news and views - Tampa Womans Club
news and views - Tampa Womans Club
G. F. W. C. Tampa Woman’s Club NEWS AND VIEWS Volume 65 Issue 7 January 2015 “Together we dream and achieve. Together we are One.” Upcoming Events January 8th General Meeting 10:30am ~ Clubhouse Evening Meeting 6:30pm ~ Clubhouse December 12th Juniorette Meeting 6:30pm ~ Clubhouse January 14th Junior Meeting 6:30pm ~ Clubhouse January 15th Executive Board Meeting 10:00am ~ Clubhouse January 22 Card Party 10am ~ Clubhouse New Provisional Soiree TBA ~ Clubhouse January 24th Children’s Gasparilla January 31 Gasparilla Adult Parade Happy New Year GFWC Tampa Woman’s Club 2901 Bayshore Blvd., Tampa FL 33629 telephone: 813-839-7457 President’s Message by Tuky Vargas President’s Message - January 2015 Happy New Year! I hope each of you enjoyed time with your family and friends over the holiday season. I can't believe how fast the year went. It must be due in large part to the great spirit of the club and, of course, the enthusiasm of all the new members working together. I want to reiterate that I know that the club "works" only because of the ongoing commitment of our members who support the various projects and activities we are involved in. I want to say "Thank You" to everyone who supports our club and makes us look good. I am really proud to be part of the GFWC Tampa Women’s Club. Our December meeting was one of the most attended and I loved seeing each one of you dressed so festively and looking lovely. What an EXCELLENT program we had, thanks to Dee McIntosh, who honored the Busy Fingers for all they’ve done for the club through the years. The Christmas music was also simply wonderful. As 2015 begins I reflect on what lies ahead and how I can achieve my resolutions. I use January 1st as a chance to set goals and I include something silly as well as something that takes more planning; like sleeping earlier every night and getting more exercise. Most people that I know attempt to have more achievable resolutions, I think that is the way I’ll cope with my goals. What goals or resolutions do you have for 2015? How can our club support your resolutions? We raise funds all season long through our holiday shopping, special events, and also supporting local organizations. I look forward to hearing your resolutions for 2015. Together, let’s dream and enjoy all the events that the club plans to have this year. We have begun a new year, with a clean reporting slate. However, as many of you know, January is also the time that GFWC clubs across Florida complete written reports on every activity they can think of from 2014. While winning awards is certainly exciting, we must also remember that reporting serves a more substantive purpose. The reports give us a chance to see if we are on the right track with other clubs and how our efforts stack up to the goals of the Federation. Wishing you and your family and friends a wonderful holiday season! And a safe, prosperous and Happy New! Tuky 2 MEMBERSHIP TABLE OF CONTENTS Linda Reece January 2015 Membership report Boy, last month’s Mystery Board Member of the month was a hard one! But a great way to learn about Christine Bonaventure! Congratulations to Joanna Boley-Lee! This month’s member is very interesting as well. Good luck on your guess and don’t forget—one “fact” is a lie! President Elect • She has had 34 jobs; • She has had 13 speeding tickets; • She started a successful business with $14; • She met Cesar Romero when she was 25 (WOW!) ***************************************** Hope that you all have Saved the Date!! Our annual Soiree is right around the corner. Join us for an exceptional evening of FREE fun, food and friendship. So don’t forget— Jan. 22 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. We have wonderful entertainment already planned for you and your spouse, significant other and friends. Just call the Club office so that we have an idea of how many to expect. Please, please if you would like to come but don’t want to drive at night, call Janelle at the Club. We will do our very best to make sure that someone picks you up and takes you home. We want you to come! Arts Page 11 Birthdays Page 6 December Meeting Page 4 Domestic Violence Page 8 Education Page 7 Gasparilla 2015 Page 9 Happy New Year Page 12 Geography Quiz Page 3 Home Life Page 5 International Outreach Page 3 Ladies of the Evening Page 7 Membership Page 2 Public Issues Page 10 Yearbook Updates Page 4 1st Vice President Page 9 News and Views Is currently being compiled and edited by Jan Pardo and proofread by Tomi Reneau. We welcome your feedback. Reach Jan by email: Phone 908-6440 Some colorful stuffed animals invaded the office to be donated to the children of the Migrant Workers thanks to our 3rd VP Sandra Alexander. 