Biol. Mar. Mediterr. (2010), 17 (suppl. 1): 686-753 PHYTOPLANKTON LE DIATOMEE / DIATOMS Marina Cabrini, Fabrizio Bernardi Aubry*, Benedetta Guardiani Dipartimento di Oceanografia Biologica, Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e Geofisica Sperimentale (OGS), Via A. Piccard, 54 - 34151 Trieste, Italia. *Istituto di Scienze Marine, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Castello, 1364 – 30122 Venezia, Italia. La classe delle Bacillariophyceae, più comunemente note come diatomee, rappresenta uno dei più grandi gruppi microalgali. Essa comprende tra le 10.000 e le 12.000 specie (Fryxell & Hasle, 2003) anche se Round & Crawford (1989) suggeriscono che possano essere stimate approssimativamente 50.000 o in eccesso 100.000 specie, mentre nel plancton marino secondo Sournia et al. (1991) sono presenti tra le 1400-1800 specie. Le diatomee sono ubiquitarie, distribuite nei sistemi acquatici costieri e oceanici, negli ambienti marini, polari, di transizione e nelle acque dolci. Possono essere planctoniche o bentoniche, presenti in modo variabile, a seconda della latitudine, in tutte le stagioni. I resti delle diatomee nei sedimenti oceanici e lacustri rappresentano ottimi rilevatori di cambiamenti ambientali passati e vengono anche utilizzati come indicatori di cambiamenti del pH delle acque attribuiti alle piogge acide (Battarbee, 1986). Notevoli applicazioni industriali sono dovute alla natura silicea della parete cellulare caratteristica delle diatomee. Il ruolo ecologico delle diatomee ha grande importanza negli studi sulla qualità delle acque marine e dolci essendo questa classe una delle principali componenti della comunità fitoplanctonica. Diatoms (Class Bacillariophyceae), represent one of the largest microalgal group, and comprise between 10,000 and 12,000 species following Fryxell & Hasle (2003), while Round & Crawford (1989) suggest there may be 50.000 or even in excess of 100,000 species. According to Sournia et al. (1991) can be considered in the marine plankton 1400-1800 species. Diatoms are ubiquitous in coastal and oceanic acquatic ecosystems, in marine, polar, transition and freshwater environments. They can be planktonic or benthic, they are present in variable ways depending on latitude, and occur in all the seasons. Fossil diatoms in ocean and lake sediments represent an excellent proxy for past environmental changes and are also used as indicators for pH variation of waters caused by acid rains (Battarbee, 1986). Noticeable industrial applications are due to the siliceous nature of the cell walls of the diatoms. The ecological role of diatoms is highly important in studies of marine and freshwater quality, being one of the principal components of the phytoplanktonic community. Caratteristiche generali. Le cellule sono singole o organizzate in colonie, contengono un nucleo, grandi vacuoli, il pirenoide di forme svariate e difficilmente distinguibile al microscopio ottico e un numero variabile di cloroplasti giallo-verdi o marroni. I pigmenti fotosintetici sono la clorofilla a, c e, tra quelli accessori, la diatoxantina, la diadinoxantina, il carotene e la fucoxantina. Sono organismi prevalentemente fotoautotrofi, pochi sono mixotrofi e ad oggi solo meno di dieci specie sono conosciute come eterotrofe obbligate (Zingone & Percopo, 2006a). La parete cellulare è costituita essenzialmente da pectina ed esternamente da deposizioni silicee più o meno spesse o complesse a seconda della specie ed alla disponibilità di silicati nell’acqua. Il guscio siliceo (frustulo) è costituito da due valve incastrate una nell’altra, che prendono il nome di ipoteca (la valva interna) ed epiteca (la valva esterna). Le diatomee sono diploidi e si riproducono per divisione binaria: ogni cellula figlia riceve dalla cellula madre una valva, l’epiteca, mentre l’ipoteca viene sempre riformata ex novo. In General features. Cells are single or arranged in colonies, they contain a nucleus, large vacuoles, a variably shaped pyrenoid which is difficult to distinguish at light microscope, and a variable number of yellow-green or brown chloroplasts. Photosynthetic pigments are chlorophyll a and c, among the accessory pigments there are diatoxanthin, diadinoxanthin, carotene and fucoxanthin. They are prevalently photoautotrophic organisms, few are mixotrophic and up to now only less than ten species are acknowledged as obligate heterotrophs (Zingone & Percopo, 2006a). Cell wall is constituted mainly of pectin and externally by siliceous depositions more or less thick and complex depending on the species and on the availability of silicates in the water. The siliceous shell (frustule) is formed by two valves boxed up one on the other, which are called hypotheca (the internal valve) and epitheca (the external valve). Diatoms are diploid and reproduce by binary fission: every daughter cell receives one valve from the mother cell: the epitheca. The hypotheca Phytoplancton 687 questo modo le dimensioni della teca si riducono progressivamente fino ad arrivare ad un limite minimo compatibile con i processi vitali, variabile da specie a specie. La riduzione della teca termina con una divisione meiotica e la produzione di gameti aploidi che successivamente si fondono in acqua dando origine ad un’auxospora diploide che aumenterà di taglia fino al raggiungimento delle dimensioni iniziali della cellula (Hasle & Syversten, 1997). Non si sa quante volte una valva può essere riutilizzata e in una popolazione si possono trovare diversi morfotipi di valve di una specie, capace di sviluppare morfologicamente forme distinte al cambiamento dei fattori ambientali. In particolari condizioni sfavorevoli alla loro crescita, le diatomee possono sviluppare spore di resistenza più o meno durevoli nel tempo e molto diverse dalla forma vegetativa. Questo stadio di quiescenza rappresenta una strategia di sopravvivenza in condizioni alterate dell’ecosistema (mancanza di luce, di nutrienti, variabilità di temperatura e salinità, ecc…) ma garantisce anche la sopravvivenza in particolari situazioni, (ad esempio nelle acque di zavorra delle navi), ed il potenziale trasferimento della specie da un mare all’altro. In entrambi i casi le spore potranno germinare e sviluppare la forma vegetativa in condizioni ambientali favorevoli. Le diatomee non hanno flagelli ma si muovono lungo la colonna d’acqua grazie alla produzione di sostanze che ne variano la densità e conseguentemente la profondità di galleggiamento, mentre l’emissione di sostanze mucillaginose dal rafe (fessura longitudinale) permette ad alcune pennate di scivolare attaccate al substrato. instead is recreated ex-novo every time. In this way the dimensions of the theca gradually decrease until they reach a lower limit compatible with vital processes that varies from species to species. The reduction of theca dimensions ends with a meiotic division and the production of haploid gametes which then fuse in water to form a diploid auxospore, which increases in size until it reaches the original dimensions of the cell (Hasle & Syversten, 1997). It’s not known how many times a valve can be reused and in a population many different morphotypes of the valve of a species (able to develop morphologically dissimilar forms with environmental changes) can be found. In particular unfavourable growth conditions, diatoms can create resting spores very dissimilar from the vegetative form. This resting stage represents a survival strategy in response to changing conditions of the ecosystem (light and nutrient availability, variation in temperature and salinity etc.), and assures survival in peculiar situations (for example in the ballast waters of the ships) with the potential transfer of the species from one sea to another. In both cases spores could germinate and develop the vegetative form in favourable environmental conditions. Diatoms have no flagella but they move along the water column by the production of polymeric mucilages substances from the raphe (longitudinal slit) that change their density and consequently their floating depth and allows some pennates to glide along the substrate. Morfologia del frustulo. Il frustulo delle diatomee è una struttura più o meno silicificata, rigida e trasparente costituita dall’epivalva più grande e l’ipovalva più piccola, unite da una o più fasce connettivali che formano il cingolo. I frustuli possono avere un prospetto valvare se osservati frontalmente oppure connettivale se visti di profilo: da questa prospettiva si distinguono l’asse longitudinale o apicale, l’asse trasversale o transapicale perpendicolare al precedente e l’asse pervalvare che unisce i punti centrali delle due valve. In materiale fissato, le due valve si possono spesso ritrovare separate. Il frustulo presenta una grande varietà di forme e di ornamentazioni che risultano più evidenti in mancanza del protoplasma e sono fondamentali per il riconoscimento delle specie. Le diatomee si dividono in due grandi ordini in base alla simmetria della teca: le centriche e le pennate. Le centriche sono caratterizzate dall’avere in vista frontale le valve a simmetria raggiata mentre le pennate hanno forma generalmente più allungata e le ornamentazioni sono disposte secondo una simmetria bilaterale. In vista frontale, lungo l’asse apicale di molte pennate può aprirsi il rafe che spesso presenta al centro due ingrossamenti detti noduli centrali e alle estremità due noduli polari. Intorno al rafe Frustule morphology. The frustule of the diatoms is a slightly silicified structure, stiff and transparent, formed by the larger epivalve and the smaller hypovalve, united by one or more connecting bands called cingulum. Frustula can have a valve view if observed from top or bottom, or a girdle view when observed in profile: from this perspective a longitudinal or apical axis can be distinguished, and also a transverse or transapical axis perpendicular to the previous one, and a pervalvar axis which connects the central points of the two valves. In preserved material the two valves can often be found separate from one another. Frustule shows great variability of shapes and ornamentations characters which can be used for species determination. Diatoms are divided into two large orders depending on the symmetry of the theca: centric and pennate. Centric diatoms are characterized by radial symmetry when observed from top or bottom view, while pennate diatoms are generally more elongated and ornamentations are arranged in bilateral symmetry. From top or bottom view, along the apical axis of many pennates, a raphe can open, and it often shows two swellings in the middle named central nodules and two polar nodules at the extremities. Around the raphe the M. Cabrini 688 et al. la superficie liscia più o meno ampia è chiamata area assiale. L’identificazione delle diatomee è essenzialmente basata sulla morfologia, struttura e consistenza silicea del frustulo. Altri caratteri utili per la determinazione al livello di genere o della specie sono la forma, il numero e la disposizione dei cloroplasti, la presenza o l’assenza del pirenoide e la presenza di ornamentazioni riconoscibili al microscopio ottico dotato di contrasto interferenziale. L’esistenza di alcune particolari strutture quali processi tubuliformi, spine o elevazioni sono distinguibili solo al microscopio elettronico a scansione che permette l’osservazione dell’ultrastruttura del frustulo. smooth surface more or less large is called axial area. Diatom identification is primarily based on morphology, structure and siliceous texture of the frustule. Some useful features for the determination of genus or species are the shape, the number and array of the chloroplasts, the presence or absence of the pyrenoid and the presence of ornamentations detectable with light microscope provided with interference phase contrast. The existence of some peculiar structures as tubular processes, spines or other processes are distinguishable only with electron scanning microscope which allows observation of the ultrastructure of the frustule. La classificazione delle diatomee, che appartengono alla divisione delle Chromophyta, comprende due ordini: le centriche e le pennate. Nel catalogo qui presentato le diatomee planctoniche vengono classificate secondo Hasle & Syversten (1996) in due ordini: le Biddulphiales (centriche) e le Bacillariales (pennate). Diatom classification, a division of the Chromophyta, includes two orders: centric and pennate diatoms. In the catalogue here displayed, planktonic diatoms are classified according to Hasle & Syversten (1996) in two orders: Biddulphiales (centric) and Bacillariales (pennate). LE DINOFICEE / DINOFLAGELLATES Marina Cabrini, Mauro Bastianini*, Benedetta Guardiani Dipartimento di Oceanografia Biologica, Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e Geofisica Sperimentale (OGS), Via A. Piccard, 54 - 34151 Trieste, Italia. *Istituto di Scienze Marine, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Castello, 1364 – 30122 Venezia, Italia. Le classe delle dinoficee rappresenta una componente importante del fitoplancton marino che può svilupparsi e raggiungere elevate densità causando fioriture o “bloom” solitamente in primavera o estate. A questa classe appartengono le specie responsabili di noti episodi di eutrofizzazione, con una crescita incontrollata delle microalghe sostenuta dai sali di azoto e fosforo. In particolare il rapporto delle concentrazioni di questi nutrienti può giocar un ruolo chiave sull’innesco dei fenomeni. Alcune specie sono conosciute per produrre effetti tossici di tipologia ed intensità variabili. Questi fenomeni sono denominati Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) e causano eventi dannosi all’ambiente e all’uomo anche in assenza di evidenti fioriture. Questi fenomeni possono comportare problemi anche devastanti sulle attività di acquacoltura, al turismo balneare, alle economie locali e alla salute umana. La tossicità delle microalghe è oggi una problematica riconosciuta a livello globale (Hallegraeff, 2003), in espansione anche in aree nuove o non precedentemente esplorate, legata all’incremento dei traffici marittimi. The class Dinophyceae represents an important element of marine phytoplankton that can grow and reach high densities causing blooms, usually in spring or summer. The species responsible for known eutrophication episodes with an uncontrolled growth of the microalgae, supported by nutrient supply, can be ascribed to this class. In particular the ratio between nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations can play a key role to trigger these phenomena. Some species are known to produce toxic compounds of variable toxicity and intensity. These phenomena are named Harmful Algal Blooms (HAB) and cause harmful events to the environment and to man, even in the absence of evident bloom signs. These phenomena can cause extreme trouble for acquaculture activities, tourism, local economies and human health. Toxicity of microalgae is now a globally known problem (Hallegraeff, 2003), spreading also to new or unexplored areas, and it is linked to the increase of marine traffic. It also represents a potential risk following the globalization of markets. Phytoplancton 689 Rappresenta quindi un potenziale rischio conseguente alla globalizzazione dei mercati. Le dinoficee sono organismi unicellulari, eucarioti. Alcune specie possiedono un buon grado di mobilità e nutrizione eterotrofica mentre altre possiedono pareti cellulari e attività fotosintetica. Per queste ragioni le dinoflagellate sono incluse sia nei trattati di sistematica dei botanici che in quelli degli zoologi. L’apparente primitività (morfologia del nucleo) si combina con elaborati sviluppi morfologici e strutture citologiche. Sono spesso classificate in due grandi categorie: le tecate, provviste di un rivestimento costituito da placche formate da cellulosa e altri polisaccaridi e le “nude” o “atecate” (rivestimento cellulare di sole membrane). Resta comunque difficoltoso trovare una soluzione di continuità nella evoluzione della complessità delle strutture cellulari dei due gruppi. Dinophyceae are unicellular eukaryotic organisms. Some species are able to move and they are heterotrophic while other species have cell walls and are photosynthetic. For these reasons dinoflagellates are included in both botanical and zoological systematic treaties. The apparent primitive form (nucleus morphology) goes with elaborate morphological evolution and cytological structures. They are often ordered into two big categories: armored dinoflagellates, provided with a covering formed by cellulose and other polysaccharide plates, and naked or unarmoured ones (cell covered only by a membrane). It is still difficult to find a disruption among the complexity of the cell structure of both groups. Caratteristiche generali. La classe delle dinoficee comprende specie unicellulari, fotosintetiche, eterotrofe (anche saprofite e parassite) e mixotrofe. Non c‘è un singolo carattere strutturale comune a tutte le dinoflagellate mentre nell’ultrastruttura di tutte, il nucleo dinokarion è particolare contenendo numerosi cromosomi che rimangono condensati anche durante l’interfase mitotica ed è spesso riconoscibile anche al microscopio ottico (Taylor, 1987). All’interno della cellula sono presenti plastidi, cloroplasti caratterizzati da una tripla membrana e dalla presenza interna o esterna di uno o più pirenoidi. Sono visibili i vacuoli, tra i quali uno speciale detto pusule collegato alle basi dei due flagelli, granuli di amido e altre sostanze di riserva quali olii, acidi grassi e steroli. I pigmenti presenti sono la clorofilla a e c2, mentre tra le xantofille la diadinoxantina, dinoxantina e peridinina. La cellula eucariote può avere una forma rotonda, ovoidale, spigolosa, simmetrica più o meno regolare generalmente è singola, raramente si trovano lunghe catene di dinoficee. Due diversi flagelli non autofluorescenti sono tipici di questa classe, uno è disteso nel cingolo, l’altro più libero nel movimento emerge dal poro flagellare dell’area solcale longitudinale. Una caratteristica di alcune specie di dinoflagellate è la possibilità di produrre bioluminescenza. Le dinoficee si riproducono per divisione binaria in due modi: le due cellule figlie si formano nella cellula madre che poi le libera (eleuteroschisi) oppure la teca si divide in due, ogni cellula figlia riceve una parte e riforma l’altra mancante (desmoschisi). Un’ulteriore strategia di riproduzione prevede la coniugazione di gameti per formare uno zigote che in alcune specie è rappresentato da cisti. Le cisti sono forme di resistenza, cellule non mobili, che possiedono una parete cellulare e si presentano con forme variabili: sferiche, ovali, lisce o con spicole, con parete complessa, di composizione diversificata (dinosporinica, calcarea o silicea). Possono mantenersi a lungo in ambienti anche bui, particolarmente freddi o caldi e successivamente germinare alla ripresa delle condizioni ambientali favorevoli. General features. Class Dinophyceae includes unicellular, photosynthetic, heterotrophic (also saprophytic and parasitic) and mixotrophic species. There is no sole structural character common to all the dinoflagellates, while ultrastructurally the nucleus is a dinokarion because it contains numerous chromosomes which remain condensed during mitotic interphase and it is well recognizable even at the light microscope level (Taylor, 1987). Inside the cell there are plastids chloroplasts characterized by a triple membrane and the presence of internal or external one or more pyrenoids. Vacuoles are visible, among them there is a special one called pusule bound to the insertion of the two flagella; and also starch granules and other storage products such as oils, fatty acids and sterols. Pigments include chlorophyll a and c2, while among xantophylls there are diadinoxanthin, dinoxanthin and peridinin. These eukaryotic cells can beround or ovoidal in shape, edgy, symmetrical more or less regular, generally they are single, in fact long chains of dinophyceae are rarely found. Typical of this class is the presence of two dissimilar non autofluorescent flagella, the first lies in the cingulum, the other is freer to move and emerges from the flagellar pore of the longitudinal sulcus area. A peculiarity of some species of dinoflagellates is the capability to produce bioluminescence. Dinophyceae reproduct by binary fission in two ways: daughter cells form from the mother cell which then be set free (eleutheroschisis) or the theca divides into two parts every daughter cell gets a part of these and reconstructs the lacking part (desmoschisis). An other reproduction strategy is by gamete fusion to form a zygote which in some species is represented by a cyst. Cysts are resting stages, non motile cells, they are provided with a cell wall and of variable form: spherical, ovoidal, smooth or with spicolae, with a complex wall of varied composition (dinosporinic, calcareous or siliceous). They can survive for long times even in the dark or particularly in cold or hot environmens, and they can then germinate M. Cabrini 690 Morfologia della teca. Le dinoflagellate si distinguono in due gruppi, le tecate, ricoperte da una teca principalmente cellulosica e le atecate o nude. Il rivestimento manca solo apparentemente nelle dinoficee atecate, è solo più sottile e non visibile al microscopio ottico (es. in Gymnodinium) mentre nelle forme tecate può essere più o meno rigido e costituito da placche unite tra loro da suture (es. Protoperidinium). La maggior solidità e consistenza della teca dipende dalla struttura di base costituita da una serie di membrane che possono esser vuote o contenere polisaccaridi come la cellulosa, il mannosio o il galattosio (Steidinger & Tangen, 1996). Negli studi tassonomici il termine teca è più usato del termine anfiesma o rivestimento cellulare. Tipicamente una peridinea è suddivisa da un cingolo o solco traversale che può essere circolare (con gli estremi su uno stesso piano o più o meno sfalsati), o elicoidale (estremità su piani diversi). Il cingolo separa nelle forme nude l’epicono dall’ipocono che nelle forme tecate sono dette epiteca ed ipoteca. Entrambe, a volte ciascuna o solo una delle due, possono presentare ornamentazioni quali spine, corna, o altre ornamentazioni utili all’identificazione del genere. Nella parte superiore dell’epiteca distinguiamo un apice mentre nella parte inferiore dell’ipoteca si trova l’antapice. Le dinoficee possono essere osservate in una parte dorsale dov’è visibile il cingolo o in una ventrale dove, perpendicolarmente al cingolo, si distende verso l’antapice il solco longitudinale. In quasi tutte le dinoflagellate lungo il cingolo è localizzato il flagello trasversale mentre più libero nel movimento è il flagello longitudinale che origina dal solco corrispondente. La classe delle dinoficee appartiene alla divisione delle Dinophyta o Pirrophyta inizialmente ascritta al phylum dei Protozoi nell’ordine delle Dinoflagellata (Fensome et al., 1993; Zingone & Percopo, 2006b). et al. when environmental conditions become favorable. Theca morphology. Dinoflagellates can be divided into two groups: armored ones, covered by a theca mainly made of cellulose, and unarmored or naked