Austin - The Greensheet
Austin - The Greensheet
Austin/Central Texas | Get it local — San Marcos, New Braunfels, Round Rock and more on page 4 Helen Gordon, Founder — Kathleen Douglass, Publisher Free | Vol 39, No. 38 | October 20 - 26, 2016 Want to make some extra MONEY? Sell your unwanted items for FREE* on This Week Merchandise CKC CHIHUAHUA puppies and breeding young females. $75-250. Cash only. No texting. (512)4683685. INDIVIDUAL TOTAL GYM exercise unit, accessories. $300 obo, like new! (512)789-5688. INDIVIDUAL ELECTRIC HOSPITAL bed, like new, $400. (512)779-9245; (512)5295614. INDIVIDUAL or call 1-800-687-6412 TUMBLE BUG hay buggy. $700 firm. (512)398-3956. INDIVIDUAL Real Estate LARGE OAKS! 19 acres, nice view, pond, north of Lampasas, $6985/ acre, $8500 down, owner finance or discount for cash. Call (254)206-0388. 10 LIGHTLY RESTRICTED ACRES on FM 2001, close to Buda, I-35, Hwy 21 and Toll 130. Only $149,000. Call Steve, (512)659-2069. *Free for most categories. Merchandise View pages 3-6 Real Estate View pages 9-10 Employment View pages 11-14 Looking for a cuddle buddy? 10 ACRES North of Lampasas, wildlife, good cover, scenic area, $4885 /acre, 10% down, owner finance or discount for cash. Call (254)206-0388; (325)632-2423. Employment GCA SERVICES GROUP is currently hiring full-time Custodians to work in the Bastrop, TX area. Prior cleaning experience is a plus. A criminal background check, results of which are not necessarily a bar to employment, and fingerprint screening are required. The available shift for the position is 2:00pm10:30pm Monday- Friday. The starting pay rate is $9.25/ hr. Please call (512)772-7284 for directions to our office to fill out an application. EOE. LOOKING FOR experienced OTR Drivers, no criminal record and can pass a drug test. (713)429-5793; call (713)429-4744. Get on the road again! Find your new or used car in our Transportation section inside. Find yours inside the Animals, Pets & More section. Tons of Jobs Inside New to town? Everybody shops On the go? is optimized for mobile! Page 2 October 20-26, 2016 Pet Boarding, Full Surgical & Diagnostic Facility. PET EXAM $ Cat Neuters!!! $ 19 95 OFFER VALID FOR EACH PET *COUPONS MUST BE PRESENTED AT TIME OF ARRIVAL. Offer not valid for EMERGENCIES. VALID FOR DOGS AND CATS ONLY. Expires 10.28.16 ANNUAL VISIT $ 90 00 WITH FREE NAIL TRIM *COUPONS MUST BE PRESENTED AT TIME OF ARRIVAL. Offer valid for routine spay/neuters only. Expires 10.28.16 512.339.8472 Savita Wadhwani, D.V.M. 0–25 pounds - $69.50 26–35 pounds - $73.50 36–45 pounds - $77.50 46–60 pounds - $80.50 61–80 pounds - $91.00 81–100 pounds - $99.00 $ Cat Spay 52.50 WE NOW ACCEPT CARE CREDIT SOUTH BRANCH IH-35 N 1/4 Mile S. of Parmer on Southbound Side SOUTH CONGRESS 12202 N. MOPAC EXPWY MOPAC LOOP 1 183 WELLS BRANCH Low Cost Routine Spays & Neuters for Dogs & Cats *COUPONS MUST BE PRESENTED AT TIME OF ARRIVAL. Offer valid for routine spay/neuters only. Expires 10.28.16 OPEN SATURDAYS & SUNDAYS PARMER LANE *COUPONS MUST BE PRESENTED AT TIME OF ARRIVAL. VALID FOR ROUTINE CAT NEUTERS ONLY. OFFER VALID FOR EACH PET. Expires 10.28.16 Dog Spay/Neuter: Dogs: Includes: Exam, Distemper-Parvo, Rabies, Intestinal Parasite Check & Heartworm Test. Cats: Includes: Exam, Feline Distemper, Feline Leukemia, Rabies & Intestinal Parasite Check. Extended Hours: Mon. - Fri. 7am - 9pm Sat. 8am - 3pm / Sun. 12pm - 5pm 34 95 BEN WHITE 403 E. BEN WHITE, STE. F 512.462.0002 Ayalsew Mekonnen D.V.M. Kishor Patel D.V.M. LOANS FROM $ 200 TO 1340 $ No Title Needed Re Establish your credit with an affordable loan NORTH LOCATION 6719 N. Lamar Blvd. Ste. B 512-827-3469 SOUTH LOCATIONS 6400-3 S. Congress Ave. 512-553-5626 5717 S. IH 35 Ste. 150 B (Stassney & 35) 512-992-1611 Austin/Central Texas Greensheet Visit us at Business Advertising 421-4500 Classified Ads 1-800-687-6437 October 20-26, 2016 Page 3 Brand New Homes For Sale or Lease • Shops • Garages • Barns • Equipment Sheds • Concrete Work MOVE-IN SPECIALS • New Appliances Included We’ve Expanded! Se Habla Español 24x30x10 30x30x10 30x40x10 30x50x10 40x60x12 Won’t Last Long Call Today to Pick Your New Home! (888) 285-6849 Galva $11,000 $13,250 $16,500 $19,250 $30,250 Check out our website: 830-730-0515 RBI 34380 Color $11,600 $14,250 $17,600 $20,600 $33,000 Price includes all labor and materials with 4” steel reinforced concrete slab with moisture barrier, one 10’x10’ heavy duty roll up door, One 3 foot steel entry door, concrete aprons, electric stub *(not including Dirt Work) Merchandise Appliances/Repair AKC GERMAN Shepherd puppies, 1 male and 2 females, AKC registration papers and first shot dewormed. English/ Espanol $600. Call\ Text: (512)887-9133. CHIHUAHUA PUPPIES, $60. (512)925-6244. AKC/ CKC Chihuahua puppies. 2 male, 3½ months, 3 & 4 lbs. Shots/ wormed, $200 each. (512)461-5248. CKC CHIHUAHUA puppies and breeding young females. $75-250. Cash only. No texting. (512)4683685. INDIVIDUAL HAVING A neighborhood garage sale? Place an ad in The Greensheet today. (800)687-6437. ROTTWEILER FEMALE. Real tame, never bred. About two yrs. old, very gentle, $375. (512)557-7373. INDIVIDUAL NEED TO find a good home for your pet? The Greensheet is your best bet. Call (800)687-6437. TWO LIONHEAD bunnies. $20 each. Call (412)784-6819. Avoid Pet Scams NEVER ALWAYS • Respond to email/text only pet offers • Do a web search for the contact information and pictures of pet to see if the information is being used by someone else or has bad reviews • Respond to out-of-state offers • Purchase pets from someone promising a free pet for the cost of shipping • Send or wire money to people you have never met • Purchase a puppy with the promise of getting the registration certificate later WATCH OUT • Request/check references • Verify parents’ registration with the appropriate kennel club on pedigreed pets • If a local telephone number is used and forwards to an out-of-state telephone number • Avoid discounted prices for purebreds that appear “too good to be true” • If you are told there will be no refund under any circumstances If you have been a victim of a pet scam from an ad in our paper, in addition to notifying The Greensheet, please contact the below appropriate organization to also file an official complaint: Internet Crime Complaint Center: | Better Business Bureau: WASHERS, DRYERS, stoves: $100- up, each. Warranty. James, (512)789-2405. TOP LOAD washer, $100. Front load washer, $200. Dryer, $100. Refrigerator, $200. Dishwasher $50. Cedar Park. (512)259-2617. E FS eRrvicE a e C ll pa ir • • • • W ith R e A ll M a jo r A pplia nce R epa ir Sa m e D a y Service Sr. Citizen D is co u nt Q u a lity W o rk F R E D ’S A P P L IA N C E R E P A IR 388-8991 NICE MOBIL: 1930’s era Mobiloil Arctic: Gargoyle porcelain steel gas pump/ lubester sign, $90. (512)585-6083. ANTIQUE EARLY1960’s soda shop diner stool, chrome finish, salmon colored original seat, $50. (512)585-6083. ORIGINAL 1968 Pepsi Cola door push 2 sided sign, $75. (512)5856083. ANTIQUE MILITARY US ASCO 1942 soup ladel. Great patina. firm and sturdy handle, $25. (512)585-6083. NEED TO find your puppies a new home? Try this attention getter to make your ad dog-gone good! ANTIQUE 1930’S era Porcelain steel DANGER:11,000 volts sign, skull and crossbones, $50. (512)585-6083. WARNING: BELL South Underground cable repair service antique porcelain steel Warning sign, $35. (512)585-6083. ANTIQUE ORIGINAL historic highway porcelain metal sign, $120. (512)585-6083. 1940’S ANTIQUE porcelain steel Warning High Voltage Electric Equipment sign. Commonwealth Edison Company, $50. (512)5856083. Stoves & Fridges Starting at $195 FREE GOODS GARAGE SALES AND YARD SALES Mon-Fri 10am - 5:30pm Sat. 10am - 4pm The Village Coin Shop WE BUY Antique & junk cars! Any year, make, model. Paid $100- $1000. (512)646-1721. 8650 Spicewood Springs Rd. Ste. 204 Austin, TX 78759 512-219-0030 • 512-677-1044 SHOWROOM 5510 South IH-35 #210 Austin, TX 78745 Open Mon. - Thur. 10 am to 8 pm Sat. 9 am to 6 pm AFFORDABLEAPPLIANCES.CO Tools, Equipment & Machinery Office Furniture Farm, Ranch & Equipment Barter & Trade MUSICAL COMPUTERS INSTRUMENTS Beauty & Fitness Medical Supplies & Equipment Infant & Children’s Items Hunting & Fishing BUY or SELL Gold & Silver Bullion NEW EXTENDED HOURS Financing on All New & Used Appliances FREE 13 mo Warranty Factory Authorized Services $10 Delivery & Install THE GREENSHEET brings you buyers. (800)687-6437. VINTAGE SPOT light, $70. (512)584-3729. INDIVIDUAL 934-0897 Washer & Dryer Sets Start at $230 & Up Carpet, Tile & Paint HAMMS BEAR decanter, 1972 promotion, $50. Southern Comfort penny shooter, 1950’s promotion, $50. (512)584-3729. INDIVIDUAL 6’ AUSTIN sign. Vintage steel channel letters mounted to reclaimed barn board base, $150. (512)584-3729. INDIVIDUAL W ashers Stoves D ryers Freezers Refrigerators A/C We Pay the Tax on any Saturday Purchase! Farming & Livestock VINTAGE VANITY, $250. 2 bedside tables, $50. Vanity bench, $30. Wicker chair, $40. All white. TV cabinet, $50. South Austin. (512)803-4611. INDIVIDUAL VINTAGE TEXAS license plates from 1950’s. $15 for all three. (512)584-3729. INDIVIDUAL ANTIQUE MYERS’ Jamaican Rums framed mirror tavern advertisement, $30. (512)5856083. 800-793-6543 Lawn & Garden MARILYN MONROE plates in boxes with certificates, $100. (512)584-3729. INDIVIDUAL SALES SERVICE PARTS Free Ad Friday! Antiques & Collectibles SEVEN POINT Texas deer antler rack, 2 chipped antlers, good condition, $25. (512)585-6083. LEE A PPLIA N CE Need a hand with your ad? U S ED Animals, Pets & More Clothing, Jewelry & Accessories En Español 3 Free Ads @ 10 Words Each = 1 Awesome Deal Call 800-793-6543 Call The Greensheet every Friday 8am-5pm to place your free ad. Individual and private party ads only. Additional words will be charged a standard rate. The Greensheet reserves the right to limit the number of ads per category as well as household and to change specials at any time. Offer does not apply to ads placed online or mailed in. Whatever floats your boat. Or car. Or motorcycle. Find parts and service at Business Advertising 421-4500 Classified Ads 1-800-687-6437 Visit us at Austin/Central Texas Greensheet Page 4 October 20-26, 2016 Table of Contents Merchandise . . . . . . . . .Pg 3-6 Animals/Pets & More Antiques & Collectibles Appliances & Repair Auctions & Estate Sales Barter or Trade Beauty, Health & Fitness Businesses For Sale Carpet, Tile & Paint Cemetery Plots Clothing, Jewelry, & Accessories Communications Computers Electronics Farm, Ranch & Equipment Flea Market/Booth Rental Garage Sales/Yard Sales Free Goods Handicrafts Home Furnishings/Decor Income Opportunities Lawn & Garden Farming & Livestock Lost & Found Miscellaneous Musical Instruments & More Musicians Seeking Band Members Non-Profit Advertising Office Furniture Resale Shops Sporting & Hunting Goods Hunting & Fishing Storage Buildings Tools, Equipment, & Machinery Wanted To Buy-Miscellaneous