Solano County`s Voice on Mental Illness
Solano County`s Voice on Mental Illness
NAMI Meetings are for members,nonmembers, people living with mental illness, mental health professionals, families and friends. Open to all. General Meetings 470 Chadbourne Rd. Fairfield, CA 4th Monday, Monthly 6:30 p.m. JANUARY 26TH Andrew Williamson, SC Rehab Dept. FEBRUARY 23RD Donna Wood, NAMIWalk Sacramento MARCH 23RD TO BE ANNOUNCED APRIL 27TH TO BE ANNOUNCED Inside this issue: NAMI Solano County News and Events 1, 2, 3 Peer-to-Peer 3, 4 Solano County’s Voice on Mental Illness V o l . 2 0 1 5 , I s s u e 1 1 s t 2014 was a wonderful year for NAMI Solano County! Not only did we have wonderful programs each month, but many new and exciting things have happened for our affiliate, many of them in the last quarter of the year. We started off the 4th quarter with a very enjoyable and well-attended “End of Summer Celebration,” with good food, good entertainment, and lots of fun door prizes, as we celebrated Health, Wellness and Recovery (see photo below). In October, we learned a lot about PTSD from two Kaiser doctors, Dr. Kathyrn Wetzler, Psy.D and Dr. Kelly Land, followed in November by an informative presentation by Kay Kelso about Solano County’s ACCESS line. December brought another very successful Gift Bags Service Project (see separate article on p. 4). 2014 was a banner year for Community Outreach. We were able to participate in many different community health fairs and other events throughout the county, all the way from Vallejo to Vacaville. At each of these events, we raised awareness and provided education about mental illness and the services NAMI provides. We also gave presentations to several different community organizations to introduce them to NAMI Solano County and our programs and services. We participated in our last Bay Area NAMI- Walk, as this year we will be participating in Sacramento instead of San Francisco (see separate article on p. 2). Our most exciting news for 2014 is that we have received MHSA Grant money from Solano County, which will greatly enhance our ability to increase the programs we can provide to people living with mental illness and their families in Solano County. In addition, this grant money has enabled us to rent office space! Located at 1225 Travis Blvd., Ste. D in Fairfield, our new office gives us extra storage and provides a place to hold our Board meetings. Come visit us at our Open House on Saturday, February 21st, from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. Watch for flyers to come later! Please see other announcements below. 2015 is starting off with a bang with two new programs: Peer-to-Peer, starting in Vallejo on February 5th, and a new Family-to Family class in Napa beginning February 2. Please sign up right away as classes begin very soon! (See details and articles on page 3). We are very pleased to announce that several people from Napa have joined our affiliate and will be working with us to provide some of NAMI’s services, with the goal of eventually forming an affiliate in Napa County. Welcome to our Napa Citizens for Mental Health! To all our loyal membership, we greatly appreciate all your support in 2014, and look for the same and more in 2015! ** ANNOUNCEMENTS ** Announcements/ 1, 5 Calendar of Events 4 Board of Directors 2 Meeting Locations 2 Membership Application 5 Dates to Remember 5 How to Reach Us 6 Resources 6 2 0 1 5 NAMI Solano County — 2014 Year in Review Family-to-Family 3 NAMI National News Q u a r t e r NAMI Solano County’s New Office!! Our “End of Summer” Celebration last August NAMI is a non-profit, 501 [c] (3) charitable organization. NEW NAMI SOLANO COUNTY OFFICE OPEN HOUSE! Come see our new home at 1225 Travis Blvd., Suite D, Fairfield. WHEN: Saturday, February 21st, from 10 AM until 3 PM. Raffle for door prizes! Light refreshments served! Free informational brochures! Bring a friend! NEW LOCATION!! CIRCLE OF FRIENDS, a new Consumer Wellness and Recovery Center in Fairfield, has moved to a new home. Now located at 349 Travis Blvd. in Fairfield, they will be open Monday through Friday, and will still have a variety of self-help classes available throughout the week. Transportation will be available for those living outside of Fairfield. Circle of Friends replaces the former Our Way Solano, which closed its doors last August. Director Susie Frank and her staff are dedicated to serving the people living with mental illness in Solano County! For hours and more information about Circle of Friends, call 707-694-5617. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED — NAMI Solano County is always looking for willing volunteers! For a list of our many opportunities, send us an email at NAMI Solano County is now on Facebook and Twitter!! Simply search for “Nami Solano County” on either site for updates about our meetings and events, and other mental health information and resources, all current and up-to-date! “Like” us on FB, and let’s hear some chatter! Also check out our newly revamped website,, for more detailed information about upcoming events and resources. Donations to NAMI are tax-deductible. P a g e 2 NAMI-Solano County Board Members President Dorothy Laney Vice President Jeannette Goyetche Secretary Maureen Brannon Treasurer/Membership Myra Binstock , 707-446-8557 Family to Family Susan Reeve, Chair NAMI Liaison with Solano County We have exciting news for our 2015 NAMI Walks! Our venue has changed, as we will no longer be participating with the San Francisco Bay Area NAMI Walk, but will instead be moving to join with the Sacramento area NAMI Walk! This year’s walk will be held at Land Park in Sacramento, on Saturday, May 2nd, 2015. So save the date and please come to our February 23rd General Meeting, where we will learn more about this year’s walk from the Sacramento Region’s Walk Director, Donna Wood. Our own NAMI Walks Chairperson, Yolanda Garcia-Martinez, and her able assistant Jeannette Goyetche, are very excited about this new change of pace and are busy helping Donna get things all geared up for the walk! Not only is this an important way for NAMI Solano County to raise funds for our programs and services; it is also a fun day to come out with your loved ones, enjoy the fresh air and being with others without feeling the stigma of mental illness. It’s a day to celebrate wellness and hope for recovery. For families with children, the location is ideal as Land Park is right next to the Sacramento Zoo. If you are interested in forming a team, being a sponsor, or just participating in the walk, please contact Yolanda at, or 707-567-9130. Kathy Blair, 707-553-5219 Warm Line—support and info. 707-422-7792 Local MH Board, NAMI members Esmeralda Liberato Fundraising/NAMI Walks Yolanda Garcia-Martinez, Newsletter Dorothy Laney Giving Back to NAMI Solano County Family Support Group Janet Flores, facilitator NAMI-SOLANO COUNTY MISSION STATEMENT NAMI Solano County is very excited that we are able to increase our offerings of FREE, much needed services and programs to people living with mental illness and their families in our county. This is made possible by monies we receive from our generous sponsors or through fundraising efforts, as well as people who volunteer their time and talents. If you or your loved ones have benefitted in any way from these services in the past, we encourage you to consider giving back to our non-profit organization, either through volunteering your time or contributing financially, so that we can continue to provide these services in the future. We have accomplished much in 2014, but there is so much more we hope to accomplish, and we are always in need of volunteers to help in many ways. Please contact us at for a list of current volunteer opportunities. We also invite you to please send your most generous, tax-deductible contribution to: NAMI Solano County, P.O. Box 3334, Fairfield, CA, 94533. NAMI –Solano County was incorporated under California law in 1985. We are a support group composed of people living with mental illness, their families, and friends. We have a threefold mission: 1. 2. 3. To educate families and other interested parties about mental illnesses through lectures, discussion groups, literature, and videos about each of the mental illnesses; To support families and their mentally ill loved ones through one-on-one help, referrals, financial aid, scholarships and the like; To advocate for the rights of the mentally ill and their families on the local, state and national levels. Our members participate in several committees and boards to be sure that the needs of each person are heard and protected. Our phone number is (707) 422-7792. See meeting times and locations in the box to the right. S o l a n o NAMI-Solano County General Meetings: (Educational and Supportive) 4th Monday Monthly, 6:30 pm (except May and December) ALDEA Children and Family Services 470 Chadbourne Rd., Fairfield 94533 (First Floor) Open to the Public — Bring a friend!! C o u n t y ’ s V o i c e o n M e n t a l I l l n e s s NAMI-Solano County Board Meetings: (Business Oriented) 1st Wednesday Monthly 5:30 p.m. 1225 Travis Blvd., Suite D Fairfield All Members are welcome V o l . 