Aug 7, 2016 - St. Peter`s Catholic Church


Aug 7, 2016 - St. Peter`s Catholic Church
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July 10 | Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Welcome to
St. Peter’s Catholic Parish
70 Lady’s Island Drive
Beaufort, South Carolina 29907
Ph: 843-522-9555 ~ Fax: 843-522-0667
Rev. Fr. Paul MacNeil
August 7, 2016
Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
The readings are found in the
Catholic Community Hymnal at #632.
Parochial Vicar
Rev. Fr. Timothy Akanson
In Residence
Rev. Fr. Robert Galinac, OFM
Extraordinary Minister of Holy
Deacon Michael Beeler
Rite of Christian Initiation (RCIA)
Deacon William Lacombe
Pastoral Care
Deacon Charles Cooper
Deacon Gene Kelenski
Deacon Tom Cook
Parish Business Manager
Karen S. Widenhouse
Director of Faith Formation
and Evangelization
Nancy Compton
Vigil Mass:………………………………..Holy Cross Mission.. 5:00pm
Vigil Mass (Spanish): …………………...St. Peter’s ............... 7:00pm
St. Peter’s ........................................
St. Peter’s ...........................................
St. Peter’s .................................................. 5:00pm
Weekday Mass
Monday through Friday.......................................................... 7:15am
Devotion to the Miraculous Medal following Tuesday Noon Mass
Friday……………………………….9:00am (when school is in session)
First Saturday……………………………………..
Sacrament of Reconciliation
St. Peter’s…..11:30am (English) and 6:00pm (Spanish)
……………………………………….by appointment
Holy Cross Mission, 83 Seaside Road, St. Helena Island, SC
Historic St. Peter’s Church
710 Carteret Street
Beaufort, SC
Director of Music Ministries
Andre Rakus
Youth Minister
Robert Rosa-Cruz
St. Peter’s Catholic School
Ann Feltner
Ph: 843-522-2163 ~ Fax: 843-522-6513
This hours need filling:
Sunday 1-2am, 4-5pm, Tues 10-11am, Sat 12-1pm.
Protecting Our
Diocesan Office of
Child Protection Services
843-853-2130 ext. 209
Victim Assistance Minister
If you can find it in your heart to take one of these hours, please
Parish Office: Monday through Thursday 9:00 am to 4:00 pm;
Closed for Lunch ~ Noon–12:30 pm
Friday 9:00 am to Noon
Web address:
August 7, 2016 | Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
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Saturday | August 6
9:00 a.m.
Willard Taber † | by Lee Hix
5:00 p.m.
Mary Csucsai † | by Judy Quinby
7:00 p.m.
Iris Feliciano Brown † | by St. Peter’s Parish
Sunday | August 7
8:00 a.m.
Elsie Rocha † | by Ted and Sandra Rocha
10:00 a.m.
Norm Green † | by The Dennis Family
5:00 p.m.
Mass for the People
Monday | August 8
7:15 a.m.
Wanda Rausco and Family
| by Charlotte Anderson
Tuesday | August 9
7:15 a.m.
Lori Natale (Healing)
| by Jim & Michele Duncan
12:00 p.m.
Cathrine Moretti †
| by Dan and Carole Gilmour
Wednesday | August 10
7:15 a.m.
Joan Rossi † | by Anne Hirschmann
Thursday | August 11
7:15 a.m.
Fr. Renné Robert †
| by Dcn. William Lacombe
Friday | August 12
7:15 a.m.
Richard Winter † | by Mrs. Al Spiers
Saturday | August 13
5:00 p.m.
Mass for the People
7:00 p.m.
Robert Ellsworth Wilson †
| by St. Peter’s Parish
Sunday | August 14
8:00 a.m.
Rita and Tony Rumano †
| by Kathy Gallagher
10:00 a.m.
Charles A. Ewing † | by His Family
5:00 p.m.
Margaret Morin † | by The Murphy Family
Coffee and donuts will not be
offered between Sunday, July
17 and Sunday, August 14.
Coffee and donuts will resume on Sunday, August 21.
Thank you!
To all benefactors who gave so
generously to either or both of
these fund drives Pipe Organ
and Vestment. Your name have
been added to the Book of
Remembrance which may be
found in the narthex. Your name will be there for
posterity in beautiful calligraphy.
