Christian Service - St. Frances Cabrini Parish


Christian Service - St. Frances Cabrini Parish
9000 Laurence Avenue
Allen Park, Michigan 48101
Phone: (313) 381-5601
Fax: (313) 381-7837
No matter what your present status
in the Catholic Church;
No matter what your current family
or marital situation;
No matter what your past or present
religious affiliation;
No matter what your personal history, age,
background, race or color;
No matter what your self-image or esteem;
You are invited, welcomed, accepted,
loved and respected at
St. Frances Cabrini Catholic Church.
Vision Statement Building upon our Catholic tradition and diversity, we are committed to the spiritual and
physical well-being of all. Our sacramental life challenges us to life-long Catholic formation and Christian service.
Mission Statement As a Faith Community, we are called to serve through worship, service, and education.
By Fr. Joe Mallia
Weekend Masses
Today the Church celebrates the Feast of
the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.
This is an extremely important feast because it
celebrates a very central mystery in our faith
lives as Catholics. Along with the celebration of
the Holy Trinity last week which calls to mind
the central mystery of the divine reality known
as Father, Son and Holy Spirit, we also reflect
on the role of the Eucharist in our lives and the
theological understanding of real presence and
not a symbol or sign.
Saturday Evening 5:00pm
Sunday 8:00am, 10:00am,
12:00noon & 7:00pm
Daily Mass
Monday - Saturday at 8:30am
Tuesday 7:30pm (see pg. 8)
Saturday 4:00pm
Tuesday 7:00pm
Holy Day Masses
As scheduled in Bulletin
Rectory Office Hours
Monday thru Thursday
Friday 8:00am to 5:00pm
(Closed for lunch 12 - 1pm)
Saturday 9:00am - 2:00pm
For almost all other Christians, the Eucharist
is only a symbol or sign. On the surface it may
not seem like a big deal, but it really is a big
deal. I always get some grief when at weddings
and funerals I will remind people that if they are
not Catholic they are asked to be respectful of
our tradition and not receive the Eucharist due
to these theological differences. Without exception, I get someone who will say to me that they
believe in the real presence and is that not
enough? My response is always the same; if
you believe that it is the real presence then you
need to be Catholic since the present church you
are attending does not.
When the second graders come for their interview before receiving communion I ask them
about real presence. I ask them if a real apple is
the same thing as a plastic apple. Clearly they
are not and believing that they are the same does
not make them the same. I ask them if a real
apple can help them to grow and if a plastic apple can help them to grow. Again, the answer is
obvious. Then I point out to them, that is because the plastic apple is only a symbol of a real
apple. Symbols point to things but they are not
the real thing themselves.
If the Eucharist were only a symbol it would
have no real affect in our lives, but since it is
real, it has a huge impact on us. It is as Jesus
teaches us in John 6, the bread of life. When we
treat the Eucharist as a symbol, then we don’t
care if we miss receiving it each week or how
we approach it spiritually or even physically. It
is only in the understanding of its real presence
can we ever hope to look beyond the host to see
with eyes of faith the actual body and in the
wine the real blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.
As we pray this week, let us ask God for the
grace we need to be more attentive to what it is
that we are receiving, the impact it should have
in our lives and the mystery we behold in our
Page 2
hands. May God be present to you and allow you to be broken for
the sake of the Kingdom of God. God bless.
June 10, 11, 12
Keep in mind: That the festival tents will be going up next SatMusic, Vegas, Bingo, Ethnic Food and Midway rides will be on
urday and so parking will be limited around the parish
grounds. Please do not drive past the barricades. If you can site. A shuttle is available at Forecast for Life (formerly St. Hugh’s)
walk to church or ride your bike, we would encourage you to do on Reeck Rd, 1 block south of Goddard Rd.
Any questions can be directed to Jo Dauzet (313) 928-6116.
so for the next two weekends. Thank you.
RCIA: If you have not completed your sacraments of initiation in
the Catholic Church, if you were baptized into another Christian
faith tradition but would now like to be a member of the Catholic
Church or if you have never been baptized, please contact the parish
office and talk to Catherine Borsch and find out what you need to
do to become a full and active member in the faith. God is calling
Please visit our website and also join
our Facebook page at St. Frances Cabrini Festival.
Page 3, 5 & 8 for Ride Info, 50/50 & Help Needed
Page 9 for the Festival Sponsorship Program
Please call the Rectory or check out the forms in
Church if you need to contact the 2016 Festival Committee
Festival news: Time is getting short and we still need everyone’s chairpersons with any questions or to volunteer. There is
help to pray for good weather, help out, sell and return tickets and also an insert in this weekends bulletin.
invite people to come to the festival. The only way we will be successful is to have all of us doing our part. I hope that you will take
the opportunity to help around the festival or if not to “sponsor” a
food booth or buy a keg of beer. These are great ways to help make
A tisket, a tasket, it’s time to
our festival even more successful. Also, please return your tickets
think baskets
with your check, even if you did not sell them all or are not able to
Have you thought
of creating a
purchase them all. The raffle is one of the largest money makers of
themed basket for the Basket Booth at
the festival, so your ticket returns are very important. Thank you.
the Parish Festival June 10 - 12? Our
booth under the big tent is filled with
CSA: Yes, it is that time of the year again. This year our goal is these baskets created and donated by parishioners, which
$150,000 and since we have made it in the past, I am sure you will are then won by playing a game of chance.
pull through and do your part to help us be successful again this
The possibilities are endless … Start by thinking what
year. I will be making my pledge to support your goal this year and kind of basket you would like to win, and plan from there.
I hope you join me in sharing the financial responsibility equally. If Baskets created have centered around seasonal events,
you gave last year, I simply ask you to give the same amount this hobbies and activities, have come in all shapes and sizes,
year. If you have not given, please do your best to participate this and appealed to men, women and children. You are limited
year. Every amount, even a pledge of $10 a month from those who only by your creativity. Your finished basket(s) can be
have not given before would go a long way to helping us out. brought to the Rectory starting…….NOW!
