Latest Edition - Montgomery Wales
Latest Edition - Montgomery Wales
ISSUE 122 MONTGOMERY Llais TREFALDWYN OCT-NOV 2016 CRIER MONTGOMERY SHOW Photo: © Copyright G17 Photography Services AS MARVELLOUS AS EVER CONTENTS Diary: Inside Front Cover Regular events: p1 County Council news: p2 Library news: p4 Church news: p6 Montgomery Life: p12-13 Presbyterian Chapel news: p16 Mayor’s Notes: p22-23 Contacts: p24 Sponsors: Inside Back Cover FREE to all residents of Montgomery. Once again Montgomery showed everyone a fantastic fun-packed weekend. The Friday night race (probably one of the most scenic in the country) organised by the Maldwyn Harriers was very well attended by intrepid runners and spectators greeting them in Broad Street with welcome refreshments. The winner was Tim Davies from The Maldwyn Harriers. The winner of the under 15s Fun Run was Deiniol Owen. CONTINUED ON PAGE 14 Non-residents 50p REGULAR EVENTS DIARY NOVEMBER OCTOBER 1 Sat 2 Sun 3 Mon Movie Club Coffee Morning 09:00-12:00 Harvest service 10:45 Mobile Bank 10:35-11:20 8 Sat Poppies Coffee Morning 09:00-12:00 9 Sun Tapathon registration and first rehearsal 14:00-16:00 10 Mon Mobile Bank 10:35-11:20 10 Mon Gardening Club 19:30 11 Tue Sew ‘n’ Sews 14:00 12 Wed TLC 19:45 13 Thu Scrabble Club 19:00 TH C TH TH TH TH AC AC AC IH 15 Sat Civic Society Coffee Morning 09:00-12:00 TH TH 17 Mon Mobile Bank 10:35-11:20 CP 19 Wed Walking Group 10:00 19 Wed Flower Club AGM and practical demonstration 19:30 AC DH 20 ThuChatterbox 14:30 22 Sat Drama Group meeting 18:00 23 Sun Tapathon rehearsal 14:00-15:00tba TH 24 Mon Mobile Bank 10:35-11:20 24 Mon Destination Montgomery meeting 19:30 TH AC 25 Tue Sew ‘n’ Sews 14:00 AC 25 Tue NSPCC fashion show 19:30 DH 26 Wed MCCP Lunch Club 12:00 IH 27 Thu Scrabble Club 19:00 TH 27 Thu Council Meeting 19:15 29 Sat MCCP Coffee Morning 09:00-12:00 29 Sat Service of remembrance, healing and hope 16:00 31 Mon Mobile Bank 10:35-11:20 TH C TH 1 Tue Computer classes start (day and evening) 5 Sat 7 Mon 8 Tue 10 Thu 11 Fri Flower Club Coffee Morning 09:00-12:00 Mobile Bank 10:35-11:20 Sew ‘n’ Sews 14:00 Scrabble Club 19:00 Armistice Day service 10:50 I TH TH AC IH WM 12 Sat Mini Montys Coffee Morning 09:00-12:00 TH 13 Sun Remembrance Sunday parade 09:45 BS 13 Sun Remembrance Sunday service 10:00 C 13 Sun Remembrance Sunday service 16:00 Town Hill 14 Mon Mobile Bank 10:35-11:20 TH AC 14 Mon Gardening Club 19:30 15 Tue Deadline for December Crier CP 16 Wed Walking Group 10:00 DH 17 ThuChatterbox 14:30 17 Thu ‘The Poetry of Philip Larkin’ talk by John Billington 19:30 Llandyssil Old School Hall 18 Thu Flower Club Christmas demonstration 19:30 TH 19 Sat Scout Group Coffee Morning 09:00-12:00 TH 19 Sat Tapathon rehearsal 14:00-15:00 tba 20 Sun Tapathon performance 12:00 TH TH 21 Mon Mobile Bank 10:35-11:20 AC 22 Tue Sew ‘n’ Sews 14:00 TH 24 Thu Council Meeting 19:45 IH 24 Thu Scrabble Club 19:00 26 Sat TLC Coffee Morning 09:00-12:00TH 28 Mon Mobile Bank 10:35-11:20 TH DH 30 Wed MCCP Lunch Club 12:00 KEY: Activity Centre (AC); Bowling Green (BG); Broad Street (BS); Church (C); Chapel (CH); Castle Kitchen (CK); Clos Tan y Mur Car Park (CP); Castle (CS); The Cottage (CT); The Dragon Hotel (DH); Fire Station (FS); Private House (H); The Institute (I); Ivy House (IH); Library (L); Old Bell Museum (OB); School (S); Show Field (SF); Tennis Club (TC); Town Hall (TH); The Pound (TP); War Memorial (WM). Art Classes: AC Wednesday: 10:00-12:30 Bell Ringing: C Monday evening: 18:30-20:00 Live Music: DH 1st Friday: Live band 3rd Friday: Open mic night: 20:30-22:45 Bootcamp Burn: TH Every Wednesday: 18:00 Market Day: TH Thursday & Saturday (am) Chatterbox: DH 3rd Thurs. in the month: 14:30 MCCP Lunch Club: DH Last Wednesday of the month: 12:00 Coffee Mornings: TH Saturday: 9:00-12:00 Dance Academy: AC/TH Tuesday: 20:00-21:00 Thursday: 15:00-21:00 Saturday: 09:00-13:00 (term time only) Dog Training Classes: TH Monday: 19:15-20:15 Thursday: 19:00-21:00 Fire Station Practice Night: FS Every Wednesday: 18:30-20:30 Flower Club: AC 3rd Wednesday in the month: 19:30 (except Aug & Jan) Gardening Club: AC 2nd Monday in the month: 19:30 (except Dec & Jan) Harry Ray Auction: TH Wednesday (occasionally): 10:00 (Viewings: Tuesday before the auction: 14:00-17:00) Mini-Montys: AC Tuesday & Friday: 9:30-11:30 Open throughout the year (except Christmas holidays) Montgomery Beavers: AC Wednesday: term time only 17:00-18:00 Montgomery Cubs: AC Tuesday: term time only 18:00-19:30 Montgomery Scouts: AC Tuesday: term time only 18:30-20:00 Montgomery Sew‘n’Sews: AC 2nd & 4th Tuesdays in the month:14:00-16:30 Movie Club: I Every other Thursday: 20:00 (see programme) Over 50s Exercise Classes: TH Every Friday: 10:30-11:30 Pre-school: AC Monday-Friday: term time only 9:00-12:00 Quiz night: DH 3rd Thursday: 20:30-22:30 Scrabble Club: IH Every other Thursday (please see Diary) Snooker Club: I By arrangement Town Council: TH 4th Thursday in the month:19:30 Trefaldwyn Ladies Club: AC 2nd Wednesday in the month: 19:45 Trefoil Guild: H 3rd Thursday in the month: 10:30-12:00 Walking Group: CP 3rd Wednesday in the month: 10:00 Welsh Lessons: Tuesday evening: 15:30-17:30 & 18:00-20:00 (must register first) Rainbow, Brownie and Guide Units are no longer permitted to advertise their meetings. Please enquire for times and places (see Contacts page). Please let us know if any events need updating, or removing, from this list. MONTGOMERY WALKING GROUP We will be meeting on Wednesdays 19th October and 16th November for morning walks. All who would enjoy a gentle three to four mile walk with interesting company are welcome. Meeting at the Recycling Car Park Clos Tan y Mur at 10.00am where transport, if required, will be sorted. For further information call Jeny on 01686 668168. MONTGOMERY CRIER 1 County Council News Cllr Stephen Hayes Many people have been annoyed that plastic