Women of the Parish Book Club meets the
second Monday of the month at 12:30pm in
Mary, Queen of Peace room. All women are
invited to participate any month they like.
Bring a sack lunch and join the
conversation. The August 8th book is The Travel Guide to
Heaven by Anthony DeStefano; discussion is led by Ellen
Cook. All are welcome!
Remember to Pray for the Sick
Nick Abrams
Sandy Adamak
David Bennett
Luke Blanock
Norma Brakke
Laurel Butterfield
Gregory K. Chandler
Emily Daines
Nick Depoole
Pat Depoole
Erica Fournier
Julie Gutzmer
Marcella Hatfield
Doug Heim
Matthew Hoffman
Donald McVay
Dave Milne
Bailey Saxon
Paul Seigler
Steve Spurlock
Karen Svendsen
Billie Jo Tucker
Hunter Williams
Camilla Wisor
Names in bold were added this week. Names will stay on the prayer list for a period of 30
days. If there is a case of chronic illness, please call the parish office to have that person
put back on the prayer list following the 30 days.
If you or a loved one is homebound, please contact
the church office so that we may come visit you.
Bereavement Meals
Team #4 is up next under the direction of
Denise Parsick and Judy Quinby. Thanks
to Judy Daigle for becoming the captain of
our new team #12! She could use a few
more to complete her team. Any questions? Please
contact Denise Parsick at or
Second Collection August 14th, 2016
The second collection on August 14th will be given to
the Diocesan Office of Youth Ministry. The money
that is raised from the second collection will go to help
fund the scholarship fund, but more specifically, the
money will help with the ongoing funding of the
Diocesan Missionary Team. The Diocesan Missionary
Team consists of a team of six missionaries that will
be traveling this year to give retreats to youth
ministry programs across the Diocese of Charleston.
This year they will be coming to our parish to give
talks to our teens. Their goal is simple, to help young
people learn and understand the grace of Truth that
will set them free!
Thank you and God Bless!
August 7, 2016 | Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
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Grades preK3-6. Please call 843-522-2163 or stop by.
Upcoming Events St. Peter Catholic School 2016-2017
25th Anniversary Celebration all year long!
Thursday, August 18th, 6:00 p.m.
Teacher Meet, Greet,
Eat and 1st PTO Meeting
Annual Homes for the Holidays Gala, Silent Auction, and Tour
of Homes: Friday, November 18th to Sunday, November 20th
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August 7, 2016 | Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
“TODAY Patriotic Rosary Novena”
Please join in community for the
Patriotic Rosary, 3:15, main church,
month 6 of our 9-month “Novena to Our
Lady, Queen of Peace."
A Mass for Healing
For healing of mind, body, and soul come and receive the
healing power of Jesus Christ, who is the Supreme Healer
Saturday, August 20, 2016
9:00 AM
St. Peter Church
70 Lady’s Island Drive, Beaufort, SC 29907
Celebrant, Reverend Casmir Maduakor
All volunteers (18 and older) who have contact with
children need to complete a VIRTUS course.
Next trainings
Today August 7, 1:00pm - St. Clare Room
August 25, 6:00pm - School Library
September 11, 1:00pm - St. Clare Room
September 17, October 15,
November 19, December 17
St Peter’s Healing and Intercessory Prayer Ministries
Celine Sayers 843-271-5374
Online registration is required.
There will be a social night on
Wednesday, August 10, 2016.
There will be many different games and
activities. Come hang out before going back
to school. It will be a blast.
Children’s Liturgy of the Word, for children ages 3-7, gathers
during the readings of Sunday, 10:00am Masses to hear
God’s message at their level of understanding. Prayers,
blessings, and responses that are similar to Mass parts are
used with the children.
Sunday, August 7,
following 10:00am Mass
Meet in the narthex of the church!
Leaders and assistants ideally take one Sunday a month.
Please consider sharing your time.
Susan Brown, or 843-522-1505
Attending a VIRTUS class is necessary. See dates in this
bulletin, there is one August 7 at 1:00pm.