Thank you in advance.
Brittany Kmita, Darlene Kmita and Therese Tardiff
School news: We are still accepting students in our schools, especially in Kindergarten. We have a few openings that we would like
to fill. Please call the school for more information about any grade,
taking a tour or about enrolling your child or children.
Transfer students to Cabrini Schools will receive a special
rate for the first year! Just a reminder that transfer students
Advertiser of the Week
from a public or charter school will only pay half price for the first
year. Please spread the good news to all.
Nowicki’s Plumbing, LLC
It has come to our attention that the
wrong mass intentions were mentioned
at the 7:00pm mass on Sunday, May 8.
If you requested a mass for Rosa Calabrese, Doris Barazsu or Matilda Jurko for Sunday, May 8
at 7:00pm, please contact the Rectory and we will reschedule your mass intentions.
We apologize if this caused an inconvenience.
Page 3
Athletic, Parish & School News
CABRINI ATHLETICS ~ Dean Allen, Athletic Director
Please see (listed under Cabrini
High School) for up-to-date game times for both CYO & High
School student-athletes. You can also contact the Athletic Department at (313) 388-0576.
The new High School athletic website is at
Bus drivers for afternoon athletic routes are still needed. Contact Debbie Norman at (313) 388-0576.
See what’s happening at our school!
Cabrini is seeking a Head Varsity Boys
Soccer Coach for the 2016 fall season and a
Head Varsity Girls Soccer Coach for the spring
of 2017. We are also seeking a Freshman
Boys Basketball Coach.
Interested candidates should email their resume and a cover
letter to Athletic Director Dean Allen at
Please call (313) 388-0576 with any questions about the position.
Interviews likely to begin in late May with a
hiring by June 3rd.
**Summer Softball & T-Ball League**
All information on the league, including online registration, can be
found on our website at
The Cabrini Booster Club meets on the 1st Wednesday of the month
at Holy Family Hall at 7:30 pm. All men and women are invited to
join, as our goal is to help serve the sports programs at Cabrini
Schools, as well as the Parish. Come on down and check us out. Our
next meeting is June 1. To become a member, register online for $25.
Any questions or if you need more information, please email us at:
Our website:
Facebook: Athletic Boosters
Looking for past
Cosgrove Award Winners
We are attempting to purchase
bricks for the Athletic Field for eleven of the past Cosgrove Award winners, but we are missing some winners. If
you have received the Cosgrove Award, which is the
Booster of the Year, please email us and let us know what
year that you received your award. Our plan is to have a
brick for each winner that will be placed at the High
School in support of Friends of Cabrini. Email us at
Cabrini 5K Run/walk
50/50 Pre-Sale Tickets
We are once again offering the chance for you
to pre-buy 50/50 raffle tickets so that you are in
every drawing that that is held during the festival.
Tickets can be purchased at the Rectory. Tickets
are 1 for $21, and 7 for $105 and that gets
you in for each of the 21 drawings.
Pre-Sale Ride Tickets~ Save $5
$20 per person/per day and can be purchased
at the Rectory. You pick the day you want to go
and exchange your ticket for a wristband at the
festival. Wristbands will be $25 at the Festival.
Come in to the Rectory now and save $5!!!
Saturday, June 11, 2016
Cabrini High School
15305 Wick Road - Allen Park, MI
Sponsored by the CHS cross country
and track teams
5K Race @ 9 AM
1 Mile @ 10 AM – Kiddie Trot to Follow
Awards: Top 3 Male and Female Finishers
in 5K and 1 Mile
Ribbons to all participants 10 and Under
Questions: Contact Chris Gawel at
Page 4
Christian Service
Downriver Vicariate Dementia Series II
The Downriver Vicariate is sponsoring a second dementia series
with HOPE Dementia Ministry LLC. The series will run each
month hosted at a different parish through June 2016.
Pain Management for Persons with Dementia
Presentated by: Carol Waarala, MSW. LMSW
Saturday, June 11, 2016
9:00 – 11:30 am
● Pain has been under-recognized and under-treated
● Pain has been shown to be a common cause of changed
behaviors which occur in 90% of persons with dementia
● Learn non-verbal pain cues
● Learn successful non-pharmacological interventions
Hosted by: St. Andre Bessette Parish
4250 W. Jefferson, Ecorse 48229
Contact: Pat Szymecko
June Parish Service Day’s
St. Christine Soup Kitchen
Tuesday, June 14
From 10:30am - 2:00pm
Volunteers are needed to help us cook and serve more
than 200 men, women and children who depend on St.
Christine’s for lunch. If you would like to join us on this day
please call Therese at (313)381-5601. We will meet in the
Holy Family Hall at 10:20 am to carpool to St. Christine’s
and are back to Cabrini around 2:00 p.m.
We also provide desserts to complement the
meal. These special diners really enjoy cookies, brownies,
cakes and cupcakes. If you would like to donate homemade or store bought goodies please call the Rectory office
and leave a message with the staff. Baked goods need to
be delivered to the Rectory by Monday, June 13 no later
than 5:00 pm.
All Saints Soup Kitchen
Nourishing the hungry Wednesday, June 29, 2016
Volunteers are needed to help us cook and serve more
than 150 men, women and children who depend on All
Saints for lunch. If you would like to join us on this day at
All Saints please call Kathy Bates at (734)324-0944. We
meet outside Holy Family House at 9 a.m. to carpool and
are back at Cabrini around 1:30 p.m.
We also provide desserts to complement the meal. If
you would like to donate goodies please call the parish office at (313) 381-5601, and leave a message with the
staff. Baked goods need to be store bought and delivered
to the parish office by Tuesday, June 28 no later than
Lifeline Screening
Thank you to all who took part in our Lifeline screening. It
is a great program dedicated to the prevention and detection
of disease.
