February/May 2016.
February/May 2016.
Cat Call The Official journal of CatsWA (The Feline Control Council of Western Australia (Inc) ) February/May 2016. Catcall is the OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF CatsWA Any opinions expressed in the magazine are the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of CatsWA (the Feline Control Council of W.A. (Inc)) or the Editor. Advertising: CatsWA accepts no responsibility for the contents of advertisements. All advertisements are accepted in good faith and the advertising content is the responsibility of the advertiser. Cover Picture: Photo of Lots of Dots supplied by Jane Horstman, Lots of Dots is modelling her knitted dinosaur hat. Pattern from the “Cats in Hats” knitting book by Sara Thomas Thanks to Janis Christison for picture of “George” on page 20. All other photos by Linda Horton 2 CatsWA CONTACT DETAILS Office address: Unit 3/8 Royal Street, Kenwick WA 6107 Office phone number: (08) 9452 2885 Office email: catswa@iinet.net.au Website: www.fcc-wa.com Postal Address: Post Office Box 915, Cannington WA 6107 2015 Governing Council Members President Carole Galli (08) 9455 1481 Vice President Lucy Nikiforos (08) 9419 7473 Secretary Maree Carle 0408 925 205 Treasurer Michelle Harris 0413 394 625 Councillors Janis Thompson, Judy Kluczniak, Deanne Kestel, Susan Goodall CatsWA Office is currently open on Wednesdays only. Please check before you call into the office as it is staffed by volunteers and sometimes they may not be available and we have to close the office at short notice, When the office is not attended, you can leave a phone message or send an email and someone will get back to you. If the matter is urgent, please contact the appropriate Council member directly. CatsWA Registrar Carole Galli (08) 9455 1481 Titles and office Judy Kluczniak 0403 524 172 Sub-Committees & Convenors: Judge Training Betty Payne (08) 9525 0071 Experimental Breeding Sue Game Steward Training Pamela Lanigan Cat Act 2011 Linda Horton Fundraising and grants Janis Thompson Show Cages Carole Galli Cat of the Year points Linda Horton Cat Call Website Linda Horton 3 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING CATSWA / FELINE CONTROL COUNCIL OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA (INC) 2015 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING HELD MONDAY 11 JANUARY 2016 IN THE FCCWA OFFICE, UNIT 3 / 8 ROYAL STREET, KENWICK, COMMENCING AT 7.45PM WELCOME BY THE CHAIRMAN / PRESIDENT - CAROLE GALLI 1. ATTENDANCE 1.1 Present: Carole Galli (President-Chair), Sue Game (Secretary-Minutes), Michelle Harris (Treasurer), Linda Horton (Vice President), Judy Kluczniak, Lucy Nikiforos, Diana Nixon, Betty Payne, Julie Pickens, Janis Thompson 1.2 Apologies: Jane Horstman, Lee-anne Pitman Pryde, Ruth Pryde, Greg Connolly 2. CONFIRMATION OF THE MINUTES. MOVED Sue Game, Seconded Julie Pickens that the minutes of the last AGM held Monday 8 December 2014 be confirmed. CARRIED 3. BUSINESS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES - None 4. REPORTS 4.1 President - Carole Galli Report read to the meeting and will be circulated with the Minutes MOVED Sue Game, Seconded Janis Thompson that the President’s Report be ACCEPTED. CARRIED 4.2 Secretary - Susan Game Report read to the meeting and will be circulated with the Minutes MOVED Carole Galli, Seconded Linda Horton that the Secretary’s Report be ACCEPTED. CARRIED 4.3 Judge Training Coordinator – Betty Payne Report read to the meeting MOVED Carole Galli, Seconded Lucy Nikiforos that the Judge Training Coordinator Report be ACCEPTED. CARRIED 4.4 Treasurer – Michelle Harris. Presentation of the Annual Statement Accounts for 2014 and 2015 Auditor’s Report read to the meeting and will be circulated with the Minutes. It was NOTED that Auditor Susan Whittle was only able to finalise the 2014 accounts in time for this meeting, and that the 2015 Statements would be provided as soon as possible. The 2014 Report will be circulated and form part of the Minutes. The Auditor gave a qualified report, detailing minor issues with Cash Takings, Cash Deposits and Payment. 4 It was NOTED that it is essential, if direct deposits are accepted from members, that proper references must be made by the payee MOVED Carole Galli, Seconded Michelle Harris that the Auditor’s Report be ACCEPTED. CARRIED 5. APPOINTMENTS / ELECTIONS 5.1 Governing Council Rod Pattinson and Lee-anne Pitman Pryde resigned during the year. THANKS were extended to Rod and Lee-anne for their contribution to the Council and CatsWA. Maree Carle, Michelle Harris and Judy Kluczniak were appointed as Casual Members until 2015 AGM, Carole Galli’s current term finishes at the 2015 AGM and Linda Horton has relinquished her elected position effective at the 2015 AGM. Five nominations have been received for 2016 for five vacancies: Maree Carle, Judy Kluczniak, Michelle Harris, Carole Galli and Martyna Furst. The nominees were duly APPOINTED. CONGRATULATIONS extended to the appointees. The duration of their terms will be determined, and Office Bearers will be appointed for 2016 at the first Governing Council Meeting. THANKS extended to Sue Game, Janis Thomson and Lucy Nikiforos who will continue on Council and to Linda Horton who will continue as an ex-officio member as determined by Council. 5.2 Auditor for 2016 MOVED Carole Galli, Seconded Linda Horton that Susan Whittle be APPOINTED Auditor for 2016. CARRIED 6. MOTIONS ON NOTICE - none 7. GENERAL BUSINESS 7.1 Proposal to change the point calculation for CatsWA Cat of the Year competition Presentation from Linda Horton was discussed and RECOMMENDATION made to Governing Council that Linda’s Motions 1 to 4 be adopted by Governing Council for 2016 onward. Motion 5 re ‘transitional’ points for kittens maturing to adults during the year was not felt to be necessary. 