Time: 6:30pm-8:00pm
Location: Fieldhouse
August 7, 2016 | Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
St. Peter’s Catechist KickKick-off
St. Peter’s Catholic School teachers, Catechesis of the
Good Shepherd facilitators, PSR teachers, youth leaders,
Adult Faith Formation leaders
Sunday, August 28
Faith that can move mountains… (Matthew 17:20)
Join us in the Social Hall following 10amMass for
brunch and personal formation presented by
Sister Kathy Adamski, OSF, Manager of Pastoral
Formation, Diocese of Charleston
Nancy Compton,
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Religious Education for Children and Teens
2016-2017 School Year
August 14 and 28
Catechesis of the Good Shephard– ages 3-9,
Hands-on religious formation in our specially prepared
Atrium. Meets Sundays, 11:30am, or Wednesday,
Parish School of Religion (PSR)- Grades 1-5,
formation in our parish school by level for children not
enrolled in Catholic school. Meets Wednesdays,
Middle School Youth Group (EDGE) – Grades 6-8,
weekly youth group that provides a safe and fun way for
middle school students to know Jesus. Meets on
Wednesdays 6:30-8:00pm.
High School Youth Group (LifeTeen)– Grades 9-12,
weekly youth group in which high school students are
invited to dive deeper in their faith and have a strong
focus on the Eucharist. Meets Sundays, 6:00-8:00pm.
$20 for one child, $40 per family
Registration forms also available online at
Youth programing fall season is right around the corner!
We have numerous returning catechists, but there is
a need for more.
∗Parish School of Religion (PSR)
Baptism Preparation
A few facts about having a child baptized in the
Catholic faith at St. Peter’s
(Wednesday evenings)
∗Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
(Wednesday evenings or
Sundays after the 10am Mass)
∗Children’s Liturgy of the Word
(Sundays during the 10am Mass)
∗Middle School Youth Ministry (EDGE)
(Wednesday evenings)
∗High School Youth Ministry (LifeTeen)
(Sunday evenings)
Anyone who enjoys children of any age,
we have a place for you!
VIRTUS training and background screening will be required.
Nancy Compton, DFFE
Robert Rosa-Cruz, Youth Minister
• Parents are to a registered and practicing
member of the parish.
• Parents are to attend the two monthly classes that usually
the first two Monday’s of the month.
• Deacon Gene Kelenski teaches the classes, works with
parents in choosing qualified godparents, and schedules the
• The best time to take the classes is in the last trimester of
pregnancy by both parents.
Registration forms are available online, in the narthex of
the church, and in the parish office.
Deacon Gene Kelenski,
August 7, 2016 | Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
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Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults
And Adult Faith Formation
Do you…
♦Have questions about the church?
♦Want to understand your faith better?
♦Want to know more about the Catholic Church?
♦Have not received the Sacrament of Confirmation
♦Desire to become Catholic?
Any of these is a fit for RCIA.
Monday Evenings, beginning September 12
St. Francis Room in the John Neumann Wing
Questions or preregistration: Deacon Bill Lacombe,
Discover your personal faith journey is Scripture
Focus on the word of God as it comes alive in daily living. See
yourself in the living Word, thus enriching your faith, prayer life,
and Scriptural understanding.
Deacon Gene Kelenski
When? First two Tuesdays of each month, 6:30-8:30pm
First classes: September 6 &13
Who? Anyone who wants to learn MORE
Where? St. Francis room in the John Neuman Wing
Questions or RSVP?, or Nancy Compton,
Once a Catholic,
Always a Catholic
Too often we try to live a faith we don't know or understand. Some of us stumble along with it, going through
the motions. Others simply walk away.
What about living it? Explore how Jesus gave us the
Sacraments, the Mass, and the rich treasures of Church
teaching to quicken our faith and bring vibrancy to our
Catholic lives.
Discover the peace
that only comes from
God in the church,
our home.
Questions about the Catholic faith?
Did you get out of the routine?
Contact Deacon Tom Cook, , 410-507-5187
I remember the devotion of your youth, how you
loved me as a bride,. Following me in the desert,
in a land unsown. - Jerimiah 2:2
August 7, 2016 | Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
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August 7, 2016 | Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
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St. Peter's Parish had another fun and successful event with the newly expanded Summer Sale,
and the leadership team would like to express our appreciation to all who helped! Did you
work? Did you donate? Did you shop? This thank you is for YOU! The Summer Sale had a goal
of raising $20,000 to fund the many ministries of our parish and to assist with the operating
expenses that come along with the day to day maintenance of our beautiful campus. With your help, we
grossed that income goal and came quite close to netting it (income and expenses still incoming).
