CURRICULUM VITAE - Universiteit Utrecht
CURRICULUM VITAE - Universiteit Utrecht
C URRICULUM V ITAE Name: Peter-Ben Smit Date and place of birth: 21 September 1979, Rotterdam, The Netherlands Address: Herengracht 559 HS, 1017 BW Amsterdam, The Netherlands Telephone: +31 (0)6 11757851, +31 (0)20 7371362 Email: / E DUCATION P R I MA R Y AN D S E CO N D AR Y E D U CAT I O N Primary School: 1985-1991 Comitéschool (IJmuiden, NL). Grammar School: 1991-1997 Gymnasium Felisenum (Velsen-Zuid, NL). U N I V E R SI T Y AN D P RO F ES SI O N A L E D U CA T I O N University of Amsterdam: 1997-2000 MA in Theology, major: biblical theology, minors in systematic theology, church history, and church music (at the Sweelinck Conservatory). University of Sheffield, UK: Hermeneutics, New Testament 2000-2002 MA in Biblical Studies, focus: Old Catholic Seminary, Utrecht: 1997-2003 Ministerial training for the Old Catholic Church of the Netherlands, Major: ecumenical theology, minors: practical theology, canon law. University of Bern, CH: 2001-2005: Dr. Theol. in New Testament Studies Thesis: Food and Fellowship in the Kingdom: Studies in Eschatological Meals and Scenes of Nutritional Abundance in the New Testament, supervisors: Prof. Dr. Ulrich Luz, Prof. Dr. Urs von Arx. University of Bern, CH: 2006-2010: Dr. Theol. Habil. in Church History and Old Catholicism, thesis: Old Catholic and Philippine Independent Ecclesiologies in History. The Catholic Church in Every Place Brill’s Series in Church History 52 (Leiden: Brill, 2011) 1 General Theological Seminary, NYC: 2006-2011: Th.D. in “Anglican Studies” – ABD in May 2008; major: Anglican Church History/Ecumenism, minor: Patristics, thesis defended and accepted: 9 May, 2011, graduation: 18 May, 2011. Languages acquired: Dutch, French, German, English, (Biblical) Hebrew, Greek (classical and koiné), Latin, Spanish, Italian (reading), Romanian (rudimentary). . F UR T H ER P R O F ES SI O N A L T R AI N I N G 1998 – Speaking and singing lessons. 2006 (spring): Clinical Pastoral Education, Bellevue Hospital (New York), Supervisor: Rev. Paul Steinke. 2008 (June) – 2009 (March) Introductory trajectory for parish ministry (focus: religious education), completed with examination for acceptance into the clergy of the Canton of Bern, 20 March 2009. 2008 (September): Continuing education in financial management. 2011-2012: Certificate in Academic Teaching/University Pedagogy (BKO; VU University, Amsterdam) 2013: Certificate in PhD supervision (VU University Amsterdam) 2015: Senior qualification in academic teaching (SKO) O R DI N AT I O N S Diaconate: Haarlem, NL. 1 May, 2004, Bern, Bishop Fritz-René Müller, for the Diocese of Priesthood: Haarlem, NL. 8 January, 2005, IJmuiden, Bishop Dr. J.-L. Wirix-Speetjens, Diocese of W ORK EXPERIENCE 1995-2000 Tutor in Dutch, English, French, German, Latin, Mathematics, and Physics at the Gymnasium Felisenum (NL). 2000 Summer internship in the parish of St. Michael and All Angels, supervisor: the Rev. Alja Tollefsen (Bramhall, UK). 2000-2001 Sheffield. Assistant tutor, Department of Germanic Studies, University of 2001 Participation in the summer excavations at Tel Rehov (Beth Shean Valley Archaeological Project, Israel). 2001-2003 Student assistant to Prof. Dr. Ulrich Luz (Bern); edition of his Studies in Matthew (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2004). 2 2002-2003 Internship in the parishes in Solothurn and Geneva (six months, 0,5 fte). 2003-2006 Research and teaching fellow at the chair of New Testament Studies (Prof. Matthias Konradt), Faculty of Theology, University of Bern, various teaching and research duties (0,75 fte). 2003 Summer: visiting professor at the Aglipay Theological Seminary (Iglesia Filippina Independiente, Urdenata City, Philippines). 2004-2006 Bern (0,2 fte). Assisting deacon and (subsequently) priest in the Old Catholic parish of 2004-2005 Visiting professor at the University of Bonn (Institute of Old Catholic Theology), seminar “biblische Hermeneutik im Spannungsfeld von persönlicher Biographie und kirchlicher Identität.” 2006 Summer: visiting professor at the seminaries of the Iglesia Filippina Independiente (Urdaneta City, Iloilo City, Philippines). 2006 – 2008 Assistant rector in the parish of St. Ann’s, Sayville (New York). 2007-2008 Tutor (New Testament, introduction to theology), General Theological Seminary, New York. 2007 Summer: visiting professor of New Testament/Patristics, Nashotah House Theological Seminary (USA). 2008 Acting professor of Church History for Prof. Dr. J. Robert Wright. 2008-2011 Priest in charge, Old Catholic parish of Bern (from July onwards). 2009-2011 other duties). Chaplain to the University of Bern (from January onwards, in addition to 2009- Assistant professor of New Testament, VU University Amsterdam (from April onwards; tenure: April 2011, 0,5 fte). 2009-2011 Rector of the Old Catholic parish of Bern 2010-2011 “Privatdozent” for “Allgemeine Kirchengeschichte und Geschichte des Altkatholizismus,” University of Bern (February). 2010 Summer: visiting professor at the seminaries of the Iglesia Filipina Independiente. 2011Extraord. Professor of Old Catholicism (“Oude katholieke kerkstructuren, alsmede inhoudende de geschiedenis en leerstellingen van het oudkatholicisme”) on behalf of the Old Catholic Seminary, University of Utrecht (March). 2011- Assistant rector, Old Catholic Parish of Amsterdam (April). 3 2012 Summer term: Visiting professor of Gender Studies and Christian Origins, Faculty of Theology, University of Göttingen (Germany). 2012- Research associate, University of Pretoria (with Prof. Kobus Kok) 2013Amsterdam) Coordinator of the MA program Exploring a Discipline (VU University 2013Course director, summer school in Old Catholic Theology (Utrecht Summer School) 2014Course director, summer school in Liturgy and Church Music (Utrecht Summer School, with Hanna Rijken) 2014Course director, summer school in Intercultural Communication (Utrecht Summer School, with Jackie van der Kroft, et al.) 2014Amsterdam) Course director, summer school in biblical studies (VU University 2014 (May/June) Visiting researcher at Pretoria University, South-Africa. M EMBERSHIPS A CA D E MI C : Society for Biblical Literature (2001-). Co-chair consultation on Biblical Masculinities (2012-2014), with dr. O. Creanga European Association of Biblical Studies (2003-). Co-chair workshop on Male Circumcision (2014), with dr. K.B. Neutel, RUG Co-chair workshop on Bodies of Communication: Physical Practices and Religious Texts (2015), with dr. K.B. Neutel, VU. Arbeitsgemeinschaft neutestamentlicher Assistenten und Assistentinnen an evangelischtheologischen Fakultäten (AG-ASS) (2003-2011). Internationaler Arbeitskreis Altkatholizismusforschung (IAAF) (2003-) Coordinator of the Dutch participation (2011-). Anglican Society of Biblical Scholars (2005-). Amsterdam Centre for New Testament Studies (2009-). Conventus Novi Testamenti Studiosorum (2011-). Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas (2011-). 4 VU Institute for the Study of Religion, Culture, and Society (VISOR, VU University Amsterdam, 2009-). Research Institute for Theology and Religious Studies (INTEGON, University of Utrecht, 2011-) The Netherlands School for Advanced Studies in Theology and Religion (NOSTER, 2011-). - NOSTER thematic seminar Parresia 2012 NOSTER thematic seminar Circumcision 2014 NOSTER thematic group, The future of religious leadership in a postChristendom culture Research (Netherlands School for Advanced Studies in Theology and Religion; 2013-2015) Centre for Patristic Research (CPO, 2012-) Coordinator research seminar Old Catholic Studies (Old Catholic Seminary, Utrecht, 2011-) Societas Oecumenica (2012-) Society for Catholic Theology/Thijmgenootschap (2012-) E C CL E SI AL : 1997-2000 Member of the Synod (reserve), Old Catholic Parish of Amsterdam. 2005 Commission. Member of the Roman – Catholic – Old Catholic International 2006- Board Member of St. Paul’s Mission, NL. 2006-2008 Member of the study commission “Catholicity and Globalisation” (Old Catholic Union of Utrecht, Episcopal Church USA, Iglesia Filipina Independiente, Episcopal Church USA, Church of Sweden). 2008-2011 Vice-president of the “Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Kirchen im Kanton Bern” (Cantonal Council of Churches Bern). 2009-2011 Member of the Liturgical Commission, Old Catholic Church of Switzerland; simultaneously: episcopal ceremoniary. 2011Member of the Commission on Faith and Order, Old Catholic Church of the Netherlands 2011-2012 Member of the Commission for the Revision of the Lectionary, Old Catholic Church of the Netherlands. 2011Member of the [Preparatory] Commission for the Dialogue of the Old Catholic Church and the Mar Thoma Syrian Church (India). 