Concord High School - Brandywine School District


Concord High School - Brandywine School District
Summer 2013
Concord High School
Important Dates
Tues., Aug. 13
Fall Sports Meeting
7 PM - Auditorium
Wed., Aug. 14
New student walk-thru
10-11:30 AM & 6:30—8 PM
Thurs., Aug. 15
1st Day of Fall Sports
Wed., Aug. 21
thru Fri. Aug. 23
Teacher Inservice Days
Mon., Aug.26
1st Student Day GR 9 & 12
Sat., Aug. 24
Atlantic Harmony Brigade performance 7 pm
Tues., Aug. 27
All students attend
Fri., Aug. 30
Labor Day Holiday (Schools
Closed, Offices Open)
Mon., Sep. 2
Labor Day (Schools and Offices
Wed., Sep. 4
Picture Day - Underclass
Thurs., Sep. 5
Dear CHS Families,
I hope you are having a great summer! We are well underway with our plans for the
upcoming 2013 – 2014 school year. Our focus continues to be on academics and raising student
achievement. The purpose of this newsletter is to provide you with important dates, events, and
information about the beginning of the school year. A list of school events is located to the left
of this message and is posted on the Concord website (
If you are new to our school, WELCOME! Please feel free to stop by over the summer if
you have any questions. Our informal Walk-Through Open House will be held on Wednesday,
August 14th. We are offering two sessions to accommodate all of our families: 10:00 am – 11:30
am and 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm. This is a time for you to walk through the building and become familiar with the lay out and location of the rooms throughout our building. We will have students
providing informal tours of the building for your convenience. Although our teachers will not be
available, the administrative team will be here and will give a brief overview of Concord High
School at 10:00 am and 6:30 pm.
Monday, August 26th is the first day of school for all 9th and 12th graders ONLY. Students should
report to Concord for a full day of school from 7:30am – 2:15pm. Homerooms are assigned alphabetically by grade and will be posted on the school’s exterior doors the last week in August. All schedules will be given to students on the first day of school.
Tuesday, August 27th: All students, grades 9, 10, 11, and 12, should report to school for a full
day of school from 7:30am – 2:15pm. This is the first day for our 10th and 11th graders. HomeRosh Hashanah (Schools Closed, rooms are assigned alphabetically by grade and will be posted on the school’s exterior doors the
last week in August. All schedules will be given to students on their first day of school.
Offices Open)
Tues., Sep. 10 –
Fri., Sep. 13
Senior Portrait Make-ups
Wed., Sep. 11
Senior Parent Meeting
Raider Room 7 pm
Tues., Sep. 17
Open House 7 pm
Mon., Sep. 30
1st MP Interim Ends,
GR 9-12
Fri., Oct. 4
Inservice Day, (Schools Closed,
Offices Open)
Wed., Oct. 9
1st MP Interims
Distributed, GR 9-12
Wed., Oct. 16
PSAT Testing
Fri., Oct. 18
Parent Conferences,
GR 9-12 (Schools Closed, Offices Open)
A few highlights:
Schedules will be given out on your child’s first day of school. Grades 9 and 12—August
26th. Grades 10 and 11—August 27th.
Schedule changes can be made through your guidance counselor during the summer
and during the first week of school.
Please remember when dropping off your child in the morning, please pull all the way
down to the second entrance to alleviate traffic issues on Ebright and Naamans Roads.
Please monitor your child to be sure they complete all summer assignments before
school starts.
Lunch is $1.75.
We are happy to welcome new staff to our building so far this year:
Ms. Lauren Giza—our new Vocal Music Teacher
Mr. David Hogan—our new Math Teacher
Ms. Deborah Dehghan—our new office staff
Mr. Scott Klabunde—our new Athletic Trainer
Thank you for all you do in supporting Concord High School. Our goal has always been, and will
continue to be, to provide ALL students with access to the very best education we can deliver. I
look forward to meeting you at the many upcoming events.
Fri., Oct. 25
Picture Retake Day
Fri., Nov. 1
1st MP Ends, GR 9-12
Sat., Nov. 2
Homecoming 10:30 AM
V. Appoquinimink HS
Mon., Nov. 4
Staff Professional Work Day, GR Keep in the Know—Visit our Websites:
Concord High School.............................................
9-12 (Schools Closed, Offices
Home Access Center .............................................
Sports Schedules...................................................
Veterans Day (Schools and Of- Brandywine School District ...................................
fices Closed)
Parent Resource Center ........................................—Under Site
Shortcuts, click on Parent Center
1st MP Report Cards
School Store ..........................................................
Distributed, GR 9-12
Mon., Nov.11
Wed., Nov. 13
Anne Lambert
Summer 2013
Did you know. . .
Parents are encouraged to schedule appointments outside of
normal school hours whenever possible. However, if your child
has an appointment during school hours, please follow this procedure to ensure your child is ready and waiting for you at the
appointed time and classroom disruptions are kept to a minimum.
• Give your child a note to be handed in to the Main Office
first thing in the morning with the date and time your child
needs to be excused early. This note should have the child's first
and last names, time of dismissal, reason, and your daytime
phone number. ALL early dismissals are confirmed by phone.
• The child will be given a pass that allows him/her to be meet
you out front. If you follow this procedure, you do not need to
come into the school to sign out your child.
If you have a last minute appointment, the Attendance Office
will need one of the following authorizations from you.
• Come in person to pick-up your child
• Send a fax to 529-3094, or
• Send an email. Call the school at 475-3951 for the email address.
Concord High School is a closed campus – Students are not permitted to leave without proper permission.
week of school. A letter will be sent home with your login and
password. Please contact your child’s Guidance Counselor if you
need assistance.
REMINDER: Please Do Not Park or leave your vehicle unattended in our Fire Lanes.
The Delaware Fire Marshal’s office recently conducted an inspection and we were reminded that it is against the law to park
in Fire/Emergency Lanes. Thank you for your cooperation.
Please check your student’s Code of Conduct Handbook that is
handed out on the 1st day of school for the policy.
If your child becomes ill during the school day, he/she should
report to the Nurse’s office. School Nurses maintain records of
illnesses and it is important that this procedure be followed.
Students are discouraged from calling parents/guardians directly when they are ill. This circumvents the system, skews records,
and causes unnecessary classroom disruptions.
Need help with math homework? Want help practicing Spanish
vocabulary words? Concord High School's National Honor SociBrandywine School District has a policy on releasing students to ety offers free academic tutoring every Tuesday and Wednespersons other than parents/legal guardians. This policy only
day in room DD228 beginning at 2:20 pm. This is on a drop-in
applies to releasing students from school at times other than
basis, no sign-ups required. You can stay as long or as little as
the end of the school day, the end of any school sponsored
you like to get help with any subject whether it's geometry,
event or activity, or at the end of after school child care operat- physics, algebra, pre-calc., English, or civics. Tutoring sessions
ed by the school. You may designate a person as authorized to end at 3:30 pm and after-school bus passes are available. Tupick up your child either in writing or by phone to an administoring will begin in September. The date will be announced. If
trator. Please see the complete policy online at:
you have any questions, contact Mrs. Fried @ Policy 08.8
All students need a Student ID. Student ID’s are created by the
NEW FOR 2013-2014 SCHOOL
school photographer when the student’s picture is taken. Even
if you do not plant to purchase pictures, students MUST have
their picture taken. This ID is required for admittance to sport9TH GRADERS:
ing events, dances, etc. If your student does not have their picture taken they will not get an ID. For seniors, Student ID’s will Starting with the 2013-2014 school year, all entering 9th graders
must have a health exam which was completed within the last 2
be created from their Senior Portrait.
years. Documentation must be received by the nurse within 30
days from the start of school. The following forms are acceptaPlease pull your vehicle all the way down to the last door by
ble and available on the CHS website:
the POOL door. This door opens into the back hallway of our
school. Pulling down to the last door helps to alleviate traffic
Click on Nurse’s Office > Nurse’s Forms and use either of these
back-ups on Ebright and Naamans Roads. Please be considerate forms:
of each other.
