February 2014 - Warren Junior Women`s League
February 2014 - Warren Junior Women`s League
The Warren Junior Leaguer GFWC Ohio Warren Junior Women’s League Exercise Your Right to Volunteer Since 1966 Volume 48 Issue 6 Melanie Cann President, GFWC/WJWL 2013-2014 Hi Ladies! I can‘t believe I‘m already writing an entry for the February newsletter. Time certainly has gone quickly this club year. While January is a bit of a slower month for us that seems to have worked out well since I‘ve been hard at work on our club report. It truly has been a great experience. It is so inspiring to see all that we do when it is actually written down on paper. What we accomplish in twelve months is nothing short of remarkable. Thank you to everyone for providing me with the information necessary to compile the report. A special thank you to Karen and Renee for assisting me. You all have a lot to be proud of! February meeting off with a Cake Walk, courtesy of the International Committee. I‘ve never seen a Cake Walk before, but am looking forward to it. Our guest speaker for the evening will be our own Esther Buschau who will share some information with us on health care. We will also be holding an exciting fundraiser for Dollars for Delegates in February. The event will take place on Saturday, February 22nd from 6-8pm at Wine Styles in Howland. Tickets will be available at our February General and Board meetings. Tickets are $15.00 each. Consider getting some of your friends together for a girl‘s night out, or bring your honey along for a Valentine‘s Date Night . This will be a fun way to raise funds for our members who will be traveling to Convention this year. We need as many as we can get sense we are hosting this year. Another important event taking place in February will be the assembly of our Nominating Committee. The committee is chaired by our second past President, Julie Vugrinovich. The committee will also consist of 5 Active Members: 2 Active Members of the Executive Board who have been members for 2 FULL Club years, 2 Active Members at large who have been members for 2 FULL club years and 1 alternate who has been an Active Member for 2 FULL Club Years. We have quite a bit in The 2 Executive members and the 2 store for us over the next couple members at large must be elected of months. We will be kicking our from the floor and present at the February 2014 GFWC Ohio WJWL General Meeting February 5, 2014 CAFÉ 422 Menu: Tossed Salad Chicken Françoise with Mashed Redskins OR Spaghetti with Meatball Brownie Sundae Bread Butter, Coffee, Tea $17.00 This will include salad, coffee, soda‘s, Cash Bar Any questions please call: Chairman ~ Shelby McElravy 330-856-3069 Cochairman ~ Jean Segall 330-565-7476 Continued on Page 2 President (continued from page 1 ) time of election. No member can serve on the nominating committee for 2 consecutive years. You will each be provided with a list of who is eligible and for what office they are able to possess. Start thinking about what position you would like to be considered for the 2014-2015 Club year. I strongly encourage everyone to consider either an office or other leadership position. It is truly a rewarding experience! I look forward to seeing you all at the February General Meeting. Don‘t forget to keep logging your activity on your Start! Tracker online! We will announce our winner at the May General meeting! Stay warm! Melanie Inside this issue President‘s Letter 1-2 Happy Birthday 2 Membership 3 Committee Reports 4-7 Items we are collecting 8-9 Spotlight on Provisionals 10 Juniorettes 12-13 Warren City Federation 14 Women‘s History Quiz 15 Loving yourself during exercise When you‘re slimming it‘s easy to get fixated on the body parts you dislike, rather than making time to appreciate those for which you should be grateful. But for any diet to work, you need to fall in love with your body — the one you‘ve got right now — before you start. Simply take a good look at your body and write down a description of the bits you love (such as: ‗I love my hair, because it‘s glossy‘). Now, as you move through your weight loss plan, whenever you feel discouraged, take out this list and remind yourself of -everything you love FEBRUARY’S BIRTHDAYS Eddie Wolcott February 2nd Mary Lou Jarrett February 4th Raechel Vega February 6th Barbara Denman February 8th Carole Menelle February 16th Charlene Henico February 22nd Page 2 Provisional Members Provisional Members held a meeting on Saturday, January 4 th, at Panera Bread on Elm Road. Diane Taylor provided an updated report on the project funds. A wreath was raffled at our January meeting One will also be raffled at our February