Joe Kokela calls for greater effort to help SA`s dispossessed


Joe Kokela calls for greater effort to help SA`s dispossessed
The official organ of Sasbo, The Finance Union, est. 1916
Vol 37 No 7 December 2015
Vol 37 No 7 December 2015
Meet the new Mancom
Feedback from
Executive National
Congress 2015
Black Women Charter
Bursary applications
Sasbo’s study grants
The Sasbo Black Women
Charter creates educational
Applications for Sasbo’s study
grants are open.
Moses Lekota’s inaugural Joe Kokela calls for
presidential address
greater effort to help
SA’s dispossessed
oses Lekota, who has been
elected to succeed Joe
Kokela as Sasbo’s president,
began his first presidential address
to the union’s National Executive
Congress by thanking the delegates
for democratically electing him and
giving him the honour of becoming
the union’s leader.
“To become the president of an
organisation as dynamic, sophisticated and old as Sasbo is humbling but
invigorating. It is a responsibility that
I will not take lightly. I will do my
utmost to take Sasbo forward in the
interests of all finance workers,” he
told Congress.
“Mine is not a job for one man alone; I
will work with you all. Transparency
and member involvement will be the
key to our success.”
Moses paid tribute to Joe Kokela saying: “He was a strong president who
n his final presidential address to
Sasbo, Joe Kokela, who, after his
record 15 consecutive years in
office, is the union’s longest-serving
and most popular president, made an
impassioned call for a better deal for
South Africa’s poor and dispossessed.
Moses Lekota, Sasbo president.
steered us through many challenges.
He always stood up for members and
represented Sasbo very well in UNI
thereby putting Sasbo on the global
map. He had brilliant ideas and was
not afraid to network. He played a
Continued on page 3
Joe, who has relinquished his presidential reins to become the union’s
first black general secretary from January 2016, devoted a significant portion
of his address to thanking the union’s
members and Management Committee for the guidance and support they
gave him during his years as president. Joe’s speech was a highlight of
Congress 2016. Here is what he said:
We are making history – Sasbo is 99 years
old and next year we are celebrating 100
years. This makes Sasbo the oldest union in
South Africa.
Joe Kokela, Sasbo general secretary.
We have had to face challenges as a
country and as a union. In 2015 there
were more than 30 demonstrations in six
Continued on page 9
The official organ of Sasbo, The Finance Union, est. 1916
Vol 37 No 7 December 2015
The stats tell a tale
of dedicated service
Sasbo National Executive
Congress is the occasion
when Sasbo’s leaders gather
on behalf of the union’s members
to evaluate their union’s negotiating
achievements, the effectiveness of
past policies and to set new policies
and priorities. Equally importantly,
they monitor the extent and quality
of the union’s services to its members over the preceding year.
When measured against the
country’s weakening economy and
what is happening elsewhere in
the employment market the salary
improvements achieved (they are
detailed elsewhere in this edition)
are impressive, more especially
when measured against the high
levels of job security that Sasbo has
Sasbo Head Office
Fourmall Office Park West,
Sasbo House, Roos Road,
Fourways. Private Bag X84,
Bryanston, 2021.
Tel: (011) 467 0192.
Fax: (011) 467 0188.
Sasbo News
Fax (011) 234 1501.
The Sasbo News contact
number is specifically for
matters regarding the
newspaper (changes of address
and non–receipt of newspapers
should be advised to Sasbo
Along with the foregoing are the commendable levels of corporate care that
finance sector workers enjoy (more
about that later in this editorial).
The extent to which Sasbo works to
serve its members is remarkable. Over
and above the hundreds of meetings
with members and managements,
the hundreds of legal interventions
and the many thousands of telephone
calls, over the past year Sasbo officials
conducted 11 128 branch visits – more
than 40 each working day – and sent
out more than 200 000 SMS messages.
This newspaper, which gives members a further link with their union’s
efforts on their behalf, was rated
South Africa’s fourth best corporate
newspaper out of the many hundreds.
Some unions might consider the fore-
going sufficient. Not Sasbo. Congress
2015 has instructed its secretariat to
investigate and adopt further measures aimed at intensifying two-way
communication between the union
and its members.
Employment conditions and job protection in the South African finance
sector – more particularly those at the
five major banks – rank amongst the
best in the world. They might even be
the best. This happy circumstance did
not happen in isolation. Nor is it a gift
bestowed on employees by management. It is the result of the century
of consistent Sasbo interaction with
finance sector employers on behalf of
its members. The result:
Sasbo and the finance sector employers with which it interacts stand head
Relax while you can
ahead of a rough year
he opportunity to ease the
pressures and relax that the
Festive Season affords is always
welcome. This year the break and opportunity to recharge our batteries will
be more welcome than most because
2016 promises to be a rough year.
The negative forces lining up against
working people are becoming increasingly overwhelming.
Our overriding political situation
cannot be labelled either stable or
happy. Our parliament is becoming dysfunctional. Demonstrations
against inequalities, poor service
delivery, crime and corruption are
mounting with alarming frequency.
If these pressures are not soon eased,
mayhem could result.
To say that the country’s economy is
facing grave difficulties is an understatement. The serious problems being faced
by key areas of our economy aside, the
South African economy is heading towards being accorded junk status rating
by the international rating agencies. A
junk status rating will trigger a host of
financial difficulties - slashed foreign investments, rising interest rates, increased
import costs, supply shortages and job
losses amongst them.
With our pockets already ravaged
by power bills, we have not yet seen
the end of the crisis. Eskom is calling
for further increases to our barely
manageable electricity prices and they
might be granted.
The serious drought our country is
experiencing is already increasing the
cost of basic foods on which the poor
depend. Added to that must be the
and shoulders above all other South
African industries in terms of mutual
trust and co-operation.
Now comes the important part of this
message. Whose achievement is the
employee’s side of this fine coin? Is it the
efforts of the union’s various secretariats
through the decades, or of the dedication
and good sense of the union members?
The answer is, of course, that the credit
must go to both parties. But most of all
it must go to the union members – rank
and file employees all – who have had
the good sense to form a union to protect
their interests and to support it and
involve themselves in its administration
these many years.
It goes without saying that, for our
own sakes, we must all continue
along this healthy path. S
country’s looming water crisis. Our
water supply systems are already under
threat. With the drought scheduled to
last till around March they will come
under further strain bringing as yet
unpredictable negative consequences
for communities and wage-earners.
With the EFF threatening to target
their bank for a series of sit-in demonstrations, Absa employees might be in
for a particularly rough ride.
In times like these finance workers
have to bless the fact that they are
working in an sector which is more
stable than most. And that they have
Sasbo to protect their interests.
As with any crisis, the best way forward
for each one of us is to remain calm
and focused; tighten our spending; do
our outmost to increase our own value
at whatever work we do; help to promote the strength and stability of the
company that has become our second
home, and to strengthen the unity and
influence of Sasbo, the trade union that
safeguards our security. S
The official organ of Sasbo, The Finance Union, est. 1916
Vol 37 No 7 December 2015
The new Mancom is ready
to make a difference
nly two of the previous
Management Committee
members remain on the
committee for the next term. They
are President Moses Lakota and Liesl
Hollis. For the first time Mancom also
boast three female members. Sasbo
News asked them a few questions to
get to know them better:
Moses Lekota
Why did you want to be on Mancom?
The duty of the Management
Committee is to safeguard the
financial interest of the Union. I joined
Mancom to make a contribution and a
positive difference that would benefit
our members in particular and the
union at large. What are you plans? What do you
want to accomplish? I highlighted three
priorities during my opening speech,
i.e. membership growth, unity and
cohesion as well as transformation of
the finance sector. We need to put the
interests of our members first and be
continually responsive to the growing
needs of our members, thus ensuring
that we are “making a positive difference” in the lives of our members.
Message for the Union? Sasbo is for
all who believe and belong in it.
Robert Motlhabane
I was nominated by my BEC, so to me
it was an honour to serve the members. I have been deployed by members and my plan is to serve them in
dignity and be loyal and abide by the
Constitution and the Resolutions of
the Congress as mandated.
As a Deputy President , I need to support the President’s vision. I cannot
run a different vision from the President, so the issue of serving members
is very vital and that must be accomplished. I wish to see a strong Sasbo
and a worker controlled Union.
The Centenary Celebrations means
that it is the time for Sasbo to do
things differently; we need to speak
the language of our members. It is our
opportunity to take Sasbo to its members, to show that the Union has stood
the test of time in advancing and protecting workers rights and interest. As
Sasbo we will continue to defend the
Unity and the founding principles of
Cosatu our Federation.
Liesl Hollis
I believe that my knowledge and experience will add value to the Management
Committee, which enables this Union to
grow from strength to strength, for the
benefit of all of our members.
I want to continue growing the
strength of Sasbo, making it a force to
The newly elected Management Committee members are:
Robert Motlhabane (deputy president), Nommy Jonas, Manny Captain,
Stella Dinyake, Moses Lekota (president), Liesl Hollis and David Cedras.
be reckoned with, in both the financial
sector, as well as within South Africa. Making a positive difference is Sasbo’s
new mantra, and I would like to see
every member adopt this as their own
personal mantra to build our nation.
Noxolo (Nommy) Jonas
I wanted to be on Mancom to be the
voice of the women in Sasbo and in
the financial sector as a whole.
My plans will be to gain all the knowledge from the existing members, work
hand in glove with them together with
my new comrades, to push Sasbo to
higher limits; to fight for the rights of
the workers who are the members of
Sasbo; to assist recruitment of more
members and to promote our union to
the whole universe.
Here I am use me, let me be your slave
who will bring unity, love, respect and
harmony. I promise to go an extra mile
to grow our union and be the voice of
women in our structures.
Amandla! Power to the women!
Stella Dinyake
I was approached by comrades from
our BEC and other branches. They
knew my leadership experience,
qualifications and they trusted me.
They had trust that I am the woman
they need. I am in Mancom to serve
the interest of our members.
My plan is to make Sasbo the talk in the
financial sector such that ever employee
need to become a member. I want to
accomplish a 100 000 members’ mark.
To Sasbo, I am part of a Mancom that
is serious about membership drive.
One Sector, one Union as it is about to
happen in Nedbank. We will participate in policymaking that affects our
members to make a positive difference. We are the leadership you need.
David Cedras
I did not choose to be on Mancom.
My BEC felt that I could add value to
this structure and therefore nominated me which ultimately led me being
democratically elected to the position.
I consider my election to Mancom a
great honour and with the support of
my fellow Mancom members I will
strive to help grow and strengthen the
Union to much greater heights.
Manny Captain
I was elected to serve the interests
of our members, make a difference
in their lives as a whole. I would
like to add value in the sector and
industry. S
Moses Lekota’s inaugural
presidential address
Continued from page 1
crucial role in Cosatu CEC ensuring
unity. I am grateful and honoured to
be chosen to fill such big shoes.
“My future priorities for our union are:
• Membership growth. It is crucial
for us to embark on a recruitment
campaign. We are at the crossroads
with many jobs disappearing. But
new jobs will be created and we
have to be there. Our members
must learn new skills to take the
new jobs. As a trade union we have
to be available. We must equip our
members to learn new skills.
• Unity and cohesion. We have no
option but to strengthen unity and
cohesion. We have to build good
relationships between us. We must
stand together.
• Transformation in the finance
sector. We have a big role to play in
this regard. We need the employers
to come to us in their decisionmaking so that we can advise them
and protect our members.
‘We must work harder and even closer
together to strengthen our alliances.
“I am proud to be your president. I
will be a working president. I want to
make a difference.
“The main part of my talent and
energy will go into serving you, the
members. I will need your help and
support, good advice, network and
resources. We can move the world
Together, we are going to make a
positive difference. Thank you.” S
The official organ of Sasbo, The Finance Union, est. 1916
Vol 37 No 7 December 2015
Sasbo Annual Congress 2015
Sasbo the positive difference in
a negative economic environment
elivering a wide-ranging
Secretariat’s Report that
covered inter alia global and
local economic development, the
union’s vision communications and
achievement and the outstanding
success of Sasbo’s legal department and wage negotiations, acting
general secretary, Ben Venter,
gave the delegates to Congress
2015 irrefutable evidence of a
Sasbo continuing to be the positive
difference for its members in an
employment climate weighed down
by negatives.
He told the delegates that the union’s
vision for the future was to remain
the premier trade union in the finance
sector. Sasbo’s mission remained to
continue making a positive difference
to the lives of its members by influencing the sector’s stakeholders to
adopt enlightened employment practices and by giving its members the
support they need through its highly
developed professional services.
Here are summarised highlights of his
The Global Economy
The global economy continued on
a road to recovery and recorded a
disappointingly slow pace of growth
the past year. The global environment
has been dominated by heightened
uncertainty relating to the debt crisis
in Greece and the sharp decline in
equity prices in China, registering the
slowest pace of expansion in more
than six years. Africa experienced
declining export revenues translating
into a weakening of the trade balances
and deteriorating growth prospects,
lower export prices and furthermore
the reduced international investor
risk appetite translated into currency
South African Economy
In South Africa, the growth outlook remains weak. We have seen
declining business and consumer
confidence in 2015. The rand has been
volatile and depreciated significantly.
