Mobile App Tutorial
Mobile App Tutorial
TRAINING TUTORIAL Mobile Handheld Token Application Settings Screen • Username/password – use the same as the MSS Extranet. • Sync/Retry Interval – How often do you want the app to try to sync? • Sync on 3G – If you have an unlimited data pplan yyou can choose to use 3G (as opposed to Wi-Fi only), but if you pay for usage on 3G, you may want to leave this off. Note: This is an optional tool and is functional without 3G service. The company will not reimburse data plans. • Back arrow navigates to the Home (Date Ranges) screen. Syncing 1. Updates Oracle Database with changes made on mobile device. 2. Loads Current Data from Oracle to mobile device. 3. You will also see a blue arrows sync button b tt available il bl to t sync ffrom within the application and not just on the settings screen. Time Frame List Screen 1. Touching one of the rows navigates to the Exchange List Screen 2. The app will always contain the previous week, current week and the next 2 weeks of tokens actually scheduled sc edu ed in your you inbox. bo 3. You can choose to view all tokens scheduled this week, or only those due this week (regardless of when scheduled)) 4. Red color coding indicates required work not completed. Yellow indicates some work remaining. Green indicates all requirements q are complete. Exchange List Screen 1. Touching one of the ribbons navigates to the Token List Screen. 2. If you have tokens scheduled at multiple exchanges, they will all show up here. Token List Screen 1. This list shows all tokens confirmed for the chosen time frame and exchange 2. Further allows filtering by department. 3. Note the token end date and time left remaining on the token are shown here. 4. Color coding consistent with previous screens. Token List Screen Department Filter 1. Will include not only tokens for that group, but also tokens to any manufacturer in that group. Token List Screen Sort by Views 1. 2. Default View Is: • Token T k St Status t (St (Started t d / Not N t Started / Finished) • Scheduled Date • Client Other Sort by Options: • Client • Time Remaining • End Date Token Screen 1. 2. “More” button allows you to view the rest of the token descriptive content. • Links will be functional, but it will require logging in to the Extranet to open them. Save or Print files i advance in d if you do d nott have h unlimited 3G service or access to Wi-Fi in the store. • If a Basic token, it will list the Action Items • If a Supplemental token, this section contains the directions Photo, note, and action item requirements q indicated in red,, yellow or green. Token Screen More Details 1. Expands description 2 2. A i Items Action I Listed Li d 3. Touch Photo to navigate to Token Photo List. 4 4. Blue icon indicates that data on the device has been modified and a sync needs to be performed. Token Screen Scrolldown 1. Touching “Photo” navigates to Token Photo List 2. Click “Time Entered” to enter the day(s) and minutes worked on this token. • 3. Claiming Cl i i over the th max time ti is i nott functional within the app. Approval for working over the max must be pre-approved, so if approved that extra time must be claimed through the Extranet with a comment for the overage. Ask a question works the same as on the MSS extranet, but the actual qquestion e-mail is not sent until device is synced. Token Photo List 2 1. Touching “+” navigates to Photo Source Selection Screen. Photo Source Selection 1. Use Camera brings up Camera and the Photo Confirmation Screen after taking picture. 2. From Library brings up Camera Roll and then to Photo Edit after selecting se ect g pphoto. oto 3. Note: The app only allows one photo to be added at a time. You may choose to use the Extranet for multi-photo p uploads. p Token Photo List 1. Touching the photo navigates to the Photo Edit Screen. Photo Edit Screen 1. Optional Photo Caption and Save. 2 2. Cannot delete C d l photo h after f sync performed. But can still modify caption. 3. Rotate photo buttons available. Photo Confirmation 1. Retake goes back to the Camera App. 2. “Use” navigates to Photo Edit Screen. Token Screen 2 1. Touch “Feedback” row to navigate to Token Note Screen. Token Note 1. Edits or adds Token Note. • This is Thi i ffor non-urgentt feedback f db k in i response to the marketing questions on the task. Critical questions or information should be sent through a direct email or Token Ask a Question. Question Token Screen 3 1. Touch “Action Items” row to navigate to Action Item List. Action Item List 1. Click desired action item. 2 2. Consistent C i color l coding di iindicates di progress. Action Item 1. Touching “more” button navigates and expands description screen. 2. Touching “Photo” row navigates to the Action Item Photo List Screen. Action Item-More Details 1. Note that links within the Task Description or Action Item Description will only work if you are connected to the internet through 3G or Wi-Fi. Action Item Photo 1. Functions mirror the Token Photo screens. Action Item Feedback 1. Touching “Feedback” row navigates to Action Item Notes Screen. Action Item Notes 1. Will see history of notes and can add notes. No edit or deletion of already saved notes allowed. Token Details – Finish button 1. When all requirements are met, the Finish button appears. IMPORTANT NOTES: 1. The app was created vertically, it will not rotate sideways. 6. OverMax is NOT functional. 2. Can view two weeks of tokens (forward and backwards). 7. Be mindful of the store policies with regards to device use on the sales floor. 3. Basic token completion only – no confirming, reassigning, rejecting or splitting tokens within the app. 8. Take clear, good quality photos with another device if your mobile device is not up to standards. 4 Ph 4. Photos t upload l d one att a time. ti If you have several photos for one action item, you may choose to still use MultiPhoto Upload through the Extranet. 5. Reserve tokens must be created through Extranet.