and March meetings. Pet items will continue to be gathered at each meeting. There will be a ―Valentine Surprise‖ given to someone at our February meeting who donates an item for the Animal Shelter. When you donate your item (s)) you will receive a ticket for the drawing. Our Provisionals will be planning a date for the tour, and would like to invite all members to join us. We will let you know the details as soon as they are determined. Our Provisional Members will be heading up an additional project, “Stars for Our Troops”. Explanation of “Stars for Our Troops” Flags are sent to Stars for Our Troops from all over our country. The canton (blue field) area is removed and washed. Then the stars are carefully cut out and placed in a small pouch with a note to let our military know that they are not forgotten. These stars are placed in care packages going to our military who are currently serving. Stars are also given with "Thank You" notes to our veterans in hospitals, nursing homes, etc. There are Star Parties going on throughout this great country. It is a great project for any age. We will be put on the Star Makers map identifying our organization showing the many locations in our country that are taking part in this project. We will be inviting all members to participate, and will have further details coming soon. Mary Lou currently has 50 flags she will be preparing for use in the project. Membership Recruitment Our General Meeting in March is the next Guest Meeting. Please consider inviting a potential member to attend that evening. The Teen Volunteer Program is an excellent time to learn a little more about what WJWL promotes. Thank you, ladies, who have previously invited guests to attend our meetings. Remember, by bringing a guest, your name will be put in the Blue Purse for a chance to win next year‘s club dues. Member Recognition February is Presidents' Month We will be honoring our own past WJWL Presidents at our February General Meeting. Reserved table seating and small mementos will be presented. If you are a Past President, and will be attending our February meeting, please consider bringing your President's Scrapbook for display that evening. Please remember to submit suggestions for our Sweet Sister Award. Nominations will soon be due for Clubwoman of the Year. Please be thinking of someone you would like to nominate for this honor. Page 3 Community Service Program Reports aka Federated Committees Arts Becky Bucco, Chair Mary Lou Jarrett, Co-Chair The Arts committee met and made plans for making and decorating heart shaped cookies and Valentine cards for the Leap party to help with Home Life. Arts will also make 48 heart shaped cookies for the residents of The Boyd's Home, in Kinsman. The committee will travel either on the 13th. or the 14th. to The Boyd's Home to deliver the cookies and cards and to spend a little time with them. Diane Taylor contacted Kelly Barnes, the Art teacher from North Road school to help with the judging of the Photo contest in April. Kelly help the Arts committee with the silhouettes that we did in December for the students at North Road School to give to their parents. The committee contacted the Agriculture Center in Cortland to get information on painting rain barrels, Salli Kowalski a sustaining member has agreed to help us with the painting of the barrels, that will later be judged and auctioned off. More information will follow. In honor of "Faces Makes Places" the committee is planning to honor local ART residents in our area at the April meeting, each committee member has 5 facts about one of the artists, for the members to try and find out who he or she might be. Dear Secret Sister,, I want to thank you so very much for all the wonderful gifts. I have loved everyone of them. You are fantastic!!! :) Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! Jonnah Conservation Peggy Boyd, Chair Charlene Henico, Co-Chair guests and handing out literature. This project is being headed by myself & team member Cary Ann Koran. LAST CALL for those greeting cards. Please give these to Julie Vugrinovich It is with great sadness that our team who is heading this endeavor along says good-bye to our co-chair, Charlene with WJWL Juniorettes. Henico & our provisional member, Kathy Brown. Both of these dedicated volun- A big Thank You to Kitty Neilson for teers left on good standing for personal donating 3 biggggg bags of aluminum reasons. We all in League will miss you cans to the Black Walnut Preservation Committee located in Whispering but you are in our hearts and prayers. Meadows in Howland. This tree is over FEBRUARY IS PENNY PINES MONTH: 170 years