Employment growth in the private
sector continued to disappoint, aggravated by factors such as weak domestic demand and electricity supply
constraints. Inflation is expected to
breach the upper end of the Reserve
Bank’s target range next year. The
forecast for core inflation is expected
to average 5,6% in 2015, and declining
to 5,4% and 5,2% in 2016 and 2017.
Rival Union
A number of Pretoria BEC members
formed a union in Absa Waltloo Processing Centre. The Union is called
FUWO. Their shop stewards have
planned this union for some time.
Communication Channels
At the previous Congress, a resolution
was passed calling on the Management Committee to urgently investigate the feasibility of introducing a
Sasbo App, Facebook and Twitter to
enable members to have more information on a regular basis.
The Management Committee tasked
Ipsos, a market research company, to
do an independent study on Sasbo’s
Corporate Reputation. A representative sample was taken from our
members as well as non-members. A
total of 910 interviews were conducted. Among the research were specific
questions about social media. The
Management Committee unpacked
these results at a strategic offsite
meeting earlier this year.
The following questions were posed
to Sasbo members:
1. Which medium would you prefer
Sasbo to use when providing
2. How would you like Sasbo to
contact you directly?
3. How satisfied are you with the
current communication from Sasbo?
On the 28th of May the results were sent
to all the Branch Executive Committees.
Our members prefered emails above
any other form of communication to
be used when providing information.
Members also prefered emails above
any other medium to interact with
Sasbo directly. A Sasbo app or social
media is therefore not considered to
be strategic priorities for the short to
medium term.
The Ipsos Survey covered a broad
spectrum of communication needs
and as a result Sasbo is in the process
of rejuvenating its total communi-
cation model. Over and above the
statistics to be presented on communication, Congress viewed some of
the Sasbo videos produced during
the past year. Sasbo News was voted
4th best corporate newspaper by
South African Publication Forum held
Sasbo’s latest advertisements in the
SA Banker and Bounce Magazines
have received positive feedback.
Ben Venter, Sasbo acting general
New logo
The union’s new logo includes the words
100 years and is especially designed to
celebrate the union’s centenary in 2016.
UNI Congress 2014
This global labour congress was a first
for Africa; 109 countries were represented in Cape Town. Job creation and
world inequality were some of the
issues discussed at the congress.
Sasbo’s Legal Department once again
had an exceptional year and made a
huge difference in its members’ lives.
The union’s legal files have increased
six-fold in the past ten years.
Definite trends are:
• A growing willingness on the
members’ part to challenge the
• An increase in dishonesty related
• More and more members are
ignoring Sasbo’s advice not to
take their chances with dire
consequences (resulting in cost
orders against them)
• A total of 2060 for the year
The union’s membership figures
remain stable in a shrinking financial
environment with positive growth
in the new generation banks and in
particular Old Mutual.
External impact
Strike ballots are under the microscope. The contentious issue is
currently on the table for discussion
at Nedlac. Changes to the Pension Act
may not take effect in March 2016.
Wage Negotiations
Once again, Sasbo’s wage negotiations resulted in inflation-beating
The total quantum of the settlements
including bonuses far outpaced other
sectors in South Africa.
Membership Services
For the period 1 September 2014 to
31 August 2015, our Branch Executive
Committees met 253 times with 300
Sasbo officials attendances
For the period September 2014 to
August 2015, Sasbo officials assisted
members in the following ways:
Conducted 11 128 branch visits
Recruited 12 234 new members
Telesales recruited 4 097 new members
Sent out 204 355 SMSs
Unity is Strength! S
Since the recession our legal cases
reached an all-time high in 2014. In
2015 (about 66% of 2014 figure)
• Represented 364 members in
Grievance Hearings
• Represented 1 696 members in
Disciplinary Hearings
Wage Negotiations
The official organ of Sasbo, The Finance Union, est. 1916
Vol 37 No 7 December 2015
Sasbo Annual Congress 2015
Sasbo’s substantial negotiation
achievements at a glance
asbo’s National Executive
Congress is the time when
the union’s achievements
in negotiating better salaries and
working conditions come under
member scrutiny. Given the times we
live in, and the deals and insecurities
elsewhere in the jobs market, it is
not surprising that Sasbo’s 2015/6
negotiating achievements at the various banks were well received. Here
is a summarised breakdown of those
results as presented by the respective assistant general secretaries:
Eugene Ebersohn, Sasbo assistant
general secretary.
Standard Bank
Eugene Ebersohn, assistant general
secretary presented this feedback.
Salary Negotiations
• Overall settlement – 8.5% with a
minimum of 7.6% for all staff rated
as Met Some but Not All and above.
However, for the second year, staff
rated as Did Not Meet also received
a minimum increase of 5.3%. Only
staff rated as Did Not Meet for two
consecutive years or who were on a
Poor Performance Programme as at
31 December did not qualify for the
increase (only around 0.1% of staff
fell into this category).
• A bonus payment of 7% was also
paid to staff based on individual
Averaging Hours of Work (170
hours/4-week cycle) was introduced
and agreed to and all were voluntary
conversions in the following areas:
• Credit Rehabilitation and
Recoveries (“CRR”) – Fixed Hours
into Flexi Hours of Work. Bonuses
were paid and the bank had to
improve their offer twice before
Sasbo agreed to the proposal.
Cash Shared Services (“CSS”) –
Conversion to Averaging of Hours
of Work (170/4-week cycle) with a
7% increase to their basic salaries.
Operations Shared Services (“OSS”)
– Introduced Averaging of Hours of
25/25 Hour Contract – scheduled
for 25 “long” weeks (6 days) and
25 short weeks (5 days or less) in a
year. Affected staff who converted
received an increase in salary.
Group Technology Operations
– Extending Existing Averaging
of Working Hours Agreement –
Employees were allowed to accept
the new terms and conditions on a
voluntary basis and for those who
accepted a 15% increase was added
on to their GP.
Conversion of Temp Staff to Permanent Staff
• Sasbo takes pride in the fact that
the union played a pivotal role to
secure terms and conditions for
the appointment of approximately
3 000 Quest employees to
positions in the branch network,
through a process of professional
negotiations with Standard
Bank and in a way that struck a
balance between Standard Bank’s
operational needs and arriving
at the best possible deal for these
new employees.
• Staff will work 110 hours – Sasbo
made a significant impact in
making this happen.
• There were a total of 1 600 staff
converted in the following areas:
Cash Centres, OSS and Contact
Centres/Call Centres.
Section 197 Transfer: Mahikeng and
Mthatha Cash Centres
• Standard Bank Cash Centres
situated in Mahikeng and Mthatha
was identified for operations to
be handed over to SBV as a going
• 32 employees were transferred on
a Section 197 at the Mthatha Cash
Centre to SBV.
• Some functionality will remain with
Standard Bank, and will in future
be referred to as “Blue Rooms”.
• Sasbo attended the presentation at
Mthatha were the feedback from
employees was that they perceived
the terms and conditions of transfer
as fair.
There has been a significant reduction
in Section 189 retrenchments and
restructuring exercises this past year.
OBR i.e. variable portion of the
salary above this level
• The OBR Unit rate was increased
by 11%
• This higher unit rate was backdated
to the salary increase date
Restraint of Trade
Employees at a particular business
unit received a Restraint of Trade contract with instructions to sign acceptance. The union raised concern with
the blanket approach and requested
that the document be withdrawn.
Agreement was reached that the document would be withdrawn from all
but Brokers within the business.
Vanessa Hattingh, Sasbo assistant
general secretary.
Vanessa Hattingh delivered this
Salary Settlement 2015/2016
FNB’s settlement led to the highest
guaranteed minimum of the “Big
Four” banks for Bands D – F.
• 2.5 – 2.9 rating were promised a
minimum overall spend 4.5%.
• 3 performers within FNB –
minimum guaranteed 7.6% with
minimum overall spend of 9%
• 3 performers within Wesbank –
minimum guaranteed 6.0%
• 4 performers – minimum
guaranteed 9% with minimum
overall spend of 10%
• 5 performers – minimum
guaranteed 13% with no cap
• 10% overall spend
Recognition payments and Bonuses
Band D – F
• 3 – 3.5 performers – R8 500
• 3.6 – 3.9 performers – Minimum
payment of R11 000 or 8% of annual
package (whichever is the higher)
• 4 performers – Minimum payment
of R14 000 or 10.5% of annual
package (whichever is the higher)
• 5 performers – Minimum payment
of R20 000 or 15% of annual
package (whichever is the higher)
2016 OBR Recalibration Increase
• Outcome based Remuneration
employees received a 6% increase
• Sasbo requested the Bank to
urgently consider increasing the
Bonus Payments
The SJC raised concern about employees who have their employment
terminated through no fault of their
own, e.g. retrenchment or retirement,
potentially not benefiting from a bonus. Agreement that once settlement
is reached employees who proceed
on a no fault termination will benefit
from the agreed bonus
Wesbank CCMA Application
• Sasbo and the bank were in
discussions on a transfer of
employees where there was
potentially extensive additional
• The Bank unilaterally implemented
a hardship application process with
limits that were unacceptable.
• Sasbo requested Wesbank retract
the communication – Wesbank
• Sasbo made an application to the
CCMA to have the communication
retracted and to have Wesbank
consult Sasbo on the matter.
• Wesbank retracted the
communication and entered into
discussions with Sasbo.
Agreements reached
• Banking Channels Subsidised
Accommodation Minor changes
and updates
• Transfer Allowance
• Recognition Agreement – Minor
changes and updates
• FNB Enterprise and Customer
Services Dress Code Policy
• Wesbank Naming Conventions, i.e
Milestones and Occupational Levels
• FNB Conference and Learning
Centre Corporate Wardrobe Policy
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The official organ of Sasbo, The Finance Union, est. 1916
Vol 37 No 7 December 2015
Sasbo Annual Congress 2015
Extended Hours and Sunday work
• The Bank expressed a wish to
extend operating hours and
implement Sunday work in all
branches i.e. 7-day work week.
• Sasbo expressed concern with
both the extended hours and the
proposed 7-day work week which
would result in Sunday work being
normal hours.
• The parties agreed on a pilot group
of branches in Gauteng with the
following provisions:
- Sunday work must be voluntary
and paid double time
- The Bank will report back on a
monthly basis
- The Union will visit these
selected branches regularly to
gauge employee sentiment
- Overtime must be paid where
employees wish. Employees
cannot be forced to take time off
in lieu of overtime
- There must be a continuous rest
period of 36 hours per week as
per the BCEA
Operational Requirements
• Various interventions by the union
resulted in reduced numbers of
employees being retrenched.
• Retrenchment processes were
stopped when the Union were
of the view that the Bank did not
follow proper agreed procedures.
• Natural attrition and transfers were
used to avoid retrenchments in a
large business case.
• Voluntary retrenchments were used
as a method of avoiding forced
Gizelle Conradie, Sasbo assistant
general secretary.
Gizelle Conradie reported back on the
Absa portfolio:
Branch Banking Incentive Scheme
• Five payments of incentive
bonuses (Quarterly Incentive
payments based on Bank Business
overall performance and a 5th
Annual payment will be based on
individual performance)
• There is an alignment between incentive and the balance scorecard (5 Cs)
• It is intended to move towards the
“Go To” bank
• If Business Performance Scorecard
is ‘off Track’ – no incentives are
paid out
• Individuals with a Final Written
Warning on file during a quarter
will qualify for a proportionate
payment in the applicable quarter
• Annual Incentive Plan is based
on Distribution Methodology
(‘Outstanding’ performance will
receive 2.5 X quarterly amount, etc.)
There was a workshop on 21 May
2015 on Performance Development
and the following improvements were
• Shorter timelines to expedite
feedback on year-end ratings
• More time on self review and it
opens sooner to get maximum
• More time for colleagues to prepare
• No colleague feedback on system
because staff members are
overloaded with requests at the
end of year to provide feedback
and an improved communication
plan is proposed
• Manager review will open sooner
• Because ratings were not clearly
defined (i.e., improvement needed,
good, strong, very strong and
outstanding) the “good” rating
descriptor was simplified
• Business-led consistency checks
ensures a fair rating differentiation.
There is no central global signingoff anymore
• More simpler review forms to
Working hours policy
• Sasbo had a Special INC on 9 May
2015 and one of the concerns raised
was overtime payment and timeoff. Sasbo sent questionnaires to
our members. It was evident that
minimal staff complement had a
major impact on the granting of
time-off. Managers resort to the
excuse that there is no budget
for the payment of overtime and
the Bank confirmed that there is
a budget for it! A senior official
referred to the claiming of overtime
as nothing but “professional fraud”.
The union informed the Bank of
the magnitude of this problem.
The Bank was stunned and sent
out a communication regarding
undisclosed and the non-payment
of overtime.
Corporate wardrobe
• Fittings were done until November
• Extra clothing was included:
Overdraft loan facility of R 3000
repayable over 12 months at a
minimum rate of R100 pm subject
to normal scoring processes
(Excludes staff receiving Debt
• Applications declined did not affect
the applicant’s credit rating
• Branch Administration training
is important in the next round
because it was a major problem.
Project Sunrise
• Examples of how Project Sunrise
is implemented in the branch
network: Consultants must
complete Daily Huddle Boards
every afternoon after the ‘wash-up’
meeting for the following morning.