ones. In unarmored cells, covering is only apparently lacking, it is only thinner and not visible with the light microscope (for example in Gymnodinium). In armored cells it can be slightly stiff and it is formed by plates joined together by sutures (for example Protoperidinium). The actual strength of the theca depends on the primary structure formed by a series of membranes which can be empty or contain polysaccharides such as cellulose, mannose or galactose (Steidinger & Tangen, 1996). In taxonomical studies the term theca is more used than the term amphiesma or cell covering. A peridinea is typically divided by a cingulum or transversal sulcus that can be circular (with ends on the same plane or more or less staggered), or elicoidal (ends on different planes). The cingulum separates the hypocone from the epicone in the naked forms, while it separates epitheca and hypotheca in the armored forms. Both parts, or sometimes one or the other, is ornamented with spines, horns, or others useful characteristic used in their identification to genus. In the upper part of the epitheca an apex can be distinguished while in the lower part of the hypotheca, an antapex. Dinophyceae can be observed in a dorsal side where the cingulum is visible, or in a ventral side where, perpendicular to the cingulum, the longitudinal sulcus lies towards the antapex. In almost all the dinoflagellates into the cingulum there is the transversal flagellum while freer in motility is the longitudinal flagellum which originates from the corresponding sulcus. The class Dinophyceae belongs to the division Dinophyta or Pyrrophyta, formerly ascribed to phylum Protozoa and the order Dinoflagellata (Fensome et al., 1993; Zingone & Percopo, 2006b). I COCCOLITOFORIDI / COCCOLITHOPHORIDS Carmela Caroppo Istituto per l’Ambiente Marino Costiero, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Via Roma, 3 – 74100 Taranto, Italia. I Coccolithophorales, comunemente conosciuti come coccolitoforidi, appartengono alla classe delle Prymnesiophyceae (o Haptophyceae). Essi sono organismi unicellulari, generalmente autotrofi, marini e planctonici, provvisti di due flagelli e di un aptonema. Le pareti cellulari sono provviste di sottili scaglie ellittiche o di granuli di natura organica (cellulosa), immersi in una The Coccolithophorales, commonly known as coccolitophorids, are the best known members of the class Prymnesiophyceae (or Haptophyceae). They are typically unicellular, autotrophic, marine, and planktonic cells which have two flagella and a haptonema. Cell walls are covered by tiny elliptical scales or granules of organic material (cellulose), which are embedded in a Phytoplancton 691 sostanza mucillaginosa. All’esterno di queste scaglie è presente uno strato di placche di carbonato di calcio, solitamente nella forma cristallina di calcite (coccoliti), definito coccosfera. I coccolitoforidi sono rappresentati approssimativamente da 200 specie di alghe, appartenenti a 75 generi (Heimdal, 1997). Queste specie, anche se presenti in tutti gli ambienti marini, vivono soprattutto nelle acque aperte tropicali e subtropicali dove mostrano un’elevata biodiversità. Tuttavia, la specie più comune, Emiliania huxleyi, sebbene abbia una distribuzione prevalentemente oceanica, è rilevata anche in acque neritiche. Essa è considerata come il produttore mondiale più importante di carbonato di calcio di origine biogena e gioca, pertanto, un ruolo chiave nella riserva globale di CO2 (Van den Hoek et al., 1995). I coccolitoforidi sono coinvolti anche in altri cicli biogeochimici, come quello dello zolfo, infatti alcune specie producono dimetilsolfoniopropionato (DMSP), il precursore del dimetilsulfide (DMS) (Malin & Kirst, 1997), che può influenzare il clima stimolando la formazione delle nubi (Simó & Pedrós-Alió, 1999). Inoltre, queste alghe sintetizzano composti lipidici stabili che sono utilizzati negli studi geologici, per la valutazione delle variazioni paleoclimatiche (Cros & Fortuño, 2002). I coccoliti si accumulano, alla morte degli organismi, sul fondo dei mari e partecipano alla formazione delle ooze calcaree e delle rocce. Considerando che i coccoliti contribuiscono in piccola parte alle ooze calcaree recenti, e che nei periodi Mesozoico e Cenozoico essi dominavano nei fondi oceanici, si presume che i coccolitoforidi fossero più abbondanti nel passato rispetto a quanto lo siano oggi. mucilagineous substance. External to the scales is present a layer named coccosphere, which consists of calcium carbonate plates, usually in the crystalline form of calcite. There are nearly 200 species of Coccolitophorids, belonging to about 75 genera (Heimdal, 1997). These species, even if present in all the marine environments, occur mainly in open tropical and subtropical oceans where they exhibit their greatest diversity. The most abundant species, Emiliania huxleyi, is normally oceanic, but may be also detected in neritic waters. This species, is considered as the world’s most important producer of biogenic calcium carbonate, and therefore has an important role in the global CO2 budget (Van den Hoek et al., 1995). Furthermore, coccolithophorids are involved in other biogeochemical cycles, particularly in the sulphur cycle since they produce dimethylsulphoniopropionate (DMSP), the precursor of dimethyl sulphide (DMS) (Malin & Kirst, 1997) which may influence climate through stimulating cloud formation (Simó & Pedrós-Alió, 1999). Some species are also known to produce stable lipid compounds which can be used as a tool to evaluate paleoclimatic changes (Cros & Fortuño, 2002). The calcified plates of coccolithophorids accumulate on the bottom of the ocean as the organisms die, and contribute to the formation of carbonate oozes, and rocks. Even if the coccoliths constitute a minor part of recent calcareous oozes, in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic they dominated the ocean floor, suggesting that coccolithophorids were more abundant in the past then they are today. Caratteristiche generali. Le dimensioni cellulari sono solitamente comprese tra 3 e 30 μm, più frequentemente <10 µm, infatti i coccolitoforidi generalmente sono componenti del nanoplancton autotrofo. La forma delle cellule può essere sferica, ovale, ovoidale, piriforme, elongata o fusiforme (Heimdal, 1997). Le cellule contengono solitamente due cloroplasti parietali, all’interno di ciascuno dei quali è presente un pirenoide. Tali cloroplasti sono dorati o giallo-bruni, essi contengono le clorofille a, c1 e/o c3 e c2. Nell’ambito dei pigmenti accessori, la fucoxantina è più abbondante, ma sono presenti anche il ß-carotene, la diadinoxantina e la diatoxantina. Nel citoplasma sono presenti anche due tipi di vacuoli: il primo contenente lipidi ed il secondo il prodotto di riserva, che solitamente è il polisaccaride crisolaminarina (leucosina) (Janse et al., 1996). Essi hanno due diversi tipi di appendici filamentose: i flagelli e l’aptonema, aventi struttura e funzioni diverse. I due flagelli lisci, privi di scaglie, sono inseriti nella parte anteriore della cellula, possono avere oppure no la stessa lunghezza e sono responsabili della motilità. L’aptonema è presente solo in alcune specie, mentre in altre è General features. Cell’s size is generally between 3 and 30 μm, most often <10 µm, in fact coccolithophorids usually belong to autotrophic nanoplankton. The cells may be spherical, oval, ovoid, pyriform, elongated or spindle-shaped (Heimdal, 1997). They have usually two parietal chloroplasts, each including a single pyrenoid. These chloroplasts are golden or yellow-brown, they contain chlorophylls a, c1 and/or c3 and c2. Among the accessory pigments, the most abundant is fucoxanthin, but there are also ß-carotene, diadinoxanthin and diatoxanthin. Two types of vacuoles are present in the cytoplasm: the first containing lipid and the second the storage product, which is usually the polysaccharide chrysolaminarin (leucosin) (Janse et al., 1996). They have two different types of filamentous appendages: flagella and haptonema, which differ in structure and function. The two smooth flagella, anteriorly inserted, equal or subequal in length, are involved in swimming. Haptonema is present only in some species, while in others only the basal part structure is evident and has a sensory function (Lee, 1999). Life cycle of coccolithophorids is complex, and 692 M. Cabrini et al. evidente solo la parte basale della struttura; la sua funzione è rappresentata dalla reattività nei confronti di eventuali ostacoli (Lee, 1999). Il ciclo vitale dei coccolitoforidi è complesso, ed in molti casi ancora sconosciuto. La riproduzione vegetativa avviene per scissione binaria o per divisioni successive. Le cellule madri producono cellule figlie flagellate e non flagellate. Per alcune specie è stato descritto un ciclo vitale eteromorfo (e.g. Emiliania huxleyi) in cui una fase flagellata diploide (planctonica) è alternata ad una fase filamentosa aploide (bentonica) (Van Den Hoek et al., 1995). In condizioni favorevoli, alcune specie producono cisti calcaree (Kamptner, 1937). Recentemente è stato dimostrato che coccolitoforidi molto differenti e ritenuti specie distinte rappresentano, in realtà, fasi diverse di complessi cicli vitali di un’unica specie (Zingone & Percopo, 2006c). in many cases unknown. Vegetative reproduction occurs by binary fission or by repeated division. Mother cells release flagellate and non flagellate daughter cells. A heteromorphic life cycle has been described in some species (e.g. Emiliania huxleyi) in which a diploid flagellate (planktonic) stage alternates with a haploid filamentous (benthic) stage (Van Den Hoek et al., 1995). Under favourable conditions, some species produce calcareous cysts (Kamptner, 1937). Recently, it has been demonstrated that some coccolithophorids considered in the past as belonging to different species, have been actually recognized as different stages of only one species in its complex life cycle (Zingone & Percopo, 2006c). Coccosfera e coccoliti. La coccosfera è provvista di un’apertura flagellare a livello del polo apicale della cellula, da cui emergono i due flagelli e l’aptonema. In molte specie, i coccoliti disposti intorno all’apertura flagellare (coccoliti boccali) sono morfologicamente diversi rispetto a quelli che si dispongono intorno al resto della coccosfera (coccoliti parietali). La coccosfera può essere costituita da un singolo strato di coccoliti tutti uguali tra loro (coccosfera monotecata). In altri casi, i coccoliti, pur avendo la stessa morfologia, sono caratterizzati da dimensioni diverse, i cosiddetti micrococcoliti e macrococcoliti di Umbellosphaera irregularis e H. tenuis (Heimdal, 1997). Ci possono essere anche le cosiddette coccosfere ditecate, che sono caratterizzate dalla presenza di due strati di coccoliti diversi tra loro: la endoteca e l’esoteca. Quando sono presenti più di due strati di coccoliti dello stesso tipo, la coccosfera è denominata multi-stratificata come nel caso di Emiliania huxleyi. L’endoteca è definita monomorfa, dimorfa o polimorfa, se presenta coccoliti della medesima morfologia o di due o più morfologie diverse (Cros & Fortuño, 2002). Esistono diversi tipi di coccoliti, caratterizzati da diversa mineralizzazione. Essi sono gli olococcoliti, costituiti da cristalli di calcite disposti regolarmente, e gli eterococcoliti caratterizzati da una complessa disposizione delle unità cristalline. Recentemente, è stato identificato un terzo tipo di coccoliti, i nannoliti, considerati in passato come forme fossili, ma oggi associati ad alcune forme viventi, quali i generi Braarudosphaera, Florisphaera, Ceratolithus e Polycrater (Cros & Fortuño, 2002). Coccosphere and coccoliths. The coccosphere has a flagellar opening at the apical pole from which emerge the two flagella and the haptonema. In many species, the coccoliths around the flagellar opening (circum-flagellar coccoliths) are morphologically different from those which constitute the rest of the coccosphere (body coccoliths). The coccospheres may consist of one single layer of coccoliths identical in morphology (monothecate coccosphere). In other cases, the coccoliths on a single cell may be identical in morphology but have two different sizes, the so called micro- and macrococcoliths of Umbellosphaera irregularis and H. tenuis (Heimdal, 1997). In contrast there are also the dithecate coccospheres, which are characterized by the presence of two distinct layers with very different kind of coccoliths: the endotheca and the exotheca. When several layers of the same kind of coccoliths are present, the coccosphere is described as being multilayered, as in the case of Emiliania huxleyi (Cros & Fortuño, 2002). Structurally different coccoliths types, characterized by different types of biomineralisation, are recognizable. They are the holococcoliths, composed of regularly packed calcite crystals, and the heterococcoliths, characterized by complex arrays of crystal units. Recently, a third type of calcified structure, the nannoliths, has been identified. In the past, they were considered as calcareous nannofossils, but today they are associated with living algae, as in the genera Braarudosphaera, Florisphaera, Ceratolithus and Polycrater (Cros & Fortuño, 2002). Classificazione. La classificazione dei coccolitoforidi si basa prevalentemente sulla morfologia delle cellule e dei coccoliti. In molti casi, considerando le ridotte dimensioni cellulari e la complessità morfologica dei coccoliti, le specie possono essere identificate correttamente solo attraverso l’utilizzo combinato del microscopio ottico (MO) e del microscopio elettronico (ME). Classification. Classification of coccolithophorids is mainly based on the morphology of the cells and of their coccoliths. In most cases, taking into account both the small size of the cells and the morphological complexity of coccoliths, species can be satisfactorily described through a combined use of conventional light microscopy (LM) and electron microscopy, especially Phytoplancton 693 Negli ultimi 40 anni, poiché sono disponibili nuove conoscenze sia relativamente alla morfologia cellulare sia ai cicli vitali di molte specie di coccolitoforidi, la tassonomia si sta aggiornando continuamente. Il sistema tassonomico più comunemente seguito è quello di Parke & Green (1976), secondo il quale vengono identificati due ordini (Isochrysidales e Coccosphaerales) (Heimdal, 1997). Più recentemente alcuni autori hanno compilato e standardizzato una nuova nomenclatura che comprende cinque ordini (review di Cros & Fortuño, 2002). Gli ordini identificati sono: Zygodiscales, Stephanolithiales, Syracosphaerales, Prinsiales e Coccosphaerales. scanning electron microscopy (EM). Over the past 40 years and taking into account that new information about their morphology and life cycles of many species is available, the taxonomic system is in a state of flux. The most commonly followed is that of Parke & Green (1976), according to two orders are recognized (Isochrysidales and Coccosphaerales) (Heimdal, 1997). More recently, several authors have compiled and standardized another nomenclature which includes five orders (Cros & Fortuño, 2002, for a review). The identified orders are: Zygodiscales, Stephanolithiales, Syracosphaerales, Prinsiales and Coccosphaerales. LE FITOFLAGELLATE / PHYTOFLAGELLATES Caterina Nuccio, Giorgio Socal1, Emellina Cucchiari2, Benedetta Guardiani3 Dipartimento di Biologia Vegetale, Università di Firenze, Via P.A. Micheli, 1 – 50121 Firenze, Italia. 1 Istituto di Scienze Marine, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Castello, 1364 – 30122 Venezia, Italia. 2 Dipartimento di Scienze del Mare, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Via Brecce Bianche – 60131 Ancona, Italia. 3 Dipartimento di Oceanografia Biologica, Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e Geofisica Sperimentale (OGS), Via A. Piccard, 54 - 34151 Trieste, Italia. Il successo nello studiare il fitoplancton al microscopio ottico dipende dalla presenza nelle cellule di una parete o di una copertura resistente a comuni fissativi: ad esempio il frustulo per le diatomee, l’anfiesma per le dinoflagellate e i coccoliti per i coccolitofori. Alcune forme di flagellate hanno parti dure come per esempio scaglie mineralizzate, spine, scheletro siliceo e possono essere più facilmente identificabili, mentre le specie cui mancano queste strutture vengono più facilmente enumerate nella categoria delle flagellate non identificate in quanto la loro determinazione è più difficile nei conteggi di materiale fissato con le soluzioni più comuni (formalina o lugol) e per la loro identificazione si richiede spesso l’esame di materiale vivo. Ma la loro importanza globale è evidente dalle liste che riportano molto spesso una larga percentuale di flagellate non determinate. Il microscopio ottico rimane ancora il principale strumento di routine, essendo il solo strumento accessibile per molti specialisti per l’identificazione tassonomica e per poter accoppiare i dati quantitativi di un conteggio completo del campione ad una, seppure spesso non completamente accertata, identificazione tassonomica. È importante quindi fare uso anche del microscopio elettronico per verificare e confermare l’identificazione realizzata con il microscopio ottico. Gli studi filogenetici e le ipotesi sulle diverse Success in studying phytoplankton with the light microscope depends on the presence in the cells of a cell wall or some other covering resistant to common preservatives: for example the frustule for diatoms, amphiesma for dinoflagellates, coccoliths for coccolithophorids. Some flagellates have hard parts as mineralized scales, spines, siliceous skeletons and can be more easily identified, while species lacking of these structures are more likely listed in the category of undetermined flagellates. Their identification is in fact more difficult if the specimen is fixed in common solutions (formalin or lugol) and for their determination living material is often required. However, their global importance is clearly noticeable from the checklists which often account for a high percentage of undetermined flagellates. The light microscope still remains the main routine tool available for many specialists for taxonomical identification. It is also useful to match the quantitative data obtained by the full count of a specimen to an often not completely certain taxonomical identification. For these reasons it is important to use also electron microscopy to verify and confirm the light microscope identification. Phylogenetical studies and hypotheses on various endosymbioses established in the course of the evolution of protistan eukaryots, particularly based on nucleotidic sequences, has classified 694 M. Cabrini et al. endosimbiosi intervenute nel corso dell’evoluzione dei protisti eucarioti, particolarmente basate su sequenze nucleotidiche, hanno posto le classi microalgali in diverse ramificazioni, relative in particolare alla composizione pigmentaria e al tipo di flagelli (Van den Hoek et al., 1995; Delwiche, 1999; Falkowski et al., 2004). Per quanto riguarda le flagellate di seguito descritte, abbiamo quindi qui considerato: Chrysophyceae, Dictyochophyceae, Raphidophyceae appartenenti alle Heterokontophyta; Cryptophyceae, unica classe del phylum Cryptophyta; Prymnesiophyceae, come unica classe delle Haptophyta (è stata recentemente proposta anche la classe Pavlovophyceae, cfr. Edvardsen & Medlin, 2007); Chlorophyceae e Prasinophyceae, delle Chlorophyta; Euglenophyceae, nel phylum Euglenophyta. Per una aggiornata discussione sullo stato della sistematica algale è consultabile il volume di Brodie & Lewis, 2007 Negli studi ecologici comunque si può ritenere che l’applicazione di eventuali raggruppamenti non possa basarsi solo su criteri sistematici, ma debba riferirsi ad altre caratteristiche delle microalghe flagellate, come le dimensioni cellulari e la forma, l’abilità al movimento e il comportamento trofico, come ultimamente nella discussione sui “gruppi funzionali” nel campo dell’ecologia del fitoplancton (Reynolds, 1997). La motilità dipende dalla presenza di uno o più flagelli ed è di grande impatto sull’abilità della cellula nell’assimilazione nutritizia in quanto i movimenti, rotatori o diritti, producono un rinnovo dell’acqua intorno depauperata e la possibilità di piccoli spostamenti. Per quanto riguarda le dimensioni è possibile affermare che la maggior parte delle flagellate incontrate nel plancton di mare aperto appartengano al nanoplancton (da 2 a 20 µm), mentre per le modalità trofiche una flagellata può essere fototrofica ed usualmente confinata nella zona eufotica della colonna d’acqua in quanto la sua sopravvivenza dipende dalla fotosintesi clorofilliana, eterotrofica perché in grado di ingerire particelle attraverso fagocitosi oppure di raccogliere sostanze solubili attraverso pinocitosi ed infine mixotrofica, cioè in grado di alternare le sue modalità trofiche ed il suo metabolismo in base alle diverse condizioni ambientali. microalgal classes into different branches based on pigment composition and flagellar types (Van den Hoek et al., 1995; Delwiche, 1999; Falkowski et al., 2004). For the flagellates here described, we therefore consider: Chrysophyceae, Dictyochophyceae, Raphidophyceae belonging to Heterokontophyta; Cryptophyceae as a single class of the phylum Cryptophyta; Prymnesiophyceae as a single class of the Haptophyta (recently the class Pavlovophyceae, cfr. Edvardsen & Medlin, 2007, has also been proposed); Chlorophyceae and Prasinophyceae belonging to the Chlorophyta; Euglenophyceae in the phylum Euglenophyta. For an updated discussion on the status of algal systematics the volume by Brodie & Lewis (2007) can be consulted. In ecological studies, identification to taxonomic groups cannot be based exclusively on systematic criteria, but must be reported to other microalgal characters , such as cell shape and dimensions, movement and trophic behaviour, as recently proposed in the discussion on “functional groups” in the field of ecology of phytoplankton (Reynolds, 1997). The presence of one or more flagella assures the character of motility, of great influence on cell nutrient assimilation because flagella movements, rotatory or straight forward, produce a renewal of the depaupered water all round the cell, and gives the cell the possibility of brief shifts. By determining cell dimensions, it is possible to affirm that most flagellates recorded in the open sea belong to nanoplankton (2 to 20 µm). The trophic strategies, a flagellate can be: phototrophic and usually confined into the euphotic zone because its survival depends on photosynthesis; or heterotrophic because it can ingest pargiculate matter through phagotrophy, or collect soluble substances through pinocytosis and mixotrophic when it can adapt modalities and its metabolism in response to different environmental conditions. Chrysophyceae La classe delle Chrysophyceae (Pascher, 1914), comprende organismi che presentano una grande variabilità, sia morfologica (cellule nude, libere o in loriche, con scaglie organiche o inorganiche, mono-biflagellate o aflagellate, unicellulari o coloniali, coccoidi) che ecofisiologica in relazione al tipo di trofia (autotrofe, eterotrofe), ai cicli vitali e alla loro distribuzione nei più diversi ambienti (acque dolci e salmastre, marine neritiche e oceaniche). Questo aspetto è riscontrabile nelle revisioni in atto ormai da anni nell’ambito delle classi appartenenti al vecchio phylum Chrysophyceae The Class Chrisophyceae (Pascher, 1914), encompasses organisms which have great variability, either morphological (naked cells, free living or in loricae, with organic or inorganic scales, mono or biflagellated or with no flagella, unicellular or colonial, coccoid) or ecophysiological related to the trophic strategy (autotrophic, heterotrophic), to life cycles and distribution in different environments (freshwaters, brackish waters, marine neritic and oceanic waters). This feature is noticeable in the reviews of the classes belonging to the former Phytoplancton 695 Chrysophyta (Pascher, 1914) e nello stato definito “caotico” della loro classificazione a causa di una non risolta incongruenza tra i dati morfologici e quelli molecolari (Sandgren et al., 1995; Kristiansen & Preisig, 2001; Andersen, 2007). Il loro riconoscimento nei campioni naturali è quindi molto arduo, come si vede anche dall’elenco qui fornito, in cui sono riportati dieci generi con dodici identificazioni specifiche, riferite soprattutto a forme meglio riconoscibili per le loro strutture (Meringosphaera, Dinobryon); da una parte probabilmente una sottostima della reale presenza, dall’altra una possibile sovrastima per alcune forme che in parte oggi risultano sinonimie (Calycomonas/Ollicola). Come per molte altre flagellate, quindi, appare indispensabile l’osservazione in vivo, la possibilità di uso di tecniche di osservazione più specifiche (colture, ME). Per i testi di consultazione, si rimanda a Throndsen, 1980; Chrétiennot-Dinet, 1990; Throndsen, 1997; Bérard-Therriault et al., 1999; Nuccio, 2006. phylum Chrysophyta (Pascher, 1914) whose classification has been defined “chaotic” because of the incongruity between morphological and molecular data (Sandgren et al., 1995; Kristiansen & Preisig, 2001; Andersen, 2007). Thus the identification of a fresh specimen is very problematic, as illustrated by the following example in the list provided here, in which 10 genera have 12 specific identifications (Meringosphaera, Dinobryon). This can lead to underestimation or overestimation when some species are considered synonyms (Calycomonas/ Ollicola). So as for many flagellates, it seems necessary for an in-vivo observation and the chance of employing more specific observation techniques (cultures, EM). For references see texts by Throndsen (1980); Chrétiennot-Dinet (1990); Throndsen (1997); Bérard-Therriault et al. (1999) and Nuccio (2006). Dictyochophyceae La classe delle Dictyochophyceae Silva 1980 (Sournia, 1986; Throndsen, 1997; Totti & Romagnoli, 2006), è una delle classi che erano incluse nelle Chrysophyceae con il nome di Silicoflagellate (Silicoflagellata Lemmermann 1901, Gemeinhardt, 1930) per il caratteristico scheletro a tubuli silicei (Dictyochales) che forma delle “finestre” il cui numero e forma può aiutare nell’identificazione, monoflagellate, autotrofe. Il genere più diffuso e riportato è Dictyocha, a cui alcuni autori attribuiscono anche i generi Distephanus e Octatis e considerano Dictyocha fibula e D. octonaria caratteristiche di acque più calde, D. speculum di ambienti freddi (Kristiansen & Preisig, 2001). Anche le Pedinellales hanno caratteristiche forme e spine facilmente visibili anche in MO e sono più tipiche di acque costiere. Dictyochophyceae The Class Dictyochophyceae Silva, 1980 (Sournia, 1986; Throndsen, 1997; Totti & Romagnoli, 2006), is one of those originally included in the Chrysophyceae as Silicoflagellatae (Silicoflagellata Lemmermann 1901; Gemeinhardt, 1930) because of the distinctive skeleton made of siliceous rods (Dictyochales) which creates “windows” whose number and shape can help in identification. They are monoflagellates and autotrophic. The most common reported genus is Dictyocha, to which some authors assign also the genera Distephanus and Octatis and consider Dictyocha fibula and D. octonaria typical of warm waters, while D. speculum typical of cold environments (Kristiansen & Preisig, 2001). Also Pedinellales have typical shapes and spines which can be easily seen even at the light microscope level and more typical of coastal waters. Rafidoficee Sono cellule autotrofe, flagellate microplanctoniche, relativamente di grossa taglia (30-80 μm), di forma da globosa ad ovoidale allungata. A volte presentano un’estremità più appuntita, con una parte dorsale curva e una parte ventrale piatta. Nella parte ventrale della cellula è presente una piccola invaginazione (citofaringe), da cui si originano due flagelli disuguali: uno lungo, diretto in avanti durante il nuoto, e uno corto liscio e ventrale, diretto all’indietro. Tutte le specie sono prive di parete, e non hanno alcun rivestimento esterno alla membrana plasmatica; per questa ragione la forma della cellula può variare secondo le condizioni esterne. Il nucleo è voluminoso e il numero di cromosomi può essere molto elevato. Nelle cellule sono presenti numerosi cloroplasti ellissoidali periferici pressati uno contro l’altro, di colore verde, giallo-verde o giallo-bruno, contenenti clorofilla a c1 e c2 oltre a pigmenti accessori. Raphydophyceae This group has autotrophic cells, microplanktonic flagellates relatively big in size (30-80 µm), and globoid to ovoidal elongated shaped. Sometimes they show a more sharpened point with a curved dorsal side and a flat ventral side. In the ventral face of the cell there is a little furrow (gullet), from which two dissimilar flagella arise: one is long and forward-facing while swimming, and the other is short, smooth and ventral, back-facing. All the species lack a cell wall and they have no covering outside the cell membrane; consequently the shape of the cell can vary with external conditions. Nucleus is wide and the number of chromosomes can be very high. In the cells there are many peripheral ellipsoidal chloroplasts, pressed together, green, yellow-green or yellow-brown coloured, containing chlorophyll c1 and c2 and other accessory pigments. Under the external surface of the cell 696 M. Cabrini et al. Sotto la superficie esterna della cellula si trovano numerose tricocisti, organuli bastoncellari che vengono estroflessi in risposta a stimoli, grazie ad un gioco di filamenti di mucillagine. Inoltre, sono spesso presenti mucocisti, che possono produrre grandi quantità di mucillagini extracellulari. La distribuzione delle Rafidoficee è diffusa sia nelle acque dolci sia in mare. Alcune specie appartenenti ai generi marini Chattonella, Fibrocapsa, Heterosigma possono causare maree rosse, soprattutto in aree costiere ed in baie a scarso ricambio idrodinamico, provocando talvolta estese morie di pesci sia per la produzione di ittiotossine emolitiche sia per un azione meccanica per intasamento delle branchie con il muco. Alcune specie hanno mostrato di produrre neurotossine (fibrocapsine), simili alle brevetossine, che hanno causato morie di mammiferi marini. there are many trychocysts, rod-like organelles which are ejected in response to external stimuli, also mucocysts are often present, which can produce huge quantities of extracellular mucilage. Raphydophyceae occur in freshwaters or in the sea. Some species belonging to the marine genera Chattonella, Fibrocapsa, Heterosigma can cause red tides, mostly in coastal areas and bays with low hydrodinamic exchange, sometimes causing huge fish deaths by the production of hemolytic ichthyotoxins or for the mechanical action of clogging their gills with mucus. Some species are reported to produce neurotoxins (fibrocapsins) similar to brevetoxins, which cause marine mammal deaths. Chlorophyceae Le cellule di questa classe sono spesso rotonde o ovoidali, a volte lobate, di colore verde brillante; possono essere nude o dotate di una parete di cellulosa. Il numero dei flagelli è variabile da 1 a 8 nei vari generi. La propulsione delle cellule è caratterizzata da movimenti sincroni dei flagelli che imprimono spostamenti omodinamici, lenti, direzionati in avanti, talvolta a zigzag. È presente un solo cloroplasto parietale, campanulato, lobato o reticolato, con una macchia oculare al suo interno; i principali pigmenti contenuti sono clorofilla a e clorofilla b ed altri pigmenti accessori (carotenoidi). La distribuzione delle Chlorophyceae è legata soprattutto ad acque costiere ed estuarine: i principali taxa appartengono alle famiglie delle Dunaliellaceae e delle Chlamydomonadaceae, rappresentate soprattutto dai generi Dunaliella e Chlamydomonas. Dunaliella ha una lunghezza variabile da 5 a 24 mm, Chlamydomonas da 4 a 29 mm, mentre i generi Brachiomonas ed Asteromonas possono raggiungere dimensioni superiori a 40 mm. Il riconoscimento di questi taxa in campioni fissati è spesso problematico, è perciò raccomandabile eseguirne la determinazione su materiale vivo. Non sono stati descritti stadi di resistenza, né si rilevano problemi di tossicità legati alla diffusione degli organismi appartenenti a questa classe. Chlorophyceae Cells belonging to this class are often rounded or ovoidal, sometimes lobate, bright green coloured, and can be naked or with a cell wall made of cellulose. The number of the flagella is variable from 1 to 8 in the various genera. Cells motility is characterized by the synchronous movements of the flagella which give them homodynamic slow, forward-facing, sometimes zigzag shifts. There is only one parietal chloroplast, campanulate, lobate or net-like webbed, with an eyespot on its inside; the main pigments contained are chlorophyll a, b and other accessory pigments (carotenoids). The distribution of the Chlorophyceae is mainly linked to coastal and estuarine waters: the main taxa belong to the families Dunaliellaceae and Chlamydomonadaceae, with the genera Dunaliella and Chlamydomonas. Dunaliella has a length ranging from 5 to 24 µm, Chlamydomonas from 4 to 29 µm, while the genera Brachiomonas and Asteromonas can be wider than 40 µm. The identification of these taxa in preserved samples is often troublesome, and it is therefore recommended that their identification should be based on fresh material. Resting stages have not been observed and toxicity problems have not been linked to this class. Euglenophyceae Le cellule sono in genere di colore verde e presentano dimensioni relativamente grandi, rientrando per lo più nella frazione microplanctonica (da 20 a 200 µm). Sono organismi molto comuni nelle acque dolci, ove sono favoriti da concentrazioni elevate di composti organici disciolti. Alcuni generi sono presenti anche in mare dove raggiungono abbondanze talvolta elevate tanto da colorare l’acqua di un verde molto intenso. La cellula è avvolta da una pellicola proteica che consente Euglenophyceae Cells are generally green coloured and relatively large and generally referred to the microplanktonic fraction (20 to 200 µm). They are common in freshwaters, where they are supported by high concentrations of dissolved organic compounds. Some genera are also common in marine waters where they can reach so high concentrations that they can discolour the water to a deep green. The cell is wrapped by a proteic pellicula which allows great plasticity Phytoplancton 697 una elevata plasticità e una grande attitudine a deformarsi, contraendosi e producendo un movimento detto euglenoide che si osserva quando la cellula non sta nuotando (Eutreptiella ed Euglena). Altri generi (Phacus) hanno una pellicola rigida esterna a volte colorata da deposizioni minerali. La cellula è spesso allungata e fusiforme ed ha la parte anteriore ottusa mentre quella posteriore è più o meno acuminata. Nella parte anteriore è presente una depressione detta citofaringe da cui emergono i flagelli. In genere le cellule possiedono 2 (4) flagelli di lunghezza uguale o differente. Il numero e lunghezza dei flagelli emergenti sono caratteri sistematici. I cloroplasti variano per numero e forma ed appaiono di colore verde. Alcuni sono incolori. Contengono clorofilla a, b ed altri pigmenti accessori. La sostanza di riserva è costituita da granuli di paramylon, un composto in forma solida che si accumula nel citoplasma. Il nucleo è relativamente grande, ed al suo interno è presente un grosso nucleolo. È spesso presente una stigma o macchia oculare vicino al corpo paraflagellare e rappresenta l’organo fotorecettore dotando le cellule di fototassia. Sono autotrofe ma é molto diffusa anche l’eterotrofia facoltativa o mixotrofia. La riproduzione è per divisione longitudinale. In condizioni sfavorevoli possono incistarsi perdendo i flagelli arrotondandosi e rivestendosi di una parete mucillaginosa. leading to contraction and producing a kind of movement called euglenoid which can be observed when the cell is not swimming (Eutreptiella and Euglena). Other genera (e.g. Phacus) have a stiff external pellicula, sometimes coloured by mineral depositions. The cell is often elongated and fusiform and the front side is obtuse while the back side is more or less pointed. On the front side there is a reservoir named a gullet from which the flagella arise. Cells are generally provided with 2 (4) flagella, equal or dissimilar in length. The number and length of the arising flagella are systematic features. Chloroplasts vary in number and shape and appear green coloured although some are colourless. They contain chlorophyll a, b and other accessory pigments. The main reserve substance consists of granules of paramylon, a solid compound which accumulates in the cytoplasm. The nucleus is relatively wide, with a large nucleolus. There is often a stigma, or eyespot, near the paraflagellar body and functions as a photoreceptor providing the cells with phototaxis. They are mostly autotrophs but facultative heterotrophy or mixotrophy are common. Reproduction takes place by longitudinal fission. Under extreme conditions they can encyst losing their flagella and becoming rounded and covering themselves with a mucilaginous wall. Prasinoficee Le cellule appartenenti a questa classe erano originariamente attribuite a quella delle Cloroficee, poi sono state separate seguendo alcuni caratteri morfologici ed in base a caratteristici pigmenti accessori. La forma delle Prasinoficee è caratterizzata sia da cellule coccoidi che flagellate, di struttura piramidale, sferica o ovoidale, più o meno arrotondata o compressa bilateralmente. Nella maggior parte delle specie il corpo cellulare ed i flagelli sono ricoperti da uno o più strati di scaglie organiche, spesso di forma molto complessa. La forma e il tipo di ornamentazione delle scaglie sono caratteri fondamentali per l’identificazione delle specie e nel caso di forme flagellate è utile osservare la modalità di nuoto oltre al numero ed alla lunghezza dei flagelli. Ma spesso l’identificazione necessita l’utilizzo della microscopia elettronica. Nelle cellule sono presenti uno o due cloroplasti color verde-oliva chiaro contenenti clorofilla a e b e pigmenti accessori; nel cloroplasto è contenuto un pirenoide e, in molte specie, una macchia oculare. Il prodotto di riserva è l’amido, che si accumula attorno al pirenoide o nello stroma del cloroplasto. I flagelli, inseriti all’apice della cellula o lateralmente, sono presenti in numero di uno, due, quattro, otto o anche sedici. Le cellule sono autotrofe e presentano un complesso ciclo vitale con l’alternanza di uno stadio flagellato e di uno stadio immobile (chiamato phycoma). Prasinophyceae Species assigned to this class were originally assigned to Chlorophyceae, but later were separated on the basis of the distinctive accessory pigments and certain morphological characteristics. The Prasinophyceae are characterized by coccoid and flagellate cells, pyriform, spherical or ovoidal, more or less rounded or bilaterally compressed. In most species the cell body and the flagella are covered by one or more layers of organic scales, often very complex in shape. The shape and kind of ornamentations of the scales are fundamental characteristics for species identification. In the case of flagellated cells it is useful to observe the swimming pattern of the cell and the number and length of the flagella. Electron microscopy is often required for their identification. The cells contain one or two olive-green chloroplasts with chlorophyll a, b and other accessory pigments; a pyrenoid is embodied in the chloroplast and in many species there is also an eyespot. Starch is the storage product which accumulates around the pyrenoid or in the stroma of the chloroplast. Flagella are placed laterally or at the top of the cell, and vary in number from one, two, four, eight to even sixteen. Cells are autotrophic and they have a complex life cycle with the alternation of a flagellated and a nonmotile stage (called phycoma). 698 M. Cabrini et al. Cryptophyceae Anche la classe delle Cryptophyceae Fritsch, 1927, come gli altri protisti flagellati, è stata sottoposta nel tempo a molte revisioni, data la grande varietà di caratteri morfologici, fisiologici e dei cicli vitali e, per questi motivi, è probabilmente sottostimato nei campioni fissati il numero dei generi e delle specie presenti in ambiente marino (Barone, 2006; Cerino & Zingone, 2006, 2007). Nell’osservazione al MO la caratteristica più evidente è l’asimmetria cellulare, possono essere evidenti gli eiettosomi lungo il citofaringe, ed è peculiare il movimento, per cui anche in questo caso sarebbe opportuna l’osservazione dei campioni in vivo mentre, al ME sono elemento di differenziazione le placche proteiche di rivestimento (Butcher, 1967; Chrétiennot-Dinet, 1990; Throndsen, 1997; Kugrens & Clay, 2003; Novarino, 2003). La loro importanza, prima evidenziata prevalentemente in ambienti di acque interne o salmastre, si è rivelata anche in ambiente marino costiero e pelagico, dove rappresentano una fonte di cibo di alta qualità per lo zooplancton erbivoro data la loro ricchezza in acidi grassi. Cryptophyceae The Class Cryptophyceae Fritsch, 1927, as with other flagellated protists, has been subjected to many revisions. Given their great variability in morphology and physiology and life cycles the number of genera and species in the marine environment is probably underestimated in preserved samples (Barone, 2006; Cerino & Zingone, 2006, 2007). With LM observation the most evident characteristic is the asymmetry of the cell, ejectosomes can be evident along the gullet and swimming pattern is typical, so that also in this case, in vivo observation would be reccommended, while proteic plates covering are distinctive characters visible with EM (Butcher, 1967; Chrétiennot-Dinet, 1990; Throndsen, 1997; Kugrens & Clay, 2003; Novarino, 2003). The Cryptophyceae are important in internal or brackish waters, as they represent a high quality food source for herbivorous zooplankton because of they are rich in fatty acids. Prymnesiophyceae Prymnesiales Questo ordine (Green & Leadbeater, 1994; Throndsen, 1997; Chrètiennot-Dinet, 1990; Zingone & Percopo, 2006d) comprende organismi prevalentemente marini, nano-picoplanctonici prevalentemente autotrofi, ricoperti di scaglie distinguibili come carattere identificativo al ME, a volte con complessi cicli vitali che prevedono fasi mobili (due flagelli, omo o eteromorfi) e coloniali e che possono formare massicce fioriture, anche con produzione di tossine (Chrysochromulina, Phaeocystis, Prymnesium). Anche in questo caso la loro presenza e diversità è stata probabilmente sottostimata, come hanno dimostrato gli studi su vasta scala, anche nel Mediterraneo, con metodi molecolari (Zingone et al., 1999; Moon-van der Staay et al., 2000; Medlin & Zingone, 2007). Prymnesiophyceae Prymnesiales This order (Green & Leadbeater, 1994; Throndsen, 1997; Chrètiennot-Dinet, 1990; Zingone & Percopo, 2006d) comprises mainly marine organisms, nano- and picoplanktonic, mostly autotrophic with cells covered by scales that are distinctive features at the EM level, sometimes with complex life cycles in which motile (two flagella homomorphic or heteromorphic) and colonial stages alternate, and causing massive blooms even with toxins production (Chrysochromulina, Phaeocystis, Prymnesium). However their occurrence and diversity has probably been underestimated, as recent large scale studies using molecular methods, has demonstrated, even in the Mediterranean sea (Zingone et al., 1999; Moon-van der Staay et al., 2000; Medlin & Zingone, 2007). Bibliografia/References ANDERSEN R.A., 2007. Molecular systematics of the Chrysophyceae and Synurophyceae. In: Brodie J., Lewis J. (eds), Unravelling the algae: the past, present, and future of algal systematics. 