8. CLOSE AND THANKS The President THANKED all for their attendance and support and closed the meeting at 9.00pm 5 President’s Report 2015 2015 was a very busy and overall successful year for CatsWA. We showcased WA during the ACF National Show. The show was the highlight for the year and overall ran very well with good feedback from exhibitors and judges. The committee all worked hard to make the show a success and the help of everyone is much appreciated. Once again Damien Heasman did a wonderful job with the computer program to accept online entries and process the results throughout the day. I am not going to nominate anyone else individually as it was a team effort. We now have COAWA as an affiliate of ACF and we have all worked well together over this year. It is a real advantage for WA to have two votes at the table for the ACF meetings. The Fundraising committee did a wonderful job leasing up to the National show raising just under $10,000. One issue that was evident that there is minimal support from members for these events. We do need you to attend and bring along people from outside the cat fancy as we can’t rely on the friends and families of the fundraising group. Pamela Lanigan applied for another Lotteries Grant this year which enabled us to buy new show cages. This meant that the National Show looked professional and was easier to set up and pull down with individual cages rather than the heavy banks of three. Set and pull down of shows is much easier now with many people having their own cages. Exhibitors must be reminded that their cages must be cleaned between shows for the welfare of all the cats. A show venue continues to be an issue. We tried the Ellie Eaton Pavilion last year but the lack of trestles and kitchen make it unsuitable. The safety of the cats is also at risk with there being no safety door. It remains an issue that Cats WA (and ANCATS) are not allowed to use the Davis Pavilion. Membership numbers have remained level with some members leaving and new one joining. Registration numbers for kittens also remain stable BUT I know that some breeders are not registering all their cats and kittens. CatsWA has no income apart from Membership fees and registration fees. Your association cannot continue if you don’t support it. It also is not feasible for a very small group to raise funds that then need to be used for day to day running costs. Judges Training continued under the watchful eyes and guiding hands of Betty and Sue. Lucy Nikiforos and myself completed our Junior assignments this year and we thank you all for your patience. Pamela and Catherine did assignments for their Group 2 and hopefully will sit their exams soon. Lucy and I will study Group 1 this year and Leanne will complete Group 2, to make her the first All Breeds judge trained by CatsWA in many years. Jane Horstman is completing her Junior assignments for Group 3. Anyone interested in preparing for judges training please speak with Betty Payne s we need more judges for the future. As we move forward to 2016 I ask that you get involved in the association in any way that you can. Carole Galli 6 SECRETARY REPORT We have held our own in 2015, with some 130 members – including doubles, Singles, Associates, Breeders and Show enthusiasts. The ACF 2015 National show hosted by CatsWA was a huge and successful event and generated a lot of interest in the cat fancy. But it is our own Breeders, when they are selling their lovely kittens, who encourage new members – and this is where the majority of our new blood comes from. The CatsWA Stand at the Perth Pet Expo 7-8 Nov 2015 was very worthwhile – putting our name and activities and our cats right in front of Pet Lovers. We do our best to keep our membership list accurate, and especially our emails. Email communication and documents available via our Web site are the way to go. With limited resources it makes sense to use this system. We understand some people are not keen on emails or printers and we try to copy and print hard copies of Cat Call etc for these people. But I am sure all will appreciate that this takes extra people power – which we don’t really have. Thanks to firstly Lee-Anne, then Diana (both as office admin and Back Up Registrar) and now Judy for their assistance in the office. It is important and interesting work. We need an organised and experienced mind in the office. Unfortunately although I would love to do so, I just do not have enough time to give. Maybe when I retire ! My personal thanks to Carole Galli who despite ill health and a new knee as kept going as Registrar, and as our President. Council has met regularly, and sometimes voted per email on appropriate matters of urgency between meetings. It has been a busy but harmonious year for Council. 2015 Councillors were:Carole Galli, Linda Horton, Maree Carle, Sue Game, Michelle Harris, Judy Kluczniak, Janis Thomson, Lucy Nikiforos, Lee-anne Pitman Pryde and Rod Pattinson resigned due to other commitments during the year. Carole is our Executive Member on the ACF and was appointed ACF Secretary in June 2015 – which takes a lot of time and diplomacy. Linda Horton as our Vice President and PR person is a great administrator. She does our quarterly Magazine CAT CALL, and she keeps us informed via email and Facebook. She takes fantastic photos! Linda remains our main contact with the WA Local Government. Michelle Harris has done her best as Treasurer. We are able now to pay bills per Internet Banking as well as the ‘good old’ cheques. One major issue is that some folks who pay per internet banking do not reference their payments. A simple “show entry”, “titles”, “kitten Rego” are essential. Paws and Claws, WA Cat Club and British Shorthair Cat Clubs have run shows, and the Southern & Siamese Cat Club joined forces with CatsWA for the delightful Osborne Park Show. CatsWA Council members have run the others. Our members have supported the shows very well and there have been some absolutely stunning cats on the bench notwithstanding the overall standard of WA bred cats is excellent. We need our other clubs to get their members together and hold shows next year. Spread the load if we can. 2016 Dates have been reserved for shows – just put up your hand – contact the respective club / show secretaries! I thank all my fellow Councillors for their support. Sue Game 7 2015 Financial Statements and Auditor’s Report ABN 30 306 859 382 CATS WA (Inc) Financial Statements 31 October 2015 INCOME STATEMENT NOTES 2015 2014 Breeders Directory 50 280 Cat of the Year 0 0 Certified Pedigree 0 80 Club Affiliation 1,624 800 Donations 0 0 Fundraising Income (Net) 963 1,212 Grants 3,208 Interest Income 73 53 Late Fees 0 277 Membership 1,447 2,243 Microchipping 0 300 Other Income 233 510 Prefix Application and Renewal 290 548 Registration and Transfers 4,213 7,527 Show Income 4,563 1,020 Stationary and Ribbons 0 0 Sundry Income 0 0 Title Income 150 924 Year Book 0 0 Unclassified Income 9,235 1,056 unreconciled income 0 446 TOTAL INCOME 26,049 17,276 INCOME 8 EXPENDITURE Accounting and Audit Fees 0 495 ACF 885 1,156 Advertising and Promotion 766 Badges 0 0 Bank Fees and Charges 4 12 Cat Call Expenses 0 0 Cat of the Year 288 560 Computer and Software 0 773 Crate Purchases 2,306 0 Depreciation Expense 4,278 4,049 Electricity 577 557 Pet Expo's 1,650 0 Insurance 1,189 1,050 Honorariums 3,410 2,470 Microchips and Registration 0 0 Postage 172 423 Rates and Strata Fees 4,131 4,008 Reimbursements 0 0 repairs and maintenance 316 591 Show expenses 6,464 0 Stationary and Office Supplies 532 733 Sundry Expenses 774 237 Telephone Expenses 1,046 1,131 Training 0 260 Trailer Expenses 0 62 Water Consumption 558 796 Website FCC 