Arizona Territorial Company of Rough Riders
Arizona Territorial Company of Rough Riders
WILD WEST MERCANTILE’S INTER RANG W E 2010 SASS NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP OF COWBOY ACTION SHOOTING Wounded Warriors PRESENTED BY THE ARIZONA TERRITORIAL COMPANY OF ROUGH RIDERS WILD WEST MERCANTILE’S Presented by The Arizona Territorial Company Of Rough Riders Two time Winner of the SASS Wooly Award Annual Match of the Year 2004 & 2007 Table of Contents Stage Conventions & Match Conduct .................. 4 Schedule of Events ............................................. 6 Main Match Posse Shooting Schedule ................. 7 Entertainment .................................................... 8 Cowboy Swap Meet ............................................. 10 Costume Contest ................................................ 10 Black Powder Night Shoot .................................. 11 Cowboy Fast Draw.............................................. 11 Posse Shoot Schedule ........................................ 11 Sponsors ............................................................ 12 Wounded Warrior Project ................................... 14 Side Matches ...................................................... 16 Side Match Posse Shooting Schedule .................. 17 Main Match Stages ............................................. 18 Warm Up Stages ................................................ 30 Wild Bunch Stages ............................................. 32 Plainsman Stages ............................................... 34 2 WELCOME TO WINTER RANGE 2010 ® SASS NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP OF COWBOY ACTION SHOOTING We’re proud to have your participation in the Nineteenth Annual Winter Range, SASS National Championship of Cowboy Action Shooting. We try very hard to make this the best Cowboy Action Shooting Event that you will ever attended. We hope that you make new friends, have lots of fun and BE SAFE! Shooters and spectators, please, be aware of these range rules: NO ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES, GLASS CONTAINERS OR PETS allowed in range area. Eye protection is MANDATORY within line-of-site of the shooting area. Hearing protection is recommended. Please respect the privacy of the camping areas. Introducing the Arizona Territorial Company of Rough Riders The Arizona Territorial Company of Rough Riders was established during the fall of 1991 to promote the historical significance of the old west cowboy lifestyle and traditions. Winter Range is a non-profit organization staffed by volunteers. These are the folks that work all year long to make this match happen. 2010 Board of Directors “Trusty Dog” Jon Engebretson President “EZ Shot” Frank Forsyth Treasurer “Blackjack Zak” Dean Friedt Range Master “Dan Diamond” Robert Matthieu Vendor Coordinator “Lt. Col. Scratch” Rich Tomich Vice President “Larson E Pettifogger” Wayne Nordwall Secretary / Marketing “Pea Patch” Toni Tomich Registration “Weaver Gal” Marcia Matthieu Vendor Coordinator “Nine Toe Joe” Bruce Demaree “Sgt Chesty” Jake Briscoe Volunteer Coordinator Facilities Coordinator “Buttershot” Kim Forsyth “Blue Ridge Ranger” Chuck Poole Prize Coordinator Awards “Parson Swede” Dan Wohleen “Brighton Belle” Stephanie Heron-Weeber Entertainment / Media Entertainment “The Fixer” Matt McLaughlin “Joe LaFives” Scott Enderle Signs & Banners Scoring “Lobo Joe” Joe Abrams “Lightnin Rick” Rick Wyckoff Assistant Range Master Assistant Range Master “Madison” Dick Malewiski “Pigpen” Hank Dykstra Mounted Coordinator Long Range “Justice B Dunn” Tim Coker Territorial Governor 3 Stage Conventions & Match Conduct 1. All SASS Rules apply unless otherwise indicated in the stage description. Basic Winter Range philosophy in stage descriptions – “if the stage description doesn’t say to do things in certain way, then you can do as you wish, within the current SASS Rules.” SASS Stage Conventions apply. 2. Order of Engagement: Targets may be engaged in any order, unless stage descriptions indicate a specific order. 3. Comstock Shotgun Targets: All shotgun targets MAY be re-engaged – “Comstock Rules”. Shotgun targets may be re-engaged at the end of the shotgun string or at the moment they have been missed. 4. Buckaroos and Buckarettes: need only HIT a knock down target, including plate racks – they do not have to go down. Alternate targets have been placed for all aerial targets that may be engaged at the shooters discretion. Misses will be awarded as per normal if aerial targets are engaged and missed. 5. Bonus targets: Bonus targets MUST be engaged, unless indicated as “optional” in the stage description 6. Make long guns safe: On downrange movement stages, long guns MUST be made safe in the provided gun blocks. Failure to make long guns safe as indicated will incur a 10 second minor safety penalty 7. Long guns may be transported to the next shooting position unless stage description indicates otherwise. 8. Long guns open and empty: must be left open and empty at the end of the shooting string. If you open and clear the long gun, then place the long gun down and the lever closes, you must return to open it. 9. Long guns may be staged in, near or at the positions indicated, vertically or horizontally, unless stage description indicates otherwise. Long guns staged horizontally on bales, boxes or counter tops must have at least the rear of the trigger guard over the horizontal surface. Revolvers must have the entire firearm over the horizontal surface. All stage conventions apply. 10. Round/Casing left on carrier and last firearm used on stage is a long gun: Once the shooter arrives at the unloading table and releases control of their long guns, a live round, empty casing or shotgun hull left on the carrier or magazine will incur a minor safety penalty. 11. Unloading / Loading on the move: Firearms may be loaded and unloaded on the move as per SASS rules regarding “safe for movement”. 12. Unloading Officer: All unloading tables will have an unloading officer designated to clear all firearms before each shooter leaves the unloading table. This may be the previous shooter or a posse member as designated by the Posse Marshal. 13. Dry Firing: There will be no dry firing (the act of raising the firearm to a firing position, pointing, cocking and pulling the trigger, so as to fire it) at the LOADING tables. 