PowerPoint Handouts - SET
PowerPoint Handouts - SET
SET BC Tier 1 Services SD70 (Alberni) 11/23/2015 developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY SET►BC Tier 1 Services Reading and Writing across the Curriculum Using the Principles of UDL with District Technology and Resources School District #70 (Port Alberni) November 23, 2015 developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY Housekeeping… • REGISTRATION – Please sign in. • PHOTO – Could I take photos of the workshop for my blog? • Washrooms • WiFi • Agenda • Handouts • Technology – BYOD or from the district developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY 1 SET BC Tier 1 Services SD70 (Alberni) 11/23/2015 About the Facilitator… Name: Debby Kim (SET BC Provincial Teacher – District Support Tier 1) Email: dkim@setbc.org AfterShare Space (Blog): http://learningnetwork.setbc.org/dkim/ SET►BC Website: http://www.setbc.org/ developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY SET►BC Mandate • SET-BC is a BC Ministry of Education Provincial Resource Program established to assist school districts in utilizing technology with students whose access to the curriculum is restricted. SET-BC provides school districts with three tiers of services: • Tier 1: Professional Development • Tier 2: Technology Training and Classroom-based Solutions • Tier 3: Complex Needs Training and Student-based Solutions developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY Agenda • My Goals • District technology and resources • Overview of UDL • Clicker 6 • Features and capabilities • Concrete suggestions • Kurzweil 3000 • Features and capabilities • Concrete suggestions • Resources developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY 2 SET BC Tier 1 Services SD70 (Alberni) 11/23/2015 My Goals • To understand the principles of UDL • To overview generic capabilities and features of Kurzweil 3000 and Clicker 6 • To demonstrate concrete suggestions of how Kurzweil 3000 and Clicker 6 can be used in the classroom • To examine SET BC and ARC-BC resources • To examine Clicker 6 and Kurzweil 3000 resources available online developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY What is Available in Your District? • SET BC District Partner • Lindsay Paterson (lpaterson@sd70.bc.ca) • Digital Classroom (http://www.sd70.bc.ca/Resources/DigitalClassroom/Pages/default.aspx) • Contact: bwitte@sd70.bc.ca • Kurzweil 3000 and Clicker 6 • Jack Hitchings (jhitchings@sd70.bc.ca) – Director of Instruction and Technology developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY What is Available at SET►BC? • PSAP (https://www.setbc.org/psap/) • Provincial Software Acquisition Plan • To give British Columbia school districts the opportunity to join the SET-BC provincial site licenses for software titles designed to help students with special needs improve their literacy, numeracy, and communication skills • Preferential prices • SETconcierge (https://www.setbc.org/setconcierge/) • Receive a package of suggested upcoming events, sessions, or web-based resources that meet your individual needs • Classroom Technology Projects (https://www.setbc.org/classroom-technology-projects/) • Provincially coordinated and different from Tier 2 CBS supported through our standard service delivery model developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY 3 SET BC Tier 1 Services SD70 (Alberni) 11/23/2015 Level of Knowledge in UDL • Question: How much do you know about Universal Design for Learning (UDL)? • You may respond at www.govote.at. • Use the code 12 70 29. developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY Universal Design ‐ History First: The American Disabilities Act prompted rethinking about architectural design for disabled individuals Next: The concept of UDL was applied to communication – web page designs, TTY telephone access, voice recognition software, etc. Now: UDL has been applied to education because the technology is more available and provides more access for all learners developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY Universal Design for Learning A scientifically valid framework Provides multiple means of access, assessment, and engagement while removing barriers in instruction To achieve academic and behavioral success for all developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY 4 SET BC Tier 1 Services SD70 (Alberni) 11/23/2015 UDL: Overarching Principle for Instruction • 3 prolonged approach • Access: Multiple Means of Representation • Assess: Multiple Means of Action and Expression • Engage: Multiple Means of Engagement • Reduces barriers to learning • Recognizes “One size fits all” is not effective practice • Curriculum and instruction designed for diverse learners developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY Visual Representations of UDL • Is it possible to support the diverse needs of each student in your classroom? • What does meaningfully and respectfully including all students look like? • What role should you play in your students’ learning experiences? • What might be some potential benefits for you and your students when