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. ffi_ 1t/ 254i iM.BWtUOelZ Rev. 1/2011 COTI ONI'UEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTIEIIIT OF ENVIRONTENTAL PROTECilON BUREAU OF U'ASTE MANAGEIE}|T Wgsm'*Y3r*.* FORM 26R CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF RESIDUAL WASTE ANNUAL REPORT BY THE GENERATOR This form must be fully and accurately completed, All rcquired information must be typed or legibly printed in the spaces provided. lf additi,onat space is necessary, identfy each attached sheet as Form 26& reterence $e item number and identify tre date prepared. The date on attached sireets needs to match lhe date noted below. General Reference 287.il Date Prepared/Revised '/- ,TF IF DEP USE ONLY L_"::""_"""1 offrce I Northwest Regional 2re,t11 I sEcTloN A. CLIENT (cexemroR oF rHE wAsrE) tNFoRMATtoN Company Name XTO Energy lnc. lf a Subsidiary, Name of Parent Company EPA Generator lD# Company ilailing Address Une I 395 Airport Road Company Address l-ast Line - City Company ilailing Address Line 2 State Zp*l PA lndiana Company Contact l-ast Name First Name Kissel Ben Phone 1s701 Ext 724-349-0600 Strffix MI Mr. itlunicipality County White Twp. Contact Phone lndiana CounW Contact Email Address Bemhardt_Kissel@xtoenergy.com ls the waste generated at the Company Hailing Address (noted above)? lf 'No', describe location of rvasb generation and storage. Marcellus Well Pad - ECKELS 724-349-W00 f,lunicipalily Ext Fairfield County Twp. ! ves I State Westmoreland tlo PA SECTION B. WASTE DESCRIPTION Residual Waste Code 804 a. ResidualWaste Code Descriilion | Marceilus Weil Fracing Fluid Ftow b- pH Range Physical State c. Physical Appearance Unit of Measure Amount Back I I l, l|r/ {. Gexeu- PRopennes cu b. c. d. e. vd X qal ton I fl tb One Time to 9 6 5 (based on analyses or knorrrledge) LQuid Waste (EPA Method 9095) Solid (EPA Method 9095) Gas (ambient temperature & pressure) Color opaque whit€y'orange Odor Number of Solid or Liquid Phases of Separation Describe each phase of separation. liquid a. Time Frame brackish 1 2. Cxemrcar- Axwss Armcxuerrs The results of a detailed chemical characterization of the waste, as described in ttre instructions, is attached. A detailed description of ttre wasb sampling method b attached. The quality assurance/quality control procedures employed by the laboratory(ies) is attached. The results of the hazardous waste deErmination b attached. lfapplicable,adetailedexplanationsupportinguseofgeneratorknowledgein lieu of actual chemical analvsis is attached. -1- ! EX- a Yes f] Y* EI Yes [-l Yes n No tto No Yes X t,,to tto N/A x 254i-PM AWM0347 Rev. 1/2011 3. PRocEss Descrupnox & Scxeulnc Armcxuexrs a.Adetaileddescriptionofthemanufacfuringand/orpollutioncontrolprocesie the waste, as specified in the instructions, is attached. b.Aschematicofthemanufacturingand/orpollutioncontrolp as specified in the instructions, is attached. c. lf portions of the information submitted ire N/A a confidentiality claim, as described in the instructions, is attached. C. MANAGEMENT OF RESIDUAL WASTE 1. PRocEssrNG oR Dsposlt- Fecrrry(resl The area below (a.d.) will accommodate the identification of two facilities. Attach additional sheets if necessary. SECTION a. Solid waste permit number(s) for processing or disposal facility being utitized. PA 0101508 b. Facility Name Address Line l Address Line 1 Address City State ZlP Municipality PA Brine, Franklin c. Facility Contact Name Title Sparky Delong Operations Manager 814437-3593 Phone d. EmailAddress sparky@pabrine.com Volume of waste shipped to processing or disposal facility in the previous year. n cu yd X Sal tr lb fl ton a. Solid waste permit numbe(s) for processing or disposal facility being utilized. b. Facility Name Address Line I Addrcss Line 1 Addrcss City State ZIP Municipality c. Facility Contact Name (check one) County I tue Phone d. Volume of waste shipped to processing or disposal facility in the previous year. fl cu yd E Sal tr lb fl ton (check one) 2. BeuencrAt- UsE a- Has the waste been approved for beneficial b. lf "Yes", list the general permit number or approval number. Volume of waste beneficially used in the previous year. !cuyd [ yes [l use? fl sal n -2- tb n ton (check one) ruo .'2540-Fii'-Brnluto347 Rev. 1/20fi SECTION D. CERTIFICATION I certify, under penalty of law, that I haye personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this Annual Report and al! attached documents and that b6ed upon my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information, I verify that the submitbd information b tn e, accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that the submission of