film can no longer be included with the recycling. Our contract treats it as a contaminant: if it’s included, it leads to the whole load having to go to landfill. People are also upset that many community bring sites, like ours at Clos Tan y Mur, are being removed or reduced to cardboard/green waste only. Again, the reason is contamination: too many people putting general waste in the plastics bins, and fly-tipping things they can’t be bothered to take to Welshpool. But it’s also because the kerbside collection has been so successful. People in Powys are enthusiastic recyclers! Powys was recently ranked fourth for recycling in all of England, Wales and Northern Ireland, an achievement everyone should be proud of. Around 420 people use day centres in Powys, and they provide valuable respite for carers. But many older people have little social contact. With the cuts to funding from Welsh Government having to include adult social care as well as other services, day centre closures are a real possibility. There’s a consultation open until 9th November which you can complete online or in a paper version, details here: http://www.powys. find-out-about-consultations-inpowys/day-time-activities/ Under the Boundary Commission proposals, Montgomery would be part of a new Brecon, Radnor and Montgomery parliamentary constituency. You can see the details and give your views here: http:// Local government boundaries will not be affected. Six families of Syrian refugees arrived in Powys over the summer. Newtown will be welcoming refugees soon. Some people predict terrible consequences, but why should that be? We are desperately short of younger, economically active people. The small number of refugees settling here can only benefit us. Well done the Montgomery resident who wrote offering to host a refugee in their own home! 01686 668545 • 2 LLAIS TREFALDWYN MONTGOMERY FOOTBALL CLUB Montgomery Town FC Juniors would like to thank R.H. Bunner & Son Ltd for their wonderful support and sponsorship for last season. We had a great year which culminated in our U10s, U12s and U13s being invited to play at the Ludlow Tournament in July. The U12s and U13s both went on to win their age groups and the U10s came third in theirs, the biggest group, with half the team consisting of new players who had only been training for a number of weeks and have joined us for this season. It was a very successful year with our numbers swelling. The children had fun in training and matches, whilst developing their skills and general understanding. The new season has just started and we are looking forward to an exciting repeat of last year. Marc Buckley GWYN EMBERTON DANCE Gwyn Emberton from Montgomery directs an award-winning dance company and is planning to tour his work ‘Shadow of a Quiet Society’ (for which he did all the research in Montgomery, talking to local people and recording local sounds), taking it to North Wales, South Wales and Bristol. projects/shadow-of-a-quietBUT: he needs to raise some society/x/12580900#/ additional funds to support the Arts where you can learn more about the Council grant he has received, and he work, and their plans. is doing this through crowd funding. He needs this support ASAP, and his If you would like to support crowd funding site runs until 8th Gwyn’s company in this project, October, so if you want to help, do get or even sponsor them, please visit: in quickly! MONTGOMERY CRIER 3 MONTGOMERY LIBRARY ONCE UPON A STORY TIME Would you like to see our regular story time for pre-schoolers return? Now the nights are drawing in, come along and find something new to read. Over recent months, the regular Monday morning story time sessions have have tailed off. Now that the summer holidays are over, please contact me if you would like to see them back again, are able to help out, or would you like to be one of our story tellers? Lesley Williams Library Co-ordinator Montgomery Library 01686 668937 If you would like to see the proposals for the new parliamentary boundaries, the documents are now available to review in the Library. Our regular opening times are: Mon 10.00 – 12.00 and 15.00 – 17.00 Tue 10.00 – 17.00 Wed 10.00 – 12.00 and 15.00 – 17.00 Thu 09.00 – 17.00 Fri 10.00 – 12.00 and 15.00 – 17.00 Sat 09.30 – 12.00 01686 668937 MONTGOMERY FLOWER CLUB Firstly, well done to everyone who welcome: do come along to the entered the Floral Arrangement Activity Centre for 7.30pm. section of Montgomery Show, a This year’s Coffee Morning in the fabulous display by everyone involved. Town Hall will be on Saturday Our welcome back demonstrator after 5th November with a chance the summer break was Elizabeth Ann to buy tickets for our Christmas with ‘Harvest Time’. Our October Demonstration on Friday 18th meeting on Wednesday 19th October November, again in the Town Hall. will be our AGM with a Practical Do come along on the 5th for delicious Demonstration. Annual subscriptions coffee, cake and more details of Ros will be due, but visitors are always Anwyl’s demonstration. 4 LLAIS TREFALDWYN STONE WALLS Have you noticed what an array of beautiful stone walls we are blessed with in Montgomery? Or possibly you pass them so often they go unnoticed? I love stone walls, especially if they are laid dry without any mortar, and the best example of that is on Back Lane on the way to the Surgery, a fantastic wall. There is one problem: plants growing on or too near to them, and the chief offender is IVY. A great example of the damage ivy can do is on the wall going on around the corner by the back entrance to the Dragon, where it has been removed, exposing the damage already done by lifting the top layer of stones. If left, this would continue until total collapse. Ash seedlings will germinate anywhere, even in a crack in a wall, and with the same devastating result. ‘THE POETRY OF PHILIP LARKIN’ Thursday 17th November A talk by John Billington at 7.30pm in Llandyssil Old School Hall. Montgomery Drum Teaching Studio Evening tuition available We already have a half-grown ash tree doing its best to ruin a wall in town; a stitch in time will save an awful lot of money sometime in the future. Let’s keep Montgomery sound. Bob Jones Please contact us if you are interested in a large print copy of The Crier – we produce these on request for those of our readers who find the current size a bit challenging to read. MONTGOMERY CRIER 5 St. Nicholas’ Church IN WALES Rector: Rev. Toni Bennett Email: • Telephone: 668243 Website: Church open every day 9.00am to 6.00pm Harvest: Sunday 2nd October 10.45am at St. Nicholas Church. Services 1st Sunday 9.15am: Holy Eucharist 1984 rite. 10.45am: Morning Worship. 