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Introduction ............................................................................................. 11 Mode of conducting the test .................................................................... 11 Who can apply ? ............................. ........................................................ 12 After the Entrance Test ........................................................................... 13 Academic eligibility - Professional Courses ........................................... 13-15 Eligibility for Government Seats ............................................................ 15-19 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Syllabus .................................................................................................. 20 & 30 Duration, Question Paper and OMR Answer Sheets .............................. 20 & 30 Optical Mark Reader Sheets as Answer Sheets .......................................20 & 30 Specimen of the OMR Answer Sheet ......................................................20 & 31 Important Precautions to be taken while writing / shading top portion of OMR Answer Sheet ............................................................... 21 & 31 6. Determination of Merit and Publication of Merit Lists .......................... 23 & 33 7. Reservation of seats in favour of certain categories ............................... 25 1. Documents to be produced for verification ............................................35,40-41 2. Admission Fee and percentage of seats (Government Share) ................ 36 3. Government Seats (Seat Matrix) ............................................................. 36 Chapter –IV Stages of verification of documents and online seat allotment process ..... 39-92 Note to candidates who have paid excess fees ........................................... 92 Note on Refund and forfeiture of fee / cancellation of a seat ...................... 93 What is Supernumerary Quota? ............................................................... 94 Prominent Telephone numbers ................................................................. 95 Specimen of prescribed formats ............................................................... 97-103 Professional Colleges information ........................................................... 103-140 Additional detailed explanation for “Non-interactive online seat allotment process” .................................................................................................. 140-144 PÀ£ÀßqÀ ªÀÄvÀÄÛ DAUÀè ¨sÁµÉAiÀÄ DªÀÈwÛAiÀÄ°è K£ÁzÀgÀÄ ªÀåvÁå¸À«zÀÝ°è, DAUÀè ¨sÁµÉAiÀÄ£ÀÄß CAwªÀÄ JAzÀÄ ¥ÀjUÀt¸ÀĪÀÅzÀÄ. 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The information furnished by the candidate in the CET-2016 online application form with regard to Caste / Category and Annual Income remains the same for the purpose of assignment of ranks / selection or allotment of a seat and no change will be entertained in future for any reason. If the information furnished by the candidates in the online application form or any other document/s submitted by the candidates / parents are found to be false / incorrect / tampered / forged such candidate's seat will be cancelled at any point of time during his / her course of study and criminal proceedings as per rules will be initiated by the Government against the candidate. General Instructions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. All candidates are directed to see the website of KEA http://kea.kar.nic.in atleast twice every day for updates. Likewise the instruction / information will also be sent to the mobile number furnished by the candidates in the online application form. KEA or the Government shall not be responsible for any action / consequence resulting due to non-diligent follow up of notices, notifications and publications appearing on the KEA website on CET-2016 by the Candidates. The candidates must compulsorily verify their qualifying examination marks printed on the result sheets without fail, if there is any discrepancy with reference to qualifying examination marks, the same should be brought to the notice of this office immediately for assignment of new ranks, if necessary. If the qualifying examination marks of the candidates change after revaluation or re-totaling then the candidates are required to submit a copy of the latest marks card indicating the change in marks if any to the KEA for assignment of revised / new rank. All the candidates (GM, SC, ST Category – I, 2A, 2B, 3A & 3B category candidates) must compulsorily produce the STUDY CERTIFICATE (wherever necessary) obtained from the head of the institution where the candidate has passed the 10th standard / SSLC examination, by mentioning the Standards, Academic years, Mother Tongue as per the admission register of the institution. (Page 99) The candidates who claim seat under rural category will have to obtain a rural study certificate from the respective school / high school issued by the head of the institution which should be countersigned by concerned Block Educational Officer (BEO) as per format shown at page 97. General merit candidates who claim seat in rural category should also submit an income certificate issued from the concerned Tahasildar along with the rural study certificate, as per format shown at page 97. The candidates who have studied in the areas mentioned in Page 95-96 during their school days are not eligible to claim rural category seat. However, if the place where the candidate had studied from 1st to 10th standard comes under rural area at the time of his / her studies, he / she will be eligible under rural quota, even though the same place has been declared as urban area in later days. Candidates belonging to reserved categories should submit caste / income certificate as the case may be, issued by the Concerned Tahasildar in Form 'D' for SC, ST, in Form 'E' for Category-I and in Form 'F' for 2A, 2B, 3A and 3B categories, without fail during the verification of original documents at the Helpline Centres. Submission of any documents will not be entertained once the document verification process is completed. 5 The SC, ST and Category-1 candidates are exempted from paying tuition fees, as prescribed in Vide GO No. »AªÀPÀ 589 ©JAJ¸ï 2013 ¨ÉAUÀ¼ÀÆgÀÄ ¨ÉAUÀ¼ÀÆgÀÄ ¢£ÁAPÀ 06-08-2014, if their annual income is less than Rs.2.5 lakhs, Please read the relevant Government orders for details. The other backward class candidates have to pay the fees to CET and they can apply for re-imbursement from the Backward Class Department as per Government Order No. ¸ÀPÀE 357 ©JAJ¸ï 2012 ¨ÉAUÀ¼ÀÆgÀÄ ¢£ÁAPÀ 22-11-2012 after admission to the concerned colleges. Please read the relevant Government orders for details. CAUTION ! : Submission of certificates to claim different types of reservation. A candidate who desires to claim a seat reserved for caste / category groups, viz., SC, ST Category-1, 2A, 2B, 3A and 3B should produce the “Income and Caste Certificate” issued by the Tahasildar of the concerned Taluk. If a candidate makes a claim in his / her CET Application under any of the Caste-Category groups, KEA will not verify the claim at the initial stage. However when the candidate attends the document verification process on the prescribed date the candidate has to produce the required Income and Caste Certificate as claimed in the application form, failing which the candidate will not be allowed to verify their documents under that particular Caste / Category. Any request for allowing the candidate to verify the documents under that particular Caste / Category with a permission to produce the Income and Caste Certificate subsequently / or later date or day will not be entertained under any circumstances. The candidate who claim Reservation Caste Category and other reservation benefits “Rural, Kannada Medium, etc.” in CET online application form are advised to attend document verification with the relevant certificates / documents. The Government in its Order No. »AªÀPÀ 148 ©¹J 2015 ¨ÉAUÀ¼ÀÆgÀÄ, ¢£ÁAPÀ 04-06-2015, has enhanced the 9. annual income limit from ‘4.50 Lakhs to ‘6.0’ Lakhs per annum for claiming reservation benefit. The candidate and his / her father's - mother's who's Gross Annual Income is below Rs.6.00 Lakhs are eligible to claim benefit of reservation under 2A, 2B, 3A and 3B categories. 10. Candidates claiming Hyderabad-Karnataka Region Reservation (Article 371 (j)) must submit the certificate [Annexure – A (eligibility certificate – rule 3(3))] issued by the concerned Assistant Commissioner during document verification. (Page 34) 11. Verification of documents will be done in 13 notified Helpline Centres across the State after declaration of merit list. Candidates have to verify their documents in person in the nearest Helpline Centre as per the notified schedule. Only upon verification of documents and issue of verification slip (candidates are required to verify the printed data on the verification slip), candidate will be allowed to enter their options online. The candidates also have provision to take a print out of options in each round. Every candidate shall be given high security user ID and Password, using which the candidate has to login and change the password as per his / her choice. The details of Helpline Centres will be made available on the website http://kea.kar.nic.in. IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS ON OPTION ENTRY: The options entered by the candidate for the first round will remain same for all the rounds of seat allotment. The candidates will not be allowed to enter options again. Option Entry done before the first round will be the final list of options. The priority of options entered by the candidate will be shown on the option entry module by obtaining the candidate credentials. Candidate may delete or alter order of higher options. The candidate will be allowed to add new options for any colleges and course that came into the seat matrix after the first round. 6 12. KEA will allot the seats ONLINE in the order of merit and based on the priority of options obtained from the candidates. Candidates have to enter the options of their choice on the specified URL at KEA Website on their own arrangements. Candidates will have the choice to enter as many number of options as they desire. Candidates may note that they should enter their options carefully by following the prescribed procedures. 13. According to the candidate's final option entry, college and course will be allotted. The candidate has to report to the finally allotted college / course compulsorily and candidate does not have the right to admit to the previous college and course selected. Therefore, he / she is advised to enter their options carefully. 14. A candidate may have option to select Medical / Engineering etc; seat in other boards like AICTE, AIIMS, COMED-K and KEA etc. In case such candidate wishes to confirm the seat selected from other boards then such candidate who has also been allotted a seat through KEA has to surrender the seat allotted by KEA before commencement of Second Extended Round of seat allotment, failing which it may amount to blocking of seat and Government may initiate both civil and criminal action against such candidates. 15. If a candidate decides to surrender the seat, he / she has to surrender the seat only to KEA in writing. Merely not reporting to the selected / allotted college should not be presumed by the candidate that he / she have surrendered the seat to KEA. 16. Please read the refund and forfeiture conditions detailed in this brochure carefully given at page 93. 17. No requests for Mutual Transfer of seats will be entertained by KEA at any point of time. 18. All the admissions / allotments made to and by the colleges shall be subject to approval by the Government / concerned University / Apex Bodies. 19. KEA will publish on its website http://kea.kar.nic.in all the details of candidates such as candidate's name, father's name, category under which seat allotted, annual income of the parent etc., who are allotted seats under reserved category in any discipline after the final round of seat allotment. WHAT IS NEW THIS YEAR? The data pertaining to 2nd PUC Students have been obtained from PUE department and displayed at the time of applying online. By obtaining the student number KEA had displayed the particulars of the student and later students were allowed to change those particulars if necessary. KEA is planning to introduce online verification of documents; otherwise the document verification will be conducted at Helpline centres detailed in page 9. 5% of the seats in each college and in each course will be reserved as Supernumerary Quota in all Engineering Colleges. This quota is over and above the seat matrix issued by the Government. The tuition fee prescribed by the Government in that particular college will be waived off. The candidate has to pay the other fees only. This Supernumerary quota is not available for Architecture Course. All candidates including General Merit are eligible for allotment of seats under Supernumerary quota whose annual income of the family from all the sources is less than Rs.6.00 Lakhs. For details read page 94. 