false information herein i.s made subject to the penalties of 18 Pa. C.S. 54904, relating to unswom falsification to autfioritis, wtrich include fine and imprisonment Check the following, if applicable: tr I certify the information required in Section B-1, General Properties was supplied to the D,epartment for the year and has not changed. Form Submitted: D tr Form 26R Other (specifi) Date Submitted: tr I certify the information required in Section B-2, Chemical Analysis was supplied to the Departnent for the year and has not changed. Form Submitted: tr n Form 26R CIher (specify) Date Submitted: t] I certify the information required in Section has not changed. for the year _and Form Submitted: 83, Process Elescription t] Form 26R n Other (specify) and Schematic, was supplied to the llepartment Date Submitted: Name of Responsible Official Tite EH & S Manaqer Marcellus Shale Date 2-28-11 Bemhardt Kissel Signature .l&>^-ta*Zf zfa,xZ -3- February 8, 201 1 Form 26R: Section 82b WASTE SAMPLING METHODS All samples were obtained as grab type samples with a composite function which was maximized but sometimes limited by prevailing safety, site specific rational and/or environmental concerns. Brine fluids are composited within the storage production tank or tank battery at each well site where gas production is occuning. Each automatic or manual ejection of formation fluids is deposited into the tank(s) and added to the previously ejected and stored quantity. Tanks are emptied into tank trucks for disposal at various PaDEP permitted waste disposal facilities on different schedules determined by individualwell characteristics. Grab samples of the composited fluids were obtained at the represented well pads directly from the storage tank drain ports. All drain ports had small "built in" containment and storage "buckets" capable of retaining small amounts of lost fluids. Samples were obtained with bottle sets prepared at the laboratory which contained appropriate preservatives, as necessary, depending on the specific test run requested. All chain of custody and handling/holding time requirements were met. In some cases, a larger sample was broken into appropriate sampling containers and smaller aliquot portions at the laboratory. Flowback samples were composited to the extent possible during the flowback process primarily during times where safety issues did not override sample collection requirements. Generally, a larger composite sample was broken into appropriate sampling mntainers and smaller aliquot portions at the laboratory or on the well location upon completion of the composite sampling process. Samples were distributed into boftle sets prepared at the laboratory which contained appropriate preservatives, as necessary, depending on the specific test run requested. All chain of custody and handling/holding time requiremenls were met. Drill cuttings were composite sampled during the drilling process at various times and combined into a composite sample for analyses at the laboratory. On several wells, cuttings from the vertical portion of the well bore were segregated from cuttings from the target Marcellus Formation and separate testing was completed on both sample composites. ln some eariier cases during the utilization of open pits, composite samples were obtained from inactive drill pits. Safety concerns usually limited the randomness of the composite sample and composite grid sample positions were varied to the extent possible. Pit water (drill fluid) is currently discharged to closed containment and is re-conditioned and reused from well to well. February 9, 2011 Form 26R: Section B3a WASTE GENERATION PROCESS Pit Water'Drill Fluids' Remnant drill fluids are generated in the well bore during the penetration of the drill stem as it intercepts both ground water and formation fluids. These fluids are brought to the surface along with the drill cuftings, pieces of the intercepted rock strata, by the retum flow system of the drilling process. Drill cuttings and drillfluids are isolated into separale waste streams. Cuttings are mixed with sawdust to absorb remnant fluid and loaded out for disposal at a landfill. Fluids are cunently stored in closed mntainers to be processed for reuse. Flowback: "Fracing Fluid' Flowback is produced from all fluids that flow back to surface during the "hydrofracing" process which occurs under pressure and results in the setting of a propant within the formation fractures. Production Fluid'Brine' During the production of natural gas, formation pressures bring remnant frac fluids, during the initial production phase, and formation fluids to the surface along with produced gas.