* Delaware School Health Exam Form
* DIAA Sports Physical Form – this must be used if your child
intends to participate in sports at Concord
HAC allows you to view your child's grades, assignments, and
You may also use the Physical Form provided by your doctor.
attendance. The website is: https:/ HAC is
closed for the summer and will re-open approximately the 1st
Summer 2013
on April 16 with the Delaware Kids Inspiring Kids program to
educators, students
Hope everyone is enjoying a safe and restful summer. Soon an audience of 125 + which included
at this conthe new school year will be here. Fall sports begin August
15th. As a reminder, if your child plans on participating in
any sport, they need to have a current physical (dated after Chris co-led an activity in which the students highlighted the
4/1/13) on a DIAA sports physical form and it must be on file complexities of oral language. That is always an eye-opening
activity for adults. Chris was very proud to announce that his
with the nurse. Physicals can be obtained from your own
is the best high school in the state!
doctor or through the Concord Wellness Center, if the student is a member. Forms are available at school or the CHS ATLANTIC HARMONY BRIGADE
This is a special a cappella concert on Saturday, August 24 at
During the first few days of school, you will receive a new
7 pm in the Concord High School auditorium. Not only will
emergency card. Please fill it out and send back promptly.
the 125 man AHB chorus sing, they are featuring the 2006
Every student must have one on file so we can provide treat- International Champion men’s quartet called Vocal Specment and have current contact information for parents/
trum who are among the top quartets ever to sing and the
guardians. Please notify the nurse should any information
2012 Sweet Adelines Rising Star (Young Women’s) Quartet,
or phone numbers change during the year.
called GQ. They too, are amazing! They are celebrating 75
If your child requires medications during the school day,
years of Barbershop Harmony by making this a special treat
please send a note with the medicine in the original bottle.
for and about younger singers. They have granted scholarNo student is to carry prescription or non-prescription medi- ships to 10 young (18-21 year old) singers from vocal music
cations. Tylenol and Ibuprofen are available through the
programs all over the country and they will be performing
with us. Vocal Spectrum also won their collegiate quartet
In following state guidelines, vision, hearing, and postural
contest a few years back, and the girls of GQ are students at
screenings are done during the year. Vision and hearing
Towson. So much for the notion of barbershop being a
screenings will be done on all 10th graders in September.
bunch of old guys! They can pretty much guarantee the
Postural (scoliosis) screenings are done on 9th graders in the singing will be thrilling! Check them out at:
fall and spring depending when they have physical education
class. Parents/guardians will be notified if further evalua
tions are needed
Ticket prices are $25 for reserved seating (first 12 rows) or
Call the nurse’s office with any questions or concerns at 475- $20 for general admission. $15 general admission if you buy
3965 or email:
10 in a group. However, they have a special for choral stu-
dents and their parents.: $10 for choral students (general
admission). $10 for choral student parents. AND... if a choral student brings a parent, the student gets in FREE! (1 free
The Wellness Center has been established to make quality
student per paying parent.) What a deal!
health care available to teens. Services offered include:
These tickets are available via web. http://
Physicals click
Diagnosis and treatment of minor illnesses/injuries on the Show Tickets tab. The discount will be applied at
checkout. Checkout password to get the special deal is Concordchoir (case sensitive)
There is a possibility tickets will be available at the door, but
Health Education
Part-time summer hours begin on August 2nd. Call to sched- there is no guarantee that the show will not be sold out.
ule a sports physical (302) 477-3960. Registration forms are This show is attracting attention from all over the east coast.
available on the school website.
You may view teacher credentials via this website:
Congratulations to Chris Coulston, rising junior, who co-led a
workshop at the Statewide Delaware Transition Conference
Congratulations to Donna Amis, Special Education teacher for being named 2013—2014
Concord High School Teacher of the Year!
Mrs. Amis is also Class Advisor for the class of 2015 and Class
of 2016, Advisor for the BlueGold Club and Cheerleading
Coach. Congratulations!
Summer 2013
May 9, 2013 was the final day for the Concord Student Support
(CSS) Mentoring Program for this year. Mrs. Pipkin-Perry, Mr.
Mitchell and the rest of the Counseling Center Staff would like to
thank all of the mentees and mentors who participated in the
program. They would also like to give a shout out to all the seniors who actively participated in the program as mentors. Thank
you to all.
And a Special Thank You to Marcus Wing who founded this very
much needed program for Concord!
Congratulations to Paige Thommes for participating in the
Delaware Youth Leadership Network. Paige was invited to
celebrate the Graduation of the Class of 2013 on Wednesday, May 1. Congratulations Paige!
Cody Bauer
Patrick Crowley
Halley Donlin
Casey Howard
Jordan McGinnes
Mark Mosley
Morgan Mosley
Camille Myrie
Tyler Pini
R. J. Pinkett
Grant Roberts
Elise Sarcich
Natasha Snow
Fred Terry
Renee Washington
Marcus Wing
Congratulations to Sarah Essner who is the recipient of a “Questbridge “
Scholarship. In 2012 there were 9,585 applications submitted, only
4,518 were chosen as a finalist. Of this amount only 383 students were
admitted to 1 of the 33 partner colleges. Sarah learned she was accepted Early Decision to Wesleyan University in Ct. She chose this university because of their liberal arts program. She is not required nor encouraged to choose a major as the students are encouraged to take part in
any course that interests them. She is leaning towards economics and
or environmental studies. She also received the Presidential scholarship.
Rowan Short and Bethany Vanderloo have been accepted into
the 2013-2014 Delaware Youth Leadership Program. There was
a very strong applicant pool. The selection process was competitive and challenging. Congratulations to Rowan and Bethany!
Founded in 2012, DYLN selects high school juniors from Delaware to be Scholars for the ten-month program. Our goal is to
provide a dynamic, interactive, and transformational experience
through the following:
• Inspirational Speakers- Each month, Scholars will have the
opportunity to meet and listen to presentations from leaders in
Delaware on a wide range of topics, including leadership skills,
networking, community service, entrepreneurship, technology,
and citizenship.
• Mentors- Each Scholar will be assigned to a mentor closely
aligned with his or her expressed field of interest. The mentor
will share real world career experiences and help guide the
scholar through the program.
Skills Development- Scholars will work in small groups on
various activities and exercises throughout the program.
These assignments will provide opportunities to develop
public speaking, collaboration, networking, and communication skills.
Concord’s Engineering Design Lab Level IV class held its first annual “Design Day” on Friday May 17th . Students who took part
in the Level IV Capstone Engineering class this year put their
work on display in the cafeteria during all four lunches. Twentyone students spilt themselves into 8 groups and each group selected a topic about which they were passionate and attempted
to design, create, invent, or improve a technology relating to
that topic. Each group had a hands on display as well as a poster
documenting how the design process was used to create their
Below is a list and brief description of this year’s Engineering
Design Projects:
1. Remote controlled helicopter
2. Fiberglass skateboard that lights up depending on the direction the driver is turning
3. Infrared light controlled music box
4. Leaf blower powered hovercraft
5. Automatic residential door opener, controlled by a push butbutton and a servo motor.
6. Improved bicycle derailleur used for shifting gears while cycling
7. Movie themed board game that uses a microprocessor as its
input, output, and memory
8. Custom made subwoofer box that outperforms professionally
manufactured subwoofer boxes.
Congratulations to all FEA members who travelled to Orlando to
compete in the National Conference. Concord had a strong
showing in the events and workshops. Thanks to all of the students for making the trip memorable and enjoyable. A special
congratulations to Kelsey Shallow, Morgan Brandenberger and
Anna Keane who competed in the Researching learning Disabilities competition and placed 6th nationally. Congratulations!!
The following students are recognized for
their participation in Concord DECA. These
students were active members throughout the year and represented Concord at the Delaware DECA Career Development Conference. Thank you for your support and excellent representation!
Rachel Bloom
Alexis Brooks
Thomas Carr
Season Cooper
Sharon Fountaine
Tahamed Kamal
Todd Kennedy
Caitlyn McCarthy
Stephanie Michielli
Mark Mosley
Steven Narvell
Austin Oakes
Tyler Pini
Grant Roberts
Heather Ruderman
John Ruello
Michael Schell
Anthony Smiley
Summer 2013
In addition to the DECA awards, we would like to recognize five
students for their extraordinary contributions to DECA.
Special Recognition goes to those students
who served as Officers for Concord DECA:
Rachel Bloom
Rachel served as Secretary for Concord DECA. Special recognition is noted for her hours spent outside of school, coordinating
the Dodgeball tournaments and winning at the state competition. Rachel has been invaluable and truly an exemplary representative of Concord High School. Thank you, Rachel!
Todd Kennedy and Stephanie Michielli
Special recognition is awarded to Todd Kennedy and Stephanie
Michielli for their dedication and hard work as School Store
managers. They put in countless hours running and maintaining
the store for DECA and all of Concord. Under their leadership,
the school store had a very successful year. We thank them for
being there every day before and after school! In addition, Todd
and Stephanie demonstrated their knowledge and ability by winning in their respective events at the DECA state competition.
They also attended nationals in Anaheim, California. Thank you
for your dedication and professional representation of Concord
High School!
Mark Mosley and Heather Ruderman
Mark and Heather served as co-vice presidents for Concord DECA this year. They demonstrated leadership skills and professionalism while carrying out their duties. Both Mark and
Heather proved their abilities by winning in their respective
events at the DECA state competition. Heather also attended
nationals in Anaheim, California. Thank you for your dedication
and professional representation of Concord High School!
Ms. Derrick, Mrs. Porter and the members of the Gay Straight
Alliance would like to thank our fantastic faculty and students
for the tremendous support we received during the Day of Silence observance on Friday, April 19. Close to 100 students participated in the Day of Silence and many of you expressed your
support toe end LGBT bullying by signing the Raider Pride banner in the cafeteria. Your response to this communal concern
was overwhelming. Your actions will help concord continue to
be a safe and welcoming place for ALL students. Thanks again
for your support and remember. . .”Raiders don’t bully”
DECA is looking forward to next year and many exciting changes
for the School Store! Part of being a member of DECA involves
working in the school store learning inventory management and
managing a store. While the School Store will be closed for the
summer, we do have some exciting plans for the fall. New designs and items such as Sport-Tek shirts and shorts, customized
socks and novelty items will be available at the start of the year
for our Raiders! We plan to grow our online presence through
our website,, Twitter and
more! We will be open before and after school and set up at
home football games, so stop and see us!
DECA is open to all students enrolled in Marketing. For more
information on Concord’s DECA and Marketing program, please
contact Ms. Dulin at
Thank you for supporting us and we look forward to supplying
your Raider products in the future.