3 INTERNATIONAL OUTREACH Cindy Bower Happy New Year! As you all know, with the beginning of a new year comes a new calendar to update. So, as you sit down to fill out your 2015 calendar, I want to remind you to make a note of the International Dinner on 9 May at the Tampa Woman’s Club clubhouse. For those of you who are new to the event, you should know to make your reservations early. It’s a popular event and always sells out! Check out this month’s Geography Quiz for information on another of Tampa’s sister cities. UN Observance for January – 27 January is the International Day of Commemoration of the Victims of the Holocaust. GEOGRAPHY QUIZ Another of Tampa’s sister cities, this city is the second largest port in Turkey (after Istanbul). It is the most western-leaning of Turkish cities and its location on an important gulf has given it a trading edge that has lasted from the 3rd century AD until today. For centuries, it was known as Smyrna, a name possibly derived from the myrrh trees that grow here. The city’s origins are believed to date back to 3000 BC. As Turkey’s third largest city and the regional headquarters of NATO, this city has a multicultural sophistication. Name the City. 4 December Meeting Our beautifully decorated Clubhouse… done by the provisionals Betty Lumia and Santa Tuky and Pat Our President and Parliamentarian The head table…. with beautiful Christmas Cacti along the front.. The General Meeting in progress Susan Barksdale and Santa Jan Pardo and Nina Graham posing with Santa Our ladies enjoying the program Anita telling the story of the Mouse 5 HOME LIFE Joyce Dixon 2015 is here and we have a lot to look forward to in the coming year. We finished 2014 with a bang and donated our time and efforts to completing our Christmas projects. I'm sure there were many smiling and happy faces when they received the gifts that were donated by the members of the Tampa Woman's Club. Thanks again to all of you that participated in these worthy projects. Our next project is the Belle of the Ball. It is an organization that collects gently worn prom and homecoming dresses and gives them to girls in need. These girls are referred to the Belle of the Ball by school guidance counselors, teachers, principals, social workers, churches, foster care, Guardian ad litem, and civic organizations. Please check your closets and bring in any gently used gowns, cocktail dresses, dress shoes, purses and accessories to the club. We will deliver them to the organization some time in March so we can be sure “no girl is denied the opportunity to attend her High School dance because of financial difficulties”. If you prefer, you can make a monetary donation to help the girls. The Home Life Committee donated some of the monies we made from the Bunco Party to Canine Companions for Independence, Southeastern Guide Dogs, and My Hope Chest, an organization that does cosmetic reconstruction for breast survivors that cannot afford it. Ysabella… the puppy our Club named from Southeastern Guide Dogs Weaver… the Puppy from Canine Companions for Independence was at the GFWC Florida Headquarters Holiday Open House in Lakeland. He was named by our GFWC Florida President Carole Weaver. 6 JANUARY BIRTHDAYS Happy New Year to all of you! The following ladies will be celebrating their birthdays the first month of 2015: Pat Keel January 4 Katie Harper President Elect Barbara Reeves January 5 January 5 Helen Dunbar January 7 Carol Kurdell January 9 Jean Eberhart January 10 Rachel Dalton January 11 Ruth Lovell January 12 Carol Haines January 14 Leah Richards King January 16 Florence Papia January 16 Sunny Lemmert January 18 Candi LoPresti January 21 Cindy Cucuz January 24 Pat Cranford January 30 Beverly Lee January 31 January is also a birthday month for Presidents Richard Nixon, William McKinley, Franklin Delano Roosevelt; historical figures such as Paul Revere and Betsy Ross; entertainers and famous stars such as Elvis Presley, Joan of Arc, Rod Stewart, Tom Selleck, Tom Cruise, Mel Gibson, Rush Limbaugh, Howard Stern, Betty White, Paul Newman, Dolly Parton and many others. Some fun facts about the first month of