GS-35F-0653T - Amazon Web Services
GS-35F-0653T - Amazon Web Services
NetCom Learning 20 W 33rd St, 4th FL New York NY 10001 Ph: 212-629-7265 Fax: 212-947-5462 Contract Number: GS-35F-0653T General Services Administration Federal Supply Service Products and ordering information in this Authorized FSS Information Technology Schedule Pricelist are also available on the GSA Advantage! System. Agencies can browse GSA Advantage! by accessing the Federal Supply Service s Home Page via the Internet at: NetCom Learning | Contract Number: GS-35F-0653T | INFORMATION FOR ORDERING ACTIVITIES APPLICABLE TO ALL SPECIAL ITEM NUMBERS SPECIAL NOTICE TO AGENCIES: Small Business Participation SBA strongly supports the participation of small business concerns in the Federal Acquisition Service. To enhance Small Business Participation SBA policy allows agencies to include in their procurement base and goals, the dollar value of orders expected to be placed against the Federal Supply Schedules, and to report accomplishments against these goals. For orders exceeding the micropurchase threshold, FAR 8.404 requires agencies to consider the catalogs/pricelists of at least three schedule contractors or consider reasonably available information by using the GSA Advantage! online shopping service ( The catalogs/pricelists, GSA Advantage! and the Federal Acquisition Service Home Page ( contain information on a broad array of products and services offered by small business concerns. This information should be used as a tool to assist ordering activities in meeting or exceeding established small business goals. It should also be used as a tool to assist in including small, small disadvantaged, and women-owned small businesses among those considered when selecting pricelists for a best value determination. For orders exceeding the micropurchase threshold, customers are to give preference to small business concerns when two or more items at the same delivered price will satisfy their requirement. 1. GEOGRAPHIC SCOPE OF CONTRACT: Domestic delivery is delivery within the 48 contiguous states, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Washington, DC, and U.S. Territories. Domestic delivery also includes a port or consolidation point, within the aforementioned areas, for orders received from overseas activities. Overseas delivery is delivery to points outside of the 48 contiguous states, Washington, DC, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and U.S. Territories. Offerors are requested to check one of the following boxes: [ ] The Geographic Scope of Contract will be domestic and overseas delivery. [ ] The Geographic Scope of Contract will be overseas delivery only. [x] The Geographic Scope of Contract will be domestic delivery only. For Special Item Number 132-53 Wireless Services ONLY, if awarded, list the limited geographic coverage area: __________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. CONTRACTOR’S ORDERING ADDRESS AND PAYMENT INFORMATION: NETCom Learning Inc 20 W 33rd St, 4th FL New York NY 10001 Att: Accounting / Titu Sarder Primary Sales POC Titu Sarder NetCom Learning | Contract Number: GS-35F-0653T | | Page 2 of 16 212-629-7265 Ex 5420 Primary Accounting POC James Mayer 646-747-7734 Secondary Acounting POC Mudit Mittal 646-747-5390 Contractor must accept the credit card for payments equal to or less than the micro-purchase for oral or written orders under this contract. The Contractor and the ordering agency may agree to use the credit card for dollar amounts over the micro-purchase threshold (See GSAR 552.232-79 Payment by Credit Card). In addition, bank account information for wire transfer payments will be shown on the invoice. The following telephone number(s) can be used by ordering activities to obtain technical and/or ordering assistance: 212-629-7265, 888-563-8266 When Authorized Dealers are allowed by the Contractor to bill ordering activities and accept payment, the order and/or payment must be in the name of the Contractor, in care of the Authorized Dealer. 3. LIABILITY FOR INJURY OR DAMAGE The Contractor shall not be liable for any injury to ordering activity personnel or damage to ordering activity property arising from the use of equipment maintained by the Contractor, unless such injury or damage is due to the fault or negligence of the Contractor. 4. STATISTICAL DATA FOR GOVERNMENT ORDERING OFFICE COMPLETION OF STANDARD FORM 279: Block 9: G. Order/Modification Under Federal Schedule Contract Block 16: Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) Number: __078843526____________ Block 30: Type of Contractor: ___Small Business_________________________ A. B. C. G. L. Small Disadvantaged Business Other Small Business Large Business Other Nonprofit Organization Foreign Contractor NetCom Learning | Contract Number: GS-35F-0653T | | Page 3 of 16 Block 31: Woman-Owned Small Business - _____NO___________ **Yes or No** Block 37: Contractor's Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN): ___11-3464998_____________ Block 40: Veteran Owned Small Business (VOSB): _________________________ A: B: Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business Other Veteran Owned Small Business 4a. 4b. CAGE Code: __435K7___________ Contractor has registered with the Central Contractor Registration Database. 5. FOB DESTINATION 6. DELIVERY SCHEDULE a. TIME OF DELIVERY: The Contractor shall deliver to destination within the number of calendar days after receipt of order (ARO), as set forth below: SPECIAL ITEM NUMBER DELIVERY TIME (Days ARO) ______________ _____ Days ______________ _____ Days b. URGENT REQUIREMENTS: When the Federal Supply Schedule contract delivery period does not meet the bona fide urgent delivery requirements of an ordering activity, ordering activities are encouraged, if time permits, to contact the Contractor for the purpose of obtaining accelerated delivery. The Contractor shall reply to the inquiry within 3 workdays after receipt. (Telephonic replies shall be confirmed by the Contractor in writing.) If the Contractor offers an accelerated delivery time acceptable to the ordering activity, any order(s) placed pursuant to the agreed upon accelerated delivery time frame shall be delivered within this shorter delivery time and in accordance with all other terms and conditions of the contract. c. i. SIN 132-54 and SIN 132-55, ACCELERATED SERVICE DELIVERY (7 calendar days or less): the time required for COMSATCOM services to be available after order award. Under Accelerated Service Task Orders, service acceptance testing, unless otherwise required by the satellite provider or host nation, shall be deferred until Ordering Activity operations permit. ii. SIN 132-54 and SIN 132-55, TIME-CRITICAL DELIVERY (4 hours or less): the time required for COMSATCOM services to be available after order award. Under Time-Critical Task Orders, service acceptance testing unless otherwise required by the satellite provider or host nation shall be deferred until Ordering Activity operations permit. Time-Critical Delivery shall be predicated on the availability of COMSATCOM transponded capacity (contracted bandwidth and power, pre-arranged Host Nation Agreements, frequency clearance) or COMSATCOM subscription services (bandwidth, terminals, network resources, etc.). iii. For SIN 132-54 and SIN 132-55, EXTENDED SERVICE DELIVERY TIMES: the time required under extenuating circumstances for COMSATCOM services to be available after order award. Such extenuating circumstances may include extended time required for host nation agreements or landing rights, or other time intensive service delivery requirements as defined in the individual requirement. Any such extended delivery times will be negotiated between the Ordering Activity and Contractor. 7. DISCOUNTS: Prices shown are NET Prices; Basic Discounts have been deducted. NetCom Learning | Contract Number: GS-35F-0653T | | Page 4 of 16 8. a. Prompt Payment: _3__% - _10__ days from receipt of invoice or date of acceptance, whichever is later. b. Quantity c. Dollar Volume d. Government Educational Institutions receive the same discount as all other Government customers. TRADE AGREEMENTS ACT OF 1979, as amended: All items are U.S. made end products, designated country end products, Caribbean Basin country end products, Canadian end products, or Mexican end products as defined in the Trade Agreements Act of 1979, as amended. 9. STATEMENT CONCERNING AVAILABILITY OF EXPORT PACKING: 10. Small Requirements: The minimum dollar of orders to be issued is $__100___. **See 52.216-19, ORDER LIMITATIONS, paragraph (a) Minimum Order.** 11. MAXIMUM ORDER (All dollar amounts are exclusive of any discount for prompt payment.) a. The Maximum Order for the following Special Item Numbers (SINs) is $500,000: Special Item Number 132-3 - Leasing of Product Special Item Number 132-4 – Daily / Short Term Rental Special Item Number 132-8 - Purchase of Equipment Special Item Number 132-9 - Purchase of Used or Refurbished Equipment Special Item Number 132-12 - Equipment Maintenance Special Item Number 132-32 - Term Software Licenses Special Item Number 132-33 - Perpetual Software Licenses Special Item Number 132-34 - Maintenance of Software as a Service Special Item Number 132-51 - Information Technology Professional Services Special Item Number 132-52 - Electronic Commerce (EC) Services Special Item Number 132-53 – Wireless Services Special Item Number 132-54 – Commercial Satellite Communications (COMSATCOM) Transponded Capacity Special Item Number 132-55 – Commercial Satellite Communications (COMSATCOM) Subscription Services b. The Maximum Order for the following Special Item Numbers (SINs) is $25,000: Special Item Number 132-50 - Training Courses c. The Maximum Order for the following Special Item Numbers (SINs) is $1,000,000: Special Item Number 132-60A-F – Access Certificates for Electronic Services (ACES) Program Special Item Number 132-61 – Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) Shared Service Provider (SSP) Program Special Item Number 132-62 – HSPD-12 Product and Service Components d. The Maximum Order for the following Special Item Numbers (SINs) is $150,000: Special Item Number 132-100 - Ancillary Supplies and/or Services NetCom Learning | Contract Number: GS-35F-0653T | | Page 5 of 16 12. ORDERING PROCEDURES FOR FEDERAL SUPPLY SCHEDULE CONTRACTS Ordering activities shall use the ordering procedures of Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 8.405 when placing an order or establishing a BPA for supplies or services. These procedures apply to all schedules. a. FAR 8.405-1 Ordering procedures for supplies, and services not requiring a statement of work. b. FAR 8.405-2 Ordering procedures for services requiring a statement of work. 13. FEDERAL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY/TELECOMMUNICATION STANDARDS REQUIREMENTS: ordering activities acquiring products from this Schedule must comply with the provisions of the Federal Standards Program, as appropriate (reference: NIST Federal Standards Index). Inquiries to determine whether or not specific products listed herein comply with Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) or Federal Telecommunication Standards (FED-STDS), which are cited by ordering activities, shall be responded to promptly by the Contractor. 13.1 FEDERAL INFORMATION PROCESSING STANDARDS PUBLICATIONS (FIPS PUBS): Information Technology products under this Schedule that do not conform to Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) should not be acquired unless a waiver has been granted in accordance with the applicable "FIPS Publication." Federal Information Processing Standards Publications (FIPS PUBS) are issued by the U.S. Department of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), pursuant to National Security Act. Information concerning their availability and applicability should be obtained from the National Technical Information Service (NTIS), 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, Virginia 22161. FIPS PUBS include voluntary standards when these are adopted for Federal use. Individual orders for FIPS PUBS should be referred to the NTIS Sales Office, and orders for subscription service should be referred to the NTIS Subscription Officer, both at the above address, or telephone number (703) 487-4650. 13.2 FEDERAL TELECOMMUNICATION STANDARDS (FED-STDS): Telecommunication products under this Schedule that do not conform to Federal Telecommunication Standards (FED-STDS) should not be acquired unless a waiver has been granted in accordance with the applicable "FED-STD." Federal Telecommunication Standards are issued by the U.S. Department of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), pursuant to National Security Act. Ordering information and information concerning the availability of FED-STDS should be obtained from the GSA, Federal Acquisition Service, Specification Section, 470 East L’Enfant Plaza, Suite 8100, SW, Washington, DC 20407, telephone number (202)619-8925. Please include a self-addressed mailing label when requesting information by mail. Information concerning their applicability can be obtained by writing or calling the U.S. Department of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20899, telephone number (301)975-2833. 14. (a) CONTRACTOR TASKS / SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS (C-FSS-370) (NOV 2003) Security Clearances: The Contractor may be required to obtain/possess varying levels of security clearances in the performance of orders issued under this contract. All costs associated with obtaining/possessing such security clearances should be factored into the price offered under the Multiple Award Schedule. (b) Travel: The Contractor may be required to travel in performance of orders issued under this contract. Allowable travel and per diem charges are governed by Pub .L. 99-234 and FAR Part 31, and are reimbursable by the ordering agency or can be priced as a fixed price item on orders placed under the Multiple Award Schedule. Travel in performance of a task order will only be reimbursable to the extent authorized by the ordering agency. The Industrial Funding Fee does NOT apply to travel and per diem charges. NetCom Learning | Contract Number: GS-35F-0653T | | Page 6 of 16 (c) Certifications, Licenses and Accreditations: As a commercial practice, the Contractor may be required to obtain/possess any variety of certifications, licenses and accreditations for specific FSC/service code classifications offered. All costs associated with obtaining/ possessing such certifications, licenses and accreditations should be factored into the price offered under the Multiple Award Schedule program. (d) Insurance: As a commercial practice, the Contractor may be required to obtain/possess insurance coverage for specific FSC/service code classifications offered. All costs associated with obtaining/possessing such insurance should be factored into the price offered under the Multiple Award Schedule program. (e) Personnel: The Contractor may be required to provide key personnel, resumes or skill category descriptions in the performance of orders issued under this contract. Ordering activities may require agency approval of additions or replacements to key personnel. (f) Organizational Conflicts of Interest: Where there may be an organizational conflict of interest as determined by the ordering agency, the Contractor’s participation in such order may be restricted in accordance with FAR Part 9.5. (g) Documentation/Standards: The Contractor may be requested to provide products or services in accordance with rules, regulations, OMB orders, standards and documentation as specified by the agency’s order. (h) Data/Deliverable Requirements: Any required data/deliverables at the ordering level will be as specified or negotiated in the agency’s order. (i) Government-Furnished Property: As specified by the agency’s order, the Government may provide property, equipment, materials or resources as necessary. (j) Availability of Funds: Many Government agencies’ operating funds are appropriated for a specific fiscal year. Funds may not be presently available for any orders placed under the contract or any option year. The Government’s obligation on orders placed under this contract is contingent upon the availability of appropriated funds from which payment for ordering purposes can be made. No legal liability on the part of the Government for any payment may arise until funds are available to the ordering Contracting Officer. (k) Overtime: For professional services, the labor rates in the Schedule should not vary by virtue of the Contractor having worked overtime. For services applicable to the Service Contract Act (as identified in the Schedule), the labor rates in the Schedule will vary as governed by labor laws (usually assessed a time and a half of the labor rate). 15. CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION FOR ORDERING ACTIVITIES: Any ordering activity, with respect to any one or more delivery orders placed by it under this contract, may exercise the same rights of termination as might the GSA Contracting Officer under provisions of FAR 52.212-4, paragraphs (l) Termination for the ordering activity’s convenience, and (m) Termination for Cause (See 52.212-4) 16. GSA ADVANTAGE! GSA Advantage! is an on-line, interactive electronic information and ordering system that provides on-line access to vendors' schedule prices with ordering information. GSA Advantage! will allow the user to perform various searches across all contracts including, but not limited to: NetCom Learning | Contract Number: GS-35F-0653T | | Page 7 of 16 (1) (2) (3) Manufacturer; Manufacturer's Part Number; and Product categories. Agencies can browse GSA Advantage! by accessing the Internet World Wide Web utilizing a browser (ex.: NetScape). The Internet address is 17. PURCHASE OF OPEN MARKET ITEMS NOTE: Open Market Items are also known as incidental items, noncontract items, non-Schedule items, and items not on a Federal Supply Schedule contract. Ordering Activities procuring open market items must follow FAR 8.402(f). For administrative convenience, an ordering activity contracting officer may add items not on the Federal Supply Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) -- referred to as open market items -- to a Federal Supply Schedule blanket purchase agreement (BPA) or an individual task or delivery order, only if(1) All applicable acquisition regulations pertaining to the purchase of the items not on the Federal Supply Schedule have been followed (e.g., publicizing (Part 5), competition requirements (Part 6), acquisition of commercial items (Part 12), contracting methods (Parts 13, 14, and 15), and small business programs (Part 19)); (2) The ordering activity contracting officer has determined the price for the items not on the Federal Supply Schedule is fair and reasonable; 18. (3) The items are clearly labeled on the order as items not on the Federal Supply Schedule; and (4) All clauses applicable to items not on the Federal Supply Schedule are included in the order. CONTRACTOR COMMITMENTS, WARRANTIES AND REPRESENTATIONS a. For the purpose of this contract, commitments, warranties and representations include, in addition to those agreed to for the entire schedule contract: (1) Time of delivery/installation quotations for individual orders; (2) Technical representations and/or warranties of products concerning performance, total system performance and/or configuration, physical, design and/or functional characteristics and capabilities of a product/equipment/ service/software package submitted in response to requirements which result in orders under this schedule contract. (3) Any representations and/or warranties concerning the products made in any literature, description, drawings and/or specifications furnished by the Contractor. b. The above is not intended to encompass items not currently covered by the GSA Schedule contract. c. The maintenance/repair service provided is the standard commercial terms and conditions for the type of products and/or services awarded. 19. OVERSEAS ACTIVITIES The terms and conditions of this contract shall apply to all orders for installation, maintenance and repair of equipment in areas listed in the pricelist outside the 48 contiguous states and the District of Columbia, except as indicated below: Upon request of the Contractor, the ordering activity may provide the Contractor with logistics support, as available, in accordance with all applicable ordering activity regulations. Such ordering activity support will be provided on a NetCom Learning | Contract Number: GS-35F-0653T | | Page 8 of 16 reimbursable basis, and will only be provided to the Contractor's technical personnel whose services are exclusively required for the fulfillment of the terms and conditions of this contract. 20. BLANKET PURCHASE AGREEMENTS (BPAs) The use of BPAs under any schedule contract to fill repetitive needs for supplies or services is allowable. BPAs may be established with one or more schedule contractors. The number of BPAs to be established is within the discretion of the ordering activity establishing the BPA and should be based on a strategy that is expected to maximize the effectiveness of the BPA(s). Ordering activities shall follow FAR 8.405-3 when creating and implementing BPA(s). 21. CONTRACTOR TEAM ARRANGEMENTS Contractors participating in contractor team arrangements must abide by all terms and conditions of their respective contracts. This includes compliance with Clauses 552.238-74, Industrial Funding Fee and Sales Reporting, i.e., each contractor (team member) must report sales and remit the IFF for all products and services provided under its individual contract. 22. INSTALLATION, DEINSTALLATION, REINSTALLATION The Davis-Bacon Act (40 U.S.C. 276a-276a-7) provides that contracts in excess of $2,000 to which the United States or the District of Columbia is a party for construction, alteration, or repair (including painting and decorating) of public buildings or public works with the United States, shall contain a clause that no laborer or mechanic employed directly upon the site of the work shall received less than the prevailing wage rates as determined by the Secretary of Labor. The requirements of the Davis-Bacon Act do not apply if the construction work is incidental to the furnishing of supplies, equipment, or services. For example, the requirements do not apply to simple installation or alteration of a public building or public work that is incidental to furnishing supplies or equipment under a supply contract. However, if the construction, alteration or repair is segregable and exceeds $2,000, then the requirements of the Davis-Bacon Act applies. The ordering activity issuing the task order against this contract will be responsible for proper administration and enforcement of the Federal labor standards covered by the Davis-Bacon Act. The proper Davis-Bacon wage determination will be issued by the ordering activity at the time a request for quotations is made for applicable construction classified installation, deinstallation, and reinstallation services under SIN 132-8 or 132-9. 