Annual report


Annual report
Informačné centrum mladých Orava Budova ÚPSVaR, Medvedzie 132, 027 44 Tvrdošín,,
Youth Information Centre
Základné informácie o ICM Orava ................................................................................... 3
Inovatívne metódy v práci s deťmi v SR a PL ................................................................... 4
„ Centrum vzdelávania „ – príležitosť k vzdelávaniu bez hraníc...................................... 5
„ Adult Education Assessment Toolkit „ .......................................................................... 6
Mládež Oravy .................................................................................................................... 7
Súkromné centrum špeciálno-pedagogického poradenstva ............................................ 9
Ocenenie OZ ICM Orava................................................................................................. 10
Centrum vzdelávania ....................................................................................................... 11
Medzinárodné fórum mladých ....................................................................................... 12
Výchovno-rekreačné pobyty pre deti ............................................................................. 14
Národný projekt I – 2/C ................................................................................................. 15
Národný projekt I - IX .................................................................................................... 15
Spolupracujúce inštitúcie ............................................................................................... 16
Manažment a zamestnanci OZ ICM Orava .................................................................... 16
Organizačná štruktúra OZ ICM Orava ........................................................................... 17
Kontakty OZ ICM Orava ................................................................................................. 17
©ICM Orava, 2010 2 Basic information about ICM
Orava Youth Information Centre is a non-profit organization based in Tvrdosin, part Medvedzie. The main
mission of ICM Orava is to support mental and physical health of children and youth. It helps families in crisis,
children at risk, offers alternative forms of free time activities, tries to activate unemployed jobseekers in the
labor market, provides information ,it offers a wide range of educational activities through counseling and
retraining. Implementation of the primary and secondary prevention is also included.
Program of the organization
information service and consultancy
career, employment, legal and psychological counseling
training programs for unemployed people in the labor market
accredited educational programs for target groups
social area - helping families and individuals in crisis, educational and recreational summer holidays for
social prevention and social counseling
peer programs
group activities in elementary and secondary schools focused on prevention
publishing of brochures for professionals
publishing and educational activities
program for children and youth
to assist unemployed people
to assist children and families in crisis
to help individuals in crisis
to implement a program of primary prevention of drug addiction
to implement accredited training programs
to realize educational and socio-psychological trainings to support health of unemployed people
Target group
students of secondary schools and universities
job seekers
pedagogical stuff
employees and managers
children and their families
©ICM Orava, 2010 3 Innovative methods in working
with children in Slovakia and PL
This project was realized within the framework of Program of cross-border cooperation Poland – Slovak
republic 2007-2013, in cooperation with partner Zespól Szkolno – Przedskolny Nr 2 im. Orla Bialego w Zywcu.
The main benefit of the project was creation of cross-border partnership, which enabled us to exchange
expertise in working with groups of disadvantaged children and created innovative methods for the inclusion of
neurofeedback and biofeedback for the social integration of children.
Within the project we conducted the following activities:
Introductory conference in Slovakia, which was attended by 30 experts
We purchased 2 devices for performing a method of neurofeedback and biofeedback
We realized 450 neurofeedback and biofeedback trainings for 15 children
We have prepared an intensive group program, which was attended by 30 children from Slovakia and
We have prepared a manual for professionals, which summarizes uploaded experience
Final workshop for 30 experts who have reviewed the implementation of the project
©ICM Orava, 2010 4 „Learning center” –an opportunity
to learn without borders
ICM Orava from 11/2010 to 10/2012 implements this project through Program of cross-border cooperation
between Slovak Republic - Czech Republic from 2007 to 2013 in cooperation with cross-border partner Institut
Euroschola Trinec.
The main aim of the project is to build a training center in the Orava region based on the experience of
cross-border partner, who will provide accredited training and counseling programs for these target groups:
unemployed, employed, teachers.
Within the project we have already implemented:
Introductory Conference in Třinec for 50 representatives of target groups in order to introduce them the
intention of the project.
Planned activities for next period:
Training needs analysis - to identify training needs and provide specific training programs
Elaborate common vision of educational programs
Transfer of know-how between the project partners
Elaboration of common educational programs
Establishment of educational center in the Orava region
Implementation of a pilot training project for target groups
Evaluation of the project on the final conference
©ICM Orava, 2010 5 " Adult Education Assessment
Toolkit „
The project is realized within the framework of lifelong learning program Grundtvig - Learning Partnerships in
cooperation with these partners:
Euroschola Třinec, Česká republika
Fideas Servizi avanzati per la gestione e lo sviluppo dellÍmpresa, Taliansko
Polis Chrysochous, Cyprus
Kreisjugendring Rems-Murr e.V,Nemecko
The aim of the partnership is to develop effective tools to measure effectiveness and outcomes of adult
Our goal is to take the necessary steps to promote methods to measure the effectiveness of adult education.