14. Transporting long guns: Long guns will be transported to and from the firing line, empty with actions open, muzzles vertical. Long guns with soft cases or “socks” that are visible in guns carts must also have actions open. 15. Re-Shoots: will only be given for timer malfunctions, RO interference or prop/timer malfunctions, once the first round has left the barrel. 16. Re-Starts: Bad or fumbled starts may be re-initiated provided no rounds have left the barrel. This may only be allowed if the shooter can complete the re-start immediately keeping the delay to a minimum. Technical issues with firearms at the start should be addressed at the unloading table to as not to cause delays on the firing line. Multiple re-starts for the same shooter on multiple stages will not be entertained by the R.O. 4 17. Saying lines: Shooters must make a good faith effort to say initiating line correctly, but no penalty will be incurred for incorrect lines. 18. Pistols: Pistols shall start from, and be returned to, leather (holstered) at the beginning and end of the pistol string, unless the stage description states otherwise. 19. “Down Range” procedures: are necessary only in shooting bays with more than one stage. If movement down range is required, ‘Down Range’ will be called by the R.O. When the shooter has finished the stage and moved to the unloading table, and shooters at the unloading and loading tables have stepped back from the tables, the R.O. on that posse will raise the Orange Flag. When all posses have raised their flags, down range movement may commence. No gun handling or activity at the tables shall be conducted while Orange flags are up. When all movement down range has ceased, Orange flags may be lowered and shooting continued. Down Ranges on single stage bays shall be conducted by the R.O. for that posse, flags are not required. 20. Cease Fires: If a cease fire is called, all engaging shooters must cease fire immediately and make firearms safe, move to the unloading table, and ground all firearms. 21. Spotting: Spotters must position themselves so as to clearly see the targets being engaged, and move if necessary. Spotters MUST SEE A MISS, and any doubt will be given to the shooter. To remind all shooters once again: a. If you THINK IT HIT, you must score a HIT b. If you THINK IT MISSED, you MUST score a HIT c. If you see it HIT, then you score a HIT d. ONLY IF you clearly SEE IT MISS, then you call a MISS Spotters are reminded that spotting is an extremely important job in operation of a posse, and that some targets do not “ring” when hit as most do. Therefore, the absence of sound does not necessarily indicate the target has been missed. Spotters must SEE A MISS; anything less than that, or if the spotter has any doubt in their mind, they must call a HIT. 22. Scoring and Awards: Scoring will be in accordance with SASS Rules. However, a shooter must complete all scored main match stages to be eligible for a main match award. In the unlikely event of severe, inclement weather or any other conditions which may adversely affect the safety of the match, the WR Board, in conjunction with SASS Officials, will determine the appropriate course of action. Errors in scoring must be brought to the attention of the scoring coordinators as soon as possible. The deadline for addressing these errors is SUNDAY, at 9:00 AM. 23. Disputes or appeals shall, whenever possible, be handled on the posse by the Posse Marshal. The chain of authority for further disputes or protests shall be the “on duty” Match Range Officers. The next and final authority shall be the Range Master /Match Director or his deputy. The RM/MD may at his discretion form a committee of 3 TGS and proceed per SASS rules. Disputes or appeals must be registered with the Posse Marshal before the posse leaves the stage where the issue or incident occurred. The dispute shall be heard and processed as soon as practically possible by match officials. Any disputes or protests brought to the Posse Marshal or any match officials after this time will NOT be entertained. 24. Show courtesy to the posse ahead: Posse members should not crowd the posse ahead, and should not move into the stage area until vacated by the previous posse. 25. Interpersonal conflicts / rude or inappropriate behavior: Any other behavior than that of a true cowboy / cowgirl will not, under any circumstances, be tolerated. In the unlikely event that any shooter demonstrates such behavior they will be ejected from the match immediately and without question. 26. Safety First……BUT please do have fun! 5 Schedule of Events 7:30 AM 8:00 AM 9:00 AM 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM 11:00 AM 2:00 PM 4:00 PM 5:00 PM 7:00 AM 7:30 AM 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 1:00 PM 3:00 PM to 7:00 PM 5:00 PM 7:00 PM WEDNESDAY February 24th • Mandatory safety meeting in the Main Tent • Warm up Stages - Wave 1 - Stages 1-4 • Wild Bunch Match - Stages 9-12 • Cowboy Trap, Skeet and Sporting Clays - Clay Target Center • Long Range Events • Shotgun Blast - Stage 5 • Derringer - Stage 6 • Speed Events • Pocket Pistol - Stages 7-8 • Warm up Stages - Wave 2 - Stages 1-4 • Warm up Stages - Wave 3 - Stages 1-4 • Plainsman Event - Stages 9-10 • Posse Marshal Meeting - Main Tent • Range Closes THURSDAY February 25th • Opening Ceremony • Mandatory safety meeting in the Main Tent - Posses 1 -12 • Main Stages Start - Check Main Match Posse Shooting Schedule • Mandatory safety meeting in the Main Tent - Posses 13 - 24 • Mandatory safety meeting in the Main Tent - Posses 25 - 36 • Cowboy Swap Meet in the Main Tent • Range Closes • Territorial Governors Meeting - Hospitality Tent - NO FIREARMS • Black Powder Night Shoot - Stages 7-8 FRIDAY February 26th 8:00 AM 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM 5:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:30 PM • Main Stages Start - Check Main Match Posse Shooting Schedule • Prize Drawing in Main Tent. (Bring your Shooter’s Card) • Range Closes • Rough Rider Saloon Opens - Main Tent - NO FIREARMS • Dinner in the Main Tent • Award Ceremony - Wednesday Side Matches - Main Tent 7:00 PM • Bingo & Poker Tournament - Prizes - Main Tent SATURDAY February 27th 8:00 AM 5:00 PM 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM 6:00 PM • Main Stages Start - Check Main Match Posse Shooting Schedule • Range Closes • Rough Rider Saloon Opens - Main Tent - NO FIREARMS • Costume Contest - Dress Costume - Hospitality Tent (See