23. SECTION 508 COMPLIANCE. I certify that in accordance with 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (29 U.S.C. 794d), FAR 39.2, and the Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board Electronic and Information Technology (EIT) Accessibility Standards (36 CFR 1194) General Services Administration (GSA), that all IT hardware/software/services are 508 compliant: Yes ___x____ **NOTE: Contractor should answer Yes or No** The offeror is required to submit with its offer a designated area on its website that outlines the Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT) or equivalent qualification, which ultimately becomes the Government Product Accessibility Template (GPAT). Section 508 compliance information on the supplies and services in this contract are available at the following website address (URL): **NOTE: Contractor should insert the contractor’s website or other location where full details can be found.** NetCom Learning | Contract Number: GS-35F-0653T | | Page 9 of 16 The EIT standard can be found at: 24. PRIME CONTRACTOR ORDERING FROM FEDERAL SUPPLY SCHEDULES. Prime Contractors (on cost reimbursement contracts) placing orders under Federal Supply Schedules, on behalf of an ordering activity, shall follow the terms of the applicable schedule and authorization and include with each order – (a) A copy of the authorization from the ordering activity with whom the contractor has the prime contract (unless a copy was previously furnished to the Federal Supply Schedule contractor); and (b) The following statement: This order is placed under written authorization from _______ dated _______. In the event of any inconsistency between the terms and conditions of this order and those of your Federal Supply Schedule contract, the latter will govern. 25. INSURANCE—WORK ON A GOVERNMENT INSTALLATION (JAN 1997)(FAR 52.228-5) (a) The Contractor shall, at its own expense, provide and maintain during the entire performance of this contract, at least the kinds and minimum amounts of insurance required in the Schedule or elsewhere in the contract. (b) Before commencing work under this contract, the Contractor shall notify the Contracting Officer in writing that the required insurance has been obtained. The policies evidencing required insurance shall contain an endorsement to the effect that any cancellation or any material change adversely affecting the Government's interest shall not be effective— (1) For such period as the laws of the State in which this contract is to be performed prescribe; or (2) Until 30 days after the insurer or the Contractor gives written notice to the Contracting Officer, whichever period is longer. (c) The Contractor shall insert the substance of this clause, including this paragraph (c), in subcontracts under this contract that require work on a Government installation and shall require subcontractors to provide and maintain the insurance required in the Schedule or elsewhere in the contract. The Contractor shall maintain a copy of all subcontractors' proofs of required insurance, and shall make copies available to the Contracting Officer upon request. 26. SOFTWARE INTEROPERABILITY. Offerors are encouraged to identify within their software items any component interfaces that support open standard interoperability. An item’s interface may be identified as interoperable on the basis of participation in a Government agency-sponsored program or in an independent organization program. Interfaces may be identified by reference to an interface registered in the component registry located at 27. ADVANCE PAYMENTS A payment under this contract to provide a service or deliver an article for the United States Government may not be more than the value of the service already provided or the article already delivered. Advance or pre-payment is not authorized or allowed under this contract. (31 U.S.C. 3324) NetCom Learning | Contract Number: GS-35F-0653T | | Page 10 of 16 TERMS AND CONDITIONS APPLICABLE TO PURCHASE OF TRAINING COURSES FOR GENERAL PURPOSE COMMERCIAL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY EQUIPMENT AND SOFTWARE (SPECIAL ITEM NUMBER 132-50) 1. SCOPE a. The Contractor shall provide training courses normally available to commercial customers, which will permit ordering activity users to make full, efficient use of general purpose commercial IT products. Training is restricted to training courses for those products within the scope of this solicitation. b. The Contractor shall provide training at the Contractor's facility and/or at the ordering activity's location, as agreed to by the Contractor and the ordering activity. 2. ORDER Written orders, EDI orders (GSA Advantage! and FACNET), credit card orders, and orders placed under blanket purchase agreements (BPAs) shall be the basis for the purchase of training courses in accordance with the terms of this contract. Orders shall include the student's name, course title, course date and time, and contracted dollar amount of the course. 3. TIME OF DELIVERY The Contractor shall conduct training on the date (time, day, month, and year) agreed to by the Contractor and the ordering activity. 4. CANCELLATION AND RESCHEDULING a. The ordering activity will notify the Contractor at least seventy-two (72) hours before the scheduled training date, if a student will be unable to attend. The Contractor will then permit the ordering activity to either cancel the order or reschedule the training at no additional charge. In the event the training class is rescheduled, the ordering activity will modify its original training order to specify the time and date of the rescheduled training class. b. In the event the ordering activity fails to cancel or reschedule a training course within the time frame specified in paragraph a, above, the ordering activity will be liable for the contracted dollar amount of the training course. The Contractor agrees to permit the ordering activity to reschedule a student who fails to attend a training class within ninety (90) days from the original course date, at no additional charge. c. The ordering activity reserves the right to substitute one student for another up to the first day of class. d. In the event the Contractor is unable to conduct training on the date agreed to by the Contractor and the ordering activity, the Contractor must notify the ordering activity at least seventy-two (72) hours before the scheduled training date. 5. FOLLOW-UP SUPPORT The Contractor agrees to provide each student with unlimited telephone support or online support for a period of one (1) year from the completion of the training course. During this period, the student may contact the Contractor's instructors for refresher assistance and answers to related course curriculum questions. NetCom Learning | Contract Number: GS-35F-0653T | | Page 11 of 16 6. PRICE FOR TRAINING The price that the ordering activity will be charged will be the ordering activity training price in effect at the time of order placement, or the ordering activity price in effect at the time the training course is conducted, whichever is less. 7. INVOICES AND PAYMENT Invoices for training shall be submitted by the Contractor after ordering activity completion of the training course. Charges for training must be paid in arrears (31 U.S.C. 3324). PROMPT PAYMENT DISCOUNT, IF APPLICABLE, SHALL BE SHOWN ON THE INVOICE. 8. FORMAT AND CONTENT OF TRAINING a. The Contractor shall provide written materials (i.e., manuals, handbooks, texts, etc.) normally provided with course offerings. Such documentation will become the property of the student upon completion of the training class. b. **If applicable** For hands-on training courses, there must be a one-to-one assignment of IT equipment to students. c. The Contractor shall provide each student with a Certificate of Training at the completion of each training course. d. The Contractor shall provide the following information for each training course offered: (1) The course title and a brief description of the course content, to include the course format (e.g., lecture, discussion, hands-on training); (2) The length of the course; (3) Mandatory and desirable prerequisites for student enrollment; (4) The minimum and maximum number of students per class; (5) The locations where the course is offered; (6) Class schedules; and (7) Price (per student, per class (if applicable)). e. For those courses conducted at the ordering activity’s location, instructor travel charges (if applicable), including mileage and daily living expenses (e.g., per diem charges) are governed by Pub. L. 99-234 and FAR Part 31.205-46, and are reimbursable by the ordering activity on orders placed under the Multiple Award Schedule, as applicable, in effect on the date(s) the travel is performed. Contractors cannot use GSA city pair contracts. The Industrial Funding Fee does NOT apply to travel and per diem charges. f. For Online Training Courses, a copy of all training material must be available for electronic download by the students. 9. “NO CHARGE” TRAINING The Contractor shall describe any training provided with equipment and/or software provided under this contract, free of charge, in the space provided below. None NetCom Learning | Contract Number: GS-35F-0653T | | Page 12 of 16 USA COMMITMENT TO PROMOTE SMALL BUSINESS PARTICIPATION PROCUREMENT PROGRAMS PREAMBLE NetCom Learning provides commercial products and services to ordering activities. We are committed to promoting participation of small, small disadvantaged and women-owned small businesses in our contracts. We pledge to provide opportunities to the small business community through reselling opportunities, mentor-protégé programs, joint ventures, teaming arrangements, and subcontracting. COMMITMENT To actively seek and partner with small businesses. To identify, qualify, mentor and develop small, small disadvantaged and women-owned small businesses by purchasing from these businesses whenever practical. To develop and promote company policy initiatives that demonstrate our support for awarding contracts and subcontracts to small business concerns. To undertake significant efforts to determine the potential of small, small disadvantaged and women-owned small business to supply products and services to our company. To insure procurement opportunities are designed to permit the maximum possible participation of small, small disadvantaged, and women-owned small businesses. To attend business opportunity workshops, minority business enterprise seminars, trade fairs, procurement conferences, etc., to identify and increase small businesses with whom to partner. To publicize in our marketing publications our interest in meeting small businesses that may be interested in subcontracting opportunities. We signify our commitment to work in partnership with small, small disadvantaged and women-owned small businesses to promote and increase their participation in ordering activity contracts. To accelerate potential opportunities please contact Titu Sarder, President/ Director of Federal Contract: Ph: 212-629-7265 ex 5420 Fax: 212-947-5462 email: NetCom Learning | Contract Number: GS-35F-0653T | | Page 13 of 16 BEST VALUE BLANKET PURCHASE AGREEMENT FEDERAL SUPPLY SCHEDULE NetCom Learning In the spirit of the Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act (ordering activity) and (Contractor) enter into a cooperative agreement to further reduce the administrative costs of acquiring commercial items from the General Services Administration (GSA) Federal Supply Schedule Contract(s) ____________________. Federal Supply Schedule contract BPAs eliminate contracting and open market costs such as: search for sources; the development of technical documents, solicitations and the evaluation of offers. Teaming Arrangements are permitted with Federal Supply Schedule Contractors in accordance with Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 9.6. This BPA will further decrease costs, reduce paperwork, and save time by eliminating the need for repetitive, individual purchases from the schedule contract. The end result is to create a purchasing mechanism for the ordering activity that works better and costs less. Signatures Ordering Activity Date Contractor Date BPA NUMBER_____________ NetCom Learning BLANKET PURCHASE AGREEMENT Pursuant to GSA Federal Supply Schedule Contract Number(s)____________, Blanket Purchase Agreements, the Contractor agrees to the following terms of a Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) EXCLUSIVELY WITH (ordering activity): (1) The following contract items can be ordered under this BPA. All orders placed against this BPA are subject to the terms and conditions of the contract, except as noted below: MODEL NUMBER/PART NUMBER (2) *SPECIAL BPA DISCOUNT/PRICE Delivery: DESTINATION DELIVERY SCHEDULES / DATES NetCom Learning | Contract Number: GS-35F-0653T | | Page 14 of 16 (3) The ordering activity estimates, but does not guarantee, that the volume of purchases through this agreement will be _________________________. (4) This BPA does not obligate any funds. (5) This BPA expires on _________________ or at the end of the contract period, whichever is earlier. (6) The following office(s) is hereby authorized to place orders under this BPA: OFFICE (7) POINT OF CONTACT Orders will be placed against this BPA via Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), FAX, or paper. (8) Unless otherwise agreed to, all deliveries under this BPA must be accompanied by delivery tickets or sales slips that must contain the following information as a minimum: (a) Name of Contractor; (b) Contract Number; (c) BPA Number; (d) Model Number or National Stock Number (NSN); (e) Purchase Order Number; (f) Date of Purchase; (g) Quantity, Unit Price, and Extension of Each Item (unit prices and extensions need not be shown when incompatible with the use of automated systems; provided, that the invoice is itemized to show the information); and (h) Date of Shipment. (9) The requirements of a proper invoice are specified in the Federal Supply Schedule contract. Invoices will be submitted to the address specified within the purchase order transmission issued against this BPA. (10) The terms and conditions included in this BPA apply to all purchases made pursuant to it. In the event of an inconsistency between the provisions of this BPA and the Contractor’s invoice, the provisions of this BPA will take precedence. ******************************************************************************************* NetCom Learning | Contract Number: GS-35F-0653T | | Page 15 of 16 **Include the following language regarding Contractor Team Arrangements in the proposed FSS IT Schedule Pricelist.** BASIC GUIDELINES FOR USING “CONTRACTOR TEAM ARRANGEMENTS” Federal Supply Schedule Contractors may use “Contractor Team Arrangements” (see FAR 9.6) to provide solutions when responding to a ordering activity requirements. These Team Arrangements can be included under a Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA). BPAs are permitted under all Federal Supply Schedule contracts. Orders under a Team Arrangement are subject to terms and conditions or the Federal Supply Schedule Contract. Participation in a Team Arrangement is limited to Federal Supply Schedule Contractors. Customers should refer to FAR 9.6 for specific details on Team Arrangements. Here is a general outline on how it works: The customer identifies their requirements. Federal Supply Schedule Contractors may individually meet the customers needs, or - Federal Supply Schedule Contractors may individually submit a Schedules “Team Solution” to meet the customer’s requirement. Customers make a best value selection. NetCom Learning | Contract Number: GS-35F-0653T | | Page 16 of 16 NetCom Learning GSA Price List GSA Contract# GS35F-653T ILT Training SIN 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 Vendor Name Adobe Adobe Adobe Adobe Adobe Adobe Adobe Adobe Adobe Adobe Adobe Adobe Adobe Adobe Adobe Adobe Adobe Adobe Adobe Adobe Adobe Adobe Adobe Adobe Adobe Adobe Adobe Adobe Adobe Adobe Adobe Adobe Adobe Adobe Adobe Adobe Adobe Adobe Adobe Adobe Adobe Adobe Adobe Adobe Adobe Adobe Adobe Adobe Adobe Adobe Adobe Adobe Adobe Adobe Adobe Adobe Adobe GS-35F-0653T Vendor Course # 421 431 432 433 451 452 668 669 698 5606 5607 5608 5609 5769 5770 5784 5785 5786 5787 5788 9677 9678 76140 76142 76168 76750 76751 78164 78166 78171 78173 78175 78176 78178 78180 78181 78183 78185 78187 78188 78191 78193 78195 78197 78320 78322 78324 78326 78808 78810 78811 78812 78813 78820 78822 78824 78826 NetCom Course # 421 431 432 433 451 452 668 669 698 5606 5607 5608 5609 5769 5770 5784 5785 5786 5787 5788 9677 9678 5605 5610 5613 5614 5615 5611 5612 5741 5742 5743 5535 5536 5537 5705 5710 5715 5632 5633 5718 5723 5719 5720 5531 5532 5534 5533 5505 5510 5520 5525 5515 5526 5527 5528 5529 Contact Information Phone: (212) 629 7265 email: 20 West 33rd Street, Fourth Floor New York, NY 10001 Course Name GSA Price with IFF Adobe Photoshop CS3: Level 1 $ 339.15 Adobe Illustrator CS3: Level 1 $ 339.15 Adobe InDesign CS3: Level 2 $ 339.15 Adobe Illustrator CS3: Level 2 $ 339.15 Adobe InDesign CS3: Level 1 $ 339.15 Adobe Photoshop CS3: Level 2 $ 339.15 Dreamweaver CS3: Level 2 $ 339.15 Dreamweaver CS3: Level 1 $ 339.15 Dreamweaver CS3: Level 3 $ 339.15 Adobe Photoshop CS2: Level 1 $ 339.15 Adobe Photoshop CS2: Level 2 $ 339.15 Adobe Illustrator CS2: Level 1 $ 339.15 Adobe Illustrator CS2: Level 2 $ 339.15 Adobe InDesign CS2: Level 1 $ 339.15 Adobe InDesign CS2: Level 2 $ 339.15 Flash 8: Level 1 $ 339.15 Flash 8: Level 2 (ActionScript) $ 339.15 Flash 8: Level 3 $ 339.15 Dreamweaver 8: Level 1 $ 339.15 Dreamweaver 8: Level 2 $ 339.15 Acrobat 8.0: Level 2 $ 339.15 Acrobat 8.0: Level 1 $ 339.15 Flash 5: Introduction (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 169.15 Flash 5: Advanced (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 169.15 Flash MX: ActionScript (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 339.15 Director MX: Level 1 (Windows) (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 339.15 Director MX: Level 2 (Windows) (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 339.15 Flash MX: Level 1 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 339.15 Flash MX: Level 2 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 339.15 PageMaker 7.0: Level 1 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 339.15 PageMaker 7.0: Level 2 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 339.15 PageMaker 7.0: Level 3 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 339.15 FrameMaker 7.0 Level 1 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 339.15 FrameMaker 7.0: Level 2 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 339.15 FrameMaker 7.0: Level 3 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 339.15 Illustrator 10: Level 1 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 339.15 Illustrator 10: Level 2 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 339.15 Illustrator 10: Level 3 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 339.15 FreeHand MX: Level 1 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 339.15 FreeHand MX: Level 2 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 339.15 GoLive CS -Level 1: Developing Web Sites (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 296.65 GoLive CS -Level 2: Developing Dynamic Interactive Layouts (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 296.65 InDesign CS: Creating Basic Publications: Level 1 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 296.65 InDesign CS: Creating Sophisticated Type Graphics and Cross-Media Publishing: Level 2 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 296.65 Photoshop CS: Basic Image Enhancement: Level 1 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 296.65 Photoshop CS: Redefined Masking Image Effects and Retouching: Level 2 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 296.65 Photoshop CS: Web Production (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 296.65 Photoshop CS: Color Correction and Printing (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 296.65 Photoshop 6: Basic Skills 1 for Windows (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 84.15 Photoshop 6: Basic Skills 2 for Windows (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 152.15 Photoshop 6: Tips and Tricks for Windows (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 152.15 Photoshop 6: Web Production for Windows (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 152.15 Photoshop 6: Color Correction and Printing for Windows (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 152.15 Photoshop 7.0: Level 1 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 339.15 Photoshop 7.0: Level 2 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 339.15 Photoshop 7.0: Web Production (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 339.15 Photoshop 7.0: Color Correction and Printing (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 339.15 NetCom Learning NetCom Learning GSA Price List GSA Contract# GS35F-653T ILT Training SIN 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 Vendor Name Adobe Adobe Adobe Adobe Adobe Adobe Adobe Adobe Adobe Adobe Adobe Adobe Adobe Adobe Adobe Adobe Adobe Adobe Adobe Adobe Adobe Autodesk Autodesk Autodesk Autodesk Autodesk Autodesk Autodesk Autodesk Autodesk Autodesk Autodesk Autodesk Autodesk Autodesk Autodesk Autodesk Autodesk Autodesk Autodesk Autodesk Autodesk Autodesk Autodesk Autodesk Autodesk Autodesk BEA Systems BEA Systems BEA Systems Best Software Best Software Business Objects Business Objects Business Objects Business Objects Business Objects GS-35F-0653T Vendor Course # 78828 78921 78925 78927 78929 78931 78932 84107 84151 84152 84155 84157 84159 84537 85581 85582 084 112 4210-B 4502-B 4503-B 4510-B 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 284 285 5776 9636 9651 9652 9653 254-A 254-B 654-B 765-B 9651-B 9652-B 9653-B A11-81 A21-81 D01-81 76727 76728 143 144 85513 085517S3 085518S3 NetCom Course # 5530 