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Cabrini 702 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 * Bacillariophyceae Bacillariales Achnanthes 43v Achnanthes brevipes 44v Achnanthes longipes 45v A. cf. longipes 46v Achnanthes parvula 47v [Achnanthes parvula] [Achnanthes brevipes var. parvula] Achnanthes sp. 48v Achnanthes sp.p. 49v Amphiprora 50v Amphiprora sp. 51v Amphiprora sp.p. 52v Amphora 53v Amphora acuta 54v Amphora acutiscula 55v [Amphora lineata] Amphora angusta 56v Amphora arenaria 57v Amphora binodis 58v Amphora coffeaeformis 59v [Frustulia coffeaeformis] Amphora costata 60v Amphora crassa 61v Amphora egregia 62v Amphora eunotia 63v Amphora exigua 64v Amphora grevilleana 65v Amphora inflexa 66v Amphora laevis 67v Amphora lineolata 68v Amphora macilenta 69v Amphora obtusa 70v Amphora ostrearia 71v [Amphora littoralis] Amphora proteus 72v Amphora pusilla73v Amphora robusta 74v Amphora spectabilis 75v Amphora straurophora 76v Amphora veneta 77v Amphora sp. 78v Amphora sp.p. 79v Aneumastus 80v Aneumastus minor 81v [Navicula tuscula f. minor] Asterionella 82v Asterionella bleakeleyi 83v Asterionella formosa 84v Asterionella gracillima 85v Asterionella sp. 86v Asterionella sp.p. 87v Asterionellopsis 88v et al. Bory de Saint-Vincent, 1822 Agardh, 1824 Agardh, 1832 Agardh, 1832 Kützing ,1844 Kützing, 1844 (Kützing) Cleve, 1895 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Ehrenberg, 1843 x x x x Ehrenberg ex Kützing, 1844 Gregory, 1857 Kützing ,1844 Gregory Gregory, 1857 Donkin, 1858 Gregory, 1857 (Agardh) Kützing, 1844 Agardh, 1827 Smith, 1853 Gregory, 1857 Ehrenberg Cleve, 1873 Gregory, 1857 Gregory, 1857 (Brébisson) Smith, 1873 Gregory, 1857 Ehrenberg, 1838 Gregory, 1857 Gregory, 1857 Brébisson, 1849 Donkin, 1858 Gregory, 1857 Gregory, 1857 Gregory, 1857 Gregory, 1857 Juhlin-Dannfelt, 1882 Kützing, 1844 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Mann & Stickle in Round, Crawford & Mann, 1990 (Hustedt) Lange-Bertalot, 1993 x Hustedt, 1930 Hassall, 1850 Smith, 1853 Hassall, 1855 x x x (Hantzsch) Heiberg, 1863 x x x Round in Round et al., 1990 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Phytoplancton 703 * Asterionellopsis glacialis 89v [Asterionella glacialis] [Asterionella japonica] Asterionellopsis kariana 90v [Asterionella kariana] Asterionellopsis sp. 91v Auricula 92v Auricula complexa 93v [Amphiprora complexa] Auricula insecta 94v Bacillaria 95v Bacillaria paxillifera 96v [Vibrio paxillifer] [Bacillaria paradoxa] [Nitzschia paradoxa] Bacillaria sp. 97v Berkeleya 98v Berkeleya rutilans 99v [Conferva rutilans] [Amphipleura rutilans] Berkeleya scopulorum 100v [Navicula scopulorum] Bleakeleya 101v Bleakeleya notata 102v [Asterionella bleakeleyi] cf. Bleakeleya 103v Bleakeleya sp. 104v Caloneis 105v Caloneis adriaticus 106v Caloneis amphisbaena 107v [Navicula amphisbaena] Campylodiscus 108v Campylodiscus adriaticus 109v C. cf. fastuosus 110v [Campylodiscus thuretii] [Campylodiscus parvulus] Campylodiscus sp. 111v Campylodiscus sp.p. 112v Campyloneis 113v Campyloneis sp. 114v Catacombas 115v Catacombas gaillonii 116v [Navicula gaillonii] [Synedra gaillonii] Centronella 117v Centronella reicheltii 118v Climacosphenia 119v Climacosphenia moniligera 120v Climacosphenia sp. 121v Climacosphenia sp.p. 122v Cocconeis 123v Cocconeis pediculus 124v Cocconeis placentula 125v 1 (Castracane) Round in Round, Crawford & x Mann, 1990 Castracane, 1886 Cleve in Cleve & Möller, 1882 (Grunow) Round, 1990 x Grunow in Cleve & Grunow, 1880 x Castracane, 1873 (Gregory) Cleve 1894 x Gregory, 1857 (Grunow) Schmidt, 1894 Gmelin, 1791 (Müller) Hendey, 1951 x Müller, 1783 Gmelin, 1791 (Gmelin) Grunow in Cleve & Grunow, 1880 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Greville, 1827 (Trentepohl ex Roth) Grunow, 1880 Trentepohl ex Roth, 1806 (Trentepohl ex Roth) Cleve, 1894 (Brébisson ex Kützing) Cox, 1979 Brébisson ex Kützing, 1849 Round in Round et al., 1990 (Grunow) Round in Round et al., 1990 var. notata Grunow, 1867 Round in Round et al., 1990 x x x x x x Cleve, 1894 x (Bory) Cleve, 1894 Bory, 1824 Ehrenberg, 1840 Grunow Ehrenberg, 1845 Brébisson, 1854 Smith, 1851 x x x x x x x Grunow, 1862 x Williams & Round, 1986 (Bory) Williams & Round, 1986 Bory, 1824 (Bory) Ehrenberg, 1830 Voight, 1902 Voight, 1902 Ehrenberg, 1843 Ehrenberg, 1843 Ehrenberg, 1837 Ehrenberg, 1838 Ehrenberg, 1838 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x M. Cabrini 704 * Cocconeis scutellum 126v Cocconeis sp. 127v Cocconeis sp.p. 128v Craticula 129v Craticula cuspidata 130v [Frustulia cuspidata] [Navicula cuspidata] Craticula halophila 131v [Navicula cuspidata var. halophila] [Navicula halophila] Ctenophora 132v Ctenophora pulchella 133v [Exilaria pulchella] [Synedra pulchella] Cyclophora 134v Cyclophora sp. 135v Cylindrotheca 136v Cylindrotheca closterium 137v [Ceratoneis closterium] [Nitzschia closterium] Cylindrotheca fusiformis 138v C. cf. fusiformis 139v Cylindrotheca gracilis 140v [Ceratoneis gracilis] [Cylindrotheca garstenbergeri] Cylindrotheca sp. 141v Cylindrotheca sp.p. 142v Cymbella 143v Cymbella lanceolata 144v [Cocconema lanceolatum] Cymbella sp. 145v Cymbella sp.p. 146v Delphineis 147v Delphineis sp. 148v Diatoma 149v Diatoma elongatum 150v D. cf. elongatum 151v Diatoma elongatum var. tenue 152v Diatoma vulgare 153v Diatoma sp. 154v Diatoma sp.p. 155v Diatomella 156v Diatomella balfouriana 157v [Grammatophora balfouriana] Dimerogramma 158v Dimerogramma marinum 159v [Denticula marina] Dimerogramma minor 160v [Denticula minor] Dimerogramma sp. 161v Dimerogramma sp.p. 162v Diploneis 163v Ehrenberg, 1838 1 x x x et al. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 x x x x x x x x x x x x x Grunow, 1868 (Kützing) Mann in Round, Crawford & x Mann, 1990 Kützing, 1833 (Kützing) Kützing, 1844 (Grunow ex Van Heurck) Mann in Round, x Crawford & Mann, 1990 Grunow ex Van Heurck, 1885 (Grunow ex Van Heurck) Cleve, 1894 (Grunow) Williams & Round, 1986 (Ralfs ex Kützing) Williams & Round, 1986 x Ralfs ex Kützing, 1844 Ralfs ex Kützing (Kützing), 1844 Castracane, 1878 x 9 x x x x x Rabenhorst, 1859 (Ehrenberg) Lewin & Reimann, 1964 Ehrenberg, 1841 (Ehrenberg) Smith, 1853 Reimann & Lewin, 1964 Reimann & Lewin, 1964 (Brébisson) Grunow in Van Heurck, 1882 Brébisson ex Kützing, 1849 Rabenhorst, 1859 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Agardh, 1830 (Ehrenberg) Kirchner, 1878 Ehrenberg, 1838 x x x x x x x Andrews, 1977 x Bory de St-Vincent, 1824 (Lyngbey) Agardh, 1824 (Lyngbey) Agardh, 1824 (Agardh) Van Heurck, 1885 Bory de St-Vincent, 1824 Greville, 1855 Greville, 1855 Smith, 1856 Ralfs in Pritchard, 1861 (Gregory) Ralfs in Pritchard, 1861 Gregory, 1861 (Gregory) Ralfs in Pritchard, 1861 Gregory, 1857 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Ehrenberg ex Cleve, 1894 x x Phytoplancton 705 * Diploneis bombus 164v Diploneis crabro 165v [Navicula crabro] Diploneis fusca 166v [Navicula smithii] Diploneis hyalina 167v [Navicula hyalina] Diploneis interrupta 168v [Navicula interrupta] Diploneis littoralis 169v [Navicula littoralis] Diploneis stroemii 170v Diploneis sp. 171v Diploneis sp.p. 172v Encyonema 173v Encyonema minutum 174v [Cymbella minuta] [Cymbella ventricosa] Entomoneis 175v Entomoneis alata 176v [Navicula alata] [Amphiprora alata] Entomoneis gigantea 177v [Amphiprora gigantea] Entomoneis ornata 178v [Amphiprora ornata] Entomoneis paludosa 179v [Amphiprora paludosa] Entomoneis sp. 180v Entomoneis sp.p. 181v Epithemia 182v Epithemia turgida 183v [Navicula turgida] Epithemia sp. 184v Epithemia sp.p. 185v Eunotia 186v Eunotia sp. 187v Fallacia 188v Fallacia cryptolyra 189v [Navicula cryptolyra] Fallacia forcipata 190v [Navicula forcipata] Fallacia hudsonis 191v [Navicula hudsonis] Fragilaria 192v Fragilaria capucina 193v Fragilaria capucina var. lanceolata 194v Fragilaria construens 195v Fragilaria crotonensis 196v Fragilaria fenestrata 197v Fragilaria hyalina 198v Ehrenberg, 1844 Ehrenberg, 1854 Kützing, 1849 (Gregory) Cleve, 1894 var. fusca Gregory, 1857 (Donkin) Cleve, 1894 Donkin, 1861 (Kützing) Cleve, 1894 Kützing, 1844 (Donkin) Cleve, 1894 Donkin, 1871 Hustedt, 1937 Kützing, 1833 (Hilse) Mann, 1990 Hilse, 1862 Kützing, 1844 Ehrenberg, 1845 (Ehrenberg) Ehrenberg, 1845 Ehrenberg, 1840 (Ehrenberg) Kützing, 1844 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Grunow, 1860 (Bailey) Reimer in Patrick & Reimer, 1975 Bailey, 1850 (Smith) Reimer in Patrick & Reimer, 1975 Smith, 1853 x x x x x x x Brébisson ex Kützing, 1844 (Ehrenberg) Kützing, 1844 Ehrenberg, 1832 x x x x x x x x Ehrenberg, 1837 x Stickle & Mann, 1990 (Brockmann) Stickle & Mann in Round, x Crawford & Mann, 1990 Brockmann, 1950 (Greville) Stickle & Mann in Round, x Crawford & Mann, 1990 Greville, 1859 (Grunow ex Cleve) Stickle & Mann in x Round, Crawford & Mann, 1990 Grunow, 1891 Lyngbye, 1819 Desmazières, 1825 x Grunow x (Ehrenberg) Grunow, 1862 Kitton, 1869 (Lyngbye) Kützing (Kützing) Grunow, 1862 x x x x x x x x x M. Cabrini 706 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 * [Diatoma hyalinum] Fragilaria pinnata var. robusta 199v Fragilaria striatula 200v Fragilaria vitrea 201v Fragilaria sp. 202v Fragilaria sp.p. 203v Fragilariopsis 204v Fragilariopsis cylindrus 205v [Fragilaria cylindrus] [Nitzschia cylindrus] Fragilariopsis kerguelensis 206v [Terebraria kerguelensis] [Fragilariopsis antarctica] [Nitzschia kerguelensis] Fragilariopsis pseudonana 207v [Nitzschia pseudonana] [Fragilaria nana] [Fragilariopsis nana] Fragilariopsis sp. 208v Fragilariopsis sp.p. 209v Frustulia 210v Frustulia sp. 211v cf. Frustulia 212v cf. Frustulia sp. 213v Gomphonema 214v Gomphonema parvulum 215v [Sphenella parvula] Gomphonema sp. 216v Grammatophora 217v Grammatophora angulosa 218v Grammatophora longissima 219v Grammatophora marina 220v [Diatoma marinum] Grammatophora serpentina 221v [Striatella taeniaeformis var. serpentina] Grammatophora undulata 222v Grammatophora sp. 223v Grammatophora sp.p. 224v Gyrosigma 225v Gyrosigma acuminatum 226v [Frustulia acuminata] [Pleurosigma acuminatum] Gyrosigma attenuatum 227v [Frustulia attenuata] [Pleurosigma attenuatum] Gyrosigma elongatum 228v [Pleurosigma elongatum] Gyrosigma fasciola 229v [Ceratoneis fasciola] [Pleurosigma fasciola] Gyrosigma fonticolum 230v G. cf. spencerii 231v et al. Kützing, 1844 Lyngbye, 1819 (Kützing) Grunow, 1878 x x x x x x Hustedt in Schmidt emend. Hasle, 1993 (Grunow) Krieger in Helmcke & Krieger, x x 1954 Grunow in Cleve, 1883 (Grunow) Hasle, 1972 (O'Meara) Hustedt, 1952 x O'Meara, 1877 (Castracane) Hustedt in Schmidt, 1913 (O'Meara) Hasle, 1965 (Hasle) Hasle, 1993 x Hasle, 1974 Steemann Nielsen in Holmes, 1956 (Steemann Nielsen) Paasche, 1961 x x x x x x Rabenhorst, 1853 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Rabenhorst, 1853 x Ehrenberg, 1831 (Kützing) Kützing, 1849 Kützing, 1844 x Ehrenberg, 1840 Ehrenberg, 1841 Petit, 1877 (Lyngbye) Kützing, 1844 Lyngbye, 1819 (Ralfs in Pritchard) Ehrenberg, 1844 x x x x x x x x x x x x Ralfs, 1842 Ehrenberg, 1841 Hassall, 1845 (Kützing) Rabenhorst, 1853 Kützing, 1833 (Kützing) Smith, 1852 (Kützing) Rabenhorst, 1853 Kützing, 1833 (Kützing) Smith, 1852 (Smith) Griffith & Henfrey, 1856 Smith, 1852 (Ehrenberg) Griffith & Henfrey, 1856 Ehrenberg, 1841 (Ehrenberg) Smith, 1853 Hustedt (Quekett) Cleve x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Phytoplancton 707 * Gyrosigma strigilis 232v [Pleurosigma strigilis] Gyrosigma tenuissimum 233v [Pleurosigma tenuissimum] Gyrosigma sp. 234v Gyrosigma sp.p. 235v Haslea 236v Haslea crucigera 237v [Schizonema cruciger] [Stauroneis crucigera] [Navicula crucigera] Haslea trompii 238v [Navicula trompii] Haslea wawrikae 239v [Navicula wawrikae] Haslea sp. 240v Haslea sp.p. 241v Hippodonta 242v Hippodonta capitata 243v [Navicula capitata] [Navicula hungarica var. capitata] Hippodonta hungarica 244v [Navicula hungarica] [Navicula capitata var. hungarica] Licmophora 245v Licmophora abbreviata 246v [Podosphenia lyngbyei] [Licmophora lyngbyei] Licmophora communis 247v [Podosphenia communis] Licmophora dalmatica 248v [Rhipidophora dalmatica] Licmophora ehrenbergii 249v [Podosphenia ehrenbergii] Licmophora flabellata 250v [Echinella flabellata] Licmophora gracilis 251v [Podosphenia gracilis] Licmophora paradoxa 252v [Echinella paradoxa] Licmophora sp. 253v Licmophora sp.p. 254v Licmosphaenia 255v Licmosphaenia grunowii 256v Lioloma 257v Lioloma delicatulum 258v [Thalassiothrix delicatula] Lioloma elongatum 259v [Thalassiothrix elongata] [Thalassiothrix vanhoeffenii] L. cf. elongatum 260v Lioloma pacificum 261v (Smith) Cleve, 1894 Smith, 1852 (Smith) Griffith & Henfrey, 1856 Smith 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 x x x x x Simonsen, 1974 (Smith) Simonsen, 1974 Smith, 1856 (Smith) Heiberg, 1862 (Smith) Cleve, 1894 (Cleve) Simonsen, 1974 Cleve, 1901 (Hustedt) Simonsen, 1974 Hustedt, 1961 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Lange-Bertalot, Metzeltin, & Witkowski, 1996 (Ehrenberg) Lange-Bertalot, Metzeltin & Witkowski, 1996 Ehrenberg, 1838 (Ehrenberg) Cleve, 1895 (Grunow) Lange-Bertalot, Metzeltin & x Witkowski, 1996 Grunow, 1860 (Grunow) Ross, 1947 Agardh, 1827 Agardh, 1831 Kützing, 1844 (Kützing) Grunow, 1867 (Heiberg) Grunow in Van Heurck, 1880 Heiberg, 1863 (Kützing) Grunow, 1867 Kützing, 1844 (Kützing) Grunow, 1867 x Kützing, 1844 (Carmichael) Agardh, 1831 x Carmichael, 1826 (Ehrenberg) Grunow, 1867 x Ehrenberg, 1838 (Lyngbey) Agardh, 1836 Lyngbye, 1819 x x Mereschkowsky, 1902 Mereschkowsky, 1902 Hasle in Hasle & Syvertsen, 1996 (Cupp) Hasle in Hasle & Syvertsen, 1996 x Cupp, 1943 (Grunow) Hasle, 1996 x Grunow in Van Heurck, 1880-1885 Heiden in Heiden & Kolbe, 1928 (Grunow) Hasle in Hasle & Syvertsen, 1996 (Cupp) Hasle in Hasle & Syvertsen, 1996 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x M. Cabrini 708 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 * [Thalassiothrix mediterranea var. pacifica] Lioloma sp. 262v Lioloma sp.p. 263v Lyrella 264v Lyrella lyra 265v [Navicula lyra] L. cf. lyra 266v Manguinea 267v Manguinea fusiformis 268v [Tropidoneis fusiformis] Manguinea rigida 269v [Amphiprora rigida] [Tropidoneis glacialis] cf. Manguinea 270v cf. Manguinea sp. 271v Mastogloia 272v Mastogloia achnanthioides 273v Mastogloia baltica 274v Mastogloia exigua 275v Mastogloia grana 276v Mastogloia sp. 277v Mastogloia sp.p. 278v Membraneis 279v Membraneis sp. 280v Meuniera 281v Meuniera membranacea 282v [Navicula membranacea] [Stauropsis membranacea] [Stauroneis membranacea] Microtabella 283v Microtabella delicatula 284v [Hyalosira delicatula] [Striatella delicatula] Microtabella interrupta 285v [Tessella interrupta] Nanoneis 286v Nanoneis hasleae 287v Navicula 288v Navicula arenicola 289v Navicula bottnica 290v Navicula cancellata 291v Navicula crucicula 292v [Stauroneis crucicula] Navicula cryptocephala 293v Navicula crystallina 294v Navicula directa 295v [Pinnularia directa] Navicula distans 296v [Pinnularia distans] Navicula elegans 297v Navicula florinae 298v Navicula graciloides 299v Navicula granii 300v et al. Cupp, 1943 x x x x x x Karajeva, 1978 (Ehrenberg) Karajeva, 1978 Ehrenberg, 1843 (Ehrenberg) Karajeva, 1978 Paddock, 1988 (Manguin) Paddock, 1988 Manguin, 1957 (M. Peragallo) Paddock, 1988 M. Peragallo, 1924 Heiden in Heiden & Kolbe, 1928 Paddock 1988 x x x x x x x x Thwaites ex Smith, 1856 Mann, 1925 Grunow, 1880 Lewis, 1861 Ricard, 1987 x x x x x x x x x x Paddock, 1988 x Silva in Hasle & Syvertsen, 1996 (Cleve) Silva in Hasle & Syvertsen, 1996 Cleve, 1897 (Cleve) Meunier, 1910 (Cleve) Hustedt, 1959 Round in Round, Crawford & Mann, 1990 (Kützing) Round, 1990 Kützing, 1844 (Kützing) Grunow ex Van Heurck, 1881 (Ehrenberg) Round, 1990 Ehrenberg, 1838 Norris, 1973 Norris, 1973 Bory de Saint-Vincent, 1822 Grunow, 1882 Grunow in Cleve & Möller, 1879 Donkin, 1873 (Smith) Donkin, 1872 Smith, 1853 Kützing, 1844 Hustedt, 1961 (Smith) Ralfs in Pritchard, 1861 Smith, 1853 (Smith) Ralfs in Pritchard, 1861 Smith, 1853 Smith, 1853 Mørller, 1950 Mayer, 1919 (Jørgensen) Gran, 1908 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Phytoplancton 709 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 * [Stauroneis granii] Navicula lanceolata 301v Navicula menisculus 302v Navicula peregrina 303v [Pinnularia peregrina] Navicula pygmaea 304v Navicula rhyncocephala 305v Navicula sulcifera 306v Navicula transitans 307v Navicula transitans var. derasa f. delicatula 308v Navicula tripunctata 309v [Vibrio tripunctatus] [Navicula gracilis] Navicula vanhoeffenii 310v [Navicula vanhoeffenii] [Stauropsis vanhoeffenii] Navicula viridula var. rostellata311v Navicula sp. 312v Navicula sp.p. 313v Neodenticula 314v Neodenticula sp. 315v Nitzschia 316v Nitzschia acicularis 317v [Synedra acicularis] Nitzschia actinastroides 318v [Synedra actinastroides] Nitzschia angularis 319v Nitzschia bicapitata 320v N. cf. bicapitata 321v Nitzschia bilobata 322v Nitzschia braarudii 323v [Nitzschia capitata] Nitzschia capitellata 324v Nitzschia commutata 325v Nitzschia comunis 326v Nitzschia distans 327v N. cf. distans 328v Nitzschia dubia 329v Nitzschia fasciculata 330v [Nitzschia sigma var. fasciculata] Nitzschia filiformis 331v [Homoeocladia filiformis] Nitzschia frustulum 332v [Synedra frustulum] N. cf. fruticosa 333v [Nitzschia actinastroides var. ligeriensis] Nitzschia insignis 334v Nitzschia lanceolata 335v Nitzschia linearis 336v [Frustulia linearis] Nitzschia longissima 337v Jørgensen, 1905 Kützing Schumann, 1867 (Ehrenberg) Kützing, 1844 Ehrenberg, 1843 Kützing Kützing, 1844 Hustedt Cleve, 1883 x x x x x x x x x Heimdal, 1970 (Müller) Bory, 1822 Müller, 1786 Ehrenberg, 1838 Gran, 1897 Gran, 1897 (Gran) Meunier, 1910 (Kützing) Cleve x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Akiba & Yanagisawa, 1986 x Hassall, 1845 (Kützing) Smith, 1853 Kützing, 1844 (Lemmermann) Goor, 1925 Lemmermann, 1900 Smith, 1853 x Cleve, 1901 x Cleve, 1901 Smith, 1853 x Hasle, 1960 x Heiden in Heiden & Kolbe, 1928 Hustedt, 1922 x Grunow in Cleve & Grunow, 1880 x Rabenhorst, 1860 x Gregory, 1857 x Gregory, 1857 Smith, 1853 (Grunow) Grunow in Van Heurck, 1881 Grunow, 1878 (Smith) Van Heurck, 1896 x Smith, 1856 (Kützing) Grunow in Cleve & Grunow, 1880 x Kützing, 1844 Hustedt, 1957 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Germain, 1977 Gregory, 1857 Smith, 1853 x x (Agardh) Smith, 1853 x Agardh ex Smith, 1853 (Brébisson in Kützing) Ralfs in Pitchard, x x x x 1861 x x x x x x M. Cabrini 710 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 * [Ceratoneis longissima] Nitzschia longissima f. parva 338v Nitzschia longissima var. reversa339v Nitzschia lorenziana 340v Nitzschia lorenziana var. incurva341v [Nitzschia incurva] N. cf. lorenziana var. incerta 342v [Nitzschia incerta] Nitzschia pacifica 343v Nitzschia palea 344v [Synedra palea] Nitzschia palea var. tenuirostris345v Nitzschia plana 346v Nitzschia praelonga 347v Nitzschia recta 348v Nitzschia rostellata 349v Nitzschia rostrata 350v Nitzschia sicula 351v [Synedra sicula] [Pseudo-nitzschia sicula] Nitzschia sigma 352v [Synedra sigma] Nitzschia sigma var. intercedens353v Nitzschia sigmoidea 354v [Bacillaria sigmoidea] Nitzschia socialis 355v [Nitzschia socialis] [Bacillaria socialis] Nitzschia spathulata 356v Nitzschia subtilis 357v Nitzschia valida 358v Nitzschia ventricosa 359v Nitzschia vitrea 360v Nitzschia sp. 361v Nitzschia sp.p. 362v Nitzschiella 363v Nitzschiella incurva 364v Nitzschiella sp. 365v Oestrupia 366v Oestrupia sp. 367v Petroneis 368v Petroneis latissima 369v [Navicula latissima] Phaeodactylum 370v Phaeodactylum tricornutum 371v [Nitzschia closterium f. minutissima] Pinnularia 372v Pinnularia rectangulata 373v [Navicula rectangulata] Pinnularia sp. 374v Pinnularia sp.p. 375v Placoneis 376v et al. Brébisson in Kützing, 1849 Grunow Grunow Grunow in Cleve & Grunow, 1880 Grunow Grunow Grunow Grunow Cupp, 1943 (Kützing) Smith, 1853 Kützing, 1844 Grunow in Van Heurck et al., 1881 Smith, 1853 Cleve Hantzsch in Rabenhorst, 1861 Hustedt x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x (Castracane) Hustedt, 1958 Castracane, 1875 (Castracane) H. Peragallo in H. & M. Peragallo, 1897-1908 (Kützing) Smith, 1853 x x Kützing, 1844 Grunow, 1878 (Nitzsch) Smith, 1853 Nitzsch, 1817 Gregory, 1857 x x Gregory, 1857 (Gregory) Ralfs in Pritchard, 1861 Brébisson ex Smith, 1853 x x x Grunow in Cleve & Grunow, 1880 x x x (Grunow) Pelletan Kitton Norman, 1861 x x x x x x x x x x Rabenhorst, 1864 Grunow x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Heiden, 1906 x Stickle & Mann in Round, Crawford & Mann, 1990 (Gregory) Stickle & Mann in Round, x Crawford & Mann, 1990 Gregory, 1856 Bohlin, 1897 Bohlin, 1897 x Allen & Nelson, 1910 Ehrenberg, 1841 (Gregory) Rabenhorst, 1864 Gregory, 1857 x Mereschkowsky, 1903 x x x x x x x x x x x x x Phytoplancton 711 * Placoneis elginensis 377v [Pinnularia elginensis] [Navicula elginensis] [Navicula anglica] Plagiogramma 378v Plagiogramma staurophorum 379v [Denticula staurophora] Plagiogramma sp. 380v Plagiogramma sp.p. 381v Plagiotropis 382v Plagiotropis dannfeltii 383v [Tropidoneis dannfeltii] Plagiotropis gaussii 384v [Tropidoneis gaussii] Plagiotropis lepidoptera 385v [Amphiprora lepidoptera] [Tropidoneis lepidoptera] Plagiotropis vitrea 386v [Amphiprora vitrea] [Tropidoneis vitrea] Plagiotropis sp. 387v [Tropidoneis sp.] Plagiotropis sp.p. 388v [Tropidoneis sp.p.] Pleurosigma 389v Pleurosigma aestuarii 390v [Navicula aestuarii] Pleurosigma angulatum 391v [Navicula angulata] Pleurosigma directum 392v Pleurosigma elongatum 393v Pleurosigma formosum 394v Pleurosigma minutum 395v Pleurosigma normanii 396v Pleurosigma rigidum 397v Pleurosigma spencerii 398v Pleurosigma strigosum 399v Pleurosigma sp. 400v Pleurosigma sp.p. 401v Podocystis 402v Podocystis perrinensis 403v Podocystis spathulata 404v [Euphyllodium spathulatum] Psammodictyon 405v Psammodictyon panduriforme 406v [Nitzschia panduriformis] Psammosynedra 407v Psammosynedra closterioides 408v [Synedra closterioides] Pseudo-nitzschia 409v Pseudo-nitzschia australis 410v [Nitzschia pseudoseriata] Pseudo-nitzschia delicatissima 411v (Gregory) Cox, 1987 Gregory, 1856 (Gregory) Ralfs in Pritchard, 1861 Ralfs in Pritchard, 1861 Greville, 1859 (Gregory) Heiberg, 1863 Gregory, 1857 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 x x x x Pfitzer 1871 emend. Paddock, 1988 Cleve-Euler x x (Heiden in Heiden & Kolbe) Paddock, 1988 x Heiden in Heiden & Kolbe, 1928 (Gregory) Kuntze, 1898 x x x Gregory, 1857 (Gregory) Cleve, 1894 (Smith) Paddock, 1988 x Smith, 1853 (Smith) Cleve, 1894 x x x x Smith, 1852 (Brébisson ex Kützing) Smith, 1853 Brébisson ex Kützing (Quekett) Smith, 1852 Quekett, 1848 Grunow in Cleve & Grunow, 1880 Smith, 1852 Smith, 1852 Grunow, 1878 Ralfs in Pritchard, 1861 Smith, 1853 Smith Smith, 1852 Bailey, 1854 Ricard, 1987 (Shadbolt) Van Heurck Shadbolt, 1854 Mann, 1990 (Gregory) Mann, 1990 Gregory, 1857 Round, 1993 (Grunow) Round, 1993 Grunow in Van Heurck, 1881 H. Peragallo in H. & M. Peragallo, 1897-1908 Frenguelli, 1939 Hasle, 1965 (Cleve) Heiden in Heiden & Kolbe, 1928 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x M. Cabrini 712 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 * [Nitzschia delicatissima] [Nitzschia actydrophila] Pseudo-nitzschia fraudolenta 412v [Nitzschia fraudolenta] [Pseudo-nitzschia seriata var. fraudolenta] P. cf. fraudolenta 413v Pseudo-nitzschia galaxiae 414v P. cf. granii 415v [Nitzschia granii] Pseudo-nitzschia heimii 416v [Nitzschia heimii] P. cf. heimii 417v P. cf. lineola 418v [Nitzschia lineola] [Nitzschia barkleyi] Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries 419v [Nitzschia pungens f. multiseries] [Pseudo-nitzschia pungens f. multiseries] P. cf. multiseries 420v Pseudo-nitzschia multistriata 421v [Nitzschia multistriata] Pseudo-nitzschia prolongatoides422v [Nitzschia prolongatoides] Pseudo-nitzschia pseudodelicatissima 423v [Nitzschia pseudodelicatissima] [Nitzschia delicatula] Pseudo-nitzschia pungens 424v [Nitzschia pungens] Cleve, 1897 Hasle, 1965 (Cleve) Hasle, 1965 x x x Cleve, 1897 (Cleve) H. Peragallo in H. & M. Peragallo, 1897-1908 (Cleve) Hasle, 1965 x Lundholm et Moestrup, 2002 x x (Hasle) Hasle, 1974 Hasle, 1964 Manguin, 1957 x (Manguin) Hasle, 1965 Manguin, 1957 (Cleve) Hasle, 1965 x x Cleve, 1897 Hustedt, 1952 (Hasle) Hasle, 1995 x Hasle, 1965 Pseudo-nitzschia seriata 425v x x x x [Nitzschia seriata] P. cf. subcurvata 426v [Nitzschia subcurvata] Pseudo-nitzschia subfraudolenta427v [Nitzschia subfraudolenta] Pseudo-nitzschia subpacifica 428v [Nitzschia subpacifica] Pseudo-nitzschia turgidula 429v [Nitzschia turgidula] Pseudo-nitzschia sp.p. del Nitzschia delicatissima complex 430v Pseudo-nitzschia sp.p. del Nitzschia seriata complex 431v Pseudo-nitzschia sp. 432v Pseudo-nitzschia sp.p. 433v Pseudostaurosira 434v Pseudostaurosira brevistriata 435v [Fragilaria brevistriata] Rhabdonema 436v Rhabdonema adriaticum 437v Rhabdonema arcuatum 438v [Diatoma arcuatum] et al. x x x x x x x x (Hasle) Hasle, 1993 (Hasle) Hasle, 1995 (Takano) Takano, 1995 Takano, 1993 (Hasle) Hasle, 1993 Hasle, 1965 (Hasle) Hasle, 1993 Hasle, 1976 Hasle, 1965 (Grunow ex Cleve) Hasle, 1993 Grunow ex Cleve, 1897 (Cleve) H. Peragallo in H. & M. Peragallo, 1897-1908 Cleve, 1883 (Hasle) Fryxell in Fryxell et al., 1991 Hasle, 1964 (Hasle) Hasle, 1993 Hasle, 1974 (Hasle) Hasle, 1993 Hasle, 1965 (Hustedt) Hasle, 1965 Hustedt, 1958 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Hasle, 1965 x x x x x x x Hasle, 1965 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x (Grunow) Williams & Round, 1987 (Grunow in Van Heurck) Williams & Round, 1987 Grunow in Van Heurck, 1885 Kützing, 1844 Kützing, 1844 (Lyngbye) Kützing, 1844 Lyngbye, 1819 x x x x x x Phytoplancton 713 * Rhabdonema minutum 439v Rhabdonema sp. 440v Rhabdonema sp.p. 441v Rhaphoneis 442v Rhaphoneis sp. 443v Rhoicosphenia 444v