Through the exchange of experiences between all project partners will be created a tool that will consist of the
following elements:
comprehensive methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of education on the three basic groups
(unemployed, employed, disadvantaged)
set of indicators for each target group
analysis of processes of adult learning in all partner countries
Within the project we participated on initial meeting in Trinec where we have:
introduced a system of education in Slovakia with emphasis on adult education
introduced ICM Orava and its activities
elaborated the analysis of adult education in Slovakia, which will be included in a summary document
of all partners
©ICM Orava, 2010 6 Youth in Orava
The project was supported in the framework of Program of financial support of activities for children and youth for the period 2008 ‐ 2013, Adam2 project ‐ Support of project activities aimed at developing youth work in the field of youth information. The main objective of the project was a professional search, categorization and providing information where
young people were actively involved. Within this project we managed to strengthen providing info-service and
expert counseling for the young people between 15 to 30 years. We improved quality of provided information
and education; we supported formal and informal education of young people. We provided career consultancy to
help young people to choose their career, career change for the employees, unemployed people to re-enter the
labor market. We focused to increase the motivation of the unemployed people and to ensure awareness of the
project target groups.
Target groups of the project:
Young people between 15 to 30 years
Secondary school students, secondary school graduates
Registered unemployed young people
disadvantaged unemployed people on the labor market
Realized activities:
Providing free information service where young people actively participated
Providing expert consultancy
Labour law
Psychological counselling
Specialized counselling for disadvantaged young people, so-called Biofeedback
Peer education. peer program, named "Young Leader" aimed at training of activists
Consultancy - training course for unemployed graduates aimed at obtaining basic skills in working with PC
and communication skills, to improve the orientation and for their success in the labor market
6 workshops aimed at increase of the awareness of the young people
Information campaign for students, unemployed and public
Publicity of the project /work-shops, information campaign, distribution of information and promotional
materials, website ICM, Info-points, banners on websites,
Information brochure prepared in cooperation with young leaders, peer education program graduates
Project coordination
Work in the field of information and education was carried out by personal, electronic, written and phone
contacts, at public meetings and within the following project activities:
©ICM Orava, 2010 7 Information and labour service
Citizen and society
Free-time activities
Secondary school students were actively involved on the implementation of the project activities by their
systematic work and cyclical education within the „peer program“-peer training, introduction of the ICM
Tvrdošín service, participation on the ICM Tvrdošín activities, work-shops and information campaign.
ICM Tvrdošín has provided free information service, career guidance and opportunity to use expert advice for
the young unemployed and disadvantaged people. (Psychological, labor law, counseling for disadvantaged
young people). Together, we were seeking the reasons of unemployment; we were trying to find solution and
ways how to successfully integrate into the labor market.
Vyhodnotenie klientov ICM Tvrdošín:
Poskytnuté informácie
Poskytnuté služby
Poskytnutá poradenská činnosť
Účasť na akciách a podujatiach
Účasť na
akciách a
Poskytnuté Poskytnuté Poskytnutá Účasť na
poradenská akciách a
činnosť podujatiach
We helped young people in their biodromal development using innovative methods of HRV and NFB for the
purposes of specialized personal consulting. Through NFB and HRV they learnt to manage stress and stressful
situations, increased their ability to concentrate, work performance, their ability to learn effectively and improve
their memory. We ensured the awareness of the students via Info-points. Through the Info-points we provide
young people with initial information about the mission of ICM Tvrdošín, its activities, current activities and
news about what services the can use in ICM, what are the areas where we provide expert advice and
information service, where to find ICM and what is available for them in ICM.
Rozdelenie podľa pohlavia :
Rozdelenie podľa veku :
Do 30 rokov
Nad 30 rokov
©ICM Orava, 2010 8 Private Centre of Special
Pedagogical Counselling Sept. 1, 2010, under administration of ICM Orava, started new center- Private Center of
special pedagogical counseling, which for better identification received adjective ABC.