After the Daily Huddle meeting,
the Consultants meet other SBUs
(if any) in the Branch for a DAS
(Daily Appointment Schedule) to
exchange client contacts
• Consultants are also provided with
a time structure board where they
have to schedule what they will be
doing every hour of the day
The problems experienced include:
• Staff complement decreased
dramatically even during peak
periods, while administration has
• Systems are often off-line
• Multi-skilling becomes difficult
yet expected
• The drive is to complete paperless
banking, e.g. no proof of deposit
or withdrawal slips
• Budgets for things like cash
transportation, overtime and
staff refreshments are constantly
decreased and sales targets increased
Pension Fund & GLA
• New and old employees between
55 and 62 may join the fund
• Once off option for married women
to join the Fund
• Members given the choice to
purchase an annuity from an
external provider. New joiners
have the option to either purchase
an external annuity or opt for the
living annuity from the Absa Fund
• New joiners will not receive a
spouse’s and children’s pension but
instead pay-out lump sum death
benefits and only the member share
of the Fund.
• Disability Fund is a lump sum
of 2 X annual pensionable salary
payable for the loss of limbs/vision
• Due to tax changes the disability
benefit in payment has increased. It
is now being investigated to bring it
back to 66.67%
Special projects
• Project Jemima – The Section 197(6)
Agreement has been signed and the
roll-out phase is almost complete
• Project Genesis - Collections
Call Centre transfer - the Union
successfully secured good benefits
for the affected staff members
• Absa Collections Incentive Plan
• Negotiations commenced on
updating Employee Relations
Policy which includes the
Disciplinary Policy, Grievance
Procedure and Capacity Policy
• Under review still was the
Retrenchment and Reassignment
Collective Agreement and the
impact of S 189A on restructuring
in Absa
• Annual Salary Negotiations to
commence in January 2016
Wayne Hattingh, Sasbo assistant
general secretary.
Wayne Hattingh, gave these annual
overviews for Nedbank and SBV.
Salary Negotiations
Salaries 2015
• The total spend by the Bank – 15.0 %
• Increases on Guaranteed
Remuneration – 7.50 %
• Annual STI – 7.50 %
• Minimum Remuneration –
R 132 000 p/a
Car Allowance
Sasbo raised this matter with the bank
on the basis that the bank has as a
requirement that employees need to
travel at least 3 000 kms per annum in
order to structure car/travel allowance into their salary package. Sasbo
contends that there should be no minimum requirement related to actual
business mileage travelled. There is
no requirement in the Income Tax Act,
save to say that there is actual business mileage travelled and that the
job requires an individual to travel on
bank business. Various negotiations
have taken place with the bank and
they remain steadfast in their views
that they have no legal obligation to
remove the limitation.
We are continuing to address this
Bank Assisted Matric Qualifications
This matter was raised with the bank
following this year’s INC.
The bank responded by advising that
there were a number of employees
who have been assisted in obtaining
their matric and the bank will continue to do so.
There were a number of restructuring
exercises during the course of 2015.
The official organ of Sasbo, The Finance Union, est. 1916
Vol 37 No 7 December 2015
Sasbo Annual Congress 2015
These included among others:
• BAC - Branch Administration Centres
• HR (Part of SAP)
• Nedbank Insurance
• Integration of Corporate and
Capital (CIB)
There was limited disruption to the
working conditions of employees. No
reduction in remuneration. There was
some reporting line changes and some
instances employees were relocated
which was within banks policy.
None of the restructuring resulted in
wholesale retrenchments.
Corporate Wardrobe
• The bank will fund an amount of
up to R3 600 per annum over a
two-year period. This full amount is
• The previous benefit allowed for
R3 000 per annum over a twoyear period of which 80% was
• This applies to all permanent
employees with immediate effect.
• We have through the year addressed
a number of areas in the bank not
compensating staff for overtime.
• This has resulted in meeting with
the Area and Regional Management
• These matters have all been
resolved in that staff will be paid or
given time off.
• It has been confirmed, following
intervention on the part of Sasbo, that
staff determine how they wish to be
rewarded for the overtime worked.
• A communication was sent to
members in this regard.
Recognition agreement
• Both unions were given notice
cancelling the current Relationship
• The main thrust of the proposed
changes relate to thresholds.
• Sasbo has nothing to be concerned
about as our membership numbers
are in positive territory.
Salary negotiations
• Increases based on performance
• 92% of employees received an
increase of 8.5% and more
• Shift, standby and callout
allowances increased by 20%
• Overall salary bill increased by 8.75%
A demand for uniforms for processing staff was made and the company
will be rolling this out in due course.
Maternity leave
• Maternity leave was 30% of salary
• Now it is 100% of salary
Subsistence allowance increases
(meals only)
Breakfast from R45 to R70
Lunch from R45 to R70
Dinner from R80 to R105
Long service award
• Five years stays a certificate
• Ten years used to be a framed
certificate and cash/gift to the value
of R1 000 now it is R5 000
• 15 years didn’t have an award
before, it is now R5 000
• 20 years used to be a framed
certificate and cash/gift to the value
of R2 000 now it is R10 000
• 30 years used to be a framed
certificate and cash/gift to the value
of R3 000 now it is R15 000
• 40 years used to be a framed
certificate and cash/gift to the value
of R5 000 now it is R20 000
Myan Soobramoney, Sasbo national
Other banks
Myan Soobramoney is the union’s national secretary. He gave a presentation
on the activities on the other banks:
Sasbo Recognition Agreements
Sasbo has, aside from the Big Four
Banks, Recognition Agreements with
the following other banks and other
financial institutions:
• African Bank
• Bank of Athens
• Bankserv Africa
• National Housing Finance
Corporation (NHFC)
• Old Mutual
• SA Reserve Bank
• U Bank (Previously Teba Bank)
• VBS Mutual Bank
No or limted organisational rights
Sasbo is also actively pursuing membership growth towards the achievement
of FULL Organisational Rights with the
following other financial institutions:
• Capitec Bank
African Bank
• 2015 – 2016 Salary Negotiations refer to Sasbo News V37N6 in this
• 2014 – 2015 Salary Settlement
- Salary Negotiations took place
while the Bank was under
curatorship – which was
- Performance related salary
increase guaranteed minimum
of 7.25%, total spend 8.22%
- Minimum salaries increased by
- Medical Aid Subsidy increased
from R700 to R750
• African Bank was placed under
curatorship on 10 August 2014.
At Sasbo’s insistence, an historic
Memorandum of Understanding
(MOU) was signed off between
the parties with emphasis on job
protection, certainty and stability,
regular communication and the
setting up of an “ideas forum”
• Several branches closed, however,
most employees were accommodated at neighbouring branches
• Section 189 Retrenchment process
commenced and Sasbo was actively
involved in ensuring our members’
best interests are protected and
promoted throughout this process
• Zero forced retrenchments since
curatorship to date
• Jan Molefe re-elected employee
representative as a Provident Fund
• Medical Aid – the Bankmed’s
intention to move to Discovery may
have member implications
• Debt Collector Registration Process
affected approximatly 1 500
Bank of Athens
• Minimum Salary Increases ranged
from 7% for 3 raters to 8.75% for
those rated 4 and above
Bankserv Africa
• 7.25% Performance based, plus
0.5% for Adjustments
• Transport, Shift Allowances and
Salary Scales also increased
• Sasbo consulted on restructuring,
forced retrenchments were
mitigated through voluntary
severance options
• Conversion of a number of
temporary/labour broker staff to
permanent following amendments
to the LRA
• Sasbo negotiated salary increases
for IPS of an overall spend of
8.4%, with a minimum increase of
7.5% for all staff with acceptable
performance. A performance based
bonus of 6.2% was also agreed
NHFC (National Housing Finance
• Salary Settlement provides for a
guaranteed minimum of 7% for 3
rater, outstanding performers eligible
for a higher percentage increase
based on management discretion.
Old Mutual
• Following the signing of the
Recognition Agreement, this was
our second (Salary Negotiations)
Remuneration Review Consultation
process with Old Mutual
• Following a referral process back
to members for a fresh mandate
Sasbo secured a total salary
settlement of 6.5%
• Sasbo is currently in the process to renegotiate a new collective agreement
to ensure inter alia proper access.
• Salary Increase Settlement of 6.9%
across the board. Performance ratings
used for bonus allocations only
• Sasbo reviewed and signed off
the following policies: Declaration
of Interest, Long service awards,
Post-retirement medical aid
scheme, Chronic Medical Condition
Management, Incapacity Policy
and Incapacity Management,
Cellular Phone Allowance,
Staff Recognition, Overtime,
Compensation Management and
Performance Management
• Following a referral process back
to members for a fresh mandate,
the following Salary Increase
Settlement was agreed to:
- Total spend of 6.5% of which the
Performance Based guaranteed
minimum salary increase is 5.4%
- Bonus payment 15%
VBS Mutual Bank
Despite the chronic financial challenges and difficulties of the Bank, we
were able to reach a settlement of 6%
SA Reserve Bank
• Salary Negotiations:
- Intense negotiation process. Bank’s
team exhausted their mandate
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Call SASBOsure on 0860 744 447 for a quote.
Continued on page 10
The official organ of Sasbo, The Finance Union, est. 1916
Vol 37 No 7 December 2015
How to survive December holiday blues
to mow the lawn or arrange with your
garden services. Long grass is a good
advertisement that the owner is away.
But as the holiday hits, there are a
hundred things to think of, leaving
one drained and exhausted as the New
Year arrives. Here are some handy
hints to avert a December disaster!
Make sure your municipal bills are paid
so that your water and electricity are
fine while you’re gone. Switch geysers
off. Pull out cords of your electronic
equipment to avoid lightning damage.
If you plan to go away for the
holidays, decide now and make the
arrangements. The longer you wait,
the less choice you have and the more
expensive it all becomes. If you have
reservations, confirm them. Make sure
of rules and regulations for flights,
border control, etc.
Staying home
If all that sounds like too much
trouble, just stay at home. But don’t
let those precious vacation days just
slip away. Plan your holiday even if
you are at home. If your reason for
staying at home is a restricted budget,
you can always make day trips that
cost less, but are lots of fun and will
make memories. Explore your local
area. There might be some interesting
shops, museums, galleries etc. that you
haven’t seen.
t this time of year everyone is
wishing for December. 2015
has been a long year!
Have a look at the weather in the
area of your destination. Check your
clothes to make sure that bikini or
snow shoes still fit. If possible, plan
your itinerary ahead of time. Do some
homework if you are going to a new
destination. This will save time and
assure that you know what’s hot and
happening and won’t miss a thing.
Financial Institutions Pensioners
Society (BPS)
Bankmed: Dedicated pensioner option on the toll free helpline
0800 22605633 to assist with claims and queries.
Also dedicated pensioner tab on
Funeral cover: Competitive premium available from AVBOB.
Call 011 442 0030 (BPS Office) or 021 912 8000 or 082 453 5789,
fax 0866 162 281 (Kobus Bruwer of Be Wise).
Benevolent fund: Apply via your BPS branch to the National Council for
financial assistance, only in deserving and exceptional cases.
Insurance: Pensure from firstEquity especially for BPS members.
Call 011 510 1300.
Heart2Care: Caring is what we do and love. For all you health needs and
care in the comfort of your home, contact us at 011 675 2716 or 082 920
2538 or visit
BPS Enrollment and Information update form
PO Box 1871, Saxonwold, 2132 • 159 Jan Smuts Avenue, Parkwood, 2193
Tel: 011 442 0030 • Fax: 011 442 0034 or 011 447 3498
Please enroll me as a member of the BPS and debit my
Account no. at (bank)
Branch name:
Branch code no. annually with the amount of R57,00*.
Full names:
ID number:
Postal code:
Home tel:Fax:
Enrolled by:Membership no.
* This amount may be adjusted annually
A free copy of SASBO News will be posted to each BPS member every month
Make sure of all medical specifications.
Do you need shots? Do you need
malaria medication? Take care of this
in time. December is no time to take
chances. Make sure to carry all your
medical information in case of an accident. When travelling overseas, check
your medical insurance.
If you are driving, make sure your vehicle is in ship-shape condition. Check
tyres, batteries, fan belts, shocks,
wipers, water and oil levels.
Life is a journey, enjoy it! Don’t
just travel from A to B when you’re
driving. Make the journey part of the
adventure. Sometimes the best parts
of the holiday can surprise you in that
small detour.
When going away for the holidays,
safeguard your home as well as you
can. Notify the security company or
neighbourhood watch. If you have one
of those rare things, the good neighbour, around, let them know. They can
keep an eye on your home. With current water restrictions your automatic
sprinkler system might be taboo. Ask
a neighbour or a friend to water your
special plants.
Put pets in a good kennel or ask someone to look after them. New Year is an
especially difficult time for pets if there
are fireworks in the neighbourhood.
Make sure that your best friend is safe.
A house sitter may be the best answer.
This will ensure good security, someone to look after the pets and water
the plants. Leave contact numbers!You
can put your swimming pool pump as
well as strategic lights on a timer. Cancel your paper delivery.Ask someone
If you live in a city explore nearby
rural areas.. A visit to a farm or small
village can be lots of fun and very
Do your shopping in time. The best
way to shop for presents is with a list.