En Español Health & Living . . . . . .Pg 6 Childcare Infant & Children’s Items Nursing Care Medical Supplies/Equipment Seeking Employment Health and Medical Health Services Independent & Assisted Living Services . . . . . . . . . . . .Pg 6-8 Legal Services Resume Services Sewing & Alterations Tax Service & Bookkeeping Real Estate . . . . . . . . .Pg 9-10 Homes For Sale Townhomes/Condos For Sale Foreclosures For Sale Commercial Property For Sale Lots & Acreage For Sale Recreational/Timeshares Manufactured Homes For Sale Wanted To Buy-Real Estate Homes For Rent Townhomes/Condos For Rent Apartments For Rent Commercial Property For Rent Rooms For Rent Lots & Acreage For Rent Vacation Rentals Manufactured Homes For Rent Employment . . . . . . . .Pg 11-14 Banking/Financial Beauty/Health/Fitness Child & Adult Care Clerical/Office Domestic Drivers Engineering General Medical Professional/Management Restaurant & Hotel Sales Skilled Trades Technical Telemarketing Education . . . . . . . . . .Pg 14 Instruction, Classes & Seminars Information Publications Schools Around Town . . . . . . . .Pg 15-16 Entertainment & Travel Events Notices Services . . . . . . . . . . . .Pg 6-8 Singles A/C/Heating Birth Cleaning Services Contractor/Handyman/Remodelers Milestones Military/Honorable Mentions Doors & Windows Wedding & Anniversaries Electrical Services Memories & Memorials Fences/Patios/Decks Worship Services Flooring/Tile/Carpeting/Wood Transportation . . . . . .Pg 17-19 Foundations Hauling & Demolition Lawn & Garden Concrete/Masonry Moving & Storage Painting/Wallpaper Party Supplies & Rentals Pest Control Plumbing Services Pool Service/Supplies Roofing & Siding Security Services Business to Business Credit/Financial Estate & Financial Planning Insurance Austin/Central Texas Greensheet Autos - Accessories Auto Guide Transportation Coupons New Pre-owned SUVs, Trucks, & Vans Classics Commercial Vehicles Boats & Watersports Motorcycles & ATVs RVs, Motorhomes & Campers Services Trailers Parts & Accessories Wanted To Buy-Vehicles Austin/Central Texas Serving: Bastrop, Buda, Burnet, Cedar Park, Del Valle, Downtown, Dripping Springs, Elgin, Georgetown, Giddings, Hutto, Jarrell, Jollyville, Kyle, Lago Vista, Lakeway, Leander, Liberty Hill, Lockhart, Manchaca, Manor, Marble Falls, New Braunfels, Northwest Hills, Pflugerville, Round Rock, San Marcos, Taylor, West Lake Hills, Wimberley Deadlines and Delivery Day Classified Call 1-800-687-6437 Fax 1-800-687-6435 Mail to: The Greensheet Austin Classified Dept. P.O. Box 1280 Houston, TX 77251-1280 Line Ad Deadline: Tuesday, 7P.M. Burnet Jarrell 29 Marble Falls 281 Liberty Hill Georgetown Leander 35 Round Rock Cedar Park Jollyville 183 Lago Vista Commercial/Business Call 421-4500 or 1-800-293-1003 Fax 512-347-0379 Mail to: The Greensheet Commercial Display Dept. P.O. Box 140721 Austin, TX 78714 Commercial: Tuesday, 3P.M. Pflugerville Elgin Lakeway Northwest Hills HIlls 1 West Lake Hills Downtown 360 Dripping Springs Butler Sayersville Paige Utley Woodcreek Manchaca Driftwood Buda Helpful Phone Numbers Switchboard 512-421-4500 Classified Line Ads 800-687-6437 Customer Service 800-324-6299 Display 512-421-4500 290 Manor Del Valle 290 Pick it up: Thursday Wimberley Bastrop 21 Creedmoor Mendoza Kyle 183 Mailing Addresses Hunter 35 Giddings Rockne Red Rock Rosanky McMahan Martindale Commercial Display Dept. P.O. Box 140721 Austin, TX 78714 Classified Line Ad Dept. P.O. Box 1280 Houston, TX 77251-1280 Physical Address 3910 S IH 35, Ste. 302 Austin, Texas 78704 Hutto Taylor Lockhart Wimberly San Marcos San New Braunfels Marcos Lobby Hours are 8-5, M-F The Greensheet is your local classified connection between buyers and sellers. We help businesses and individuals buy With print, mobile and web advertising options available, The Greensheet provides more ways to reach locals in the and sell products or services and find valuable employment mindset to buy. Customize your message so buyers find you at opportunities. To page 20,20, callcall 800-687-6437 To place placean anad adflip fliptoto page 800-687-6437 or or visit visitThe Email us at or call 512-421-4500 for a free quote. Our staff works with unmatched dedication to maintain a friendly, community environment for our buyers, sellers and advertisers. The Greensheet’s A+ Rating from the From business cards to big city newspapers, The Greensheet knows printing. Find great prices and great quality for almost any project. Better Business Bureau (BBB) is a sign of our ongoing Email us at or call 512-421-4500 for a free quote. dedication to protecting our readers. just the right moment. To report questionable advertising practices, please contact us by: Mail: The Greensheet 2601 Main St., Houston, TX 77002 Email: Phone: 800-324-6299 uses the latest search and location technologies to re-create and enhance the targeted, hyper-local marketplace found in the print editions. Or contact the BBB by: Mail: BBB 1005 La Posada Drive, Austin, TX 78752 Email: Phone: 512-445-2911 Find out about great deals, local events, and giveaways! Visit Work for Us Legal Notice Join our team and start a rewarding career. Search open positions at The Greensheet reserves the right to refuse, edit, discontinue or classify ads to best serve our readers. Please remember to research any company or individual you wish to buy from or sell to. First copy of this publication is free. Additional copies are $2.00 each. Check your ad. The Greensheet will not be responsible for more than one incorrect advertisement insertion. In the event of any specific printing or scheduling error of an ad, The Greensheet is liable only for that ad and will provide credit or correct rerun of the ad or affected portion. If your ad is incorrect, you must notify The Greensheet prior to second insertion. Visit us at Business Advertising 421-4500 Classified Ads 1-800-687-6437 October 20-26, 2016 Page 5 Merchandise Auctions & Estate Sales SUPER ESTATE/ moving sale. 15100 Hwy 29, Liberty Hill 78641. Saturday October 22nd 8-3pm, Sunday October 23rd 12-3pm. Lots of vintage and contemporary furniture, home decorator items including vintage collectibles, some antiques and some shabby chic. Lots to see! Place An Ad, USED HP computer/ monitor for sale. Call for details. (512)7895688. INDIVIDUAL THE GREENSHEET brings you buyers. (800)687-6437. Dell Laptops with Bag Sell Your Stuf f! Call 1-800-793-6543 or visit $ List it. Sell it. Celebrate. 125 to $199 Android Tablets with Keyboard 7 inch $79, 10 inch $125 Quick Repairs - Hwy 183 / Burnet Rd. 512-837-9797 TEX A S A U C TIO N S T o verify ifa n a u ctio n eer’s licen s e is cu rren to r to file a co m p la in t, Co n ta ct: The Texa s Depa rtm en t o f L icen s in g a n d Regu la tio n (TDL R) 8 00-8 03-9 202 o r via their w eb s ite: w w w .td lr.texa s .go v ALW AYS VERIFY THE TERM S OF THE SALE • Are a n y d ep o s its o r • Are there a n y co n s eq u en ces if a ll fees a re n o tp a id o n tim e? d o w n p a ym en ts req u ired ? • Are there a n y a d d itio n a l fees p er s a le? • Are a ll s a les fin a l? • W hen a re a ll fees d u e? • Ho w ca n I p a y? Ca s h, Pers o n a l Check, M o n ey Ord er, E tc. HUGE YARD sale: FridaySaturday, 10/21-22. 5801 Thunderbird, Lago Vista. LARGE CIGAR humidor cabinet made by Trinidad, $350. (512)5843729. INDIVIDUAL MAKE PEOPLE notice your ad with this attention getter! I MOUNT FLAT SCREENS Audio/Video Service DVR Programming Remote Viewing call 512-954-3130 WE BUY junk tractors, trucks, etc. Any year, make, model. Paid $100- $1000. Call, (512)646-1721. Futons w/Pad - $299 Swivel Barstool - $39 TV Stand - $150 2pc Modern Sectional - $699 in Austin and minimum purchase of $300. Must be presented at time of sale. 5pc Dinette Set - $22999 5 Drawer Chest (Various Colors) - $150 Wood Bunkbeds, Including Mattress - $36999 Queen Size Mattress Set - $29999 3pc Coffee Tables Wood - $19999 2pc Microfiber, Living Room Set - $599 In Business Since 1992 Lamps - 2 for $5999 FREE DELIVERY! BIG WROUGHT iron candelabra, 42.5 inches tall, 29 inches across. $33. (512)945-7628. INDIVIDUAL State your fact, Jack. Here and now. Barter or Trade 2010 CAMPER, excellent condition, trade for boat and motor. (512)321-3173. INDIVIDUAL BOAT MOTOR trailer, car hauler, trade any car/ truck. (512)3854618. INDIVIDUAL TRADE GOATS for other goats, different colors and breeds. (512)321-3173. INDIVIDUAL IN THE red? Call The Greensheet and see some green. (800)6876437. WE DISCOUNT THE PRICE, NOT THE QUALITY! 8557 Research Blvd. Get listed at TOTAL GYM exercise unit, accessories. $300 obo, like new! (512)789-5688. INDIVIDUAL STANDING HAIR dryer, adjustable pole. $80. (512)925-3580. INDIVIDUAL DISCOVERY ELLIPTICAL, great condition, $125. (512)771-9959. INDIVIDUAL LOG ON to the web and check us out at RARE CENTURION Ironman racing bicycle with aerobars, $150. (512)771-9959. INDIVIDUAL Clothing, Jewelry & Accessories AUTHENTIC GUCCI tan/ brown trim purse. $150. (512)945-7628. INDIVIDUAL MICHAEL KORS fulton black purse & wallet. Selling together. $111. (512)945-7628. INDIVIDUAL AUTHENTIC BLACK leather Prada purse, $99. (512)945-7628. INDIVIDUAL BURBERRY SWEATER, size XS, authentic. $25. (512)945-7628. INDIVIDUAL w w w. rr f u rn i tu re . c o m SE HABLA ESPAÑOL • Layaway & Financing Available Farming & Livestock I want your house! WE BUY UY OUSES ANY HOUSES • Fast • Cash • or Terms Se Habla Español Cable Kings Cable/Phone/Internet Everyone Approved. Restrictions Apply. 817.380.9000 NEW AT&T INTERNET OFFER NEED CABLE & INTERNET?? $20 and $30/mo plans available when you bundle. $200+ Visa Prepaid Gift Cards available. HURRY, OFFER ENDS SOON Starting at $19.99 – No credit check! HBO STARZ SHO CINEMAX 3 Mos. FREE! $0 Down! 888-355-4822 Call Today! The Education section can help you jump start a new career. 512-643-5443 Across from Beaman Metal Company 3409 E. 5th St. 512-402-4579 Call for hours & pricing Help us make more sad houses HAPPY! 