368 0 Year Books 328 0 National Cat Show 2,406 0 Unclassified Payments 246 0 TOTAL EXPENDITURE 32,694 19,361 NET INCOME -6,645 -2,085 9 ABN 30 306 859 382 CATS WA (Inc) Financial Statements 31 October 2015 BALANCE SHEET NOTES 2015 2014 Westpac Operational Account 8,987 11,332 Westpac Fundraising WA 2,751 60 Westpac FCC WA Interest 52 Bendigo Bank 40 40 Petty Cash 0 329 Prepayment 3 0 2,435 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 11,830 14,196 Buildings at Cost 95,000 95,000 Accumulated Depreciation -25,834 -23,395 Plant and Equipment at Cost 23,002 23,002 Accumulated Depreciation -21,600 -19,761 TOTAL NON CURRENT ASSETS 70,568 74,846 TOTAL ASSETS 82,397 89,042 OPENING BALANCE EQUITY 89,042 91,127 Net Income -6,645 -2,085 TOTAL EQUITY 82,397 89,042 ASSETS Current Assets Chequing Savings Fixed Assets Auditors' report to the members of CATS WA (Inc) I have audited the financial report of CATS WA (Inc),for the financial year ended 31 October 2015, consisting of the statement of financial position as at 31 October 2015 and the Balance sheet for the year ended on that date and other explanatory notes . Council member’s responsibility for the financial report The Council members are responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the financial report in accordance with the requirements of the Associations Incorporations Act (WA) and the needs of the members. This responsibility includes establishing and maintaining internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of the financial report that is free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error; selecting and applying appropriate accounting policies; and making accounting estimates that are reasonable in the circumstances. Auditor's responsibility My responsibility is to express an opinion on the financial report based on my audit. I conducted the audit in accordance with Australian Auditing Standards. These auditing standards require that I comply with relevant ethical requirements relating to audit engagements and planning and I performed the audit to obtain reasonable assurance that the statement is free from material misstatement. 10 Auditors' report to the members of CATS WA (Inc) (cont’d) An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence that the amounts and disclosures in the statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgement including the assessment of the risk of material misstatement whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments the auditor considers internal controls relevant to the entities preparation and presentation of the statement in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of an entities internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statement. I believe that the audit evidence I have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for my audit opinion. Qualifications Cash Takings As is common in organisations of this type, it is not practical to establish control over cash takings prior to entry in the accounting records, nor is it practical for me to perform other auditing procedures to satisfy myself that all contributions have been received and recorded. Accordingly, my audit relating to cash takings was limited to the amounts recorded in the Income and Expenditure Statement and no opinion can be expressed on the completeness of cash received (i.e. Office takings and Fundraising Activities). Cash Deposits and Receipts Audit was unable to verify the nature of deposits of $9,235 which was unclassified in the Financial Statements. As a result I was unable to form an opinion on the accuracy and completeness of financial statement classifications in relation to income such as membership fees. Two payments were also noted made by Internet Transfer which remains unclassified totalling $246. Audit further noted that supports were not always available for payments National Show Accounts and Fundraising Bank Accounts The net cost of the National Show is incorporated into the Cats WA accounts and the bank accounts reconciled however the source documents for these accounts have already been submitted to the governing body at the time of the audit for their review. As a result no opinion is given as to the supports (both income and expenditure relating to this account). Cats WA opened a fundraising account in 2014 and the net income of this account has been incorporated into the Financial Statements. However supporting documents relating to this account were not provided during the audit review and no opinion is given in respect to the fairness, accuracy and completeness of transactions in this account. Opinion In my opinion, the Income and Expenditure statement and Balance Sheet of CATS WA (Inc) for the period 1 November 2013 to 31 October 2015, with the exception of the qualifications noted above presents fairly in all material aspects the financial position of the CATS WA (Inc) and complies with Australian Accounting Standards to the extent described in note 1. Basis of Accounting and Restriction on distribution Without modifying my opinion, I draw attention to Note 1 to the financial report, which describes the basis of accounting. The financial report has been prepared for the purpose of fulfilling council members reporting responsibilities under the Associations Incorporation Act (WA). As a result the use of this financial statement is not suitable for any other purpose. Susan Whittle CPA 11 February 2016 11 The AB system is the major blood group system in domestic cats. The common blood types are A and B. Cats with blood type A have naturally occurring anti-B antibodies at a low titer and cats with blood type B have naturally occurring anti-A antibodies at a high titer. A third rare type "AB" is also known. Because of the high levels of anti-A antibodies in Blood group B cats, it means that if a type B cat were to receive blood from a type A donor, this could cause a severe and even fatal reaction because the immune system would recognise the type A blood as 'foreign' and attack it. This is an important topic for breeders as a blood group incompatibility can have devastating consequences for a litter if not managed properly. There are numerous resources available and a good start would be to read articles on line such as the ones listed below http://icatcare.org/advice/cat-health/feline-blood-groups-and-blood-incompatibility http://www.vgl.ucdavis.edu/services/abblood.php If you are a new breeder, then one of your greatest resources is the experienced breeders who would be happy talk about the strategies that they have used in dealing with this issue. Sue Game has relinquished her position on Governing Council due to work commitments. Sue has been CatsWA Secretary for the past few years and we appreciate all