implementing UDL strategies in your classroom? • What might be some of your concerns when beginning to implement UDL strategies in your classroom? developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY Hands‐On Activity: Try Sticky Notes • On PC computer, click on Windows Start icon (lower left), and then select “Sticky Notes” from start up menu. • On tablet, iPad or Smartphone, open a sticky note app such as “Notes”. • Try taking notes on “take away” ideas from the workshop! • If you prefer talking vs. typing, try VOICE MEMOS app to record your verbal idea thought. developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY 5 SET BC Tier 1 Services SD70 (Alberni) 11/23/2015 Universal Design for Learning Principles • Provide students with multiple means of • REPRESENTATION – Accessing information • EXPRESSION – of knowledge based on student’s unique viewpoint • ENGAGEMENT – with the curriculum developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY Multiple Means of Representation for students to access information • Visual representations – i.e. teacher created visuals, Boardmaker • Enlarged print, use of color & design – i.e. Kurzweil, Clicker, Word Processors • Audio text support – i.e. Clicker, Kurzweil, ARC-BC Accessible Resource Centre • Multimedia presentations – Clicker, PowerPoints, Windows Movie Maker, SMART Notebook, iDevice Camara • Internet links to background information • Closed captioning developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY Multiple Means of Expression for students to demonstrate learning • Graphic tools – i.e. Word tools, Kurzweil, Inspiration Maps, Popplet • Keyboarding with spelling supports – i.e. MS Word Spellcheck, Co:Writer, Kurzweil, Clicker • Narration, audio recording, podcasts • Multimedia tools – i.e. PowerPoint, Clicker, SMART Notebook, Inspiration • Speech to Text – i.e. Google Chrome Talk Typer, Speech Recognizer and Voice Note Apps in Google Chrome (these can copy and paste into Kurzweil notes), Speech Recognition on Windows • 3-D models • Artistic displays – i.e. drawings, collages, paintings • Data displays – i.e. graphs and charts developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY 6 SET BC Tier 1 Services SD70 (Alberni) 11/23/2015 Multiple Means of Engagement • Infused throughout your classroom • Provide CHOICES • Audio/visual/hands-on • Use of audience response tools (http://www.techrepublic.com/article/engage -your-audience-beyond-raise-your-hand-if/) • Multimedia • Project-based inquiry • E-mail, blogging, Wikis • Collaborative learning developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY UDL is compatible with other Initiatives Universal Design for Learning INCLUSION RTI developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY DIFFERENTIATION supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY Inclusion • A sense of belonging. • Feeling respected, valued, and seen for who we are as individuals • There is a level of supportive energy and commitment from leaders, colleagues, and others so that we – individually and collectively – can do our best work. • Means something different to everyone • More than placement • Positive mindset: exciting vs. difficult developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY 7 SET BC Tier 1 Services SD70 (Alberni) 11/23/2015 Inclusion Resources • Inclusive Education Canada http://inclusiveeducation.ca/ • BCTF’s reports on Inclusive Education https://bctf.ca/IssuesInEducation.aspx?id=5774 • Inclusion BC - http://www.inclusionbc.org/ developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY Response to Intervention (RTI) • 3-tiered system • Tier 1: high quality, research based classroom instruction • Tier 2: targeted small group interventions • Tier 3: intensive interventions in addition to core instruction and comprehensive evaluations • Focus on defining, analyzing, implementing and evaluating developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY RTI Resources • UDL Supporting Diversity in BC Schools http://www.udlresource.ca/?p=2782 • RTI/Progress Monitoring http://www.sd70.bc.ca/Resources/RTI/Pages/ default.aspx developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY 8 SET BC Tier 1 Services SD70 (Alberni) 11/23/2015 Differentiated Instruction • Making instruction available to many types of learners, even if we don’t know who they all are • Requires providing flexible instruction to meet the needs of all students • Adjusting and modifying curriculum and presentation with UDL rather than asking students to modify themselves to the curriculum developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY Differentiation Resources • UDL Supporting Diversity in BC Schools http://www.udlresource.ca/?p=2769 developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY SET BC’s UDL Resources http://www.udlresource.ca developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY 9 SET BC Tier 1 Services SD70 (Alberni) 11/23/2015 BC UDL Project • http://bcudl.pbworks.com/w/page/5826111/FrontPage • Downloadable pdf: https://www.setbc.org/Download/LearningCentre/Access/ bcudl_review6_small.pdf developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY Hands‐On Activity: TitanPad • https://sd70literacy.titanpad.com/1 • Type your name in the box at the top of the chat window. Then type a short chat message to test your connection. • We should see everyone’s name appear as you successfully link in. • This will be an ongoing activity throughout the workshop. Please feel free to add literacy resources that you’d like to share. developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY Supporting ALL Students in Accessing Core Instruction developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY 10 SET BC Tier 1 Services SD70 (Alberni) 11/23/2015 Instructional Technology • Universal design for learning • Technology support provided to all students and staff • Tools available to whole district • Instructional Technology Team • Provides curriculum, instruction and tools to promote student learning, enhance the teaching process and facilitate communication in order to guarantee that each student will attain the knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes that lead to a self-sufficient, socially responsible life to the best of his or her individual potential. developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY Assistive Technology • AT Device: any item, piece of equipment, or product system, whether acquired commercially off the shelf, modified, or customized, that is used to increase, maintain, or improve functional capabilities of a child with a disability • AT Service: any service that directly assists a child with a disability in the selection, acquisition, or use of an assistive technology device developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY Assistive Technology Device • Any item, piece of equipment or product that is used to increase, maintain or improve functional capabilities of individuals with disabilities. Low-tech • • • • • • • • • • • High-tech Mid-tech Pencil grip Adapted books Slant board Highlighters, tape Magnifiers Color coding Picture communication Sign language Picture schedule Extra time Peer support • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Word processor Text to speech Spell checker Calculator Digital recorders Organizers E-books Adapted keyboard Adapted mouse Adapted toys CCTV developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY • • • • • • Computer Smartphones Smart pens OCR software – i.e. Adobe Acrobat Magnification Software Speech output devices Switch, joystick access Scanning access Voice recognition Environmental control devices supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY 11 SET BC Tier 1 Services SD70 (Alberni) 11/23/2015 AT and IT Comparison: Working Together Assistive Technology • Addresses mainly Tier 3 needs (low incidence students) • Low to high tech • Individual support for access to curriculum (including written and verbal communication) • Due to a physical or neurological disability that prevents access • Process of assessment, implementation, data collection, and data review Instructional Technology • Addresses mainly Tier 1 and 2 needs (high incidence students) • Universally available technology and instructional strategies • Addresses the diversity of student learning within a whole classroom • Innovative and creative ways of using technology to support all students developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY What is AIM? • Accessible Instructional Materials (AIM) that ensure access to the content in educational resources used by all students. • Specialized formats include: • • • • Braille Audio Digital Text Large Print developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY Who Needs AIM? • Any student with or without an identified disability • Who has difficulty gaining meaning from print-based instructional materials • To the extent that using those materials for educational participation and achievement is not effective or efficient developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY 12 SET BC Tier 1 Services SD70 (Alberni) 11/23/2015 ARC‐BC: What does AIM look like? https://youtu.be/FgZOM4IN6mM developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY Goals vs. Methods developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY I Do developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY 13 SET BC Tier 1 Services SD70 (Alberni) 11/23/2015 We Do Learning about whales Different kinds of whales, how whales communicate, places where whales might live, etc. Reading chapter 4 in the textbook Students will demonstrate what they have learned about whales. developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY You do ‐ Elementary developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY You Do ‐ Secondary developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY 14 SET BC Tier 1 Services SD70 (Alberni) 11/23/2015 UDL Tool Sorting Chart For ALL students For MOST students For A FEW students developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY How Competent Are You in Clicker 6? • Novice: I'm just starting to learn about Clicker 6 and don't know how to use it yet. • Apprentice: I know what Clicker 6 is , but I still