SCŠPP began as a school facility, the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sports
of the Slovak Republic has included it to the network of schools and school facilities. It
operates in Trstena, Tvrdošín (Labour office building, Medvedzie) and there is one
consultation center in Námestovo (OC Klinec).
pedagogical and psychological care for children 0-15
years that have special educational needs, difficulties
in development-developmental disorders of learning
activities and developmental disorders of attention,
children with impaired communication ability and
children with various disabilities (health, mental,
The main activities of the center:
Complex special-educational activities
Complex psychological activity
Rehabilitation and reeducation
Prevention, screening, search
Methodological and educational activities
Educational activity
©ICM Orava, 2010 9 Center provides:
 free standard services (diagnosis, preparation of expert
reports for purposes of education, career counseling for students
with special educational needs, methodological and consultancy
support for teachers and school special educators)
 above-standard performances for a fee (re-education
programs and treatment, neurofeedback therapy and HRV therapy,
clubs and camps with a focus on re-education and therapy, group
programs, tutoring students and pre-school.)
 Four psychologists and four special educators with
technical-economic backgrounds and several external partners
provide their service in the centre. In its activities the Centre
cooperates with more professionals. SCŠPP presents its work to set
up web site
Recognition of OZ ICM Orava
Slovak Academic Association for International Cooperation, the Centre Euroguidance
announced 05.05.2010 competition entitled Career advice 2010, which was intended for
organizations and individuals that provide career counseling services.
One of the objectives of the competition was to present and appreciate the good practice of career guidance
services and also encourage and inspire other potential actors in this field for innovative approaches and new
services. Our organization Youth Information Centre Orava attended in this competition with a post entitled,
"Career guidance" Center received financial award and also an invitation to a national conference "Fighting
poverty and social exclusion in Lifelong Learning" where held the announcement ceremony of competition.
Euroguidance Center issued a compendium of competition devoted to examples of
good practice service career counseling, which presented and valued contribution ICM
©ICM Orava, 2010 10 Centrum vzdelávania
©ICM Orava, 2010 11 International Youth Forum On 25 and 26 November 2010 in the town of Budva, Montenegro, held on International Youth Forum on
"Education and youth employment, challenges and prospects".
This event is regularly arranged by presidency of the CEI (Central European Initiative) and this year's meeting
with a wide international participation brought together representatives of Belarus, Serbia, Slovenia, Czech
Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Moldova, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia and Montenegro.
Delegations from each country consisted of a representative
from the Ministry, which has in its competency youth issues,
a representative of the governmental youth organizations and
a representative of the NGO.
Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport and
IUVENTA, based on positive experience with its existing
projects and work, invited to cooperation Youth Information
During two working days ICM activities and projects were presented in two workshops.
During first working discussion activity about “Government
supportive measures for new and stable job positions for the
young people ' agent for ICM Orava highlighted the need of
non-formal education for young in the form of volunteering, as
well as the official accrediting of non-formal education and the
subsequent recognition of such forms of education in the eyes
This point was also included to the final recommendations of
the group, among others we can mention:
enhancement tools and programs that would allow young people to successfully enter the labor market,
this should be in form of business education in the schools
to provide such educational programs in schools, which would be consistent with labor market needs
promotion and development of information centers and career counseling centers
promoting volunteering as an excellent form of acquiring knowledge and skills
©ICM Orava, 2010 12 Second working group was discussing the conditions for the young people who are entering the labor market.
ICM Orava presented the project "Job and career counseling center for youth in the Orava region" as an example
of good practice.
The conclusion of this working group was recommendations, among others we can mention:
to support practical choice of professions on the secondary schools and universities
to support governmental and non-governmental organizations in providing educational activities
aimed at business and information service in this area
support craft 'profession and educational programs in order to influence the composition of the
workforce and harmonize supply and demand in the labor market
to support employers to actively interfere into the process of educational programs
to focus attention also on the parents who play and important role in decision-making of young
people about their future careers, to provide them with the information of the labor market needs
Great interest in cooperation demonstrated NGO from Montenegro (Venera Ljutić, Montenegrin Forum-Youth
Initiative board,, facebook: Compass Kotor).
Participation in this conference was for Youth Information Centre a great opportunity to present their activities
and projects at national and international level and get new ideas and contacts for further cooperation and
©ICM Orava, 2010 13 Educational and recreational
stays for children
The basic objectives of the program:
The aim of educational - recreational program was to eliminate or mitigate the behavioral, social skills
development, social and hygienic habits and ensure proper use of leisure time. VRP supported social integration,
development of communication skills, emotional intelligence development, and harmonization of child
personality. Implementation of secondary prevention, coping with aggressive behavior, re-education, emotional
intelligence and therapy aimed at reducing behavioral education to a healthy lifestyle.
Educational and therapeutic program was focused on:
development of the child's personality
mental health promotion
current crisis management
developing of the social skills
optimization of interpersonal relationships and respect for rules and standards
stress and conflict management
somatic health promotion, for creating and forming good habits, hygiene, proper daily routine,
developing a healthy lifestyle
20 participants attended this program.