5 2013Representative of the clergy to the synod of the Old Catholic Church of the Netherlands 2014Chair of the commission awarding the Pascal and Rinkel Prizes for academic excellency of the Old Catholic Seminary F UR T H ER S ER V I C E T O T H E P RO F ES SI O N AN D O T H ERW I S E ( S EL E CT I O N ) U N I V E R SI T Y /A C AD E MI C 1998-2000 Students’ Council, Faculty of Humanities, University of Amsterdam (secretariat, faculty finances). 1998-2000 Amsterdam. Editor(-in Chief) of Summa, theological periodical of the University of 1998-2000 Utrecht. Students’ representative to the faculty of the Old Catholic Seminary, 1999-2000 Program committee (“opleidingscommissie”) Theology, Faculty of Humanities, University of Amsterdam. 1997-2000 Board member and president (1999-2000) of the theological students’ association Litteris Orientalibus Sacrum (LOS). 2000-2001 Program committee MA in Biblical Studies, University of Sheffield. 2000-2001 “Bologna”-advisor to the students’ council of the Faculty of Humanities, University of Amsterdam. 2002-2003 President ad interim of the student’s council Old Catholic Theology, University of Bern. 2004-2005 Representative of the “Mittelbau” (research and teaching fellows) to the Faculty of Theology of the University of Bern. 2011Netherlands q.q. member of the board of the Old Catholic Seminary of the 2011(Utrecht) Academic advisor to the collegium generale “Filosofenlezingen” 2011-2013 Academic advisor to the collegium generale “Theologenlezingen” (Utrecht/Haarlem) 2011Chair of the research seminar of the Old Catholic Seminary as part of the research program “Tradition and Innovation.” 2011- Liaison for Anglican Studies, VU University Amsterdam 6 Coordinator of the module in Anglican Studies 20142011- Co-chair of the SBL Consultation on Biblical Masculinities. 2011- Member of the board of the society Cor unum et anima una 2013- Editor-in-chief of the series Publicatieserie Oud-Katholiek Seminarie. 2013- Co-editor of the Internationale Kirchliche Zeitschrift (Bern). 2014 Co-editor of Perspectief. Digitaal Oecumenisch Theologisch Tijdschrift Peer reviews for: - The publishers: Brill, Peter Lang, MacMillan & Palgrave - The journals: Internationale Kirchliche Zeitschrift, Ecclesiology, Politics, Religion, & Ideology, Journal of Reformed Theology, Hervormde Teologiese Studies, Exchange. C U LT UR A L 1997- Membership of various choirs, i.a.: Schola Cantorum Amsterdam (1997-2001), University Choir Sheffield (2000-2001), Chor der Universität Bern (2001-2005; board member: 2003-2004), Diocesan Choir Voces Laudis (2001-2006; 2008-2011), GabrieliChor Bern (2008-2010), Vocaal Theologen Ensemble (2013- ). Participation in various (international) choir festivals, radio, television, and cd-recordings; celebrant in the premiere of the vesper liturgy of Johann Sonnleitner (Bern, 2010), celebrant in the performances of the Eucharistia (Old Catholic liturgy on Slavic chants; Bern, 2011). 7 A CADEMIC B IBLIOGRAPHY 1. M ONOGRAPHS 1. Food and Fellowship in the Kingdom: Studies in the Eschatological Meal and Scenes of Nutritional Abundance in the New Testament WUNT II.234 (Mohr Siebeck: Tübingen, 2008). Issued as e-book in 2012. (Dissertation) Reviews in: Revue d’histoire et de Philosophie, Ch. Grappe 90 (2010), 415-416; Biblische Zeitschrift, Eva Ebel 55 (2011), 141-143; New Testament Abstracts 52 (2008), 616; Studia Historiae Ecclessiasticae 35 (2009), 249; Theologische Literaturzeitung, Stefan Schreiber 134 (2009), 566-568, Theologische Zeitschrift 68 (2012), 172-175. 2. Old Catholic and Philippine Independent Ecclesiologies in History. The Catholic Church in Every Place Brill’s Series in Church History 52 (Leiden: Brill, 2011) (Habilitationsschrift) Review in: Philippiniana Sacra, Vol. XLVIII, No. 142, (sept-dec 2012), 1113-1115 (Augusto V. de Viana); Ecclesiology 9 (2013), 394-397 (David Tunstin). 3. Franz Segbers/Peter-Ben Smit, Katholisch in Zeiten der Globalisierung. Erinnerung an den Märtyrerbischof Alberto Ramento, den Bischof der Arbeiter und Bauern (Luzern: Exodus, 2010), Dutch translation: Alberto B. Ramento. Bisschop van Arbeiders en Boeren. Een profetisch getuigenis van een bisschop en zijn kerk (Hilversum/Goes: Siens. Creatieve Producties/Nilsson, 2011), English translation: Catholicity in Times of Globalization. Remembering Alberto Ramento, Martyred Bishop of Workers and Peasants (Luzern: Exodus, 2011); French translation: Alberto Ramento. Évêque des oevriers et des paysans aux Philippines Signes des Temps (Paris: Karthala, 2013). Review: Rundbrief Plattform Theologie der Befeiung 2010 (November), 7 4. De canon – een oude katholieke kerkstructuur? (Utrecht: Utrecht University Press, 2011). [Inaugural lecture, Utrecht University, 2011] 5. With Wim H. de Boer, In necessariis unitas. Hintergründe zu den ökumenischen Beziehungen zwischen der Iglesia Filipina Independiente, den Kirchen der Anglikanischen Gemeinschaft und den Altkatholischen Kirchen der Utrechter Union Studien zur Interkulturellen Geschichte des Christentums 155 (Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 2012). 6. Tradition in Dialogue. The Concept of Tradition in International Anglican Bilateral Dialogues AMSTAR 3 (Amsterdam: VU University Press, 2012). Review: International Journal for the Study of the Christian Church 13:2 (2013), 165167 (John Gibaut). 8 7. Paradigms of Being in Christ: Paul’s Use of Exempla in Philippians Library of New Testament Studies (London: Bloomsbury, 2013). 8. From Canonical Criticism to Ecumenical Exegesis? A Study in Biblical Hermeneutics Studies in Reformed Theology (Leiden: Brill: 2015). 9. Traditie als Missie. 125 Jaar Unie van Utrecht – 1275 jaar in de voetsporen van St. Willibrord (verschijnt in: Publicatieserie Oud-Katholiek Seminarie 2015). 10. Tussen bisschoppen: De correspondentie tussen Andreas Rinkel en Urs Küry. Analyse met bijzondere aandacht voor hun oecumenische houding (verschijnt in: Publicatieserie Oud-Katholiek Seminarie 2016). 2. E DITED V OLUMES 11. Jan Straub (with the assistance of Peter-Ben Smit and others), Die christkatholische Kirche St. Peter und Paul Kunstführer durch die Schweiz 3 (Bern: Gesellschaft für Schweizerische Kunstgeschichte, 2012). 12. ed. with Kees van der Kooi and Liuwe Westra, Vele gaven, één Geest. Meedenken met Martien Parmentier op het gebied van oecumenica, patristiek en theologie van de charismatische vernieuwing (Ekklesia: Gorinchem, 2012). 13. ed. with Adriaan van Klinken, Jesus Traditions in the Construction of Masculinities in World Christianities, special issue of Exchange (42:1; 2013). 14. ed. with Arie Zwiep, Jan Krans, Bert-Jan Lietaert Peerbolte, Paul, John, and Apocalyptic Eschatology (FS Martinus C. de Boer; Leiden: Brill, 2013). Reviewed by S. Michael Ahn in the Review of Biblical Literature (2015), see: 15. ed. with Lidwien van Buuren, Meester in Kerk en Recht (FS Jan Hallebeek; Sliedrecht: Merweboek, 2013). 16. ed. Behoud en vernieuwing in katholieke context. Oud-Katholieke persoonlijkheden uit vier eeuwen, special issue of Trajecta dedicated to the history of Old Catholicism in the Netherlands (2014). 17. ed. with Ovidiu Creanga, Foregrounding Biblical Masculinities (Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2014). 9 18. ed. with Jan Krans, Bert Jan Lietaert Peerbolte, Parresia. Papers of the Consultation on Parresia, Amsterdam 2012 (forthcoming; Leiden: Brill, 2015). 19. ed. with Andreas Krebs, Handbuch Altkatholische Theologie I-II (forthcoming 20152016) 20. ed. with Anna Voolstra and Wouter Kloek, Kerkbouw en religieuze identiteit. Vier voordrachten naar aanleiding van het eeuwfeest van de oud-katholieke Petrus-enPauluskerk (special issue of Amstelodamum [2014:4] on the topic of the building of “dissenting” churches in Amsterdam 1850-1920. (Amsterdam: Lubberhuizen, 2014). 21. ed. with Adrie Paasen, Over katholiciteit als netwerk, de noodzaak van religie en de waarden van het koningschap. Quasimodolezingen 2011-2013 Publicatieserie St. Oud-Katholiek Seminarie 51 (Amersfoort/Sliedrecht: Oud-Katholiek Boekhuis/Merweboek, 2014). (including contributions by presiding bishop Katherine Jefferts Schori, Geert van Dartel, John de Wit, Proff. Henk de Roest, Ernst Hirsch Ballin, and Govert Buijs, and dr. Remco Robinson). 22. ed. with Ovidiu Creanga and Adriaan van Klinken, The Reception of Biblical Texts in the Construction of Masculinities in Christian, Jewish, and Muslim Con/Texts, special issue Journal of Biblical Reception (2015). 23. ed. with Soham Al-Suadi, Early Christian Meals in the Greco-Roman World: A Handbook (under contract with T&T Clark in the series Library of New Testament Studies, ed. Michael Labahn). 24. ed. with Jan Jorrit Hasselaar, An Ongoing Conversation. The Green Patriarch in the Netherlands (Amersfoort: Oud-Katholiek Boekhuis, 2015). 25. ed. with Urs von Arx and Mattijs Ploeger, XXXI. Internationaler Altkatholikenkongress, 18.-21. September 2014 in Utrecht (Niederlande) (Special issue of the Internationale Kirchliche Zeitschrift [105 (2015)]). 