11:57:46a.m. 12-26-200T 1t4 TR -) lFV Fij,/ i,i:.. t' Esq.,SBN201965 1 GoldieSchor1 NACHSHIN& WESTON,LLP I 160lWilshireBoulevard Suite1500 3 Ins fuigeles,California90025 (310)478-6868 n ONIGINATTII.,ED 4 for Petitioner Attornqns DEC 2 6 2007 5 6 ',iffifdFEffii' 7 8 SUPERIOR COIJRTOFTHESTATEOFCALIFORNIA 9 FORTHECOI.JNTY OFLOSANGELES 10 ll : isi I^; : ; 12 Petitioner: giFi #j; T4 FEE. i t5 gg13 l6 CASENO.BD 402989 In re the Marriageof MELANIE JANIM BROWN l3 and JSAtr gR+A$Iā¬IgtZA&-- DATE: December19,2ffi7 TIME: 8:30A.M. DEPT: 65 ?oz :ei t7 -; l8 ORDERON PETITIOMR'S EX PA RTEAPPLICATTON/ORDER TO SHOWCAUSE Petitioner'sEx Parte Application for the Court to resolveRaspondent,Jimmy Gulzar's l9 visitationschedule with minorchild,PhoenixGulzar,age8, bornFebnrary19, 1999,for theperiod 20 Deoamber28,2007throughFebruary24,2008,cameonregularlyfor hearingon December1L,2007, presiding,asresultofDepartnent65, 2 l at 8:30a.m.,in Departnent2, theHonorableRobertSohnider, 22 with HonorableAmy Pellman,beingdarkthatday. Noticewasproperlyduly givenbythePetitioner's 23 counsel. 24 TheHonorable4obertSelrnidcrplovidqtateutat'ecdecisiontt[t[trSdtiEdEfeWdS uarerable 25 andthebavelwaswonderfulfer a r:rer ihild ef &is4s: The Ex Partewasseton a shortenedtime 26 forDcoember19,2007. 27 On Decfitber 19,2007,theHonorableRobertSchniderprcsidedoverthis matteragainas did not stipulateto Comrnissioner 28 Reqpondent Amy Pellmanin Departnent65. 7004fl12r905 90?G0 BROWN/GUTZAR DTISOLUTION/BD4O2989 PACE I ORDERSONEX PARTEAPPIJCATION/ORDER TO SBOWCAUSE t 1 ; 5 8 : 0 3a m . 12.26-2007 -- G.i;7 frat '.t t, I On Dece'mb et 19,2007,Petitioner,MelanieJ.Brownwasnotpresentbut wasrepresented by 2 Goldie Schon,Esq.,of Nachshin& Weston,LLP her attorneyof record. Respondent,Jimmy B. 3 Gulzar,in propriapenionawaspresent. 4 The Court, after oonsideringthe Ex Parte Application of Petitioner,and the documents 5 submittedin connection therewith,andafterhearingtheoralpresentations andargument of counsel, 6 madethefollowingOrders. 7 IT IS HEREBY ORDERED: 8 l. Thereliefrequested byPetitioner to resolvethetemporarymodification of soheduling 9 of Respondent, Jimmy Gulzar'svisitationwith theminorchild for theperiodDecember28,2007 l0 : isr "ie.iz throughFebruary24,2008is granted. 2. 1l r2 Petitionercontinues to maintainsolelegalandsolephysioal custodyoftheminorchild PhoenixGulzar,age8, bom February19,1999,pursuant to theparties'October22,2003Judgment f=tc P ex. i 9ii ; .oa En l zodi =! ' 4 5 fri gF =t : 3 l3 in England,whichHigh CourtOrdershavebeenregistered in theStateof California. t4 l5 3. Thecustodialschedule for theminorchild,PhoenixGulzar,age8,bornFebruary19, rg99, f"t tL"p-i"au*u*irt zi,Joozrr,r""eh irb* *v zi, zmnrldi;;"** l6 A. isE Respondent, JimmyGulzarshallhavevisitationwith the minor child from 12:00p.m.,onDecember 28,2007through12:00p.m.,JanuaryI l, 2008; T7 l8 B. 19 Petitioner,MelanieBrownshallhavecustodyof theminor child from 12:00p.m.,onJanuary11,2008through12:00p.m.,February10,2008; 20 C. 2l Respondent, JimmyGulzarshallhavevisitationwith minorchild from 12:00p.m.,onFebruaryI l, 2008throughFebruary24,2008; 22 D. For theyear2008only,Reqpondent, JimmyGulzarshallhavevisitationwith 23 minor child on her birthday,February19,2007 with no custodialtime to 24 Petitioneron saidday; 25 E. Petitioner,MelanieBrown shallhavecustodyof the minor child from 12:00p.m.,on February24,2008through6:00p.m.,on March7,2008. 