This will save you from last minute
shopping sprees and impulse-buying,
all fatal to the budget. Make sure that
everyone knows the allowed budget
for gifts. Kids love doing their own
Christmas shopping, and they learn so
much if you give them their budget or
Look for an original gift that will last
longer than the 26th of December?
What about grocery shopping for the
holiday? Plan shopping to avoid the
crowds. Watch out for advertising
temptations! Make use of holiday
specials. Plan special meals and shop
in advance.
If you have guests over, enjoy them.
If you plan ahead, it can make the
whole experience enjoyable. Make
sure if your guests have any special
dietary needs or allergies. Buy or bake
rusts for a quick early morning snack.
Keep affordable fruit juices, water and
ice handy. Make sure your linen and
towels are ready in advance. If it is
your mother-in-law, call in help now!
If your preparations are done well,
you will have time to relax and enjoy
the visit.
Plan easy meals. Make preparations
and freeze what you can beforehand.
If you are just having friends over for
dinner, call in the troops. Have the
kids help you with table decorations or
small gifts for the table.
Plan activities for the kids. Boredom
creates whiny kids and whiny kids
create irritated parents. Find an edu-
Continued on page 9
The official organ of Sasbo, The Finance Union, est. 1916
Vol 37 No 7 December 2015
Sasbo walked that extra mile
for this member – and won
ot all Sasbo involvements
are dramatic salary and
survival issues. Many aim
at achieving day-to-day fair play
for members who find themselves
inconvenienced by circumstances.
This case study is a good example
of the lengths that the union goes
to on behalf of individual members.
It concerns the working hours of a
member we’ll call Janey.
When her bank asked its staff to sign
new working hour contracts Janey
opted to retain the working hours of
her existing contract. This became a
problem when her bank tried to force
her to work the new hours or face
being transferred to another branch.
Continued from page 8
There are lots of craft ideas in books
and on the internet to fit all ages and
creative skills.
cational place to visit like a museum
or art gallery. Museums are very interactive nowadays and hosts interesting
exhibitions. Plan play dates to vary
your own schedule.
Going to the movies with a bunch of
kids can be very expensive. Organise
a sleepover and movie night or LANgames night. You can have them create
their own pizza. Bake or buy the base
and have a table filled with different
toppings. With pop corn and snacks, it
can be a wonderful feast.
Bake holiday cookies. This keeps the cake
tins full and makes precious memories.
Make your own gifts. Even if you
make something small, a handmade
gift is always precious and great fun.
Even though the bank was seeking to
unfairly depart from an agreement,
Kobus van Straaten, Sasbo’s KZN re-
Use this time to get those rooms
clean and clear up the cupboards. For
teenagers, you can create a meal-night
or lunch. They can be responsible for a
meal once a week.
Take on a gardening project. Kids
love to watch things grow and this is
an ideal time to spend quality time
together and have some fresh herbs or
veggies for the kitchen. Plant radishes,
they give the fastest results.
Whatever you do, make this holiday season a memorable one. Life is
short and when all is said and done,
memories are what make your heart
warm! S
Joe Kokela calls for greater
effort to help SA’s dispossessed
Continued from page 1
months. Some of them were just. Others
without purpose.
After 21 years of democracy our country is
unfortunately still not free from segregation and discrimination. We are still
battling with identity.We are still not sure
how to relate to people of different colour
and gender.
Our biggest challenge is the high rate of
unemployment – 25% of our employable
people are without jobs; that is 5,5 million
people. Enough is enough. We must reduce
the rate of unemployment.
The economic climate makes it a dangerous
time for employees in South Africa. A tsunami of retrenchments is coming to South
Africa. What must we do?
We have to face the challenge head-on. We
have to protect our members. We have to
stand up for the next generation. We have
to protect our workers. Plant a tree for
your children to sit under.
Now is the time to rise and lift our nation
from unemployment. Never overlook the
urgency of the moment. Condemn job losses
of any member. Bring back Cosatu’s old
slogan – an injury to one is an injury to all.
We who are privileged do not realise how
lucky we are. How does it feel to leave food
to be thrown away? It is tough to see a
man on the street with a board begging for
food for his family. It is even worse to hear
that CEOs think the only solution for business is to retrench members. The equality
gap is becoming bigger and bigger.
The rich are becoming richer and the poor
poorer. The rich want to make sure no one
will be able to share in their riches. An example is the universities: the fees are very
high and I talk from my own experience. I
support the revolution of the students. Not
only rich people’s children deserve to be
taught. Next time we as parents must join
our children in the demonstrations.
This country has a Freedom Charter. We
have to make sure that Cosatu stands up
for our students. We must all pay the same
fees, black or white, rich or poor. We must
transform university boards so that they
are representative of the poor people, too.
We have to stand up as a country and say
enough is enough.
Today we are here – we can talk to each
other. All of us can go to the same schools
and churches. This is possible through
serious conversations among the leaders
gional secretary adopted a reasonable
tone saying:
Even though the proposed solution
suggested by you is beneficial to the
bank, it does require a significant
compromise by our member and as
you know our mandate is to protect
our members’ rights and seek the
best possible deal for them. We, along
with our member, are acutely aware
that the bank cannot force or entice
or pressure any member to ‘agree’
to a new contract of employment,
nor force the employee to accept a
transfer. This we believe is against the
interests of the bank as well as what
was agreed to between Sasbo and the
bank in 2012, i.e. that no employee
would be prejudiced as a result of his/
her choice with regard to selecting the
old or new contract.
However, because both our member
and Sasbo are reasonable and keen
to find a solution, we are prepared to
make the following compromise:
Our member will agree when asked
and when operationally required, to
work longer hours until 31 May 2016
– only. She will therefore not refuse
to work voluntary overtime and will
commit to work within the required
before us. But negotiations did not come
cheap. Transition happened through
crucial true negotiations.
If we don’t lead, we will have a problem.
We have to change the way things are
happening. You have to be the change you
want to be. You can’t sit back and moan.
operating hours. However, her starting times will remain unchanged as
per her current contract of employment and should she be required to
work longer hours (until 18h00, these
additional hours will be regarded
additional hours over her contracted
170 hours and will therefore constitute overtime. Staff who in 2013 opted
to convert to the 170 hour Flexible
Contract do not have an averaging of
hours agreement so overtime on one
day cannot be offset by shorter hours
the next. Such an agreement would
require a new contact with Sasbo.
The bank’s response to Kobus’s
letter was equally conciliatory. After
first explaining that the conditions
at Janey’s branch were an exception
rather than the norm and that Janey
performed a specialist role in an area
where there were scarce skills, the
bank detailed four different employment options that it had devised
for Janey’s situation, leaving the
door open to her to make alternate
proposals. The resulting three-way
negotiations between Janey, Sasbo
and the bank achieved a satisfactory
solution. S
15 years? I think it comes down to two
words: Love and respect. I took you all seriously. Thank you very much for returning
that love and respect. I thank you for the
opportunities you gave me.
All those years ago the members promised
to assist me and stand by me and they did.
We want to be part of profit sharing. We
have to ask the question – how much of it is
for our members?
To our new leaders, I say: a good leader
listens to his people. Do not ignore the
ordinary people.
There is a trend among the banks to move
out of South Africa.We are faced with a
challenge – everything we own is being
taken away from us. Sometimes the decisions we make are coming back to haunt
us. Where did we go wrong as a country?
The Management Committee members
who served with me, guided me and made
me a good leader. I thank them.
We fight other African countries, but
what about the Chinese who are seriously
exploiting our resources? Half of the mines
in North West are owned by Chinese.
Mandarin is going to be taught in schools
while our children cannot even speak other
African languages. We must condemn
Mandarin. It must be up to the children
what languages they want to learn.
Unionism is not about promises – we take
action. Promises are for politicians. We
are doers.
I took over the presidency in 2000. From
then, year by year, I’ve grown. I’ve asked
myself what made Joe be the president for
I can now proudly tell the world that I
have completed what I was supposed to do.
Together we have made Sasbo a force to be
reckoned with.
I served on Mancom before I became
president so in total I spent 18 years in your
service. I grew up in the ranks – BEC, Congress, Mancom, President. You cannot take
shortcuts. My heart was with the workers
and even a managerial position in the bank
could not take me away from the union.
Sasbo is my union and it will be forever.
To the incoming leaders – I pledge my
support. All that I ask from you is to know
where you want to take this union. The
future is now in the new leaders’ hands.
Congratulations and good luck. S
The official organ of Sasbo, The Finance Union, est. 1916
Sasbo’s Black Women
Chapter invites bursary
he Sasbo Black Women Chapter,
which creates educational
opportunities for the children of
Black, Coloured and Indian women
whose joint income is R180 000 or
less per annum, is inviting bursary
applications. The closing date for
applications is 31 January 2016.
Under no circumstance will a late
application be considered.
A Selection Committee is appointed
by the Sasbo Black Women’s Chapter.
The funding provided by the scheme
will be determined on an annual basis
by this committee for a single student
at any South African State high school
(up to R6 000) or tertiary education
body (up to R15 000).
The decision of that committee will
be final.
Qualifying criteria
The definitions and criteria covering
the selection process are:
• Applicants must be African,
Coloured or Indian women resident
in the Republics of South Africa and
Namibia, or in the Kingdoms of
Lesotho and Swaziland.
• The joint remuneration threshold
of applicants must not exceed
R180 000 per annum.
• Applicants must be Sasbo
members in good standing,
as defined by the union’s
• In order to qualify for the
assistance on offer, applicants
must be able to demonstrate the
ability to advance to the next
level of education.
• In the event where a learner fails
to demonstrate the ability to be
promoted to the next level of
learning based on the learner’s
year-end results, the committee
of this Scheme reserves the right
to decline or withdraw such
• Assistance will be limited to only
one learner per family.
• The committee may consider the
number of learners per family in
relation to the household income.
• The Sasbo Black Women Chapter
Committee will have the sole
discretion to make decisions that
it considers to be reasonable and
fair under the circumstances.
Applicants are urged to fill in their
applications neatly and accurately
as unclear applications will not
qualify for consideration.
Supporting documents
An application will be considered
only if the following certified copies
are submitted to the Committee
Sasbo Black Women Chapter Education Assistance Scheme
Name of Applicant:
Sasbo Membership No:
Name of Bank/Institution:
Name of Student:
Student No.
Name of School/Institution:
Contact details
Tel – Home:
Vol 37 No 7 December 2015
within the stipulated time period as
mentioned above to:
Sasbo Black Women Chapter
Private Bag X84
Please don’t hand it to individuals
who may be visiting your branch
as this may result in it being a late
The closing date for all applications
is 31 January 2016. Applications
need to include:
• The learner’s latest results.
• Both parents’ most recent
• The learner’s copy of birth
certificate and/or identification
document and/or passport.
• The identification document of
the mother or guardian.
• An original letterhead of the
school or institution containing
the following banking details:
• The name of the bank
• The branch
• The bank code (six digit number)
• The account type
• The account number
• The school/institution fees S
Sasbo’s substantial
negotiation achievements at a glance
Continued from page 7
- 60% of employees that fall
within the FC 1 to FC 3
categories should receive
an increase of at least 6,5%
calculated on the total cash
packages of employees (as
opposed to the salary of an
employee which is ordinarily
used in the industry as the base
on which settlement is reached)
- 20% of employees will receive
an increase of at least 6% which
is still marginally above the
inflation rate (5,6%) for the
period under consideration
- In terms of distribution, as much
as 80% of all staff would receive
not less than 6.0%
• Multiple Career Path (MCP) Policy
was introduced:
- Completely new human
resource dispensation –
implication is the review of
almost all the HR policies in the
- The MCP- Policy has also
necessitated the review of
the Recognition Agreement
and redetermination of the
Bargaining Unit
- Numerous consultation sessions
have taken place between the
parties. No agreement has been
reached yet
U Bank
• Salary Negotiations:
- The protracted strike in the platinum belt negatively impacted the
Bank- severe financial losses are
- Feedback meetings with
members held across the
- Guaranteed Minimum of 6.8%
for Full Performers (F/NYF2
Raters) agreed
- Medical Aid Subsidy increased
from R725 to R800 (10.34%)
- Increase in Minimum Salaries
• Medical Aid – Sasbo protected
members from disciplinary action
due to not being on medical aid,
through a SJC initiative
• Revised Disciplinary Code and
Procedure signed off
• Section 189 Retrenchment process:
- Sasbo consulted on a number of
Branch Closures
- Most affected members were
successfully redeployed
- Zero forced retrenchments S
Tel – Work:
Cell No:
SASBOsure Exclusive Personal Insurance – The Perfect Union of Trust and Care.
Call SASBOsure on 0860 744 447 for a quote.
The official organ of Sasbo, The Finance Union, est. 1916
Vol 37 No 7 December 2015
Global Labour Briefs
Business, NGOs, faith groups and trade unions agree on zero carbon future
Insurance tips for
the festive season
he management and staff of
firstEquity Risk Management
Services would like to thank
all of our clients for their patronage
and wish them good cheer over this
festive period.