Rhoicosphenia curvata 445v [Gomphonema curvatum] Rhoicosphenia marina 446v [Gomphonema marinum] Rhopalodia 447v Rhopalodia gibberula 448v [Eunotia gibberula] Sellaphora 449v Sellaphora pupula 450v [Navicula pupula] Seminavis 451v S. cf. cymbelloides 452v [Amphora cymbelloides] Stauroneis 453v Stauroneis legumen 454v [Stauroptera legumen] Stauroneis sp. 455v Striatella 456v Striatella unipunctata 457v [Fragilaria unipunctata] Striatella sp. 458v Surirella 459v Surirella ovata 460v Surirella striatula 461v Surirella sp. 462v Surirella sp.p. 463v Synedra 464v Synedra acus 465v S. cf. acus 466v Synedra crystallina 467v [Diatoma crystallinum] Synedra fulgens 468v Synedra rumpens 469v Synedra tabulata 470v [Diatoma tabulatum] Synedra ulna 471v [Bacillaria ulna] Synedra sp. 472v Synedra sp.p. 473v Tabellaria 474v Tabellaria fenestrata 475v [Diatoma fenestratum] Tabellaria flocculosa 476v [Conferva flocculosa] Tabellaria sp. 477v Tabellaria sp.p. 478v Tabularia 479v Kützing, 1844 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 x x x x x Ehrenberg, 1844 x Grunow, 1860 (Kützing) Grunow, 1867 Kützing, 1834 (Smith) Schmidt in Schmidt, 1899 Smith, 1853 Müller, 1895 (Ehrenberg) Müller, 1895 (Ehrenberg) Müller, 1895 Mereschowsky, 1902 (Kützing) Mereschkovsky, 1902 Kützing, 1844 Mann in Round, Crawford & Mann, 1990 (Grunow) Mann in Round, Crawford & Mann, 1990 Grunow, 1867 Ehrenberg, 1843 (Ehrenberg) Kützing, 1844 Ehrenberg, 1843 x x x x x x x x Agardh, 1832 (Lyngbye) Agardh, 1832 Lyngbye, 1819 x x x x x x x x x Turpin, 1828 Kützing, 1844 Turpin, 1828 x x x x x Ehrenberg, 1830 Kützing, 1844 Kützing, 1844 (Agardh) Kützing, 1844 Agardh, 1824 Greville Kützing (Agardh) Kützing, 1844 Agardh, 1832 (Nitzsch) Ehrenberg, 1838 Nitzsch, 1817 Ehrenberg, 1840 (Lyngbye) Kützing, 1844 Lyngbye, 1819 (Roth) Kützing, 1844 Roth, 1797 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Ehrenberg, 1830 x x x x x x x M. Cabrini 714 * T. cf. fasciculata 480v [Diatoma fasciculatum] [Synedra fasciculata] Thalassionema 481v Thalassionema bacillare 482v [Spinigera bacillaris] Thalassionema frauenfeldii 483v [Asterionella frauenfeldii] [Thalassiothrix frauenfeldii] Thalassionema nitzschioides 484v [Synedra nitzschioides] [Thalassiothrix nitzschioides] Thalassionema pseudonitzschioides 485v [Thalassiothrix pseudonitzschioides] Thalassionema sp. 486v Thalassionema sp.p. 487v Thalassiothrix 488v Thalassiothrix antarctica 489v Thalassiothrix longissima 490v [Synedra thalassiothrix] Thalassiothrix mediterranea 491v Thalassiothrix sp. 492v Thalassiothrix sp.p. 493v Toxarium 494v Toxarium hennedyanum 495v [Synedra hennedyana] Toxarium undulatum 496v [Synedra undulata] Trichotoxon 497v Trichotoxon reinboldii 498v [Synedra reinboldii] [Synedra pelagica] Tropidoneis 499v Tropidoneis sp. 500v Tropidoneis sp.p. 501v Tryblionella 502v Tryblionella acuminata 503v [Tryblionella acuminata] [Nitzschia acuminata] Tryblionella acuta 504v [Nitzschia acuta] Tryblionella angustata 505v [Tryblionella angustata] [Nitzschia angustata] Tryblionella apiculata 506v [Synedra constricta] [Nitzschia apiculata] [Nitzschia constricta] T. cf. calida 507v [Nitzschia calida] Tryblionella gracilis 508v (Agardh) Williams & Round, 1986 Agardh, 1812 (Agardh) Kützing, 1844 Grunow in Van Heurck, 1880-1885 (Heiden in Heiden & Kolbe) Kolbe, 1955 Heiden in Heiden & Kolbe, 1928 (Grunow) Hallegraeff, 1986 Grunow, 1863 (Grunow) Grunow in Cleve & Grunow, 1880 (Grunow) Grunow ex Hustedt, 1932 Grunow, 1862 (Grunow) Grunow in Van Heurck, 1880 (Schuette & Schrader) Hasle in Hasle & Syversten, 1996 Schuette & Schrader, 1982 Cleve & Grunow, 1880 Schimper ex Karsten, 1905 Cleve & Grunow, 1880 Cleve, 1873 Pavillard, 1916 Ehrenberg, 1830 (Gregory) Grunow in Van Heurck, 18801885 Gregory, 1857 Bailey, 1854 (Bailey) Gregory, 1857 Reid & Round, 1988 (Van Heurck) Reid & Round, 1988 Van Heurck, 1909 Hendey, 1937 Cleve, 1891 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Smith, 1853 Smith, 1853 Smith, 1853 (Smith) Grunow, 1878 (Cleve) Mann, 1990 Cleve, 1878 Smith, 1853 Smith, 1853 (Smith) Grunow in Cleve & Grunow, 1880 Gregory, 1857 Kützing, 1844 (Gregory) Grunow, 1878 (Kützing) Ralfs in Pritchard, 1861 (Grunow in Cleve & Grunow) Mann in Round, 1990 Grunow, 1880 Smith, 1853 et al. x x x x x x x x x x Phytoplancton 715 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 * [Nitzschia tryblionella] Tryblionella punctata 509v [Tryblionella punctata] [Nitzschia punctata] Undatella 510v Undatella lineata 511v [Amphiprora lineata] Bacillariophyceae Biddulphiales Acanthoceras 512v Acanthoceras zachariasii 513v [Attheya zachariasi] [Acanthoceras magdeburgense] Acanthoceras sp. 514v Actinocyclus 515v Actinocyclus curvatulus 516v [Coscinodiscus curvatulus var. subocellatus] [Actinocyclus subocellatus] Actinocyclus octonarius 517v [Actinocyclus ehrenbergii] Actinocyclus subtilis 518v [Eupodiscus subtilis] Actinocyclus sp. 519v Actinocyclus sp.p. 520v Actinoptychus 521v Actinoptychus sp. 522v Actinoptychus sp.p. 523v Anaulus 524v Anaulus mediterraneus 525v Arcocellulus 526v Arcocellulus sp. 527v Asterolampra 528v Asterolampra grevillei 529v Asterolampra marylandica 530v [Asterolampra vanheurckii] Asterolampra sp. 531v Asterolampra sp.p. 532v Asteromphalus 533v Asteromphalus flabellatus 534v [Spatangidium flabellatum] Asteromphalus heptactis 535v [Spatangidium heptactis] A. cf. hyalinus 536v Asteromphalus hookeri 537v A. cf. parvulus 538v Asteromphalus robustus 539v A. cf. sarcophagus 540v Asteromphalus sp. 541v Asteromphalus sp.p. 542v Attheya 543v Attheya decora 544v Attheya longicornis 545v Hantzsch, 1860 Smith, 1853 Smith, 1853 (Smith) Grunow, 1878 Paddock & Sims, 1980 (Greville) Paddock & Sims, 1980 Greville, 1863 Honigmann, 1909 (Brun) Simonsen, 1979 Brun, 1894 Honigmann, 1910 x x x x x x x Ehrenberg, 1837 Janisch in Schmidt, 1878 x Grunow, 1884 (Grunow) Rattray, 1890 Ehrenberg, 1838 Ralfs in Pritchard, 1861 (Gregory) Ralfs in Pritchard, 1861 Gregory, 1857 x x x x Ehrenberg, 1843 x x x Ehrenberg, 1844 Grunow Hasle, von Stosch & Syvertsen, 1983 x x Ehrenberg, 1844 (Wallich) Greville Ehrenberg, 1844 Brun, 1891 x x x x x x x Ehrenberg, 1844 (Brébisson) Greville, 1859 Brébisson, 1857 (Brébisson) Ralfs in Pritchard, 1861 Brébisson, 1857 Karsten, 1905 Ehrenberg, 1844 Karsten, 1905 Castracane, 1875 Wallich, 1860 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x West, 1860 West, 1860 x Crawford & Gardner in Crawford, Gardner x x & Medlin, 1994 x x x x x x x M. Cabrini 716 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 * [Chaetoceros septentrionalis sensu] Attheya sp. 546v Aulacodiscus 547v Aulacodiscus petersii 548v Aulacoseira 549v Aulacoseira sp. 550v Aulacoseira sp.p. 551v Azpeitia 552v Azpeitia nodulifera 553v [Coscinodiscus nodulifer] Bacteriastrum 554v Bacteriastrum biconicum 555v Bacteriastrum comosum 556v B. cf. comosum 557v Bacteriastrum delicatulum 558v Bacteriastrum elegans 559v Bacteriastrum elongatum 560v Bacteriastrum furcatum 561v [Bacteriastrum varians] Bacteriastrum hyalinum 562v Bacteriastrum hyalinum var. princeps 563v [Bacteriastrum varians var. princeps] B. cf. hyalinum var. princeps 564v Bacteriastrum mediterraneum 565v Bacteriastrum parallelum 566v Bacteriastrum sp. 567v Bacteriastrum sp.p. 568v Bacterosira 569v Bacterosira bathyomphala 570v [Coscinodiscus bathyomphalus] [Lauderia fragilis] [Bacteriosira fragilis] Bellerochea 571v Bellerochea horologicalis 572v Bellerochea malleus 573v [Triceratium malleus] Bellerochea malleus f. biangulata 574v Biddulphia 575v Biddulphia alternans 576v [Triceratium alternans] Biddulphia pulchella 577v Biddulphia titiana 578v Biddulphia sp. 579v Biddulphia sp.p. 580v Campylosira 581v Campylosira sp. 582v Campylosira sp.p. 583v Cerataulina 584v Cerataulina bicornis 585v [Syringidium bicorne] et al. Rines & Hargraves, 1988 x Ehrenberg, 1844 Ehrenberg Thwaites, 1848 x x x Peragallo in Tempère & Peragallo, 1912 (Schmidt) Fryxell & Sims in Fryxell et al., 1986 Schmidt, 1878 Shadbolt, 1854 Pavillard, 1916 Pavillard, 1916 Pavillard, 1916 Cleve, 1897 Pavillard, 1916 Cleve, 1897 Shadbolt, 1854 Lauder, 1864 Lauder, 1864 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x (Castracane) Ikari, 1927 x x x x x Castracane, 1886 (Castracane) Ikari, 1927 Pavillard, 1916 Sarno, Zingone & Marino, 1997 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Gran, 1900 (Cleve) Syversten & Hasle, 1993 x Cleve, 1883 Gran, 1897 (Gran) Gran, 1900 Van Heurck, 1885 emend. von Stosch, 1977 von Stosch, 1977 x (Brihtwell) Van Heurck 1885 emend. Von x Stosch, 1977 Brightwell, 1858 Peragallo x x x Gray, 1821 (Bailey) Van Heurck, 1885 Bailey, 1851 Gray, 1821 Grunow x x x x x x x x x x Grunow ex van Heurck, 1885 x x H. Peragallo ex Schütt, 1896 (Ehrenberg) Hasle in Hasle & Sims, 1985 Ehrenberg, 1845 x x Phytoplancton 717 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 * [Cerataulina compacta] [Cerataulina daemon] Cerataulina dentata 586v Cerataulina pelagica 587v [Zygoceros pelagica] [Cerataulus bergonii] [Cerataulina bergonii] Cerataulina sp. 588v Cerataulina sp.p. 589v Cerataulus 590v Cerataulus sp. 591v cf. Cerataulus 592v Cerataulus sp.p. 593v Chaetoceros 594v Chaetoceros aequatorialis 595v [? Chaetoceros pendulus] Chaetoceros affinis 596v [Chaetoceros angulatum] Chaetoceros anastomosans 597v Chaetoceros atlanticus 598v Chaetoceros atlanticus var. neapolitana 599v [Chaetoceros neapolitanus] C. cf. atlanticus var. neapolitana600v Chaetoceros borealis 601v C. cf. borealis 602v Chaetoceros brevis 603v [Chaetoceros pseudobreve] Chaetoceros castracanei 604v Chaetoceros ceratosporus 605v Chaetoceros cinctus 606v Chaetoceros coarctatus 607v Chaetoceros concavicorne f. volans 608v [Chaetoceros volans] Chaetoceros concavicornis 609v Chaetoceros constrictus 610v C. cf. constrictus 611v Chaetoceros contortus 612v [Chaetoceros compressus] Chaetoceros convolutus 613v C. cf. coronatus 614v Chaetoceros costatus 615v Chaetoceros curvisetus 616v Chaetoceros dadayi 617v Chaetoceros danicus 618v Chaetoceros debilis 619v C. cf. debilis 620v Chaetoceros decipiens 621v Chaetoceros decipiens f. singularis 622v Chaetoceros delicatulus 623v Chaetoceros densus 624v [Chaetoceros borealis var. densus] Ostenfeld in Ostenfeld & Schmidt, 1901 (Greville) Hasle in Hasle & Syvertsen, 1980 Hasle in Hasle & Syvertsen, 1980 x x (Cleve) Hendey, 1937 x x x x Cleve, 1889 H. Peragallo, 1892 (H. Peragallo) H. Peragallo ex Schütt, 1896 x x x x Ehrenberg, 1843 x Ehrenberg, 1843 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Ehrenberg, 1844 Cleve, 1873 Karsten, 1905 Lauder, 1864 Schütt, 1895 Grunow in Van Heurck, 1880-1885 Cleve, 1873 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x (Schröder) Hustedt, 1930 x x Schröder, 1900 (Schröder) Hustedt, 1930 Bailey, 1854 Bailey, 1854 Schütt, 1895 Pavillard, 1911 Karsten, 1905 Ostenfeld, 1910 Gran, 1897 Lauder, 1864 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Gran, 1904 Ostenfeld, 1901 (Cleve) Cleve, 1901 Cleve, 1897 x x x x x x x (Schütt) Hustedt, 1930 Schütt, 1895 Mangin, 1917 Gran, 1897 Gran, 1897 Schütt, 1895 Lauder, 1864 Castracane, 1886 Gran, 1897 Pavillard, 1911 Cleve, 1889 Pavillard, 1913 Cleve, 1889 Cleve, 1894 Cleve, 1894 Cleve, 1873 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x M. Cabrini 718 * Chaetoceros diadema 625v [Syndendrium diadema] [Chaetoceros distans var. subsecunda] [Chaetoceros subsecundus] Chaetoceros dichaeta 626v C. cf. dichaeta 627v Chaetoceros didymus 628v Chaetoceros didymus var. anglica 629v Chaetoceros diversus 630v Chaetoceros eibenii 631v Chaetoceros fragilis 632v Chaetoceros gracilis 633v C. cf. gracilis 634v Chaetoceros holsaticus 635v C. cf. holsaticus 636v Chaetoceros insignis 637v Chaetoceros laciniosus 638v Chaetoceros laevis 639v Chaetoceros lauderi 640v Chaetoceros lorenzianus 641v Chaetoceros messanensis 642v [Chaetoceros furca] Chaetoceros minimus 643v [Rhizosolenia minima] [Monoceros isthmiiformis] Chaetoceros mitra 644v [Dicladia mitra] [Dicladia groenlandica] Chaetoceros muelleri 645v C. cf. muelleri 646v Chaetoceros neglectus 647v Chaetoceros paulsenii 648v Chaetoceros pelagicus 649v Chaetoceros perpusillus 650v Chaetoceros peruvianus 651v [Chaetoceros chilensis] Chaetoceros pseudocrinitus 652v Chaetoceros pseudocurvisetus 653v Chaetoceros radians 654v C. cf. radians 655v Chaetoceros radicans 656v [Chaetoceros scolopendra] Chaetoceros rostratus 657v Chaetoceros saltans 658v [Chaetoceros peruvianus var. saltans] Chaetoceros seiracanthus 659v Chaetoceros similis 660v Chaetoceros simplex 661v Chaetoceros socialis 662v Chaetoceros subtilis 663v C. cf. subtilis 664v (Ehrenberg) Gran, 1897 Ehrenberg, 1854 et al. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 x x x Grunow in Van Heurck, 1880-1885 (Grunow) Hustedt, 1930 Ehrenberg, 1844 Ehrenberg, 1844 Ehrenberg, 1845 x x x x (Grunow) Gran, 1908 x x x x x Cleve, 1873 Grunow in Van Heurck, 1880-1885 Meunier, 1910 Schütt, 1895 Schütt, 1895 Schütt, 1895 Schütt, 1895 x x x x Schütt, 1895 Leuduger-Fortmorel, 1892 Ralfs in Lauder, 1864 Grunow, 1863 Castracane, 1875 Cleve, 1897 (Levander) Marino, Giuffré, Montresor & Zingone, 1991 Levander, 1904 Van Goor, 1924 (Bailey) Cleve, 1896 Bailey, 1856 Cleve, 1873 Lemmermann, 1898 Lemmermann, 1898 Karsten, 1905 Ostenfeld, 1901 Cleve, 1873 Cleve, 1897 Brightwell, 1856 Krasske, 1941 Ostenfeld, 1901 Mangin, 1910 Schütt, 1895 Schütt, 1895 Schütt, 1895 Cleve, 1896 Lauder, 1864 Cleve, 1897 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Forti, 1922 Gran, 1897 Cleve, 1896 Ostenfeld, 1901 Lauder, 1864 Cleve, 1896 Cleve, 1896 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Phytoplancton 719 * Chaetoceros tenuissimus 665v [Chaetoceros simplex var. calcitrans] Chaetoceros teres 666v Chaetoceros tetrastichon 667v Chaetoceros throndsenii 668v [Miraltia throndsenii] Chaetoceros tortissimus 669v Chaetoceros vixvisibilis 670v Chaetoceros wighamii 671v [Chaetoceros biconcavum] Chaetoceros willei 672v [Chaetoceros affine var. willei] Chaetoceros sp. 673v Chaetoceros sp.p. 674v Corethron 675v Corethron criophilum 676v Coscinodiscus 677v C. cf. asteromphalus 678v Coscinodiscus centralis 679v C. cf. centralis 680v Coscinodiscus decrescens 681v Coscinodiscus fimbriatus 682v Coscinodiscus granii 683v Coscinodiscus granulosus 684v [Odontodiscus granulosus] Coscinodiscus oculus-iridis 685v Coscinodiscus perforatus 686v Coscinodiscus radiatus 687v Coscinodiscus vetustissimus 688v Coscinodiscus sp. 689v Coscinodiscus sp.p. 690v Cyclotella 691v Cyclotella atomus 692v Cyclotella caspia 693v Cyclotella catenata 694v Cyclotella glomerata 695v Cyclotella kützingiana 696v Cyclotella litoralis 697v Cyclotella meneghiniana 698v Cyclotella ocellata 699v C. cf. striata 700v [Coscinodiscus striatus] Cyclotella sp. 701v Cyclotella sp.p. 702v Cymatosira 703v Cymatosira lorenziana 704v Cymatosira sp. 705v Cymatosira sp.p. 706v Dactyliosolen 707v Dactyliosolen antarcticus 708v Dactyliosolen blavyanus 709v [Guinardia blavyana] Meunier, 1913 Paulsen, 1905 Cleve, 1896 Cleve, 1897 (Marino, Montresor & Zingone) Marino, Montresor & Zingone, 1991 Marino, Montresor & Zingone, 1987 Gran, 1900 Schiller Brightwell, 1856 Gran, 1897 Gran, 1897 (Gran) Hustedt, 1930 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Castracane, 1886 Castracane, 1886 Ehrenberg, 1839 emend. Hasle & Sims, 1986 Ehrenberg, 1844 Ehrenberg, 1844 Ehrenberg, 1844 Grunow in Schmidt, 1878 Ehrenberg, 1844 Gough, 1905 Grunow in Cleve & Grunow, 1880 Grunow in Cleve & Grunow, 1880 Ehrenberg, 1841 Ehrenberg, 1845 Ehrenberg, 1841 x Pantocsek x x (Kützing 1833) Brébisson, 1838 Hustedt, 1937 Grunow, 1878 Brun Bachmann, 1911 Thwaites, 1848 Lange & Syvertsen, 1989 x Kützing, 1844 Pantoscek, 1901 (Kützing) Grunow in Cleve & Grunow, 1880 Kützing, 1844 x x Grunow, 1862 Grunow, 1862 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Castracane, 1886 Castracane, 1886 (H. Peragallo) Hasle, 1975 H. Peragallo, 1892 x x x x x x x x M. Cabrini 720 * Dactyliosolen fragilissimus 710v [Rhizosolenia fragilissima] Dactyliosolen phuketensis 711v [Rhizosolenia phuketensis] Dactyliosolen sp. 712v Dactyliosolen sp.p. 713v Detonula 714v Detonula confervacea 715v [Lauderia confervacea] Detonula pumila 716v [Lauderia pumila] [Thalassiosira condensata] [Schroederella delicatula] Detonula sp. 717v Detonula sp.p. 718v Ditylum 719v Ditylum brightwelli 720v [Triceratium brightwellii] Ditylum sol721v [Triceratium sol] Ditylum sp. 722v Ditylum sp.p. 723v Endictya 724v Endictya oceanica 725v Eucampia 726v Eucampia cornuta 727v [Mölleria cornuta] Eucampia zodiacus 728v Eucampia zodiacus f. cylidricornis 729v Eucampia sp. 730v Eucampia sp.p. 731v Gossleriella 732v Gossleriella tropica 733v Gossleriella sp.p. 734v Guinardia 735v Guinardia cylindrus 736v [Rhizosolenia cylindrus] Guinardia delicatula 737v [Rhizosolenia delicatula] Guinardia flaccida 738v [Rhizosolenia (?) flaccida] Guinardia striata 739v [Eucampia striata] [Rhizosolenia stolterfothii] Guinardia tubiformis 740v [Rhizosolenia tubiformis] Guinardia sp. 741v Guinardia sp.p. 742v Hemiaulus 743v Hemiaulus hauckii 744v [Hemiaulus delicatulus] (Bergon) Hasle in Hasle & Syversten, 1996 Bergon, 1903 (Sundström) Hasle in Hasle & Syversten, 1996 Sundström, 1980 Schütt ex De Toni, 1894 (Cleve) Gran, 1900 Cleve, 1896 (Castracane) Gran, 1990 Castracane, 1886 Cleve, 1900 Pavillard, 1913 et al. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x J.W. Bailey ex L.W. Bailey, 1861 (West) Grunow in Van Heurck, 1880-1885 West, 1860 Grunow in Van Heurck 1880-1885 Grunow in Van Heurck 1880-1885 x x x x x x x x x x x x x Ehrenberg, 1845 Ehrenberg, 1845 Ehrenberg, 1839 (Cleve) Grunow in Van Heurck, 1880-1885 Cleve, 1873 Ehrenberg, 1841 x x x x x Syvertsen & Hasle, 1983 Schütt, 1892 Schütt, 1892 x x H. Peragallo, 1892 (Cleve) Hasle in Hasle & Syversten, 1996 x Cleve, 1897 (Cleve) Hasle in Hasle & Syversten, 1996 x Cleve, 1900 (Castracane) H. Peragallo, 1892 x Castracane, 1886 (Stolterfoth) Hasle in Hasle & Syversten, x 1996 Stolterfoth, 1879 H. Peragallo, 1888 (Hasle) Hasle in Hasle & Syversten, 1997 Hasle, 1975 Heiberg, 1863 Grunow in Van Heurck, 1880-1885 Lemmermann, 1905 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Phytoplancton 721 * Hemiaulus sinensis745v Hemiaulus sp. 746v Hemiaulus sp.p. 747v Hemidiscus 748v Hemidiscus cuneiformis 749v Hemidiscus cuneiformis var. gibba 750v [Euodia gibba] Hemidiscus cuneiformis var. recta 751v [Euodia recta] Hemidiscus cuneiformis var. ventricosa752v [Euodia ventricosa] Hyalodiscus 753v Hyalodiscus sp. 754v Isthmia 755v Isthmia sp.p. 756v Lauderia 757v Lauderia annulata 758v [Lauderia borealis] Lauderia sp. 759v Lauderia sp.p. 760v Leptocylindrus 761v Leptocylindrus danicus 762v Leptocylindrus danicus var. adriaticus 763v [Leptocylindrus adriaticus] Leptocylindrus mediterraneus 764v [Lauderia mediterranea] [Dactyliosolen mediterraneus] Leptocylindrus minimus 765v Leptocylindrus sp. 766v Leptocylindrus sp.p. 767v Lithodesmium 768v Lithodesmium undulatum 769v Lithodesmium sp. 770v Lithodesmium sp.p. 771v Melosira 772v Melosira ambigua 773v Melosira distans 774v [Gaillonella distans] Melosira dubia 775v M. cf. dubia 776v Melosira granulata 777v Melosira moniliformis 778v [Conferva moniliformis] Melosira nummulloides 779v Melosira varians 780v Melosira sp. 781v Melosira sp.p. 782v Minidiscus 783v Minidiscus comicus 784v Minidiscus sp. 785v Minidiscus sp.p. 786v Greville 1865 Wallich, 1860 Wallich, 1860 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x (Bailey) Hustedt, 1930 x Bailey in Pritchard, 1861 (Castracane) Hustedt, 1930 x Castracane, 1886 (Castracane) Hustedt, 1930 x Castracane, 1886 Ehrenberg, 1845 x Agardh, 1832 x Cleve, 1873 Cleve, 1873 Gran, 1900 x x x x x x Cleve, 1889 Cleve, 1889 x x x x (Schröder) Schiller Schröder, 1908 (H. Peragallo) Hasle, 1975 H. Peragallo, 1888 (H. Peragallo) H. Peragallo, 1892 Gran, 1915 Ehrenberg, 1839 Ehrenberg, 1841 Agardh, 1824 (Grunow) Müller, 1903 (Ehrenberg) Kützing, 1844 Ehrenberg, 1836 Kützing, 1844 Kützing, 1844 (Ehrenberg) Ralfs, 1861 (Müller) Agardh, 1824 Müller, 1783 Agardh, 1824 Agardh, 1827 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Hasle, 1973 Takano, 1981 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x M. Cabrini 722 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 * Minutocellulus 787v Minutocellulus polymorphus 788v [Bellerochea polymorpha] Neocalyptrella 789v Neocalyptrella robusta 790v Odontella 791v Odontella aurita 792v [Diatoma auritum] [Biddulphia aurita] Odontella longicruris 793v [Biddulphia longicruris] Odontella mobiliensis 794v [Zygoceros mobiliensis] [Biddulphia mobiliensis] Odontella regia 795v [Denticella regia] [Biddulphia regia] Odontella rhombus 796v Odontella sinensis 797v [Biddulphia sinensis] Odontella sp. 798v Odontella sp.p. 799v Palmeria 800v Palmeria hardmaniana 801v [Hemidiscus hardmanianus] Paralia 802v Paralia sulcata 803v [Gaillonella sulcata] [Melosira sulcata] Plagiogrammopsis 804v Plagiogrammopsis vanheurckii 805v [Plagiogramma vanheurckii] Planktoniella 806v Planktoniella sol 807v [Coscinodiscus sol] Podosira 808v Podosira stelliger 809v [Hyalodiscus stelliger] [Podosira maculata] [Melosira maculata] Porosira 810v Porosira sp. 811v Podosira sp.p. 812v Proboscia 813v Proboscia alata 814v [Rhizosolenia alata] [Rhizosolenia alata f. gracillima] Proboscia eumorpha 815v [Rhizosolenia obtusa] [Rhizosolenia alata f. inermis] Proboscia indica 816v et al. Hasle, von Stosch & Syvertsen, 1983 (Hargraves & Guillard) Hasle, von Stosch & Syvertsen, 1983 Hargraves & Guillard, 1974 Hernández-Becerril et Meave del Castillo (Norman ex Ralfs) Hernández-Becerril & Meave del Castillo Agardh, 1832 (Lyngbye) Agardh, 1832 x Lyngbye, 1819 (Lyngbye) Brébisson, 1838 (Greville) Hoban, 1983 x Greville, 1859 (Bailey) Grunow, 1884 x Bailey, 1851 (Bailey) Grunow in Van Heurck, 1880-1885 (Schultze) Simonsen, 1974 Schultze, 1858 (Schultze) Ostenfeld, 1908 (Ehrenberg) Kützing (Greville) Grunow, 1884 x Greville, 1866 x Greville, 1865 Greville, 1865 (Greville) Mann, 1907 Heiberg, 1863 (Ehrenberg) Cleve, 1873 x Ehrenberg, 1838 (Ehrenberg) Kützing, 1844 Hasle, von Stosch & Syvertsen, 1983 (Grunow) Hasle, von Stosch & Syvertsen, 1983 Grunow in Van Heurck, 1880-1885 Schütt, 1892 (Wallich) Schütt, 1892 Wallich, 1860 Ehrenberg, 1840 (Bailey) Mann, 1907 Bailey, 1854 Smith, 1856 Lagerstedt, 1876 Jørgensen, 1905 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Sundström, 1986 (Brightwell) Sundström, 1986 Brightwell, 1858 (Cleve) Grunow, 1881 Takahashi, Jordan & Priddle, 1994 Hensen, 1887 (Castracane) Hustedt, 1930 (Peragallo) Drebes, 1974 x x x x x x x x x x Phytoplancton 723 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 * [Rhizosolenia indica] [Rhizosolenia alata f. indica] Proboscia truncata 817v [Rhizosolenia truncata] [Rhizosolenia alata f. curvirostris] Pseudoguinardia 818v Pseudoguinardia recta 819v Pseudosolenia 820v Pseudosolenia calcar avis 821v [Rhizosolenia calcar avis] Rhizosolenia 822v R. cf. acicularis 823v Rhizosolenia acuminata 824v [Rhizosolenia temperei var. acuminata] Rhizosolenia bergonii 825v Rhizosolenia castracanei var. castracanei 826v Rhizosolenia clevei var. clevei 827v Rhizosolenia curvata 828v Rhizosolenia decipiens 829v Rhizosolenia fallax 830v R. cf. fallax 831v Rhizosolenia firma 832v Rhizosolenia formosa 833v [Rhizosolenia styliformis var. latissima] Rhizosolenia