26. ed. with Angela Berlis, Challenging Catholicism – Papers of the Challenging Catholicism Workshop of 21 September 2015 (Special issue of the Internationale Kirchliche Zeitschrift [105 (2015)]). 3. P APERS A. B I B LI C A L S T U DI ES 1. Are all Voices to be heard? Considerations about Masculinity and the Right to be heard in Philippians,’ Lectio Difficilior 2015:1 ( 10 2. With Martine Oldhoff, ‘Matthew 9:14-17 and 26:27-29 – Intertextual Connections in Search of Meaning?,’ Biblische Notizen 166 (2015), 87-94. 3. ‘A Reconsideration of John 19:30,’ forthcoming in: Catholic Biblical Quarterly. 4. ‘Circumcision and Ritual Failure in Paul’s Letters,’ forthcoming in: Journal for the Study of the New Testament. 5. ‘Crucifiction? Crucifixion as a Failed Ritual in Phil. 2,’ forthcoming in: Biblical Theology Bulletin. 6. ‘Back to the Future. Aspekte der Pseudepigraphie des Titusbriefes und ihre Bedeutung,’ in: Susanne Luther/Jörg Röder/Eckart D. Schmidt (ed.), Wie Geschichten Geschichte schreiben. Frühchristliche Literatur zwischen Faktualität und Fiktionalität (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2015), 341-359. 7. ‘No Small Difference? Galatians 4:1 and the Translation of διαφέρει,’ forthcoming in: The Bible Translator (2015). 8. ‘The passivum divinum: The Rise and Future Fall of an Imaginary Linguistic Phenomenon,’ in: Filología Neotestamentaria 47 (2015), 3-24. 9. Entries “Food,” “Men, Male, Masculinity,” and “Parrhesia” for the Brill Encyclopedia of Early Christianity (commissioned). 10. ‘Synoptic, Redactional, Stylistic, and Narratological Observations on the Retelling of Mark 7:30 in Matthew 15:28,’ forthcoming in: Hervormde Teologiese Studies 70 (2014). 11. ‘A Question of Discipleship: Remarks on Matthew 8:18-23,’ forthcoming in: Revue Biblique (2014). 12. ‘Adoptionism: The Rise and Fall of a Concept,’ forthcoming in: International Journal of Philosophy and Theology (formerly: Bijdragen), forthcoming: 2014. 13. ‘Paul, Plutarch and the Practice of Self-Praise,’ New Testament Studies (2014), 341359. 14. ‘Ritual Failure, Ritual Negotiation, and Paul's Argument in 1 Corinthians 11:17–34,’ Journal for the Study of Paul and His Letters 3.2 (2013), 165-195. 15. ‘A Note on Early Christian Associations and the Development of Offices in Early Christianity,’ Teologia 56:3 (2013), 48-65. 16. ‘Reaching for the Tree of Life. The Role of Eating, Drinking, Fasting, and Symbolic Foodstuffs in 4 Ezra,’ forthcoming in: Journal for the Study of Judaism (2014). 17. ‘Alternative Patronage in John 2:1-11,’ in: Lietaert Peerbolte/Krans/Smit/Zwiep (ed.), Paul, 151-168 (2013). 11 18. ‘The Invitation to the Eschatological Banquet and the Call to Follow Christ - A Note on Mt. 22:14,’ Revue Biblique 120 (2013), 72-84. 19. ‘War Paulus suizidal? Eine psychiatrisch-exegetische Notiz,’ Biblische Notizen 158 (2013), 113-118. 20. ‘Ten derde dage verrezen van de doden…’ Interpretatie 20 (March 2012), 15-18. 21. With A.S. van Klinken ‘Introduction. Jesus Traditions and Masculinities in World Christianity,’ in: Smit/Van Klinken (ed.), Jesus Traditions, 1-15 (2013) 22. ‘A Symposiastic Background to James?,’ NTS 58 (2011), 105-122. 23. ‘Making Men – Weakness, Justification, and Andreia in Romans 5:6,’ Lectio Difficilior 2012:1 ( 24. ‘De Brief van Barnabas,’ Schrift 44 (2012), 103-106. 25. ‘Sich die Zukunft der Kirche vorstellen: Imagination und Kybernetik in den Pastoralbriefen,’ in: N.N. (ed.), N.N. (AG-ASS Tagungsband 2011), forthcoming 2014. 26. ‘Adoption und Adoptianismus als Kategorien neutestamentlicher Christologie: Der Hintergrund des römischen Rechtes,’ in: Iole Fargnoli/Stefan Rebenich (ed.), Das Vermächtnis der Römer. Römisches Recht und Europa Berner Universitätsschriften 57 (Bern: Haupt, 2012), 321-344. 27. ‘A Numismatic Note on Philippians 2:9-11,’ Biblische Notizen 149 (2011), 101-112. 28. ‘Something about Mary? Remarks about the Five Women in the Matthean Genealogy,’ NTS 56 (2010), 191-207. 29. ‘De voorbeeldige man is queer. Paulus’ mannelijkheid in de brief aan de Filippenzen, in: A. van Klinken / N. Pruiksma (ed.), Onder de regenboog. De Bijbel queer gelezen (Vught: Skandalon, 2010), 153-163. 30. ‘Ein καί epexegeticum mit Folgen. Zu Matthäus 12,30,’ in: Biblische Notizen 145 (2010), 113-118. 31. ‘Food and Fellowship, the Kingdom and the Empire: Biblical and Patristic Perspectives,’ in: Marsha L. Dutton (with Emily K. Stuckey, ed.), Globalization and Catholicity: Ecumenical Conversations on God’s Abundance and the People’s Need Beiheft zu IKZ 100 (2010), 198-207. 32. ‘A Note on the Structure of Jesus’ Trial in the Gospel of John,’ in: Revue Biblique 115 (2008), 383-395. 33. ‘Cana-to-Cana or Galilee-to-Galilee: A Note on the Structure of the Gospel of John,’ Zeitschrift für die Neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und Kunde der älteren Kirche 98 (2007), 143-149. 34. ‘A Symposium in Rom. 14:17? A Note on Paul’s Terminology,’ Novum Testamentum 49 (2007), 37-49. 12 35. ‘Problematic Parallels of Lk. 22:30,’ Biblische Notizen 133 (2007), 57-62. 36. ‘Neuer Wein oder Wein aufs Neue. Ein Notiz zu Mk 14,25,’ Biblische Notizen 129 (2006), 61-70. 37. ‘Die Geburtstagsfeier des Herodes als Anti-Symposium (Mk 6,17-29),’ Biblische Zeitschrift 53 (2009), 29-46. 38. ‘Jesus and the Ladies: (De)Constructing Divine Masculinity in John,’ The Bible and Critical Theory 2.3 (2006). 39. ‘No Mum, But Thanks. A Note on Pauline Parental Authority in Phil. 4:10-20,’ Lectio Difficilior (2006). 40. ‘A Note on III John 9,’ Biblische Notizen 123 (2005), 93-101. 41. ‘Incense Revisited: Reviewing the Evidence for Incense as a Clue to the Christian Provenance of The Greek Life of Adam and Eve,’ Novum Testamentum 46 (2004), 369-375. 42. ‘Simon Peter’s Mother in Law Revisited. Or Why One Should Be More Careful With Mothers-In-Law,’ Lectio Difficilior (2003). 43. ‘Appetite for Destruction: a Note on Isa 25:8a,’ Biblische Notizen 111 (2002), 44-47. B. H ER M EN E UT I C S AN D H I S T O RI O GR AP H Y 44. With Jeanine Bezuijen, ‘Vrede op aarde. John Milbanks Radical Orthodoxy en het alternatief van de theologie,’ in: F.G. Bosman (ed.), Toptheologen (2015), 95-110. 45. ‘Diversiteit in het onderwijs van het Nieuwe Testament: over het nut van biografische, levensbeschouwelijke en culturele diversiteit,’ Nederlands Theologisch Tijdschrift 68 (2014), 277-296. 46. ‘John Milbank, Theology & Social Theory,’ Nederlands Theologisch Tijdschrift 67 (2013), 308-314. 47. ‘Perspectives on Globalization,’ in: Dutton (ed.), Globalization, 28-36. 48. ‘The Meaning of “Life.” An Essay in Ecumenical Hermeneutics,’ Journal of Ecumenical Studies 43 (2008), 320-332. 49. ‘Fundamentalistische Bibelhermeneutiken. Neues Testament, in: Oda Wischmeyer e.a. (eds.), Lexikon der Bibelhermeneutik (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2009), 171. 50. ‘Wegweiser zu einer kontextuellen Exegese? Eine Miszelle zu einem Nebeneffekt der kanonischen Hermeneutik von Brevard S. Childs,’ Theologische Zeitschrift 62 (2006), 17-24. 51. Moises Mayordomo Marin/Peter-Ben Smit, ‘The Quest for the Historical Jesus in Postmodern Perspective: A Hypothetical Argument,’ in: Stanley E. Porter/Tom Holmén (ed.), The Handbook of the Study of the Historical Jesus 2 (Brill: Leiden, 2011), 1377-1410. 13 C. C H U R C H H I ST O R Y , E C UM EN I S M , AND O L D C AT HO LI CI S M 52. ‘Ecumenical Dialogue as Intercultural Encounter The Dialogue between the Mar Thoma Syrian Church and the Old Catholic Churches of the Union of Utrecht as an Example of Intercultural Theological Dialogue,’ Exchange 44 (2015) 317-352. 53. ‘A Blessing in Disguise. Het ambt in de oecumenische discussie,’ in: Cornelis van der Kooi (ed.), Om het godsgeheim. De theologie van Martien E. Brinkman (Amsterdam: VU University, 2015), 53-65. 54. ‘Der Dialog zwischen den alt-katholischen Kirchen der Utrechter Union und der Mar Thoma Syrian Church als ökumenische und interkulturelle Herausforderung,‘ in: Anja Goller/Andreas Krebs/Matthias Ring (ed.), Weg-Gemeinschaft. Festschrift für Günter Esser (Bonn: Alt-Katholischer Bistumsverlag, 2015), 107-123. 55. ‘The end of early Christian adoptionism? A note on the invention of adoptionism, its sources, and its current demise,’ International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 76 (2015), 1-23. 56. ‘Liedboeken als bron voor oecumenisch onderwijs,’ Perspectief 28 (2015), 19-23. 57. With Angela Berlis, ‘Editorial,’ in: Berlis/Smit (ed.), Catholicism. 58. ‘The Road Towards Full Communion Between the Philippine Independent Church and The Episcopal Church,’ Anglican & Episcopal History 84:2 (2015), 1-45. 59. With Anna Voolstra and Wouter Kloek, ‘Voorwoord,’ in: Maandblad Amstelodamum 2014:4, 163-164. 60. ‘Tradition as Renewal: An Old Catholic Perspective on Renewal in Church and Theology,’ forthcoming in: Review of Ecumenical Studies (2015). 