807-8777 Abandon your bad memories Leave ugly home repairs behind ind We can pay your property taxes xes We can Stop Bank Foreclosure ure Close when convenient for you Help you Avoid Commissions Lawn & Garden TASK FORCE electric hedge trimmer. $125. (512)584-3729. INDIVIDUAL NEED TO find your puppies a new home? Try this attention getter to make your ad dog-gone good! Miscellaneous APPROXIMATELY 181 linear feet of chain link kennel sections with full-size gates & connecting hardware. There are 32 sections of varying lengths & heights. $800.00 obo for all of it. Individual sections priced separately for sale. (512)791-7239. INDIVIDUAL COMMERCIAL SWF embroidery machine. Use for monograms or flat embroidery. Comes with hoops, stand. All machine manuals included. Computerized programmable 1 head, 12 needles, automatic color changer. (512)799-5876. INDIVIDUAL Robinson Farms Inds. Pasture Shredding Spraying Commercial & Private Lots and Fields Fertilizers, Herbicides, and Grounds Preparation call 512-848-6796 Read our pet journals at The Greensheet’s Paws and Claws blog. Business Advertising 421-4500 Classified Ads 1-800-687-6437 GOATS: BABIES, adults, $100 up. Cute & friendly. (512)321-3173. INDIVIDUAL Get the skills to pay the bills! Call Carol Ann Today! y! (512) Communications 505 E. Ben White 832-1094 447-1497 Income Opportunities Beauty, Health & Fitness CALL NOW 800-727-6062 TUMBLE BUG hay buggy. $700 firm. (512)398-3956. INDIVIDUAL MEXICAN POTTERY: can be hung on wall/ placed in garden. Set of 3. $60. (512)945-7628. INDIVIDUAL Garage Sales/Yard Sales TREK 850 mountain bike, $50. (512)771-9959. INDIVIDUAL FILM CAMERAS and tripod, $40/ up. (512)584-3729. INDIVIDUAL Home Furnishings/Décor “ A Few Helpfu l Au ctio n Tips ” SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22, 8am4pm. 12712 Heinemann Dr, Austin, 78727. Farm, Ranch & Equipment Electronics Computers Visit us at COMMERCIAL LITE arrow sign for sale, 4x8, letters for sign, $300. (512)431-6724. INDIVIDUAL THE GREENSHEET brings you buyers. (800)687-6437. Musical Instruments & More WOMEN’S NOBILITY accordion with case, 120 bass, $450. (512)444-5234. INDIVIDUAL Sporting & Hunting Goods RIEDELL ICE skates, girls size 4, like new with blade guards, $40. (512)584-3729. INDIVIDUAL TAXIDERMY: BANTENG shoulder mount 1996. Very good condition. asking $525. Call for info: (512)576-4267. Hunting & Fishing HUNTING AND GRAZING LEASES: 1 hour to Austin/ San Antonio: San Marcos 433 acres. Devine 200 acres. Dale 211 acres. Lockhart 146 acres. Lytton Springs 646 acres. $20 per acre. (888)774-5720. Wanted To Buy Miscellaneous VERY OLD postcards, metal toys, metal signs, marbles, knives, keys, military, railroad and other old items. Call (512)423-8482. I WANT to buy a Boston Terrier, female. From puppy to 6 years. (512)321-3659. Austin/Central Texas Greensheet Page 6 October 20-26, 2016 Merchandise Services Tools, Equipment & Machinery Cleaning Services CHAIN SAW for sale, almost new. $35 obo. (512)282-9954. INDIVIDUAL WHEELBARROW, DUAL wheels, slots for tools, good condition. $50. (512)554-7310. INDIVIDUAL WAFFLE BOARD: 4’ x 8’ by half inch. $5. (512)554-7310. INDIVIDUAL NO LEFT turns! Sell your car right with The Greensheet. (800)6876437. Fences/Patios/Decks Caution: Deep Steam Cleaning Outgrown clothing can lead to overgrown wallets. 5 Rooms for $120.00 Pretreatment, Deodorizer & Furniture Moving Included Tile - Grout - Upholstery Dryer Vent Cleaning Health & Living Get listed for FREE at Insured & Bonded Warranty Included 512-317-4846 Childcare Health Services IN-HOME CHILDCARE. State listed Provider. Pflugerville. (512)7713757. QUALITY VISION EYEWEAR $ 2 CREW REMODELERS 99 TRANSITION LENSES • Framing • Patio Covers • Window • Siding • Decks • Doors 512-203-1476 Frame & Transition Lens. Complete *Single Vision Preschool Program: 9:00am-1:30pm After School Care: 2:45pm-6:45pm Night Childcare: 9:30pm-6:30am FRAME REPAIR AVAILABLE 512-369-3716 89 2 PAIRS OF GLASSES Frames & Lenses. *Single Vision New & Used ✪ Power Wheel Chair - $1,100 & up ✪ Scooter - $850 & up ✪ Lift-Chair - $800 & up ✪ Stair-Lift - Call ✪ Vehicle-Lift - Call ✪ Accessories - Call ✪ Incontinence Supplies - Call Certified Technicians Free Pick-up & Delivery with repair Sell, Repair & Rental CTMES: 512.296.7017 Oscar Robert Mon-Fri. 8:30-5:30 • Sat. 10:00-3:00 2800 S. IH 35, STE. 125 462-0001 Medical Supplies/Equipment WHEELCHAIR & SCOOTER REPAIR WALKER, LIKE new, heavy-duty. $20. (512)401-7585. INDIVIDUAL ELECTRIC HOSPITAL bed: like new, $400. (512)779-9245; (512)529-5614. INDIVIDUAL JAZZY SCOOTER, paid $6000, asking $400. Needs battery. (512)443-4870. INDIVIDUAL HOME NANCE E T IN MA 512-373-0418 * Sheetrock Repairs / Tape & Float * Fences * Roof Patches * Garbage Disposals * Tree Trimming * Home Fixture Installations *Holiday Light Service The Greensheet makes saving easy. Decongest your closets with 512-905-3793 512-517-8374 • Light Demolition/Clean Up • Buildings & Grounds • Trash & Junk • Painting • Interior/Exterior - Free Estimates - Call Danny 512-902-6694 512-342-8001 30 Years Exp Lic# TACLA 9023 See it online, instantly. We now offer instant placement for your online classified ads. 512-619-5588 GH Construction Cleaning Services CARPET CLEANER TIPS FREE ESTIMATES The Who, What and How 2nd - ALWAYS ASK: A. If the price advertised is just a starting price? B. Are there extra charges for stairs, stain removal, etc.? REMINDER Always request a detailed receipt that includes their warranty/guarantee Austin/Central Texas Greensheet • • • • AL’s CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING Insured and Bonded Accepting Most Credit Cards Cell# 1st - Checkout the company with the Better Business Bureau • No Job Too Small • Driveways • Patios, Additions • Sidewalks • Small Demolition Work (512) 445-2443 Pre-Treatment & Deodorant Included Call Concrete Retaining Walls Small Jobs Landscaping 512-910-0667 $45.00 Sofa & Love Seat Cleaned CALL TODAY!! $64.95 We love surprises! d Since 1982 Experience COMM / RESIDENTIAL / REMODELING Master Licensed / Insured Mention This Ad for 10% OFF Not Valid on Bid Jobs Service Calls 512-642-4417 TECL 24811 know what you’re going to find. One Call Does it All!! • Garage Clean Up • Trash • Junk • Brush Light Demolition & Lawn Care • Tree Trimming & Removal • Roof Clearance Lawn & Garden Remodeling Experts You Can Count On! Call: 512.202.1440 Call Us For FREE Estimates RJ Remodeling & Floors 512-657-8175 Serving Austin & Surrounding Areas Chavez 15 Years Experience Free Estimates Concrete Work Driveways • Patios Sidewalks Retaining Walls Concrete Removal Small Jobs Too! Grass Mowing High Grass Yard Maintenance On Call 24/7 • Yard Maintenance • High Grass • Parking Lot Trash Cleanup Service • Trash Haul Off • Light Fencing Repair Trustworthy & Reliable 512-300-3865 MARIO’S TREE SERVICE FREE ESTIMATES Tree Removal Quality Work Insured Specialist 10 Yrs. Exp. Tree Trimming Reasonable Prices No Back Log Quick Service We Haul 512-799-2656 (Cell) 512-927-2997 (Off) 554-6329 HERNANDEZ CONCRETE • Driveways • Patios • Sidewalks • Flower Beds • Mail Boxes • Wood & Chain Link Fences • Free Estimates We keep a stash of marketing secrets. Visit “Marketing Matters” at • Lawn Mower Repairs at Your Home • Affordable & Dependable GH HAULING SERVICES • Junk Hauling • Branches Removal & Tree Trimming • Painting & More • Landscaping • Mowing & Yard Maintenance CALL 512-910-0667 L AW N G A R D EN S tarting at $25 C utting, Yard W ork, S tone W ork H auling, Fence-C oncrete W ork “18 Y ea rs E xp erien ce • R ea so n a ble P rices” FREE ES TIM ATES Ca ll512-78 9 -5401 512-8 03-8 26 7 SPRINKLER REPAIR 512.450.4217 TCEQ# LI0021618 • State License Robinson Farm Inds. CUSTOM HAY BALING Weekly Hay Sales! Quality Coastal & Coastal and Rye Mix 512-848-6796 “Unbeatable Prices”” 512-402-4943 Plumbing Services Mike’s Plumbing P ATR IOT EL ECTR IC Co m m ercia l/Res id en tia l/Repa irs Alu m in u m W irin g, Pa rk in g L o t L ights Office Bu ild in g & Apa rtm en t Dis co u n ts N o Jo b To o S m a ll 5 12 - 3 0 0 - 3 5 5 0 E quipm ent & A ppliance R epair TEC L 24161 M C E 20108 The is like a box of chocolates. You never Just Call, We Haul 512-237-9679 (c) 979-218-4870 Electrical Services Cleaned Hauling & Demolition FREE ESTIMATES 799-5477 3 Rooms ESTIMATES 512.400.8913 18 Years Experience Servicing SW to NW Austin 512-917-8746 Residential, Commercial Interior or Exterior Licensed & Bonded Concrete/Masonry Concrete Work 20 Years Experience “Se Habla Español” Gary's Lawn Mower Repair 512-303-9988 512-804-6989 Manuel’s FREE Lawn Service Mowing & Trimming CELL AC & HEATING CHAIN LINK & WOOD FENCES & DECKS All Types of Repairs • FAST & Reliable Service No Job is Too Big or Small We Tackle Them All! • Driveways • Parking Lots • Streets • Ranch Roads • Road Base • Recycled Asphalt • Concrete Work • Tractor Work Place an Ad MARTIN Serving Austin & Central Texas 25 Years Experience Commercial Residential TRAVIS PAVING & EXCAVATING A/C/Heating SINCE 1976 All Around Handyman Breathe easy. Services Residential Services Repairs, Replacements, Check-ups and more. Flooring/Tile/ Carpeting/Wood 47 EYE EXAM (Across from Hillcrest Elementary on William Cannon) 554-6329 cell Leftovers from Various Jobs Independent Doctor Of Optometry Located Next Door $ All Types Of Repairs Fast & Reliable Services Will Install Reasonably $ Licensed Child Care Home Wood Fences & Decks CARPET • TILE WOOD • LAMINATE Contractors/Handyman/Re-modelers Medicaid & Medicare Accepted Now Taking Most Vision Insurance chavezFREE ESTIMATES 10 Years Experience Reel in buyers! Visit us at Plumbing Leaks and Repairs Emergency Plumbing Quality Service and Installation 512-508-3045 M-41349 • Repairs • Drain Cleaning • Water Heaters • Gas Lines & Sewer Lines • New Construction & Remodels 24 Hour Emergency Service FREE ESTIMATES 452-0580 Lic.# M37225 Hook buyers! Business Advertising 421-4500 Classified Ads 1-800-687-6437 October 20-26, 2016 Page 7 Services Painting/Wallpaper “R o o fin g Tile 20 Y ea rs E xp erien ce” FREE ES TIM ATES Ca ll 512-78 9 -5401 512-8 03 -8 26 7 All Around Handyman Commercial Residential New Roof, Flat Roof Roof Patch Repair, & Remodeling Expert Install Flashing & Cricket for House. Todo Tipo De Reparaciones 737-333-4175 Cell: email: 512-870-7510 Credit/Financial Interior & Exterior Painting Power Wash, Replace Rotten Lumber, Sheetrock & Texture Owner - Serrano 512-773-3407 512-699-3946 DISCOUNT PAINTING! “Below Competitive Prices” Here’s Why: 21 Yrs. Experience Assures Better “Efficiency”Allowing CALL TONY 321 S. Colorado • Lockhart, TX 78644 1923 E. 7th St. #140 • Austin, TX 78702 512-398-3835 512-326-9400 1413 N. Hwy. 123 By Pass • Seguin, TX 78155 512-480-0030 830-372-9904 331-CW Hopkins San Marcos, TX 78666 1701 S. Mays Street Ste. K • Round Rock, TX 78664 512-643-1385 Visit us at 6600 S. Congress Ave. | Austin TX 78745 512-392-8100 512.480.0030 “We Want to Make You a Loan” NO INTEREST/NO FEES * Get Up to $5,000 Now! Title Loans LIMITED TIME OFFER 866-448-7835 *The Fees and Interest will be discounted completely if the Principal amount borrowed is paid in full as agreed on or before the due date shown on the Agreements. If a new loan is obtained from the third party lender to refinance the amount borrowed on the original loan connected to this offer, Fees and Interest as shown on the company Fee Schedule will apply. Contact store for details! Lower Prices!!! Great References Unmatched Workmanship Quality Products HANDYMAN SERVICES AVAILABLE • Fast Courteous Service Call Today Cash Advances Five Star Service PERSONAL LOANS • Apply by Phone or in Person LOANS from $ 40 up to $1,340!! Call for Free Estimates Alvarez REMODELING & PAINTING ATLAS CREDIT COMPANY OFING and Construction Over 20 Yrs. Experience Call Danny 512-902-6694 17 YRS EXP. OLMOS New Roofs or Roofing Repairs FREE ESTIMATES • Light Demolition/Clean Up • Buildings & Grounds • Trash & Junk • Painting • Interior/Exterior - Free Estimates - Best prices in town O B est Prices in Painting S heetrock Tape Flow Texure C arpentry JP Roofing R P a inting W a llpa per H ouses S tarting at $675 Credit/Financial Roofing & Siding Need a friend? We’re always here when you need us.