Page 10 for Details) • Dinner in the Main Tent 7:00 PM • The Cow Dudes Orchestra - Main Tent • Costume Awards - Main Tent 8:00 PM 7:00 AM 8:00 AM 11:00 AM 6 SUNDAY February 28th • Cowboy Church in the Main Tent • Top 16 Cowboys & Cowgirls • Award Ceremony and Raffle drawings in the Main Tent Main Match Posse Shooting Schedule Find your posse number on the chart below. It would help if you marked each time your posse is scheduled to shoot. Refer to the time on the left and the stage number on the top to determine where and when you are scheduled to shoot each stage. The stage has been reserved for you during this 45-minute period. If you are late, you will not be able to shoot that particular stage. THURSDAY SHOOTING SCHEDULE Start Time 1 2 3 4 STAGE NUMBER 5 6 8:00 AM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8:45 AM 4 1 2 3 8 5 6 9:30 AM 3 4 1 2 7 8 5 10:15 AM 2 3 4 1 6 7 8 11:00 AM 13 14 15 16 17 18 11:45 AM 16 13 14 15 20 17 12:30 PM 15 16 13 14 19 1:15 PM 14 15 16 13 2:00 PM 25 26 27 28 2:45 PM 28 25 26 3:30 PM 27 28 25 4:15 PM 26 27 28 7 8 9 10 11 12 8 9 7 12 10 11 12 9 10 11 6 11 5 10 12 9 10 11 12 9 19 20 18 19 21 22 23 24 24 21 22 23 20 17 18 23 24 21 22 18 19 29 30 20 17 22 23 24 21 31 32 33 34 35 36 27 32 26 31 29 30 31 36 33 34 35 32 29 30 35 36 33 34 25 30 31 32 29 34 35 36 33 FRIDAY SHOOTING SCHEDULE Start Time 1 2 3 4 STAGE NUMBER 5 6 8:00 AM 21 22 23 24 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 8:45 AM 24 21 22 23 16 13 14 15 20 17 18 19 9:30 AM 23 24 21 22 15 16 13 14 19 20 17 18 10:15 AM 22 23 24 21 14 15 16 13 18 19 20 17 11:00 AM 33 34 35 36 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 11:45 AM 36 33 34 35 28 25 26 27 32 29 30 31 12:30 PM 35 36 33 34 27 28 25 26 31 32 29 30 1:15 PM 34 35 36 33 26 27 28 25 30 31 32 29 2:00 PM 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2:45 PM 10 11 4 1 2 3 8 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 9 3:30 PM 11 12 9 10 3 4 1 2 7 8 5 6 4:15 PM 10 11 12 9 2 3 4 1 6 7 8 5 SATURDAY SHOOTING SCHEDULE Start Time 1 2 3 4 STAGE NUMBER 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 8:00 AM 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 25 26 27 28 8:45 AM 32 29 30 31 36 33 34 35 28 25 26 27 9:30 AM 31 32 29 30 35 36 33 34 27 28 25 26 10:15 AM 30 31 32 29 34 35 36 33 26 27 28 25 11:00 AM 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 11:45 AM 8 5 6 7 12 9 10 11 4 1 2 3 12:30 PM 7 8 5 6 11 12 9 10 3 4 1 2 1:15 PM 6 7 8 5 10 11 12 9 2 3 4 1 2:00 PM 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 13 14 15 16 2:45 PM 20 17 18 19 24 21 22 23 16 13 14 15 3:30 PM 19 20 17 18 23 24 21 22 15 16 13 14 4:15 PM 18 19 20 17 22 23 24 21 14 15 16 13 7 ROUGH RIDER SALOON Located in the Main Tent Beer • Wine • Spirits Friday & Saturday 5 PM to 10 PM FRIDAY SATURDAY ALL YOU CAN EAT! $15 PRIME RIB $20 6:00 PM 6:00 PM BBQ BRISKET - PULLED PORK - GRILLED CHICKEN COWBOY BEANS - COLESLAW - HONEY BUTTER BISCUIT BAKED POTATO - BRACED GREEN BEANS CEASAR SALAD - HONEY BUTTER BISCUIT 7:00 PM 7:00 PM Games Cowboys Play The Cow Dudes Orchestra Bingo, Poker Tournament A variety show of music, comedy, stories and cowboy poetry Friday Night 7:00 PM This is your chance to hone your Bingo skills, have some fun and win some great prizes. A prize will be awarded for each game. A bingo card for each game is included in your shooter packet at no charge. Bingo cards for the additional games will be available for purchase on Friday night. 8 E N T E R TA I N M E N T MARK BROOKS Arizona veteran Western entertainer and Master of Ceremonies, Mark Brooks has delighted audiences for over 20 years with his music, humor, and knowledgeable repartee. Most recognized for his rich baritone voice and accomplished acoustic guitar style; Mark also writes and performs both contemporary and classic cowboy poetry and stories in the troubadour tradition. He has entertained hundreds of tourist and corporate groups as well as at festivals throughout the southwest, always staying true to his western and country style and introducing tens of thousands of folks to the history of the West and its rich culture. THE COW DUDES Back by popular demand again this year The Cow Dudes Orchestra will be presenting a variety show of music, comedy, stories and cowboy poetry as well as playing for your dancing and listening pleasure on Saturday night. This eight piece cowboy orchestra will highlight the multi talents of Jonathan Miller, Ryan Martin, Joel Dowling, Rusty Day and Rick Martinez among others. The Cow Dudes Orchestra present a variety of country and cowboy music utilizing their vocal and varied instrumental talents which include guitar, bass, banjo, fiddle, mandolin, piano, steel guitar, harmonica etc. etc. Their repertoire runs the gamete of the old Cowboy songs to the latest in County Western hits. This will be an evening of fun and great music. and amused with his “Magic and Tales of the Old West” show throughout the United States. As “America’s Leading Western Magician”, Lafitte has performed at countless fairs and festivals and has been a fixture at Winter Range since the very beginning. Again this year he will be sharing his incredible knowledge of Old West gaming and dazzling you with his magic and sleight of hand. In 1999 he was awarded a doctorate due to his knowledge of gaming and western history - making him “The World’s Only Bona Fide Doctor of Faro”. OK CHORALE QUARTET The OK Chorale Quartet is dedicated to the preservation of this exciting era of western history through the telling of the stories in a unique and entertaining way. By combining the wonderful sounds of four part a cappella harmony with the fascinating history of the old west, the OK Chorale are sure to leave you with great memories of the old west. RHINESTONE ROPER For the past fifteen years, The Rhinestone Roper Show has thrilled audiences Coast to Coast and Border to Border with award winning trick roping , knife throwing , bullwhip cracking, gun spinning, fast draw shooting and with amazing stunts by veteran trick horses Luck Joe and Handsome Jack. Dan, his brand new wife Naat’aani and daughter Krickette, make their home in Jerome, Idaho. Dan KNIGHT OF THE GREEN CLOTH has gained tremendous stature as a true master in Some Folks say he was born on a Mississippi show casing the “Tools of the Cowboy.” riverboat with a deck of cards in one hand and three walnut shells in the other. Others say his Dan is the: father was a