For the last 30 years, WPVI-TV 6 ABC gives an annual salute to
academic excellence in area high schools! This year Concord
High School’s very own Rachel Bloom was selected to particiCHS High Performers
The following students received an Award of Excellence for their pate. She had a full day of activities and workshops and was
featured in the BEST OF THE CLASS OF 2013 half-hour special tht
achievements at the DECA International Career Development
aired Saturday, May 18th at 7 PM on Channel 6. For more inforConference in Anaheim, CA. Congratulations to:
mation, please visit the website:
Darian Chan
Lexi Portincasa
Paul Truckley
Jack Sypher
A very special congratulations to Conor Rifon who has been acCONCORD INTERACT CLUB
cepted to University Of Delaware’s Career Life Skills Program.
The Concord Interact Club was recognized for service projects in There are only 7 universities in the country that have been
the Youth Service Challenge at a ceremony hosted on May 23rd granted funding for this type of program and Conor did an excelby the city of Wilmington and the Jefferson Awards for Public
lent job with the very selective application and interview proService. Congratulations Interact Club members for the great
cess. Way to go Conor@!!
work you are doing in our community!
These students earned their Eagle Scout Award with Troop 67
December 2012—Harrison MacEwen and Kevin Louie.
February 2013—Mark Mosley and Morgan Mosley
Lucas Leone and Zachary Zinner with Troop 70 earned their Eagle Scout Award in July 2013
We are very proud of you and this great accomplishment!
Assistant Principal Yolanda McKinney offers kudos to the Concord High School AVID Site Team for their dedication and commitment to AVID students. Congratulations on the first AVID
graduating class, which has been awarded more than $100,000
in scholarships!
Summer 2013
Every student entering a public high school in Delaware must
identify and complete a career pathway to fulfill the requirements for graduation. The career pathway is not a part of a required core academic program. It is an additional requirement
of a planned, sequential series of at least three related courses.
These courses will provide you with effective technical and academic preparation for entry into high-skill, high-wage, and highdemand occupations while also preparing you for postsecondary
Career Pathway Graduation Requirement
The career pathway graduation requirement can be filled by
completing one of the following:
A Career and Technical Education (CTE) Pathway
An Academically-Focused Career (AFC) Pathway
A combination of numbers 1 and 2 – this is called an integrated
Career Pathway (ICP)
These career pathways must:
* Incorporate secondary education & postsecondary elements;
* not otherwise be taken to fulfill graduation requirements;
* include academic and career and technical content in a coordinated, non-duplicative progression of courses;
* lead to an industry-recognized credential or certificate at the
postsecondary level, or an associate or bachelor’s degree; and
* fall under one of the 16 U.S. Department of Education Career
1. Career and Technical Education (CTS) Pathways are specific
within Career & Technical Education programs. Career and
Technical Education (CTE) prepares students for employment
and/or postsecondary education in current or emerging professions.
2. Academically-Focused Career (AFC) Pathways utilize academic
content in a way that builds knowledge and skills to help students prepare for a chosen career. AFC Pathways may look very
different in high schools across the state because they must be
comprised of three academic courses above and beyond those
required for graduation. This means that the electives may vary
considerably from school to school in a variety of content areas,
such as Social Studies, English Language Arts, and World languages.
3. An Integrated Career Pathway (ICP) is a three credit pathway
that consists of courses from multiple CTE pathways or a blend
of academic and CTE courses that are a planned and sequential
program of study. For example, an ICP may consist of Science,
Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) courses. You may
have the opportunity to combine AFC and CTE courses to craft a
pathway. For example, biotechnology is the integration of biology and technology to solve diverse societal problems in areas
such as genetics, crop growth and production, food animal
growth and production, and biofuels.
How Do I Choose a Career Pathway?
Base your pathway decision on everything you’ve learned about
yourself from using the Career Compass and from your online
assessments in Career Cruising. What do you like? What skills do
you have? What career clusters interest you? What occupations
are expected to have openings? Make an informed career pathway choice to prepare yourself for an interesting and fulfilling
The first day of practice for all Fall Sports is Thursday, August
15th. There will be a Fall Sports Parent Meeting for all fall athletes and their families on Tuesday, August 13 at 7 p.m. in the
Auditorium. All athletes must have a DIAA Sports Physical dated
after April 1st, 2013. Contact the Wellness Center at
302-477-3960 to schedule your physical.
If you attend a high school and become 19 years of age before
June 15. (Reg. 1009.2.1.1)
If you attend a junior high/middle school that terminates in the 8th
grade and become 15 years of age before June 15. (Reg.
If you are not legally enrolled at the school which you represent.
(Reg. 1008.2.3.1 and Reg. 1009.2.3.1)
If you are not residing with your custodial parent(s) or court appointed legal guardian(s), Relative Caregiver, or are a student 18
years of age or older and living in the attendance zone of the
school you attend unless you are participating in the Delaware
School Choice Program, attend a private school or are a boarding
IMMEDIATELY. (Reg. 1008.2.2.1 and Reg. 1009.2.2.1)
If you were absent unexcused or absent due to illness or injury;
have been suspended (in-school or out-of-school); or have been
assigned to homebound instruction or an alternative school for
disciplinary reasons. (Reg. 1008.2.3.4 and 1008.2.3.5; Reg.
1009.2.3.5 and 1009.2.3.6)
If you failed to complete the preceding semester for reasons other
than personal illness or injury. (Reg. 1008.2.3.6; Reg. 1009.2.3.7)
If you do not pursue a regular course of study and pass at least five
credits per marking period (equivalent of four credits in junior
high/middle school), two credits of which must be in the areas of
Mathematics, Science, English, or Social Studies. IF YOU ARE A
If you transferred after the 1st day of your 10th grade year unless
the transfer was the result of a change in residence by you and
your custodial parent(s) or court appointed legal guardian(s) from
the attendance zone of the sending school to the attendance zone
of the receiving school or you transferred after the end of the previous academic year and completed registration at your receiving
school before the first student day of the current academic year.
(Reg. 1008.2.4 and Reg. 1009.2.4)
If you participated in the Delaware School Choice Program during
the previous academic year and transferred to your “home school”
for the current academic year during 11th or 12th grade.
If you participated in the Delaware School Choice Program during
the previous academic year and transferred to another “choice
Summer 2013
school” for the current academic year unless you are playing a
sport not sponsored by the sending school. (Reg. 1008.;
Mark Mosley and Garth Warner were members of the Blue Hen
Reg. 1009.
All Conference Track and Field team for Spring 2013. Congratu-
If you reached the age of majority (18), occupied a residence in a
lations guys!!
different attendance zone than your custodial parent(s) or court
appointed legal guardian(s), and have not been in regular attendCONCORD SOFTBALL
ance at your receiving school for at least 90 school days unless you
are participating in the Delaware School Choice Program and your Flight “A” All Conference selections
Krysti Lober 1st team Outfield
application was properly submitted prior to your change of residence. (Reg. 1009.
Casey Howard 1st team At-Large
Jessica Fyock Honorable Mention
If you attend a high school and more than four years has elapsed
Softball All State selections
since you first entered 9th grade, or more than five years has
elapsed since you just entered 8th grade in school with 8th grade
Krysti Lober 3rd team
eligibility for high school sports. (Reg. 1009.2.7.1 and
Casey Howard 3rd team
.If you attend a junior high/middle school in which only grades 7-8 Great Job Ladies!!
are permitted to participate in interscholastic athletics and more
than two years have elapsed since you first entered 7th grade. GIRLS LACROSSE
All conference players were:
If you attend a junior high/middle school in which grades 6-8 are 1st team:
permitted to participate in interscholastic athletics and more than
Madeline Davis, midfield
three years has elapsed since you first entered 6th grade. (Reg.
Sarah Birmingham, goalie
2nd team:
If you have played on or against a professional team or have acHeather Estle, attack
cepted cash or a cash equivalent (savings bond, certificate of de- Honorable mention:
posit, etc.); a merchandise item(s) with an aggregate retail value of
Kelsey Shallow, defense
more than $150; a merchandise discount; a reduction or waiver of
Casey Ridgik, midfield
fees; a gift certificate or other valuable consideration for athletic
Way to go!!
participation. (Reg. 1009. and
If you have used your athletic status to promote a commercial
product or service in an advertisement or personal appearance.
(Reg. 1009.
If you have not received a physical examination from a licensed
physician (M.D. or D.O.), a certified nurse practitioner or a certified
physician’s assistant on or after April 1 and written consent from
your custodial parent(s) or court appointed legal guardian(s) to
participate in interscholastic athletics is not on file in the school
office. (Reg. 1009. and Reg. 1008.3.1.1)
Emily Panchak – 2 team
Emily Panchak- 1st team and voted #8 player in the conference
Holly Panchak- 2nd team
Allison DiCicco- Honorable Mention
If you participate in an all-star game not approved by DIAA before
you graduate from high school. (Reg. 1009.5.4)
If you are a foreign exchange student not participating in a twosemester program listed by the Council on Standards for International Educational Travel (CSIET). (Reg. 1009.
If you are an international student not in compliance with all DIAA regulations including Reg. 1009.2.2 residency requirements.
NOTE: Consult with your coach, athletic director, or principal for information concerning additional eligibility requirements.
Looking for something new?? Come out for Concord’s Crew
team! No experience necessary, just a willingness to work hard
and learn to do one of the fastest growing sports around. Compete in races in Philadelphia, Camden, and Boston! All sizes are
welcome. Practice begins August 15th. For information, contact Marie Peters at See you on
the water!!