the year: The name January came from the Roman god Janus, the Roman word for door. Janus had two faces which allowed him to look forward into the coming year and backward into the previous year. The flower symbol is a carnation and the birthstone is garnet. The two zodiac signs for January are Capricorn and Aquarius. January also celebrates the following events: National Book month, Eye Care month, Blood Donor month, Soup month, and National Thank You month. New Mexico and Utah became part of our nation in January and Thomas Paine’s book Common Sense was published in 1776. Special days celebrated and honored by many include: January 1 - New Year’s Day and The Emancipation Proclamation was issued by Abraham Lincoln in 1863; January 6 - Epiphany January 11 - National Human Trafficking Awareness Day January 19 - Martin Luther King, Jr. Day As many of us are celebrating the new year in good health, many of our members are recuperating from illnesses. In addition, many members have family members who are in need of our positive thoughts and prayers. If you would like a club member to receive a card, please let Cathy Geary or Susie Donley know and we will be sure to send positive thoughts and love. As Leo Tolstoy once wrote: “Nothing can make our life, or the lives of other people, more beautiful than perpetual kindness.” Have a blessed 2015. NOTE FROM FRONT OFFICE Ladies please remember that you must call the clubhouse to cancel your lunch on the Monday before the meeting if you are on the permanent lunch list, otherwise you will be responsible for paying for your meal. Provisionals are on the permanent lunch list. If you wish to be removed from or added to the list please call the office – 813-839-7457 7 LADIES OF THE EVENING Cindy Argerious The TWC evening group met at the lovely Mariner North Condominiums for our annual Holiday dinner/meeting/party. Great Food, Great Fun, Great Chinese Gift Exchange and Wine Glass Competition…Great Friends. What can I say but that we all had a great evening!!! Thank you to Pat & Cy Hart for again hosting the event at their condo. On the evening group agenda for January, the “Gasparilla Children’s Parade & Piratechnic Extravaganza” President Electon Saturday January 24. We will have a signup sheets at the next meeting for all the ladies who can come out and help work the event. This event is chaired by the TWC evening group, but hope (encourage) some of the day group members to come out and help. It is really a lot more fun than work! TWC Parking Permits will be emailed out after the signup sheet is completed. 8:00 AM 11:00 AM 1:30 PM Lind PM 3:30 7:00 PM Parking of the Cars aka Cathy Geary & Friends Valet Service Street Vendors & Activities for children Pre-Schooler’s Stroll Children’s Parade (family friendly version of Gasparilla) Piratechnic Extravaganza EDUCATION Dee Grosser Happy New Year Members! On Friday November 21st, Education Committee members attended the TwentyFifth Annual Scholarship Luncheon at the University of Tampa. Our Lucille B. King Scholarship recipient dined with us and was very appreciative of our donation. She is majoring in Management Information Systems and will graduate in May. Please join us for our first fund raiser of 2015 on February 12th. VALENTINE BINGO will be held at the club from 6:30 to 8:30 pm. The cost will be $15 and includes food and one bingo card. Additional cards will be available for $2. It will be a night of fun, and prizes! The Education Committee appreciates your support. As you can see it is a long day and we need many helpers for set up and breakdown, selling our snacks & drinks on Bayshore Blvd, monitoring the bathrooms, etc. This is an excellent money maker for the TWC and the money stays in the Club. It is also the time of year when we LOVE to remind you that we welcome your donations for Fashionollia of those Christmas and Holiday gifts you receive but do not wish to keep. Each year the evening group gathers those items (and you can help) for the Silebt Auction. Nothing is to great or to small and may items will be incorporated into gift baskets. Do not hesitate to ask the vendors that you visit to donate a gift certificate or service. We will have the tax donation forms available at the club at the January meeting. Remember it is for Charity! Have a Happy & Safe New Year and see you in January on the 8th not the 1st. Geography Answer: Answer: Izmir, Turkey 8 Domestic Violence STICKS AND STONES “Sticks and