Newsletter 110418-11 - Rotary Club of Wyong Tuggerah
Newsletter 110418-11 - Rotary Club of Wyong Tuggerah
ROTARY CLUB OF WYONG TUGGERAH INC. ! ! ABN 86 610 636 849 Post Office Box 85, Wyong, NSW 2259, Australia. SERVICE ABOVE SELF In one way or another, we all take out of the system—how nice to be able to put a little back—The Difference is Rotary. Weekly Bulletin 2011 #11 18th April 2011 Meeting Venue Coffee Club Tuggerah Westfield Shopping Centre Meeting Time—6.00 p.m. for 6.30 p.m. On the 5th. March, 1949, Rotary International granted the Charter Application to form the Rotary Club of Wyong with 18 members . Then, on 9th. July, 1949, under the Chair of Gosford President, Roy Thew, the Rotary Club of Wyong held its Charter Dinner in the old Memorial Hall in Alison Road, with the same 18 members being inducted by District Governor F. Harold Reed. Wyong became Club No. 7198, in Rotary District No. 29. North of the Harbour, only North Sydney (founded in 1928), Manly (1936, Gosford (1945, Ryde (1946 and Chatswood (1948) pre-dated Wyong. Rotary Club of Wyong Tuggerah 1 N E W S L E T T E R COMMITTEE: President:! Secretary / Admin.:! District Governor 9680:! President Rotary International:! Treasurer:! Vocational Service Director & Rty. Foundation: ! Community Service / Projects Director:! International Service:! Youth Director / Publicity Officer:! President – Elect &Club Service Director:! Bulletin Co-ordinator / Editor:! Membership Director:! District Website:! Club Website: ! Club Email:! Twitter:! Liz North Ian Everitt George Papallo O.A.M. Ray Klinginsmith (USA) Frank Graham Graeme Peters Julie Graham Mark Simpson Ellis Hopper John Unicombe Greg Elsey Stuart Bryant @rotary_wt MEMBERS: NAME! ALESSIO, Eugene! BRYANT,Stuart! DACOMBE, Mike! ELSEY, Greg! EVERITT Ian! FLETCHER Owen! GRAHAM Frank! GRAHAM, Julie! HOPPER, Ellis! LEWIS, Amy! LIM, Debbie! LUSTED, John! MANNING, Chris! MORGAN, Bill! NORTH, Liz! PETERS, Graeme! SIMPSON, Mark! UNICOMB, John! PARTNER! Adele! Janese! Jenny! Therese! Karilyn! Margaret! Julie! Frank! Sheila! ! ! Joy! Margaret! Dorothy! Clive! Jenny! Margaret! Leanne! PHONE (H)! 4392 3421! 4388 9004! 4355 1252! 4323 6905! 4355 0943! 4390 7459! 4976 1195! 4976 1195! 4353 4027! ! ! 4353 2940! 4334 1779! 4389 2649! 4353 2440! 4365 0452! 4342 7879! ! PHONE (W)! ! 4388 1610! PHONE (M)! 0416 213 241! 0418 493 168! E-MAIL 4355 4437! ! ! ! ! 4353 4036(F)! ! ! ! 4396 4722! ! 4353 1400! 4353 3600! 4353 1999! ! 0439 900 866! 0412 612 986! 0408 165 417! 0425 330 162! 0449 180 480! 0418 690 191! 0447 590 142! 0414 989 405! ! 0418 532 811! 0403 169 471! 0418 434 405! 0411 553 143! 0412 927 879! 0417 274 585! 18 Current members HONORARY MEMBERS: DIXON , Laurie! JAMES, Terry ! MIZZI, Ted! ! Betty! 4388 1492 Audrey! 4388 1746 Nola! 4334 6433! 4334 6433! 0418 433 247, C O R P O R AT E S U P P O RT E R S / M E M B E R S : Helen Laird! Nola Mizzi ! Julie Thompson ! Gavin Hughes ! Gwen Conte! Carl Emerton! Adele Alessio! David McClelland! ANZ The Entrance Branch ANZ Bateau Bay Branch ANZ Tuggerah Branch Drawbridge Software Integration Pty. Ltd. Legends Bakery Carl Emerton Optometrist Wyong Community Bank. Bishop Collins, Chartered Accountants ! Your apologies and / or guest details to The Treasurer or President Liz latest 11 a.m. Mondays for catering purposes, otherwise dinner charge will be levied. 2 Rotary Club of Wyong Tuggerah N E W S L E T T E R PROJECTS of fun which enables Rotary to fund local charities by over $12,000. UPCOMING EVENTS CAMP BREAKAWAY: INTERPLAST: A group of dedicated Rotarians at Wyong realised that boys and girls with physical and/or mental disability had special needs, as did their parents and full time carers as well so that these boys and girls and their carers could have a week or two away from their usual routines and surroundings. Hence the name “Camp Breakaway”. For the past 25 years, 14,000 operations and over 24,000 patient consultations have been carried out by Rotary sponsored Doctor and Nurse Teams traveling voluntarily to the Pacific Rim Nations to perform cleft palate, cleft lip, burns, tumors, deformities and injury operations. I N T E R N AT I O N A L CONFERENCE THE OASIS CENTRE: was evolved through co-operation with Wyong Council to assist the youth of Wyong & the Coast and give them a recreational centre in the centre of Wyong. R OTA R Y S M A L L B U S I N E S S AWARD: This award honours a small business which has demonstrated its viability, adherence to a strict code of