7 CALENDAR OF EVENTS FOR CET- 2016-17 Date of Notification 09-01-2016 Commencement of Entry of Application Online 13-01-2016 Last date to enter application details online 13-02-2016 Last date to pay the application fees in the bank 15-02-2016 Date of downloading of Admission Tickets by all the eligible Applicants 15-04-2016 04-05-2016 & 05-05-2016 DATE OF COMMON ENTRANCE TEST – 2016 Date of Kannada language Test: (ONLY for Horanadu & Gadinadu Kannadiga candidates) 06-05-2016 Schedule for submission of Special Category Certificates – Refer (A) - Verification of Documents for Agriculturist at the respective Practical Test Centres Date of publication of 'CET 2016' Provisional Answer Key Last date for submission of objections, if any, regarding Answer Key 12-05-2016 to 18-05-2016 09-05-2016 13-05-2016 20-05-2016 Last date for appearing to NATA 20-05-2016 Last date for submission of NATA scores along with a copy of the 2nd PU / 12 Std. Marks card to KEA 24-05-2016 Date of publication of CET - 2016 Results along with applied Answer Key 28-05-2016 Verification of documents for Special Category – Schedule Physically Disabled, NCC and Sports KEA is planning to introduce online verification of documents from this year. Otherwise Verification of Documents at Helpline Centres. Refer (B) 01-06-2016 & 02-06-2016 From 03-06-2016 to 20-06-2016 (A) Schedule for submission of Special Category Certificates NAME OF THE SPECIAL CATEGORY DATE FOR SUBMISSION Sports 07-05-2016 and 10-05-2016 (10.30 am to 5.30 pm) N.C.C. CAPF / CRPF / CISF / BSF / ITBP 11-05-2016 and 12-05-2016 (10.30 am to 5.30 pm) Defence Ex-CAPF 13-05-2016 (10.30 am to 5.30 pm) Anglo-Indian Ex-Defence 16-05-2016 to 17-05-2016 (10.30 am to 5.30 pm) Scouts and Guides To be submitted on the day of Verification of documents along with other certificates. Candidates who do not submit their original Special Category Certificates on the notified dates, WILL NOT BE ELIGIBLE for further verification and they will not be considered for allotment of seats under the respective Special categories. 8 (B) Schedule for Verification of Documents: (At Helpline Centres) (Read page 46 for more details) Verification of documents will be done at once for all the disciplines to which the candidate is eligible. If the candidate is eligible for more than one discipline i.e., for Medical / Dental, Engineering, ISM & H, Farm Science, BPharm and Pharm-D, 2nd year B-Pharm (Lateral Entry) then for all the disciplines documents will be verified at once. If a candidate has got multiple ranks, then he / she can come to the Helpline Centre on the scheduled date as per his / her highest rank either in Medical or Veterinary or ISMH or Engineering or Architecture or Farm University course and need not come again for other ranks in other disciplines. The candidates SHOULD NOT attend the verification process based on Agriculturist Quota Rank (Practical Rank). DATE AND DAY Forenoon Session-1 9.15 a.m. – 11.00 a.m. Forenoon Session-2 11.15 a.m. – 1.15 p.m. Afternoon Session-1 2.00 p.m. – 4.00 p.m. Afternoon Session-2 4.15 p.m. – 6.15 p.m. Reporting Time : 8.30 a.m. Reporting Time : 10.15 a.m. Reporting Time : 1.00 p.m. Reporting Time : 3.15 p.m. Rank Numbers Rank Numbers Rank Numbers Rank Numbers From To From To From From To 001 701 4001 150 1800 5500 151 1801 5501 300 2600 7000 301 2601 7001 450 3400 8300 451 3401 8301 700 4000 9000 TUESDAY 9001 10500 10501 12000 12001 13300 13301 14000 WEDNESDAY 14001 16000 16001 18000 18001 19300 19301 20000 09-06-2016 THURSDAY 20001 22000 22001 24000 24001 25300 25301 26000 10-06-2016 FRIDAY 26001 28000 28001 30000 30001 32000 32001 33000 11-06-2016 SATURDAY 33001 35000 35001 37000 37001 39000 39001 40000 13-06-2016 MONDAY 40001 42500 42501 45000 45001 47000 47001 48000 14-06-2016 TUESDAY 48001 50500 50501 53000 53001 55000 55001 56000 15-06-2016 WEDNESDAY 56001 58500 58501 61000 61001 63000 63001 64000 16-06-2016 THURSDAY 64001 67000 67001 70000 70001 72000 72001 74000 17-06-2016 FRIDAY 74001 77000 77001 80000 80001 82000 82001 84000 18-06-2016 SATURDAY 84001 89000 89001 93000 93001 95000 95001 96000 20-06-2016 MONDAY 96001 100000 100001 104000 104001 03-06-2016 04-06-2016 06-06-2016 FRIDAY SATURDAY MONDAY 07-06-2016 08-06-2016 To Last rank Option Entry Schedule Sl. No. Date and Time Particulars 01 Display of Seat Matrix and Fee Structure – for all disciplines 02 Option Entry by eligible candidates 03 Publication of Mock Allotment Results 04 Provision to change options if any by candidates 05 06 07 Publication of Real allotment Result Confirmation of Choices on Allotment, Payment of Fees and downloading of admission order Last date for reporting the colleges. First Round Second Round 14-06-2016 after 4.00 pm 04-07-2016 after 11.00 am From 8.00 pm on 04-07-2016 to 07-07-2016 up to 10.00 am Second Extended Round (if needed) 16-07-2016 after 11.00 am From 5.00 pm on 16-07-2016 to 19-07-2016 up to 10.00 am 23-06-2016 after 4.00 pm From 8.00 pm on 23-06-2016 to 25-06-2016 up to 9.00 am 26-06-2016 after 4.00 pm 08-07-2016 after 2.00 pm 20-07-2016 after 2.00 pm 27-06-2016 to 29-06-2016 11-07-2016 to 12-07-2016 21-07-2016 to 22-07-2016 30-06-2016 before 5.30 pm 13-07-2016 before 5.30 pm 23-07-2016 before 5.30 pm From 11.00 am on 15-06-2016 to 22-06-2016 up to 11.00 am 9 CHANGE OF COMMON ENTRANCE TEST CELL (CET Cell) AS “KARNATAKA EXAMINATIONS AUTHORITY” The Government of Karnataka established Common Entrance Test Cell in the year 1994 for conducting of Entrance Test and to determine the merit of the candidates for admission to Professional courses such as Medical, Dental, Indian Systems of Medicine & Homoeopathy, Engineering / Technology & Architecture courses, Farm science, B-Pharm, Pharm-D courses. To expand the activities of the CET Cell, the Government by order No. ED. 212 TEC 2006 dated 20-12-2006 has converted the Common Entrance Test Cell in to an autonomous body Registered under Societies Registration Act 1960 called “Karnataka Examinations Authority” (KEA). A candidate who had obtained a seat in any discipline through KEA (CET Cell) in any of the previous years will not be eligible for allotment of a seat to the same discipline during 2016. However, he / she is eligible to appear for CET-2016 for allotment of seat in any other discipline. Eg: If a candidate had selected Engineering seat during previous year, he / she will not be considered for allotment of seats in the same discipline. However he / she is eligible to appear for CET-2016 for selection of Medical / Dental / ISM&H / Architecture / Farm Science courses, B-Pharma / Pharma-D, if he / she is eligible. Further, the seat selected during the previous year gets automatically cancelled and shall not be eligible to continue in the course to which he/she has been admitted during previous years, upon selection of a seat in a different discipline during this year. PÀ.¥À.¥Áæ (¹En ¸Éˉï) ªÀÄÆ®PÀ F »A¢£À ªÀµÀðUÀ¼À°è AiÀiÁªÀÅzÁzÀgÀÆ «¨sÁUÀzÀ°è ¹Ãl£ÀÄß DAiÉÄÌ ªÀiÁrPÉÆArgÀĪÀ C¨sÀåyðUÀ¼ÀÄ 2016£Éà ¸Á°UÉ CzÉà «¨sÁUÀzÀ°è ¹Ãl£ÀÄß ºÀAaPÉ ªÀiÁrPÉƼÀî®Ä CºÀðjgÀĪÀÅ¢®è. DzÀgÉ ¨ÉÃgÉ «¨sÁUÀUÀ¼À ¹ÃlÄUÀ¼À£ÀÄß ¥ÀqÉAiÀÄĪÀÅzÀPÁÌV CAvÀºÀ C¨sÀåyðUÀ¼ÀÄ ¹En-2016PÉÌ ºÁdgÁUÀ§ºÀÄzÀÄ. GzÁ: C¨sÀåyðAiÀÄÄ EAf¤AiÀÄjAUï ¹Ãl£ÀÄß PÀ¼ÉzÀ ¸Á°£À°è DAiÉÄÌ ªÀiÁrzÀÝgÉ CAvÀºÀ C¨sÀåyðAiÀÄÄ CzÉà «¨sÁUÀzÀ°è ¹Ãl£ÀÄß DAiÉÄÌ ªÀiÁrPÉƼÀî®Ä ¥ÀjUÀt¸ÀĪÀÅ¢®è. DzÀgÉ ªÉÊzÀåQÃAiÀÄ, zÀAvÀªÉÊzÀåQÃAiÀÄ, LJ¸ïJA & ºÉZï, ªÁ¸ÀÄÛ²®à, PÀȶ «eÁÕ£À PÉÆøÀÄðUÀ¼ÀÄ, ©-¥sÁªÀÄð, ¥sÁªÀÄð r PÉÆøÀÄðUÀ¼À£ÀÄß CºÀðjzÀÝ°è DAiÉÄÌ ªÀiÁrPÉƼÀî®Ä CºÀðjgÀÄvÁÛgÉ. ¥Àæ¸ÀPÀÛ ªÀµÁðªÀ¢üAiÀÄ°è AiÀiÁªÀÅzÉà ¨ÉÃgÉ r¹¦è¤£À°è ¹Ãl£ÀÄß DAiÉÄÌ ªÀiÁrPÉÆAqÀgÉ PÀÆqÀˉÉÃ, DvÀ/ DPÉ »A¢£À ªÀµÀðUÀ¼À°è ¸ÉÃjPÉÆArgÀĪÀ PÉÆùð£À°è ªÀÄÄAzÀĪÀgÉAiÀÄĪÀ CºÀðvÉ ºÉÆA¢gÀĪÀÅ¢®è ºÁUÀÆ »A¢£À ªÀµÀðUÀ¼À°è DAiÉÄÌ ªÀiÁrzÀÝ ¹ÃlÄ vÀAvÁ£É gÀzÀÄÝUÉƼÀÄîvÀÛzÉ. True Fact What was he? Some of the best music was composed by BEETHOVEN. He was deaf. Some of the best poetry about nature was written by MILTON. He was blind. One of the greatest leaders was FRANKLIN ROOSEVELT. He served from a Wheel Chair. MORAL: Turn Scars into stars - You are born to achieve 10 CHAPTER – I 1. INTRODUCTION The Karnataka Common Entrance Test 2016 is being conducted for the purpose of determining the eligibility / merit, for admission of Karnataka candidates and the ward/s of Jammu & Kashmiri migrants to the First year or First semester of full time courses for Government share of seats in Medical, Dental, Ayurveda, Homoeopathy, Unani, Naturopathy & Yoga, Engineering, Technology, Architecture, Farm Science courses i.e., B.Sc. (Agriculture), B.Sc. (Sericulture), B.Sc (Horticulture), B.Sc (Forestry), B.Sc. Agri Bio Tech, BHSc.(Home Science), B.Tech (Agri.Engg), B.Tech (Food Technology), B.Tech (Dairy Tech), B.FSc (Fisheries), B.Tech (Food Science &Tech)., B.Sc. (Agri. Marketing & Co-Op), B.Pharm and Pharm-D course, in Government / University / Private Aided / Private Un-Aided Professional Educational Institutions in the State of Karnataka for the academic year 2016-17. Admission to Government seats shall be made in accordance with the Karnataka Selection of Candidates for Admission to Government Seats in Professional Educational Institutions Rules, 2006 (in short Rules) as amended from time to time and therefore the details and instructions contained in this Information Booklet are subject to the said Rules. In case of any discrepancy, the Rules shall prevail. 2. MODE OF CONDUCTING THE TEST In order to obtain admission to any of the professional courses through KEA, a candidate must appear for the Common Entrance Test, which will be conducted by the Karnataka Examinations Authority, Bangalore (Herein after referred to as KEA). The Common Entrance Test-2016 will be conducted at 54 places, spread over Karnataka Candidates who have passed or are appearing for Qualifying Examination within Karnataka should write 'CET-2016' in a test centre assigned by the KEA within the district in which the candidate has studied 2nd PUC or 12th standard. Common Entrance Test – 2016 - Time Table Date Day 04-05-2016 Wednesday 05-05-2016 Thursday Timings 10.30 am – 11.50 am 02.30 pm – 03.50 pm 10.30 am – 11.50 am 02.30 pm – 03.50 pm Subject Biology Mathematics Physics Chemistry Marks 60 60 60 60 * KANNADA LANGUAGE TEST – only in Bangalore 06-05-2016 Friday 12-05-2016 to 18-05-2016 Date Day 20-05-2016 Friday ONLY FOR HORANADU AND GADINADU KANNADIGA CANDIDATES 11.30 am to 12.30 pm 50 Verification of Documents for Agriculturist at the respective Practical Test Centres Timings Subject 9.00 am onwards PRACTICAL EXAMINATION on “Identification of Agriculture Related Specimens” TO CLAIM SEAT UNDER AGRICULTURIST QUOTA# 11 Marks 200 * KANNADA LANGUAGE TEST: The candidates claiming eligibility for Government seats under Horanadu & Gadinadu Kannadiga clauses (c and d) and whose mother tongue is Kannada, Tulu or Kodava, will have to undergo a Kannada language test, to establish their ability to speak, read and write Kannada. The Kannada Language test will be conducted by KEA as per the above schedule only in Bangalore Centre; therefore such candidates will have to appear for the 'Common Entrance Test - 2016' in a test centre located at BANGALORE Only. The minimum passing marks for all Horanadu and Gadinadu Kannadiga candidates shall be 12 out of 50 marks in Kannada Language Examination conducted by KEA in order to be considered for assignment of ranks and to become eligible for allotment of seats in CET-2016. (The Kannada Language Test paper will be of 4th Standard Level) However, the Horanadu and Gadinadu Kannadiga candidates who have studied TEN full academic years in Kannada Medium from 1st standard to 10th standard in places outside the state of Karnataka need not appear for Kannada Language Test conducted by KEA. # Minimum of 50% marks in Practical Examination is required to claim seat under Agriculturist Quota. Further, Agriculturist Quota is applicable only for Farm University courses. Practical Examination will be conducted at Bangalore, Hassan, Mandya, Raichur, Mysore, Munirabad (Koppal District), Arabhavai (Gokak Tq) Tamaka (Kolar District), Mangalore, Bidar, Bagalkot, Dharwad and Shimoga. Candidates applying under 'Agriculturist Quota' for Under Graduate Degree Programmes of Agriculture / Horticulture / Veterinary Universities etc., will have to appear for Document Verification (restricted to Agriculturist Quota) in the district chosen by the candidates on any one of the days between 12-05-2016 to 18-05-2016 at the respective Practical Examination Centres and for Practical Examination on 20-05-2016 in the practical examination centre opted by the candidate in the online application form. Candidates should carry all the relevant certificates including the Agriculturist Quota in the prescribed format, along with, Practical Test Fees: Rs.500/- for General and OBC (Rs.250/- for SC, ST and Category -1), this fee amount shall be paid at the respective Practical Test Centre on the day of verification of documents in the form of Demand Draft drawn in favour of Comptroller of the respective University. In the case of Agriculturist Quota, the merit list will be prepared based on 25% marks each, secured in concerned combinations in II year PUC (PCMB) & CET and 50% marks secured in the Practical Test. In case of B.V.Sc & AH merit will be prepared based on 50% of Marks secured in CET (Physics, Chemistry and Biology) and 50% of marks scored in the practical test. Based on the performance of the candidates in the Common Entrance Test and the Qualifying Examination, as the case may be, the merit / rank list will be prepared and published. All the eligible candidates will be considered for allotment of seats in the order of their merit / rank and based on the options and as per the seat matrix issued by the Government. 3. WHO CAN APPLY? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. No candidate shall be eligible for admission to Government Seats unless he is a citizen of India. The candidates who have passed the qualifying examination other than the universities listed in the notification at VTU Website are NOT eligible and candidates who have passed from Karnataka State Open University are also NOT eligible. A candidate who is appearing in the qualifying examination, i.e., 2nd PUC / 12th Standard in 2016 whose result is awaited, may apply and appear for Common Entrance Test 2016 but he/she shall not be eligible for admission to any of the course specified in item 5 at page 13-14, if he/she does not pass the qualifying examination with the required pass percentage of marks. The educational qualifications / eligibility criteria prescribed by the Competent Authority in regulations / guidelines issued from time to time will be applicable in deciding the eligibility. Eligibility / admissions / allotments made to and by the colleges shall be subject to approval by MCI / DCI / AICTE / COA / CCIM / Government / concerned University / Apex Bodies / etc. 12 4. AFTER ENTRANCE TEST 1. The Provisional ANSWER KEY will be published on 09-05-2016 on the KEA website. The candidates / parents / lecturers, can file their objections, if any, on or before 13-05-2016 in respect of any of the published answer key, along with all the supporting documents & justification. The objections may be sent through e-mail to KEA mail address: keaauthority-ka@nic.in. Objections received by KEA will be placed before the Expert Committee, whose decision will be final in this regard. 2. The candidates who are claiming eligibility under special categories such as NCC, Sports, Anglo-Indian, CAPF, ExCAPF, Defence and Ex-Defence must submit their special category documents to KEA office, Bangalore, during office hours in person invariably on the dates notified against each Special category given at page No. 8 of the brochure. The candidates who do not submit the above mentioned special category certificates on the notified dates will not be considered for document verification and also for allotment of seats under the respective special categories. 3. The regular students (fresher) appearing for Karnataka 2nd PUC Annual Examination 2016 and Repeater students of Karnataka 2nd PUC who have appeared during annual examination 2016, need not submit the qualifying examination marks card to KEA. However Repeater students of Karnataka 2nd PUC who have already passed the examination before 2016 and the students of CBSE, CISCE, 10+2, NIOS and other boards who are appearing for 12th standard examination during 2016 and passed the examination before 2016 must send a photocopy of their qualifying examination marks card (on which the CET Number is boldly written) either in person or only through 'Speed Post' to the KEA, Bangalore after completion of CET - 2016 on or before 20-05-2016. However, the candidates who submit photocopy of their QE marks cards after 20-05-2016 will get their ranks before the commencement of the allotment of seats or whenever they submit the Q. E. marks card. The candidates who submit the marks within the prescribed time will only be considered for verification of documents. 5. ACADEMIC ELIGIBILITY FOR VARIOUS PROFESSIONAL COURSES Sl. No 1 2 For Admission to 1st Year Eligibility In Qualifying Examination, candidate should have Medical / Dental (MBBS / BDS) Passed in 2nd PUC / 12th Std / Equivalent Exam with English as one of the Languages and obtained a Minimum of 50% of Marks in aggregate in Physics, Chemistry, Biology subjects. (Aggregate of three) (40% for SC, ST, Cat-1, 2A, 2B, 3A and 3B category candidates) Ayurveda, Homoeopathy, Unani, Naturopathy and Yoga (ISM & H) Passed in 2nd PUC / 12th Std / Equivalent Exam with English as one of the Languages and obtained a Minimum of 50% of Marks in aggregate in Physics, Chemistry, Biology subjects. (Aggregate of three) (40% for SC, ST, Cat-1, 2A, 2B, 3A and 3B category candidates) In CETExamination Minimum of 50% of marks in aggregate in PCB Subjects (40% for SC, ST, Cat-1, 2A, 2B, 3A and 3B category candidates) No Minimum Marks prescribed in CET Criteria for Determination of Merit / Rank Only on the basis of marks obtained in PCB Subjects in CET. By taking marks in equal proportions in QE and CET in PCB subjects. Further, the candidates seeking admission to Medical / Dental / Ayurveda / Homoeopathy / Unani / Naturopathy & Yoga courses, should have completed the age of Seventeen Years as on 31st December of 2016. Important: As per Government Order No. HFW 148 PTD 2014, Bangalore dated 18-08-2014, candidates who select Unani course must compulsorily pass in URDU language examination equivalent to 10th standard, conducted by the concerned colleges after the seat allotment before admission. 13 Sl. No 3 4 5 6 7 For Admission to 1st Year Engineering / Technology (B.E. / B.Tech) Eligibility In Qualifying Examination, candidate should have In CETExamination Passed in 2nd PUC / 12th Std / Equivalent Exam with English as one of the Languages and obtained a Minimum of 45% of Marks in aggregate in Physics and Mathematics along with Chemistry / Bio-Technology / Biology / Electronics / Computer. (40% for SC, ST, Cat-1, 2A, 2B, 3A and 3B category candidates) No Minimum Marks prescribed in CET Criteria for Determination of Merit / Rank By taking marks in equal proportions in QE and CET in PCM subjects. Minimum of By taking marks 40% of Marks in obtained in all NATA for all subjects in categories of Architecture (B.Arch) Qualifying students including SC, ST Examination and and Other NATA taken in Backward equal proportions Classes. NOTE: For admission to Architecture course candidate should compulsorily appear for NATA conducted by the Council of Architecture. The last date to appear for NATA is on or before 20-05-2016. Last date to submit NATA Score Card to KEA is 24-05-2016. Visit KEA Website for list of examination centres conducting NATA. Passed in 2nd PUC / 12th Std / Equivalent Exam with Mathematics as Compulsory optional subject and obtained a Minimum of 50% of Marks in aggregate in all the subjects. (45% for SC, ST, Cat-1, 2A, 2B, 3A and 3B category candidates) B.Sc. (Agriculture), B.Sc. (Forestry), B.Sc.(Sericulture), B.Sc.(Agri. Biotech), B.Sc.(Horticulture), B.H.Sc.,(Home Science) B.Tech.(Food Technology), B.Tech.(Dairy Technology), B.F.Sc (Bachelor of Fisheries Science) B.Tech. (Food Science &Tech.), B.Sc.(Ag. Marketing and Co-operation) and B. Tech (Agriculture Engineering) Passed in 2nd PUC / 12th Std / Equivalent e x a m w i t h P h y s i c s , C h e m i s t r y, Mathematics and Biology as optional subjects. No Minimum Marks prescribed in CET By taking marks in equal proportions in QE and CET in PCM subjects. Bachelor of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry (B.V.Sc. & A.H.) Passed in 2nd PUC / 12th Std. and obtained an aggregate minimum of 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English subjects. (Aggregate of Four) (40% for SC, ST, Cat-1, 2A, 2B, 3A and 3B category candidates) No Minimum Marks prescribed in CET Only on the basis of marks obtained in PCB in CET. B-Pharm Passed in 2nd PUC / 12th Std with Physics, Chemistry and Biology or Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics and obtained a Minimum of 45% of Marks in aggregate in Physics, Chemistry, Biology subjects. (40% for SC, ST, Cat-1, 2A, 2B, 3A and 3B No Minimum category candidates. OR Marks Passed in Diploma in Pharmacy Examination prescribed in from an institution approved by the CET Pharmacy Council of India Under Section 12 of the Pharmacy Act and has secured minimum of 45% marks. (40% for SC, ST, Cat-1, 2A, 2B, 3A and 3B category candidates. 14 Only on the basis of marks obtained in PCM or PCB Subjects (whichever is higher) in CET 2nd Year B. Pharm 8 9 Pharm-D Passed in Diploma in Pharmacy Examination from an institution approved by the Pharmacy Council of India Under Section 12 of the Pharmacy Act and has secured minimum of 45% marks. (40% for SC, ST, Cat-1, 2A, 2B, 3A and 3B category candidates. Passed in 2nd PUC / 12th Std with Physics, Chemistry and Biology or Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. OR Passed in Diploma in Pharmacy Examination from an institution approved by the Pharmacy Council of India Under Section 12 of the Pharmacy Act. No Minimum Marks prescribed in CET No Minimum Marks prescribed in CET Only on the basis of marks obtained in PCM or PCB Subjects (whichever is higher) in CET Only on the basis of marks obtained in PCM or PCB Subjects (whichever is higher) in CET WHAT IS NATA? 'National Aptitude Test in Architecture' or NATA is an All India level entrance examination conducted by the Council of Architecture for 200 marks, for admission of candidates to First year of five-year full time B. Arch. Degree course. The Architecture seats in Government, Aided and Un-aided institutions of the State are offered ONLY to the candidates who have appeared for NATA and who have obtained the prescribed minimum marks in both Qualifying Examination and NATA. Therefore, all the candidates who want to be considered for allotment of Architecture seats, should compulsorily appear for NATA, and should obtain a minimum of 40% marks including SC, ST, Category-I and OBC category candidates in NATA (In other words one has to secure a minimum of 80 MARKS OUT OF 200). Visit website for LIST OF INSTITUTIONS CONDUCTING NATA (NATIONAL APTITUDE TEST IN ARCHITECTURE) IN KARNATAKA. The interested candidates can appear for the NATA, any day before 20-05-2016. Such candidates should obtain and submit their NATA scores along with the copy of the 2nd PU / 12th Std. Marks Card (by boldly writing their CET Number on the NATA score card) to the KEA either in person or only through 'Speed Post' on or before 24-05-2016. NOTE: Candidates who do not pass in all the subjects in the qualifying examination and candidates who do not possess the academic eligibility detailed above for various Professional Courses, will not be eligible to be considered for allotment of seats in the respective courses. A candidate who passes in all the subjects in the qualifying examination and later withdraws one or more subject for reappearing in the qualifying examination for improving his performance will not be considered for allotment of seats in the regular round and will be treated as a supplementary candidate. Not only a candidate who has passed the qualifying examination with requisite marks but also a candidate who is appearing for the Q.E. and expecting the results is eligible to apply for the Common Entrance Test – 2016. 6. ELIGIBILITY FOR GOVERNMENT SEATS As per Rule 5 (1) of Karnataka Selection of Candidates for Admission to Government seats in Professional Educational Institutions Rules, 2006, No candidate shall be eligible for admission to Government Seats unless he is a citizen of India. Candidates who satisfy one of the following clauses / eligibility criteria only are eligible for selection / allotment of government seats in government, aided, private un-aided minority / non-minority institutions through KEA. Each condition is specified as a clause and is individually referred by a code. The documents to be produced during verification of documents in support of the claim for each of the Clauses are also detailed below the respective clauses. The candidates who do not satisfy any of the Clauses / Eligibility Criteria detailed below and the candidates who do not produce the prescribed documents in original will not be eligible for admission to professional courses under Government quota seats. 15 (Please read page 42-41 for list of documents to be submitted by the candidates during document verification) Provided that only candidates of Karnataka origin and who are claiming eligibility for Government seats in accordance with the eligibility clause (a), (b), (f), (h), (j), (k), (l) and (o) shall be eligible to claim the benefit of reservation under this sub-rule. The candidates claiming eligibility for Government seats under eligibility clauses (c), (d), (e), (g), (i), (m), (n) are not eligible to claim the benefit of reservation. ELIGIBILITY CLAUSES and DOCUMENTS REQUIRED The candidate should have studied and passed in one or more Government or Government recognised educational institutions located in the State of Karnataka for a minimum period of SEVEN academic years commencing from 1st standard to 2nd PUC / 12th standard as on 1st July of the year in which the Entrance Test is held and must have appeared and passed either SSLC / 10th standard or 2nd PUC / 12th standard examination from Karnataka State. In case of the candidate who had taken more than one year to pass a class or standard, the years of academic study is counted as one year only. a Documents to be produced: 1) SSLC / 10th standard Marks Card, 2) 2nd PUC / 12th standard Marks Card of the candidate, 3) Candidate's Study Certificate; 4) If claiming Rural quota: - Rural Study Certificate from 1st to 10th std for Ten Complete Years. 5) If claiming Kannada Medium quota: Kannada Medium Study Certificate from 1st to 10th std for Ten Complete Years;. 