Megan Pierrel, Parish Nurse
Memorial Garden Plaque
We are still taking names for the next memorial plaque. We need approximately 105
names before we can send to the engraver. As
of now, we are at 32, so it will take a weeeee bit
more time!
You do NOT have to be deceased to reserve a place on the
plaque. Different fonts = different prices. Please call Janet at the
Rectory at (313) 381-5601 if you have any questions.
Franciscan Facts
Who are Secular Franciscans?
We are people who:
Live in the world
Pray, in Fraternity and Alone
Learn: Scripture is our Guide; Francis, Clare and other
Franciscans, religious and seculars are our examples;
Share with each other our successes, failures, our joys
and our sorrows
Celebrate with joyful abandon our Franciscan Charism
Reach out to all-preaching always- using words only
when necessary.
The deeds you do may be the only sermon some persons will
St Francis of Assisi
How do Secular Franciscans do all the things men*oned
above? We meet at least once a month to share with one another, to draw strength from each other and to for*fy and support each other.
We a+end Days of Reflec*on and Retreats with fellow
Franciscans at least once a year to help us “re-form, re-focus
and re-direct” our thoughts and lives toward Christ and our
For info on Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Fraternity,
Call Pat (313) 381-1916.
Tuesday Travelers
Next day trip is Holy Door pilgrimage and historic church tour
The Tuesday Travelers group is taking reservations for
its August 23 pilgrimage to the Holy Doors of the Cathedral
of the Most Blessed Sacrament, a personal journey through
eight Holy Door Stations inside and outside the Cathedral.
The pilgrimage is being offered by the Archdiocese of Detroit during this Jubilee Year of Mercy, in union with major
basilicas in Rome and cathedrals throughout the world.
The day trip also will include guided tours of Old St.
Mary’s and Sweetest Heart of Mary, two of the most beautiful, historical Catholic churches in Detroit, the early parish
communities of German and Polish immigrants. Lunch will
be at Fishbone’s Rhythm Kitchen Café. Cost is $70, which
includes lunch. The bus leaves the church parking lot at
9:15 a.m. and returns at 4:15 p.m. Call Therese in the
Parish Office to reserve a seat (313)381-5601.
Page 5
Christian Service / Nurse’s Notes / Festival
Country Store
Sr. Judie Ann Lunch Ministry
On Thursday, June 2 we will again join Sr. Judie Ann in
her ministry to serve those in most need in the Eastern Market neighborhood. If you would like to assist in this ministry
by donating needed items please drop them off to the Rectory office by Tuesday, May 31. If you have questions
please call Therese Tardiff at (313)381-5601 or email
Some items needed this month are: water bottles,
individually wrapped cookies, chips, lunch size fruit
cups/apple sauce, spoons, napkins, zip lock sandwich
bags, men’s and women’s white socks, underwear and
t-shirts, and monetary donations.
St Vincent de Paul Society ~ Good works
Are you a naturally caring, compassionate and giving person? Were you blessed
with parents and other role models in life
from whom you learned that the joy of living
is giving?
If you answered “YES” to either of the
above questions you are invited to serve Christ’s poor within
our St. Frances Cabrini parish community. The Society of
St. Vincent de Paul is inviting caring people to assist those
within our community needing food, clothes, rent assistance,
utility assistance and other needs. Christ said, “What you do
for the least of my brothers you do unto me.” Is it time for
you to really live your religious convictions and give something back for all you have received?
If you are interested in learning more about this invitation
to serve our poor, please leave your name and contact information at the rectory and one of our members will be most
happy to meet with you to explain SVdP membership opportunities.
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
St. Frances Cabrini Conference
To: All Christian Women of Cabrini
all Parishioners willing to Bake
On Friday, June 10th we will be hosting
our annual Festival Bake Sale in the Holy Family Hall.
Please bring baked goods to the hall on Friday, June 10
anytime after 1:00pm.
Monetary donations can be brought to the Rectory at
any time in an envelope marked “Festival Bake Sale” or to
the Holy Family Hall on Friday after 1:00pm. We greatly
appreciate your help to make it a successful Bake Sale.
Workers: If you can work the bake sale anytime from
1:00pm till closing, please give me a call to schedule.
Thank you!
Alice Klenczar
Make sure to check the Nurse’s corner
in the narthex for your health educa*on.
Topics currently displayed are heart
health, nutrion and distracted driving.
As always, if there is a topic you would
like to see, please contact Megan Pierrel in the rectory.
Megan Pierrel, RN, BSN, CPN
313-381-5601 ext. 1052
Blood Drive Thank-you
Thank you to all who came out for our
blood drive on May 8th. This is one small
heroic act that can save a life. Each donation can help save up to three lives.
57 donors presented to give blood
51 was our projected goal
46 products of life-saving blood were collected
And the most important number of all - 138 patient's
lives will be touched by this drive!
Without the generosity of volunteer blood donors,
we wouldn’t be able to ensure a stable blood supply
for patients throughout Southeast Michigan and
across the country. By doing something that doesn’t
cost a thing, you gave an amazing gift – you offered
hope to patients in need.
Thank-you for your commitment to saving lives!
Beer Tent
We are looking for bartenders to work the
Festival. If interested, please call Jessica or
Blake Portman (313)999-2811 or (248)2493118.
50/50 Help Needed
If anyone is interested in selling 50/50 tickets
during the Festival, please contact Mike Knapik
at (313)388-5137. We also started a Sign Up
Genius on line for anyone willing to work at the50/50 booth.
Please pray
for those
being joined in
Holy Matrimony
Saturday, June 12,
2016 at 2:00pm
Andrea Camilleri & Elliott Vialkanos~St. Gerald’s
Saturday, July 2, 2016 at 2:30pm
Laurie Scarborough & Joseph Attard
Page 6
Religious Education
The following children were baptized on
May 22, 2016 by Rev. Joseph S. Mallia
Mary Magdalene Bowdell and
Martin Lazarus Bowdell,
children of
Martin & Kristine (Kachatuross) Bowdell
Cecilia Megan Lenz,
child of Brian & Shannon (Kraft) Lenz
Madelyn Jean Kalicki,
child of Samuel Kalicki & Samantha Flanigan
Registration for the Religious Education Program for the 2016
-2017 school year for grades 1 - 8 began on May 2, 2016. Forms
are available in the Rectory Office. The tuition is $150 per FAMILY
and due in full at registration.