2nd Sunday 10.45am: Holy Eucharist with Prayer for Healing. 12.15pm: Bring and Share lunch to which all are welcome. 3rd Sunday 10.45am: Morning Worship. 4th Sunday 10.45am: Holy Eucharist. 5.30pm: Evening Prayer 1984 rite. Children’s Church 10.45am on 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sundays. Fridays 8.30am: Morning Prayer, with Eucharist on 3rd Fridays. 1st Steps at Forden Church: 10.30am Sunday 2nd October. • Do you have pre-school or infant age children? • Are you finding it hard to keep the promises you made at their baptism? • Are they asking questions about God that you struggle to know how to answer? • Do you wish you could talk more openly to your children about God? Then this is for you. 15 minutes on a Sunday morning, in church with your children, to think about faith, to pray and to worship together. Baptisms: can usually take place in the Morning Worship on the 1st Sunday of the month. To arrange, please contact Rev. Toni at least five weeks prior to the date. Parents/guardians will need to attend baptism preparation. 6 LLAIS TREFALDWYN Forden Church 10.30am on the 1st Sunday of the month. A Service of Remembrance, Healing and Hope: Saturday 29th October 4.00pm at St. Nicholas’ Church. Come and meet for tea, sandwiches and cake, followed by a time to remember loved ones who have died. Rev. Toni Rector DESTINATION MONTGOMERY A New Initiative Montgomery Town Council has been awarded a grant to fund the appointment of a part time Development Officer for a period of three years. This is part of a project called Destination Montgomery that seeks to add to the sustainability of Montgomery by encouraging people to visit the town and to stay, or stay for longer, spend their money locally and provide new and additional opportunities for local businesses. The Development Officer would be employed to coordinate increased tourism and awareness of what Montgomery offers as a destination. Specifically, their role would be the following: • development of Montgomery as preferred wedding and celebration venue; • development of the Town Hall; • development of a programme of attractions and events; meeting on 24th October at 7.30pm in the Town Hall. Everyone is welcome, and your views are important, so please come along and learn more about this exciting new project and how you can become involved. Cllr Mike Mills Montgomery Town Council COMPUTER, PHOTOGRAPHY AND iPAD COURSES Classes are held in the Computer Centre at Montgomery Institute on Arthur Street. Work at your own pace in a relaxed and friendly classroom. Courses are available for complete beginners as well as more advanced levels. Courses start 1st November and run for 6 weeks. Daytime and evening classes available. Course fee £57.60 (concessions available). • development of a sustainable tourism project. For more information visit our brand new website: www. In order to communicate the project in detail to members of the community and seek their views, the Town Council has arranged an open For bookings contact Kate Wesson on 07967 809975 or email MONTGOMERY CRIER 7 HARPING ON: FURTHER RESEARCH ON ‘THE MYSTERY OF THE MONTGOMERY HARP PINS’ Dr Karen Loomis’s Gregynog Festival lecture in Montgomery set out to unravel the puzzle of the excavation at the Castle of a complete matched set of tuning pegs for a distinctivesounding Irish wire strung harp. She traced the Irish connection of the Castle’s owner, Edward, 1st Lord Herbert of Chirbury, through the County Kerry estate Castle Island, inherited by his wife. In 1638 he asked that an Irish harpist be sent over to Montgomery, “… if he can play by the book after the English manner, and speak good English …” Neither his arrival, nor harp recitals, appear in surviving manuscripts, only the mysterious discarded pins. At this point Dr Loomis concluded her presentation leaving a number of unanswered open ended questions. My own transcription of Lord Herbert’s 1648 Will reveals his interest in music: “… Item. I leave my chest of vialls [instruments that make up a modern string quartet], and all my lutes unto the Lady Mary, my daughter in lawe …” There is no mention of a harp at his final London residence. 8 LLAIS TREFALDWYN Mary’s husband Richard, 2nd Lord Herbert of Chirbury, heavily fined by the victorious Parliament as an active Royalist in the Civil War, agreed to demolish Montgomery Castle soon after his father’s death, believing that the money raised from the sale of salvaged building material would settle his debts. He was wrong. The demolition was supervised by Captain Edward Allen and Richard Thompson, Alderman and Freeman of Montgomery. Five years previously, ‘Dick’ Thompson had claimed £223 15s losses in “cattle, money and household stuff” at the “hands of the King’s army” during the siege and battle. As belated recompense he took items abandoned by the Herberts from the mansion built into the Castle walls. COME AND JOIN US: TAPATHON 2016 On Sunday 20th November The Sally Gartell Academy of Dance will once again be taking part in the Performers’ Project annual Tapathon raising funds for