Many of you are taking a well-earned
break and spending time with family
and we would like you to enjoy every
minute; however before relaxing
completely remember to check and
implement the follow safety rules:
Check that your vehicles are physically locked by checking the doors at
shopping centres and petrol stations
as thieves now have the ability to
block remote locking mechanisms
and are therefore at liberty to remove
personal items from your unattended
vehicles while you are shopping or
taking a travel-break.
Don’t forget to test your immobiliser
or tracking device. Make sure that
your tracking service providers are
picking up a signal.
Check the roadworthiness of your vehicles tyre tread and brake discs and
keep a safe following distance so that
potholes are more easily avoided.
If you are traveling outside of South
African boarders make sure that
your vehicle is still covered (call us to
check) and ask about any repatriation
clause that may apply if you have an
accident in a different terrritory.
Check the cover limitations of your
household policy when you travel.
Have you arranged travel insurance?
Have you arranged All Risks cover for
Is your house security sufficient/ is
your response alarm company receiving a signal (test please)?
If you’re in South Africa this December, please remember the use the
firsEquity Asssit Number 0861 339 260
at all times and, more importantly,
to dial the number yourself. Unscrupulous tow -truck operators are once
again costing unsuspecting accident
victims money by offering advice
and assistance and then fraudulently
placing the assist call to an unknown
entity who will charge you exorbitant
fees to have the vehicle released to the
If you’ve taken the trouble to mentally
tick this list and took care of outstanding issues, then it’s time for that
well-earned rest. Enjoy! S
Business groups and civil society representing more than half a million people and
a thousand businesses have backed the international trade union call for dialogue
between workers, business and governments that will ensure a just transition to a
zero carbon future. The joint declaration in support of a just transition was signed by
the International Trade Union Confederation’s We Mean Business, The B Team and
seven major international NGOs and civil society organisations including CID, the
international alliance of Catholic development agencies, Friends of the Earth, Action
Aid, Greenpeace, Christian Aid, WWF and Oxfam International at the opening of
the UN climate talks in Paris.
“A global agreement on climate change in Paris must commit to just transition. We
are minutes from midnight. We need a strong climate agreement. We need a commitment from everyone “governments, employers, unions and civil society to work
towards the industrial transformation that is vital to deal with climate change,” said
Sharan Burrow, General Secretary, ITUC.
The call for dialogue was signed in Paris as 150 world leaders gathered for the start
of the UN Climate Change conference to negotiate a new deal on climate to keep the
world within a two-degree temperature rise. “We can plan for the industrial transformation required to keep the world within a two-degree rise, or it can happen in a
disorderly way, it is a choice. But a just transition is an imperative if we are to leave
no one behind. Climate action requires an investment in jobs and social protection.
The call for dialogue for just transition puts this into action,” said Sharan Burrow.
UNI Global Union and ITUC are working hand in hand at the COP21 in Le Bourget,
France near Paris to build and develop collective action with the unions being represented at the climate summit. UNI is also working with ITUC to give a voice to the
union movement on climate change and amplify the messages from the union leaders from both the North and the South, who are fighting together for climate justice.
Safe climate is a human right—UNI
The UNI Global Union World Executive Board recognises the urgent need for mobilisation and action against climate change.
“A safe climate is a human right, it is not an option,” said Philip Jennings, the UNI
Global Union General Secretary. “In Bangladesh, where we are working hard to
protect workers’ lives after the Rana Plaza disaster, climate change could put ten
million refugees on the road. If we don’t act urgently, there could be five hundred
million climate refugees worldwide. With these migrations, we know that many
governments will be tempted to restore authoritarian regimes putting democracy
and freedom at risk.”
“But climate change is also an unprecedented opportunity to refit our economies, refit
our cities, buildings and transport systems. A 1% increase in public investments would
create 40 million jobs. This might be the greatest job creation opportunity ever.”
In a passionate speech, Samantha Smith, the Leader of the WWF International Global Climate and Energy Initiative clearly connected the dots between climate and the
union movement. Climate change will have major impacts on workers worldwide.
But unions also have the political legitimacy and organising power to mobilise
people for a just transition.
“Climate change is not only about polar bears, it is about people,” said Samantha Smith.
“Workers have the right to know what their companies will look like in the future
and they have the right to be trained and retrained in this transition. The just transition will also imply a huge shift in financial investments from fossil fuel sources of
energy towards renewable energy, energy efficiency, recycling and reusing hence
creating new jobs in the services economy.”
G20 recognises inequality as risk to growth
For the first time in a Leaders’ statement, the G20 – the forum for international co-operation which brings together nineteen countries and the EU on the most important
aspects of the international economic and financial agenda—has acknowledged that
rising inequality is a major risk to ‘social cohesion and an objective to lift growth.’
Drakensberg AGM
well attended
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) held for Drakensburg (Ladysmith) Branch
Executive Committee in November was well attended. Members were given
comprehensive feedback on their branch and union’s progress and also had the
opportunity to socialise. S
Leaders at the Antalya Summit have acknowledged that reducing inequality,
creating jobs and ensuring inclusion are essential to generate a stable economy.
The summit took place in the shadow of terrorism, the flight of refugees from fear
and the threat of further economic crisis. The meeting called on ‘Finance Labour
and Employment Ministers to review growth strategies and employment plans to
strengthen action against inequality.’
With global unemployment still 30 per cent above the level before the crisis and the
global jobs gap forecast to rise to 80 million by 2018 and the risk of further recession,
action is needed in the short term to raise growth.
The official organ of Sasbo, The Finance Union, est. 1916
Vol 37 No 7 December 2015
Current Add-On Benefits
Please note that these benefits are only available to paid–up Sasbo members.
Sasbo Benevolent Fund
Sasbo Legal Line
The Sasbo Benevolent Fund, which draws its resources from
This is the union’s popular free 24–hours–a–day,
365–days–a–year legal advice through europ assistance
service to members.
Sasbo callers receive professional guidance and save
millions of rands in legal costs.
Call 0860 111 000
union funds and member donations, renders financial assistance to members who are suffering extreme financial hardship.
Funeral Cover
Your Funeral benefit (included in union membership)
Since 1 January 2005 all paying members of Sasbo under
63 years old are covered in the event of death. The cover
increased to R10 000 in January 2008.
An additional R10 000 will be paid out in the case of
unnatural death in the line of duty. This means a potential
total cover of R20 000 per member.
Claims should be directed to your nearest Old Mutual
Servicing branch or contact the Old Mutual Call Centre on
086 060 7000 for assistance. Please relay this information
to your family members.
Old Mutual Educational Trust
Sasbo News
Members are kept up–to–date about Sasbo personalities
and activities through its own newspaper, Sa s b o News .
Sa s b o News keeps them abreast of developments in the
local and international finance industry, international
socio–economic trends and developments in the labour
Sasbo Study Grants
Each year the union offers study grants (on a
rand–for–rand basis) to members or their children undergoing second year tertiary education or beyond.
Sasbo Holiday & Travel
Sasbo has been admitted to the Old Mutual educational
trust that promotes tertiary education by providing scholarships for worthy causes. The scholarship provides funding
to study on a full time, part time or on a distance basis, for
a first time undergraduate degree or diploma (including
BTech) at an accredited Higher Education Institution.
You may apply only if you are:
A member or staff member of one of the participating
trade unions.
A child of a member or staff member, and are under
the age of 25.
A grandchild or other child blood relation of the member or staff member, and are under the age of 25, and
are solely financially dependent on the member.
For Mauritius, Spain and Canary Islands
Toucan Travel Promotions – offers travel and accommodation
packages to Mauritius, Spain and Canary Islands. For info
contact Lauren at Sasbo Head office 011 467 0192, or visit
Old Mutual Group Schemes
firstEquity and Sasbosure
During their 20–year association with Old Mutual, Sasbo members have invested in the wide range of financial plans (investment, education, capital accumulation and funeral plans) made
available to members at competitive rates. Their collective
stake in Old Mutual qualified the 11 000 members with Old
Mutual investments for shares worth an estimated R40 million
when the company privatised its operation in 1999. Old Mutual
continues to offer an expanding range of investment opportunities which members would be wise to investigate.
Sasbo Smalls
This ‘shop window’ in Sa s b o News enables members to
advertise – free of charge for a prescribed period and at a
modest cost thereafter – their goods, services, properties
of sale or rent and other items.
Sasbo members now have two options to enjoy affordable
and discounted holidays.
For Southern African & European Destinations
The Sasbo Holiday Fair with Chakela Hotels’ KashBack
option caters for Southern African and European destinations. Contact Chakela Central Reservations: 021 425 1171
or; or visit
Sasbosure is an exciting new insurance offering from firstEquity.
Designed exclusively for Sasbo members, it’s flexibility takes into
consideration your individual insurance needs without loading you
with unnecessary frills if you would prefer to contain the already
very competitive costs. The choice is yours. Not only is this particular product designed to accommodate your current circumstance,
lifestyle and pocket, but it is backed by the excellent reputation
and financial strength of Santam, an A-rated Insurer. A few of the
nice-to-haves include (and are free of charge for Sasbo members)
a unique Retrenchment Benefit, an excesShield, free 7 day car hire
and a premier claims service. In addition the exclusive Sasbocare
emergency assistance program provides full membership to the AA
and emergency household assistance, a helicopter evacuation service following an accident and legal assistance. Sasbosure encourages a proactive role in containment of premiums where you are
positioned to reduce your personal monthly premiums or excess
with acknowledged behaviours or by referral incentives on an
ongoing basis. Website: Tel no 0860 744 447
The official organ of Sasbo, The Finance Union, est. 1916
Vol 37 No 7 December 2015
Keep Sasbo updated
For the Record
Whatever our religion, or lack thereof, Christmas is a great time;
the time when the mood relaxes, bonhomie rules and families
can be families again. How can we make the most of this restful
opportunity? We all have different ways.
For some the seasonal rest means partying and drinking too much.
That way provides superficial fun, to be sure. But the financial,
physical and long-term health hangovers can often dull those
Others see the holiday time as a time to linger in bed in the morning;
lounge by a pool or on a beach; do some gardening; go for walks;
visit friends and relatives; linger in attractive shopping centres; go to
the movies; eat out; curl up with a good book—maybe do all of those
things in a single day - it is possible.
However we relax the trick is to get our minds right so that we can
relax with same intensity that we work and worry. How to manage
that? The solution is quite simple.
Those who flop into an easy chair saying: ‘Gosh, I’m tired,’ are going
to experience less instant relief than those who do the same thing
and say: ‘Isn’t it heavenly to be able to relax.’
We’ve used this analogy before, but we’ll use it again. Boxers are
the masters of instant relaxation. They get just one minute between
rounds to recover their battered bodies and to get their minds right.
Those who say, ‘Gee, it’s tough out there; I’m hurting; he’s better
than me,’ usually end up losing.
It is those fighters who put a positive spin on their short breaks who
end up winning. Let’s learn from them.
Coffee Break
All Sasbo members need to keep their
contact details updated to ensure that
they receive all communication.
Ask yourself these questions:
Do you receive Sasbo News regularly?
Do you receive emails from Sasbo?
Do you receive SMSs with news updates?
Does your branch/department receive
fax messages from Sasbo?
If your answer to any of the above questions is ‘no,’ then you need to complete
the form below and email or fax it to
Sasbo on or 011 467
0188 as soon as possible.
If you retire you can no longer be a Sasbo
member but you can become a member
of the Bank Pensioners’ Society (BPS). See
page 8 for their contact details.
If you make yourself a part of the
communication chain, you will never
again have to wonder what your union
is doing for you!
Sasbo membership no:
Managerial/General staff:
Bank and department/branch:
Postal address:
Email address:
Cellphone number:
Telephone number:
Fax number:
4. Cher’s with me! He plots! (7)
8. Left to peer at it or reject it? (5)
9. Calculates times teas take to
arrange (9)
10.Can it be seen as a mere caper? (5)
11.Seen on guns when they turn in,
son! (9)
13.It acts as if it wasn’t moving (6)
15.Is Enid disturbed because it was
called ‘Not out!’? (6)
19.Have that alien evicted or get
him to look for clues (9)
21.Leers, then staggers out (5)
22.Let Sid an it or take it down! (9)
23.Some skill! I am out – you are in!
It’s gone to your head! (5)
24.How Rene’s Ed showed contempt (7)
1. Scared a change of shopping
centres is possible? (7)
2. Paul went to Tasmania just to
spoon? (7)
3. Meant a chocking end for
someone! (8,5)
4. Means non-participation for me
when I get stout (3,3)
5. When it comes to mankind and
making money – that’s another
story! (5,8)
6. Tom meets Her Majesty in the
Paris subway (5)
7. They’re pretty but they may
produce sores (5)
12.Bradman returned and let his
head fall warily (3)
14.This mound is only partly steep (3)
16.Showing momentum; that little
devil, the alien, joins us (7)
17.It’s written in spite of the French
intervention (7)
18.You’ll stop breathing, Ted, now
that you’ve slimmed (6)
19.American men know how to use
a Doctor of Divinity (5)
20.State the sort of sample required (5)
2016 Sasbo subs
At its last meeting, Sasbo’s Management Committee set the
union’s 2016 subscriptions at R108 a month.
The new subscriptions will come into effect on 1 January 2016.
SASBOsure Exclusive Personal Insurance – The Perfect Union of Trust and Care.