6) If claiming reservation benefits: Caste / Caste Income Certificate issued by Concerned Tahsildar- For SC / ST in Form-D, Category-I in form E and 2A, 2B, 3A and 3B in Form F. The candidate should have studied and passed either 1st and 2nd year Pre-University Examination or 11th and 12th standard examination within the State of Karnataka from an Educational Institution run or recognized by the State Government and that either of the parents should have studied in Karnataka for a minimum period of SEVEN years. Documents to be produced: 1) SSLC / 10th standard Marks Card, 2) 2nd PUC / 12th standard Marks Card of the candidate; 3) If claiming reservation benefits:- Caste / Caste Income Certificate issued by Tahsildar- For SC / ST in FormD, Category-I in Form-E and 2A, 2B, 3A and 3B in Form-F., along with – , 4) (a) a study certificate for either of the parent having studied for at least 7 years in Karnataka from the Head of the educational institution where he / she had studied. (b) the candidate's study certificate for having studied both 1st & 2nd PUC or 11th & 12th standard in Karnataka issued by the head of the educational institution. b The candidate and either of the parent's mother tongue should be Kannada, Tulu or Kodava and either of parent was domiciled in the state of Karnataka, such candidate should have passed the qualifying examination from a University or Board or any other Institution located outside Karnataka and should be residing outside the State of Karnataka as on 1st May of 2016. Provided that the candidate shall undergo a Kannada Language test conducted by KEA. Documents to be produced : 1) SSLC / 10th standard Marks Card, 2) 12th standard Marks Card of the candidate along with – , 3) a domicile certificate issued by the concerned Revenue or Municipal Authorities certifying that the candidate and his either of parent have resided outside the state of Karnataka as on 06-05-2016. The place of the Issuing authority should correspond to the place of domicile of the candidate / father / mother. 4) a domicile certificate issued by concerned Revenue Authorities of the state of Karnataka regarding the previous domicile of the father / mother of the candidate as a place in the state of Karnataka. The place of the Issuing authority should correspond to the place of domicile of the father / mother. 5) Candidate's Study certificate, Transfer Certificate. 6) Father / Mother 10th standard marks card / cumulative record in original in support of mother tongue as Kannada / Tulu / Kodava. 7) A duly sworn declaration regarding mother tongue of the candidates. 16 c A candidate whose mother tongue is Kannada, Tulu or Kodava should have resided and studied for a period of SEVEN YEARS between 1st and 12th standards in disputed Kannada speaking area of South Sholapur or Akkalkot or Jath or Gadhinglaj Taluks of Maharashtra State or Kasargod or Hosadurga Taluks of Kerala State. Provided that the candidate shall undergo a Kannada Language test conducted by KEA. Documents to be produced : 1) SSLC / 10th standard Marks Card and 2nd PUC / 12th standard Marks Card of the candidate along with. 2) Residential certificate from the concerned Tahsildar of the respective disputed Taluk. 3) Candidate's study certificate issued by the head of institution, which should be countersigned by Taluk Education Officer. 4) A duly sworn declaration regarding mother tongue of the candidate. d NOTE: The candidates claiming eligibility under Clauses 'c' and 'd' above, should invariably speak, read and write Kannada and must secure a minimum of 12 marks in Kannada Language Test to be conducted by KEA on 06-05-2016. Otherwise, they will not be assigned ranks. In the case of a candidate who is son or daughter of defence personnel who has worked continuously in Karnataka for a minimum period of one year in Karnataka during the Two year period of study of candidates in PUC / 11th and 12th Standard course. The candidate should have studied and passed the qualifying examination from any Government or Government recognised educational institution located in the State of Karnataka. Documents to be produced : 1) SSLC / 10th standard Marks Card. 2) 2nd PUC / 12th standard Marks Card of the candidate along with–, 3) The candidate's study certificate for having studied 2nd PUC or equivalent examination in Karnataka issued by the head of the educational institution. 4) Employment certificate of the parent issued by the Controlling Office where the parent is working indicating the period during which he has worked in the State of Karnataka i.e., from the reporting date to till date. Son or daughter of serving Defence personnel from Karnataka who at the time of joining the Defence service had declared his / her hometown a place in the State of Karnataka. Proof of such domicile should be obtained and produced by obtaining the extract from the AG'S branch (Army Hqs) respective branch of integrated HQ of MoD for Officers and respective Record Offices for JCOs / OR. Further, the candidate should have passed the Q. E. from a University or Board or any other institution located anywhere in India. Documents to be produced: 1) SSLC / 10th standard Marks Card. 2) 2nd PUC / 12th standard Marks Card of the candidate; 3) If claiming reservation benefits:- Caste / Caste Income Certificate issued by Concerned Tahsildar as per the prescribed format given in the brochure along with. 4) Parent's home town declaration certificate while joining the service issued by respective branch of integrated HQ of MoD for Officers and respective Record Offices for JCOs / OR. e f g 17 Son or daughter of an ex-servicemen who at the time of joining the defence service had declared a place in Karnataka as his home town, proof of such domicile should be obtained and produced from the “Deputy Director, Department of Sainik Welfare and Resettlement” of that District and the same should countersigned by the Director Department of Sainik Welfare and Resettlement. Further, the candidate should have passed the Q. E. from a University or Board or any other institution located anywhere in India. Documents to be produced : 1) SSLC / 10th standard Marks Card. 2) 2nd PUC / 12th standard Marks Card of the candidate; 3) If claiming reservation benefits :- Caste / Caste Income Certificate issued by Concerned Tahsildar- For SC / ST in Form-D, Category-I in Form-E and 2A, 2B, 3A and 3B in Form-F. 4) Parent's home town declaration certificate while joining the service issued by the Joint Director / Deputy Director of the concerned district and countersigned by the Director, Department of Sainik Welfare and Resettlement, Bangalore. In the case of a candidate being a son or daughter of an employee of the Union Government or an employee of the Union or Karnataka State Government Undertaking or Joint Sector Undertaking, who is liable to be transferred anywhere in India as per the terms and conditions of his employment and has worked in Karnataka for a minimum period of one year in Karnataka during the Two year period of study of candidates in PUC / 11th and 12th Standard course. and such candidate has studied and passed the qualifying examination from any Government or Government recognised educational institution located in the State of Karnataka Documents to be produced : 1) SSLC / 10th standard Marks Card. 2) 2nd PUC / 12th standard Marks Card of the candidate along with. 3) The candidate's study certificate for having studied 2nd PUC or equivalent examination in Karnataka issued by the head of the educational institution. 4) A certificate from the employer indicating the parent's period of employment in the State of Karnataka and also showing that he is transferable anywhere in India. 5) A certificate from employer indicating parent as an employee of Union Government or an employee of the Union or Karnataka State Government Undertaking or Joint Sector Undertaking. h i Son or daughter of a working or retired employee of the Union Government or employee of Union or Karnataka State Government undertaking or Joint Sector undertaking where such employee; (a) had declared to the employer at the time of joining service any place in Karnataka to be his home town; and (b) had studied in any Government or Government recognised educational institution or institutions located in Karnataka for a minimum period of seven years; and was or is liable to be transferred anywhere in India as per the terms and conditions of his employment. Further, the candidate should have passed the Q. E. from a University or Board or any other institution located anywhere in India. Documents to be produced : 1) SSLC / 10th standard Marks Card. 2) 2nd PUC / 12th standard Marks Card of the candidate; 3) If claiming reservation benefits:- Caste / Caste Income Certificate issued by Concerned Tahsildar- For SC / ST in Form-D, Category-I in Form-E and 2A, 2B, 3A and 3B in Form-F Along with – (1) a study certificate of the parent employee for having studied for at least 7 years in the State of Karnataka from the Head of the educational institution where he / she had studied. (2) home town declaration certificate of the parent employee while joining the service and showing that he is transferable anywhere in India issued by the employer. j Son or daughter of Members of Parliament elected from Karnataka. Further, the candidate should have passed the Q. E. from a University or Board or any other institution located anywhere in India. Documents to be produced: 1) SSLC / 10th standard Marks Card. 2) 2nd PUC / 12th standard Marks Card of the candidate; 3) If claiming reservation benefits :- Caste / Caste Income Certificate issued by Concerned Tahsildar- For SC / ST in Form-D, Category-I in form-E and 2A, 2B, 3A and 3B in Form-F. 4) Certificate showing that the parent is / was a Member of Parliament elected from Karnataka issued by the Parliament Secretariat. 18 k Son or daughter of serving or retired employee:(a) belonging to All India Service of Karnataka cadre; and (b) of the Karnataka State Government, who has served or is serving outside the State of Karnataka during the period corresponding to Candidate's study outside the State from 1st standard to 2nd PUC or 12th standard examination can be added to make up the seven years study within Karnataka as required under clause (a) above. Documents to be produced : 1) SSLC / 10th standard Marks Card. 2) 2nd PUC / 12th standard Marks Card of the candidate; 3) If claiming reservation benefits :- Caste / Caste Income Certificate issued by Concerned Tahsildar- For SC / ST in Form-D, Category-I in Form-E and 2A, 2B, 3A and 3B in Form-F, along with –. 4) Certificate from the Principal Secretary / Deputy Secretary / Under Secretary, DPAR, Government of Karnataka, Bangalore where the parent belongs to All India Service of Karnataka cadre stating that the parent is a member of such All India Cadre. The certificate should also indicate the period during which he has served or is serving outside the state of Karnataka and if the parent is a State Government Employee, a certificate from the concerned Head of the Department or the Head of the Office where such parent is employed should be produced in this regard. l Son or daughter of Jammu & Kashmiri migrants, proof of such migration (IDENTITY CARD) should be obtained and produced from the jurisdictional “District Magistrate and Deputy Commissioner” of any state in India. Documents to be produced : 1) SSLC / 10th standard Marks Card. 2) 2nd PUC / 12th standard Marks Card of the candidate along with. 3) A original certificate (IDENTITY CARD) issued by the Jurisdictional District Magistrate and Deputy Commissioner of any state in India, as the proof of migration. The candidates who are claiming eligibility under clause 'm' are eligible only for the seats earmarked by the Government. m The candidates who have studied TEN full academic years in Kannada Medium from 1st standard to 10th standard in places outside the state of Karnataka, such candidates need not appear for Kannada Language Test conducted by KEA. Provided the candidate should have studied and passed the qualifying examination from any Government or Government recognised educational institution. n Son / Daughter of working or Retired employee in Central Armed Police Force service, who at the time of joining the CAPF service (Central Armed Police Force) had declared their hometown as a place in the State of Karnataka, proof of such domicile having been produced by obtaining the extract from the Record Office of the CAPF Unit where the Parent's service record are maintained. Further, the candidate should have passed the Q. E. from a University or Board or any other institution located anywhere in India. Documents to be produced: 1) SSLC / 10th standard Marks Card. 2) 2nd PUC / 12th standard Marks Card of the candidate;. 3) If claiming reservation benefits:- Caste / Caste Income Certificate issued by Concerned Tahsildar as per the prescribed format given in the brochure; along with 4) Parent's home town declaration certificate while joining the service issued by Record Office of the CAPF unit, where the parents service records are maintained. o NOTE: In case, if any of the documents produced in respect of the Clause claimed by the candidate is found to be false / incorrect / tampered / forged the seat allotted to the candidate will be cancelled at any stage and the entire fee amount paid by such candidate will be forfeited. 19 CHAPTER – II MORE ABOUT THE WRITTEN TEST 1. SYLLABUS The question papers of the Common Entrance Test will be based on the First and Second PUC syllabi prescribed by the Department of Pre-University Education of Karnataka State. 