ethics and strives for continuous quality improvement. The award is presented at an Annual Businessmen’s Dinner. COMMUN AWARDS: I TY S E R V I C E Recognises and awards those unsung and unpaid volunteers throughout our community who perform so magnificently above and beyond the call of duty. Y OUTH E PROGRAMME: X C H A N G E A programme whereby young people (14 to 18 years) stay in a foreign country for a period of up to one year. They attend school and are hosted by various Rotary families. M . U . N . A . ( M ODE U NITED N ATION A S S E M B LY ) : A N YA ( T R E A S U R E D ) : Is an initiative that exists to see disadvantaged girls aged 11 to 14 realize their beauty, worth and potential. They are pampered and mentored into a healthy lifestyle and led away from moral decline towards a lift in self esteem. CELEBRITY LOCK UP: Local Celebrities volunteer to be ‘locked up’ to be bailed out at the start of a night Year 11 students assume the role of individual countries and their attitudes at a U.N. Assembly. Run by Rotary and recognised by the U.N., a number of local schools have participated in MUNA. R OTARY I NTER S CHOOL D E B AT E S : Year 11 students from four High Schools debate each other on topical and controversial subjects. The winners receive an inscribed trophy and school prizes are awarded. Students receive a Cert. of Participation for inclusion in C.V’s. POLIO PLUS: Rotary has been the leader in ridding the world of Poliomyelitis. The current programme is designed to drive the final nail into the polio coffin and ensure that ‘brush fires’ do not re-occur. PRIDE OF WORKMANSHIP AWARDS: These are awarded to employees who have lived up to the Rotary Theme of “Do it once, do it well and build a better Australia”. Supported by donations to the Trust. The interest only is spent and there are no administrative costs. Recent research funding has benefited Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and Problems of the Ageing. The current corpus is $4,000,000. The A.R.H.R.F. is second only to the Federal Government in the funding of Mental Health research in Australia — an outstanding feat of which Rotarians can be justly proud. YOUTH PROGRAMME OF E N R I C H M E N T ( R . Y. P. E . N . ) This is designed for boys and girls 14— 17 years of age and is to help in communicating a series of ideals to assist them to form their own values and moral standards. Rotary Club of Wyong Tuggerah ! L S R OTARY Y OUTH L E A D E R S H I P A W A R D ( 1 8 — R O TA R Y H E A LT H RESEARCH FUND: 24 YEARS): A one week residential course at Vision Valley. One or two people from each of the District’s 63 clubs are sent each year. A highly sought after and successful course for youth leaders and future community leaders. N’ORLEANS May 2011 HOW TO GET I N V O LV E D I N R OTA R Y Go to en_html/ elearn_how_to_get_involved_en.htm to find out how to get involved with Rotary. Rotary International provides training opportunities for all Rotarians. The Rotary E-Learning Centre is your online resource for the independent study of Rotary, particularly for new members and club officers. Visit the Rotary E-Learning Centre Training/ForAllRotarians/Pages/ elearning.aspx? M O D E L U N I T E D N AT I O N S A S S E M B LY ( M . U . N . A .) Whilst contacting the various school’s Year 11 Co-ordinators and Principals over the next few weeks, we are sure that there will be interest in participation in M.U.N.A. This event will be held, probably at the Sarah Lee Community Hall at Narara again, in late May. ROSTRUM VOICE YOUTH. OF This Programme has been assisted for many years by the Rotary Club of Northbridge and has, for more than 30 years, promoted the skill of public speaking among Australia’s secondary school students. The competition is recognised as the premier schools speaking event. It is propoted to most secondary schools in Australia utilising the various states’ public, Catholic and independent schools networks. Because the number of students entering the competition has been growing so strongly in N.S.W., Rostrum has needed to look beyond its own membership for capable, public-spirited persons to participate in the staging of competition. 