—24/7 Treat Yourself to Easy Cash, No Tricks! Get the Cash, Keep your Car *Mention this ad & get 1/2 off finance fee on your 1st Loan. Refer Friends and Get up to $100 Cash! CA$HTODAY CA$H TODAY AUTO TITLE LOANS** CALL NOW & Get Pre-Approved! 512-271-2182 ROUND ROCK: 1350 E. Palm Valley • 512-388-5626 GEORGETOWN: W. University/Austin Ave. • 512-271-2182 SAN MARCOS: 1709 S. IH-35 • 512-353-5626 CASH ADVANCE LOANS up to $5,000 in Minutes! Requirements: Open & Active Checking Account, Proof of Income, Proof of Residence, ID & Social Security Card. **Clean & Clear Car Title, Valid ID WE BUY OUT TITLE LOA NS ROCKDALE: Se Habla Español 1500 W. Cameron • 512-271-2182 Llame Hoy AUSTIN: 11304 N. IH-35/Braker Ln. • 512-836-2274 E. Cesar Chavez/IH-35 • 512-480-2274 512-705-0192 Roofing & Siding One Story Roof Maintenance O C TO B E R S P E C I A L $ 249.00 for roof maintenance package **Call for details - one story up to 7/12** 512-236-5155 JDC RO O FING GUARANTEED NOT TO LEAK Complete Roof Replacements & Repairs Flat Roof Repair & Replacements Painting Siding Interior & Exterior RESPO NSIVE & RELIABLE Jam es 512-538-0659 Ins ured Selling your home, Gerome? We’ll find you buyers. Get listed at Crazy about paper? We have the job for you! Become a press helper at our print facility. Get started at Business Advertising 421-4500 Classified Ads 1-800-687-6437 Section continues ... Visit us at Austin/Central Texas Greensheet Page 8 October 20-26, 2016 Services Credit/Financial Legal Services LOANS STUCK IN A TITLE OR PAYDAY LOAN? WE CAN HELP! Texan Credit Corp. We will also report your good credit to Trans Union to help build or repair your credit. LOANS FOR ANYTHING CRIMINAL DEFENSE DIVORCE • WILLS/PROBATE AFFORDABLE RATES Social Security Disability Don Keith Bartos, Attorney At Law Serving Travis & Surrounding Counties for Over 31 Years Office Visits by Appointment Only 512-474-5588 Cut Through The Red Tape! 824 West 10th Street #200 • Austin, TX James Foster Andrews Attorney Main Office Houston, Tx 1-877-529-9033 (Toll Free) 35 Years of Success for Clients Direct mail that delivers more. Boost your business. Call The Greensheet today: 800-793-6543 Insurance Title Loans • Signature Loans LOANS up to $ 1340 AFFORDABLE MONTHLY PAYMENTS WITH ALL LOANS GROW your TEXAN CREDIT CORPORATION Visit Us On The Web: business 8222 N. Lamar, Ste D 35 Austin, TX 78753 711 C North Bell Blvd. Cedar Park, TX 78613 with an ad in The Greensheet. 512-832-5200 512-249-0494 Call 1-800-793-6543 6606-17 S. Congress Ave. Austin, TX 78745 1104 Thorpe Ln., Ste. P San Marcos, TX 78666 512-428-9120 512-392-5544 110 S. Moss Seguin, TX 78155 1200 Palm Valley #1210 Round Rock, TX 78664 830-379-0500 512-218-8700 (Across From Regional Hospital} to speak with a media consultant today. *All Loans Subject To Our Normal Credit Criteria. Must Have Verifiable Income & Residence. Title Must Be In Customer’s Name And Vehicle Must Be Registered And Running. Legal Services LIABILITY As Low As FAMILY LAW • Divorce • Wills & Probate • No License • Mexico License • Dwi and Tickets • Sr-22 • NO PROBLEM! FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION 512-384-1749 R. ALAN. MASON HABLAMOS ESPAÑOL 901 S. Mopac Expressway • Barton Oaks Plaza One, Ste. 300 Austin, TX 78746 Credit Cards Accepted *Quote is based on company ASIM and may vary depending on Zip Code, Age, Sex, and other qualified discounts. (512) 329-2711 Not certified by Texas Board of Legal Specialization Want to see our wackiest ads? Like The Greensheet on Facebook to see what we’re sharing. Find us at Austin/Central Texas Greensheet 25 * & up “Pay LESS and Get More” • Child Support • Child Custody ATTORNEY $ 2001 E. Riverside 1723 E. Oltorf Rd. (Next to Shell Gas)* (Next to Gulf Gas)* 3909 N. IH 35 9717 N. Lamar (In Fiesta Center)* (In CiCi’s Pizza Center)* AUSTIN Need to sell it fast? Post your automotive listing on Visit us at Business Advertising 421-4500 Classified Ads 1-800-687-6437 October 20-26, 2016 Page 9 Finest Manufactured Home Community in San Marcos Real Estate Homes for Sale! Call Now! Homes are going FAST! If lines are busy, please leave a message. Pre-Owned Pre-Owned Pre-Owned New New New New New 3/2 4/2 3/2 3/2 3/2 4/2 4/2 3/2 1024 sq.ft. 1568 sq.ft. 1728 sq.ft. 1216 sq.ft. 1456 sq.ft. 1568 sq.ft. 1568 sq.ft. 1568 sq.ft. Manufactured Homes For Sale $24,000 $39,995 $54,995 $65,995 $74,995 $82,995 $82,995 $83,995 SINGLEWIDE INVENTORY BLOW OUT! Homes starting at $23,900!! Limited supply Call Immediately 512-251-5614 RBI#02880 1st Time Home Buyer Programs! --Call for information-- (888) 285-6849 512-251-5614 RBI#02880 HOME LAND RBI 34380 COMING SOON Real Estate in Buda / Kyle Area 512-389-0595 20.6 BEAUTIFUL acres Southeast of Austin; Dale; $199,900. Owner financing: $5000 down! (512)781-6451. 10 ACRES in Dale. South of Austin. Owner financing, $5000 down and only $832/ month! $99,900. (512)781-6451. 20 WOODED acres in Dale Double wide mobiles or site built homes okay! $5000 down, $1710/ month, $199,000. Steve, (512)659-2069. 20 BEAUTIFUL acres with trees Northeast of Austin; $159,900. Owner financing: $3000 down! (512)781-6451. 11.2 A/C, 15 miles SE of Lockhart, part open, part wooded, creek with large trees, lots of game, $7,350/ ac, $4,000 down or discount for cash. Call: (512)4237136; (325)532-2423. LARGE OAKS! 19 a/c, nice view, pond, north of Lampasas, $6,985/ ac, $8,500 down, owner finance or discount for cash. Call (254)206-0388. MILAM COUNTY: 11 acres for sale with small incomplete cottage. Open and wooded. Utility and storage building. $128,000. Call: (979)530-7104. INDIVIDUAL PLANNING ON buying a new car soon? Sell your old car with The Greensheet. (800)687-6437. 10 WOODED acres in Dale Double wide mobiles or site built homes okay! $5000 down, $830/ month. Call/text, (512)659-2069. 20 WOODED acres between Thrall and Elgin double wide mobiles or site built homes okay $5000 down, $1351/ month, $159,000. Steve, (512)659-2069. 10 ACRES North of Lampasas, wildlife, good cover, scenic area, $4,885 /ac, 10% down, owner finance or discount for cash. Call: (254)206-0388; (325)632-2423. GREAT 5 + acre lot and 16 + acre fenced area for livestock. Westwood Subdivision Lot #12, Lois Lane, Bastrop, TX Access to 16 acres through the 5 acre subdivision lot. Beautiful post oak and elm trees. Private water system- 1 inch water line has been installed across the property. Near Cedar Creek High School, 13 miles from Bastrop and 13 miles from Austin International Airport. No seller financing. $400,000. Call\Text: (512)751-5459. INDIVIDUAL MATAGORDA PENINSULA: private airport, beachfront, ¼ acre, $2500. (281)659-5138. CRANDALL: 11 acres. Mile off US 175. Water, electric, septic. $107,500, $7500 down payment, $840 monthly, 9.5% APR, 360 months. (888)774-5720. 15.3 ACRES South of Austin. Niederwald. Owner financing: $10K down. Only $179,900. (512)781-6451. 10 LIGHTLY restricted acres on FM 2001, close to Buda, I-35, Hwy 21 and Toll 130. Only $149,000. Call Steve, (512)659-2069. SAN MARCOS: 11 acres, water meter. Optional septic/ electric meters & owner financing! $99,900. (888)774-5720. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS 325-650-5900 Safe, Reliable Shopping. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY NEW SINGLE wide 3-2, $29,000. New double wide 3-2, $44,000. RBI 02959. Call (361)576-2171. BROKER MOBILE HOME for sale. 3-2. Preowned, 1566 sf, updated. $65,000 negotiable. (512)462-2599. FOR SALE 2-1 used mobile home, $10,000 obo. As is. RBI 02959. Call (361)576-2171. BROKER 5-3 DOUBLE wide $69,000. Inlcudes delivery set and a/c. RBI 02959. Call (361)576-2171. BROKER In Austin 3 Bed 2 Bath For Sale in a Beautiful Community 512-389-0595 RBI 35916 ITIN’S Welcome STOP RENTING Buy Your Dream Manufactured Home Call Us NOW! 512-389-0595 RBI 35916 Wanted To Buy - Real Estate Nobody said it was going to be easy. NW Austin Area Beautiful area, will not last! Ready for Immediate Occupancy! Except for us: It’s easy. Walk away with cash $$ Keep your good credit CALL ME Get listed at (512) DOLLARS RBI#02880 HOMES for Lease 3 bedroom 2 bath singles 3 bedroom 2 bath doubles 4 bedroom 2 bath doubles $ 1,199.00 to $1,349.00 Full security = to 1 months rent Offer expires 10/31/2016 W ill Pay Cash O r Take O ver Paym ents River Ridge Estates 512-751-1100 O w ner/Agent Never pay retail again. brings you savings. Business Advertising 421-4500 Classified Ads 1-800-687-6437 fast, fair, cash RBI#02880 W E BUY H O US ES AND L AND! SELL ME YOUR HOUSE 512-251-5614 Prices range from F a cing F oreclos u re? Behind O n Pa ym ents ? 120 2, 3, 4 & 5 Bedroom Homes Available For SALE Mini Ranch - 3/2 Homes For Sale C A S H F OR HOUS ES A ny Location A ny Condition RBI 35916 Manufactured Homes For Sale Lots & Acreage For Sale IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY Beautiful Slaughter Lane Community Easy Access to Shopping 1601 E. Slaughter Lane • Austin, TX 512-282-4600 RBI# 34209 Visit us at AVOID FORECLOSURE! I want your house! WE BUY UY OUSES ANY HOUSES • Fast • Cash • or Terms Se Habla Español Call Today! 512-643-5443 BEST CA$H OFFER FOR YOUR HOUSE Any Condition or Location Quick Closing! NO COMMISSIONS • NO CLOSING COSTS • NO REPAIRS! Alexandra Petroski 512-730-9897 HOUSEHUNTERSAUSTIN.COM Find The Greensheet and connect with us at Section continues ... Austin/Central Texas Greensheet Page 10 October 20-26, 2016 Real Estate Wanted To Buy Real Estate How much CA$H is your house WORTH? Apartments For Rent BRAND-NEW! 1- bedroom, Works with credit! $915 Apartments Here! (512)291-7368. Call me now to find out! I Buy Houses 512-710-9711 CASH! ROSEMONT Graham No Obligation, Any Condition AT HIDDEN CREEK FREE QUOTE! 