2. DURATION, QUESTION PAPER AND OMR ANSWER SHEETS The Common Entrance Test will be held on TWO days in FOUR different sessions for four subjects. On the first day, test will be conducted for Biology and Mathematics subjects in two sessions and on the next day test will be conducted for Physics and Chemistry subjects in two sessions as per the date and time notified. Each paper / subject will be conducted for 60 marks each with a duration of 80 minutes. Each question paper will be of Multiple Choice Questions (Objective) type. The question paper in each subject will be in 16 different versions and each question will have four different options. Each question will carry ONE mark. The candidate is expected to attempt all the questions, in order to obtain maximum marks. In other words, there is no choice of questions. THERE WILL BE NO NEGATIVE EVALUATION WITH REGARD TO WRONG / INCORRECT ANSWERS BUT MARKS WILL NOT BE AWARDED IN RESPECT OF MULTIPLE ANSWERS for the same question. The version code of the question paper will be boldly printed on facing sheet of the question paper. The version codes used in each paper will be from A - 1 to A - 4, B - 1 to B - 4, C - 1 to C - 4 & D - 1 to D - 4. The version code of the question papers given to a student may be different OR may be the same for different sessions. 3. OPTICAL MARK READER SHEETS AS ANSWER SHEETS A model of the Optical Mark Reader (OMR) sheets that will be used for marking the answers by the candidates is hosted on the KEA Website. The need for the replica has compelled us to design OMR sheet in such a way that all the information and the answers are marked only on one side. The top portion of the sheet is meant for furnishing the particulars about the candidates such as the Name, CET Number, Version code and serial number of the question booklet. The bottom portion is meant for marking the answers, affixing the signature of the room Invigilator & candidates and also for affixing the Left Hand Thumb Impression of the candidate. The space meant for the subject would have been pre-marked. The square blocks in each item should be filled by the candidate in capital letters and numbers. The circles corresponding to the letters or numbers are meant to be completely shaded using blue or black ink ballpoint pen only. 4. SPECIMEN OF THE OMR ANSWER SHEET A Specimen of the OMR answer sheet is hosted on the KEA Website http://kea.kar.nic.in. Please study the specimen OMR answer sheet hosted on the KEA Website, download and familiarize yourself. Take four to five photocopies of the specimen OMR sheet and practice on them at home. By using blue or black ink ballpoint, candidates can practice with the OMR answer sheet with regard to filling and shading of the required items. By doing so, you will be very accurate in writing and shading the particulars such as Name, CET Number, Question booklet version code, etc., in the required manner on the Original OMR answer sheets, during actual conduct of the test. More details about precautions to be taken while filling the particulars on OMR answer sheets are given below: (i) The OMR answer sheet comprises of two sheets. (ii) The upper sheet is to be used for the purpose of marking correct answers and later scanning & evaluation and the lower sheet will be returned to the candidates after completion of each session of the test. The lower sheet is coated with a special kind of chemical which acts as a Carbon paper. When the candidate shades the circles on the upper sheet, the pressure on the lower sheet will automatically create a replica of the top sheet. 20 Why Ball Point Pen? Remember, we are allowing the candidates to carry replica or facsimile of the OMR answer sheet and the OMR answer paper comes in a set of two sheets. When you shade the top sheet, the pressure will create a dark mark on the bottom sheet on the corresponding circle. If a pen with a nib is used, the pressure on the top sheet will not be sufficient to activate the chemical on the bottom sheet. On the other hand, a ballpoint pen exerts sufficient pressure to convert the bottom sheet chemical into a dark spot. That is why we want you to use a blue / black ink ballpoint pen only. 5. IMPORTANT PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN WHILE WRITING / SHADING TOP PORTION OF OMR ANSWER SHEET: (A) INITIAL 10 MINUTES: In all the four sessions, the initial TEN minutes will be given for the candidates to write / shade the particulars such as Name, CET Number, Version Code and Serial number of the question booklet on the OMR answer sheets in the boxes provided. OMR answer sheets in which the candidates do not write / shade the correct CET Number and Version code on the OMR Answer Sheet will not be scanned and such candidates will not be assigned any rank. The entries pertaining to 'Name', 'CET Number' and 'Question booklet Version code' are very crucial ones. Therefore, candidates are advised to take extra precaution while writing and shading these three items accurately on the top portion of the OMR answer sheet. The candidates will have to mark correct options on the Optical Mark Reader (OMR) answer sheet, which will be supplied at the beginning of each session of the test. Each question will have only one correct answer. The candidate shall mark the correct answer by completely shading only one circle against a question number, using BLUE or BLACK ink ball point pen. (B) NEXT 70 MINUTES: Important precautions to be taken while shading answers on bottom portion of OMR Answer sheet. After the initial TEN minutes, 70 minutes will be given to a candidate for shading the answers on the bottom portion of the OMR answer sheet. On the bottom portion, there will be 60 rows corresponding to 60 questions. Against each question number, four circles will be provided corresponding to four options of the question paper. The candidates are required to shade only one circle corresponding to the correct answer. The scanner is so sensitive to black and blue ink shades that even a slight residual ink mark or an unintended ink dot within a circle on the OMR answer sheet will be taken by it, as filled / shaded, at the time of scanning. Consequently, the candidate may lose marks. Therefore, please do not make any stray pen marks on the OMR answer sheets. As the scoring done by the scanner and the computer in tandem is final, a plea for erasing or neglecting the ink mark on a circle cannot be entertained. Therefore, candidates are advised to take extra precaution while shading the circles on the bottom portion. 21 (C) END OF PAPER FOR EACH SESSION: The candidates are required to COMPULSORILY AFFIX THEIR LEFT HAND THUMB IMPRESSION in the space provided on the bottom portion of the OMR answer sheet of the upper with the ink-pad provided by the room Invigilator, after completion of each Session of the Test. However, they need not affix their thumb impression on the lower sheet i.e., the replica of the OMR answer sheet. Thereafter, the invigilators will detach the lower sheet from the upper sheet at the perforations and hand over the lower sheet replica to the candidates and candidates are allowed to carry the same with them. The upper sheet will be retained by the invigilator for returning the same to the Deputy Chief Superintendent of the examination center and in turn to KEA. NOTE: The OMR answer sheets in respect of all the candidates who have affixed their left hand thumb impression will only be scanned and the results in respect of such candidates will be published. The OMR answer sheets in respect of candidates who have not affixed their left hand thumb impression, for any reason, will not be scanned. Also, the results in respect of such candidates will not be published. THINK BEFORE YOU INK ! CORRECT METHOD OF SHADING Once you darken a circle, there is no way to erase or to remove it. That way, your decision about a correct answer will be final. The invigilator will not permit you to use marker, white fluid or any other devise to hide the shading already done and you will not be supplied with one more set of OMR sheet. If you spoil a sheet in your attempt to rub off the shading done on a circle, you may ruin your opportunities. If two circles are shaded in a row and even if one of the circles is partially rubbed off, the scanner will take it as a multiple attempt. Therefore, think twice before you shade a circle with ink. Darken only one circle for each question as shown against the CORRECT METHOD. Qn. No. Answers I 1 2 4 WRONG METHODS OF SHADING I 1 2 4 - Use of Tick mark. I 1 2 4 - Use of Cross mark. I 1 2 4 - Use of Dot. I 1 2 4 - Use of Line mark. I 1 2 4 - Partially or half filled circle. I 1 2 4 - Marking outside the circle. 4 - Marking more than one circle. I 2 3 The candidates should invariably preserve their 'CET 2016' OMR answer sheet replicas of all the subjects for a minimum period of one year from the date of obtaining the admission order. NOTE: All the candidates who will be allotted Medical Seats through KEA both in Government and Private Medical colleges should compulsorily submit sworn affidavit to the Principal of the respective college at the time of admission (on a hundred Rupees e-stamp paper signed by the candidate and the parent as per the format hosted on the KEA Website : http://kea.kar.nic.in) regarding one year rural service after completion of the course. 22 6. (A) DETERMINATION OF MERIT AND PUBLICATION OF MERIT LISTS DETERMINATION OF MERIT: The merit of the candidates who appear for the Common Entrance Test–2016 will be determined are detailed below: Discipline Criteria for Determination of Merit / Rank On the basis of marks obtained by candidates in Physics, Chemistry and Biology 1 Medical / Dental (MBBS / BDS) 2 Ayurveda, Homoeopathy, Unani, On the basis of marks obtained by candidates in Physics, Chemistry & Naturopathy and Yoga (ISM & H) Biology subjects in Common Entrance Test – 2016 and the marks obtained by candidates in Physics, Chemistry and Biology subjects in the Qualifying Examination, taken in equal proportions. subjects taken together in the Common Entrance Test – 2016. 3 4 Architecture (B.Arch) 5 6 Bachelor of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry (B.V.Sc. & A.H.) 7 B-Pharm 8 2nd Year B. Pharm 9 Pharm-D 23 Provided that where the merit of two or more candidates is the same, the interse merit shall be determined with reference to the marks obtained in the Common Entrance Test in Biology in the case of Medical / Dental / Indian Systems of Medicine and Homoeopathy courses and in Mathematics in the case of Engineering / Technology courses and where the marks obtained in such cases are equal then the interse merit shall be determined on the basis of the marks obtained in Chemistry in the case of Medical / Dental / Indian Systems of Medicine and Homoeopathy courses and in Physics in the case of Engineering / Technology courses and where the marks obtained are equal again the interse merit shall be determined on the basis of the marks obtained in the respective subjects in the Qualifying examination as stipulated above and where marks obtained are equal again, the interse merit shall be determined on the basis of the age of the candidate, wherein the elder candidate will be considered before the younger. Provided further that where the merit of two or more candidates is same, the interse merit shall be determined with reference to the marks obtained in NATA, where marks obtained in NATA are equal, then the interse merit shall be determined on the basis of marks obtained in Mathematics in the qualifying examination and where marks obtained in Mathematics are equal, the interse merit shall be determined on the basis of the age of the candidate, wherein the elder candidate will be considered before the younger. NOTE: If everything as specified in the provisions to sub-clauses referred to above i.e. (A) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 are equal, then the interse merit will be determined by draw of lots. The determination of interse merit as detailed above for selection of Government seats will be the basis for the merit list of candidates claiming benefit of reservation under Admission Rules. (B) PUBLICATION OF MERIT LISTS: After the completion of the entrance test, the Provisional ANSWER KEY will be published on 09-05-2016 the KEA Website: http://kea.kar.nic.in. The candidates / parents / lecturers can file their objections, if any, addressed to the “Executive Director, Karnataka Examinations Authority, Bangalore” on or before 13-05-2016 either in person or only through SPEED POST / email: keauthority-ka@nic.in, with regard to any of the published answer Key, along with all supporting documents / justification. The objections received by the KEA will be placed before an Expert Committee, whose decision will be final for determination of the right answer key. The answer key approved by the Expert Committee will be applied during evaluation for determination of merit order. As per the merit determined by the KEA, the Medical / Dental, ISM & H, Engineering, Architecture, Farm Science, B-Pharm and Pharm-D ranks will be assigned to the eligible candidates. Separate result sheets showing the Medical / Dental, ISM & H, Engineering, Architecture, Farm science, B-Pharm and Pharm-D ranks will be published on 28-05-2016 on KEA Website http://kea.kar.nic.in. The correct answer key and the list of candidates whose results have been withheld and the reasons for withholding the results will also be published along with the results. The candidates whose results are with-held for want of 2nd PUC / 12th std. Marks and date of birth such candidates / parents need not worry because, ranks will be assigned as and when they submit the required documents on the specified dates during office hours. Result sheets will not be displayed in the KEA premises. Candidates who have any objections in respect of any of the entries or issues or discrepancies in the result sheets, such as discrepancy / changes in the Q. E. marks, version code, NATA scores etc., except the marks secured in the Common Entrance Test, can submit their objections within three days from the date of publication of the CET - 2016 result and thereafter result will be published for such candidates. (See box item given below for details about intermediary ranks / Spot ranks i.e., ranks ending with G55, G44, G33 etc.) 24 NOTE: (1) The candidates are requested to verify their qualifying examination marks printed on the result sheets without fail, if there is any discrepancy with reference to qualifying examination marks the same should be brought to the notice of this office immediately for fresh assignment of ranks, if any. (2) Candidates whose results will be withheld for want of qualifying examination marks should submit a photocopy of their Q. E. marks card either in person or through 'Speed Post' to the KEA and the ranks in respect of such candidates will be published subsequently. (C) Request for re-totaling or revaluation of the OMR answer sheets will not be entertained, as the valuation and the subsequent scoring will be error free. What does 'G 55' mean? After the declaration of the results, the candidates may not get ranks assigned mainly for the following reasons : 1) For want of Q. E. marks, a candidate might have missed the rank. 2) A candidate might have marked the version code wrongly. 