Call SASBOsure on 0860 744 447 for a quote.
The official organ of Sasbo, The Finance Union, est. 1916
Self-Catering, fully equipped two bedroomed house.
Spectacular view of Heads and lagoon. Reasonable
rates. Visit for
more details. Contact Anita 083 456 4663 or rscott@
Cape Town/Milnerton Ridge
Fully equipped, self-catering, one bedroom apartment
with separate lounge. Suitable for 2 adults and 2 small
children. Minimum 4 nights, own parking bay, with use
of swimming pool and tennis court. Near Century City,
golf course, beaches and 15 minutes from Cape Town
Central and Waterfront at R450 per night. Call Dave at
083 414 7638 or (021) 558 4780.
Cape Town/Panorama
Fully equipped, immaculate self-catering flatlet with
secure parking and braai area, sleeps 2. Near Century
City, 15 minutes from Cape Town, Waterfront and
Bloubergstrand. R250 per night out of season. Contact
Fransie at 021 930 4054 or 083 772 2783.
North Coast Contact Eileen hulinfamilytrust@ or 082 497 2664.
East London
Niki-Nana Backpackers – dorms, doubles and camping
available – up-market, exclusive. Contact Lee on
043 722 8509 or 071 263 0904. Visit our site: www. or e-mail us:
Fully equipped self-catering unit, sleeps two (double
bed) full bathroom, (shower and bath), TV and offstreet parking, own patio with braai facilities and
magnificent views of lagoon and mountains, R350 per
day out of season, R400 per day in season, Contact
044 384 0562 or 083 269 1751
Durban North
Comfortable, fully furnished one bedroom flatlet/
granny cottage to let. 6 Months’ lease (1st May or 1st
June) private garden/ braai area, parking. Rent R6 000,
suitable for young couple. Contact Priscilla work 031
575 8051 or home 031 564 4283 or email gordonjd@
Durban North
Spacious one bedroom flat let/granny cottage. Comfortable, fully equipped self-catering with private garden
braai area and parking. Sleeps 6, colour TV. R550 per
day out of season and in season R650 per day. Phone
Priscilla 083 403 7437 or home 031 564 4283 or 031
575 8001 or e-mail
Uvongo: South Coast
4 and 6 sleeper beach front flats to let at very competitive rates. Within walking distance to main beach, fully
fitted units including, TV, microwave, dishwasher etc.
Secure complex with braai and laundry facilities. Tel
Johan at 082 492 6677.
Gordons Bay – House of Pearls
Free standing upmarket 3 bedroomed house, large
private enclosed garden, stunning mountain view,
800 m to beach, shops and restaurants, bathroom with
full shower, lounge, dining room, plus fully equipped
kitchen, TV, Hi-fi, DVD player. Braai area, bedding and
towels supplied. Beach towels not included. Contact
Pearl Jason 083 707 2015 View
photos on
10 St Ellen Great Brakriver
Fully equipped self-catering holiday accommodation.
Pool in complex. Sleeps 4 in cottage R500 per day and
sleeps 6 – 3 bedrooms R800, situated near Hartenbos/
Mossel Bay & George. TV, DVD (DStv with card) and
braai facilities. Contact Erna at 082 925 6128 or 016 455
6071 or
Langebaan Accommodation
2 Bedroomed fully equipped self-catering ground unit
suitable for 6 people, 700 m from Club Mykenos.
R500 per night. Call Gideon 084 901 1936 or (oh)
021 950 6614.
Fully equipped 1 bedroomed self-catering. TV, DVD,
braai area and parking. Sleeps 4. Walk to beach. R500
per night. Call Erna Le Roux 082 925 6128.
Jeffreys Bay
2 x fully equipped units. Sleeps 10 per unit, 800 m
from beach. Fully enclosed with electric gates. Contact
Marlene on 083 328 2645 or 041 372 1475 or 041
372 1274 fax.
Margate Accomodation
Immaculate, upmarket apartment with sea view in
secure complex, 5 min walk to Margate beach, sleeps
max 5, pool and covered parking bay. Daily rates: Low
R350, High R550, Peak R700. Contact Colin or Lyn at
039 315 1945 or 076 422 0006.
Strand (W-Cape) safe and quiet, 1 bedroom, large
Granny Flat for 2. Available for holiday/permanent.
Please no smokers, children or pets. Walking distance
to beach and shopping centre. Please call/SMS 072
494 4756.
Waterford House in Clarens
Luxury 4 star graded self-catering lodge on golf estate.
Very special mid week rates for bank pensioners. Phone
Jean 083 285 0021. web:
Zia’s Accommodation
Holiday apartments available Sea Point, Rondebosch
Village and Green Point. Modern tastefully furnished
and fully equipped. Close to beach. Contact Ruby Bake
021 705 9836 or 083 707 0803.
South Coast Margate – Uvongo KZN
Self-catering houses and cottages. Close to beaches and
entertainment, 1bedroom cottages, 2 and 3 bedroom
cottages and 5 bedroomed houses. Group bookings up to
30 persons. Corporate bookings welcome, team building
also welcome. Sports teams, club bookings. Rates on
request. Sea Spray and Eagles Nest 011 683 8381 or 083
267 3562 or
Fully equipped 6 sleeper flat with fantastic view,
not even 50 m from main beach, two rooms and
sleeper couch, TV in all rooms, big braai on balcony,
dishwasher, washing machine and 2 secure parkings.
Contact Bernadette 082 337 8885 or e-mail
Flexiclub Points
Flexi holiday club points for sale, price negotiable.
Market value per pt R11,40. Points up for sale 10 500.
Please contact Johan Visser 012 804 8622.
Timeshare for Sale
Global Grand Vacation Package with RCI, which is a
yearly holiday for sale – points available immediately,
contact Mandy @ 033 395 5612 (w) or 084 505 8524.
Netjiese 2 slaapkamer huis te huur, slaap 6, 4 volwas-
Vol 37 No 7 December 2015
Your contact person for Sasbo Smalls is Stephne Anders. She can be contacted during working hours at 011 467 0192.
senes en 2 kinders, branderuitsig, besigtig walvisse en
dolfyne uit die bad, stapafstand van die see, toesluit
motorhuis, kontak Joey 041 933 2466 of 083 257 7222.
Chakas Rock (Ballito)
Self catering holiday accommodation, magnificent sea
views, air con & ceiling fans, pool in complex, 5min
walk from the famous Thompson Tidal pool and beach,
7min drive to all shopping centres, 4 sleeper from R650
per unit pn and 2 sleeper from R450 per unit pn contact
032 525 7698 or 082 482 5740
House to Rent Alberton, Mayberry Park
2 bedroom, lounge, dining room, 1bathroom with
shower, separate toilet, single garage in complex R5
000. Contact Estelle 078 386 6835.
Holiday in Knysna
Self-catering, luxury flatlet for couple. Stunning views,
5 min walk from town, private lock-up garage, full
DStv. R480 per night/unit incl l & w. Contact Irene 084
503 9409 or
Looking for 1 bed or bachelors flat or garden flat
around Sandton Area to rent. Contact Carol Fearick
083 417 1530.
Kruger Park – Home from Home
Stay in private house in your own en suite bedroom.
We are 5 min drive from Kruger National Park, with
or without breakfast, very reasonable rates, suitable
for 2 people sharing. Contact 013 793 8371 or 071 144
4187 – Christopher.
Banana Beach
Fully equipped self-catering flat, 2 bedrooms, lounge,
fully fitted kitchen, bathroom, and shower, fully furnished, 300m from beach, undercover parking, remote
gate, sleeps 5, laundry, gym, games room, TV and DStv.
R700 out of season, and R900 in season per day. Photos
on request. Phone Piet 082 893 5421.
Jeffrey’s Bay Holiday Accommodation
Situated on the beach of Jeffrey’s Bay, Eurentia is ideal
for holidaymakers looking for sun, sea, sand and to
experience the famous Jeffrey’s Bay waves. Walking
distance to the main beach and central town. Units sleep
from 2 – 6 people. Contact Thea 0794936114
Sumiz Vacations
You work so hard you need a break. The experience
is worth it. For holiday + mini breaks specials in SA
contact Somayya 084 245 8761 or 082 222 5222 or
New fully furnished secure B&B self-catering flat,
Hayfields Pietermaritzburg, for conferences, Argus,
Comrades etc. Contact Chanel 084 625 2853 (photos
on request).
Stunning sea views, sleeps 4-6 people, walking
distance to Amazimtoti shopping centre, restaurants are
within walking distance, secured underground parking,
braai facilities are available on the ground floor, a
swimming pool in the complex, washing machines and
dryers on the roof of the building, contact Denise on
078 487 9910 or e-mail Denise.Singh@standardbank.
Franskraal – Woonstelle vakansie of Naweke
2 slaapkamer woonstel te huur ten volle toegerus, slaap
6 persone, 100 tree na see. Stapafstand na strand en
Suprette, 40 km vanaf Hermanus en 3 km na Gansbaai.
Woonstel aan seefront met pragtige seeuitsig. Ten volle
toegerus, slaap 4 persone. Kontak Roseline 079 707
8556 of 028 388 0230.
Jeffreys Bay
Self-catering, sleeps 4, fully equipped, close to beach
and shops, R900 pd in season, R600 pd mid-season,
R400 pd low season. Contact 082 857 2156.
Hartenbos Accommodation
Fully equipped 3 bedroom house, with braai and
lock-up gates, walking distance to beach. R500 per
day out of season and R1 300 per day in season. ATKV
Waterwurm in Hartenbos contact Diana 084 725 0384.
Beautiful self-catering 3 bedroom timeshare chalets to
let from 16 Dec to 1 Jan. The chalets are fully serviced,
have a 180 degree sea view, 24 hr good security with
lots of facilities, like swimming pools, restaurants,
hairdressers, gym etc. Contact 044 870 7288 or
083 412 4599.
Blue Horizon Bay Port Elizabeth
2 bedrooms, 1 study, sleeps 3 to rent, R300 per day,
sea view, self-contained with towels. Contact Hantie
083 478 7478.
KZN South Coast Margate Uvongo
Fully equipped, self-catering 4 sleeper situated 200 m
from Uvongo’s main beach in a secure complex with
under cover parking from R350 per night. Contact
083 262 3843 or
KZN North Coast
Stunning 1 bedroom self-catering granny cottage, fully
equipped private braai area, partial sea views, ideal for
a couple and 2 children under 10 years old. R600 pn.
Contact Nalini 032 943 3395 between 6-8 pm.
Plettenberg Bay
Retired bank manager will let his holiday cottage at
Keurboomstrand (Plett) and luxury flat in Goose Valley
Golf Estate (a golfer’s dream) both fully furnished, to
Sasbo members at half price, out of school holidays,
also available in school holidays.
Phone 044 870 7288 or 083 412 4599.
Property for Sale
Vacant stand for sale in established area. – 1154 m? of
prime land in Umhlatuzana, Durban, Kwa Zulu Natal.
Close to Chatsworth Centre, Schools and Highways –
7-58th Avenue Umhlatuzana, asking R960 000 neg contact Millicent on 0829015134 or Winston 0824530159
or 079 626 5112 or 011 762 8751
House in Margate to rent for Holiday
R500 per day, sleeps 8 people, 3 bedroom, 3 bathroom,
DStv available. Contact Thea/Leon Rautenbach
083 247 1138 or 073 184 5787 after hours.
Timeshare Accommodation Kruger National
Fully equipped 6 sleeper self-catering cottage, 100m
from Paul Kruger gate, next to Protea Hotel, 23/05/14
to 06/06/14, available as weekend, week or 2 weeks,
DSTV, fully equipped kitchen, services daily.
Call Biba 072 110 0116.
Ruim een-slaapkamer woonstel met balkon, berg
uitsig, toesluit motorhuis, hysbak, moderne kombuis
en sekuriteit in die pragtige Somerset Wes, lae heffing
en belasting, naby Kaapstad en see. R630 000. Kontak
Janet 083 688 7050.
52 km from Mossel Bay and 40 km from Still Bay, 3
bedroom house with built-in cupboards, large kitchen,
lounge, one big bathroom, 1 garage on 1 200 square
meter stand, R599 000. Elize 084 732 5100.
Mossel Bay
Mossel Bay at Twee Kuilen/Diaz Beach. Situated
500 m from the much sought after Diaz Hotel and
Resort. 2 bedrooms (1x en suite), kitchen, open plan
lounge. Xtra braai area, shower, toilet, deck, sleeps
6, swimming pool in complex, 24 hr security with
surveillance camera. Price R900 000. Contact Ronnie
083 394 0634.
For Sale
R250 000: two bedroom, one bathroom house for
sale in Hlanganani Village, Springs close to N17 toll
road. Phase two houses sold for R276 500. School
and clinic are planned for the development. Ideal first
home or investment property to rent. Contact Melanie
011 734 4750.
Flat for Sale
Pretoria between Schoeman & Hamilton street, one
bedroom, sitting room, kitchen & bathroom on the 1st
floor, only working class allowed on premises. Contact
James 086 507 9230 or james.zulu@standardbank.
Te Koop
Erf te koop, Hartenbosheuwels, Mosselbaai, 1 049
vierkante meter, uitsig onbelemmerbaar. Kontak
Magda 083 946 1474.