5622 5623 5624 5628 5629 5625 5744 5716 5717 245 246 247 5616 5721 5722 5746 4210 4502 4503 4510 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 284 285 5776 9636 9651 9652 9653 365 543 654 765 965101 965201 965301 6300 6301 6302 383 384 143 144 141 417 418 Course Name Photoshop 7.0: Artistic Effects (1 Seat of Classroom training) Dreamweaver 4.0: Advanced (1 Seat of Classroom training) Dreamweaver MX: Level 1 (1 Seat of Classroom training) Dreamweaver MX: Level 2 (1 Seat of Classroom training) Fireworks MX Level 1 (1 Seat of Classroom training) Fireworks MX Level 2 (1 Seat of Classroom training) Dreamweaver MX: Level 3 (1 Seat of Classroom training) After Effects 6.5: Creating 2D Compositions (1 Seat of Classroom training) Illustrator CS: Creating Basic Illustrations: Level 1 (1 Seat of Classroom training) Illustrator CS: Creating Complex Illustrations: Level 2 (1 Seat of Classroom training) Acrobat 6.0: Standard (1 Seat of Classroom training) Acrobat 6.0: Professional for Creative and Print Professionals (1 Seat of Classroom training) Acrobat 6.0: Professional for Engineering Professionals (1 Seat of Classroom training) Adobe Captivate 2.0 (1 Seat of Classroom training) ColdFusion MX Level 1 (1 Seat of Classroom training) ColdFusion MX Level 2 (1 Seat of Classroom training) Premiere Pro 1.5: Basic Video Editing (1 Seat of Classroom training) Adobe Photoshop CS3 Boot Camp Acrobat 8.0 Boot Camp Dreamweaver CS3 Boot Camp Adobe InDesign CS3 Boot Camp AutoCAD 2007 Essentials (1 Seat of Classroom training) AutoCAD 2007 -Conceptual Design (1 Seat of Classroom training) AutoCAD 2007 -Creating 3D Models (1 Seat of Classroom training) AutoCAD 2007 -Designing and Managing Dynamic Blocks (1 Seat of Classroom training) AutoCAD 2007 -CAD Management (1 Seat of Classroom training) AutoCAD 2007 -Customizing the Interface and CUI Files (1 Seat of Classroom training) AutoCAD 2007 -Transitioning from 2D to 3D (1 Seat of Classroom training) AutoCAD 2007 -Transitioning from AutoCAD 2002 (1 Seat of Classroom training) AutoCAD 2007 -Transitioning from AutoCAD 2006 (1 Seat of Classroom training) AutoCAD 2007 -Creating Intelligent Tables and Schedules (1 Seat of Classroom training) AutoCAD 2007 -Printing and Plotting Your Drawings (1 Seat of Classroom training) AutoCAD 2007 -Customizing with Tool Palettes (1 Seat of Classroom training) Autodesk Revit Building 9 -Essentials (1 Seat of Classroom training) Autodesk Revit Building 9 -Advanced (1 Seat of Classroom training) Autodesk 3ds Max 8 Essentials AutoCAD Map 3D 2008: Essentials AutoCAD 2008 Creating and Presenting 3D Models AutoCAD 2008 Intermediate AutoCAD 2008 Essentials AutoCAD 2007 Essentials -Accelerated Version (1 Seat of Classroom training) AutoCAD 2007 Essentials -Boot Camp (1 Seat of Classroom training) AutoCAD 2007 Intermediate -Boot Camp AutoCAD 2007 Advanced -Boot Camp AutoCAD 2008 Creating and Presenting 3D Models -Boot Camp AutoCAD 2008 Intermediate -Boot Camp AutoCAD 2008 Essentials -Boot Camp BEA WebLogic Server 8.1: System Administration (1 Seat of Classroom training) BEA WebLogic Server 8.1: Advanced System Administration (1 Seat of Classroom training) BEA WebLogic Workshop 8.1: Rapid Application Development (1 Seat of Classroom training) ACT! 6.0: Level 1 (1 Seat of Classroom training) ACT! 6.0: Level 2 (1 Seat of Classroom training) Crystal Reports 10: Level 1 Crystal Reports 10: Level 2 Crystal Reports 9.0: Level 1 (1 Seat of Classroom training) Crystal Reports XI: Level 1 (1 Seat of Classroom training) Crystal Reports XI: Level 2 (1 Seat of Classroom training) NetCom Learning Contact Information Phone: (212) 629 7265 email: 20 West 33rd Street, Fourth Floor New York, NY 10001 GSA Price with IFF $ 339.15 $ 169.15 $ 339.15 $ 339.15 $ 339.15 $ 339.15 $ 339.15 $ 339.15 $ 296.65 $ 296.65 $ 293.25 $ 293.25 $ 293.25 $ 845.75 $ 361.25 $ 361.25 $ 339.15 $ 934.15 $ 475.15 $ 934.15 $ 934.15 $ 679.15 $ 126.65 $ 594.15 $ 254.15 $ 594.15 $ 126.65 $ 143.65 $ 143.65 $ 143.65 $ 126.65 $ 254.15 $ 126.65 $ 1,223.15 $ 815.15 $ 892.50 $ 892.50 $ 679.15 $ 679.15 $ 679.15 $ 679.15 $ 815.15 $ 815.15 $ 815.15 $ 815.15 $ 815.15 $ 815.15 $ 2,549.15 $ 2,549.15 $ 2,549.15 $ 339.15 $ 339.15 $ 675.75 $ 675.75 $ 560.15 $ 594.15 $ 594.15 NetCom Learning GSA Price List GSA Contract# GS35F-653T ILT Training SIN 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 Vendor Name Check Point Check Point Check Point Check Point Check Point Check Point Check Point Check Point Cisco Cisco Cisco Cisco Cisco Cisco Cisco Cisco Cisco Cisco Cisco Cisco Cisco Cisco Cisco Cisco Cisco Cisco Cisco Cisco Cisco Cisco Cisco Cisco Cisco Cisco Cisco Cisco Cisco Cisco Cisco Cisco Cisco Cisco Cisco Cisco Cisco Cisco Cisco Cisco Cisco Cisco Cisco Cisco Cisco Cisco Cisco Cisco Cisco GS-35F-0653T Vendor Course # 7011 8963 89634 89630-B 89631-B VPN-01 VPN-02 VPN-03 1695 1696 1698 5544 6598 6655 7515 7516 7517 7518 7621 7626 7630 7631 7632 7633 7676 7677 8021 8922 40551 40572 40573 40574 40575 40576 75051 75052 4455-B 4456-B 7030-B 7033-B 7607-B 7608-B 7609-B 7630-B 90421-B 90422-B 9043-B 90501-B 90511-B 9052-B BCMSN BCRAN BSCI CIT DESGN HIPS HIPS-B NetCom Course # 7011 8963 89634 89630 89631 7005 7015 7020 1695 1696 1698 5544 6598 6655 7515 7516 7517 7518 7621 7626 7630 7631 7632 7633 7676 7677 8021 8922 4035 7505 7519 7634 7636 7720 75051 75052 4455 4456 7030 7033 7607 7608 7609 7606 90421 90422 9043 90501 90511 905201 7610 7615 7605 7620 7530 9920 7637 Contact Information Phone: (212) 629 7265 email: 20 West 33rd Street, Fourth Floor New York, NY 10001 Course Name GSA Price with IFF Check Point Security Administration NGX III $ 2,035.75 Check Point Security Administration I NGX (R65) $ 1,529.15 Check Point Security Administration II NGX (R65) $ 1,019.15 CCSA NGX (R65) Boot Camp $ 2,124.15 CCSE NGX (R65) Boot Camp $ 1,444.15 CCSA: Check Point NG with Application Intelligence -Management I (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,274.15 CCSE: Check Point NG with Application Intelligence -Management II (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,614.15 CCSE Plus: Check Point NG with Application Intelligence -Management III (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 2,549.15 IPv6 Fundamentals (IPVSF) $ 1,270.75 IPv6 Design and Deployment (IPVSD) $ 1,780.75 IPv6 Fundamentals, Design and Deployment (IP6FD) $ 2,630.75 Cisco Wireless LAN Advanced Topics [CWLAT] $ 2,120.75 TUC: Troubleshooting Cisco Unified Communications Systems v1.0 $ 2,460.75 Cisco Wireless LAN Fundamentals [CWLF] $ 2,120.75 ITD210 Cisco Academy Semester 1 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,274.15 ITD220 Cisco Academy Semester 2 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,274.15 ITD221 Cisco Academy Semester 3 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,270.75 ITD222 Cisco Academy Semester 4 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,270.75 QoS: Implementing Cisco Quality of Service v2.1 $ 2,460.75 GWGK: Implementing Cisco Voice Gateways and Gatekeepers v2.0 $ 2,460.75 BSCI: Building Scalable Cisco Internetworks v3.0 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,806.25 BCMSN: Building Cisco Multilayer Switched Network v3.0 $ 2,375.75 ONT: The Optimizing Converged Cisco Networks v1.0 $ 2,375.75 ISCW: Implementing Secure Converged Wide Area Networks v1.0 $ 2,375.75 CIPT1: Cisco IP Telephony Part 1 v5.0 $ 2,460.75 CIPT2: Cisco IP Telephony Part 2 v5.0 $ 1,529.15 CCNA Boot Camp (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 2,120.75 Cisco Voice over IP (CVOICE) v6.0 $ 2,460.75 CUDN -Cisco Unity Design and Networking (CUDN) v1.0 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 2,120.75 CCNA / ICND: Interconnecting Cisco Network Devices v2.3 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,695.75 (MARS) v2.0 -Implementing Cisco Security Monitoring Analysis and Response System (MARS) v2.0 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,185.75 Cisco Firewall Specialist (SND + SNPA) Boot Camp (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 2,727.65 IPS Boot Camp (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,911.65 CID: Cisco Internetworking Design (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,019.15 ICND1: Interconnecting Cisco Network Devices Part 1 $ 1,695.75 ICND2: Interconnecting Cisco Network Devices Part 2 $ 1,695.75 CWLAT: Cisco Wireless LAN Advanced Topics -Boot Camp $ 1,784.15 CWLF: Cisco Wireless LAN Fundamentals -Boot Camp $ 1,784.15 CCIE Routing & Switching -Written Boot Camp $ 2,545.75 CCIE Routing & Switching -Written & Lab Boot Camp $ 5,949.15 BCMSN Boot Camp $ 1,945.65 ISCW Boot Camp $ 1,945.65 ONT Boot Camp $ 1,945.65 BSCI Boot Camp (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,758.65 ICND1: Interconnecting Cisco Network Devices Part 1 Boot Camp $ 1,784.15 ICND2: Interconnecting Cisco Network Devices Part 2 Boot Camp $ 1,784.15 CCDA Boot Camp $ 1,270.75 CVOICE +QoS Boot Camp $ 2,914.65 CIPT1 + CIPT2 v5.0 -Boot Camp $ 2,328.15 GWGK + TUC Boot Camp $ 2,914.65 BCMSN: Building Cisco Multilayer Switched Networks v2.2 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,695.75 BCRAN: Building Cisco Remote Access Networks v2.2 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,695.75 BSCI: Building Scalable Cisco InterNetworks v2.2 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,695.75 CIT: Cisco Internetworking Troubleshooting v5.2 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,695.75 CCDA / DESGN: Designing for Cisco Internetwork Solutions v1.2 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 2,035.75 HIPS: Securing Hosts Using Cisco Security Agent v2.0 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,185.75 HIPS Boot Camp (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,095.65 NetCom Learning NetCom Learning GSA Price List GSA Contract# GS35F-653T ILT Training SIN 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 Vendor Name Cisco Cisco Cisco Cisco Cisco Cisco CISSP Citrix Citrix Citrix Citrix Citrix Citrix Citrix Citrix Citrix Citrix Citrix Citrix Citrix Citrix Citrix Citrix Citrix Citrix Citrix Citrix CIW CIW CIW CIW CIW CIW CIW CompTIA CompTIA CompTIA CompTIA CompTIA CompTIA CompTIA CompTIA CompTIA CompTIA CompTIA CompTIA CompTIA CompTIA CompTIA CompTIA CompTIA CompTIA CompTIA Corel Corel Corel CWNP GS-35F-0653T Vendor Course # INTRO IPS SND SNPA SNRS SNRS-B 85547 1259 1259-F CTX-1456AI CTX-1222BB CTX-1223AI CTX-1224AI CTX-1251AI CTX1252AI CTX-1255AW CTX-1256BI CTX-1256BI-F CTX-1258AI CTX-1258AI-F CTX-1306AI CTX-1321BB CTX-1326AI CTX-1600 CTX-6101AI CTX-6102AB CTX-6103AB 40552 40555 40556 40557 40558 40561 40562 480 40545 40553 40554 77803 77804 77808 77809 77916 79171 85544 85811 85812 85820 7788-B 8000-B 9026-B onlc onlc-Test 084521IE 084522IE 084523IE 7100 NetCom Course # 7504 7514 7511 7513 7512 7635 9022 1360 13601 1456 6600 1223 1224 1251 1252 1255 1260 1256 1261 1259 1306 1321 1326 1322 1323 1324 1325 5105 5205 5210 5305 5310 5405 5410 480 500 5110 5115 470 430 420 490 570 440 550 405 410 415 7788 8000 9026 506 505 181 182 183 7100 Contact Information Phone: (212) 629 7265 email: 20 West 33rd Street, Fourth Floor New York, NY 10001 Course Name GSA Price with IFF INTRO: Introduction to Cisco Networking Technologies v2.0 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,530.00 IPS: Implementing Cisco Intrusion Prevention System (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 2,120.75 SND: Securing Cisco Network Devices v1.0 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 2,120.75 SNPA: Securing Networks with PIX and ASA (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 2,120.75 SNRS: Securing Networks with Cisco Routers and Switches (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 2,120.75 SNRS Boot Camp (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,911.65 CISSP® (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,695.75 CTX-1259AI Citrix Presentation Server 4.5: Administration (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,911.65 CTX-1259AI Citrix Presentation Server 4.5: Administration -Fast Track (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,903.15 CTX-1456AI Citrix Access Suite 4.0: Build/Test Workshop -Fast Track (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,427.15 CTX-1222BB -Citrix MetaFrame XP Presentation Server Administration (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,530.00 CTX-1223AI Citrix MetaFrame Presentation Server 3.0: Enterprise Edition Administration (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,912.50 CTX-1224AI Citrix MetaFrame Presentation Server 3.0: Skills Update from MetaFrame XP Presentation Server (1 Seat of Classroom $ training)765.00 CTX-1251AI Citrix MetaFrame Presentation Server 3.0: Management and Maintenance for the Enterprise (1 Seat of Classroom$training) 1,147.50 CTX-1252AI Citrix MetaFrame Presentation Server 3.0: Troubleshooting Enterprise Environment (1 Seat of Classroom training)$ 765.00 CTX-1255AW Citrix Presentation Server 4.0: Architectural Overview (eLearning) (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 382.50 CTX-1256BI Citrix Presentation Server 4.0: Administration (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,530.00 CTX-1256BI Citrix Presentation Server 4.0: Administration -Fast Track (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,427.15 CTX-1258AI Citrix Presentation Server 4.0: Support (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,146.65 CTX-1258AI Citrix Presentation Server 4.0: Support -Fast Track (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 2,141.15 CTX-1306AI Citrix Access Gateway 4.2 with Advanced Access Control: Administration -Fast Track (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,427.15 CTX-1321BB Citrix MetaFrame Password Manager 2.5: Administration (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 382.50 CTX-1326AI Citrix Password Manager 4.0: Administration -Fast Track (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 679.15 CTX-6100 Citrix Core Technologies and Architecture (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,270.75 CTX-6101AI Citrix MetaFrame XP Presentation Server: Design and Integration (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,270.75 CTX-6102AB Citrix Web Access: Design and Integration (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 930.75 CTX-6103AB Citrix Methodology: Successful Implementation of Citrix Solutions (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 590.75 Internet Fundamentals (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 381.65 JavaScript Fundamentals (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 765.00 Perl Fundamentals (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,147.50 Fundamentals of CGI Programming Using Perl (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 765.00 Dynamic Server Pages (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,147.50 Design Methodology and Technology (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,912.50 E-Commerce Strategies and Practices (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,912.50 CDIA+: Certified Document Imaging Architect $ 1,912.50 Train The Trainer (CTT+ / MCT) old (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,061.65 Web Page Authoring Fundamentals (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,146.65 Networking Fundamentals (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 764.15 Server+ Certification (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,695.75 Linux+ Certification (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,695.75 i-Net+ Certification (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,912.50 Network+ Certification (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,270.75 E-Biz+ (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,912.50 Project+ (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,911.65 Security+ (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,525.75 A+ Certification: Core Hardware (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 509.15 A+ Certification: Operating Systems (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 509.15 A+ Certification: 2006 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,270.75 Security+ Boot Camp $ 934.15 A+ and Network+ Combo Boot Camp $ 2,124.15 Project+ Boot Camp $ 2,120.75 Train the Trainer (CTT+ / MCT) (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,015.75 CTT+ / MCT (Written Test) (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 679.15 WordPerfect Office X3 -Level 1 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 339.15 WordPerfect Office X3 -Level 2 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 339.15 WordPerfect Office X3 -Level 3 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 339.15 CWNA: Certified Wireless Network Administrator $ 1,699.15 NetCom Learning NetCom Learning GSA Price List GSA Contract# GS35F-653T ILT Training SIN 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 Vendor Name CWNP EC-Council EC-Council EC-Council EC-Council FileMaker FileMaker HP HP IBM IBM IBM IBM IBM IBM IBM IBM IBM IBM Intuit Intuit Intuit Intuit Intuit Intuit Intuit Intuit Intuit Intuit ITIL ITIL Juniper Networks Juniper Networks Juniper Networks Juniper Networks Juniper Networks Juniper Networks Juniper Networks Juniper Networks Lotus Lotus Lotus Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application GS-35F-0653T Vendor Course # 7101 6550 6551 4254-B 7451-B 84177 84178 H1662S H4356S RS201 RS501 SW225 SW232 SW237 SW246 SW257 SW530 SW531 SW532 50929 50930 50931 50932 50939 50940 50945 50946 084741S3 084742S3 4402 442-B EDU-NS-ANSA EDU-NS-CNSA EDU-NS-INHN EDU-NS-INSG EDU-NS-INSM EDU-NS-NAVI EDU-NS-NIDP EDU-NS-NMTP 74607 74608 74609 131 132 138 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 184 185 186 187 NetCom Course # 7101 6550 6551 4254 7451 5538 5539 6401 6400 5358 5357 5350 5349 5351 5353 5352 5354 5355 5356 376 377 375 380 381 382 389 390 413 414 4402 442 4054 4053 4057 4056 4059 4058 4055 4060 240 241 242 131 132 138 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 184 185 186 187 Contact Information Phone: (212) 629 7265 email: 20 West 33rd Street, Fourth Floor New York, NY 10001 Course Name GSA Price with IFF CWSP: Certified Wireless Security Professional $ 2,124.15 Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures $ 2,124.15 Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator (CHFI) $ 2,549.15 LPT (Licensed Penetration Tester) & ECSA Combo Boot Camp $ 2,974.15 CEH and CHFI Combo Boot Camp $ 2,970.75 FileMaker Pro 7.0: Level 1 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 339.15 FileMaker Pro 7.0: Level 2 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 339.15 HP OpenView Network Node Manager on Windows I (H1662S) (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 2,545.75 HP OpenView operations for UNIX I (Administration) (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 2,124.15 Essentials of Rational ClearQuest (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 679.15 Essentials of Rational ClearCase for Windows (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,019.15 Servlet and JSP Development with WebSphere Studio Version 5 (SW225) (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 2,124.15 Introduction to Java using IBM WebSphere Studio Application Developer (SW232) (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,699.15 Developing Web Applications with WebSphere Studio 5.0 (SW237) (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,274.15 WebSphere Application Server V5 Administration (SW246) (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,699.15 Using EJBs to Develop Enterprise Applications with WebSphere Studio 5.0 (SW257) (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 2,124.15 IBM WebSphere Portal 5.0 Installation and Deployment (SW530) (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,274.15 IBM WebSphere Portal 5.0 Application Development (SW531) (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,274.15 IBM WebSphere Portal 5.0 Administration (SW532) (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,274.15 Quicken 2001: Level 1 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 169.15 Quicken 2001: Level 2 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 169.15 QuickBooks 2001: Level 1 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 169.15 QuickBooks 2001: Level 2 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 169.15 QuickBooks 2003: Level 1 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 169.15 QuickBooks 2003: Level 2 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 169.15 QuickBooks 2005: Level 1 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 208.25 QuickBooks 2005: Level 2 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 208.25 QuickBooks 2006: Level 1 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 169.15 QuickBooks 2006: Level 2 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 169.15 ITIL ITSM Foundation Certification V3 $ 1,062.50 ITIL ITSM Foundation Certification V3 -Boot Camp $ 1,062.50 Advanced NetScreen Secure Access (ANSA) (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,695.75 Configuring NetScreen Secure Access (CNSA) (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,444.15 Integrating NetScreen into High-Performance Networks (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,695.75 Implementing NetScreen Security Gateways (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 2,545.75 Implementing NetScreen Security Manager (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,695.75 NetScreen Advanced VPN Implementation (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,695.75 Implementing NetScreen Intrusion Detection and Prevention Products (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,695.75 NetScreen Management Troubleshooting and Performance Tuning (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,695.75 Lotus Notes R5 -Level 1 (Mail Features) (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 382.50 Lotus Notes R5 -Level 2 (Database Features) (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 382.50 Lotus Notes R5 -Level 3 (Advanced Features) (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 382.50 Windows XP Professional: Level 1 $ 339.15 Windows XP Professional: Level 2 $ 339.15 Computing Fundamentals $ 165.75 Word 2007: Level 1 $ 208.25 Word 2007: Level 2 $ 208.25 Word 2007: Level 3 $ 208.25 Word 2007 New Features $ 208.25 Excel 2007: Level 1 $ 208.25 Excel 2007: Level 2 $ 208.25 Excel 2007: Level 3 $ 208.25 Excel 2007 