2nd DJERBA International Mediterranean Environment


2nd DJERBA International Mediterranean Environment
Djerba Sea Kayak
Call for Inscription
2 DJERBA International
Mediterranean Environment
Sustainability Conference
22 - 25 April 2012
1st DJERBA Sea Kayak
26 April - 1 May 2012
22 -24 April* *(25 April excursion in South Tunisia)
1st session: Protected areas network
2nd session: Marine environment
3rd session: Ecology and conservation
4th session: Culture and sustainable
Press Conference
14 April, 18:00 h at “The Olympic
Committee” Culturel Center
Menzah VI Tunis
Djerba Kayak Circumnavigation
26 April - 1 May
The Conference proposes the Sea Kayak as
an example of touristic activity
eco-compatible at zero impact and
sustainable in protected areas.
Organised by:
AMTTUNISIA – Association Memoire de la Terre de Tunisie, Tunisia
CUTGANA – Centro Universitario per la Tutela e la Gestione
di Ambienti Naturali e Agroecosistemi, Catania, Italy
CMSCP – Centre Mediterraneen pour la Science la Culture et le
Patrimoine, Tunis, Tunisia
EFS – Ente Fauna Siciliana, Noto, Italy
FTCK – Federation Tunisienne du Canoé et Kayak, Tunisia
ESTSD – Ecole Supérieure de Tourisme de Sidi Dhrif, Tunisia
Okianos - Chedly Rais / Club Tipasa - Djerba Ajim, Tunisia
Blue Delphine Diving Club - Djerba Meheri Sidi Baccour, Tunisia
Sponsored by:
DJERBA International
Mediterraneen Environment
Sustainability Conference
CAR/ASP, ONTT, GIZ, PNUD - Delegation europeenne, Tunis
Eni Tunisie, CTI - Coopération Tuniso Italienne, Tunis
For more information: www.memoiretunisie.org ; www.cutgana.it ; www.entefaunasiciliana.it
Located on the south of Tunisia, in the
small Syrte Gulf sea The idyllic
lotophaguses Island of DJERBA could be
situated in near foot of the Berber Mountain
of Jebel Naffoussa, including excellent
white sandy beaches and rural
Mediterranean farms called Menzel about
seven thousands, which constitute the most
famous landscape of DJERBA, also where
founded 300 Mosques; more than 6000
Houchs and gardens.
DJERBA consists of Three Medina and two
beautiful older Jewish’s villages with short
distances between them.
Many small Islands are surrounding
DJERBA, where the only habitants are
The blue sea hotel “Radisson Athénée” is
situated close to both the centre of Houmet
Essouq and to the centre of sidi Smaane of
science, culture environment and
Patrimony. He occupies also a part of Sidi
Mahrez beach the touristic zone and the
beginning parts of Ras Rmel.
delegates attending the Conference will
be invited to submit an extended version
of their paper for publication.
Paper Submission
email: p.pitruzzello@unict.it
tel cellular: +39 3337007305
- Alfredo PETRALIA
email: alfredo.petralia@yahoo.it
tel cellular: +39 333 2073296
- Messaoud YAMOUN
email: messyam@gmail.com
tel cellular: +216 98 281 485
Conference Coordinators
www.cutgana.it ; www.memoiretunisie.org ;
Conference websites
Please consult the conference websites.
Kayak Gathering activity inscription
messyam@gmail.com , p.pitruzzello@unict.it
Conference Email inscription
Papers are invited on the topics outlined (see
sessions) and others falling within the scope of the
meeting within 31 March 2012.
Abstracts of no more 4500 character (included
spaces in one page A4) should be submitted within
31 March 2012. The abstracts (use Times new
roman, 12) should clearly state title, author(s),
address and institution of each author, purpose,
results and conclusions of the work to be presented
orally (max 20 minutes) at the Conference. Final
acceptance will be based on the full-length paper,
according with the editorial standards set out in the
conference websites within the end of May 2012.
Arabic, French and English with interpretation for
each one.