Children in Need, as well as trying to break a World Record for most people dancing the choreographed tap routine on the same day at the same time at different venues across the UK. The current record is 7,596 dancers. You don’t have to be a member of our dance school to take part. All I ask is that you have a few spare hours and lots of enthusiasm. I do ask that students are at least 6 years old but there is no maximum age! So girls and boys, mums and dads, old and young, come and get involved! When? We will be having a registration day on Sunday 9th October at 2.00pm in Montgomery Town Hall. Then from 2.30 to 4.00pm we will be starting to learn the routine. We will also be having rehearsals on • Sunday 23rd October (2.00-3.00pm) • Saturday 19th November (2.00-3.00pm) Cost? The cost is £12 which covers the price of the Tapathon 2016 t-shirt and a small £2 fee towards all hall costs. So if you would like to get involved please contact Sally Gartell at or 07772 744534. Following his death in 1660, his daughter Anne listed among his possessions, “1 harp”, which was promptly returned to the Herbert family, and disappears from the records. Was this a distinctive ‘Irish’ harp or not? Who knows what will turn up with further delving into dusty old documents? The routines are also available to watch on my website D.E.E. Sally Gartell Alternatively turn up on the registration day where you can order your t-shirt to enable you to take part. MONTGOMERY CRIER 9 Quaker Meeting A reminder that on the third Sunday of the month we join with Friends in Meifod at the historic Dolobran Meeting House, the earliest built place of non-conformist worship in Wales. If you would like to experience Quaker worship in this beautiful and peaceful setting we would be happy to give you a lift. Here is Advice & Query 8: “Worship is our response to an awareness of God. We can worship alone, but when we join with others in expectant waiting we may discover a deeper sense of God’s presence. We seek a gathered stillness in our meetings for worship so that all may feel the power of God’s love drawing us together and leading us.” We meet on 1st, 2nd and 4th Sundays at 10.30am at the Activity Centre, School Lane. All are welcome to our Meetings. Ring 01686 668745 or just turn up. REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY AND POPPY APPEAL 2016 Remembrance Sunday this year falls two days after Armistice Day, and we highlight below relevant dates and timings for diaries as follows: Friday 11th November: Armistice Day 10.50am: convene at Town War Memorial 11.00am: two minutes’ silence at the Town Memorial followed by short service to officially entrust the Montgomery Royal British Legion Standard to St. Nicholas’ Church for safekeeping Sunday 13th November: Remembrance Sunday 9.45am: parade from Broad Street 10.00am: service at St. Nicholas’ Church 10.55am: service at Town Memorial and laying of wreaths 4.00pm: blessing at County Memorial, Town Hill (3.45pm: limited transport from Town Hall will be available) Poppies will be on sale at various venues in town from 29th October this year. Further details about the Armistice Day and Remembrance Sunday services to which all are welcome will be advertised on Church, Chapel and Town notice boards nearer the date. Paul Hodgson : Trevor Pugh 10 LLAIS TREFALDWYN MONTGOMERY CRIER 11 Photo: © Copyright G17 Photography Services MONTGOMERY LIFE THANKS FROM THE TOWN HALL TRUST The Town Hall Trust would like to thank all who supported the ‘Lunch with Lyrics’ event in June, and the recent Coffee Morning. A special thank you to Sue and Mark Michaels who graciously allowed the use of the marquee used for their daughter Anna’s wedding reception for the Lunch and to Ruth Gittins who provided the ‘Lyrics’. The two events have raised almost £1,000 which A Midsummer Night’s Big Thank You I would like to thank the over 200 people who attended the August performance of ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ at the Castle. This was the most successful performance John Sewell and I have organised, and we were overwhelmed with the response. As usual these events include a large number of people in the background working hard and lending their support, so I would like to thank the box office team at Bunners; the team of stewards that ensured everyone’s safety on the night and helped clear up at the end; Chris Boundy and John Ward for their help delivering and collecting the chairs; our sponsors Hanratty & Co. Solicitors and Laura Ashley Foundation; and the Town Council for their continuing support. In particular I would like to thank Mr and Mrs Morgan at Castle Farm for their cooperation and generous assistance, and finally Lesley for making the actors’ tea. Cllr Mike Mills 12 LLAIS TREFALDWYN adds to the funds which the Trust will make available to the Town Council when the next stage of the Town Hall refurbishment programme takes place. Thank you once again for your ongoing support to improve the Town’s ‘signature building’. Paul Loveluck Trust Chair Cyndy handing over the cheque to Mike Perry, Community Fund Raising Advisor, Severn Hospice, on 14th July 2016 have been proud that such a large sum of money was raised for such a fantastic charity in her memory: THANK YOU. A huge thank you to all of you who supported my Shrewsbury Half Marathon challenge through your sponsorship for Severn Hospice. A staggering £1,605.06 was raised for this fantastic charity in memory of my lovely mum Pam Jones. The run was pretty hilly towards the end, probably the hardest half marathon I have run. Knowing how much we had raised certainly kept me focused. Mum loved this community. Her generosity, kindness to others and sense of fun are some of the ways I remember her. I know that she would Cyndy Humphreys PARKINSON’S UK Lake Vyrnwy Walk Sunday 10th July I would like to thank all the kind people who