New Features $ 208.25 PowerPoint 2007: Level 1 $ 208.25 PowerPoint 2007: Level 2 $ 208.25 PowerPoint 2007 New Features $ 208.25 Access 2007: Level 1 $ 208.25 NetCom Learning NetCom Learning GSA Price List GSA Contract# GS35F-653T ILT Training SIN 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 Vendor Name Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application GS-35F-0653T Vendor Course # 188 189 190 194 195 196 197 362 403 404 406 407 408 409 481 482 483 484 4002 4003 4004 4005 4006 4007 4008 4009 4010 7455 7456 9632 9633 76200 76201 76202 76300 76301 76302 76400 76401 76402 76620 76621 76622 76722 76723 76724 76800 76801 78405 78406 78415 84119 84200 84201 84202 84260 84261 NetCom Course # 188 189 190 194 195 196 197 362 403 404 406 407 408 409 481 482 483 484 4002 4003 4004 4005 4006 4007 4008 4009 5003 7455 7456 9632 9633 210 310 392 205 305 391 220 320 394 225 325 395 335 340 345 215 315 355 360 361 399 211 212 213 148 149 Contact Information Phone: (212) 629 7265 email: 20 West 33rd Street, Fourth Floor New York, NY 10001 Course Name GSA Price with IFF Access 2007: Level 2 $ 208.25 Access 2007: Level 3 $ 208.25 Access 2007 New Features $ 208.25 Outlook 2007: Level 1 $ 208.25 Outlook 2007: Level 2 $ 208.25 Outlook 2007: Level 3 $ 208.25 Access 2007: Level 4 $ 208.25 362: Microsoft Visio 2003 Professional: Level 2 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 293.25 HTML 4.01: Web Authoring -Level 1 $ 335.75 HTML 4.01: Web Authoring -Level 2 $ 335.75 HTML 4.01: Web Authoring -Level 3 $ 335.75 XML Introduction -Level 1 $ 361.25 XML: DTD Design (Second Edition) -Level 2 $ 361.25 XML: Document Object Model -Level 3 $ 361.25 Creating Excel Macros Using Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) $ 382.50 Introduction to Programming in Access Using Visual Basic $ 637.50 Using Microsoft Visio 2003 $ 233.75 Introduction to MS Publisher 2003 $ 233.75 4002: Forecasting and Trend Analysis Using Microsoft Office Excel 2003 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 106.25 4003: Summarizing Microsoft Office Excel 2003 Data to Make Better Business Decisions (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 106.25 4004: Managing Critical Business Information Using Microsoft Office Access 2003 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 106.25 4005: Beyond the Spreadsheet: Managing Financial Information Using Microsoft Office Access 2003 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 106.25 4006: Time and Task Management Using Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 106.25 4007: Creating Effective Presentations Using Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 106.25 4008: Building Better Microsoft Office Word 2003 Documents in Less Time (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 106.25 4009: Setting Up Projects for Success Using Microsoft Office Project 2003 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 165.75 4010: E-Commerce Profitability: Online Merchandising Using Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 165.75 Microsoft Office Project 2007: Level 1 $ 293.25 Microsoft Office Project 2007: Level 2 $ 293.25 Microsoft Windows Vista: Level 1 $ 208.25 Microsoft Windows Vista: Level 2 $ 208.25 Microsoft Excel 2000: Level 1 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 208.25 Microsoft Excel 2000: Level 2 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 208.25 Microsoft Excel 2000: Level 3 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 208.25 Microsoft Word 2000: Level 1 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 208.25 Microsoft Word 2000: Level 2 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 208.25 Microsoft Word 2000: Level 3 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 208.25 Microsoft Access 2000: Level 1 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 208.25 Microsoft Access 2000: Level 2 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 208.25 Microsoft Access 2000: Level 3 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 208.25 Microsoft Outlook 2000: Level 1 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 208.25 Microsoft Outlook 2000: Level 2 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 208.25 Microsoft Outlook 2000: Level 3 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 208.25 Microsoft Project 2000: Level 1 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 293.25 Microsoft Project 2000: Level 2 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 293.25 Microsoft Project 2000: Level 3 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 293.25 Microsoft PowerPoint 2000: Level 1 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 208.25 Microsoft PowerPoint 2000: Level 2 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 208.25 Microsoft Visio 2002: Level 1 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 296.65 Microsoft Visio 2002: Level 2 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 296.65 361: Microsoft Visio 2003 Professional: Level 1 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 293.25 Microsoft Publisher 2003: Level 1 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 254.15 Microsoft Excel 2002: Level 1 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 208.25 Microsoft Excel 2002: Level 2 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 208.25 Microsoft Excel 2002: Level 3 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 208.25 Excel 2003: Level 1 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 208.25 Excel 2003: Level 2 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 208.25 NetCom Learning NetCom Learning GSA Price List GSA Contract# GS35F-653T ILT Training SIN 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 Vendor Name Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Application Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical GS-35F-0653T Vendor Course # 84262 84263 84300 84301 84302 84360 84361 84362 84400 84401 84402 84460 84461 84463 84620 84621 84622 84642 84680 84681 84682 84722 84723 84725 84726 84800 84801 84870 84871 84950 84951 84952 84953 076403S3 084403S3 4301-B 803 827 828 836 1013 1017 1026 1300 1303 1379 1505 1510 1560 1561 1562 1567 1572 1573 1592 1594 1737 NetCom Course # 150 151 206 207 208 146 147 145 221 222 223 154 155 157 226 227 228 156 158 159 160 229 230 231 232 216 217 152 153 5626 5627 5630 5631 999 998 4301 803 827 828 836 1013 1017 1026 1300 1303 1379 1505 1510 1560 1025 1030 1567 1572 1573 1592 1594 1737 Contact Information Phone: (212) 629 7265 email: 20 West 33rd Street, Fourth Floor New York, NY 10001 Course Name GSA Price with IFF Excel 2003: Level 3 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 208.25 Excel 2003: Introduction to VBA (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 361.25 Microsoft Word 2002: Level 1 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 208.25 Microsoft Word 2002: Level 2 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 208.25 Microsoft Word 2002: Level 3 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 208.25 Word 2003: Level 2 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 208.25 Word 2003: Level 3 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 208.25 Word 2003: Level 1 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 208.25 Microsoft Access 2002: Level 1 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 208.25 Microsoft Access 2002: Level 2 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 208.25 Microsoft Access 2002: Level 3 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 208.25 Access 2003: Level 1 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 208.25 Access 2003: Level 2 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 208.25 Access 2003: Level 4 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 208.25 Microsoft Outlook 2002: Level 1 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 208.25 Microsoft Outlook 2002: Level 2 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 208.25 Microsoft Outlook 2002: Level 3 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 208.25 Access 2003: Level 3 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 208.25 Outlook 2003: Level 1 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 208.25 Outlook 2003: Level 2 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 208.25 Outlook 2003: Level 3 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 208.25 Microsoft Project 2002: Level 1 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 211.65 Microsoft Project 2002: Level 2 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 211.65 Microsoft Project 2003: Level 1 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 293.25 Microsoft Project 2003: Level 2 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 293.25 Microsoft PowerPoint 2002: Level 1 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 208.25 Microsoft PowerPoint 2002: Level 2 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 208.25 PowerPoint 2003: Level 1 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 208.25 PowerPoint 2003: Level 2 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 208.25 FrontPage 2002 (XP): Level 1 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 296.65 FrontPage 2002 (XP): Level 2 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 296.65 FrontPage 2003: Level 1 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 339.15 FrontPage 2003: Level 2 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 339.15 Access 2000: Introduction To Application Development (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 361.25 Microsoft Access 2002: Level 4 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 208.25 MCAS (Word, Excel, PowerPoint 2007) Boot Camp $ 1,359.15 803: Administering Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,083.75 827: Administering Microsoft Systems Management Server 2.0 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,083.75 828: Deploying and Supporting Microsoft Systems Management Server 2.0 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,806.25 836: Secure Web Access Using Microsoft Proxy Server 2.0 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,083.75 1013: Mastering Microsoft Visual Basic 6 Development (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,806.25 1017: Mastering Web Application Development Using Microsoft Visual InterDev 6 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,806.25 1026: Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5 Series-Concepts and Administration (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,444.15 1300: Mastering Microsoft Access 2000 Programming (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,083.75 1303: Mastering Microsoft Visual Basic 6 Fundamentals (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,806.25 1379: Building Client/Server Applications with Microsoft Access 2000 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,083.75 Desktop Applications with Visual Basic 6 $ 1,444.15 Distributed Applications with Visual Basic 6 $ 1,444.15 1560: Updating Support Skills from Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 to Microsoft Windows 2000 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,806.25 1561: Designing Microsoft Windows 2000 Directory Services Infrastructure (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,083.75 1562: Designing Microsoft Windows 2000 Networking Services Infrastructure (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,444.15 1567: Preinstalling and Deploying Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 382.50 1572: Implementing and Managing Microsoft Exchange 2000 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,806.25 1573: Designing Microsoft Exchange 2000 for the Enterprise (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,444.15 1592: Creating and Managing Web Solutions Using Microsoft FrontPage 2000 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 722.50 1594: Installing and Configuring Microsoft Windows 2000 File Print and Web Servers (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 382.50 1737: Microsoft Operations Framework Essentials (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 722.50 NetCom Learning NetCom Learning GSA Price List GSA Contract# GS35F-653T ILT Training SIN 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 Vendor Name Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical GS-35F-0653T Vendor Course # 1787 1846 1905 1913 2008 2009 2011 2014 2015 2016 2028 2030 2052 2062 2071 2072 2073 2074 2081 2087 2090 2092 2093 2095 2123 2124 2126 2143 2150 2151 2152 2153 2154 2157 2158 2159 2185 2199 2200 2201 2203 2207 2208 2209 2210 2215 2261 2262 2263 2264 2272 2273 2274 2275 2276 2277 2278 NetCom Course # 1787 1846 1905 1913 2008 2009 2011 2014 2017 2016 2028 2031 2052 2062 2071 1065 1070 2074 2081 2087 2090 2092 2093 2095 2123 2124 1045 2143 1035 1005 1010 1015 1020 2157 2158 2159 2185 2199 2200 2201 2203 2207 2208 2209 2210 2215 2161 2162 2263 2264 2272 5273 2274 2275 2276 5277 5278 Contact Information Phone: (212) 629 7265 email: 20 West 33rd Street, Fourth Floor New York, NY 10001 Course Name GSA Price with IFF 1787: Microsoft Operations Framework Changing Quadrant (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,083.75 1846: Microsoft Solutions Framework Essentials (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,083.75 1905: Building XML-Based Web Applications (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,806.25 1913: Exchanging and Transforming Data Using XML and XSLT (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,806.25 2008: Designing a Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 Organization (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 722.50 2009: Upgrading Your Skills from Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5 to Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,083.75 2011: Troubleshooting Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,083.75 2014: Customizing Microsoft Office SharePoint Portal Server 2003 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 722.50 2015: Enabling Business Processes Using XML Smart Documents and Smart Client Solutions Within the Microsoft Office (1 Seat $ of Classroom382.50 training) 2016: Bringing Data into Desktop Programs Using the Microsoft Office 2003 Editions Research and Reference Technologies (1$Seat of Classroom 382.50 training) 2028: Basic Administration of Microsoft Windows 2000 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,083.75 2030: Creating Reporting Solutions Using Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Reporting Services (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 722.50 2052: Using Microsoft Visual Studio Tools for the Microsoft Office System (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 382.50 2062: Implementing Microsoft Metadirectory Services 2.2 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,806.25 2071: Querying Microsoft SQL Server 2000 with Transact-SQL (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 722.50 2072: Microsoft SQL Server 2000 System Administration (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,695.75 2073: Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Database Design and Implementation (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,695.75 2074: Designing and Implementing OLAP Solutions with Microsoft SQL Server 2000 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,806.25 2081: Deploying Microsoft Office Live Communications Server 2003 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 722.50 2087: Implementing Microsoft Windows 2000 Clustering (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,083.75 2090: Modeling Business Requirements to Create a Database Using Microsoft Visual Studio .NET Enterprise Architect (1 Seat $of Classroom1,083.75 training) 2092: Populating a Data Warehouse with Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Data Transformation Services (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,806.25 2093: Implementing Business Logic with MDX in Microsoft SQL Server 2000 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,083.75 2095: Implementing Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server 2001 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,083.75 2123: Jumpstart: Upgrading from Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 to Windows Server 2003 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 382.50 2124: Programming with C# (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,695.75 2126: Managing a Microsoft Win2000 Network Environment (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,695.75 2143: Deploying and Managing Microsoft Host Integration Server 2000 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,806.25 2150: Designing a Secure Microsoft Windows 2000 Network (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,695.75 2151: Microsoft Windows 2000 Network and Operating System Essentials (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,019.15 2152: Implementing Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional and Server (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,695.75 2153: Implementing Microsoft Windows 2000 Network Infrastructure (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,695.75 2154: Implementing and Administering Microsoft Windows 2000 Directory Services (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,695.75 2157: Developing E-Business Solutions Using Microsoft BizTalk Server 2004 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,806.25 2158: Deploying and Managing E-Business Solutions Using Microsoft BizTalk Server 2004 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 722.50 2159: Deploying and Managing Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2000 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,083.75 2185: Deploying and Managing Microsoft Commerce Server 2000 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 722.50 2199: Jumpstart: Active Directory Fundamentals (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 382.50 2200: Microsoft Windows 2000 Return on Intelligence Training Kit (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 3,060.00 2201: Microsoft Windows 2000 Return on Intelligence Training and Certification Kit (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 3,060.00 2203: Deploying and Managing Microsoft Application Center 2000 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 722.50 2207: Expert Track: Updating Systems Administrator and Systems Engineer Skills from Microsoft Windows 2000 to Windows Server $ 2003 (11,806.25 Seat of Classroom training) 2208: Upgrading Your Support Skills from Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 to Microsoft Windows Server 2003 (1 Seat of Classroom $ training) 1,083.75 2209: Updating Systems Administrator Skills from Microsoft Windows 2000 to Windows Server 2003 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 722.50 2210: Updating Systems Engineer Skills from Microsoft Windows 2000 to Windows Server 2003 (1 Seat of Classroom training)$ 1,083.75 2215: Implementing and Managing Windows Storage Server 2003 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 382.50 2261: Supporting Users and Troubleshooting Microsoft Windows Desktop Operating Systems (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,083.75 2262: Supporting Users and Troubleshooting Applications on a Microsoft Windows Desktop Operating System Platform (1 Seat$of Classroom 722.50 training) 2263: Exam Preparation for the MCDST Certification (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 382.50 2264: Exam Preparation for the MCDST Certification -Hands-on Lab (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 382.50 2272: Implementing and Supporting Microsoft Windows XP Professional (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,806.25 2273: Managing and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,806.25 2274: Managing a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,806.25 2275: Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,083.75 2276: Implementing a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Network Infrastructure: Network Hosts (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 722.50 2277: Implementing Managing and Maintaining Win 2003 Server Network Infrastructure: Network Services (1 Seat of Classroom $ training) 1,806.25 2278: Planning and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Network Infrastructure (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,806.25 NetCom Learning NetCom Learning GSA Price List GSA Contract# GS35F-653T ILT Training SIN 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 Vendor Name Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical GS-35F-0653T Vendor Course # 2279 2282 2283 2285 2287 2289 2295 2297 2299 2300 2310 2311 2341 2349 2350 2362 2363 2364 2365 2366 2373 2379 2381 2389 2395 2400 2415 2432 2433 2439 2500 2505 2520 2524 2526 2530 2535 2541 2542 2543 2544 2545 2546 2547 2550 2552 2553 2554 2555 2556 2557 2558 2559 2562 2565 2571 2576 NetCom Course # 5279 2282 2283 2285 2287 2289 2295 2297 2299 2300 1610 2311 2341 2349 2350 2362 2363 2364 2365 2366 1605 2379 2381 1615 2395 2400 2415 2432 2433 2439 2500 2505 2520 1650 2526 2530 2535 2541 2542 2543 2544 2545 2560 2561 2550 2552 2553 2554 2555 2556 2557 2558 2559 2562 2565 2571 2576 Contact Information Phone: (212) 629 7265 email: 20 West 33rd Street, Fourth Floor New York, NY 10001 Course Name GSA Price with IFF 2279: Planning Implementing and Maintaining a Win2003 Server Active Directory Infrastructure (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,806.25 2282: Designing a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Active Directory and Network Infrastructure (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,806.25 2283: Migrating from Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 to Microsoft Windows Server 2003 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,083.75 2285: Installing Configuring and Administering Microsoft Windows XP Professional (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 543.15 2287: Managing Your Infrastructure Using Microsoft Operations Manager 2005 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,083.75 2289: Deploying Business Desktops with Microsoft Windows XP and Microsoft Office 2003 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,083.75 2295: Implementing and Supporting Microsoft Internet Information Services 5.0 