3 N E P.P. Ellis has volunteered his service for Central Coast events, providing they don’t conflict with similar Rotary events and Pres. Liz, John Unicomb, Adele Allessio (Rotary Corporate member), Mark Simpson and Ian Everitt have also put their hands up to consider any requests for club assistance. A U S T R A L I A N R OTA R Y H E A LT H R A C E D A Y 2 0 1 1 Saturday 21st May 2011 at Rosehill Gardens. Come to the races and wear a hat to promote mental health awareness. A great day out for just $110 per person. Includes entry, a delicious lunch plus beer, wine and soft drinks. All proceeds to Australian Rotary health. Phone Jenny Towe 02 8837 1900 A non refundable deposit of $25 per person is required with each booking. H AT D AY 2 0 1 1 Hat day for Mental Health Research. Wear a hat in May to support Hat Day. Friday 2oth May 2011 Ph: 1800 781 878 BUY LOCAL FESTIVAL The Festival is the largest of its kind and is a festival for all. I would like to give the opportunity to Rotary districts to unite at a Rotary Exhibitor site (free of charge) displaying the work of Rotarians and value of involvement. The Festival is supporting the following Central Coast charities: Coast Shelter Iris Foundation Give me 5 for Kids. Kind regards, Lyn Thompson | Principal BtoB with a Twist | LBH Promotions W S L E T T E R GUEST SPEAKER Dear Fellow President’s For those of you who were unable to attend the last President’s meeting in early March at Hornsby RSL. I was fortunate enough to do a short presentation promoting my series of books, starting with the first one “How to help your kids with money”. At that meeting I made an offer to be a guest speaker at any club that would like to hear more about my books, but also provide more details on my kids money education program “Banking On Youth”. This email is to extend that offer, and to advise as an incentive to all clubs that are prepared to get involved with spreading the word about getting kids to save, I am donating $5.00 per book back to the club that is involved in the sale. In addition I am offering a further $1,000 to the club in our district that manages to get the most books sold through their connections by 24/12/2011. I see this as a opportunity to get Rotary involved in a program that clearly should be taught in schools. Financial literacy is a neglected topic with our kids, and I see it as a subject that is needed more now than ever. I urge as many clubs to get involved and help me spread the word. Each book is $19.95 and can be purchased through I am happy to provide any club with a consignment of books to sell ( with no commitment to purchase) should they wish to get involved. I am willing to discuss any aspects of my books with you as President or any fellow Rotarians that may have questions. Kind regards Keith Rowntree Author (President – Glenhaven Rotary Club 2010-2011) PO Box 1015 Castle Hill NSW 2154 0437 394 299 Youth in Rotary the article on Any and here induction 4 Rotary Club of Wyong Tuggerah N E W S L E T PRESIDENTS C.C R E Q U E S T R E : R OTA R Y GALA CONCERT 2011 ‘THE JEWELLERY BOX’ A PLAY ABOUT HUMAN TRAFFICKING On behalf of the Presidents of the Gosford and Gosford City Rotary Clubs as sponsors of the 14th annual Rotary Gala Concerts to be held on Sunday 22nd May you are kindly requested to draw attention to the flyers for the Fund raising concerts and to encourage early group bookings by members, their partners and friends. The C.C. Symphony Orchestra, Concert and Brass Bands and Philharmonia Choir will once again present a Feast of Music under the theme “SWING and SWOON”. It will be a mix of some 14 short popular classical pieces and well known rock, pop and jazz inspired master pieces. Our Compère will be Christopher Bearman A.M. , Director of the C.C. Conservatorium. Annually the Concert raises an average of $2.000- net for each Ensemble, vital for their existence. Mayor Laurie Maher is being invited to report on progress and prospects for a 1000 seat Concert Hall Reservations by email or phone to 4328.2596 will be accepted in April with discount and other incentives for the Organiser. Best seats for the 4.00 pm Concert are still plentiful. Individual bookings may be made after Easter through the C.C Conservatorium on 4324.7477 As important decisions are to be made later this year for the “Gosford Landing” and large scale developments for the revival of Gosford CBD through connection with the water front with Federal and State Funding we would like to impress the Authorities and C.C. Leagues Club with capacity crowds for both Concerts. The Club is awaiting approval for its visionary proposals for a Concert Hall and new Conservatorium as separate parts of the proposed extensions of the Club’s premises. Looking forward to your esteemed support