512-921-6869 MISDEMEANORS OK! 2-2, Nice! Gated! $1127. Apartments HERE! (512)291-7368. Not a Real Estate Agent! FREE After School Care Program Help us make more sad houses HAPPY! Fitness Center, Sparkling Swimming Pool 1 Bedroom 1 Bath Starting At - $685 2 Bedroom 2 Bath Starting At - $821 3 Bedroom 2 Bath Starting At - $946 Call Carol Ann Today! y! (512) 807-8777 Abandon your bad memories ind Leave ugly home repairs behind We can pay your property taxes xes We can Stop Bank Foreclosure ure Close when convenient for you Help you Avoid Commissions *Call for details • Professionally Managed w/Friendly Staff• Prices Subject to Change. Se Habla Español 9345 HWY 290 EAST 512-928-2339 Homes For Rent “RENTER’S CHECKLIST” Helpful tips to consider after you have located that perfect home to rent: ✔ Verify the owner of the property with the county appraisal district’s office where the property is located; by way of their website, calling for assistance, or going in person. ✔Make an appointment to see the property and have a relative or friend accompany you to assist in observing any transaction. ✔Request to see the owner or representative’s driver’s license for identification purposes. ✔ Before any money changes hands, have all agreements documented in the official rental contract specifying what you have agreed to; not just notes on a napkin or a scrap of paper. ✔ Make certain you read and completely understand all documents before signing them. ✔ Request copies of all documents with your signature. The Bottom Line: If concerns or doubts remain after reading any document, etc., do not continue until all is clarified and documented to your complete satisfaction. For your convenience reference the below county info: • Austin, Texas: or call 512-834-9317 for assistance WONDERFUL 3-2 house with garage, fenced, very private. Avilable November 1st. 6303 Moonglow, 78724. $1400 monthly, $600 deposit. Maravillosa casa 3-2 con garage. Privada, cercadad. Disponible Noviembre 1. $1400 mensuale, $600 deposito. (512)517-6269. G Good credit, Bad credit, No credit! • WE CAN HELP! DID YOU KNOW THAT WE WORK WITH APARTMENTS ALL OVER AUSTIN? WE ARE FREE FOR YOU! PLEASE CALL US! 512 291-7368 BRAND NEW! 1 bedroom Super Luxury, Never Lived in, North Austin, works with credit, from $915 2 Bedroom 1 bath, gated, North Austin, will work with some credit! from $995 ALL RENTERS 3 & 4 bedroom manufactured homes ready for immediate occupancy CALL NOW 512-251-5614 RBI#02880 EASY on FIRST TIME RENTERS! 1 Bedroom, washer/ dryer included! Wells Branch area, can work with lower income from $845 SPACIOUS 2-2 with fenced patio, w/d connections, trees, reserved parking. North Central, 8920 Trone Circle, $1100. (512)9703908. BRAND NEW LUXURY@ Pflugerville area! Granite! Super nice, NEVER LIVED IN! can work with credit! From $1295 MISDEMEANORS OK! OLDER FELONIES OK! NO broken leases, 1, 2 & 3 bedrooms all over Austin, 1 BR from $950, 2 br from $1250, 3 br from $1475 2 year Old Broken Lease OK!! 1 br from $785, 2 bedroom Townhome style 1200 sq ft from $1110 ARBORETUM AREA CHARM! Fantastic Location, walk to grocery stores & shopping! Washer / dryer included! from $859 183 A NOTE TO READERS All real estate advertised in the Greensheet is subject to the Fair Housing Act Of 1989, which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination...” The Greensheet will not knowingly accept any advertisement which violates this law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis. Residential rental locators are required to be licensed by the Texas Real Estate Commission (P.O. Box 12188, Austin, Tx. 787112188, 1-800-250-8732 or 512-465-3960). Locators may advertise apartment units in general terms and all units may not have the same features. The amount of rent quoted in an advertisement may be the starting price for a basic unit or for a unit which does not have all advertised features. 2 br 2 bath, cable included!! Near HEB from $950 New Studios North Austin! New Building new units! Call! 1 br Northeast $795+$45 for cable! Gated! Call today! 2 br Luxury Townhomes, Lake line area. Granite counter tops, washer/dryer included! Gated! Close to Shopping! From $1350 2 br Luxury, Granite counter tops! Pflugerville area, super nice! Great Fitness! $1150 1 br, Northwest, WORKS WITH CREDIT, OLD MISDEMEANORS OK! 3 LOCATIONS, FROM $979 2 BR 2 BATH, WORKS WITH CREDIT, OLD MISDEMEANORS OK! 3 LOCATIONS FROM $1097 1 br Round Rock, remodeled! WHAT A DEAL!! ONLY $800! WALK INS WELCOME! 11011 RESEARCH BLVD • AUSTIN, TX BRA NEW! 1-BEDROOM older broken lease ok! $999 Apartments HERE! (512)291-7368. Arboretum Area! 1 br, washer dryer connections , tennis courts, fitness $ 797 BROKEN LEASE OK! North Austin, Laundry onsite, surrounded by woods, from $915 KER 2 YEAR broken lease ok! 1 bedroom, $790. Apartments here! (512)291-7368. ALL DOGS WELCOMED! Any size/breed! Beautiful N. Austin old world charm! Washer/Dryer included! Misdemeanors ok! 1 br $950, 2br 1 bath $1050 GREAT INCOME? BAD CREDIT? Super Luxury New Townhome, Granite, stainless appliances and wood floors with attached garage, the best of the best, will even work with OLDER BROKEN LEASE! CALL! Townhomes/Condos For Rent 2-1, OLDER criminal history ok! $1099. Apartments Here! (512)291-7368. 512-291-RENT (7368) Vacation Rentals Nobody cares about your home as much as you do. Until you find a buyer with The Greensheet. List today! LAKE LBJ VACATION HOUSE 2,400 Sq.Ft. For Rent 1 mi. from Horseshoe Bay Resort • Fully Furnished • 4 Br. • Sleeps 8 • 2.5 Bath • Gameroom • Washer • Dryer • Towels • Kitchen Utensils No Pets 281-748-7052 We sell for you, Sue (and George and Adam, too). Get listed at Rooms For Rent M HM R a nd s pecia l need s Fully furnished room s. ALL BILLS PAID. Free Phone and C able.O n bus line. M e a ls in clude d $50 0 /M o n th W e a ccept S S I/S S DI Free Laundry Facility Call N eal 512296-7995 *new clients only ALL BILLS PAID 240 tax /wk & up $ + • FREE basic & premium cable • Swimming Pool • On site Laundry Facility • Security on Duty • Free Wifi 9106 N. IH35 11400 N. IH35 512-837-7900 512-835-0333 ROOM FOR RENT ALL BILLS PAID! 650 List it. Sell it. Celebrate. $ per month in a furnished 3-2 Home in Manor, TX 78653 CALL TONY 512-865-9536 AL L BIL L S P AID Fully Furn is h e d Ro o m s So m e W / Kitch e n e tte s • Fre e HBO • On Bus lin e Da ily & W e e kly / $23 0 & up + Ke y De p . 444-59 73 440-8 448 3400 S . Co n gres s 4141 S . Co n gres s ALL BILLS PAID $220 + Tax/Wk. & Up • FREE basic & premium cable • On #1 Bus Route, 15 min to Downtown • Onsite Laundry Facility • Kitchenettes 6712 N. Lamar 459-6092 6702 N. Lamar 459-5211 FIRST TIME for you ad? Use this attention getter to let the readers know! PRIVATE BEDROOM with bath in quiet country home in Dale. Convenient to Austin, ABIA, Circuit of Americas, Lockhart. $350/ month plus portion of all utilities and services. Cablevision and Wi-Fi available. Calls only, please no texting. Call (512)7849086. RETIRED COUPLE renting a room, all bills paid, $500, $100 deposit, $45 fee, no credit check. (512)9174478. INDIVIDUAL Ready to step up your selling game? Call 1-800-793-6543 to find out how a display ad in The Greensheet can grow your business! Austin/Central Texas Greensheet Visit us at Business Advertising 421-4500 Classified Ads 1-800-687-6437 October 20-26, 2016 Page 11 Employment Child & Adult Care ACTIVITY SEEKING experienced caregivers with heart! Must have 3 references. Positions available throughout Austin and Round Rock area. Assist with toileting, bathing, dressing, grooming, and transfer. Reasonable rates with possibilities for bonuses Be ready to work immediately. Needed for Special Attendants 6 month experience required. Apply at (210)8349214. DOUBLETREE RESIDENTIAL Services is now hiring for Direct Care Staff. You need a valid TX driver’s license/ ID, Social Security card, and must be able to pass a criminal history check to be eligible for hire. Experience is preferred. We have weekend positions available from, 6am- 10pm, split shift positions, M-F, from, 6-9am, 3-10pm, must be able to work morning and evening on the split shift, overnight positions WednesdaySunday, 10pm- 8:30am, and other shifts that are needing fulfillment with a flexible employee. We are looking for dependable employees that are on time and can provide a healthy/ safe environment for our persons served. If this sounds like you, please come in person to the office, 3225 W. Slaughter Ln. Austin, TX 78748 and ask for Polly/ Ray. Office number: (512)291-8450. Drivers CDL A Training $500-$1,000 Incentive Bonus No Out of Pocket Tuition Cost! Now Hiring DRIVERS Get Your CDL in 22 Days PAID WHILE YOU TRAIN Accommodations provided if you are 50+ miles from Lancaster. 6 Day Refresher Courses Avail! Minimum 21 Years of Age Cars, Mini-Vans & Pick-up Trucks “Don’t lose your cool” Call Apply in Person 8906 Wall St., Ste. 404 Austin, TX 78754 Ask About Signing Bonus • Installation • Repair • Maintenance and more Serving: Round Rock, Georgetown, Sun City, Hutto, Taylor, & Austin Texas • Official Carrier Dealer Courier Service 888-453-8112 EOE Residential Heating and Cooling Services DRIVERS 512-887-4911 TACLB66010E Employment ATDS TRUCK DRIVING SCHOOL General • You may qualify for FREE Training • ATDS offers VA Approved Programs • New Contract Training Programs Available • Weekend Classes now available • Follow us on & CARING HOME HEALTH Immediate Positions Available! Personal Care Attendants Needed Austin, Pflugerville, Round Rock, Leander, and Georgetown Call 800-846-4420 Approved for WIA, TRC & VA - 100% Financing Available 124 Truckers Lane, Elm Mott, TX - Exit 345 off I-35 · E mail: CALL 254-432-7534 NOW HIRING Drivers! Earn $14.99/ hr for delivering packages. All you need is you! No wear and tear on your personal vehicle, we put you in our air conditioned company owned vehicle, provide fuel card and insurance. Rotating schedule to include weekends, 4 days on 4 off. To get started you must be: 21 years or older. Have a valid driver’s license No more than 1 moving violation in past three years. Zero DWI’s/ DUI’s in the past seven years. For immediate consideration send resumes to or Apply at 1100 E. Howard Ln, Ste. 480, Austin, TX 78753. EOE (512)8738067. CDL DRIVER Most have experience driving Dump Trucks Good Driver Record & Pass Drug Screen Call 512.924.9731 Rami Transportation CDL class A&B DRIVERS & MECHANICS NEEDED 5-up Driving Experience Background Check, Take Drug Test Richard 512 773.5612 Berny 512 845.5131 English/Spanish 1-877-253-6495 BUS DRIVING/DETAILING POSITIONS Starting Pay $ $ 9 - 12 hr. CLEAN DRIVING RECORD PAID TRAINING MUST PASS CRIMINAL/DRUG SCREEN CALL 512.480.3110 Austin Health Resources Inc. ATDS SUPPORTS VETERANS Drivers LOOKING FOR experienced OTR Drivers, no criminal record and can pass a drug test. (713)4295793 Call: (713)429-4744. QUICKBOOKS & PAYROLL Training Program! Online career Training can get you job ready! Job placement assistance when training completed! HS Diploma/GED required. • Immediate Openings, All Shifts General LANDSCAPE & Mow Laborers/ Crew Leaders & Lawn Technician $12- $16 per hour. Lots of overtime. 3 plus months experience mandatory with large 36" plus mowers: zero turn, walk- behind and stand on. Good criminal & driving records. Se Habla Espanol. Call (512)563-7883. Email: KIDS ENTERTAINERS needed. $13/ hour minimum- $60/ hour. Reliable transportation required; lots of driving. Will train. Must be available all weekend hours. 