61. ‘Ecumenical Dialogue as Intercultural Encounter: The Dialogue between the Mar Thoma Syrian Church and the Old Catholic Churches of the Union of Utrecht as an Example of Intercultural Theological Dialogue,’ forthcoming in: Exchange (2015). 62. ‘”Steh auf und geh!”’. Kongressbericht, Internationale Kirchliche Zeitschrift 105 (2015), 5-11. 63. ‘Voorwoord,’ in: Smit/Voolstra/Kloek (ed.), Kerkbouw, 163-164. 64. ‘«Wer mit wem? Altkatholiken in der Ökumene», Ein Workshopbericht,’ Internationale Kirchliche Zeitschrift 104 (2014), 363–367. 14 65. Response of the extraordinary session of the International Old Catholic Bishops’ Conference with bishop-observers of the the Mar Thoma Syrian Church of Malabar, the Iglesia Filipina Independiente, and the Spanish Episcopal Reformed Church on the Faith and Order document “The Church: Towards a Common Vision” 14 September – 18 September 2014, Protestants Landelijk Dienstencentrum, Utrecht, The Netherlands (co-drafter and advisor), forthcoming in: Internationale Kirchliche Zeitschrift (2015). 66. ‘Van verdeeldheid naar volheid? Canon en kerkelijke eenheid heroverwogen,’ Perspectief. (2014), 10-18. 67. ‘Thecla's Masculinity in the Acts of (Paul and) Thecla,’ in: Creanga/Smit (ed.), Masculinities, 245-269 (2014). 68. ‘Old Catholicism: What’s in a Name?”, Mar Thoma Seminary Journal for Theology 3:1 (2014), 19-37. 69. ‘De dynamische receptie van het Concilie van Trente binnen de Kerk van Utrecht,’ Perspectief 24 (2014), 10-24. 70. ‘St. Thecla: Remembering Paul and Being Remembered Through Paul,’ forthcoming in: Vigiliae Christianae [unauthorized print in: Ceļš 63 (2013), 171-182]. 71. ‘Imagining a Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace: The Philippine Independent – Old Catholic – Episcopal – Church of Sweden Consultation on Catholicity and Globalization,’ Ecumenical Review 66 (2014), 214-225. 72. ‘Santhigiri Statement’ (of the Mar Thoma – Old Catholic dialogue, 2011), Internationale Kirchliche Zeitschrift 102 (2012) [main drafter and editor] 73. ‘Hippolytus Statement’ (of the Mar Thoma – Old Catholic dialogue, 2012), Internationale Kirchliche Zeitschrift 102 (2012) [main drafter and editor] 74. ‘Munnar Statement’ (of the Mar Thoma – Old Catholic dialogue, 2014), forthcoming in: Internationale Kirchliche Zeitschrift [main drafter and editor] 75. ‘Urs von Arx,’ in: Krebs/Smit (Hrsg.), Handbuch I (forthcoming 2014). (ca. 15-20 pp.) 76. ‘Andreas Rinkel,‘ in: Krebs/Smit (Hrsg.), Handbuch I (forthcoming 2014). (ca. 15-20 pp.) 77. ‚Urs Küry‘,in: Krebs/Smit (Hrsg.), Handbuch I (forthcoming 2014). (ca. 15-20 pp.) 78. ‚Ökumenische Theologie,‘ in: Krebs/Smit (Hrsg.), Handbuch I (forthcoming 2014). (ca. 20-25 pp.) 79. ‘Bibliografie van prof. mr. Jan J. Hallebeek,’ in: Van Buuren/Smit (ed.), Meester, 1729. (2013) 80. With Lidwien van Buuren, ‘Voorwoord,’ in: Van Buuren/Smit (ed.), Meester, 9-11. (2013) 15 81. ‘Onder bisschoppen. Andreas Rinkel en Urs Küry over het bisschopsambt,’ in: Van Buuren/Smit (ed.), Meester, 209-222. (2013) 82. Rinkel, Andreas (1889-1979), BBKL (forthcoming, 2014) 83. Aglipay, Gregorio L. (1860-1940), BBKL (forthcoming, 2014) 84. ‘De weg naar kerkelijke gemeenschap tussen de Iglesia Filipina Independiente en de Oud-Katholieke Kerken van de Unie van Utrecht (1965),’ in: Van der Kooi/Smit/Westra (ed.), Gaven, 79-95. 85. ‘Wetenschappelijke bibliografie Prof. Dr. Martien F.G. Parmentier,’ in: Van der Kooi/Smit/Westra (ed.), Gaven, 155-160 (2012). 86. ‘Die Entwicklung der ökumenischen Kontakte der Iglesia Filipina Independiente zwischen 1961,‘ in: de Boer/Smit, Necessariis, 53-125 (2012). 87. ‘Behoud en vernieuwing in katholieke context. Oud-katholieke persoonlijkheden uit vier eeuwen,’ Trajecta 23 (2004), 121-122. 88. ‘Recht doen aan jezelf en de ander: Aartsbisschop Andreas Rinkel en oecumenische theologische vernieuwing binnen de Oud-Katholieke Kerk van Nederland,’ Trajecta 23 (2014), 201-218. 89. ‘Ignatius of Antioch as Mystagogue,’ forthcoming in: P.J.J. van Geest (ed.), Proceedings CPO “Mystagogy-Conference 2011” 90. ‘Oud-katholieke waarnemers op het Tweede Vaticaans Concilie (1962-1965),’ Trajecta 22 (2013), 29-56. 91. ‘Theologie nach dem Cultural Turn: Gender Studies am Beispiel der Theklaakten,’ Salzburger Theologische Zeitschrift 16 (2013), reprinted in: Judith Gruber (ed.), Theologie im Cultural Turn. Erkenntnistheologische Erkundungen in einem veränderten Paradigma (Frankfurt: Lang, 2013), 105-130. 92. ‘A Dialogue of Paradoxes: Orthodox – Old Catholic Dialogue,’ in: Katya Tolstaya (ed.), Orthodox Paradoxes. Heterogeneities and Complexities in Contemporary Russian Orthodoxy (Leiden: Brill, 2014), 356-367. 93. ‘Ignaz von Döllinger und der Kanon Von Polemik zum ökumenischen Konsens?,’ in: Thomas Hieke (ed.), Formen des Kanons. Studien zu Ausprägungen des biblischen Kanons von der Antike bis zum 19. Jahrhundert SBS 228 (Stuttgart: KBW, 2013), 151-162. 94. ‘The Old Catholic Understanding of Catholicity,’ in: Dutton (ed.), Globalization, 9093. 95. ‘The Reception of the Truth at Baptism and the Church as Epistemological Principle in the Work of Irenaeus of Lyons,’ Ecclesiology 7 (2011) 354–373. 96. ‘Bericht des 30. Internationalen Altkatholikenkongresses,’ Internationale Kirchliche Zeitschrift 90 (2010), 235-242. 16 97. ‘Katholisch sein: Eine Entdeckungsreise,’ in: Segbers/Smit, Katholisch (2010). 98. ‘An Old Catholic Anglican: Bishop Arthur Cleveland Coxe,’ Anglican and Episcopal History 80 (2011), 174-192. 99. ‘Katholizität und Globalisierung: Bericht über den Anglikanisch – Altkatholisch – Aglipayanischen Konsultationsprozess 2006 bis 2008,’ Neue Wege 103 (2009), 176179. 100. ‘Von Kolonialkirche zur indigenen Theologie. Die Geschichte der Iglesia Filipina Independiente anhand ihrer Interpretation der Bibel,’ Jahrbuch für europäische Überseegeschichte 11 (2013 [2011]), 95-115. 101. ‘Die politische Theologie des Gregorio L. Aglipay,‘ in: Neue Wege 103 (2009), 171175. 102. ‘Old Catholic Mary: The Mother of God in the Liturgy of the Old Catholic Church of Switzerland.’ The Anglican 37:3-4 (2008), 17-20. 103. ‘Ecumenism in Exile? Exile as a Paradigm for the Future of the Ecumenical Movement,’ veröffentlicht von der ÖRK unter: (2008). 104. ‘An Old Catholic Response to “The Local and the Universal Dimensions of the Church”,’ Exchange 37 (2008), 466-477. 105. ‘Tradition in Dialogue: A Comparison of the Concept of Tradition in Orthodox – Anglican and Orthodox – Old Catholic Dialogue,’ Ecclesiology 5 (2009), 212-236. 106. ‘The Developing Understanding of Authority and Primacy in Anglican – Roman Catholic – Old Catholic Dialogue after the Second Vatican Council,’ International Journal for the Study of the Christian Church 8 (2008), 211 – 231. 107. ‘A Note on Manliness and the Cross. From the New Testament to Athanasius’ in: Lectio Difficilior 2007:1 ( 108. Wim de Boer/Peter-Ben Smit, ‘Die frühen Beziehungen zwischen der Iglesia Filipina Independiente und den altkatholischen Kirchen der Utrechter Union,’ Internationale Kirchliche Zeitschrift 98 (2008), 122-144.169-190. 109. ‘An Old-Catholic View of Scripture and Tradition: A Short Study of a Theological Organism,’ Internationale Kirchliche Zeitschrift 97 (2007), 106-123. 110. ‘Eucharistieverständnis und eucharistische Gastfreundschaft im ökumenischen Sinne. Eine christkatholische Sicht,’ Offene Kirche- ökumenisches Forum 37 (2006), 28-30. 111. ‘Biblische Hermeneutik im Spannungsfeld persönlicher und kirchlicher Identität,’ Internationale Kirchliche Zeitschrift 96 (2006), 135-151. 17 112. ‘De oud-katholieke receptie van Bavincks Gereformeerde Dogmatiek: Rinkels Dogmatische Theologie, in: George Harinck / Gerrit Neven (ed.), Ontmoetingen met Bavinck ADChartasreeks 9 (Barneveld: Vuurbaak, 2006), 87-105. 113. ‘Orthodoxie und Christkatholizismus: ob wir je zusammenfinden?’ konstruktiv – Die Beilage der Reformierten Presse 41/03, 12-13. 114. ‘In de wortel gespleten? De historische mythe van de ongedeelde kerk,’ Skript 22:4 (2000), 75-78. D. L I T U R GI C A L S T U DI E S 115. ‘A Liturgical Perspective on Society? - Actuosa participatio and the Dutch “Participation Society”,’ in: Berlis/Smit (ed.), Catholicism. 116. ‘Teken van het Koninkrijk. De zalving van zieken in Marcus 6,7-13 en Jakobus 5,1316,’ in: Henk Janssen/Klaas Touwen (ed.), Een gezegend leven (Vught: Skandalon, 2013), 58-61 (special issue of: Tijdschrift voor Verkondiging). 117. ‘Liturgie oder Diakonie. Liturgie und Diakonie: komplementär,’ and ‘Schreiben ist Silber, Reden ist Gold – Replik auf das Plädoyer von Christoph Sigrist,’ in Ralph Kunz/David Plüss/Andreas Marti (ed.), Reformierte Liturgik – kontrovers (Zürich: TVZ, 2011), 131-136.144-147. 118. ‘Volk Gottes unterwegs. Zur Frage der Gebetsrichtung in der Eucharistiefeier,‘ Internationale Kirchliche Zeitschrift 102 (2012), 159-179. 