Congratulations to the following participants in the 2013 Blue
Gold All Star Football game which was held on June 22 nd : football players-Cody Bauer and Grant Roberts, cheerleaders- Samantha Salemi and N’iambai Lewis, senior ambassadors- Rachel
Levithan and Walker Wiley, junior ambassador- Kelsey Shallow
and Muhammad Alem. Proud buddies were Shane Sutherland,
Todd Evans , April Spitz and Brandon Williams.
At the Blue Gold banquet on June 21st, Concord's senior ambassador, Rachel Levithan, received the Outstanding Blue Ambassador Award! She was selected from over 50 other seniors for
her dedication to her buddy and for being a driving force in our
Blue Gold program here at Concord! Congrats to Rachel!
Concord cheerleaders attended Pine Forest Camp from June
14th-17th. While there, they earned superior ribbons in cheering, dancing and game day materials. They also earned an overall superior trophy. All senior girls tried out for All Americans
and Kelsey Shallow, Jenny DeFriece and Taniah Robinson were
Summer 2013
chosen. The biggest honor of all, the Leadership Award, went to
the Raiders for the 4th year in a row!! This award is voted on by
all the other squads (over 600 girls). They are asked, "If you
could be on any other team here at camp, which group would
you join?" And by a landslide, it was the Concord Raiders!!!
for the state tournament in six out of the past eight seasons and
have compiled an impressive record of 80-31-2 over that
time. This year, the Raiders finished eighth in the state after
coming into the tournament as a 14th seed.
History was made this season as two girls became the first Concord females to play in a golf match in school history. Both
Amanda Rosenblatt and Rachel Levithan won their matches as
Interested in girls volleyball? Please visit the Volleyball website well! The golf team is hoping to attract more talented ladies to
at: website then click the 'team info'
the golf program in years to come!
link along the top. There is a lot of information on that page to Any incoming freshmen or any other students interested in
answer your questions. It's very important to make sure you
playing golf next year should contact Coach Dent at steget a physical done on or after April 1st, 2013 on the DIAA form, Coach Dent will be giving lessons
and approved by the school nurse or you will not be eligible to
throughout summer. So if you are interested in taking up golf,
try-out until you do! Try-outs for JV and Varsity start Thursday, now is the time!
August 15 and finish Saturday, August 17 - all grades welcome.
Check the website for exact times - likely to start as early as
8:30 am. There's a mandatory parent meeting Tuesday, August Go to
and enroll in Take Charge of Education (located near the bottom
13th, 7pm. Any freshman that does not make JV or Varsity is
of the page) to support Concord High School.
welcome to come back on the second day of school to try-out
for the freshman volleyball team.
Contact Coach Helie at: if you have
Giant Foods offers a program called A+School Rewards. We
any questions.
recently received a check form this program for $338.00. this
donation was made possible because of our parents, guardians
Grade only)
and friends who registered for this program. Each year you
Who: 1st thru 7th Grader only
must re-register. Go to: to register.
When: Starts Aug. 27/28th at Concord High School gym; games Register on or after September 1, 2013. Thanks to all for your
will be on either Tues. and Wed. thru September with 6:30 pm support!
and 7:30 pm game times
What: Fall Youth Basketball League (Follow up to summer
BSD School Nutrition announces that there will be NO increase in
Cost: $80.00 per player. Each player will be assigned to a team Breakfast or Lunch Prices for SY 2013—2014:
Teams: 8 game minimum for all. Teams broken down into
Reduced Priced Meals
Paying Students
age/grade groups (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th grades.)
Please register now by emailing Coach Flowers at
Lunch for an application.
Reduced Priced Meals
Paying Students
The 2013 Concord baseball team received the Rocky Salvatore
Sportsmanship Award for the third time in five
years. This honor is awarded to a team by the Northern Umpire's Association. The baseball team also received the award
in 2009 and 2012. The Concord baseball team is one of only
three schools to ever win the award three times.
Head Coach Tim Hamberger and All-State outfielder Chuck
Brooks will receive the award at Frawley Stadium before the
senior All-Star Game on June 8th at 6:30PM.
Baseball Flight “A” All-Conference Players:
Chuck Brooks- 1st Team Outfield
Jon Harris- 2nd Team Utility
All-State Player:
Chuck Brooks- 2nd Team outfield
The 2013 Concord Golf team had another successful season.
Under Coach Steve Dent’s tutelage, the Raiders have qualified
Pre-payment of school meals at all grade levels is available and encouraged!! Pre-payment of school meals provides the opportunity for buy
ten – get one free!!! Options to prepay include: visiting our on line
services at or by sending in cash/check.
Checks should be made payable to BSD School Nutrition. Students who
received free or reduced price meals last school year (2012—2013) will
automatically receive that same benefit for the first 30 “school days”
of the upcoming school year (2013—2014). Students who were on the
free or reduced meal program last year will have until October 10,
2013 to compete their Meal Benefit Form. Beginning on Friday, October 11, 2013, students who do not have an approved Meal Benefit
Form on file will not receive free or reduced priced meals and will be
charged the “Paying Student’s full price” for meals. Meal Benefit
Forms are distributed to all students in homeroom the first day of
school or you can go online to Brandywine School District website
(; select “Parents” and “Nutrition Services” to
print a form. You can also view the monthly menus at this site.
Summer 2013
Congratulations to the Graduates of the Class of 2013!
Jason Addo
Tyheem Albright
Gavin Ruben Alburg
Kevin R. Alvarez
Carlos Arbolay
Emily Paige Arrabal
Samuel Feinson Bailey
Caleigh Jo Bart
Cody James Bauer
Alexia Kaylyn Bell
Jonathan Ario Bergh
Liam Thomas Berti
Victoria Bezilla
Maitri Nimish Bhagat
Jacob A. Biasotto
Erin Marie Birmingham
Rachel Janey Bloom
Jonathan Michael Blumberg
Patrick Ryan Borkland
Kaitlyn P. Bradley
Tara Morgan Brady
James David Braid
Audrey M. Bramble
Donte' Shamar Branche
Wanda Denise Brice
Alexis Ann Brooks
Charles Stephen Brooks
Kristen Glenne Brooks
Tierra Lenise Brown
Katherine Bullock
Marta Beata Buriak
Connor D. Burris
Arnelle Butler
Keith Adrian Cabanela
Angel M. Rios Cabot
John Anthony Cannuli
Morgan Rae Carey
Danielle Ashley Carlson
Ashley Ann Carncross
Kala C. Carney
Thomas Jeremy Carr
Giulia Ciola
Jacques Clark
Thomas John Cloutier
Ari Nathan Cohen
Gevon D. Coleman
Sha' Von Brenai Collins
Cori Lynn Conner
Dwayne Jonathan Conroy
Destiny Cree Cooper
Season Montez Cooper
Ja'terran Copeland-Greene
Carmine Crisconi Courtney Jr.
John Winston Courtney
Alison Marie Cox
Taylor L. Crockett
Alexis Ann Croney
Scott Mitchell Crosby
Julia Ann Cusack
Allyson Brooke Cybak
Janard L. Dallam
De'Shon Lamont-Rahim Davis
Traci Lynn Loughren Davis
Tyler Davis
Wyatt Ian Dawson
Stephanie Defeo
Stephen Robert Dejohn
Andrea Luz Sy Dela Cruz
Alayna Kathryn DeMarco
Kayla Marcelle Dennis
Jabari Amir DeVaughn
Zachary James Diamond
John Stefan DiGiacoma
Alyssa Renée Dill
Shawn Francis Dineen
Alexandra F. DiPalma
A'Leiah Jemei Dixon
Braci Natasha Dixon
Jessica Lynn Dolben
Alexandra M. Donithan
Halley Suzanne Donlin
Phoebe Marie Donofrio
La'Shawn L. Douglas
Tory Mahogany Dunn
Ralph George Eaton IV
Kyle Robert Emerson
Joshua William Epps
Walter W. Erbenich III
Sarah Jessica Essner
Allison Lindsey Estle
Kaitlin E. Fannan
Alexandra Julia Fantini
Isaac R. Fields
Michael Folwell
Sharon Fountainé
Antinea Onyea Foxx
Angelina Fries
Zachary Laurence Gallagher
Megan E. Gessler
Alyssa Danielle Gibson
Jenna Renee Gill
Ryan Michael Gittman
James Todd Stewart Gloyd
Shaniece Yalonda Grant
Cianna Ashleigh Green
Jasmine Kiana Griffin
D'ajah Tanyae Grimes
Tyler Joseph Grimes
Janee' T. Grinnage
Stefan Karl Grossman
Elad Tovi Gutman
Dakota Hague
Daniel Scott Haines
Rachael Lianna Haines
Cardelle Hall
Jason Patrick Hammond
Thomas Daniel Hannig
Elizabeth L. Harding
Tara Alexandra Harlam
Hannah Jo Harmon
Nadia Jalyn Harris
Meredith Lauren Harrison
Darien S. C. Heath
Jacob Thomas Heffernan
Katelyn Hesse
Valerie Lynn Hill
Daquane Michael Hinson
Max Albert Holdsworth
Dana Catherine Holland
Victoria A. Homan
Lucas J. Hopkins
Alexander William Houghton
Casey Anne Howard
Anna Huang
Tajja Tamirah Hudgins
Emily Morgan Hughes
Alexa Rose Iacono
Kenneth M. Ingemi Jr.