18 years + only. Fun! Visit: Call: (888)458-7247. GCA SERVICES Group is currently hiring full-time Custodians to work in the Bastrop, TX area. Prior cleaning experience is a plus. A criminal background check, results of which are not necessarily a bar to employment, and fingerprint screening are required. The available shift for the position is 2:00pm10:30pm Monday- Friday. The starting pay rate is $9.25/ hr. Please call (512)772-7284 for directions to our office to fill out an application. EOE. $200 HIRING BONUS! Security Officers, $9 hour, immediate openings (888)925-3363 x3483 e-application THE GREENSHEET brings you buyers. (800)687-6437. SEMEN DONORS NEEDED Drivers-CO & O\Op’s. Average $100 Per Visit Earn Great Money Running Dedicated! Great Benefits. Home Weekly. Monthly Bonuses. Drive Newer Equipment! Healthy College Educated Males, 18-39 years old • Competitive Pay and Benefits FOR THE latest in classified ads log on to • Hiring for House Leaders to work in group homes assisting individuals with Intellectual Disabilities. Apply At: Drivers up to $15-18 per hr. (Plus Tips) DOE 9609 New Foundland Circle • Austin, TX 78758 512.835.8955 Movers $13 to $15 plus tips DOE Must have a clean driving record Professional moving exp. pref.,but not req. Exp. driving a bobtail truck is pref. but not req., and exp. driving a gooseneck truck and trailer is a plus. 512-340-0551 Whatever floats your boat. Or car. Or motorcycle. Find parts and service at • Be U.S. Citizens including Naturalized Citizens • Meet minimum experience and/or education requirement For more information and to apply online For an application visit Section continues ... 855-582-2265 Business Advertising 421-4500 Classified Ads 1-800-687-6437 Visit us at Austin/Central Texas Greensheet Page 12 October 20-26, 2016 O Outreach Health Services is hiring Professional Special Attendants and Personal Care Attendants On the Spot 512-707-06 90 • No exper ien • Have acce ce necessary ss to relia ble transportat ion • Part tim e job • Night-w eekend-day & anytime shifts avai • Pay increa lable ses based on performan ce Hiring! Tuesday thru Thursday Tu Location: 3910 S. IH-35 Ste. 305 A Austin, TX 78704 Time: 10am - 6pm to assist the elderly & disabled in their homes. **Th special attendant provides temporary services; must have reliable **The transportation; has a current C.N.A license or have 6 continuous months of trans providing in home attendant services; must be able to take paid rotating exp p on call. ca Mileage and travel time is reimbursed.** **We have several openings for exceptional Personal Care Attendants in YOUR area. No experience is required, but a willingness to learn and accept guidance is a must! ** If you are interested, please come by the office to apply: 505 E. Huntland Drive, Ste 550, Austin TX 78752 or you may fax your resume to: (512) 339-7906. $9 to $13 an hour can be as easy as counting to 5 $ All qualified applicants a will receive consideration for employment without regard to their protected veteran status and will not be discrimin discriminated against on the basis of disability. RGIS is an Equal Opportunity Employer and VEVRAA Federal Contractor 512.707.0690 512.7 or Apply Online @ No Resume???? Just call us at (512)835-6150 * Se habla Espanol * EOE. Employment LOOKING FOR A FEW GOOD DRIVERS General Biggest & BEST = BEST PAY! Austin & New Braunfels $ No Experience Needed Good Pay / Weekly Pay Medical & Dental Benefits Available 500 Sign on Bonus 1. No Weekends or Holidays 2. Company Car While You Work 3. Paid Vacations & Holidays Se Habla Español Austin 7801 N. Lamar Ste. #A132 Hrly pay, Raises ev. 90 days! $10 - $13 after pd. training Top trainers: $14+/hour Pd.Vac, holidays, travel Must have DL, COMPANY CARS! Apply in Person: 8:30-12:00 5555 N. Lamar, Ste E117 512-827-TEAM (8326) Hou se Cle a n e rs W a n te d $ 400- $500+ a Week to Start! Pa id Tra vel Tim e / M ilea ge Pa id V a ca tio n / Ho lid a y Tim e Bo n u s es (In clu d in g S ign On Bo n u s ) (512) 323-6400 APPLY M ON -FRI 9 AM -1PM New Braunfels 1040 N. Walnut Ave. Ste. D 1700 Brya n t Dr. S te, 105 Ro u n d Ro ck , TX 78 6 6 4 (830) 624-1441 ( 512) 255-8 398 Ca r & TX L icen s e Req’d S e Ha b la Es pa ñ ol We are Recruiting Drivers in the Austin Area. WE WANT YOU to Come Drive With Us! Contact Michelle at DON’T JUST DRIVE A CAR DRIVE A BUSINESS Yellow Cab of Austin is now a provider for the best taxi app on the market. zTrip was designed by a taxi company for a taxi company. Employment General HIRING 20 We deliver the taste of the world Im m ed ia te Openings for Ba s trop & Gid d ings ! GCA Services Group hiring part time and full time positions janitorial cleaning in commercial buildings near Central Mopac. Ea rn up to $700-$1000 pe r m o . o r m o re Part Time General Cleaners Monday - Friday 6:00pm-10:30pm Pay Rate $9.00 per hour LSG Sky Chefs is now hiring for the following positions: • COOKS - $10.70 • 1ST COOK - $11.10 • FOOD PRODUCTION - $9.75 • DISHROOM - $9.45 • WAREHOUSE - $9.50 • ASSEMBLY - $10.00 • DRIVERS- $11.50 BECOME A PART OF OUR TEAM! Apply in person at: 7am - 2:30pm, 9919 Service Ave., Austin, TX 78719 Location: Take the Cargo Service Entrance, Left on Hotel Dr. We are at the corner of Hotel Dr. & Service Ave. Austin/Central Texas Greensheet a s a n In d e pe n d e n tC o n tra c to r. 7 d a ys a w e e k, d e live ry b e tw e e n the ho u rs o f 1AM & 6AM . M u s tb e a tle a s t18 ye a rs o f a ge & ha ve a D.L., ve hic le in s u ra n c e , & S S . Ca ll 512-8 29 -149 8 & le a ve yo u r n a m e , pho n e n u m b e r, & zip c o d e . Part Time General Cleaners Monday - Friday 11:00pm- 2:30am Pay Rate $9.00 per hour Full Time Day Porter Monday - Friday 8:00am-5:00pm Pay Rate $ 11.00 per hour We Offer Great Benefits! • Medical/Dental/Life Insurance • Paid Vacation/Holidays/Sick Time • 401K • Disability Benefits in Au s tin , Ha ys C o u n ty, Ba s tro p, & M a rb le Fa lls a re a s . JANITORIAL CLEANING CREW ASAP! Ready to succeed with the global leader in airline catering? • Free Lunch/Parking/Uniforms • Membership in the American Airlines Credit Union. NEW SPAPER CARRIERS NEEDED Please apply at : GCA Services Group 2324 Ridgepoint Dr F1 | Austin, Texas 78754 Phone 512-615-3400 A criminal background check, results of which are not necessarily a bar to employment and a drug screen are required. Moving in the fast lane? So are we! Place your online ad at instantly. Pedal to the metal. Read our pet journals at The Greensheet’s Paws and Claws blog. Visit us at Business Advertising 421-4500 Classified Ads 1-800-687-6437 October 20-26, 2016 Page 13 Employment General Your Success is Our Only Business! NEED EXTRA INCOME? ¡Su Éxito es Nuestro Único Negocio! Start Your Own Commercial Cleaning Business Only $795 Gets You Started Lowest Cost in the Industry Los Costos más bajos de la Industria As low as $1,000 Down / Sólo $1,000 de Depósito Financing Available / Financimiento para negocio Training and Support / Entrenamiento y Apoyo Call for Accounts in your Area A Stratus Building Solutions Janitorial Franchise Opportunity provides the rewards and freedom you desire! Help Create a Future for Someone in Need! • Training & Equipment • Free Financing • Established Contract Business • Start PART TIME and GROW! Call Today: 866.991.3356 – Hector Successful Buildingstars Franchise Owner Since 2004 512-501-6493 Housekeeping Supervisor Our Business is Cleaning Yours Maid & Housekeeping Experience a Real Plus Bilingual (English & Spanish) START YOUR OWN SUCCESSFUL Cheerful Working Environment Good Salary + Bonuses • Rapid Salary Advancement No Weekend Work • Paid Vacation & Holidays Health, Dental, and Vision Benefits Available (This is not a Cleaning Job) -Valid TX Driver’s License with Good Driving Record -Positive Attitude, Self Starter, Motivated -Good Customer Interaction Skills Apply in Person, by Email, or Fax/Mail Resume 7801 N. Lamar, Suite A132 Austin, TX 78752, FAX 512-323-5483 O W N YO UR O W N Janitorial C leaning Franchise From $950 D ow n! G uaranteed Incom e From $5K to $200K Habla Espanol 1101 N avasota S t S uite 4 A ustin, TX 78702 Gu a ra nte e d Fina ncing 512.502.5255 BECOME A PROFESSIONAL HOUSE CLEANER (Limpieza de casas) 100 $ Sign on Bonus after 3mo • • • • • • • • • Drivers Paid More Earn Tips Paid Training Mon-Fri Hours, Starting at 8:30am & typically ending between 4-6pm $ No Nights or Weekends Paid Vacation/Holidays Qualified Team Leaders after 6mo Transportation Provided FREE Light Breakfast Offered Never Clean Alone, Work on a Team of 4 CLEANING BUSINESS Se Habla Español 512-419-0021 Business Advertising 421-4500 Classified Ads 1-800-687-6437 New Donors Earn $250.00* over 5 donations *for time & travel Do I Qualify? • Proof of Social Security # (SS Card, W2 or Bank Tax Form) • Valid State Issue ID (Valid Driver’s License, State Issued ID, Military ID or College ID) • Proof of Address (Utility Bill, Mail, Lease) 5789 Airport Boulevard, Austin , TX 78752 (512) 501-2988 1807 W Slaughter Lane, Building 4, Austin , TX 78748 (512) 410-7544 1400 IH 35 South, San Marcos, TX 78666 (512) 213-6764 Call 512-382-9305 or visit us at Major Credit Cards Accepted Se Habla Español Immediate Openings • Cedar Park • Leander • Wimberley • Jarrell • Thrall • Manor • Round Rock • Georgetown IS HIRING Walk-ins Welcome At Our Austin International Airport Location • Part Time Vehicle Return Associates • Part Time Rental Sales Associates • Customer Experience Managers • Operations Manager Trainees Full Time / Part Time Providers Needed • Light House Cleaning • Shopping • Preparing Meals • Personal Care • Other Duties For Our Clients Make A Difference Monday to Friday 9AM to 5PM 9320 Rent Car Rd. Austin, TX 78719 Please Bring Your Resume With You! Apply Online At 300 Apply online at: Donate Plasma Today Medical Supplies and Equipment: Find healthy savings in our Health & Living section. Visit us at Call today 512-344-4206 3307 Northland Drive #260 Austin, Tx 78731 Apply Online At EOE M/F/D/V Section continues ... Austin/Central Texas Greensheet Page 14 October 20-26, 2016 Employment Skilled Trade Medical General The Overlook at Plum Creek Apartment Maintenance Supervisor for Kyle area. Duties include apartment maintenance and make readies. A stable working environment with a long-term opportunity for advancement. A/C Certification a plus. Must be EPA Certified. Excellent Benefits, Benefits, Salary D.O.E. Send Resume: Phone: 512-328-3232 Ext. 4533 E.O.E. Our generation caring for theirs… Park Valley Inn Health Center CURRENT JOB OPENINGS • Certified Nurse Aide *Sign-on Bonus • Certified Medication Aide *Sign-on Bonus 156 Openings - START WORK TOMORROW • Machine Operators • Drivers • 3rd Shift Production • Forklift Operators • Warehouse Workers • Customer Service Reps • Clerical Support • Much, Much More South Austin 3913 Todd Lane Ste. #103, Austin, TX 78744 512.453.3838 512.416.6666 *Sign-on Bonus AA/EEO/M/F/D/V Click on Careers on the top tab. Select Career Opportunities on the left menu. 17751 Park Valley, Round Rock (512) 218-6000 Current Job Openings CURRENT JOB OPENINGS • Server (PT) • Dietary Aid (PT) • CNA • CMA • Registered Nurse • Maintenance Tech • Driver/Chauffer • Dishwasher • Line Cook • Certified Nurse Aide Apply Today! 