3 bed home on very large plot for sale in Noordwyk,
Midrand JHB, R820 000 neg. Contact Indhra for
details 021 685 0257 or 082 695 7460.
Mtunzini KZN North Coast
2 bedroom, fully equipped park home, open plan
kitchen/dining/lounge with sleeper couch, plus second
separate lounge, swimming pool and games room on
site, five minutes’ drive to Umlalazi Nature reserve
with fishing, boating and unspoilt beaches. Contact
Sharon 082 062 0519.
Goose Valley Golf Estate: Plettenberg Bay
Luxury 2 bedroom unit overlooking the golf course,
with lock-up garage. R1 150 000 or best offer. Contact
044 870 7288 or 083 412 4599.
Te Koop
Aftree en/of vakansiehuis te Keurboomstrand,
Plettenbergbaai, volledig gemeubileerd en geleë binne
? vakansieoord (The Dunes) teen R950 000. Baie goeie
huurinkomste reg deur die jaar. Bejaarde pensioenaris
moet verkoop. Skakel 044 870 7288 of 083 412 4599.
Special for Sasbo members
Stunning 2 B/room/4 sleeper self-catering apartment
including secure parking on Durban’s Golden Mile.
R580 pn (normal R680 pn off-peak/R780 pn w/end/
peak excl school holidays). Like FB page ‘Holzjust4u’
for pics/info. Call Soni 083 544 8313.
House to Let- Verulam
3 bedroom fully furnished house to let for R4 600
excl L/W close to MtView High School, R102, King
Shaka Airport, Gateway, Umhlanga – Gumtree Ad Id
439781109. Contact Soni 083 544 8313.
House for Sale Pretoria West
3 bedroom, close to mall and schools, contact Colleen
072 588 8143
Jefferey’s Bay
Fully equipped 2 bedroomed townhouse. Close to shops
and beach. Sleeps 4.
Stand Lydenburg
Vacant stand in Lydenburg (Mpumalanga) 866sq.m
corner stand in new security area on Sabie Road,
hour’s drive from Kruger National Park and opposite
new shopping centre, plans was approved for a double
storey house. Owner transferred price R300 000. Call
Lorraine 082 493 5811 or 011 418 5022.
Huis te Koop – Redelinghuys
5 slaapkamers, 3 badkamers, garage, putwater, 1486
m2. R700 000neg. Kontak Loretta 073 589 8513.
2 bedroom ground floor townhouse for sale in
Boksburg, Klippoortjie, it has 1 bathroom (bath and
shower), lounge and kitchen, private garden. Price
R550 000. contact Maloko at 078 621 5080,
Vaal River
Have you always wanted to own your own farm as
well as live the life of luxury - boating on Millionaires
Bend on the Vaal River? Now you can have both
- small holding / farm 12 hectares on Millionaires
Bend for sale. Main house consisting of 4 bedrooms,
2 bathrooms plus 1 bedroom cottage with bathroom
plus smaller bachelor cottage with bathroom. (All
under thatch). Boat shed / workshop for 4 cars or boats.
Stabling for 3 horses. 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom staff
quarters. R7 Million. Land alone worth R5 million.
Phone Matt 082 337 4772 or email cadickson50@
2 Bedroom apartment at Manaba for Sale
R980 000 neg
180% sea and beach view tastefully furnished spacious
two beds two baths flat, which is opposite rock pool
at Manaba and 100 metres to Lucien beach. Less than
5 kms to Shelly Beach & Uvongo, 2 km to Margate.
Lounge with large cane suite, six-seater dining table
and chairs, beautiful kitchen, 2 spacious bedrooms
(sleeps 6), 2 tiled bathrooms, Levy R1537pm, rates per
month R817pm, Selling price R980 000neg, Contact
owner Russell on 082 325 7929 or russelloverbury@
House for Sale
Tivvit Suburb Golden Gardens, Vanderbijl Park,
Gauteng. Two Bedroom house, walled, gate and battlers.
R370 000. Contact Sikhumbuzo 083 678 4026.
Roodepoort flat for sale
2 bed, 1 bath (Eagles Grove complex) in Honeydew
on Zeiss Road. Neat condition, easy lock-up-and-go
lifestyle with security. Close to Clearwater Mall and
the mega FNB building. R440K, contact sunithag@ or 076 022 9013 or 011 294 1806.
Timeshare Margate
Villa de Sol, fully furnished apartment, 2 bedrooms,
12th and 13th week usually in March, prime time, high
time, R8 000 per week. Contact Joy Robbison 031 916
3062 or 073 153 1820.
Flat for Sale Scottburg
R720 000, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, secure undercover parking, north facing, overlooking golf course with
some sea view, walk to beach, secure complex. Contact
John 072 359 3622.
Erf te koop met seeuitsig, R400 000 of naaste aanbod.
Kontak Hannerie 084 517 6963.
Port Alfred Eastern Cape
Self-catering 2 bedroom townhouse, sleeps 4, 5 min to
beach, R500 per day out of season, R900 pd in season.
Contact Ellen 083 307 1853.
Timeshare Margate
Villa de Sol, fully furnished apartment, 2 bedrooms,
12th and 13th week, usually in March 2015, prime
time, high time, R8 000 per week. Contact Joy Robbison 031 916 3062 or 073 153 1820.
Townhouse for sale in Roodekrans
Spacious double storey, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms &
guest toilet, separate kitchen & scullery, garage &
carport, near primary schools. R980 000. Contact
Geoff Tumber 083 307 0877.
Roodepoort flat for sale
2 bed, 1 bath (Eagles Grove complex) in Honeydew
on Zeiss Road. Neat condition, easy lock- up-and-go
lifestyle with security, close to Clearwater Mall and
the mega FNB building. R440 K. Contact sunithag@ or 076 022 9013 or 011 294 1806.
Flat for Sale Scottburg
R720 000, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, secure undercover parking, north-facing, overlooking golf course with
some sea view, walk to beach, secure complex, Contact
John 072 359 3622.
Flat for sale Somerset West
Beautiful spacious one bedroom modern kitchen, large
sitting/dining room, balcony, mountain view lock up
garage with space for 2nd car on outside, no transfer
duty or agent fees. Levy R620 pm, price R600 000.
Ideal for retirement or holidays. Contact Janet on
083 688 7050.
Retirement Cluster Lodge Musgrave
Magnificent Study apartment with glass fronted porch,
panoramic views of Durban. All meals and teas daily,
maid, bed linen towels supplied, free daily transport to
shopping centres and evening shows. Guest suite available R475 000, reasonable levy R7 300 pm. Contact
Mildred 031 201 9536 or 082 657 7055.
Visit scenic Tulbagh (125 km from Cape Town) and
stay at Alfa Apartments, clean, spacious well equipped
apartments with secure undercover parking, twin, double or king-size beds. S/C or B/B, R550 for 2 sleeper
unit and R850 pn for 4 sleeper unit. See info www. or contact Mandy at mandykriel@ or 023 230 2977 or 072 270 6651.
Accommodation to swop
Owner of Holiday cottage in Plettenberg bay will swop
his holiday cottage in Keurboomstrand/Plettenberg Bay
from time to time for accommodation at another resort
or timeshare anywhere except Dec and April, school
holidays. Phone 044 870 7288 or 083 412 4599.
Timeshare for Sale
Formosa Bay Resor,t Plettenberg Bay to own week 47
(flexi white season). It consists of 2 bedrooms & sleeps
6. The levy for 2015 is already paid. Sale includes
4164 points that can be used any time at any RCI
venue subject to availability. Price R4 000. Contact
House for sale Southbroom
Southbroom retired bank manager selling lovely home
and garden, 4 bedrooms, 3.5 bathrooms and separate
flat, best street close to beach and golf course. Contact
083 566 1262.
Gemeubileerde 2 slaapkamer grondvloerwoonstel met
toesluitgarage en DStv op kusweg regoor Melkbaai,
slaap 5, minimum tydperk 3 aande. Skakel Rassie
084 461 4139 of 021 853 8707.
Umzumbe chalets KZN south coast
Week 11 (16 - 22/3) unit 47. 3 bedrooms all with bathrooms en suite. Self-catering chalet. DStv, take your
own sim card and book your decoder before you go.
Recently renovated. Contact Debby 083 262 5606.
Gemeubileerde 2 slaapkamer grondvloerwoonstel met
toesluitgarage en DStv op kusweg regoor Melkbaai,
slaap 5, minimum tydperk 3 aande, skakel Rassie
084 461 4139 of 021 853 8707.
Visit scenic Tulbagh (125 km from Cape Town) and
stay at Alfa Apartments, clean, spacious well equipped
apartments with secure undercover parking, twin, double or king-size beds. S/C or B/B, R550 for 2 sleeper
unit and R850 pn for 4 sleeper unit. See info www. or contact Mandy at mandykriel@ or 023 230 2977 or 072 270 6651.
Timeshare for sale at Formosa Bay Resort Plettenberg
Bay to own week 46 (flexi white season). 2 bedrooms
& sleeps 6. The levy for 2015 is already paid. Sale
includes 4164 points that can be used any time at
any RCI venue subject to availability. Price R4 000.
B& B Westville Durban
Large accommodation with full DSTV, air con and
private entrance, on-suite bathroom, parking secured on
property, approx. 12km from the beach, contact Mrs Van
Rooyen on 031 262 3553 or e-mail
Time Share Holiday Accommodation
Ngwenya Lodge Holiday Resort, available 13/05/2016
to 20/05/2016, 7 nights, sleeps 6, normal tariff R472
per person sharing asking only R4800 to cover annual
levy, please contact Willie de Beer 016 341 7331 or
082 491 1002 or
Stand for sale Drakensbur
Stand for sale Drakensburg foothill area, Village Geluksburg, area 1391m². Borehole has been sunk, pump to be
fitted, Eskom electricity in present owners name, can be
transferred to new owner, approx. 30km to Ladysmith,
Natal and approx. 25km to Bergville, Natal, approx.
20km to Durban N3 highway, contact Angelo Stanier
082 457 3964 R135 000 neg.
Kaysers Beach
Kaysers Beach (20 min from East London Airport). 4
Bedrooms; 3 bathrooms; heated swimming pool; braai
area; sea view. R1 795 000 (neg).Contact D Hume
043 781 8406 Cell: 083 330 8301.
4 previously used burglar bars of different sizes, plastic
coated and 1 metal gate size width 135 cm, length
199 cm bars, R500 and gate R500 neg. Contact Ilona
083 255 5497 or 021 715 6097.
One left and one right light fittings for a Volkswagen
car – Jumbo Golf – R200 for both negotiable. Contact
Ilona 083 255 5497 or 021 715 6097.
2001 Mercedes Benz C320 Elegance, White with
grey leather. Full House FSH only 125 000 km. Price
R115 000. Contact Louis 083 707 2936.
Jazz l/p’s wanted – must be in good condition. Contact
Kenneth 082 418 2179.
Chevrolet Spark LT 2007: R40 000, 44 000 kms,
manual, front wheel drive (FWD). Contact Charlot
078 855 7636 or 079 813 7807 or charlot.kubeka@
Four wheeler 150cc special edition Suzuki, 300 km on
the clock, in good condition, Price R10 000 but negotiable, contact Leana 057 573 1323 or 083 615 7525.
1979 Escort panel van merk 2, lime green mags, and
radio CD Player R40 000 on the road Contact. Mr
Vosloo 072 432 6217
1976 white Escort merk 2, 2lt Mazda turbo engine,
mags. R50 000 on the road. Contact Mr Vosloo
072 432 6217.
Single Golf Cart 9 white excellent condition R8000
cash contact Hennie 083 255 8249.
ChellinoBaby Stroller, almost brand new, R400,
Gauteng based, contact 082 807 7116 or treedog@ for further details.
Stand for sale at Bathurst, Port Alfred R70k neg, 289
sqm oner is Joburg based, municipal valuation R155k,
contact or 073 298 3879
Flexi club points for sale, price negotiable. Market
value per point R11.50, points for sale 6504. Please
contact Faeza ; 0834629313.
2008 Opel Corsa 1.4 litre sport, A/c, p/steering, cd
player, alloy wheels, R63 000 km, Price R55 000 neg,
contact Ismail 083 526 1786.
1 x 3 draw office desk, measurement 163cm x 80cm,
metal frame and wood grain work top, still in good
condition R800, please call Val on 071 565 2655.
Black hairdressing basin for sale R2 800, very good
condition. Contact Bernadette 082 446 0390 or Vivian
082 572 6738.
Adult stainless steel folding wheelchair R500 o.n.c.o.
Tel Binks 082 343 5777 – Jukskei Park area.