buccaneer and his mother a voodoo 2009-World Champion All Around Wild West Performer 2009- World Champion Knife Performer queen. Whatever the story, we do know this... he 2009- World Champion Whip performer was born with a sharp tongue and a rapier wit. 2007-World Champion Gun Spinner Dr. Lafitte, Knight of the Green Cloth has amazed 9 The Posse System You have been assigned to a specific color-coded Posse that has a designated time for each Stage. You will shoot with this Posse throughout the entire match. Any shooter not maintaining his/ her Posse position at the required shooting time intervals will be classified as a DNF (Did Not Fire). Public Notice This here is to inform all you Winter Range participants and spectators that your picture may be used by Winter Range or other publications. If you have objections to this, come and tell us at the Winter Range booth! Photos remain the property of Winter Range with all publication release rights. So you should remember to smile a lot while you’re here! Scoring Procedures The main match will be scored on an overall rank basis with time used to break ties. Computerized scores will be available for contestants to check against their scorecard. Each shooter is responsible to report any errors to the scoring staff. As of 9:00 am on Sunday, all computerized scores will be considered correct and final. Scoring will be raw time plus 5 seconds for each miss, procedurals 10 seconds. Scoring will be in accordance with SASS Rules. However, a shooter must complete all scored main match stages to be eligible for a main match award. In the unlikely event of severe, inclement weather or any other conditions which may adversely affect the safety of the match, the WR Board, in conjunction with SASS Officials, will determine the appropriate course of action. COSTUME CONTEST RULES Working Costume: 1. Contestant must be a registered shooter. 2. No entry form is required. 3. Judges will be observing shooters during the main match on Saturday only. Working Costume Categories Best Working Lady’s Costume Best Working Men’s Costume Best Working Junior Girl Best Working Junior Boy Evening Costume: 1. Contestants must be a registered contestant (shooter or conventioneer), a family member of a registered contestant or a participating vendor. 2. Vendors can only enter the Sutler Category. 3. The Sutler Category is for Vendors only. 4. Contestants must report to the Hospitality Tent to register and be judged between 5:00 and 7:00 PM on Saturday evening. Awards will be presented Saturday night at 8:00PM. Best Dressed Lady Best Dressed Saloon Girl Best Dressed B-Western Lady Best Dressed Male Sutler Evening Costume Categories Best Dressed Gentleman Best Dressed Junior Girl Best Dressed B-Western Male Best Dressed Lady Sutler SASS MOUNTED SHOOTING COWBOY SWAP MEET Hosted by the Thursday 3:00 PM to 7:00 PM • Main Tent Friday & Saturday 10:00AM If you’ve got some gently used cowboy stuff to sell or just looking for a great deal stop by the Main Tent. Tombstone Ghost Riders South of Sutler’s Row 10 Best Dressed Couple Best Dressed Junior Boy Best Dressed Military 2nd Annual Black Powder Night Shoot Thursday • 7:00 PM • Stages 7 & 8 The shoot will be a no cost, no registration match for any registered Winter Range shooter. Just bring your guns and ammo and we’ll light up the sky. Just show up and have fun. Sundown is 6:30 pm, so we will start shooting at 7:00 pm. SHOOTOUT AT WINTER RANGE COWBOY FAST DRAW SIDE MATCH Registered Winter Range Competitors only (First Run is Free) Stop by the Cowboy Fast Draw Association Booth (Up-range of Stages 1-4) anytime during shooting hours Wednesday through Friday and try your hand at Cowboy Fast Draw. You can use your gun (chambered in .45 or .38 only) and holster or we can provide them. We will supply the wax bullet ammunition. Just sign-in and we will work with you to get ready to go. You will get 5 shots to warm-up and then take 5 shots that count. Your qualification time will be determined by your best 3 shots out of a 5 shot round. You may return anytime before the range closes on Friday to better your qualification time for $5.00 (All these funds go to Happy Trails Foundation). There is no limit to how many times you attempt to qualify, but only your best one counts. You must have 3 hits per 5 shot round to receive a score. First Place Men’s Prize U.S.F.A. Rodeo 45LC 4 ¾ Barrel First Place Women’s Prize U.S.F.A Rodeo 45LC 4 ¾ Barrel Stop by on Saturday and watch Showdown at Winter Range, a CFDA Match open to CFDA Members. Stage 13 Time 11:00 AM 11:15 AM 11:30 AM 11:45 AM 12:00 PM 12:15 PM 12:30 PM 12:45 PM 1:00 PM 1:15 PM 1:30 PM 1:45 PM 2:00 PM 2:15 PM Posse Shoot - Schedule Thursday Posse # 9 12 11 10 Friday Posse # 17 20 19 18 Saturday Posse # 25 28 27 26 5 8 7 6 13 16 15 14 33 36 35 34 1 4 3 2 21 24 23 22 29 32 31 30 11 MASTER SPONSOR Wild West Mercantile 7302 E. Main Street Mesa, AZ 85207 (800) 596-0444 MAIN TENT SPONSOR Phil, aka “Philthy Phil” and Jo Doornbos BADGE SPONSOR Cimarron Firearms Co. Inc. 105 Winding Oak Road Fredericksburg, TX 78624 (830) 997-9090 SIDE MATCH SPONSOR SHUTTLE SPONSOR Tim’s Toyota 3200 Willow Creek Rd. Prescott, Arizona 86305 (800) 339-8467 SIDE MATCH SPONSOR Kirkpatrick Leather Co. (800) 451-9394 Para USA, Inc. (704) 930-7600 12 1900 E. Warner Ave, Ste 1-D Santa Ana, CA 92705 (800) 430-1310 STAGE SPONSORS BLACK HILLS AMMUNITION Portable Target Division PO Box 636 Provo, UT 84603 (801) 705-9113 PO BOX 3090 RAPID CITY, SD 57709 (605) 348.5150 8009 E. Dillons Way Scottsdale, AZ 85260 (800) 762-3845 F.F.L REQUIREMENTS COURTESY OF LEGENDARY GUNS 233 N. Grand Canyon Blvd Williams, Arizona 86046 (800) 843-8724 5130 N. 19th Avenue Phoenix, AZ (602) 242-1195 FIREARMS FOR RESPONSIBLE CITIZENS Sturm, Ruger & Co., Inc. 200 Ruger Road Prescott, AZ 86301 (928) 778-6555 304 Lenoir Drive Winchester, VA 22603 (540) 722-2017 1875 View Court Fernley Nevada 89408 (800) 497-3166 Ted Blocker Holsters 9438 SW Tigard St. Tigard, OR 97223 (800) 650-9742 13 RANGER TENT SPONSOR POKER TOURNAMENT SPONSOR Smokey & Sierra Villa WILD BUNCH AWARDS SPONSOR SHOTGUN BLAST SPONSOR Evil Roy Shooting School (970) 385-4141 Midway USA’s Cowboys SASS Arizona State Championship of Cowboy Action Shooting 1897 Shotgun Action Work donated by Squibber’s Old Western Gun Repair (520) 568-2852 Winter Range Charities Every year Winter Range donates money to several charities. This year we have added the WWP to our