119. ‘Eucharistie und Mahlzeit: Historische, theologische und praxisorientierte Perspektiven,’ Internationale Kirchliche Zeitschrift 97 (2007), 275-300. 120. ‘Participation as Principle: Richard Hooker on Baptism, Eucharist and Ministry,’ in: The Anglican 36:2 (2007), 19-23. 121. ‘The bishop and his/her Eucharistic Community: a Critique of Jean-Luc Marion's Eucharistic Hermeneutic,’ Modern Theology 19 (2003), 29-40. E. R EV I EW S 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Eduardo Echeverria, Berkouwer and Catholicism. Disputed Questions (Studies in Reformed Theology 24, Leiden: Brill, 2013), Ecclesiology 11 (2015), 401-402. Benjamin Thomas, An Anglican Hermeneutics of Transfiguration (Frankfurt: Lang, 2013), Internationale Kirchliche Zeitschrift 105 (2015), 254-255. Judith Gruber, Theologie nach dem Cultural Turn. Interkulturalität als theologische Ressouce ReligionsKulturen 13 (Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 2013), Ecclesiology 11 (2015), 296-297. Abraham Philip, Baptism, Eucharist and Ministry (Christava Sahitya Samithy, 2012), Internationale Kirchliche Zeitschrift 104 (2014), 374-375. R. Alan Streett, Subversive Meals: An Analysis of the Lord's Supper Under Roman Domination During the First Century (London: Wipf and Stock, 2013), Review of Biblical Literature (2015), 18 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Archibald van Wieringen/Herwi Rikhof, De Zeven Sacramenten. Een bijbeltheologische en systematisch-theologische studie (Bergambacht: 2VM, 2013), Kerk en Theologie 65 (2014), 198. Daniel Graf, Unterwegs zu einer biblischen Theologie. Perspektiven der Konzeption von Peter Stuhlmacher (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2011), Theologische Zeitschrift 70 (2014), 86-87. Alissa Jones Nelson, Power and Responsibility in Biblical Interpretation: Reading the Book of Job with Edward Said (Sheffield: Equinox , 2012), Review of Biblical Literature (2014), Bruce Chilton/Anthony Le Donne/Jacob Neusner (ed.), Soundings in the Religion of Jesus: Perspectives and Methods in Jewish and Christian Scholarship (Minneapolis: Fortress, 2012), Review of Biblical Literature (2014), Soham al-Suadi, Essen als Christgläubige (Tübingen: Francke, 2011), Theologische Zeitschrift 69 (2013), 172-173. Urs Altermatt, Konfession, Nation und Rom. Metamorphosen im schweizerischen und europäischen Katholizismus des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts (Frauenfeld: Huber, 2009), Internationale Kirchliche Zeitschrift 102 (2012), 238-241. John Paul Heil, Let Us Rejoice in Being Conformed to Christ (Atlanta: SBL, 2010), Review of Biblical Literature (2012), Sönke Finnern, Narratologie und biblische Exegese. Eine integrative Methode der Erzählanalyse und ihr Ertrag am Beispiel von Matthäus 28 WUNT 2.285 (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2010), Theologische Zeitschrift 68 (2012), 178-180. Lutherisch/Römisch-katholische Kommission für die Einheit, Die Apostolizität der Kirche (Paderborn/Frankfurt:Bonifatius/Lembeck, 2009), Theologische Zeitschrift 68 (2012), 186-188. Harm-Jan Inkelaar, Conflict over [sic] Wisdom. The Theme of 1 Corinthians 1-3 Rooted in Scripture (Ridderkerk: Ridderprint, 2010), Interpretatie 20:5 (2012), 28-29. Detlev Dormeyer, Einführung in die Theologie des Neuen Testaments Einführung Theologie (Darmstadt: WBG, 2010), Theologische Zeitschrift 68 (2012), 88. Christopher Bryan, The Resurrection of the Messiah (Oxford: Oxford University, 2011), RBL (2011) - Benjamin H. Dunning, Specters of Paul: Sexual Difference in Early Christian Thought (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2011), RBL (2012) /BookDetail.asp?TitleId=7925 Mika KT Pajunen, „Towards a ‚real reunion‘?”. Archbishop Aleksi Lehtonen’s Efforts for closer Relations with the Church of England 1945-1951 Schriften der LutherAgricola-Gesellschaft 62 (Helsinki: Luther-Agricola-Society, 2008), Theologische Zeitschrift 67 (2011), 86-87. Johan te Velde, Bidden naar het oosten. Gebedsrichting in spiritualiteit en liturgie (Nijmegen: Valkhof, 2010), Internationale Kirchliche Zeitschrift 91 (2011), 343-344. 19 21. Anno Quadt, Wirksamer Heilswille Gottes. Gott lässt keinen fallen, (Würzburg: Echter, 2008), Internationale Kirchliche Zeitschrift 102 (2012), 237-238. 22. Florian Schuppe, Die pastorale Herausforderung - orthodoxes Leben zwischen Akribeia und Oikonomia: theologische Grundlagen, Praxis und ökumenische Perspektiven Das östliche Christentum. Neue Folge 55 (Würzburg: Augustinus, 2006) and Gerhard Richter, Oikonomia: der Gebrauch des Wortes Oikonomia im Neuen Testament, bei den Kirchenvätern und in der theologischen Literatur bis ins 20. Jahrhundert Arbeiten zur Kirchengeschichte 90 (Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2005), Internationale Kirchliche Zeitschrift 91 (2011), 138-144. 23. Anatoly A. Alexeev/Christos Karakolis/Ulrich Luz (unter Mitarbeit von Karl-Wilhelm Niebuhr), Einheit der Kirche im Neuen Testament WUNT I.218 (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2008), Internationale Kirchliche Zeitschrift 91 (2011), 62-64. 24. Herbert Vorgrimler, Geschichte des Paradieses und des Himmels. Mit einem Exkurs über die Utopie (München: Wilhelm Fink, 2008), Theologische Zeitschrift 64 (2008), 372-373. 25. Jae Youn Kim, Relational God and Salvation. Soteriological Implications of the Social Trinity – Jürgen Moltmann, Catherine LaCugna, Colin Gunton (Kampen: Kok, 2008), to appear in Interpretatie. 26. Mariano Delgado/Lucio Gutiérrez, Die Konzilien auf den Philippinen Konziliengeschichte A (Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh, 2008), Internationale Kirchliche Zeitschrift 91 (2011), 58-61. 27. Paul B. Clayton, Jr., The Christology of Theodoret of Cyrus. Antiochene Christology from the Council of Ephesus (431) to the Council of Chalcedon (451), (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007), in: Theologische Zeitschrift 64 (2009), 85-86. 28. Morwenna Ludlow, Gregory of Nyssa. Ancient and [Post]modern, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007), in: Theologische Zeitschrift 64 (2009), 198-200. 29. Jones David Albert, Approaching the End. A Theological Exploration of Death and Dying (OUP: Oxford, 2007), to appear in Theologische Zeitschrift 30. Joerg Rieger, Christ and Empire. From Paul to Postcolonial Times (Minneapolis: Fortress, 2007), in: Bible & Critical Theory 4:3 (2008). 31. Greetje Witte-Rang/Hielke Wolters (et al.), Uitsluitend participatie. Theologische overwegingen bij globalisering (Zoetermeer: Boekencentrum, 2005), Cistercian Studies Quarterly 43 (2008), 375-376. 32. Derek Krueger (ed.), A People's History of Christianity: Byzantine Christianity (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2006), in: Review of Biblical Literature (2007): BookDetail.asp?TitleId=5570 33. Angelika Berlejung/Christian Frevel (eds.), Handbuch theologischer Grundbegriffe zum Alten und Neuen Testament (WBG: Darmstadt 2006), Theologische Zeitschrift 64 (2008), 65-66. 34. Bernd Kollmann, Einführung in die Neutestamentliche Zeitgeschichte, (WBG: Darmstadt 2006), in: Theologische Zeitschrift 64 (2008), 70-71. 35. Wolfgang W. Müller (ed.), Katholizität – Eine ökumenische Chance Schriften Ökumenisches Institut Luzern 4, (Zürich: TVZ, 2006), Ecclesiology 6 (2010), 124-127 20 36. John (Zizioulas) of Pergamon, Otherness and Communion: Further Studies in Personhood and the Church (Edinburgh: T & T Clark, 2007), Douglas Knight (Hrsg.), The Theology of John Zizioulas: Personhood and the Church (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2007), Aristotle Papanikolaou, Being with God: Trinity, Apophaticism, and DivineHuman Communion (Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 2006), in: Internationale Kirchliche Zeitschrift 99 (2009), 131-135. 37. Justin S. Holcomb (ed.), Christian Theologies of Scripture: A Comparative Introduction: A Comparative Introduction (New York: NYU Press, 2006), in: Religious Studies Review 33 (2007), 118. 38. Oliver Schuegraf, Der einen Kirche Gestalt Geben : Ekklesiologie in den Dokumenten Der Bilateralen Konsensokumene (Münster: Aschendorff, 2001), Internationale Kirchliche Zeitschrift 97 (2007), 220-223. 39. Joint Working Group Between the Roman-Catholic Church and the World Council of Churches, Eight Report 1999-2005 (Geneva: WCC, 2005), in: Internationale Kirchliche Zeitschrift 96 (2006), 166-167. 40. R.S. Sugirtharajah (ed.), The Postcolonial Biblical Reader (London: Blackwell, 2005), RBL (2006), in: Review of Biblical Literature 2006:9 ( 41. Ekkehard W. Stegemann, Paulus und die Welt. Aufsätze (ausgew. u. hg. v. Christina Tuor u. Peter Wick; Zürich: Theologischer Verlag Zürich, 2005), in: Reformiert Presse 21:30/31 (2007), 11. 42. Michael Ramsey, The Christian Priest Today (London: SCM, 1985), Christopher Cocksworth/Rosalind Brown, On Being a Priest Today (Cambridge: Cowley Publications), Donald B. Cozzens (ed.), The Spirituality of the Diocesan Priest (Collegeville: Liturgical Press, 1997), in: De Oud-Katholiek 121:2799 (2005), 33-34. 