her time and effort. Thankyou Sue! Thankyou to Oz-Pet for their ongoing support. For more information about this great product, go to: http://www.oz-pet.net.au/ 12 Fees and charges effective 01.11.2013 Membership Titles Annual renewal of Membership is due on 1st November each year Title Confirmation Title with Ribbon Supreme Title inc. Ribbon ACF AoE (payable to ACF Inc) Joint Membership Single Membership Joint Aged or Associate Single Aged or Associate Junior (under 18) $70 $50 $35 $25 $25 Prefix Initial Application Renewal (annual) Transfers (single/joint or vice versa) Transfers from other Body $25 $15 $10 $10 Registrations Per kitten within 70 days of birth Late Fees (per wk / part wk per kitten) Corrections to Registrations Duplicate copies of Registrations Copy of Pedigree $10 Please Note: Cats and kittens cannot be shown in your name until the re-registration has been effected in our records Transfers No fee $10 $6 $10 Leases Recorded in CatsWA (Inc) records $15 Certified Pedigrees Members (5 generation) Members (4 generation) Non-Members (4 generation) Nomination for Affiliation Affiliation inc Insurance Printing own Award Certs (per ring) $30 $200 $15 Shows Challenge/Award of Merit Certs Standard of Points $0.65 tba (Membership includes Catcall) Free downloads from CatsWA Inc website Members extra copies posted Non-members within Australia $6.50 $18 Advertising Rates (Cats MUST be transferred into your name with the other Body before they can be reregistered with CatsWA (Inc) Initial transfer – non breeding Initial transfer – breeding Subsequent transfers - Members Subsequent transfers Non-members Clubs Catcall $10 $2 $8 $8 $8 Re-registration Cat registered with another Body $10 $25 $25 $20 $35 $20 $30 Members Page Per Issue Full $32 Half $20 Quarter $12 Breeders Directory (per entry) 4 Issues $110 $70 $40 $15 Commercial Full Half Quarter Rear Cover Inside Rear Inside Front $300 $180 $100 $400 $340 $340 $80 $50 $30 $120 $100 $100 Members of ACF (Inc) Affiliates (includes relevant issues posted) Full $50 Half $30 Quarter $12 Stud Listing Per Issue Artwork Add $180 $100 $36 $15 $10 Other Fees Photocopies $0.20 Bank Fees (returned cheqs) Charges Litter Listing Free Club News Free Approved at Governing Council 21.01.2013 13 What is Tritrichomonas foetus? Tritrichomonas foetus (T. foetus) is a flagellated protozoan similar in size to the better known protozoan, Giardia. T. foetus is a parasite that can only survive in warm, moist anaerobic (without oxygen) environments such as the gastrointestinal tract or the genitourinary tract of its host. In cats, T. foetus lives in the ileum (a portion of the small intestine) and the large intestine causing a chronic foul-smelling diarrhea. T. foetus infections are most common in circumstances where there are large numbers of cats. T. foetus is better known to cause venereal disease in cattle herds that are naturally bred. Which cats get T. foetus and how do they contract it? Because of the increased density of animals, cats that originate from animal shelters or catteries are at the greatest risk of infection. Usually T. foetus infects younger cats. However, older cats may develop an infection and become asymptomatic carriers of this organism. What are the symptoms of T. foetus infection? Infected cats often have episodes of chronic, foul smelling diarrhea. During these episodes the diarrhea is frequent and relatively small in volume. This kind of diarrhea is characterized as 'large-bowel' diarrhea. The feces often contain mucous and sometimes fresh blood. The diarrhea is often characterized as 'cow-pie' like. The appetite is generally not affected, and cats do not exhibit weight loss. Older cats may be infected without demonstrating any symptoms although they can and do spread the infection. How is T. foetus diagnosed? There are four methods recognized to diagnose T. foetus: Direct smear: In performing a direct smear, a fresh sample of fecal material is collected and examined under a microscope. Because T. foetus is an elusive organism, several samples may need to be examined. Culture: Culturing this organism requires a specially designed culture pouch. This is a special test designed to grow T. foetus in large enough numbers to allow its identification. PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction): PCR is a DNA test. This test detects the DNA of T. foetus. This is a rather complex test that is usually performed at a specialized laboratory, but it is the most sensitive test. Biopsy: Biopsy's are by far the most invasive test and are usually reserved for cases where the other diagnostic tests have been tried without success. This test requires a large sample size and some special tissue stains. What is the treatment for T. foetus? There is only one medication that has been used successfully to treat T. foetus: ronidazole. This medication is not labelled for use in cats and requires a prescription by a veterinarian. It is usually given for 2 weeks. Ronidazole, especially if given at too high of a dose, can be toxic to the nervous system of cats, causing loss of appetite, lethargy, incoordination, and possibly seizures. As a result of the infection with T. foetus, the lining of the cat's large intestine will become inflamed. This inflammation usually lasts beyond the point in time when the T. foetus has been killed. What this means is that the diarrhoea may continue beyond the point when the organism has been eliminated. If a cat diagnosed with T. foetus lives in a multi-cat household, all cats will need to be tested, and treatment and temporary quarantine of other cats may be necessary. If a cat infected with T. foetus lives in a situation where the density of cats is low, it is very likely that the diarrhea will resolve on its own within two years post infection. However, over half of these cats remain PCR positive and may serve as a source of infection for other cats. Often the diarrhoea caused by T. foetus is accompanied by another pathogenic organism such as Giardia or Cryptosporidium. When treatment of T. foetus is considered, these secondary organisms need to be treated as well; often requiring a separate medication. Unfortunately, the medications that are typically used to treat other protozoal organisms are not effective against T. foetus. Summary T. foetus is an emerging cause of diarrhea in cats. It is most often acquired in high-density situations such as catteries or animal shelters. Infections with T. foetus can be accompanied by other organisms. There is a treatment for T. foetus however, it requires the assistance of a veterinarian. In situations where the density of cats is low, the diarrhea may resolve without treatment within two years. Cats whose symptoms of diarrhea have resolved may become asymptomatic carriers of this organism References and Further Reading Gookin, JL. Tritrichomonas foetus-An Emerging Cause of Feline Diarrhea. 