list of charities that we will be donating to. Wounded Warrior Project Wounded Warrior Project (WWP) is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to honor and empower wounded warriors. WWP serves to raise awareness and enlist the public’s aid for the needs of severely injured service men and women, to help severely injured service members aid and assist each other and to provide unique, direct programs and services to meet their needs. For more information, please call 877 TEAM WWP (832-6997) or visit 14 OUR THANKS TO THE SPONSORS OF WINTER RANGE and their support of the SASS NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP OF COWBOY ACTION SHOOTING On behalf of the Arizona Territorial Company of Rough Riders, our sincere thanks go out to the sponsors of Winter Range who have donated money, products and time to make this event possible. MASTER SPONSOR RANGER TENT SPONSOR MAIN TENT SPONSOR POKER TOURNAMENT Phil “Philthy Phil” Doornbos Desperado Cowboy Bullets BADGE SPONSOR WILD BUNCH AWARDS Wild West Mercantile Cimarron Firearms Smokey & Sierra Villa Evil Roy Shooting School Midway USA’s Cowboys STAGE SPONSORS Action Target Black Hills Ammunition Dillon Precision Products Grand Canyon Railway Legendary Guns Mernickle Holsters Sturm, Ruger & Co. Inc. Taylor’s & Co. Inc. Ted Blocker Holsters SIDE MATCH SPONSORS Bordertown E.M.F. Company Inc. Kirkpatrick Leather Para USA, Inc. SHUTTLE SPONSOR Tim’s Toyota MERCHANDISE SPONSORS 1880s etc. Adventure Designs Aspen Filly’s Merchandise B & M Concessions Bass Pro Shops Buckaroo Bobbins Buffalo Chip Saloon & Steakhouse C & C Saber River Millinery & Gunsmithing C.J. Deubel Custom Knives Cabela’s Cactus Cris Gun Carts Chronicle of the Old West Circle M Saddlery & Gun Leather Cobra Firearms Colorado Mountain Hat Company Coon Creek Country Bumpkin Boutique Cowboys a Fixin Creations by Graham D & B Leather D Bar J Hat Company Dan Burns Associates Inc. Desperado Cowboy Bullets, LLC Dixie Gun Works Ears, etc. Earthwalkers Flying Seven Brand Saddlery Handlebar Hanks Old West Grill Katie’s Millinery, Clothing & Hair Knights Leather Products L and R Corrales Catering Laced Laredo Bullets Long Hunter Shooting Supply Major Photography Master Craft Bullets Mecham Pottery OK Kettle Korn Korral Old West Lasergraphic Outlaw Grips Redwing Trading Co Revi Technical Wear River Crossing Shasta Leather Slim Pickens BBQ Sportman’s Warehouse Storm Gear for the Range by Boston Scarlet The Cloak Drummer Company The Ear Shop The Gun Engraver Unique Tek, Inc. Waddie Wear Windsong Traders 15 SIDE MATCHES SHOTGUN BLAST LONG RANGE EVENTS Wednesday 9:OO AM TO 3:00 PM Revolver Start one loaded pistol holstered and one loaded pistol in hand at a 45 degree angle. 10 rds, alternating on two targets at 60 & 65 yds. Wednesday 9:OO AM TO 3:00 PM • Stage 5 Cost is only $5 per run. Every shooter will have a chance to win a 1897 shotgun. Rifle – Pistol Caliber Awards for best Cowboy & Cowgirl You can shoot as many times as you like! Best score wins! Rifle – Rifle Caliber SPEED EVENTS Start with Hammer Down on Empty Chamber Standing – Rifle at the ready - Offhand – No Rests 10 rds, alternating on two targets at 100 & 120 yds. Start with Hammer Down on Empty Chamber Artificial Rests (Sticks) Allowed 10 rds,one targets at 225 yds. Single Shot / Buffalo Single Shot Single Shot - Optical Category Wednesday 9:00 AM TO 3:00 PM • Stages 6, 7 & 8 Test your skills. Stages will be set up for Revolvers, Rifles, Shotguns, Derringer & Pocket Pistol. American Military Service Rifle 1865 - 1899 Awards for best Cowboy & Cowgirl You can shoot as many times as you like! Best score wins! Start with open empty chamber Artificial Rests (Sticks) allowed 10 rds, alternating on two targets at 280 & 300 yds. 15 rds, three targets at 100, 200 & 300 yds. Quigley Start with Open Empty Chamber Standing – Offhand – No Rests 3 rds at the bucket at 330 yds SHOTGUN TRAP & SKEET Wednesday 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM Ben Avery Clay Target Center Black Powder and Smokeless categories. Any SASS legal shotgun can be used in either category. Trap • 16 yards • 25 birds Skeet • 25 birds Sporting Clay • 50 birds Tie breakers shoot off 12:30 PM Walk ups are welcome WILD BUNCH Wednesday 8:00 AM • Stages 9 - 12 Wild Bunch Action Shooting will employ the use of a 1911 pistol, a SASS legal pump shotgun, and a lever action rifle. The idea for the equipment and dress used in this new sport is based on the 1969 movie “The Wild Bunch” directed by Sam Peckinpah. PLAINSMAN Wednesday 2:00 PM • Stages 9 - 10 The plainsman event involves the use of black powder cap and ball revolvers, side-by-side shotguns and single shot rifles. The only propellant allowed is black powder or it’s clones. Wednesday Volunteers are invited to stop by the Ranger Tent for refreshments 16 SIDE MATCHES STAGE 13 TOP 16 SHOOT-OFF Thursday • Friday • Saturday 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM Do you need a place to warm up? A place to test your firearms or ammo during the match? Then Stage 13 is the place to go. You can shoot a warm up stage (of your own design) or function fire your firearms. We will also have a chronograph set up to test your ammo. Time 8:00AM-8:45AM 8:45AM-9:30AM 9:30AM-10:15AM 10:15AM-11:00AM Sunday 8:00 AM Saturday night WR will announce the Top 16 Cowboys and the Top 16 Cowgirls (plus 4 alternates each) for the match to compete in the Top 16 Shoot-Off. On Sunday morning these shootists will be paired up and go head to head until there is only one Cowboy and one Cowgirl left standing. WARM-UP MATCH SCHEDULE STAGE 1 STAGE 2 STAGE 3 Posse # Posse # Posse # 101 102 103 104 101 102 103 104 101 102 103 104 STAGE 4 Posse # 104 103 102 101 11:00AM-11:45AM 11:45AM-12:30PM 12:30PM-1:15PM 1:15PM-2:00PM 201 204 203 202 202 201 204 203 203 202 201 204 204 203 202 201 2:00PM-2:45PM 2:45PM-3:30PM 3:30PM-4:15PM 4:15PM-5:00PM 301 304 303 302 302 301 304 303 303 302 301 304 304 303 302 301 Time 8:00AM-8:45AM 8:45AM-9:30AM 9:30AM-10:15AM 10:15AM-11:00AM WILD BUNCH MATCH SCHEDULE STAGE 9 STAGE 10 STAGE 11 Posse # Posse # Posse # 401 402 403 404 401 402 403 404 401 402 403 404 Time 2:00PM-2:45PM 2:45PM-3:30PM 3:30PM-4:15PM 4:15PM-5:00PM PLAINSMAN MATCH SCHEDULE STAGE 9 STAGE 10 Posse # Posse # 501 502 501 502 502 501 502 501 STAGE 12 Posse # 404 403 402 401 17 STAGE ONE R3 R2 R1 S2 S4 S1 S3 P3 P2 P1 STRAW BALE DOORWAY 10 REVOLVER 10 RIFLE WINDOW 4+ SHOTGUN START: At