Nearly New Clothing, Books, Jewelry & Boutique and Silent Auction booths were all full of items that some
decided they no longer needed and that others decided were just right for them! It's such a great recycling
event - everybody wins! The treats at the Sweet Shoppe and the BBQ dinners were appreciated by all and
we thank Sarah Stone of Carolina CuppityCakes and her Sweet Shoppe team and John Mathews and his
BBQ team for providing all the deliciousness!
Thank YOU from all the leadership team - Judy, Denise, Christi, and Susan
If you got your purchases home and realized that you need to clear out some space to make room for them,
never fear! The 57th Annual Fall Bazaar is right around the corner on the first Saturday of October. The Silent
Auction is replenishing and ready to collect your art, furniture, and finer home goods. Jewelry and purses
are collected year round; and White Elephant will begin their collection now also. Please drop off your
donations at the church office or contact one of the individuals below for more information:
White Elephant: Judy Daigle / 843-592-0708
Silent Auction: Christi Trumps / 843-252-8990 OR Susan Heim / 843-575-1031
St. Peter's Catholic Church Summer Sale July 14-17, 2016
Financial Report
***Preliminary as of July 31, 2016**
Name of Booth
BBQ Dinners
Books & Tapes
Christmas in July
Nearly New/Boutique
Silent Auction
Sweet Shoppe
Grand Totals
Income by Booth
Expenses by Booth
Net Profit
If you have any questions, feel free to contact Cecilia Collins or Karen Widenhouse at 522-9555.
Thank you to all our hard working volunteers that made the Summer Sale such a huge success!
May you all be blessed. Mark your calendar for the Annual Bazaar Saturday, October, 1, 2016
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August 7, 2016 | Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Parish Calendar of the Week
Room Key
CH = Church
CONF = Conference Room
FH = Field House
HCM = Holy Cross Mission
JTGS = Jesus, The Good
LIB = School Library
MQP = Mary, Queen of Peace
SJB= St. John Bosco
SJD = St. Juan Diego
STM = St. Monica Room
STCL = St. Clare Room
STFA = ST. Francis of Assisi
STFA = Nursery
OC = Off Campus
SCH = School
SH = Social Hall
SJBW = St. Joseph Bridal/
Wake Room
WPR = Walsh Palmetto Room
Sunday | August 7
Virtus training | 1:00 p.m. | STCL
Patriotic Rosary | 3:15 p.m. | CH
Children’s Liturgy Team Meeting | 11:00 a.m. | CH
Monday | August 8
Mah Jongg | 12:30 p.m. | STCL
Book Club | 12:30 p.m. | MQP
Ancient Order of Hibernians | 5:00p.m. | MQP
Healing and Intercessory Ministries | 5:30 p.m. | STM
Tuesday | August 9
Rosary Makers | 9:00 a.m. | SJD
Wednesday | August 10
Men’s Prayer Group | 6:15 a.m. | SJD
Rotary | 12:00 p.m. | WPR
Middle School Youth Social Night | 6:30 p.m. | FH
Knights of Columbus Bingo | 7:00 p.m. | OC
Collection Report for the Month of:
July 2016
St. Peter’s Attendance (avg wkly):
Holy Cross Attendance (avg wkly):
St. Peter's Offertory/Pledge/CIF
Holy Cross Offertory
Other Income
Less Estimated Monthly Expenses
Surplus (Deficit) for month
Other Income: donuts, rent, flowers, candles,
cd's, PSR fees, Bazaar, Miscellaneous
Mortgage Payment Reduction
Monthly Payment Goal
Monthly Collections
Short fall
Principal Loan Balance: $402,386
Thank You For Supporting Your Parish!!
Thursday | August 11
Legion of Mary | 10:30 a.m. | MQP
Al Anon | 7:30 p.m. | MQP
Saturday | August 12
Confessions | 11:30 a.m. | CH
Confessions | 4:30 p.m. | HCM
Confessions (Spanish) | 6:00 p.m. | CH
Let us turn our hearts back to God
and allow him to lead and guide us so
that we can fulfill God’s plan and
purpose for our lives and marriages.
The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekends are:
September 30 - Oct 2, 2016 in Myrtle Beach, SC and
November 4-6, 2016 in Atlantic Beach, NC.
