and monitor the program but the Board will oversee. Motion by Monty Sarvo to approve the preliminary framework for Friends of the Market Program based on attached document (attachment 3), Motion Seconded by Grant Good There was concern that we would be tied to this document – it was stressed that this was just a “preliminary framework” document. Roll Call Vote requested: Yes Votes: Charlie, Henry, Mary, Dave, Sheri, Jean, Audrey, Jane, Grant, Monty No Votes: Marty Motion Passed Motion, Discussion & Action on Approval for logo to be used until and if we choose to update it later using contests or other means. (Monty Sarvo) Monty showed several logos (Attachment 4). It was felt by a majority of the Board that in lieu of the “sun beam” and “tomatoes” it should be 3 Crosses and Chili’s. He will rework them and bring different renditions to us at the next meeting. Motion by Marty Arndt to table action on this until the next board meeting, Motion Seconded by Sheri Franzoy, Motion passed unanimously. Motion, Discussion & Action on Purchase of Website domains (Monty Sarvo) Monty purchased domain names, from Go-Daddy.com, with his own funds. Board will take action to purchase those domain names from Monty. Domain names are as follows: FCMLC.org, FCMLC.com, FarmersandCraftsMarketofLasCruces.com and FarmersandCraftsMarketofLasCruces.org. Motion by Charlie Christensen to accept Monty’s offer to donate the Domain Names to the Farmers & Crafts Market of Las Cruces Inc, Motion Seconded by Jean Williams, Motion passed unanimously. Motion, Discussion & Action on Scheduling a Board Workshop (Don Kelly) We need to start working on the spreadsheet Andy Hume handed out which included comments, etc, from the General Vendor Meeting. A workshop can help us begin the ground work. When and where would you like to meet. Either the WIA Building, or our Office. End of April or early May. General consensus was after 11 May – possibly 19-25 May. It was felt that the smaller committee group that was mentioned in the last Board Meeting which includes: Jean Williams, Andy Hume, Marty Arndt, Dave Kerr, Mary Loveland, and Audrey Worthen, should get together and then coordinate with the Board for a full meeting. Motion by Charlie Christensen that we not take any action on this item, Motion Seconded by Monty Sarvo, Motion passed unanimously. Motion, Discussion & Action on Minor Changes to the P&P. (Jean Williams) Jean read the changes that they are proposing be made to the P&P (Attachment 5). Andy Hume suggested that Insurance documentation on file w/Secretary or??? Of FCMLC be added. And that people with disabilities are exempt from the Parking requirements. Motion by Jean Williams to accept the changes to the P&P as read and stated above, Motion Seconded Grant Good, Motion Passed unanimously. Board Comments Sheri Franzoy asked Andy Hume if FCMLC will be responsible for the portapotties after 1 Jul. Andy stated yes FCMLC will be responsible. Marty Arndt wanted to bring to everyone’s attention that DACC has some new techno classes available for the kids during their summer session. They now have a web presence and you can enroll online. Dave Kerr asks that if you are only involved in 1 committee please get involved in other committees. OPs needs more volunteers. If you are interested in helping out give him a call. Sheri wanted to know should we use FCMLC’s EIN for EBT, WIC, etc, or should we use the City’s until 30 Jun? Andy Hume stated that we should go ahead and use ours. Monty Sarvo presented a package/quote from Digital Solutions (DS) (Attachment 6 – 5 Pages). The package Monty and Andy have selected costs $3800, but DS will only charge us $1000 of which the City will pay $750 leaving the balance of $250 for us to pay. There will be a monthly fee of $25 per month. Anthony King of DS was present to talk to us about their package. We can easily add other packages down the road. Can be set up so that Vendors can sign on using a password. Training is included in the package – this training entails as many hours as needed. SSL is not a requirement until we decide to use the website for shopping, or for any other kinds of money transfers. This is what they call a Bare Bones Service – they will provide consultation and training, but if we actually need them to do stuff it will cost extra. There