donated sponsorship support for the walk. Your generosity was much appreciated. A total of £463 was forwarded to the Parkinson’s organisation. Also £50 has been raised Welshpool for the local branch of Parkinson’s UK. Diolch yn fawr. Trefor Pugh MONTGOMERY CRIER 13 In spite of rain and wind the Show was well attended and enjoyed by all ages. A Carnival Procession, led by Show Presidents Mr and Mrs Bill and Sally Orme and the Carnival Queen Miss Hannah Rowland, proceeded from Broad Street to the Showground on Lymore Meadow and was the start of a lovely afternoon of good oldfashioned entertainment. The marquee was well set out with an abundance of entries in most sections, and Knighton Silver Band performed while everyone checked out the prize winners and scrutinised the everpopular potato-in-a-bucket competition. The Madge Richards Salver President’s Choice was won this year by Huw Handel for his dinosaur collage. The Harry Pennie Salver for most points went to Esmond Stanyer. The Wardholm Family Trophy went to the Stephenson Family and the Floral Art overall winner was Jan Lawrence. The Montgomery Flower Club best-inshow was Wendy Lamb and Gabriella Ghirotto won the best cake in the Show. There was entertainment for all, including a stunt team who managed some daring balancing acts in the 14 LLAIS TREFALDWYN wind; Ronnie Crackers’ Magic Show; an exotic spiders and reptile display; climbing wall; and stalls and trade stands, including the ever popular Taste Montgomery. There was an even more impressive collection of vintage vehicles this year, the tank being a particular favourite, and for the first time we had the fabulous miniature railway which offered rides around the edge of the field. As usual the Dog Show was well attended with strong competition. The Jack Corfield cup went to Pat Evans with Lexi. Sunday Lunch in the marquee was a real treat where people could relax, chat and enjoy a delicious meal. None of this could have happened without the hard work of the Show Committee, who our President Bill described as ‘Team Montgomery’, and who work throughout the year to fundraise. Special thanks to John Dickinson, Acting Chairman, and Mary Bunner, Secretary. Photo: © Copyright G17 Photography Services Photo: © Copyright G17 Photography Services CONTINUED FROM FRONT COVER Carnival Winners Jenny Edwards Cup: Chirbury Shirehorse Bowl: Best Child Entry in Carnival Mini Montys (Baby Rabbit) • Goodchild Trophy: Best in Float Carnival James Morris (Call the Midwife). Fancy Dress: 5-7 year olds: 1st Olive Cetin (Olympic Sports Star), 2nd Libby Evans (a Tiger); 8-12 year olds: 1st Natasha Morris (a fairy), 2nd Angus Varty (Thor), 3rd Sydney Corfield-Waters (Captain America); 12-16 year olds: 1st James Sayce (The Hunter), 2nd Sen Gitz (a Farmer and his Dog); Children’s Group: 1st The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe, 2nd James Jack Yewdall, Teifi Owen, Angus Varty, Oliver Dickinson and Sydney Corfield-Waters (The Avengers). Floats: Adult: 1st Irene Whittingham and Co (Ghostbusters), 2nd Roy Whittingham and Co (Call the Midwife); Children: the standard was exceptional so there were three first prizes: Mini Montys (Alice in Wonderland); Friends of Montgomery School (The Faraway Tree); the Sayce Family (Battle of the Somme). Carnival Queen 2016: Hannah Rowland. Attendants: Theo Evans, Lwsi Yewdall, Nancy Varty and Samara Taylor. Show Prize Winners Horticultural: Chirbury Shirehorse Bowl: Horticultural Section Overall Winner Esmond Stanyer • R H Bunner voucher: Montgomery Resident John Humphreys • Wainwright Cup: Vegetable Section David Thornton • Bunner’s Salver: Vegetable Section Montgomery Resident Tom Price • Mrs Pugh Mellington Cup: Flowers and Plants Esmond Stanyer • Top Tray M.W. Jones • Top Vase Barry Price • John Bird Cup: One Flower One Vegetable Esmond Stanyer. Floral Art: Councillor Richards Cup: Overall Winner Jan Lawrence • Montgomery Flower Club Cup: Best in Show Wendy Lamb • Phyll Pryce Trophy: Traditional Arrangement Jan Lawrence • Richards Plaque: Novice Jean Camis. Industrial Section: Best Cake in Show: Gabriella Ghirotto • Mrs Reg Jones Cup: Judith Poulter and Hayley Jones • Mrs Gladys Humphries Cup: 25 Years and Under Emma Corfield and Alice Fairban. Handicraft: Mrs J. Pugh Mellington Cup: Ray Jones (Sculpture). Photography: The Bolderston Cup: Justyn Bernard (Silhouette) • Children’s Section: Ray Whittingham Shield: Sydney Corfield-Waters • Oddfellows Cup: Overall Winners Sydney Corfield-Waters and Ross Stephenson • Lodge of Buffaloes: Most Meritus James Sayce (Pasta Garden). Garden Section: George Whittingham Cup: Best Kept Garden Judith and David Poulter • Ian Bainbridge Salver: Best House Frontage Helen Lawson. Agricultural: Mrs M.G. Bunner Cup: James Corfield and William Kinsey • Dereck Lloyd Cup: Potato in a Bucket David Poulter (1st, 2nd and 3rd) • Ken Jones Cup: Junior Potato in a Bucket Seren Price (1st, 2nd and 3rd) • Jack Corfield Cup: Companion Dog Show Pat Evans, Ardleen with Lexi. Harrie Pennie Salver: Overall Winner with Most Points across all Sections Esmond Stanyer • Wardholm Family Trophy: Stephenson Family • Madge Richards Salver: President’s Choice Huw Handel (dinosaur collage). MONTGOMERY CRIER 15 Presbyterian chapel news We often speak about ‘coming down to earth’ when we return from our holidays to the reality of daily living. And, with harvest upon us, this would seem very appropriate, for the Psalmist writes of “the earth yielding its harvest and God blessing us” (Psalm 67:6). But I have ‘come down to earth’ in a new way, returning from our cruise to Norway. For the first week I still had my ‘sea legs’ and the road along the Wern was rising up to meet me and then falling away in a regular cycle, just like the waves on the sea. And it reminds me that we carry our experiences with us, so that in the middle of a busy time we can pause for a minute and relive the refreshment our holidays brought us. We thoroughly enjoyed our visit to Norway. The beauty of the fjords and high mountains reminded us of our God, the Creator of all, and the wonderful hymn ‘O Lord my God … how great Thou art’, though Bill said he wouldn’t like to farm there! Every blessing, Diane Minister 16 LLAIS TREFALDWYN SERVICES 2nd October Joint Pastorate Communion at ABERMULE: 10.30am led by Rev. Diane Stirling. 