stones can break my bones – but words will never hurt me!” I’m sure you remember saying that to your fellow classmates when you were in grammar school. I know I do – it was one of my favorite sayings to protect myself from the bullies. But, you and I really know that “words” are some of the most abusive things to use against a person, whether those words are used to their faces or behind their backs. As a matter of fact, according to an article written by Melissa Dahl, “Child Psychology,” emotional abuse – or “words” – can be as damaging as sexual abuse. She states further: “Kids who are emotionally abused suffer the same mentalhealth consequences as those who are physically or sexually abused – and in some cases, psychologically-abused kids may actually fare worse. Psychological abuse covers a wide variety of mistreatment, including parents bullying kids, exerting excess control over them, or insulting or threatening them; at the other end of the spectrum, isolating or ignoring kids is also considered to be psychological abuse.” According to the American Psychological Association, researchers examined the mental-health histories of over 5,600 children who had suffered some form of abuse and states: “Children who had been psychologically abused suffered from anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, symptoms of post-traumatic stress and suicidality at the same rate and, in some cases, at a greater rate than children who were physically or sexually abused. Among the three types of abuse, psychological maltreatment was most strongly associated with depression, general anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, attachment problems and substance abuse.” “While physical abuse often brings telltale markers, psychological abuse is often harder to detect. Also, psychological abuse isn’t considered a serious social taboo like physical and sexual child abuse,” said the lead study author Joseph Spinazzola, Trauma Center at Justice Resource Institute in Brookline, Massachusetts. “But the invisible toll of emotional torment is damaging, too – it’s time to make the case that we paid them more attention.” So, let’s watch our words and show more empathy and compassion to all people. Such psychological maltreatment can happen at any age – words do hurt! 9 Gasparilla 2015 1st VICE PRESIDENT Christine Bonaventura “Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.” – T.S. Eliot I think this is a great quote to ring in the New Year! It's important to push ourselves into those uncharted and uncomfortable places, like volunteering on one of our clubs, it may seem scary and overwhelming but it's really not, and in the end you'll be asking yourself why you have not joined sooner! President Elect Gasparilla Children’s Parade 2015 Linda Watts and Cat Geary Saturday, January 24, 2015 ~ 8am – 7pm We need your help~! Woman’s Club, Juniors and Juniorettes are working together this year. Parking – Cat and the Juniors will be parking cars between 8am and 4pm. Shifts can be 2,3 or 4 hours. We also need two ladies to man the foyer to check bathroom passes throughout the day. Janelle will be taking reservations in the office – Thanks Janelle, this is the BIG job~! Snacks & Sodas. Linda, the Evening ladies, and day ladies will be selling snacks and sodas for $1. The set-up will be 9am-10am and Clean-up will be 6-7pm. We need lots of folks late as it has to be put away completely for our church rental. As you can see we need LOTS of help~! The Juniorettes are joining us this year doing face painting for donations. There will be a sign-up sheet at the meeting in January. We will take donations of Coke, Diet Coke, Sprite or bottled water throughout the month of January. We will also take snacks, please contact Cat for the list. See you all there… ARRRRRRRR…. Cat and Linda Ok, so, Programs, thank you Dee for a lovely Christmas Program honoring our Busy Fingers and for the beautiful Christmas carols sung by Bette Johnson and accompanied by Anthony Pryor on piano. It was just the thing to get us in the Holiday spirit! Thanks again Dee! Looking forward to January and our arts program and all our Members beautiful and creative entries! Bette Johnson was our singer for today's program... and what a voice! Anthony Pryor was our Pianist 10 PUBLIC ISSUES Elena Coates We accomplished quite a few things during December: Wreaths Across America: We sponsored 38 wreaths for the 13 December ceremony at the American