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,083.75 2297: Planning Implementing Managing and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment for an MCSE on Windows $ 2000 (1 Seat 1,806.25 of Classroom training) 2299: Managing and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment for an MCSA on Windows 2000 (1 Seat of Classroom $ training) 722.50 2300: Developing Security-Enhanced Web Applications (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,083.75 2310: Developing Microsoft ASP.NET Web Applications Using Visual Studio .NET (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,695.75 2311: Advanced Web Application Development using Microsoft ASP.NET (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,083.75 2341: Fundamentals of Developing a Business-to-Consumer Solution with Microsoft Commerce Server 2000 (1 Seat of Classroom $ training) 1,806.25 2349: Programming with the Microsoft .NET Framework (Microsoft Visual C# .NET) (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,806.25 2350: Developing and Deploying Secure Microsoft .NET Framework Applications (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,083.75 2362: Deploying Microsoft .NET Applications for Systems Engineers (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,083.75 2363: Getting Started with Microsoft .NET for COBOL Programmers (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,083.75 MOC 2364: What's New in Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 for Existing Visual Studio .NET Developers (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,083.75 2365: Designing an Application Migration Strategy to Microsoft .NET (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 722.50 2366: Developing High Performance and Scalable Web Applications Using ASP.NET 1.1 and ADO.NET 1.1 (1 Seat of Classroom $ training) 722.50 2373: Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,695.75 2379: Developing and Deploying Microsoft BizTalk Server 2000 Solutions (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,806.25 2381: Planning Collaborative Solutions with Microsoft Office XP Technologies (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 722.50 2389: Programming ADO.NET (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,019.15 2395: Designing Deploying and Managing a Network Solution for the Small and Medium-sized Business (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,083.75 2400: Implementing and Managing Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,806.25 2415: Programming with the Microsoft .NET Framework (Microsoft Visual Basic .NET) (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,806.25 2432: Developing Embedded Solutions for Microsoft Windows CE 3.0 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,806.25 2433: Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting Edition and Microsoft Windows Script Host Essentials (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,083.75 2439: Scripting Using Microsoft Windows Management Instrumentation (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 722.50 2500: Introduction to XML and the Microsoft .NET Platform (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 722.50 2505: Deploying Microsoft Office XP (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 722.50 2520: Deploying Microsoft Windows XP Professional (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 382.50 2524: Developing XML Web Services Using Microsoft ASP.NET (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,019.15 2526: Developing Distributed Applications with Microsoft .NET Remoting (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 722.50 2530: Introduction to Microsoft Windows CE .NET (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 382.50 2535: Developing Board Support Packages for Windows CE .NET (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,699.15 2541: Core Data Access with Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,083.75 2542: Advanced Data Access with Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 722.50 2543: Core Web Application Technologies with Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,083.75 2544: Advanced Web Application Technologies with Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 722.50 2545: Developing Embedded Solutions for Windows XP Embedded (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 722.50 2546: Core Windows Forms Technologies with Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,083.75 2547: Advanced Windows Forms Technologies with Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 722.50 2550: Implementing Microsoft Operations Manager 2000 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,083.75 2552: Designing Planning and Managing a Windows SharePoint Services Infrastructure (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 722.50 2553: Designing Planning and Managing a SharePoint Portal Server 2003 Infrastructure (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,083.75 2554: Course Bundle: Administrating Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services and SharePoint Portal Server 2003 (1 Seat of Classroom $ training) 1,806.25 2555: Developing Microsoft .NET Applications for Windows (Visual C# .NET) (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,695.75 2556: Developing Mobile Applications Using the Microsoft .NET Compact Framework (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,806.25 2557: Building COM+ Applications Using Microsoft .NET Enterprise Services (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,806.25 2558: Programming with Managed Extensions for Microsoft Visual C++ .NET (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,083.75 2559: Introduction to Visual Basic .NET Programming with Microsoft .NET (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,806.25 2562: Getting Started with Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 for Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 Developers (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 722.50 2565: Developing Microsoft .NET Applications for Windows Visual Basic .NET (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,695.75 2571: Application Upgrade and Interoperability Using Visual Studio .NET (Visual Basic .NET) (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 722.50 2576 Implementing and Administering Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,083.75 NetCom Learning NetCom Learning GSA Price List GSA Contract# GS35F-653T ILT Training SIN 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 Vendor Name Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical 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2824 2830 2840 2851 2853 2855 NetCom Course # 2591 2596 2597 2609 2631 2640 2657 2663 2667 2694 2710 2717 2723 2728 2729 2730 2731 2732 2733 2734 2779 2780 2781 2782 2783 2784 2785 2786 2787 2788 2789 2790 2791 2792 2793 2794 2795 2796 2797 2801 2802 2803 2804 2806 2807 2810 2811 2812 2820 2821 2823 2824 2830 2840 2851 2853 2855 Contact Information Phone: (212) 629 7265 email: 20 West 33rd Street, Fourth Floor New York, NY 10001 Course Name GSA Price with IFF 2591: Implementing Replication Using Microsoft SQL Server 2000 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,083.75 2596: Managing Microsoft Systems Management Server 2003 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,806.25 2597: Planning and Deploying Microsoft Systems Management Server 2003 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,083.75 2609: Introduction to C# Programming with Microsoft .NET (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,806.25 2631: Optimizing the Software Development Lifecycle with Microsoft Visual Studio Team System (1 Seat of Classroom training)$ 1,083.75 2640: Upgrading Web Development Skills from ASP to Microsoft ASP.NET (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,083.75 2657: Programming Microsoft Access 2002 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,083.75 2663: Programming with XML in the Microsoft .NET Framework (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,083.75 2667: Introduction to Programming (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,083.75 2694: Updating Web Server Skills to Internet Information Services 6.0 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 722.50 2710: Analyzing Requirements and Defining Microsoft .NET Solution Architectures (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,806.25 2717: Introduction to Microsoft .NET Development (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 722.50 2723: Microsoft SQL Server 2000 for Experienced Database Professionals (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,699.15 2728: Building Microsoft BizTalk Server 2002 Solutions (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,444.15 2729: Building Microsoft Commerce Server 2002 Solutions (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,444.15 2730: Building Microsoft Content Management Server 2002 Solutions (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,444.15 2731: Deploying and Managing Microsoft Identity Integration Server (MIIS) 2003 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,695.75 2732: Planning Deploying and Managing an Enterprise Management Solution (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,806.25 2733: Updating Your Database Administration Skills to Microsoft SQL Server 2005 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,083.75 2734: Updating Your Database Development Skills to Microsoft SQL Server 2005 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,083.75 2779: Implementing a Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Database (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,806.25 2780: Maintaining a Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Database (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,806.25 2781: Designing Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Server-Side Solutions (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,083.75 2782: Designing Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Databases (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 722.50 2783: Designing the Data Tier for Microsoft SQL Server 2005 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 382.50 2784: Tuning and Optimizing Queries using Microsoft SQL Server 2005 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,083.75 2785: Managing and Maintaining Microsoft SQL Server 2005 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 2,120.75 2786: Designing a Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Infrastructure (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 722.50 2787: Designing Security for Microsoft SQL Server 2005 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 722.50 2788: Designing High Availability Database Solutions Using Microsoft SQL Server 2005 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,083.75 2789: Administering and Automating Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Databases and Servers (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 382.50 2790: Troubleshooting and Optimizing Database Servers Using Microsoft SQL Server 2005 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 722.50 2791: Implementing and Maintaining Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,359.15 2792: Implementing and Maintaining Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Integration Services (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,359.15 2793: Implementing and Maintaining Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,359.15 2794: Designing a Business Intelligence Solution for the Enterprise Using Microsoft SQL Server 2005 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 908.65 2795: Designing an ETL Solution Architecture Using Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Integration Services (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 908.65 2796: Designing an Analysis Solution Architecture Using Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,359.15 2797: Designing a Reporting Solution Architecture Using Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services (1 Seat of Classroom $training) 908.65 2801: Microsoft Security Guidance Training I (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 382.50 2802: Microsoft Security Guidance Training II (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 382.50 2803: Clinic: Microsoft Security Guidance Training III (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 382.50 2804: Clinic: Microsoft Security Guidance Training IV (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 382.50 2806: Microsoft Security Guidance Training for Developers (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 382.50 2807: Microsoft Security Guidance Training for Developers II (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 382.50 2810: Fundamentals of Network Security (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,444.15 2811: Applying Microsoft Security Guidance (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 382.50 2812: Applying Microsoft Security Guidance II (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 382.50 2820: Implementing and Administering Security in a Microsoft Windows 2000 Network (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,806.25 2821: Designing and Managing a Windows Public Key Infrastructure (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,699.15 2823: Implementing and Administering Security in a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Network (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,806.25 2824: Implementing Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2004 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,806.25 2830: Designing Security for Microsoft Networks (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,017.45 2840: Implementing Security for Applications (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,806.25 2851: Deploying and Administering Windows XP Service Pack 2 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 382.50 2853: Developing and Maintaining Applications on Windows XP Service Pack 2 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 382.50 2855: Managing Security Enhancements in Microsoft Windows Server 2003 SP1 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 382.50 NetCom Learning NetCom Learning GSA Price List GSA Contract# GS35F-653T ILT Training SIN 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 Vendor Name Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical GS-35F-0653T Vendor Course # 2933 2934 2956 2957 3087 3199 3201 3369 3370 3372 3373 3374 3386 3910 3911 3938 4001 4011 4995 5020 5047 5049 5050 5051 5053 5054 5056 5057 5058 5060 5061 5062 5105 5115 5116 5117 5118 5119 5177 5178 5179 5927 5928 5929 6415 6421 6425 6426 6427 6428 6435 6436 6437 6451 6654 6985 7034 NetCom Course # 2933 2934 295601 295701 3087 3199 3201 3369 3370 3372 3373 3374 3386 3910 3911 3938 4001 4011 4995 5020 5047 5049 5050 5051 5053 5054 5056 5057 5058 5060 5061 5062 5111 5120 5116 5117 5118 5119 5177 5178 5179 5927 5928 5929 6415 6421 6425 6426 6427 6428 6435 6436 6437 6451 6654 6985 7034 Contact Information Phone: (212) 629 7265 email: 20 West 33rd Street, Fourth Floor New York, NY 10001 Course Name GSA Price with IFF 2933: Developing Business Process and Integration Solutions Using Microsoft BizTalk Server 2006 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,806.25 2934: Deploying and Managing Business Process and Integration Solutions Using Microsoft BizTalk Server 2006 (1 Seat of Classroom $ training) 722.50 2956: Developing Applications with the .NET Framework 2.0 Foundation (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,083.75 2957: Core Foundations of Microsoft .NET 2.0 Development (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,083.75 3087: First Look: Microsoft Windows Vista for Developers (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 382.50 3199: First Look: Getting Started with the 2007 Microsoft Office System (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 123.25 3201: Developing Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0 Web Applications (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,699.15 3369: First Look: Getting Started with Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 254.15 3370: First Look: Getting Started with Microsoft Office 2007 SharePoint Server (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 382.50 3372: First Look: Getting Started with the 2007 Microsoft Office System (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 123.25 3373: First Look: Getting Started with Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 254.15 3374: First Look: Getting Started with Microsoft Office 2007 SharePoint Server (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 382.50 3386: Implementing Microsoft System Center Operations Manager 2007 (E-Learning) $ 93.50 3910: Getting Started with Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 (Clinic) (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 382.50 3911: Getting Started with Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 (Hands-On Lab) (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 382.50 3938 Updating Your Skills from Microsoft Exchange Server 2000 or Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 to Microsoft Exchange Server $ 2007 (1 1,147.50 Seat of Classroom training) 4001: Team Collaboration Using Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 123.25 4011: Microsoft Office Tips and Tricks (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 123.25 4995: Programming with the Microsoft .NET Framework Using Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,806.25 Visual FoxPro 9.0 $ 1,444.15 5047: Introduction to Installing and Managing Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,147.50 5049: Managing Messaging Security using Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 382.50 5050: Recovering Messaging Servers and Databases using Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 382.50 5051: Monitoring and Troubleshooting Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 765.00 5053: Designing a Messaging Infrastructure Using Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 $ 1,146.65 5054: Designing a High Availability Messaging Solution using Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 $ 764.15 5056: First Look: Windows Vista for IT Professionals (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 382.50 5057: First Look: Windows Vista for IT Professionals Hands-On Labs (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 84.15 5058: Deploying Microsoft Office 2007 Professional Plus (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 765.00 5060: Implementing Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 765.00 5061: Implementing Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,147.50 5062: First Look: Using Windows Vista (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 382.50 5105: Deploying Microsoft Windows Vista Business Desktops (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 765.00 5115: Installing and Configuring the Windows Vista Operating System (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,147.50 5116: Configuring Windows Vista Application and Tools (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 765.00 5117: Configuring Microsoft Windows Vista Mobile Computing (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 382.50 5118: Maintaining and Troubleshooting Windows Vista Computers (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,147.50 5119: Supporting Windows Vista Computers with Desktop Images and Application Packages (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 765.00 5177: Implementing and Maintaining Instant Messaging Using Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 $ 509.15 5178: Implementing and Maintaining Audio/Visual Conferencing and Web Conferencing Using Microsoft Office Communications$Server 20071,019.15 5179: Implementing and Maintaining Telephony Using Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 $ 1,019.15 5927: Microsoft Office Project 2007, Managing Projects $ 1,083.75 5928: Microsoft Office Project Server 2007, Managing Projects $ 1,083.75 5929: Microsoft Office Project Server 2007, Managing Projects and Programs $ 1,083.75 6415: Updating your Network Infrastructure Technology Skills to Windows Server 2008 (Beta 3) (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,083.75 6421:Configuring and Troubleshooting a Windows Sever 2008 Network Infrastructure $ 1,912.50 6425: Configuring Windows Server 2008 Active Directory Domain Services $ 1,912.50 6426: Configuring Identity and Access Solutions with Windows Server 2008 Active Directory $ 1,147.50 6427: Configuring and Troubleshooting Internet Information Services in Windows Server 2008 $ 1,147.50 6428: Configuring and Troubleshooting Windows Server 2008 Terminal Services $ 764.15 6435: Designing a Windows Server 2008 Network Infrastructure $ 1,912.50 6436: Designing a Windows Server 2008 Active Directory Infrastructure and Services $ 1,912.50 6437: Designing a Windows Server 2008 Applications Infrastructure $ 1,146.65 6451: Planning, Deploying and Managing Microsoft Systems Center Configuration Manager 2007 $ 1,912.50 Updating Your Skills from SQL Server 2005 to SQL Server 2008 $ 5,100.00 Deploying and Administering Microsoft© Forefront Client Security, Forefront Security for Exchange and Forefront Security for SharePoint $ 8,500.00 7034: Implementing Microsoft Office Live Communications Server 2005 $ 1,444.15 NetCom Learning NetCom Learning GSA Price List GSA Contract# GS35F-653T ILT Training SIN 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 Vendor Name Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft 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2780-B 2781-B 2782-B 2783-B 2784-B 2786-B 2787-B 2788-B 2789-B 2790-B 2791-B 2792-B 2793-B NetCom Course # 8036 8391 9635 11111 11112 20016 20082 20083 8015 50028 398 84718 84719 9095 9096 6909 2273 9145 9070 227301 227401 227501 2277 9071 2278 2279 8877 9146 9073 9047 2548 1452 2549 2594 2546 3452 2547 7452 254601 4452 3322 9020 9083 9082 9082 9086 9087 9088 9089 9090 9091 9092 9093 9094 279101 279201 279301 Contact Information Phone: (212) 629 7265 email: 20 West 33rd Street, Fourth Floor New York, NY 10001 Course Name GSA Price with IFF 8036: Designing IT Platform