Handout 3 - Stop Gas Fires
Handout 3 - Stop Gas Fires
My name is Austin Bailiff. When I was 14, I was like a lot of kids. I had good friends I liked to hang out with, and I liked to play football. And my parents gave me chores to do at home – including mowing the lawn. One day I decided to see what would happen if I used just a little bit of gasoline to start a fire. But if you know anything about gasoline, you know that it’s extremely flammable. And that it has vapors that can explode. THE NEXT THING I KNEW, I WAS IN A HOSPITAL BED BURNED ALL OVER MY BODY. I COULDN’T WALK. I COULDN’T TALK. FOR YEARS, I WAS IN THE HOSPITAL AS MUCH AS I WAS AT HOME. SO WHEN KIDS IN MY TOWN STARE AT THE SCARS FROM MY SKIN GRAFTS, I’M GLAD. IT REMINDS ME HOW LUCKY I AM TO BE ALIVE. AND I HOPE OTHER KIDS CAN LEARN FROM MY STORY THAT GAS AND FIRE NEVER MIX. GASOLINE & FIRE NEVER MIX There is no safe way to start a fire with gas. Help spread Austin’s story to other kids you know. Share this flyer with a friend or visit StopGasFire.org to learn more. Help us spread the word. StopGasFires.org N AT I O N A L G A S O L I N E S A F E T Y P R O J E C T www.SafeKids.org
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