If this is your child's first year, please bring a copy of their
baptismal certificate. Please register early to ensure we order
enough materials and have the catechists we need for each grade
We also have Sunday Pre-School for ages 3-4 through kindergarten on Sunday morning during the 10:00am Mass. Tuition is
$40.00 per child. During the Sunday Pre-School, nursery is available for younger toddlers at no charge.
Living Every Day With Passion & Purpose
Welcome to Vacation Bible School ~ Deep Sea Discovery!
Get ready for a life-changing adventure taking place right here at
St. Frances Cabrini!
Each day begins at Celebration Reef, where kids will sing,
shout, praise, pray, and be introduced to a Bible story and the daily
theme. Then after kids experience the other activities of the day,
they gather back at Celebration Reef to be encouraged to love
God and to be motivated to serve others.
Other sites at Deep Sea Discovery include S.S. Discovery,
where kids will explore the Bible story in a variety of interactive
ways; Pelican Pier, where kids have time to move around, have
fun, and fill up on snacks; Curiosity Cavern, where kids explore the
mysteries of the sea through science and crafts; and E.C.H.O. Sea
Sub, where kids are encouraged to serve others! All these fun activities connect to the Bible story, Bible Memory, and the truth that
God is with us wherever we go!
The staff is waiting for some brave deep-sea divers to join them
in serving and having fun! Please pre-register. Registration forms
available in the rectory. Walk ins are welcome on June 20th. Limited space.
Date: June 20-23 – For ages 4 yrs through 11yrs
$10 per child / $25 per family (3 or more)
Payment must accompany Registration Form
**No child will be turned away due to cost
Place: St. Frances Cabrini Parish
Time: 6:00-8:15 if pre-registered. Please arrive no earlier than
5:45 – singing and dancing start at 6pm. If not pre-registered, registration is from 5-6 on June 20th. You must come in and sign your
child out every night at 8:15.
Contact: St. Frances Cabrini with questions: 313.381.5601
Matthew Kelly
Special Musical Guest Eliot Morris
Friday, October 7, 2016
7:00 pm – 10:45 pm
St. Frances Cabrini Catholic Church
Are you thriving or just surviving? Are you ready for
more energy? A deeper sense of purpose? More joy? A
clearer understanding of God’s plan for your life?
Join us for one of our Passion & Purpose events. It
has been a life-changing event for tens of thousands of
people. Living Every Day with Passion & Purpose is presented by internationally acclaimed speaker and author
Matthew Kelly and the incredibly talented Eliot Morris.
Tickets can be purchased at St. Frances Cabrini, and
at or call (859)
980.7900.Tickets are $39.00 & includes all retreat material.
May 1-31st
Pastoral Appointments with either Fr. Joe or
Catherine Borsh, as assigned.
September 11
8:00 am
October 9
Confirmandi/Sponsor Dinner 5:00-7:00pm
Date of Confirma*on to be announced when we get it from the presiding bishop.
The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
Today as we celebrate the gift of the Body
and Blood of Christ let us pray for those who
are hungry, malnourished and starving.
In the month of May, through your
gifts, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul was able to
bring the love of God to many of our poor by assisting
families with food, utilities, rent, etc. Thank you!
Page 7
Youth Ministry / Christian Service
Therese Tardiff: Coordinator of Youth Ministry
(313)381-5601 or
Maria Wyatt: Middle School Youth Leader
(734) 283-1929 or
High School Youth Ministry News - May
All high school aged teens are invited to any Youth
Ministry sponsored activities and events
Parish Baccalaureate Mass ~ Sunday, June 5 @ 10:00
Reception in Holy Family Hall
Youth Ministry is hosting refreshments after the 10:00 am Mass
to honor our graduates and their families. We need your help baking cookies, serving refreshments, and cleaning up the hall.
Contact Mrs. Tardiff at to sign up.
Sunday, June 12
YNIA and Just5Days Send Off Mass/ Breakfast
10:00am – 12:30pm
All those attending either YNIA or Just5Days are asked to
meet in the church in the reserved section for the 10:00 mass. A
pot luck breakfast will follow in the Holy Family Hall for all family members. Please wear your travel t-shirt.
Attention all 2016 High School and College Graduates
You are blessed, and we wish you all the best - Your
parish community is planning to honor your achievements
and bless your future endeavors during a Baccalaureate
Mass Sunday, June 5 during the 10 a.m. liturgy.
There will be a procession of graduates, without gowns,
so attend in your “Sunday best.” A reception for you and
your families will follow Mass in Holy Family Hall.
Please let us know you will attend by filling out the information below and dropping it off, to the Rectory office by
Wednesday, June 1. Please mark the envelope Youth
Ministry – Baccalaureate Mass.
We proudly support you at this special time in your
lives. If you have any questions about the Baccalaureate
Mass, call Therese Tardiff at 313-381-5601 or email her
No. attending Reception:___________________________
Monday, June 13
Final YNIA Prep Meeting
7:00 – 9:00pm Holy Family Hall
All those participating in YNIA are expected to attend this final
High School/College Name:________________________
Future Plans:____________________________________
Thursday, June 16
Final WYD Poland Prep Meeting
7:00 – 9:30pm
Holy Family Hall
All participants are expected to attend this final meeting in
preparation for the July pilgrimage to Poland.
Sunday, June 19 – Saturday, June 25
YNIA Kentucky Trip
All those traveling to Kentucky are asked to meet in the Holy
Family Hall parking lot at 6:30 am.