©ICM Orava, 2010 14 Národný projekt I – 2/C
Contribution to promoting regional and local employment under § 50i law n.5/2004 on employment services and
on amendment of certain acts as amended. Deal out four participants during the period from 01.06.2010 to
31.03.2011 and one participant from 01.09.2010 to 30.05.2011.
The main intention was to contribute to an increase in employment, development of job skills, and
expertise and core competencies for job seekers to reducing unemployment in the region. Ensure the smooth
running of the specialized activities within the newly established Centre in SCŠPP Trstena for children and
young people under 15 years and their guardians, social development and educational programs within our civic
association ICM Orava.
Expected benefits: to increase professionalism, social services and activities of NGOs. To increase
qualifications, to acquire new professional skills, to develop core competencies. To support and maintain the
working habits of disadvantaged job seekers, promoting lifelong learning, gaining practical experience,
communication and PC skills, gaining skills in areas of administration and correspondence of psychological
work, vocational guidance, work with clients, the inclusion and application of the labor market, improving the
living situation, the possibility of self-realization, the possibility of obtaining permanent employment.
Národný projekt I – IX
Graduate’s practice
To ensure the conditions for the implementation of internships for graduates of a school held in the register of
jobseekers according to § 51, paragraph 9) of the National SR č.5/2004 Coll Employment Services and
amending certain laws as amended.
In this program we had 4 participants during the period from 01.12.2009 - to 31.05.2010 and from 01.10.2010 to 31.12.2010.
The main objective of the project: support the entry of school leavers and young people under 25 years
to work with an emphasis on work experience and professional skills in a real working environment through
internships for graduates aiming to increase their employability.
©ICM Orava, 2010 15 Participants performed the following activities:
Administrative work
Preparation and distribution of information materials
searching and processing of information, working with PC and Internet
Propagation of information materials and documents
Continuous updating of the information boards, bulletin boards, panels
Special educational activities, diagnostic activities, consulting
Educational and other professional activities
Spolupracujúce inštitúcie:
Zespól Szkolno – Przedskolny Nr 2 im. Orla Bialego w Zywcu.
Euroschola Třinec, Česká republika
Fideas Servizi avanzati per la gestione e lo sviluppo dellÍmpresa, Taliansko
Polis Chrysochous, Cyprus
Kreisjugendring Rems-Murr e.V,Nemecko
Žilinský samosprávny kraj
Úrad práce, sociálnych vecí a rodiny, Námestovo
Úrad práce, sociálnych vecí a rodiny, Čadca
Slovenská akademická asociácia pre medzinárodnú spoluprácu, Centrum
Ministerstvo školstva, vedy, výskumu a športu SR
Ministerstvo pôdohospodárstva a rozvoja vidieka SR
Ministerstvo práce, sociálnych vecí a rodiny SR
Stredné školy v okrese Tvrdošín
ICM Námestovo
Mestský úrad Tvrdošín
©ICM Orava, 2010 16 Organizačná štruktúra OZ ICM
Orava Management and employees of
OZ ICM Orava
PhDr. Jana Tholtová – statutory representative of OZ ICM Orava, director, project manager
PaedDr. Tatiana Gandelová – executive director of ABC SCŠPP Trstená
Želmíra Kohárová – administrative assistant of ICM Orava
Bc. Marta Cisáriková – consultant, career adviser of ICM Tvrdošín
Renáta Graňáková – administrative assistant of ABC SCŠPP
Bc. Zuzana Rejdugová – assistant of psychologist, ABC SCŠPP
Mgr. Veronika Záškvarová – psychologist, ABC SCŠPP
©ICM Orava, 2010 17 Kontakty OZ ICM Orava
Regionálna kancelária Informačné centrum mladých Orava
Budova ÚPSVaR, 4. poschodie,
Medvedzie 132, 027 44 Tvrdošín
tel./fax: +421 43 53121 130
Informačné centrum mladých Tvrdošín
Budova ÚPSVaR, 4. poschodie,
Medvedzie 132, 027 44 Tvrdošín
tel.: +421 43 532 47 30
Súkromné centrum špeciálno-pedagogického poradenstva
Ul. Železničiarov 266/8, 028 01 Trstená
Tel: 0948 878 874
Elokované pracoviská SCŠPP :
Budova ÚPSVaR, 4. poschodie
Medvedzie 132,027 44 Tvrdošín
Tel : 0948 878 875
OC Klinec, 6. Poschodie
Hviezdoslavovo nám. 213, 029 01 Námestovo
Tel : 0948 878 873
©ICM Orava, 2010 18