hebetata f. hebetata 834v [Rhizosolenia hebetata f. hiemalis] Rhizosolenia hebetata f. semispina 835v [Rhizosolenia semispina] R. cf. hebetata f. semispina 836v Rhizosolenia hyalina 837v [Rhizosolenia pellucida] R. cf. hyalina 838v Rhizosolenia imbricata 839v [Rhizosolenia shrubsolei] [Rhizosolenia imbricata var. shrubsolei] Rhizosolenia pungens 840v Rhizosolenia robusta 841v Rhizosolenia setigera 842v [Rhizosolenia hensenii] Rhizosolenia simplex 843v Rhizosolenia striata 844v Rhizosolenia styliformis 845v [Rhizosolenia styliformis var. longispina] Rhizosolenia temperei 846v Rhizosolenia sp. 847v Rhizosolenia sp.p. 848v Skeletonema 849v Skeletonema costatum 850v H. Peragallo, 1892 (H. Peragallo) Ostenfeld, 1901 (Karsten) Nöthig and Ligowski Karsten, 1905 Gran, 1900 von Stosch, 1986 von Stosch, 1986 x Sundström, 1986 (Schultze) Sundström, 1986 x x x x Schulze, 1858 Brightwell, 1858 Sundström, 1986 (H. Peragallo) H. Peragallo in H. & M. x Peragallo, 1897-1908 x x x x x x H. Peragallo, 1892 H. Peragallo, 1892 x H. Peragallo, 1888 x x x Ostenfeld, 1902 Zacharias, 1905 Sundström, 1986 Sundström, 1986 Sundström, 1986 Karsten, 1907 H. Peragallo, 1888 x x x x x x x x x x x x Brightwell in H. Peragallo, 1888 Bailey, 1856 x x x x x x x Gran, 1904 (Hensen) Gran, 1904 Hensen, 1887 (Hensen) Gran, 1904 Ostenfeld in Ostenfeld & Schmidt, 1901 Cleve, 1901 Ostenfeld in Ostenfeld & Schmidt, 1901 Brightwell, 1858 Cleve, 1881 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x (Cleve) Schröder, 1906 Cleve-Euler, 1937 Norman in Pritchard, 1961 Brightwell, 1858 Schütt, 1900 Karsten, 1905 Greville, 1864 Brightwell, 1858 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Hustedt in Schmidt, 1914 H. Peragallo, 1888 Greville, 1865 (Greville) Cleve, 1878 M. Cabrini 724 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 * [Melosira costata] Skeletonema mediterraneum 851v [Melosira mediterranea] Skeletonema menzelii 852v Skeletonema pseudocostatum 853v Skeletonema tropicum 854v Skeletonema sp. 855v Skeletonema sp.p. 856v Stellarima 857v Stellarima stellaris 858v [Coscinodiscus stellaris] Stephanodiscus 859v Stephanodiscus sp. 860v Stephanopyxis 861v Stephanopyxis turris 862v [Creswellia turris] Stictocyclus 863v Stictocyclus sp. 864v Thalassiosira 865v Thalassiosira allenii 866v Thalassiosira angulata 867v [Orthosira angulata] [Thalassiosira decipiens] [no Thalassiosira decipiens] T. cf. angulata 868v Thalassiosira anguste-lineata 869v [Coscinodiscus anguste-lineatus] [Coscinodiscus polychordus] [Thalassiosira polychorda] Thalassiosira eccentrica 870v [Coscinodiscus eccentricus] Thalassiosira gravida 871v Thalassiosira hyalina 872v [Coscinodiscus hyalinus] Thalassiosira leptopus 873v [Coscinodiscus (lineatus var.?) leptopus] [Coscinodiscus lineatus] [Coscinodiscus pseudolineatus] [Coscinodiscus praelineatus] Thalassiosira lundiana 874v Thalassiosira mediterranea 875v [Coscinosira mediterranea] [Thalassiosira stellaris] Thalassiosira mendiolana 876v Thalassiosira nordenskioeldii 877v T. cf. pseudonana 878v [Cyclotella nana] Thalassiosira punctigera 879v [Ethmodiscus punctiger] [Thalassiosira angstii] T. cf. punctigera 880v Thalassiosira rotula 881v et al. Greville, 1866 (Grunow) Brun Grunow Guillard, Carpenter & Reimann, 1974 Medlin et al., 1991 Cleve x x x x x x x x x Hasle & Sims, 1986 (Roper) Hasle & Sims, 1986 Roper, 1858 Ehrenberg, 1845 x x x x x x (Ehrenberg) Ehrenberg, 1845 (Arnott & Greville) Ralfs in Pritchard, 1861 Arnott & Greville, 1857 Mann, 1925 x x Cleve, 1873 emend. Hasle, 1973 Takano, 1965 (Gregory) Hasle, 1978 Gregory, 1857 (Grunow) Jørgensen, 1905 (Grunow) Jørgensen in Hasle, 1979 (Gregory) Hasle, 1987 (Schmidt) Frixell & Hasle, 1977 Schmidt, 1878 Gran, 1897 (Gran) Jørgensen, 1899 (Ehrenberg) Cleve, 1904 Ehrenberg, 1841 Cleve, 1896 (Grunow) Gran, 1897 Grunow in Cleve & Grunow, 1880 (Grunow) Hasle & Fryxell, 1977 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Grunow in Van Heurck, 1883 Ehrenberg, 1839 Pantocsek Jousé, 1968 Fryxell, 1978 x (Schröder) Hasle, 1990 x Schröder, 1911 Hasle & Guillard in Frixell & Hasle, 1977 Hasle & Heimdal Cleve, 1873 x Hasle & Heimdal, 1970 Guillard clone 3H in Guillard & Ryther, 1962 (Castracane) Hasle, 1983 x Castracane, 1886 (Gran) Makarova, 1970 (Castracane) Hasle, 1983 Meunier, 1910 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Phytoplancton 725 * Thalassiosira subtilis 882v [Podosira (?) subtilis] Thalassiosira unipunctata 883v Thalassiosira weissflogii 884v [Micropodiscus weissflogii] [Thalassiosira fluviatilis] Thalassiosira sp. 885v Thalassiosira sp.p. 886v Triceratium 887v Triceratium antediluvianum 888v Triceratium shadboltianum var. elongata 889v Triceratium sp. 890v Triceratium sp.p. 891v Trigonium 892v Trigonium alternans 893v Dinophyceae Achradina894v Achradina pulchra895v Achradina sp.896v Achradina sp.p.897v Akashiwo 898v Akashiwo sanguinea899v [Gymnodinium sanguineum] [Gymnodinium splendens] [Gymnodinium nelsonii] Alexandrium900v Alexandrium angustitabulatum 901v Alexandrium catenella 902v [Gonyaulax catenella] [Protogonyaulax catenella] Alexandrium compressum 903v [Protogonyaulax compressa] Alexandrium concavum 904v Alexandrium foedum 905v A. cf. fundyense 906v Alexandrium minutum 907v [Alexandrium ibericum] Alexandrium pseudogonyaulax 908v [Goniodoma pseudogoniaulax] [Alexandrium pseudogonyaulax] Alexandrium tamarense909v [Gonyaulax tamarensis] [Gonyaulax tamarensis var. excavata] [Gonyaulax excavata] [Gessnerium tamarensis] [Protogonyaulax tamarensis] [Alexandrium excavatum] A. cf. tamarense 910v A. cf. taylorii 911v Alexandrium sp. 912v Alexandrium sp.p. 913v Amphidinium 914v (Ostenfeld) Gran, 1900 Ostenfeld, 1899 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 x x x x (Grunow) Fryxell & Hasle, 1977 Grunow in Van Heurck, 1885 Hustedt, 1926 x x x x x x x x Ehrenberg, 1839 (Ehrenberg) Grunow x Grunow, 1867 x x x x x x x x x x x x Cleve, 1868 (Bailey) Mann, 1907 Lohmann, 1903 Lohmann, 1903 x x x x x x x x Hansen & Moestrup, 2000 (Hirasaka) Hansen & Moestrup, 2000 Hirasaka, 1922 Lebour, 1925 Martin, 1929 Halim, 1960 Taylor in Balech, 1995 (Whedon & Kofoid) Balech, 1985 Whedon &Kofoid, 1936 (Whedon & Kofoid) Taylor, 1979 (Fukuyo Yoshida & Inoue) Balech, 1992 Fukuyo Yoshida & Inoue, 1985 (Gaarder) Balech, 1985 Balech, 1990 Balech, 1985 Halim, 1960 Balech, 1985 (Biecheler) Horiguchi ex Kita & Fukuyo,1992 Biecheler,1952 (Biecheler) Horiguchi,1983 (Lebour) Balech, 1995 Lebour, 1925 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Braarud, 1945 (Braarud) Balech, 1971 (Lebour) Loeblich III & L. Loeblich, 1979 (Lebour) Taylor, 1979 (Braarud) Balech & Tangen, 1985 (Lebour) Balech, 1992 Balech, 1994 x x x x x x x Claparède & Lachmann, 1859 x x x x x x x x x x x M. Cabrini 726 * Amphidinium acutissimum915v Amphidinium amphidinioides 916v [Gymnodinium amphidinioides] Amphidinium carterae 917v Amphidinium conus918v Amphidinium crassum919v Amphidinium curvatum920v Amphidinium elenkinii921v [Amphidinium larvale] Amphidinium extensum922v Amphidinium flagellans923v Amphidinium glaucum924v Amphidinium globosum925v A. cf. globosum 926v Amphidinium herdmanii927v [Amphidinium operculatum] Amphidinium lacustriforme928v [Amphidinium lacustre] [Amphidinium schroederi] Amphidinium lanceolatum929v Amphidinium latum930v Amphidinium lissae931v Amphidinium longum932v [?Amphidinium acutum] Amphidinium operculatum933v [Amphidinium klebsii] Amphidinium pellucidum934v Amphidinium prismaticum935v [Trochodinium prismaticum] Amphidinium sphenoides936v Amphidinium stigmatum937v Amphidinium turbo938v Amphidinium sp.939v Amphidinium sp.p. 940v Amphidoma941v Amphidoma caudata942v [Oxytoxum tonollii] [Oxytoxum margalefi] Amphidoma nucula943v [Murrayella spinosa] [Amphidoma spinosa] [Gonyaulax rouchii] Amphidoma sp.p.944v Amphisolenia945v Amphisolenia bidentata946v Amphisolenia globifera947v Amylax948v Amylax triacantha949v [Gonyaulax triacantha] Balechina950v B. cf. coreulea951v cf. Balechina 952v cf. Balechina sp.953v Blastodinium954v Schiller,1933 (Geitler) Schiller,1933 Geitler,1924 Hulburt,1957 Schiller,1928 Lohmann,1908 Schiller,1928 Skvortzow,1925 Lindemann,1928 Wulff,1916 Schiller,1928 Conrad,1926 Schröder,1911 Schröder,1911 Kofoid & Swezy,1921 Herdman,1911 Schiller,1928 Stein,1883 Schiller,1928 Schröder,1911 Lebour,1925 Schiller,1925 Lohmann,1908 Lohmann,1920 Claparède & Lachmann,1859 Kofoid & Swezy,1921 Herdman,1922 (Conrad),Schiller Conrad,1926 Wülff,1916 Schiller,1928 Kofoid & Swezy,1921 Stein,1883 Halldal,1953 Rampi,1969 Rampi,1969 Stein,1883 Kofoid,1907 (Kofoid) Kofoid & Michener,1911 Rampi,1948 et al. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 1195 Stein,1883 1196 Schröder,1900 Stein,1883 Meunier,1910 (Jørgensen) Sournia,1984 Jørgensen,1899 Loeblich Jr. & Loeblich III,1968 (Dogiel) Taylor,1976 Loeblich Jr. & Loeblich III,1968 x x x x x x 1221 Chatton,1906 Phytoplancton 727 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 x * Blastodinium sp.p.955v Brachydinium956v Brachydinium capitatum957v Brachydinium sp.958v Calciodinellum959v Calciodinellum operosum960v Centrodinium961v Centrodinium maximum962v Centrodinium sp.963v Centrodinium sp.p.964v Ceratium965v Ceratium arietinum966v [Ceratium bucephalum] Ceratium azoricum967v Ceratium brachyceros 968v [Ceratium brachyceros] [Ceratium hirundella var. brachyceros] Ceratium breve969v [Ceratium breve var. parallelum] Ceratium buceros970v Ceratium candelabrum971v [Peridinium candelabrum] Ceratium candelabrum var. depressum 972v Ceratium carriense973v Ceratium concilians974v Ceratium contortum975v [Ceratium arcuatum] Ceratium contortum var. karsteni 976v [Ceratium karstenii] Ceratium contrarium977v [Ceratium tricocheros var. contrarium] Ceratium declinatum978v Ceratium declinatum var. normale 979v Ceratium euarcuatum980v Ceratium extensum981v [Ceratium fusus var. extensum] [Ceratium biceps] Ceratium falcatiforme982v Ceratium falcatum983v Ceratium furca984v [Peridinium furca] Ceratium furca var. eugrammum985v Ceratium fusum986v Ceratium fusus 987v [Peridinium fusus] Ceratium fusus var. seta988v [Ceratium seta] Ceratium gibberum989v Ceratium gravidum990v Ceratium hexacanthum991v Taylor,1963 Taylor,1963 Deflandre,1947 Deflandre,1947 1020 Kofoid,1907 1025 Pavillard,1930 x x x x x x x 988 Schrank,1793 989 Cleve,1900 Cleve,1897 990 Cleve,1900 Daday,1907 Daday,1907 x x x x (Daday) Ostenfeld,1909 (Ostenfeld & Schmidt) Schröder,1906 (Schmidt) Jörgensen,1911 993 (Zacharias) Schiller,1937 (Ehrenberg) Stein,1883 Ehrenberg,1860 x x x x x x x x x x x (Pouchet),Jørgensen 994 Gourret,1883 995 Jørgensen,1920 996 (Gourret) Cleve,1900 (Gourret) Cleve,1900 x x x x x x x x x (Pavillard),Sournia x x Pavillard,1907 997 (Gourret) Pavillard,1905 x x x x x (Gourret) Schiller,1936 998 (Karsten) Jørgensen,1911 x x x Jørgensen 1000 Jørgensen,1920 1001 (Gourret) Cleve,1901 Gourret,1883 Kofoid,1908 Jørgensen,1920 1002 (Kofoid),Jørgensen (Ehrenberg) Claparède & Lachmann,1859 Ehrenberg,1836 (Ehrenberg) Jörgensen,1911 Ehrenberg 1003 (Ehrenberg) Dujardin,1841 Ehrenberg,1834 (Ehrenberg),Schiller (Ehrenberg),Kofoid 1004 Gourret,1883 1005 Gourret,1883 1006 Gourret,1883 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x M. Cabrini 728 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 * [Ceratium reticulatum] Ceratium hexacanthum var. contortum992v Ceratium hirudinella993v [Bursaria hirundella] Ceratium horridum994v [Ceratium tripos var. horridum] Ceratium inflatum995v [Ceratium pennatum f. inflata] Ceratium kofoidii 996v Ceratium limulus 997v Ceratium lineatum998v [Peridinium lineatum] C. cf. lineatum 999v Ceratium longirostrum1000v Ceratium longissimum1001v Ceratium macroceros1002v [Peridinium macroceros] Ceratium macroceros var. gallicum 1003v Ceratium massiliense1004v [Ceratium tripos var. massiliense] Ceratium massiliense var. armatum1005v Ceratium massiliense var. protuberans1006v Ceratium minutum1007v Ceratium pavillardii1008v Ceratium pentagonum1009v Ceratium pentagonum var. subrobustum1010v Ceratium pentagonum var. tenerum1011v Ceratium platycorne1012v [Ceratium lamellicorne] Ceratium pulchellum1013v Ceratium setaceum1014v Ceratium symmetricum1015v C. cf. symmetricum var. orthoceras1016v Ceratium teres1017v Ceratium trichoceros1018v [Peridinium trichoceros] Ceratium tripos1019v [Cercaria tripos] Ceratium tripos var. atlanticum1020v C. cf. tripos var. atlanticum1021v Ceratium vultur1022v Ceratium sp.1023v Ceratium sp.p.1024v Ceratocorys1025v Ceratocorys armata1026v [Goniodoma acuminatum var. armatum] C. cf. armata 1027v Ceratocorys gourreti1028v et al. (Pouchet) Cleve,1903 1008 1009 1010 1011 Lemmermann x (Müller) Bergh,1841 Müller,1773 (Cleve) Gran,1902 Cleve,1897 (Kofoid) Jørgensen,1911 Kofoid,1907 Jørgensen,1911 Gourret,1883 (Ehrenberg) Cleve,1899 Ehrenberg,1854 (Ehrenberg) Cleve,1899 Gourret,1883 (Schröder) Kofoid,1907 (Ehrenberg) Vanhöffen,1897 Ehrenberg,1840 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x (Kofoid),Sournia x 1012 (Gourret) Jørgensen,1911 Gourret,1883 x x x x x x (Karsten) Jørgensen,1911 x (Karsten) Jørgensen 1013 Jørgensen,1920 1015 Jørgensen,1911 1016 Gourret,1883 x x x x x x x x x x x x x Jørgensen x Jørgensen,1920 x Daday,1888 Kofoid,1908 Schröder,1906 1018 Jørgensen Pavillard,1905 x x x x x x x x x x x x x (Jørgensen) Graham & Bronikovsky 1019 Kofoid,1907 (Ehrenberg) Kofoid,1908 Ehrenberg,1859 (Müller) Nitzsch,1817 Müller,1781 Ostenfeld,1903 Ostenfeld,1903 Cleve,1900 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 983 Stein,1883 984 (Schütt) Kofoid,1910 x x x x x x x x x x x x Schütt,1895 (Schütt) Kofoid,1910 985 Paulsen,1931 x x x Phytoplancton Ceratocorys horrida1029v Ceratocorys sp.1030v Ceratocorys sp.p.1031v Ceratoperidinium1032v Ceratoperidinium yeye1033v Ceratoperidinium sp.1034v Ceratoperidinium sp.p.1035v Citharistes1036v Citharistes regius1037v Cladopyxis1038v Cladopyxis brachiolata1039v Cladopyxis caryophyllum1040v [Acanthodinium caryophillum] Cladopyxis sp.1041v Cladopyxis sp.p.1042v Cochlodinium1043v Cochlodinium achromaticum1044v C. cf. pulchellum 1045v Cochlodinium polykrikoides1046v [Cochlodinium heterolobatum] Cochlodinium pupa 1047v Cochlodinium sp.1048v Cochlodinium sp.p.1049v Coolia1050v Coolia monotis1051v [Ostreopsis monotis] [Glenodinium monotis] Corythodinium1052v Corythodinium constrictum1053v [Pyrgidium constrictum] Corythodinium diploconus1054v [Oxytoxum diploconus] Corythodinium michaelsarsii 1055v [Oxytoxum michaelsarsi] Corythodinium reticulatum1056v [Pyrgidium reticulatum] [Oxytoxum reticulatum] C. cf. reticulatum1057v Corythodinium tesselatum1058v Corythodinium sp.1059v Cymbodinium1060v Cymbodinium elegans1061v Cystodinium1062v Cystodinium sp.1063v Dinophysis1064v Dinophysis acuminata1065v [Dinophysis ellipsoides] [Dinophysis borealis] [Dinophysis lachmanii] [Dinophysis boehmii] [Dinophysis skagii] Dinophysis acuta1066v D. cf. amandula1067v [Dinophysis amygdala] 729 * 986 Stein,1883 Margalef ex Loeblich III,1980 Margalef ex Loeblich III,1981 1202 1203 957 958 959 Stein,1883 Stein,1883 Stein,1883 Stein,1883 Kofoid,1907 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Schütt,1896 Lebour,1925 Lebour,1917 Margelef,1961 Silva,1967 Lebour,1925 x x x x x x x x x x x x x Meunier,1919 Meunier,1919 Lindemann,1928 Biecheler,1952 Loeblich Jr. & Loeblich III,1966 (Stein) Taylor,1976 Stein,1883 (Stein) Taylor,1976 1105 Stein,1883 (Gaarder) Taylor,1976 Gaarder,1954 (Stein) Taylor,1976 Stein,1883 1122 Bütschli,1885 (Stein) Taylor,1976 (Stein) Loeblich Jr. & Loeblich III,1966 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Cachon & Cachon,1967 Cachon & Cachon,1967 Klebs,1912 x x 1132 Ehrenberg,1839 1133 Claparède & Lachmann,1859 Kofoid,1907 Paulsen,1949 Paulsen,1949 Paulsen,1949 Paulsen,1949 1134 Ehrenberg,1839 (Balech) Sournia Balech x x x x x x x x M. Cabrini 730 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 * [Phalacroma ovum] Dinophysis caudata1068v Dinophysis dens1069v Dinophysis dentata 1070v Dinophysis diegensis1071v Dinophysis exigua1072v D. cf. exigua1073v Dinophysis fortii1074v Dinophysis hastata 1075v Dinophysis mitra1076v [Phalacroma mitra] [Phalacroma dolichopterygium] D. cf. ovata1077v [Phalacroma ovatum] Dinophysis ovum1078v [Dinophysis brevisulcus] Dinophysis parva1079v [Dinophysis infundibulus] Dinophysis parvula1080v [Phalacroma porodictyum var. parvula] [Phalacroma parvulum] [Prodinophysis parvula] D. cf. parvula1081v Dinophysis pugiunculus1082v Dinophysis punctata1083v Dinophysis rapa1084v [Phalacroma rapa] Dinophysis recurva 1085v [Dinophysis lenticula] D. cf. recurva1086v Dinophysis rotundata1087v [Dinophysis rotundata] Schütt (no Dinophysis ovum Schütt) 1137 Saville-Kent,1881 Pavillard,1915 Schiller,1928 Kofoid,1907 Kofoid & Skogsberg,1928 Kofoid & Skogsberg,1928 Pavillard,1923 1143 Stein,1883 1145 (Schütt) Abé,1967 Schütt,1895 Murray et Whitting,1899 Claparède & Lachmann,1859 (Claparède & Lachmann) Jørgensen,1923 1150 Schütt,1895 Tai & Skogsberg,1934 Schiller,1928 Schiller,1928 1151 (Schütt) Balech,1967 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Schütt,1895 1152 1154 1155 1157 [Phalacroma rotundatum ] Dinophysis sacculus1088v [Dinophysis acuminata f. reniformis] [Dinophysis pavillardi] [Dinophysis reniformis] [Dinophysis ventrecta] [Dinophysis phaseolus] Dinophysis schuettii1089v Dinophysis similis1090v [Dinophysis sphaerica] Dinophysis sphaerica1091v [Dinophysis vanhöffenii] D. cf. sphaerica1092v Dinophysis tripos1093v D. cf. umbosa1094v Dinophysis sp.1095v Dinophysis sp.p1096v Diplopelta1097v Diplopelta parva1098v [Dissodium parvum] et al. 1158 1161 1159 1164 (Schütt) Jørgensen,1923 (Schütt) Balech,1944 (Schütt) Balech,1967 (Jørgensen) Balech Jørgensen,1923 (Stein) Balech,1967 Stein,1883 Kofoid & Skogsberg,1928 Pavillard,1916 Kofoid & Skogsberg,1928 Claparède & Lachmann,1859 Claparède & Lachmann,1859 (Claparède & Lachmann) Kofoid Michener, 1911 Stein,1883 Pavillard,1905 Schröder,1906 (Pavillard) Kofoid et Skogsberg,1928 Schiller,1933 Silva,1952 Murray & Whitting,1899 Kofoid & Skogsberg,1928 Schütt,1895 Stein,1883 Ostenfeld,1900 Stein,1883 Gourret,1883 Schiller x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x & x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Stein ex Jørgensen,1912 (Abé) Matsuoka,1988 Abé,1941 x x x x x x x x x x x x x Phytoplancton 731 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 x * Diplopelta sp.p.1099v Diplopsalis1100v GROUP Diplopsalis lenticula1101v [Glenodinium lenticula] [Dissodium lenticulum] Diplopsalis sp.1102v Diplopsalis sp.p.1103v Diplopsalopsis1104v Diplopsalopsis bomba 1105v [Peridiniopsis asymmetrica] [Glenodinium lenticula f. asymmetrica] Dissodinium1106v [Dissodium asymmetricum] Dissodinium pseudocalani1107v [Sporodinium pseudocalani] Dissodinium sp.p.1108v Erythropsidinium1109v Erythropsidinium sp.1110v Glenodinium1111v Glenodinium foliaceum1112v [Kryptoperidinium foliaceum] [Peridinium foliaceum] Glenodinium mucronatum1113v Glenodinium sp.1114v Glenodinium sp.p. 1115v Goniodoma1116v Goniodoma polyedricum1117v [Peridinium polyedricum] [Triadinium polyedricum] Goniodoma sphaericum1118v [Heteraulacus sphaericus] [Triadinium sphaericum] Goniodoma sp.1119v Goniodoma sp.p.1120v Gonyaulax1121v G. cf. africana 1122v Gonyaulax diegensis1123v Gonyaulax digitale1124v [Protoperidinium digitale] Gonyaulax fragilis1125v [Steiniella fragilis] Gonyaulax gracilis1126v Gonyaulax hyalina1127v Gonyaulax kofoidii 1128v Gonyaulax minuta 1129v [Gonyaulax minima] Gonyaulax monacantha1130v Gonyaulax monospina1131v [Melanodinium nigricans] Gonyaulax polygramma1132v [Protoperidinium pyrophorum] [Gonyaulax schuetti] Bergh,1881 Bergh,1881 1060 Pouchet,1883 (Bergh) Loeblich III,1970 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Meunier,1910 (Stein) Dodge & Toriumi,1993 Mangin,1911 x x x x x x (Mangin) Schiller,1937 Klebs in Pascher 1916, (Mangin) Loeblich III,1970 (Gonnert) Drebes,1978 Gonnert,1936 x x Silva,1960 x 1059 Ehrenberg,1837 Stein,1883 Lindemann,1924 Biecheler,1952 Conrad x x x x x x Stein,1883 (Pouchet) Jørgensen,1899 Pouchet,1883 (Pouchet) Dodge,1981 Murray & Whitting,1899 (Murray & Whitting) Loeblich III,1970 (Murray & Whitting) Dodge,1981 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 961 962 966 967 Diesing,1866 Schiller,1925 Kofoid,1911 (Pouchet) Kofoid,1911 Pouchet,1883 968 (Schütt) Kofoid,1911 Schütt,1895 Schiller,1937 Ostenfeld & Schmidt,1901 Pavillard,1909 Kofoid & Michener Matzenauer,1933 978 Pavillard,1916 Rampi,1951 Schiller,1937 973 Stein,1883 Pouchet,1883 Lemmermann,1899 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x M. Cabrini 732 Gonyaulax scrippsae1133v Gonyaulax sphaeroidea1134v G. cf. sphaeroidea1135v Gonyaulax spinifera1136v [Peridinium spiniferum] Gonyaulax turbynei1137v Gonyaulax verior1138v [Amylax diacantha] [Gonyaulax diacantha sensu] Gonyaulax sp.1139v Gonyaulax sp.p. 1140v Gymnodinium 1141v Gymnodinium agiliforme1142v Gymnodinium albulum1143v G. cf. aureolum 1144v [Gyrodinium aureolum] Gymnodinium baccatum1145v Gymnodinium biconicum1146v Gymnodinium caput1147v G. cf. caput 1148v Gymnodinium catenatum1149v G. cf. catenatum 1150v Gymnodinium cinctum1151v G. cf. conicum1152v [Gymnodinium viridis] Gymnodinium corii1153v Gymnodinium elongatum1154v Gymnodinium fuscum1155v [Peridinium fuscum] Gymnodinium fusus1156v Gymnodinium impudicum1157v [Gyrodinium impudicum] Gymnodinium marinum1158v Gymnodinium najadeum1159v Gymnodinium nanum 1160v Gymnodinium obesum1161v Gymnodinium opressum1162v Gymnodinium ostenfeldii 1163v Gymnodinium paulsenii1164v Gymnodinium pulchrum1165v Gymnodinium pygmaeum1166v G. cf. pygmaeum 1167v Gymnodinium rubrum1168v Gymnodinium semidivisum1169v Gymnodinium simplex1170v [Protodinium simplex] Gymnodinium sphaericum1171v [Gymnodinium gracile var. sphaerica] Gymnodinium uberrimum1172v [Peridinium uberrima] [Melodinium uberrimum] [Gymnodinium mirabile var. rufescens] * 974 Kofoid,1911 975 Kofoid,1907 Kofoid,1907 (Claparède & Lachmann) Diesing,1866 Claparède & Lachmann,1859 976 Murray & Whitting Sournia,1973 Meunier,1919 965 Schiller,1937 Stein,1878 Schiller,1928 Lindemann,1928 (Hulburt) Hansen,2000 Hulburt,1957 Balech,1965 Schiller,1928 Schiller,1928 Schiller,1928 Graham,1943 Graham,1943 Kofoid & Swezy,1921 Kofoid & Swezy,1921 Lebour,1917 Schiller,1928 Hope,1954 (Ehrenberg) Stein,1878 Ehrenberg,1834 Schütt,1895 (Fraga & Bravo) Hansen & Moestrup,2000 Fraga & Bravo,1995 Saville-Kent,1880-82 Schiller,1928 Schiller,1928 Schiller,1933 Conrad,1926 Schiller,1928 Schiller,1928 Schiller,1928 Lebour,1925 Lebour,1925 Koifoid & Swezy,1921 Schiller,1928 (Lohmann) Kofoid & Swezy,1921 Lohmann,1908 (Calkins) Kofoid & Swezy,1921 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Penard,1891 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Calkins,1902 (Allman) Kofoid & Swezy,1921 Allman,1845 Kent,1880 et al. x x x Phytoplancton 733 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 * [Gymnodinium rufescens] [Glenodinium uberrimum] Gymnodinium variabile1173v Gymnodinium veneficum1174v Gymnodinium vestificii 1175v G. cf. vitiligo 1176v Gymnodinium voukii1177v Gymnodinium wulffii1178v Gymnodinium sp. 1179v Gymnodinium sp.p. 1180v Gyrodinium1181v Gyrodinium biconicum1182v Gyrodinium crassum1183v [Gymnodinium crassum] [Spirodinium crassum] Gyrodinium estuariale1184v Gyrodinium falcatum1185v [Gymnodinium fusus] Gyrodinium flagellare1186v G. cf. flagellare 1187v Gyrodinium