Submission Informations
2nd DJERBA International Mediterraneen Environment Sustainability Conference
22 - 25 April 2012
1st DJERBA Sea Kayak Circumnavigation
26 April - 1 May 2012
e te
ee Environment
v o e
Sustainability Conference
Call for Inscription
DJERBA International
Mediterraneen Environment
Sustainability Conference
Press Conference
14 April, 18:00 h at “The Olympic
Committee” Culturel Center
Menzah VI Tunis
CAR/ASP, ONTT, GIZ, PNUD - Delegation europeenne, Tunis
Eni Tunisie CTI - Coopération Tuniso Italienne, Tunis
Sponsored by:
AMTTUNISIA – Association Memoire de la Terre de Tunisie, Tunisia
CUTGANA – Centro Universitario per la Tutela e la Gestione
di Ambienti Naturali e Agroecosistemi, Catania, Italy
CMSCP – Centre Mediterranean pour la Science la Culture et le
Patrimoine, Tunis, Tunisia
EFS – Ente Fauna Siciliana, Noto, Italy
FTCK – Federation Tunisienne du Canoé et Kayak, Tunisia
ESTSD – Ecole Supérieure de Tourisme de Sidi Dhrif, Tunisia
Okianos - Chedly Rais / Club Tipasa - Djerba Ajim, Tunisia
Blue Delphine Diving Club - Djerba Meheri Sidi Baccour, Tunisia
Organised by:
1st DJERBA Sea Kayak
26 April - 1 May 2012
2nd DJERBA International
Mediterranean Environment
Sustainability Conference
22 - 25 April 2012
Djerba Sea Kayak
The Conference proposes the Sea Kayak as
an example of touristic activity
eco-compatible at zero impact and
sustainable in protected areas.
1st session: Protected areas network
2nd session: Marine environment
3rd session: Ecology and conservation
4th session: Culture and sustainable
For more information: www.memoiretunisie.org ; www.cutgana.it ; www.entefaunasiciliana.it
Djerba Kayak Circumnavigation
26 April - 1 May
22 -24 April* *(25 April excursion in South Tunisia)
The aim of the conference is to contribute to the enhancement of research concerning the
natural and cultural resources useful for sustainable development and to work for creating a
Mediterranean network of protected areas as natural-cultural ecosystems.
The solution is to improve ecologically compatible strategies of human actions and to
implement the integration of the protected areas systems in a perspective of sustainable
Djerba and some other Mediterranean Islands are subjected to
many massive impacts, thus facing more and more serious
problems, in particular in case of little Islands and in coastal
regions, due to the big effect of concentration in infrastructures
and population, consumption and environmental stress.
e te
ee Envir
v o e
Sustainability Conference
Journal Papers Presenters will be invited to
Networking Participants can present their
research and interact with experts from
around the word , becoming part of a unique
The forfaits include the inscription fee.
Djerba is directly accessible by air or by land: available on request the transfer
service from the airport to the Radisson Hotel.
The excursion (25 April) will be arranged according to the requests (possible
destinations:Matmata,Ksar Haddad, Ksar Ghilane; also possible visits in Djerba
and diving activity).
DJERBA International
Mediterraneen Environment
Sustainability Conference
1- The forfait for all activities (Conference + Kayak gathering) from 22 April
to 1 May is 700 Euro in full pension and 650 Euro in half pension.
2- The forfait for the Conference from 22 April to 25 April is 450 Euro in full Please pay the participation fee on the
following account of AMTT
pension and 350 Euro in half pension.
3- The forfait for the Kayak gathering from 26 April to 1 May is 350 Euro in IBAN TN59 04 06510002096433438
code Bic: BSTUTNTT
full pension and 300 Euro in half pension.
and submit the inscription to the
4- The forfait for the exursion of the 25 April is 75 Euro.
Coordinators indicating the selected
5- The forfait per day is 150 Euro in full pension and 120 Euro in half
6- The inscription at the Conference is 100 Euro.
Participation fees alternatives
Confrence Books Papers are published in
paper and digital format and widely
distributed throught the world. Delegates
will receive a copy of the abstracts in
paper or digital format at the time of
Open Access Authors have the option to
make their work available in Open Access
format for wider dissemination.
- Angelo Messina, President of Cutgana Foundation, Catania, Italy
- Yamoun Messaoud, President Association Memoire de la Terre de Tunisie, Tunisia
- Said Nouira, Professor of the Faculty of Sciences, El-Manar University Tunis, Tunisia
- Maria Carmela Failla, Director of Cutgana, University of Catania, Italy
- Alfredo Petralia, Board Member of the Ente Fauna Siciliana, Noto, Italy
- Noureddine Bouzouia, Directeur Institut de Biotechnology, Sidi Thabet Tunis, Tunisia
- Ibrahim Magdud, Director of the Libian Academy in Italy, Palermo, Italy
- Abubaker Swehli, Head Environmental Division of Zoology Department, Tripoli University, Lybia
- Lofti Rahmouni, Director Ecole Supérieure de Tourisme de Sidi Dhrif, Tunisia
- Giovanni Russo, Professor of the Faculty of Sciences of Parthenope University, Napoli, Italy
- Pietro Pitruzzello, Director of the “Ecomuseo dei Monti Climiti”, Melilli, Italy
- Giorgio Sabella, Dept. of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences, University of Catania, Italy
- Karem Abdelhamid, expert DGF (Direction Générale des Forêts) Tunis, Tunisia
2nd DJERBA International Mediterranean Environment Sustainability Conference
22 - 25 April 2012
1st DJERBA Sea Kayak Circumnavigation
26 April - 1 May 2012