Looking to spark the faith of your children or grandchildren
while they have a blast at the same time? Check out Camp Sancta Maria located in Gaylord, MI. We are a Catholic camp that provides fun experiences while immersed in a faith-filled environment.
We offer separate camping experiences for boys and girls which
include daily Mass, horseback riding, swimming, archery, various
sports, high and low ropes, and crafts. For more information
check out
or call (248) 822-8199.
I would like to minister at this Mass (Lector, Eucharistic
Minister, Gift Bearer, Music)
The Alumni Association of St. Francis Xavier School
(Ecorse) not the parish, will be awarding six (6) $500.00
scholarships for the 2016-2017 school year to students who
will be attending any Catholic high school. Students are
eligible if their family is a registered and contributing member of a parish in the downriver Vicariate. For further information and a scholarship application, please contact:
St. Francis Xavier Alumni Association
c/o Barbara Rickman, Secretary
197 Haltiner
River Rouge, MI 48218
The deadline for applying is July 15, 2016
Page 8
Week of May 30, 2016
Monday, May 30, 2016—Memorial Day
Schools Closed
Cub Scouts
Tuesday, May 31, 2016
Moms in Prayer
Mass and
8th Grade Graduation
Graduation Reception
& Dance
Wednesday, June 1, 2016
Cabrini Seniors
Booster Club Meeting
Thursday, June 2, 2016
TOPS Program
Adult Choir
APPC Basketball
CHS Chapel
HFH Mtg #2
HFH Bsmnt
Due to personal reasons this will be our last year co-chairing
the afghan booth. Theresa Gorski, sister of Sheila Gorski-Schulte
(a parent of two Cabrini students), will be taking over as chairman
of the afghan booth. She is excited to be taking on the responsibility not only this year but in years to come. We hope that everyone
continues to bring in afghans, tie blankets, quilts, etc. The Cabrini
Festival takes pride in the amount of items donated to make this
booth a huge success.
We want to take this time to thank you all for your ticket purchases, volunteer time, and beautiful creations. We have enjoyed
our time working with the Cabrini Festival and will cherish the
memories. If you need more information or would like to help out
Theresa by volunteering your time at the afghan booth, please do
not hesitate to call Theresa at (734) 307-7789. Your help will be
much appreciated. We look forward to seeing you all at the festival
this June!
Theresa Gorski and Cathy & Mary Gorski
HELP NEEDED / STUFFED CABBAGE - We need help rollth
ing stuffed cabbage on Thursday, May 26 at 5:30pm. Please
contact Lori at (313) 574-2313 if you are interested in helping.
Music Room
Friday, June 3, 2016
Field Day 1st—7th Grades
Kindergarten Reception CC
Saturday, June 4, 2016
HFH Bsmnt
Private Party
Sunday, June 5, 2016
Mass - Baccalaureate Church
Baccalaureate Reception HFH
Franciscan Council Mtg HFH#2
Franciscans Gathering MCR
the tents will be going up. Our construction crew is looking for help
that day from 2:00pm – 6:00pm and on Sunday, June 5th from
1:00pm – 6:00pm. If you can help, please call the rectory and
leave your name and number. We are also asking for your help
the Monday after the festival, June 13th we will start clean up at
8:00am. Thank you!
Bob Dauzet and Carl Philpott
ELECTRICAL HELP NEEDED - Our electrical crew is looking
for help on Sunday, June 5th after the 12:00 mass. If you can
help us please call the rectory and leave your name and number.
Help is also needed on Sunday night after the festival ends. Thank
COUNTRY STORE - We are collecting donations for the Country Store Booth for the festival. Containers are located at each
entrance of the church. All unopened, non-perishable items are
accepted. ONLY non-expired items can be used. Cash donations
are also accepted. We need your help to make this booth a success. As always….thank you for your generosity!
Barb Eisterhold (313) 680-0960
Robin or Greg Surma (313) 389-2918
USED BOOK DONATIONS NEEDED - Please drop off book
donations under the big tent on Wednesday, June 8th, Thursday,
June 9th or Friday, June 10th. Thank you for your donation!
Agnes Villarreal (313) 318-7701
LEMONADE STAND - I’ve lost a couple of weekend-long solid
workers this year. If interested in working at the busy, fast-paced
Lemonade Stand, please call Tom (734) 250-0044.
BINGO TENT & DOLL HOUSE RAFFLE - We need help. There
will be sign up sheets on a table in the Narthex before and after
each Mass. I need your name, telephone number and the time you
can help out. I need callers and workers for the Bingo room
(which is inside with air conditioning this year!) and ticket sellers
(this is seated work) for the Doll House raffle. If you have any
questions, you can reach Dee Bright at (313) 586-7087 or (313)
Page 9
Please Pray For………..
Jeff Adamczyk
Sherri Antoszewski
Alicia Atkinson
Erika Bacha
Joseph Bachleda
Janina Bak
Alan Barnas Family
Nick Beasanski
Mary Beaubien
Dwight Behm
Bill Benson
Florence Berendt
Cindy Berg
Robert Billing
Ronald Bloom
Michael Booth
Erica Born
Alan Burch
Pat Burtka
Byrne Family
Danny Cain
Dean Cap
Mae Cap
Marie Cunningham
Ken Cuthbert
Vincent D’Amico
Carl Damron
Gloria Daniels
Marie Dean
Rocco DiGiulio
Chelsea Dobija
Mary Dow
Mary Duley
Maryanne Fall
Ellen Farkas
Norma Fusco
Herman Gaines
Alanna Gehringer
Ronald Gering II
Ronald Gering III
Katherine TallonGrundman
Cecilia Haig
Frank Hansinger
Steve Hecmanczuk
Rinetta Herman
Tom Higgision
Tim Hollman
Carol Holley
Anita Howard
Virginia Holowecky
Dan Howe
Mary Howe
Catherine Humbles
Catherine Husky
Patricia Irwin
Kathleen Jackson
Bob Johnstone
Betty Joyce
Quentin Kastlan
Eddie Kastl
Bonnie Kawalec
Steve Kawalec
Tom Kearn
Janet Keeth
John Kepes & Family
Gayle King
Frank King
Peggy Kiss
Alice Klenczar
Brittany Kmita
Karin Kozlo
Paul Kwasniewski
Monica “Gerri”
Candice “Candy”
Harry Letinski
Josephine Letinski
Dee Lipchik
Shirley & Alfred
Lucas MacLeod
Tammy Maguire
Mike Manor
Julie Mastin
Festival Sponsorship Program
A couple years ago several people approached Fr Joe asking how they can help with the cost of the festival. We
came up with a sponsorship program that was quite successful. We spend over $20,000.00 per year on food/beer
items alone.