either the straw bale on the left end or the window on the right, standing upright with hands at high surrender (above the shoulders). Stage may be engaged from left to right, OR right to left. Two revolvers loaded with 5 rds each, holstered; Rifle loaded with 10 rds staged at doorway; Open, empty shotgun staged at the straw bale on the left. (Rifle can not be last.) ON SIGNAL: From the straw bale on the left, with shotgun engage S1-S4, make shotgun safe. From the doorway, with rifle engage R1-R3 with a “double tapping” Nevada sweep, starting on either end. Make rifle safe. From the window on the right, with revolvers engage P1-P3 in a continuous “double tapping” Nevada Sweep starting on either end. 18 STAGE TWO R3 R1 R2 S4 S2 S3 S1 P2 P1 START P3 ORE CAR 10 REVOLVER 9 RIFLE 4+ SHOTGUN START: On the left behind the rock (both feet left of the saguaro cactus) with open, empty shotgun in hand; Rifle loaded with 9 rds staged at the center ore car; Two revolvers loaded with 5 rds each, holstered. ON SIGNAL: With shotgun engage S1-S4, make shotgun safe on the center ore car. From the center ore car, with rifle engage R1-R3 with a Pea Patch sweep in either direction starting on R2 (example: R2, R1, R2, R3, R2, R1, R2, R3, R2) for 9 rds, make rifle safe. Move to the mine shaft entrance on the right and through the opening with first revolver engage P1-P3 with a Pea Patch sweep starting on P2 in either direction. Repeat the same pattern with the second revolver. 19 STAGE THREE R2 R3 R4 R1 S4 S3 S2 P2 P1 S1 PHILTHY PHIL’S LEFT START 10 REVOLER CENTER 10 RIFLE RIGHT START 4+ SHOTGUN START: On the left or right standing upright, hands at your sides. Two revolvers loaded with 5 rds each, holstered; Rifle loaded with 10 rds and open, empty shotgun both staged anywhere safely. Stage may be engaged from left to right OR right to left (rifle can’t be last). ON SIGNAL: From the left side, with shotgun engage S1-S4, make shotgun safe. From the center, with rifle engage R1-R2 alternating for 5 rds and engage R3-R4 alternating for 5 rds. (You may begin with either the R1R2 pair or the R3-R4 pair), make rifle safe. From the right side with revolvers continuously alternate between P1-P2 for 10 rds. 20 STAGE FOUR R2 R4 R1 R3 S3 S2 S4 P2 S1 P4 P1 P3 FINISH START 10 REVOLVER 10 RIFLE 4+ SHOTGUN START: At the horse on the right, rifle in hand loaded with 10 rds; Open, empty shotgun staged on the horse at the right; Two revolvers loaded with 5 rds each, holstered. ON SIGNAL: With rifle engage R1 - R4 in a progessive sweep in either direction (example: 1 rd on R1, 2 rds on R2, 3 rds on R3, 4 rds on R4), make rifle safe. With shotgun, engage S1-S2, move to the horse on the left, engage S3-S4. Make shotgun safe. With revolvers engage P1-P4 in a progressive sweep in either direction (example: 1 rd on P1, 2 rds on P2, 3 rds on P3, 4 rds on P4). 21 STAGE FIVE R5 R2 R4 R1 P3 P1 R6 R3 P2 P3 P1 P2 S S S2 S4 S1 S3 RIGHT BALE LEFT BALE START 10 REVOLVER 6 RIFLE 4+ SHOTGUN START: Inside the fort tower, rifle in hand loaded with 6 rds; Two revolvers loaded with 5 rds each, holstered; Open, empty shotgun staged anywhere safely inside fort tower. ON SIGNAL: With rifle engage R1-R6 through the fort tower window once each for 6 rds, make rifle safe vertically. With shotgun engage both aerial shotgun targets, S1-S4 (two actuators and two flyers) through fort tower window. Taking shotgun with you, move to either the left or right bale. You may make up misses on the flyers by engaging the stationary shotgun target (S) - 1 rd for each missed flyer. Make shotgun safe. With revolvers alternate between P1-P2 for 5 rds and alternate between P2-P3 for 5 rds (you may start with either pair). 22 STAGE SIX P1 P2 P5 R2 R1 P4 R3 R2 P3 R1 R3 WINDOW S S S S HALLWAY DOORS S S S S HALLWAY DOORS LINCOLN COUNTY JAIL START START 10 REVOLVER 9 RIFLE 4+ SHOTGUN START: At either the left or right window, rifle in hand loaded with 9 rds; Open, empty shotgun staged at the window; Two revolvers loaded with 5 rds each, holstered. ON SIGNAL: With rifle engage R1-R3 with a triple tapping sweep from either direction for 9 rds. Make rifle safe vertically. Retrieve shotgun and move into the hallway towards the window at the end of the hallway. Along the way engage at least 4 shotgun targets through ANY two doorways (each doorway has two shotgun targets available). Make shotgun safe. From the window, with revolvers double tap P1-P5 in a clockwise or counterclockwise circle - starting on P1 for 10 rds. (Example: Clockwise would be P1, P1, P2, P2, P3, P3, P4, P4, P5, P5.) 23 STAGE SEVEN R R R R R R R R R R S2 S2 S1 S1 S4 S3 P1 P2 S4 S3 DEPOT START LEFT BARREL 10 REVOLVER 10+ RIFLE RIGHT BARREL 4+ SHOTGUN START: At the center window standing upright, hands flat on window shelf. Rifle loaded with 10 rds staged at center window; Two revolvers loaded with 5 rds each, holstered; Open, empty shotgun staged at either the left or right barrel. ON SIGNAL: With rifle engage both plate racks (5 targets on each rack), make rifle safe. From the center window, with pistols engage P1 and P2 with 5 rounds each. Move to either barrel and with shotgun engage S1-S4. Note: Knockdowns must fall to count as hits. Any knockdowns left standing at the end of the rifle string may be re-enaged with the rifle. Rifle may be reloaded and plates engaged until all plates are down. You may NOT engage the plate racks with shotgun or revolver. 24 STAGE EIGHT R4 R2 R3 R1 R5 S1 P2 P1 S2 S3 S4 P4 P3 P5 Grand Canyon RR POS 1 START POS 2 10 REVOLVER 10 RIFLE POS 3 4+ SHOTGUN START: At the back end of the engine, standing upright, hands at your sides. Two revolvers loaded with 5 rds each, holstered; Rifle loaded with 10 rds staged at position 2 (back end of the tender); Open, empty shotgun staged on shelf at position 3 (back end of the cattle car). ON SIGNAL: With revolver engage P1-P5 with two “outside, outside, inside, inside, center” sweeps. (Example: P1, P5, P2, P4, P3) starting from either direction - no double taps. Move to position 2, and with rifle engage R1R5 with two “outside, outside, inside, inside, center” sweeps starting from either direction - no double taps. Make rifle safe. Move to position 3 and with shotgun engage S1-S4 with an “outside, outside, inside, inside” sweep. (example: S1, S4, S3, S2 or S1, S4 S2, S3). Note: Sweeps can be made the “easy way” or the “hard way”, or a mixture of both......its up to you - just no double taps! 25 STAGE NINE R2 R2 R3 R1 R1 S3 R3 S4 S2 S1 S1 S2 P2 P2 P3 P1 P1 P3 BRIGHTON BELLE STERN START LEFT WINDOW 10 REVOLVER CENTER WINDOW 9 RIFLE RIGHT WINDOW BOW START 4+ SHOTGUN START: At either end of the river boat (bow or stern), holding cards in both hands, standing upright. Two revolvers loaded with 5 rds each, holstered; Rifle loaded with 9 rds and open, empty shotgun both staged at either the left or right windows. ON SIGNAL: Drop the cards back onto the table, and with revolvers engage P1-P3 with a continuous Nevada sweep, starting on either end, for 10 rds. Move to either the left or right window, and with rifle engage R1-R3 with a continuous Nevada sweep, starting on either end, for 9 rds. Make rifle safe. With shotgun engage the two shotgun targets in front (S1-S2), then move to the center window, and engage the two remaining shotgun targets (S3-S4). Make shotgun safe. There is no penalty if the cards fall off the table! 