Annique Rooibos Products for skin and health. Contact
Zharina 073 166 5464 or
Leeu Pootnael te verkoop
Die leeu is deur my oupagrootjie gejag, en die toonnael
in goud gemonteer in 1850. Foto beskikbaar, collectors
item R10 000 of naaste aanbod, kontak Yvonne Malan
076 403 1841of
Birth Chart Interpreter: You will be amazed at what
you will discover about yourself, partner and your
children. Read how you could develop in both your
personal and professional life as every aspect of your
character is analysed in detail. Focusing on life path,
identity, emotions and mentality + 12 additional
character traits. R150 per birth chart. To order reply
mail with your name, surname, place and time of birth
Come fishing with Tigerfish Tours on the Jozini dam
in KZN. Packages incl accommodation, b/fast, small
lunch, boat, skipper, all fishing tackle and 1 tank petrol
for the boat. See or
contact Shaun at
Maid 4 U: For a reliable, screened and trained domestic worker, maid, nanny or helper, call Maid 4U 073
011 5462 or visit our website on
Robert Mkuba 072 865 5284, professional and reliable
gardener currently working for Sasbo in Johannesburg
Regional Office is looking for a job. Any opportunity
in the Gauteng Region will be welcome. For reference
contact Venessa Botha 011 442 0030/1.
Vacancies available in Dubai for Retail Sales
Associate – Fashion. Requirements: Female, 1-2 years
of experience in sales, between 23 and 29 years old.
Provide excellent customer service at all times and
assist customers throughout their time in the store.
Will be responsible for customer service and ensuring
display is as per company set standards. Maximize
retail sales of the store through the implementation
of efficient selling techniques. Should have excellent
communication skills. Have to be well-groomed with
a good personality. Salary: AED 4000. This is a great
opportunity with excellent benefits. Kindly forward a
copy of your CV with a recent passport size photo and
a full length photo to or fax to
086 240 3140. For more information contact Zara +27
71 815 5730 Global Career Solutions.
Cooking Demos – The Ray Marcie Lifestyle Club
meets every second Sat of the month. The Club
features a Mediterranean cooking demonstration by
renowned chef Marcie G. & a variety of demos &
lectures on décor, crafts, self improvement, health,
beauty. Al this is rounded off with a scrumptious lunch,
music and dancing. R150 pp 11:00-16:00. Cash bar.
Marcelle 083 252 1684.
With the art of laser engraving we reproduce artwork,
photos, logos, as well as create keepsakes and memorials. Laser engraving is a way to make a truly lasting
memory. Call and let Laser Tek change your image in
stone. Clive 078 583 5270 or
Professional Photographer Couples Shoot: 1hr from
R450, families up to 5 people from R550, extras R50,
studio or location Southern Suburbs within the 15 km
or extra travel applies, wedding specials, book before
end September. Contact Jacques 082 825 5611 or or www.jbphotography.
Health, Nutrition Financial Freedom: Hebalife, join for
25% discount or buy any products. Lose weight, ask
me how. Be healthy. Contact Yash 071 365 0074 or
Sphamandla Curtain Designers - We make all types
of curtains, cushions and bedding, pinch pleat, goblet,
beaded curtain, eyelid, bullnose. Contact Esther Msimanga 076 553 0890 or IdahMsimanga 073 243 0284
or or facebooksphamandla
curtain designer.
Gravestone, tombstone and memorial engraving,
photographs of the deceased loved ones etched into a
tombstone by laser. Honour your loved one in a truly
special way, amazing wedding mementoes engraved
on mirror or glass. Branding and logo engraving also
done. Clive 078 583 5270 or
Adult stainless steel folding wheelchair R500 o.n.c.o.
Tel Binks 082 343 5777 – Jukskei Park area.
Black hairdressing basin for sale R2 800, very good
condition. Contact Bernadette 082 446 0390 or Vivian
082 572 6738.
Kiaat tongue and groove panelling: 30 square metres
of 2.5 metre length square-cut tongue and groove
panelling. Used but in excellent condition. Ideal to upgrade bar area, study or man-cave. R5 000 negotiable.
Contact Gordon Fraser 083 207 9511.
Piano: John Spencer and Co London upright burled
walnut piano made in about 1920. Very good condition. Beautiful piece of furniture. Will need tuning
once moved. R4 000 negotiable. Contact Gordon
Fraser 083 207 9511.
8 Dining room chairs, solid oak and upholstered, finished in distressed technique in light grey, R500 each.
2 Tub chairs,1 cane/upholstered, 1 wood/upholstered,
R600 each. Sleigh baby compactum, pine with antique
stain, 3 drawers and shelves/hanging space,113cm
wide x 60cm deep x 90cm high, good condition.
R2 000. Contact Manny Cabrita 083 307 6570 or
011 636 4285 or
or 011 636 4285 (w).
1 x 3 draw office desk, measurement 163cm x 80cm,
metal frame and wood grain work top, still in good
condition R800, please call Val on 071 565 2655.
The official organ of Sasbo, The Finance Union, est. 1916
Vol 37 No 7 December 2015
Making a positive difference
Membership Application Form
ID Number
Title Code
Payment Type
Full First Names
Acc Type
Code & Tel (W)
Bank AT
Code & Tel (H)
Work AT
Cell No
Race (Govt Statistics)
Area Code
Deduct Subs
Private Postal
(as alternate address
for Sasbo News)**
my bank account via ACB Magtape.
I hereby authorise my employer to deduct from my salary each month
and pay on my behalf, my subscription fee to Sasbo as determined by
the Union from time to time.
Postal Code
** Absa & Nedcor receive Sasbo News at workplace address
Debit Authorisation – Indicate which is applicable
I agree to pay Sasbo monthly subscriptions as determined by the Union
from time to time, and authorise you to recover my subscriptions from
Employee Number
Job Grade
Branch Code (Nedcor)
Enrolled by:
Cost Centre (Absa)
Name of member recruited:
Name of Bank
One month’s written notice is required for the cancellation of membership.
Account Number
Branch Clearing Code
Type of Account
Headquarters: Fourmall O
Headquarters staff, Administration, Research and Information, Training and Legal
Department: Tel: (011) 467 0192. Fax: (011) 467 0188.
and Bank Pensioners’ Society: 159 Jan Smuts Ave, Parkwood.
Park West, Sasbo House, Roos Road, Fourways. Private Bag X84,
Bryanston, 2021. Tel: (011) 467 0192. Fax: (011) 467 0188.
10 Sookhai Place, Derby Downs, Suite 3, Grosvener Square, Westville. PO Box 337,
Westville, 3630 . Tel: (031) 266 9355. Fax: (031) 266 9359. e–mail:
: 4 Ascot Road, Mill Park, Port Elizabeth, 6001. PO Box 63708, Greenacres,
Port Elizabeth
6057. Tel: (041) 373 9471/2/3. Fax: (041) 373 9475. e–mail:
Tel: (011) 442 0030. Fax: (011) 442 0034. e–mail:
: 18 Botano, Cnr Embankment Street & Lenchen North Ave, Centurion. PO Box
11912, Centurion, 0046. Tel: (012) 663 6673. Fax: (012) 663 6713. e–mail:
: Unit 14, Westdene Centre, Cnr First Ave and Reid Street, Bloemfontein. PO Box
12310, Brandhof, 9324. Tel: (051) 447 7422. Fax: (051) 447 7430. e–mail:
Sasbo News: Fax (011) 234 1501. e–mail:
The Sa s b o News contact number is
for matters regarding the newspaper (changes of
Cape Town
address and non–receipt of newspapers should be advised to Sasbo Headquarters). All other
42 Burg Street, 6th Floor, Cape Town, 8001. PO Box 2256, Cape Town, 8000.
Tel: (021) 424 5941. Fax: (021) 424 3014. e–mail:
enquiries should be directed to the relevant numbers on this page.
Diamond Fields
Cavin Clarke
Kubheka Moletsane BSA
Nomvula Kubheka Brendon Gallant
Ntombomzi Dyalevane Louisa Muller
Johanna Jansen van Rensburg
Colin Goldberg
Goldengate Upington
Goldfields Boland
SWD Town Cape
Western District Drakensberg
Tygerberg Durban
Natal South Coast
Coast Pietermaritzburg
Northern Natal Zululand
Vaal Triangle Johannesburg
East London
Port Alfred
Rustenburg Queenstown
Port Triangle
London Uitenhage
Elizabeth East Alfred
ABSA 053 802 6510
307 0722
054 338 8316
FNB 021 807 6538
FNB 021 974 2233
HorsfallFortuin SBSA
Nedbank Landbank
Goldberg 805 2038
Melissa Labuschagne Old Mutual Nedbank021 950 6712
Shaheda Asvat
036 638 2171
Mandy Daniels ABSA Janice Canny
031 304 9925
Asvat Standard039
Sanke Shaheda
Janice Canny Absa 034 328 9825
Inge Schirge
034 989 8603
Govender FNB Vino Naidoo
Wandile Khumalo Nedbank033
328 3109
083 789 0758
83 575 0690
079 595 5182
071 404 1304
082 704 8046
082 979 5763
083 419 9848
083 981 6449
084 209 6845 P
084 503 7734
079 571 1654
082 459 3702
084 511 2216
084 250 8527
344 Tumelo Str, Kimberly, 8345
PO Box 53, Bethlehem, 9700
PO Box 16, Odendaalsrus, 9480
PO Box 20, Upington, 8800
PO Box 207, Paarl, 7646
PO Box 15236, Vlaeberg, 8018
PO Box 607, Swellendam, 6740
PO Box 201, George, 6530
40 Koppiesdam Road, Bishop Lavis, Cape Town, 8000
O Box 22, Ladysmith, 3370
83 School Road, Bluff, 4052
PO Box 836, Margate, 4275
PO Box 12512, Newcastle, 2940
PO Box 4, Vryheid, 3100
7 Dunveria Heights, Raisethorpe, Pietermaritzburg,
Sifiso Zulu Carol Fearick
Naidoo Sasabona
SteynFearick ConnieLebohang
Semono Keetse ClaudiaDimakatso
van der Westhuizen
Khonyane Sylvia Ndzima
Tefo Scholtz
Bukelwa Damana
Madliwa Semono MartieShawn
Laas Cole
083 417 1530
072 684 7360
083 530 5331
083 707 0736
073 647 4984
083 707 0218
071 993 9195
076 608 9183
084 812 5978
082 313 1306
082 448 8518
079 497 5957
PO Box 13, Empangeni, 3880
8th Avenue, 259 Venue, Bezvalley
PO Box 22, Rustenburg, 0300
Plot 20, Loutratz Str, De Deur
20 Elizabeth Court, Quigney, East London, 5241
PO Box 52, Port Alfred, 6170
7 Hexagon Cathcart Road, Queenstown, 5319
321 Cape Road, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth, 6502
PO Box 43020, Kwadwesi, 6004
41 Nagel Str, Westernburg, Polokwane, 0699
Box 3020, Nespruit, 1200
Montagu, 447 Reetz Str, Sunnyside, 0002
Netta Buchanan
Percy Mali ThandoYvonne
Duma Gobusamang Moilwe
Standard Bank 035 772 6763
FNB 014 590 6923
Nedbank016 421 3150
043 711 6411
Old Mutual
046 604 3900
Absa 045 807 3900
FNB 041 399 7003
995 6543
290 5520
012 317 3740
The official organ of Sasbo, The Finance Union, est. 1916
Vol 37 No 7 December 2015
It’s time again for
Sasbo’s scholars to
apply for study grants
y, how quickly the years
come round! It is already
time for Sasbo scholars
involved in a recognised form
of tertiary education to apply
for one of the 50 study grants
worth up to R4 000 that Sasbo is
offering to members and/or their
children in 2016.
Sasbo financial manager, Samantha
Anthony, who administers the flood
of applications for grants received
each year, offers the following
Proof of successful completion of
your 2015 studies.
The grants are solely for students
undergoing approved forms of
tertiary education. They do not
apply to any other branch of
We receive many applications. Only
50 of the applicants whose names
will be drawn from the box in April
or May next year will be fortunate
enough to receive Sasbo’s help.
Do not submit more than one
application. Additional applications
are discarded.
“Best of luck with your
application,” says Samantha.
Sasbo 2016 Study Grant
Private Bag X84
Bryanston 2021
Proof of your 2016 tuition fees paid,
or payable.
To ensure that their applications
are considered, applicants should
answer all the questions on the
application form on this page.
Please write clearly.
Applications may be faxed to:
011 388 6066.
The closing date for applications is 29
February 2016. Successful applicants
will be contacted telephonically in
April or May 2016 after the final draw
has taken place and the names of the
successful applicants will be published
in Sasbo News. S
Application for a 2016
Sasbo Study Grant
Sasbo membership number
Sasbo member’s name & surname
Institution where Sasbo member is employed
Closest centre to member:
(please tick) Durban
The rules governing the allocation
of Sasbo study grants are:
Applicant’s name & surname
Applicants have to be Sasbo
members in good standing.
Applicant’s year of study (eg: 2nd year)
Relationship of applicant to member
Postal address & code
If the required grant is for a child, at
least one parent should be a Sasbo
member in good standing.
Tel home (
No other relatives (i.e. sisters,
brothers, in-laws, etc.) will be
Bank Deposit Details
The student has to be in his/her
second year of study - or beyond at a recognised tertiary educational
on page 13
Completed forms can be mailed to:
Proof of your 2016 registration/
There is no age ceiling to the grant
Solution to
Fax (
Tel work (
Name of account holder
Bank name
Bank account number
The grants are not available to
cover school fees or other forms of
Bank branch (compulsory)
Each application needs to be
accompanied by:
Type of account (eg: Current)
Bank branch number (compulsory)
**Note: Incomplete applications will not be considered