If you are interested in sponsoring an item, please fill
out the form below and return with your check to the festival
committee. You can place it in the collection boxes, return it
to the Parish office or mail it to:
Cabrini Festival
Attn: Jo Dauzet
9000 Laurence Ave
Allen Park, MI 48101
Thank you for your continuing support!
Jo Dauzet, Festival Chairperson
I / We would like to sponsor the following items for the
food tent:
Phone #_______________________________________
Constance Mazur
Rose McGovern
Dolores McKernan
Rita Megge
Carl Mollett
Wendy Mollett
Tony Muklewicz
Jennifer Mussio
Maureen Mussio
Joseph Neal
Rosemarie Nowacki
Randy Pearson
Bruce Perry
Charles Reseter
Jackie Riopelle
Jack Rochon
Bill Sabo
Emery Salamon,Jr
Renee Salamon
John Sanchez
Ann Sarich
Claire Scalici
Tony Segura II
Walt Shogren
Jacqueline Smith
Helen Soter
Kathleen Stauder
Kevin Stauder
Gloria Staley
Carol Stromberg
Sam Sturgill
Robert Sucheck
Joan Sullivan
Cody Terteling
Judith Tink
Mary Tirpak
Bradley Trombley
Rhonda Turner
Ed Vespa
Nancy Volk
Al Williams
Carie Woodall
Joseph Scott
Assorted Cheeses
Green Peppers
Taco Meat
Mac N Cheese
Assorted Buns
$ 4.00
Pulled Pork
Soft Pretzel
Nacho Chips
$ 9.00
Hot Dogs
Sausage (Polish & Italian)
Ground Chuck
Ground Round Patties
Corned Beef
French Fries
Page 10
Monday, May 30, 2016 8:30am Mass
2 Peter 1:2-7; Psalm 91:1-2, 14-15b, 15c-16; Mark 12:1-12
Bill Schwindel by Janine Bak
Stephanie Harven (Birthday Remembrance) by Children
Irene Tobis (8th Anniversary) by Children
Emil Sporer by Wife
Tuesday, May 31, 2016 8:30am Mass
Zephaniah 3:14-18a or Romans 12:9-16; Isaiah12:2-3, 4bcd,
5-6; Luke 1:39-56
Edward Beres (Birthday Remembrance) by Family
Florence Lee Hebert by Bob & Kay Clark
7:00pm Mass
Deceased Members of St. Frances Cabrini
Wednesday, June 1, 2016 8:30am Mass
Saint Jus*n, Martyr
2 Timothy 1:1-3, 6-12; Psalm 123:1b-2ab, 2cdef; Mark 12:18-27
Michael Krzywonos (36th Anniversary) by Daughter &
Thursday, June 2, 2016 8:30am Mass
Saints Marcellinus and Peter, Martyrs
2 Timothy 2:8-15; Psalm 25:4-5ab, 8-9, 10, and 14; Mark 12:28-34
Mary Patricia Balle by Cynthia Peecher
Theresa Toth (38th Anniversary) by Daughter & Family
Mary McLellan (Birthday Remembrance) by Linda
Friday, June 3, 2016 8:30am Mass
The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
Ezekiel 34:11-16; Psalm 23:1-3a, 3b-4, 5, 6; Romans 5:5b-11;
Luke 15:3-7
Robert & Ruth Schiffer & Family, Living & Deceased
Saturday, June 4, 2016 8:30am Mass
The Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary
2 Timothy 4:1-8; Psalm 71;8-9, 14-15ab, 16-17, 22; Luke 2:41-51
Matilda Jurko (Wedding Anniversary Remembrance)
by Family
Saturday and Sunday, June 4 and June 5, 2016
Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
1 Kings 17:17-24; Psalm 30:2, 4, 5-6, 11, 12, 13; Galaans 1:11-19;
Luke 7:11-17
Elias & Beatrice Bolduc by Son
Bill Schwindel by Carol Bosak
Jim DallaVecchia by Dorothy Trader
Ed Klenczar by Dorothy Trader
Robert Sharky by Dorothy Trader
8:00 am Mass
Lector - Chris Bowen
Commentator - John Cicotte
Sacristan - Robert Powell
Altar Servers - Andrew & Chris Courtright & Brianna Manning
Ronald Teed by Teed Family
Elizabeth Devlin by Jerry & Lois Teed
Elvio Sepe by Prusak Family
Florence Hebert by Frank & Gayle King
10:00 am Mass
Lector - Ed Szafranski
Commentator – Ellen Farkas
Sacristan – Cheryl LaPalm
Altar Servers - Elizabeth Mattoon, Maria Snider & Elena Ramirez
Katy Gasparella by Frank & Children
John Marra by John & Donna Marra
Giuseppe Pomponio by Family
Frank Cernak by Mr. & Mrs. Lee Boelter
Matilda Jurko by Gaye & Tony Olah
Ada Andreassi by Henry Bawol
Luigi Savone (Birthday Remembrance) by Sister
12:00 pm Mass
Lector - Denny Connors
Commentator - Carolyn Sohoza
Sacristan - Kim & Bruce
Altar Servers - Brian Chapman, Sophie Kerr & Erin Druyor
Larry Matusik by Family
Robert Beauchamp (50th Anniversary)
by Daughter & Family
Florence Hebert by Nina & Virgil DiMeglio
7:00 pm Mass
Lector - Marge Wolber
Commentator - Bea Cassidy
Sacristan - Marge Wolber
Altar Servers - Steven Schumm & Clare Villarreal **Need 1 server*
Special Intentions for Cabrini Parishioners
Please pray for the family and friends
of our dearly departed
5:00pm Mass
Lector - Carrol Hampton
Commentator - Nina DiMeglio
Sacristan - Terry Mazure
Altar Servers - David Henson, Luke Corvaia & Joel Corvaia
Candles 1st Friday
Lori Nowacki
Iride Pavan by Family
Mary Bolduc by Husband
Towels 1st Sunday
Alice Klenczar
Page 11
St. Frances Cabrini
9000 Laurence, Allen Park, MI 48101
Rectory Office / Religious Formation (313) 381-5601
Fax (313) 381-7837 Web:
Rectory Office Hours
(Closed for Lunch 12:00pm to1:00pm)
Monday-Thursday 8:00am to 7:00pm
Friday 8:00am to 5:00pm
Saturday 9:00am to 2:00pm
Reverend Joseph Mallia
Permanent Deacon
Reverend Mr. Luis Flores
Budget Director
Howard Behr / Jill Ferraiuolo
Director of Music Ministry/Liturgy Coordinator
Nick Beasanski
Dir. Religious Education
Catherine Borsh
Coordinator of Christian Service & Youth Ministry
Therese Tardiff
Paula Steele
Joy Mousseau
Summer Camp Job Opportunities
Now Available
Are you or someone you know looking for a
summer job? We are accepting applications for 2016
summer camp!
