Cornèr Bank Group


Cornèr Bank Group
Cornèr Bank Group
Your values, our values.
Cornèr Bank Group
The Swiss market
The international market
Private Banking
Credit and commercial
Financial Intermediaries
Cornèronline services
Founded in Lugano in 1952, Cornèr Bank
Group is an independent Swiss private bank
group operating on the national market as a
full-service bank. Lugano is Switzerland’s
third-largest banking centre, after Zurich and
Active across the whole range of traditional
banking services, Cornèr Bank Group specialises
in the Private Banking sector, as well as in the
areas of lending and Visa and MasterCard
prepaid and credit cards (Cornèrcard) – the
three pillars of Cornèr Bank Group’s growth.
2011 saw a new addition to the Group: Zurichbased is a company engaged in
the payment cards sector. he business model
by which it operates is complementary to that
of Cornèrcard.
2012, by contrast, was the year of creation
of CornèrTrader, an innovative platform for
trading online. CornèrTrader gives all Swiss
investors an online access to the world’s inancial
markets. Clients will also receive personalised
service and assistance from Account Executives
specialised in this ield.
he decision to keep the Head Oice and
General Management situated in Lugano
relects the Bank’s strong link with the local
economy. Over the years, Cornèr Bank has
opened oices in other leading Swiss inancial
centres and launched a vital process of
internationalisation. he speciic aim is to
diversify and extend the Bank’s own range
of products and services to keep pace with
increasing market globalisation and a more
and more cosmopolitan Clientele.
As far as asset backing is concerned, Cornèr
Bank Group enjoys an enviable position,
holding about three times the necessary equity.
his gives it a Tier-1 coeicient of 26 % .
According to the world inancial statistics
compiled by he Banker in 2013, Cornèr Bank
Group ranks third in Switzerland in terms of
capital adequacy.
Cornèr Bank Group consists of the Luganobased parent bank Cornèr Bank Ltd., the four
Swiss branches in Chiasso, Geneva, Locarno
and Zurich, the affiliates Cornèr Banque
(Luxembourg) SA, Cornèr Bank (Overseas)
Limited of Nassau and AG.
«We think of the Group’s range of services as a whole.
We exploit synergies by using trusted partners and experts»
First and foremost, Cornèr Bank Group
supports and promotes the cantonal economy
of Ticino. It does this by providing services and
supplying products inely tuned to the speciic
needs of its private and commercial Clientele.
Cornèr Bank Group ofers everything from
commercial loans for inancing corporate
development initiatives to arranging inancial
packages closely associated with personal
interests. Other forms of support, in turn, are
reserved for public bodies.
All services, including prepaid and credit
card issue and management, are handled in a
uniform, coordinated way.
he head oice and all other branches of
the bank are not only engaged in local retail
banking. hey also constantly liaise with each
other in strategic and operational matters. In
fact, Private Banking and business inance
play a key role at all main branches, which are
located in Chiasso, Geneva, Locarno and
Zurich strategic areas readily accessible to both
local and international Clients.
Private Clients beneit from the assistance
of a department specialising in investment
advisory services and Private Banking, which
relies on various teams of highly qualiied staf,
taking full advantage of exceptional in-house
«hrough product innovation and upgrading,
we ofer high levels of service»
Success achieved in the Swiss inancial centre
spurred Cornèr Bank Group to venture
outside its national boundaries in 1989. his
was the year of opening of its irst foreign
ailiate, located in the Grand Duchy of
Luxembourg. he aim was, and still is, to
operate directly at the centre of the European
Union, but with the style and rigour typical of
a Swiss banking group.
Cornèr Banque (Luxembourg) SA has
grown steadily in both business volume and
proitability. It has extended its activities to
the inter-bank market, trading with highly
ranking counterparties.
he export of know-how, gained from asset
management and Private Banking, proved
to be a winning formula. In 1996 it was
successfully applied once again to establish a
foothold for the bank on the ofshore markets.
his was done by opening Cornèr Bank
(Overseas) Limited in Nassau, at the heart of
the Central American region.
he foreign ailiates concentrate their activity
on asset management and Private Banking.
heir positive growth has made it possible
to expand the range of services ofered
to international Clients, with a view to
diversiication and further consolidation of
assets under management.