Brendon Jackson
Chelsie Lynn Jackson
Stephanie Lavishca Jennings
Courtney Marra Johnson
Enoch Johnson Jr.
Wyatt James Johnson
Daishona A. Jones
Kassidy Erin Jones
Kelsey Megan Jones
Kevin Steven Jones
Patrick Michael Jones
Tahamed Kamal
Anna Keane
Grace Alexis Kelley
Todd Michael Kennedy
Thomas W. Kifer Jr.
Krystal Lynn Klock
Briana E. M. Knapp
Malieka D. Knox
Margaret Krauthauser
Brandon Edward Lafferty
Tara Ann Lambert
Aaron F. Laster
Krista J. Lawrence
Daneisha Ronna Lea
Charles Paul Leahan
Abigail Rose Leary
Benjamin Myint Lee
Lucas A. Leone
Heather Marie Levinsky
Rachel Elizabeth Levithan
Ni'Ambai Marie Lewis
Robert Jonathan Ley
Olivia H. Lloyd
Tiana Alishia Lloyd
Austin Vincent Lo Biondo
Krysti Marie Lober
Jamie Lee Logeman
Kevin George Louie
Ashley Paige Lowell
Alitl Luna Flores
Anthony Lynch
Heather Nicole Lyons
Harrison John MacEwen
Matthew J. Maffei
Nabid Majeed
Matthew Major
Amelia Elizabeth Marchiani
Christopher S. Martin
David R. P. Martin
Randy Ino Mase
Zachary Lynn Mash
Tatiana' A. Mason
Essence Zhahnae Maultsby
Ryan Maye
Logan Richard Mayer
Robert Dakota McAllister
Tyler John McAloon
Caitlyn Dodd McCarthy
Margaret Rose McCloskey
Morgan McCracken
John E. McGarvey
Jordan Lynn McGinnes
Avery Peter McHugh
Emily Ellen Meck
Rochelle Angela Mellette
Stephanie Michielli
Summer Bray Miller-Eubanks
Dwayne Omar Jovan Mitchell
Matthew Edward Morente
Matthew E. Morris
Aliyah J. Morrison
Charles Benjamin Moseley
Mark John Mosley
Summer 2013
Congratulations to the Graduates of the Class of 2013, continued
Morgan Alexander Mosley
Sadiya Moss
Amina Moss
Zachary Christian Mullan
Camille Aneesha Myrie
Kelsey Marie Nagengast
Steven D. Narvell
Eileen Ni
Mark A. Nichols
Steven Thomas Nickel
Ra'Shawn Dontae Nickens
Jazzlyn Arillia Norwood
Aleecia Verionque Nutter
Austin Dean Oakes
Peter Mack Warren Olson
Shane Henry O'Neill
Jessa Marie U. Orbeta
Ethan Edward Owens
Samantha Lauren Palermo
Michelle Byoul Park
Katherine Christina Partridge
Deep P. Patel
Dhruvit Patel
Emma Kiefer Paul
Elizabeth Morgan Pellegrino
Austin Antonio Pham
Elaine Finnie Phillips
Derrick William Pinder
Tyler Ryan Pini
Ronald P. Pinkett Jr.
Aiyanna D. P. Powell
Samantha Erin Pyle
Asif Ranjber
John Joseph Ratkevic
Kristen Michele Raup
Michelle Reece
Kara Richardson-Grable
Casey Taylor Ridgik
Conor C. L. Rifon
Grant Charles Roberts
Misha A. Roberts
Rachel Marie Robertson
Scott Roh
Amanda Leigh Rosenblatt
C. David Ross
Jahi Amir Ross
Kaylynn Alice Rowe
Heather Brooke Ruderman
John Charles Ruello
Julia Ann Rushton
Attiya Mariama Cherie Russell
Samantha Lynn Ryan
Samantha Elizabeth Salemi
Julia K. Samworth
Nicholas A. Sanders
Samara Santiago-Rodriguez
Elise Sarcich
Dena Joy Sareyka
Jordan Wayne Saufley
Ren'ee Elizabeth Saunders
Steven David Scheidegg
Emily Ruth Scheivert
Michael Sanville Schell
Stephen Thomas Schmitt
David Moskow Schnoll
Ian A. Scott
Jordan Elijah Seagers
Alexis Robnaya Selby
Tyler Anne Sheahan
Brooke Shelly
Khalid Kamal Shinwari
McKinley Kjell Short
Taylor Skinner
Anna Alexandra Skrobot
Aaron W. Slaweski
Anthony John Smiley Jr.
Bernard Deona Smiley III
Isaac Reco Lamar Smith
Isaiah Robert Lee Smith
Regina Natasha Snow
Andrew Hunter Sobieski
Alexis Spence
Janet Elizabeth Spitaleri
Emily Lynne Spor
Rachel Lynne Stewart
Toby R. Strowhouer
Deshaun Suggs
Dante Lamont Swiggett
John Paul M. Tantuco
Morgan Catherine Taylor
Patrick Michael Teichman
Morgan Ann Temple
Timani Kai Tennant-Britton
Frederick H. Terry
Caitlin A. Tharp
Paige Thommes
Jalen Elijah Thompson
Nadaya M. Thompson
Sara Tilley
Matthew Ryan Tjaden
Ziyaahmed Tokhi
Jonathan Alec Touchet
Megan Gray Townsend
Ryan Bowen Trainer
Quynh-Nhu Truong
Day-Yona Evette Lawson
Hailee Nicole Valichka
Brandon B. Van Dyke
Nicholas Joseph Venuto
Uros Vorkapic
Miriam Haley Waites
Lawrence Michael Walsh III
Renée maXien Washington
Aron Sylvester Watson III
Chelsea Hannah White
Jessica Leigh White
Ricketta J. White
Douglas Walker Wiley III
Hasani Nahsic Wilmer
De'Aje S. Wilson
Deasia Wilson
Salyndrea Yvonne Wilson
Kianna Natassia Winfield
Marcus Anthony Wing
Tyler R. Wolfe
Karlie Ann Wright
Monique Rosa Yancey
Allen Yiyue Yang
Ashley-Jo N. Yeager
Michael David Young
Walter Gray Zelenak
Eli Edward Zickefoose
Pasquale Zingo
Zachary Adam Zinner
We need your help! Our 1st meeting to discuss Homecoming and AfterProm will be held on Wed., Sept. 11 at 7 pm in the Raider
Room. It is not too early to think about Prom. It will be here before you know it. Anyone who can help is welcome to come to the
meeting and sign up for committees. We need parents to step into committee leadership positions. If you cannot attend please
email Laura Casalvera at for information.
Plans are already underway for the 2013-2014 theatre year for the Concord Players. Plans for the fall play include auditions in
September soon after the new year begins. The production will be December 5, 6, & 7 at 7pm.
The musical will have auditions in January with production dates the first weekend in May. Mr. Tom Marshall, Stage Director is
already working on ideas for an early school year announcement.
In the meantime, the Players continue to search for costumes, props and furnishings for their productions. Many of the 1910 outfits for MEET ME IN ST. LOUIS, the 1950’s outfits for THE PAJAMA GAME and the gowns for ONCE UPON A MATTRESS were refashioned prom gowns, dresses and suits that had been donated to the Concord Players. We are always looking for tuxedos, vests,
blouses, sweaters and hats. If you have a garage sale, let us know if you have paintings, pictures and period furnishings that might
add to the set. Your support is gratefully appreciated. Concord Players want you to be part of the “drama”. Be sure to remind
your student and their friends that there are many ways to get involved in drama on stage or behind the scenes. We are also
grateful for parents and family who get involved. Don’t hesitate to contact Mr. Tom Marshall, Stage Director, 302-475-0767 if you
have any items to donate or questions about the new theatre season.
Summer 2013
Olulayole Adedeji
Nicholas Adinolfi
Abigail Akrong
Juliana Cannuli
Christopher Dewey
Carly Dill
Dawson Fox
Annie Lee
Katherine Macturk
Jonathan Matsuura
Christina Olivastro
Julia Olivastro
Holly Panchak
Christina Partridge
Giovanni Pollock
Dallas Russell
Alyssa Schweizer
Cailin Shallow
Michael Slemko
Anthony Smentkowski
Abigail Spor
Madison Steele
Brittany Stinson
Ariona Thornton
John Vo
Shaylyn White
Sarah Birmingham
Seray Crescenzo
Madeline Davis
Margo Donlin
Tighe Dunlavey
Alexandra George
Melissa Ivey
John Leahan
Amy Lin
James Mauk
Joseph Meck
Alex Mikalajczyk
Courtney Mitchell
Emily Panchak
Richard Quinney
Carl Ramsey
Aliya Ranjber
Lena Ravenell
Corinne Rydgren
Stephanie Rydgren
Merwah Shinwari
Kyle Sobieski
Sarah Stone
Shane Sutherland
Natalie Teichman
Djordje Vukojevic
Razdum Ahmed
Morgan Brandenberger
Quan Bui
David Buzdygon
Michael Crowley
Samantha Cummings
Mariano Di Gabriele
Abbey Ellis
Shally Gastelu
Sarah Kelso
Krista Koyste
Somer Leathern
Emily Mathews
Abraham McIlvaine
Patricia Page
Kyle Parks
Eric Rouviere
Caroline Shaffer
Jonathan Sypher
Fatima Tantuco
Paul Truckley
Spencer Walker
Emily Wong
Kirsten Woolpert
Matthew Zehr
Summer 2013
The Concord Sports Boosters is an all-volunteer organization whose single purpose is to help raise money to
support ALL of our High School Sports Teams.