need someone to train me in using the program myself. • Practitioner: I know Clicker 6 and use it myself but could use some help implementing the program in my teaching practices. • Expert: I know Clicker 6 and use it myself to implement into my own teaching practices. developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY • Go to www.govote.at. • Code: 42 99 94 supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY Clicker 6 • Multimedia authoring applications • Support literacy • Can be used for whole class, small group and individual instructional formats • Data collection that informs instruction • Tools to support scaffolded instruction • Tools to support development of student independence developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY 15 SET BC Tier 1 Services SD70 (Alberni) 11/23/2015 Learning to Read & Reading to Learn Phonological Awareness Phonics Vocabulary Development developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY Fluency Comprehension supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY Phonological Awareness http://www.learninggrids.com/us/ developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY Fluency • No ready made templates • Manually delete unnecessary buttons/colour buttons after preparing file • Though recorded speech is most likely desired as a model, Clicker 6 allows both text to speech and digitized recording on the same page. developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY 16 SET BC Tier 1 Services SD70 (Alberni) 11/23/2015 Vocabulary Development • Vocabulary: • Multiple means of representation • Hear/see the word in the context of a sentence • Definition • Use the word in a sentence (multiple means of expression) developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY Comprehension • Comprehension: • Activate background knowledge, make connections • Active questioning/setting a purpose • Understanding vocabulary • Highlighting and summarizing • Return to the purpose/question • Demonstrate the reciprocal nature of reading and writing/note taking developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY Time to Explore! • Go to the following websites to learn more about Clicker 6: • Crick Software http://www.cricksoft.com/us/home.aspx • SET BC Clicker 6 Resources https://www.setbc.org/2013/12/clicker-6resources-2013/ • curriculumSET https://www.setbc.org/curriculumset/default.aspx (To collect Clicker 6 resources only, click English Language Arts under Browse Main Categories Type “Clicker” in the search bar Click SEARCH) developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY 17 SET BC Tier 1 Services SD70 (Alberni) 11/23/2015 BREAK TIME! developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY Literature Circles • Faye Brownlie’s strategies http://fayebrownlie.ca/ • A FLEXIBLE way of learning • COLLABORATIVE learning • STUDENT CENTERED • RESPONSIBILITY for their own learning developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY https://youtu.be/ZSfOshBgxZA What does a Literature Circle look like to you? • Teacher chooses books? • Groupings of students? • Books assigned to student groups? • Expectation of reading in allotted time? developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY 18 SET BC Tier 1 Services SD70 (Alberni) 11/23/2015 What I’ve seen done… • Students grouped • Books assigned to each group • Roles assigned within groups • • • • • • • Summarizer Discussion director Connector Illustrator Travel Tracer Vocabulary/Word Wizard Literacy Luminary developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY Brownlie’s Approach 1) CHOICE of books • Students choose books based on interest (a book and a back-up) • Have a collection of books available • 5 to 6 copies • Desirable and readable • A surplus of books 2) Students read at their own pace 3) Discuss and Respond 4) Comprehension Activity developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY Literature Circles using Clicker 6: Talking Book • You can download the Clicker 6 Literature Circles activities from the SET BC curriculumSET page. • Link: https://w3.setbc.org/students/Pages/ CurriculumSET.aspx?1750_ID=1395 • Download all of the zip files from the list. • Before discussion groups happen, have a look at the “LITERATURE CIRCLES Faye Brownlie” zip file first to learn about Brownlie’s method. developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY 19 SET BC Tier 1 Services SD70 (Alberni) 11/23/2015 Literature Circles Connection Page: Grid of Activities developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY Time to Explore! • Go to https://w3.setbc.org/students/Pages/Curric ulumSET.aspx?1750_ID=1395 • Download all of the zip files from the list. • Open each zip file and save the Clicker Set in a new folder. Repeat it for all zip files. • Open “LITERATURE CIRCLES-FAYE BROWNLIE.clkx” to start. developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY Faye Brownlie says… GRAND conversations. THOUGHTFUL responses. But at the heart of it all is the DISCUSSION. developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY 20 SET BC Tier 1 Services SD70 (Alberni) 11/23/2015 