Where can you meet inspired Catholics and inspiring speakers, like
Hector Molina, Carol
Eipers of William Sadlier,
Inc. and more!
At the Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center!
Be there!
Be nourished by the gift of the Eucharist and ignited by
the Fire of the Holy Spirit as we bring the gospel to life!
On Fire with Faith – Saturday, August 13
Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center in Columbia,
Early sign up is recommended.
For more information visit our website at: or contact us at or
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August 7, 2016 | Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Horarios de Oficina:
70 Lady’s Island Drive
Beaufort, SC 29907
Tel:(843) 522-9555 ext.556
Tel. directo: 982-6251
Fax: (843) 522-0667
Página web: stpeters@stpeters –
Martes, de 1:00 pm a 7:00 pm
Miércoles, 5:00 pm a 7:00 pm
Jueves, de 1: 00 pm a 7:00 pm
Viernes, de 11:00 am a 7:00 pm
Sábados, de 4:00 pm a 7:00pm
Misa en Español:
Sábados ~ 7:00 pm
Para cualquier información con Sr. Maricela
tel. 843 540 2459
“Cada momento que pases en la presencia del
Santísimo Sacramento aumenta su divina presencia en ti fortaleciendo tu relación
personal con el Señor.”
Lecturas de la
Lunes 8
San Domingo, presbitero
Ez 1,2-5,24-28c
Sal 147,1-2,11-14
Mt 17,22-27
Martes 9
Santa Teresa Benedicta
de la cruz, virgen, mártir.
Ez 2,8-3:4
Viernes 12
Santa Juana Francisca
de Chantal
Ez 16,1-15,60,63
(Sal) Is 12,2-3,4bcd,5-6
Mt 19,3-12
sábado 13
San Ponciano Papa y
san Hipólito.
Mt 18,1-5,10,12-14
Ez 18,1-10,13b,3032
Sal 50,12-15,18-19
Miércoles 10
Mt 19,13-15
Sn. Lorenzo, Diacono
2 Cor 9,6-10
Sal 111,1-2,5-9
Jn 12,24-26
Jueves 11
Santa Clara, Virgen
Ez 12,1-12
Sal 77,56-59,61-62
Mt 18,21-19;1
Domingo 14
XX Domingo
Jr 38,4-6,8-10
Sal 39,2-4,18
Heb 12,1-4
Lc 12,49-53
Descarga la aplicacion Radio
desde la App store o Siguenos por
Facebook. Radio catolica.
Padre Luis Serrano: Se
llevaran a cabo los sábados
a las 6:30 p.m. en el hall de
la Iglesia.
necesario hacer cita a la
oficina, por lo menos seis
meses antes de la fecha de
matrimonio deseada. Llame
para pedir una cita.
Inscripciones abiertas para las
clases de educación religiosas,
favor de llenar el formulario para
inscribir a su niño. Para mas in- PRESENTACIONES DE
formación pasar a la oficina.
NIÑOS: Solicite
información con un mes de
anticipación en la oficina.
RICA educación Religiosa para
adultos, inscripciones abiertas,
para las personas que les falta BAUTIZOS: los padrinos
un sacramento.
de los niños que serán
Para las personas que están registradas en la parroquia y han
cambiado de domicilio o de numero de teléfono, favor pasar a la
oficina para actualizar sus datos.
Se invita a las personas que gusten estar una hora con el Santísimo. Los horarios están disponibles en el boletín. Dios quiere
estar un momento contigo no le
cierres la puerta de tu corazón.
La oficina del ministerio
hispano estará cerrada
del 7 al 21 de Agosto.
bautizados deberán asistir a
una plática de preparación.
Por favor llame a la Oficina
del Ministerio Hispano para mas
información sobre los requisitos. Los
niños mayores de 7 años necesitarán
una preparación adicional.
La preparación serán cada dos meses.
Solicite información
con tres meses de
anticipación y llame a
la oficina para pedir
una cita.
Intension universal: Que los depor tes sean una opor tunidad de encuentr o amistoso entr e las per sonas y
contribuyan a la paz en el mundo.
Intension por la evangelizacion: Que los Cr istianos vivan el Evangeliuo, dando testimonio de la fe, la honestidad, y el amor al projimo.