We contributed funds last year for:
-nets for the Baseball Team
-new backboards of the Gymnasium for all to enjoy
-T-shirts for the Volleyball Teams division win
-helped send the Crew Team to the Charles Regatta
-weight bars for the weight room that ALL sports teams use
-the Lacrosse Team received new helmets
-a camera was purchased for the Golf Team
-several Sports Banquets were supported
If your Student Athlete participates in any of the following Sports, please join in helping us support them.
Fall Sports
Football, Soccer, Volleyball, Field Hockey, Cross Country, Crew and Cheerleading
Winter Sports Basketball, Hockey, Indoor Track, Swimming, Wrestling and Cheerleading
Spring Sports
Baseball, Softball, Golf, Crew, Lacrosse, Soccer, Tennis and Track & Field
We need each Sports team to have a Team Representative and parents to volunteer a little of your time to help our
If you are interested, please contact any of our Board Members or your Son/Daughter’s Coach.
This year we will be manning the Concession Stand at Football games. Multiple Board positions will be coming up at the end of this
year and we are in need of parents to help us keep this organization running smoothly for years to come. New fundraising ideas are
always welcome!
2013 Board Members
President: Paul Bauer
VP: Terri Premeaux
Secretary: Maureen Linkhorst
Treasurer: Catherine Savastana ((1st half)
Treasurer: Lynn Aldinolfi half)
Concessions : Holly Johnson
Membership: Susan Zupan
Concord Sports Booster Club Membership Form 2013—2014
(Make check payable to Concord Sports Boosters)
Student 1 Name: __________________________________________________ Grade: ______
Anticipated Sports Participation: Fall ___________ Winter ____________ Spring ___________
Student 2 Name: __________________________________________________ Grade: ______
Anticipated Sports Participation: Fall ___________ Winter ____________ Spring ___________
Home Telephone: _______________Adult/Faculty Membership Name____________________
___$2 per Student ___$3 Faculty ___$5 Adult ___$10 Family ___$20 Patron ___$50 Sponsor
___$75 Benefactor (includes a T-shirt) Size: ___
___$100 Most Valuable Raider (includes a male cut polo shirt) Size: ___
Summer 2013
Each year, seniors celebrate their outstanding academic and extra-curricular achievements at the Senior Award Ceremony held
in May. A senior may receive various awards from one or more of the following award categories:. Congratulations to this year’s
Rachel Bloom
Jason Hammond
Koty McAllister
Katherine Partridge
Six -Sport Award and
Boosters School Plaque:
Jacob Biasotto
Kristen Brooks
Scott Crosby
Stephanie DeFeo
Halley Donlin
James Todd Gloyd
Hannah Harmon
Emily Hughes
Alexa Iacono
Brendon Jackson
Kevin Jones
Charles Leahan
Ni ‘Ambai Lewis
Krysti Lober
Kevin Louie
Tyler Pini
Casey Ridgik
Janet Spitaleri
Paige Thommes
Quyn Nhu Truong
Achievers’ Academy Award
One-year Participation:
Marcus Wing
Two-year Participation
Mark Mosley
Morgan Mosley
Jerome Lawson Memorial Achievers’
Tyheem Albright
Academic Bowl
Andrea Dela Cruz
Jacob Heffernan
Heather Levinsky
Koty McAllister
David Schnoll
Quynh-Nhu Truong
Concord AVID Class of 2013
Donte Branche
Dwanye Conroy
Sharon Fountaine
Krystal Klock
Ni’Ambai Lewis
Matthew Morris
Aliyah Morrison
Mark Mosley
Morgan Mosley
Amina Moss-Dotson
Samantha Pyle
Kara Richardson-Grable
Dante Swiggett
Timani Tennant-Britton
Fredrick Terry
De’aje Wilson
Ashley-Jo Yeager
Zachary Zinner
Concord DECA
Rachel Bloom
Alexis Brooks
Thomas Carr
Season Cooper
Sharon Fountaine
Tahamed Kamal
Todd Kennedy
Caitlyn McCarthy
Stephanie Michielli
Mark Mosley
Steven Narvell
Austin Oakes
Tyler Pini
Grant Roberts
Heather Ruderman
John Ruello
Michael Schell
Anthony Smiley
Michael Folwell
Rachael Haines
Katelyn Hesse
Kassidy Jones
Grace Kelley
Margaret Krauthauser
Heather Levinsky
Logan Mayer
Elaine Phillips
Misha Roberts
Rachel Robertson
Julia Ruston
Elise Sarcich
Stephen Schmitt
Caitlin Tharp
Douglas Wiley
Drama Excellence Award
Jonathan Bergh
Margaret Krauthauser
Elise Sarcich
Destiny Cooper
Heather Levinsky
Interact Club Award
Maitri Bhagat
Andrea Dela Cruz
Anna Huang
Michelle Park
Janet Spitaleri
Future Educators Association Award
Valerie Hill
Anna Keane
Julia Rushton
Elise Sarcich
In addition to the DECA awards, we would Steven Scheidegg
like to recognize five students for their
R. Natasha Snow
extraordinary contributions to DECA.
Senior Board Award
Rachel Bloom
Kristen Brooks
Todd Kennedy
Tierra Brown
Stephanie Michielli
Season Cooper
Mark Mosley
D’Ajah Grimes
Heather Ruderman
Meredith Harrison
Dramatic Arts
Valerie Hill
Jonathan Bergh
Rachel Levithan
Victoria Bezilla
Krysti Lober
Ashley Carncross
Camille Myrie
Destiny Cooper
Conor Rifon
Alexis Croney
Amanda Rosenblatt
Josh Epps
Samara Santiago-Rodriguez
Summer 2013
R. Natasha Snow
Paige Thommes
Hailee Valichka
Marcus Wing
Student Council President Award
Casey Howard
Raider Reader Award
Alayna DeMarco
Yearbook Staff Award
Season Cooper
Alyssa Gibson
Amelia Marchiani
Samara Santiago-Rodriguez
The Delaware Section of the American
Chemical Society
Michelle Park
excellence by achieving perfect
attendance for the past three years, and
Morgan Temple who is being honored for
achieving perfect attendance for 7 years –
in her 6th – 12th grade school years.
President’s Youth Service Award
Kristen Brooks
The United States Marine Corps
Scholastic Excellence Award
Katherine Partridge
The United States Marine Corps Semper
Fidelis Award
Janet Spitaleri
The United States Marine Corps
Distinguished Athlete Award
Krysti Lober
Scott Crosby
Math Department Awards
Honors in Mathematics
Benjamin Lee
Kevin Louie
David Martin
Zachary Mullan
Katherine Partridge
Honors in Mathematics with Distinction
Samuel Bailey
Jonathan Blumberg
James Todd Gloyd
Jason Hammond
Brendon Jackson
Kevin Jones
Koty McAllister
Quynh-Nhu Truong
Social Studies Department Awards
Social Studies Award for Outstanding
The Business Achievement
Stephanie Michielli
The Wilmington Chapter of Links, Inc. and Academic Achievement
Allyson Cybak
Wilmington Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi
The 2013 Outstanding Student Award
John DiGiacamo
Fraternity, Inc. Achievers Program
Emily Spor
Marcus Wing
Social Studies Academic Excellence
Certificate of Special Congressional
Dana Holland
Brendon Jackson
Charles Leahan
WPVI-TV-6 “Best of the Class”
2013-2014 Comcast Leaders and
Sarah Tilley
Rachel Bloom
Achievers Scholarship
Advanced Placement Social Studies
Natasha Snow
English Department Awards
Delaware Secretary of Education Scholars English Award for Outstanding
Braci Dixon
Jason Hammond
Lucas Leone
Rachel Bloom
Koty McAllister
Peter Olson
Connor Burris
Michelle Park
The Delaware Youth Leadership Network Alyssa Dill
Anthony Smiley
Valerie Hill
Janet Spitaleri
Paige Thommes
Max Holdsworth
Emily Spor
Koty McAllister
Delmarva Post, Society of American
Morgan Temple
Dhruvit Patel
Military Engineers 2013 College
Sarah Tilley
Amanda Rosenblatt
Engineering Scholarship
Miriam Waites
Janet Spitaleri
Brendon Jackson.