2 0 1 5 , I s s u e 1 1 s t Q u a r t e r 2 0 1 5 P a g e 5 Membership Application Membership = $35.00 “ O pen Door ” membership = $1 ( paid by NAMI Solano County for people living with mental illness ) Please detach and submit your annual membership fee to the address on the back of this page: ( Please print ) NAME: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ADDRESS: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CITY: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S T: _ _ _ _ Z IP _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ PHONE: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ EMAIL: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ * Membership benefits include: quarterly newsletters, access to “members only” section of, new friends and support from others who understand mental illness, educational activities/classes, support groups and advocacy opportunities to help raise awareness of mental illness and reduce stigma; education, help, hope and recovery. ( ) Membership ( ) Person Living with Mental Illness ( ) One Time Donation Membership Notice Annual membership dues are $35. (If you are a person living with mental illness, simply send in this form and NAMI-Solano County will pay the $1 “open door” fee for you.) This makes you a member of NAMI National, NAMI California, NAMI Solano County, and their accompanying benefits.* If you are solicited for special donations from the State or National organizations, give generously if you can, but all such donations are voluntary and funds do not directly benefit NAMI Solano County. Memberships are based on the calendar year, January to December. Fees received prior to October 1 are applied to the current year; on or after October 1 are applied to membership for the following year. DATES TO REMEMBER Meetings sponsored by NAMI Solano County: NAMI Solano County Family Support Group, MONTHLY, 2nd Mondays (February 9th, March 9th, April 13th) 490 Chadbourne Rd., Fairfield (Children’s Nurturing Project, upstairs), 6:30-8:30 pm. Open to the public. NAMI Solano County Board of Directors meeting, MONTHLY, 1st Wednesdays (February 4th, March 4th, April 1st). Location: 1225 Travis Blvd, Suite D., Fairfield; 5:30-8:00 pm. All Members Welcome. NAMI Solano County General Meeting, January 26th, 4th Monday — ALDEA Children and Family Services Building, 470 Chadbourne Rd., 1st floor, Fairfield, CA; 6:30—8:00 p.m. Speaker: Andrew Williamson, Solano County Dept. of Rehabilitation. Bring a friend — Open to the Public. NAMI Solano County General Meeting, February 23rd, 4th Monday — ALDEA Children and Family Services Building, 470 Chadbourne Rd., 1st floor, Fairfield, CA; 6:30—8:00 p.m. Speaker: Donna Wood, NAMIWalks Sacramento. Bring a friend — Open to the public. NAMI Solano County General Meeting, March 23rd, 4th Monday — ALDEA Children and Family Services Building, 470 Chadbourne Rd., 1st floor, Fairfield, CA; 6:30—8:00 p.m. Speaker: To Be Announced Solano County Health & Social Services Recurring Meetings: (see contact information on back page) Fairfield Family Support Group — Wednesdays, 6:00—8:00 pm, 2101 Courage Dr., Fairfield; multi-purpose room. Rio Vista Family Support Group — 2nd Mondays, Rio Vista Library, 44 So. 2nd St, Rio Vista, 10 –11:30 am. Bi-Polar/Depression Support Group — Wednesdays, 6:00—8:00 pm, 2101 Courage Dr., Fairfield; Oak Room. Schizophrenia Support Group — 1st and 3rd Mondays, 1st United Methodist Church, 502 Virginia St., Vallejo; 9:30—11 am. Hidden Moods, Emotions & Feelings Group — Mare Island, 2nd & 4th Wed., 9-10:30 am. CFAC — (Consumer/Family Advisory Committee meetings), 3rd Wed., 10—11:30 am. Contact Rachel Ford at (707) 553-5735, or:, for group meeting locations (or for more information about any of the above groups). Rachel is our Consumer Liaison for Solano County. Solano County Local Mental Health Board Meeting, Third Tuesdays monthly, 4:30-6:00 pm, (February 17th, March 17th, April 21st), 2101 Courage Drive, Fairfield. Open to the public. Call Cindy Limerick for information at (707) 784-8336. QIC (Quality Improvement Committee), First Thursdays, 1:30—3:30 pm, every other month (Sept. 4th, Nov. 6th), 275 Beck, Rm. 1 or 2, Fairfield, CA. Open to the public. Call Sheila for more information, at (707) 784-8338. P a g e 3 V o l . 