43. J. Andreas Löwe, Richard Smyth and the Language of Orthodoxy: Re-Imagining Tudor Catholic Polemicism Studies in Medieval and Reformation Thought 96 (Leiden: Brill, 2003), in: Internationale Kirchliche Zeitschrift 95 (2005), 206-207. 44. Patrick J. Mullen, Dining with Pharisees (Collegeville: Liturgical Press, 2004), in: Review of Biblical Literature 2005:7 ( 45. Brother John of Taizé, ‘Pilgrim God: A Biblical Journey’ (Washington: Pastoral Press, 1990) and ‘Way of the Lord: A New Testament Pilgrimage’ (Washington: Pastoral Press, 1988), De Oud-Katholiek 2002:5 46. Hans Gerny / Harald Rein / Maya Weyermann (eds.), Sentire cum Ecclesia (FS Urs von Arx; Bern: Stämpfli, 2003), in: Christkatholisches Kirchenblatt 2003:17, 4. 47. Mel Gibson, The Passion of the Christ, in: De Oud-Katholiek 2004:5 48. Some issues in human sexuality. A Guide to the Debate (London, Church House Publishing, 2003); A Companion to Some issues in human sexuality (London, Church House Publishing, 2003), in: De Oud-Katholiek 2004:6 49. Ulrich Luz, Studies in Matthew (trans. Rosemary Selle; Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2005), Internationale Kirchliche Zeitschrift 98 (2008), 156-158. 50. Mira Stare, Durch ihn leben. Die Lebensthematik in Joh 6 NTA.NF 49 (Münster: Aschendorf, 2004), Theologische Zeitschrift 61 (2005), 273-274. 21 51. Paul J. Achtemeier / Joel B. Green / Marianne Meye Thompson, Introducing the New Testament, Its Literature and Theology (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2001), Theologische Zeitschrift 61 (2005), 178-179. 52. Krister Stendahl, Das Vermächtnis des Paulus. Neues zum Römerbrief (Zürich: TVZ, 2004), Reformierte Presse 36 (9. September 2005), 13. 53. A. Piñero & J. Peláez, The Study of the New Testament. An Introduction to the Study of the Earliest Christian Writings (Leiderdorp: DEO Publishing, 2003), Theologische Literaturzeitung 130 (2005), 660-663 54. Jane S. Webster, Ingesting Jesus: Eating and Drinking in the Gospel of John (Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2003), in: Review of Biblical Literature 2004:6 ( 55. Werner Zager, Liberale Exegese des Neuen Testaments. David Friedriech Strauß, William Wrede, Albert Schweitzer, Rudolf Bultmann (Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener, 2004), Reformierte Presse 36 (9 September 2005), 13. 56. Heleen Zorgdrager, Theologie die verschil maakt. Taal en sekse-differentie als sleutels tot Schleiermachers denken (Zoetermeer: Boekencentrum, 2003), in: Interpretatie,12:6 (2004), 34. 57. Ingrid Rosa Kitzberger, Autobiographical Biblical Criticism (Leiderdorp: Deo Publishing, 2002), in: Review of Biblical Literature 2004:10 ( 58. John Glynn, Commentary and Reference Survey. A Comprehensive Guide to Biblical and Theological Resources (Grand Rapids: Kregel, 20039), in: Review of Biblical Literature 2004:6 ( 59. Dijn, Herman De; Herck, Walter Van (Hrsg.), Heilige Plaatsen, Jeruzalem, Lourdes en shopping malls (Pelckmans: Kapellen, 2002), in: Bijdragen. International Journal in Philosophy and Theology, 64 (2003), 477-478. 60. Dennis E. Smith, From Symposium to Eucharist: The Banquet in the Early Christian World, Review of Biblical Literature 2004:10 ( F. H O MI L E T I C A L CO N T RI B UT I O N S : In: Liturgische Handreiking voor Zon- en Feestdagen (Abdij van Berne): Corpus Christi (2003), Doop de Heren (2004), Goede Vrijdag (2004), 22ste Zondag door het jaar (2004), Allerzielen (2004), Paaswake (2005), Kerstmis (nachtmis) (2005), 5de Zondag van Pasen (2005), 20ste Zondag door het jaar (2005), 29ste Zondag door het jaar (2005), Kerstmis (dag) (2005), 4de Zondag na Epiphanie (2006), Pasen (2006), 7de Zondag van Pasen (2006), Maria Hemelvaart (2006), 30ste Zondag door het jaar (2006), 4de Zondag van de Adventstijd (2006), 3de Zondag in de Veertigdagentijd (2007), Hemelvaart (2007), 19de Zondag door het jaar (2007), 22ste Zondag door het jaar (2007), Kerstmis (nachtmis) (2007), 1ste Zondag in de Veertigdagentijd (2008), 7de Zondag van Pasen (2008), 17de Zondag door het jaar (2008), 28ste Zondag door het jaar Pfingsten (2008), H. Stefanus (2008), 3de Zondag van Pasen (2009), 4de Zondag door het jaar (2009), 19de Zondag door het jaar (2009), Allerheiligen (2009), Kerstmis (dag) (2009), 1ste Zondag van de Veertigdagentijd (2010), 5de Zondag van Pasen (2010), 21ste Zondag door het jaar 22 (2010, pp. 671-673), Moederschap van Maria - Octaafdag van Kerstmis 2011 (2011, 9799), 5de Zondag van Pasen 2011 (2011), 22ste zondag door het jaar 2011 (2011, 693-695), 33ste zondag door het jaar 2011 (2011, 857-859), Openbaring des Heren (2012, 109-111), Aswoensdag 2012 (2012, 185-187), Vierde zondag van Pasen 2012 (2012, 401-403), 20ste zondag door het jaar (19 augustus, 2012, 643-645), 31ste zondag door het jaar (4 november 2012, 803-805); Paaszondag 2013 (31 maart 2013, 353-355), 9de zondag door het jaar (2 juni 2013), 535-536), 18de zondag door het jaar (4 augustus 2013; 653-654), Doop van de Heer (12 januari 2014; 139-140); 7de zondag door het jaar (23 februari 2014, 217-219); Palm- of Passiezondag (13 april 2014, 321-323), Tweede Pinksterdag (9 juni 2014, 549-550), 21ste zondag door het jaar (24 augustus 2014, 711-712), 27ste zondag door het jaar (5 oktober 2014, 785-787); Openbaring des Heren (4 januari 2015; 125126); 4de zondag in de veertigdagentijd (15 maart 2015; 261-262); Tweede Paasdag (6 april 2015; 383-384); 10e zondag door het jaar (7 juni 2015; 539-541); Tweede kerstdag – heilige Stefanus (26 december 2015; 93-94); 4de zondag door het jaar (31 januari 2016; 183-184). In De eerste dag: 3de Zondag in de Veertigdagentijd 2010 (33:2, 1), 4de zondag in de Veertigdagentijd 2010 (33:2, 37), 1ste Zondag na Trinitatis 2010 (33:3, 15), H. Stefanus 2010 (33:4, 31), Aswoensdag 2011 (34:2, 11), Paaswake 2011 (34:2, 31) (2011), Allerzielen 2011 (34:4, 39), Dankdag gewas 2011 (34:4, 41), Hemelvaart 2012 (35:1, 64), 7de Zondag van Pasen 2012 (35:1, 65), Twaalfde zondag van de zomer (9 september 2012; 2012:3, 41), 7 oktober 2012 (35:4, 2012, 16), 14 oktober 2012 (35:4, 2012, 17), 20 januari 2013 (36:1), 27, 7 april 2013 (36:2, 2012, 52), 14 april 2013 (36:2, 2012, 53), 26 mei 2013 (36:3, 2013, 9), 3 november 2013 (36:4), 38-39, 26 januari 2014 (37:1), 47-48; 22 juni 2014 (37:3), 4243; 24 december 2014 (38:1), 18-19; 10 mei 2015 (38:3), 2-3; 20 december 2015 (39:1), 23-24; 21 februari 2016 (39:2), 18-19. In Tijdschrift voor verkondiging: ‘Vierendertigste zondag door het jaar. Inleiding,’ Tijdschrift voor verkondiging 85 (2013), 289-290. ‘Maria Tenhemelopneming,’ Tijdschrift voor verkondiging 86 (2014), 217-219. ‘Paulus tegen het einde van de eerste eeuw,’ in: Henk Janssen/Klaas Touwen (ed.), In naam van Paulus. Handelingen de aan Paulus toegeschreven brieven Special issue of Tijdschrift voor Verkondiging (Vught: Skandalon, 2015) 10-19. Further contributions such as the following have not been included exhaustively here: ‘Een katholiek symposium,’ Perspectief 14 (2011), 17-21. ‘Oud-Katholiek en Rooms-Katholiek: Uitdagingen en Mogelijkheden,’ Overeen 28 (April 2012), 5. “Begabter Prediger. Wilhelm Flückiger zum 90. Geburtstag,’ Christkatholisches Kirchenblatt 2013:1, 6. 23 „Toekomstperspectief – Over soorten antwoorden en oud-katholieke spiritualiteit,” Ons Contact 65 (2013), 8-11. ‘The Philippine Independent Church,’ in: World Book Encyclopedia, (2014) G. T R AN SL AT I O N S Urs von Arx, Bishop Nikolaj Velimirović (1880-1956) and His Studies within the Context of the Old Catholic – Serbian Orthodox Relationship, in: Serbian Studies. Journal of the North American Society for Serbian Studies [Bloomington IN] 20 (2006) 307-339 4. C LASSES TAUGHT : Introduction to the New Testament (GTS, ACTS, SPTS, VU). Introduction to New Testament Exegesis (Bern, ACTS, VU). Hermeneutics for New Testament Exegesis (Bern). Eschatological Meals in the New Testament (Bern). Etiquette and Ethics in the New Testament (Nashotah). Paul’s Epistle to the Philippians (Bern, VU). Ministry in the New Testament (VU) Biblical Hermeneutics between Church and (Auto)Biography (Bonn). Introduction to Homiletics (ACTS, SPTS). Introduction to Old Catholicism (ACTS, SPTS). History, Praxis and Theology of the Eucharist (GTS). Introduction to Patristics (GTS). Introduction to Theology (Bern, GTS). New Testament Greek (VU). The Origin and Development of the New Testament Canon (VU) Masculinity in the New Testament (Göttingen) Tutorial in New Testament Studies (VU) Jesus and the Gospels (UU) Between Text and History (VU; with prof. Van Peursen) Biblical Anthropology (VU; with prof. Dubbink) Master Seminar (VU) Conciliarity in History and Theology (VU; with prof. Moyaert) Research Seminar of the Department of Old Catholic Theology (Bern, coordination). Research Seminar of the Old Catholic