9th October Service: 11.15am led by Rev. Diane Stirling. 16th October Service: 11.15am led by Mr Paul Beasley. 23rd October Service: 11.15am led by Rev. Eric Brazier. 30th October Service: 11.15am led by Mr Graham Smith. 6th November Joint Pastorate Communion at BETTWS: led by Rev. Diane Stirling. 13th November Joint Remembrance Service: 10.00am with Montgomery Church. 20th November Service: 11.15am led by Mr Moses Tutesigensi. 27th November Service: 11.15am led by Rev. Mary Turnock. Weekly Bible Study is at Caerhowel on Tuesdays at 10.30am and Upper Room Fellowship is on the second Thursday of each month at 2.30pm. Details from Rev. Mary Turnock. STOP PRESS • STOP PRESS • STOP PRESS Members of St. Nicholas Church have agreed to open the church for coffee on any Saturday mornings when there is no Coffee Morning in the Town Hall – more details and dates to follow. MONTGOMERY CRICKET CLUB The Cricket Club will be back in Shropshire Division One next year after dominating their Division Two rivals this season, finishing with an eighty point lead over secondplaced Welshpool. Few teams could cope with the pace of the bowling attack led by James Corfield and Harry Wilkinson, and on nine occasions the opposition were bowled out for less than 100. Three batsmen scored centuries: James Corfield and Aaron Ruff-Cock for the First XI; Thomas Corfield’s 127 not out for the Second XI against Condover was the season’s highest individual score. Throughout the season he helped the Seconds consolidate their position in Reserve Division Two after gaining promotion last year. Looking back on such a successful season, the most satisfying aspect is the number of young players now playing for the senior teams. Both teams have a decidedly youthful look, which reflects the hard work put in by the Club at their Thursday evening youth coaching sessions. Next year the club expects to perform strongly, and the first team, in particular, are looking forward to playing more challenging teams in Division One. CRIER DEADLINES 15th November 2016, 15th January 2017 and every two months thereafter. Please send us your contributions for The Crier, but please keep them to 300 words (1 page) or less. If you have a special need for more than one page, please speak with the editorial team BEFORE sending in your article. Articles over 300 words will be edited; shorter articles may be edited if space is short. Articles will be published in ‘house style’. Photographs are encouraged. MONTGOMERY CRIER 17 MONTGOMERY COMMUNITY CARE PROJECT As I reported in the last Crier, the plans for the Arboretum Care Village had been submitted to Powys County Council; we await the outcome. Meanwhile, the Arboretum team continue their work in the background ready to get this much awaited Care Village off the ground. The support for the project continues and we receive enquiries on a regular basis as to when it is going to start. REPORT FROM ARBORETUM CARE VILLAGE PROJECT A number of meetings have been held with Social Services and North Powys Commissioning to identify problems with the lack of services in the area; liaison continues and in November the team will be presenting to the Joint Commissioning Team. Likewise, we were approached at the Montgomery Show by people from surrounding areas, requesting information and asking if we would consider providing care at home. It was unfortunate the day ended so abruptly due to the wet and windy weather, however, we are pleased to confirm that over £200 was raised in aid of MCCP and a good time was had 18 LLAIS TREFALDWYN Luncheon Club This continues to be a very great pleasure, the Dragon’s attentive and very pleasant staff serving up a delicious lunch to our members. Thank you to Brian and his team and the management ‘A’ team. Chatterbox We meet on the third Thursday in the month at 2.30pm in the Dragon. If you would like to join our happy band please contact Paulene on 668691. Paulene MCCP by all (including our newt). We would like to extend our thanks to those who took part and congratulations to all of our winners. The Team plan to have contact over the coming months and will be looking to run Focus Groups, as it is important that our philosophy and activity within the Village reflects the hopes and desires of local people. If you are interested in care being provided at home or require more information, please contact Paulene Jones on 668691 or MEG – MONTGOMERY ENERGY GROUP We are planning regular meetings throughout the Autumn and Winter, so please watch this space and look out for posters. The first session on 12th September was a superb vegan meal: here’s one impression of the evening: On Monday evening my boyfriend invited me out for a meal. Turned out we were to go to my second home, the Activity Centre, with 18 others guests, for a vegan meal … he’s such a romantic! Jeremy already thinks a lot about how what we do affects our environment, and perhaps felt I needed a little extra guidance, so his friend Helen Porter was brought in to help. Before our meal, Helen gave a brief talk about the effects of our diet on climate change. I was surprised to hear that mass meat and dairy production causes as much harm to the climate as ALL transport, including planes: 14% of human-related emissions. For listening, we were rewarded with a delicious three-course vegan meal. Helen has given me a lot to chew on and I shall be attempting some of the recipes. Thank you Helen for showing us that vegan food is tasty as well as good for the climate. Jenny Brignell And from Rhia: The evening was informative, friendly and non-biased, allowing people to discuss veganism and its affect on the planet openly, and all made sweeter with the taste of a delicious home cooked meal. Powys Transition and Low Carbon Communities Network On Saturday 15th October at the Metropole Hotel, Llandrindod, the Network is holding its 2016 conference entitled ‘What shall we eat: considering Carbon, Welfare and Wellness?’ The keynote speaker is Patrick Holden CBE, Chief Executive of the Sustainable Food Trust. The day will include a range of talks and workshops. £10 including lunch. Mike Membery 01686 668643 or Barbara Scandrett MONTGOMERY CRIER 19 SANDI’S STORY Are you like me? I am always interested in people’s stories, so here is mine. I was born in London, the middle child of eight children: not the best place to be in a large family. Being both the youngest of the eldest, and the eldest of the youngest, I was frequently sent on errands for the big sisters, mostly to buy their cigarettes. I took care of the young’uns, making their tea, going shopping and so on. Sharing a room and bed with my little sister was not much fun, as she used to pull my hair out to tickle her nose with, and was always digging me in the ribs, and wearing my clothes was the last straw. I got my own back though, as I had to take, or rather push, her to school. She thought it was a game, and in spite of my bullying, we ended up being the best of friends, and to this day we are really close. I could write a book on what it is like to be in a large family but that is for another day. 20 LLAIS TREFALDWYN I trained as a florist in my godparents’ shop, and then worked in the West End of London working in big hotels. It was the best job ever. I met people from all over the world and worked with people from many different cultures. I met my Italian husband there and we eventually got married, moved out of London to Basingstoke and bought an Italian restaurant. My passion for Italian cooking was born the day I met him. We have three children, a boy and two girls, and so far six grandsons! Still time for a pink one! My arrival here in Montgomery came after a painful divorce. My brother (Peter Goodchild, in case you didn’t know) found this peace haven first. We all used to visit, and I fell in love with it. There are now five of us living in the area. My mum was from a mining family in South Wales and would have loved this beautiful part of the world. I cannot imagine ever living anywhere else. I have some wonderful friends and family on the doorstep, and have lots of hobbies to keep me out of mischief. I write a bit of poetry, have discovered painting (the artistic kind) and, although I am no expert, I get a lot of pleasure from trying. I also like upcycling old furniture, and my other passions are cooking and golf. Golf: it hurts like hell but it is a great way of letting go and relaxing in beautiful surroundings. I recommend it, a great way to meet people as well. When I first moved here I was a bit nervous because people would toot me when I was walking up to Town. I soon learned it was Monty’s way FULL CIRCLE Montgomery Music & Drama Group will be presenting a production of the comedy-drama, ‘Full Circle’ by J H Shaw. The performance will be held in Montgomery Town Hall over three nights on 20th, 21st and 22nd October, starting at 7.30pm. Tickets are £6 each and are available from Bunners, Spar or by calling Laura on 01686 669953. A donation will be made to Montgomery Church in Wales School. of saying hello. Hopefully I will always be as welcoming to visitors and newcomers. Sandi Coppi REFUGEES WELCOME Do you want to be part of a group that says “we welcome refugees”? Do you want to join with others in Montgomery to see what we could do to extend a welcome? Then contact Rev. Toni ( or Sue and Mark Michaels ( / MONTGOMERY CRIER 21 MAYOR’S NOTES The Spirit of Montgomery Despite the cool and wet summer, the rain clouds cleared for the annual Shakespeare play at the Castle for a splendid performance of ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’. Even a few very heavy showers did not dampen the spirits of the Montgomery Show, which had something for everyone, bringing the whole community together. The colour and spectacle of the Carnival parade included floats from the youngest members of our community: Mini Montys, the Friends of the School, and a topical Somme float, who all received a prize. Not to be outdone the more senior members of the Town entertained us with floats on ‘Call the Midwife’ (the men) and ‘Ghostbusters’ (the ladies): hilarious! A lot of work goes into organising and staging the Show and thanks are due to all who help, but I would just like to say a special thank you to two people who have over the years made a big contribution to the Show’s success, and who continue to do so. They are Show Secretary, Mary Bunner, and Show Chairman, Chris Boundy. The day before this year’s Show Chris was in hospital having a pacemaker fitted. Did he rest the day after? Not a bit of it: he was there directing traffic for the procession and working on the field. I have decided to christen him the Mo Farah of the Monty Show! Montgomery Show embodies the Spirit of Montgomery, a strong sense of community of which we should be justly proud. Council Matters I am pleased to report that the Council has been successful in its application to the Arwain (Leader) Project for funding. Our application entitled ‘Destination Montgomery’ aims to enhance the sustainability With many local exhibitors young and of the town which relies heavily on old in the main marquee competitions, tourism for income. the standard was first class, and the Show Lunch on the Sunday rounded There are many strands to off an excellent