We have openings for camp counselors, camp
activity specialists, team leaders, health officers, and
food service staff at SVdP Camp Ozanam and CYO Camps, both
located near Lexington, Michigan on the beautiful shores of Lake
Working at a summer camp is the most meaningful job you’ll
ever have! Share your faith, develop your leadership skills, and
make a huge difference in the lives of children that need the Gospel
Put your faith into action this summer at Camps Connect. More
information about our camps and an application are available at:
For questions, contact Caroline Krucker at or call (810) 622-8744.
Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands.
Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and
their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our
time of need. In Jesus’ name, Amen. Please God, grant them
courage when times are bleak. Grant them strength when they
feel weak. Grant them comfort, when they feel all alone. And
most of all, God, please…..BRING THEM ALL HOME!!!
Pastoral Commission
Carolyn Sohoza
Education Commission
Catherine Borsh
Christian Service Commission
Therese Tardiff
Worship, Finance & Vicariate Rep
Vicariate Website:
Detroit Retrouvaille
Facilities & Calendar/ Bulletin Editor
Janet Shea
Parish Policy: Before any sacramental preparation can
begin, we require that you be a registered member or a
baptized Catholic.
Baptism: Contact the Rectory Office.
Marriage: Arrangements must be made by the engaged
couple by contacting the Rectory Office at least six months
before date of marriage.
Reconciliation (Confession): Saturday at 4:00pm and
upon request.
Cabrini Elementary School
Cabrini High School
High School Attendance
High School Athletic Office
Extended Day Program
Rectory Office
Music Director
CHS Campus Ministry
Holy Family House
Cabrini Center
We believe that every marriage deserves the opportunity to survive, be healed and thrive as a covenant
of life and love. Retrouvaille is the place where we,
as hurting couples, found hope.
Retrouville is a Christian Peer Ministry focused on reaching out
to hurting married couples longing for renewal and hope. Metro
Detroit has multiple English and Spanish programs scheduled this
year, each beginning with a weekend on the following dates:
July 15 September 16 October 14 (Spanish) October 28
For more information or to register, please see our website: or call 1-800-470-2230.
Host an Exchange Student with PSE!
For more information, please contact :
Theresa Ledesma at (248) 670-4030; or
Host an International Student
For more information, please contact:
FLAG Beyond Program at
Page 12
Hiring / For Hire / For Sale / For Free / Tutoring / Needed~
ATTENTION PLEASE! I am trying to keep the ads in as long as there is room, but some of these ads have been in for a looooong time! Maybe
it’s time to lower your price or possibly even donate your item ! Please remember to contact the Rectory at (313) 381381-5601 if your
your item has sold,
been donated or just would like to make changes. Ads can be dropped off at the Rectory or emailed to
REMINDER: Home Care/Senior Care ads have been removed and no longer accepted. The ads below are posted as a courtesy to our St.
Frances Cabrini parishioners. Cabrini is not affiliated with nor do we have any more information than what is stated in the ads.
HIRING: Allen Park Electrical Contractor - Haddix Electric - is
looking for a Licensed Electrical Journeyman. Minimum 3 years
experience in commercial & residential. Please send resume to
HIRING: Are you a certified ultrasound technician? We are a ProLife organization offering free ultrasounds for pregnant moms, especially those who are abortion vulnerable. You can make your own
schedule and we can offer $25 p/hr. If you are interested, please
call Lennon Pregnancy Center at (313) 277-5637.
HIRING: Symon Rental is looking for summer help. The duties
would include loading, unloading and set-up and breakdown of
tents, tables and chairs. Please call Colleen (734)283-5374.
TUTORING: Teacher available for tutoring in Reading & Math. Call
Ruth at (734) 934-1405 or email
TUTORING: Tutoring in Math, Science & History or SATs for 5th
grade and up. Working on teachers certificate. Call 549-6761.
TUTORING: Math, Chemistry & Physics for high school & college
students. ACT prep in all subjects. I am a Cabrini parishioner with a
solid engineering & tutoring background. Reasonable rates and
flexible scheduling. Contact Dan at
FREE: Two (2) gray female chinchillas need a good home. Comes
with large cage, food, treats and all accessories. Call Jody (313)
FOR HIRE: Seamstress~uniform hems to formal wear - I do it all.
Custom sewing/Crocheting/Knitting. Allen Park resident & Parishioner. Call Robbie (734)626-4037.