2 0 1 5 , I s s u e 1 1 s t Q u a r t e r 2 0 1 5 NAMI Solano County is very excited to announce the beginning of a new Peer -to-Peer class in Vallejo. Peer-to-Peer is a FREE, 10-week educational course on recovery, designed for any person living with a mental health issue who is interested in establishing and maintaining wellness. The class is taught by two peer-mentors who have personal experience living well with mental illness. Classes cover a variety of topics, from education about various mental illnesses, to coping strategies and relapse prevention planning. Taught in weekly two-hour sessions, each class builds on the one before; therefore, attendance each week is required. Funding for this class is provided by Solano County through a grant from the Mental Health Services Act. Peer-to-Peer February 5, 2015 through April 9, 2015 Thursdays, 2:00 to 4:00 PM Imani Fellowship 502 Virginia Street Vallejo, CA 94590 Information: (See application on reverse of this page) NAMI Solano County P.O. Box 3334 Fairfield, CA 94533 E-mail: 707-422-7792 If leaving a phone message, please state that you are applying for Peer to Peer, leave your name, number and a good time to call you. Peer-to-Peer In Short The course is based on the idea that living with a mental health issue is, among other things, an experience of trauma, and the recovery path occurs in predictable stages. The course is designed to offer an opportunity for growth regardless of individual stage, and diversity of experience; and it affords a lively dynamic that moves the course along. Courses are taught by trained “mentors”, who are themselves experienced at living well with mental health issues. The course uses a combination of lecture, interactive exercises and structured group processes to promote awareness, provide information, and offer opportunities to reflect on the impact of mental health issues as uniquely expressed through each participant’s life. Relapse prevention plans are devised in the first six weeks of the program, in order that participants gain knowledge, insight, and coping strategies for living with their disorders. Practical wisdom is featured on topics as diverse as “the care and feeding of your psychiatrist” and “how to get a good night’s sleep.” Each week builds upon the previous week’s explorations, bringing participants through a progression of awareness that has its roots in the universals of experience associated with the process of recovery with serious mental illness. We are happy to announce another 12-week Family-to-Family course, beginning February 2nd in NAPA! This is a FREE class for families with a loved one living with mental illness. Classes meet once a week from 6:00—8:30 at Napa Valley Community Foundation, 3299 Claremont Way, Suite 2, Napa, CA. The NAMI Family-to-Family course is an educational program designed to help family members understand and support their loved ones living with mental illnesses, such as major depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, borderline personality disorder, and obsessive- compulsive disorder. Previous participants have been extremely grateful for the information and support they have received. To sign up for the Napa Family-to-Family course, please call Juanita at (707) 255-1624, or email her at Juanita is part of Napa Citizens for Mental Health, a group of community oriented people who share the common goal of providing support to families or others affected by mental illness in Napa. Contact Juanita (above) or Tony at for more information about mental health services in Napa County. If you would like information about upcoming Family to Family classes later this year in Fairfield or in Rio Vista, contact our Family-to-Family coordinator, Susan Reeve at: V o l . 2 0 1 5 , I s s u e 1 1 s t Q u a r t e r 2 0 1 5 P a g e 4 Application for Peer-to-Peer Course Why are you interested in taking this course? Sponsored by NAMI Solano County ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Date: ____________________________________ Name: ___________________________________ Address: _________________________________ City: _____________________Zip: ___________ Phone: ________________Cell: ______________ Are you over 18 years of age? _______________ This class is for people with a mental illness. Do you identify as having a mental illness? Yes__No__ Are you currently in recovery? Yes ____ No ____ Can you commit to a 10-week course? Yes__No__ GIFT BAGS SERVICE PROJECT IN DECEMBER Our annual Christmas Gift Bags Service Project in December was again a huge success! MANY THANKS to to our new Gift Bag coordinator, Roxanne Melvin, for all her hard work putting this together, and to Lorraine Yount for her continued support. We were able to fill almost 350 bags this year! The gift bags were delivered to people living with mental illness in Solano County, and for some of them, it was the only gift they received during the Holiday season. Thanks to all of you for your donations and help! How did you hear about the course? ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Please mail application to: NAMI Solano County, c/o Peer-to-Peer P.O Box 3334, Fairfield, CA 94533 This course is offered free of charge. Pre-registration is required. NAMI State and National News From NAMI National: During 2014, NAMI worked closely with USA Today on its nine-part “Cost of Not Caring: Mental Health in America” series, which was syndicated to other media. They are now working to assess the impact the series may have had on stimulating public conversations about the need for reform. The first of this nine-part series, “Cost of Not Caring: Nowhere to Go,” can be found on the USA Today website at: nation/2014/05/12/mental-health-systemcrisis/7746535/ The 2015 NAMI National convention will be held July 6-9th, 2015 in SAN FRANCISCO, CA! For details, go to: From NAMI California: The 2015 NAMI California Annual Conference will again be held in Newport Beach, CA, on Friday and Saturday, August 21-22, 2015. There will be six tracks to choose from: Transitional-Aged Youth (TAY), Criminal Justice, Strengthening NAMI, Consumer & Family Recovery Practices, Advocacy, and Diversity. To take advantage of lower early-bird pricing, visit the NAMI California website at: Solano County’s Voice on Mental Illness HOW TO REACH US: P.O. Box 3334 Fairfield, CA 94533 Phone: 707-422-7792 E-mail: Website: NEW! Look for us on Facebook and Twitter! NAMI California: NAMI: NAMI meetings are for members, nonmembers, consumers, mental health professionals, families and friends. Open to the public. Please help us save money in postage. If e-mail is easier for you than receiving a hard copy--Let us know!!!!!! NAMI is non-profit, 501 [c] (3) charitable organization. All donations are tax-deductible. Resources: CRISIS: CSU (Crisis Stabilization Unit) (707) 428-1131 (crisis line) or 707-639-4675 (main line). The new Crisis Center is located at 2101 Courage Drive, Fairfield, CA 94533. Provides 23-hour stabilization for people with a mental health crisis. NAMI Solano County WARM line (707) 422-7792 — Leave a message and our trained phone monitor will call you back. (Provides support and direction about available services for mental illness as well as information about NAMI Solano County) Suicide Prevention Lifeline at (800) 273-TALK (8255). Self-Help: CIRCLE OF FRIENDS — Fairfield Consumer Wellness and Recovery Center. NEW LOCATION!! 349 Travis Blvd., Fairfield. Hours: 7:30 AM—3:30 pm, Monday—Friday. Director: Susie Frank. Call 707-694-5617 for more information. Caminar — Vallejo Consumer Wellness and Recovery Center, 915 Toulomne St., Vallejo, CA 94590. Call 707) 980-7884 for more information. SCMH Access Team — 1-800-547-0495. Solano County Mental Health’s information line for those seeking new services within the county, for persons living with mental illness, family members, and health care professionals. Se habla espanol. Are you a Veteran? Unemployed? Check out Veterans Retraining Assistance Program, NAMI Family Support Group (see p. 5 for times & locations): NAMI Solano County Family Support Group. For family members, friends and advocates of those with mental illness. An ongoing, drop-in group focusing on skill building and support through shared experiences, resources and comfort. Facilitator: Janet Flores. For more information, contact or call (707) 422-7792. Support Groups Provided by Solano County Health and Social Services (see p. 5 for times & locations): Fairfield Family Support Group — For family members of those with mental illness. Facilitator: Karen Smith, MS, MFTI, (707) 784-2096; Rio Vista Family Support Group — For family members of those with mental illness. Facilitator: Rachel Ford, (707) 5535735. NOTE: Rachel Ford is also Solano County’s Consumer Liaison. Bi-Polar/Depression Support Group — For people living with bipolar illness or depression. Schizophrenia Support Group — For people living with schizophrenia. Contact Rachel Ford, facilitator, (707) 553-5735 for information about either group. Hidden Moods, Emotions & Feelings Group — For people living with any emotional issue. Facilitator: Curtis J. Cole, (707) 553-5550, or
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