Eli Zickefoose
Caitlin Tharp
Frank Minner Rotary Scholastic Award
Science Department Awards
Ryan Trainer
Andrea Dela Cruz
High Honors in Science
Hailee Valichka
Janet Spitaleri
Erin Birmingham
English Award for Academic Excellence
Keith Cabanela
The Dora and Leo Oken Scholarship
Erin Birmingham
Isaac Fields
James Todd Gloyd
James Todd Gloyd
Valerie Hill
The Delaware Chapter of the National
Jason Hammond
Margaret Krauthouser
Multiple Sclerosis Society
Katherine Partridge
Kevin Louie
Kevin Jones
Casey Ridgik
Logan Mayer
McKinley Short
The Paul Wellborn Award
Eileen Ni
Halley Donlin
Advanced Placement English Award
Shane O’Neill
Jessa Orbeta
Perfect Attendance for Senior Student
David Schnoll
Emily Spor
Kristen Raup for her commitment to
Summer 2013
John Tantuco
Quynh-Nhu Truong
Highest Honors in Science
Samuel Bailey
Alayna DeMarco
James Todd Gloyd
Jason Hammond
Michelle Park
Pasquale Zingo
Highest Honors with Distinction
Liam Berti
Jacob Heffernan
Brendon Jackson
Kevin Jones
Koty McAllister
World Language Department Awards
Excellence in Italian
Lucas Leone
Michelle Park
Spanish Award
Maitri Bhagat
Giulia Ciola
Jason Hammond
Valerie Hill
Kelsey Nagengast
Katherine Partridge
Emily Spor
The Peer Mentoring Program
Cody Bauer
Kristen Brooks
Tierra Brown
Kala Carney
Taylor Crockett
D’Ajah Grimes
Valerie Hill
Courtney Johnson
Rachel Levithan
Harrison McEwen
Jordan McGinnes
Sadiya Moss
Camille Myrie
Jazzlyn Norwood
Elizabeth Pellegrino
Amanda Rosenblatt
John Ruello
Samantha Salemi
Samara Santiago-Rodriguez
Karlie Wright
Art Department Awards
Achievement in Art
Victoria Bezilla
Stephanie DeFeo
Alyssa Dill
Pheobe Donofrio
Alyssa Gibson
Amelia Marchiani
Aron Watson
Marcus Wing
Achievement in Photography
Stephanie DeFeo
Alyssa Dill
Max Holdsworth
Marcus Wing
Distinguished Art Award
Alyssa Dill
Music Department Awards
Senior Instrumental Students
Jonathan Bergh
Isaac Fields
Steven Nickel
Ethan Owens
Stephen Schmitt
Pasquale Zingo
Senior Vocal Students
Destiny Cooper
John Courtney
Alexis Croney
Joshua Epps
Stefan Grossman
Grace Kelly
Nabid Majeed
Jordan McGinnes
Sadiya Moss
Samatha Palermo
Elaine Phillips
Julia Ruston
McKinley Short
Natasha Snow
DeShaun Suggs
Douglas Wiley
Tyler Wolfe
President’s Education Award for
Samuel Bailey
Caleigh Bart
Maitri Bhagat
Erin Birmingham
Rachel Bloom
Jonathan Blumberg
Marta Buriak
Connor Burris
Giulia Ciola
Alayna DeMarco
John DiGiacoma
Alyssa Dill
Halley Donlin
Sarah Essner
Michael Folwell
James Todd Gloyd
Jasmine Griffin
Jason Hammond
Hannah Harmon
Valerie Hill
Max Holdsworth
Brendon Jackson
Kevin Jones
Margaret Krauthauser
Charles Leahan
Lucas Leone
Kevin Louie
David Martin
Koty McAllister
Kelsey Nagengast
Shane O’Neill
Samantha Palermo
Katherine Partridge
Dhruvit Patel
Casey Ridgik
Conor Rifon
Amanda Rosenblatt
Elise Sarcich
McKinley Short
Janet Spitaleri
Andrew Sobieski
Caitlin Tharp
Ryan Trainer
Hailee Valichka
Academic Improvement
In English: Essence Maultsby
In Math: Emily Meck
In Social Studies: Victoria Homan
In Science: Caleigh Bart
Principal’s All-Academic Award
Cody Bauer
Alexia Bell
Jonathan Bergh
Victoria Bezilla
Patrick Borkland
Tara Brady
Alexis Brooks
Kristen Brooks
Katherine Bullock
Keith Cabanela
John Cannuli
Thomas Carr
Cori Connor
Season Cooper
Alexis Croney
Scott Crosby
Allison Cybak
Jessica Dolben
Summer 2013
Wyatt Dawson
Braci Dixon
Joshua Epps
Allison Estle
Kaitlin Fannan
Alexandra Fantini
Isaac Fields
Megan Gessler
Tyler Grimes
Elad Gutman
Rachel Haines
Tara Harlam
Meredith Harrison
Katelyn Hesse
Dana Holland
Lucas Hopkins
Alexander Houghton
Casey Howard
Anna Huang
Emily Hughes
Tahamed Kamal
Benjamin Lee
Heather Levinsky
Rachel Levithan
Krysti Lober
Amelia Marchiani
Logan Mayer
Caitlyn McCarthy
Stephanie Michielli
Charles Moseley
Mark Mosley
Zachary Mullan
Camille Myrie
Eileen Ni
Steven Nickel
Peter Olson
Jessa Orbeta
Emma Paul
Michelle Park
Grant Roberts
Rachel Robertson
Charles Ross
Heather Ruderman
Attiya Russell
Julia Samworth
Anna Skrobot
Anthony Smiley
R. Natasha Snow
Jordan Soufley
Alexis Spence
Emily Spor
John Tantuco
Paige Thommes
Sara Tilley
Matthew Tjaden
Quynh-Nhu Truong
Miriam Waites
Lawrence Walsh
Jessica White
Salyndrea Wilson
Karlie Wright
Eli Zickefoose
Principal’s Leadership Award
Natasha Snow
Lucas Hopkins
National Honor Society
Samuel Bailey
Maitri Bhagat
Erin Birmingham
Rachel Bloom
Jonathan Blumberg
Scott Crosby
Alayna DeMarco
John DiGiacoma
Halley Donlin
Isaac Fields
Jasmine Griffin
Jason Hammond
Hannah Harmon
Valerie Hill
Max Holdsworth
Dana Holland
Brendon Jackson
Kevin Jones
Lucas Leone
Rachel Levithan
Kevin Louie
David Martin
Logan Mayer
Koty McAllister
Kelsey Nagengast
Eileen Ni
Steven Nickel
Peter Olsen
Shane O’Neill
Samantha Palermo
Katherine Partridge
Casey Ridgik
Amanda Rosenblatt
McKinley Short
Anna Skrobot
R. Natasha Snow
Janet Spitaleri
Emily Spor
Paige Thommes
Matthew Tjaden
Hailee Valichka
Lawrence Walsh
Science National Honor Society
President: Koty McAllister
Vice-President: Samuel Bailey
Secretary: Isaac Fields
Treasurer: Jason Hammond
Outreach Leader: Liam Berti
Historian: Brendon Jackson
School Specialist: Margaret Krauthouser
Other Senior Members are:
Keith Cabanela
Jacob Heffernan
Kevin Jones
Quynh-Nhu Truong
James Todd Gloyd
Pasquale Zingo
We are so proud of all of you and your
accomplishments and wish you a
bright and successful future!
Summer 2013
Quan Minh Bui
David A Buzdygon
Michael James Crowley
Mariano Di Gabriele
Somer Marie Leathern
Abraham David McIlvaine
Nkechi Bianca Okwu-Lawrence
Patricia Page
Kyle Steven Parks
Eric T Rouviere
Matthew Robert Stone
Fatima Orbeta Tantuco
Spencer Roman Walker
Emily Ming Wong
Matthew Robert Zehr
Sarah Birmingham
Seray Mia Crescenzo
Madeline Grace Davis
Margo Caroline Donlin
John P Leahan
Amy Lin
James Mauk
Courtney Ann Mitchell
Emily F Panchak
Merwah Kamal Shinwari
Ashley M Steinbrecher
Sarah Elizabeth Stone
Natalie Susan Teichman
Morgan S Wright
Madeline Elizabeth Zehr
Allison R Zell
Olulayole O Adedeji
Abigail E Akrong
Juliana Marie Cannuli
Jasmine Chandler
Christopher J Dewey
Dawson Lee Fox
Annie Lee
Katherine Sandra Macturk
Julia Elizabeth Olivastro
Dallas Ryan Russell
Alyssa Marie Schweizer
Michael John Slemko
Anthony Clark Smentkowski
Madison Paige Steele
Brittany A Stinson
Abigail Mari Trachtman
Shaylyn N White
Cierra B Alleyne
Caleigh L Bauer
Jillian Nicole Canning
Abigail Michele Casalvera
Robert Jared Chandler
Kristen Chou
Ryan James Cummings
Rowan Gregory Davis
Justin J Digiovanni
Natalie L Duplanti
Heather E Evans
Hannah R Goodman
Noah Adam Haines
Amelie Harpey
Brendan WP Jeynes
Shelly F Johnson
Nathan K Joseph
Meera Kripalu
Mathew J Krueger
Anna Jeanne Leahan
Giavonna Amor Marquez
Dhruv Mohnot
Kathleen S Murphy
Lauren Elizabeth Naumann
Samantha J Orr
Jordan Elizabeth Peel
Caroline Mayberry Procak
Sabrina Selim
Samuel A Skammer
Lillian E Taylor
Nikolai Faunce Wallace
Peter Walsh
Makala L Wang
Razdum Uddin Ahmed
Mohammed Esraful Alam
Ekovi Amenounve
Alexander Mark Barone
Isabella Lenore Becker
Alexandra Bezilla
Samantha E Boughton
Morgan E Brandenberger
Anthony K Butler
Gabriella Ann Casares
Darian S Chan
William Price Chapman
Joseph Deane Coffin
Amy Corradino
Brandi Alyse Culp
Samantha Zutz Cummings
Jessica May Cusack
Elijah Keith Davis
Katherine Walsh Davis
Jennifer Christin DeFriece
Daniel Steven Delcollo
Allison Christine Dicicco
Xena Marie DiFrancesco
Jacqueline Dimino
Andrew John DiNunno
Meghan Elizabeth Doogan