old. Penny Pines is a USDA Forest Service Project to help replant National For- Thank you to all who have been recyests in the US which have been burnt cling your newspapers, towels and by devastating wild fires. Just one do- blankets to the Town & Country Vetnation of $68 will replant 100 acres of erinarian Clinic. This little touch of pine trees into an area. Conservation is kindness helps heal our wounded pets. asking all members to fill your bag- Keep bringing in those pop tabs. The gies passed out at the January meet- month of May will be here soon and ing with pennies or any loose change that is when the committee will make you may have . Our committee will the trip to Ronald McDonald House. donate this to the State Park in Arizona in GFWC Warren Junior Women's Home Life League's name and also dedicate it to Raechel Vega, Chair the "HOT SHOT" Fireman who lost their lives in this wild fire. All addiPatti Padovani, Co-Chair tional funds remaining will be sent to the Shrine Forest Memorial. This is the Home Life committee is getting ready reserve where we make our Gold Star and are excited for the LEAP ValenPilgrimage each year. This project is tine‘s Day Craft. The Arts Committee being headed by Karen Wrightsman. will be baking heart shaped cookies to CONSERVATION is "TEAMING UP" bring to the event for everyone to with the League of Women Voters of decorate. In addition to decorating Trumbull County & the TC Soil & Water cookies with the Art‘s Committee, Conservation District for an Educa- they will be making Valentine‘s Day tional Forum on Friday, February 21, cards to send to area nursing homes. 2014. Open to the public and free of Our committee is also planning a charge, doors will open at 6pm at the March of Dimes event this year, and T.C. Ag. & Family Ed. Ctr. located at we will be passing out baby bottles to 250 W. Main St in Cortland , Ohio. The our members at the February General forum will have a speaker from the Soil Meeting. We will ask everyone to take & Water Conservation District speaking the baby bottles to collect as many on Storm Water run off. On hand will dimes as they can and bring back to be a gentleman from the T.C. Auditor's the March Meeting. The person who Office discussing and clarifying tax collects the most will have their April laws concerning farm lands & water run general meeting's dinner paid for. All off. Present also will be representa- the money collected will be donated tives from the Trumbull County Farm to Melanie‘s March of Dimes team. Bureau. Our Conservation team will be We are encouraging everyone to go providing refreshments, greeting join Melanie‘s Team, and walk with her Page 4 on May 18th! Her name under the ―2 Too Early ~ Paige & Harper‖ team. Our committee would also like to inform everyone about the ―Shot @ Life‖ program. Shot @ Life is a campaign of the United Nations Foundation, educates, connects and empowers Americans to help protect children in developing countries from vaccine-preventable diseases. How you can help: when you get a flu shot or any other immunization at Walgreen's, Walgreen's will help provide a lifesaving vaccine through the United Nations Foundations‘ Shot @ Life campaign. For the collection page of the newsletter. Collection for Betty's Angels Personal Hygiene Items Cleaning Supplies Linens Paper Products Gift Cards Food Clothing Shoes School Supplies International Outreach Shelby McElravy, Chair Jean Seagall, Co-Chair We will be collecting seeds starting this month for the Gorilla‘s at the Cleveland Zoo… .Seeds of Friendship The program's objective is to assist the courageous people of Rwanda who suffered greatly in the late 90's and early 2000when more than 1,000,000 men, women and children were killed during genocide. Donated seeds will given to Dr. Charlene Jendry. She will take the seeds to Rwanda in June and personally distribute the seeds to distribute the seeds to Rwandan families who live in villages near gorilla habitats and to the Imbabazi Orphanage. The seeds will provide not only fresh produce but income for families who were killing the gorillas to make money. The following seeds are needed. PLEASE only those seeds listed and only seeds packaged for use in the year 2014. Vegetable Seeds: Green Cabbage, Tomatoes, Carrots, Bush Beans, Green Peppers, Onions Flower Seeds: Cosmos and Zinnias - all colors These add color to the garden and attract pollinators for the growing vegetables. The International Outreach Committee are on to Bigger and Better things: An old fashion ―Cake Walk‖…. At the February meeting to purchases Jean‘s lama (not only for her but the entire committee) for the Heifer Project. We