12501 Longhorn Parkway, Austin, Texas 78732 • Hospitality Aide *FREE C.N.A. CLASS • Charge Nurse *Sign-on Bonus AA/EEO/M/F/D/V APPLY ONLINE Click on Careers on the top tab. Select Career Opportunities on the left menu. 2122 Park Bend Drive, Austin (512) 836-9777 Sagebrook Health Center CURRENT JOB OPENINGS Sales AA/EEO/M/F/D/V APPLY ONLINE Click on Careers on the top tab. Select Career Opportunities on the left menu. 901 Discovery Blvd., Cedar Park, TX 78613 (512) 259-9993 Our generation caring for theirs… Trinity Care Center • Charge Nurse *Sign-on Bonus NOW HIRING FOR AUSTIN’S #1 VOLUME DEALER! SALES PROFESSIONALS (Monthly incentive bonus over first 6 months with $3,000 total potential!) WE OFFER 25% FRONT END COMMISION, UP TO 10% BACK END COMMISION AND UNIT BONUSES WITH NO CAP ON COMMISSIONS! Also looking for Service Technicians and Express Technicians to join our bustling service department! 8400 RESEARCH BLVD, AUSTIN, TX 78758 RESUME@ CHARLESMAUNDTOYOTA.COM Click on Careers on the top tab. Select Career Opportunities on the left menu. 1000 E. Main St • Round Rock, TX 78664 (512) 634-3000 Austin/Central Texas Greensheet MEDICAL BILLING TRAINEES NEEDED! Train at home for a career working with Medical Billing & Insurance claims! Online training can get you ready! Call for Free brochure! HS Diploma/GED & Computer/Internet needed. 1-877-259-3880 An ad in The Greensheet returns big results fast. Call 1-800-793-6543 or Visit Schools Seeking a new adventure? Dive into training today! If you are: Looking for a career with a bit of adventure Not interested in the traditional 9-5 grind Wanting to learn an in-demand skill or trade Willing to work hard in a rewarding, hands-on career VER ONLY 30 WEEK COURSE Post 911 GI Bill Accepted Financial Aid Available for Those Who Qualify Job Placement Assistance Available for Those Who Graduate 800·321·0298 10840 Rockley Rd • Houston, TX 77099 AA/EEO/M/F/D/V APPLY ONLINE World Bible School-G Pla n Box 530, Leander, TX Wa t you tch r ro 78646 you ots Eng r li in t 512-259-4673 h f Spa l i s h & e b l o s e B i b l som e. nish . COMMERCIAL DI Come by our showroom for an instant interview or forward your resume today! CURRENT JOB OPENINGS BIBLE COURSES • • • • • Admissions Coordinator • Director of Nursing Schools All courses are free! Medical Our generation caring for theirs… Classes, Instruction, & Seminars Self-Paced: Taken privately by mail Click on Careers 512.266.5600 Education FREE! Park Bend Health Center or call APOLLO IS looking for someone with at least 6 years Body Tech experience. Must have strong experience in Frame pulls, Welding, measuring, and body work. Competitive rates, always busy. Flag hours you do the work, you get the hours. You get your own frame machine and stall. Must have papers to work in the US. Must have your own tools. Immediate job opening. Family owned and operated, we are about quality as well as quantity. Great people, no drama, and plenty of work. Job duties: Frame pulls, measuring, body repair, welding. Please call us at (512)833-0300. APPLY ONLINE Our generation caring for theirs… APPLY ONLINE Find toys, car seats, clothes and more in The Greensheet! • Charge Nurse Call or Apply online at North Austin 7940 Shoal Creek Blvd. #205, Austin, TX 78757 Spoil your new bundle of joy and save a bundle of cash. Find a home for your skills at The Greensheet. Now hiring. Visit us at Let us trade tweets. Follow us on Twitter @ TheGreensheet Business Advertising 421-4500 Classified Ads 1-800-687-6437 October 20-26, 2016 Page 15 Notices The Greensheet is not a legal paper of record 1990 Chevy C2500 Red, We sell for you, Sue (and George and Adam, too). Get listed at $762.90, Reliant Towing, 10000 Slaughter Creek Dr, Austin,TX,512-363-5900, #0645163VSF, Failure of the owner or lienholder to claim the vehicle before the date of sale is a waiver of all right,title,and interest in the vehicle and a consent to the sale of the vehicle at a public sale. Expose your taste buds to the yummiest dishes in town! Look for the to see who readers say cooked up the best meals this week. Adoption Right For You? D iscuss options for your pregnancy. You are our first priority & you are in ch arge. L iving expenses paid . Callto see h ow friend ly w e are! American 512-992-9466 O r 1-800-456-4862 Café Java 11900 Metric Blvd Ste K Austin, TX 78758 512-339-7677 C hildre n’s C onne ction,Inc. L icense#1013026-6811 Cherrywood Coffe House 1400 East 38 1/2 St. Austin, TX 78722 512-538-1991 1 Fire Oak Grill 12518 Research Blvd. Austin, TX 78759 512-382-1454 Food For Fitness Café 1112 N. Lamar Austin, TX 78703 512-472-1674 Hi-Way-Café 516 Hwy 183 Liberty Hill, TX 78642 512-515-6510 Is Your Business Ready For Small Business Saturday? Small Business Saturday started in November 2010 by American Express. It falls on the Saturday between Black Friday and Cyber Monday and encourages people to shop small and support local businesses in their area. By 2013 the support for small business Saturday grew and inspired people to be neighborhood champions in their area. Neighborhood Champions are business associations, state and local chambers of commerce, and other community organizers who are willing to commit to organizing events or activities to rally their neighborhoods for Small Business Saturday. Jim’s Restaurant 9091 Research Austin, TX 78758 512-837-1119 Many small businesses rely on the holiday shopping season to make most of that year’s revenue for their company. Last year 95 million Americans went out to support local businesses on Small Business Saturday and it is projected to be even more this year. Greensheet Media has supported local businesses for over 45 years and this year we are creating a campaign to support Small Business Saturday to help drive sales for local businesses. The centerpiece of this campaign will be our Small Business Saturday guide which will hit stands beginning November 15, 2016. Let us help you increase your sales this holiday season. Here are other ways that your business can get ready for Small Business Saturday: Start promoting now Let customers know you are out there so they can start planning where they will shop this holiday season and remind your current customers that you are an option for them as well. Send email blasts, promote on social media and put sale signs up in and outside of your business. Don’t forget to use the hashtag #ShopSmall on your social media platforms; you will get found easier. 2 Build excitement and anticipation with raffles and giveaways; you can do this with online and in-store customers. By having a raffle, you can collect email addresses or contact information that you can use to promote to those customers later down the road. Give back Show your community you care by supporting a charity with proceeds from sales on Small Business Saturday. Also, think about re-tweeting or promoting other local businesses in your area; they may do the same for you. If you show customers it isn’t all about you, they will be more inclined to trust you and spend money at your place of business. There’s a special day every year dedicated to your small business, don’t miss your chance to take advantage of it. Get your specialized marketing plan to get customers in your area over to you. Contact Us For more information on our Small Business Saturday campaign please visit: or call 713-371-3600. It’s like a huge yard sale every day! Buy and sell at Business Advertising 421-4500 Classified Ads 1-800-687-6437 4 Fujiyana Steak House & Sushi Bar 4815 W Braker Ste 580 Austin, TX 78759 512-795-8333 Shang Hai 2935 Hwy 218 Universal City, TX 78148 210-658-5828 Sude’s Bakery & Deli 307 W Polk Burnet, TX 78611 512-715-9903 New Awlins Café 8650 Spicewood Springs Austin, TX 78759 512-902-3135 Green Mesquite BBQ 9900 S I-35 Austin, TX 78748 512-282-7100 Player’s Hamburgers 300 W MLK Austin, TX 78705 512-478-9299 1400 Barton Springs Austin, TX 78704 512-479-0485 Asian A&A Sichuan Garden 13376 Research #100 Austin, TX 78750 512-258-5445 Thundercloud Sub 3204 B Guadalupe Austin, TX 78705 512-452-5010 Italian Austin Pizza 15424 FM 1825 Pflugerville, TX 78660 512-990-1555 Pizza Bistro 12001 Gracy Farms Austin, TX 78758 512-388-0120 Mexican Alex’s Tacos 1214 N Guadalupe Seguin, TX 78155 830-579-0405 Chapala Restaurant 6154 Hwy 290 W Austin, TX 78746 512-328-1111 Barbecue City Market BBQ 633 Davis Luling, TX 78644 512-875-9019 Storm’s Café 700 N Water Burnet, TX 78611 512-756-7143 5 Bakery Monkey Nest Coffee 5353 Burnet Road Austin, TX 78756 512-380-1055 Shade Tree Grill 14430 Hwy 281 Spring Branch, TX 78070 830-833-5550 Thunderbird Coffee 1401 West Koeing Lane Austin, TX 78756 512-388-1201 Snow Pea Chinese Restaurant 3706 Jefferson St. Austin, TX 78703 512-454-3228 Billy’s Bar-B-Que 116 Hwy 71 Bastrop, TX 78602 512-321-6453 Rusty Rooster Café 914 E Pierce Luling, TX 78648 830-875-3540 Customers are looking for special offers and promotions on Small Business Saturday, that is one of the reasons they look forward to this shopping day. Don’t just offer any kind of deal, it needs to be a special one like no other that your business did earlier in the year. Deli First Chinese BBQ 10901 N Lamar Ste 401 Austin, TX 78753 512-835-8889 Margie’z Place 1006 Water Bastrop, TX 78602 512-303-1613 Pluckers 3909 S Lamar Austin, TX 78704 512-443-9464 Offer a special deal or sale Have a raffle to get leads Asian Burger Tex 5420 Airport Blvd Austin, TX 78751 512-453-8772 Comal County Tacos 15409 Hwy 46 Spring Branch, TX 78070 830-885-5202 Dos Salsas 1104 S. Main St. Georgetown, TX 78626 512-930-2343 El Olvido Hacienda 632 Kingsbury Seguin, TX 78155 361-706-9391 Garcia’s Mexican Restaurant 3820 FM 3009 Ste 136 Schertz, TX 78154 830-356-0105 Kreuz BBQ 619 N Colorado Lockhart, TX 78644 512-398-2361 Mariachi’s De Jalisco 2803 Williams Dr Georgetown, TX 78626 512-868-5622 Luling Bar-B-Q 709 E. Davis Luling, TX 78648 512-555-1212 Zapata’s Mexican Restaurant 1808 W Hwy 79 Taylor, TX 76574 512-352-3995 Tug’s Boathouse BBQ 18660 FM 1431 Jonestown, TX 78645 512-267-3344 Deli Delaware Subs 1104-D W 34Th St Austin, TX 78705 512-458-8423 Reba’s Village Deli 208 Hwy 290 Giddings, TX 78942 979-542-4700 Seafood 3 Baylor Seafood & Steak 200 W. Lake Ste. #200 Taylor, TX 76574 512-552-6889 T & S Seafood Restaurant 10014 N Lamar Austin, TX 78753 512-339-8439 What’s your opinion? Tell us which of these restaurants are your favorite on our Facebook page every week at Visit us at Austin/Central Texas Greensheet Page 16 October 20-26, 2016 Around Town Singles CROSSWORD ANSWERS Click It to Win It! See what cool ticket giveaways The Greensheet has for you. Enter to win at Austin/Central Texas Greensheet Visit us at Business Advertising 421-4500 Classified Ads 1-800-687-6437 October 20-26, 2016 Page 17 Transportation Classics Services CROSSWORD PUZZLE ASY TERMS NO CREDIT/E Eastwestauto ’07 FORD 500 $800 DN ’10 DODGE JOURNEY $1,200 DN ’08 CHEVY EQUINOX $900 DN ’06 NISSAN MURANO $1,200 DN $1,000 DN ’12 CHEVY MALIBU (2) $1,200 DN ’09 DODGE NITRO ’13 CHEVY IMPALA (73K) (2) $1,100 DN ’14 DODGE AVENGER (2) ’10 MAZDA CX7 $100- $1000 paid for junk, scrap, wrecked cars and trucks. Towing included! Any year, make, model. (512)646-1721. $1,200 DN $1,000 DN ’08 MITSUBISHI RAIDER (P/U) $1,200 DN ’06 INFINITI G35 $1,000 DN ’11 CHEVY TRAVERSE (2) $1,400 DN ’08 CHRYSLER 300 (2) $1,200 DN ’10 FORD FLEX (3RD ROW) $1,400 DN ’11 TOYOTA CAMRY (2) $1,200 DN ’08 DODGE RAM SLT (P/U) $1,600 DN Services 100% HONEST MECHANIC EXAMPLE - SALES PRICE $4,995 - $256.09/MO. FOR 15 MO. @ 21% APR - $2,000 DOWN Many More To Choose From! in Business over 15 years 929-0000 8222 Ja m e s to w n Dr. #E6 • Au s tin , TX 78758 EAST WEST AUTO SALES • Hwy 290/Berkman Austin, TX 512-339-2223 SE HABLA ESPANOL AUTO GLASS Transportation LOW PRICES FREE ESTIMATES MOBILE SERVICE SUVs, Trucks, Vans 512-317-8885 Newspeed Automotive 2000 CHEVY S10 Xtreme X-stepside, black, 3 door, a/c, inspected. 