fusiforme1188v Gyrodinium hyalinum1189v [Gymnodinium hyalinum] Gyrodinium lachryma1190v [Spirodinium lachryma] Gyrodinium nasutum 1191v [Spirodinium nasutum] Gyrodinium pellucidum1192v [Gymnodinium pellucidum] Gyrodinium pingue1193v [Gymnodinium spirale var. pinguis] [Spirodinium spirale var. pingue] Gyrodinium spirale1194v [Gymnodinium spirale] [Spirodinium spirale] G. cf. spirale 1195v Gyrodinium sp.1196v Gyrodinium sp.p. 1197v cf. Herdmania1198v cf. Herdmania sp.1199v Heterocapsa 1200v Heterocapsa minima1201v Heterocapsa niei1202v [Cachonina niei] [Cachonina hallii] Heterocapsa rotundata 1203v [Amphidinium rotundatum] [Gymnodinium minutum] [Massartia rotundata] [Katodinium rotundatum] [Katodinium rotundatum] Heterocapsa triquetra 1204v [Glenodinium triquetrum] Lemmermann,1900 Schilling,1913 Herdman,1924 Ballantine,1956 Schütt,1895 Ballantine,1956 Schiller,1928 Schiller,1933 Kofoid & Swezy,1921 Kofoid & Swezy,1921 (Pouchet) Kofoid & Swezy,1921 Pouchet,1885 Lemmermann,1899 Hulburt,1957 Kofoid & Swezy,1921 Schütt,1895 (in part) Schiller,1928 Schiller,1928 Kofoid & Swezy,1921 (Schilling) Kofoid & Swezy,1921 Schilling,1891 (Meunier) Kofoid & Swezy,1921 Meunier,1910 (Wulff) Schiller,1933 Wulff,1916 (Wulff) Schiller,1933 Wulff,1916 (Schütt) Kofoid & Swezy,1921 Schütt,1895 Lemmermann,1899 (Bergh) Kofoid & Swezy,1921 Bergh,1881 Entz,1884 (Bergh) Kofoid & Swezy,1921 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Dodge,1981 x x Stein,1883 Pomroy,1898 (Loeblich) Morrill & Loeblich III,1981 Loeblich,1968 (Freudenthal & Lee) Dodge,1982 (Lohmann) Hansen,1995 Lohmann,1908 Lebour,1925 (Lohmann) Schiller,1933 (Lohmann) Fott,1957 (Lebour) Loeblich III,1965 (Ehrenberg) Stein,1883 Ehrenberg,1840 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x M. Cabrini 734 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 * [Peridinium triquetrum] Heterocapsa sp. 1205v Heterocapsa sp.p. 1206v Heterodinium 1207v Heterodinium rigdenae 1208v Heterodinium schilleri 1209v Histioneis 1210v Histioneis alata 1211v H. cf. depressa 1212v Histioneis inclinata 1213v H. cf. oxypteris 1214v Histioneis striata 1215v Histioneis sp. 1216v Karenia 1217v Karenia brevis 1218v [Gymnodinium brevi] [Ptychodiscus brevis] K. cf. brevis 1219v Karenia mikimotoi 1220v [Gymnodinium mikimotoi] [Gymnodinium nagasakiense] Karenia sp. 1221v Karlodinium 1222v Karlodinium micrum 1223v [Woloszynskia micra] [Gymnodinium micrum] [Gymnodinium galatheanum] K. cf. micrum 1224v Karlodinium veneficum 1225v [Gymnodinium veneficum] Karlodinium glaucum 1226v [Spirodinium glaucum] [Gyrodinium glaucum] [Massartia glauca] Katodinium 1227v Katodinium sp. 1228v Katodinium sp.p. 1229v Kofoidinium 1230v Kofoidinium velleloides 1231v Kofoidinium sp. 1232v Kofoidinium sp.p. 1233v Lessardia 1234v Lessardia elongata1235v Lingulodinium 1236v Lingulodinium polyedrum 1237v [Gonyaulax polyedra] Lingulodinium sp. 1238v Mesoporos 1239v Mesoporos adriaticus 1240v Mesoporos bisimpressus 1241v Mesoporos globulus 1242v Mesoporos perforatus 1243v [Exuviaella perforata] et al. (Ehrenberg) Lebour,1925 x x x x x x 1041 Kofoid,1906 Kofoid,1906 Pavillard 1166 Stein,1883 1167 Rampi,1947 Schiller,1933 Kofoid & Michener,1911 Schiller,1928 Kofoid & Michener,1911 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Hansen & Moestrup,2000 (Davis) Hansen & Moestrup,2000 x x Davis,1948 (Davis) Steidinger,1979 (Davis) Hansen & Moestrup,2000 (Miyake & Kominami ex Oda) Hansen & x x Moestrup,2000 Miyake & Kominami ex Oda,1935 Takayama & Adachi,1984 x Larsen,2000 (Leadbeater & Dodge) Larsen,2000 Leadbeater & Dodge,1966 (Leadbeater & Dodge) Loeblich III,1970 (Braarud) Taylor,19921988 (Leadbeater & Dodge) Larsen,2000 (Ballantine) Larsen,2000 Ballantine,1956 (Lebour) Loeblich III,1965 x Lebour,1917 (Lebour) Kofoid & Swezy,1921 (Lebour) Schiller,1937 Fott,1957 x x 1224 Pavillard,1928 1225 Pavillard,1928 x x x Saldarriaga & Taylor,2003 Saldarriaga & Taylor,2003 Wall,1967 (Stein) Dodge,1989 972 Stein,1883 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 1216 Lillick,1937 1217 (Schiller) Lillick,1976 (Schiller),Lillick 1218 (Schiller) Lillick,1937 (Gran) Lillick,1937 Gran,1915 x x x x x x x x x x x x x Phytoplancton 735 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 * [Porella perforata] [Porella globulus] [Porella asymmetrica] [Porotheca perforata] M. cf. perforatus 1244v Mesoporos sp. 1245v Mesoporos sp.p. 1246v Metaphalacroma 1247v Metaphalacroma sp. 1248v Micracanthodinium 1249v M. cf. claytonii 1250v [Cladopyxis claytonii] Micracanthodinium setiferum 1251v [Cladopyxis setifera] M. cf. setiferum 1252v Micracanthodinium sp. 1253v Micracanthodinium sp.p. 1254v cf. Micracanthodinium 1255v cf. Micracanthodinium sp. 1256v Noctiluca 1257v Noctiluca scintillans 1258v [Medusa scintillans] [Noctiluca miliaris] Noctiluca sp. 1259v Oblea 1260v Oblea rotunda 1261v [Peridiniopsis rotunda] [Glenodinium rotundum] Oblea sp. 1262v Oblea sp.p. 1263v Ornithocercus 1264v O. cf. heteroporus 1265v Ornithocercus magnificus 1266v Ornithocercus splendidus 1267v Ornithocercus sp. 1268v Ostreopsis 1269v Ostreopsis ovata 1270v Ostreopsis sp. 1271v Ostreopsis sp.p. 1272v Oxyphysis 1273v Oxyphysis oxytoxoides 1274v Oxyphysis sp. 1275v Oxytoxum 1276v Oxytoxum aceratum 1277v O. cf. aceratum 1278v Oxytoxum adriaticum 1279v O. cf. areolatrum 1280v Oxytoxum brunellii 1281v Oxytoxum caudatum 1282v Oxytoxum constrictum 1283v Oxytoxum coronatum 1284v Oxytoxum crassum 1285v Oxytoxum cristatum 1286v Oxytoxum curvatum 1287v Schiller,1928 Schiller,1928 Schiller,1933 (Gran) Silva,1960 (Gran) Lillick,1937 x x x x x x x x x x x Tai & Skogsberg,1934 x Deflandre,1937 (Holmes) Dodge,1982 Holmes,1956 (Lohmann) Deflandre,1937 Lohmann,1902 (Lohmann) Deflandre,1937 x x x x x x x x x Deflandre,1937 x Suriray,1836 ex Lamarck,1816 (Macartney) Kofoid & Swezy,1921 Macartney,1810 Suriray ex Lamarck,1816 x x x x x x x x x x x x x Balech ex Loeblich Jr. & Loeblich III,1966, (Lebour) Balech ex Sournia,1973 Lebour,1922 Schiller,1937 1188 Stein,1883 Kofoid,1907 1191 Stein,1883 1194 Schütt,1893 x x x x x x x x x x x x 1032 Schmidt,1901 1033 Fukuyo,1981 1094 Stein,1883 1095 Rampi,1943 Rampi,1943 1096 Schiller,1937 Rampi,1943 1098 Rampi,1939 1099 Schiller,1937 1100 (Stein) Bütschli,1885 1101 Schiller,1937 1102 Schiller,1937 1103 Kofoid,1907 (Kofoid),Kofoid x x x x x x x Kofoid,1926 Kofoid,1926 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x M. Cabrini 736 Oxytoxum depressum 1288v Oxytoxum elegans 1289v O. cf. elongatum 1290v Oxytoxum gladiolus 1291v Oxytoxum globosum 1292v Oxytoxum gracile 1293v Oxytoxum laticeps 1294v Oxytoxum longiceps 1295v Oxytoxum longum 1296v Oxytoxum mediterraneum 1297v Oxytoxum milneri 1298v [Oxytoxum challengeroides] Oxytoxum minutum 1299v O. cf. minutum 1300v Oxytoxum ovale 1301v O. cf. ovale 1302v Oxytoxum parvum 1303v [Oxytoxum tenuistriatum] O. cf. parvum 1304v Oxytoxum punctulatum 1305v O. cf. punctulatum 1306v O. cf. pyramide 1307v Oxytoxum sceptrum 1308v Oxytoxum scolopax 1309v Oxytoxum sphaeroideum 1310v Oxytoxum tesselatum 1311v Oxytoxum turbo 1312v Oxytoxum vaginulum 1313v Oxytoxum variabile 1314v Oxytoxum viride1315v Oxytoxum sp. 1316v Oxytoxum sp.p. 1317v O. cf. pavillardinium 1318v O. cf. pavillardinium sp.p. 1319v [Murrayella sp.] Pentapharsodinium 1320v Pentapharsodinium dalei1321v [Peridinium faeroense sensu] [Scrippsiella faeroense sensu] Pentapharsodinium 1322v Pentapharsodinium tyrrhenicum1323v [Peridinium tyrrhenoicum] Pentapharsodinium sp. 1324v Peridiniella 1325v Peridiniella catenata 1326v [Peridinium catenatum] [Amylax catenata] [Gonyaulax catenata] Peridiniella danica 1327v [Glenodinium danicum] Peridinium 1328v Peridinium balticum 1329v [Glenodinium balticum] * 1104 Schiller,1937 1106 Pavillard,1916 Wood,1963 Stein 1108 Schiller,1937 1109 Schiller,1937 1110 Schiller,1937 1112 Schiller,1937 Schiller,1937 1113 Schiller,1937 1114 Murray & Whitting,1899 Kofoid,1907 1115 Rampi,1943 Rampi,1943 1117 Schiller,1937 Schiller,1937 1119 Schiller,1937 1127 Rampi,1941 Schiller,1937 1120 Rampi,1941 Rampi,1941 Dodge & Saunders 1123 (Stein) Schröder,1906 1124 Stein,1883 1125 Stein,1883 1128 (Stein) Schütt 1129 Kofoid,1907 Schiller 1130 Schiller,1937 1131 Schiller,1937 et al. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x de Toni,1936 x Kofoid,1907 Indelicato & Loeblich III,1986 Indelicato & Loeblich III,1986 Dale,1977 Dodge,1982 Indelicato & Loeblich III,1986 (Balech) Montressor Zingone & Marino,1993 Balech,1990 x x x x x x Kofoid & Michener,1911 emend. Balech,1977 (Levander) Balech,1977 Levander,1894 (Levander) Meunier,1910 (Levander) Kofoid,1911 (Paulsen) Okolodkov & Dodge,1995 Paulsen,1907 1062 Ehrenberg,1832 (Levander) Lemmermann,1910 Levander,1894 x x x Phytoplancton 737 * Peridinium bipes 1330v [Glenodinium tabulatum] [Peridinium tabulatum] Peridinium quinquecorne 1331v [Protoperidinium quinquecorne] P. cf. quinquecorne 1332v Peridinium sp. 1333v Peridinium sp.p. 1334v Phalacroma 1335v Phalacroma cuneus 1336v P. cf. porosum 1337v [Phalacroma porosa] Phalacroma sp. 1338v Phalacroma sp.p. 1339v cf. Phalacroma 1340v cf. Phalacroma sp. 1341v Pheopolykrikos 1342v Pheopolykrikos sp. 1343v cf. Pheopolykrikos 1344v cf. Pheopolykrikos sp. 1345v Podolampas 1346v Podolampas bipes1347v Podolampas curvatus 1348v Podolampas elegans 1349v Podolampas palmipes 1350v Podolampas spinifera 1351v Podolampas sp. 1352v Podolampas sp.p. 1353v Polykrikos 1354v Polykrikos kofoidii 1355v Polykrikos schwartzii 1356v Polykrikos sp. 1357v cf. Polykrikos 1358v cf. Polykrikos sp.p. 1359v Preperidinium 1360v Preperidinium meunieri 1361v [Diplopsalis lenticula f. minor] [Diplopeltopsis minor] [Diplopsalis minor] [Glenodinium lenticula f. minor] [Zygabikodinium lenticulatum] Pronoctiluca 1362v Pronoctiluca acuta 1363v [Rhynchomonas acuta] Pronoctiluca pelagica 1364v Pronoctiluca rostrata 1365v Pronoctiluca spinifera 1366v [Rhynchomonas spinifer] [Pronoctiluca tentaculata] [Protodinifer tentaculatum] Pronoctiluca sp. 1367v Pronoctiluca sp.p. 1368v Prorocentrum 1369v Stein,1883 Ehrenberg,1838 (Ehrenberg) Claparède & Lachmann,1858 Abé,1927 (Abé) Balech,1974 Abé,1927 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 x x x x x x x Stein,1883 Schütt,1895 (Kofoid & Michener) Kofoid & Skogsberg, 1928 Kofoid & Michener,1911 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Stein,1883 x Chatton emend. Matsuoka & Fukuyo,1986 x Chatton emend. Matsuoka & Fukuyo,1986 x 1085 Stein,1883 Stein,1883 Schiller,1937 1087 Schütt,1895 1088 Stein,1883 1089 Okamura,1912 Bütschli,1873 Chatton,1914 Bütschli,1873 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Bütschli,1873 x Mangin,1913 (Pavillard) Elbrächter,1993 Paulsen,1907 Pavillard,1913 (Paulsen) Lindemann,1927 Schiller,1937 (Paulsen) Loeblich Jr. & Loeblich III,1970 Fabre-Domergue,1889 (Lohmann) Schiller,1933 Lohmann,1912 Fabre-Domergue,1889 Taylor,1976 (Lohmann) Schiller,1932 Lohmann,1920 (Kofoid & Swezy) Fabre-Domerque Kofoid & Swezy,1921 1209 Ehrenberg,1833 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x M. Cabrini 738 * Prorocentrum aporum 1370v [Exuviaella apora] [Exuviaella grani] [Exuviaella antarctica] Prorocentrum arcuatum 1371v Prorocentrum balticum 1372v [Exuviaella baltica] [Prorocentrum pomoideum] [Exuviaella aequatorialis] P. cf. balticum 1373v Prorocentrum cassubicum 1374v [Exuviaella cassubica] Prorocentrum compressum 1375v [Pyxidicula compressa] [Exuviaella compressa] Prorocentrum cordatum 1376v [Exuviaella cordata] P. cf. cordatum 1377v Prorocentrum dactylus 1378v [Dinopyxis dactylus] [Exuviaella dactylus] Prorocentrum dentatum 1379v [Prorocentrum obtusidens] [Prorocentrum veloi] [Prorocentrum monacense] Prorocentrum emarginatum 1380v Prorocentrum gracile 1381v [Prorocentrum hentschelii] Prorocentrum lima 1382v [Cryptomonas lima] [Exuviaella marina] [Prorocentrum marinum] Prorocentrum marinum 1383v [Exuviaella marina] Prorocentrum mexicanum 1384v [Prorocentrum maximum] P. cf. mexicanum 1385v Prorocentrum micans 1386v Prorocentrum minimum 1387v [Exuviaella minima] [Prorocentrum triangulatum] [Exuviaella mariae-lebouriae] Prorocentrum nanum 1388v [Exuviaella pusilla] Prorocentrum ovum 1389v [Exuviella ovum] Prorocentrum rostratum 1390v Prorocentrum rotundatum 1391v Prorocentrum scutellum 1392v [Prorocentrum sphaeroideum] [Prorocentrum robustum] Prorocentrum triestinum 1393v [Prorocentrum redfieldii] et al. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 x x x x x x (Schiller) Dodge,1975 Schiller,1918 Gaarder,1938 Hada,1970 Issel,1928 x x x 1211 (Lohmann) Loeblich III,1970 x Lohmann,1908 Bursa,1959 Hasle,1960 (Lohmann) Loeblich III,1970 x (Woloszynska) Dodge,1975 Woloszynska,1928 (Bailey) Abé ex Dodge,1975 x x x x Bailey,1950 (Bailey) Ostenfeld,1899 (Ostenfeld) Dodge,1975 Ostenfeld,1901 (Ostenfeld) Dodge,1975 (Stein) Dodge,1975 x Stien,1883 (Stein) Schütt Stein,1883 x x x Schiller,1928 Tafall,1942 Kufferath,1957 Fukuyo,1981 x Schütt,1895 x x x Schiller,1933 (Ehrenberg) Dodge,1975 x x x x Ehrenberg,1860 Cienkowski,1881 Dodge & Bibby,1973 (Cienkowski) Dodge & Bibby,1973 comb. 1215 invalid Cienkowski,1881 Tafall,1942 x x Schiller,1937 Tafall,1942 x Ehrenberg,1833 x x x x (Pavillard) Schiller,1933 x x x x Pavillard,1916 Martin,1929 Parke & Ballantine,1957 Schiller,1918 (Schiller) Schiller,1928 (Schiller) Dodge x x Schiller Stein,1883 Schiller,1918 x x x x Schröder,1900 x x x Schiller,1928 Tafall,1942 Schiller,1918 x x x x Bursa,1959 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Phytoplancton 739 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 * [Prorocentrum pyrenoideum] Prorocentrum vaginulum 1394v [Dinopyxis vaginula] [Exuviaella vaginula] Prorocentrum sp. 1395v Prorocentrum sp.p. 1396v Protoceratium 1397v Protoceratium reticulatum 1398v [Peridinium reticulatum] [Gonyaulax grindleyi] Protoceratium sp. 1399v Protoceratium sp.p. 1400v Protogonyaulax 1401v Protogonyaulax sp. 1402v Protogonyaulax sp.p. 1403v Protoperidinium 1404v Protoperidinium bipes 1405v [Glenodinium bipes] [Peridinium minusculum] [Miniscula bipes] Protoperidinium bispinum 1406v [Peridinium bispinum] P. cf. bispinum 1407v Protoperidinium breve 1408v [Peridinium steinii f. brevis] [Peridinium breve] [Protoperidinium pyriforme ssp. breve] Protoperidinium brevipes 1409v [Peridinium brevipes] Protoperidinium brochii 1410v [Peridinium brochii] P. cf. brochii 1411v Protoperidinium cerasus 1412v [Peridinium cerasus] Protoperidinium claudicans 1413v [Peridinium claudicans] P. cf. claudicans 1414v Protoperidinium conicum 1415v [Peridinium conicum] Protoperidinium crassipes 1416v [Peridinium crassipes] Protoperidinium curtipes 1417v Protoperidinium curvipes 1418v [Peridinium curvipes] P. cf. curvipes 1419v Protoperidinium depressum 1420v [Peridinium depressum] Protoperidinium diabolum 1421v [Peridinium diabolus] [Peridinium longipes] [Protoperidinium longipes] [Peridinium diabolus var. longipes] P. cf. diabolum 1422v Bursa,1959 (Stein) Dodge Stien,1883 (Stein) Schütt 980 Bergh,1881 982 (Claparède et Lachmann) Bütschli,1885 Claparède et Lachmann,1859 Reinecke,1967 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Taylor,1979 x x x Bergh,1881 (Paulsen) Balech,1974 Paulsen,1904 1076 Pavillard,1905 Lebour,1925 (Schiller) Balech,1974 Schiller,1937 (Schiller) Balech,1974 (Paulsen) Balech,1974 Paulsen,1905 (Paulsen) Paulsen,1907 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x (Paulsen) Balech,1971 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 1074 (Paulsen) Balech,1974 Paulsen,1908 (Kofoid & Swezy) Balech,1974 Kofoid & Swezy,1921 (Kofoid & Swezy) Balech,1974 (Paulsen) Balech,1973 Paulsen,1907 (Paulsen) Balech,1974 Paulsen,1907 (Paulsen) Balech,1974 (Gran) Balech,1974 Gran,1902 (Kofoid) Balech,1974 Kofoid,1907 (Jørgensen),Balech (Ostenfeld) Balech,1974 Ostenfeld,1906 (Ostenfeld) Balech,1974 (Bailey) Balech,1974 Bailey,1854 (Cleve) Balech,1974 Cleve,1900 Karsten,1907 (Karsten) Balech,1974 (Karsten) Taylor,1976 (Cleve) Balech,1974 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x M. Cabrini 740 * Protoperidinium divergens 1423v [Peridinium divergens] Protoperidinium globosum 1424v Protoperidinium globulum 1425v [Peridinium globulus] Protoperidinium grande 1426v [Peridinium grande] P. cf. grande 1427v Protoperidinium granii 1428v [Peridinium granii] Protoperidinium leonis 1429v [Peridinium leonis] Protoperidinium maranense 1430v Protoperidinium marielebouriae1431v [Peridinium marielebouriae] Protoperidinium mediterraneum1432v [Peridinium steinii var. mediterraneum] [Peridinium mediterraneum] Protoperidinium minutum 1433v [Peridinium minutum] [Peridinium monospinum] Protoperidinium mite 1434v [Peridinium mite] [Peridinium granii f. mite] P. cf. murrayi 1435v Protoperidinium oblongum 1436v [Peridinium divergens var. oblongum] Protoperidinium oceanicum1437v [Peridinium oceanicum] [Peridinium divergens var. oceanicum] P. cf. oceanicum 1438v Protoperidinium ovatum 1439v [Protoperidinium ovatum] [Peridinium ovatum] [Peridinium globulus var. ovatum] Protoperidinium oviforme 1440v [Peridinium oviforme] P. cf. oviforme 1441v Protoperidinium ovum 1442v [Peridinium ovum] Protoperidinium pallidum 1443v [Peridinium pallidum] P. cf. pallidum 1444v Protoperidinium parthenopes 1445v Protoperidinium pellucidum 1446v [Peridinium pellucidum] P. cf. pellucidum 1447v Protoperidinium pentagonum 1448v [Peridinium pentagonum] [Peridinium sinuosum] P. cf. pentagonum 1449v (Ehrenberg) Balech,1974 1069 Ehrenberg,1840 (Gourret),Abé (Stein) Balech,1974 1070 Stein,1883 (Kofoid) Balech,1974 1071 Kofoid,1907 (Kofoid) Balech,1974 (Ostenfeld) Balech,1974 1072 Ostenfeld,1906 (Pavillard) Balech,1974 1073 Pavillard,1916 Tolomio,1981 (Paulsen) Balech,1974 Paulsen,1930 (Kofoid) Balech,1974 et al. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Kofoid,1909 (Kofoid) Balech,1964 (Kofoid) Balech,1964 Kofoid,1907 Paulsen,1907 (Pavillard) Balech,1974 Pavillard,1916 (Pavillard) Schiller,1937 Kofoid,1907 (Aurivillius) Parke & Dodge,1976 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Aurivillius,1898 (Vahöffen) Balech,1974 Vanhöffen,1897 x x x Ostenfeld,1899 (Vanhöffen) Balech,1974 Pouchet,1883 Pouchet,1883 (Pouchet) Schütt,1895 (Pouchet) Schiller,1937 (Dangeard) Balech,1974 Dangeard (Dangeard) Balech,1974 (Schiller) Balech,1974 1077 Schiller,1911 (Ostenfeld) Balech,1973 1078 Ostenfeld,1899 (Ostenfeld) Balech,1973 Zingone & Montresor,1988 Bergh,1882 1080 Schütt,1895 Bergh,1882 (Gran) Balech,1974 Gran,1902 Lemmermann,1905 (Gran) Balech,1974 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Phytoplancton 741 * Protoperidinium punctulatum 1450v [Peridinium punctulatum] [Peridinium subinerme var. punctulatum] Protoperidinium pyriforme 1451v [Peridinium steinii var. pyriformis] [Peridinium pyriforme] P. cf. quarnerense 1452v Protoperidinium robustum 1453v Protoperidinium solidicorne 1454v [Peridinium solidicorne] [Peridinium spiniferum] [Protoperidinium spiniferum] P. cf. solidicorne 1455v Protoperidinium sphaericum 1456v Protoperidinium steinii 1457v [Peridinium steinii] Protoperidinium steinii var. mediterraneum 1458v Protoperidinium subinerme 1459v [Peridinium subinerme] Protoperidinium trystilum 1460v [Peridinium tristylum] Protoperidinium tuba 1461v P. cf. vulgare 1462v Protoperidinium wiesneri 1463v [Peridinium wiesneri] Protoperidinium sp. 1464v Protoperidinium sp.p. 1465v Pseliodinium 1466v Pseliodinium vaubanii 1467v Pseliodinium sp. 1468v Pseliodinium sp.p. 1469v Pyrocystis 1470v Pyrocystis gerbaultii 1471v [Dissodinium gerbaultii] Pyrocystis lunula 1472v [Gymnodinium lunula] Pyrocystis noctiluca 1473v [Pyrocystis pseudonoctiluca] [Dissodinium pseudonoctiluca] Pyrocystis obtusa 1474v Pyrocystis robusta 1475v Pyrocystis sp. 1476v Pyrocystis sp.p. 1477v Pyrodinium 1478v Pyrodinium sp. 1479v Pyrophacus 1480v Pyrophacus horologium 1481v Pyrophacus steinii 1482v [Pyrophacus horologium var. steinii] Pyrophacus sp. 1483v Pyrophacus sp.p. 1484v Schuettiella 1485v (Paulsen) Balech,1974 Paulsen,1907 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 x (Paulsen) Schiller,1937 (Paulsen) Balech,1974 Paulsen,1905 Paulsen,1907 (Schröder) Balech,1974 Meunier,1910 (Mangin) Balech,1974 Mangin,1926 1081 Schiller,1935 (Schiller) Balech,1974 (Mangin) Balech,1974 (Murray & Whitting) Balech,1974 (Jørgensen) Balech,1974 Jørgensen,1899 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Kofoid (Paulsen) Loeblich III,1969 1082 Paulsen,1904 (Stein) Balech,1974 Stein,1883 (Schiller) Balech,1974 Balech (Schiller) Balech,1976 Schiller,1911 Sournia,1972 Sournia,1972 1034 Murray ex Haeckel,1890 Pavillard,1935 (Pavillard) Taylor,1976 1039 (Schütt) Scütt,1896 Schütt,1895 Murray ex Haeckel,1890 Wyville-Thompson in Murray,1876 Swift ex Elbrächter & Drebes,1978 Pavillard,1931 1040 Kofoid,1907 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Plate,1906 1028 Stein,1883 1029 Stein,1883 (Schiller) Wall & Dale,1971 Schiller,1935 x x x x x x x x x x Balech,1988 x M. Cabrini 742 * Schuettiella mitra 1486v [Steiniella mitra] [Oxytoxum gigas] [Gonyaulax mitra] Scrippsiella 1487v Scrippsiella faeroense 1488v [Peridinium faeroense] Scrippsiella precaria 1489v Scrippsiella ramonii 1490v Scrippsiella spinifera 1491v Scrippsiella trochoidea 1492v [Glenodinium trochoideum] [Peridinium trochoideum] Scrippsiella sp. 1493v Scrippsiella sp.p. 1494v Spatulodinium 1495v Spatulodinium pseudonoctiluca1496v [Gymnodinium pseudonoctiluca] Spatulodinium sp. 1497v cf. Spatulodinium 1498v cf. Spatulodinium sp. 1499v Spiraulax 1500v Spiraulax kofoidii 1501v [Spiraulax jolliffei] S. cf. kofoidii 1502v Spiraulax sp. 1503v Takayama 1504v Takayama pulchella 1505v [Gymnodinium pulchellum] Thecadinium 1506v Thecadinium sp. 1507v Thoracosphaera 1508v Thoracosphaera heimii 1509v [Syracosphaera heimii] Torodinium 1510v Torodinium robustum 1511v Torodinium teredo 1512v [Gymnodinium teredo] Torodinium sp. 1513v Torodinium sp.p. 1514v Triadinium 1515v Triadinium sp.p. 1516v Warnowia 1517v Warnowia sp. 1518v Warnowia sp.p. 1519v Zygabikodinium 1520v Zygabikodinium sp.p. 1521v Chrysophyceae Actinomonas 1522v Actinomonas sp. 1523v Actinomonas sp.p. 1524v Aurosphaera 1525v Aurosphaera sp. 1526v (Schütt) Balech,1988 Schütt,1895 Kofoid,1907 (Schütt) Kofoid,1911 Balech ex Loeblich III,1965 (Paulsen) Balech & Soares,1967 Paulsen,1905 Montresor & Zingone,1988 Montresor,1995 Honsell & Cabrini,1991 (Stein) Loeblich III,1976 Stein,1883 1084 (Stein) Lemmermann,1910 et al. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Cachon & Cachon,1976 (Pouchet) Cachon & Cachon ex Loeblich & x x Loeblich,1969 Pouchet,1885 x x x Cachon & Cachon,1976 x 1030 Kofoid,1911 Graham,1942 1031 (Murray & Whitting) Kofoid,1911 Graham,1942 x x x x de Salas et al., 2003 (Larsen) de Salas Bolch et Hallegraeff,2003 x x Larsen,1994 Kofoid & Skogsberg,1928 x x Kamptner,1927 (Lohmann) Kamptner,1944 Lohmann,1920 Kofoid & Swezy,1921 Kofoid & Swezy,1921 (Pouchet) Kofoid & Swezy,1921 Pouchet,1885 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Dodge,1981 x Lindemann,1928 x x x x x x Loeblich Jr. & Loeblich III,1970 x Kent,1880-1882 x x x x Schiller,1925 x Phytoplancton 743 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 * Calycomonas 1527v Calycomonas gracilis 1528v Calycomonas sp. 1529v [Codonomonas sp.] Calycomonas sp.p. 1530v [Codonomonas sp.p.] Chromulina 1531v Chromulina sp. 1532v Dinobryon 1533v Dinobryon coalescens 1534v Dinobryon divergens 1535v Dinobryon faculiferum 1536v [Dinobryon petiolatum sensu] Dinobryon porrectum 1537v Dinobryon sp. 1538v Dinobryon sp.p. 1539v Kephyrion 1540v Kephyrion spirale 1541v Kephyrion sp. 1542v Meringosphaera 1543v Meringosphaera mediterranea 1544v [Meringosphaera baltica] Meringosphaera tenerrima 1545v Meringosphaera sp. 1546v Meringosphaera sp.p. 1547v Ochromonas 1548v Ochromonas marina 1549v Ochromonas oblonga 1550v Ochromonas sp. 1551v Ochromonas sp.p. 1552v Ollicola 1553v Ollicola vangoori 1554v [Calycomonas wulffii] [Calycomonas vangoorii] Pseudokephyrion 1555v Pseudokephyrion sp. 1556v Pseudokephyrion sp.p. 1557v Syncrypta 1558v Syncrypta volvox 1559v Cryptophyceae Chroomonas 1560v Chroomonas sp. 1561v Cryptomonas 1562v Cryptomonas sp. 1563v Hemiselmis 1564v Hemiselmis sp.p. 1565v Hillea 1566v Hillea fusiformis 1567v [Chlamydomonas fusiformis] Hillea marina 1568v Hillea sp. 1569v Hillea sp.p. 1570v Isoselmis 1571v Isoselmis sp. 1572v Lohmann,1908 Lohmann,1908 x x x Van Goor,1925 x Van Goor,1925 Cienkowski,1870 x Ehrenberg,1834 Schiller,1925 Imhof,1980 (Willén) Willén,1992 Willén,1963 Schiller,1925 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Wyssotski,1888 Lackey,1940 Carter,1937 x x x x x Pascher,1911 (Lackey),Conrad Lohmann,1902 Lohmann,1902 Lohmann Schiller,1925 x x x x x x x Vørs,1992 (Conrad)Vørs,1992 Conrad & Kufferath,1954 (Conrad) Lund,1960 Pascher,1913 x x x x x Ehrenberg,1835 Ehrenberg,1835 x Hansgirg,1885 x x Ehrenberg,1832 x x Parke,1949 x Schiller,1925 (Schiller) Schiller,1925 Schiller,1913 Butcher,1952 x x x x x x x x x x Butcher,1967 x x x M. Cabrini 744 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 * Leucocryptos 1573v L. cf. marina 1574v [Bodo marina] [Chilomonas marina] Leucocryptos sp.p. 1575v cf. Leucocryptos 1576v cf. Leucocryptos sp. 1577v Plagioselmis 1578v Plagioselmis sp. 1579v Plagioselmis sp.p. 1580v Proteomonas 1581v Proteomonas sp.p. 1582v Rhodomonas 1583v Rhodomonas sp. 1584v [Pyrenomonas sp.] Teleaulax 1585v Teleaulax acuta 1586v [Cryptomonas acuta] Teleaulax sp. 1587v Dictyochophyceae Apedinella 1588v Apedinella spinifera 1589v [Pseudopedinella spinifera] [?Meringosphaera radians] [Apedinella radians] Apedinella sp. 1590v Apedinella sp.p. 1591v Dictyocha 1592v Dictyocha crux 1593v Dictyocha fibula 1594v Dictyocha fibula var. pentagona1595v Dictyocha speculum 1596v [Distephanus speculum] Dictyocha speculum var. pentagonus 1597v Dictyocha speculum var. septenaria 1598v Dictyocha staurodon 1599v Dictyocha sp. 1600v Dictyocha sp.p. 1601v Octactis 1602v Octactis octonaria 1603v [Dictyocha octonaria] Octactis octonaria var. pulchra1604v Octactis sp.p. 1605v Parapedinella 1606v Parapedinella sp. 1607v Parapedinella sp.p. 1608v Pseudopedinella 1609v Pseudopedinella pyriforme 1610v [Pseudopedinella variabilis] Pseudopedinella sp. 1611v Rhizochromulina 1612v Rhizochromulina sp. 1613v et al. Butcher,1967 (Braarud) Butcher,1967 Braarud,1935 (Braarud) Halldal,1953 x x x x Butcher,1967 x x x Butcher,1967 ex Hill,1990 x x x x x x Hill & Wetherbee,1986 x Karsten,1898 emend. Hill & Wetherbee,1989 x Santore,1984 Hill,1991 (Butcher) Hill,1991 Butcher,1952 x x x Throndsen,1971 (Throndsen) Throndsen,1971 Throndsen,1969 Lohmann,1908 (Lohmann) Campbell,1973 x x x x x x x 948 Ehrenberg,1837 Ehrenberg,1840 949 Ehrenberg,1839 Schulz 952 Ehrenberg,1839 (Ehrenberg) Haeckel,1887 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Lemmermann x (Ehrenberg) Hovasse Ehrenberg,1844 Schiller,1925 (Ehrenberg) Hovasse,1946 950 Ehrenberg,1844 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Pedersen & Thomsen in Pedersen Beech & Thomsen,1986 x x Carter,1937 Carter,1937 Rouchijajnen,1968 x x x Hibbert & Chrétiennot,1979 x x x Phytoplancton 745 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 * Prymnesiophyceae - Haptophyceae Chrysochromulina 1614v Chrysochromulina alifera 1615v Chrysochromulina camella 1616v Chrysochromulina ericina 1617v Chrysochromulina hirta 1618v Chrysochromulina parkeae 1619v Chrysochromulina polylepis 1620v Chrysochromulina sp. 1621v Chrysochromulina sp.p. 1622v Corymbellus 1623v Corymbellus aureus 1624v Corymbellus sp.p. 1625v Isochrysis 1626v Isochrysis galbana 1627v Phaeocystis 1628v Phaeocystis pouchetii 1629v [Tetraspora poucheti] P. cf. pouchetii 1630v Phaeocystis sp. 1631v Phaeocystis sp.p. 1632v Platychrysis 1633v Platychrysis pigra 1634v Prymnesium 1635v Prymnesium parvum 1636v Prymnesium sp. 1637v Prymnesiophyceae - Coccolithophorids Acanthoica 1638v Acanthoica aculeata 1639v A. cf. aculeata 1640v Acanthoica quattrospina 1641v [Acanthoica acanthifera] Acanthoica sp. 1642v Acanthoica sp.p. 1643v Acanthosolenia 1644v Acanthosolenia mediterranea 1645v Acanthosolenia sp. 1646v Algirosphaera 1647v Algirosphaera bicornu 1648v [Anthosphaera bicornu] Algirosphaera oryza 1649v [Anthosphaera oryza] Algirosphaera quadricornu 1650v [Syracosphaera quatricornu] [Anthosphaera quadricornu] Algirosphaera robusta 1651v [Syracosphaera robusta] Algirosphaera sp. 1652v Algirosphaera sp.p. 1653v Alisphaera 1654v Alisphaera ordinata 1655v [Acanthoica ordinata] Lackey,1939 Parke & Manton in Parke Manton & Clarke, x 1956 Leadbeater & Manton,1969 Parke & Manton in Parke Manton & Clarke, x 1956 Manton,1978 x Green & Leadbeater,1972 Manton & Parke,1962 x x x x x x x x Green,1976 Green,1976 x x Parke,1949 Parke,1949 Lagerheim,1893 (Hariot) Lagerheim,1893 Hariot in Pouchet,1893 (Hariot) Lagerheim,1893 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Geitler,1930 Geitler,1930 Massart ex Conrad,1926 Carter,1937 Lohmann,1903 Kampter,1941 Kampter,1941 Lohmann,1903 Lohmann Bernard,1939 Bernard,1939 Schlauder,1945 emend. Norris,1984 (Schlauder) Norris,1984 Schlauder,1945 Schlauder,1945 (Schlauder) Gaarder,1971 (Schiller),Norris,1984 Schiller,1914 (Schiller) Halldal & Markali,1955 (Lohmann) Norris,1984 Lohmann,1902 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Heimdal,1973 (Kamptner) Heimdal,1973 Kamptner,1941 x x x x x M. Cabrini 746 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 * [Arisphaera ordinata] Anacanthoica 1656v Anacanthoica acanthos 1657v Anacanthoica cidaris 1658v Anacanthoica sp. 1659v Anacanthoica sp.p. 1660v Anoplosolenia 1661v Anoplosolenia brasiliensis 1662v [Cylindrotheca brasiliensis] Anoplosolenia sp. 1663v Anoplosolenia sp.p. 1664v Calcidiscus 1665v Calcidiscus leptoporus 1666v [Coccosphaera leptopora] [Coccolithophora leptopora] [Coccolithus leptoporus] [Cyclococcolithus leptoporus] Calciopappus 1667v Calciopappus caudatus 1668v Calciopappus sp. 1669v Calciosolenia 1670v Calciosolenia granii 1671v Calciosolenia mediterranea 1672v Calciosolenia murrayi 1673v [Calciosolenia sinuosa] Calciosolenia sp. 1674v Calciosolenia sp.p. 1675v Calyptrolithina 1676v Calyptrolithina multipora 1677v [Corisphaera multipora] Calyptrolithophora 1678v Calyptrolithophora gracillima 1679v [Calyptrosphaera gracillima] [Sphaerocalyptra gracillima] Calyptrolithophora papillifera 1680v [Calyptrosphaera papillifera] [Sphaerocalyptra papillifera] Calyptrosphaera 1681v Calyptrosphaera globosa 1682v Calyptrosphaera incisa 1683v Calyptrosphaera insignis 1684v Calyptrosphaera oblonga 1685v Calyptrosphaera sphaeroidea 1686v Calyptrosphaera sp. 1687v Calyptrosphaera sp.p. 1688v Caneosphaera 1689v Caneosphaera molischii 1690v [Syracosphaera molischii] [Syracosphaera corrugis] [Syracosphaera elatensis] Ceratolithus 1691v Ceratolithus cristatus 1692v et al. (Kamptner),Heimdal Deflandre,1952 (Schiller) Deflandre,1952 (Schlauder) Kleijne,1992 x x Deflandre,1952 in Grassé,1952 (Lohmann) Deflandre,1952 Lohmann,1919 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Kamptner,1950 (Murray & Blackman) Loeblich & x x Tappan,1978 Murray & Blackman,1898 (Murray & Blackman) Lohmann,1902 5 (Murray & Blackman) Schiller,1930 (Murray & Blackman) Kamptner,1954 Gaarder & Ramsfjell,1954 emend. Manton & Oates,1983 Gaarder & Ramsfjell,1954 x x x x x x x x x x x Gran,1912 in Murray & Hjort,1912 x 2 Gran,1912 Schlauder in Halldal & Markali,1955 x x x x x x x x x x x Heimdal,1982 (Gaarder) Norris,1985 Gaarder,1980 Heimdal,1980 (Kamptner) Heimdal,1980 Kamptner,1941 (Kamptner) Throndsen,1972 (Halldal) Heimdal,1980 Halldal,1953 (Halldal) Halldal,1954 Lohmann,1902 18 Lohmann,1902 Schiller Lohmann,1902 Schiller,1913 Gaarder,1977 (Schiller) Gaarder,1977 Schiller,1925 Okada & McIntyre,1977 Winter,1979 Kamptner,1950 Kamptner,1950 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Phytoplancton 747 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 * Coccolithus 1693v [Ceratolithus telesmus] Coccolithus pelagicus 1694v [Coccosphaera pelagica] Coccolithus pelagicus f. hyalinus 1695v [Crystallolithus hyalinus] Coccolithus sibogae 1696v Coccolithus tesselatus 1697v Coccolithus wallichi 1698v Coccolithus sp. 1699v Coccolithus sp.p. 1700v Corisphaera 1701v Corisphaera gracilis 1702v [Helladosphaera gracilis] C. cf. gracilis 1703v Corisphaera sp.p. 1704v Coronosphaera 1705v Coronosphaera binodata 1706v [Syracosphaera mediterranea var. binodata] [Coccolithophora pelagica] [Syracosphaera binodata] Coronosphaera mediterranea 1707v [Syracosphaera mediterranea] Coronosphaera sp.p. 1708v Dactylethra 1709v Dactylethra pirus 1710v [Calyptrosphaera pirus] [Calyptrolithophora pirus] Dactylethra sp.p. 1711v Discosphaera 1712v Discosphaera tubifer 1713v [Rhabdosphaera tubifer] Emiliania 1714v Emiliania huxleyi 1715v [Pontosphaera huxleyi] [Hymenomonas huxleyi] [Coccolithus huxleyi] [Gephyrocapsa huxleyi] Emiliania sp. 1716v Emiliania sp.p. 1717v Gephyrocapsa 1718v Gephyrocapsa oceanica 1719v Gephyrocapsa sp. 1720v Halopappus 1721v Halopappus adriaticus 1722v [Syracosphaera corri] [Michaelsarsia adriaticus] H. cf. quadribrachiatus 1723v Halopappus sp. 1724v Halopappus sp.p. 1725v Helicosphaera 1726v Helicosphaera carteri 1727v Schwarz,1894 Norris (Jordan & Young),1990 (Wallich) Schiller,1930 Wallich,1877 x x (Gaarder & Markali) Kleijne,1991 x x Gaarder & Markali,1956 x Lecal (Lohmann),Schiller x x x x x x Kamptner,1936 Kamptner,1937 (Kamptner) Norris,1985 Kamptner,1937 x x x x x x x Gaarder,1977 in Gaarder & Heimdal,1977 (Kamptner) Gaarder,1977 x Kamptner,1927 (Wallich) Lohmann,1902 (Kamptner) Kamptner,1937 (Lohmann) Gaarder,1977 15 Lohmann,1902 x x x x x x x Gartner,1969 (Kamptner) Norris,1985 Kamptner,1937 (Kamptner) Hallegraeff,1984 x x x x Haeckel,1894 7 (Murray & Blackman) Ostenfeld,1900 Murray & Blackman,1898 Hay & Mohler,1967 (Lohmann) Hay & Mohler,1967 11 Lohmann,1902 (Lohmann) Kamptner,1930 (Lohmann) Kamptner,1943 (Lohmann) Reinhardt,1972 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Kamptner,1943 Kamptner,1943 x x Lohmann,1912 Schiller emend. Manton Bremer & Oates,1984 Schiller,1925 (Schiller) Manton Bremer & Oates,1984 Schiller x x x x x x Kamptner,1954 (Wallich) Kamptner,1954 x x x x x x x x x M. Cabrini 748 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 * [Coccolithus carteri] [Helicopontosphaera kamptneri] Helicosphaera hyalina 1728v Helicosphaera pavimentum 1729v Helicosphaera sp. 1730v Helicosphaera sp.p. 1731v Helladosphaera 1732v Helladosphaera aurisinae 1733v [Poricalyptra aurisinae] Helladosphaera cornifera 1734v [Syracosphaera cornifera] Helladosphaera sp. 1735v Helladosphaera sp.p. 1736v Homozygosphaera 1737v Homozygosphaera spinosa 1738v [Corisphaera spinosa] Homozygosphaera sp. 1739v Homozygosphaera sp.p. 1740v Lohmannosphaera 1741v Lohmannosphaera adriatica 1742v Michaelsarsia 1743v Michaelsarsia elegans 1744v Michaelsarsia sp. 1745v Michaelsarsia sp.p. 1746v Ophiaster 1747v Ophiaster formosus 1748v Ophiaster hydroideus 1749v [Meringosphaera hydroidea] Ophiaster sp. 1750v Ophiaster sp.p. 1751v Papposphaera 1752v Papposphaera lepida 1753v Periphyllophora 1754v P. cf. mirabilis 1755v [Calyptrosphaera (?) mirabilis] Pontosphaera 1756v Pontosphaera discopora 1757v Pontosphaera steueri 1758v Pontosphaera syracusana 1759v Pontosphaera sp. 1760v Pontosphaera sp.p. 1761v Rhabdosphaera 1762v Rhabdosphaera clavigera 1763v [Rhabdosphaera stylifera] Rhabdosphaera hispida 1764v R. cf. multistylis 1765v R. cf. subopaca 1766v Rhabdosphaera tignifer 1767v Rhabdosphaera sp. 1768v Rhabdosphaera sp.p. 1769v Scyphosphaera 1770v et al. (Wallich) Kamptner,1941 Hay & Mohler,1967 Gaarder,1970 Lohmann x x x x Kamptner,1936 Kamptner,1941 (Kamptner) Kleijne,1991 (Schiller) Kamptner,1937 Schiller,1913 x x x x x x x x x x x x x Deflandre,1952 in Grassé,1952 (Kamptner) Deflandre,1952 Kamptner,1941 x x x x x Schiller,1913 Schiller,1913 Gran,1912 emend. Manton Bremer & Oates,1984 Gran, 1912 emend. Manton Bremer & x x Oates,1984 x x x x x x x x Gran,1912 emend. Manton & Oates,1983 Gran,1912 sensu Gaarder emend. Manton & Oates,1983 (Lohmann) Lohmann emend. Manton & x Oates, 1983 Lohmann,1903 x x Tangen,1972 Tangen,1972 Kamptner,1936 (Schiller) Kamptner,1937 Schiller,1925 Lohmann,1902 Schiller,1930 Kamptner Lohmann,1902 x Haeckel,1894 Murray & Blackman,1898 13 Lohmann Lohmann Schiller Bernhard Schiller Lohmann,1902 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Phytoplancton 749 * Scyphosphaera apsteinii 1771v Scyphosphaera sp. 1772v Sphaerocalyptra 1773v Sphaerocalyptra quadridentata1774v [Calyptrosphaera quatridentata] Sphaerocalyptra sp. 1775v Syracolithus 1776v Syracolithus clypeatus 1777v Syracolithus dentatus 1778v Syracolithus grundi 1779v Syracolithus quadriperforatus 1780v [Syracosphaera quadriperforata] [Homozygosphaera quadriperforata] Syracolithus shilleri 1781v [Syracosphaera schilleri] Syracolithus sp. 1782v Syracolithus sp.p. 1783v Syracosphaera 1784v Syracosphaera adriatica 1785v Syracosphaera apsteinii 1786v Syracosphaera nodosa 1787v [Syracosphaera histrica] Syracosphaera pirus 1788v S. cf. pirus 1789v Syracosphaera prolongata 1790v Syracosphaera pulchra 1791v Syracosphaera sp. 1792v Syracosphaera sp.p. 1793v Tergestiella 1794v Tergestiella adriatica 1795v Thorosphaera 1796v Thorosphaera elegans 1797v Umbellosphaera 1798v Umbellosphaera irregularis 1799v Umbellosphaera tenuis 1800v [Coccolithus tenuis] Umbellosphaera sp. 1801v Umbellosphaera sp.p. 1802v Umbilicosphaera 1803v Umbilicosphaera sibogae 1804v [Coccosphaera sibogae] [Umbilicosphaera mirabilis] [Cyclococcolithus mirabilis] Zygosphaera 1805v Zygosphaera amoena 1806v Z. cf. debilis 1807v Zygosphaera hellenica 1808v [Laminolithus hellenicus] Z. cf. regalis 1809v Zygosphaera sp. 1810v Zygosphaera sp.p. 1811v Raphidophyceae Chattonella 1812v Lohmann,1902 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 x x x x Deflandre,1952 in Grassé,1952 (Schiller) Deflandre,1952 Schiller,1913 x x x (Kamptner) Deflandre,1952 in Grassé,1952 (Lecal) Bernhard & Rampi (Schiller) Rampi & Bernard (Kamptner) Gaarder,1980 Kamptner,1937 (Kamptner) Gaarder,1962 (Kamptner) Norris,1985 Kamptner,1927 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Lohmann,1902 emend. Gaarder,1977 Lohmann,1902 emend. Gaarder,1977 Lohmann,1902 x x Kamptner,1941 x Kamptner,1941 Halldal & Markali,1955 x Halldal & Markali,1955 Gran ex Lohmann emend. Heimdal & x Gaarder, 1981 16 Lohmann,1902 x x x x x x Kamptner,1941 Kamptner,1941 Ostenfeld,1910 Ostenfeld,1910 Paasche,1955 emend. Gaarder,1981 Paasche,1955 (Kamptner) Paasche,1955 Kamptner,1937 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Lohmann,1902 (Weber-van Bosse) Gaarder,1970 Weber-van Bosse,1901 Lohmann,1902 (Lohmann) Kamptner,1954 Kamptner,1936 emend. Heimdal,1982 Kamptner,1937 Kamptner Kamptner,1937 (Kampter) Heimdall,1980 Lecal Biecheler,1936 x x x x x x x x x x x x x M. Cabrini 750 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 x x * Chattonella sp. 1813v Fibrocapsa 1814v Fibrocapsa japonica 1815v Fibrocapsa sp. 1816v Heterosigma 1817v Heterosigma sp. 1818v Heterosigma sp.p. 1819v Olisthodiscus 1820v Olisthodiscus luteus 1821v Chlorophyceae Actinastrum 1822v Actinastrum sp.p. 1823v Ankistrodesmus 1824v Ankistrodesmus angustus 1825v Ankistrodesmus falcatus 1826v [Micrasterias falcata] Ankistrodesmus subtilis 1827v Ankistrodesmus sp. 1828v Ankistrodesmus sp.p. 1829v Brachiomonas 1830v Brachiomonas sp. 1831v Brachiomonas sp.p. 1832v Carteria 1833v Carteria sp. 1834v Chlamydomonas 1835v Chlamydomonas sp. 1836v Chlamydomonas sp.p. 1837v Chlorella 1838v Chlorella sp.p. 1839v Chlorococcum 1840v Chlorococcum sp. 1841v Chodatella 1842v Chodatella sp. 1843v Closterium 1844v Closterium aciculare 1845v Closterium kuetzingii 1846v Closterium sp. 1847v Crucigenia 1848v Crucigenia quadrata 1849v Crucigenia tetrapedia 1850v [Staurogenia tetrapedia] [Tetrapedia kirchneri] [Lemmermannia tetrapedia] Crucigenia sp. 1851v Desmodesmus 1852v Desmodesmus sp. 1853v Diplostauron 1854v Diplostauron elegans 1855v Dunaliella 1856v Dunaliella salina 1857v [Haematococcus salinus] Dunaliella tertiolecta 1858v Dunaliella sp. 1859v Dunaliella sp.p. 1860v et al. Toriumi & Takano,1973 Toriumi & Takano,1973 Toriumi & Takano,1973 Hada,1968 x x x x x x x x x x Carter,1937 Carter,1937 x x Lagerheim,1882 x Corda,1838 Bernard,1908 (Corda) Ralfs,1848 Corda,1835 Hindák x x x x x x x x x x x x Bohlin,1897 x x x x Diesing,1866 x x x Ehrenberg,1834 x x x x x x x x x x Beyerinck,1890 x x x Meneghini emend. Starr,1955 x Lemmermann,1898 x Nitzsch ex Ralfs,1848 West,1860 Brébisson,1856 Morren,1830 Morren,1830 (Kirchner) West & West,1902 Kirchner,1880 Lemmermann,1899 (Kirchner) Lemmermann,1904 x x x x x x x x x x x x (Chodat) An Friedl & Hegewald,1999 x Korschikov,1925 Skuja,1927 1493 Teodoresco,1905 1494 (Dunal) Teodoresco,1905 Dunal,1838 Bucher,1959 x x x x x x x x x Phytoplancton 751 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 * Hyaloraphidium 1861v Hyaloraphidium sp. 1862v Kirchneriella 1863v Kirchneriella sp. 1864v Monoraphidium 1865v Monoraphidium contortum 1866v [Ankistrodesmus contortum] Monoraphidium tortile 1867v [Ankistrodesmus tortilis] Monoraphidium sp. 1868v Oltmannsiella 1869v Oltmannsiella lineata 1870v Oltmannsiella sp. 1871v Oltmannsiella sp.p. 1872v Oltmannsiellopsis 1873v Oltmannsiellopsis viridis 1874v [Oltmannsiella virida] Pediastrum 1875v Pediastrum borianum 1876v [Helierella boryana] [Pediastrum bidentulum] Pediastrum duplex 1877v [Pediastrum pertusum] Pediastrum simplex 1878v [Pediastrum clathratum] Pediastrum sp. 1879v Pediastrum sp.p. 1880v Pyramichlamys 1881v Pyramichlamys sp. 1882v Scenedesmus 1883v Scenedesmus obliquus 1884v [Achnanthes obliquus] Scenedesmus quadricauda 1885v Scenedesmus sp. 1886v Scenedesmus sp.p. 1887v Sphaerocystis 1888v Sphaerocystis sp. 1889v Staurastrum 1890v Staurastrum gracile 1891v Staurastrum sp. 1892v Tetraedon 1893v Tetraedon minimum 1894v [Polyedrium minimum] Tetraedon sp. 1895v Tetraedon sp.p. 1896v Ulothrix 1897v Ulothrix sp. 1898v Euglenophyceae Euglena 1899v Euglena acus 1900v Euglena acusformis 1901v Euglena proxima 1902v Euglena viridis 1903v Euglena sp. 1904v Pascher & Korshikov,1931 x Schmidle,1893 x Komárková-Legnerová,1969 (Thuret) Komàrková-Legnerová,1969 Thuret,1856 (West & West) Komárková-Legnerová,1969 West & West,1912 x x x x x Zimmermann,1930 Zimmermann,1930 x x x x x x Chihara & Inouye,1986 (Hargraves & Steele) Chihara & Inouye,1986 x Hargraves & Steele,1980 Meyen,1829 (Turpin) Meneghini,1840 Turpin,1828 Braun,1855 Meyen,1829 x x Kützing,1845 Meyen,1829 x (Schröter) Lemmermann,1897 x x x x H. Ettl and O. Ettl,1959 x x Meyen,1829 (Turpin) Kützing,1833 Turpin Chodat x x x x x x x x x x x Chodat,1895 x Meyen ex Ralfs,1848 Ralfs,1848 x x Kützing,1845 (Braun) Hansgirg,1888 Braun x x x x Kützing,1833 x Ehrenberg,1838 Ehrenberg,1830 Schiller,1925 Dangeard,1901 Ehrenberg,1830 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x M. Cabrini 752 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 x x x x x x x x * Euglena sp.p. 1905v Eutreptia 1906v Eutreptia lanowii 1907v Eutreptia pertyi 1908v Eutreptia viridis 1909v Eutreptia sp. 1910v Eutreptia sp.p. 1911v Eutreptiella 1912v Eutreptiella braarudii 1913v Eutreptiella eupharyngea 1914v Eutreptiella hirudoidea 1915v E. cf. hirudoidea 1916v Eutreptiella marina 1917v E. cf. marina 1918v Eutreptiella sp. 1919v Eutreptiella sp.p. 1920v Lepocinclis 1921v Lepocinclis sp. 1922v Phacus 1923v Phacus pyrum 1924v [Euglena pyrum] Phacus sp. 1925v Trachelomonas 1926v Trachelomonas sp. 1927v Prasinophyceae Cymbomonas 1928v Cymbomonas tetramitiformis 1929v Cymbomonas sp. 1930v Halosphaera 1931v Halosphaera viridis 1932v Halosphaera sp. 1933v Halosphaera sp.p. 1934v Micromonas 1935v Micromonas sp.p. 1936v Nephroselmis 1937v Nephroselmis sp. 1938v Pachysphaera 1939v Pachysphaera marshalliae 1940v Pachysphaera pelagica 1941v Pachysphaera sp. 1942v Pachysphaera sp.p. 1943v cf. Pachysphaera 1944v cf. Pachysphaera sp. 1945v Pseudoscourfieldia 1946v Pseudoscourfieldia marina 1947v [Scourfieldia marina] Pseudoscourfieldia sp. 1948v Pterosperma 1949v Pterosperma sp.p. 1950v Pyramimonas 1951v Pyramimonas adriaticus 1952v Pyramimonas amylifera 1953v Pyramimonas grossii 1954v et al. Perty,1852 Steuer,1904 Pringsheim,1953 Perty,1852 x x x x x x x x x x da Cunha,1914 Throndsen,1969 x x Moestrup & Norris in Walne Moestrup Norris & Ettl,1986 Butcher,1961 x x Butcher,1961 da Cunha,1914 x x x da Cunha,1914 x x x x x x Perty,1849 x Dujardin,1841 (Ehrenberg) Stein,1878 Ehrenberg,1838 x Ehrenberg,1833 x Schiller,1913 Schiller,1913 Schmitz,1878 20 Schmitz,1878 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Manton & Parke,1960 x Stein,1878 x x Ostenfeld,1899 Parke,1966 Ostenfeld,1899 x x x x x x x x x x x x x Ostenfeld,1899 x Manton,1975 (Throndsen) Manton,1975 Throndsen,1969 x x x x x x Pouchet,1893 x Schmarda,1850 Schiller,1913 Conrad,1939 Parke,1949 x x x x x x x x Phytoplancton 753 1 2 Butcher ex McFadden Hill & Wetherbee, x x 1986 Butcher,1959 Moestrup & Hill,1991 x x x x x x Stein,1878 x (Kylin) Butcher,1959 x x Kylin,1935 Butcher,1959 x (Schiller) Throndsen in Throndsen & x x Zingone, 1988 Schiller,1913 x x x x Stein,1878 * Pyramimonas orientalis 1955v [Pyramimonas orientalis] Pyramimonas propulsa 1956v Pyramimonas sp. 1957v Pyramimonas sp.p. 1958v Tetraselmis 1959v Tetraselmis adriatica 1960v Tetraselmis gracilis 1961v [Platymonas gracilis] Tetraselmis striata 1962v Tetraselmis wettsteinii 1963v [Carteria wettsteinii] Tetraselmis sp. 1964v Tetraselmis sp.p. 1965v cf. Tetraselmis 1966v cf. Tetraselmis sp. 1967v Ebriidea Ebria 1968v Ebria tripartita 1969v [Dictyocha tripartita] Ebria sp. 1970v Ebria sp.p. 1971v Hermesinum 1972v Hermesinum adriaticum 1973v Kinetoplastidea Rhizomonas 1974v Borgert,1891 (Schumann) Lemmermann,1899 Schumann,1867 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 22 x Zacharias,1906 24 Zacharias,1906 x x Rhizomonas setigera 1975v [Solenicola setigera] Rhynchomonas 1976v Rhynchomonas nasuta 1977v [Heteromita nasuta] Solenicola 1978v Solenicola sp. 1979v Incertae sedis Commation 1980v Commation cryoporinum 1981v Telonema 1982v Telonema subtile 1983v Ciliati autotrofi Mesodinium 1984v Mesodinium rubrum 1985v Filosea Paulinella 1986v Paulinella ovalis 1987v [Calycomonas ovalis] P. cf. ovalis 1988v * Specie elencate anche nella tabella dei Protozoa. Species listed also in Protozoa table. Kent,1880 (Pavillard) Patterson Nygaard Steinberg & Turley,1993 Pavillard,1912 Klebs,1893 (Stokes) Klebs,1892 Stokes,1888 Pavillard,1916 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Thomsen & Larsen,1993 Greissmann,1913 Greissmann,1913 x x x Stein,1863 Leegaard,1915 Lauterborn,1895 (Wulff) Johnson Hargraves & Sieburth,1988 Wulff,1919 (Wulff) Johnson Hargraves & Sieburth,1988 x x x x