26 STAGE TEN R4 R2 R1 R3 S3 S4 S2 P2 P1 S1 P4 S5 S6 P3 ARIZONA TERRITORIAL BANK LEFT WINDOW 10 REVOLVER DOORWAY START 10 RIFLE RIGHT WINDOW 6+ SHOTGUN START: At the doorway with hands on door frame. Rifle staged at the doorway loaded with 10 rds; Two revolvers loaded with 5 rds each, holstered; Open, empty shotgun staged at the right window. ON SIGNAL: With rifle engage R1-R4 in a 3,2,3,2 sweep starting from either side (example: 3 rds on R1, 2 rds on R2, 3 rds on R3, 2 rds on R4 or from the other direction 3rds on R4, 2 rds on R3, 3 rds on R2, 2 rds on R1). Make rifle safe. Move to either the left or right window. From the left window engage P1-P4 in a 3,2,3,2 sweep starting from either end. From the right window with shotgun engage S1-S6 any order, make shotgun safe. 27 STAGE ELEVEN R3 R3 R2 R4 R2 R1 R5 R1 R4 R5 P3 S1 P2 S2 P4 P1 P P5 S1 S2 P FORT SINCLAIR START START FORT GATE LEFT WINDOW 10 REVOLVER RIGHT WINDOW 10 RIFLE 2+ SHOTGUN START: Inside either fort tower, at the window, standing upright, hands at your sides. Two revolvers loaded with 5 rds each, holstered; Rifle loaded with 10 rds and open, empty shotgun both staged on window shelf in front of the shooter. ON SIGNAL: With shotgun engage the two shotgun targets in front (S1-S2). Make shotgun safe. With rifle engage R1-R5 with two sweeps in the same direction, starting from either end (no double taps). Make rifle safe. Move to either the left or right window and with your revolver engage the large target 5 times. Move to the fort gate and with your 2nd revolver sweep P1-P5 starting from either end. 28 STAGE TWELVE R1 R1 R2 R2 S2 S3 S1 S4 P1 P1 P2 P2 INSIDE WALL INSIDE WINDOW OUTSIDE WALL START COOSIE’S LEFT WINDOW 10 REVOLVER DOORWAY 10 RIFLE RIGHT WINDOW START 4+ SHOTGUN START: In front of either fence at the end of Coosie’s general store. Rifle in hand loaded with 10 rds; Two revolvers loaded with 5 rds each, holstered; Open, empty shotgun staged at either outside window. ON SIGNAL: Engage R1 and R2 in an alternating double tap, starting on either R1 or R2, for 10 rds. Make rifle safe vertically. Move to either the left or right window, and through the outside window (and inside doorway) engage P1 and P2 in a continuous alternating double tap, starting on either P1 or P2, for 10 rds. Retrieve shotgun, move through outside doorway to the inside window and engage all four shotgun targets (S1-S4). 29 WARM-UP #1 • STAGE ONE R3 R2 R1 S S S P3 S P2 P1 STRAW BALE DOORWAY WINDOW 10 REVOLVER 6 RIFLE + 1 RELOAD 2+ SHOTGUN START: At the doorway, rifle in hand loaded with 6 rds; Two revolvers loaded with 5 rds each, holstered; Open, empty shotgun staged at the straw bale on the left. ON SIGNAL: From the doorway, with rifle engage R1-R3 twice each for 6 rds. Reload one round and engage R3 once. Make rifle safe. Move to the bale on the left and with shotgun engage any TWO shotgun targets (S), make shotgun safe. Move to the window on the right, with revolvers engage P1-P3 at least twice each for 10 rds. WARM-UP #2 • STAGE TWO R3 R1 S4 R2 S2 S3 P2 S1 P1 ROCK START ORE CAR 10 REVOLVER P3 10 RIFLE 4+ SHOTGUN START: At the doorway on the right, hands on your revolvers. Rifle loaded with 10 rds and open, empty shotgun both staged at the center ore car; Two revolvers loaded with 5 rds each, holstered. ON SIGNAL: With revolvers engage P1-P3 with two, 2-1-2 sweeps starting from either direction. Move to the ore car, and with rifle engage R1-R3 with two, 2-1-2 sweeps starting from either direction. Make rifle safe. Retrieve shotgun and move to the rock on the left (both feet left of the saguaro cactus) and engage S1-S4. Make shotgun safe. 30 WARM-UP #3 • STAGE THREE R3 S4 R2 S3 R4 P2 R1 S2 P1 S1 PHILTHY PHIL’S LEFT 10 REVOLVER CENTER START 8 RIFLE RIGHT 4+ SHOTGUN START: At the center position, rifle in hand loaded with 8 rds; Two revolvers with 5 rds each, holstered; Open, empty shotgun staged anywhere safely. ON SIGNAL: With rifle engage R1-R4 by starting on R1 and moving in a continuous circle, in either direction, for 8 rds. Make rifle safe. Retrieve the shotgun and from the left side engage S1-S4. Make shotgun safe. Move to the right side and with revolvers engage P1 and P2 five times each for 10 rds. WARM-UP #4 • STAGE FOUR R2 R4 R1 R3 S1 P2 P4 P1 S4 S2 S3 P3 START 10 REVOLVER 10 RIFLE 4+ SHOTGUN START: At the horse on the left, hands at high surrender (above the shoulders). Open, empty shotgun staged on horse at the left; Two revolvers loaded with 5 rds each, holstered; Rifle loaded with 10 rds staged on the horse at the right. ON SIGNAL: With revolvers engage P1-P2 alternating for 5 rds. Then engage P3-P4 alternating for 5 rds. Retrieve shotgun and engage S1-S2, move to the horse on the right and engage S3-S4. Make shotgun safe. Retrieve rifle and engage R1-R2 by alternating for 5 rds, then engage R3-R4 by alternating for 5rds. Make rifle safe. 31 WILD BUNCH #1 • STAGE NINE R2 R2 R1 R1 R3 S S S P2 S S P4 P1 R3 P4 S P2 P5 P5 P1 P3 P3 BRIGHTON BELLE LEFT WINDOW STERN 20 PISTOL CENTER WINDOW RIGHT WINDOW 6 RIFLE BOW 6 SHOTGUN START: At either the left or right window, standing upright, thumbs hooked in belt. Pistol loaded with 5 rds, holstered; Rifle loaded with 6 rds and shotgun loaded with up to 6 rds both staged at either the left or right windows. ON SIGNAL: With rifle engage R1-R3 twice each for 6 rds, make rifle safe. With shotgun engage the two shotgun targets in front (S), then move to the center window and engage the two shotgun targets (S). Move to the last window and engage the two remaining