3) Q. E. marks may change due to revaluation or otherwise, when corrected, a fresh ranking becomes necessary. The KEA computers are programmed to assign new ranks or fresh ranks to the candidates falling within the above said categories without disturbing the rank numbers assigned to the candidates whose results were declared earlier. The computer program is such that it can assign ranks in between two integers without altering the previous rank numbers. Undoubtedly, you were assigned a rank after the declaration of the results. When a rank was assigned to you, rank 1234 and 1235 had been assigned to two other candidates. When it came to assigning a rank to you, the computer found that in the normal course, your rank would have been after the candidate with rank 1234 and before the candidate with rank 1235. Therefore, the computer had to place you between 1234 and 1235. As already said, the computer is programmed to generate large number of ranks between two integers by dividing the space alphabetically from A to Z. Then each alphabet is subdivided from 1 to 99. Now, if a new rank is required to be assigned between two integer ranks, in the first instance, the computer assigns a division number as 'G 55' before the previous rank. If one more rank needs to be assigned between the rank 1234 and 1234 G 55, the computer assigns a rank as 1234 G 44. If one more rank is to be assigned between 1234 G 55 and 1235, then it assigns a rank as 1234 G 66. °TvÀ ¥ÀjÃPÉëUÉ ¸ÀA§A¢ü¹zÀ ºÉaÑ£À ªÀiÁ»w 1. ¥ÀoÀåPÀæªÀÄ ¸ÁªÀiÁ£Àå ¥ÀæªÉñÀ ¥ÀjÃPÉëAiÀÄ ¥Àæ±Éß ¥ÀwæPÉUÀ¼ÀÄ, PÀ£ÁðlPÀ gÁdåzÀ ¥ÀzÀ«¥ÀƪÀð ²PÀët EˉÁSÉ ¤UÀ¢¥Àr¹gÀĪÀ ¥ÀæxÀªÀÄ ªÀÄvÀÄÛ ¢éwÃAiÀÄ ¥ÀzÀ«¥ÀƪÀð ²PÀëtzÀ ¥ÀoÀåPÀæªÀĪÀ£ÀÄß DzsÀj¹gÀÄvÀÛªÉ. 2. PÁˉÁªÀ¢ü, ¥Àæ±Éß ¥ÀwæPÉ ªÀÄvÀÄÛ MJADgï GvÀÛgÀzÀ ºÁ¼ÉUÀ¼ÀÄ ¸ÁªÀiÁ£Àå ¥ÀæªÉñÀ ¥ÀjÃPÉëAiÀÄ£ÀÄß, JgÀqÀÄ ¢£À £Á®ÄÌ «µÀAiÀÄUÀ½UÉ ¸ÀA§A¢ü¹zÀAvÉ £Á®ÄÌ ¨ÉÃgÉ ¨ÉÃgÉ CªÀ¢üUÀ¼À°è £ÀqɸÀˉÁUÀĪÀÅzÀÄ. C¢ü¸ÀÆa¹zÀ ¢£ÁAPÀ ªÀÄvÀÄÛ ¸ÀªÀÄAiÀÄPÉÌ C£ÀĸÁgÀªÁV, ªÉÆzÀ®£ÉAiÀÄ ¢£À fêÀ±Á¸ÀÛç ªÀÄvÀÄÛ UÀtÂvÀ±Á¸ÀÛç «µÀAiÀÄUÀ½UÉ ¸ÀA§A¢ü¹zÀAvÉ JgÀqÀÄ CªÀ¢üUÀ¼À°è ¥ÀjÃPÉë £ÀqɸÀˉÁUÀĪÀÅzÀÄ. 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RESERVATION OF SEATS IN FAVOUR OF CERTAIN CATEGORIES: (A) RESERVATION OF SEATS IN FAVOUR OF SPECIAL CATEGORY CANDIDATES (Subject to Change / Amendment) (a) Reservation for NCC : Eligibility Criteria : (i) Candidates who have participated in Republic Day Camp conducted by the Director General of NCC, New Delhi from Karnataka and who possess 'B' Certificate obtained during the five year period of study in Karnataka between 8th and 12th standards; or (ii) Candidates who have participated in the following camps conducted by the Director General of NCC, New Delhi from Karnataka and who possess 'B' Certificate obtained during the five-year period of study in Karnataka between 8th and 12th standards namely; (a) All India Thal Sainik Camp (Boys) - TSC (B); (b) All India Thal Sainik Camp (Girls) TSC (G) ; (c) All India Nau Sainik Camp - NSC; (d) All India Vayu Sainik Camp – VSC; (e) Cadets who have been finally selected as a part of DG NCC team to participate in All India Movalankar Shooting Championship at National Level AND Youth Exchange Programmes and Foreign Naval Cruise organised by DG, NCC. (iii) Candidates who have participated in the following camps conducted by the Director General of NCC, New Delhi from Karnataka and who possess 'B' Certificate obtained during the five-year period of study in Karnataka between 8th and 12th standards namely; (a) All India Thal Sainik Camp (Boys) - TSC (B); (b) All India Thal Sainik Camp (Girls) TSC (G) ; (c) All India Nau Sainik Camp - NSC ; (d) All India Vayu Sainik Camp – VSC; (e) Cadets participate in All India Movalankar Shooting Championship as a part of KAR and GOA Director Team. AND in complete Mountaineering Expeditions (over 5900 Mtrs), Sailing Expeditions using wind power only (401 KMs), Motor Cycle Expeditions (more than 3500 KMs) and Cycling Expeditions (more than 1500 KMs), organised by DG, NCC / NCC Director of Karnataka & Goa. (iv) Candidates who have participated in the following camps / courses conducted by the Director General of NCC, New Delhi from Karnataka and who possess 'B' Certificate obtained during the five-year period of study in Karnataka between 8th and 12th standards namely: (a) NIC ; (b) Trekking ; (c) Mountaineering ; (d) BLC ; (e) ALC ; (f) RCTC and (g) Army, Navy, Air Force & Hospital Attachments. (v) Candidates who possess “B” certificate obtained during the five-year period of study in Karnataka between 8th and 12th Standards. Provided that for selection of a reserved seat under NCC category, the preferential criteria are as follows: Preference 1: Candidates possessing 'B' Certificate and adjudged overall All India Best Cadet with Gold / Silver / Bronze medal in the Republic Day camp. Preference 2: Candidates possessing B' certificate and adjudged overall All India Best Cadet with Gold / Silver / Bronze medal in camps mentioned at (a) to (e) of sub-clause (ii) above. 30 Preference 3: 'B' certificate holders who have participated in the Youth Exchange Programmes and Foreign Naval Cruise organised by DG, NCC. Preference 4: 'B' certificate holders who have participated from Karnataka in the Republic Day camp. Preference 5: 'B' Certificate holders who have participated from Karnataka in the camps mentioned at (a) to (e) of subclause (iii) above. Preference 6 : 'B' Certificate holders who have participated in the mountaineering / sailing / motorcycle / cycling expeditions organized by DG NCC / NCC Directorate of KAR and GOA. Preference 7: 'B' Certificate holders who have participated in the camps mentioned at sub clause (iv) para above. Preference 8: Candidates possessing ONLY 'B' Certificate. (NCC candidates possessing only 'B' certificate.) Provided that while considering the candidates mentioned in sub-clauses (i) and (ii) above, gold medal winners will be preferred to silver medalist who in turn will be preferred to bronze medalist under the respective sub-clauses. Provided further that the Director of NCC or his authorised nominee shall be present in the KEA on the appointed days along with the list of eligible NCC candidates in the order of preference i.e. 1 to 7 to assist in the selection of candidates under NCC special category. (b) Reservation for SPORTS : (Refer page 98 for list of Game & Sports events) Eligibility Criteria : (i) Candidates who have represented the country and won medals / cups in SUPER-A Games appended to this brochure during the five-year period of study in Karnataka between 8th and 12th standards; (ii) Candidates who have represented the country and won medals / cups in 'A – Games' appended to this brochure during the five-year period of study in Karnataka between 8th and 12th standards; (iii) Candidates who have won medals / cups in 'B-Games' appended to this brochure by representing Karnataka State and participated in the SUPER-A Games or A-Games appended to this brochure during the five-year period of study in Karnataka between 8th and 12th standards; (iv) Candidates who have represented Karnataka State in 'B-Games' appended to this brochure and won medals / cups during the five-year period of study in Karnataka between 8th and 12th standards; (v) Candidates who have represented Karnataka State in any sports / games in 'B-Games' appended to this brochure during the five-year period of study in Karnataka between 8th and 12th standards. Provided that for selection of a reserved seat in Sports category, the candidates who belong to sub-clause (i) shall be considered first; candidates who belong to sub-clause (ii) shall be considered second; candidates who belong to sub-clause (iii) shall be considered third and candidates who belong to sub-clause (iv) shall be considered fourth before considering the candidates belonging to sub-clause (v). Provided further that, while considering the candidates mentioned in sub-clauses (I), (ii), (iii) and (iv), gold medal winners will be preferred to silver medalist's who in turn will be preferred to bronze medalist's under the respective sub-clauses, irrespective of the number of medals. Provided also that the Commissioner for Youth Services and Sports or his authorized nominee shall be present in the KEA on the appointed days along with the list of eligible candidates to assist in the selection of candidates under Sports category. The Commissioner for Youth Services and Sports or his authorized nominee is the final authority to decide the candidate's eligibility under Sports category. Further, KEA shall not be held responsible in this regard. NOTE: The candidates claiming eligibility under the sub-clauses (a) and (b) above should also produce the study certificate appended to this brochure issued by the head of the educational institution for having studied and passed qualifying examination in the State of Karnataka, when they come for submission of documents. Candidates belonging to Scouts & Guides, Defence, Ex-Defence and Anglo-Indian i. e., sub-clauses (c), (d), (e), (g), (h) and (i) below, will be considered for allotment of seats in the respective special category seats as per their merit order ONLY in the General Round of allotment of seats along with the other General Merit and Reserved Category candidates. 31 (c) Reservation for SCOUTS & GUIDES : Eligibility Criteria : Candidates who as “Scouts / Guides”, have received the “President's Award” during five-year period of study in Karnataka between 8th and 12th standards. The candidate should compulsorily produce the “President's Award” certificate when they come for verification of documents with other certificates. (d) Reservation for DEFENCE: Eligibility Criteria : Son or daughter of Defence Personnel falling under Clauses (e), (f) and (g) of Item – 6 of Chapter - I of Brochure should obtain the Defence certificates in the prescribed format appended to this brochure failing which they will not be allowed for verification of certificates and also for the later allotment of seats under Defence. Defence personnel for the purpose of these clauses means a person in Defence Service including Personnel belonging to Civil GT COYS ASC who were Civilian Class 'III' or Class 'IV' Government servants and 'Border Roads Organisational Personnel'. (Vide Notification No. ED 189 TGL 94 Bangalore dated 29-07-1994). (a) Candidates claiming eligibility under Clause (e) of Item – 6 of Chapter I of brochure should produce the certificate of employment issued by the Controlling Office in the prescribed format appended to this brochure where the parent is working, Indicating the period during which the parent has worked in Karnataka. (b) Candidates claiming eligibility under Clause (f) of Item – 6 of Chapter I of e-brochure should produce a certificate from the Record Office of the Defence Unit in the prescribed format appended to this brochure indicating that the parent had declared a place in Karnataka as his hometown at the time of joining the service. (c) Candidates claiming eligibility under Clause (g) of Item – 6 of Chapter I of brochure should produce a certificate from the Controlling Office in the prescribed format appended to this brochure indicating the period during which the parent has worked in Karnataka, the present place of posting and also the fact that his family is permitted to stay in Karnataka. Provided that 10% of the seats shall be reserved horizontally for allotment to the children of defence personnel of Karnataka Origin from among the total seats reserved for defence personals. (Candidates claiming eligibility under Clause (f) of Chapter I of brochure) (e) Reservation for EX_DEFENCE : Eligibility Criteria : Son or daughter of Ex-Servicemen falling under Item – 6(h) of Chapter- I of the Brochure should obtain a certificate showing the home address of the parent issued by the Joint Director / Deputy Director of the concerned district and countersigned by the Director, Department of Sainik Welfare and Resettlement, Bangalore, failing which they will not be allowed for verification of certificates and also for the later