Collaborative Applications with Microsoft SharePoint 2003 Workshop (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 722.50 8391: Microsoft Business Portal Installation and Configuration (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,699.15 Framework 1.1 to 3.5 Migration $ 1,274.15 Architecting Documents and Records Management Solutions with Microsoft® Office SharePoint® Server 2007 $ 6,800.00 Advanced SharePoint Server 2007 Training for Architects $ 8,500.00 Developing Solutions with SharePoint Server 2007 $ 6,800.00 Exchange Administrators Guide to Scripting using the Exchange Management Shell (EMS) $ 1,700.00 Transitioning to Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 $ 5,100.00 Visual C++ (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 849.15 50028: Managing System Center Operations Manager 2007 $ 1,806.25 Microsoft Office InfoPath 2003: Creating Info Path Forms (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 722.50 Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 3.0: Level 1 $ 849.15 Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 3.0: Level 2 $ 849.15 2261 Supporting Users and Troubleshooting Microsoft Windows Desktop Operating Systems Boot Camp (1 Seat of Classroom$training) 1,529.15 2262 Supporting Users and Troubleshooting Applications on a Microsoft Windows Desktop Operating System Platform Boot Camp $ (1 Seat of1,019.15 Classroom training) 2272: Implementing and Supporting Microsoft Windows XP Professional -Boot Camp (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 925.65 2273: Managing and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment ¬Accelerated Version (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,087.15 2273: Managing and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment ¬Boot Camp (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,860.65 2273: Managing and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment ¬Boot Camp (Old) (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 934.15 2273BL: Managing and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment (MODL) (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,806.25 2274CL: Managing a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment (MODL) (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,806.25 2275CL: Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment (MODL) (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,083.75 2277: Implementing Managing and Maintaining Win 2003 Server Network Infrastructure: Network Services -Accelerated Version $ (1 Seat of Classroom 1,087.15 training) 2277: Implementing Managing and Maintaining Win 2003 Server Network Infrastructure: Network Services -Boot Camp (1 Seat$of Classroom1,401.65 training) 2278: Planning and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Network Infrastructure -Accelerated Version (1 Seat of Classroom $ training) 806.65 2279: Planning Implementing and Maintaining a Win2003 Server Active Directory Infrastructure -Accelerated Version (1 Seat of$Classroom training) 806.65 2279: Planning Implementing and Maintaining a Win2003 Server Active Directory Infrastructure -Boot Camp (1 Seat of Classroom $ training) 1,401.65 2279: Planning Implementing and Maintaining a Win2003 Server Active Directory Infrastructure -Boot Camp (New) (1 Seat of Classroom $ training) 934.15 2279: Planning Implementing and Maintaining a Win2003 Server Active Directory Infrastructure -Boot Camp (Old) (1 Seat of Classroom $ training) 934.15 [2596+2597] Microsoft Systems Management Server (SMS) 2003 -Accelerated Version $ 2,120.75 2541: Core Data Access with Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 -Accelerated Version (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 917.15 2541: Core Data Access with Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 -Boot Camp (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,019.15 2542: Advanced Data Access with Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 -Accelerated Version (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 611.15 2542: Advanced Data Access with Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 -Boot Camp (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 509.15 2543: Core Web Application Technologies with Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 ¬Accelerated Version (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 917.15 2543: Core Web Application Technologies with Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 -Boot Camp (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,019.15 2544: Advanced Web Application Technologies with Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 ¬Accelerated Version (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 611.15 2544: Advanced Web Application Technologies with Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 ¬Boot Camp (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 509.15 2546: Core Windows Forms Technologies with Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 -Boot Camp (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 509.15 2547: Advanced Windows Forms Technologies with Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 ¬Boot Camp (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 509.15 2667: Introduction to Programming -Accelerated Version (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 653.65 [2733+2734] Microsoft SQL Server 2000 / 7.0 to 2005 Upgrade -Accelerated Version $ 2,120.75 2779: Implementing a Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Database -Accelerated Version (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,525.75 2780: Maintaining a Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Database -Accelerated Version (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,529.15 2780: Maintaining a Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Database -Boot Camp $ 1,529.15 2781: Designing Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Server-Side Solutions -Boot Camp (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,639.65 2782: Designing Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Databases -Boot Camp (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 985.15 2783: Designing the Data Tier for Microsoft SQL Server 2005 -Boot Camp (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 653.65 2784: Tuning and Optimizing Queries using Microsoft SQL Server 2005 -Boot Camp (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,308.15 2786: Designing a Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Infrastructure -Boot Camp (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 985.15 2787: Designing Security for Microsoft SQL Server 2005 -Boot Camp (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 985.15 2788: Designing High Availability Database Solutions Using Microsoft SQL Server 2005 -Boot Camp (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,308.15 2789: Administering and Automating Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Databases and Servers -Boot Camp (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 322.15 2790: Troubleshooting and Optimizing Database Servers Using Microsoft SQL Server 2005 -Boot Camp (1 Seat of Classroom $ training) 985.15 2791: Implementing and Maintaining Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services ¬Boot Camp (1 Seat of Classroom training)$ 1,223.15 2792: Implementing and Maintaining Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Integration Services -Boot Camp (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,223.15 2793: Implementing and Maintaining Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services -Boot Camp (1 Seat of Classroom training)$ 1,223.15 NetCom Learning NetCom Learning GSA Price List GSA Contract# GS35F-653T ILT Training SIN 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 Vendor Name Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical GS-35F-0653T Vendor Course # 2794-B 2795-B 2796-B 2797-B 2933-B 2934-B 2956-A 2956-B 2957-B 3041-W 3910-W 4994-A 5047-B 5049-B 5050-B 5051-B 5053-B 5056-W 5058-B 5060-B 5060-W 5061-B 5105-B 5115-B 5115-M 5116-B 5116-BO 5116-M 5117-B 5118-B 5118-M 5119-B 5119-M 5404-B 56400A 56401A 56402A 56403A 56406A 56407A 56408A 56409A 56412A 56413A 6400A 6401A 6402A 6403A 6404A 6405A 6406A 6407A 6408A 6409A 6410A 6411A 6412A NetCom Course # 4972 4973 4974 4975 9084 9085 2956 6592 2957 3371 9310 3321 9851 9852 9853 9854 505301 9312 9452 5478 9311 5479 9451 9453 511501 511601 9454 51160 9455 9456 511801 9457 511901 540401 56400 56401 56402 56403 56406 56407 56408 56409 56412 56413 6418 6419 6402 6403 6404 6405 6406 6407 6408 6409 6410 6411 6412 Contact Information Phone: (212) 629 7265 email: 20 West 33rd Street, Fourth Floor New York, NY 10001 Course Name GSA Price with IFF 2794: Designing a Business Intelligence Solution for the Enterprise Using Microsoft SQL Server 2005 -Boot Camp (1 Seat of Classroom $ training) 985.15 2795: Designing an ETL Solution Architecture Using Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Integration Services -Boot Camp (1 Seat of Classroom $ training) 985.15 2796: Designing an Analysis Solution Architecture Using Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services -Boot Camp (1 Seat of Classroom $ training) 1,631.15 2797: Designing a Reporting Solution Architecture Using Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services -Boot Camp (1 Seat of$ Classroom training) 985.15 2933: Developing Business Process and Integration Solutions Using Microsoft BizTalk Server 2006 -Boot Camp (1 Seat of Classroom $ training) 2,447.15 2934: Deploying and Managing Business Process and Integration Solutions Using Microsoft BizTalk Server 2006 -Boot camp (1$ Seat of Classroom 611.15 training) 2956: Developing Applications with the .NET Framework 2.0 Foundation ¬Accelerated Version (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 611.15 2956: Developing Applications with the .NET Framework 2.0 Foundation -Boot Camp (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,019.15 2957: Core Foundations of Microsoft .NET 2.0 Development -Boot Camp (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,019.15 3041: First Look: Deploying Microsoft Windows Vista and the 2007 Office System Client Products (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 254.15 Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 -Workshop (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 84.15 4994: Introduction to Programming Microsoft .NET Framework Applications with Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 -Accelerated Version $ (1 Seat of 1,520.65 Classroom training) 5047: Introduction to Installing and Managing Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 ¬Boot Camp (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,019.15 5049: Managing Messaging Security using Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 -Boot Camp (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 509.15 5050: Recovering Messaging Servers and Databases using Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 -Boot Camp (1 Seat of Classroom $ training) 509.15 5051: Monitoring and Troubleshooting Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 -Boot Camp (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 509.15 5053: Designing a Messaging Infrastructure Using Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 Boot Camp $ 1,588.65 Windows Vista for IT Professionals -Workshop (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 84.15 5058: Deploying Microsoft Office 2007 Professional Plus -Boot Camp (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,019.15 5060: Implementing Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 -Boot Camp (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,019.15 SharePoint Services 3.0 -Workshop (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 84.15 5061: Implementing Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 -Boot Camp (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,529.15 5105: Deploying Microsoft Windows Vista Business Desktops -Boot Camp (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,019.15 5115: Installing and Configuring the Windows Vista Operating System -Boot Camp (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,529.15 5115: Installing and Configuring the Windows Vista Operating System -MODL (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,376.15 5116: Configuring Windows Vista Application and Tools -Boot Camp (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,019.15 5116: Configuring Windows Vista Application and Tools -Boot Camp (OLD) (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 509.15 5116: Configuring Windows Vista Application and Tools -MODL (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 917.15 5117: Configuring Microsoft Windows Vista Mobile Computing -Boot Camp (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 509.15 5118: Maintaining and Troubleshooting Windows Vista Computers -Boot Camp (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,529.15 5118: Maintaining and Troubleshooting Windows Vista Computers -MODL (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,147.50 5119: Supporting Windows Vista Computers with Desktop Images and Application Packages -Boot Camp (1 Seat of Classroom$ training) 1,019.15 5119: Supporting Windows Vista Computers with Desktop Images and Application Packages -MODL (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 765.00 5054: Designing a High Availability Messaging Solution using Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 Boot Camp $ 1,061.65 56400A: Getting Started with Centralized Application Access in Windows Server® 2008 (Beta 3) (1 Seat of Classroom training)$ 41.65 56401A: Getting Started with Centralized Application Access in Windows Server® 2008 (Beta 3) Hands-On Lab (1 Seat of Classroom $ training) 41.65 56402A: Getting Started with Branch Office Management in Windows Server® 2008 (Beta 3) (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 41.65 56403A: Getting Started with Branch Office Management in Windows Server® 2008 (Beta 3) Hands-On Lab (1 Seat of Classroom $ training) 41.65 56406A: Getting Started with Security and Policy Control in Windows Server® 2008 (Beta 3) (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 41.65 56407A: Getting Started with Security and Policy Control in Windows Server® 2008 (Beta 3) Hands-On Lab (1 Seat of Classroom $ training) 41.65 56408A: Getting Started with Server Management in Windows Server® 2008 (Beta 3) (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 41.65 56409A: Getting Started with Server Management in Windows Server® 2008 (Beta 3) Hands-On Lab (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 41.65 56412A: Getting Started with Web and Application Platform Technologies in Windows Server® 2008 (Beta 3) (1 Seat of Classroom $ training) 41.65 56413A: Getting Started with Web and Application Platform Technologies in Windows Server® 2008 (Beta 3) Hands-On Lab (1$Seat of Classroom 41.65 training) 6400: First Look: Getting Started with Centralized Application Access in Windows Server 2008 (Beta 3) (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 41.65 6401: First Look: Getting Started with Centralized Application Access in Windows Server 2008 (Beta 3) Hands-On Lab (1 Seat $ of Classroom training) 41.65 6402: First Look: Getting Started with Branch Office Management in Windows Server 2008 (Beta 3) (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 41.65 6403: First Look: Getting Started with Branch Office Management in Windows Server 2008 (Beta 3) Hands-On Lab (1 Seat of Classroom $ training) 41.65 6404: First Look: Getting Started with High Availability in Windows Server Code Name "Longhorn" (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 41.65 6405: First Look: Getting Started with High Availability in Windows Server Code Name "Longhorn" Hands-On Lab (1 Seat of Classroom $ training)41.65 6406: First Look: Getting Started with Security and Policy Control in Windows Server 2008 (Beta 3) (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 41.65 6407: First Look: Getting Started with Security and Policy Control in Windows Server 2008 (Beta 3) Hands-On Lab (1 Seat of Classroom $ training) 41.65 6408: First Look: Getting Started with Server Management in Windows Server 2008 (Beta 3) (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 41.65 6409: First Look: Getting Started with Server Management in Windows Server 2008 (Beta 3) Hands-On Lab (1 Seat of Classroom $ training) 41.65 6410: First Look: Getting Started with Server Virtualization in Windows Server Code Name "Longhorn" (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 41.65 6411: First Look: Getting Started with Server Virtualization in Windows Server Code Name "Longhorn" Hands-On Lab (1 Seat of $ Classroom training) 41.65 6412: First Look: Getting Started with Web and Application Platform Technologies in Windows Server 2008 (Beta 3) (1 Seat of $Classroom training) 41.65 NetCom Learning NetCom Learning GSA Price List GSA Contract# GS35F-653T ILT Training SIN 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 Vendor Name Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft -Technical Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics GS-35F-0653T Vendor Course # 6413A 6415-B 6416A 6416-B 6417A 6417-B 6429A 8003-B 8623-A 983-A 9921-B 9922-B 8018 8019 8020 8024 8028 8032 8302 8303 8304 8305 8306 8307 8308 8309 8310 8311 8312 8313 8314 8315 8316 8317 8318 8319 8320 8323 8324 8325 8326 8327 8328 8329 8330 8331 8332 8333 8335 8336 8337 8338 8339 8340 8341 8342 8343 NetCom Course # 6413 9835 6416 9836 6417 9837 6429 8003 862301 983 9921 9922 8018 8019 8020 8024 8028 8032 8302 8303 8304 8305 8306 8307 8308 8309 8310 8311 8312 8313 8314 8315 8316 8317 8318 8319 8320 8323 8324 8325 8326 8327 8328 8329 8330 8331 8332 8333 8335 8336 8337 8338 8339 8340 8341 8342 8343 Contact Information Phone: (212) 629 7265 email: 20 West 33rd Street, Fourth Floor New York, NY 10001 Course Name GSA Price with IFF 6413:First Look: Getting Started with Web and Application Platform Technologies in Windows Server 2008 (Beta 3) Hands-On Lab $ (1 Seat of Classroom 41.65 training) 6415: Updating your Network Infrastructure Technology Skills to Windows Server 2008 (Beta 3) -Boot Camp $ 1,223.15 6416: Updating your Active Directory Technology Skills to Windows Server 2008 (Beta 3) (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,083.75 6416: Updating your Active Directory Technology Skills to Windows Server 2008 (Beta 3) Boot Camp $ 1,223.15 6417: Updating your Application Platform Technology Skills to Windows Server 2008 (Beta 3) (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,083.75 6417: Updating your Application Platform Technology Skills to Windows Server 2008 (Beta 3) Boot Camp $ 1,223.15 6429: Configuring and Managing Windows Media Services for Windows Server 2008 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 722.50 MCSE 2003 Boot Camp $ 5,439.15 8623: Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 Development I: MorphX -Accelerated Version $ 1,359.15 983: Accelerated Training for Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,806.25 MCTS: Managing Projects with Microsoft Office Project 2007 Boot Camp $ 1,529.15 MCTS: Enterprise Project Management with Microsoft Office Project Server 2007 Boot Camp $ 1,529.15 8018: Microsoft Business Solutions CRM 1.2 Installation and Configuration (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,270.75 8019: Microsoft Business Solutions CRM 1.2 Application (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,062.50 8020: Microsoft Business Solutions CRM 1.2 Customization (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 845.75 8024: Microsoft Business Solutions CRM 1.2 Installation and Configuration (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,657.50 8028: Microsoft Business Solutions CRM 1.2 Application (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,657.50 8032: Customer Relationship Management -Customization (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,105.00 8302: Microsoft Business Solutions -Great Plains 7.5 Foundation I (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 509.15 8303: Microsoft Business Solutions -Great Plains General Ledger (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 509.15 8304: Microsoft Business Solutions -Great Plains Receivables Management (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 509.15 8305: Microsoft Business Solutions -Great Plains 7.5 Payables Management I (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 509.15 8306: Microsoft Business Solutions -Great Plains Bank Reconciliation (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 509.15 8307: Microsoft Business Solutions -Great Plains Fixed Assets (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 509.15 8308: Microsoft Business Solutions CRM 1.2 Extending CRM with .NET (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,270.75 8309: Microsoft Business Solutions CRM 1.2 .Net Tools to Extend CRM (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 679.15 8310: Great Plains Inventory Control (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 509.15 8311: Microsoft Business Solutions -Great Plains Purchase Order Processing (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 509.15 8312: Microsoft Business Solutions -Great Plains Sales Order Processing (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 509.15 8313: Microsoft Business Solutions -Great Plains Installation and Configuration (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,529.15 8314: Microsoft Business Solutions -Solomon 5.5 General Ledger (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,020.00 8315: Microsoft Business Solutions -Solomon 5.5 Accounts Receivable (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,020.00 8316: Microsoft Business Solutions -Solomon 5.5 Accounts Payable (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,020.00 8317: Microsoft Business Solutions -Solomon 5.5 Cash Manager (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,020.00 8318: Microsoft Business Solutions -Solomon 5.5 Inventory (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,020.00 8319: Microsoft Business Solutions -Solomon 5.5 Order Management (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,020.00 8320: Microsoft Business Solutions -Solomon 5.5 Purchasing (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,020.00 8323: Microsoft Business Solutions -Solomon 5.5 