2016 Sponsorship Package - Evening in the Maritimes


2016 Sponsorship Package - Evening in the Maritimes
Thursday May 19th, 2016
Sponsorship Package
To discuss sponsorshi p opportunities, please contact Brian Tardif, Executive Director,
Citizen Advocacy of Ottawa 613-761-9522 x 225 or btardif@citizenadvocacy.org
20 1 6 m a r ks t h e 22n d a nni v er sa r y o f E v eni ng i n T h e M a r i t i m es, a fu nd r a i ser fo r C i t i zen
A d v o c a c y O t t a w a . H el p u s c el eb r a t e!
At the very first Evening in The Maritimes on May 24, 1995, close to 500 people gathered in the Aberdeen
Pavilion to enjoy a wonderful seafood dinner, modelled after the traditional East Coast lobster suppers, and
were entertained by the Irish Descendants from Newfoundland. From the first event, which raised $4,500,
Evening in The Maritimes has grown into one of Ottawa’s premiere fundraising soirées by remaining true to its
theme: raising funds through an evening of down-east fun, food and entertainment. To date, this formula for
fun(d) raising has raised close to 1.75 million dollars for Citizen Advocacy!
T h e G a l a D i nner
Evening in The Maritimes features a 4-course meal guaranteed to impress. Enjoy delicious fresh North Atlantic
lobster, smoked grilled filet mignon or stuffed portobello mushrooms, whatever your preference. East Coast
entertainment creates the feel of a traditional kitchen party. Funds are also raised for Citizen Advocacy through
a silent and live auctions and a unique raffle. The silent auction features jewellery, appliances, artwork, unique
gift baskets, travel, golf, and other items. The exciting balloon raffle sees guests win items such as $1,000
cash, trips to Nova Scotia, and hotel mini-vacations. The live auction features suites to local sporting events, a
two-week Mexico vacation and a 10-night cruise to Antarctica (includes airfare voucher). Guests will be
welcomed by our Honourary Co-Chairs – David Cork Director, Scotia Wealth Management and the Honourable
Vernon White who then hand over the evening to our Master of Ceremonies CTV’s Graham Richardson and
live auctioneer Majic 100’s Stuntman Stu.
Who is Citizen Advocacy?
Citizen Advocacy is a registered charity founded in 1974. We harness the power of the
people of Ottawa to provide hope and support to the city’s most vulnerable citizens.
Charitable registration # 13036 2817 RR0001.
What is the “Everyday Champions” program about?
Everyday Champions is a unique program that matches “Advocates”, people of all walks of life in the community with
“Friends”, those who are living with a disability and may be isolated, lonely and vulnerable with nowhere else to turn for
friendship and support. Many of these matches become long standing mutually rewarding relationships that flourish over
decades. A great example is the match between Robin and Mike. Robin lives with autism and can’t speak, but the two
men communicate with ease. Their usual routine is to go out for lunch and take long walks along the Ottawa River or the
Rideau Canal. Mike knows he can’t take away Robin’s challenges but he can offer Robin a short respite and something to
look forward to. Robin teaches Mike about acceptance, honesty and overcoming fear.
How many people is the Everyday Champions program serving?
Over the years, Citizen Advocacy has facilitated thousands of matches with those who live with mental and physical
disabilities. Currently, there are 243 “matches”, 148 female and 95 male. They come from all walks of life and include
all ages of adults.
Here are some vital statistics about Citizen Advocacy clients:
Physical disability: 27 %
Psychiatric disability or mental health diagnosis: 14 %
Developmental delay including autism and aspergers: 23 %
Elderly (age related disability): 2 %
Dual diagnosis and/or multiple disabilities (This may include a developmental disability and mental health
diagnosis as well as other co-morbidities): 34 %
Many others in the community are waiting to be partnered with a community advocate. There are currently
300 people on our waiting list.
Citizen Advocacy operates due to the generosity of the community including various levels of government, business,
corporations as well as support from individuals.
Here is our funding breakdown:
United Way Ottawa, approximately $90K or just under 12% of our operating budget
City of Ottawa, approximately $95K, 12%.
Ministry of Community and Social Services - $200K or 26% of our budget.
The Ontario Trillium Foundation – grants that amount to 5%.
The remaining 45% is raised through various fundraising efforts including Evening in The
Maritimes, Murder on the Menu, Ottawa Race Weekend, and the generosity of third party
fundraisers such as golf tournaments and other community events.
Signature Cocktail
Dinner Program
S ponsor sh i p S u m m a r y
Event title: presented by, “company logo”, first right of refusal 2017-18
Opportunity to have a company booth at the event
4 print ads in the Ottawa Citizen & 1 post-event ad
Up to 4 “email blasts” to more than 2,500 people
CTV Television ad
Press release sent to all major and community new sources in Ottawa
Social media mentions
Event website, with link to your website
Opportunity to place sponsorship banners at the event
2 full page ads in the dinner program
2 half-page ads in the dinner program & recognition in the menu portion
of the program
1 full page ad on inside cover of dinner program
Logo displayed prominently on signage at the event and repeated during
Opportunity to address guests from the stage and on-stage thank you
from event MC
Additional exclusive benefits (see subsequent pages)
Complimentary table for 10
Complimentary event tickets
Networking opportunities with Senators, Members of Parliament, local
politicians, CEOS and executives from all sectors of Ottawa business.