19th ECVIM-Ca Congress, Porto, Portugal, 2009. Tolbert, MK; Gookin, JL. Tritrichomonas foetus: A new agent of feline diarrhea. Compendium: Continuing Education for Veterinarians. August 2009:374381. 14 SHOW NEWS—FEBRUARY 2016 The first CatsWA show was run by the Oriental Shorthair Cat Club at the Cyril Jackson Community Hall on 21 February 2016. There were 94 cats entered, 18 Group One, 32 Group Two, 37 Group Three and seven Group Four. It was great to be able to welcome new exhibitors Narelle Topham showing Ragdolls and Nikia Rockley showing Siamese . Judges for the show were as follows. RING 1 Group 1 – Jane Horstman CatsWA Group 2 and Group 4 – Betty Payne CatsWA Group 3 – Carole Galli CatsWA RING 2 Group 1 and Group 2 – Christine Selby COAWA Group 3 – Lucy Nikiforos CatsWA Group 4 – Matthew Woods GCCFSA RING 3 SPECIALTY RING – GROUP 2 ONLY – MATTHEW WOODS GCCFSA Reserve Judges: Betty Payne and Christine Selby SPECIAL AWARDS AWARD RING 1 WINNERS RING 2 WINNERS BEST CatsWA EXHIBIT Triple Gd Pr Loveuforever Mr Dan – Judy Kluczniak BEST COAWA/ ANCATS EXHIBIT Tingsoo Red Sheik – Jan Sterry GROUP 1 BEST ENTIRE Jillijamila Cream Puff J Reed Jillijamila Cream Puff J Reed GROUP 1 BEST DESEXED Loveuforever Mr Dan J Kluczniak Loveuforever Mr Dan J Kluczniak GROUP 1 BEST KITTEN Richdean Brunette Bombshell D Kestel Richdean Brunette Bombshell D Kestel GROUP 2 BEST ENTIRE Siarod Mr Yanglin D Copeland Siarod Mr Yanglin D Copeland GROUP 2 BEST DESEXED Chicas Heartbeat – S Game Siarod Duke Maxxy R Pattinson GROUP 2 BEST KITTEN Tingsoo Red Sheik – J Sterry Tingsoo Red Sheik – J Sterry GROUP 3 BEST ENTIRE Jodaerin the Gift of Song C Carroll Ambritt Poetry in Motion P Lanigan GROUP 3 BEST DESEXED Ravenclaw Neroli Sambuka B Johnson Joylincar Paper Moon C Carroll GROUP 3 BEST KITTEN Joylincar Frankie Fell in Love C Carroll Joylincar Frankie Fell in Love C Carroll GROUP 4 BEST ADULT Savanah – B Zahari Uno – S Hayes GROUP 4 BEST KITTEN Oops a Daisy – L Nikiforos Oops a Daisy – L Nikiforos 15 SHOW NEWS—APRIL 2016 Paws and Claws Cat Club ran our second show for the year at the Cyril Jackson Community Hall on 17 April 2016. There were 90 cats entered, 18 Group One, 22 Group Two, 46 Group Three and 4 Group Four. Janis Christison from QFA judged Ring 1 and Rosemary De Meur (COAWA) and Betty Payne (CatsWA) combined to judge Ring 2. This show also featured some Cat Agility and once again our cats proved that we have a variety of talents amongst our felines, ranging from “none” through to “fast and enthusiastic”. Oz Pet provided us with great sponsorship and we also were pleased to have the support of a new sponsor in Animal Solutions. Tops results were: AWARD RING 1 WINNERS SUPREME EXHIBIT Plt Gd Ch Joylincar Heart of Dreams – Carole Carroll BEST GROUP 1 Snowgums Sevastian – Janis Thompson GROUP 1 BEST ENTIRE Snowgums Sevastian – Janis Thompson GROUP 1 BEST DESEXED Triple Gr Pr Loveuforever Mr Benjamin – Judy Kluczniak GROUP 1 BEST KITTEN Monalea Spring Sky – Aria Dickson BEST GROUP 2 AOE Bze Dia Gd Pr Malingbu Seal Shajhan – Debbie Copeland GROUP 2 BEST ENTIRE Carolann Simply Iconic – Carol Erceg GROUP 2 BEST DESEXED AOE Bze Dia Gd Pr Malingbu Seal Shajhan – Debbie Copeland GROUP 2 BEST KITTEN Parifelli Angel Taffeite – Susan Lewis BEST GROUP 3 Plt Gd Ch Joylincar Heart of Dreams – Carole Carroll GROUP 3 BEST ENTIRE Plt Gd Ch Joylincar Heart of Dreams – Carole Carroll GROUP 3 BEST DESEXED Ravenclaw Neroli Sambuka – Barbara Johnson GROUP 3 BEST KITTEN Osiris (V) Minecraft Warrior – Victoria Cayley BEST GROUP 4 Oops a Daisy – Lucy Nikiforos Judge’s Fancy (2 Awards) Riordan Adrenalin Rush – Nick Skeet Bronze ACF AoE, DbleGdPr, PlatGdCh & SiaGdCh Cuddleton Miss Susannah – Pamela Lanigan AWARD RING 2 WINNERS SUPREME EXHIBIT Triple Pr Loveuforever Dan – Judy Kluczniak BEST GROUP 1 Triple Pr Loveuforever Dan – Judy Kluczniak GROUP 1 BEST ENTIRE Sumibo Miss Roxette – Narelle Topham GROUP 1 BEST DESEXED Triple Pr Loveuforever Dan – Judy Kluczniak GROUP 1 BEST KITTEN Monalea Spring Sky – Aria Dickson BEST GROUP 2 Dia GdCh Siarod Mr Yanglin – Debbie Copeland GROUP 2 BEST ENTIRE Dia GdCh Siarod Mr Yanglin – Debbie Copeland GROUP 2 BEST DESEXED AOE Bze Dia Gd Pr Malingbu Seal Shajhan – Debbie Copeland GROUP 2 BEST KITTEN Sinopia Belleoftheball – Debbie Copeland BEST GROUP 3 CH Joylincar Brilliant Disguise – Carole Carroll GROUP 3 BEST ENTIRE CH Joylincar Brilliant Disguise – Carole Carroll GROUP 3 BEST DESEXED Frascott Melody Magic – Suzanne Webb GROUP 3 BEST KITTEN Britzobeauty Alkoomi Pepper Jack – Julie Pickens BEST GROUP 4 Grand Star Riley – Barbara Zahari ACF Award Nunderanch Hoodoo Brown – Sharon Wood http://www.naturalanimalsolutions.com.au/ 16 17 SHOW NEWS—MAY 2016 CatsWA held a show on 22 May 2016. There were 82 cats entered, 27 Group One, 15 Group Two, 33 Group Three and 7 Group Four. Isobel Johnstone from QFA judged Ring 1 and Betty Payne (CatsWA) and Jenny Casotti combined to judge Ring 2. Lucy Nikiforos judged an additional Group 3 ring. Tops results were: SPECIAL AWARDS RING 1 SUPREME PEDIGREE 42 – Osiris (V) Minecraft Warrior - V Cayley BEST LITTER OVERALL 63 – Tachali Russian Litter (1) – M Carle BEST GROUP 1 EXHIBIT 9 – Sumibo Miss Roxette – N Topham GROUP 1 BEST ENTIRE 9 – Sumibo Miss Roxette – N Topham GROUP 1 BEST DESEXED 13 – Loveuforever Bruno – S Goodall GROUP 1 BEST KITTEN 18 – Silhouette Touched by a Fairie – N Topham BEST GROUP 2 EXHIBIT 32 – Siarod Mr Yanglin – D Copeland GROUP 2 BEST ENTIRE 32 – Siarod Mr Yanglin – D Copeland GROUP 2 BEST DESEXED 29 – Chicas Louisa – S Game GROUP 2 BEST KITTEN 27 – Chicas Abros – B Johnston BEST GROUP 3 EXHIBIT 42 - Osiris (V) Minecraft Warrior - V Cayley GROUP 3 BEST ENTIRE 61 – Kimara Blu Shimma Aschea – L Nikiforos GROUP 3 BEST DESEXED 73 – Nunderanch Hoodoo Brown – S Wood GROUP 3 BEST KITTEN 42– Osiris (V) Minecraft Warrior - V Cayley GROUP 4 BEST EXHIBIT 76 – Oops a Daisy – L Nikiforos JUDGES FANCY 76 – Oops a Daisy – L Nikiforos 18 CatsWA 22 May 2016 SPECIAL AWARDS RING 2 SUPREME PEDIGREE 6 - Richdean Chocobear – D Kestal BEST LITTER OVERALL 64 – Tachali Russian Litter (2) – M Carle BEST GROUP 1 EXHIBIT 6 - Richdean Chocobear – D Kestal GROUP 1 BEST ENTIRE 6 - Richdean Chocobear – D Kestal GROUP 1 BEST DESEXED 15 – Sumibo Bittersweet Symphony – K Connell GROUP 1 BEST KITTEN 2 – Coolcoons Jabberwocky Maxi – J Smith BEST GROUP 2 EXHIBIT 30 – Chicas Heartbeat – S Game GROUP 2 BEST ENTIRE 26 – Xarifa Sophie – M Cowell GROUP 2 BEST DESEXED 30 – Chicas Heartbeat – S Game GROUP 2 BEST KITTEN 27 - – Chicas Abros – B Johnston BEST GROUP 3 EXHIBIT 61 - Kimara Blu Shimma Aschea – L Nikiforos GROUP 3 BEST ENTIRE 61 – Kimara Blu