Results • With encouragement and positive reinforcement of peers, students become adept at responding and realize that their opinion is valued. • STUDENTS READ MORE!!!!!! developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY Writing: Some Considerations • Embed prompts/scaffolds • Word prediction • Word banks • Spell check – symbol, text to speech, visual • Text to speech – units • Insert images developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY Embed Prompts and Scaffolds: Sentence Modeling developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY 21 SET BC Tier 1 Services SD70 (Alberni) 11/23/2015 Embed Prompts and Scaffolds: Prompts for Reviewing developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY Word Prediction • 4 presets • Custom (Go to Options > User Preferences > Predictor) • Graphic option (Go to Options > User Preferences > Media) • Grab text for a word bank and use it in the predictor developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY Word Banks developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY 22 SET BC Tier 1 Services SD70 (Alberni) 11/23/2015 Inserting Images • 1 image • File, Paint or Webcam Paint a picture Browse Pictures Take Photo developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY Spell Check • Spell Check with picture and auditory support developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY Speech • Feedback: Letters, words, sentences • Read: Selection, preview word (with whiteboard mode) • Read with multiple speakers for sentence or paragraph • Highlight text or block words developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY 23 SET BC Tier 1 Services SD70 (Alberni) 11/23/2015 Assessment and Reporting • Go to Document > Document Analysis developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY Time to Explore! • Launch Clicker 6 on the computer. • Under Quick Start, go to Start writing > New Document. • Write 3 sentences about yourself. • Add a picture of yourself by browsing or draw yourself using the picture tool. • Go to Options > User Preferences. Check or uncheck boxes to see differences. • Click Explorer at the bottom left corner. Go to Free Resources to check out pre-made activities. You will have to sign up in order to use the resources. developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY LUNCH TIME! developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY 24 SET BC Tier 1 Services SD70 (Alberni) 11/23/2015 How Competent Are You in Kurzweil 3000? • Novice: I'm just starting to learn about K3000 and don't know how to use it yet. • Apprentice: I know what K3000 is, but I still need someone to train me in using the program myself. • Practitioner: I know K3000 and use it myself but could use some help implementing the program in my teaching practices. • Expert: I know K3000 and use it myself to implement into my own teaching practices. developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY • Go to www.govote.at. • Code: 84 96 85 supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY Kurzweil 3000 • Supports the concept of UDL • A powerful reading, writing, test-taking, and learning tool • Makes curriculum accessible for all students • Appropriate for • Students with reading and writing difficulties • English Language Learners • Students with low vision or physical disabilities • Text to speech • Provides the scaffolded support developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY K3000 addresses All Tiers of Instruction UDL RTI Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 UDL • General Curriculum • • • • Supplemental Programs • • • Intensive Intervention Programs developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY • • Talking word processor Talking spell checker American Heritage Dictionaries Bilingual dictionaries Read the Web • IE • Firefox Word Prediction Online research Access to digital text • HTML, PDF, DAISY, Word, MathML, and more Access to printed text via scanning MP3 creation • • • • • • • • • • Brainstormer Writing templates Picture dictionary Thesaurus Fill-in-the-blank tool • Wikipedia • Columbia Encyclopedia Online books • Bookshare.org • Project Gutenberg Column note and outline tools Talking tests/worksheets Embedded comprehension supports Compatible with a variety of AT tools supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY 25 SET BC Tier 1 Services SD70 (Alberni) 11/23/2015 Word Processing • Text-to-speech (speak as I type) • Phonetically-based spell check • Spell check with auditory feedback • Dictionary if picture dictionary is installed (e.g. PCS) • Thesaurus (synonyms) developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY Word Prediction & Word Banks • Phonetic prediction (weak but it’s there) • Predict recent words (can be selected as an option) • Word completion • Floating word lists developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY Text‐to‐Speech/Reading Support • Choice of high quality voices • Modify text interface • Ability to control rate • Expansive built-in dictionary • Highlight and extract key information • Can read files directly from Bookshare.org • Can OCR documents • Convert to MP3 developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY 26 SET BC Tier 1 Services SD70 (Alberni) 11/23/2015 Pre‐Writing Support/Graphic Organizers • Pre-made organizers • Ability to create or modify organizers • Support beyond online (notes or additional support) • Spell check available • Word prediction available • Ability to create draft with visual and auditory support of outline and/or notes developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY Multiple Means of Representation: How K3000 Supports the Principles of UDL Teachers • Paper and digital curriculum materials in a flexible accessible format • Personalize instruction using a variety of interactive digital tools • Use K3000 with an interactive whiteboard • Use Bubble Notes • Provide tests in digital format • Create Graphic Organizers, Column Notes, and Study Guides Students • Follow along with text as each word is read aloud and highlighted • Change text size or colour • Magnify individual words • Change the Reading Speed or Reading Voice • Choose the amount of text to be read aloud • Turn the voice off and silently read along with the highlighted text • Easy access to audible reference tools • Use a picture dictionary tool • Use built-in translator or foreign language and pictorial dictionaries • Create audio files developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY Multiple Means of Expression: How K3000 Supports the Principles of UDL Teachers K3000 is compatible with a number of thirdparty assistive technology tools for students who require diverse means of expression and/or alternative access to the computer. Compatible products include: • Dragon Naturally Speaking • DiscoverPro from Ablenet • Intellikeys alternative keyboard from IntelliTools • AAC Devices including those from the Prentke Romich Company and Dynavox Technologies Students • Independently annotate text, complete worksheets, take tests and write essays • Actively engage with text by taking notes using a variety of accessible tools • Legibly answer test questions • Easily reread blocks of text, test instructions or questions as many times as needed • Access a variety of tools to support the many stages of the writing process • Proofread work • Organize information • Easily extract highlighted text or notes • Create bookmarks to return to designated sections of text • Use keyboard shortcuts developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY 27 SET BC Tier 1 Services SD70 (Alberni) 11/23/2015 Multiple Means of Engagement: How K3000 Supports the Principles of UDL • • • • • • • • • • • • • K3000 is content independent K3000 can be used across curriculum areas Independently access age-appropriate content Develop the vocabulary and background knowledge Complete assignments Fully participate in class Advance academic skills Protect self-esteem Manage tasks Develop a more positive attitude toward work Gain independence Get maximum benefit for efforts Increase motivation developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY Kurzweil 3000 Resources • Self-Directed Course from SET BC https://www.setbc.org/2012/01/kurzweil3000-v-12-win-self-directed-course-2012/ • Mini Tutorials from SET BC https://www.setbc.org/2013/10/kurzweil3000-v-13-win-mini-tutorials-2013/ • Kurzweil Education Video Library https://www.kurzweiledu.com/experiencekurzweil/video-library/video-library.html • Kurzweil Education Free Webinars http://blog.kurzweiledu.com/free-webinars/ developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY Combination Response Journal developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY 28 SET BC Tier 1 Services SD70 (Alberni) 11/23/2015 Time to Explore! • • • • • • • Launch Kurzweil 3000 on your computer. Close the “Tip of the Day” window. Click New in the menu bar on top. Open the Word Prediction. Write 3 sentences about yourself. Change the Speaker and Words per minute. Open a sample document. Go to File > Open > Sample Documents > Horse’s Tale. • Highlight the word “saddle” and click the Picture, Definition and Synonym buttons in the menu bar. • Highlight using highlighters and extract notes. • Bubble Notes, Foot notes, Sticky Notes, Text notes, Voice notes developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY Compare/Contrast Brainstorm developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY Time to Explore! • Open a new document. • Go to Open > Brainstorm Templates. • Pick a template and open it. Explore the template of your choice. • Modify the template by double clicking a box. developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY 29 SET BC Tier 1 Services SD70 (Alberni) 11/23/2015 Persuasive Paragraph Outline developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY Time to Explore! • Open a new document. • Go to Open > Brainstorm Templates. • Pick a template and open it. Explore the template of your choice. • Click the Outline View icon from the “Yellow Brick Road”. • Write some sentences. • Go back to the Brainstorm View icon to see changes. • Follow the “Yellow Brick Road”. developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY Accessible Books • About Free Accessible Books http://www.setbc.org/accessible-books/ developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY 30 SET BC Tier 1 Services SD70 (Alberni) 11/23/2015 Free Accessible Books • Free PowerPoint Presentations and Interactive Stories Online http://reading.pppst.com/digitalstorytelling.html • SET BC Download Free Accessible Books http://setbc.ca/setbc/accessiblebooks/ freebooksforyou.html developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY ARC‐BC • This is an online repository of alternate format materials of BC curricular materials (like novels and textbooks). The alternate formats include Kurzweil 3000, .pdfs and even audio or mp3 formats. • BC educators can access ARC-BC once they have registered and been approved. It’s important to note that the alternate formats, while free to download, can only be used by students who have “perceptual disabilities” (Canadian copyright). A perceptual disability does include a comprehension disability though so many students would benefit from using these materials. developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY Registering ARC‐BC 1. Go to www.arc-bc.org and click on the “Register Here” button on the right side of the home page. Complete the Registration process. 2. This will generate an email to someone in SD70 who is responsible for approving your registration (they are agreeing that you are, indeed, working with students who have perceptual disabilities). You’ll then be notified that you can go ahead and log into the site and begin searching and downloading the thousands of titles they have available. 3. Free MANDATORY online training before downloading ARC-BC resources developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY 31 SET BC Tier 1 Services SD70 (Alberni) 11/23/2015 Tips and More about ARC‐BC… • If you are interested in audiobooks in particular, when you do your search, choose “mp3″ as the format you are searching. If you are interested in finding out if a particular book is available in mp3 format, then type the title of the book into the keyword search field and check out what file formats are there. • The ARC-BC staff regularly schedules online training sessions to help users make the most of the site. Check out what’s available here: www.arc-bc.org/help/default.aspx. • If you haven’t accessed these resources yet or forgot about them, it’s really worth your time to visit the site because you’ll be surprised by the many titles that are available. developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY Requesting a Title or New Format • Go to http://www.arcbc.org/Community/RequestTitle.aspx • Login required – for a registered user only • No print copy of the book? – by school donation • High school science and math texts are only produced in .kes (Kurzweil 3000) • Email will be sent once the files are completed developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY After Use… • ARC-BC does not allow school districts to harvest ARC-BC and create their own repository. • Only the files required by the ARC-BC students are to be downloaded. • All ARC-BC files are to be deleted when no longer used developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY 32 SET BC Tier 1 Services SD70 (Alberni) 11/23/2015 Writing Power & Reading Power by Adrienne Gear • Adrienne Gear - http://www.readingpowergear.com/ developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY Upcoming Online Trainings at SET BC • Go to SET BC website – www.setbc.org • Under CAPACITY, click Upcoming Events. • If you haven’t signed up, please create login first. • Once logged in, click the event you would like to attend – i.e. Overview of Kurzweil 3000 Windows. Make sure to select the one with the date you want. • Click “Add to My Event Cart” and check out. • Please check on a regular basis for upcoming events. developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY Self‐Directed Course: Curriculum for All • • • • • Link: http://www.setbc.org/course/curriculum-for-all/ Developed by BC inclusion specialist Shelley Moore Asynchronous Self-determined course 5 modules and free downloadable workbooks available • The goal for the course is to answer or explore the following question: • How can we, as educators, strategically and collaboratively plan to provide an inclusive learning environment for all students, regardless of grade, content or cognitive ability? developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY 33 SET BC Tier 1 Services SD70 (Alberni) 11/23/2015 TitanPad • https://sd70literacy.titanpad.com/1 • Did you have a chance to share literacy resources? developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY Wrap‐Up • Question: What is ONE tool or strategy from today’s workshop that you would like to try in your classroom? • Go to www.govote.at. • Code: 10 82 63 developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY Workshop Survey Please go to http://bit.do/sd70survey and complete the workshop survey before you leave. developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY 34
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