Seminary, Utrecht (coordination) The ordained ministry in modern society (with Dr. J. Vercammen) (OKS) Introductory reading course in Old Catholic theology (OKS) Biblical Theology (OKS) Göttingen: University of Göttingen 24 GTS: General Theological Seminary ACTS: Aglipay Central Theological Seminary, Urdaneta City SPTS: St. Paul’s Theological Seminary, Iloilo City Bern: Theologische Fakultät der Universität Bern Bonn: Altkatholisches Seminar der Universität Bonn. Nashotah: Nashotah House Theological Seminary. VU: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam UU: Utrecht University OKS: Old Catholic Seminary (Utrecht) 5. P APERS AND PRES ENTATIONS “Das eschatologische Mahl” (Biblische Sozietät der deutschssprachigen Schweiz, 21 June 2003, Basel), “Meals: Inclusive and Exclusive” (SBL International Meeting, 20-25 July 2003, Cambridge), “Old-Catholic Identity and Hermeneutics?” (Dies Academicus, OudKatholiek Seminarie, 27 September 2003, Amersfoort), “The Menu of Heaven” (SBL Regional Meeting, 25-28 July, 2004, Groningen), “Eschatologische Mahlzeiten im Neuen Testament” (Biblische Sozietät Bern, 27 April 2004, Bern), “A Worldmap without Utopia on it, is hardly worth looking at” (14-15 May 2004, AG-ASS, Mainz), “The Eschatological Meal and Social Reality” (EABS Annual Meeting, 25-28 July 2004, Groningen), “The OldCatholic Reception of Bavinck” (Bavinck Conference, 28 October, 2004, Amsterdam), “Postmodern Historiography and the Historial Jesus” (AG-ASS, 21 May, 2005, Frankfurt), “Aglipayan Ecclesiology” (Aglipay Lecture, ACTS, 2 September, 2006, Urdaneta City, Filippijnen), “Perspectives on Globalization” (Consultation on Catholicity and Globalization, 6-10 November 2006, Maarssen, NL), “Old Catholic and Aglipayan Ecclesiology in Comparison” (short paper, IAThK, 28 August, 2007, Neustadt a/d Weinstrasse), “Life’ as a Criterion for Ecumenical Hermeneutics” (North American Academy of Ecumenists, 28-30 September, 2007, Saskatoon, Canada), “The Old Catholic Understanding of Catholicity,” and “Catholicity and Empire in the Early Church” (Consultation on Catholicity and Globalization, 12-15 November 2007, New York City), “Old Catholicism and Anglicanism (Diocese of West-Virginia, 15 January 2008, Charleston, WV), “The Bonn Agreement and the Anglican Covenant” (invited response, Anglican Covenant Conference, GTS, 10-12 April 2008, New York City), “Food and Fellowship, the Kingdom and the Empire: Biblical and Patristic Perspectives” (Consultation on Catholicity and Globalization, 18-22 August 2008, Manila), “Paradigms and Early Christian Identity in Philippians” (short paper, IAThK, 25 August 2009, Neustadt a/d Weinstrasse), “Paradigms in Philippians: Ecclesiology through Examples and Embodiment” (Amsterdam Centre for the Study of the New Testament, 25 September 2009, Amsterdam), “Are all Voices to Be Heard? Paul and the Right to Speak” (History, Orality, and Collective Memory conference, 15 October 2009, Amsterdam), “Die Veröffentlichung von Heinrich Bullingers Absoluta de Christi Domini et Catholicae et Catholicae Ecclesia Sacramentis Tractatio (Londen, 1551) im Kontext der Debatte über die weitere Entwicklung der englischen Reformation” (Habilitationskonferenz, 25 Theologische Fakultät, Universität Bern, 9 November 2009, Bern), “Versöhnung und Sühne(opfer)” (Lutheran Synod, Bern, 20 March 2010), “Luxuria und Liturgie” (Berner Mittelalterzentrum, 15 April 2010, Bern), “Ministry in the New Testament” (Aglipay Lecture, 30 August, 2010, Urdaneta City, Filippijnen), “Der Weg zur kirchlichen Gemeinschaft zwischen der Philippinischen Unabhängigen Kirche und der Utrechter Union (1965)” (Antrittsvorlesung, Universiteit Bern, 22 October 2010, Bern), “The End of Early Catholicism?” (9 and 12 November 2010, Protestáns Teológiai Intézet in Koloszvár, Transsylvania, Roemenië, Corpus Christi jaarvergadering, Oradéa, Roemenië) “Taufe in Theorie und Praxis” (Atelier met Ds. Chr. Knoch, Oeme-Tagung, 20 November 2010, Bern), “Römisches Recht und das frühe Christentum” (Collegium Generale, Universiteit Bern, 20 April, 2011, Bern), “Tradition in Dialogue: The Understanding of Tradition in Anglican Ecumenical Dialogues” (General Theological Seminary, 11 May 2011, New York City), “Pseudepigraphie als kybernetisches Instrument“ (AG-ASS, 13-14 May, 2011, Mainz), “The Reality of Adoption in Early Christianity” (SBL International Meeting, 4-7 July, 2011, London), “The Canon in the Work of Ignaz von Döllinger” (EABS Annual Meeting, 8-11 August, 2011, Thessaloniki) “Orthodox – Old Catholic Dialogue: A Surprising Ecumenical Paradox” (Institute for the Academic Study of Eastern Christianity, “Orthodox Paradoxes” Conference, 12-14 September, 2011, Hydepark/Doorn), “A Worldmap without Utopia on it is hardly worth looking at: Food and Foodstuffs in 4 Ezra” (New Testament Colloquium, VU University Amsterdam, 15 November, 2011), “Inleiding: Oud-Katholieke theologie als vorm van Oud-Katholiek spiritualiteit” (Symposium “Ouden Nieuw-Katholiek”, Old Catholic Seminary/University of Utrecht, 14 October, 2011), “The Ecclesiology of the Old Catholic Church” (Mar Thoma– Old Catholic consultation, Sangithiri Ashram, Kerala, 7-11 November 2011), “De Canon: Een oude katholieke kerkstuctuur?” (Inaugural address, University of Utrecht, 30 November, 2011), “Vóór of achter (het altaar” – Perspectieven op liturgisch voorgaan” (Seminar OKKN, 1 December, 2011), Response to: Jan Hallebeek, Canoniek recht in ecclesiologische context (Centrum voor Religie en Recht, VU University Amsterdam, 2 December, 2011), “De oud-katholieke waarnemer(s) op het Tweede Vaticaans Concilie” (Research Seminar INTEGON, Utrecht, 20 Febuary 2012; Research seminar Old Catholic Seminary, 29 March 2012), ‘Being Old in a New World: Old Catholics and their Appeal of the Early Church in the Context of a “Broken Tradition”,’ (Conference Regimes of Religious Pluralism in 20th-Century Europe, Amsterdam, April 19-21, 2012); ‘Menswording en mensenrechten: Naim Nateek als Anglicaans theoloog,’ (Book presentation, Naim Ateek, Bergkerk Amersfoort, 24 April 2012), “Dialoog: recht doen aan jezelf en de ander. Andreas Rinkel (1889-1979) en het oecumenisch en interreligious gesprek” (18 April 2012, Haarlem, 23 April, Utrecht), Convenor of the expert seminar “Urgent Patience: Christian Spirituality and Social Action in a Pluralist Society” with Dr. Angus Ritchie, including a response to the keynote (6 June 2012, Utrecht); ‘Biblical Studies and Ritual Studies’; ‘Real Men Don’t Cry’ (both at: SBL/EABS Amsterdam, July 2012); ‘Paul’s Masculinity’, SNTS Louvain (August 2012); ‘Speaking is Silver, Silence is Gold’ (and coordination): Parrhesia expert meeting, October 2012, Amsterdam; ‘The End of Adoptionism’, SBL Annual Meeting Chicago (19 November 2012); Guest lecturer “Augustine of Hippo” Amsterdam University College (November 26 2012); ‘Thecla: Masculinity and Apostolicity’ (AG-ASS Bern, 9 May 2013); ‘Remembering Paul through Thecla’ (EABS Leipzig, 1 August 2013); ‘Jesus’ divine male body?’ (SBL IM St; Andrews, 10 July 2013); workshop ‘Ecumenism in Old Catholicism’ (International Old Catholic Theologians’ Conference, Neustadt, 4 September 2013); ‘Secularization between description and prediction’ (Symposium on the occasion of Urs von Arx’ 70th birthday, Bern, 4 October 2013); ‘Male table manners?’ (First conference of the European Network for the Study of Masculinity in Early Christianity, Bern, 29 November 2013), Introduction at and organization of the symposium “Bouwen aan wie je bent” (on church buildings in Amsterdam), 17 May 2014, “Canonical and Ecumenical Hermeneutics: Towards an Intercultural Approach” and “Paul, Circumcision and Ritual Failure” (SBL/EABS International Meeting, Vienna, July 2014; including the organization of the meeting’s seminar on circumcision), “The Rise and Fall of the Passivum Divinum” (SNTS Annual Meeting, Szeged [Hungary], August 2014), “The Nature of the Biblical Canon and the Catholicity of the Church” and participation in a confessional panel (Societas Oecumenica, Budapest, August 2014), “Ignatius as Leader and Mystagogue” (Triannual Conference of the Centre for Patristic Research, Utrecht, August 2014). 6. S UPERVISED P OS TGRADUATE S TUDEN TS DOCTORAL ST U D EN T S 1. Njojo Kahwa, MA, Jésus et la non-violence (co-supervisor, Université Protestante au Congo), completed: July 2012. 