Shimma Aschea – L Nikiforos GROUP 3 BEST DESEXED 71 – Nareira Calvin Cline – L Moorman GROUP 3 BEST KITTEN 42 - Osiris (V) Minecraft Warrior - V Cayley GROUP 4 BEST EXHIBIT 79 – Simba Karangi Luke – A Ruse JUDGES FANCY 11 – Sinanvanya Saphira – M Harris RING 3 (GROUP 3 ONLY) BEST GROUP 3 EXHIBIT 43 – Ambritt Poetry in Motion – P Lanigan GROUP 3 BEST ENTIRE 43 – Ambritt Poetry in Motion – P Lanigan GROUP 3 BEST DESEXED 55 – Bluebebop Johann Strauss – B Johnston GROUP 3 BEST KITTEN 58 – Golash Blu Bayou – M Gould BEST LITTER 64 – Tachali Russian Litter (2) – M Carle 19 CONGRATULATIONS To Janis Christison who judged here in Perth in April. Her Russian Blue ACF AoE SDGC Kimara Blu Shimma Kinda Special lived up to his name and proved how special he is by winning Supreme at the 2016 ACF National Cat Show which was recently held in Brisbane. The fact that “George” was bred by our own Lucy Nikiforos makes the win even more “Kinda Special” to all of us here in WA. Fantastic result Janis, Lucy and George! Congratulations also goes to Maree Carle, whose Russian kitten “Tachali Blue Hope” was awarded Best Group 3 Kitten at the show. Another wonderful result against strong competition. We already knew there were fabulous Russians in WA, and here is further proof for the whole of Australia to see! There were a number of people who headed to Queensland from WA as exhibitors or as participants in the running of the show. Well done to all, you did CatsWA proud! 20 CAT SHOW ETIQUETTE Cat Shows—they can be confusing. There is a whole lot of rules that no-one seems to tell you and things just seem, to “happen”. Well, here a few “dos and don’ts” which might help. During judging When cats are being judged, there are many people listening carefully for the judge’s commentary on their cat. Please keep talk to a minimum while there is a cat on the bench as it can make it hard to hear and could be distracting for the judge. Avoid walking directly in front or behind the judges table when there is a cat there. Not only is it distracting for the judge, but it also may startle the cat. Sometimes the hall is a bit crowded and the only way through is past a judge’s bench. Please wait between cats before making your move. Please make sure that you have your mobile phone on silent. If you do need to take a call, move away from the judging areas. Please do not use a flash if you are taking any photos. Avoid getting too close to the bench. Please do not strike up a conversation with a judge during judging unless the judge initiates it. If you have questions, please save them until after the judging is over. Judges and their decisions When your cat is out on the bench, the judge will be looking at him or her and assessing whether they meet the standard for that breed. You can find the standards for your breed of cat on the ACF website or by following the link here http://www.acf.asn.au/index.php?page=standards All of our judges have been through an extensive training program and so have a good understanding of the standards, but just like the way that art is interpreted, each judge will see things slightly differently. Some of the standards are absolute. If a cat’s eyes are supposed to be blue and they are green, then that is fairly clear that the cat does not meet the standard. However, if the standard says a blunt wedge, or a well-balanced body or medium size, there is lots of room there for interpretation. Usually a judge will be looking at the overall balance of a cat. Do all the individual components work well together? You may have a cat with the most stunning eye colour , but if the head is slightly out of proportion to the body, then your cat may not do as well as another cat with less amazing eyes but with an overall appearance that is a better fit with the standard. When you and the judge are in agreement that your cat is spectacular, it is exhilarating. When they are not, it can be disappointing but you can choose how you respond to that information. Most judges are happy to talk to you after the judging is finished. Approach it as an opportunity to learn. The judge is entitled to their opinion as much as yours and they have used their training and experience to come to that decision. Furthermore, they have been invited by the host club to come and share their knowledge with us in judging at our show. While you are welcome to ask, the judge’s decision is final. If you are a breeder you may decide to incorporate the judge’s view into your breeding program, or you may choose not to. Whatever you decide to do with the outcome, it must be done fairly and respectfully. There is nothing wrong with a general discussion about the direction that the breed is taking. However, what is becoming increasingly common, is a public and personally targeted debate about specific decisions. The use of social media allows these discussions to quickly escalate into full blown personal attacks which goes against the CatsWA code of conduct of respect and fairness. Luckily we have not seen a lot of this here in WA, but it could easily happen. If you are not happy with a decision that a judge has made, talk to the judge themselves to get an understanding for the basis of the decision first. If you feel that something has been dealt with unfairly or that there are serious implications for the future of your breed, then please talk to your Governing Council 21 members to discuss next steps. CAT SHOW ETIQUETTE (Cont’d) Around the hall If see an empty cage with its door open, move away as there will be a steward coming back soon to put a cat away. You don’t know whether the cat is relaxed, or a bit anxious about being out, so please let the steward have a clear path to the cage. Do not close the door. Anyone carrying a cat has right of way. Please do not open your cat’s cage while judging is in process. If you have a litter box emergency, you can ask a steward to help. If you hear a call of “Cat Out” and are near an open door, please close the door. Stay still where you are and let the owner and steward deal with the escapee cat. A hoard of helpful people trying to catch a cat is just likely to cause further stress to the situation. Please move around the hall quietly and calmly and if you have children with you, encourage them to do the same. Loud noises and sudden movement can be very upsetting for a nervous cat and we want the day to be pleasant for everyone involved, whether feline or human! More information about shows, and show behaviour is available in our show rules and code of conduct or please speak to a member of Governing Council. http://www.fcc-wa.com/MembersCodeOfConduct2014.pdf http://www.fcc-wa.com/CatsWAShowRulesUpdatedApril2016.pdf Stewards Training If you would like to become a steward, please contact the office on catswa@iinet.net.au as more training will be scheduled in the coming months. Group 4 Judges Training Expressions of interest in training to be a Group 4 judge are now being taken. Please email the office on catswa@iinet.net.au or contact Carole Galli on admin@roellencattery.com.au if you would like to know more. Isobel Johnstone FCCQ Judging the first Neva Masquerade to be judged in Australia for ACF at the CatsWA show on 22 May 2016. 