weekend. Destination Montgomery and the project will mean the employment 22 LLAIS TREFALDWYN of a part time Development Officer to increase visitor numbers and promote Montgomery as a destination. Consultation meetings with representatives of the town’s businesses and organisations will be held in the autumn to plan the best way forward for Destination Montgomery. This project can only benefit Montgomery. Following on from gaining membership of Walkers are Welcome status, the Tourism Committee are planning a Walking Day sometime in late autumn (details will be posted on notice boards and tourist information sites). The Walking Day is intended to be the beginning of what will become in future years a Montgomery Walking Festival held over a few days, which will bring added value to our town. Enjoy Montgomery ! Eric Fairbrother Mayor At a meeting of Montgomery Town Council held on 22nd September, it was resolved to adopt the Model Code of Conduct 2016 as amended. A copy of this is available by contacting the Town Clerk on town or at Montgomery Library. Please contact us if you are interested in a large print copy of The Crier – we produce these on request for those of our readers who find the current size a bit challenging to read. MONTGOMERY CRIER 23 CONTACTS Please let us know if any information on this page is incorrect. Academy of Dance Sally Gartell 07772 744534 • Activity Centre Katie Emberton, Jenny Brignell 07961 038279 • Beavers Marie Eaton • Bell Ringers Cerys Thomas 668279 • Book Club Paul Stibbe 668912 • Bootcamp Burn Jodie Tanner Bowling Club Mike Beloe 668173 • Brownies Felicity Cusack 668066 • Christmas Lights Committee Sue Blower Jenni Visser • Civic Society John Davies 668024 • Community Police Gwyn Bufton • 01267 222020 gwyn. Cubs & Scouts Kevin Owen • 668301 Dog Training Victoria and Beryl Butcher 668955 • I.T. & Photography Courses Kate Wesson 07967 809975 • Cricket Club Dave Thomas • 668934 Jonathan Williams • 668572 • Cubs Kevin Owen 668301 • Doctor Reception: 668217 Explorer Scouts Ken Whitmore • 668198 Fire Station The Office: 668560 Flower Club Laura Brown 669953 • Football Club Pete Mills 668533 • Friends of Montgomery Church Sue Blower • Friends of Montgomery School Sue Harris 668705 • Gardening Club Mary Bunner • 668658 24 LLAIS TREFALDWYN OUR SPONSORS MONTGOMERY Greyhound Rescue 668601 Guides Cath Wilkins • 668325 Hockey Club Wendy Evans 668554 • Library Lesley Williams • 668937 Macmillan Cancer Care Pam Clayton 668418 • MCCP (Montgomery Community Care Project) Paulene Jones 668691 • Mini-Montys (Mother & Toddler Group) Georgia • 669686 • Model Car Museum Bruce Lawson • 668004 Montgomery Church in Wales VC SchoolJudith Baker • 668387 Montgomery Energy Group Mike Membery 668643 • Montgomery Sew ‘n’ Sews Cecilia Slinn 668120 • Movie Club Mike Mills 668442 • NSPCC Sally Orme • 668630 Post Office Alan & Laine Hunt • 668201 Pre-school Katie Emberton 668387 • Rainbows Jane Till • 01938 559469 Scrabble Club Tony Burdock 669997 • Show Mary Bunner 668308/658 • Snooker Club Bruce Lawson • 668004 Tennis Club John Billington 668619 • The Institute Roy Marthews • 01588 620837 Town Clerk Glenys Smith 670819 • Trefaldwyn Ladies Club Margery Ashby • 669923 Trefaldwyn Vets Reception: 668234 Walking Group Jeny Heard 668168 • CRIER These businesses have kindly agreed to sponsor the Montgomery Crier. OCT-NOV 2016 Llais Castle Brides 01588 638332 Montgomery Web Site668066 Castle Street Garage668231 Monty’s Brewery668933 07814 022358 Chameleon Hair Studio668286 Corfield Accountancy Limited668581 Dave Jones Offa Veg668485 Dave Phillips Electrical Services668945 Flowers by Jan668645 G17 PC Repairs668066 01588 638246 Green Lane Burial Field630331 Holldary Rural Services 07989 960167 Hugh Anton-Stephens Legal Services 624604 Ian Pryce Property Services668584 Ivy House Tea Rooms668746 Julie’s Nails Tanning & Beauty669842 07774 087371 Jonathan Williams Oil Fired Heating Services668572 Karl Jones Decorator668791 Little Cefn Smokehouse 01588 620623 Marquees over Shropshire 01938 580182 Montgomery Chimney Sweep668964 Montgomery Real Bread Myrick Training Services Nigel Pugh Motors D&N Catering Get Ahead Hats TREFALDWYN 07855 915968 No Bones Jones/Brynwylfa668555 Old Monty Cider640899 Ooomeringues 07468 514036 Philip Humphreys Architects668373 R.H. Bunner & Son668308 Rootz Hairdressers668712 Sally Gartell Academy of Dance 01938 561211 Serenity Health & Beauty668945 Spar668224 Graphic Design The Arboretum The Checkers Montgomery669822 The Colour Red Ltd668438 The Crown Inn668533 The Dragon Hotel668359 The Flower House668320 THE FREEMEN OF MONTGOMERY The Lawn Rangers 07854 419963 The Little Gallery668866 Window Dressers / Inside Out668283 WHAT’S ON BOX OFFICE: 01686 614555 EMAIL: INFORMATION Collection points By email to • by hand or post to White House, Arthur Street (next to Bunners) • by hand to The Post Office (by kind permission of Mr & Mrs Hunt). Chair: Venice Pugh Editor/Secretary: Sue Michaels, Sub-editor: Ruth Anton-Stephens, Design: Keith Williams, FREE to all residents of Montgomery. Editorial submissions and diary. The actual details are taken from the Town Hall diary (online) and Institute diary (in the Post Office) and from submitted articles. All Crier articles are included on a first-come, first-served basis. Articles may be edited; the author will be consulted about any major changes. If there are more articles than available space (even before the copy deadline) they will not be included. You will be informed as to the reasons. The Crier is normally limited to 28 pages. Submissions are not censored. Though they can be critical, they must not be libellous or demeaning to any person or organisation. They must be legibly signed and have an address. Non-residents 50p Printed by Craven Design and Print (01588 673972) • Printed on Recycled paper using vegetable-based inks. NEW BROCHURE OUT NOW