shotgun targets (S). Make shotgun safe. Move to the bow or stern of the boat and with pistol engage P1-P5 twice each for 10 rds. Then engage any two pistol targets five times each for 10 rds. Note: The shotgun targets are NOT comstock. WILD BUNCH #2 • STAGE TEN R4 R2 R1 P2 P1 R3 S3 S4 S2 P4 S1 P3 S5 S6 ARIZONA TERRITORIAL BANK LEFT WINDOW 20 PISTOL DOORWAY 7 RIFLE RIGHT WINDOW 6 SHOTGUN START: At the left window, standing upright with hands flat on the window shelf. Rifle loaded with 7 rds and shotgun loaded with up to 6 rds both staged safely, anywhere you like; Pistol loaded with 5 rds, holstered. ON SIGNAL: From the left window alternate between P1- P2 for 5 rds. Then alternate between P2-P3 for 5 rds. Then alternate between P3-P4 for 5 rds. Finally alternate between P1-P4 for the last 5 rds. Retrieve rifle, move to the doorway and engage R1 - R4 with a Nevada sweep starting from either side for 7 rds. Make rifle safe. Retrieve the shotgun, move to the right window, and engage S1-S6, make shotgun safe. Note: The shotgun targets are NOT comstock. 32 WILD BUNCH # 3 • STAGE ELEVEN R1 R3 R2 S3 R4 R1 R5 P4 P3 S5 S6 S1 R4 P5 S4 S2 R3 R2 P1 P6 S3 P7 P1 P2 S4 S5 S2 S6 S1 P2 R5 FORT SINCLAIR START START FORT GATE LEFT WINDOW 20 PISTOL 5 RIFLE RIGHT WINDOW 6 SHOTGUN START: Inside either fort tower, at the window, standing upright, hands at your sides. Pistol loaded with 5 rds, holstered; Rifle loaded with 5 rds and shotgun loaded with up to 6 rds both staged on window shelf in front of the shooter. ON SIGNAL: With shotgun engage S1-S6 shotgun targets in front. Make shotgun safe. With rifle engage R1-R5 once each for 5 rds. Make rifle safe. Move to either the left or right window and with your pistol engage P1-P2 with an alternating double tap for 10 rds. Move to the fort gate and sweep across P3-P7 (hostage type) from either direction, by hitting each small swinger target on the shoulder of the large target first, for 5 rds. Swinger must move at least 90 degrees out of position to count. Then engage the large portion of the hostage target by sweeping across in either direction for 5 rds. Note: The shotgun targets are NOT comstock. Swingers may be reset between each shooter if necessary. Swingers may be positioned on either side in the “start position”. WILD BUNCH #4 • STAGE TWELVE R1 S S P1 R2 P3 R1 S S P4 P1 P3 P2 R2 P4 P2 INSIDE WALL OUTSIDE WALL START LEFT WINDOW 20 PISTOL COOSIE’S DOORWAY 8 RIFLE RIGHT WINDOW 4 SHOTGUN START START: In front of either fence at the end of Coosie’s general store. Rifle in hand loaded with 8 rds. Pistol loaded with 5 rds, holstered; Shotgun loaded with up to 4 rds staged at either outside window. ON SIGNAL: Engage R1 and R2 in an alternating double tap, starting on either R1 or R2, for 8 rds. Make rifle safe vertically. Retrieve shotgun, move through doorway to the inside window and engage S1-S4, make shotgun safe. Move to either the left or right inside doorway, and engage P1-P2 in a continuous alternating double tap, starting on either P1 or P2, for 10 rds. Then engage P3-P4 in a continuous alternating double tap, starting on either P3 or P4, for 10 rds. Note: The shotgun targets are NOT comstock. 33 PLAINSMAN #1 & #2 • STAGE NINE R5 R2 R3 R1 S R4 R6 S S P2 S S S P4 P4 P1 P2 P5 P1 P3 P5 P3 BRIGHTON BELLE STERN LEFT WINDOW CENTER WINDOW RIGHT WINDOW BOW PLAINSMAN #1 10 REVOLVER 6 RIFLE 4+ SHOTGUN START: Center window of river boat, open and empty rifle in hand; Two revolvers loaded with 5 rds each, holstered; Open, empty shotgun staged at center window. ON SIGNAL: With rifle engage R1-R6 once each for 6 rds. Make rifle safe. With shotgun engage the two shotgun targets in front. Move to either the left or right window and engage another two shotgun targets. Make shotgun safe. Move to the bow or the stern and with revolvers engage P1-P5 twice each for 10 rds. PLAINSMAN #2 10 REVOLVER 6 RIFLE 4+ SHOTGUN START: Either end of river boat (at the bow or the stern), standing upright with hands at your sides. Two revolvers loaded with 5 rds each, holstered; Open, empty rifle at the center window; Open, empty shotgun staged at either the left or right window. ON SIGNAL: With revolvers engage P1-P5 once each for 5 rds. Move to either the left or right window and with shotgun engage the 2 shotgun targets in front (S), then move to the center window and engage another 2 shotgun targets. Make shotgun safe. With rifle engage R1-R6 with an “outside, outside, inside, inside, center, center” sweep (example: R1, R6, R5, R2, R3, R4) for 6 rds. (Sweeps can be made the easy way or the hard way.) Make rifle safe. Move to the bow or the stern and engage P1-P5 once each for 5 rds. 34 PLAINSMAN #3 & #4 • STAGE TEN R4 R2 R1 R3 S3 P2 P1 S4 S2 P4 S1 P3 S5 S6 ARIZONA TERRITORIAL BANK LEFT WINDOW RIGHT WINDOW DOORWAY PLAINSMAN #3 10 REVOLVER 4 RIFLE 6+ SHOTGUN START: At the right window, open and empty shotgun in hand; Open, empty rifle staged anywhere safely; Two revolvers loaded with 5 rds each, holstered. ON SIGNAL: With shotgun engage S1-S6 sweeping from right to left. Make shotgun safe. Retrieve rifle, move to the doorway and engage R1-R4 sweeping from right to left for 4 rds. Make rifle safe. Move to the left window with first revolver engage P1-P4 at least once each for 5 rds. Repeat the same pattern with the 2nd revolver. PLAINSMAN #4 10 REVOLVER 6 RIFLE 6+ SHOTGUN START: At the left window, hands at high surrender (above the shoulders). Open, empty rifle staged near the doorway; Open, empty shotgun staged at the right window; Two revolvers loaded with 5 rds each, holstered. ON SIGNAL: With revolvers engage P1-P4 with a 3-2-2-3 sweep from either direction for 10 rds. Retrieve rifle and move to the doorway. With rifle engage R1-R4 in a 2-1-1-2 sweep from either direction for 6 rds. Make rifle safe. Move to the right window. With shotgun engage S1 through S6 in any order, make shotgun safe. 35 WILD WEST MERCANTILE TM Tom "C.S. Fly" and Claudia "Feather" Ingoglia - Proprietors LARGEST OLD WEST STORE AND ONLINE CATALOG Goods Bargain Corral New Items Men's Clothing Men's Big & Tall Women's Clothing Formalwear Scully Leatherwear Classic Undergarments Hats Boots Accessories Jewelry Gun Leather Leather Accessories Spurs & Spur Straps Patterns Old West Replicas Books, Music, & Videos Gift & Novelty Items Gift Certificates Frontier Gallery Don't Miss Our Bargain Corral Hundreds of items updated weekly! 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