22 Reserve the dates!! June 26, 2016 CatsWA Show—Cyril Jackson Rec Centre July 24, 2016 CatsWA - Cyril Jackson Rec Centre September 11, 2016 BSH Cat Club Show September 24 2016 to October 1, 2016 October 16, 2016 Perth Royal Show CatsWA Show—Cyril Jackson Rec Centre November 5—6, 2016 Cat Expo, Robinson Pavilion, Claremont November 20, 2016 Cat of the Year event December 4, 2016 Osborne Park Show January 2017 AGM (Details to be confirmed) February 19, 2017 OSCC Show March 20, 2017 CatsWA Show April 30, 2017 Paws and Claws Cat Club Show May 21, 2017 CatsWA Show 23 CatsWA Cat of the Year Awards The 2016 Cat of the Year Awards are up on the CatsWA website, and already there are some frontrunners. The cats to beat at the moment are: Cat Owner Group 1 Entire Sumibo Miss Roxette Narelle Topham Group 1 Kitten Silhouette Touched by a Fairie Narelle Topham Group 1 Desexed Loveuforever Dan Judy Kluczniak Group 2 Entire Chicas Queenie Sue Game Group 2 Kitten Amarin Blinky Belle Nikia Rockley Group 2 Desexed Chicas Heartbeat Sue Game Group 3 Entire Male Ambritt Here Comes Ralphie Pamela Lanigan Group 3 Entire Female Kimara Blu Shimma Aschea Lucy Nikiforos Group 3 Male Kitten Osiris (V) Minecraft Warrior Victoria Cayley Group 3 Female Kitten Golash Blu Bayou Milena Gould Group 3 Neuter Ravenclaw Neroli Sambucca Barbara Johnson Group 3 Spey Golash Princess Nala Dean Collins Group 4 Longhair Uno Sandra Hayes Group 4 Shorthair Savannah Barbara Zahari Group 4 Kitten Ooops a Daisy Lucy Nikiforos This year we are doing the Cat of the Year points a little differently. The basic points are the same, in that you get 25 points if your cat is awarded first place in the Cat of the Year competition, and 15 points for reserve. However, we are no longer awarding points for the challenge, and instead are giving a point for each cat that you have placed ahead of in your category. That means that if there are 10 eligible group 1 entire cats and you are placed first, you will receive 25 points plus 9 for the cats that you were ahead of. The cat placed second will get 15 plus 8 points. This is a bit more tricky from an administrative point of view, although appears to be a fairer method of calculating the result. For example, here are the group 1 results from the show in April. Group Award Best Kitten Reserve Kitten 1 Best Entire Adult Reserve Entire Adult Best Desex Adult Reserve Desex Adult Eligible cats 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17 1, 2, 3, 14 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Actual Ring 1 Points Ring 2 5 12 25+4 16 16 15+3 12 3 25+2 2 2 15+1 3 5 25+3 6 8 15+2 8 3 4 There were 7 Group 1 kittens entered, but 2 were absent, leaving 5 for the judge to consider. The “Actual” column refers to the number of cats who were actually there at the show. Cat 12 was awarded first place in Ring1 and Reserve in Ring2, So in Ring 1 this cat did better than 4 other cats, and in Ring 2, better than 3. giving a total of 40 + 7 points. Just a reminder that this competition is only open to CatsWA members and can only be applied to CatsWA registered cats. Show secretaries—this method does mean that the Show Points Coordinator needs to know the eligible cats in each category and also who the absentees are. A template of the above is available if this would make recording the 24 information easier. CatsWA JUDGES MARGARET BUSH (08) 9535 3239 margaret_bush@outlook.com ALL BREEDS PAMELA LANIGAN GROUP 2 & 3 JENNY CASOTTI (08) 9295 2658 purrever@bigpond.com GROUP 3 LUCY NIKIFOROS (08) 9419 7473 kimara@iinet.net.au GROUP 3 CAROLE GALLI (08) 9455 1481 admin@roellencattery.com.au GROUP 3 BETTY PAYNE (09) 9525 0071 pyret@bigpond.net.au ALL BREEDS SUSAN GAME 0409 082 395 ssgame@iinet.net.au ALL BREEDS LEE-ANNE PITMAN-PRYDE 0423 115 533 kinabalu15@virginbroadband.com.au GROUPS 1&3 JANE HORSTMAN (08) 9386 4135 ameraust2@aol.com GROUPS 1&3 NICK SKEET 0423 821303 riordanburmese@yahoo.com.au GROUP 3 0419 940 025 cuddleton@optiic.com All judges may judge group 4. Members interested in becoming a judge are very welcome to contact Judges Panel Convenor Betty Payne. They will be given full support and encouragement. 25 Code of Conduct for all members Did you know that CatsWA has a code of conduct? A code of conduct is really important because it acts as a guide and reference for all members. It helps to clarify CatsWA’s values and principles and is a visible statement to the rest of the world what we stand for. Anyone who deals with CatsWA can look at our Code of Conduct and they will get a sense of who we are and what is important to us. Our Code of Conduct incorporates the standard of ethics that our breeders abide by and provides a reference point for Governing Council when they are dealing with any situations that may arise. 1 Purpose of the Code of Conduct 1.1 To provide members of the Feline Control Council WA (Inc) with a framework for appropriate conduct. This includes behaviour towards other FCCWA members, judges, general community members and cats. 1.2 The core principles that underpin the organisation must be the welfare of all cats that fall within the scope of FCCWA and the protection of the integrity of FCCWA pedigrees 1.3 2 Incorporated in this Code of Conduct is a Code of Ethics for all members who wish to be recognised as Registered Breeders. All FCCWA Registered breeders must agree to uphold and respect this Code of Ethics in their actions and dealings within the Cat Fancy. General Principles of Conduct General principles to guide the behaviour of FCCWA members include that all members must: a) Act with reasonable care and diligence b) Act with honesty and integrity c) Act lawfully d) Avoid damage to the reputation of the FCCWA (Inc) e) Treat others with respect and fairness. f) Abide by any rules, regulations or guidelines as determined by FCCWA (Inc) including Breeding, Showing, membership of Governing Council or any other activity. Such regulations will be available on the FCCWA website. g) Comply with the WA Cat Act (2011) and any other relevant legislation. Entries for the 2016 Perth Royal Show close 5.00PM FRIDAY 12 AUGUST 2016 http://www.perthroyalshow.com.au/best-in-show/competition-entries/cats-pedigree.aspx Did you know that in 2016 CatsWA have started a Cat of the Year competition for non-CatsWA cats? It is just our way of showing that everyone is welcome at our shows. Results are available on our website. 