need one hundred fifty dollars, so we are all baking Goodies to be walked off. Every one that participates will get to hear great music from Louie Armstrong and when the pole goes down in front of that person she will be eliminated, and that goes on and on until there are only the amount of people left that match the baked items, then they will choose a baked item and so on and on until all the baked goodies are taken…. Sure hopes this explains a ―Cake Walk‖ We will be sending a basket to convention: Public Issues Sue Smith, Chair Eddie Wolcott, Co-Chair Public Issues continues to collect teddy bears, coupons, and stamps. In addition, we are also collecting appropriate clothing for Sew Much Comfort. This includes NEW heavy duty t-shirts, shorts, pants in sizes medium, large, Xlarge, XXlarge. These need to be solid colors or sports themed. Also included are men's boxers in Xlarge and XXlarge. Unacceptable types of clothing: no whites, no political sayings, no religious themes, no "I ran", "I walked", or "I survived" and no feminine colors (pink, purple, yellow) or patterns and no undershirts. When you‘re slimming it‘s easy to get fixated on the body parts you dislike, rather than making time to appreciate those for which you should be grateful. But for any diet to work, you need to fall in love with your body — the one you‘ve got right now — before you start. Simply take a good look at your body and write down a description of the bits you love (such as: ‗I love my hair, because it‘s glossy‘). Now, as you move through your weight loss plan, -whenever you feel discouraged, take out this list and remind yourself of everything you love about your body. ―A Basket of Hope‖ We will Honor those who give people Hope --- more info later… Page 5 Scholarships Shirley Wittenauer Chair GFWC/Ohio Scholarship Information Each year GFWC/Ohio awards five scholarships in the spring. Information about the scholarship opportunities for high school students was mailed to all area high schools in November. So far I have told you about The Clubwoman Award; The Ethel G. Swanbeck Allied Health scholarship for someone be pursuing a degree as a nurse, pharmacist, X-ray technician, physical therapist, laboratory technician, or in pre-medical studies or pre-veterinary studies, etc. The Elaine Weinman Memorial Scholarship for someone pursuing a course of study in the field of Communication Arts defined as including speech, journalism, drama, radio, and television, and The Annette Phelps Lincoln Scholarship for someone plans to enter the teaching or library science professions. The final scholarship, the GFWC/ Ohio Federation of Women’s Clubs Art Scholarship, is available to a graduating high school senior that is enrolled in an Ohio art school, college or university and has a GPA of 2.6 or better. In addition to a completed and signed scholarship application form, the applicant must [1] provide an official copy of their school transcript, verifying their grade point average and class rank, along with a letter of recommendation from a school counselor or teacher; [2] write a letter establishing proof of financial need and provide verification of any financial aid that has already been awarded; [3] provide a copy of acceptance on official school letterhead from the Ohio school or college they are attending or plan to attend; and[4] complete the GFWC/Ohio Federation of Women‘s Clubs Supplemental Scholarship Questions which includes [ ] a summary of their extracurricular activities, school awards and activities, community service activities and any leadership roles, [ii] and any job experience they may have had. The applicant must also provide seven pieces of original artwork, unmated and not to exceed 20‖ x 24‖, as described on the application. All GFWC/Ohio Scholarship applications, information and requirements can be downloaded by visiting the OFWC website at gfwcohio.org. All information MUST be to the state selection committee no later than March 1, 2014; therefore, completed applications and all attachments must to be given to Shirley Wittenauer no later than the February 5, 2014 club meeting. This will give me (and our selection committee) time to review each application and choose one from each category to send to the state committee for review as they make their recipient selection. Amblyopia Friends of WJWL-Harding Relay for Life Kitty Neilson, Chair Amblyopia: month. no screening this Friends of WJWL/Harding: Darla Banks has been contacted. We are asking her class to help make Valentines for the Veterans. Relay for Life: Money collected at the meeting will be given to the Treasurer Friends’ of Children Services