Sp on s or s h i p d e t a i l s a v a i l a b l e on s u b s e q u e n t p a g e s
P r esen t i n g S p o n so r
Sponsorship includes:
Company name tied to the title of the event (“Evening in The Maritimes, presented by [company]”)
and company logo included in all advertising materials, including:
Four e-mail blasts to over 2,500 people
Four print ads in the Ottawa Citizen, and a post-event “Thank You” ad
Television ads CTV
Press release sent to all major and community news sources in Ottawa
Company name will be used any time the title of the event is used
Social Media mentions
Opportunity to have a company booth at the event to promote your brand
Category exclusivity & first right of refusal at 2016 price for next two years
Company representative can act as Champion for the event in any media promotions
Link to company website from logo on event website
Opportunity to place sponsor banners at the event
2 full page ads in the dinner program
Prominent signage at event, including archway sign at entrance to dining room featuring Presenting
Sponsor’s logo
Sponsor logo and name repeated on slideshow throughout the evening
Opportunity to address guests from the stage or show short video, and on-stage thank you from
Two complimentary tables for 10, including:
First choice of table location
Table signage
Two bottles of wine per table
A delicious 4-course meal
Right to use Citizen Advocacy Ottawa logo in your advertising and promotion
Business networking opportunities with Senators, Members of Parliament, local politicians, and
CEOs and executives from all sectors of Ottawa business
I nvest ment : $1 7, 000
L o b st er S p o n so r
Sponsorship includes:
Company name included in all advertising materials, including:
Four e-mail blasts to over 2,500 people
Four print ads in the Ottawa Citizen, and a post-event “Thank You” ad
Television ads
Press release sent to all major and community news sources in Ottawa
Social media mentions
First right of refusal at 2016 price for next two years
Link to company website from logo on event website
2 half-page ads in the dinner program
Recognition in the menu portion of the program (“Lobster generously sponsored by [company]”
Prominent signage at event, including archway sign at entrance to dining room, with secondhighest billing
Opportunity to place sponsor banners at the event
Sponsor logo and name repeated on slideshow throughout the evening
Opportunity to address guests from the stage, and on-stage thank you from MC
Complimentary table for 10, including:
Preferred choice of table location
Table signage
Two bottles of wine
A delicious 4-course meal
Right to use Citizen Advocacy Ottawa logo in your advertising and promotion
Business networking opportunities with Senators, Members of Parliament, local politicians, and
CEOs and executives from all sectors of Ottawa business
I nvest ment : $1 0, 000
En t er t a i n men t S p o n so r
Sponsorship includes:
Company name included in all advertising materials, including:
Four e-mail blasts to over 2,500 people
Four print ads in the Ottawa Citizen, and a post-event “Thank You” ad
Television ads
Press release sent to all major and community news sources in Ottawa
Social media mentions
First right of refusal at 2016 price for next two years
Link to company website from logo on event website
2 half-page ads in the dinner program
Recognition in the menu portion of the program (“Entertainment sponsored by [company]”
Prominent signage at event, including archway sign at entrance to dining room, with secondhighest billing
Opportunity to place sponsor banners at the event
Sponsor logo and name repeated on slideshow throughout the evening
Opportunity to introduce the entertainment and receive verbal acknowledgement and thanks from
the entertainers.
Complimentary table for 10, including:
Preferred choice of table location
Table signage
Two bottles of wine
A delicious 4-course meal
Right to use Citizen Advocacy Ottawa logo in your advertising and promotion
Business networking opportunities with Senators, Members of Parliament, local politicians, and
CEOs and executives from all sectors of Ottawa business
I nvest ment : $1 0, 000
Co n t r i b u t i n g S p o n so r s
I nvest ment : $5, 500
Sponsorship includes:
Company name included in all advertising materials, including:
Four e-mail blasts to over 2,500 people
Four print ads in the Ottawa Citizen, and a post-event “Thank You” ad
Press release sent to all major and community news sources in Ottawa
Social media mentions
Link to company website from logo on event website
2 half-page ads in the dinner program
Opportunity to place sponsor banners at the event
Sponsor logo and name repeated on slideshow throughout the evening
Complimentary table for 10, including:
Preferred choice of table location
Table signage
Two bottles of wine
A delicious 4-course meal
Right to use Citizen Advocacy Ottawa logo in your advertising and promotion
Business networking opportunities with Senators, Members of Parliament, local politicians, and
CEOs and executives from all sectors of Ottawa business
Balloon Raffle Partner
Silent Auction Partner
Special recognition on 180 tent cards and
200 balloons at the event. Opportunity to
participate in the raffle draw from the stage.
Your company logo prominently displayed in
the program book and included on silent
auction bid sheets.