for this well established festive event and major fund raiser. Yours in Rotary, PP Henk Keulemans 4328.2596 and 0414.561.968 For the Joint Organising Committee Performed by Wyong Christian Community School Senior Drama Students Wyong Christian Community School Drama Department would like to invite you to attend the inaugural production of The Jewellery Box, written by Central Coast Christian writer, director, actor and drama teacher Rouba Elhage* *For more information on Rouba ElHage visit The jewellery box, a symbol of innocence and femininity, is ‘...ripped, stripped and broken and ugly things are placed inside. But it was not made for ugly things, it was made for beauty...’ (Quote from Section 10 of The Jewellery Box) The play’s intention is to create awareness about the ever-growing issue of human trafficking and it does this through an eclectic mix of theatrical styles to engage, challenge and inspire the audience. Statistics say: 27 million people are held in slavery world wide 1,838 women and children are sold for sex daily - that’s one slave every 47 seconds The average age of a trafficked victim is 14. All the proceeds from the performances will go to the A21 Campaign, an organisation that is helping rescue, restore and rehabilitate trafficked victims from all around the world. For more information on A21 visit Where: Wyong Christian Community School Hall, 100 Alison Rd, Wyong When: Wed 22nd June 7pm Thurs 23rd June 12pm (matinee) Thurs 23rd June 7pm Cost: $18 Adults and $12 Students. Bookings and Inquires: Wyong Christian Community School, Ph: 02-43512020 The play is suitable for high school age and adult audiences. Thank you and we look forward to partnering with you to help fight this horrendous injustice! See you at the show if not before :) Rouba El-Hage Rotary Club of Wyong Tuggerah T E R Erina’s Century Challenge 1 May 2011 Opera by the Lake Sunday 1st May 2011 : 1.30-4pm Fagan Park, Galston The Rotary Club of Galston in conjunction with Pacific Opera Novus Foundation Gala Dinner Saturday 28 May 7pm Miramare Gardens in Terry Hills CLUB WEBSITE Please visit our club website. if you have any news or articles you would like to see added, please send them to the editor We need your photos, poems, funnies, stories and any other literature suitable for inclusion in our newsletter and on our website. Email details to editor@rotarywyongtuggerah 5 N E W S L E T T E R LAST MEETING The last meeting was replaced with an Italian night. A TT E N D A N C E Meeting:! Month:! Fines: $ Apologies &/or Leave of Absence: GUESTS & POTENTIAL MEMBERS: GUEST SPEAKER: Actual:%! Actual:%! Notional:% Notional:% ISTANBUL ESENTEPE ROTARY CLUB PRESENTS “TIME TRAVELLERS’ CAMP” 7 Centuries, 7 Palaces and 7 Palace Main Course Recepies ISTANBUL, European Capital of Culture in 2010 is the ONLY city in the world that is situated on two continents. Not only with its geographical importance, Istanbul has its unique history of 8000 years and was home for two great empires. Byzantine Empire (Eastern Roman Empire) between 330 and 1453 and Ottoman Empire between 1299 and 1918 (İstanbul was the capital between 1453 and 1918) have ruled eastern mediterannean, asia minor, balkans, middle east and north Africa from İstanbul. Based on the 2010-2011 theme “building communities, bridging continents”, ESENTEPE Rotary Club has designed a special program called “time travellers’ camp” in İstanbul between January-February and June-July 2011. Participants will travel in time from 1200’s to 1900’s by mainly focusing on the IMPERIAL PALACES in İstanbul from Byzantine and Ottoman periods in an exclusive way in seven days. Participants will be able to spend an unforgettable week in İstanbul with full of history, culture and palace cousine cooking classes. Meetings to be hosted by ESENTEPE Rotary Club will also be a chance to meet Rotarians from Turkey to make new friends and develop projects to serve communities in the future. Esentepe Rotary Club members welcome all Rotarians and friends to İstanbul. Please contact club secretary Mr. Mert Gucluer ( if you do not want to miss this unique and limited offer. R OTA RY Y O UT H L EA D E R SH I P A WA R D Is your head full of inconsequential rubbish? Like to have fun? Supporter of East Timor? Then this is the night for you. TRIVIA QUIZ East Timor, Timor Leste, Timor Loro saé Join us for a great night of fun and games. Make up a trivia table (8 people) or join ours. When? Saturday 14 May 2011 R O TA R Y Y