Carol Batchelder, Chair According to the updated roster received from Children Services, there are nineteen children presently in residence. There are eleven boys from ten to seventeen years old, and eight girls from ten to seventeen years old. One birthday was added for January, as well as three birthdays scheduled for February. OFWC Junior Fundraising GFWC Ohio Fundraising Pam Vines, Chair For Fundraising: Will have Daffin's Candy Easter candy catalogs at the February general meeting All orders and money must be turn in by March 5th general meeting and orders will be delivered on or about April 10th just in time for Easter. Page 6 Education Margaret Petrosky, Co-Chair Kelly Pope, Co-Chair We have adopted the Potential Development Classroom at Children's Rehab Center. They have sent a list of items that are needed. Any help in purchasing these items is greatly appreciated. There will be an area set aside at each general and board meeting. Thank you for thinking of these beautiful children. They truly are amazing and the teachers are so appreciative of anything that is done for them. Although they are located at Children's Rehabilitation Center, they are a separate entity, so the monies raised through Champagne Luncheon do not assist them in any way. Lysol Wipes, Batteries [ AA, AAA], Hand soaps and refills, Dish soap, Paper plates, File folders, Classroom size laminator, Art supplies- glitter, pom poms, pipe cleaners, wiggly eyes, paint, tissue paper etc. iTunes gift cards ( to buy educational apps for iPads) , megablocks- legos medium size building set, dress up clothes, 12+ piece puzzles, Floor puzzles, Computer, Musical instruments, Board books, Play dough, Play dough accessories (scissors, rollers etc.) , Paint easel, Beginner pattern blocks, Small dry erase boards and dry erase markers, Bubbles Domestic Violence Awareness and Prevention Kellie Pope, Chair Julie Vuginivich, Co-Chair Orders are still being taken for scarves. They are $10.00 each. $2.50 of each scarf sold is going into the Survivor's Scholarship. Remember you can choose your colors to make it special. We are still collecting Pennies for a Playground. PLEASE bring in your pennies and spread the word to friends, family, co-workers and parishioners. Julie will be getting the Juniorettes involved. I would like to have a contest for the Juniorette who brings in the most. Will be discussed at our next meeting. Time and date to be announced. We will be collecting clothes, flip flops, underwear, journals for the Rape Crisis bags. Unfortunately there is a great need for these kits. Still taking in old cell phones. Need batteries and the chargers that go with. I will make sure that the phones are reset to factory before they are taken into Someplace Safe. FROM YOUR CLUB SECRETARY I would appreciate that when you e-mail any report to me could you use the font TIMES NEW ROMAN and size 12 This will make it easy when I cut and paste the reports into the minutes. HISTORY OF VALENTINE‘S DAY Valentine's day isn't all about roses, candy, and expensive dinners. It has a historical background too. Contrary to what some may believe, Valentine's Day wasn't created by greetings card companies just to sell cards and candies. It's actually a church sanctioned holiday, as Pope Gelasius deemed February 14 St. Valentine's Day near 498 A.D. Shrouded in mystery, the exact origins of the celebration of St. Valentine are somewhat unclear, according to History.com. While the holiday's history is well documented through the years, the saint (or saints) it's named after is up in the air According to one legend, Valentine actually sent the first "valentine" greeting himself. While in prison, it is believed that Valentine fell in love with a young girl -- who may have been his jailor's daughter -- who visited him during his confinement. Before his death, it is alleged that he wrote her a letter, which he signed "From your Valentine," an expression that is still in use today. Thank you so much. Page 7 ITEMS WE ARE COLLECTING Below are items being collected by our committees. Each month this list will be updated. CONSERVATION - Peggy Boyd Newspapers, old towels and blankets for Town & Country Veterinarian Can tabs for The Ronald Mc Donald House Eyeglasses to give to the Lion's Club. PENNIES for this heart loving project. Known as "Penny Pines" a $68 dollar donation from our club will reforest a burned out site with 100 trees planted in our club's name by the National Forest Service. Spear heading this project is Team Member Karen Wrightsman. She will be presenting each member a small, baby food size jar to drop your pennies into. Recycle all those