FOR HIRE: A wide variety of pet care in your home or mine.
Cabrini Parish family. Call Kathy (313)982-7004.
FOR HIRE: Light housecleaning & errands. Minimum 3/4 hours at
$10.00 p/hr. Allen Park/Melvindale area. Call Gloria (313)389-5506.
FOR HIRE: Rides to the doctor, store, errands & light housekeeping. Call Danielle (734) 497-4696.
FOR HIRE: House cleaning, laundry & shopping for you! Cabrini
parishioner, references available. Call Shirley (313)434-6027.
FOR HIRE: Helping hand for you or your loved ones ~ all help from
A to Z! Very experienced. Minimum 2 hours. Call Mary (734)6800812.
BABYSITTER NEEDED: Full, part-time or on occasional basis.
Two children, girls ages 14 & 11. Very active, Special needs.
Please call Jen (313)320-2796. Must be honest, caring and patient.
Full time benefits available. After school/weekend/evening.
RENTER/HELPER: Semi-retired guy, Cabrini grad, seeks room to
rent/house share in Allen Park. Has transportation and income.
Neat, quiet, non-smoker. Can help with chores to reduce rent, if
desired. Call Cal (313)587-1541 after 12pm.
FOR SALE: Couch~ripe pear colored. Paid $800, will sell for $300.
Call (313)381-3964.
FOR SALE: Craftsman 3HP-1400PSI high pressure washer $190.
16” hanging ceiling lamp w/leaded & stained glass panels $30.
Rocking horse $75. Call (734)287-6418.
FOR SALE: Rocker recliner, brown, from Art Van $75. Call (734)
FOR SALE: Smoker barbeque w/tank $500. Two bunk bed sets~5
pieces. Make reasonable offer. Call Mary (734)680-0812.
FOR SALE: Exquisite Lenox fine china featuring a red rose w/24K
gold trim. 8 place settings & 9 accessory pieces $1,000. Also Lenox
crystal w/24K trim $300. Proud Cabrini parishioner. Call (734)5529597.
FOR SALE: Floor tiles. Make offer. Call Mary (734)680-0812.
FOR SALE: Traditional 8x11 wool rug w/fringe (red, black & gold)
from Ethan Allen. Excellent condition. Professionally cleaned. $800
or best offer. Picture upon request. Call (313)421-1978.
FOR SALE: One (1) cemetery plot at Our Lady of Hope. Section
E46 #6. $1,100. Call John (734)309-3906.
FOR SALE: Beautiful mahogany full length real mink coat size S/M.
Fur vault @ Macy’s. Must sell $2,000/negotiable. Call Suzanne
(313)561-1148 or (313)544-8070.
FOR SALE: Three (3) plots at Holy Sepulcher Cemetery. Lot 21 of
section 20 in old section. $1,200 each. Electric Toro power snow
shovel, like new, $40. Call (734)282-3507.
FOR SALE: Vintage late 50’s coffee table & two (2) end tables.
Great condition, leather top. $75 for all 3. Call Marylou (734)4868564.
FOR SALE: Wildlife w/cream background kitchen canisters, salt &
pepper shakers and spoon rest $30. Call (734)620-1182.
FOR SALE: Signature gas stove 30” $50. GE microwave $30.Aluminum shelf for microwave $15. Wet/Dry ShopVac, 8 gallon $60.
Two long mirrors, 4ft, wood framed $20. Panasonic record player w/
speakers $100. Big box floor fan $20. Contemporary Blonde sofa
table $60. Call Valerie (313)381-0985.
FOR SALE: Portable sewing machine, table sewing machine w/
chair and a like new ironing mangle. Make offer. (734)680-0812.
FOR SALE: 1997 Lincoln Towne car Signature Series. 113,000
miles. Dark blue w/matching leather interior. Full power w/moon
roof. Runs excellent. $3,500 or best. Call Mark (313)386-3044.
FOR SALE: Georgia Boot Co. men’s size 9.5 8”brown insulated
waterproof outdoor/hunting boots, like new $75. Vintage Zebco 33
spin cast reel w/new line and Southbend rod, like new $20. Call
(313)587-1541 after 12pm.
FOR SALE: Bread maker $20. Cuisinart blender/food processor
$35. Call Dave (313)381-5717.
FOR SALE: Tri-color fur jacket. Never worn. $200. (313) 383-0631.
FOR SALE: Brand new Charles Schneider hazelnut leather
loveseat. $900. Call (313) 613-6100.
FOR SALE: Amana dishwasher, white, under counter. Clean in
good condition. Used 1-2 times per week. Asking $75. Call (313)
381-4799 (home) or (313)623-3208 (cell).
FOR SALE: Swimming pool 15x48. Very good condition. Includes
ladder, pump, filters, new vacuum, solar cover & toys. Asking $200.
(313) 381-3964.
FOR SALE: 92” dark brown, 2 cushion couch. One year old. $200.
Call Kathy (313)292-9632.
FOR SALE: Power rocker recliner, like new. Originally $600. Asking
$250. Please call (313) 388-2472.
FOR SALE: 2012 Crest II 230 Pontoon Boat. 22’ total length, 25”
pontoons. 25HP Mercury Outboard (2 years remaining on warranty). Bimini and playpen covers. Excellent condition. $13,000. Call
Chuck (313)928-3961.
FOR SALE: A great vacation or retirement home less than 2 miles
from S. Higgins Lake State Park. Double wide trailer, 3 bedrooms, 1
bath, large living room, 2 car garage on 1/2 acre. Call Larry (313)
FOR SALE: Electric hospital bed $2,500. Wheelchair $200. Walker
w/wheels $75. Standup cane $10. Raised commode seat $75. Portable card table w/drink & chip inserts $50. Call Edgar (313)9103452.
FOR SALE: Upright piano, $300. Call Theresa (734) 787-1227.
Maple Heights Retirement is offering
Please call for details (313)383-6226