Rhiannon Adele Downey
Abbey Lynn Ellis
Samuel Noah Fawks
Alicia Jiuann Ferrara
Cassandra K Forwood
Stefanie Andrea Friedeborn
Alexandra Fuller
Kerra Shaylyn Galloway
Shally Gastelu
Grace B Glenn
Madison Greco
Jessie Anne Grimes
Coskun Gunaydin
Graham Ethan Haines
Kelly E Harlan
Gabriel Albert Harley
Emily S Harrison
Duncan Adam Hart
Qua'mere D Hawkins
Sabiha Ridwana Hossain
Sarah E Kelso
Aaron Maxwell Klein
Krista Koyste
Michael G Krueger
Brook Hunter Langille
Matthew Vernon Lawton
Susan J Lee
Emily R Mathews
Bruce Edward Maule JR
Kaylie Marie Mawhinney
Cooper J McAllister
Catherine Ann Mooney
Evan Patrick Moser
Joshua Henry Nachlis
Allison Arlette Naumann
Sarah Elizabeth Parrish
Zachary Reeves Shroff Pendley
Alexandra Marie Portincasa
Keyon Christopher Powell
Thomas Luke Ragone
Miles Robinson
Richard J Savina
Olivia Sherwin
Sara Emily Skammer
Thomas J Slemko
Kelley Marie Smith
Marc David Solomon
Rebecca Danielle Starr
Ryan Edward-Charles Steward
Jessica Streck
Matthew Everett Streck
Jonathan Wylie Sypher JR
Eric Christopher Tommer
Elizabeth A Trachtman
Rylee Emelia Trotter
Paul Truckley
Nicholas Alexander Valent
Molly Elizabeth Vivaldi
Thomas Ivron Welch
Shayla Marie Wilson
Kirsten Marie Woolpert
Hannah Jean Young
Kerry Lange Zeager
Nicholas C Ackley
Brycen K Alleyne
Jared Ryan Alpaugh
Jyairah A Bacon
Rachel Feinson Bailey
Vincent Ray Barbuto
Morgan Bishop
Kiersten M Bonsall
Kathleen Brown
Paige E Burkert
Tracy Cao
Jamyra N. Cobb
Shakira Ny'Ree Cooper
Christopher Coulston
Jacob Cronauer
Brian Keith Dennis JR
Abigail Joy Dischert
Francesca N Donithan
Shannon L Dowling
Tighe Rohan Dunlavey
Heather L Estle
Matthew Fanelli
Miranda Leigh Fantini
Bevan Rose Fields
Natalie Foschi
Summer 2013
HONOR ROLL, continued
Abigail C Frey
Jessica Ann Fyock
Stephen Z Gardner
Alexandra Noelle George
Tyler A Glaccum
Daniel T Gourdier
Kyle M Haberman
Shawn Anthony Harris
Brenna Marie Healey
Elise Herkimer
Matthew Anthony Hernandez
Kelley Danice Holland
Mohamed Ibrahim
Melissa Breanna Ivey
Kelsey Koyste
Linda Liu
Rick Malloy
Carmen Renee Matthews
Joseph Francis Meck
Alex Mikalajczyk
Dana J Miller
Charles Spencer Mitchell
Maneesha Movva
Jamie Lee Musacchio
Vincent M Onorato
Abriana O'Tanyi-Pellegrino
Krista Elizabeth Palermo
Sarah Pellegrino
Dylan M Phillips
Stacy Renee Pinder
Elizabeth Catherine Procak
Richard John Quinney
Carl Ramsey
Shana Rose Ranauto
Aliya Ranjber
Lena Ravenell
Lea Lorraine Rees
Christopher M Rifon
Corinne Rydgren
Stephanie Rydgren
Matthew Richard Shelton
Rowan Taylor Short
Riley E Slate
Kyle Joseph Sobieski
Ashlee Stritzinger
Shane Sutherland
Celina Tang
Donald J Thommes
Brooke E Timanus
Rachel E Timanus
Thao-Quyen Olivia Truong
John M Van Nostran
Bethany E Vanderloo
Djordje Vukojevic
Sarah Rose Walsh
Bruce I Williams
Brett R Young
Marisa Elizabeth Adinolfi
Nicholas Anthony Adinolfi
Katherine Blatz
Shaynie Madison Brown
Hanh My Bui
Jeff Chan
G Savith Collure
Dylan John Connell
Meghan Gaynel Coughlin
Sean Joseph Coughlin
Carly A Dill
Jean Filo
Dakota L Fox
Sophia Ann Friedeborn
Tyler Thomas Gaynor
Jacob M Gladfelter
Jenna Glazier
Te'a Kaimilani Goode
Neel D Greer
Grant Reed Grier
Alyssa N Harpster
Tyler Jonathan Heath
Eric James Holden
Devlan T Horner
Carson Richard Hughes
Brenda J Juarez
Nathan Michael Jupiter
Dmytro Kobylyanskyi
Komal Kumar
Dylan Michael Lafferty
Crystal Lam
Nyla Osjanay Larry
Madeline Colleen Marconi
Jonathan Matsuura
Aidan Butler McDermott
Taylor Leigh McKinney
John Duncan McRae
Tiara Nicole Mitchell
Taylor Huy Nguyen
Vitaliy Novytskyy
Christina Jean Olivastro
Holly Jake Panchak
Christina Grace Partridge
Lauren Pietropolo
Sierra Michelle Plath
Maryse N Pokropski
Giovanni M Pollock
Rachel Pritchard
Paige Elise Rawheiser
Thomas Bonsall Reece III
Emily Jean Ross
Ciara A Samuels
Amira J Shaer
Cailin Elizabeth Shallow
Edrees K Shinwari
K'hala Karyn Simpson
Abigail J Spor
Ahbai Na'ila Steward
Kalloyan K Stoyanov
Jaleel Ahmed Sunzar
Ariona J'Asia Thornton
John Vo
Kelsi Sabrina Walker
Ryan D Walsh
Courtney Lynn Warner
Robert J White
Matthew Whittle JR
Jordan M Woolpert
Matthew Peter Arrabal
Niaire Nicole Ashe
Hope Babinger
Caleb J Beers
Brooke Ashley Bolling
Chaya M Bragg
Jessica Loren Brockson
Peter B Casper
Alex T Chacko
D'Andrea Church
Matthew J Cohen
Brooke R Cooper
Sam Anh Dao
Julie Dominique Dault
Breanna Victoria Diamond
Jonathan Bailey Donahue
Garett Riley Dorsey
Jamie Elliott
Mide L Erickson
Robert Dylan Farnan
Joclynn J Fogelman
Steven James Forwood
Alyson Ann Fox
Nicholas J Frazee
Alma Nicole Gillis
Henry Alexander Gise
Justin M Glaccum
Joshua Makoa Goode
Josiah Kamaehu Goode
Breanna A Grant
Sarah E Hannig
Daniel Chihyun Kim
Arnise Renee King
Breanna Korenkiewicz
Grace A Lardear
Nyle Lewis
Justin M Long
Jessica A Lugo
Jessica Guadalupe Amairani
Martinez Gomez
Eli Daniel McIlvaine
Shelby Lynn Moore
Meghan Alexis Murray
Tatiana Sergeevna Nesterova
Ashley E Newman
Polly Ni
Connor David O'Neill
Matthew J Parrish
Yashashri R Pendse
Jarred R Politarhos
Alex W Russo
Matias S Saavedra Silva
Emma Lynn Segerstrom
Erica Seraiva
Devin T Sharkey
Grace C Slate
Michael Thom Spitaleri
Christie Marie Stephenson
Caroline G Towne
Sandra M Trigoso
William Y Wang
Kelsey M Wiley
Victoria Lynn Will
David J Wilson
Sarah K Wojcik
Sydney Morgan Woodson
Summer 2013
Are you good with computers? Can you spare a few hours a month? We need someone to collect emails and assemble messages
for distribution. Just collect the Membership forms from the Raider Nation mailbox in the main office and load them in the database. Raider Nation helps keep parents/guardians informed. The parent volunteers collect information/articles from staff,
coaches, club advisors and administrators and then share it with members of Raider Nation. The goal is to have all parents/
guardians sign up for Raider Nation. If you can help with this important project, please contact Mrs. Lambert at: or 302-475-3951. There are several ways to sign up: Students will be given a Raider Nation
membership form on the first day of school, you can enroll online at: > Parents > Parent
Involvement > Sign-up Form (The link to the online registration will be activated when we get our volunteer) or you can complete
the form below and have your child return it to the main office when school starts.
For Parents/Guardians
Raider Nation does not require a membership fee and does not do fundraisers. You need only to provide your email address to
become a member.
Join the Raider Nation and receive monthly emails regarding “happenings” at Concord High School. There
is no membership fee. Just fill out the below information and you will be added to our distribution lists.
Thank you for joining and Welcome to Raider Nation!
Name: _________________________________________
________ Parent
Email address: __________________________________
Phone Number: _________________________________
Student Name(s): ________________________________
Grade: _______
Raider Nation is open to Parents, Students and Faculty.
Summer 2013
Brandywine School District
(Concord High School)
1000 Pennsylvania Avenue
Claymont, DE 19703
Raider Pride
Concord High School
2501 Ebright Road
Wilmington, DE 19810
Principal: Anne Lambert
Phone (302) 475-3951
Fax (302) 529-3094
To the Concord Family/Resident at:
We’re on the web at:
Sports events times and locations are available at:
The Concord Way
· Responsibility · Integrity · Self-control · Respect · Perseverance