beautiful Christmas cards, birthday and Thank You cards. Please bring them to our January meeting or the board and give them to our Conservation member EDUCATION—Margaret Petrosky ‗Free stuff‘ and ‗box tops for education‘ for McGuffey School. Tea bags for Ms Ponchick‘s class. Campbell soup labels for Children's Rehab Center. School supplies for McGuffey School Lysol Wipes, Batteries [ AA, AAA], Hand soaps and refills, Dish soap, Paper plates, File folders, Classroom size laminator, Art supplies- glitter, pom poms, pipe cleaners, wiggly eyes, paint, tissue paper etc. iTunes gift cards ( to buy educational apps for iPods) , megablocks- legos medium size building set, dress up clothes, 12+ piece puzzles, Floor puzzles, Computer, Musical instruments, Board books, Play dough, Play dough accessories (scissors, rollers etc.) , Paint easel, Beginner pattern blocks, Small dry erase boards and dry erase markers, and bubbles Public Issues—Sue Smith Teddy bears, postage stamps, and coupons for the VA Hospital Advocacy - Jonnah Hetzel Non-perishable food for Emanuel House. Campbell‘s CHUNCKY soup and crackers for the Saint Vincent De Paul soup kitchen. Please bring them to the January meeting. Page 8 PROVISIONAL PROJECT Trumbull County Animal Welfare League items needed. Dog toys Cat Toys Push Brooms Floor squeegees Sets of dry erase markers (sets of four colors with eraser) Stainless steel cat and dog food bowls Cat litter boxes HOME LIFE For Betty‘s Angels Personal Hygiene Items (full size) Paper products Cleaning Supplies Gift cards Linens Food Clothing Shoes School Supplies School Supplies We will be collecting seeds starting this month for the Gorilla‘s at the Cleveland Zoo. This is called .Seeds of Friendship. The following seeds are needed. PLEASE send only those seeds listed and only seeds packaged for use in the year 2014. Vegetable Seeds: Green Cabbage, Tomatoes, Carrots, Bush Beans, Green Peppers, Onions Flower Seeds: Cosmos and Zinnias - all colors These add color to the garden and attract pollinators for the growing vegetables. We will also be saving STAMPS. so please do that and we will provide all the info next month. Amblyopia ―Save Lids to Save Lives' Please continue to save the pink Yoplait yogurt lids. For every lid mailed back to General Mills, a donation will be sent to Susan G. Komen foundation. This promotion will end June 2014. Domestic Violence Awareness—Kellie Pope Pennies and loose change for playground, Motivational and inspirational books for the library, diapers, baby wipes, underwear of all sizes children and women, all for Someplace Safe. If you like to add to this list e-mail me with your item at cakbusservices@aol.com Page 9 "Spotlight on Provisionals" Hello, I am Lisha Pompili-Baumiller. I am the youngest of 3 children, and a life time resident of Hubbard. I am married to Brian Baumiller. We have a yellow lab named Drucilla. I am the Consumer Division Manager at LMS Services Inc., in Warren and 3rd Ward Councilwoman in Hubbard. I am an active member of St Patrick Church in Hubbard. I enjoy golfing, snow skiing, & traveling. I love to entertain at my home. I enjoy baking. My sponsor for GFWC Ohio Warren Junior Women's League is Kellie Pope. Hi, my name is Dodie Baritell. I am married to Larry and we have one son together named Matt. I have three step sons named Jeff, Tim, whose wife is named Terry, and Kevin. We have (6) granddaughters, (1) grandson and (1) great granddaughter. I was brought into this wonderful organization by my friend and co-worker Mary Lou Jarrett. We worked together in the Engineering Department of Packard Electric/Delphi. I also worked as a desk girl and on the floor. I retired after 38 years in 2007. My interests include bowling, bocce, golf, travel and slots at the casinos. I have lived in Niles all my life and feel very lucky to be part of the WJWL. Page 10 GFWC Ohio Warren Juniorettes Volunteer Organization Julie Vugrinovich, Club Advisor On Thursday, January 16th, several of the Warren Juniorettes, along with their Advisor and mother's, assisted the Children's Rehabilitation Center in Howland with their Annual Jellybean Fundraiser. From 4:30 to 6:30 pm, the girls sorted, packaged, and boxed up thousands of yummy jelly beans to be distributed and sold in our community. Look for these bags of jellybeans in local banks and businesses real soon that will be sold for $1.00 per bag. The monies raised will help this pediatric outpatient center provide services to many children and young adults through infant therapy, physical, speech/language therapies, as well as child and family counseling. GFWC Ohio Federation of Women's Clubs Scholarships and