«We serve our international Clientele through teams of
specialists of cosmopolitan origins, culture and training»
Designed principally to meet personal inancial
needs, the Private Banking centres on wealth
management and investment advisory services.
hese services cover every aspect surrounding
the private sphere, including legal, iscal and
corporate matters.
Essential support for this range of Private
Banking services derives from the close link
between the activities of the Dealing Room,
the Investment Strategies section (investment
proiles, management and selection of funds,
asset allocation and monitoring) and the
Client Advisory teams.
Long experience acquired in this field is
the distinctive success factor which enables
Cornèr Bank Group to position itself on
highly competitive terms, in relation to local
For this reason, the bank invests substantial
resources each year in optimising its services
to private Clients. It also develops the necessary
structures to prosper in multicultural,
fast-growing markets.
«Every investment requires competence and
far-sightedness. We look after your assets discreetly
and professionally»
he lending activity of Cornèr Bank Group
primarily serves the Swiss market. It seeks
to meet all the inancial and commercial
requirements of the bank’s own Clientele.
he customary strict selective and precautionary
criteria ensure a wholly personalised «loans»
product, which also guarantees competitive
terms, rapid decision-making and relations
which withstand the test of time.
hese features, together with the bank’s
size, have led to targeted and strategic
marketplace choices. Special attention is paid
to the development of Clientele close to our
sales network.
he main products ofered are commercial,
mortgage and Lombard loans. Lending also
takes place to public bodies. he bank ofers
inance for trading in commodities and other
types of credit facility, individually conigured
with the borrowers.
In the business sector, shipping inance
occupies an important position. his is a
market niche in which other banks are a rare
presence. Cornèr Bank, on the other hand,
boasts many years’ experience in precisely this
«We share your spirit of innovation and creativity and
sustain you with bespoke loans»
Prepaid and credit cards are another specialist
sector of activity for Cornèr Bank Group. In
fact, in 1975, Cornèr Bank was the irst bank
to issue Visa cards in Switzerland.
Over the years, Cornèrcard has experienced
unlimited growth in numbers, both of
Customers and companies for which it issues
and manages cards.
In 1998, the success achieved with Visa
prompted the bank to start issuing MasterCard
too. his made the products of the world’s two
most widespread credit card networks available
to its Customers. Since 2004 it has also
distributed prepaid cards.
Cornèrcard is distinctive for its strong innovative
capacity and ongoing introduction of new
technologies. Every year, in fact, the range of
exclusive services is extended with an ample
series of innovations which enhance the bank’s
In view of the complexity and exceptional
variety of facilities offered in relation to
cards, we advise you to visit our website to obtain the best
information. Existing Cornèrcard holders
can also view their own information at the
website. For specialist forms of cooperation
and solutions, please contact Cornèrcard’s
management directly.
«We are leaders on the national market and assist our
cardholders with a multilingual service, which operates
around the clock, 365 days a year»
he Dealing Room gives the bank a uniform
presence of high quality on the local and
inancial markets. hus it is able to operate as
a market maker in the world’s main currencies,
including exotic currencies.
his important service provides private Clients
and professional investors alike with a full range
of treasury, Forex and stock market products. It
also handles the issuing of structured products.
In support of these activities, the Markets Area
also deploys a team dedicated to developing
relations with national and foreign banks.
he bank is a direct member of the Swiss
Electronic Bourse, a solution designed to
link with other electronic stock exchanges at
international level and, above all, to add to
the advantages ofered to commercial and
inancial Clients.
he bank also has direct access to SWX
Europe and SIX Swiss Exchange, and has been
a member of Eurex since 1999.
It also has many years’ experience as a
depositary for various types of investment
funds regulated by Swiss law. hese include
bond and shareholding investment funds, as
well as funds of hedge funds.
he bank is the promoter of CB-Accent Lux
(SICAV). he Dealing Room handles the
creation of dedicated SICAV segments.
«We provide Clients with advanced systems for
access to inancial data together with order forwarding
and portfolio management tools»
Cornèr Bank Group’s Financial Intermediaries
service addresses the needs of independent
asset managers, trust companies, family oices
and law irms. It operates through direct and
constant relations based on mutual trust.