are 5 email accounts available on this package. If we need more it will cost extra. The website is 100% mobile – it will adapt itself to the size of the screen you are viewing it on. Executive Committee will take action on Monday. Andy stated that we need to pay $250 in order for DS to get started. City will pay balance later. Public Comments Harvey Gordon asked if there is someway that a copy of the Agenda be sent out to the Vendors before the Board Meeting so that they know what’s going to be discussed and whether or not they want to attend. Andy says that he posts the agenda on the website and he can also send it out to the vendors. Paula Aquino asked if there are plans to let people know where the parking lots are. Andy told us that he is planning on including this info in the Newsletter. Abel Villalobos of KGRT commented that he is hoping to help our organization and the market grow. He will make sure the news gets out about FCMLC – public service announcement. Let the people know where to go. If he can help in anyway let him know. Next Meeting – 18 April 2013 at 6PM, City Hall ADJOURN Meeting was adjourned at 8:39 PM. Respectfully Submitted Charlie Christensen Secretary Attachment 1, Page 1 Attachment 1, Page 2 ----- Original Message ----From: Williams Tile Overture To: Monty Sarvo Cc: Arndt Marty ; janeannemom@yahoo.com ; Grant Good ; donkelly@peacemakerservices.net ; David Kerr ; KFranzoy@ymail.com ; CHERYL CHRISTENSEN ; ahume@las-cruces.org Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2013 11:55 AM Subject: Newsletter info for this Saturday Hi, At the QC meeting yesterday, we discussed upcoming orientations and other issues. This is the information that should be in this Saturday's newsletter: From the Quality Control Committee: The Board-approved FCMLC Vendor Policies and Procedures handbook (dated 4/4/2013) will be available Friday, April 5, on the city's website. Please print it for your use and to share; it will apply to all vendors. Certain policies will not be effective until 7/1/2013. Vouchers for temporary vendors will no longer be sold at City Hall. They can be purchased on Tuesdays at the Market office (125 N. Main, Ste. #114 - next to Main St. Bistro) during business hours. They will also be sold on Saturdays after 9 am at the Desert Gardens booth in the 100 North Block by Sheri Franzoy. Please remember that vouchers must be purchased in advance and will not be sold for the same day's use. Orientations will begin soon for all current vendors to update our vendor database as completely as possible. To facilitate orientations, all vendors should read and familiarize themselves beforehand with the FCMLC Vendor Policies and Procedures dated 4/4/2013. Orientation will be done by blocks. However, if you cannot attend your block's scheduled time, you may attend at another session. ALL vendors will be required to attend one orientation before 7/1/2013. Temporary vendors who move around can attend any orientation. Crafters on all blocks will be scheduled first. There will then be separate orientation dates scheduled for Produce/Agriculture, Prepared Foods and Musicians. All vendors must bring proof of residency, their active CRS number, a sample of their product if applicable, and all necessary permits. They will also be required to complete or update a Vendor Application. Membership dues ($25) may also be paid at orientation. The first orientation will be for craft vendors in the 100 South Block (block coordinator Karin Bradshaw) on April 16, 6-8 pm, at the Community Enterprise Center, 125 N. Main St. A schedule for crafters on all other blocks and for other Market categories will be in next week's newsletter. Attachment 2 Due to the illegibility of the copy I was given at the Meeting I asked Andy Hume to forward me his copy – the below is what was transmitted. Charlie Christensen Secretary FCMLC ----- Original Message ----From: Andy Hume To: Charlie Christensen Sent: Monday, April 08, 2013 12:32 PM Subject: FW: Rework Per your request Andrew Hume, AICP Senior Planner APA-NM Member-At-Large Housing and Family Services City of Las Cruces Community Development PO Box 20000, Las Cruces, NM, 88004 phone - (575) 528-3048, fax - (575) 528-3155 From: anthony@digitalsolutionslc.com [mailto:anthony@digitalsolutionslc.com] Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2013 5:25 PM To: Andy Hume Subject: Rework [cid:top@9862c972a3a883c9078859218d568ef9] One of the first goals of the new program will to secure a tent that will be used by the friends of the market program for information and education purpose. 