26 27 ill 28 lll t?ooNn2t905 t90ttF PACE2 DISSOLUTION/3D BROWN/GTJIZAR 402989 SBOTY CAUSE ORDERS ONDX?ARTEAPPLICATION/ORDERTO 1 'l: 5 8 : 2 3a r n . =- I 3. 12-26-?007 Respondentshallresumehis permanentvisitationschedulewith Phoenixasstatedin 2 theOrdersoftheHighCourtentered.October22,2003,andasspecificallymodifiedintheOrderfiled 3 onMarch19,2004,asfollows:Altemateweekends fromFridayat6:00p.m.,throughSunday at6:00 4 p,m, Respondent shallresumehispermanent visitationschedule onMarch7,2008. 5 4. Theexchange locationshall 6 5. PetitionershallprovideRespondent with thecurrentlyknownaddresses of wherethe 1 all exchanges. minorchildwill resideduringPetitioner's physicalcustodyperiod,indicatedabove.If anyresidential 8 changes of theminor child occurafterinformationis provided,Petitionershallnotiff Respondent 9 within forty-eight(48)hoursof rhechange. l0 PetitionershallonceagainprovideRespondent with hercellulartelephone numberin 1 l orderto communicatewith the minor child. u; t2 7. Respondentshall takethe minor child to schoolduringthe periodthat he has OO !; l3 visitation,as indicatedabove. :< ':. =o J5 lo 't 5 ::- t4 8. Respondentshallbe entitledto havetwo (2) telephoneconversations with the minor l5 child'stutortoobtaingeneralinformation'Respondent+h ,F alz )o r-'t 7 m, pf{a = F l8 A, Respondent shallcooperate with Petitioner's counsel, GoldieSchonin order l9 to coordinate andeffectuate thetelephone communications with thetutorin England. 20 9. Thepartiesshallcomplete theCourtrequirement of attending conciliation courtby 2 l March30,2008, 22 10. All otherreliefrequested by Respondent eitherin Responsive pleadings to 23 Petitioner's Orderto ShowCauseor orallyin Courton December 19,2Q07 is denied. 24 //l 25 /// 26 t/l 27 ilt 28 ill BROWN/CUTZAR DISSOLLIION/BD402989 PAGE3 ORDERS ONEX PARTEAPPLICATION/ORDERTO Sf,OWCAUSE 1'l :58:43 a.m - JI I II' 12-26-2007 Exceptasotherwisespecificallyprovidedfor herein,all Orders(including theOrder 2 filedMay 19,2004)andtheOrderofttreHigh CourtJusticein Englandoctoberzz,zxls,registered in theStateof California,shallremainin full forceandeffect,andanyvisitation periodsprovidedto 4 Respondent in saidorder of theHigh Courtfor theaforementioned statedperiodaresuperseded by .t 5 thatsetforlh hereinabove. J 6 7 8 Dated: 9 OEC 2swl ED OBERTSCHNIDERJIIDGE OF THE SUPERIORCOURT l0 ll : ca 33i 12 1i3a i; s ; l3 FeEI gr 5; t4 .o-E-,ii zo n; , it Fi,,s l; 5 i? 3 93 .; 3 l6 x {u? ?o. 17 l8 l9 20 2l 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ,700AIII2r90J 9070s ORDERS ONEX PARTTAPPLICAIION/ORDEN rO SUOWCEUSN