Operating in close contact with management
headquarters also confers an advantage. It
enables this important service to develop
tailored solutions and make immediate
decisions, even in complex situations.
he products and services ofered are the same
as those available to private Clients. hat is why
they have a strong potential for personalisation,
based on the asset manager’s stated requirements.
Our Financial Intermediaries service is available
on the Swiss market through the Lugano
headquarters and the Geneva and Zurich
Branches. It is also available in the inancial
centres of Nassau and Luxembourg through our
two ailiates, Cornèr Bank (Overseas) Limited
and Cornèr Banque (Luxembourg) SA.
As a Group principle, Cornèr Bank avoids
ofering its products and services in a generalised
way. It prefers an integrated process of dynamic
and innovative involvement of the Financial
«We are a point of reference for our correspondents and
managers, who are selected for their professionalism»
he Cornèronline services that the Cornèr
Bank Group ofers its Clients are easy to
activate, guarantee a high level of security and
require no coniguration or special technical
For business Clients, the bank provides the
operational platform CornèrLink, which
allows them to view their own asset data in
real time, manage their Client portfolio and
forward stock market orders.
Clients can log on to the Cornèronline services
quickly, whenever and wherever they choose.
Cornèr Data Feed, on the other hand,
automatically transfers asset and transaction
data to the Client’s own computer platform.
hen the data can be reprocessed according
to user needs.
hanks to Cornèronline, Clients can view their
own inancial situation in real time and make
national and international payments securely
and lexibly, resulting in considerable savings
in the cost of such transactions.
«We ofer services at a high technological level, featuring
simple, streamlined and eicient procedures»
CornèrTrader ( is an
innovative solution for online trading and a
valuable addition to the package of inancial
products aimed at personal and commercial
Experienced investors can use CFDs
(Contracts for Differences), which allow
investments exploiting the efect of leverage
for positions on the equity and commodity
he platform enables all investors to access
global financial markets and receive
personalised assistance from Account
Executives who specialise in this ield.
he CornèrTrader platform can be installed on
a computer and is also accessible via a browser
or smartphone such as iPhone, Android and
CornèrTrader is a portal conferring access to
the world’s principal inancial markets and
allowing trading on the FX Spot, FX Forward
and FX Options currency markets for various
cross pairs. With CornèrTrader, it is also possible
to trade equities listed on a range of international
stock markets.
«Trade the world»
Executive Board and Head Oice
Cornèr Bank Ltd.
Via Canova 16, 6901 Lugano / Switzerland
Tel. + 41 91 800 51 11, Fax + 41 91 800 53 49,
Via Bossi 26, 6830 Chiasso / Switzerland
Tel. + 41 91 800 35 80, Fax + 41 91 800 35 99
Rue de Rive 1, 1204 Genève / Switzerland
Tél. + 41 22 816 17 00, Fax + 41 22 816 17 29
Via alla Ramogna 14, 6600 Locarno / Switzerland
Tel. + 41 91 756 36 11, Fax + 41 91 756 36 59
Tödistrasse 27, 8002 Zürich / Switzerland
Tel. + 41 44 218 10 20, Fax + 41 44 218 10 39
Ascona, Cassarate, Paradiso, Pregassona
Via Canova 16, 6901 Lugano / Switzerland
Tel. + 41 91 800 41 41, Fax + 41 91 800 55 66,
Tödistrasse 27, 8002 Zürich / Switzerland
Tel. + 41 58 880 80 80, Fax + 41 58 880 80 81,
Cornèr Banque (Luxembourg) SA
10, rue Dicks, 1417 Luxembourg / Luxembourg
Tél. + 352 40 38 20, Fax + 352 40 38 19
Cornèr Bank (Overseas) Limited
308, East Bay Street, P.O. Box N-7134, Nassau / he Bahamas
Tel + 1 242 394 4977, Fax + 1 242 394 5264,
250/2014 AG
Postfach, 8021 Zürich / Switzerland
Tel. + 41 44 220 42 00, Fax + 41 44 212 24 28,
Cornèr Bank Ltd., Via Canova 16, 6901 Lugano
Tel. + 41 91 800 51 11,