26 Looking for ways to get involved? Why not join one of the clubs? CatsWA has several clubs, which are a great way to get to know people. Clubs run the shows and are always happy for people to come along and learn how a show works. British Shorthair Cat Club Sec: Pamela Lanigan 0419 940 025 Oriental Shorthair Cat Club Sec: Susan Game 0409 082 395 Paws and Claws Cat Club Pres: Julie Pickens Feline All Breeds Society Inc Sec: Margaret Bush (08) 9535 3239 Southern and Siamese Cat Club TBC WA Cat Club Sec: Maree Carle Tel: (08) 9317 4477 W.A. Shorthair Cat Club Sec: Helen Colleran (08) 9459 8982 Some of these clubs are no longer active or have changed office bearers. Please contact the editor at catswa@iinet.net.au to update your information. Great news, Cyril Jackson Community Hall has provided secure storage for cages and tables which will make set up and pull down a lot easier. Any club news? Here is the place to list it. Don’t forget to keep an eye out on our website for news, updates and show schedules. Our kitten page, is an extension of the breeders directory, and helps to link those breeders who are registering kittens with potential kitten buyers. www.fcc-wa.com 27 CatsWA Breeders Directory 2016 CatsWA Registered breeders, please note: If you would like to advertise in the Breeders Directory, please contact the CatsWA Office with your details. The cost for inclusion in the four issues of Catcall during the year is $15.00 per entry. Alterations and updates that occur during the year are accepted at no extra cost. If you do not appear in this list and you think you should, please contact CatsWA Office. Only breeders who have registered kittens in the last 12 months will be listed. If you have had a break in breeding but are planning to resume, please contact the office to have your listing reinstated. catswa@iinet.net.au ABYSSINIAN ABYSSINIAN ABYSSINIAN ABRASHKA Tara Carle Tel:(08) 6191 0410 Mob: 0411 083 655 taracarle2003@yahoo.com.au JOYLINCAR All Colours Carole Carroll Mob: 0403 778 233 joylincar@iinet.net.au www.joylincar-somalis.com KIMARA Silver Abyssinian Lucy Nikiforos Tel: (08) 9419 7473 kimara@iinet.net.au www.kimara.iinet.net.au BIRMAN BIRMAN BURMESE BIRMILLION Most Colours Margaret Elford Tel: 0406 270 277 www.birmillion.webs.com nonichuffy@gmail.com MONALEA Most colours Monica Clark Tel: 6458 4071 monalee_56@hotmail.com CHAROB Most Colours Charmaine & Jodie Heath Tel: (08) 9394 0008 charob.burmese@live.com.au www.charobburmese.com BURMESE BURMESE BURMESE CHERIE All Colours Andrea Dey Tel: (08) 9274 0906 ICEBLU Most Colours Stud Service David Radford Tel: (08) 9455 4740 drado@iinet.net.au MALINGBU Brown, Blue, Choc and lilac Stud Service Margaret Bush (08) 9535 3239 0401 192 157 margaret_bush@outlook.com BURMESE BURMESE BURMESE NATMAC Natalie McNamara Mob: 0403 318 804 natmacburmese@gmail.com NICODY Most Colours Diana Nixon Tel: 0417 913 803 dlnixon@bigpond.net.au RIORDAN Nick Skeet (08) 9455 5656 / 0423 821 303 riordanburmese@yahoo.com.au www.riordanburmese.com BURMESE BURMESE BURMILLA ROCANROLE All Colours Carole Galli Tel: (08) 9455 1481 admin@roellencattery.com.au www.roellencattery.com.au ULTIMA Brown, Blue, Choc and lilac Stud service Most colours available Joyce McLeavy Tel: (08) 9291 7621 Mob: 0407427130 MESMEREYES Most Colours Carole Galli Tel: 08 9455 1481 www.burmesenatmac.wordpress.com admin@roellencattery.com.au www.roellencattery.com.au BRITISH SHORTHAIR BRITZOBEAUTY Blue, Chocolate, Lilac, Cream, Red, Torties, Bi-Colour Julie and Emily Pickens (08) 9377 4333 vegimite62@hotmail.com http://britzobeauty.webs.com/gallery.htm 28 CatsWA Breeders Directory 2016 DEVON REX EXOTIC FOREIGN WHITE PYRET All Colours Stud Service Betty Payne Tel: (08) 9525 0071 betty.payne@bigpond.net.au MURDOCH(WA) Most colours Ann & Norman Chandler Tel: (08) 9337 3002 MALINGBU White Margaret Bush Tel: (08) 9535 3239 Mob: 0401 192 157 margaret_bush@outlook.com FOREIGN WHITE MAINE COON MANDALAY RIORDAN Nick Skeet (08) 9455 5656 / 0423 821 303 riordanburmese@yahoo.com.au www.riordanburmese.com MOSCADO Martyna Furst Tel: 9306 8934 Mob: 0412 680 739 puppyeyes_110@hotmail.com RAVENCLAW Black Carole Galli Tel: (08) 9455 1481 admin@roellencattery.com.au www.roellencattery.com.au ORIENTAL SHORTHAIR ORIENTAL SHORTHAIR PERSIAN ASHROSE Most colours Stud service Margaret Cowell Tel: (08) 9417 7469 stirling1@iprimus.com.au CHICAS Most Colours Stud Service Sue Game Mob: 0409 082 395 ssgame@iinet.net.au www.chicascats.iinet.net.au RICHDEAN Deanne Kestel Tel: 0400 314 071 http://richdeanpersians.webs.com/ RAGDOLL RAGDOLL RAGDOLL DIAMONDDOLL Blue and Seal Stud Service Brooke Reed Tel: (08) 9390 0881 Mob: 0418 788 845 FUREVERAGS Most Colours Margaret Elford 0406 270 277 nonichuffy@gmail.com LOVEUFOREVER RAGDOLLS Most colours Janis Thompson 0414563107 loveuforeverragdolls@hotmail.com www.loveuforeverragdolls.com RAGDOLL RAGDOLL RAGDOLL MEWSINGS Most Colours & Patterns Stud Service Kirsty Connell Tel: (08) 9455 1230 mewsingsragdolls@yahoo.com www.mewsings.breedsite.com RAGDOLL SUMMERSKYE Susan Goodall Tel:0407 479 931 susanskysum1@bigpond.com RAGGIES Seal, Blue, Chocolate & Lilac All Patterns Gloria & Norm Green Tel: (08) 9574 4506 andante7@bigpond.com www.raggdollcats.com SINANVANYA Blue, Seal and Chocolate Michelle Harris Mob: 0413 394 625 sinanvanya@gmail.com www.sinanvanya.com brooke@diamonddollragdolls.com www: diamonddollragdolls.com 29 CatsWA Breeders Directory 2016 RUSSIAN KIMARA Lucy Nikiforos Tel: (08) 9419 7473 kimara@iinet.net.au www.kimara.iinet.net.au RUSSIAN RUSSIAN RUSSIAN SIAMESE TACHALI Blue Maree Carle Tel: (08) 9317 4477 Mob: 0408 925 205 http://www.tlcpets.com.au/ TWILI Amber Gould Mob: 0423 490 122 Located in Joondalup rgo69697@bigpond.net.au http://www.golash-russians.com/ ASHROSE Most colours Stud Service Margaret Cowell Tel: (08) 9417 7469 stirling1@iprimus.com.au SIAMESE CHICAS Most Colours Stud Service Sue Game Mob: 0409 082 395 ssgame@iinet.net.au www.chicascats.iinet.net.au SIAMESE SIAMESE MALINGBU Seal, Blue, Choc solid points and Tabby Points Margaret Bush Tel: (08) 9535 3239 Mob: 0401 192 157 margaret_bush@outlook.com RIORDAN Nick Skeet (08) 9455 5656 / 0423 821 303 riordanburmese@yahoo.com.au www.riordanburmese.com SIAMESE SIBERIAN SOMALI SARTORI Most Colours Valda Bertram Tel: (08) 9382 1750 ZHIVAGO SIBERIANS Janis Thompson Tel: (08) 9523 8027 Mob 0414 563 107 zhivagosiberians@hotmail.com JOYLINCAR All Colours Carole Carroll Mob: 0403 778 233 joylincar@iinet.net.au www.joylincar-somalis.com RUSSIAN GOLASH Mel Gould Tel: (08) 9394 0467 Mob: 0419 993 765 rgo69697@bigpond.net.au http://www.golash-russians.com/ PYRET Blue, Black & White Stud Service Betty Payne Tel: (08) 9525 0071 pyret@bigpond.net.au 30