Installation and Configuration (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,699.15 8324: Microsoft Navision Introduction (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,699.15 8325: Financial Management -Navision 3.70 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 2,549.15 8326: Fixed Assets -Navision 3.70 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,020.00 8327: Resources and Jobs -Navision 3.70 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,020.00 8328: Inventory Costing -Navision 3.70 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,020.00 8329: Microsoft Business Solutions -Axapta 3.0 Introduction (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,699.15 8330: Microsoft Business Solutions -Axapta Financial Series I (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 2,545.75 8331: Microsoft Business Solutions -Axapta Financial Series II (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,699.15 8332: Microsoft Axapta Installation and Configuration I (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,631.15 8333: Microsoft Business Solutions -Axapta Sales (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 2,124.15 8335: Microsoft Retail Management System Headquarters (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,100.75 8336: Retail Management System Store Operations (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,100.75 8337: Axapta Production Series I (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,695.75 8338: Axapta Production Series II (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,695.75 8339: Microsoft Business Solutions -Axapta 3.0 Development I: MorphX (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 2,447.15 8340: Microsoft Business Solutions -Axapta 3.0 Development II: Introduction to X++ (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,631.15 8341: Microsoft Business Solutions -Great Plains Installation and Configuration (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,529.15 8342: Microsoft Business Solutions -Great Plains Fixed Assets (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,020.00 8343: Microsoft Business Solutions -Great Plains Foundation (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,020.00 NetCom Learning NetCom Learning GSA Price List GSA Contract# GS35F-653T ILT Training SIN 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 Vendor Name Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics GS-35F-0653T Vendor Course # 8344 8345 8346 8347 8348 8349 8350 8351 8352 8353 8354 8355 8356 8357 8358 8359 8360 8361 8362 8363 8364 8365 8366 8367 8368 8369 8370 8371 8372 8373 8374 8375 8376 8377 8378 8379 8380 8381 8382 8383 8384 8386 8387 8388 8389 8390 8392 8393 8394 8395 8396 8397 8398 8399 8400 8401 8402 NetCom Course # 8344 8345 8346 8347 8348 8349 8350 8351 8352 8353 8354 8355 8356 8357 8358 8359 8360 8361 8362 8363 8364 8365 8366 8367 8368 8369 8370 8371 8372 8373 8374 8375 8376 8377 8378 8379 8380 8381 8382 8383 8384 8386 8387 8388 8389 8390 8392 8393 8394 8395 8396 8397 8398 8399 8400 8401 8402 Contact Information Phone: (212) 629 7265 email: 20 West 33rd Street, Fourth Floor New York, NY 10001 Course Name GSA Price with IFF 8344: Microsoft Business Solutions -Great Plains General Ledger (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 509.15 8345: Microsoft Business Solutions -Great Plains 8.0 Payables Management I (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 509.15 8346: Great Plains -Receivables Management (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 509.15 8347: Microsoft Business Solutions -Great Plains Bank Reconciliation (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 509.15 8348: Microsoft Business Solutions -Great Plains Inventory Control (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 509.15 8349: Microsoft Business Solutions -Great Plains Sales Order Processing (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 509.15 8350: Microsoft Business Solutions -Great Plains Purchase Order Processing (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 509.15 8351: Microsoft Great Plains Integration Manager (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,019.15 8352: Microsoft Business Solutions -Axapta Trade and Logistics Series 1 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 2,545.75 8353: Microsoft Business Solutions -Axapta Trade and Logistics Series 2 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,699.15 8354: Microsoft Business Solutions -Axapta Fixed Assets (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,695.75 8355: Microsoft Axapta Installation and Configuration Course II (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 2,447.15 8356: Microsoft Business Solutions -Great Plains 8.0 Report Writer (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,019.15 8357: Microsoft Business Solutions -Navision Fixed Assets (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,020.00 8358: Microsoft Business Solutions -Navision Resources and Jobs (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,020.00 8359: Microsoft Navision Development I -C/SIDE Introduction (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 3,395.75 8360: Microsoft Business Solutions -Navision Manufacturing I (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,614.15 8361: Microsoft Business Solutions -Navision Manufacturing II (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 2,464.15 8362: Microsoft Business Solutions -Navision Trade (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 2,545.75 8363: Microsoft Navision-Relationship Management (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 2,545.75 8364: Microsoft Business Solutions -Great Plains Payroll (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 509.15 8365: Microsoft Business Solutions -Navision Service Management (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 2,545.75 8366: Business Notification -Microsoft Navision (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,020.00 8367: Microsoft Business Solutions -Solomon 6.0 Cash Manager (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,019.15 8368: Microsoft Business Solutions -Solomon 6.0 General Ledger (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,019.15 8369: Microsoft Business Solutions -Solomon 6.0 Accounts Payable (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,019.15 8370: Microsoft Business Solutions -Solomon 6.0 Accounts Receivable (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,019.15 8371: Microsoft Business Solutions -Axapta 3.0 Bill of Materials (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 934.15 8372: Microsoft Axapta Warehouse Management (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 934.15 8373: Microsoft Business Solutions -Solomon 6.0 Installation and Configuration (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,695.75 8374: Microsoft Axapta Enterprise Portal Development I (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,695.75 8375: Microsoft Great Plains Human Resources with Payroll (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,529.15 8376: Microsoft Great Plains Project Series (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,529.15 8377: Microsoft Business Solutions -Solomon 6.0 Inventory (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,019.15 8378: Microsoft Business Solutions -Solomon 6.0 Purchasing (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,019.15 8379: Microsoft Business Solutions -Solomon 6.0 Order Management (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,019.15 8380: Microsoft Business Solutions -Solomon 6.0 Project Management and Accounting (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 2,549.15 8381: Microsoft Business Solutions -Great Plains 8.0 Modifier with Visual Basic for Applications (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,529.15 8382: Microsoft Great Plains Human Resources (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,019.15 8383: Microsoft Business Solutions -Solomon 6.0 Customization Manager (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,020.00 8384: Microsoft Business Solutions -Navision Financial Series I (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 2,549.15 8386: Microsoft Solomon Work Order (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,695.75 8387: Microsoft Navision Warehouse Management (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,020.00 8388: Microsoft Business Solutions -Navision Inventory Costing (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,695.75 8389: Microsoft Business Solutions -Navision Manufacturing Costing (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,020.00 8390: Microsoft Business Solutions -Navision Inventory Management (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,020.00 8392: Microsoft Great Plains Foundation II (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 509.15 8393: Microsoft Great Plains General Ledger II (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 509.15 8394: Microsoft Great Plains Payables Management II (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 509.15 8395: Microsoft Great Plains Receivables Management (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 509.15 8396: Microsoft Business Solutions -Solomon 6.0 Tools for Visual Basic (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 2,549.15 8397: Microsoft Great Plains Manufacturing (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 2,039.15 8398: Microsoft Axapta Master Planning (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,699.15 8399: Microsoft FRx Report Design Essentials I (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,019.15 8400: Microsoft FRx Report Design Essentials II (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,019.15 8401: Microsoft Navision -Development II -C/SIDE Solution Development (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 3,395.75 8402: Microsoft Axapta Project Series I (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 2,124.15 NetCom Learning NetCom Learning GSA Price List GSA Contract# GS35F-653T ILT Training SIN 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 Vendor Name Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics GS-35F-0653T Vendor Course # 8403 8404 8405 8417 8419 8420 8421 8422 8423 8424 8455 8456 8472 8505 8506 8507 8508 8509 8510 8511 8512 8513 8514 8515 8516 8517 8518 8519 8520 8521 8522 8523 8524 8525 8526 8529 8530 8531 8533 8534 8535 8536 8537 8538 8539 8540 8541 8542 8543 8544 8545 8546 8547 8548 8549 8550 8551 NetCom Course # 8403 8404 8405 8417 8419 8420 8421 8422 8423 8424 8455 8456 8472 8505 8506 8507 8508 8509 8510 8511 8512 8513 8514 8515 8516 8517 8518 8519 8520 8521 8522 8523 8524 8525 8526 8529 8530 8531 8533 8534 8535 8536 8537 8538 8539 8540 8541 8542 8543 8544 8545 8546 8547 8548 8549 8550 8551 Contact Information Phone: (212) 629 7265 email: 20 West 33rd Street, Fourth Floor New York, NY 10001 Course Name GSA Price with IFF 8403: Microsoft Axapta Project Series II (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,699.15 8404: Microsoft Business Solutions -Navision Installation and Configuration (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,695.75 8405: Microsoft Business Solutions -Navision Financial Series II (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 2,549.15 8417: Microsoft Business Solutions -Solomon 6.0 Payroll (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,699.15 8419: Microsoft Business Solutions -Axapta 3.0 Development III (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 2,545.75 8420: Microsoft Axapta Administration (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,699.15 8421: Microsoft Navision Commerce Portal (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,020.00 8422: Microsoft Navision Business Analytics (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,695.75 8423: Microsoft Navision Commerce Gateway (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,020.00 8424: Microsoft Business Solutions -Navision Job Costing (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,020.00 8455: Microsoft Business Solutions -Axapta Development IV (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 2,120.75 8456: Microsoft Business Solutions -Axapta Sales & Marketing (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,695.75 8472: Microsoft Business Solutions -Axapta 3.0 Enterprise Portal Development II (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 2,120.75 8505: Installation & Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics GP 9.0 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,529.15 8506: Foundation I in Microsoft Dynamic GP 9.0 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 509.15 8507: General Ledger I in Microsoft Dynamics GP 9.0 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 509.15 8508: Receivables Management I in Microsoft Dynamics GP 9.0 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 509.15 8509: Payables Management I in Microsoft Dynamics GP 9.0 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 509.15 8510: Bank Reconciliation I in Microsoft Dynamics GP 9.0 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 509.15 8511: Fixed Assets I in Microsoft Dynamics GP 9.0 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 509.15 8512: Inventory in Microsoft Dynamics GP 9.0 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 509.15 8513: Purchase Order Processing in Microsoft Dynamics GP 9.0 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 509.15 8514: Sales Order Processing in Microsoft Dynamics GP 9.0 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 509.15 8515: Microsoft Dynamics GP Manufacturing Applications (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 2,039.15 8516: Project Series in Microsoft Dynamics GP 9.0 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,529.15 8517: Report Writer in Microsoft Dynamics GP 9.0 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,019.15 8518: Business Portal Installation & Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics GP (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,019.15 8519: Microsoft Dynamics GP Integration Manager (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,019.15 8520: Modifier with Visual Basic with Applications (VBA) in Microsoft Dynamics GP 9.0 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,529.15 8521: Microsoft CRM 3.0 Sales Management (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 424.15 8522: Microsoft CRM 3.0 Marketing Automation (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 424.15 8523: Microsoft CRM 3.0 Service Management (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 424.15 8524: Microsoft CRM 3.0 Service Scheduling (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 424.15 8525: Microsoft CRM 3.0 Customization (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,274.15 8526: Microsoft CRM 3.0 Installation and Configuration (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,274.15 8529: Microsoft CRM 3.0 Administration (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 849.15 8530: Microsoft CRM 3.0 Data Migration (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 424.15 8531: Extending Microsoft CRM 3.0 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,274.15 8533: Installation & Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics SL 6.5 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,695.75 8534: Microsoft Dynamics SL 6.5 Project Series (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 3,395.75 8535: Requisitions in Microsoft Dynamics SL 6.5 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,015.75 8536: Returns Management in Microsoft Dynamics GP 9.0 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 509.15 8537: Contract Administration in Microsoft Dynamics GP 9.0 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 509.15 8538: Field Service Implementations in Microsoft Dynamics GP 9.0 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,529.15 8539: Field Service Management in Microsoft Dynamics GP 9.0 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,019.15 8540: Microsoft Dynamics GP Preventive Maintenance (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 509.15 8541: Depot Management in Microsoft Dynamics GP 9.0 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 509.15 8542: Accounts Payable in Microsoft Dynamics SL 6.5 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,019.15 8543: Accounts Receivable in Microsoft Dynamics SL 6.5 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,019.15 8544: Bill of Material in Microsoft Dynamics SL 6.5 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,019.15 8545: Cash Manager in Microsoft Dynamics SL 6.5 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,019.15 8546: Customization Manager in Microsoft Dynamics SL 6.5 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,019.15 8547: General Ledger in Microsoft Dynamics SL 6.5 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,019.15 8548: Inventory in Microsoft Dynamics SL 6.5 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,019.15 8549: Order Management in Microsoft Dynamics SL 6.5 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,019.15 8550: Payroll in Microsoft Dynamics SL 6.5 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,695.75 8551: Purchasing in Microsoft Dynamics SL 6.5 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,019.15 NetCom Learning NetCom Learning GSA Price List GSA Contract# GS35F-653T ILT Training SIN 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 Vendor Name Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics GS-35F-0653T Vendor Course # 8553 8596 8597 8598 8599 8601 8621 8622 8623 8624 8625 8626 8627 8628 8629 8630 8631 8632 8633 8634 8635 8636 8637 8638 8639 8640 8641 8642 8643 8644 8645 8646 8647 8666 8671 8672 8690 8691 8713 8714 8800 8811 8812 8814 8816 8817 8819 8820 8821 8822 8823 8824 8825 8831 8832 8833 8834 NetCom Course # 8553 8596 8597 8598 8599 8601 8621 8622 8623 8624 8625 8626 8627 8628 8629 8630 8631 8632 8633 863401 8635 8636 8637 8638 8693 8804 8641 8642 8643 8644 8645 8646 8647 8666 867101 8672 8690 8691 8713 8714 8800 8811 8812 8814 8816 8817 8819 8820 8821 8822 8823 8824 8457 8831 8832 8833 8834 Course Name 8553: Work Order in Microsoft Dynamics SL 6.5 (1 Seat of Classroom training) 8596: Foundation II in Microsoft Dynamics GP 9.0 (1 Seat of Classroom training) 8597: General Ledger II in Microsoft Dynamics GP 9.0 (1 Seat of Classroom training) 8598: Payables Management II in Microsoft Dynamics GP 9.0 (1 Seat of Classroom training) 8599: Receivables Management II in Microsoft Dynamics GP 9.0 (1 Seat of Classroom training) 8601: Introduction to Microsoft Dynamics NAV 5.0 8621: What's New -Technical in Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 (1 Seat of Classroom training) 8622: What's New -Application in Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 (1 Seat of Classroom training) 8623 Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 Development I: MorphX (1 Seat of Classroom training) 8624 Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 Sales and Marketing (1 Seat of Classroom training) 8625: Trade & Logistics I in Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 (1 Seat of Classroom training) 8626 Installation and Configuration of Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 (1 Seat of Classroom training) 8627 Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 Introduction (1 Seat of Classroom training) 8628 Reporting and Business Analysis (1 Seat of Classroom training) 8629 Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 Financials I (1 Seat of Classroom training) 8630 Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 Project Accounting I (1 Seat of Classroom training) 8631 Trade & Logistics II in Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 (1 Seat of Classroom training) 8632 Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 Project Accounting II (1 Seat of Classroom training) 8633: Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 Development II: Introduction to X++ (1 Seat of Classroom training) 8634: Administration in Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 (1 Seat of Classroom training) 8635 Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 Bill of Materials (1 Seat of Classroom training) 8636: Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 Enterprise Portal Development I (1 Seat of Classroom training) 8637 Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 Financials II (1 Seat of Classroom training) 8638 Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 Fixed Assets (1 Seat of Classroom training) 8639: Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 Intercompany (1 Seat of Classroom training) 8640: Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 Master Planning (1 Seat of Classroom training) 8641: Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 Production Series I (1 Seat of Classroom training) 8642: Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 Warehouse Management 8643: Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 Development IV (1 Seat of Classroom training) 8644: Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 Production Series II (1 Seat of Classroom training) 8645: Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 Development III (1 Seat of Classroom training) 8646: Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 Service Management (1 Seat of Classroom training) 8647:Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 Enterprise Portal Development II 8666: Whats New in Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0 8671: Bank Reconciliation I in Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0 8672: Business Portal 4.0 Installation & Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics 8690: Developer Toolkit for Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0 8691: Fixed Assets I in Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0 8713: Whats New in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 5.0 -Application Part I 8714: Whats New in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 5.0 -Application Part II Corporate Lab Rental 8811: Foundation I in Microsoft Dynamic GP 10.0 8812: General Ledger I in Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0 8814: Installation & Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0 8816: Inventory Control in Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0 8817: Manufacturing Applications in Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0 8819: Payables Management I in Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0 8820: Payroll -US in Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0 8821: Project Series in Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0 8822: Purchase Order Processing in Microsoft Dynamics GP 10 8823: Receivables Management I in Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0 8824: Sales Order Processing in Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0 8825: Microsoft Dynamics Point of Sale 2.0 8831: Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics SL 7.0 8832: Project Management & Accounting in Microsoft Dynamics SL 7.0 8833: Microsoft Dynamics Retail Management System 2.0 Store Operations 8834: Microsoft Dynamics Retail Management System 2.0 Headquarters NetCom Learning Contact Information Phone: (212) 629 7265 email: 20 West 33rd Street, Fourth Floor New York, NY 10001 GSA Price with IFF $ 1,695.75 $ 509.15 $ 509.15 $ 509.15 $ 509.15 $ 1,699.15 $ 1,695.75 $ 2,120.75 $ 2,447.15 $ 1,695.75 $ 2,183.65 $ 2,120.75 $ 1,695.75 $ 1,695.75 $ 2,183.65 $ 1,529.15 $ 1,452.65 $ 1,529.15 $ 1,631.15 $ 1,695.75 $ 1,452.65 $ 1,695.75 $ 1,452.65 $ 1,452.65 $ 1,695.75 $ 1,695.75 $ 1,695.75 $ 551.65 $ 3,263.15 $ 1,695.75 $ 3,263.15 $ 1,695.75 $ 1,104.15 $ 509.15 $ 509.15 $ 1,018.30 $ 1,527.45 $ 509.15 $ 1,699.15 $ 1,699.15 $ 1,130.50 $ 509.15 $ 509.15 $ 1,529.15 $ 509.15 $ 2,039.15 $ 509.15 $ 764.15 $ 1,529.15 $ 509.15 $ 509.15 $ 509.15 $ 1,015.75 $ 1,699.15 $ 3,395.75 $ 1,100.75 $ 1,100.75 NetCom Learning GSA Price List GSA Contract# GS35F-653T ILT Training SIN 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 Vendor Name Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics NetCom NetCom NetCom NetCom NetCom NetCom NetCom NetCom NetCom NetCom NetCom NetCom NetCom NetCom NetCom NetCom GS-35F-0653T Vendor Course # NetCom Course # 8870 887001 8871 887101 8873 887301 8874 8874 8884 8884 8910 8910 8911 8911 8912 8912 8913 8913 8921 8921 8324-A 9063 8330-A 9049 8331-A 9058 8354-A 9059 8357-A 9066 8358-A 9067 8359-A 9061 8362-A 9057 8384-A 9064 8401-A 9062 8405-A 9065 8419-A 9078 8455-A 9079 8506&8507-A 9081 8521-B 5830 8525-B 5832 8526-B 5831 8625-A 862501 8627-A 862701 8629-A 8634 8631-A 863101 8633-A 863301 8635-A 863501 8637-A 8639 8638-A 8640 8643-A 864301 8645-A 864501 8671&8691-A 8671 8911-A 89110 8912-A 89120 8913-A 89130 CSPA-APPVOUC250 CSPA-APPVOUC250 CSPA-APPVOUC50 CSPA-APPVOUC50 CSPA-TECVOUC250 CSPA-TECVOUC250 CSPA-TECVOUC50 CSPA-TECVOUC50 CSPB-CISCOVOUC-250 CSPB-CISCOVOUC-250 CSPB-CISCOVOUC-50 CSPB-CISCOVOUC-50 CSPB-COMPVOUC-250 CSPB-COMPVOUC-250 CSPB-COMPVOUC-50 CSPB-COMPVOUC-50 CSPB-MSAPPLVOUC-250 CSPB-MSAPPLVOUC-250 CSPB-MSAPPLVOUC-50 CSPB-MSAPPLVOUC-50 CSPB-MSDYNVOUC-250 CSPB-MSDYNVOUC-250 CSPB-MSDYNVOUC-50 CSPB-MSDYNVOUC-50 CSPB-MSTECHVOUC-250 CSPB-MSTECHVOUC-250 CSPB-MSTECHVOUC-50 CSPB-MSTECHVOUC-50 CSPC-CREDITS-1 CSPC-CREDITS-1 CSPC-CREDITS-10 CSPC-CREDITS-10 Contact Information Phone: (212) 629 7265 email: 20 West 33rd Street, Fourth Floor New York, NY 10001 Course Name GSA Price with IFF 8870: Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 5.0 $ 1,699.15 8871: Finance in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 5.0 $ 2,549.15 8873: C/SIDE Solution Development in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 5.0 $ 4,249.15 8874: C/SIDE Introduction in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 5.0 $ 4,249.15 8884: Workflow in Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0 $ 509.15 8910: What''s New in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 $ 424.15 8911: Installation and Deployment in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 $ 1,274.15 8912: Customization and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 $ 1,274.15 8913: Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 Applications $ 1,274.15 Windows Vista Deployment and Desktop Management $ 3,400.00 8324: Microsoft Navision Introduction -Accelerated Version $ 1,019.15 8330: Microsoft Business Solutions -Axapta Financial Series I -Accelerated Version (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 2,039.15 8331: Microsoft Business Solutions -Axapta Financial Series II -Accelerated Version (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,019.15 8354: Microsoft Business Solutions -Axapta Fixed Assets -Accelerated Version (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,019.15 8357: Microsoft Business Solutions -Navision Fixed Assets -Accelerated Version $ 509.15 8358: Microsoft Business Solutions -Navision Resources and Jobs -Accelerated Version $ 509.15 8359: Microsoft Navision Development I -C/SIDE Introduction -Accelerated Version $ 3,314.15 8362: Microsoft Business Solutions -Navision 4.0 Trade (Accelerated Version) $ 1,695.75 8384: Microsoft Business Solutions -Navision Financial Series I -Accelerated Version $ 1,529.15 8401: Microsoft Navision -Development II -C/SIDE Solution Development ¬Accelerated Version $ 3,314.15 8405: Microsoft Business Solutions -Navision Financial Series II -Accelerated Version $ 1,529.15 8419: Microsoft Business Solutions -Axapta 3.0 Development III -Accelerated Version (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 2,039.15 8455: Microsoft Business Solutions -Axapta Development IV -Accelerated Version (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 2,039.15 [8506 + 8507] -Foundation I & General Ledger I in Microsoft Dynamic GP 9.0 ¬Accelerated Version $ 509.15 Microsoft Dynamics CRM 3.0 -Application Professional Boot Camp (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,359.15 Microsoft Dynamics CRM 3.0 -Customization Boot Camp (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,359.15 Microsoft Dynamics CRM 3.0 -Installation and Configuration Boot Camp (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,359.15 8625: Trade & Logistics I in Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 -Accelerated Version (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 2,183.65 8627: Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 Introduction -Accelerated Version $ 636.65 8629: Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 Financials I -Accelerated Version (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 2,183.65 8631: Trade & Logistics II in Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 -Accelerated Version (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,452.65 8633: Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 Development II: Introduction to X++ -Accelerated Version $ 679.15 8635 Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 Bill of Materials -Accelerated Version (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,452.65 8637: Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 Financials II -Accelerated Version (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,452.65 8638: Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 Fixed Assets -Accelerated Version (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,452.65 8643: Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 Development IV -Accelerated Version $ 2,039.15 8645: Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 Development III -Accelerated Version $ 2,039.15 [8671 + 8691]: Bank Reconciliation I & Fixed Assets I in Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0 -Accelerated Version $ 509.15 8911 Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 -Installation and Configuration Accelerated Version $ 1,019.15 8912 Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 -Customization Accelerated Version $ 1,019.15 8913 Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 -Application Professional Accelerated Version $ 1,019.15 Application Training Voucher 250 seats (8 hour seat of Any Application Training) $ 40,250.00 Application Training Voucher 50 seats (8 hour seat of Any Application Training) $ 9,850.00 Technicial Training Voucher 250 seats (8 hour seat of Any Teechnicial Training) ¬Excluding MSFT Dynamics $ 80,750.00 Technicial Training Voucher 50 seats (8 hour seat of Any Teechnicial Training) ¬Excluding MSFT Dynamics $ 20,200.00 Cisco® Training Voucher 250 seats (8 hour seat of Any Cisco® Training) CCNA, CCNP, CCSP, CCVP, CWLF & CWLTA $ 80,750.00 Cisco® Training Voucher 50 seats (8 hour seat of Any Cisco® Training) CCNA, CCNP, CCSP, CCVP, CWLF & CWLTA $ 20,200.00 CompTIA Training Voucher 250 seats (8 hour seat of Any CompTIA Training) A+, Net+, Security+ $ 49,250.00 CompTIA Training Voucher 50 seats (8 hour seat of Any CompTIA Training) A+, Net+, Security+ $ 12,100.00 Microsoft Applications Training Voucher 250 seats (8 hour seat of Any Microsoft Applications Training) $ 40,250.00 Microsoft Applications Training Voucher 50 seats (8 hour seat of Any Microsoft Applications Training) $ 9,850.00 Microsoft Dynamics Training Voucher 250 seats (8 hour seat of Any Microsoft Dynamics Training) $ 96,500.00 Microsoft Dynamics Training Voucher 50 seats (8 hour seat of Any Microsoft Dynamics Training) $ 24,250.00 Microsoft Technical Training Voucher 250 seats (8 hour seat of Any Microsoft Technical Training) $ 71,750.00 Microsoft Technical Training Voucher 50 seats (8 hour seat of Any Microsoft Technical Training) $ 17,950.00 NetCom Training Credits (1.1k of retail priced training) $ 900.00 NetCom Training Credits (11k of retail priced training) $ 9,000.00 NetCom Learning NetCom Learning GSA Price List GSA Contract# GS35F-653T ILT Training SIN 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 Vendor Name NetCom NetCom Novell Novell Novell Novell Novell Novell Novell Novell Novell Novell Novell Novell Novell Novell Novell Novell Novell Novell Novell Novell Novell Novell Novell Novell Novell Novell Novell Novell Novell Novell Novell Novell Novell Novell Novell Novell Novell Novell Novell Novell Novell Novell Novell Novell Novell Novell Novell Novell Novell Novell Novell Novell Novell Novell Novell GS-35F-0653T Vendor Course # CSPC-CREDITS-100 CSPC-CREDITS-25 350 370 555 556 560 565 570 575 580 606 770 3000 3001 3002 3003 3004 3005 3006 3007 3014 3015 3016 3017 3018 3019 3028 3029 3030 3031 3032 3033 3036 3037 3038 3040 3041 3042 3043 3045 3048 3049 3062 3063 3066 3071 3072 3073 40546 76631 76632 3036-B 3037-B 3038-B 3071-B 3072-B NetCom Course # CSPC-CREDITS-100 CSPC-CREDITS-25 2030 370 2035 556 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 606 770 3000 7721 3002 3003 7722 7723 7725 3007 3014 3015 3016 3017 3018 3019 3028 3029 303 3031 3032 3033 3036 3037 3038 3040 3041 3042 3043 3045 3048 3049 3062 3063 3066 3071 3072 3073 2040 385 386 9781 9782 9783 9100 9101 Contact Information Phone: (212) 629 7265 email: 20 West 33rd Street, Fourth Floor New York, NY 10001 Course Name GSA Price with IFF NetCom Training Credits (130k of retail priced training) $ 90,000.00 NetCom Training Credits (27.5k of retail priced training) $ 22,500.00 GroupWise 5.5 System Administration (350) (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 934.15 370: GroupWise 6 Administration (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,911.65 IntraNetware: Integrating Windows NT (555) (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 747.15 556: Integrating Novell eDirectory and Active Directory (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,911.65 NetWare 5.1 Administrator (560) (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 934.15 Networking Technologies (565) (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 560.15 NetWare 5.1 Advanced Administration (570) (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 934.15 575: Novell eDirectory Design and Implementation (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,146.65 NetWare Service and Support (580) (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 934.15 606: TCP/IP for Networking Professionals v1.0 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,699.15 770: Internet Security Management with BorderManager Enterprise Edition 3.5 v1.02 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,699.15 3000: Upgrading to NetWare 6 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,911.65 3001: Foundations of Novell Networking (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,911.65 3002: NetWare 4 to NetWare 6 CNE Upgrade Prerequisite (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 765.00 3003: Fundamentals of Networking (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,908.25 3004: Novell Network Management: NetWare 6 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,911.65 3005: Advanced Novell Network Management: NetWare 6 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,911.65 3006: Desktop Management with ZENworks for Desktops 4 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,911.65 3007: eDirectory Tools and Diagnostics (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,908.25 3014: GroupWise 6.5 Administration (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,911.65 3015: Novell Nterprise Linux Services (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,911.65 3016: Foundations of Novell Networking 6.5 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,911.65 3017: Fundamentals of eDirectory (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,911.65 3018: Upgrading to NetWare 6.5 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,911.65 3019: Migrating to SUSE Linux 9 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,699.15 3028: SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 8: Advanced System Administration II (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,699.15 3029: SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 8 In a Mixed Platform Network (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,699.15 3030: SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 8: Web and FTP Server (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,699.15 3031: SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 8 Security: Basics and Technical Concepts (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,146.65 3032: SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 8 Security: VPN and Firewalls (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,699.15 3033: SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 8 Security: Practical Seminar (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,146.65 3036: SUSE Linux Fundamentals (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,147.50 3037: SUSE Linux Administration (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,912.50 3038: Advanced SUSE Linux Administration (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,912.50 3040: Upgrading to ZENworks 6.5 for Desktops Management (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,699.15 3041: ZENworks 6.5 Desktop Management (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,911.65 3042: Novell Network Management: NetWare 6.5 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,911.65 3043: Advanced Novell Network Administration: NetWare 6.5 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,911.65 3045: SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9: Basics of System Administration (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,146.65 3048: SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9: Basics of Network Administration (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,146.65 3049: SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9: Infrastructure Services in the Network (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,699.15 3062: ZENworks 7 Desktop Management Administration (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,912.50 3063: GroupWise 7.0 Administration (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,912.50 3066: Novell Loadfest SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 42.50 3071: SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 Fundamentals (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,147.50 3072: SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 Administration (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,912.50 3073: SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 Advanced Administration (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,912.50 Certified Novell Administrator (CNA) (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,274.15 GroupWise 6.0: Level 1 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 293.25 GroupWise 6.0: Level 2 (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 293.25 Linux+ Boot Camp (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,147.50 9782: SUSE Linux Administration Boot Camp (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,912.50 9783: Advanced SUSE Linux Administration Boot Camp (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,912.50 3071: SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 Fundamentals / Linux+ -Boot Camp (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,163.65 3072: SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 Administration -Boot Camp (1 Seat of Classroom training) $ 1,452.65 NetCom Learning NetCom Learning GSA Price List GSA Contract# GS35F-653T ILT Training SIN 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 132-50 Vendor Name Novell Oracle Oracle Oracle Oracle Oracle Oracle Oracle Oracle Oracle Oracle PMI Quark Quark Quark Quark Quark Quark Quark Quark SAIR Linux SAIR Linux SAIR Linux SAIR Linux SCP SCP SCP SCP Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Vendor Neutral Vendor Neutral Vendor Neutral Vendor Neutral Vendor Neutral Vendor Neutral Vendor Neutral Vendor Neutral Vendor Neutral Zend Zend Zend GS-35F-0653T Vendor Course # 3073-B 6006 40563 40564 40565 40566 40567 40568 40569 40570 40571 441 50814 50815 50817 84161 84162 84165 84910 84912 40547 40548 40549 40550 85540 85541 85542 85543 40559 40560 47992 8041-B 9021-B SA-100-S10 SA-118 SA-200-S10 SA-202-S10 SA-239 SA-245 SA-288 SA-299 SA-399 SC-325 101 122 456 9923 40544 77704 77806 77807 77906 571 572 9030-B NetCom Course # 9102 6006 6005 6010 6015 6020 6025 6105 6110 6115 6120 441 5725 5730 5735 5736 5737 5738 5739 5740 4010 4015 4020 4025 6515 6520 6535 6540 5315 5320 47992 8041 9021 3008 3004 3009 3011 3005 5360 5361 3010 3030 5362 101 122 456 9923 115 5010 4052 4051 5002 571 572 9030 Course Name 3073: SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 Advanced Administration -Boot Camp (1 Seat of Classroom training) Oracle Reports and Forms Developer 6i (1 Seat of Classroom training) Introduction to Oracle: SQL and PL/SQL (1 Seat of Classroom training) Oracle Database Administration (1 Seat of Classroom training) Oracle Backup and Recovery (1 Seat of Classroom training) Performance Tuning Workshop (1 Seat of Classroom training) Oracle Network Administration (1 Seat of Classroom training) Develop PL/SQL Program Units (1 Seat of Classroom training) Developer 2000/Build Forms I (1 Seat of Classroom training) Developer 2000/Build Forms II (1 Seat of Classroom training) Developer 2000/Build Reports (1 Seat of Classroom training) PMP / Project Management Professional Certification Preparation QuarkXPress 4.0: Level 1 (1 Seat of Classroom training) QuarkXPress 4.0: Level 2 (1 Seat of Classroom training) QuarkXPress 4.0: Level 3 (1 Seat of Classroom training) QuarkXPress 5.0: Level 1 (1 Seat of Classroom training) QuarkXPress 5.0: Level 2 (1 Seat of Classroom training) QuarkXPress 5.0: Level 3 (1 Seat of Classroom training) QuarkXPress 6.0: Level 1 (1 Seat of Classroom training) QuarkXPress 6.0: Level 2 (1 Seat of Classroom training) Linux Installation and Configuration (1 Seat of Classroom training) Linux System Administration (1 Seat of Classroom training) Linux Networking (1 Seat of Classroom training) Linux Security Privacy and Ethics (1 Seat of Classroom training) NSF: Network Security Fundamentals (1 Seat of Classroom training) NDC: Network Defense and Countermeasures (1 Seat of Classroom training) PBC: PKI and Biometrics Concepts and Planning (1 Seat of Classroom training) PBI: PKI and Biometrics Implementation (1 Seat of Classroom training) SCJP: Sun Certified Java Programmer (J2SE) (1 Seat of Classroom training) SCWCD: Sun Certified Web Component Developer (J2EE) (1 Seat of Classroom training) Veritas Cluster Server 5.0 for Solaris Java Boot Camp SCSA / Solaris 10 Boot Camp UNIX Essentials Featuring the Solaris 10 Operating System (1 Seat of Classroom training) Unix Fundamentals Featuring the Solaris 9 Operating System (1 Seat of Classroom training) Intermediate System Administration for the Solaris 10 Operating System (1 Seat of Classroom training) Advanced System Administration for the Solaris 10 Operating Environment (1 Seat of Classroom training) Sun Certified System Administrator For Solaris 9 Part I (1 Seat of Classroom training) Shell Programming for System Administrators (SA-245) (1 Seat of Classroom training) Solaris 8 OS System Administration II (SA-288) (1 Seat of Classroom training) Sun Certified System Administrator For Solaris 9 Part II (1 Seat of Classroom training) Network Administration for the Solaris 9 Operating System (1 Seat of Classroom training) Trusted Solaris 8 System Administration (SC-325) (1 Seat of Classroom training) Introduction to Parallel Programming Using the Microsoft Outlook DM Extension (1 Seat of Classroom training) Project Management: Fundamentals VMware: Infrastructure 3.5 -Install and Configure Hard Disk Management for DOS 6.22 (1 Seat of Classroom training) C++ Programming (1 Seat of Classroom training) Linux Professional: Network Administration (1 Seat of Classroom training) Linux Professional: System Administration (1 Seat of Classroom training) Object-Oriented Programming Introduction (1 Seat of Classroom training) Zend PHP 5 Professional PHP Development Zend PHP 5 Certification Boot Camp NetCom Learning Contact Information Phone: (212) 629 7265 email: 20 West 33rd Street, Fourth Floor New York, NY 10001 GSA Price with IFF $ 1,452.65 $ 1,912.50 $ 891.65 $ 670.65 $ 670.65 $ 670.65 $ 662.15 $ 1,112.65 $ 670.65 $ 670.65 $ 662.15 $ 2,120.75 $ 169.15 $ 169.15 $ 169.15 $ 296.65 $ 296.65 $ 296.65 $ 339.15 $ 339.15 $ 891.65 $ 891.65 $ 891.65 $ 891.65 $ 1,695.75 $ 1,695.75 $ 1,695.75 $ 1,695.75 $ 1,699.15 $ 1,912.50 $ 2,975.00 $ 2,124.15 $ 3,055.75 $ 765.00 $ 594.15 $ 1,912.50 $ 1,912.50 $ 1,486.65 $ 1,912.50 $ 1,912.50 $ 1,486.65 $ 1,486.65 $ 1,912.50 $ 1,529.15 $ 382.50 $ 594.15 $ 2,545.75 $ 84.15 $ 1,695.75 $ 1,695.75 $ 1,695.75 $ 382.50 $ 1,699.15 $ 1,019.15 $ 1,950.75
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