2. Wietse van der Velde, MA, De oud-bisschoppelijke cleresie in de 18de eeuw (UU) 3. Pieter Roth, MA, Parochiebibliotheken van de oud-bisschoppelijke cleresie in ZuidHolland (co-supervisor, VU) 4. Drs. Ari Troost, Text, Author, Reader, and Gender in New Testament Exegesis (UU) 5. Robert Caruso, MA, M.Div, Christian Initiation in Old Catholic Theology (UU) 6. Jan-Willem van Estrik, MA, The Letter to Titus and Early Christian Kybernesis (UU) 7. Christian Holmgaard, MA, New Creation in the Gospel according to Matthew (VU) 27 8. Mike Pears, MA, Ethnotopography and Church Planting (VU, co-supervisor) [Completed 2014] 9. Gerda van Deelen, MA, De hermeneutiek van Willem Barnard (VU, co-supervisor) 10. Dean Furlong, The Identification of John the Evangelist in the Early Church (VU) 11. Rinie van Renen, The Value of the Dicta Probantia Method (VU, co-supervisor) Member of doctoral committee (and member of public doctoral examination) Rienk Lanooy, Ecumenism and Salvation. A Critical Appraisal of the Concept of Salvation in Bilateral Ecumenical Dialogues (1970-2000) (VU University, 2012). [Participation in the defense on 15 January 2013]. Alexi Somov, Representations of the Afterlife in Luke-Acts (VU University, 2013) [Participation in the defense on 14 January 2014) Sam Seuck Bang, Eschatological Meaning of Jesus’ Resurrection as a Historical Event: A Comparison of the Views of Wofhart Pannenberg and N.T. Wright [Public defense: 17 June 2014] Klaus Heinrich Neuhoff, Gott alles in allem” (1Kor 15,28): Theosis, Anakephalaiosis und Apokatastasis nach Maximos dem Bekenner in ihrer Bedeutung für die Kosmische Christologie [Participation in defense on 23 June 2014] Member of doctoral examination committee (public defense only) In addition to the theses examined by means of a written review and oral examination listed above K.B. Neutel, A Cosmopolitan Ideal. Paul's Declaration 'Neither Jew nor Greek, Neither Slave nor Free, nor Male and Female' in the Context of First-Century Thought (RU Groningen, 4 July 2013). H. de Jonge, Johannes d'Outrein (1662-1722) en zijn emblematische Schriftuitleg (UU, 16 October 2013) H. Wuhrer, Zum Stellenwert vom Reden Gottes im NT am Beispiel der Apostelgeschichte (9 December 2013). J. Stegeman, Decolonizing Jeremiah (VU University, 14 January 2014). D. Beekers, Precarious Piety: Pursuits of Faith among Young Muslims and Christians in the Netherlands (VU University Amsterdam; 1 July 2015) K. Bouwman, Mater Sapientia, de mystagogische functie van het moederschap van God en het geestelijke moederschap bij Augustinus (Utrecht University; 4 June 2015) MA- ST UD EN T S 28 Simon Lagendijk, Vervullingscitaten in het Mattheüsevangelie (VU, 2014) Joël Broertjes, Onderscheidende richtlijnen voor vrouwelijke participatie in de vroegchristelijke Korinthische samenkomst Een exegetisch-theologische beschouwing van 1 Korinthiërs 11:2-16 en 1 Korinthiërs 14:33b-35 (co-examiner, 2013) Jasper Stam, De citaten uit Genesis 15:6 en Habakuk 2:4b in de brieven van Paulus aan de Romeinen en de Galaten (co-examiner, 2013) M.W. Muilwijk, Resurrection and Paul (co-examiner, 2013) Martine Oldhoff, Anthropological Ideas in the Work of Paul (UU) Sjoerd van Oort, Een analyse van de argumenten in Matteüs Tot welke inzichten aangaande de structuur leidt een analyse van de argumenten in het evangelie volgens Matteüs op basis van het argumentatiemodel van Stephen E. Toulmin? (co-supervisor, 2014). 7. U NDERGRADUATE S UPERIVISION BA T H E S ES ( S E L EC T ED ) 2013: Wilco de Vries, Let your new religion be your identity (awarded faculty prize for the best BA thesis 2012-2013). 8. A WARDS AND F U NDING 2000-2001 VSB scholarship (Fl. 10’000), competitive Dutch scholarship for excellent postgraduate students. 2000-2001 Society of St Willibrord scholarship (UK) (GBP 3’500), scholarship for the study of Anglicanism. 2001 Petrie-Watson Award (University of Sheffield) (GBP 1’000), scholarship for excelling students (purpose: participation in an excavation at Tel Rehov, Israel). 2001-2003, 2006-2008 Scholarship of the “Bischöfliches Hilfswerk”(CH) (4 * CHF 15’000), scholarship for postgraduate study in Old Catholic theology for excelling students. 2005 Research and publication grant, Old Catholic Parish of Bern (15’000), resulting in: Jan Straub (with the assistance of Peter-Ben Smit and others), Die christkatholische Kirche St. Peter und Paul Kunstführer durch die Schweiz 3.(Bern: Gesellschaft für Schweizerische Kunstgeschichte, 2012). 2006-2007 Society of St Willibrord scholarship (UK) (2 * GBP 3’500), see above. 29 2007, 2008, 2011 Clement J. Whipple Prize (General Theological Seminary) (3 * USD 200), prize for published scholarship. 2006, 2007 Postgraduate scholarship of General Theological Seminary (2 * USD 10’000), competitive scholarship for postgraduate researchers. 2007 Essay prize of the de North American Academy of Ecumenists. (USD 750), prize for the winning essay in a competition of a leading organisation for ecumenism. 2008 Grant for Berner Spurensuche (interdisciplinary project for religion in the public domain), Stiftung Gemeindewerke (CHF 15’000). 2010 Grant of the Michaud-Foundation (University of Bern) (CHF 2’000), towards the publication of my 2009 Habilitationsschrift. 2012 Grant of the Michaud-Foundation (University of Bern) (EUR 1’300), for the publication of In Necessariis. 2012 Grants of the Society of St. Willibrord (EUR 1’000), the Diocese of West Virginia (EUR 1’000), the Sormani-Foundation (EUR 1’000), and the Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Kirchen im Kanton Bern (EUR 1’000) towards the publication of Tradition in Dialogue. 2012 Grant of the C.J. de Vogel Foundation (€ 2’000) towards the publication of a monograph on the ecumenical theology of Dr. A. Rinkel (2013). 2012 Grant of NOSTER for the co-organisation of the conference Parrhesia - Freedom of Speech Then and Now, Amsterdam, 18-19 October 2012 (with Prof. Bert Jan Lietaert Peerbolte and Prof. Peter Nissen) 30 2012 Erasmus Grant for the seminar “Urgent Patience: Christian Spirituality in a Pluralist Society” (Utrecht University, with Can. Dr. Angus Ritchie, Contextual Theology Centre, London) 2013 Erasmus Grant for a visiting professorship at the University of Riga 2013 SNF (Schweizerisches Nationalfonds) Grant for the workshop Biblical Masculinities: Past, Present, and Future (with Prof. Moises Mayordomo, Bern, and Prof. Halvor Moxnes, Oslo). 2013 NOSTER grant for the organisation of an expert seminar on male circumcision with dr. K.B. Neutel, dr. E.K. Wilson, and Prof. Ruard Ganzevoort (2014). 2014-2018 Privately funded 0,5 PhD position at the Old Catholic Seminary 2014 International Short Visit Grant with dr. Soham Al-Suadi (University of Bern), Swiss National Foundation. 2013 Breeding grant (Utrecht University) for the project “Blue prints of hope” (EUR 10’000) 2013 Breeding grant (Utrecht University) for the project “Religious leadership” (EUR 10’000) 2014 Breeding grant (Utrecht University) for the project “Blue prints of hope” (EUR 15’000) 2014 NWO (National Research Council of the Netherlands) AlfaMeerwaarde grant for research into the interrelationship between Christian religious meals and social cohesion (with dr. Maarten Wisse, VU University Amsterdam, and dr. Remco Robinson, RU Nijmegen; EUR 18’000). 2015 Breeding grant (Utrecht University) for a seminar on circumcision (EUR 1’500) 2015 Combined grant of NOSTER, Department of Religious Studies and Philosophy (UU), and the Old Catholic Churches of the Netherlands towards the organization of the Master Class and Symposium “One small Village? Dutch Church History in International Perspective”. 9. M EDIA ( SELECTION ) “Prof. dr. Smit (31) promoveert voor derde keer,” Reformatorisch Dagblad, 20-5-2011. “Van jongs af aan geboeid door theologie,” Friesch Dagblad, 17/2/2011. „Ein Pfarrer ist jüngster Privatdozent an der Uni Bern,“ Berner Zeitung, 8/3/2010. „Ein Pfarrer ist jüngster Privatdozent an der Uni Bern,“ Der Bund, 8/3/2010 “Een Walhalla voor bijbelwetenschappers” (Interview concerning the International Meeting oft he Society for Biblical Literature, Amsterdam, 22-26 /7/2012), Friesch Dagblad 24/7/2012, 8-9. 31 “Honderden theologen bijeen in Amsterdam” (Interview concerning the International Meeting oft he Society for Biblical Literature, Amsterdam, 22-26 /7/2012), Reformatorisch Dagblad 24/7/2012, 2. “Goede en slimme studenten aanmoedigen vind ik erg belangrijk” (interview), (22 October 2012). „Spannend jaar voor Anglicanen,‘ (interview concerning the current statend and future of the Anglican Communion) Reformatorisch Dagblad, 2-1-2013 Interview on the birth narratives of Jesus, NCRV Schepper & Co, 22 December 2013. “Een zondvloed aan Godshuizen,” Het Parool 13 May 2014 [on the symposium “bouwen aan wie je bent”, 17 May 2014 -] With Karin Neutel and Ruard Ganzevoort, “Jongensbesnijdenis? Daar weten we te weinig van,” Trouw 13 March 2014. ( ngensbesnijdenis-Daar-weten-we-te-weinig-van.dhtml) Featured in: Mark Collison, “Anglican Theology is Part of Our Ministry too!” (Autumn 2014, %202014.pdf) Research on leadership featured in: Jack Barentsen, “Dominee van de Toekomst,” Nederlands Dagblad 23 augustus 2014. ( “From Antipodes to a Communion that Spans the Ends of the Earth”, feature contribution in: The Christian Register. The Official Magazine of the Iglesia Filipina Independiente April 2015, 10-11. 32