allotment of seats under Ex-Defence. Ex-Servicemen for the purpose of this clause include personnel belonging to the Civil GT COYS ASC who were Civilian Class III or Class IV Government Servants, who became permanently disabled or were killed during hostilities. (f) Reservation for PHYSICALLY DISABLED: Eligibility Criteria : The candidates claiming reservation under this category will be required to appear for Medical examination before a Committee comprising of the Executive Director, KEA as Chairman and three specialists from the Department of Orthopedics, Ophthalmology and ENT, nominated by the Government. Candidates with physical disability ranging above 40% should produce a Medical certificate issued by competent Doctor of any Government Hospital located in the State of Karnataka in the field of concerned disability, only on the day of Medical examination.Candidates suffering from hearing disability should compulsorily obtain and produce a BSER (Brain Stem Evoked Response) Audiometry report from All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, Mysore / NIMHANS, Bangalore / Manipal Hospital / Government Speech and Hearing Institute, Lingarajapuram, Bangalore. The Medical Board will examine the candidate and certificate and certify regarding the percentage of disability and the decision of the Medical Board is final. For the purpose of this proviso, persons with disability shall have the same meaning assigned to it, in the Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Participation) Act 1995 (Central Act 1 / 1995). The candidates with disability less 32 than 40% will not be eligible for claiming a seat under Physically Disabled category. The candidates claiming under Physically Disabled Special category quota should appear for medical examination only at KEA Office in BANGALORE. NOTE: The Physically Disabled candidates, who fail to appear before the Committee for Medical examination, will not be eligible to be considered for allotment of seat under Physically Disabled category. (g) Reservation for ANGLO-INDIAN: Eligibility Criteria : Candidates from Anglo-Indian Community certificate issued by the Registered Association of the Anglo Indian Community in the State of Karnataka countersigned by the Anglo-Indian MLA Nominated by the Government, failing which they will not be allowed for the later allotment of seats under Anglo-Indian. The candidates claiming under Anglo Indian Special category quota should submit their documents only at KEA Office in BANGALORE. (h) Reservation for CENTRAL ARMED POLICE FORCE: Eligibility Criteria : Candidates claiming eligibility under Clause (o) of Item – 6 of Chapter I of brochure should produce a certificate from the Record Office of the CAPF Unit in the prescribed format appended to this brochure indicating that the parent had declared a place in Karnataka as his hometown at the time of joining the service. (i) Reservation for Ex-CENTRAL ARMED POLICE FORCE: Eligibility Criteria : Candidates claiming eligibility under Clause (o) of Item – 6 of Chapter I of brochure should produce a certificate from the Record Office of the CAPF Unit in the prescribed format appended to this brochure indicating that the parent had declared a place in Karnataka as his hometown at the time of joining the service. NOTE: 1. 2. Candidates belonging to Scouts & Guides, Defence, Ex-defence and Anglo-Indian, CAPF, Ex-CAPF i. e., subclauses (c), (d), (e).(g), (h) and (i) above, will be considered for allotment of seats in the respective special category seats as per their merit order ONLY in the General Round of allotment of seats along with the other general merit and reserved category candidates. Achievements made by the NCC / Sports special category candidates in the events / games, till the date of CET – 2016 will be considered for allotment of seats in the respective categories. (B) RESERVATION OF SEATS (a) Reservation for RESERVED CATEGORY CANDIDATES Reservation is made in favour of candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes of citizens under categories 1, 2A, 2B, 3A and 3B in accordance with Government Order No. SWL 251 BCA 94 dated 31st January 1995, as amended from time to time. Production of a “Caste Certificate / Caste Income Certificate” issued by the concerned Jurisdictional Tahasildar in accordance with the Government order No. Sa Ka E 225 BCA 2002 dated 30th March 2002 and No. Sa Ka E 104 BCA 2011 dated 06-02-2012 as amended from time to time, in Form 'D' in case of Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes; in Form 'E' in case of Category-I; in Form 'F' in case of Other Backward Classes like 2A, 2B, 3A and 3B in support of the claim is mandatory for selecting a seat under reserved category. (Annexure-II to this rule is reproduced for the information of the candidates and parents) Provided that candidates belonging to SC, ST & Category - I should produce an Income certificate issued by Jurisdictional Tahasildar in the prescribed format appended to this brochure. (This is for the purpose of processing eligibility of candidates to claim Tuition Fee exemption and Government of India scholarship). Provided further that only candidates of Karnataka origin and who are claiming eligibility for Government seats in accordance with the eligibility clause (a), (b), (f), (h), (j), (k), (l) and (o) of Item - 6 of Chapter – I of Brochure shall be 33 eligible to claim the benefit of reservation under this sub-rule. The candidates claiming eligibility for Government seats under eligibility clauses (c), (d), (e), (g), (i), (m), (n) are not eligible to claim the benefit of reservation. (b) Reservation for RURAL CANDIDATES 15% of the Government seats will be reserved horizontally in favour of rural candidates who have studied for 10 full academic years from 1st Standard to 10th Standard in educational institutions situated in places in the State of Karnataka other than larger urban area, smaller urban area or transitional area as mentioned in Karnataka Municipalities Act, 1964 or Karnataka Municipal Corporations Act, 1976 in accordance with the Government Order No. ED 01 TEC 2002, Bangalore, dated 01-02-2002 and the eligibility criteria shall be as defined in the Karnataka Reservation of Appointments of Posts in the Civil services of the State for Rural Candidates Act, 2000 (Karnataka Act 1 of 2001). The candidates whose parents do not come under the creamy layer and the candidates who have studied TEN full academic years from 1st Standard to 10th Standard in places other than the places listed in this brochure will be eligible for claiming the benefit of Rural reservations. However, if the candidates have studied in these places from 1st to 10th standard before the date of notification as urban area, such candidates are eligible to claim rural reservation benefit. (c) Reservation for KANNADA MEDIUM CANDIDATES 5% of the Government seats will be reserved horizontally in favour of the Kannada medium candidates who have studied TEN full academic years in Kannada medium from 1st Standard to 10th Standard, in accordance with the Government Order No. ED 118 UEC 2000, Bangalore dated 04-06-2000 and as amended vide Government Order No. ED 02 UEC 2002, Bangalore dated 14-10-2005. (d) Reservation for WARD OF JAMMU & KASHMIRI MIGRANTS Reservation is made in favour of the son / daughter of Jammu & Kashmiri migrants, who satisfy the eligibility condition for Government seats in accordance with clause (m) of Item – 6 of Chapter – I of brochure. One seat each in all the Government Medical and Dental Colleges of the state AND One seat each in Engineering colleges, irrespective of course. (e) Reservation of seats for ARTICLE 371 (J) HYDERABAD KARNATAKA Reservation as per “The Karnataka Educational Institutions (Regulations of Admission in the Hyderabad-Karnataka Region) Order, 2013”. The part of the State called the Hyderabad-Karnataka Region comprising the districts of Bidar, Gulbarga, Yadgir, Raichur, Koppal and Bellary shall be regarded as the local area. 70% of the available seats in every course of study in any regional University or educational institution located in the places referred above in the local area shall be reserved in favour of the local persons, in respect of such University or education institution. 8% of the available seats in every course of study provided in a state wide University or a statewide educational institution be allocated among the local candidates of the Hyderabad-Karnataka Region. The eligible candidates should produce the relevant certificate in ANNEXURE –A appended to this brochure issued by the concerned Assistant Commissioner during document verification to become eligible to claim seat under Hyderabad-Karnataka Reservation (Article 371 (J)) in CET-2016 as per rules. The interse merit determined under Rule - 7 (Please see Item - 6) will remain the same for the purpose of eligibility and benefit of reservation under Item - 7. If any seat reserved in favour of candidates belonging to any of the categories referred Item - 7 above is not filled up due to non-availability of eligible candidates belonging to such categories, the reservation to that extent will stand reduced and will be transferred to the General Merit category after allotment of seats. 34 CHAPTER – III 1. DOCUMENTS TO BE PRODUCED FOR VERIFICATION The original documents to be produced for verification have been detailed separately in respect of Government seats in Item – 6 of Chapter – I below each of the Eligibility Clauses. Similarly, the original documents to be produced in respect of Special category seats are also detailed in Item – 7 of Chapter – II against each of the Special Categories. (A) Special category seats: Candidates claiming the benefit under various Special categories should produce the relevant original Special category certificates along with TWO sets of photocopies COMPULSORILY on the dates notified at Page 8, to the KEA IN PERSON ONLY DURING OFFICE HOURS. They should also produce three photocopies of their ‘CET 2016’ Admission Ticket. Candidates should not send their original special category documents / certificates through Post OR any other private arrangement. An acknowledgment slip will be issued for having received the special category certificates. (B) Government seats: Candidates who seek admission to Government seats should compulsorily produce the required documents in ORIGINAL with ONE set of attested photocopies of all the original documents and two passport size photographs for verification at the KEA at the time of registration for allotment of seats. After verification, only ONE set of attested photocopies of all the documents will be retained by the KEA and all original documents will be returned to the candidates. The documents to be produced for claiming Government seats are detailed clause wise, below the respective CLAUSES in Item – 6 of Chapter – I of this brochure. Explanation for some of the prominent documents is as follows: NOTE: CBSE, CISCE, J & K candidates should produce the study certificate obtained from the Principal of their respective schools. Further, countersignature of BEO or DDPI is not required for them. Rural Study Certificate NOTE: The candidates whose parents come under creamy layer are not eligible to claim the benefit of rural reservation. 35 Article 371 (j) HyderabadKarnataka Region IMPORTANT: The candidates claiming reserved category benefits should COMPULSORILY produce the Study Certificate indicating the Standards, Academic Years, Caste and Mother Tongue obtained from the head of the institution where the candidate has passed 10th standard / SSLC examination, as per the Admission Register of institution, in the proforma prescribed at Page 99. The school study certificates of the candidates should be got countersigned invariably by the BEO / DDPI along with full Address, Seal & Telephone Number of the concerned office. NOTE: 1. Where the eligibility of the candidate is based on the study, employment, etc., of the parent, relevant documents to establish the relationship of candidate with the parent has to be produced. 2. The contents of the documents submitted by the candidates should be either in Kannada or English languages only. If the documents are in any other language, the same should be got translated to Kannada or English language through the concerned authorities with signature and seal and should be produced during allotment of seats. Otherwise the KEA reserves the right to reject the same. 2. ADMISSION FEE AND PERCENTAGE OF SEATS (GOVERNMENT SHARE) Fee structure and seat matrix will be announced by Government at a later date for the year 2016-17. Method of payment for paying the prescribed fees is given at Page 82-81. 3. GOVERNMENT SEATS (SEAT MATRIX) The KEA will receive the seat matrix from the Government before the commencement of allotment of seats in the Admission Round. Hence, an accurate number of seats to be offered for allotment as Government seats, college wise, category wise and course wise, cannot be made known at this stage. The seat matrix (Government seats) in respect of Medical, Dental, Indian System of Medicine & Homoeopathy, Engineering, Technology and Architecture courses, Farm science, B-Pharm, Pharm-D as notified by the Government will be published on the KEA Website http://kea.kar.nic.in before the commencement of allotment of seats to the respective disciplines. For the benefit of candidates, full postal address and telephone / fax numbers of Professional colleges and the total number of Government share of seats offered by the KEA in these colleges for the academic year 2015-16 are given in Pages 103-140. This is only for the information of the candidates and no inference shall be drawn either for number of seats or to the college for the academic year 2016-17. 