25 percent to general fund. The remaining 75 percent will be under the provisions of the marketing/public relations team for the following generalized breakdown: 15 to print/textile 20 percent to promotions 10 Border expansion 5 for 300 mile requirement 10 education 10 Digital Awareness Campaign It is our goal to produce money via the friends of the market campaign for marketing and public relations to generate its own revenue. This will help us with our goal to keep the vendor fees as low as possible and expand the awareness of our market to the widest range and greatest number of resources possible. we recommend the remaining 25 % collected be allocated under the supervision of the board as it sees fit. We do feel this will be a great opportunity to use a part of the 25% to assist those with financial hardship, as the board see fit. Attachment 3 Attachment 4 P and P Proposed Changes for 3.21.13 Edition on 4.4.13 Market Fees & Annual Membership Dues Traffic/Parking Regulations 5 15 (1 MARKET FEES AND ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP DUES Annual membership dues shall be required from all vendors and shall be paid to retain vendor privileges at the Market. Annual membership dues are payable on or before January 5 of each year and are for an entire year regardless of attendance frequency. ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP DUES AND SPACE FEE PAYMENT SCHEDULE Annual Membership Dues: Due Date (All vendors) Annual Membership Dues: January 5 Annual membership dues for existing members shall be paid on or before January 5. ADD (5 Musicians & Entertainers • Be considerate of Market vendors, customers and other musicians. Do not play so loudly as to make conversation difficult at nearby booths. No amplifiers will be allowed. OMIT • Obey municipal noise ordinances pursuant to the City of Las Cruces Municipal Code Sec. 19-121. “Prohibited………. of 30 or more feet from the source.” All musicians shall conform to this ordinance whether using amplifiers or not. CHANGED Wording Musicians who wish to sell CDs or other products shall acquire a NM State CRS tax I.D., attend orientation, pay membership dues and display a Market permit. ADD (8 Product Integrity Guidelines • Vendors are responsible to copyright or otherwise protect original designs or products. It shall be the responsibility of the vendor(s), not FCMLC, to resolve any related issues. ADDED (10 Market Guidelines: GENERAL • Customers’ pets are allowed at the Market. They shall be under the immediate control of the owner or responsible person and on a leash shorter than 6’ at all times. • Personal liability insurance shall be required of any vendor who brings a pet/s to the Market. (11 A copy shall be on file with the Market Manager. ADDED PROHIBITED: • Use of propane heaters with an open flame. • Use of amplifiers OMIT (12 Space Mgt: Space Assignment: Permanent Vendor . Any vendor who requires long term medical leave shall contact the Market Manager. ADDED (13 Special Markets: Wednesday Market Permanent spaces at Wednesday Markets shall be assigned to vendors (both permanent and temporary) to provide consistency and structure. The Market layout as approved by the Board shall apply to any Market day. ADDED (15 Traffic/Parking Regulations • Vendors shall park only in designated lots to allow customers closer Market access. Lots are Old City Hall, next to El Paso Electric, City Hall, behind the Pic Quik on Church St. Vendors with disabilities are exempt. ADDED (15 Vendor Code of Conduct Changed order of items, added shall to pet owners, shall to responsibility (16 • Permanent vendors shall claim their permanent space at least 30 minutes prior to the opening of the Market or it will be assigned to a temporary vendor at the direction of the Block Coordinators. COMBINED • Vendors shall park only in designated lots to allow customers closer Market access. Vendors with disabilities are exempt. ADDED Attachment5 Attachment 6, Page 1 Attachment 6, Page 2 Attachment 6, Page 3 Attachment 6, Page 4 Attachment 6, Page 5