O U T H LEADERSHIP AWARD BOOKINGS: Theo & Georgia Glockemann 99806842 or 0438298223 By Sunday 8 May 2011 Where? Pennant Hills Community Centre Cnr Yarrara & Ramsey Roads Pennant Hills (opp. the station) Cost? $20 pp - bring your own nibbles & drinks - coffee & tea provided. Time? 6.30 for 7pm start Rotary District 9680 6 Rotary Club of Wyong Tuggerah N E W S L E T T E R Pirates of the Caribbean 4 It's with great anticipation that I advise you of Wyong Tuggerah Rotary's Movie night. Please see if you can get ALL your friends and work colleagues to come along and make this a great night. The details are; Movie : Pirates of the Caribbean 4 When: Friday 27th May @ 6.00 to 6.30 ( session time to be confirmed ) Where: Greater Union , Tuggerah Cost : $ 16 RSVP: Mark on 0412 92 7879 ASAP, but definately by 23rd May Please note that tickets must be pre purchased looking forward to a great night, and your support Mark Simpson Wyong Tuggerah Rotary Club We are holding a Trivia Quiz Night on 14 May 2011 to raise funds for the second Rotary Youth Leadership Award (RYLA) Program to be held in Timor Leste in August. This program was an unqualified success in 2010 and we are expecting to double the number of East Timorese leaders and participants in 2011. We know the experience is amazing for young leaders here and we believe it may have a major effect on the future of leadership in the newest nation in the world - Timor Leste. Young people leading young people........ “RYLA gives young people the precious gift of one week to focus purely upon themselves, to reflect on their values and their goals, and to begin to realise the truly amazing things they are capable of achieving.’ Patrick Mahony RYLArian and Facilitator 2010 Please come along and bring a table of friends. We'd love your company and support. We promise a night of fun and laughter and can assure you that the cause is great. Regards Lyn Davies RYLA TIMOR LESTE COMMITTEE Rotary District 9680 We all take out of the system — Rotary is an ideal way to put something back into the system and support some worthwhile community and Pacific causes, programmes to benefit humanity and “Do Good in the World”. Rotary Club of Wyong Tuggerah 7 N E W S L E T T E R DATES TO REMEMBER: Monday 18th April 2011 - Meeting Coffee Club Tuggerah - Marie-Anne from RYDA will be our guest speaker Monday 25th April 2011 - No meeting due to public holiday Monday 2nd May 2011 - Meeting Mingara (to be confirmed) Monday 9th May 2011 - Inter-School Debates - Wallarah Bay Recreation Club Monday 16th May 2011 - Inter-School Debates - Wallarah Bay Recreation Club Wednesday 25 May 2011 - Inter-School Debates - Wallarah Bay Recreation Club Monday 30th May 2011 - Pride of Workmanship -Wallarah Bay Recreation Club 06-09 May 2012 - International Convention Bangkok, Thailand (tentative) 15-21 January 2012 - International Assembly San, Diego, California, USA WHAT IS A ROTARIAN? • a Rotarian is a person who digs wells from which he or she won't drink... • a person who vaccinates children he or she will never meet... • who restores eyesight for those he or she will never see... • who builds housing he or she will never live in... • who educates children he or she will never know... • who plants trees he or she will never sit under... • who feeds hungry people regardless of color, race or politics... • who makes crawlers into walkers halfway around the world... • who knows real happiness can only be found by serving others! THE NATIONAL ANTHEM ROTARY GRACE Australians all let us rejoice For we are young and free We've golden soil and wealth for toil, Our home is girt by sea: Our land abounds in nature's gifts Of beauty rich and rare, In history's page let every stage Advance Australia fair, In joyful strains then let us sing Advance Australia fair. Oh Lord and giver of all good, We thank thee for our daily food, May Rotary friends and Rotary Ways Help us to serve Thee all our days THE ROTARY 4 WAY TEST ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Is it the TRUTH ? Is it FAIR to all concerned ? Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS ? Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned? Quotes of the Week The future depends on what we do in the present. - Mahatma Gandhi Where there is love there is life. ~ Gandhi Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined. ~ Henry David Thoreau Real knowledge is knowing the extent of one's ignorance. ~ Confucius 8 Rotary Club of Wyong Tuggerah