Legion Cemetery. Cup of Joe: Our $60 donation will provide 30 deployed service members with a free cup of coffee. We have received Thank-you notes from members stationed in Kuwait and Djibouti. Toys for Tots: We donated three large bags of toys and stuffed animals. USO: Besides the Christmas cards we signed for the USO at the airport, we also sent a box of decorations to the Pat Tillman USO in Bagram, Afghanistan to help spread a little cheer. Pearl Harbor Remembrance Cruise: Susie Donley and I went on the cruise and had a lovely time. They had a band playing 40s music, dancing, food and the Bomber Girls walked around posing for pictures. This cruise was a fundraiser for Honor Flight and several WWII veterans went along. We also experienced a burial at sea, as a veteran's ashes were sent to his final resting place. (pictures on our club facebook page) Portico Closet: We donated a huge bag of toiletries for survivors of Human Trafficking. Facebook Series: We have started two series on the club facebook page: one is on Historic Districts and Landmark Buildings in Tampa and the second recognizes little known names and facts about Women's Contributions in US History from the National Women's History Museum. (please follow both of these on our club facebook page) Coming in January: January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month and the 2015 Tampa Bay Human Trafficking Awareness Week is set for 10-17 January. Several events are planned including the Kick Off on the 10th at the Salvation Army on Sligh, a dinner dance fundraiser, an art auction and Bridging Freedom's Candlelight Vigil Walk on the 17th. Additional information will be sent via email as it becomes available. Eat at Joe's: Enjoy al fresco dining and live music at the Joe Chillura Courthouse Square in downtown Tampa (corner of Pierce and Kennedy). Bring a lunch or buy one from the food trucks. The lunchtime event takes place on the first Friday of each month from 11am to 2pm. 11 11 ARTS CAROLE ADAMCZYK January 2014 Happy New Year to all! At our January meeting, all entries to the GFWC 2015 Arts & Crafts Competition will be on display, from our club members. Please be sure to come up and see all the beautiful items our talented members of our club have created. Thank you to all who helped with our 2014 Club Scrapbook entry into the 2015 Arts & Crafts Competition. It was certainly a group effort. Upcoming events: Straz Center The Book of Mormon January 20 - February 1, 2015 Carol Morsani Hall First Date A Broadway Musical January 27 - April 12, 2015 Opera Tampa New Voices in Concert January 18, 2014 On the Trail of Big Cats with National Geographic photographer Steve Winter January 20, 2015 Volunteer Opportunity: Paint the Town, Saturday, January 17, 2015 TIME: 8am until 2pm Volunteers and organizational groups are needed for the University Area Community Development Corporation’s (UACDC) third annual Paint the Town event Saturday, January 17, 2015 from 8am until 2pm, to paint sweep and/or collect liter in the University District. Those interested in volunteer opportunities can contact Ronnie Oliver at 813-558-5212 or at GFWC New Tampa Woman’s Club 2901 Bayshore Blvd Tampa, FL 33629-7404 Address Service Requested NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT #646 TAMPA, FLORIDA . Recipe for a Happy New Year. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Anonymous Take twelve fine, full-grown months; see that these are thoroughly free from old memories of bitterness, rancor and hate, cleanse them completely from every clinging spite; pick off all specks of pettiness and littleness; in short, see that these months are freed from all the past—have them fresh and clean as when they first came from the great storehouse of Time. Cut these months into thirty or thirty-one equal parts. Do not attempt to make up the whole batch at one time (so many persons spoil the entire lot this way) but prepare one day at a time. Into each day put equal parts of faith, patience, courage, work (some people omit this ingredient and so spoil the flavor of the rest), hope, fidelity, liberality, kindness, rest (leaving this out is like leaving the oil out of the salad dressing— don’t do it), prayer, meditation, and one well-selected resolution. Put in about one teaspoonful of good spirits, a dash of fun, a pinch of folly, a sprinkling of play, and a heaping cupful of good humor.
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