152K miles, tonneau bed cover. $2750. (512)775-0068. INDIVIDUAL General Auto Mechanic and Body Work Insurance Claims Welcome All Work Includes Warranty 1995 GMC Sierra pickup. extended cab, stepside, black, V-8, automatic, 20s, not inspected. $850. (512)775-0068. 1996 GMC Yukon: short, 20s, cowl hood, black, runs good, inspected, 223K miles. $1000. (512)775-0068. INDIVIDUAL Located in Central Austin 512-923-4919 $100- $1000 paid for Wrecked & Junk Cars!! Any year, make, model. Call us first, we’ll pay you more. (512)623-7168. Kids outgrowing their toys and clothes? Sell those items here! Call 1-800-793-6543 Services Across 1. “What are the ___?” 5. Indian bread 9. Hail Mary, e.g. 13. Need a bath badly 14. Earthen pots 16. Length x width, for a rectangle 17. Amounted (to) 18. Bring up 19. Fluff 20. A deadly sin 22. To lash back 24. Decorated, as a cake 26. Hose material 27. Casual top 29. Angry expression 33. Ed.’s request (acronym) 34. Genealogy 37. Dostoyevsky novel, with “The” 38. “___ Lang Syne” 40. 86 is a high one 42. “Men always hate most what they ___ most”: Mencken 43. Divided 45. Bustles 47. Golf ball support 48. Go up and down 50. A horn of a buck 52. Southern breakfast dish 55. Big game 56. Dishonorable person 60. Eucharistic plate 63. O. Henry’s “The Gift of the ___” 64. Join securely 66. Acute 67. “One of ___” (Willa Cather novel) 68. Dispatch 69. Cut, maybe 70. Delight 71. Makeup, e.g. 72. Cost of living? Down 1. Tolkien creatures 2. “Agreed!” 3. Unmarried girl 4. Draw 5. “___ any drop to drink”: Coleridge 6. Apple spray 7. Roswell crash victim, supposedly 8. Foul 9. A recantation 10. “Mi chiamano Mimi,” e.g. 11. Cast 12. Fill 15. Christmas ___ 21. Prince of Wales, e.g. 23. Centers of activity 25. Discontinue 27. Brownish gray 28. Cause for a lawsuit 30. Literary term for wintertime 31. Paramour 32. Eye affliction 33. Back talk 35. “___ bad!” 36. Fizzy drink 39. Change of appearance 41. Like some memories 44. Mountain pool 46. Increase, with “up” 49. Extent from side to side 51. One who is in charge 53. Milk-Bone biscuit, e.g. 54. Taste, e.g. 56. E.P.A. concern 57. Net lining in back of a hat 58. Shrek, e.g. 59. Gobs 61. “___ Brockovich” 62. After deductions (var. spelling) 65. After expenses FREE* Celebrating 32nd Anniversary! • 24 Hour Towing* • Car Rental* • Electronic Scan *Some Restrictions Apply $AVE YOUR TRANSMISSION NOW MAJOR TRANSMISSION LEAK TRANSMISSION REPAIR RESEAL $ 95 $ 95 SPECIAL OFF WITH PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE 79 Most Cars GS @ Lamar Lo op 36 0 290 W. B en 512-707-1396 Whit 290 e Blv d. GS Exp. 10/31/16 Not valid with any other offer. Must be presented at time of service ROUND ROCK 1900 S. IH 35 mar SOUTH AUSTIN 2425 W. Ben White Blvd. Not valid with any other offer. Must be presented at time of service Exp. 10/31/16 100 • Free Diagnostic Check Most RWD Cars S. L a *Call for Synthetic Fluid Specials Not valid with any other offer. Must be presented at time of service Exp. 10/31/16 (Between Hester’s Xing & McNeil Road) 512-310-9910 I-35 19 $ Loo p1 At Participating Locations. • Road Test • Computer Scan • Adjust Linkage • Includes Standard ATF Fluid & Gasket Manchaca Rd. NOW INCLUDES FILTER! GS d. eil R McN 35 Old West D r. Hester’s Xing TM *Ask about No Credit Check & Interest Free Financing Business Advertising 421-4500 Classified Ads 1-800-687-6437 *Some Restrictions Apply Visit us at Austin/Central Texas Greensheet Page 18 October 20-26, 2016 Transportation Parts & Accessories NEED TO find your puppies a new home? Try this attention getter to make your ad dog-gone good! Snap it. Send it. Sell it. Optimized design for digital devices. HOLLEY 600 carburetor, $175. (512)584-3729. INDIVIDUAL THE GREENSHEET BRINGS you buyers and job applicants. Place your employment ad today. (800)687-6437. $100- $1000 paid for Wrecked & Junk Cars! Any year, make, model. Call us first, we’ll pay you more. (512)623-7168. $100- $1000 paid for junk, scrap, wrecked cars and trucks. Towing included! Any year, make, model. (512)646-1721. Absolute Lowest Prices!!! Open 7 Days 9-6 New Free Text Program..... sign up to receive notifications of sales and specials!!! T Text “wrench” to 80611, to enroll into the free program. Batteries $30 and up/ex. TIRES $7 and up. B Mass Airflow - $29.56 ex $ .10 Fender, Car - 35 ex Rr. View Mirror - $4.62 ex Throttle Body - $19.40 ex $ A/C Condenser - 24.02 ex $ .72 Radiator - 39 ex Computer $23.09 ex Door Glass, Car $21.25 ex $ .27 Truck Tailgate 45 ex $ .09 Seats $18.48 ex - 23 ex Door, Car $39.72 ex 512-646-2252 Pre-owned Wanted To Buy - Vehicles Compramos Carros WE BUY CARS PHONE APPS ACCEPTED ANY CONDITION with or without title LIABILITY AS LOW AS WE PAY CASH no title - no problem 5 1 2 $33 MONTH 512.696.3087 Today! 769-8944 888-8071 Mejor selección precios más bajos! Hundreds of Fresh Parts Vehicles Added Each Week 7 Miles East of Austin Airport on Hwy-71 JUNK CAR•TRUCK•SUV For Wrecked & Junk Cars Call Friendly Car Buyer 512-646-2007 LARGEST SELECTION CASH Top $$ Paid Cientos de vehículos de partes frescas de agregados cada semana! * Over 5000 Parts Vehicles on Hand * Hundreds of Fresh Parts Vehicles added Weekly! * Two Locations: Del Valle, Belton, TX open 24/7 CLEANEST & Most Organized YARD IN TOWN $100- $1000 paid for WreckedJunk Cars!! Any year, make, model. Call us first, we’ll pay you more. (512)623-7168. NEED TO find your puppies a new home? Try this attention getter to make your ad dog-gone good! No License, No Problem. • Full coverage as low as $40 month. • Multi-car Full coverage as low as $69 month. M D V A CALL TODAY! MULTI-CAR AS LOW AS $19/MO. 817-546-6887 1997 GEO Metro: 3 cylinder, 5 speed, runs $350. (512)6638332. INDIVIDUAL 2004 HONDA Civic sedan: $10,500. (512)646-0911. 2008 NISSAN Altima: $9995. (512)646-0911. 2005 NISSAN Maxima: $9995. (512)646-0911. 1994 Honda del Sol: 128K original miles. A/c, heater, automatic, good cd/ radio, spoiler, custom wheels, no accidents. $2800. (512)351-2537 INDIVIDUAL 2007 KIA Rio: $8995. (512)6460911. 2005 MONTE Carlo LT: $9995. (512)646-0911. $100- $1000 paid for junk, scrap, wrecked cars and trucks. Towing included! Any year, make, model. (512)646-1721. Think Green, not Yellow, when it comes to finding reliable businesses and contractors in your area. With hundreds of listings, our Business Directory will help you get the job done every time. Check it out the Business Directory on Austin/Central Texas Greensheet Visit us at Business Advertising 421-4500 Classified Ads 1-800-687-6437 October 20-26, 2016 Page 19 1-800-675-5924 WE BUY CARS & TRUCKS HIGH QUALITY LOW COST Open 7 Days 9-6 sign up to receive notifications of sales and specials!!! Text “wrench” to 80611, to enroll into the free program. Alternators 25.45 with Exchange Starters $ 21.20 WE BUY YOUR JUNK CARS with Exchange $ 9 TIRE SALE Sundays 7900 S. Congress Ave. Austin, Texas 78745 Bra ker Ln r IH -3 5 Hours of Operation M-F 9-6; Sat & Sun 8-6 Bl uf fD Dr. IH -3 5 Co ng res s Av e. 1s t S. S. ost BATTERIES $ 30 AND UP/Ex. x. 6 Mass Airflow - $29.56 ex Fender, Car - $35.10 ex $ .62 Rr. View Mirror - 4 exx2 0 Throttle Body - $19.40 ex A/C Condenser - $24.02 ex Radiator - $39.72 ex Cleanest & Most Organized Yard In Town Top $$ Paid For Wrecked & Junk Cars TIRES $7 AND UP. 4 per person limit Fore m Bring Your Own Tools, Pull Your Own Parts & SAVE! NEW FREE TEXT PROGRAM..... Bring your Tools & Save! Domestic, Imports & Truck Parts $ Absolute Lowest Prices!!! Coll ingw ood Dr 11011 Bluff Bend Dr. Austin, Texas 78753 Call Friendly Car Buyer 512-646-2007 Door Glass, Ca - $21 .25 ex .27 $ Truck Tailgate - 45 ex .09 $ Seats - $18.48 ex - 23 ex .72 Door, Car - $39 ex Over 5000 Parts Vehicles on Hand. Del Valle, Belton and Holland 7 Miles East of Austin Airport on Hwy-71 512-646-2252 5055 Hwy 71 East Del Valle, TX 78617 4497 US Hwy 190 West Belton, TX 76513 24759 State Hwy 95 Holland, TX 76534 SIN CREDITO, MAL CREDITO REPOS - NO HAY PROBLEMA! HABLAMOS ESPAÑOL CARS STARTING AT 500 DOWN $ 04 Honda Civic Sedan 10 Pontiac G6 01 Toyota Camry LE 06 Saturn Vue Come in and get a GREAT DEAL on a Great Ride! Fast. Easy. Instant. The Greensheet now offers instant placement for your online classified ads. 09 Kia Rio 03 Ford Explorer Sport Trac XLS 11 Mitsubishi Lancer 04 GMC Envoy WE FINANCE • FINANCIAMOS • 1 YEAR / 15,000 MILE WARRANTY 7100 Burnet Rd. Austin, TX 78757 512-646-0911 *$8,995 + TTL w/$500 down @ 21% APR, $166,89 bi-weekly @ 33 months W.A.C. Business Advertising 421-4500 Classified Ads 1-800-687-6437 Visit us at Austin/Central Texas Greensheet Page 20 October 20-26, 2016 YOUTH SCOOP OCTOBER 2016 Halloween is fast approaching and it’s a SPOOKTACULAR time. Each year on October 31st people all across the United States put on their best costumes and trick-or-treat, walk from home to home, for their favorite candies. There are ghouls, goblins, princesses and super heroes. Halloween Fun Facts: • Americans purchase nearly 600 million pounds of candy for Halloween each year. That’s as much as 6 ships the size of the Titanic. • Trick-or-treating came from the ancient Celtic tradition of putting out treats for spirits who roam the street. • Halloween has also been called All Hallows’ Eve, Snap-Apple Night and Summer’s End. • The largest pumpkin ever grown weighed 836 pounds! What’s your Halloween costume going to be? With your guardian or parents’permission take a picture of your costumes and post it to the hashtag #SeymourSaturdays and you could win a Have you been involved with Youth Scoop in the past? If so, send an email to We would love to hear from you! Place a Classified Ad Place your ad. Line Ad Deadline: Tuesday at 7P.M. All classified sections 55¢ per word, per area, per week. Austin/Central Texas Scan now to place your ad over the internet or visit later: Be Seen! Add an attention getter for $5.00 per area. 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Austin/Central Texas Greensheet Visit us at Fax your ad to 800-687-6435 Or mail to: P.O. Box 2287 Houston, TX 77252-2287 Business Advertising 421-4500 Classified Ads 1-800-687-6437