Wine Partner
Reception Partner
Your company name or logo on special labels
Your company name or logo on reception
that will be affixed to each bottle of wine (two signs and a verbal acknowledgement during
bottles provided for each corporate table).
the reception. Opportunity to speak on stage.
D i n n er P r o g r a m S p o n so r
Sponsorship includes:
Company name included in advertising materials, including:
Four e-mail blasts to over 2,500 people
Four print ads in the Ottawa Citizen, and a post-event “Thank You” ad
Press release sent to all major and community news sources in Ottawa
Link to company website from logo on event website
One full-page colour ad on inside cover of dinner program
Sponsor logo and name repeated on slideshow throughout the evening
On-stage thank you from MC
Opportunity to place sponsor banners at the event
Four complimentary tickets to Evening in The Maritimes, including:
Table wine
A delicious 4-course meal
Right to use Citizen Advocacy Ottawa logo in your advertising and promotion
Business networking opportunities with Senators, Members of Parliament, local politicians, and
CEOs and executives from all sectors of Ottawa business.
I nvest ment : $3, 000
En t er t a i n men t P r o d u ct i o n S p o n so r s
Sponsorship includes:
Company name included in advertising materials, including:
Four e-mail blasts to over 2,500 people
Four print ads in the Ottawa Citizen, and a post-event “Thank You” ad
Link to company website from logo on event website
Two quarter-page colour ad in the dinner program
Sponsor logo and name repeated on slideshow throughout the evening
On-stage thank you when entertainment is introduced
Opportunity to place sponsor banners at the event
Two complimentary tickets to Evening in The Maritimes, including:
Table wine
A delicious 4-course meal
Right to use Citizen Advocacy Ottawa logo in your advertising and promotion
Business networking opportunities with Senators, Members of Parliament, local politicians, and
CEOs and executives from all sectors of Ottawa business.
I nvest ment : $2 , 000
S i g n a t u r e Co ck t a i l S p o n so r
Sponsorship includes:
Company name included in advertising materials, including:
Four e-mail blasts to over 2,500 people
Four print ads in the Ottawa Citizen, and a post-event “Thank You” ad
Link to company website from logo on event website
Two quarter-page colour ad in the dinner program
Sponsor logo and name repeated on slideshow throughout the evening
On-stage thank you during reception
Opportunity to place sponsor banners at the event
Tent cards with signature cocktail recipe and company logo at all bars locations and throughout the
Two complimentary tickets to Evening in The Maritimes, including:
Table wine
A delicious 4-course meal
Right to use Citizen Advocacy Ottawa logo in your advertising and promotion
Business networking opportunities with Senators, Members of Parliament, local politicians, and
CEOs and executives from all sectors of Ottawa business.
I nvest ment : $1 , 500
( or i n-ki nd product )
To d i s c u s s s p o n s o r s h i p o p p o r t u n i t i e s , p l e a s e
cont act Bri an Tardi f , Execut i ve Di rect or Ci t i zen
Advocacy Ot t awa 61 3-761 -952 2 x 2 2 5 or
b t a r d i f @c i t i ze n a d v o c a c y. o r g
2015 Co r p o r a t e S p o n so r s
2014 - 2015 Co r p o r a t e T a b les
3Sixty Public Affairs
2Keys Security Solutions
BMO Nesbitt Burns
Borden Ladner Gervais LLP
Chmiel Architects Inc.
Cisco Solutions Canada
Cleland Jardine Engineering Limited
Colonnade Pizza
Design 1st
Eastway Tank, Pump & Meter Limited
Emond Harnden
Fo Tenn Consultants
Gervais Towing
Global Public Affairs
Hammond Manufacturing Company
Hilton Lac-Leamy
H+K Strategies
Huntington Properties
Ingram Micro
Jackson-Brown Associates Inc.
Kott Lumber
Merlin Steel Group
Nelligan O'Brien Payne LLP
Norton Rose Canada
Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co. LTD
Ottawa Food and Wine Festival
Ottawa Police Association
Ottawa Senators Foundation
Plan Group
RBC Dominion Securities Inc.
Russell Investments
RX & D
Sentry Funds
Sunrise Building Services
TD Bank Group
The Attain Group Inc.
Urbandale Corporation
WESCO & Eaton Power Quality
Superior Essex & Legrand Canada
Presenting Sponsor
Lobster Sponsor
Entertainment Sponsor
Contributing Sponsors
Balloon Raffle
$5,500 per opportunity
Silent Auction
 Wine
Production Sponsors
Dinner Program Sponsor
$2,000 (5 available)
Contact Name:
Signature Cocktail Sponsor
$1,500 or in-kind product
(select one) Other:
Billing Contact:
Company Name:
Mailing Address:
Telephone: (
Postal Code:
Fax: (
Twitter: @
Payment Information
Please send us an invoice
Master Card
Cheque enclosed
(payable to Citizen Advocacy Ottawa)
American Express
Expiry Date:
Name on card:
Please submit completed forms to:
Citizen Advocacy Ottawa
312 Parkdale Ave, Ottawa, ON K1Y 4X5
Fax: 613-761-9525