materials have been handed out to all eligible Warren Juniorette members with a March 1, 2014 deadline along with the Warren Jr. Women's League's ~ $200 Juniorettes Scholarship that is presented to a Senior who has dedicated herself to the ideals of a Juniorette, her time and talents, and volunteer service work to the Warren Juniorettes Volunteer Organization. Last year ,Juniorette member Alexa Goffos, won an award for her "Symphony of One Voice" Essay sharing the "Importance of ARTS in Her Life." Her essay was entitled "Finding Myself" and focused on her experience with joining the Lakeview Madrigal Choir. We will have more essays submitted this year for "The Symphony of One Voice. " The Juniorettes have partnered with The MARCH OF DIMES to Promote January - Birth Defects Awareness Month. Members are Collecting "DIMES" that will be Donated Locally to Help Create More Awareness For Stronger, Healthier Babies, as well as Investing in Research for Birth Defects. Please Save Your Dimes for this Project! Page 11 March is Women‘s History month. If you would like to participate in our Women‘s History Quiz, fill it out and bring it to the meeting or send it to Eddie or Peggy. The names of those members with the most correct answers, will be put in the hat and drawn for four prizes to be given at the March general meeting.. Pag NEWS FROM UNITED WAY As I mentioned during my remarks, we have a few events coming up that I’d like you to be aware of. There are others pending, and I’ll let you know about those if they come to be. February 1 – we will kick-off a school supply drive in partnership with O’Reilly Auto Parts. As the second semester begins, the school supplies given to children at the beginning of the school year are probably used up. This is a good time to make sure they have what they need to finish the school year. February 14 – we will distribute the school supplies to agencies that provide services to children. This will expand the reach of the project to many school districts. March 26 – 6 – 10 PM – we’ll be at the new Quaker Steak & Lube on Elm Road. We will have the lead singers from two well-known local bands as guest bar tenders and if any of your members would like to volunteer, we’ll accommodate them as well. Probably will need another 2 – 4. The week of June 16 we’ll be selling tickets to the Scrappers. July 21 – At the Scrappers game – we’ll be collecting books for kids ages 5 – 8 at the field. Those who bring books will get a discount off their ticket price. This is what I hope to partner with you on. August 27 - United Way at Work. This event will be in the morning at Cafaro Field and serves as our campaign kick-off. After breakfast (and the required speeches), teams of volunteers will fan out into the community to do a morning of community service. Last year we partnered with the Area Agency on Aging and did yard work for seniors who could not or did not have family who could do that for them. If you would like to put a team or two together, we’d be happy to have you. October 18 – KSUTC. Family Fun Fair – We will have a fun fair for families to come, participate in games, obstacle courses, carve pumpkins, and learn about all the health and services for kids. Helping us the day of the event and in promoting it would be a big help. October 18 – 5:00 PM - KSUTC – 4th annual Great Pumpkin 5 K. This annual race will be a part of the Family Fun Fair. Races will be held for adults, a tot trot for small children and a fun run for tweeners – all at a course at KSUTC. Helping us the day of the event and in promoting it would be a big help. I’d like to begin talking within the next couple of weeks about partnering on the books and distribution. Is there someone I should contact about that? Please give me a call if you have any questions. Ginny Pasha President United Way of Trumbull County 3601 Youngstown Road Warren, Ohio 44484 330.369.1000 x 26 gpasha@unitedwaytrumbull.org Page 13 WARREN CITY FEDERATION OF WOMEN’S CLUB Invites you to our next meeting TUESDAY, February 11, 2014 Café 422, on Youngstown Road 11:30 A.M. social/registration Lunch at noon Menu choices – To be announced Cost: $12 (Please pay by check at the door) Outreach and Hostess Club: The Fifth Wheel Please donate blankets for Warren Family Mission To all our new members you are also a member of this club through membership in Warren Junior Women’s League Program: Urban League—Christy House Presented by Tom Conley To make Reservations contact Sandy Mahaffey 330-545-4714 or by email sjmahaffey515@gmail.com . Please remember, if you make a reservation and do not cancel before February 7, 2014, you will be invoiced. Page 14