36 VERIFICATION OF DOCUMENTS AND ENTRY OF OPTIONS FOR ALLOTMENT OF GOVERNMENT SEATS In the first instance, the document verification pertaining to Physically Disabled, NCC and Sports Special category candidates will be conducted. (a) FOR PHYSICALLY DISABLED CANDIDATES (Only in Bangalore Centre) The candidates claiming a seat under the persons with disability category should COMPULSORILY appear before the Medical Board comprising of the Executive Director and three specialists. The Medical Board shall examine the candidate on 01-06-2016 at 11.00 am and certify regarding the percentage of disability and the decision of the Medical Board will be final. The candidates with less than 40% of disability and those who fail to appear before the Committee on the notified date and time will not be eligible to be considered for allotment of a seat under the persons with disability category. The list of eligible physically disabled candidates prepared by the Medical Board will be final for the purpose of allotment of seats. (b) FOR NCC CANDIDATES (only in Bangalore Centre) NOTE: The candidates who have only 'B' certificate need not attend this NCC Special category verification of documents on 01-06-2016 but they should have submitted the original NCC certificate on 11-05-2016 / 12-052016 without fail. The candidates who have submitted their NCC certificates on 11-05-2016 / 12-05-2016 as notified in Item – 1 of Chapter III of this brochure will ONLY be allowed to appear before the Committee comprising of the Executive Director and the Director of NCC or his authorized nominee, on 01-06-2016 at 11.00 a.m. for verification of NCC certificates. The candidates who do not submit their NCC certificates on 11-05-2016 / 12-05-2016 will not be allowed for verification of certificates and such candidates will not be considered for allotment of seats under NCC. After verification of NCC certificates, the Director of NCC or his authorized nominee will prepare a preferential list among the eligible NCC candidates in the following order: The candidates possessing 'B' certificate and adjudged overall All India Best Cadet with Gold / Silver / Bronze medal in the Republic Day Camp held at New Delhi will be considered FIRST. Candidates possessing 'B' certificate and adjudged overall All India Best Cadet with Gold / Silver / Bronze medal in camps All India TSC (Boys) / TSC (Girls) / NSC / VSC and cadets who have been finally selected as part of DG NCC team to participate in All India Movalankar shooting championship at national level will be considered SECOND. Candidates possessing 'B' certificate and who have participated in the Youth Exchange Programmes and Foreign Naval Cruise organized by DG NCC will be considered THIRD. Candidates who have participated from Karnataka in the R D Camp will be considered FOURTH. Candidates possessing 'B' certificate and who have participated from Karnataka in the All India TSC (Boys) / TSC (Girls) / NSC / VSC and cadets participated in All India Movalankar shooting championship as part of KAR and GOA Directorate team will be considered FIFTH. Candidates possessing 'B' certificate and who have participated in Mountaineering, Sailing, Motor Cycle, Cycling Expeditions organized by DG NCC / NCC Directorate of KAR and GOA considered SIXTH. Candidates possessing 'B' certificate and who have participated in NIC, Trekking, Mountaineering, BLC, ALC, RCTC, and Army, Navy, Air Force and Hospital attachment camps will be considered SEVENTH. Candidates who possess only 'B' certificate will be considered EIGHTH. For all the above said categories, possession of 'B' Certificate is compulsory. While considering the medal status for First and Second preferences, priority will be Gold to Silver and Silver to Bronze. The list of eligible NCC candidates prepared by the Director of NCC or his authorized nominee will be final for the purpose of allotment of seats under NCC. Thereafter, the list of eligible candidates will be prepared on the basis of CET ranking within the preferences mentioned above and the candidates will be considered for allotment of seats accordingly. 37 (c) FOR SPORTS CANDIDATES (only in Bangalore Centre) NOTE: The candidates who have only National Participant certificate need not attend this Sports Special category verification of documents on 02-06-2016 but they should have submitted the original Sports certificate on 07-05-2016 / 08-05-2016 without fail. The candidates who have submitted their SPORTS certificates on 07-05-2016 / 08-05-2016 as notified in Item – 1 of Chapter III of this brochure will ONLY be allowed to appear before the Committee comprising of the Executive Director, KEA and the Commissioner for Youth Services & Sports or his authorized nominee, on 02-06-2016 at 11.00 a.m. for verification of SPORTS certificates. The candidates who do not submit their SPORTS certificates on 07-05-2016 / 08-05-2016 will not be allowed for verification of certificates and also they will not be considered for allotment of seats under SPORTS. After verification of SPORTS certificates, the Commissioner for Youth Services & Sports or his authorized nominee will prepare a preferential list among the eligible SPORTS candidates in the following order: The candidates who have won Gold, Silver and Bronze medals in SUPER – A GAMES will be considered FIRST. Medal winners in A – GAMES will be considered SECOND. Medal winners in B – GAMES and participant in SUPER – A or A - GAMES will be considered THIRD. Candidates who have won Gold, Silver and Bronze medals in B – GAMES will be considered FOURTH. Among the Sports candidates in each group, the Medals won by the candidates in the events OR games of Sports will also be considered. Priority will be Gold to Silver and Silver to Bronze, irrespective of number of medals. The list of eligible Sports candidates prepared by the Commissioner for Youth Services & Sports or his authorized nominee will be final for the purpose of allotment of seats under Sports. Thereafter, the list of eligible candidates will be prepared on the basis of CET ranking within the preferences mentioned above and the candidates will be allowed to select the seat accordingly. IMPORTANT: There will be no separate document verification schedule for Defence, Ex-Defence, Scouts & Guides and Anglo-Indian Special categories. However, the eligible Defence, Ex Defence, Scouts & Guides and Anglo-Indian Special category candidates will be considered for allotment as per their CET Rankings in the general round of allotment process for the seats reserved under the respective Special categories. JZÀÑjPÉ! ««zsÀ jÃwAiÀÄ «ÄøÀˉÁwUÀ¼À£ÀÄß PÉÆÃgÀĪÀÅzÀPÉÌ ¸ÀA§A¢ü¹zÀAvÉ ¥ÀæªÀiÁt ¥ÀvÀæUÀ¼À ¸À°èPÉ eÁw/ ¥ÀæªÀUÀðzÀ UÀÄA¥ÀÄUÀ½UÉ CAzÀgÉ, ¥À.eÁ, ¥À.¥ÀA, ¥ÀæªÀUÀð-1, 2J, 2©, 3J ªÀÄvÀÄÛ 3©UÀ½UÉ «ÄøÀ°j¹gÀĪÀ ¹Ãl£ÀÄß PÉÆÃgÀĪÀ M§â «zÁåyðAiÀÄÄ, ¸ÀA§AzsÀ¥ÀlÖ vÁ®ÆèQ£À vÀºÀ²ÃˉÁÝgïgÀªÀgÀÄ ¤ÃrzÀ ``DzÁAiÀÄ ªÀÄvÀÄÛ eÁw ¥ÀæªÀiÁt¥ÀvÀæ''ªÀ£ÀÄß PÀqÁØAiÀĪÁV ºÁdgÀÄ¥Àr¸À¨ÉÃQgÀÄvÀÛzÉ. ¹En D£ïˉÉÊ£ï CfðAiÀÄ°è M§â «zÁåyð/¤, AiÀiÁªÀÅzÉà eÁw-¥ÀæªÀUÀðzÀ CrAiÀÄ°è ¹Ãl£ÀÄß PÉÆÃjzÀÝ ¥ÀPÀëzÀ°è, CzÀ£ÀÄß PÀ.¥À.¥Áæ ªÀÅ DgÀA©üPÀ ºÀAvÀzÀ°è ¥Àj²Ã®£É ªÀiÁqÀĪÀÅ¢®è. 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There are 13 notified Helpline Centres, details are at Page 42. The time schedule along with the venue for Registration of Candidate and for Verification of Documents is given at Page 9. The candidates are required to register their CET number in the computer system. In this process candidates will be briefed about the procedure to be followed by the candidate in exercising options, allotment of seats, payment of fees and reporting to the college. This will be like a training class to the candidates to familiarize themselves on entry of options and procedure to be followed for such entry of options till their admissions to the college. (2) VERIFICATION OF DOCUMENTS: The candidates who have been assigned ranks in CET-2016 Examination will have to get their original documents verified in the assigned Helpline Centre to be eligible for Option Entry for choice of allotment of Professional Course seat. Verification of documents will be done as per the schedule given in the Page 9. The candidate should confirm the rank ranges, date and time of verification before coming to the Helpline Center. No individual intimation will be sent to the eligible rank holders regarding the date and time of verification process. The original documents to be produced during verification have been detailed separately in respect of Government seats in Item – 6 of Chapter – I below each of the Eligibility Clauses. Similarly, the original documents to be produced in respect of Special category seats are also detailed in Item – 6(1) of Chapter – I against each of the Special Categories. Candidates who seek admission to Government seats should compulsorily produce the required documents in ORIGINAL with ONE set of attested photocopies of all the original documents and two passport size photographs. 39 After Registration, the candidates will proceed to the Verification Counter where the entries of original documents are verified against the computer data that would have been furnished by them in their application forms. After verification, the original documents will be returned to the candidate and KEA will retain one set of the attested photocopies of all the documents. Before leaving the verification counter, an acknowledgment card and a verification slip will be issued to the candidates. Before coming to Helpline Centres, all eligible rank holders should make sure that they have the required original documents with one set of attested photocopies of all the documents with them. Verification of documents will be done at once for all the disciplines to which the candidate is eligible. Once the documents are verified, simultaneously candidate's eligibility in other discipline will also be verified on the same day. Hence, the candidates need not attended for verification of documents separately to all the disciplines to which he / she is eligible. If the candidate is eligible for multiple disciplines i.e., for both Medical and Engineering, or eligible for Engineering and Architecture, the candidate should bring all the relevant documents in original and one set of attested photocopies of the same when he / she attends the verification process. Verification slip will be issued to all the eligible candidates by mentioning the details of the candidates, documents verified, caste category and merit / rank to which discipline he / she is eligible etc. will also be printed on the slip. The candidate before leaving the verification counter has to verify all the details printed on the verification slip and changes if any according to the documents he / she submitted, should be brought to the notice of the verification officer immediately. The candidate should compulsorily bring all necessary original documents in support of their claim when they come for verification without fail. If any candidate fails to produce any of the documents / certificates / marks card on the day of verification, such candidate's documents will not be verified and they will not complete their registration process and subsequently will not be considered for eligibility to exercise their options. NOTE: No changes / claims will be accepted once the documents are verified and verification slip is issued to the candidate for any reason. The candidates are informed to verify the entries printed on the verification slip and the acknowledgement card before leaving the verification counter. If there is any mistake / error report to Verification Officer for correction. The candidate who becomes eligible after verification will only be considered for entry of options and for allotment of seats. All the details printed on the verification slip will be considered for allotment of seats. Eligibility of candidate for consideration of seat allotment totally depends on the production of all supporting documents at the time of verification which inter leads to correctness of data of candidates. Therefore, the candidate is also jointly responsible for ensuring the correctness of the data. No request for alteration of data will be considered under any circumstances at any point of time. IMPORTANT: IF the qualifying marks changes due to any reason after verification of documents, it is the responsibility of candidate to inform the KEA authority for fresh assignment of merit order / rank. As per his / her new merit order and as per the eligibility, the seat allotted based on the previous marks gets cancelled at any stage. Further, the seat allotment made by KEA or by the College shall be subject to approval by the concerned University. The following ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS AND ONE SET OF ATTESTED PHOTOCOPIES have to arrange IN THE SEQUENTIAL ORDER SHOWN BELOW AND PRODUCE THE SAME IN THE VERIFICATION COUNTER FOR verification of documents. a. The final print out of the CET-2016 Online Application Form. b. Original Copy of the Chalan for having paid the fees. c. CET 2016' Admission Ticket d. SSLC / 10th Standard Marks Card e. 2nd PUC / 12th Standard Marks Card f. Study Certificate counter signed by the concerned BEO / DDPI g. TWO recent passport size photographs 40
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